Owncloud 2
Owncloud 2
Owncloud 2
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Abstract .....................................................................................................................2
Introduction ..............................................................................................................4
Architecture Overview ............................................................................................5
Server Architecture Overview ................................................................................6
OwnCloud Benefits ..................................................................................................7
Install OwnCloud .....................................................................................................8
install Ubuntu 20.04 ................................................................................................8
Install the LAMP stack ...........................................................................................9
Install PHP ............................................................................................................10
Install MySQL ......................................................................................................10
Configure Apache .................................................................................................12
Complete the installation ......................................................................................13
The Web Interface.................................................................................................14
Navigating the Main User Interface .....................................................................16
Upload File............................................................................................................18
References ...............................................................................................................21
Architecture Overview
The ownCloud solution is centered around the ownCloud server, which provides a
robust set of tools for managing files within the ownCloud environment. Unlike
consumer-grade file sharing services, ownCloud's server enables IT administrators
to protect and manage files from storage to user provisioning and data processing.
All data access events are monitored and logged for downstream auditing and
analysis, using popular tools like Splunk®. The server provides a secure web
interface that allows administrators to control all of ownCloud's resources,
including enabling and disabling features, setting policies, creating backups, and
managing users. Advanced features, such as enterprise directory integration and
file "firewalls," give administrators exceptional flexibility and control.
Additionally, the server manages and secures API access to ownCloud while
providing the internal processing engine needed to deliver high-performance file
sharing services.[2].
Server Architecture Overview
At the heart of ownCloud is a PHP web application that runs on top of either IIS or
Apache on Windows or Linux. This PHP application is responsible for managing all
aspects of ownCloud, including user management, plug-ins, file sharing, and storage. A
database is attached to the PHP application, which is used by ownCloud to store user
information, file details, plugin application states, and the ownCloud file cache, which
acts as a performance accelerator. ownCloud accesses the database through
an abstraction layer, which allows for support of multiple database systems, including
Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. Complete web server logging is provided
through web server logs, and user and system logs are available in a separate ownCloud
log or can be directed to a syslog file.
OwnCloud Benefits
Install OwnCloud
Install the LAMP stack
OwnCLoud needs a web server for first configuration and for the web interface.
The simplest option is to install LAMP to get Apache, MySQL and PHP. Install
the LAMP package:
sudo apt install lamp-server^ -y
Install PHP
Install PHP and the required package with the following command:
sudo apt-get install php php-opcache php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd php-intl php-
json php-ldap php-mbstring php-mysqlnd php-xml php-zip -y
Restart Apache to enable changes:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Install MySQL
Start and enable the MySQL service:
sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo systemctl enable mysql
• We now need to create the ownCLoud database from the MySQL console:
sudo mysql --user=root -p
• Create the MySQL ownCloud database:
• Create a new user. Replace password by the appropriate value:
CREATE USER 'ownclouduser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
• Grant the new user with the necessary privileges:
GRANT ALL ON ownclouddb.* TO 'ownclouduser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT
• Enable changes by flushing the privileges:
• Finally, exit the MySQL console:
download and unpack ownCloud
• We’ll now download the latest version of ownCloud with the command:
wget https://download.owncloud.com/server/stable/owncloud-complete-latest.zip
• Unzip the file with:
unzip owncloud-complete-latest.zip
Configure Apache
We’ll now create an Apache configuration file for ownCloud. Create the new file
with the command:
Complete the installation
Open a web browser and point it to http://SERVER/owncloud (Where SERVER is
the IP address of our ubuntu VM)
The Web Interface
You can connect to your ownCloud server using any Web browser; just point it to
your ownCloud server and enter your username and password. Supported Web
• Edge (current version on Windows 10)
• IE11 or newer (except Compatibility Mode)
• Firefox 60 ESR or newer
• Chrome 66 or newer
• Safari 10 or newer
The GUI in web browser after type:
After filling in all the necessary details, click Finish setup and, in less than a
minute, the installation will complete and you can then log in as the admin user.
Navigating the Main User Interface
Once you have accessed the ownCloud Server main web interface you can add
files, remove files, and make changes based on the access privileges set by you (if
you are administering the server) or by your server administrator.
The ownCloud Main User Interface contains the following fields and functions:
• Apps Selection Menu: Located in the upper left corner of the user interface,
this bar contains apps that are configured on the ownCloud server. The icons
in this bar enable you to launch the different apps available and navigate
between them within the ownCloud user interface.
• Apps Information field: Located in the left side bar, this field provides filters
and tasks associated with the chosen app. For example, using the Files app,
you can use the filters in the apps information field to view only files that
have been shared with you, files that you have shared with others, files that
you have shared through the use of a link, or an option to delete files. Other
app-specific information fields might provide tasks for creating new
documents or modifying calendar entries.
• Application View: The main, central field in the ownCloud user interface.
This field displays the contents or user features of the app selected in the
Navigation Bar. By default, this field shows the files and directory (“Files”
view) of your user account.
• Navigation Bar: Located over the main viewing window (the Application
View), this bar provides a type of breadcrumbs navigation that enables you
to migrate to higher levels of the folder hierarchy up to the root level (home)
of your ownCloud instance.
• New button: Located in the Navigation Bar, the New button enables you to
create new files, new folders, or upload existing files from a specified link.
• Upload button: Located next to the New button in the Navigation Bar, the
Upload button enables you to upload files from your system to the
ownCloud server. Clicking this button launches a file picker (e.g. Windows
Explorer or Mac OS X Finder) window with which you can choose files for
• Search field: Residing in the upper right hand corner of the Main User
Interface window, the Search field enables you to search for files and folders
stored in ownCloud. The ownCloud search function provides a full text
search. However, for searching to function, administrators must enable the
app in the search app settings.
• Personal Settings menu: Located to the right of the Search field, the Personal
Settings dropdown menu provides access to your personal settings page and
the ability to log out of your ownCloud user session.
Upload File
We can upload file to OwnCloud, and this images show the steps:
[1] “ownCloud - share files and folders, easy and secure.” https://owncloud.com/
(accessed May. 16, 2023).
[2] “Practical 3 Introduction To Owncloud: Owncloud Is A Suite of | PDF |
Computer Science | Computing,” Scribd.
https://www.scribd.com/document/513379499/MP3 (accessed May. 16, 2023).
[3] “How to install ownCloud server on Ubuntu 20.04 | Lulu’s blog.”
(accessed May. 16, 2023).