Exam Preparation Timetable
Exam Preparation Timetable
Exam Preparation Timetable
o Test time
Before the test begins, make sure you have everything that is
needed for the test- Pencils, an eraser, a ruler, and a sharpener.
Keep everything handy and listen to the instructions given by
the invigilator.
o Time management
As soon as you get the question paper, do not right away start
writing. Glance through the entire question paper and read all
the questions. Start attempting the questions which you are
sure of, by doing so it helps you to build confidence and you
become less anxious.
o When stuck
While answering, there are chances that you get stuck in the
middle. Do not panic or get frustrated. Read the question again
and try to answer it. If you are still stuck, do not waste time on
that particular question and move on to the next. You can
attempt it once you complete the entire paper.