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Chapter 2

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The objective of this chapter is the students will be able to:

 Programming the micro-processor
 Mention 8086/8088 Hardware Specification
 Know the arithmetic co-processor
 List Memory Interface ,Basic I/O Interface & Bus interface

Programming the micro-processor

Many programs are too large to be developed by one person. This means that programs are
routinely developed by teams of programmers. The linker program is provided with Visual
Studio so that programming modules can be linked together into a complete program. Linking is
also available from the command prompt provided by Windows. This section describes the
linker, the linking task, library files, EXTRN, and PUBLIC as they apply to program modules
and modular programming.
The Assembler and Linker
The assembler program converts a symbolic source module (file) into a hexadecimal object
file. The assembler dialog that appears as a source module named NEW.ASM is assembled. If a
16-bit assembler and linker are needed, they can be obtained in the Windows Driver
Development Kit (DDK). Whenever you create a source file, it should have the extension of
ASM, but, that is not always possible. Source files are created by using Notepad or almost any
other word processor or editor capable of generating an ASCII file. The assembler program (ML)
requires the source file name following ML. the /Fl switch is used to create a listing file named

The source listing file (.LST) contains the assembled version of the source file and its
hexadecimal machine language equivalent. The cross-reference file (.CRF), which is not
generated in this example, lists all labels and pertinent information required for cross-
referencing. An object file is also generated by ML as an input to the linker program. In many
cases we only need to generate an object file, which is accomplished by using the /c switch.
The linker program, which executes as the second part of ML, reads the object files that are
created by the assembler program and links them together into a single execution file. An
execution file is created with the file name extension EXE. Execution files are selected by typing
the file name at the DOS prompt (C:\). An example execution file is FROG.EXE, which is
executed by typing FROG at the command prompt. If a file is short enough (less than 64K bytes
long), it can be converted from an execution file to a command file (.COM).
The command file is slightly different from an execution file in that the program must be
originated at location 0100H before it can execute. This means that the program must be no
larger than 64K–100H in length. The ML program generates a command file if the tiny model is
used with a starting address of 100H. Command files are only used with DOS or if a true binary
version (for a EPROM/FLASH burner) is needed. The main advantage of a command file is that
it loads off the disk into the computer much more quickly than an execution file. It also requires
less disk storage space than the equivalent execution file.
The PUBLIC and EXTRN directives are very important to modular programming because they
allow communications between modules. We use PUBLIC to declare that labels of code, data, or
entire segments are available to other program modules. EXTRN (external) declares that labels
are external to a module. Without these statements, modules could not be linked together to
create a program by using modular programming techniques. They might link, but one module
would not be able to communicate to another.
The PUBLIC directive is placed in the op-code field of an assembly language statement to define
a label as public, so that the label can be used (seen by) by other modules. The label declared as
public can be a jump address, a data address, or an entire segment.
The PUBLIC statement used to define some labels and make them public to other modules in a
program fragment. When segments are made public, they are combined with other public
segments that contain data with the same segment name.
The EXTRN statement appears in both data and code segments to define labels as external to the
segment. If data are defined as external, their sizes must be defined as BYTE, WORD, or
DWORD. If a jump or call address is external, it must be defined as NEAR or FAR.
Library files are collections of procedures that are used by many different programs. These
procedures are assembled and compiled into a library file by the LIB program that accompanies
the MASM assembler program. Libraries allow common procedures to be collected into one
place so they can be used by many different applications. The library file (FILENAME.LIB) is
invoked when a program is linked with the linker program.
A macro is a group of instructions that perform one task, just as a procedure performs one task.
The difference is that a procedure is accessed via a CALL instruction, whereas a macro, and all
the instructions defined in the macro, is inserted in the program at the point of usage. Creating a
macro is very similar to creating a new opcode, which is actually a sequence of instructions, in
this case, that can be used in the program. You type the name of the macro and any parameters
associated with it, and the assembler then inserts them into the program. Macro sequences
execute faster than procedures because there is no CALL or RET instruction to execute. The
instructions of the macro are placed in your program by the assembler at the point where they are
invoked. Be aware that macros will not function using the inline assembler; they only function in
external assembly language modules. The MACRO and ENDM directives delineate a macro
sequence. The first statement of a macro is the MACRO instruction, which contains the name of
the macro and any parameters associated with it. An example is MOVE MACRO A,B, which
defines the macro name as MOVE. This new pseudo opcode uses two parameters: A and B. The
last statement of a macro is the ENDM instruction, which is placed on a line by itself. Never
place a label in front of the ENDM statement. If a label appears before ENDM, the macro will
not assemble.

8086/8088 Hardware Specification

 8086/8088 µ-p is packaged in a 40-pin Dual in-line Packages (DIP) and it requires a +5.0
V power Intel’s supply.
 The 8086/8088 pin architectures use the combined address and data bus format
commonly referred as a time multiplexed address and data bus.
 One advantage behind the multiplexed address/data bus is the maximum utilisation of
processor pins (since the same pins carry address/data) and it facilitates the use of 40
pin standard DIP package.
 The bus can be de-multiplexed using a few latches and transceivers, whenever required.
 8086 has a 20-bit address bus and can access up to 1 MB (220) memory locations.
 8086 has a 16bit data bus, so it can read or write data to a memory/port either 16bits or 8
bit at a time.
 It provides 16 -bit registers.
 It can pre-fetch up to 6 instruction bytes from memory and queues them in order to speed
up instruction execution.
 8088 has a 20-bit address bus and can access up to 1 MB (220) memory locations.
 8088 has a 8-bit external data bus, so it can read or write 8 bit data to a memory/port at a
 It provides 16 -bit registers.
 It can pre-fetch up to 4 instruction bytes from memory and queues them in order to speed
up instruction execution.
 The 8086/8088 operates in single processor or multiprocessor configuration to achieve
high performance.
 8086/8088 is designed to operate in two modes, Minimum mode and Maximum mode.
 The pins serve a particular function in minimum mode (single processor mode) and other
function in maximum mode configuration (multiprocessor mode).
Pin Configuration of 8086 Microprocessor
CLK pin 19
The clock input provides the basic timing for processor operation and bus control activity. It’s an
asymmetric square wave with 33% duty cycle.
INTR Interrupt Request
This is a triggered input. This is sampled during the last clock cycles of each instruction to
determine the availability of the request. If any interrupt request is pending, the processor enters
the interrupt acknowledge cycle. This signal is active high and internally synchronized.

MN/ MX (Active low)

The 8086 microprocessors can work in two modes of operations: Minimum mode and Maximum
In the minimum mode of operation, the microprocessors don’t associate with any co-processors
and cannot be used for multiprocessor systems. In the maximum mode the 8086 can work in
multi-processor or co-processor configuration. Minimum or maximum mode operations are
decided by the pin MN/ MX (Active low). When this pin is high 8086 operates in minimum
mode otherwise it operates in Maximum mode. Pins 24-31 for minimum mode operation, the
MN/MX is tied to Vcc (logic high). 8086 itself generates all the bus control signals.

DT/ => (Data Transmit/ Receive) Output signal from the processor to control the direction of data

flow through the data transceivers.

=>(Data Enable) Output signal from the processor used as output enable for the transceivers

M/ =>(Add
0002 FFDE DATA2 DW -34 ;16-bit integer
0004 000004D2 DATA3 DD 1234 ;32-bit integer
0008 FFFFFF9C DATA4 DD -100 ;32-bit integer
000C 0000000000005BA0 DATA5 DQ 23456 ;64-bit integer
0014 FFFFFFFFFFFFFF86 DATA6 DQ -122 ;64-bit integer

Integer formats for the 80×87 family of arithmetic coprocessors:

a. Word b. Short and c. long.

Microprocessor Coprocessor
8086/8088 8087

80186/80188 80187
80286 80287
80486SX 80487SX
80386 80387
80486DX–Core2 Built into the microprocessor
Table of showing microprocessor and coprocessor compatibility.

Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)

The binary-coded decimal (BCD) form requires 80 bits of memory. Each number is stored as an
18-digit packed integer in nine bytes of memory as two digits per byte. The tenth byte contains
only a sign-bit for the 18-digit signed BCD number.
Note that both positive and negative numbers are stored in true form and never in ten’s
complement form. The DT directive stores BCD data in the memory. This form is rarely used
because it is unique to the Intel coprocessor.
0000 00000000000000000200 DATA1 DT 200 ; define
10 byte
000A 80000000000000000010 DATA2 DT -10 ; define
10 byte
0014 00000000000000010020 DATA3 DT 10020 ; define
10 byte
Floating-point numbers are often called real numbers because they hold signed integers,
fractions, and mixed numbers. A floating-point number has three parts: a sign-bit, a biased
exponent, and a significant. Floating-point numbers are written in scientific binary notation. The
Intel family of arithmetic coprocessors supports three types of floating-point numbers: single (32
bits), double (64 bits), and temporary (80 bits).

Table of BCD data format for the 80X87 family of arithmetic coprocessors

Memory Interface
Memory: -Store Programs and Data. It includes Primary or Main Memory, processor memory
and secondary memory.
Processor Memory
 Registers inside a microcomputer
 Store data and results temporarily
 No speed disparity
 Cost
Primary or Main Memory
 Storage area which can be directly accessed by microprocessor
 Store programs and data prior to execution
 Should not have speed disparity with processor => Semi-Conductor memories using
CMOS technology
 Contain ROM, EPROM, Static RAM, DRAM

Secondary Memory
 Storage media comprising of slow devices such as magnetic tapes and disks
 Hold large data files and programs: Operating system, compilers, databases, permanent

Memory organization in 8086

 Memory IC’s: Byte oriented
 8086:16 bit
 Word: stored by two consecutive memory locations for LSB and MSB
 Address of word: Address of LSB
 Bank 0: A0 = 0 => Even addressed memory bank
 Bank 1: BHE = 0 => odd addressed memory bank
Operation BHE A0 Data Lines used
1 Read/ write byte at an even 1 0 D7 – D0
2 Read/ write byte at an odd 0 1 D15 – D8
3 Read/ write word at an even 0 0 D15 – D0
4 Read/ write word at an odd 0 1 D15 – D0 in first operation byte from odd
address bank is transferred
1 0 D7 – D0 in first operation byte from odd
bank is transferred

 Available memory space = EPROM + RAM

 Allot equal address space in odd and even bank for both EPROM and RAM
 Can be implemented in two IC’s (one for even and other for odd) or in multiple IC ’s

Interfacing SRAM and EPROM

 Memory interface => Read from and write in to a set of semiconductor memory IC chip
 EPROM => Read operations
 RAM => Read and Write
In order to perform read/ write operations,
 Memory access time => read / write time of the processor
 Chip Select (CS) signal has to be generated
 Control signals for read / write operations
 Allot address for each memory location
Its typical Semiconductor IC Chip for this is;

No of Memory capacity Range of address in Hexa

address In Decimal In Kilo In hexa
20 220 = 10,48,576 1024k = 1M 100000 00000 – FFFFF

Memory map of 8086

Monitor Programs
 Programing 8279 for keyboard scanning and display refreshing
 Programming peripheral IC’s 8259, 8257, 8255, 8251, 8254 etc.
 Initialization of stack
 Display a message on display (output)
 Initializing interrupt vector table
8279 Used for Programmable keyboard/ display controller
8257 Used for DMA controller
8259 Used for Programmable interrupt controller
8255 Used for Programmable peripheral interface

Basic I/O Interface

I/O devices are: -
 Used for communication between microprocessor and outside world
 Keyboards, CRT displays, Printers, Compact Discs etc.

 Used for data transfer

 data transfer types are:
 Programmed I/O: - Data transfer is accomplished through an I/O
port controlled by software.
 Programmed I/O can be memory mapped or I/O mapped.
 Interrupt driven I/O: - I/O device interrupts the processor and
initiate data transfer.
 Direct memory access: - Data transfer is achieved by bypassing the

Memory Mapping I/O Mapping

20-bit address are provided for I/O devices 8-bit or 16-bit address are provided for I/O
The I/O ports or peripherals can be treated like Only IN and OUT instructions can be used for
memory locations and so all instructions data transfer between I/O device and processor
related to memory can be used for data
transmission between I/O device and
Data can be moved from any register to ports Data transfer takes place only between
and vice versa accumulator and ports
When memory mapping is used for I/O Full memory space can be used for addressing
devices, Full memory address space cannot be memory.
used for addressing memory.
Useful only for small systems where memory Suitable for system which require large
requirement is low. memory capacity.
For accessing the memory mapped devices, the For accessing the I/O mapped devices, the
processor executes memory read or write processor executes memory read or write
cycle. cycle.
M/IO is asserted high M/IO is asserted low

Comparison of 8086 and 8088 Microprocessor

8086 Microprocessor 8088 Microprocessor
Similar EU and instruction set Dissimilar BIU
16-bit data bus lines obtained by 8-bit data bus lines obtained by demultiplexing
demultiplexing AD0 - AD15 AD0 - AD7
20-bit address bus 8-bit address bus
6-bit instruction queue 4-bit instruction queue
Two banks of memory each of 512kb Single memory bank
Clock speeds; - 5 or 8or 10 MHz 5 or 8 MHz
In MIN mode, pin 28 is assigned the signal In MIN mode, pin 28 is assigned the signal
To access higher byte, BHE signal is used No such signal required, since the data width is
only 1-byte.

The 8087-Intel co-processor

Multiprocessor system
 A microprocessor system comprising of two or more processors.
 Distributed processing: Entire task is divided in to subtasks.
 Better system throughput by having more than one processor
 Each processor has a local bus to access local memory or I/O devices so that a greater
degree of parallel processing can be achieved.
 System structure is more flexible. One can easily add or remove modules to change the
system configuration without affecting the other modules in the system.
8087 Coprocessors

 Specially designed to take care of mathematical calculations involving integer and

floating-point data
 “Math coprocessor” or “Numeric Data Processor (NDP)”
 Works in parallel with a 8086 in the maximum mode
 Can operate on data of the integer, decimal and real types with lengths ranging from 2
to 10 bytes
 Instruction set involves square root, exponential, tangent etc. in addition to addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
 High performance numeric data processor => it can multiply two 64-bit real numbers in
about 27µs and calculate square root in about 36 µs
 Follows IEEE floating point standard
 It is multi bus compatible
 16 multiplexed address / data pins and 4 multiplexed address / status pins.
 Hence it can have 16-bit external data bus and 20-bit external address bus like 8086.
 Processor clock, ready and reset signals are applied as clock, ready and reset signals for
 BUSY signal from 8087 is connected to the Test input of 8088.
 If the 8086 needs the result of some computation that the 8087 is doing before it can
execute the next instruction in the program, a user can tell 8086 with WAIT instruction
to keep looking at its TEST pin until it finds the pin low.
 A low on the BUSY output indicates that the 8087 has completed the computation.
 The request /grant signal from the 8087 is usually connected to the request/ grant pin of
the independent processor such as 8089
 The request /grant signal from the 8087 is usually connected to the request/ grant
(RQ/GT0 or RQ/GT1) pin of the 8086.
 The interrupt pin is connected to the interrupt management logic.
 The 8087 can interrupt the 8086 through this interrupt management logic at the time
error condition exists.

S0- S2

S2 S1 S0 Status
1 0 0 Unused
1 0 1 Read memory
1 1 0 Write memory
1 1 1 Passive
QS0 -QS1
QS0 QS1 Status
0 0 No operation
0 1 Frist byte of opcode from queue
1 0 Queue empty
1 1 Subsequent byte of opcode from queue

Bus Interfaces
A bus is a parallel data communication path over which information is transferred a byte or
word at a time. The buses contain logic that the CPU controls. The items controlled are the
transfer of data, instruction, and commands between the functional areas of the computer
(CPU, Memory, and I/O). The name of the bus or its operation usually implies the type of signal
it carries or method of operation. The direction of signal flow for the different buses. The
direction may be unidirectional or bidirectional depending on the type of bus and type of
computer. All computers use those three types of basic buses.

1. Data Bus (also called a memory bus)

2. Control Bus (also called timing and control bus) and

3. Address Bus

1. Data Bus

The bidirectional data bus, sometimes called the memory bus, handles the transfer of
all data and instructions between functional areas of the computer. The bidirectional data bus
can only transmit in one direction at a time. The data bus is used to transfer instructions from
memory to the CPU for execution. It carries data (operands) to and from the CPU and memory
as required by instruction translation.  The data bus is also used to transfer data between
memory and the I/O section during input/output operations.   The size of this bus varies widely
in the 8086 family.

The size of the data bus affects the performance of the system more than the size of any other
bus. (This bus defines the size of the processor) On typical 8086systems, the data bus contains
eight 16, 32 or 64 lines. Having an 8-bit data bus does not limit the processor to 8-bit data type.
It is simply meaning that the processor can only access one byte of data per memory cycle. The
8-bit bus can only transmit half information per unit time (memory cycle) as the 16-bit bus. The
processor with 32-bit bus is naturally faster than processors with a 16-bit data bus.

2. Address Bus

The address bus consists of all the signals necessary to define any of the possible memory
address locations within the computer, or for modular memories any of the possible memory
addresses locations within a module. An address is defined as a label, symbol, or other set of
characters used to designate a location or register where information is stored. Before data or
instructions can be written into or read from memory by the CPU or I/O sections, an address
must be transmitted to memory over the address bus.

The system designer assigns a unique memory address to each memory elements and I/O
device. When software wants to access some particular memory location or I/O address, it
places the corresponding address on the address bus. With single address line, a processor
could create exactly 2 unique addresses: Zero and One, with n address lines, the processor can
provide 2n unique addresses. The number of bits on the address bus will determine the
maximum number of addressable memory and I/O locations. The 8086, for example, have 20
bits address busses.

3. Control Bus

The control bus is used by the CPU to direct and monitor the actions of the other functional
areas of the computer. It is used to transmit a variety of individual signals (read, write,
interrupt, acknowledge, and so forth) necessary   to   control   and   coordinate   the operations
of the computer.

The individual signals transmitted over the control bus and their functions are covered in the
appropriate functional area description.

The CPU sends data to memory and receives data from memory on the data bus. “Is it
sending/ receiving?” there are 2 lines on the control bus, read and write, which specify the
direction of dataflow. Other signals include system clocks; interrupt lines, status lines and so

Programming the microprocessor describes the linker, the linking task, library files,
EXTRN, and PUBLIC as they apply to program modules and modular programming.
The assembler program converts a symbolic source module (file) into a hexadecimal
object file.
The Intel family of arithmetic coprocessors includes the 8087, 80287, 80387SX,
80387DX, and the 80487SX for use with the 80486SX microprocessor.
The family of coprocessors, which is labeled the 80X87, is able to multiply, divide, add,
subtract, find the square root, and calculate the partial tangent, partial arctangent, and
Data types include 16-, 32-, and 64-bit signed integers; l8-digit BCD data; and 32-, 64-,
and 80-bit floating-point numbers.
8086/8088 µ-p is packaged in a 40-pin Dual in-line Packages (DIP) and it requires a +5.0
V power Intel’s supply.
8086 has a 20-bit address bus, 16-bit data bus and can access up to 1 MB (2 20) memory
All computers use those three types of basic buses like Data Bus (also called a memory
bus), Control Bus (also called timing and control bus) and Address Bus.
Memory is used for storing Programs and Data. It includes Primary or Main Memory,
processor memory and secondary memory.

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