Lecture25 Litchi
Lecture25 Litchi
Lecture25 Litchi
Botanical Name: Litchi chinensis
Family: Sapindaceae
Chromosome. No: 2n = 30
Litchi is a popular subtropical evergreen fruit; the white translucent flavored aril is liked very
much and is used for table purpose in India. The fruits are available during May –June in
northern India.
The fruits are rich in sugars (10-22 per cent), acid (0.2-0.6 per cent), protein- 0.7 per cent, fat-
0.3 per cent minerals -0.7 per cent, TSS-20-30 per cent vit-C-64mg/100g, pectin-0.4 per cent
Litchi is a native of southern China (Oman). It is cultivated in India, Myanmar, West Indies,
Australia, South Africa, Hawaii, Thailand, Mauritius and Hong Kong. India is the largest
producer of litchi in the world after China and is grown in an area of more than 12,000 ha,
area and the important states growing litchi in India are Bihar, West Bengal. Uttar Pradesh,
Punjab, Haryana, Assam, Tripura, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Karanataka.
Climate: It is a sub-tropical fruit, high Relative Humidity is desirable, while hot winds are
not favourable for this plant. However, the rain fall during flowering reduces fruit set.
Successfully grown up to an elevation of 1000m from Mean Sea Level. The maximum
temperature during the flowering period varies from 210C to 380C.
Soil: It can be grown on a wide range of soils i.e, acidic to alkaline soils. Acidic soils
produce good quality fruits. The pH range is 5.5-7.0 with adequate soil depth.
Varieties: There is large number of litchi cultivars grown all over India. The important
cultivars recommended for different states are.
Bihar: Sahi, China, Purbi, Rose Scented, Kasba.
Uttar Pradesh: Dehra dun, , Saharanpur.
Punjab & Haryana: Saharanpur, Dehra Dun, Calcutta, Mazaffarpur, seedless late, rose
Planting: Planting is done in rainy season or even just after the monsoon. The litchi trees are
planted by following square system at 8x8m or 10x10m apart in 1m3 pits. Each pit provided
with 30-.40 kg FYM + 2 kg bone meal + 300 g MOP.
Manuring and fertilization: The nutrient requirement of litchi is very high, The deficiency
of N, P and K results in stunted growth and may even stop floral initiation. Therefore,
suitable application of nutrients will ensure better production. The recommended dosages of
fertilizers are,
Training & Pruning: Modified central leader system of training is followed and pruning is
not done in litchi, except removing dried, diseased and criss crossed branches.
Flowering: The grafted or layered litchi tree comes to bearing in 3-4 years, while the
seedlings take 8-12 years to flower. Flowering starts from Jan-Feb and fruits ripen in April &
May. Temperature has direct relation on flowering, night temperature of 15-160C for 2
months is essential to induce flowering and for vegetative growth the ideal temperature is
300C. Flowers are terminal and appear on current season wood. Fruit set is very low and
flower drop is also common due to water stress, Fruit drop occurs 4 week s after fruits set
which may be due to failure of fertilization, embryo abortion, high temperature and low
humidity. To control fruit drop NAA at 20-30ppm, GA3 at 20-50ppm or 2-4-D-20ppm, to be
applied before flower opening. Apart from this girdling and centering also increases
Storage: The fruits cannot be stored for more than 2-3 days under room temperature. It can
be stored for 5 weeks at a temperature of 1.6-7.20C in perforated polythene bags. Dipping of
fruits in 250ppm ethrel improves the fruit colour.
Physiological disorder
Fruit cracking: The whole fluctuations in diurnal temperature, heavy irrigation/rain after
prolonged dry spell, hailstorms during fruit development, Boron deficiency causes injury to
the fruit skin.
To avoid fruit cracking: The field to be irrigated during fruit growth and in early summer.
Spraying with 2, 4, D (10ppm), GA3 (20 ppm) and Boron (0.4 per cent) reduces fruit
Plant protection
Mites- Eriophyes litchi
Symptoms: Curling of leaves.
Catterpillar: Inderbella tetroanis:
Diseases: Storage rot- Geotrichum candidum