Labconco BSC Ebook
Labconco BSC Ebook
Labconco BSC Ebook
1 | Introduction
Creating a culture of safety with Sean Kaufman
Safety in the workplace is important regardless where that require Biosafety Level (BSL) 1-3 containment.
you clock in every day. It’s especially important to That just scratches the surface, so we decided to dig
master when your work environment regularly contains a little deeper. We got the input of an outside industry
hazardous particulates, harmful chemical vapors expert to talk about how to create a culture of safety
or radionuclides. in labs, and how that relates to leadership.
Even basic microbiological work has some associated That expert is Sean Kaufman, CEO of Behavioral-
risks. As oftentimes, it is not only necessary to protect Based Improvement Solutions. Sean’s approach
the person sitting at the face of the cabinet but the to the biosafety industry is truly safety-centric, and
science taking place inside on the work surface. It’s with his knowledge has been called upon in high profile
this eye toward protection that labs have rightfully circumstances, including the 2001 Anthrax attacks
turned to using biosafety cabinets (BSCs). This allows and SARS outbreak.
their technicians to properly and safely handle agents
He has testified before Congress about infectious Q & A with Sean Kaufman
diseases. In 2014 he prepared the clinical staff at
Emory Healthcare to respond to the first cases of Q: To start, can you describe a little bit of what you do?
Ebola on American soil. He then traveled to Nigeria A: I’m a behavioral psychologist focusing on infectious
and Liberia to prepare healthcare workers there to disease. Biosafety cabinets are very vital pieces of
do the same. equipment but I focus on human behavior with and
around them. You can spend thousands and thousands
Sean knows his stuff when it comes to biosafety. While of dollars on a cabinet, but all the control can be
his background is diverse, his message is simple: negated in an instant with inappropriate behavior. I
safety matters. We jumped at the chance to ask don’t think the need for biosafety cabinets is any longer
him a few detailed questions. Read on to learn how debated. One, they work. Two, they’re efficient.
to create a culture of safety and why it’s important. Three, they’re clean.
25.6" 24.6"
21" 19"
10" 10"
Worktop 8" Worktop 8"
Height Height
35" 33"
32.5" 30.5"
6" 6"
Sean Kaufman spoke before Congress on safety in the lab as it pertains to the anthrax incident of June 2014 at the Center for Disease Control.
Although they’re both sometimes referred to as “hoods,” If tasked with selecting an enclosure for a lab, below
biosafety cabinets (BSCs) and fume hoods are two are some common points for consideration.
entirely different categories of lab equipment. Both are
designed and built to contain hazards associated with Note that improper selection or use of equipment can
science, but they differ in terms of the precise type(s) yield significant consequences for health, safety and
of protection provided, airflow and suitable applications. operation/function of the lab (and its ventilation
system). Always consult your safety officials for
Fume hoods are ventilated enclosures that remove recommendations based on your specific processes.
chemical fumes and vapors from the lab, providing
personnel protection only. Enclosures for life sciences Protection
utilize HEPA filters and directional airflow to provide Knowing what type of protection you will require is the
environmental, personnel and/or product protection. first step in selecting the proper lab enclosure. BSCs
provide environmental, personnel and product
Both categories can recirculate or exhaust filtered air, protection from hazardous airborne particulates.
depending on your process. While only a subset of Clean benches create a sterile work zone for ‘fragile’
life science enclosures, BSCs, are suitable for work material manipulations. Fume hoods provide only
with hazardous particulates like bacteria, viruses, and personnel protection from hazardous chemical fumes
hazardous drugs. and gases.
Fume Hoods: Airflow 2. In a Class II, intake air is drawn safely around
Because fume hoods handle hazardous chemicals (see the operator, sterile air flows downward into the work
applications on page 10), air is drawn past the operator zone and exhaust air is HEPA filtered before it is either
at the front of the equipment. The air passes through recirculated into the lab or released into the atmosphere.
the opening and across the work surface. Finally it
travels through the ductwork before being released to
the outside atmosphere. 3. Class III BSCs are work benches that utilize a
complete physical barrier to contain hazardous work.
Biosafety Cabinets: Airflow Air enters through a single HEPA filter and is exhausted
All three classes of BSCs have one benefit in common: through redundant HEPA filters before being physically
operator safety from hazardous aerosolized/ or chemically treated on its way to the atmosphere.
particulate materials.
Class III BSCs can accommodate BSL 4 agents. Class II BSCs can accommodate BSL 4 applications with proper personnel protective equipment.
• Toxic gases all fall under the by-pass chemical fume hood umbrella.
• Reactive materials
Of these hoods, high performance hoods operating
• Chemicals that can spatter on a variable air volume (VAV) system are the most
• Carcinogens energy efficient. Hoods exist for special circumstances
as well. Such as those particularly suited to handle
• Flammables
perchloric acid, constructed of acid resistant materials.
• Other toxic and volatile materials Also for radioactive applications, hoods constructed
with extra decontamination features that often require
Biosafety Cabinets: Applications filters in ductwork.
BSCs provide a safe environment for research involving
infectious microorganisms or other hazardous Biosafety Cabinets: Variations
particulates. Depending on the type of cabinet, these Class I BSCs have an open front, operate under
enclosures are suitable for use with agents requiring negative pressure and only provide user protection.
containment in conjunction with BSLs 1, 2 or 3. The most common types of BSCs, Class II, fall under
©Anton Grassl/Esto
Yale University
three main divisions: Type A, B and C. Class II, Type A for work with or without hazardous chemistry, utilizing
BSCs recirculate air back into the lab. Unless however, installation flexibility to be ducted or not. It relies on
they are canopy connected to the outside as required single pass airflow through a defined area of the work
by the application (work with odorous materials). Class zone and recirculation in outlying areas of the BSC. This
II, Type A1 and A2 BSCs are similar, yet separated by reduces energy demands while providing containment
the minimum average inward air velocity required. Type of biological, particle and chemical hazards.
A BSCs cannot handle work involving radionuclides
or hazardous chemistry. Class III BSCs are completely enclosed and feature
attached rubber gloves.
Class II, Type B BSCs are hard ducted to dedicated
exhaust systems. They are suitable for work with Other types of enclosures. Carefully select the
hazardous chemistry (per a risk assessment), if required proper enclosure for your intended operation. Using
by the microbiological studies being performed in the the appropriate equipment helps protect personnel
interior of the BSC. Type B1 BSCs recirculate a and the lab itself. It can also preserve the integrity of
percentage of air back into the lab while B2 BSCs are your work. Other relevant lab equipment can include
entirely exhausted. glove boxes, clean benches and balance enclosures.
If your application involves nanoparticulates, there are
Class II, Type C BSCs are hybrids of a sort. They're also enclosure options designed to accommodate
reminiscent of Type B1 BSCs. The Type C1 is suitable your specific needs.
National Science Foundation's (NSF) NSF 49 and EN Microbiological challenge testing. NSF 49 allows
12469 are both standards by which biosafety cabinets for testing and acceptance via a microbiological
(BSCs) are manufactured, specifically outlining how challenge. EN 12469 allows for testing and acceptance
they perform. American National Standards Institute via either a microbiological challenge or a KI discus
(ANSI) recognized NSF 49 in 2002, though the standard method test.
has been in use since the 1970s. NSF 49 was also the
basis from which the EN 12469 standard was derived. Downflow velocity. EN 12469 places a requirement on
NSF 49 standardizes and recognizes the different downflow, NSF doesn't. However, NSF requires a larger
subcategories of Class II BSCs (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1), test sample size and requires traceable test equipment
and EN 12469 defines a “general Class II cabinet.” EN for more verifiable testing results. The broad range of
BSCs are nearly equivalent to NSF Class II Type A2 BSC ‘Types’ listed in NSF results in a broader range of
BSCs. The differences between the NSF and EN downflows, as a result of multiple mechanical designs.
standards are explored in this article. Regardless of downflow velocity, both NSF listed and
EN certified BSCs must pass similar protection tests.
Inflow velocity. NSF is very specific about inflow Construction. NSF emphasizes cleanability of
requirements. Using a direct inflow measurement (DIM) contaminated surfaces. EN specifies that Class II BSCs
as the primary standard provides repeatable and should be resistant to disinfectants and fumigation.
accurate inflow measurements. EN performs inflow
tests by measuring the airflow above the exhaust Decontamination. EN BSCs frequently include
HEPA filter and back calculating the inflow. NSF A2 gas-tight sash and exhaust cover seals with connection
requires 0.5 m/s, EN requires 0.4 m/s. ports for the administration of decontamination
fumigants such as formaldehyde, vaporous hydrogen
Performance envelope. Defined as the air speed peroxide, or chlorine dioxide by operators. NSF requires
parameters for which the BSC must operate, NSF that BSCs be designed so that they can be
requires that the Class II BSC must function +/-0.025 decontaminated in situ by trained certifiers.
m/s of the inflow and downflow set points. EN does
not have a matching specification, but Class II BSCs Regardless of the differences between the NSF 49 and
must again meet protection testing requirements. EN 12469 standards, the BSC is only as safe as the
individual operating it. Operation, maintenance and
Pressurization testing. NSF requires that every unit certification protocols/schedules should be adhered
manufactured undergo a “soap bubble pressure leak to as prescribed by the BSC manufacturer and the
test” to verify the BSC is of airtight construction. EN user's safety officer.
requires a “type-test” performed by an independent lab
to ensure a design’s leak prevention.
Gas-tight seal in 'open' position on an EN certified Class II, Type A2 Gas-tight seal in 'sealed' position on an EN certified Class II, Type A2
There are multiple biosafety cabinet (BSC) classes. But do not offer product protection from contamination,
what are they and how are they different? BSC classes significantly limiting their applications. They use
are categories describing how the BSC works and what unrecirculated airflow away from the operator. Class I
it protects. These “categories” are Class I, Class II and BSCs have a similar airflow pattern to a fume hood but
Class III. they also have a HEPA filter at the exhaust outlet. They
may or may not be ducted outside. Class I BSCs are
Class I. A Class I is defined as a ventilated BSC for safe for use with agents requiring Biosafety Level (BSL)
personnel and environmental protection. Class I BSCs 1, 2 or 3 containment.
Class I
Class II. A Class II is defined as a ventilated BSC for Type A1. A Class II, Type A1 BSC must maintain a
personnel, product and environmental protection for minimum average inflow velocity of 75 fpm through the
microbiological work or sterile pharmacy compounding. sash opening. They may exhaust HEPA-filtered air back
Class II BSCs are designed with an open front with into the lab, or may be exhaust outside using a canopy
inward airflow (personnel protection), downward HEPA- connection. They are suitable for work using biological
filtered laminar airflow (product protection) and HEPA- agents without volatile toxic chemicals and volatile
filtered exhaust air (environmental protection). These radionuclides, but not for sterile hazardous
BSCs are further differentiated by types based on pharmacy compounding.
construction, airflow and exhaust systems. The types
include A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. They require all Type A2. A Class II, A2 must maintain a minimum
biologically contaminated ducts and plenums to be average inflow velocity of 100 fpm through the sash
under negative pressure or surrounded by negative opening. Like Type A1 BSCs, they may exhaust HEPA-
pressure ducts and plenums. Type B2 BSCs take this filtered air back into the lab, or may be exhausted
a step further, requiring all biologically contaminated outside using a canopy connection. Type A2 BSCs
ducts and plenums to be under negative pressure or with a canopy connection are safe for work involving
surrounded by directly exhausted negative pressure biological agents treated with minute quantities of
ducts and plenums. Like Class I BSCs, Class II hazardous chemicals. They may also be used with
BSCs are safe for work using agents requiring BSL 1, tracer quantities of radionuclides that won’t interfere
2 or 3 containment. with the work if recirculated in the downflow air.
Regardless of your industry, having the right tools for What if your hammer could do other things you needed
the job matters. That statement goes both ways, too. it to do, though, and actually save you money in the
Of course you want equipment that allows you to long term? The product team at Labconco designed
perform effectively and safely. But you don’t want to a completely new biosafety cabinet (BSC) that can
incur any added expenses for features or protections function in either Type A-mode or B-mode. It’s swiftly
your work doesn’t necessarily warrant. becoming the Swiss Army Knife for lab toolboxes
around the U.S. (like this one at Creighton University).
In other words, if you’re a carpenter, you’re going to
need a hammer—a good, dependable hammer. You Before we explore the Class II, Type C1 BSC, let’s
don’t want to reach for the blunt end of a screwdriver delve into the backstory. It starts by addressing the
in desperation. Or resort to reading an instruction longtime struggle of many labs: determining what kind
manual for a complicated, expensive gadget you’re of BSC—a Class II, Type A2 or B2—is actually required.
too frustrated to use.
HAZARDOUS CHEMISTRY? It’s important BSC Type Refresher. A2 BSCs recirculate about
to note that although they’re often used 70% of air back into the BSC, while exhausting the
interchangeably in the industry, ‘hazardous remaining 30%. This BSC will protect against
chemicals’ and ‘hazardous chemistry’ do particulates such as bacteria and viruses. Only small
not mean the same thing. quantities of nuisance chemicals may be used in this
BSC when connected to ductwork, since the A2s
For example, if you’re working with a
recirculate (and can concentrate) air within the BSC.
hazardous chemical, you don’t necessarily
Type B2 BSCs exhaust 100% of their air through
need to opt for a Type B2 BSC if that
ductwork. B2s provide the same particulate protection
chemical is diluted enough to be
rendered non-hazardous. as an A2 and can be used with many hazardous
chemicals since all of their air is exhausted, similar to
For many, it’s not always clear. That’s why a fume hood.
a risk assessment must be performed to
determine if the volume and concentration BSC Choice Struggles. The field of lab research is
of the chemistry you’re going to perform is rooted in change and new discoveries. One thing
indeed hazardous. however, remains unchanged: safety matters.
Remote Blower
Canopy Connection
(Type A2 only) or
Sealed Connection
(Type B2 only)
Air-Tight Damper
Class II biosafety cabinets (BSCs) use uniform (laminar) What if you need protection from hazards, both
airflow and HEPA filters. They provide protection particulate and vaporous? Total exhaust, Class II, Type
from particulates (biological) hazards for the user, the B2 BSCs may have your attention. Ever progressive
product and the environment. Chemical fume hoods regulations in the pharmaceutical, healthcare and
use exhaust volume and face velocity to maximize research industries have increased the interest and the
containment and removal of hazardous chemicals use of “Class II, Type B2” in lab vocabulary.
and their vapors.
22 ceta-appguide
This amplified focus on Type B2 BSCs called for a Among subjects visited are:
central resource to spell out the requirements and
guidelines for B2 BSC installation. These guidelines 1. How to choose the right BSC (Type A vs. B)
maintain maximum safety for the environment, the 2. Theory of operation
product and, most importantly, the users in
3. Characteristics of the various BSC types
increasingly hazardous lab scenarios.
4. Site requirements: cabinet location and exhaust
The Controlled Environment Testing Association’s system parameters, design and construction
(CETA) application guide (CETA CAG-007-2010) 5. Dedicated exhaust requirements for Type B BSCs
addresses this need. It is meant to educate lab
management, support field certifiers and ‘unite’ the
BSC manufacturing industry. The CETA document
illustrates important and often missed information
critical to the correct installation and operation of
Type B BSCs.
The newest subtype of Class II biosafety cabinet (BSC) or Type B2 BSC is the preferred open-faced
is bucking many trends and decades-old canon. The enclosure. USP <800> maintains that most
Class II, Type C1 provides multiple benefits to the compounding processes require only an A2 unless
modern lab. using chemicals that create hazardous vapors.
Here are four reasons why it best suits the needs of The Class II, Type C1 is safer than a Type B and is
the pharmaceutical compounding facility of tomorrow. operationally more flexible than an A. A C1 BSC can
be ducted in a B-mode. It enhances chemical safety
Convertibility of BSC operation. Requirements for above that of a Type B through use of dedicated
compounding hazardous, sterile drugs (under USP exhaust and superior alarm condition programming.
<797> and <800>) have long held that a total exhaust See Active Protection Protocol.
University of Nebraska—Lincoln
Airflow requirements closer to an A. The large Because a C1 uses airflow channeling, compared to
volume of air needed to exhaust a B2 BSC is a leading mass airflow evacuation found in a B2, it is more
cause of initial lab commissioning failures. Why? suitable for cleanroom installation. Type C1s use
Modular cleanrooms are limited in their overall size, approximately half as much air, making cleanroom air
and B2 BSCs require more than many air handling balance and stability far easier to achieve and
systems and rooms can provide. maintain. Furthermore, since USP <800> requires
containment devices to operate 24 hours a day, the
The following can occur: cost savings of the C1 is even more pronounced over
any B2. Commissioning failures are less likely.
1. B2 installation causes the room to be so negatively
pressurized that doors become difficult to open Bag-in/bag-out exhaust HEPA filter. The airflow
2. There isn’t enough air to feed the B2 so it goes into requirements (and associated cost) of a B2 BSC
64.2" 72.6"
96" 63.3"
Such filter designs are uniquely required for The C1, configured as the B2 just mentioned, has a total
pharmaceutical compounding and research work. height of 7', 8". Other than the penetration required
Like B2 BSCs, the C1 can be factory built with BIBO for the duct stub (needed for any Class II BSC going
exhaust HEPA filter ensuring that the filter can be into a USP <800> cleanroom), no further
changed without contaminating the lab with modification is needed.
hazardous particles.
The Class II, Type C1 BSC addresses a number of
Lower clearance height is an often overlooked significant gaps between A and B BSCs. As
problem for modular cleanrooms. Most standard highlighted above, several of these advantages
cleanrooms have a total height of 8'. Most B2 BSCs significantly benefit the needs and requirements of
on a base stand, with a working height of 30" (seated compounding pharmacies.
height) exceed 8', 4" of total height. As such, specialty
panels are needed in the cleanroom’s ceiling, thus For more information on how the C1 addresses gaps in
increasing project cost. modern design and function, visit
The Challenge: Boost environmental consciousness use for labs without compromising health and safety.”
in research labs without sacrificing safety. So Baxter—who, combined with Chemical and
Sustainability Coordinator, Mary Duda, boast over 23
The innovative culture at Creighton is contagious. years of experience in their field—decided to approach
Faculty and administrators have a history of taking a supervisor with an idea.
initiative when it comes to academics and programs.
The same approach held true when, in 2015, a That supervisor, Associate Vice President of Facilities
committee was created to focus on facility and Project Management Tim P. Norton, championed
improvements that could boost sustainability. the project to fellow members on the Energy Savings
Committee (ESC). Take a look at the use of B2 biosafety
Creighton was not alone, though. John Baxter, Director cabinets (BSCs) in the Beirne Research Tower and Criss
of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) at Creighton, Health Sciences Center, as the current functionality
described a “nationwide push by universities and requirements might be met with less energy
research institutions to decrease the energy that they taxing equipment.
Creighton University
Wes Walling is the Director of Mechanical, Electrical The existing B2 BSCs at Creighton were original to
and Plumbing Operations at the university. He's also a the facility. Also, as Walling explained, were used
member of the eight-person ESC. Walling said his team because “in the old days, energy was cheap and they
was looking for projects that would have a five-year just exhausted everything as another way of thinking
or better return on investment (ROI). it was safer.”
For starters, they rolled out LED lighting upgrades and Baxter met with the principal investigators to determine
installed pressure independent control valves for chilled if a replacement in technology would even be possible,
water. One project in particular, though, stood out. based on applications. He learned that none of them
Walling called Baxter’s suggestion to replace the B2 actually needed the full B2 exhaust capability of their
BSCs with more energy efficient and flexible models units at this time. However, they couldn’t rule it out in
“an absolute winner from the start.” the future, either. As a result, running the C1 BSCs
in A-mode would not result in any current changes
The Solution: Replace B2 BSCs with C1s to be used in application. However, if the users did need to work
primarily in recirculating A-mode. Type C1 BSCs with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), they could
can operate in A-mode for use in microbiological convert the units to B2 functionality without
applications. They can also be exhausted for B-mode replacing them.
applications like those that involve hazardous vapors
or radionuclides.
A2 or C1
A2 or C1
$ $ not ducted
$ $
$ $ $
A Class II Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) uses HEPA filtered, 1. The Class II BSC maintains sample protection
laminar (uniform) airflow to provide operator, through delivery of downward laminar airflow over the
environmental and sample protection. For the purpose work area. Hot air rises, so any open flame causes air
of sterility, HEPA filters are typically rated at 99.99+% to rise against the laminar downflow. This creates
efficiency for particles 0.3 micron in size. turbulence and foils the BSC’s ability to protect the
samples in the work area.
Typical microbiological procedures often utilize Bunsen
burners or other open flames to sterilize and/or reduce 2. If an open flame gets too hot, it also has the
cross contamination. However, the use of such open capacity to melt the bonding agent that holds the HEPA
flames inside of a BSC is not recommended for filter media to its frame. This destroys the filter’s
several reasons. effectiveness, leading to loss of containment in the
positively pressured plenum.
BSC with fire damage
4. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Open flames are not required in the near microbe-free
(CDC) and National Institute of Health (NIH) have also environment of a BSC. On an open bench, flaming the
addressed this in the publication: Biosafety in neck of a culture vessel will create an upward air current
Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th that prevents microorganisms from falling into the tube
ed., (BMBL 5th). or flask. An open flame in a BSC, however, creates
turbulence that disrupts the pattern of HEPA-filtered
"Several measures can be taken to reduce the chance air being supplied to the work surface. When deemed
for cross-contamination of materials when working in absolutely necessary, touch-plate micro burners
a BSC. Opened tubes or bottles should not be held in equipped with a pilot light to provide a flame on demand
a vertical position. Investigators working with petri may be used. Internal cabinet air disturbance and heat
dishes and tissue culture plates should hold the lid buildup will be minimized. The burner must be turned
above the open sterile surface to minimize direct off when work is completed. Small electric “furnaces”
impaction of downward air. Bottle or tube caps should are available for decontaminating bacteriological loops
not be placed on the toweling. Items should be and needles and are preferable to an open flame inside
recapped or covered as soon as possible. the BSC. Disposable or recyclable sterile loops
should be used whenever possible."
As outlined by the CDC, if a flame is deemed absolutely Better. While not environmentally friendly, single-
necessary, there are types of equipment widely use plastic loops and lab supplies are friendlier to
available that are safer alternatives to the Bunsen BSC use. If a high capacity autoclave is available,
burner. Some of these use low profile, pedal attenuated consider this a better option to an open flame.
flames while others detect motion.
Best. Electrical sterilizers offer the best solution. They
Good. On-demand, low profile, ‘safety’ burners are can sterilize inoculating loops, needles and culture
available that minimize the impact of a flame on the tubes safely by preventing splashes and aerosols
biosafety cabinet (BSC). Most have control valves that while also eliminating cross contamination. Ceramic
close and pilot lights to burn off extra gas through the tubes dissipate the sterilizing heat, and they do not
valve when not in use. Many have a hands-free option require gas.
that uses motion detection or foot pedal operation.
University of Nebraska—Lincoln
For decades, germicidal UV lamps have been used in The Good. UVc is a recommended accessory for your
Class II Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs). The purpose is BSC or laminar flow bench when working with cell
to keep a BSC's interior clean when not in use. Many cultures, PCR or other genetic materials. This is
researchers swear by the use of their UV lamp and because UVc radiation is efficient at breaking up the
would never consider owning or buying an enclosure chemical bonds found in DNA and RNA. Under
without one. Others believe UV lamps provide a false prolonged exposure, these chemical changes lead to
sense of security or don’t see the merit of UV irradiation dysfunctional genetic material and eventual cell death.
(such as the NIH). Germicidal lamps utilize UVc
radiation (typically between 250-290 nm wavelength).
This energy is very good at doing a specific task, but The Bad. Germicidal lamps use low energy radiation—
it is a poor broad-spectrum decontaminant, and here so low that the waves are incapable of penetrating
is why: barriers or of reflecting from most surfaces. This means
that for UV lamps to be effective, the target must be as the only means of “cleaning” their BSC, have a higher
in direct line of sight with the light source. This is bad prevalence of such issues.
if you are using a germicidal lamp as the primary
decontaminant in your lab’s culture enclosure. Two simple rules for using UV lamps
However, this is a good thing for those folks in the 1. If you are using “naked” DNA/RNA or performing
lab with nothing but a sheet of glass between them PCR, UV lamps are excellent at rendering these
and the blue tube of light. That sheet of glass is more materials harmless.
than sufficient to block you from getting an
2. If you are doing anything else with biological
unexpected tan.
material, do not rely on UV lamps alone to keep
The Ugly. There is a strong correlation between using your work area clean. Always wipe down exposed
a UV lamp for primary decontamination and the surfaces with a proper decontaminant prior to
frequent presence of cross contamination. True, cross turning on the UV lamp. Always wipe down
contamination can be caused by a number of factors. exposed surfaces with a proper decontamination
However experience shows that labs utilizing UV lamps after turning off the UV lamp.
37 | UV light use: The good, the bad and the ugly
9 things to know before installing
an aspiration system
Following “Best-Practices,” an aspiration system for a replaced or sterilized. When best practices are ignored,
cell culture lab would look like this: a biological risk is posed to the lab, its central vacuum
system and those working throughout the facility.
A primary flask with retaining ring or support to Here is what you need to know when investigating an
prevent tipping aspiration system for your lab.
CDC. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. Ed. L. Casey MD Chosewood and Deborah E. Wilson. 5th. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Health, 2009.
Fleming, Diane O and Debra L Hunt, Biological Safety: Principles and Practices, 4th Ed. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 2006.
VACUUBRAND, Inc. "The New Standard in Aspriation Stations." 2013. Document. 12 September 2013.
Protect the culture. Maintenance of sensitive 7. A primary disinfectant should be used in
cultures is difficult, and cleanliness in the work zone conjunction with the receiving flask/bottle. If using
is paramount in the successful management of bleach as the primary disinfectant in the receiving
culture lines. bottle, ensure that glass is used instead of
plastic containers
3. All surfaces of the system should be smooth and
easy to clean Maintain control. Whether analog, electromechanical
4. Tubing should be cleanable or replaceable or digital, be sure that the level of vacuum you are using
5. If the system will be used by multiple users, then matches your needs.
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