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Younger You

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Note: The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our

knowledge. This book is intended only as an informative guide for those

wishing to know more about health issues. In no way is this book intended
to replace, countermand, or conflict with the advice given to you by your
own physician. The ultimate decision concerning care should be made
between you and your doctor. We strongly recommend you follow their
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all liability in connection with the use of this book. The names and
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Copyright © 2022 by Kara Fitzgerald

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Fitzgerald, Kara N., author.
Title: Younger you : reduce your bio age and live longer, better / Dr. Kara
N. Fitzgerald.
Description: First edition. | New York : Hachette Go, 2022. | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021038350 | ISBN 9780306924835 (hardcover) | ISBN
9780306924859 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Aging--Nutritional aspects. | Aging--Prevention. |
Functional foods. | Longevity.
Classification: LCC RA776.75 .F58 2022 | DDC 613.2—

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021038350

ISBNs: 9780306924835 (hardcover); 9780306924859 (ebook)


















For my daughter, Isabella James, with whom I hope to spend many more
years by following this plan as my foundational anti-aging strategy

and for my patients, colleagues, and friends, for your faith in this work

and for everyone who, like me, feels empowered by the idea that we can
start immediately to safely and effectively turn back the biological hands of
Explore book giveaways, sneak peeks, deals, and more.

Tap here to learn more.


W hat if I told you, you could be younger tomorrow than you are
Some part of you would probably be very excited. You did, after all,
pick up a book called Younger You. But there’s probably another part of you
that would be thinking something along the lines of, “Yeah, right.”
But what if I followed that up by saying, it’s true? And that you can do it
simply by changing your diet and making some very doable modifications
to your lifestyle—in other words, without expensive or high-risk drugs, or
fasting for twenty-two hours a day, or any other so-called biohacking
“No way,” you’d think.
I have two words for you: Yes way.
In fact, I have a two-month program that reversed the bio age of its
participants by over three years.
I am the lead author on the groundbreaking, rigorous clinical pilot trial
that asked participants to eat plenty of delicious food and adopt a handful of
moderate practices—such as getting seven hours of sleep a night and
practicing relaxation for ten minutes twice a day—for eight weeks. We
measured their biological age before the study began and again when it
ended. And frankly, the results blew our doors off—our study
participants lowered their biological age by an average of 3.23 years
(compared to the control group, who received no intervention)!
This is where I need to point out that our study, while rigorous, was
small. It’s technically a pilot study, meaning it’s designed to provide proof
of concept and open the door to larger studies (which we are working on as
I type). And yet, combined with our years of clinical experience using the
program that we studied and that I outline in this book, it is as clear that we
are headed in the right direction as it is that we need to keep researching.
In this book, as I discuss strategies to reverse biological age, you’ll see
that much of the research I cite is on animals or in human cells. While there
is some research in humans (which I cover), there is significantly less
(hence our trial being “first of its kind”). Although this is a young field,
multiple lines of evidence converge on the conclusion that we might be able
to control how long and how well we live through a combination of diet and
lifestyle changes. In this book, I’ll show you how you can follow essentially
the same path that our study partipants and clinical patients have followed
to become healthier and younger, too.


It’s true that getting older is inevitable: no amount of wizardry can change
how many years old you are. Although we all age with time, we don’t all
age equally. Aging is a complex process influenced by many factors, and
even though two people can have the same chronological age, their life
expectancy and living quality can be vastly different. That’s because, in
addition to your chronological age, which can only move in one direction,
you also have a biological age—or, as I like to call it, your bio age. And
your bio age can move in reverse.
Bio age is based on the premise that our bodies are constantly subject to
damage and degradation from internal and external sources. By assessing
how much damage has accumulated in your particular body, your bio age
shows how old your tissues, systems, and even your genetic material are. In
other words, you could be fifty chronologically but have the same amount
of damage to your body as a typical fifty-eight-year-old. With our Younger
You program, you could be fifty but repair your overall level of damage to
that of someone in their forties. It’s like turning back time.
While there have been various tools for assessing bio age for a while
now, the accuracy of these tools has been mediocre at best. But recently,
science has taken a massive leap forward in this arena. We can now
measure bio age with exquisite accuracy by assessing how your genes are
expressed in a revolutionary field of study known as epigenetics. “Epi”
means “above;” epigenetics refers to the biological markers that sit on top
of your genetic material and dictate which genes are turned on and which
are turned off. To use a computing analogy, your DNA is the hardware—it
is what it is. It can be damaged, and it can be repaired, but without software,
it can’t do much. So, what’s the software? That is epigenetics.
So far, just a handful of human studies have shown that bio age can
move in reverse. This is an extraordinary achievement, but these studies
have relied on medications, and/or have taken a long time, and/or were
measuring a population that started less than healthy (less healthy
individuals tend to be older biologically and can therefore get younger
simply by returning to health). Our study is the first to show that significant
age reversal might be brought about in healthy individuals through doable
diet and lifestyle changes alone, and possibly accomplished in a matter of
weeks. No magic potions required. Just tweaking your normal lifestyle:
food, sleep, exercise, and relaxation, but nothing beyond what most folks
consider to be basic self-care.


Beyond our study participants, every one of the hundreds and hundreds of
patients who have come through the doors of my clinic in the past several
years have either been given, as their primary intervention, the eight-week
eating plan and lifestyle prescription that our study participants followed,
known as the Younger You Intensive, or been coached to incorporate some
of these foods and practices—a less intensive, longer-term version known
as Younger You Everyday.
At my clinic, we see patients with chronic conditions who have tried
other medical avenues with limited success. They are often complex cases
that represent a broad swath of the illnesses that are so common today—
autoimmune diseases, chronic allergies, autism, digestive issues, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, infertility, cancer, Lyme disease, and
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.
These are folks who have struggled with a conventional medicine model
because their medical realities don’t necessarily fit clinical definitions, and
if there are prescribed treatments, their side effects chip away at quality of
Regardless of their official diagnosis, the majority of our patients are at
some phase of midlife, and they also want to look and feel younger. (We
also have a great pediatrician on our team who uses the Younger You
principles with children and young adults—because as you’ll learn, they are
important in all life stages.) That desire is often what gets them to book
their first appointment. Yet the results my patients have experienced in
search of reducing their bio age are extraordinary. We have seen their
chronic, difficult-to-manage symptoms lessen, stabilize, or even go away
For example, I recently started working with a woman who was dealing
with a full-blown case of seasonal allergies. Ava had completely lost her
sense of smell, her body was covered in hives, and every year she
developed a sinus infection so severe that it required antibiotics and
steroids. In our first meeting, she was much more interested in developing a
plan that would help reverse the signs of aging—the thickening middle, the
brain fog, the loss of muscle tone—than she was in addressing her allergies.
But by following the diet and lifestyle principles that I outline in this book,
she lost weight, regained her ability to think clearly, built muscle, and her
seasonal allergies fully resolved.
Ava’s certainly not the only one. Across the board, our patients have
reported more energy, better mood and less depression, fewer headaches,
clearer skin, lost weight, and less susceptibility to succumbing to viruses.
Their digestion improves—with less gas, bloating, diarrhea, and
constipation. From a clinician’s perspective, I have seen a drop in their
blood sugar and insulin, reduced inflammatory markers, much lower levels
of fat in the blood, higher “good” cholesterol and lower “bad” cholesterol,
and even lower levels of the antibodies that are hallmarks of autoimmune
conditions. Taken altogether, these results demonstrate the far reach of the
Younger You program: from the epigenome to whole body balance!
Essentially, it appears that we are empowering people to debug their own
You can use either version of the Younger You program at any age.
Whether you are picking up this book because you want to feel younger or
you want to address a specific condition, it doesn’t matter—the Younger
You program will help address both. It’s a twofer, as turning back the clock
should help clean up the symptoms that go along with aging.
It’s so exciting to me that as we get further into what’s known as the
“omics revolution”—the line of study that looks at individual components
of physiology such as the genome (your actual DNA), the epigenome (the
material that sits on top of your genetic code and dictates which genes are
turned on and which are switched off), the microbiome (the microbial
population in your gut), and more, and how they interact with each other—
we see that humble interventions such as nutrition, sleep, and exercise
might be the most impactful and essential tools we have to improve
individual health. It’s a massive paradox that it took science reaching this
level of sophistication to realize the power of these fundamental
interventions, but it’s so validating to me, a holistic physician/lab geek, to
see just how exquisitely programmed for wellness we are, if we only
understand how to nourish and take care of ourselves.


Our understanding of how to reduce our bio age is occurring just in the nick
of time. Life expectancy in the United States has declined for three
consecutive years (2015, 2016, and 2017), the longest decline since the
period from 1915 to 1918, when World War 1 and the Spanish flu epidemic
killed millions—and these numbers don’t even take into account the
COVID-19 pandemic that roared across the country starting in 2020.1 It’s
not just that we’re living a shorter time; it’s also that we’re spending a
longer portion of the time we’re alive with a serious disease that is a leading
cause of death—according to information from the World Health
Organization, we spend 20 percent of our lives sick.2 (Although we have a
life expectancy of 79.3 years, the average age for developing a serious
illness is 63.1 years old, meaning we spend the last 16.2 years of our life
In his incredible book Being Mortal, Atul Gawande included two
graphs: one that showed the trajectory of a life before modern medicine,
with limited years of health and then a fairly sharp decline that ended in
… and the common path of life we have now that we have learned how
to survive, but not necessarily abate, disease. It shows a long, slow, gradual,
and honestly, painful decline in quality of life.
Our study and clinical work suggests a third option: that by aiming to
support our epigenetics via diet and lifestyle, we might have the possibility
of a new trajectory, one that combines the more consistent quality of life of
Figure 1 and the overall length of life of Figure 2. Let’s put an end to the
sixteen-plus years of ill health we’re all currently destined to endure and
turn them back into years of thriving and wellness!

This third option isn’t a new idea—it was first put forth by James Fries,
a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine who
published a paper on his “compression of morbidity” thesis in the New
England Journal of Medicine in 1980. In it, Fries wrote, “Chronic illness
may presumably be postponed by changes in lifestyle, and it has been
shown that the physiologic and psychologic markers of aging may be
modified.… These considerations suggest a radically different view of the
life span and of society, in which life is physically, emotionally and
intellectually vigorous until shortly before its close.”4
Our Younger You program aims to postpone chronic illness—and the
associated prescription drugs, surgical procedures, and poor quality of life
—and improve the physiological markers of aging that Fries referenced
using nutrient-rich food and time-tested lifestyle practices to empower the
innate and timeless healing systems encoded within your body to slow
down and even prevent chronic illness and the “aging” trajectory. By
following it, you’ll be aiming to influence your epigenome and genetic
expression. No matter your family history, current health status, age, or
weight, you can get on a path to raising your level of health, reducing your
bio age, and extending your health span—maybe even your life span.


Doing interventions with the aim of working out the kinks in your internal
health programming isn’t a new idea. The biohacking trend, where health
nuts are trying all manner of aggressive health interventions in an effort to
live longer and healthier, is surging. Somewhere in Silicon Valley right now
(so many biohackers seem to be male, tech-friendly, and wealthy), someone
is injecting themself with human growth hormone, receiving an IV of a
young person’s blood plasma, taking an immunosuppressive drug, or even
downing a cocktail of gene-editing enzymes and proteins in an effort to
achieve maximum performance and longevity. While many of these
methods have produced favorable health effects, and believe me, I am
paying attention to (and excited about) the latest anti-aging science, for
most of us, they’re not available, affordable, doable, or even desirable.
Some of them come with their own unpleasant—or potentially even
dangerous—side effects. And because we don’t know the long-term
consequences of these extreme strategies, we honestly can’t be sure of their
safety. And only one of them (getting injections of human growth hormone
for a year—something I discuss more in Chapter 1) has thus far been shown
to reduce bio age in humans.
Although I love poring through research, I’m also a single mom, a
business owner, and a clinician. Time is not something I have extra bits of
lying around. As a fifty-three-year-old mom to a three-year-old, I am
heavily invested in living as long as I can and aging as healthfully as I can.
I, like you, need any program to be doable. And while you can’t expect
to have a positive, lasting effect on your bio age without actually following
the program, you could also accelerate bio aging (as you’ll soon learn) if
the whole program stresses you out with time and energy demands! You
also won’t be able to achieve your goals if the eating and lifestyle strategies
take too much time and energy to figure out and activate stress responses
that could adversely affect your epigenetic programs. My goal is to provide
strategies that are as palatable and accessible as they are effective, based on
our current clinical results. As we expand the number of people that are
engaged in these interventions, as our empirical body of knowledge
increases, and as we capture more and more of the “personal” variations in
responses, we will be able to further optimize and personalize our plan.
There’s an adage that it takes fifty years for medicine to translate new
scientific discoveries into action. This number has come down some since
the advent of the internet, but not by much. By writing this book, I’m
seeking to dramatically reduce that timeframe.


In the pages to come you’ll learn how to support your body’s ability to slow
biological aging and increase your health span with the following:
• Lists of delicious foods that deliver the nutrients your body can then
use to balance your epigenomic software
• A list of specific foods to avoid because they appear to negatively
impact the epigenome and, thus, make you age more quickly
• Recipes and meal plans that have been tailored to deliver the nutrients
that support healthy genetic expression
• Lifestyle practices, such as getting-to-sleep techniques and specific
exercise and meditation dosages that support your body’s ability to
regulate its genetic expression for optimal health
• Strategies to minimize the things that can profoundly damage the
epigenome and significantly throw off genetic expression, such as
exposure to toxins, stress, and an overgrowth of unfriendly gut

So that you understand the power of these diet and lifestyle strategies, in
Part 1 you’ll learn more about how your epigenome directs your genes to
keep you alive and healthy—or contributes to aging and its frequent
companion, illness. I’ll introduce you to DNA methylation, which is a
mechanism of epigenetic expression, as well as the formula to the Younger
You plan.
Whether you’re facing a health challenge or are very motivated to
reverse the hands of time (or both!), you’ll find guidance in Part 2, in which
I’ll share the eight-week Younger You Intensive program—the exact
version that our study participants followed—as well as the more flexible
Younger You Everyday, which you can adopt as your long-term eating plan
after finishing the Intensive. Or if you want a more gradual transition into
the Intensive rather than a full jumping in, you can start with the Younger
You Everyday and then move over to the Intensive.
And in Part 3, I’ll share insights on how to think about your genetic
testing results if you have them, and my thoughts on how to tend to the all-
important tumor-suppressor genes (the most famous one being BRCA) so
that they remain hard at work for you throughout your life, keeping cancer
(and aging) at bay. (As you’ll see, the expression of many genes, including
tumor-suppressor genes, has been shown to be favorably influenced by
specific nutrients; I’ve started thinking of these genes as nutrient-responsive
genes.) And you’ll learn how to optimize your lifestyle at every stage of life
in a way that supports your epigenome, and perhaps even pass those effects
on to your children, whether you already have them, are planning for them,
or even if you have adopted or fostered children. Finally, we’ll take a look
at what other anti-aging strategies are currently in development—their
possibilities and their risks—as well as other ways DNA methylation is
changing health care as we know it.


Both versions of the plan are designed very specifically to nourish your
epigenome, and both rely heavily on whole foods—some that you may
already be used to, such as eggs and dark leafy greens, as well as a few that
are a little more “out there” but that I think you’ll be convinced to try once
you learn just how potently anti-aging they are (and you try our delicious,
easy recipes for them), such as beets, shiitake mushrooms, and liver.
While the Younger You eating plan may be a different way of eating for
you, it is undeniably delicious, very filling, and uberflexible: we have
customized it for patients who either are constantly on the road (and don’t
want to pack food) or who live in food deserts and don’t have access to
high-quality food, and they have radically improved their health and
become younger, too. Both the Younger You Intensive and Everyday
programs can work with whatever therapeutic diet you are currently eating,
whether that’s an elimination, gluten- or grain-free, plant-based, low-
glycemic, or keto diet. In fact, this is how we use the program in my clinical
practice: everyone is prescribed the plan, but then we personalize it by
layering it into their specific therapeutic dietary prescription.
The Everyday version is designed to help you keep the gains you’ll reap
with the Intensive and promote long-term health. It outlines the simple
changes you can use to support your epigenome and add years to your life,
like trading that extra cup of coffee or black tea for green tea (or yummy
Golden Turmeric Milk), swapping your roasted potatoes for roasted beets,
sprinkling rosemary on everything, and snacking on blueberries (or our
delicious Matcha Coconut Crunch).


I understand that I’m writing this book in an era where there are so many
diets. The last thing I want to be is just another fad—particularly when the
evidence is so clear that following the Younger You principles benefits all
aspects of health. I also recognize that epigenetics is complicated, and that
can work against even the most exciting idea being able to cut through the
noise. So before I dive into the specifics of what to eat, drink, and do, I’m
going to give you a layperson’s tour of aging and epigenetics.
Understanding why the Younger You Intensive is as effective as it is will
help you see that it’s not just some new diet—it’s a science-backed guide to
shaving years off your bio age by promoting a healthy epigenome.
With the Younger You program, if you’re a health nut or committed
biohacker in search of longevity, you won’t risk taking your efforts too far,
or waste effort—and time—on a less effective dietary program (even the
highly respected Mediterranean diet wasn’t nearly as effective as the
Younger You Intensive in lowering bio age, as I’ll discuss later); if you’re
facing health challenges and seeking relief, you’ll learn how to support your
ability to heal at the deepest level; if you’re looking to start a family
(whether through biology or adoption), you’ll be able to give your offspring
the best support in creating a foundation from which to thrive throughout
their lives; and if you’re simply seeking to look and feel your best, you’ll
discover a very real opportunity to delay your aging and minimize your risk
of disease—in other words, to truly be a younger you.





Y ou know how Facebook shows you memories of old photos on your

timeline? And you see a photo from eight, five, or even two years ago and
think, “Damn, I looked good! Where have those days gone?”
It’s enough to make you start Googling face creams. After all, when most
of us think about anti-aging strategies, that’s what we think about: various
lotions and potions to rub on our skin that, in the classic language of
advertisements, “minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.” Or,
maybe if we take it one step further, we think of taking hormones that help
us feel more youthful. Because, if you’re being honest, seeing that photo in
your Facebook memory probably also reminds you that it’s not just the way
you look that’s changed; you have a moment of recognizing that your
memory seems to have gotten worse, your energy has flagged, and your
body has lost some of its ability to do things, whether that’s recover from
illness, get up and down from the floor, or open a pickle jar. What you
probably aren’t considering is that with every passing year, the door to
disease opens wider, as age is the single biggest risk factor for every
chronic disease. And no fancy cream, no matter how expensive, is going to
help you actually turn back the clock on those things.
The drive for youth is so strong in our culture (the global anti-aging
industry was expected to approach $220 billion in 20211), but most of us
don’t connect the dots between our diet and lifestyle choices, an accelerated
rate of aging, and an increase in risk for chronic disease. In fact, your bio age
is the single biggest risk factor for all the major diseases, including diabetes,
cancer, and dementia.


The good news about our current aging reality is that modern medicine has
resulted in longer and longer life spans. We’ve reduced incidences of many
infections—COVID-19 notwithstanding—and disabling diseases so that the
average person doesn’t die of flu or tuberculosis, and lives to a higher age.
The bad news about longer life spans is that we have simultaneously
increased the incidence of chronic, noncommunicable diseases, such as
dementia, heart disease, and cancer. (As we get sicker with these chronic
diseases, ironically, our risk of communicable diseases increases
exponentially—as evidenced by the United States experiencing so many
deaths from COVID-19.)
A whopping 80 percent of adults over sixty-five have one chronic
disease. And a full 77 percent have at least two! But it’s not like we turn
sixty-five and—boom!—we get the disease like some kind of ghoulish
birthday present. We’ve been on this path our whole lives—one in three
Americans under sixty-five have metabolic syndrome, a collection of
symptoms that includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high
cholesterol or high triglycerides, and an apple-shaped body (accompanied by
belly fat) that paves the way to full-blown chronic disease.
The scientific and medical communities have responded to this rise in
disease incidence by focusing on researching and treating the diseases
themselves. The problem is that once you take steps to prevent, say, heart
disease, you take your eye off cancer prevention. It’s what Dana Goldman,
director of the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics at the
University of Southern California, told PBS Newshour, “It’s almost like
Whack-a-Mole, where you push down on one disease and another one pops
The sector that has benefited the most from this disease-centered
approach is the health-care industry. In 1970, total national health-care
expenditures in the United States were $74.1 billion, or $1,848 per person in
2019 dollars. By 2000, total US health-care spending was up to $1.4 trillion,
and by 2019 it had more than doubled to $3.8 trillion—$11,582 per person.
That’s a more than sixfold increase in personal spending.3
Rather than treating diseases one by one, what our growing
understanding of epigenetics suggests is that we can reduce the risk of all
diseases and conditions at once by seeking to either maintain or reduce
bio age. That means less suffering and more years of quality of life
(increased health span and life span). Not for nothing, it also means less
expense. In a 2021 paper published in Nature Aging, Dr. David Sinclair,
professor of genetics at Harvard and author of the book Lifespan, and his
colleagues state that “a compression of morbidity that improves health is
more valuable than further increases in life expectancy, and that targeting
aging offers potentially larger economic gains than eradicating individual
diseases.” Overall, the paper states that a slowdown in aging that results in
one year of increased life span would save $38 trillion in health-care
spending; a deceleration in aging that results in ten years of life span would
save $367 trillion.4
How then do we delay aging? We focus on the thread that connects your
diet and lifestyle habits, your bio age, and your risk of disease, which is
epigenetics—or more specifically, an important epigenetic process called
DNA methylation. If epigenetics is a collection of different types of
software, as I suggested in the Introduction, then DNA methylation may be
the most influential and lasting; it’s certainly the best studied of all the
epigenetic marks. For simplicity, we can think of DNA methylation as the
operating system: it tells your hardware—your genes—what to do.
DNA methylation wields its influence by placing humble, ubiquitous
molecules known as methyl groups on top of your genetic material, and
those methyl groups determine which genes are turned on and which are
turned off, and to what extent. (I’ll delve more into how this process works
later in this chapter.)
While it is true that DNA methylation has a ton of power over your
health and well-being, you have tremendous influence over it. The choices
you make every day—what you eat, when you go to bed, how stressed you
are, how much you move, how much loving touch you engage in—can all
negatively or positively influence how and where those methyl groups are
placed, and therefore how your genes are expressed.
The Many Levers That Impact DNA Methylation and Biological Age

Our study showed that when you choose to give your body more of the
things that we believe promote healthy DNA methylation, and reduce your
exposure to things that deregulate it, you can give yourself the DNA
methylation patterns of a younger you. And that is how you can minimize
your risk of developing disease in the first place, or how you might be able
to mitigate or even reverse its progression if you are already ill. And, bonus,
you’ll also drop excess pounds, regain lost vitality, and make people wonder
what you’re doing to look so good for your age.


Before I do a deeper dive into how DNA methylation works and how it
relates to aging, I just want to pause for a moment to recognize that the
entire science of epigenetics and our understanding of how it works and how
we might influence it is an enormous jump in our thinking about disease
prevention. Twenty years ago, we thought that genetics held the key to
reducing disease and promoting longevity. We fully expected that mapping
the human genome (which was completed in 2003 by the Human Genome
Project) would provide all the answers we didn’t yet have—like a Rosetta
Stone that would show exactly which gene, or which genetic mutation, led to
which disease.
As amazing an achievement as it was, that’s not what happened. What
we’ve found since then is that most chronic diseases don’t have one genetic
cause. Because as much information as our genetic material contains, that
information is filtered through epigenetics. On the one hand, this means that
with few exceptions, there is no one smoking gun for each disease that we
can eradicate with gene therapy and poof, defeat that disease. On the other
hand, that means we have a ton of tools at our disposal to positively
influence our DNA methylation, our genetic expression, and, thus, our
health. For me, this latter approach is so much more empowering; we can do
something about it.
Reams of research in the past ten-plus years have shown that there are a
multitude of things that affect DNA methylation. And that when you change
where and how DNA is methylated, you change the way you age, steering
yourself away from disease and the loss of quality of life it brings with it,
and toward an old age that lets you enjoy well-being throughout your final


Once we mapped the genome, we discovered that a mere 2 percent of our
genetic material is actually the code that contains the instructions for making
proteins. Two percent! The other 98 percent is what was at first considered
“junk DNA”—a mishmash of genetic material that, because it didn’t contain
codes for making proteins, we at first deemed gobbledy-gook. (This
assessment turned out to be wildly erroneous. We now know that the so-
called junk genes actually help the DNA genes that code for proteins.)
Don’t get me wrong, your DNA is vitally important. It provides a
complete instruction manual for creating you and all your needed parts
throughout your lifetime. It’s just that DNA is inert without epigenetic
Although it communicates very complex information, a strand of DNA is
structurally simple, essentially a book with twenty-three chapters written
using only four letters—G (guanine), A (adenine), C (cytosine) and T
(thymine). Each chapter is one long run-on sentence, printed on only two
pages that sit side-by-side and are each only one character wide. Because
each strand is so long—the DNA in one cell stretched all the way out is
about two meters long, and all the DNA in all your cells fully extended
would be approximately twice the diameter of the solar system—each gene
needs to be wrapped around spools or else it gets tangled.5 Those spools are
called histones. And histones (four proteins) are further grouped in clusters
of eight, called nucleosomes. Although the strands, or chapters in this
example, are long, they are all written in the same language that consists of
only these four characters.
Epigenetics, on the other hand, is a mess of dozens of different languages
happening all over the genetic material, not just the DNA. It’s as
complicated as the genetic code is simple, as evidenced by a now classic
cartoon that I and many of my colleagues use when presenting on the topic.
It shows a woman whispering to a terrified scientist who is about to walk
onstage to give a lecture, “If they ask you anything you don’t know just say
it’s due to epigenetics.”


Methylation is an ancient and universal biochemical event that is
fundamental for all life forms—we evolved to use methyl groups throughout
our physiology because their building blocks were ubiquitous. A methyl
group is one carbon atom surrounded by three hydrogen atoms. It’s a highly
stable molecule, made out of two of the most abundant elements on Earth.
When a methyl group attaches to other molecules—a process that is
mediated by enzymes—it is called methylation.
Methylation is happening in your body within every cell, all of the time.
It is as ever-present and as essential as breathing. It allows you to get rid of
toxins, such as mercury; to make neurotransmitters important for learning
and brain health; to make white blood cells; to metabolize estrogen; and to
make energy for muscles. If you have a precursor of dopamine and then you
pop a methyl group on it, poof, you’ve got active dopamine. If you’re
stressed and your adrenals pump out a bunch of adrenaline, methylation is
what breaks those adrenaline molecules down so that you can metabolize it.
Methylation is also required to produce DNA, repair DNA, and—via DNA
methylation—control DNA expression. Clearly, nature thinks methylation is
one heck of a way to regulate extremely important stuff!
If you read a lot of articles about health on the internet, you’ve probably
heard of methylation. It is a process that has garnered a lot of attention over
the last decade or so as being integral to whole-body health. As it is also a
process that slows down and becomes imbalanced as we age, methylation is
something that functional medicine practitioners assess and address with
nearly all of our patients. The primary way we’ve done that is to measure
levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which is a byproduct of the overall
methylation process; when it is elevated it indicates that methylation is
impaired and is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease,
neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, or even anxiety and depression.
However, there is one specific type of methylation that we are realizing
plays a crucial role in epigenetic expression. That is DNA methylation,
which is when methyl groups are moved onto or off your DNA. And it is this
particular form of methylation that the Younger You program is focused on.
We’ve known for decades that there are methyl groups that sit on top of
DNA. Yet at first we thought they were extraneous. Dr. Moshe Szyf, a
geneticist and professor of pharmacology and therapeutics at McGill
University, founder of the journal Epigenetics, and one of the godfathers of
the study of epigenetics, has written hundreds of studies that look at DNA
methylation, the earliest of which were conducted in the 1980s. And he tells
me that those methyl groups were considered irrelevant to understanding
how DNA worked, pesky debris to be ignored (similar to that “junk DNA” I
mentioned earlier). After all, the thinking went, how could it be possible that
such a lowly, common chemical compound had such an impactful role to
It was only after the genome was mapped that epigenetics in general and
DNA methylation specifically began to earn the respect and attention of the
scientific community. You have to chuckle at how misguided our ignorance
made us. Because now we know that those methyl groups that sit on top of
the strands of DNA dictate which genes are turned off and which are turned
on, and to what extent. Because the human body is so exquisitely complex,
it’s not quite as direct as it might seem, though. DNA methylation regulates
both the junk DNA, which then regulates the active DNA, and the active
DNA directly. But what is clear, at least at this point in our understanding, is
that DNA methylation is the most influenceable link in this chain.
When I interviewed him on my New Frontiers in Functional Medicine
podcast, Dr. Szyf said that if CTAG are the letters that form the words of
DNA, then “DNA methylation is the punctuation. It makes sense out of
letters, it breaks up the words and sentences, overrides and under rides, and
puts exclamation marks and question marks so that the letters [of DNA]
become a language.”6
DNA methylation may be the most powerful epigenetic influencer
(among other players that include acetylation, small RNAs, phosphorylation,
ubiquitination, and more) because its marks can stay over a lifetime of many
cell divisions and can be handed down through multiple generations. To be
fair, it is also the most studied epigenetic language. There may well be other
highly durable and heritable ways that genes are expressed or inhibited that
we don’t yet know about. But at this point in our understanding, DNA
methylation is the longest lasting and most impactful of the epigenetic
mechanisms and plays a key role in all the major chronic diseases of our
time, including aging.
As we age, the patterns of DNA methylation predictably move in almost
the exact opposite direction of where they are when we are young; this is
what paves the way for disease, not necessarily the fact that we have been
alive for longer. Luckily, it is possible to slow down this pattern—or even
reverse it.

Methylation vs. DNA Methylation

Methylation: The addition and removal of methyl groups to

molecules; this elemental biochemical process happens
throughout the body.
DNA Methylation: Refers specifically to the addition and
removal of methyl groups to and from strands of DNA.
When methyl groups are added on top of a strand of DNA—known
as hypermethylation—the volume on that gene is turned down.
Scientists always illustrate a methyl group attached to a strand of DNA as a
little red lollipop jutting out of one of the cytosine nucleotides in your DNA
strand. (In humans, the methyl group is most often placed on a cytosine
nucleotide that is next to a guanine nucleotide; because nucleotides are
connected by phosphates, scientific short-hand for a DNA methylation site is
CpG.) The more lollipops attach to the cytosines on a gene, the more its
function is diminished because the lollipops are taking up the available
parking spots and no other molecules—including those that activate the gene
—can get in. It takes relatively few methyl groups to silence a gene.
By the same token, removing methyl groups—otherwise known as
demethylation or hypomethylation—turns a gene on.
Put simply, you want your DNA methylation to be working in such a way
that your good genes (those that suppress tumor growth, say) are on and your
bad genes (for inflammation, as an example) are generally off.


Imagine that you are in a gallery at the Art Institute of Chicago looking at
the pointillist masterpiece A Sunday on La Grande Jatte—1884 by Georges
Seurat. When you view it from across the room, you see forty-eight people,
three dogs, eight boats, one monkey on a leash, and nineteen trees, all
captured in a moment of stillness. From a distance, the colors are vibrant and
cohesive—a thrilling whole that immerses you in a moment of daily life in
Paris in the late nineteenth century.
When you approach the painting, you begin to discern that Seurat used
small dots of paint to bring the scene to life instead of the more typical brush
strokes of his contemporaries. You see that what seems like one seamless
painting is actually comprised of thousands of little dabs of paint.
And when you get right up to the canvas, you see that these dots of paint
are even smaller than they first appeared—that each hue that you could
register when you stood across the room is actually comprised of tiny dots of
several different shades, and that there are hundreds of thousands of
individual dots. You know that there must be some basic sketch underneath
that guided Seurat’s hand, although you can’t see any evidence of it. Up
close, it looks random, as if there’s no way what you’re seeing adds up to
anything resembling anything familiar. But from a distance, every dot plays
its own unique role in creating a masterpiece.
Seurat began La Grande Jatte by making initial drawings with a black
crayon on textured white paper. These initial studies are definitive, yet they
lack the details that bring the figures to life in the finished version.
Your epigenome is like a pointillist painting. Those black drawings are
the equivalent of your DNA. They lay the foundation for the work of art you
will become, but it’s the thousands upon thousands of tiny epigenetic marks
layered on top of your genes that bring the full picture of you to life. Those
marks are also what determine how long you live, and how healthy you are
no matter your age. In fact, they have more influence over how old you are
than the calendar does.
Culturally, we’re terrified of aging, but it’s important to remember that
aging is a natural process: We are all aging all of the time. And, if you’re not
aging, you’re dead.
The whole process of growth and maturity when we’re kids is,
technically, aging. It began as soon as you were conceived—not just because
the clock was ticking, but also because your epigenome began actively
modifying the expression of your genes.
We’ve known for some time that babies who don’t get loving contact
become developmentally delayed (i.e., their aging is abnormally slow, and
their bio age is low) and even suffer a loss in IQ points—what we’ve only
recently come to understand is that the reason these babies don’t develop
fully is that their genetic expression (via epigenetics) is negatively impacted
by the lack of touch.7
At times, DNA methylation—and therefore, aging—is moving at hyper
speed, like in adolescence when you grew several inches in the span of a few
months and you had to get a whole new wardrobe because nothing—not
even last year’s winter hat—fit. During these times, the outlines of the
figures in your painting are being refined, and the colors are getting richer
and more nuanced.
Once you reach adulthood, it may seem like your painting is finished,
when in actuality your diet, exercise, sleep, stress, relationships, and
chemical exposure are continually adding new dabs of paint/marks and
removing old ones. In fact, when Dr. David Sinclair was a guest on my
podcast, he shared that the epigenetic changes in adulthood are as profound
as those seen in infancy.8 And interestingly, some changes can happen
quickly and last longer than you might expect—research on mice has found
that a single high-glucose meal negatively impacted the epigenetic
expression of DNA on vascular cells for longer than the six-day study
duration, and an in vitro study of human stem cells found that a single high-
sugar event produced epigenetic changes that increased the production of
free radicals and downregulated antioxidant genes.9,10 In humans, a single
episode of exercise has shown favorable epigenetic changes relating to
insulin sensitivity and anti-inflammation.11 What this all means is that
whether you realize it or not, you are making changes to your epigenome
every day, with every choice you make about what to eat, drink, and do. By
choosing to have an epigenetic-friendly meal instead of fast food, going to
bed when you’re tired instead of watching yet another episode of The Great
British Baking Show, or relaxing instead of scrolling through your social
media feed, those changes are favorable. And when you consistently make
those choices over the long term, you can make those positive genetic
changes long-lasting. And that’s when you move the needle away from
illness and disease and retain more of your youthful strength, energy, and
resilience, despite how old the calendar says you are.
As I’ve mentioned, when left to their own devices, your epigenetic
changes over time seem to reverse the exact changes that happened in your
early years when you were growing. Some of this wind-down is the
“normal” journey of aging. But layer into that wind-down the Western
lifestyle of disease—processed foods, high stress, poor sleep, no exercise,
and toxic exposures—and your epigenetic maintenance mechanisms will
become even further impaired and your aging process will accelerate that
much more. Both normal aging and accelerated aging share similar
characteristics as far as DNA methylation goes:

• It slows down. Referred to as “global hypomethylation,” this means

more “bad” genes—which promote things like inflammation, the
destruction of perfectly good cells, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes,
heart disease, and cancer—can be turned on, since fewer methyl
groups are essentially a green light to genetic expression.
• It gets wonky. The DNA methylation that does happen becomes
imbalanced, which often leads to too many methyl groups getting
placed on certain genes and shutting those genes off. These tend to be
“good” genes, such as tumor-suppressor genes that inhibit cancer,
inflammation-regulating genes, or genes that regulate detoxification
and antioxidant activity or make sure our DNA itself is stable and
Why would it be that genes that promote aging (and the diseases of
aging) are turned on, and anti-aging genes are turned off? There are two
systems of belief here. The more accepted view is that the chronic assaults
from life (the bad diet, the toxins, the stress, etc.) cause random changes to
DNA methylation—termed “epigenetic drift”—that ultimately accumulate in
a critical mass resulting in disease and death. There is another view that is
gaining acceptance among scientists that suggests all living creatures are
programmed to die, and that is the theory that the length of our life span isn’t
determined by chance alone.12 Meaning, aging is part of a plan where death
by natural causes happens on a predictable timetable, with predictable
changes to DNA methylation, just as menarche and menopause do. One
theory suggests that it’s nature’s way of perpetually making room and saving
resources for more offspring. I see the validity of this theory, not just
because there does indeed seem to be some predictability with the changes to
DNA methylation over the arc of life, but because other creatures have a
specific life span, too—fruit flies live only two days, while the Greenland
shark lives four hundred years. The fact that there are species with profound
longevity provides evidence that there is an element of genetic programming
in regard to life span. (So does a 2021 paper by the best scientists across the
field—it creates a DNA methylation biological clock that applies to all
mammalian species that adds credence to the likelihood that our collective
life spans—whether they’re short, like a rodent’s, or long, like a Greenland
shark’s—are ticking according to preprogrammed DNA methylation
changes.13) What is important to note is that while some elements of the
DNA methylation clock appear to be predetermined by evolutionary history,
other DNA methylation components appear to be malleable.
If that’s the case, are we trying to play God by turning back our
biological clock? Well, let’s just take a moment to remember those sixteen-
plus years that the average American spends sick at the end of their lives that
I mentioned in the Introduction. For so many of us, the quality of our final
years is horrific, when we are propped up by drugs and nursing homes and
hospitals. Is it wrong to want to reduce that suffering (and that profound
expense, to the individual, their family, and our society)? Absolutely not.
Our primary aim with the Younger You program—and what our study has
shown us is achievable—is to reverse bio age, with the goal of keeping you
younger longer, and not to significantly and artificially extend life span.
If you are savvy about trying to modulate DNA methylation in order to
slow down bio aging—which, by reading this book, you are already
becoming—you won’t live forever, or transform your genetic material to be
more like the Greenland shark’s; but you can develop the tools to live well
until you die.
Without consciously tending to your diet and lifestyle, and thus your
DNA methylation—ideally, throughout all phases of life, from conception to
older adulthood, although whenever you discover these principles is the
perfect time to start—your aging journey will be dictated by typically
imbalanced genetic expression. In addition to outward symptoms like
wrinkles, thinning hair, and loss of muscle mass, you also open the door and
give a warm welcome to aging’s closest companion, disease. When that
happens, one of the figures in your painting might end up sprouting several
hats (cancer), while one of the trees might completely fade away (dementia).
If you don’t die immediately of the disease you develop, more and more of
your canvas becomes grayed out and your quality of life declines and you
lose function (represented in Figure 2 from the Introduction, xvi). When you
exert effort in adjusting your lifestyle in order to steer yourself away from
the typical epigenetic drift of aging, your painting stays truer to its original
form, gradually shifting to sepia tones.


As I write this, there are four human studies that have shown that biological
age might be lowered by dedicated interventions.
The first study was admittedly small. Run by Dr. Greg Fahy, chief
scientific officer and cofounder of Intervene Immune in Los Angeles, the
study followed nine healthy white men between the ages of fifty-one and
sixty-five over the course of a year—seven of them from 2015 to 2016 and
three of them from 2016 to 2017—during which time they took two specific
medications and three supplements: recombinant human growth hormone
(rhGH) injections, metformin (a drug typically prescribed for diabetes
because of its ability to regulate blood sugar), the steroid hormone
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), vitamin D, and zinc.
Fahy wasn’t even necessarily looking to improve the epigenetic clock; he
was aiming to see if human growth hormone could regenerate the thymus
gland, which plays an important role in immunity and which starts to shrink
after puberty and slowly be replaced by fat.
What’s tricky, however, is that while there were already animal studies
that suggested that growth hormone stimulates the thymus gland, growth
hormone is also known to increase diabetes risk. That’s why Fahy also gave
his participants metformin and DHEA, two antidiabetes treatments, along
with the growth hormone in his study (which is known as the thymus
regeneration immunorestoration and insulin mitigation [TRIIM] study).
Fahy and his team found what they were looking for—seven out of nine
participants experienced thymus gland regeneration. And white blood cell
counts improved in all nine participants. That was almost the end of it, until
Fahy decided to analyze the biological age of his participants. He did this
using the same method that we used in our study—a scientific assessment
known as the DNAmAge Calculator (DNAmAge is short for DNA
Methylation Age; I’ll share more about exactly how this tool assesses
biological age in Chapter 4).
Fahy published his results in the journal Aging Cell in 2019.14 According
to the DNAmAge Calculator, the study participants had shaved an average
of 2.5 years off their biological age over the course of a year. It was a “wow”
moment—the first evidence that biological age, as measured by an
epigenetic clock, could travel in reverse.
Keep in mind that this study was over the course of a year, and it required
self-injections of rhGH and metformin, a pharmaceutical drug that requires a
prescription, and DHEA (which is available over the counter). Not only can
the treatment be less than pleasant for some folks, it’s not exactly accessible
—after all, you can’t pick up human growth hormone and metformin at the
grocery store on your way home from work. It also comes with side effects
that range from unpleasant (diarrhea, constipation) to potentially more
menacing (increased susceptibility to infection and increased likelihood of
developing insulin resistance, which can then pave the way to diabetes, heart
disease, and cancer). While these first results of bio age reversal are very
exciting, you have to wonder, is it worth it? And will these results be long
lasting, or how often will the protocol need to be repeated? Stay tuned as
Fahy continues to research his program.
The second study that showed that humans can turn back their biological
age looked at the Mediterranean diet, the popular and well-researched
approach to eating attested to by many centenarians. This 2020 pilot study
included 120 individuals between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-nine
from Poland and Italy. The group was supplied a Mediterranean diet and 400
IU of vitamin D3 for one year.15 Of the participants, only the Polish women
saw a reduction in biological age, which had lowered 1.47 years at the end of
the year-long study, although beneficial DNA methylation changes outside
of bio age were seen across the group.16 The authors speculated that a
standard Polish diet is much different than a Mediterranean diet, and thus the
switch could have been more favorable to the Poles versus the Italians, who
already follow a Mediterranean diet, although they did not see the same
biological age reversal in Polish men.
This study shows that the Mediterranean diet is a good, general eating
plan that can lead to small reductions in bio age over the long term—and
that probably has the biggest benefit for those who weren’t already eating a
diet low in red meat; high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy
fats; and with moderate intake of seafood and dairy (the hallmarks of the
diet). It’s excellent proof of the ability of a whole-foods-based nutrition plan
plus vitamin D to favorably influence bio age, but only for certain people
after a year of adherence.
The third study showed that obese or overweight African Americans,
when deficient in vitamin D, can have a remarkable improvement in bio age
with sufficient D supplementation. This sixteen-week study had three arms
of vitamin D3 doses: 600 IU per day, 2,000 IU per day, or 4,000 IU per day.
In the group receiving 4,000 IU, bio age was significantly reduced by 1.85
years. There were no other interventions used in this study.17 It speaks to the
importance of nutrient status, and certainly vitamin D3 supplements are easy
to find and to take, although note that if you are already replete in vitamin D,
starting supplementation will probably not make a difference in bio age.
And the fourth study that showed reduction in bio age is the one that I
was the principal investigator on and that was published in Aging in 2021.


Around the same time that Fahy’s first cohort of study participants was
starting their year of injections, I was developing the DNA methylation-
modulating diet and lifestyle program that my practice has since prescribed
in some form to the hundreds of patients we see in a year.
While we saw clinically that our program was beneficial, and we had
read the research that all of the foods and lifestyle practices that our program
incorporated could theoretically favorably influence the epigenome and
maybe lower bio age, we didn’t know for sure, because the tests to assess it
weren’t available outside of the research setting at the time we developed
our program. We guessed we were doing something right based on patient
response and our read on the science, but only a research study could
confirm it.
In other words, we wanted proof.
So we designed a study to measure the epigenetic impact of the program.
This wasn’t an easy feat for a wide range of reasons—just one DNA
methylation test at that time cost over $1,000, and we needed to run that test
multiple times on fifty-plus subjects.
On top of that, it was a very complex study. Asking participants to
change their diet for a full eight weeks, plus agree to take a couple of
supplements, meet with a nutritionist, and modify their sleep, exercise, and
relaxation habits, was a big ask. While it did take us a while, we found
participants who would stick to our rather involved program (our data show
impressive adherence—not often found in a nutrition and lifestyle study!).
In the end, we recruited thirty-eight healthy males aged fifty to seventy-
two who came to us already eating a pretty healthy diet and exercising
regularly. We targeted this particular age demographic because, as I
discussed above, DNA methylation changes for the worse as we age. And
we stuck to males because women of this age group have the confounding
factor of fluctuating sex hormone levels of perimenopause and menopause.
(Of course, I want to look at middle-aged women—I am one!—but we need
larger study numbers to offset the sex hormone differences between middle-
aged women. We are actively recruiting for this study as I type.)
Eighteen of our recruits followed the Younger You Intensive program for
eight weeks; the remaining twenty participants served as a control group and
received no interventions (two dropped out, as is common). Before the
official protocol began, and after the eight-week study ended, we collected
spit samples, sent them off to Yale’s Center for Genome Analysis to be
processed, and had the results analyzed by top epigenetic researchers
including Dr. Josh Mitteldorf and Dr. Moshe Szyf (and his team) at McGill
University. And what we found was nothing short of astonishing. As I shared
in the Introduction, when we compared the biological age of the Younger
You group to our controls, the Younger You group were a significant 3.23
years younger at the end of those eight weeks! Mind you, these folks (both
our participants and the controls) were already pretty healthy—they ate well
and most exercised regularly. While we haven’t proven it (yet), it’s
reasonable to assume that had they been less healthy at the start of the study,
their reversals would have been even greater, because those with chronic
diseases, such as diabetes, are biologically older than their chronological
age-matched peers.
Other benefits they enjoyed include:
• A significant decrease in triglycerides, the blood fats associated with
cardiovascular disease, which also suggests a drop in insulin and
blood sugar levels, and increased ketone production
• A significant drop in total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol
• Nonsignificant yet still measurable trends toward improved energy
and reduced anxiety, which confirms what we see in our clinical
• A significant increase in circulating methyl folate, a key player in
DNA methylation, as compared to controls—with no folate
supplements used.

These findings support what we see in our clinical practice when patients
incorporate Younger You principles, including
• Weight loss in those who need to lose weight
• Lower inflammation
• Improved energy and mood
• Resolution of skin issues
• Less joint pain
• Fewer headaches
• Improved gastrointestinal health
• Improved methylation markers—measured by levels of homocysteine,
B12, and folate—without supplementation

What’s truly remarkable is that we achieved these fast and dramatic

results only with changes to diet and lifestyle—no injections or prescriptions
required. This means that in order to make significant beneficial changes to
your biological age, all you need access to is a grocery store.
Our study suggests that when you give your body what it needs, without
beating it over the head with pharmaceuticals and synthetic hormones, you
empower your body’s own innate wisdom to lead the way.
This is different than the typical Western medicine approach, which is a
little bit like an overbearing parent: it waits for the body to misbehave, then
offers stern corrections in the form of prescriptions or procedures. What my
training, clinical experience, and the results of our study have shown me is
that it’s far better to take a nurturing approach: give the body everything it
needs to take care of itself and then let it decide, in its own inherent wisdom,
how to use those ingredients to best effect. I think of it as taking an upstream
approach: you sprinkle the right ingredients into the water and set them on a
good path, and then let nature decide how to put them to best use.
Yes, there are cases where care needs to be more directed, but
overwhelmingly, I have been humbled to witness just how wise our bodies
truly are. When we give them the nutrients and the conditions they require
for wellness, in the right amounts, they respond in ways that would be
considered miraculous if they weren’t so consistently reliable.
What’s so exciting to me about our increased understanding of
epigenetics, aging, DNA methylation, and biological age is that we aren’t
totally victims of our genetics—epigenetics offers a window of influence.
It’s great news, but it’s a story that needs to be shouted from the rooftops
again and again because it goes against what we’ve all thought and been
taught for a long time. We’ll do some dispelling of this “genes are king”
myth in Chapter 2.



W hen I walked into my office, I saw an attractive woman in her

midforties. While she presented as very healthy, I could tell by the look in
her eye that she was anxious about something. A smart, health-savvy person,
Rhonda sat on the edge of her seat clutching her genetic test results. It
showed that she had a single (heterozygous) mutation on one of her
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genes, which can mean (in
the worst-case scenario) that it could reduce production of the MTHFR
enzyme by about 25 percent, and therefore theoretically slow down her
methylation cycle.
A consumer of health materials, Rhonda had read up on MTHFR and felt
sure it was responsible for her brain fog, fatigue, and a few extra pounds that
she could not lose. As I do with most patients, I ordered a full panel of blood
work to assess many gauges of health (I share the tests I look to here),
including methylation status. In her case, everything related to methylation
came back totally fine. It’s important to note that the methylation cycle is a
complex interplay of nutrients and enzymes, needs and demands, so zeroing
in on one very common enzyme variant as the cause of a collection of
symptoms is just too simplistic.
I did, however, see something in her lab work that concerned me—some
suspicious elevated levels that are sometimes seen with multiple myeloma,
which is a type of blood cancer. After a follow-up lab test did nothing to
alleviate those suspicions, I referred her to a specialist.
While I understand that this was well beyond the scope of why she
initially booked her appointment with me, it took a lot of conversation and
education to explain that Rhonda’s MTHFR status was not something she
needed to worry about… but that her other levels warranted attention.
Frustrating to me (and my colleagues in functional medicine who’ve
encountered similar situations) is the patient who becomes absolutely
convinced that their genetic report is the absolute arbiter of their health, and
that “treating” their genetic imbalances with a precarious cocktail of
supplements will bring about an elusive optimal health. Make no mistake:
direct-to-consumer basic genetic testing can be a motivating guide to eating
better, exercising, and maybe getting in touch with a long-lost cousin, but
beyond that, its health insights generally aren’t that remarkable and may be
harmful, as they were in this case. I share Rhonda’s story to show that, too
often, we get hung up on our genetic testing results, when they aren’t the
definitive beacon that so many of us expect them to be, and that we can get
fixated on our genes, to the point that we can lose sight of other aspects of
health that deserve our attention.
A 2019 report by the MIT Technology Review found that over 26 million
Americans have taken DNA tests.1
Why? Why do so many of us care so much?
We want to know our past—where our ancestors came from and what
secrets might be hidden among the limbs of our family tree. But the main
reason we get DNA testing is that we want to know our future. What
diseases we are susceptible to. Our weaknesses. Our strengths. And what we
might expect, health-wise, from the remaining years of our lives.
I understand the desire to ward off future threats, I truly do. But really,
looking to DNA tests to give us a window into our future well-being is like
looking at a newspaper published on the day we were conceived and
expecting it to accurately portray today’s current events. What so few of us
realize is that our genes themselves by and large do not dictate our fate. The
truth is, while your DNA does provide the coding for everything that makes
you who you are, its influence peaks at conception. Every day of your life
since that initial meeting of sperm and egg, it’s not what genes you have that
matter. Of greater importance is which genes are turned on and which are
turned off. And this you likely have a lot of control over.
Everyday people aren’t the only ones who have been eager for individual
genetic testing. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, the scientific
community thought mapping the genome would be the answer to all disease.
I, and many of my fellow functional medicine colleagues, thought having a
patient’s genetic information would help us know exactly the collection of
interventions we’d need to prescribe in order for that patient to achieve
optimal wellness. We were clamoring for DNA test results for our patients—
but once we got them, the turnkey solutions we were anticipating weren’t
Genetics can sometimes offer insight into specific challenges that we
need to plan for—such as a diminished ability to make antioxidants, in
which case adding colorful veggies to the diet becomes even more
important. And very rarely they can pinpoint a specific condition that can
then be addressed—such as a mutation in an enzyme that relies on a specific
B vitamin, which can result in a seizure disorder that can be remedied by
supplementing with that B vitamin. But at worst—as I have seen time and
again in my practice—DNA testing becomes a point of severe anxiety, and
oftentimes a rationale for purchasing a raft of pricey supplements, for people
who believe a certain disease or diseases are inevitable.
To be fair, DNA testing is an amazing scientific development with far-
reaching ramifications. And yet, when it comes to medicine, its impact on
patient care is, well, meh. In the mid-2000s, as genetic testing became
widely available, I worked in a sophisticated clinical lab where we were
looking at compounds in the body not reflected in your basic blood work. I
expected that if I saw mutations in the gene responsible for creating the
enzyme required to process adrenaline, for example, that I would see very
elevated adrenaline levels; yet I didn’t. People with that mutation might
experience more anxiety because they didn’t metabolize adrenaline that well,
but it was equivocal; sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn’t. And
research was equivocal, too; some studies showed the mutation to be
important, some showed it to be irrelevant.
It was a hard dream to give up—I looked and looked and looked for a
genetic mutation that had a clear correlation to specific conditions and
diseases. But only once in a great while did a patient with a significant
mutation in a specific gene show a clear correlation in their lab work and
symptom profile. If there were insights to be gleaned from genetic
information, I and so many of my colleagues around the world realized we’d
have to think about it differently.
What medical professionals and researchers have started to understand
since that time is that environmental influence on gene expression—
epigenetics—is the primary path of supporting and optimizing health.
As we’ve covered, epigenetics—and specifically DNA methylation—
impacts which genes are turned on, and which are turned off. I’m not saying
you can turn your brown eyes blue (with all due respect to Crystal Gayle), or
reverse those age-related grays that are starting to creep into your head of
hair like crabgrass. I do mean that, in addition to shaving years off your bio
age, you can likely lower your chances of developing the diseases and
conditions that run in your family by thoughtfully tending to your DNA
methylation and, more broadly, your epigenome.
This isn’t only an exciting new possibility. It’s also a warning, as
epigenetics don’t only work in a positive direction. They can also work
against you. And if you aren’t consciously taking steps to support your DNA
methylation, your epigenetics are most likely steering you down the path to
disease. While there is still much to be learned about epigenetic
interventions, we shouldn’t sit idle waiting for a full understanding of these
complex issues. We have already gathered some knowledge that could
instruct us in choosing ways to improve our epigenetic clock.


Let me give you an example from my own family tree to show how genetics
are affected by epigenetics, and how these changes can accelerate aging and
pave the road to a premature death (and how they can even be passed down
to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren).
Like so many other Americans, my family came to this country as
immigrants. My great-grandparents came from Poland, where they grew
their own food and led a physical-labor-intense life. However, Poland was
not an easy place to live at the time. Russia and Germany controlled various
regions of the country, and Poles were not treated well. While I don’t know
that my family members were technically starving, like most Poles, they
didn’t have money and thus food could be scarce. Their epigenetics would
have adapted to this limited food availability, and their genetic expression
probably became geared toward survival. Meaning, they became genetically
programmed to hold on to every calorie they could, in what scientists call the
“thrifty epigenotype.” It worked to keep them alive back in Poland. But it
also impacted their future health, and the health of their future generations.
Especially after they came to America.
My great-grandparents settled in Cleveland in the early twentieth century.
They bought a house in a neighborhood populated by other immigrants from
other Slavic countries. True children of immigrants, my grandparents went
full throttle on the American dream—and the American lifestyle. They ate a
lot, drank a lot, smoked a lot, and worked a lot (in their Polish delicatessen
that sold as many candies and pastries as it did pierogies and pickles).
Outside of working, one thing they didn’t do a lot was move their bodies,
and they gave no thought to limiting their diets in order to minimize
unhealthy foods. They ate high-carb, high-animal-fat Polish American foods
(that, truth be told, I still love) daily, and swished them down with a cool
glass of Tang by day, alcohol by night.
The American lifestyle my grandparents embraced with open arms was
filtered through the calorie-saving thrifty epigenotype of previous
generations, which likely explains why my grandfather dropped dead of a
massive heart attack at age sixty. And why, although my grandmother
outlived my grandpa, she struggled with type 2 diabetes, obesity, and severe
arthritis that significantly decreased her quality of life and was a primary
factor in her death. And why my dad struggles with a similar collection of
issues. And why my siblings and I are basically “allergic” to the simple
sugar and processed foods our grandparents loved—when we eat poorly and
skip exercise, we rapidly develop high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and
inflammation. (Seriously, if I even look at a slice of cake, my blood sugar
jumps up.)
You might say: But most Americans suffer with these same issues. And of
course that’s true; being epigenetically vulnerable to the American diet and
lifestyle certainly isn’t limited to my family. You can see the evidence when
you look at the stats: obesity occurs in a whopping 70 percent of adults in
the United States, and cardiometabolic disease happens in almost one out of
three Americans.2
I suspect there are two epigenetic processes happening here that increase
our vulnerability: many Americans’ ancestors either came from countries
with food insecurity or lived through regular periods of food abundance and
food insecurity (such as in an agricultural setting where there are good and
bad seasons). The result of this history is that thrifty epigenotype that makes
their genetics primed to hang on to every calorie. It gets passed on to
subsequent generations, making them, too, vulnerable to chronic disease.
Then, once they develop a chronic disease, that disease state further impairs
epigenetic expression.
Of course, this explanation doesn’t include indigenous Americans, whose
ancestors lived in this country for millennia. Their collective epigenome was
profoundly impacted by forced changes to their diet and lifestyle—marked
by periods of deep famine, being compelled to become significantly more
sedentary, and having a new diet imposed upon them that relied heavily on
fat and bleached flour.3 As a result, their rates of type 2 diabetes
skyrocketed, suggesting that their native diet likely supported far healthier
epigenetic expression.4 This is also in addition to the harms caused by the
longstanding stressors of being colonized and marginalized, as we now
know that stress and trauma also have a negative impact on epigenetic
expression, something I’ll cover more in depth in Chapter 7.
A similar story is true for Black Americans, who have a greater risk for
the chronic diseases of aging, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart
disease, which contributes to an increased risk of COVID-19, as reported in
a 2020 article, “Health Inequality Actually Is a ‘Black and White Issue’,
Research Says.”5 This hard truth is indicative of the fact that a history of
trauma—particularly for those Black Americans whose ancestors were
enslaved—and pervasive stress—such as that which comes from living in a
racist society that often undermines the quality of health care and breeds
economic inequities that then provide a stress all their own—can predispose
epigenetics to disease.
While it’s true that epigenetic changes are the likely mechanism that
explains how trauma experienced by your ancestors gets biologically
embedded into your genetic material, there is good news here: research,
including our study, is starting to demonstrate that some epigenetic marks
need not be forever, and new research suggests that we may also be able to
unembed even the deepest traumas from the epigenome. (More on this in
Chapter 7.)


Identical twins—a pair of humans with identical DNA—offer a fascinating
window into the role epigenetics play in our health. An extraordinary
example of epigenetic changes that occurred within one lifetime are Scott
and Mark Kelly, the identical twin astronauts. This pair of brothers share so
much on both the nature and the nurture side of the coin: the same genetic
code, the same upbringing, and even many of the same career experiences.
They were both captains in the US Navy, both participated in several
spaceflights, and both lived for a time on the International Space Station
The major difference between them is that Scott had two missions that
required him to spend an extended period of time in space—the first was 159
days aboard the ISS in 2010, and the second was 340 days on the ISS in
2015 and 2016 (you may remember watching the video of him singing
“Major Tom” while in space). With its lack of gravity and oxygen, space is a
hugely different environment than Earth, and environment is a big influencer
of genetic expression. In fact, three years after Scott returned to Earth in
2016, scientists studying the twins found that 7 percent of Scott’s genetic
makeup (not the genes themselves, but how they are expressed) remained
different from Mark’s, and not in a good way—Scott is now biologically
older than his identical twin.6 His altered epigenetics aged him.
But it certainly doesn’t take something as epic as a year in space to alter
the epigenetics of identical twins. We get a glimpse of this in the story of
identical twin sisters who have been involved in research by the Twin
Studies Center at the California State University at Fullerton.
In 2015, when the twins were in their early thirties, one was diagnosed
with stage 2 breast cancer—she had a tumor in one breast the size of a tennis
ball, and the cancer had already spread to her lymph nodes. The other twin
stayed healthy. Their doctors and, later, the researchers at the Twin Studies
Center, asked the girls to pore over their personal histories to try to find any
differences in their experiences. Because the girls grew up in the same
house, ate the same foods, went to the same schools and universities, played
the same sports (softball and volleyball), and even dressed the same (tank
tops and flip flops, year round, like the Southern Californians they are), there
weren’t many differences in experience to find. Except one. The twin who
did not contract breast cancer told the Atlantic: “My mom was so tired that
she still couldn’t remember who she fed, who she bathed, who she burped.
She would just cry. So our grandparents came over. They put my mom to
bed. They washed both of us. They fed both of us, and they painted [the twin
who got breast cancer]’s toenails.”7 As a mother, I don’t want to contribute
to any parental (or grandparental) guilt—I had such a hard time transitioning
to being the mother of one child, I can only imagine what it’s like to be the
mother of twins! Yet as someone who regularly reads epigenetic research, I
can’t help but wonder: could such an innocuous (and cute) habit have
influenced that twin’s epigenome in a negative way? Research has
demonstrated that chemicals in nail polish, including formaldehyde, toluene,
and phthalates, can all be absorbed. And formaldehyde is recognized as a
potential cancer-causing agent.8
Of course, there could have been differences in the womb that set these
sisters on different epigenetic paths—one placenta could have been smaller
than the other, or one umbilical cord longer, impacting how many nutrients
that baby had access to. Perhaps the twins had different sleep patterns, or
ways of coping with stress, or other toxic exposures. In truth, there are so
many things that influence epigenetics that there likely isn’t one smoking
gun. But this family’s story is evidence of the power of epigenetics.
It may seem like a negative example of the power of epigenetics, but
that’s only looking at one side of the equation. There are so many things
within our power that beneficially impact our epigenetic health, and
knowing what those things are gives us an enormous opportunity to
positively influence our own health—and the health of future generations.
This story also refutes the idea so many people have that their genes
render them helpless, like when you’re gathered around the Thanksgiving
table and your auntie says, “I just look at that stuffing and I gain weight, it’s
in my genes.” Not only is this notion false, it’s dangerous. What you eat,
how you live, what you do, whether you exercise, what you think, what your
stress level is, how much you’re sleeping, all have a more important
influence on your health than your genetics.
When you, or your auntie, blame your tendency to gain weight on the
diabetes that runs in your family, it makes you feel like there’s nothing you
can do, so why bother? When in fact it’s just the opposite: no matter what
age you are, you have the power to change how your genes express, and that
means you can influence how your body processes sugar, and even whether
you develop diabetes at all.
It’s true that I just got through saying that if I even look at cake my blood
sugar jumps. But, using the Younger You principles that I outline in this
book, I have been able to keep my blood sugar dialed in to a healthy range
and improve my epigenetic health. Even with my admittedly not always
perfect habits—even during stressful times, like during a pandemic, when
we had to shift our practice to telemedicine, the kitchen in my home flooded,
I was on deadline for this book, and my two-year-old started having epic
nightmares, I’ve been able to drop my bio age by almost four years by
following the Younger You Intensive (even though it’s called Intensive, it is
doable, even during stressful times!). It’s tremendously exciting and
motivating, especially as I feel fantastic on the full program. Although we
haven’t thus far monitored our patients’ biological ages, as the epigenetic
tests until very recently have been prohibitively expensive for routine
clinical use, I see the same kind of resilience in my patients as I’m
experiencing. I can say for certain that the folks who have incorporated
elements of the Younger You programs into their daily routines have seen
their aging-related issues either lessen considerably or fully resolve, and
their self-assessment scores and blood work that we use to gauge biological
age dramatically improve. The eating and lifestyle strategies, when ingrained
into habit, provide benefits for the long term. (Also, excitingly, these tests
are becoming readily available even as I write this! See Resources, here.)


When it comes to DNA, it takes millennia for a meaningful change to take
hold throughout a species. DNA methylation, on the other hand, can create
changes to your genetic expression quickly—so quickly as to be almost
instantaneous, especially when compared to the glacial pace of evolution.
Remember, methylation is happening in every cell of the body all the time.
Your body is constantly deciding where to lay down and where to remove
methyl groups from the DNA based on what you’re experiencing—getting a
decent night’s sleep, opting for a handful of seeds for a snack instead of
chips, moving your body by doing some activity you love, or meditating can
all have a beneficial effect that can show up in just a couple of hours. When
you consciously make these choices again and again over the long term, you
can likely regain the DNA methylation patterns of a younger you.
Conversely, if you don’t pay attention to the things you eat or take steps
to mitigate the toxins or stress you’re exposed to, you can speed up the pace
at which your DNA methylation gets disordered. One study found that short
periods of exposure to air tainted with particulate matter from car traffic
caused noticeable epigenetic changes on genes that govern blood leukocytes
(a type of immune cell). While there were bigger impacts with longer
exposures of four and seven days, there were still noticeable changes after
only four hours.9

How DNA Methylation Changes Become Lasting

Whatever epigenetic changes you experience, positive or

negative, they become lasting because some of your cells are
replicating through division all the time. When they do, your
DNA creates a new copy of itself, so that there’s a new,
daughter strand as well as the original strand. Because methyl
groups bind to your DNA strand with a strong bond, known as
a covalent bond, and there is an enzyme whose sole job is to
accurately copy these methyl groups on identical positions at
the daughter strand, at every cell division, these methyl groups
can stick around. The more you make those changes to your
epigenome, the more cells adopt those changes. This is how
something you’re exposed to today can create changes to your
DNA methylation patterns and genetic expression that last
inside your cells and can even be passed down to future
generations of offspring. One caveat: epigeneticist Lucia
Aronica, PhD, thinks that those with chronic disease (and
associated accelerated aging) might need to stick with
epigenetic-nourishing activities over a longer time frame to
create lasting beneficial changes to the epigenome than
people who don’t have chronic disease do, because their
epigenomes may be more resistant to change. So while we
know that people with health challenges can perhaps reverse
bio age more significantly than healthy peers, it might take
longer. We hope to answer this question in future studies.

Although changes can happen quickly, it’s really the choices you make
every day over a sustained period of time that impact your long-term health
—and even the health of your offspring—most significantly.
Much of what we understand today in terms of the heritability of
epigenetic changes and the role of nutrition in what gets handed down was
first illuminated by Randy L. Jirtle, PhD, a professor of epigenetics at North
Carolina State University and senior scientist at the McArdle Laboratory for
Cancer Research at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. A true pioneer
in the field of epigenetics, Jirtle conducted an experiment on female agouti
yellow mice—a strain of mouse that has an expressed (i.e., not
hypermethylated and thus inhibited) agouti gene that makes the mice obese
and gives them a distinctive yellow coat. Jirtle, and his postdoc Robert
Waterland, supplemented their diets with vitamin B12, folic acid, choline,
and betaine—these are key players in the methylation process, known as
methyl donors, which I’ll explain in a bit—before, during, and after
pregnancy. Three generations of offspring of these mothers were normal
weight and their coats were either mottled with brown or fully brown, rather
than the distinctive yellow. The methyl donors had in effect shut the agouti
gene off. It was a true “wow” moment; his paper describing this study has
gone on to be the most cited study in the history of science.10
We already knew that a mother’s nutrient levels had a huge impact on the
health of her child. For example, we’ve long known that mothers with low
levels of folate have a higher rate of giving birth to babies with birth defects,
which is why grains have been required to be fortified with folic acid since
1998 (and why rates of birth defects have come down, although there are
perils to folic acid supplementation, too—more on this here). Turns out
that’s because folate is an important component of the methylation process
throughout the body, including DNA methylation.
But our understanding of just how impactful the nutrition of pregnant
human mothers is on the health outcomes of their children was furthered by
three fairly recent epidemiological studies.
The first, a 2013 study, looked at children who were born to women who
were pregnant during what’s known as the Dutch Hunger Winter. In
September 1944, at the tail end of World War II, train workers in the
Netherlands went on strike, hoping to slow the movements of Nazi troops
and give the Allies a leg up. The Nazis retaliated by implementing a
blockade that prevented food supplies from reaching the country, plunging
the Western half of the Netherlands into famine conditions. Until the country
was liberated in May 1945, most people in the affected area subsisted on
somewhere between four hundred and eight hundred calories a day. More
than twenty thousand Dutch people died of starvation.
Perhaps not surprisingly, scientists who evaluated the health of the people
who were born during and just after the Dutch Hunger Winter found that
they experienced health issues that even their own siblings (who were not in
utero during the winter in question, either because they were already born or
hadn’t been conceived yet) didn’t. What is a surprise is that this cohort, in
adulthood, was more likely to be overweight and have higher levels of LDL
cholesterol and triglycerides—all things associated with eating too much
food, not too little. They also had obesity, diabetes, and interestingly,
schizophrenia at higher rates, as well as a 10 percent higher incidence of
death from any cause by the time they were sixty-eight.11 Put simply, the
early life experiences caused accelerated biological aging and early
These findings flummoxed the scientists who first observed the higher
incidence of obesity. And then, in 2018, thanks to advances in science that
allow lab researchers to observe the methylation marks present on over
350,000 different spots on the genome, came a big “Aha!” moment:12 they
saw evidence that those who were in utero during the Dutch Hunger Winter
were more likely to have more methyl groups on a gene known as PIM3,
which is involved in metabolism, and different methylation patterns on other
genes implicated in cell growth, lipid metabolism, and glucose tolerance.
Perhaps the mothers’ hunger caused hypermethylation on this gene and
imbalancd methylation patterns on other genes, and thus their children’s
metabolism always ran a little slower in an effort to hang on to food a little
longer (that thrifty epigenotype I referred to earlier), leading to gaining
Another foundational study found a similar result. The Överkalix cohort
study analyzed multiple environmental factors on the population of
Överkalix, a small city in Sweden where they kept copious records, such as
the size of the harvest and the price of food, for decades. The researchers
were seeking to determine the effect of the amount of food readily available
on epigenetic inheritance in populations born in 1890, 1905, and 1920, as
well as in those populations’ children and grandchildren. The researchers
found that eating too much in childhood—specifically in boys in
preadolescence, when sperm are actively maturing—in generation zero
correlated with diabetes and diabetes-related mortality in the subsequent
three generations! Interestingly enough, the same study shows a protective
effect from eating less, suggesting that there is a sweet spot of food
consumption—not too much, not too little, but just right.14
The third study that has shaped our understanding of the inheritance of
epigenetic changes came in 2014, when Moshe Szyf, Suzanne King, and
team conducted a study called Project Ice Storm. In it, they evaluated the
DNA methylation of children born to mothers who lived in Montreal and
were pregnant during a severe two-week 1998 ice storm that cut the power
off in large swaths of Ontario, Quebec, upstate New York, and Maine. The
mothers did not starve, but rather experienced profound physical and
psychological stress. King’s team found that these children were likely to
develop a distinctive DNA methylation pattern on the genetic code in their T
cells—an important immune system cell—and were more prone to
displaying symptoms of asthma and autism.15
It may seem like bad news that if your mother was exposed to stress or
trauma when she was pregnant, you’re doomed to have genes that don’t
work as well as they could. When in truth, the opposite is true: knowing that
you can influence DNA methylation, and how to do it, can help you make
mindful choices that optimize the genetic—and the circumstantial—hand
you’re dealt. Even genetic conditions where your fate seems carved in stone
can be minimized by bolstering your DNA methylation.


An overarching theme in modern medicine that has largely been missed is
that disordered DNA methylation is a driver of disease, and not just an
indicator. In addition, the often co-occurring diseases—including
cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and dementia—are also “age
From inheriting a thrifty epigenome from our recent ancestors who
experienced food insecurity, to the challenging or even traumatic
circumstances or events that we experience, to our own lifestyle choices that
may further entrench unfavorable DNA methylation patterns, we have a lot
of epigenetic patterns we need to rewrite. That means addressing DNA
methylation is essential to prevent and treat chronic illness, which is why we
prescribe some aspect of the Younger You principles with every patient we
Let’s take a look at how the epigenome has been shown to impact various
conditions and diseases.

The truth is that weight—as measured by BMI—is associated with
accelerated aging, as measured by DNA methylation.16
Based on what we saw in our research study with a few participants
(most didn’t need to lose weight as they were healthy at the start) and in our
clinical practice, those who follow the Younger You Intensive, certainly, and
even the Younger You Everyday, and who can benefit from weight loss do
lose weight. The Younger You Intensive employs the well-established
weight-loss guidelines of being a low-glycemic, keto-leaning program that
incorporates mild time-restricted eating (otherwise known as intermittent
fasting). It’s also free of allergenic foods, such as dairy and gluten, so it’s
also anti-inflammatory. Taken altogether, the Younger You Intensive lowers
inflammation and increases energy and satiety, which allows for weight loss,
if needed.
Following the Younger You principles of avoiding toxins (more on this in
Chapter 7) also reduces your exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals,
also known as obesogens, that contribute to the epigenetic dysregulation that
is associated with metabolic impairment and weight gain.
On top of these direct influences on weight loss (and this doesn’t even
include the weight-loss benefits of regular moderate exercise, improved
sleep, and boosted relaxation), modulating your DNA methylation may also
affect expression of obesity-associated genes that influence what your body
does with calories.17 If these genes are shut off due to hypermethylation,
you’re more than twice as likely to be obese. Because the Younger You
program includes ample amounts of foods that affect the methylation-
demethylation balance, the eating plan may help turn back on the genes that
promote a healthy weight.
By the same mechanism, eating the DNA methylation–supportive
nutrients that are a hallmark of the Younger You program may help to
change the epigenetic patterns that you’ve inherited from parents,
grandparents, and great-grandparents.18 It gives you hope of breaking the
cycle of “The chubby gene runs in our family.”

Alzheimer’s Disease
Having a family member with Alzheimer’s can feel like receiving that
diagnosis is an unavoidable part of your future. Yet, while there can be a
genetic component to Alzheimer’s disease, 95 percent of those who have it
have the nongenetic form. That means epigenetics dictate the vast majority
of cases.
As with obesity, it’s known that epigenetic mechanisms play a variety of
crucial roles in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, to the extent that
several epigenetic-based therapies are being considered now.
Most broadly, accelerated biological age is associated with Alzheimer’s,
and patients with Alzheimer’s are biologically older than same-aged healthy
folks.19 Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases are accompanied
by marked global methylation decrease overall (very often this population
has elevated homocysteine, a marker of decreased methylation), along with a
higher expression of genes you don’t want to be turned on and a lower
expression of genes you do want in the on position.
More specifically, a number of genes involved in Alzheimer’s disease
have been found to have aberrant methylation patterns in those with the
disease as compared to those without the disease, meaning some genes are
on when they should be off, or off when they should be on.20
The APP (amyloid precursor protein) gene gives rise to amyloid beta
protein when it is in the on position, and APP is often in abundance in the
brains of Alzheimer’s patients. When we’re young, this gene tends toward
the off position; as we age, it can turn on, which likely plays a role in higher
levels of beta amyloid in the brain and, thus, higher risk of Alzheimer’s
disease. Furthermore, the gene for the protein that breaks down beta amyloid
is actually hypermethylated and turned off—a double Alzheimer’s whammy.
In addition, the ApoE4 gene, well known to be associated with the disease,
has a complex and unusual pattern of methylation, with some areas
hypomethylated and others hypermethylated. Scientists speculate that these
changes may induce the pathologic alterations seen in the brains of
Alzheimer’s patients.21
From my standpoint, any program effectively addressing Alzheimer’s
disease requires interventions that address DNA methylation and epigenetics
in general, supporting both methylation and demethylation.
The functional medicine approach to Alzheimer’s disease (as developed
by Dale Bredesen, MD) is a powerful intervention for both preventing and
treating Alzheimer’s disease—a 2021 multicenter clinical trial validated its
beneft.22 Much of the Younger You program and the Bredesen program
overlap: Each focuses on healthy, low-carb/keto-leaning, good-fat and
polyphenol-rich foods with time-restricted eating windows. Each prioritizes
exercise, sleep, and stress reduction. And each approach minimizes toxin
exposures, which is essential in protecting brain function and DNA
methylation. Dr. Bredesen also recognizes hypomethylation as an issue and
pays attention to homocysteine levels in his patients.
Where Younger You differs from Bredesen’s approach is its wholesale
focus on balancing DNA methylation.
In our clinic, we use the Bredesen approach as a foundation and then
layer Younger You components onto his program. Our patients with
neurodegenerative conditions routinely experience lower levels of
inflammation, homocysteine, and toxins and demonstrate improved nutrient
status. We see the best outcomes in cognitive scores with mild cognitive
impairment (MCI), although we can see favorable changes in cognition even
in those with advanced disease.
Reducing elevated levels of homocysteine, the biomarker associated with
poor overall methylation, including DNA methylation, has also been shown
to slow the rate of whole brain atrophy and cognitive decline in elderly
people with cognitive impairment.23 And the patients in our clinic routinely
lower their homocysteine to healthy levels when following the Younger You

Heart Health
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. We
cannot overstate the significance of heart disease in terms of quality of life
and medical costs: it’s absolutely enormous.
Bio age, as measured by DNA methylation patterns, is well correlated
with risk of cardiovascular disease—the higher your bio or chronological
age, the greater your risk of heart disease.24
In addition, inherited altered DNA methylation patterns—like those seen
in the Dutch Hunger Winter and Överkalix studies—contribute to conditions
including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity that increase your
cardiovascular risk.
Disordered methylation patterns on numerous genes associated with
hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart failure, and myocardial infarction have
been identified in humans.25 What I find most interesting is the connection
between early and midlife stress and altered DNA methylation patterns that
have been associated with later onset heart disease and cognitive decline. Of
particular note is the gene NR3C1, which codes for the human
glucocorticoid receptor (glucocorticoid is a class of steroid hormone that is
released during stressful times and plays many roles, including curbing
inflammation). Different methylation patterns of NR3C1 have been
identified in a broad spectrum of stress disorders, heart disease, and
cognitive decline, making it a common gene of interest in all of these
Elevated homocysteine, a foundational marker of imbalanced total
methylation (including DNA methylation), has long been touted as a risk
factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Yet, the research does not
clearly show that simply lowering homocysteine alone will prevent heart
So how do we interpret these seemingly conflicting findings? DNA
methylation patterns, changed by broad environmental exposures ranging
from previous generational experience to early and midlife stress exposures,
to diet, toxins, exercise patterns, and more all influence methylation patterns
that in turn influence heart disease risk. Myopic focus on correcting
homocysteine—or limiting treatment to cardiology alone—isn’t enough; as
with all of the conditions discussed in this chapter, a full Younger You
Intensive may favorably influence the occurrence of heart disease in a broad,
beneficial manner, as getting biologically younger reduces risk.

Type 2 Diabetes
In the United States alone, a diabetic is diagnosed every twenty seconds.
This metabolic disease burns through bio age like dry kindling on a hot day:
diabetes is associated with a six- to nine-year increase in biological age!28
It’s well established that type 2 diabetes results in general dysregulation
of DNA methylation with far-reaching effects, including hypermethylation
of important tumor-suppressor genes and antioxidant-regulating genes,29 as
well as a particular gene that impacts insulin, PPARGC1A.30
The obesogenic toxins that play a role in excess weight—like PCBs and
pesticides—even in low doses of exposure, are also potent drivers of
diabetes, in part because they contribute to abnormal DNA methylation
patterns.31 And higher levels of exposure to obesogens are associated with a
whopping thirty-eight-plus-fold increase in diabetes!32
The good news is that type 2 diabetes is very responsive to the Younger
You protocol. One patient in particular is a perfect example of the kinds of
results we see in the clinic.
Linda was fifty-six when I first saw her. A smart, funny university
professor, she’d been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a decade ago, and her
family history was riddled with diabetes and diabetes-associated conditions
like high blood pressure and heart disease. Despite her best efforts at
lifestyle change and a cocktail of medications, her blood sugar and lipids,
weight, blood pressure, and food cravings were all high. Her mood was low.
Linda was sick and tired of the conventional approach and was looking for a
new approach to her care. At a glance, Linda’s diet looked pretty good: she
was eating a lot of your basic salad-and-protein meals. She also engaged in a
daily meditation practice. Her real struggle came at night, when she got
home from a long, intense day. Her cravings would hit, and she’d go for
sweets and a glass of wine; in fact, her red wine intake was high (as you’ll
learn in Chapter 5, alcohol inhibits methylation).
We placed her on the full Younger You Intensive program, with an
emphasis on even lower carbs, since we needed to get her glucose and
insulin levels down. We had her prioritize eating specific DNA methylation–
supportive nutrients that have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, including
those found in turmeric, green tea, and rosemary. I also started her on
moderate doses of fish oil, magnesium, and vitamin D supplements. After
her first month on the plan, her morning fasting blood sugar had dropped
from 300 to 90! At four months, she was down twenty pounds and
exercising most days. She was thrilled with her progress and committed to
the journey. We could all see her getting younger before our eyes, and most
importantly, she could see the Younger You coming through in herself!

Mental health has epigenetic roots. In adults with depression, two key genes
have been found to be hypermethylated and inhibited:

• Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is involved in the

formation of new neurons and is vital to learning, memory, higher
thinking, and mood, is often hypermethylated and switched off. In
early life, adverse chemical toxin exposures can negatively impact
DNA methylation and stressful events can become biologically
embedded in the epigenome, changing BDNF gene methylation,
which has potential long-lasting impact on behavior and memory.33
Exercise, a fundamental part of both the Intensive and Everyday
programs, helps BDNF re-expression.34

• Depression, along with alcoholism and obsessive-compulsive disorder,

is associated with specific epigenetic changes to the serotonin
transporter gene (SLC6A4), which is involved in serotonin reuptake.
Interestingly, SLC6A4 is also involved in energy metabolism and its
methylation status can predict obesity over the life span.
In addition to these two genes, oxytocin—known as the love hormone—
also plays a role in depression. When the gene that codes for the oxytocin
receptor is hypermethylated and turned off, it lowers empathy and prompts a
lack of connection to others, both common experiences that can happen with
depression. One study on depression in African American women involved
one hundred middle-aged participants. It found that when the oxytocin
receptors were hypermethylated and off, the women were more likely to
have negative thinking patterns, such as pessimism and distrust, both
common in depression—and this effect was seen regardless of relationship
status, childhood trauma, age, and overall methylation status. The
researchers concluded: “epigenetic regulation of the oxytocin system may be
a mechanism whereby the negative cognitions central to depression are
biologically embedded.”35 In other words, getting stuck in a negative
thinking loop may further embed the experience you’re thinking about in
your epigenome. Doesn’t that make sense? If you “indulge” in negative
thinking, it can become a habit that is hard to break, even though it keeps
you feeling lousy.
In our clinic, we’ve seen time and time again that the combination of a
diet rich in DNA methylation–supportive nutrients as well as moderate
exercise, meditation, and sleep all support mood and mental health,
sometimes to remarkable ends (see Morgan’s story at the start of Chapter 3).

Autoimmune Diseases and Allergies

Both autoimmune diseases and allergies are hallmarks of an overreactive
immune system: in autoimmunity, your immune system goes on the attack of
your own tissues; in allergy, it mounts an overwhelming immune response to
a benign substance. Incidence of both is markedly on the rise across the
globe, which means that genetics, while there is a connection, doesn’t
explain the increase. That leaves epigenetics.
While clear, actionable epigenetic patterns in autoimmunity and allergy
are still being established, what we know so far is that epigenetic
deregulation of the immune system contributes to disease onset and severity
—meaning the imbalance begins long before symptoms manifest. As a
specific example, the DNA methylation of genes in key insulin-producing
cells is considered “potentially causal” for type 1 diabetes and may be
present years before the onset of diabetes.36 The other thing we currently
know about these conditions is that lower methylation reduces immune
control, allowing proinflammatory genes to be hypomethylated and turned
on, something we see in other chronic diseases and in aging itself.
A 2021 study (that cited our study!) showed that women with the
autoimmune disease lupus (SLE) had higher rates of hypomethylation on a
specific immune cell gene when disease activity was high, and those who ate
a higher methyl donor diet reported significantly lower disease activity. The
authors concluded that “dietary methyl donors may influence DNA
methylation levels and thereby disease activity in SLE.”37
As I write this book, epigenetic biomarkers to test for autoimmune and
allergic diseases as well as epigenetic therapeutics for treatment are being
considered. While we wait for those breakthroughs to come, the Younger
You program has been helping the many patients in our clinic who present
with allergic or autoimmune conditions. One of our rheumatoid arthritis
patients, Marian, is a prime example.
Marian came to my practice with severe pain and swelling in her fingers,
wrists, and elbows. Her pain was ten out of ten, and while she was taking
ibuprofen regularly, it was barely helping. According to her blood work,
Marian’s antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor autoantibodies were
off the charts.
Marian’s triggering event was the loss of a very close loved one; her grief
was relentless and made it hard for her to care for herself. She maintained
herself on a steady intake of diet soda and take-out and didn’t exercise.
Marian’s plan needed to be simple, but effective. I focused on all of the
components of the Younger You Intensive (including removal of gluten,
dairy, and legumes and lower carbohydrates overall), with supplementation
of curcumin, fish oil, and vitamin D. We initiated grief counseling. And one
of our nutritionists worked closely with her to help her order her food from
restaurants and still stay within the guidelines of her eating plan.
Almost overnight, Marian’s pain level dropped from a ten to a four. That
initial relief helped her keep going—and eventually learn to cook, an
important component because the epigenetic disarray starts long before the
onset of a full-fledged autoimmune condition and she needed to stick with
the plan for the long term.
An important part of Marian’s plan was also getting off the ibuprofen, as
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) damage the gut microbiome
and the intestinal wall, allowing microbial debris to leak into the
bloodstream and trigger a potent inflammatory response, inhibiting
inflammation resolution. While they help you feel good short term—and are
OK to be used occasionally—the pain-reducing benefit of NSAIDs isn’t
lasting, and it’s likely that, long term, they help perpetuate the illness.
It’s been known for decades that autoimmune and allergic diseases share
underlying root causes, including genetic and epigenetic susceptibility,
filtered through poor diet, imbalanced microbiome, leaky gut, hormone
imbalances, toxin exposures, and in some cases, infections.38 Each of these
in turn influence DNA methylation and other epigenetic processes.
Therefore it’s not surprising, as our clinical experience bears out, that
focusing on optimal DNA methylation using our program is generally
helpful to both of these all-too-common conditions of immune
In addition to being designed to sweet-talk DNA methylation, the
Younger You program is also potently anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic,
healing to the microbiome, and low in sugar and simple carbs with time-
restricted eating—all of these features make it an ideal foundational program
for those suffering from allergies and autoimmunity. You may need further
individualization of the program—for example, if you have an egg allergy,
clearly those should be removed from the program. But in general, our
clinical experience shows the Younger You Intensive to be very useful for
folks with allergies and autoimmunity. The lifestyle pieces of the Younger
You program are also essential, as stress has a significant negative impact on
both allergies and autoimmunity, as do toxins.

Epigenetic aging, left to its own devices, marches us toward all of the
diseases we’ve discussed so far. But nowhere is this march so well studied,
and perhaps so scary, as it is with cancer.
Cancers of all type (brain, bladder, breast, lung, prostate, colon, skin,
ovarian… ) hijack our epigenetic machinery for their own nefarious end, like
expert computer hackers can take down a country’s defenses with chilling
ease.39 Also, even if we do not have cancer present, as our biological (and
chronological) age creeps higher, all-important tumor-suppressor genes
(including the most famous, BRCA1) and tumor repair genes can become
hypermethylated and shut off. In addition, genes that promote cancer (called
“oncogenes”) are hypomethylated and turned on. It’s just not fair: aging
makes us epigenetically vulnerable to developing cancer, and cancer itself
takes over our epigenetics.40
Because problem DNA methylation is a big piece in many conditions,
scientists are working hard on developing DNA methylation tests as
diagnostic tools for many, many disorders. This is most evident in cancer,
where the methylation status of tumor repair and tumor-suppressor genes is
used in diagnosis. Perhaps the best known example of this is the Cologuard
at-home colon cancer screening test, which assesses two genes in particular
that are typically hypermethylated in colon cancer (NDRG4 and BMP3).41
Hypermethylation of tumor-suppressor genes is such a strong factor in
cancer development that there are demethylating drugs for certain cancers.
They can be important players in therapy, but they are riddled with potential
toxicity because they indiscriminately inhibit DNA methylation. After all,
you don’t want to turn genes on, or off, for that matter, willy-nilly. Better to
seek the precision changes that our study suggested diet and lifestyle can
produce—our participants reduced their biological age by moving methyl
groups to DNA sites that are associated with youth (instead of age), and
therefore health (instead of disease, including cancer).
It’s starting to look like many of these cancer-associated genes are what I
suspect are nutrient-responsive genes—meaning, their DNA methylation
patterns change rather predictably in the presence of specific nutrients. There
are certain DNA methylation–supportive nutrients (we call them DNA
methylation adaptogens, which I’ll cover more in depth in Chapter 3) that
have some very exciting benefits for cancer prevention. For example, we’ve
long known that EGCG (a component of green tea) and curcumin (a
component of turmeric) are important interventions in integrative cancer
care. Now we believe that a chief reason is that they favorably influence
epigenetics, and in particular, DNA methylation.
Research is also suggesting that combinations of these supportive
nutrients may be powerful in cancer prevention and treatment, which
strongly reinforces the power of a whole foods diet that provides not only
ample amounts of specific nutrients, but also creates the conditions they
need to work synergistically with each other.42 I look forward to continuing
to research the impact our Younger You program has on cancer epigenetics
via these nutrient-responsive genes.
In our practice, patients come to us most often to be comanaged with
their oncology team. With most patients in active cancer treatment, we
individualize the Younger You to them as appropriate: common
customizations include longer periods of intermittent fasting in association
with their chemo regimen, reducing carbs to make the eating plan more
ketogenic, prescribing extra doses in diet and supplement form of the DNA
methylation adaptogen nutrients I just mentioned and will share many more
details about in Chapter 3, and perhaps prescribing blood sugar–supportive
nutrients or medications as needed.
One final word on working with cancer patients (and anyone with a
chronic illness or simply wanting to reverse biological age): the mind/body
component of care cannot be overlooked. My good friend and colleague Dr.
Patrick Hanaway recovered from stage 4 laryngeal cancer. While he
incorporated the components I’ve discussed above along with radiation and
chemotherapy, he said it was sloshing barefoot through the creek on his
property that grounded him and was, as he says, a turning point in his

All of this points to one fact: a healthy diet and lifestyle unequivocally
reduces incidence of all chronic disease.43 This is great news. Whether you
are fairly healthy or someone with a chronic condition (and perhaps
wondering if it’s too late to change), it’s always a good time to support your
DNA methylation and your bio age. And interesting research I’ll share later
suggests that the older you are, chronologically and biologically, the more
bang for your buck you’ll get with these changes. Meaning, it’s never too
In the next chapter, we’ll unpack exactly which foods and lifestyle
practices we used in our research study and show evidence that they
favorably influence DNA methylation and reverse bio age.



W hen Morgan first came to our clinic, he was clinically depressed.

Although he was on Ritalin and prescription anti-anxiety meds, he started
missing work and avoiding family functions. Things had gotten so bad that
Morgan had become suicidal. Existing on a diet of fried chicken and greasy
take-out, he was also fifty pounds overweight.
Luckily, his sister was a nutritionist doing her residency at our clinic; her
support helped him seek help and implement changes.
Our approach with Morgan was twofold—to gradually improve his diet
to include the vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, and healthy fats that support
DNA methylation, and to get him to start moving his body doing something
he enjoyed. His sister volunteered to cook his first week of meals as a
Christmas present and convinced him to add prebiotic fiber to his morning
coffee to start nurturing the friendly bacteria in his gut, as there is a well-
established link between gut health and mental health. The fiber also helped
curb his cravings for take-out.
When his mood lightened a bit and his energy perked up as a result of
eating that nutrient-dense food, he decided to use a healthy meal delivery
service for his breakfasts, and started eating canned soup and Goldfish
crackers for his other meals (Morgan was, shall we say, not a cook, and it
was important to him that he didn’t feel totally deprived). It wasn’t perfect,
but it was an important start.
A few weeks later, because he was feeling better, he had the energy to
take up jogging. The boost from that change inspired him to switch his
midday meal to a larger mixed-vegetable salad and Goldfish crackers. After
two months, he had dropped twenty pounds and started tapering his meds.
Because he saw that the change in diet was giving him more relief than the
meds, and even the therapy he was undergoing, he decided to invest in a
meal delivery service for a few of his weekly dinners, too. As he felt better,
he started spending more time with family and friends. Another turning point
came when Morgan committed to a regular bedtime and started getting more
and higher-quality sleep.
For Morgan, the gradual process of implementing changes was hugely
important—he says, “If you had given me fifty things to do at first I never
would have started.”
A year later, Morgan is down fifty pounds and off of Ritalin completely.
He’s tapered his anti-anxiety meds and is running regularly. Although we
weren’t able to test his bio age at the start (this is only now just beginning to
become available in a clinical setting), because obesity is an age accelerant,
it’s reasonable to guess that he reversed his aging very significantly. His
story shows the power of diet changes, even imperfectly implemented, plus a
few well-chosen lifestyle pieces—like community, sleep, and moderate
exercise—to step out of the river that flows toward disease.
Up until now, you may have opted to eat a certain food because it was
low-calorie and you wanted to lose weight, or done a workout because you
wanted to look better in your jeans or strengthen a particular muscle, or
taken a supplement because you wanted to rejuvenate your immune system.
These are all honorable inspirations, but what epigenetics is revealing to us
is that they are only scratching the surface of what our diet and our habits
have the power to do for us. When viewed through the lens of how they
impact DNA methylation you can see the awesome power of the things you
eat, drink, and do to nourish your genetic expression and make you
biologically younger (and, if you plan to have children, to improve their
epigenetic inheritance, too).
Knowing the power of your daily decisions will give you motivation that
perhaps you’ve never had before to make the choices that influence your
health all the way down to your genes. As you’ll see, it doesn’t require huge
sacrifices—you don’t have to commit to restricting your caloric intake for
the rest of your life, inject yourself with potent hormones, or experiment
with off-label prescription meds that may come with their own host of side
effects. You can make more mindful choices about what and when you eat,
and make time for the exercise, sleep, and stress reduction—not too much,
and not too little—that help you feel your best, and you can redirect the path
of your health trajectory away from chronic disease and toward a longer
health span. I can’t wait for you to see just how moderate the plan is. We’ve
broken it down into one formula with three simple components that, when
combined, reverse bio age:

Methyl donors + DNA methylation adaptogens + lifestyle = Y2

(Younger You)
I’ll delve more deeply into each of these components at the end of this
chapter; for now, you need to know the following:

• Methyl donors are the foods that contain the nutrients the body uses
to create methyl groups, which are then used in multiple processes
throughout the body, including DNA methylation. These are the
ingredients of DNA methylation.

• DNA methylation adaptogens are the foods that provide the

molecules that have been shown to regulate DNA methylation. They
help make sure the methyl donors get used in the right amounts and in
the right places.

• Lifestyle refers to the practices that foster healthy DNA methylation,

including getting adequate sleep and exercise, relaxation, and mild
intermittent fasting, among others.
This combination of factors is what makes the Younger You program
unique. No one has put these elements together this way, and certainly no
one, except us, has researched it. But it’s not like we came up with the
formula all on our own: using diet and lifestyle to bolster genetic expression
is a natural progression from the thinking of some of functional medicine’s
forebears and top thinkers.
Our approach of using well-chosen nutrients to influence health is part of a
lineage that goes back to two of the pioneers of functional medicine: Linus
Pauling, PhD (a two-time Nobel laureate), and Bruce Ames, PhD (professor
emeritus of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of
California, Berkeley, and a senior scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland
Research Institute).
In the 1960s, Linus Pauling coined the term orthomolecular medicine for
the study of giving the correct (ortho) molecules in the right amounts for
individual needs—an alternative to population recommendations like the
Recommended Daily Intake. Pauling maintained that we can nudge
physiological pathways with impaired function toward normal by giving
specific supplements in specific (and typically very high) doses. In 2002,
Bruce Ames, PhD, corroborated and furthered Pauling’s ideas in a seminal
review of 377 studies and concluded that “about 50 human genetic
diseases… can be remediated or ameliorated by the administration of high
doses of vitamin[s].”1 In other words, in many instances, nutrients, not
medications, were effective treatments for genetic mutations associated with
One genetic condition in particular—maple syrup urine disease (MSUD),
a genetic disease with severe neurological impairments—yielded resounding
proof of the power of the right nutrient, in the right amount, to the right
person. Patients with MSUD have a mutation in a gene that codes for an
enzyme that needs vitamin B1 in order to work. Ames discovered that some
forms of MSUD could be wholly resolved with high-dose B1
Dr. Jeff Bland and other founders of functional medicine brought forth
Pauling’s and Ames’s papers and wove them into the fabric of functional
medicine. Most functional medicine doctors have studied carefully and
deeply embrace these concepts as cornerstone to our practice: that the right
vitamin and minerals for an individual, prescribed in the right amounts to
affect the right pathways, can nudge physiology toward optimal function,
whether the individual has a genetic mutation, is a very healthy athlete who
wants optimal performance, or is a “regular” person looking for best health.
It’s in part these empowering ideas (along with the important concept of
“treating the whole person”) that inspire many doctors and practitioners from
other specialties to dive back into the medical and nutritional biochemistry
that is foundational to the practice of functional medicine. Supporting nature
to lead the way with the right nutrients in the right doses is powerful, and it
works. I’ve seen biotin successfully resolve a seizure disorder, B6 greatly
improve the behavior of a child with autism (in both cases, laboratory
findings were suggestive of a mutation in enzymes requiring said nutrients),
and high-dose fish oil stop painful abdominal muscle contractions in an ALS
patient. The list goes on. In all of these cases, pharmaceuticals wouldn’t
have worked. The right nutrient(s) in the right doses were needed, just as
Pauling and Ames taught us.
While there are many instances where high-dose nutrient
supplementation is absolutely appropriate, as we have learned more about
epigenetics, we have come to see that there may be some risks involved in
this approach, too, and that sometimes less is actually more—much more.


Learning about the power of high doses of nutrients offers a tempting
choice: to load up on the nutrients that support DNA methylation in
supplement form—and get really young! After all, Pauling and Ames taught
us we could beneficially influence biochemistry with specific nutrients,
sometimes in very high doses. But in the age of epigenetics, we’re starting to
be able to see that this power may be taken too far. Even Jirtle and his fellow
researchers in the famous agouti mice study, which had overwhelmingly
favorable findings, cautioned against excessive supplementation, concluding
in their seminal paper: “These findings suggest that dietary supplementation,
long presumed to be purely beneficial, may have unintended deleterious
influences on the establishment of epigenetic gene regulation in humans.”2
Why do we need to be concerned?
Some of these nutrients potently influence epigenetic expression—and
that influence can be either for better or for worse. And if we’re giving those
nutrients in high doses, there’s a possibility that we may inadvertently nudge
the needle toward “for worse.”
While there are certainly instances when laboratory testing or clinical
experience demonstrates a need for a certain supplement in high doses, I’m
much more cautious about prescribing higher-dose nutrients in supplement
form. Especially now that we can see that you can influence the epigenome
positively with much more moderate amounts of nutrients. In fact, we’re
seeing that right combinations and right amounts of nutrients delivered in a
whole-food package, in what we’re calling orthomolecular nutrition, may be
our most powerful—and safest—ally yet.


Folate, otherwise known as vitamin B9, is an essential nutrient and a primary
methyl donor—and therefore a crucial component of DNA methylation.
Folate also helps make DNA and RNA and repairs DNA.
Folic acid, on the other hand, is a synthetic form of folate. Importantly
for food and supplement manufacturers, it is shelf-stable. The body can turn
folic acid into folate, but the process is time—and energy—consuming, and
many people don’t do it all that well.
Because it’s such a key player in all things DNA and RNA, folate is
needed wherever cell division is happening. As such, folate plays an
important role in embryonic development; without enough of it, the neural
tube (which is what will eventually become the baby’s brain, spine, and
nervous system) may not close properly, and whatever neural material
remains exposed suffers damage that can result in birth defects.
We’ve known about the connection between folate levels in the mother
and the risk of neural tube defects since 1991; as a result of this knowledge,
the United States started fortification with folic acid in 1996, and it became
mandatory in 1998.
Like most things in life, and nearly every nutrient, there is a U-shaped
curve to folate’s benefits. Both having too little and too much have risks.
If you don’t have enough folate, your DNA can become unstable,
resulting in birth defects if you’re an embryo or cancer if you’re an adult
(and loads of other conditions—from ulcerative colitis to dementia). But too
much folate can also be dangerous; it has its own risks of increased cancer,
especially in older people. On either leg of the U, the mechanisms behind the
cancer risk are different—too little folate means the synthesis and repair of
DNA is hindered, while too much means potentially increased cell
proliferation and DNA methylation, which can mean tumor-suppressor
genes and other good-guy genes are more likely to be inhibited.
It’s only the flat portion of the U curve that’s in the sweet spot of lowest
risk and highest benefit—and it’s eating a diet rich in naturally occurring
folate that is the most no-brainer, safest way to live in that sweet spot. While
it may seem like fortifying foods with folic acid supports the goal of helping
more people have the right amount of folate, it’s by no means clear-cut.
While fortification of folic acid has been a public health win—in the
United States alone, the occurrence of neural tube defects has dropped by as
much as 31 percent since we started fortifying3—there are two main
problems with it:
1. Many people can’t process folic acid into folate easily, meaning that
these folks can have a lot of unmetabolized folic acid in their blood.
In one study looking at older adults with low B12, high levels of
circulating unmetabolized folic acid was associated with reduced
cognitive performance.4

2. For folks who can process folic acid into folate efficiently, if there is a
high intake of fortified foods (especially combined with
supplementing extra folate), there is a risk of having more active
folate than needed and pushing DNA methylation into potentially
dangerous territory—resulting in more methyl groups being added to
more DNA, including on beneficial genes like tumor-suppressor and
anti-inflammatory genes, and perhaps even shutting those genes off.
And if cancer is already present, folate can increase the synthesis of
tumor cells and promote DNA methylation in an unhelpful way.
Indeed, the rate of colorectal cancer in the United States started to
tick upward (some researchers called it an “abrupt reversal”5) in 1996
after a fifteen-year decline, peaking in 1998, the very year that all
grain manufacturers were required to fortify their products with folic
acid.6 While mere timing doesn’t prove causation, a 2010 study found
that in individuals with high blood folate, two tumor-suppressor
genes were hypermethylated and turned off.7
There are some countries that are exploring ending folic acid fortification
because of the potential risks (I would not be surprised if the United States
considers this step at some point in the future), and still other countries
deciding against starting fortification programs.
To me, it’s clear that while we need an ample amount of folate, we don’t
need to get it from folic acid–fortified foods or from routine
supplementation. To my view, the best way to obtain our nutrient
requirements is through a whole foods diet, but a healthy microbiome can
play a role, too, although we’re still learning about the extent of the
contributions. Beneficial gut bugs actually make a lot of vitamins, and folate
is just one of them (B1, B2, B12, biotin, B6, vitamin K, and PABA are
others).8 In our study, we increased circulating folate solely via food sources
and by prescribing a probiotic that contains Lactobacillus plantarum, a strain
that has some research to suggest that it makes folate.
To be clear there are rare times when high-dose supplementation with
folate is needed. For example, there is a condition called cerebral folate
deficiency—an autoimmune disease where folate can’t get from the blood
into the brain, which creates a host of neurological issues including memory
loss, vision loss, and hearing loss—that can be completely resolved with
high doses of folinic acid, a type of folate.9 Some other conditions where I
think supplemental folate is warranted (often along with B12 or other
nutrients) include pregnancy, macrocytic anemia, certain neurological
conditions, elevated homocysteine, malabsorptive conditions, and some
dietary limitations.
Otherwise, generally speaking, we don’t want to get our folate through
high-dose supplements.


Around 2014, I saw something in the scientific literature that stopped me
dead in my tracks. In a study published in that year, researchers randomized
a group of over twenty-five hundred participants aged sixty-five and older
with elevated homocysteine levels (remember, elevated homocysteine levels
are associated with suboptimal biochemical methylation, including DNA
methylation) to either take a daily folic acid (400 mg) and vitamin B12 (500
mg) supplement or a placebo for a duration of two years.10 Study authors
were seeking to measure whether supplementing with these nutrients, which
are both important methyl donors, would help prevent bone fractures in older
adults. While researchers did not see a significant decrease in the number of
fractures (except in those who were over eighty), they were surprised to
learn that those who took the supplements experienced 51 percent more
incidences of colorectal cancer than the placebo group did. Mind you, these
dosages were very moderate. Which suggests that even low-doses of methyl
donor supplements can tilt DNA methylation toward genetic expression that
favors cancer.
This study was controversial and was challenged by other researchers
analyzing the same data. Some maintained that the higher likelihood of
colon cancer was the result of chance. But a 2019 follow-up that re-analyzed
the data and included more recent incidences of cancer in the original
participants verified an increase in the risk of all cancers in those who took
the real supplements, and a significantly higher risk of developing colon
cancer in particular.11
A 2018 review stated the issue clearly in its title: “Folate and Cancer: A
Tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?” It examined multiple studies and found
that folic acid supplementation of 1 mg per day for six years increased risk
of a recurrence of colon polyps with malignant potential by a whopping 67
percent, and ten years later, there was also a significantly increased risk of
prostate cancer. Another study in this review found a 70 percent increase in
risk of recurring bladder cancer in those with medium to high folic acid
intake (compared to those with low folic acid intake)—while natural (whole
foods, not supplements) folate consumption had no similar increase in risk.
Yet another study in the review found that between 26 and 77 percent of
cancer survivors take multivitamins that contain folic acid. (While these
studies didn’t specifically assess folic acid intake through fortified foods, it’s
a reasonable assumption that the study participants were also getting folic
acid through consumption of these foods.) Meanwhile, two studies
included looked at intake of foods rich in folate, and they showed either
protection against cancer or no effect on cancer risk.12
The very thought of giving patients supplements that could nudge them
toward getting cancer made me break out in a cold sweat. Could it be that
those all-important tumor-suppressor genes were being overly methylated
and shut down, essentially told to stop doing their job in some kind of
epigenetic round of layoffs?
And then I had a patient come to me who personified these fears. A
woman named Sharon, in her early fifties with a strong family history of
colon cancer, had recently had a large portion of her colon removed because
it seemed her genetic number had been called: she had been diagnosed with
colon cancer. Prior to showing up at my practice, she had developed
noncancerous polyps in her colon, and so had worked with an integrative
doctor who happened to notice her homocysteine level was high and started
her on a common treatment of high-dose folate supplements. While her
homocysteine level initially dropped, her next colonoscopy showed that the
polyps had become cancerous. While we cannot know that the folate
prescribed contributed to the polyps becoming malignant, there is suggestion
in the literature that her precancerous cells may indeed have been fortified
with high doses of folate, and her tumor-suppressor genes could have been
hypermethylated and turned off.
Because I knew I had to find a way to support Sharon’s ability to
methylate without the unwanted risk of nudging her genetic expression
toward a recurrence of cancer, I scoured the scientific literature looking for
anything to suggest that eating too much of any one food that impacts DNA
methylation carries risks with it. I found none. Instead, what I saw—and
continue to time and again—is the power of whole foods and the
combination of the nutrients they provide to regulate genetic expression in
an exquisitely balanced way.
At the same time that I began working with Sharon, I treated a patient
named Paul, who was dealing with multiple health challenges. His primary
complaint was burning nerve pain (called neuropathy) in his thighs and his
hands. He also had chronic Lyme disease that was exacerbated by the
presence of mold in his home. It was as if he had aged twenty years in the
past twenty-four months.
Paul’s neuropathy, and his blood work, suggested that he was critically
low in nutrients that support the methylation process, especially B12 and
folate. As was standard in functional medicine at the time, I started Paul on a
regimen of supplements to get his levels of these important nutrients up.
Troublingly, he did not tolerate these supplements well at all. We tried
everything—taking the supplements as pills, as shots, as drops under the
tongue. But every supplement we tried—and we tried many—only made
Paul’s searing nerve pain worse.
This was no good for anyone; not for Paul, who had to endure worsening
pain, and not for me, who took an oath as a physician to first do no harm. It
just didn’t add up. How could I support Paul’s ability to methylate if his
body wouldn’t tolerate the supplements that contained the nutrients needed
for methylation to work?
Although Sharon and Paul were presenting with different issues, the root
cause was the same—impaired DNA methylation was likely accelerating
their age and increasing their risk of illness. We had to find a way to support
their ability to methylate without the high-dose supplements that could
increase risk of cancer recurrence (in Sharon’s case) or that only made their
current symptoms worse (as was happening with Paul).
With the help of the brilliant nutritionists in my practice, especially
Romilly Hodges, CNS, IFMCP, we devised an eating plan for Sharon and
Paul that would deliver ample amounts of the nutrients the body needs to
optimize DNA methylation using whole foods only. This was Younger You
1.0, chock-full of foods like beets, eggs, cruciferous vegetables, dark leafy
greens, and nuts and seeds; foods that we chose because they deliver plenty
of DNA methylation–supportive nutrients in a whole foods matrix. It also
excluded the foods that either impair DNA methylation (like charred foods)
or provoke an inflammatory response (like gluten and dairy) so that Sharon
and Paul would have plenty of tools to help them heal and nothing that
would detract from the process. I also prescribed very moderate amounts of
movement and fifteen minutes a day spent on a relaxation practice (Paul
chose to prioritize time spent on his favorite hobby, playing the piano).
As for Paul, he started to feel better almost immediately. His pain
subsided. His mood lifted, and he started sleeping better. From a clinical
perspective, his levels of folate, red blood cells, and B12 rose. His
homocysteine lowered. And his vitality returned—the haggard look in his
eyes receded and his whole face shone with relief.
When Sharon first came to me, her homocysteine level was a whopping
90 (normal levels are between 4 and 15 micromoles/liter). Within a few
months of following the plan, her level dropped dramatically to 45; after
about a year it was close to normal at 19, and today it’s around 14. Her
bowel issues from the surgical resection are much better, which dramatically
improved her quality of life. And importantly, she has remained cancer-free
in the three years since I first saw her, despite her personal and family
The two patients were proof that we were on to something—that perhaps
we shouldn’t be telling the body what to do by flooding it with isolated
nutrients, but that we could give the body what it needed as whole-food and
lifestyle interventions and it, in its own wisdom, could find its way back to
balance. Seeing that we could profoundly influence methylation with food
and lifestyle was a game changer.
What I have come to see is that in all but the most specific cases, when
we isolate nutrients and prescribe alone, we’re stepping outside of mother
nature’s intended design. We’re losing the benefit of synergistic interactions
between the myriad components in any whole food, and in so doing we’re
creating the possibility of unforeseen risk.
The key takeaway here is while supplementing with methyl donors can
be risky and ineffective, eating a methyl donor-rich diet is not. Not only is it
possible to look to diet and lifestyle to provide pretty much everything the
body needs to achieve the DNA methylation of a younger person, but also it
is the only prudent choice.

Other Eating Plans Associated with Longevity

Food is powerful anti-aging medicine: as Dr. Valter Longo,

director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern
California, puts it, “Other than genes, it is hard to think of
something that can be more powerful than food in determining
whether someone is going to make it to 100 or die before 50
years old.” There certainly have been other nutritional
approaches to longevity; here are three eating strategies in
particular that are well studied, both what they are, and how
they are similar to, or different from, Younger You:
Caloric Restriction. This dietary approach requires limiting
food intake to only 70 percent of the recommended daily
caloric intake. It has been considered the gold standard
strategy for longevity, shown to work in thousands of animal
studies, and benefits are strongly suspected to extend to
humans—although, it’s important to note, similar results in
humans have not been replicated. It may also carry risks to
humans, who live significantly longer than most animals. When
I interviewed him on my podcast, Dr. Longo expressed
suspicion that severe caloric-restricting humans were likely
vulnerable to developing other issues, such as increased
incidence of infection.13
In addition, there is research that suggests that carrying a
little extra weight is associated with longevity, and extra weight
is hard to come by on an eating plan that restricts calories over
the long term. An Ohio State University study that came out in
2021 analyzed data that followed over five thousand people for
seventy-four years and found that those who lived the longest
were an average weight in their early adulthood and gained
weight slowly into old age. And the cohort with the lowest BMI
had a 40 percent higher risk of all-cause mortality than those
who gained weight.14 Because these new study findings fly
directly in the face of an overwhelming amount of research that
suggests lower body weight is ideal for longevity, I don’t
recommend you change your good lifestyle habits to put on
pounds. But it does give me pause, and will be something
important to keep on eye on as science continues to explore it.
Another factor is that consciously choosing to eat 30
percent less every day is not exactly easy to do. Especially
over the long term. Eating is one of the pleasures of life,
particularly when you commune with others as you do it. Truly,
I want to help people expand health span, life span, and
quality of life. Continually being hungry and counting calories,
to me, does not contribute to that aim. This is an important
reason why Younger You is focused more on taking in DNA
methylation–supportive nutrients and not on counting calories.
I can promise you that both the Intensive and Everyday
versions are plenty filling.
Fasting Mimicking Diet. A variation of caloric restriction
that is designed to be more—forgive the pun—palatable, the
“fasting mimicking diet” consists of practicing caloric restriction
five days a month for three or more months, depending on
your health goals. On the days you aren’t mimicking a fast, you
follow a higher calorie, nutrient-dense program. The term
“fasting mimicking” was coined by Longo, whose research
suggests much of the anti-aging benefits of caloric restriction
are seen with fasting mimicking, with considerably less
I wholeheartedly agree that intermittent fasting is beneficial
for genetic expression and longevity, but I also believe in
keeping things simple and doable. The Younger You Intensive
and Everyday versions both include a gentle daily fast
between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. (something I discuss more here),
so it does incorporate intermittent fasting (sometimes called
time-restricted eating)—but in a way that takes little to no
planning. And this twelve hours feeding/twelve hours fasting
pattern is considered to be very important by Dr. Longo.15 If
you’re already a proponent of intermittent fasting and use a
smaller number of hours as your eating window, as long as it’s
doable for you, it’s probably fine, too. My only caveat is that I
have experienced in my own life, and seen it in my patients
and colleagues alike, that excessive restrictions and multiple
guidelines can nudge some folks toward an unhealthy
obsession with clean eating; a phenomenon that’s gotten so
much more popular that it has a new scientific name:
Mediterranean Diet. As I discussed in Chapter 1, this
popular and well-researched approach to eating has also
recently been shown to reduce biological age in a specific
population.16 It’s clear that the Mediterranean diet is a good,
general eating plan that one study showed can lead to small
reductions in age over the long term. Yet, compared to the
Younger You Intensive, the Mediterranean diet used in that
one study offers much more modest gains in aging and takes a
longer time to achieve. The two plans do have some
similarities—namely, plenty of healthy veggies, some fruits,
good fats, and moderate amounts of healthy animal protein—
but they also have plenty of differences. For the eight weeks of
the Younger You Intensive, we omit legumes (except for
vegetarians and vegans—more on this here), grains, and wine
or any alcohol, and recommend a little liver and eggs, and we
greatly turn up the volume on specific DNA methylation–
supportive nutrients.


Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine” around 400 BC. It’s taken
almost twenty-five hundred years, but we’re starting to prove just how
effective the nutrients contained within whole foods can be.
This is the precept my team and I used when developing the Younger You
program. We wanted to build on the genius of Ames and Pauling by
prescribing higher-dose nutrients that are known to optimize DNA
methylation, but to minimize risk delivering them by using whole, natural
foods instead of isolated supplements. (Except in those unique cases where
higher doses than foods can provide are warranted, and then ideally only in
the short term.) To my knowledge, ours is the first practice to develop a diet
based on the Pauling and Ames principles, although scientists studying
epigenetics are suggesting that the “combinatorial” approach of a whole
foods diet packing in many lower-dose nutrients together is probably more
effective than a single nutrient.17
Orthomolecular nutrition provides two key differences to the high-dose
approach espoused by Pauling and Ames:

• The dosages are significantly lower, but you’re “taking” these

nutrients multiple times per day at each meal—just as we evolved

• The nutrients are housed within the complex matrix of a whole food
and work synergistically with each other, improving the absorption
and actions of individual nutrients.
Whole foods, which are exactly what they sound like—foods in their
original form like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and quinoa—have
incredible healing abilities, not just because of their superstar nutrients, but
also because of their full roster of components and the interplay that happens
between them that we are only beginning to understand. Honestly, we may
never fully grasp all the nuances of how the components of whole foods
influence physiology, because the complexity of nature’s wisdom truly is
mind-boggling. In fact, there is a concept known as the “dark matter of
nutrition,” which reminds us that, as extraordinary as the components of
whole foods that we already know about are, most of what is contained
within a whole food hasn’t yet been defined.
Take an apple, for example. Just one bite contains an extraordinarily
complex packet of information, as opposed to a drug or a supplement, which
is typically only one thing. Its primary component is carbohydrates, mostly
in the form of sugar—a medium apple has 25 grams of carbs, of which 19
are naturally occurring sugar. It also has a scant amount of protein (1 gram)
and 3 grams of fiber, which serve to slow the release of those sugars once in
your digestive tract so that your blood glucose levels don’t rise and then
crash quickly. Much of the fiber comes from an apple’s pectin content;
pectin is a source of soluble fiber, meaning it is broken down in the digestive
tract and stimulates elimination. It is also fermented by your gut bugs, a
process that produces short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate that
researchers have shown play a role in preventing some cancers and bowel
That’s not nearly all. An apple also contains many, many phytochemicals
(primarily in the skin), including quercetin, a known antihistamine that can
also help lower cholesterol and protect against viruses. Quercetin is a
senolytic compound, too, meaning it wards off aging. And it helps optimize
genetic expression.
And that’s just one phytochemical component of an apple. Others include
epicatechin, cholorogenic acid, and anthocyanin. These and other
biologically active compounds in apples are beneficial for most chronic
diseases—from cancer, dementia, and diabetes to heart disease and lung
disease—via a variety of mechanisms, including helping to process the
higher sugar content in apples through improved insulin sensitivity. Most of
them can also regulate genetic expression (they’re what’s known as DNA
methylation adaptogens, a concept I’ll explain more in just a moment). And
of course, an apple contains ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, which is
an essential antioxidant, as well as a very important regulator of DNA
methylation that helps get rid of methyl groups where they shouldn’t be.
As soon as you turn that whole apple into something else, you modify
these components and hamper their benefit. Removing the skin from the
apple also removes much of the fiber and the majority of the quercetin and
most of its other potent phytochemicals—buh bye, short-chain fatty acids,
hello, blood sugar spike. Drying the apple concentrates the sugar and
evaporates most of the vitamin C. Juicing an apple also concentrates the
sugar, and removes the fiber and most of the phytochemicals.
Beyond the magnificence of its components, the process of eating an
apple—or any whole food—kicks off a cascade of events that can’t even
compare to swallowing a pill.
First, just thinking about the food triggers a chain reaction in your brain
that preps your entire digestive system for the incoming work to be done.
Just think about applesauce—peels on!—simmering on the stove, its scent
wafting through the house. Congrats, you just started activating your
digestive enzymes!
Next, seeing and smelling the food cues the release of saliva, which
contains the digestive enzyme amylase, which alerts your stomach to make
acid, your pancreas to make digestive enzymes, and your microbiome to
ready itself to further break down and transform the food. Chewing that bite
begins to liberate the nutrients and further prompts the digestive chemical
As the food passes through your digestive tract, your microbiome
population will take what it needs to produce neurotransmitters, fatty acids,
and vitamins. In fact, one of your gut bacteria’s most important roles is to
take the phytochemicals in your food and ready them to do their important
work, which often includes regulating gene expression. Meanwhile, your gut
lining readies itself to absorb these transformed packets of information.
Right on the other side of your gut, your immune system reviews what’s
been ingested and determines what the immune response will be, whether
it’s to trigger inflammation or not. Isn’t it just astounding how beautifully
complex our internal interaction with food is? And just take one more
moment and imagine what happens when you eat a big garden salad, with
apple slices and maybe some seeds on top. The potential benefit of
thousands upon thousands of nutrients from this full meal interacting with
each other, your microbiome, and you, is nothing short of extraordinary.
Eating whole food ensures you get a balance of synergistic nutrients in
ample, but not excessive, amounts. The beauty of mother nature’s design,
and how it falls in lockstep with what we need to flourish, blows me away
every day. And our understanding of whole foods and how they benefit all
the systems of the body is only continuing to grow.
Let’s look at the three components of the Younger You formula—the two
categories of whole foods that comprise the bulk of the Younger You
program, as well as the lifestyle practices that have been shown to positively
influence DNA methylation.

Methyl donors + DNA methylation adaptogens + lifestyle = Y2

(Younger You)


Methyl donors are the nutrients that the body uses to create methyl groups.
The most important methyl donors are folate—not to be confused with folic
acid, as I covered starting here—and vitamin B12, as they are the primary
components the body uses to produce S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a
natural and universal compound that’s used in the biochemical reactions of
methylation, including DNA methylation.
Other important methyl donor supporting players include betaine and
choline, followed by minerals zinc, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur; B
vitamins riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine; the amino acids methionine,
cysteine, and taurine; and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.
You simply can’t have balanced DNA methylation if you don’t have
plenty of methyl donors on hand. We have about 20 million DNA
methylation sites in each cell of the body that we are replenishing all of the
time; we need these building blocks in ample supply to keep all those sites
Not only do you want the right nutrients to support DNA methylation,
but you want them in the right amounts (orthomolecular nutrition!). And the
best way to ensure you hit the sweet spot of methyl donor intake is to eat
plenty of whole foods that are rich in methyl donors and to not get too much
by over-relying on high dose supplements, or by inadvertently taking in too
much through fortified foods.


You may have heard the term adaptogen before—it describes a compound
that promotes a healthy balance in a given biochemical pathway and is used
most specifically in reference to herbs that help the body modulate its
physiological response to stress (to get technical, adaptogens help regulate
the central nervous system, which in turn helps balance the output of stress
hormones secreted by the adrenal glands). If you guess that DNA
methylation adaptogens promote healthy, balanced DNA methylation, you
get a gold star.
Once we have all the ingredients for robust methylation activity floating
down the river in the right amounts, we want to make sure that the genes we
don’t want turned on get methylated (and, thus, inhibited) and the genes we
do want turned on don’t get methylated (and thus, expressed). We can do this
in two ways: we can actively remove methyl groups from genes and we can
passively inhibit methyl groups from being added to genes. This is where the
DNA methylation adaptogens come in. DNA methylation adaptogens, as
their name suggests, help DNA methylation find its sweet spot of not too
much, not too little, and in just the right places.
In financial terms, DNA methylation adaptogens rebalance your
portfolio. In fact, we saw a thoughtful redistribution of methyl groups in our
study: methyl groups that were powering down a beneficial, youthful gene
were removed, while methyl groups that were needed to shut off pro-aging
genes were added. I believe it was the ample amounts of DNA methylation
adaptogens that are part of the Younger You Intensive that helped this
rebalancing happen.
DNA methylation adaptogens include foods that are widely hailed for
their health-giving properties in traditional cultures around the globe—a fact
that I believe has a lot to do with the epigenetic regulatory role—including
turmeric, green tea, cruciferous vegetables, and soy.
DNA methylation adaptogens fall into two basic categories: flavonoids
(which are a category of the phytochemicals known as polyphenols) and
nutrients. Members of the flavonoid team are curcumin (found in turmeric);
EGCG (green tea); rosmarinic acid (rosemary); quercetin, luteolin, lycopene,
sulphoraphane (cruciferous vegetables); and genistein (soy). And for the
nutrients: vitamins A, C, and D3, and alpha ketoglutarate.
The flavonoid adaptogens appear to primarily inhibit hypermethylation of
DNA, while the nutrients help actively remove unfavorable methylation
Whichever type they are, together DNA methylation adaptogens work to
“clean up” DNA methylation in three primary ways:
• Keeping certain “good” genes turned on by preventing new methyl
groups from being laid down
• Maintaining appropriate gene expression by preventing new methyl
groups from being laid down
• Adding methyl groups to where genes are expressed inappropriately
so that they stay turned off

Newer research suggests that DNA methylation adaptogens might elicit a

beneficial epigenetic alteration of tumor-suppressor genes, anti-
inflammatory genes, and—as our study suggests—methylation sites on
genes that are associated with aging. What makes them so powerful is that
they appear to be selective in their influence. Whether that selectivity comes
from low doses of many different flavonoids working together or some other
mechanism, they seem to use the body’s wisdom to remove methyl groups
where they are causing harm and leave them where they are doing good. For
example, luteolin—an adaptogenic flavonoid found in Mexican oregano,
thyme, and celery—has been shown in a cell study to be as effective as a
pharmaceutical demethylating drug.18 That effectiveness becomes even
more exciting when you consider that luteolin comes with a near-total
absence of risk of side effects, as opposed to demethylating drugs, which are
nonspecific in the genes that they target—which means they are known to
have far-reaching unintended consequences.


While there are many, many foods that contain these two types of DNA
methylation–supportive nutrients—you’ll find a complete list in the Nutrient
Reference at the back of this book (here)—here are the superstars, listed in
order of importance.



Methyl donors Folate (B9) Liver, chickpeas, beans (although legumes

can be problematic for some, so we omit
them from the Younger You Intensive unless
you are vegetarian or vegan—more here)
Vitamin B12 Clams, liver, fish

Betaine Beets, spinach, quinoa

Choline Egg yolks, liver, lentils

DNA methylation EGCG Green tea


Curcumin Turmeric

Romarinic acid Rosemary

Quercetin Apples, onions, berries, broccoli, and capers


Although I do believe in letting food be thy medicine, you are a whole,
multifaceted person, and, thus, the things you do when you aren’t eating also
have enormous influence on your health.
Since I first started delving into the scientific literature to uncover foods
that optimize DNA methylation, I have been pleasantly surprised to find so
many lifestyle practices that we already knew to be supportive of health—
such as exercise, sleep, and meditation—are also known to impact genetic
expression. Also, steering yourself away from toxins, both in your food and
your environment, is a vital piece of the plan, so that you aren’t regularly
ingesting substances that can impair “normative” DNA methylation.
Seeing this research showed me that we needed to be prescribing things
like exercise, relaxation, and sleep in much the same way that we prescribed
an eating plan. When you combine these lifestyle pieces into a doable,
regular routine, their positive benefits are increased.
DNA methylation supportive lifestyle habits include:

OK, all you insomniacs out there. Let me attempt to not stress you out by
haranguing you with how important sleep is to health; especially epigenetic
health. (Believe me, as someone who struggles with sleep and whose child is
still a toddler, sleep has not been my self-care strong suit.) Just keep in mind
as you read that you don’t need to get epic amounts of slumber. In fact, in
our study, we advised our participants to get a very moderate seven hours of
sleep a night, which is generally considered to be healthy.19 They didn’t have
to completely overhaul their lives or their sleep habits in order to reap the
benefits of healthy sleep and reduce their bio age. So if you’ve given up on
ever being able to get eight hours regularly, let me just start by lowering the
bar a bit.
That being said (here it comes), sleep is a vital piece of your health.
There is an emerging body of science in humans and animals looking at
changes to the epigenome that poor sleep triggers in everyone from infants
to adults, and it’s not pretty. For instance, sleep and accelerated aging: one
fairly large study of over two thousand women showed insomnia (chronic
sleep deprivation) significantly accelerated DNA methylation age.20 A
similar, smaller study showed the same thing again: a consistent sleep record
of short duration and poor quality accelerated aging.21 Changes noted
include accelerated cognitive deficits, metabolic changes (think weight gain
and diabetes), and changes to circadian rhythm genes.
What’s interesting—and concerning—is that changes can be noted
quickly. As in, after one poor night’s sleep.22 I know—painful! Rather than
fixating on how a bad night’s sleep can wreak epigenetic havoc (especially
while you’re lying there, awake), remember that what you do consistently
matters more than what you do once in a while. Meaning, it’s chronic
deprivation that we’re concerned about. I’ll cover many ways to optimize
sleep so that you get more of it in Chapter 7.

You may think of exercise as a way to burn calories, build muscle, improve
cardiovascular health, or clear your head. Exercise is all of these things, yet
it is so much more. Because exercise is such great nourishment to your DNA
methylation, it is also an anti-aging elixir.
Exercise is well known to be broadly beneficial for almost every aspect
of health—regulating insulin sensitivity, decreasing inflammation, and
lowering homocysteine—and has been shown to extend mean life span in
animal models. Exercise triggers what’s known as hormesis, or a biological
process where a beneficial effect is triggered by a limited exposure to
something harmful or challenging to the body. You probably know that
lifting weights causes microtears in the muscle that the body then knits back
together to make it bigger and stronger. A similar process happens on the
cellular level, too: exercise causes increased free radicals in the
mitochondria, which are the energy factories within your cells that you may
recall learning about in high school biology class. Free radicals are
destructive molecules, which might seem like a bad thing until you consider
that those free radicals induce a hormetic response where your antioxidant
system is turned on to put out the fires. As a result, every time you exercise,
your mitochondria are drenched in the potent antioxidant elixirs that only
our body can make. It’s important to note that you want just enough
exposure to free radicals, as too many can be definitively damaging. Like
most things, exercise has a U curve of benefit, and exercise that is too
extreme breaks the body down in greater amounts than it can recover from.
A 2018 study found that Polish elite athletes, especially those involved in
power sports (such as competitive weight lifting), were significantly
biologically older than healthy controls of similar mean ages.23 This
suggests a sweet spot for exercise, which may be more or less than what you
are currently doing.
When it comes to DNA methylation, research suggests that reasonable
exercise is nearly always beneficial, with changes that can be seen almost
immediately. Multiple studies have shown exercise reduces methylation of
tumor-suppressor genes. This mechanism is probably a big reason why
exercise is an important preventative measure for cancer, as well as an
invaluable intervention if diagnosed, as was shown in a 2012 study looking
at breast cancer.24
Just as knocking yourself out at the gym to the point that you can barely
walk the next day is counter-productive, so is not moving enough. Being
sedentary is as woven into the typical American experience as a diet of
highly refined foods, and it is another piece of our collective way of living
that we have to consciously move away from. Luckily, you don’t need to
attend a CrossFit class, buy a Peloton bike, or hire a trainer to ensure you’re
moving enough. Even cleaning house showed anti-aging DNA methylation
changes (not that I recommend this one…)!25 Generally speaking, moderate
and consistent movement is the name of the game when it comes to helping
your genes be the best they can be.
In our study we had people exercise at least thirty minutes a day, five
days a week, at only 60 to 80 percent of perceived exertion, doing some
activity that they truly enjoyed. It was a potent part of the mix that led to
their significant reduction in bio age.

Stress-Reducing Practices
Stress plays an enormous role in DNA methylation. In fact, almost 25
percent of the methylation sites in the specific epigenetic clock that we used
in our study to determine biological age are related to stress. Research has
shown that cumulative life stress,26 PTSD,27 and even how much stress your
mother was exposed to when she was pregnant with you (recall the Project
Ice Storm study I mentioned in Chapter 2) can all negatively impact your
epigenome. And you can hand this pattern down to your offspring.
I know this probably sounds like a big fat bummer—after all, the world is
a stressful place and much of the stress you’ve been exposed to you had no
control over whatsoever (you may not even have been alive). Yet there is
good news.
We may not be able to control the things that cause us stress, but we do
have quite a lot of influence over our own response to stress. There are many
practices that induce the relaxation response.
Research has found alterations in DNA methylation in long-term
practitioners of tai chi28 or meditation,29 and even in “regular” people who
started a yoga class and practiced only one hour a week.30 A 2019 study by
Italian researchers demonstrated that sixty days of relaxation practice—such
as meditation or listening to peaceful music—for twenty minutes twice per
day significantly reduced the biological age in their group of healthy
participants (though not in their “patient” group).31 In our study, we had the
participants complete ten to twenty minutes of breath-focused meditation
twice a day. (I’ll share more of the specifics about that practice in Chapter
The more stress you have encountered, the more vital it is that you adopt
relaxation-inducing practices. I get the paradox in that—being stressed out
can make it seem mighty hard to pursue anything that isn’t absolutely vital
to survival. I’m arguing that doing things that reduce your stress, and doing
them consistently for the long term, are vital to your survival. They are a
huge part of how you heal from the stressors you’ve endured.
We absolutely have the ability to reverse stress-induced epigenetic
programming. These favorable changes can be detected even after a single
contemplative practice.32 Yet, like anything else, the longer you practice, the
longer lasting and more profound your results.
Even as a functional medicine practitioner, who is trained to see a patient
as a complex being, I find it awe-inspiring to see just how many things can
alter our DNA methylation—it shows just how many levers we have to
improve our own health. While that could sound overwhelming, that you
have more to take care of in order to be healthy, think of it this way: if any
one of these levers is a little off, you have a lot of other tools you can use to
shore yourself up. If your diet goes off the rails, for example, you can ramp
up your relaxation practices and your sleep to keep yourself in a good place
until you can get back on track. Or if you go through a spate of poor sleep,
you can make sure you’re eating plenty of methyl donors and DNA
methylation adaptogens and keep your epigenetics in a good place.


The combination of these three components appears to result in beautifully
balanced DNA methylation, resilience to disease, and a lower biological age.
Following this simple formula is like buying an umbrella insurance
policy for your health and resilience—whatever current health challenge
you’re facing, this will help. And whatever is lurking beneath the surface,
waiting until a vulnerable moment to appear, this will help ward it off.
Because aging is the root cause of the vast majority of diseases, by shaving
years off your biological clock, you’re not just getting younger, you’re
warding off diseases and steering your ship away from the sixteen-plus years
that the average American spends ill and unhappy at the end of their life.
As with most things, the best time to get started is two years ago; the
second best time is today. Before I dive into the specifics of the Younger You
Intensive plan, let’s take a look at how you can assess how old you are,
biologically, now, before you start making any changes. This will help you
gauge your progress and give you incentive to get started and keep going.





T here have been many attempts over the years to define biological age,
which, as I’ve covered, is not how old you are in years, but how old your
physiology suggests you are.
Over the past decade or so, telomeres (pronounced TEE-loh-meers) have
gotten a lot of attention from the scientific and medical community as
indicators of biological age, particularly thanks to the work of Elizabeth
Blackburn, PhD, professor of biology and physiology at the University of
California, San Francisco, who won the Nobel prize for her work on
telomeres, and Elissa Epel, PhD, professor of psychiatry at the University of
California, San Francisco, authors of The Telomere Effect. These sequences
of genetic material are found at the end of the strands of our chromosomes—
they protect DNA by keeping it from fraying and from fusing with other
strands. They are often compared to the plastic tips that seal the end of
Telomeres are made out of pairs of the same nucleic acid bases that DNA
is comprised of: guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T), and cytosine (C).
Every time a cell divides, it replicates its DNA, and with each replication,
the telomere loses some of its base pairs and gets a little shorter; so as we
age, the length of our telomeres goes down. And the shorter our telomeres,
the greater our risk of diseases.
Telomere length seems like a great way to assess how old you truly are,
and it certainly is an important consideration when taking stock of how
healthy your whole being is. But the length of your telomeres only has a .4
correlation with your actual age (with 1 being perfect correlation). That
means they have a 60 percent chance of being wrong. Not great odds.
In 2013, Steve Horvath, a professor of human genetics and biostatistics at
UCLA, published findings that he could determine biological age by
analyzing the DNA methylation on hundreds of sites on the genome with
only a cheek swab or a drop of blood. Extraordinarily, the results of that test
had a correlation of .96 with chronological age. Even more impressive:
much of that missing .04 is not a mistake—it’s the difference between your
calendar age and your biological age. He essentially discovered an
epigenetic clock—one that has become the gold standard of determining true
physiological age, which he titled the DNAmAge clock, and which is now
colloquially known as the Horvath clock.
Horvath’s DNAmAge epigenetic clock works by looking at methylation
at hundreds of specific sites on DNA that change with age. Some get more
and more methylated as you live longer, and some are the opposite—they get
less and less so the older you get. By looking at the methylation status of
these specific sites on the genome, the clock can calculate your bio age by
assessing how old the methylation patterns on your genes are. The
DNAmAge clock is what has made possible studies—like ours—that
measure the impact of different strategies on bio age.
Since we began our study, many second-generation epigenetic clocks
have been released, including the GrimAge clock and the PhenoAge clock,
which correlate with disease and mortality risk, not chronological age. In
fact, research into the world of epigenetic clocks has galloped forward since
we began our study, and it’s all quite exciting. There are clocks that can
measure the age of skeletal muscle, the brain’s cortex, and the immune
system.1 We will be using some of these second-generation clocks in our
next study, which will be larger and include men and women, although we
will also include the Horvath clock again, since it correlates most closely
with true chronological age. We suspect that these second-generation clocks
may be even more responsive to our program because they track with health
and disease rather than the Horvath clock, which tracks with chronological
As I began writing this book, assessing bio age with the DNAmAge (or
any other) epigenetic clock had been accessible only to researchers and was
very expensive. Only a year later, this technology is becoming available and
more affordable for both clinicians and individuals, empowering you to
objectively assess the epigenetic effects of any diet or lifestyle interventions.
(See the Resources, here, for more information on how to gain access to bio
age testing.)
So that you can measure the changes you make to your bio age over the
next eight weeks (and beyond), I am including three different ways to assess
and keep tabs on your bio age. While none of them can match the accuracy
of a bio age test that analyzes your individual DNA methylation patterns,
they can give you a detailed look at your current state of health.
The first is the Bio Age Self-Assessment (BASA), which gauges how
your daily habits and basic biometrics are collectively influencing your rate
of aging. The second is the Medical Symptoms Questionnaire (MSQ), which
is a standard tool in functional medicine that every patient at our clinic fills
out regularly to give us a window into how our interventions are impacting
overall health and quality of life. And the third is guidance on which basic
blood tests to ask your doctor for (if you haven’t had these done in the last
three to six months), as well as how to interpret those results. While none of
these tools replaces DNAmAge testing, taken together, they are a quick,
low-cost way to objectively evaluate both the steps you’re taking to improve
your health (with the BASA) and the results of those steps (with the MSQ
and the lab results).
I suggest taking both of these self-assessments—and, if you can, getting
your bloodwork done—now, before you start implementing any Younger
You program changes (be they from the Intensive or the Everyday version),
so that you can capture your “before” and give yourself a baseline to help
gauge your progress and incentivize you to stay on track.
Ideally, you’d do the BASA again in four weeks (halfway through the
Younger You Intensive) and then again at the end of the eight weeks; and
you’d do the MSQ every week during the Intensive so that you can evaluate
the fruits of your efforts as you go, which should give you great motivation
to keep going. I know that lab tests typically require a doctor’s order to get,
but if you are able, I suggest getting your blood tested again at the end of
eight weeks.
You can also take the BASA and MSQ, and input the values of your
blood work, in our 3 Years Younger (3YY) app, the digital version of the
Younger You program, which will keep track of your scores and, through our
program nutritionists, give you personalized recommendations based on
your results. And if you are interested in learning your bio age via a
DNAmAge test, and learn more about the methylation patterns on some of
the genes I mention throughout the book, including the nutrient-responsive
tumor-suppressor genes, you can do that through our 3YY digital program as
well. See Resources, here, for more information.


This subjective biological age self-assessment (BASA) questionnaire is a
useful guide to show you what you’re already doing right and where you can
improve. To find your BASA score, simply answer the questions below and
follow the directions at the end of the questionnaire to calculate your score.
How often to do this assessment:
• Before you get started
• Halfway through the Intensive (four weeks in)
• Once you’ve completed the Intensive (after eight weeks)
• Every two months thereafter

SECTION 1: Diet and Nutrition

1. How many servings (1 serving = 3 ounces) of vegetables do you
consume on an average day (e.g., cruciferous, dark leafy, or colorful
None (+3)
1–3 (+2)
4–6 (-2)
7+ (-3)
2. How often do you consume at least one of the following nutrient-
dense foods: nuts and seeds, fatty fish, eggs, liver?
Once per month or less (+2)
Once a week (0)
2–3 times a week (-2)
Almost every day (-3)
3. How often do you eat fermented foods or prebiotic-rich foods (e.g.,
lacto-fermented vegetables and legumes, kombucha, raw garlic,
onion, leek, dandelion greens, etc.)?
Once per month or less (+2)
Once a week (+1)
2–3 times a week (0)
Almost every day (-2)
4. How often do you consume at least one of the following herbs,
teas, and spices: rosemary, turmeric, garlic, green tea, oolong tea,
curcumin supplement, EGCG supplement?
Once per month or less (+2)
2–3 times a week (0)
Daily (-1)
5. How many glasses of water do you consume on a daily basis?
0 (+2)
1–3 (+1)
4+ (-1)
6. On a typical day, what is the longest window of time you go without
eating a meal?
9 hours or less (+1)
10–12 hours (0)
12+ hours (-1)
7. How often do you eat mindfully (e.g., away from distractions such
as your phone or TV, chewing slowly, paying attention to flavors and
textures of food, taking a break to breathe and check fullness)?
Never (+2)
Rarely (+1)
Sometimes (0)
Often (-1)
8. How many 4-ounce glasses of wine or alcoholic beverages do you
consume in an average week?
More than 21 drinks per week (+2)
14–21 drinks per week (+1)
5–14 drinks per week (0)
Less than 5 drinks per week (-1)
9. How frequently do you eat deep-fried, broiled, or charred foods?
Almost every day (+2)
2–3 times a week (+1)
Once a week (0)
Once per month or less (-1)
10. How often do you consume refined flour or refined sugar (e.g.,
fast food, soda, packaged snacks, baked goods)?
Almost every day (+2)
2–3 times a week (+1)
Once a week (0)
Once per month or less (-1)

SECTION 2: Lifestyle
1. How often do you engage in an activity you would consider to be
“play” (e.g., playing tennis with a friend, playing a board game with
your children or grandchildren, etc.)?
Never (+2)
Once per month (0)
1–2 times per week (-1)
3+ times per week (-2)
2. How often do you engage in moderate or high-intensity
cardiovascular exercise (that gets your heart rate up, causes you to
break a sweat, and have some difficulty in talking)?
Never (+2)
Once per month (0)
1–2 times per week (-2)
3+ times per week (-3)
3. How often do you do exercise that makes your muscles work as
hard as they can (e.g., pushups, situps, lifting weights, using bands)?
Once per month or less (+1)
1–2 times per week (-1)
3+ times per week (-2)
4. How many hours do you spend sitting every day?
8 hours or more (+2)
5–8 hours (+1)
Less than 5 hours (-1)
5. How many hours do you sleep on an average night?
0–4 hours (+2)
5–6 hours (+1)
7–9 hours (-2)
10+ hours (+1)
6. How do you rate your quality of sleep (do you wake up feeling
refreshed and well rested)?
Poor (+2)
Fair (+1)
Good (-1)
7. How would you describe your overall level of toxin exposure (e.g.,
regular exposure to construction materials, gasoline, eating or
heating food stored in plastic, cleaning chemicals, mercury dental
fillings, lead paint)?
Very high (+3)
High (+2)
Moderate (+1)
Low (0)
8. Do you smoke cigarettes or live with somebody who does?
1 pack per day or more (+3)
Half a pack per day (+2)
1–5 cigarettes per day (+1)
None (0)
9. Were you ever a smoker? If yes, how long ago did you quit?
Less than 1 year ago (+3)
1–5 years ago (+2)
6–10 years ago (+1)
More than 10 years ago (0)
10. How much time do you spend in nature (hikes, hanging out in the
yard, or visiting a city park all qualify)?
Almost never (+2)
1–3 times per month (0)
1–3 times per week (-1)
Daily (-2)

SECTION 3: Mental Wellness

1. How often do you experience high levels of stress?
Daily (+2)
Weekly (+1)
Monthly (-1)
Almost never (-2)
2. How do you most commonly cope with high stress levels?
Meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, or talking it out (-2)
Physical activity (-1)
Eating comfort food (+1)
Smoking or drinking (+2)
Tranquilizers or antidepressants (+3)
3. How would you rate your happiness?
Mostly unhappy (+2)
Sometimes unhappy (+1)
Generally happy (-1)
Mostly happy (-2)
4. How many strong and reliable relationships with others would you
say you have?
None (+2)
Few (+1)
Fair amount (-1)
A lot (-2)
5. Is your job fulfilling?
Not at all (+2)
Somewhat enjoy it (+1)
Mostly enjoy it (-1)
Love it (-2)
6. How involved are you in the community at large?
Very actively involved (-2)
Moderately involved (-1)
Not so involved (+1)
Not at all (+2)
7. How often do you engage in creative activities?
Weekly (-1)
Daily (-2)
8. Are you currently learning new skills that stretch your brain? (e.g.,
learning a new language, taking up a new musical instrument,
studying a new field)
Yes (-3)
No (0)
9. Do you feel like you have a sense of purpose in life?
Always (-2)
Sometimes (-1)
Rarely (+1)
Almost never (+2)
10. Do you engage in prayer, meditation, or breathing exercises?
Daily (-2)
Weekly (-1)
Not so much (0)

SECTION 4: Anthropometrics
1. What is your waistline?
Greater than 40 (+2)
37–39 (+1)
32–36 (0)
Less than 32 (-1)
Greater than 35 (+2)
33–34 (+1)
28–32 (0)
Less than 28 (-1)
2. What is your BMI?
(Use the calculator at
/bmicalc.htm; if your waistline doesn’t add to your bio age, and you
have a lot of muscle, your BMI will be falsely high, as muscle is heavy
—if that’s you, choose the next lowest answer.)
35+ (+3)
31–34 (+2)
20–30 (0)
Less than 20 (+1)
3. Your blood pressure is two numbers. What is the lower number
90+ (+2)
80–90 (+1)
60–79 (-1)

Calculating Your Results

To determine your subjective biological age
• Total up the numbers, positive and negative.
• Divide by ten (just add a decimal point; for example, if your total is
-12, your score is -1.2).
• Subtract this number from (or add it to) your chronological age to find
your bio age; compare it to your chronological age for a glimpse of
how well you’re doing now, and use it as a baseline to assess how
your efforts are paying off in bio age reversal (or not).


Virtually every functional medicine practice the world over uses this
questionnaire. We find it essential in tracking a patient’s response to
treatments. We used the MSQ in our study, and it will likewise be useful for
you in gauging how you are responding to the Younger You program.
If you have a current diagnosis, this review of symptoms helps you and
potentially your health-care provider see which of your systems are
performing well, and which might be struggling. It will also help you see
how changing your diet and lifestyle affects the number and intensity of
Rate each of the following symptoms based on your experience in the
past seven days, assigning them a point value based on the following scale.
Focus less on your total score and more on how that number changes over
the next eight weeks.
As you go, add up your total for each section in the space provided.
When you’re done, add up all the section scores for your total score.
How often to do this assessment:
• Before you embark on either Younger You program
• While you’re on the Younger You program, once a week
• Once a month at a minimum thereafter

Point scale:
0 Never or almost never have the symptom
1 Occasionally have it, effect is not severe
2 Occasionally have it, effect is severe
3 Frequently have it, effect is not severe
4 Frequently have it, effect is severe
Digestive Tract
___________Nausea, vomiting
___________Bloated feeling
___________Belching, passing gas
___________Intestinal/stomach pain
Total ___________
___________Itchy ears
___________Earaches, ear infections
___________Drainage from ear
___________Ringing in ears, hearing loss
Total ___________
___________Mood swings
___________Anxiety, fear, nervousness
___________Anger, irritability, aggressiveness
Total ___________
___________Fatigue, sluggishness
___________Apathy, lethargy
Total ___________
___________Watery or itchy eyes
___________Swollen, reddened, or sticky eyelids
___________Bags or dark circles under eyes
___________Blurred or tunnel vision (does not include near- or
Total ___________
Total ___________
___________Irregular or skipped heartbeat
___________Rapid or pounding heartbeat
___________Chest pain
Total ___________
___________Pain or aches in joints
___________Stiffness or limitation of movement
___________Pains or aches in muscles
___________Feeling of weakness or tiredness
Total ___________
___________Chest congestion
___________Asthma, bronchitis
___________Shortness of breath
___________Difficulty breathing
Total ___________
___________Poor memory
___________Confusion, poor comprehension
___________Poor concentration
___________Poor physical coordination
___________Difficulty in making decisions
___________Stuttering or stammering
___________Slurred speech
___________Learning disabilities
Total ___________
___________Chronic coughing
___________Gagging, frequent need to clear throat
___________Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice
___________Swollen or discolored tongue, gums, lips
___________Canker sores
Total ___________
___________Stuffy nose
___________Sinus problems
___________Hay fever
___________Sneezing attacks
___________Excessive mucus formation
Total ___________
___________Hives, rashes, dry skin
___________Hair loss
___________Flushing, hot flashes
___________Excessive sweating
Total ___________
___________Binge eating/drinking
___________Craving certain foods
___________Excessive weight
___________Compulsive eating
___________Water retention
Total ___________
___________Frequently ill
___________Frequent or urgent urination
___________Genital itch or discharge
Total ___________

Grand total ___________

Interpreting Your Results

Less than 10: Aging at an optimal rate: Although you’re doing well,
you still stand to benefit from the Younger You Intensive—our study
participants were very healthy to begin with, and they still reversed their bio
age by an average of over three years!
10–50: Aging at a typical rate: In my clinical opinion, any score over
10 is reason to pay attention (seriously, do you want to be aging at a
“typical” rate in the United States, where so many of us are destined for the
chronic diseases of aging?). Your scores should drop quickly on the Younger
You Intensive.
50–100: Aging at a moderately accelerated rate: In our practice,
typically, people respond positively, and quickly, to the Younger You
Intensive—even those with a condition or disease—and we can tell because
their MSQ scores come down. You can expect to see your numbers get better
over the next eight weeks of the program, regardless of whether you have a
diagnosed condition or not.
100+: Aging at a significantly accelerated rate: As with the previous
category, you can expect to see your total come down quickly as you embark
upon—and stay on—the Younger You Intensive.

For everyone, no matter your total score, notice if your points are clustered
in one category or another. These may be explained by something short-
term. If, for example, it’s pollen season and your sniffles and sneezes are
severe, that’s why your Head and Nose scores might be high; it might also
explain why your sleep is poor. Your scores should drop fairly quickly as the
season changes. And if your condition is acute, like a head cold or a stomach
bug, you will likely see your scores spike and then lower quickly. But if your
symptom scores linger or even start to creep up, you want to monitor the
If, during the eight weeks, you don’t see a downward trend, the question
is why: are there any foods you might be consuming that aren’t on the diet—
whether knowingly (continuing to drink beer, for example) or unknowingly
(eating out at a restaurant and inadevertently ordering something with hidden
dairy or gluten)? If you don’t see a favorable downward trajectory and
you’re following the plan, or you’re having trouble complying with any part
of the plan, reach out to your care provider or to a practitioner whom you
find through the avenues we list in the Resource section here.


Scientists and doctors are always looking for standard, affordable blood
chemistries that will give us clues to your aging journey. And the fact is,
there are quite a few tests that can provide important insights. While clinical
lab tests such as these are not as rigorous as the DNAmAge test, they are still
important and useful to assess both where your health is now and to gauge
the effectiveness of any changes you make to your diet and lifestyle in the
coming weeks.
These are some of the routine blood tests I order for my patients that are
generally part of your annual physical and, therefore, you should have access
to these results in your patient records. With the exception of DHEA-S, these
labs are common and cheap, and their results offer a reasonable snapshot of
how the body is performing at a physiological level in a given time period.
I included DHEA-S, which stands for dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate and
is a precursor to testosterone, because in one interesting study it was a very
strong predictor of bio aging in both men and women—the lower the
DHEA-S, the higher the bio age.2 I did not include homocysteine on this list
because, although it’s a key player in the methylation cycle and does tend to
rise with chronological age, it’s not predictive of bio age.
While I’m including standard and optimal ranges, you should also always
check with your medical practitioner for interpretation, particularly if one or
more of your values falls outside these ranges. (You can also enter your
blood chemistry lab data into the 3YY digital program metabolic age
calculator to receive a bio age score based on blood chemistry, chronological
age, and sex. See the Resources section for more information.)
How often to get your blood tested:
• Before starting either Younger You plan
• Again after eight weeks of following the plan
• Twice a year after that


Glucose** 70–100 mg/dL 70–84 mg/dL
Albumin** 3.4–5.4 g/dL 4–5.4 g/dL
Creatinine** 0.6–1.3 mg/dL 0.7–1.1 mg/dL
Potassium** 3.7–5.2 mEq/L 4.0–5.0 mEq/L
ALT** 4–36 U/L 10–30 U/L
AST** 8–33 U/L 10–25 U/L
Lymphocytes 20–40% 25–40%
WBC 4.3–15.3 umol/L 5–8 umol/L
HS-CRP** 0–3 mg/L <= 1.0 mg/L
HbA1c 4.5–5.7% <= 5.0%
*Cholesterol** 100–199 mg/dL 180–200 mg/dL
*LDL** 0–99 mg/dL Under 100 mg/dL
*HDL** 40–59 mg/dL Over 55 mg/dL
Triglycerides** 0–149 mg/dL Under 100 mg/dL
Men: 25–510 ug/dL Men: 350 ug/dL–500 ug/dL
Women: 15–320 ug/dL Women: 275 ug/dL–400 ug/dL

** Fasting test
* Clinicians practicing functional medicine may say that your LDL, HDL, and/or cholesterol
are fine at higher levels when other lipid lab values are in check.

Now that you have a clear picture of where you’re starting from, it’s time
to implement the methyl donor + DNA methylation adaptogen + lifestyle
practices = Y2 formula. This is where you can start making positive changes
to your DNA methylation immediately—and start building long-term health.



S usan experienced something so many moms face—she had felt pretty healthy until
she had her first child. Then the rigors of working motherhood had led her to skimp
on sleep, skip exercise, use wine to take the edge off her stress, and rely on carb-
heavy foods like bagels, sandwiches, and sweets to keep her energy up during the
long days of balancing career and parenting. Now that her children were young adults
and out of the house, Susan had the bandwidth to focus on her own health, which was
clearly suffering. At fifty-seven and postmenopausal, Susan had been experiencing
pervasive fatigue, continual hunger, brain fog, blurred vision, hair loss, constipation,
and weight that had accumulated around her middle. Investigating those symptoms
had recently resulted in her being diagnosed with LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes
in adults), and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
When I first saw Susan, her fasting blood glucose was very high (335 mg/dL,
when ideally it should be below 90), with a hemoglobin A1C of 12.1 (I like to see this
number around 5 or lower). I took aim at her blood sugar and prescribed her a low-
carb, anti-inflammatory diet. After two months, her blood sugar had dropped to 108,
which was great. However, her homocysteine was 14.0, which was not great—it
suggested she was having issues with all methylation, including DNA methylation.
That’s when I refined her prescription to be the full Younger You Intensive.
Our nutritionist helped Susan prioritize the many DNA methylation superstar
foods; she also worked closely with Susan to help her develop a plan to stay on the
program even on her frequent business trips to Asia. For travel, that guidance
included tips for navigating restaurant food and a list of packable foods to take with
her. We also worked a little bit on sleep hygiene to minimize jet lag—prescribing
melatonin and a little extra magnesium glycinate. Guidance for minimizing toxin
exposure and developing regular exercise habits and a relaxation practice rounded out
Susan’s diet and lifestyle plan.
After four months on the plan, her labs had improved remarkably: her fasting
blood glucose was down to 82 and her homocysteine lowered to 7.1. Best of all,
Susan had never felt better. Her sharp thinking returned. And, not for nothing, she
looked great, too. Her eyes shone, the color in her cheeks returned, her hair started to
grow in thicker, and her relief at knowing exactly what to do to address her health
challenges was palpable. Susan’s renewed energy also gave her the motivation to
stick with the program over the long term. Seeing this transformation, from scared
and overwhelmed to vital and empowered, never fails to give me goose bumps.
This is where your transformation begins, too.
Let’s just pause for a moment, because this, right here, is the oldest your bio age—
relative to your chronological age—is going to be. Following this eating and lifestyle
plan is your ticket to a younger you. No matter what you’re facing in your life or in
your health, the Younger You Intensive will help you bring your most resilient self to
the challenge.
In this chapter, I’m outlining the exact program that enabled our study participants
to achieve the incredible result of shaving three-plus years off their biological clocks
as compared to the study controls. Just a reminder that our study and the Younger You
Intensive is an eight-week program. This is because, while epigenetic changes can
occur after just one meal, in order for them to be lasting, you’ve got to stick with a
DNA methylation–supportive plan for at least eight weeks. In fact, we measured our
study participants’ biological age at four weeks, and while things looked to be headed
in the right direction, there weren’t yet significant changes. You’ve got to stick with
It’s also important to remember that the lifestyle components of the Younger You
Intensive are also vital to its success; they all have powerful, documented anti-aging
benefit, and we believe that our study participants achieved the age turnaround that
they did because these practices were included in the program. But since diet is
probably the single most important, make-or-break strategy for boosting and
balancing DNA methylation, we’re going to start with the eating plan first.

Younger You Intensive at a Glance

○ This eating plan is rich in methyl donors and DNA methylation

○ The mainstay of the diet is vegetables—dark leafy greens,
cruciferous vegetables, and antioxidant-rich colorful veggies (and
some fruits); as a result the diet is high fiber and low glycemic.
○ The bulk of the calories come from healthy fats, in the form of nuts,
seeds, and high-quality oils.
○ There are moderate amounts of high-quality, organic animal protein,
which provide important methylation-supportive nutrients;
vegetarians and vegans can readily adapt the plan to their needs.
○ The plan is somewhat lower carb, and contains no grains—
especially no grains fortified with folic acid (basically any processed
grain product—including wheat and rice flours)—no beans or
legumes, no added sugars, and no dairy.


The Younger You Intensive diet is built on the foundations of what we know to be
important elements of a healthy diet, including:

Low Sugar and Low Glycemic

High blood sugar is a fundamental imbalance that, like Mrs. O’Leary’s cow, starts a
fire that can burn down the entire town. Sugar and simple carbs in excess amounts are
uniformly inflammatory and thus toxic to your body. In fact all of the chronic
diseases of aging are associated with inflammation and caused or made worse by
excess sugar. Sugar directly damages the tissue it comes in contact with and it induces
the synthesis of fat and bad cholesterol. Visualize sugar glomming onto your organs,
tissues, and cells, making them unable to work correctly. The results? Liver disease,
high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, dementia, and of course,
As far as methylation goes, research suggests that the impact of high blood sugar
can influence DNA methylation patterns in a bad way, and do it quickly—even after
one single high-glucose event. Worse yet, these negative changes last for a long time
after blood sugar drops back to normal.1 When scientists tested the effects of short-
term glucose on human insulin-producing cells, they were blown away by the far-
reaching changes to DNA methylation patterns on important genes associated with
metabolism and inflammation.2 Elevated blood sugar over the long term, which is
measured via a hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) blood test, is no better for your
epigenome: high HbA1c levels correlate with epigenetic dysfunction, suggesting that
high blood sugar directly damages DNA methylation.3 Conversely, research also
suggests that adopting a diet that reduces blood sugar in the short and long term is
associated with improved epigenetics.
For all these reasons, the Younger You Intensive is low glycemic, which means
that it includes foods that have a low impact on your blood sugar. Typically, low
glycemic foods are high in fiber as well as low in sugar, as the fiber slows the
digestion and absorption of any sugar, avoiding spikes in blood sugar.
Because high blood sugar leads to high levels of insulin—the hormone that cues
the body to sweep sugar out of the bloodstream—eating a low glycemic diet also
keeps insulin in a healthy low range, which is good because chronically elevated
insulin drives many imbalances, from cardiometabolic diseases (including high
triglycerides and cholesterol) to full-on type 2 diabetes. Not surprisingly, elevated
insulin is also associated with imbalanced DNA methylation. (Our study participants
lowered their triglycerides and cholesterol—clear evidence that they were following
the program and reaping benefits.)

Keto Leaning
A ketogenic diet is lower carb, moderate protein, and higher fat, with the stated goal
of getting your body into ketosis, or the state where it manufactures ketones for fuel
from fat instead of burning glucose. (Again, we can see our participants succeeded in
achieving ketosis because their triglycerides dropped significantly, showing us they
were using fat as fuel.)
Ketones have a powerful anti-inflammatory benefit, and ketosis appears to have a
beneficial influence on the epigenome. We also know ketones are highly beneficial in
brain health—in refractory epilepsy, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease,4 for example.
Further, the ketogenic diet is being used as an adjunct therapy in a wide variety of
cancers, including breast and colon. I have no doubt that the underlying mechanisms
for these conditions include epigenetic changes. In fact, one study discusses ketones
not just as fuel for the body, but “signal molecules” with the ability to reprogram the
epigenome, including DNA methylation.5 I suspect as more research emerges, our
appreciation of ketones will continue to rise.
While getting into ketosis is not a primary goal of the Younger You Intensive, we
designed the diet to allow for some “background” ketones to be created by keeping
simple carbs lower, fats higher, and protein moderate. This macronutrient ratio is also
a great way to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level.
Beyond ketone production, healthy fats are helpful for DNA methylation because,
oftentimes, consuming polyphenols (micronutrients found in plant-based foods, many
of which are DNA methylation adaptogens) with fat yields better absorption,
particularly for resveratrol and curcumin. Thus, eating plenty of fat with your
vegetables (such as a salad with dressing, or a stir-fry with olive or medium-chain
triglyceride [MCT] oil) helps your body absorb the nutrients that support DNA

Low-glycemic plants (meaning, nonstarchy vegetables and low-sugar fruits) are
primary sources of methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens—the two
categories of food that contain the ingredients we want in copious amounts. In
addition, they are high in fiber, low in calories, and easier on the environment. As
such, the vast majority of the foods included in the Younger You Intensive are
vegetables, with a smattering of fruits. In fact, your target is to eat seven cups of
various types of vegetables per day.
Eating a broad array of vegetables and fruit (in moderation) is also helpful because
research suggests that eating polyphenols in combination is better than alone,
particularly when it comes to exerting anticancer benefits.6

Moderate Amounts of Clean Animal Protein

That being said, the Younger You Intensive does include a moderate amount of clean
animal protein, which is the highest quality that you can obtain. Ideally, it would be
local, organic, and raised humanely, but this isn’t always available or accessible. Just
do the best you can. Pastured and/or omega-3-enriched eggs and organic liver in
particular are each methylation superstars (so potent, in fact, that you only need to eat
them a few times a week). And salmon, grass-fed beef, pastured chicken, organic
pork, and organic lamb provide amino acids that are vital for DNA methylation. This
plan does limit the amount of animal protein you should consume per day to 6 ounces
total (unless you are over sixty or weigh over 175 pounds, in which case that amount
can go as high as 10 ounces).
This small amount of quality animal protein we believe is safe and highly
beneficial. Although there is research that links the consumption of animal protein to
overall mortality, that is primarily talking about processed meats, such as hot dogs,
salami, and sausages, which aren’t included in this eating plan.

Macronutrient Target Ratios

For those of you who thrive on numeric guidelines, here is the

breakdown of macronutrients for the Younger You Intensive; you’ll see
that we’ve also included macronutrient percentages in each of the
Fat: 45–50 percent of daily calories, from a blend of healthy
monounsaturated, saturated, omega-3, and omega-6 fats.
Protein: 15–20 percent of daily calories, which come from organic
and pastured meat, eggs and organic liver, nuts and seeds, and—to a
much smaller extent—vegetables. (For vegetarians and vegans, we
are including legumes as an additional protein source.)
Carbs: 30–35 percent of daily calories, nearly all of which come
from green, cruciferous, and colorful vegetables and low-sugar fruits.

To calculate exactly how much protein per day you should be

consuming, use the following formula:
If you are under sixty: You want to eat 0.66 grams of protein per
kilogram of body weight.
If you are over sixty, or weigh more than 175 pounds (79.5 kg):
You want to eat 1.0–1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
For most people, this works out to 5 to 6 ounces (for under sixty) or
9 to 10 ounces (for over sixty or those who weigh more than 175
pounds) of animal protein daily (in addition to the protein contained in
nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruit). For vegan and vegetarians, this is
about 40 to 50 grams of protein from beans, legumes, or protein
powder per day (again, in addition to the protein found in other types of
food). For vegetarians, this protein total can include eggs as well.
Caveat: If you are an athlete working on building muscle or are
increasing your protein to detox from a sugar addiction, short-term
protein increases are absolutely fine and helpful. But if you want to
follow our study guidelines, stick with these lower protein
recommendations during the eight-week Intensive.

Organic Whenever Possible

Eating organic reduces toxin exposure and saves the body from having to use methyl
donors to both protect the body (including the DNA) from chemical damage and to
detox the pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics present in conventionally raised
produce and meats. More on this here.

Grain-, Legume-, and Dairy-Free

Grains, particularly gluten-containing grains, have a high inflammatory potential for
some. They can also be high in carbohydrates, which pushes up blood sugar and
insulin. In addition, many processed grains are fortified with folic acid, which as I
covered in Chapter 3, can easily be over-consumed and can disrupt all biochemical
methylation, including DNA methylation. Dairy—particularly cow dairy—can also
be inflammatory and fairly high in sugar. And legumes, while generally a very
healthy source of protein and fiber, are higher in carbs and, for a small subset of folks,
might cause indigestion and even be pro-inflammatory.
In order to give your body some time off from as many potentially problematic
foods as possible, I suggest avoiding grains, dairy, and legumes during the Younger
You Intensive. That is, unless you’re a vegetarian or vegan, in which case you can
have some legumes—See here for more information on modifying the plan to a
completely animal product–free diet.
(Soaking, fermenting, and pressure cooking will render legumes more digestible,
which is why beans and other legumes are part of the Younger You Everyday
program. We just want to keep the diet as easy on your gut as possible during the

Moderate Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a great way to keep blood sugar low, support the production of
anti-inflammatory ketones, and kick in something called autophagy—a vital cellular
detox and clean-up process. Eating early in the day and going to bed without a full
stomach (and the task of digestion) is a potent preventative measure against diabetes,
obesity, and other metabolic diseases. Research demonstrates benefits of intermittent
fasting across most chronic diseases and on health span and life span. We know that
at least some of this benefit is likely driven by epigenetic reprogramming, including
DNA methylation.7
Both the Younger You Intensive and the Everyday incorporate a very doable
intermittent fasting schedule of eating only between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. If
you don’t naturally get hungry for breakfast until 9 or 10 a.m., that’s great, too—just
be sure you stop eating before 7 p.m. as you want your blood sugar to have a chance
to fall and your metabolism to be done with digestion before you go to bed. And if
you’re a night owl and go to bed later than 11, you can adjust this schedule so that
you still go twelve hours without eating overnight—just make sure to have your last
bit of food at least three hours before you retire so that you don’t go to bed with a full
stomach, and ideally you’re consuming most of your calories while it’s light out, as
research demonstrates that you burn more of your food, rather than storing it as fat,
when you eat during the day and fast at night.8 Obviously if you are a shift worker
(I’ve been there, believe me!) you’ll need to follow what’s right for you. I certainly
understand if your fasting time is daytime, when you’re sleeping.


To these foundational pieces, the Younger You eating plan adds in orthomolecular
nutrition guidelines designed to support your ability to optimize your DNA
methylation by prioritizing the components of the formula I introduced in the
previous chapter:

Methyl donors + DNA methylation adaptogens + lifestyle = Y2 (Younger You)

Consume Ample Vegetables
Methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens are found in abundance in many,
many veggies, which is why you’ll be eating a lot of them over the next eight weeks!
As I mentioned earlier, the whole foods matrix is the most effective way to consume
these all-important nutrients, especially in combination, as in a salad or stir-fry. All of
the veggie examples listed below contain both methyl donor and DNA methylation
adaptogen nutrients. For many, many more food options, refer to our Nutrient
Reference, starting here.
Your daily food intake should follow these guidelines:
2 cups dark leafy greens (measured raw, chopped, and packed)
Choose from: beet greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, escarole, kale,
lambsquarters, lettuce (endive, green, mesclun, raddicchio, red, romaine,
spring—but sorry, iceberg doesn’t cut it), mustard greens, purslane, spinach,
Swiss chard
2 cups cruciferous vegetables (measured raw, chopped, and packed)
Choose from: arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, daikon radish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard
greens, radishes, rutabaga, turnips, watercress
3 cups colorful vegetables
Choose from: artichokes, asparagus, bean sprouts, bell peppers (red, orange,
yellow, green), cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peas, leeks, okra,
onions, parsley, radicchio, radishes, sea vegetables (kelp, spirulina, wakame),
summer squash, sweet potato, sweet red peppers, tomato (including sun-dried
tomatoes), watercress, yams, zucchini
1–2 medium beets
¼ cup sunflower seeds or seed butter (ideally raw)
¼ cup pumpkin seeds or seed butter (ideally raw)
6 ounces clean animal protein (10 if you are over sixty or weigh more than 175
Choose from: beef, bison, buffalo, chicken, Cornish hen, duck, elk, goose,
lamb, low-mercury fish (anchovy, bass, cod, fish roe, flatfish, halibut,
haddock, herring, mackerel, perch, salmon, sardines, snapper, squid, tilefish,
trout, whitefish), pork, rabbit, quail, shellfish (clams, crab, lobster, mussels,
octopus, oysters, scallops, shrimp), turkey

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you’ll need additional protein from beans
and legumes (see here for more specific guidance).
Choose from: black beans, chickpeas, edamame, kidney beans, lentils, protein
powder, tempeh, and tofu (see here for more guidance on eating soy)
In addition, you have weekly targets for two methyl donor powerhouses:
Organic liver (3 3-ounce servings per week; these count toward your daily
animal protein total)
Choose from: organic beef, chicken, or lamb liver (see here for insight on how
to do this if you think you don’t like liver)
Eggs (5–10 eggs per week; these are included in your daily animal protein total)
Choose from: pastured and/or omega-3 enriched eggs from chickens, ducks,
or geese

You should also familiarize yourself with the twelve superfoods—the Dynamic
Dozen (see here)—that do the heaviest lifting for supplying these methyl donors and
DNA methylation adaptogens. Because they are such DNA methylation powerhouses,
they should become your go-to foods for the next eight weeks, and beyond.

Layer in Extra DNA Methylation Adaptogens

These are the foods that have been the bedrock of traditional cultures around the
world and that continually rebalance your DNA methylation portfolio by helping to
add methyl groups where they are needed and remove them where they aren’t.
In a DNA methylation twofer, the cruciferous family of vegetables provides
both methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens. So just by eating your two
cups of cruciferous veggies per day, you will be getting a nice amount of DNA
methylation adaptogens. (Thanks to the wonderful complexity of nature, there are
actually loads of foods that overlap these two categories… you can make a game out
of perusing the lists of DNA methylation–supportive foods in the Nutrient Reference
that starts here and finding the ones that deliver the most bang for your epigenetic
buck if that’s your idea of a good time!)
In addition to that, you want to eat at least two servings of other adaptogen foods a
day (see the list of my favorites below here)—and you can certainly have more,
although you want to limit your fruit intake to two ½ cup servings per day while on
the Intensive to keep the plan keto-leaning. Remember, it’s the blend of multiple
nutrients that provides the broadest base of benefit.
In addition to eating your adaptogens with a bit of fat, as I mentioned earlier, add a
bit of freshly ground black pepper to your salads and stir-fries. Why? Because some
DNA methylation adaptogens, particularly curcumin (turmeric), are better absorbed
when combined with piperine, a compound found in black pepper that is released
when the peppercorns are ground.9


Note: Limit the servings of berries and tomatoes to no more than two
per day, due to their sugar content. Again, for many more adaptogen
possibilities, refer to the Nutrient Reference here.


Blueberries (wild preferred) ½ cup
Capers 1 tablespoon
Cocoa powder 1 tablespoon
Coffee 1 8-ounce cup (before noon)
Dill 1 teaspoon, fresh, chopped, or ⅓ teaspoon, dried
Garlic 2 cloves
Green tea 1 8-ounce cup
Lemon 1 tablespoon juice or 1 teaspoon grated rind
Lime 1 tablespoon juice or 1 teaspoon grated rind
Mexican oregano 1 teaspoon, fresh, chopped
Oolong tea 1 8-ounce cup
Oregano 1 teaspoon, fresh, chopped, or ⅓ teaspoon, dried
Parsley 1 teaspoon, fresh, chopped, or ⅓ teaspoon, dried
Peppermint 1 teaspoon, fresh, chopped, or ⅓ teaspoon, dried
Rosemary 1 teaspoon, fresh, chopped, or ⅓ teaspoon, dried
Shiitake mushrooms ½ cup
Soy (organic edamame and fermented forms such 1 tablespoon for natto and miso, ¼ cup tempeh,
as natto, miso, and tempeh—and only for vegans crumbled, ½ cup edamame
and vegetarians while on the Younger You
Intensive, as soy is a legume)
Strawberries ½ cup, chopped
Tomatoes ½ cup, chopped
Turmeric 1 teaspoon, dried, or 1 tablespoon, fresh, grated

Basically, for the next eight weeks, you are going to get all the green, cruciferous,
and colorful veggies that you know you should have been eating all along. You’re
going to eat them with delicious dressings, sprinkle them with flavorful nuts and
seeds, and accompany them with an egg or a deck-of-cards-size piece of pastured
chicken or grass-fed steak. You’re not going to worry about counting calories,
because the healthy fats and the high fiber will naturally make and keep you full. You
can still have your morning cup of coffee; all other times you’re going to enjoy
filtered tap or spring water or seltzer, or sip on green tea or a Golden Turmeric Milk,
and enjoy how good it feels to be fully hydrated (without having your hydration
negatively impacted by high-sodium processed foods).
Of course, it’s a shift from the way most of us eat. I get that. It can take a few days
to get into the rhythm of it, which is totally OK. To help you over the hump, my
nutrition team and I have created recipes and a two-week meal plan for you to follow,
which you can see here. We calculated all the totals you could possibly calculate in
that meal plan, from macronutrient breakdowns to amounts of methyl donor and
DNA methylation adaptogens. If you like to cross your Ts and dot your Is, the meal
plan is your road map.
But I know that some of you prefer to wing it. And that is totally possible—just
follow the Cheat Sheet here to make sure you’re hitting your daily targets for green
vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, colorful vegetables, adaptogens, healthy fats, and
clean protein. It really can be as easy as checking a box.
Think of it as a choose-your-own adventure. One is scripted, and one is more of an
improvisation. You can also use our 3YY digital program for super easy tracking and
support (see here for more info).

Option 1: Scripted. Follow our menu plans—included here—and get started;

I’ve provided two weeks of meals, which you can repeat in order to get to eight
Pros: This takes the thinking out of it, and our recipes are scrumptious!
Cons: If you’re working or raising a family or both, it is likely going to
require some batch cooking, probably once on the weekend and once during
the week.
Option 2: Improv. Use the Cheat Sheet here to make sure you’re hitting your
food targets each day.
Pros: This approach has a lot more freedom in it—you can look in the fridge
and see which greens you feel like eating that day, for example. It’s also a lot
simpler. You can always use our recipes to inspire you and expand your
healthy-cooking repertoire.
Cons: You have to make more decisions. At least until you get your sea legs.
In our age of information overload and decision-fatigue, sometimes it’s easier
to just be told what to do.
There is no one right choice—just the one that works for you. Because our study
participants met with nutritionists trained in the program on an ongoing basis, we
learned that most of them were improvisers, using the recipe pack occasionally, but
leaning heavily on our Cheat Sheet. Even though the official Younger You Intensive
is eight weeks long, our patients, and many study participants, report that eating this
way becomes fairly habitual. Ron, who was part of our study, reports that following
the Intensive eating plan greatly broadened the range of vegetables he was eating, and
that he has kept his vegetable intake up to approximately seven cups per day. Even
when you aren’t technically “on the program,” once you’ve adapted to the daily
targets, it’s easy to adhere to without thinking about it too much.


Morning: Drink a glass of water when you wake up and have a coffee at home. If
you’re hungry and it’s after 7 a.m., have a Blueberry Beet Scone or an egg or two. If
you’re not hungry yet, it’s fine to wait to eat until you are. Fill a seven-cup Pyrex
container with at least five cups of your daily veggies, all chopped up—a mixture of
greens and cruciferous and colorful veggies. (During the colder months, this salad can
become a stir-fry that you cook in the morning—frozen veggies are OK to use, which
minimizes prep time—and then put in the Pyrex container so that you can bring it to
work.) To it, add a quarter cup of sunflower or pumpkin seeds, a handful of berries—
frozen organic berries are great in the off-season—and 3 ounces of chicken, salmon,
or hard-boiled egg on top (5 ounces if you’re over sixty or weigh more than 175
pounds, or one of the vegan sources of protein discussed here). Pour a serving of the
Herbal Epigenetic Dressing (here) into a jar so that it is portable.
Midmorning: Have a cup of green tea at work. Eat a little bit of that huge
salad/stir-fry around 9 or 10, or whenever you are hungry either for your first meal of
the day or for a snack if you ate something earlier. Keep a big pitcher of water on
your desk to ensure that you get half your body weight in ounces of water during the
Lunch: Eat the rest of that massive salad/stir-fry.
Midafternoon: Sip on some Golden Turmeric Milk (here), eat a handful or two of
Dinner: Eat another two cups of veggies (the balance of the veggie and adaptogen
requirement)—sautéed with garlic, olive oil, and MCT. Eat some pickled beets and
have another 3 ounces of whatever protein is in the fridge (or 4 to 5 ounces if you are
over sixty or weigh more than 175).
Dessert: A square or two of Lily’s brand chocolate (sweetened with erythritol and


For an exhaustive list of donors and adaptogens, see the Nutrient Reference starting
here; here’s a shorter, accessible list to get you started:
Vegetables Antioxidant-rich colorful vegetables, Corn, fries, potato chips,
cruciferous vegetables, and dark leafy processed vegetable snacks,
greens white potatoes
Fats Nuts and seeds: almonds, Brazil nuts, Nuts and seeds: peanuts
cashews, chestnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, Oils: cottonseed oil, Crisco,
hazelnuts, hemp seeds, macadamia nuts, hydrogenated fats, margarine,
pecans, pine nuts, poppy seeds, sesame shortening, soybean oil, trans fats,
seeds (and tahini), walnuts vegetable oil
Fruits: avocados, olives
Oils: almond oil, avocado oil, coconut oil,
flaxseed oil, MCT oil, olive oil, pumpkin seed
oil, red palm oil, safflower oil, sesame oil,
sunflower oil, walnut oil
Animal Protein* Beef (grass-fed), bison, buffalo, chicken Any meat from animals raised with
* Unless you are (organic), Cornish hen, duck, eggs (pastured antibiotics or hormones, grilled
vegetarian or and/or omega-3 enriched from chickens, meats and fish, fried meats and
vegan—see here ducks, or geese), elk, fish (wild-caught or fish, high-mercury fish, processed
for guidelines on responsibly farmed and low mercury), goose, meats including sausage, hot
getting ample lamb, liver (beef or chicken, organic), pork, dogs, cold cuts, and canned
protein without quail, rabbit, shellfish, turkey meats
eating meat.
Dairy and meat For everyone: unsweetened nondairy milks All dairy, including milk, cheeses,
alternatives and yogurts, including almond, cashew, yogurt, kefir, and butter
coconut, and hemp All other soy, including soy sauce,
For vegetarians and vegans only: organic soybean oil, soy milk, soy yogurt,
and/or fermented soy: edamame, miso, textured vegetable protein;
natto, tamari, tempeh, and tofu nondairy creamers
Fruit* Avocado (technically a fruit), blood oranges, Bananas, mangoes, oranges,
* With the blueberries, grapefruit, green apples, lemon, pineapples, fruit snacks, red and
exception of lime, olive, pomegranate seeds, raspberries, yellow apples, stone fruits such as
avocado, lemon, strawberries, tomato (also technically a fruit) peaches and apricots
and lime, limit your
fruit intake to two
½-cup servings per
day to minimize
blood sugar
Condiments Avocado-oil mayonnaise, Baker’s yeast, Prepared sauces with sugar and
brewer’s yeast, cocoa (70%+ dark, not Dutch additives, including BBQ sauce,
processed), coconut aminos, mustard, honey mustard, ketchup, and
nutritional yeast, salsa (no sugar added), teriyaki sauce; store-bought salad
tamari (low sodium), vinegars dressing
Sweeteners Minimal amounts of natural no-calorie Artificial sweeteners, coconut
sweeteners that don’t impact blood sugar, sugar, evaporated cane juice,
including erythritol, inulin, monk fruit, and high-fructose corn syrup, honey,
stevia maple syrup, molasses, and
refined sugar
Drinks Coconut water, coffee, green tea, herbal tea, Alcohol, fruit juice, soft drinks,
oolong tea, seltzer, water (filtered, mineral, or including diet sodas
While the Younger You Intensive is designed to be its own stand-alone eating plan,
it’s also customizable to work with most other eating plans. In our practice, we
prescribe highly individualized nutrition programs for our patients depending on their
medical history, their presenting issues (autoimmune issues, gastrointestinal
problems, hormone imbalances, allergies, heart disease, cancer, and so forth), and
what their laboratory testing shows us they need or need to avoid. Regardless of the
specifics, the Younger You principles are always included. I absolutely love and
appreciate how the Younger You program is eminently layerable into any dietary
pattern. There is no reason that I can think of not to incorporate the fundamentals of
the Younger You program into any eating pattern you are adhering to. Below are the
modifications we suggest for several of today’s most popular diets.

Ketogenic Diet
The Younger You Intensive is “keto leaning,” so if you follow the program to the
letter it is possible that you will get into ketosis after a couple of days. But because it
isn’t super high fat, nor is the protein or carb or calorie count particularly low, if you
want to be in full-tilt ketosis, you might need to tweak things in order to start
producing ketones. If that is a priority for you, I suggest the following:

• Start by lowering or stopping the colorful fruits and replace those with more

• You can also increase your fat intake, particularly MCT oil, for a few days.

• Once you are in ketosis, try slowly adding back colorful veggies and berries, as
they are very important sources of DNA methylation adaptogens. Note that
some colorful fruits and veggies may knock you out of ketosis—such as carrots
—while others don’t—like red and orange peppers. You’ll need to gauge what
you can consume based on your ketone production (I use a urine strip, and all
I’m looking for is a small to moderate level of ketones).

• The more consistent you are with the mild intermittent fasting, exercise, sleep,
and stress reduction, the easier it will typically be to stay in ketosis.
If you are on a strict low-calorie, low-protein, very-high-fat keto program (as an
epilepsy intervention or as part of a cancer treatment program, say), you can
absolutely incorporate Younger You–friendly foods, but your overall diet should be
adjusted and managed by a practitioner versed in both protocols. It’s essential that
your dietary plan be nutritionally sufficient.
The Younger You Intensive is a paleo program. No modifications are needed!

Elimination Diet
The Younger You Intensive is free of many common allergens, including peanuts,
wheat, and dairy, but it does allow some forms of soy for vegans and vegetarians
(listed here), incorporates many tree nuts plus sesame seeds and shellfish, and relies
on eggs—all foods that can be allergenic.
The easiest way to eliminate any allergens from the Younger You Intensive is to
print the full list of included foods here and simply cross off any foods that you know
you don’t tolerate. You can do this with the recipes as well. If your elimination diet is
very restrictive, get help from a knowledgeable nutritionist to help tailor the program
so that you can ensure that your nutrient intake is sufficient and balanced.
A good way to monitor if the Intensive is triggering your allergies or sensitivities
is to repeat the medical symptoms questionnaire (MSQ) here every seven days. If
your score isn’t trending downward, it could be that there’s an allergen in the diet that
you’re reacting to, or that you have an underlying gut dysbiosis that needs to be
remedied. In either case, it’s helpful to work with a functional medicine practitioner
and/or nutritionist to find the eating plan that is right for you.

Anti-inflammatory Diet
With no processed foods, added sugars, grains, legumes (unless you’re vegan), or
dairy, plenty of antioxidant-rich vegetables and select fruit, and good fats and
proteins, the Younger You Intensive is potently anti-inflammatory.
Note that the Younger You Everyday plan does incorporate gluten-free grains,
clean dairy, and legumes, but for most people, these foods don’t promote
inflammation. If that’s not the case for you, continue to avoid your problematic food
group when you follow that version of the program.

A full low-FODMAP diet layers easily with the Younger You Intensive program. In
my experience, it’s rare that all of the carbohydrate categories (fermentable oligo-
saccharides, di-saccharides, mono-saccharides, and polyols) are problematic. In our
practice, after a short-term full FODMAP elimination, we will have our patients try
one group at a time to identify the type(s) that causes a reaction. Generally, only one
or two categories of carbs require a longer period of elimination.
One note of caution: A long-term low-FODMAP diet can become nutrient
insufficient and/or negatively influence the microbiome. If you’ve been on a low-
FODMAP diet for more than a month, seek out a practitioner (ideally trained in
functional medicine—see the Resources section here for guidance on where to find
one) who can help resolve underlying issues.

Mediterranean Diet
Both Younger You plans are Mediterranean-friendly. The Everyday version, with its
legumes, whole grains, and dairy, is most closely aligned, although the greens and
cruciferous and colorful veggies that the Intensive relies on are also part of the
Mediterranean diet. You’ll just need to make sure you eat more fish for your animal
protein than red meat while on the Intensive or Everyday to stay within the confines
of the Mediterranean guidelines, and of course include lots of fabulous olive oil, too.

Vegetarian or Vegan
You can incorporate legumes into the Younger You Intensive—see here for a more
detailed discussion and look for recipes marked with a “VGT” for vegetarian or “V”
for vegan in the recipe section.

Autoimmune Protocol Diet, Autoimmune Paleo Diet, and Wahls Protocol

These diets, in their most restrictive phases, require the removal of several foods
included in the Younger You Intensive, including nightshade vegetables, eggs, nuts,
and seeds. Simply omit these from the list here and the recipes. Long-term adherence
to these more restrictive protocols should be tracked by a practitioner to ensure
nutrient sufficiency.

Time-Restricted Eating, Intermittent Fasting, or Caloric Restriction

The Younger You plans recommend mild time-restricted eating (aka intermittent
fasting), eating only between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. (or what’s known as a
12:12 structure). If you are currently following a different intermittent fasting
schedule, such as 16:8 (eating only during an eight-hour window during the day) or 5-
2 (eat five days, fast two), you can still follow the Younger You Intensive during your
eating windows. The big caveat here is, can you sustain such restriction over the long
haul? Be mindful and realistic: you don’t want to be so restricted that you lapse into
disordered eating, which I see in my practice every day. For most people, a 12:12
pattern is something they can stick to a majority of the time over a sustained period,
but I encourage you to see what works for you.

Quick Tips on Upping Your Veggie Intake

Here are a few ways to sneak in an extra serving of fruits and veggies
during the day:
○ Drink them. Spinach, chard, and beets—not to mention beet
greens, don’t throw them out!—are great in smoothies.
○ Have veggies for breakfast. It’s a thing! Add a side of greens to
your egg(s), or toss in steamed or lightly sautéed spinach, broccoli,
tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, olives, onions, and/or
garlic to an omelet, or treat yourself to a warm cauliflower rice bowl
with more veggies on top.
○ Make them grab-able. Take a container of precut cucumbers,
broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, zucchini, jicama, carrots, or
celery with you whenever you leave the house, or just keep them at
the ready in the fridge for when hunger strikes. I find if I put cut
veggies out on the counter before dinner, my daughter and I both
happily eat them—kind of a pre-dinner that doesn’t spoil our
○ Blend ’em. Stick some veggies in the Nutribullet to add to your
tomato sauce or tahini dip—it’s an easy hack that amps the nutrition
while not altering the taste.
○ Add at the end. Toss as many extra veggies as you can into soups.
Most extra veggies added toward the end of the cooking process
won’t change the taste of a dish.
○ Turn them into confetti. Here’s a great way to add a pile of veggies
without a lot of prep. Chop an assortment of veggies in a food
processor, then save them in the fridge (in a glass container) to
sprinkle on salads raw, or wilt and serve as a side.
○ Roast them. Prep a pile of roasted veggies at the beginning of the
week so you can easily toss them into salads and soups, use them
as a side dish, add them to your scrambled egg, or eat them as a


While the foods that contain methyl donors and methylation adaptogens are the stars
of the show, there are several character actors that round out the cast of DNA
methylation superstars.

What you drink is a key piece of optimizing your DNA methylation. It’s vital that you
stay adequately hydrated, which means we recommend drinking enough ounces of
water, seltzer, or herbal tea per day to equal about half your body weight in pounds—
the standard guideline used in functional medicine. That means, if you weigh 150
pounds, you need to aim for 75 fluid ounces of noncaffeinated, nonalcoholic,
unsweetened beverages every day.
Hydration is a crucial piece of detoxification—without consuming ample amounts
of water, your toxic load will be higher, and toxins are an impediment to healthy
DNA methylation—something I cover more in depth in Chapter 6. Beyond that,
hydration is also crucial for reducing oxidative stress.10
It’s important that the water you drink either be filtered or spring (from a glass,
not plastic, bottle). I recommend carbon-block filters, such as those made by
Aquasauna or Multipure, because they will keep out most toxins and retain most trace
minerals, although you will need to change the filter regularly so that it functions well
and doesn’t get contaminated with bacteria.
In addition to water, other DNA methylation–supportive beverages include:
Chamomile tea (another adaptogen rock star along with all the other teas listed
Coconut water (so loaded with potassium)
Green tea
Oolong tea
Other herbal teas, such as ginger, hibiscus, and rooibos
Seltzer (limit to two 12-ounce servings per day)
Turmeric tea, often known as golden milk, so long as it is sweetened only with
stevia (see our recipe here)

Coffee Is a DNA Methylation Adaptogen!

For those of us (me included) who are loath to give up coffee, know that
it’s a DNA methylation adaptogen, thanks to two amazing polyphenols
it contains: caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. Likely due to this fact,
coffee, like green tea, has been solidly associated with longevity.
Looking at the research, it seems like you could consume quite a bit of
coffee without negative effects and probably some good benefit. The
tricky part is that for most of us (including me), the caffeine content in
both green tea and coffee comes at the cost of lost sleep, or poor-
quality sleep, which is definitely damaging to our DNA methylation and
gene expression in the brain.


○ Go organic
○ Limit to one or at most two cups
○ Finish your last cup before noon
○ Drink it black and unsweetened, or with MCT oil for an extra serving
of healthy fat

Fermented and Prebiotic Foods

While functional medicine views the body as a synergistic whole, if our field were
forced to choose one organ system to prioritize, it would be the gut. It interacts with
all the other organ systems—the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the
nervous system, the brain, and especially the immune system, about 70 percent of
which is housed around your GI tract. The population of microbes in your gut, aka
your microbiome, are fundamental drivers of health. If they are friendly and
comprised of the right players, they contribute to digestion, blunt inflammation, make
loads of nutrients—including the short-chain fatty acid butyrate, vitamins B1 and B2,
and the methyl donors folate and B12—in addition to making other helpful,
bioavailable molecules from the foods you eat.11 To this last point, our gut critters are
required to activate many key methylation adaptogen polyphenols. In short, the gut
microbiome plays a direct role in your DNA methylation. The healthier and more
robust your gut microbiome, the better your DNA methylation will be.12
Yet in the majority of patients I see, and in the general population, our
microbiomes and our overall gut health are suffering. Why? The reasons are far
reaching and include excessive hygiene (a lack of exposure to dirt, nature, and
plants); overuse of medications (such as antibiotics, nonsteroidal pain relievers, and
acid blockers); nutrient-poor, calorie-high diets; limited breast feeding and high rates
of Cesarean section deliveries; toxin exposures (pesticides on foods, chemicals in
plastics); and of course loads and loads of stress that directly shuts down our ability to
digest. I strongly suspect that these changes have created negative influences in our
younger generation’s epigenomes, contributing to the meteoric rise in inflammatory
illnesses such as autoimmunity and allergic disease.
For all these reasons, it’s vital to support your gut health, and both the Younger
You Intensive and Everyday programs help you do that, by removing many common
allergens and toxins that can irritate your gut (see more about allergens here) and
adding in prebiotic food options like garlic, blueberries, cruciferous veggies, greens,
onion, flax seeds, leeks, asparagus, cocoa, and others (can you already see that a
number of prebiotics are methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens, too? How
cool!). We further support your friendly microbiome population with a probiotic
supplement (see here for more info) and with a daily recommended intake of
fermented foods—ideally, a little bit with most of your meals. That means sauerkraut,
kimchi, coconut kefir, kombucha, and traditionally made pickled vegetables,
including pickled beets (my favorite, and yet another way to kill two DNA
methylation requirements with one stone!). While you can buy these foods at the
store, you have to make sure they contain live cultures. A good indicator of this is if
they are refrigerated (not on the room-temperature shelves) and cost more than you
think they ought to, because traditional fermentation takes a lot longer than simply
adding vinegar (the method most commercial packaged pickles use).
Here’s a guide to serving sizes for different types of fermented foods:
• Pickled beets (¼ cup)
• Sauerkraut (½ cup)
• Kimchi (½ cup)
• Miso (1 tablespoon)
• Coconut kefir (1 cup)
• Kombucha (1 cup)
• Olives (yes, olives are always fermented) (5 olives)


Although technically the Younger You Intensive is bean- and legume-free, if you are
vegetarian or vegan, you can and should absolutely include them so that you get
adequate protein while following the plan. Aim for 40–50 grams of additional protein
—from legumes, beans, and plant-based protein powders—to compensate for the
animal protein you’re not eating. Use this table to assess how much of these foods to
eat each day to meet that protein target.

Black beans 1 cup 15.2 grams

Chickpeas 1 cup 14.5 grams
Kidney beans 1 cup 15.3 grams
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 17.9 grams
i 2 tbsp 15 grams
Protein powder
Tempeh, organic 1 cup 15 grams
Tofu, organic ½ cup 10 grams

Also know that you are getting protein from your daily allotment of pumpkin
seeds, sunflower seeds, and vegetables, as well as the nuts that are allowed on the
In addition, there are certain methylation-supportive nutrients that vegetarians and
vegans will need to give a little extra attention to in order to ensure sufficient intake
while on the Younger You Intensive. This is because they are found primarily in
animal-based foods, or they are present in lesser-quantity in plant foods. These
include B12; choline; the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine, cysteine, and
taurine; the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA; and minerals zinc, iron, and
selenium. Preformed fat-soluble vitamin A (retinol) is derived from animal products,
but may be converted in the body from certain carotenoids. A vegan not converting
carotenoids well (as can happen in hypothyroidism) may require supplemental
vitamin A.
Some nutrient deficits may be addressed in the vegan diet with the increased seed
and nut intake, sea vegetables (nori especially), shiitake and enoki mushrooms, and
the green, colorful, and cruciferous vegetables that are the mainstays of the Younger
You Intensive eating plan. Still, in my experience, even vegans and vegetarians on the
Younger You Intensive benefit greatly from a few specific supplements—refer to here
for a list of those.
In addition, there are two nutrients that vegans can be deficient in that are easy to
get from foods:
• Selenium, which you can easily get from Brazil nuts. One Brazil nut contains
96 ug, or 175 percent of the RDI. Think of the Brazil nut as an edible
• Zinc is also easy to get from foods if you’re intentional—refer to here for a list
of zinc-rich foods.

Just as important as what to add to your diet are the things to be avoided. While
eating foods high in methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens will definitely
help, it’s a little like adjusting your sails when you have holes in your boat. You may
move a little faster in the direction you want to go, but you’re sinking as you go.
While yes, even if you only eat one healthy meal a week it is still beneficial, if you
make that same choice the majority of the time, it will potently bias you (and your
epigenetics) toward long-term longevity and all the things that accompany it, such as
maintenance of a healthy weight, lower risk of disease, and a longer health span.

Inflammatory Foods
Aging and inflammation—the body’s immune response to anything it deems an
invader—are as conjoined as the double helix of DNA. In fact, in the scientific
literature, they call it “inflammaging.” In a nutshell: aging creates inflammation. And
inflammation, in turn, drives all of the diseases of aging. It needn’t be huge amounts
of inflammation in order to be damaging, either. Pesky—but chronic—low-grade
inflammation is a problem, too. And nothing turns on inflammation (high or low)
more efficiently than a lousy diet. Even transient poor nutrition can have long-lasting
impact on the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. Then, if these bad patterns
continue, new daughter cells are created that house the same pro-inflammatory
epigenetic instructions.
What’s worse, we can inherit this tendency toward epigenetic inflammation from
previous generations. Many of us need to double down on a healthy diet because of
the choices of our recent ancestors (I fall into this camp) or the disease risks we have
in our family (cardiometabolic diseases are in mine), especially if we want our health
span and life span to be optimal (I am also a member of this group).13
You probably already have an inkling that there are certain foods and food
combinations that are highly unhealthy because they promote inflammation. These
foods include sugar, refined carbs (such as flour, bread, pasta, pastries, and muffins),
vegetable seed oils (such as sunflower, safflower, and canola), and processed or poor-
quality meats (like deli meats, sausages, and hot dogs). When we combine high sugar,
refined carbs, and high fat, it’s a triple whammy of inflammation.
When you eat a highly processed food, there is a complex cascade of damaging
events that occur body-wide. But specifically, let’s focus on the immune system: your
white blood cells assess the food and register it as foreign. In response, your body
will trigger the release of immune system molecules that kick off an inflammatory
response. We know this thanks to a famous 2004 study where researchers gave
healthy adults either a fast-food-style breakfast of an egg or sausage muffin with two
hash browns (refined carbs and poor-quality fats) or a glass of water. No surprise that
the greasy, salty, and probably, let’s admit, delicious breakfast took more of a toll on
the body, but what was surprising was just how bad it was. The people who ate the
greasy breakfast experienced a significant increase in reactive oxygen species (i.e.,
free radicals) and C-reactive protein, which is used as a gauge to measure the extent
of the body’s inflammatory response, and an upregulation in nuclear factor kappa-B,
or NF-kB, which goes into the nucleus of the cell, lands on the DNA, and tells the
gene to blast out inflammatory compounds. In other words, the body responded to the
fast-food meal as foreign and dangerous, like it would to a toxin such as mercury, a
flu virus, or a strep bacteria. And these changes lasted for longer than three hours; just
long enough for the next meal to come along and do the same thing all over again.14
This study showed the exact mechanisms by which the standard American diet of
fast, processed, nutrient-poor, fried foods put us on a moving sidewalk to disease.
Again, this 2004 study was before scientists were routinely looking at epigenetic
changes. If they repeated this study today, I suspect we would see changes to the
genes regulating inflammation, resulting in turning on these inflammatory genes for
far longer than the meal lasted; maybe even for days longer, as we’ve seen in animal
and cell epigenetic research.15
On the other hand, when you are choosing foods that are low in sugar,
unprocessed, and high in methylation adaptogens and methyl donors, you provide
your body with a whole different set of information that’s nourishing and balancing to
your DNA. As a result, inflammation is lowered, epigenetic processes are enhanced,
and your cells no longer need to defend and repair after every meal. They become
programmed for optimization instead, and your physiological function gets better as
your biological age gets lower.

I know, I know. By now you’re probably sick of hearing the advice to stop eating
sugar. Here’s the thing: it’s wildly damaging, and highly inflammatory. And what
sugar your body can’t immediately use for energy, which is most of it, unless you’re
running a marathon or you are a member of a highly physical profession, it stores as
fat. This fat gets tucked inside your cells, your organs, and most visibly, your
abdomen. That fat around your middle is especially inflammatory. As such, it’s linked
to all the top causes of disease and death, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease,
heart disease, and cancer. And aging. But we already knew that.
Now we have a new lens on why sugar is so destructive in the body: it disrupts
epigenetic methylation, and not in a good way. A 2008 study showed that a single
high-glucose event had lasting negative effects on methylation of a gene found in
cells from the endothelial lining of the aorta that regulates NF-kB.16 The researchers
administered large amounts of glucose to both endothelial cells from mice in vitro
and to live nondiabetic mice. In both cases, the NF-kB gene experienced increased
expression, which opens the faucet on inflammation, aging, and all of their associated
diseases. Worse yet, these effects lasted at least six days past the time it took to
metabolize the glucose. Although the study only looked for changes for six days, so
who knows how long those effects really lasted? Granted, it was a study performed
on rodents so we can’t say for sure that the same thing happens in humans in the same
way, but we know for sure lasting epigenetic changes do happen in humans and can
happen quite rapidly sometimes. And in healthy (not diabetic) human cell studies, we
see glucose exposure leading to far-reaching, negative changes to insulin- and
glucose-regulating genes via DNA methylation.17
In some ways, knowing this makes it easier to stay away from sugar nearly all the
time, which is ultimately helpful, because sugar is one of those foods where it’s very,
very hard to have just a little. It’s almost easier to avoid it altogether; that way your
taste buds, your brain, and your gut microbiome will reacclimate and that longing for
a sweet taste will abate.
While on the Intensive, you want to limit your sweets consumption to DNA
methylation adaptogen–rich berries, low-sugar citrus fruits, and natural sweeteners
that don’t impact your blood sugar—you can find these listed in the chart here. Once
you’re on the Everyday program, you can expand this to small amounts of natural
forms of sugar such as dates, honey, blackstrap molasses, and maple syrup, but just
for now, use the Intensive as an opportunity to reset yourself away from sweet and
more toward nutrient rich.
That said, there are ways to keep your sweet tooth satisfied during the eight weeks
of the Younger You Intensive. Berries are great DNA methylation adaptogens, as is
cocoa. The recipes for No-Bake Sunbutter Chocolate Squares (here) are totally tasty,
as is our Rosemary Lemon Tart (here), which is my family’s go-to celebratory treat—
it’s always a hit!
It’s like that old punitive saying, “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips,”
except when it comes to sugar, it’s about health span, not your jeans size: “A moment
on the lips, a really long time on the epigenome.”

Artificial Sweeteners
While there isn’t specific research that sheds light on artificial sweeteners’ effect on
DNA methylation—yet—there are still compelling reasons to avoid them as part of
your Younger You plan. Artificial sweeteners still cue insulin (even though they don’t
contain glucose, which is the typical trigger for the release of insulin) and light up
pathways in the brain that seek reward. As a result, eating artificial sugars can cue
cravings for sweets and make it harder to make healthy food choices. They can also
be disruptive to gut health.18 We counsel everyone in our practice to avoid them.

Nonorganic Foods
There’s no debating it: living and eating as cleanly as possible is important for
healthy epigenome and DNA methylation. This means that eating organic and clean
sources of foods as often as possible will help protect epigenetic expression
(including DNA methylation and the DNA genetic material itself). While some
environmental toxins occur elsewhere, a number of them are found in our food supply
and food packaging materials (I talk more about environmental toxins in Chapter 7).
Organic foods, on the other hand, aren’t exposed to most toxins in the first place.
In addition, organic foods have been shown to have higher nutrient levels than their
conventional counterparts, meaning they also have more methyl donor nutrients and
especially DNA methylation adaptogens than chemically grown foods. These
increased epi-nutrients include the polyphenols that help protect the plant from pests
—and our genes from disordered DNA methylation (more on this starting here).
The unfortunate reality is that the presence of toxins is so pervasive in our modern
environment that doing whatever you can to lessen the amount you are exposed to in
the first place—by eating organic, for example, filtering your water, and avoiding
plastics and nonstick cookware (again, more on these strategies in Chapter 7)—is not
only a wise strategy for promoting health, it’s urgently necessary.
Before you despair that toxins are unavoidable, know that research, particularly by
Bernhard Hennig, a professor of nutrition and toxicology at the University of
Kentucky, has shown that many nutrients that are supportive of healthy DNA
methylation and are mainstays of the Younger You Intensive as well as the Younger
You Everyday, such as omega-3 fats, curcumin, and EGCG, can lessen the
inflammatory damage caused by environmental toxins such as polychlorinated
biphenyl compounds (PCBs). So, avoid what toxins you can, and know that the
dietary changes you’re making will help protect you from those you can’t.19

Charred Foods
Cooking foods at a high enough heat to sear them, crisp them, or leave grill marks
may have a tasty result. But those bits of food that turn dark brown during the
cooking process are packed with compounds—known as advanced glycation end
products (AGEs)—that are pro-oxidant, pro-inflammatory, and damaging to cells and
DNA. And since the entire aim of the Younger You Intensive and Younger You
Everyday is to equip the body to fight inflammation, oxidation, and other damage by
turning on the genes that help in these efforts, eating a seared burger—even one made
with beets and grass-fed beef—works against you. Instead of cooking your clean
animal protein in a dry pan at high heat (or on a grill), you want to cook at a lower
temperature with some moisture involved, as this minimizes the formation of AGEs.
In addition to what you eat, the Younger You Intensive guides you to change how you
cook what you eat and to embrace slow-cooked methods, like braising or using a slow
cooker or the ever-popular Instant Pot.

I know many of you reading this will be holding out hope that red wine is supportive
of healthy DNA methylation because of the high levels of the antioxidant resveratrol
you’ve heard about. Sigh… that is not the case. (As a former red wine lover myself, I
feel your pain.)
Alcohol is not sanctioned for the Younger You Intensive, because despite how
much of the well-known DNA methylation adaptogen resveratrol may or may not be
in your nightly glass (or two), alcohol impairs DNA methylation. It does so by
inhibiting the enzymes used in the methylation and folate cycles, which results in a
potentially significant reduction of SAMe (the body’s main methyl donor), lowers
folate absorption, and directly inhibits the enzymes that methylate our DNA.20
I know that giving up alcohol for the rest of your life is a big ask—although many
people do it and find it helpful and discover other ways to relax and celebrate—so
certain alcohol is OK in very moderate amounts on the Everyday version.
Considerations Before You Jump In
In general, both the Younger You Intensive and the Younger You Everyday are
exceedingly healthy eating patterns. But any time you start a new diet and exercise
regimen you want to consult with your primary care provider.
There are two particular instances where you may need to take more care in
adopting the Younger You Intensive:

• If you have trouble digesting fat, have a predisposition to gallstones, or have

had your gallbladder removed, you might need to adjust your macronutrient
ratios to eat less fat.

• If you have a family or personal history of kidney stones, this eating plan may
contribute to the formation of kidney stones because the diet is high in oxalates.
Oxalates are organic acids that occur naturally in many plant foods; they are
especially high in several foods that form the mainstay of the Younger You
Intensive and Everyday, namely spinach, beets, raspberries, and soy (which is
part of the Intensive only if you are a vegetarian or a vegan). Once in your
body, oxalates bind with calcium and can contribute to the formation of kidney
stones. Consuming plenty of citrate, from citrus fruits, and good hydration
lower the amount of oxalates in your blood, and this diet prioritizes both of
those—squeezing lemon and lime into your water covers both bases. However,
if kidney stones are part of your history or you have kidney disease, you should
consult with your doctor to see if this plan is appropriate for you.

Ideally, you would start the Younger You Intensive at a time when you aren’t super
busy. You want extra time at the grocery store to see which veggies look the most
tantalizing and fresh and to cook up a few recipes. Also, if you have been eating a
standard American diet, you may experience some detox symptoms, such as fatigue,
brain fog, gassiness, or bloating. There is a lot of fiber and prebiotic foods on this
eating plan; it’s appropriate to expect that as your microbial population adjusts you
might feel a little bit worse before you feel better. Really prioritize your hydration and
your intake of healthy fats, which will help ward off any sugar cravings that might
flare up now as well.
These symptoms should pass after a few days; if they don’t, consult with your
health-care provider, a functional medicine practitioner, or a nutritionist to assess and
address what’s going on for you.

Cheat Sheet of Younger You Intensive Food Targets

If you prefer to do the improv version of the Younger You Intensive,
these are your daily guidelines.
For a more scripted version, see our sample two-week menus
here–here. (There is also a one-day version for vegetarians and
vegans here.)

__ 2 cups dark leafy greens, measured raw, chopped, and packed
(see list here)
__ 2 cups cruciferous vegetables, measured raw, chopped, and
packed (see list here)
__ 3 cups additional colorful vegetables (see list here)
__ 1–2 medium beets, cooked or raw
__ ¼ cup pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed butter
__ ¼ cup sunflower seeds or sunflower seed butter
__ Two-plus servings of DNA methylation adaptogens (see list here)
__ Two 3-ounce servings of clean animal protein (see list here)
(unless you’re over sixty or weigh more than 175 pounds, then
two 5-ounce servings; or vegan or vegetarian, then you want to
get 40–50 grams protein from beans, legumes, or protein powder
—refer to here)
__ 5 tablespoons of healthy fats (see list here)
__ One-plus servings fermented foods (see list here)
__ Half your body weight in fluid ounces of water, herbal tea, or
seltzer (limit seltzer to 24 ounces per day)

__ Three servings of liver (3 ounces per serving), preferably organic*
__ 5–10 eggs, preferably free-range, organic, and omega-3
* On days when you eat liver and/or eggs, those count toward your daily clean animal
protein target; one egg is roughly approximate to 1 ounce of meat.

○ Eat organic as much as possible
○ Stay hydrated (.5 ounce of water, sparkling water, or herbal tea per
pound of body weight per day)
○ Give yourself a twelve-hour fast each day, typically between 7 p.m.
and 7 a.m.
○ Include healthy oils (coconut, olive, flaxseed, and pumpkin seed)
○ Avoid sugar, dairy, grains, folic acid–fortified foods, legumes/beans,
charred foods, and alcohol
○ Minimize plastic food and beverage containers and nonstick


For those of you who prefer a scripted version, here are two weeks of meals that have
been chosen by my team of nutritionists to meet all the daily targets included on the
Cheat Sheet (recipes start here).


Breakfast Berry Salmon and Matcha Blueberry Matcha Green Eggs Blueberry
Muesli Spinach Coconut Beet Coconut and Shiitake Beet
Omelet Crunch Scones Crunch Ham Scones

Snack Baked Sunflower Celery Calming Luscious Sunflower Luscious

Spinach and/or sticks Herbal Liver seed butter + Liver Pâté
and pumpkin Tonic Pâté with broccoli and + carrot
Artichoke seeds Beet seed radishes sticks
Dip + Bubbly Soft boiled crackers
celery Beet Bubbly eggs + + orange
sticks side of peppers
Beet kale Beet
Bubbly Bubbly

Lunch Warm Mix-and- Mix-and- Mix-and- Not Your Mix-and- Rosemary

Salmon Match Match Match Mama’s Match Stir-Fry Chicken
and Rainbow Stir-Fry + Rainbow Burger + protein of with
Roasted Salad + protein of Salad + with choice Tomato,
Cauliflower broccoli + choice chicken Kohlrabi Avocado,
Salad + chicken Mash + and
side of side of Bacon +
steamed steamed side of
broccoli spinach spinach

Snack Golden Luscious Green or Beet Green or Green or

Turmeric Milk Liver oolong tea Bubbly oolong tea oolong tea

Dinner Rosemary Mediterranean Not Your Warm Mix-and- Mediterranean Mix-and-

Chicken Stuffed Pork Mama’s Salmon Match Stuffed Pork Match
with Tenderloin Burger and Stir-Fry + Tenderloin Stir-Fry +
Tomato, with Green with Roasted leeks + with Green cauliflower
Avocado, Beans + Kohlrabi Cauliflower chicken Beans + + chicken
and Bacon steamed snap Mash + Salad Oven-Baked
+ side of peas Turmeric- Beet Chips
arugula Pickled

Dessert Raspberry Rosemary

Cacao Truffles Lemon
Tart +

DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14

Breakfast Savory Energy Berry Muesli Veggie- Energy Savory Onion Veggie-
Onion and Boost Wrap Boost and Chard Wrap
Chard Green Breakfast Green Muffins + Breakfast
Muffins + Smoothie Burrito Smoothie kale Burrito
steamed + No-Bake + No-
mustard Golden Bake
greens Energy Golden
Balls Energy

Snack Broccoli + 1 boiled Oolong tea Luscious 2 hard- Sunflower Iced oolong
cauliflower egg with Liver Pâté boiled and/or tea
florets + raw + red eggs + pumpkin
seeds broccoli peppers celery seeds and
florets Red
Beet Cabbage,
Bubbly Beet, and

Beet Bubbly

Lunch Wild Mix-and- Wild Spiced Mix-and- Cauliflower- Mix-and-

Mushroom Match Mushroom Salmon Match Crust Pizza + Match Stir-
Ragout Rainbow Ragout + Cakes Rainbow side of Fry + beet
Salad + Swiss chard with Salad + arugula + chicken
protein of Vegetable chicken
choice Fries +
side of

Snack Berries and Oven- Red Sunflower Beet Sunflower

seeds Baked Cabbage, and/or Bubbly and/or
Beet Beet, and pumpkin pumpkin
Chips and Pomegranate seeds seeds
Luscious Slaw
Liver Pâté
Dinner DNA Simple Mix-and- Simple Spiced DNA Cauliflower-
Methylation Pan-Fried Match Stir- Pan-Fried Salmon Methylation Crust Pizza
Minestrone Steak with Fry + chicken Steak with Cakes Minestrone + side of
“Creamed” + Beet “Creamed” with spinach
Greens + Bubbly Greens + Vegetable
zucchini Brussels Fries +
sprouts spinach

Dessert No-Bake Rosemary

Sunbutter Lemon Tart


To give you an idea of a vegan-friendly version of the Intensive, here is a meal plan
that excludes animal protein and includes legumes.
Breakfast: Berry Muesli
Snack: No-Bake Golden Energy Balls + Oven-Baked Beet Chips
Lunch: Lemon Garlic Broccoli Rabe and White Bean Stew
Snack: Beet Bubbly; celery sticks with Baked Spinach and Artichoke Dip
Dinner: Crispy Garlicky Tempeh with Cauliflower Rice + side of steamed kale


I’ll tell you what: gone are the days when an indulgent meal with drinks at the airport
appeal to me. I eat a modified Younger You Intensive most of the time and since I feel
so good on it, it’s pretty rare that I want to deviate, especially with the stress of travel.
Further, I don’t want my kiddo eating the airport food, either, so I love packing foods.
That said, airports are more and more meeting consumer demand for healthier
choices. Recently, Iz and I were at LaGuardia, and since she was being such a travel
rock star, I said she could pick out some chocolate for the flight. Needless to say, I
was pretty thrilled that she went straight for the stevia-sweetened Lily’s.
While preparing your own meals at home is the easiest way to make sure you hit
all your Younger You eating plan targets, it’s not always possible. Also, I get that
eight weeks is a long time. For some of us, it’s rare that we’re home for fifty-six days
in a row, except perhaps while in the midst of a pandemic.
Before I dive into my best tips for staying on the program while traveling, I just
want to say that taking a short trip and sticking to your eating plan is a great reward in
itself—it helps you see how possible it is to eat differently even when conditions
aren’t wholly under your control. And if you typically come home from vacation
feeling like you’ve put on a few pounds and need a vacation to recover from your
vacation, you’ll love feeling like you can seamlessly move back into your regular,
healthy-eating ways without feeling like you need to make up lost ground! Here are
some ways to keep yourself on track no matter where you are:

• Stock up on snacks before you go. (See the list that starts here.)

• Check out a restaurant’s menu online before you go. Generally, sticking to a
protein entrée (chicken, fish, beef) with a nonstarchy vegetable side is a good
bet, as is ordering a large salad, or even two salads. Also, roasted cruciferous
veggies are a big thing right now and show up on most menus—order two
servings and hit your numbers easily. Just remember that super-crispy stuff
probably has advanced glycation end products, so eat them only occasionally.
You can also call ahead to see what modifications are available.

• Bring a full glass water bottle with you wherever you go. If you are in a hotel
with a gym, you can usually get unlimited filtered water there.

• Consider staying in accommodations that have a kitchen, whether that’s an

Airbnb or a residence-style hotel. While you can stick to the plan at restaurants,
if you’re eating multiple meals out a day, it gets harder to stay on course and
easier to order the pasta.

• Bring an assortment of teas (green, hibiscus, oolong, chamomile) with you.

• Consider bringing some spices with you—especially rosemary and oregano—

to add to the meals you prepare in your home away from home. I bring a jar of
rosemary with a grinder top that my mom found for me at T.J. Maxx wherever I
go—rosemary is tasty and super easy to add to pretty much anything.

• Find a grocery store near your lodgings to stock up on fresh, precut veggies,
prepared beets, almond milk, etc. If you don’t have a fridge, you can stock up
on pumpkin and sunflower seeds and/or get cut veggies to snack on.

• Make muffins for your travel day (the Savory Onion and Chard Muffins here
are great for this). Pack sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds; green apples and
blood oranges also make great travel snacks as they aren’t likely to get
squashed in your bag, as do hard-boiled eggs or celery sticks and almond


Truthfully, you can’t expect the biological age reversal that we know the Younger
You Intensive is capable of creating to last if you go back to old eating habits once
these eight weeks are through.
In order to maintain the benefits these eight weeks create, you have two options:

1. Keep going with the Younger You Intensive. The Intensive eating plan is a
wonderfully healthy way to eat all of the time—it doesn’t carry any risks of
developing nutritional deficiencies over the long term, as do some eating plans,
such as keto.
2. Stay true to the basic formula but loosen the reins a bit with the Younger
You Everyday. Once you’re done with these first eight weeks, you can shift
gears into the more lenient Younger You Everyday—a long-term maintenance
plan that the patients we see in our clinic who don’t require the Intensive for
some reason are given.
The choice is yours.
If you stay with the Intensive version, you won’t continue to tick younger and
younger indefinitely (do you want to go back to your teen years??). You will position
yourself to be the best, youngest you that you can be—staving off that sixteen-year
drop. Quite honestly, we don’t know what happens to bio age after more than eight
weeks on the Intensive, because we haven’t studied it… yet. We will be gathering
data that we can analyze via the 3YY digital program (from those participants who
explicitly choose to share their data with us). See here for more information.
And if you decide to shift into the Everyday, while your bio age likely may not
continue to trend downward, you will slow your rate of aging and avoid the
accelerated aging that the typical American diet all but guarantees. If you choose the
Everyday, know that you can, and should, return to the Intensive again and again. I
recommend recommitting to the Younger You Intensive at least once, and ideally
twice, a year; once at the start of winter and again at the start of summer.
Remember, the Younger You Intensive isn’t just an eating plan—it also has
lifestyle components that are key for DNA methylation optimization. Because I know
the eating plan is a bit complex and, depending on what your diet was like before you
started it, perhaps a big adjustment, I’ve kept the lifestyle recommendations as simple
as possible, and the same as what we included in our study. There are also a few
supplements that will help ensure you get the baseline of necessary nutrients. We’ll
cover all of those soon. First, let’s look at the Younger You Everyday, so that you can
decide which version of the program is the right one for you at this time.

See here in Supplements for a list of vegan protein powders we recommend to our patients and here for a sample
one-day vegetarian/vegan menu



T he Everyday version of the Younger You program follows the same

formula as the Intensive—methyl donors + DNA methylation adaptogens +
lifestyle practices—just at more doable levels and with a more inclusive list of
allowed foods.
The Everyday is what we prescribe to many of the patients in our clinic
who either don’t need an Intensive intervention at this time or who did need
an Intensive intervention and are now ready for an eating plan that will help
them maintain the benefits they have achieved.
Where the Intensive is very specific and prescribed, the Everyday is more
fluid. I think of it as a continuum, and your starting point and your goals will
dictate exactly what it looks like for you. There are three primary paths to the
Everyday that I see in our practice:

• As a starting point. It could be that you have been eating the standard
American diet and want to take some baby steps toward improving your
nutritional status and your health. In that case, you can start by
following the list of swaps I include here and prioritizing the Dynamic
Dozen foods I list starting here. Even though it’s just a few changes
here and there, this introductory version of the Everyday will provide
your body with more of the nutrients it needs for balanced DNA
• As a finishing point. On the other end of the spectrum, maybe you’ve
just finished up the Intensive, and you’ve adjusted to the diet and you’d
like to retain all the benefits you’ve just created, but you’d also like to
expand your diet to include legumes, a few grains, a little alcohol, and
maybe a little organic dairy. If that’s the case, start at Younger You
Everyday: What’s Different, here. This is where most of our study
participants ended up: they had adjusted to the high vegetable intake,
and had learned to cook liver and eat beets, so they kept that going, but
they also added a few more food options (and the occasional drink).

• As a foundational eating plan. Or maybe you’re right in the middle.

You want to make your diet healthier for you and your genes and slow
your rate of aging without having to follow an eight-week protocol (or
perhaps you’re already on an eating plan for a particular condition or
disease and are looking to cover your DNA methylation bases, too, by
layering in principles of this program). If this is you, I’ve outlined a
Cheat Sheet for the Everyday version for you that is essentially a “lite”
version of the Intensive—eating four to five cups of green, cruciferous,
or colorful veggies a day instead of the seven required on the Intensive,
for example. You can see it here.
No matter which approach you choose, when you couple it with the
lifestyle strategies I share in Chapter 7 that are integral to both the Intensive
and the Everyday, and the supplements I cover in Chapter 8, it can add up to a
big impact on your DNA methylation—and, thus, your risk for disease and
accelerated aging—over time.
There’s only one note to consider here: We haven’t yet studied the
Younger You Everyday’s affect on bio age. Thus it may not provide the
quickest or most dramatic results on your biological age and overall health—
the Younger You Intensive program does that. But the Everyday does make
improved methylation easy to attain for everyone, no matter how busy you are
or what your diet and lifestyle have been up until this point.

Which Version Is Right for You?


○ You want to rapidly, powerfully turn back the biological hands
of time through balancing your DNA methylation; because
the Intensive is the jumpstart that gives quick results
(maintain your results with the Everyday plan over the long
term, which is what many of our study participants did—they
kept their veggie intake high and kept eating beets and liver,
but also added in some beans, grains, and/or alcohol).
○ You are dealing with a chronic condition or disease and want
a fast-acting diet and lifestyle strategy to address the root
cause of your issue.
○ You want to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, move into
ketosis, lower blood sugar, and/or lose weight (if needed).
○ You want to turn off pro-aging inflammation (“inflammaging”)
while boosting immune resilience.
○ You want to improve folate status without folate supplements.
○ You want to lower homocysteine and improve inflammatory
markers without relying on methyl donor supplements, as our
patients have done.
○ You’ve got gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, or food
allergies/intolerances or sensitivities; because the Intensive
removes most common allergens (except for nuts and eggs)
and provides plenty of fiber to improve digestion and nourish
your friendly microbes, it will give your gut a chance to heal
while simultaneously bolstering DNA methylation.


○ You want simple ways to upgrade your health without having
to completely overhaul your diet.
○ You’ve already done the Younger You Intensive and want to
keep your benefits going while also giving yourself more
dietary choices.
○ You want a gentle transition into the Intensive, as the
Everyday makes it easy to start by making basic swaps to
get more DNA methylation–supportive nutrients into your diet
and take some of the DNA methylation-harming nutrients out.
Once you’ve made some changes in your typical eating
pattern, following the Intensive guidelines won’t feel as
○ You want to upgrade your already pretty healthy diet so that it
is geared toward optimizing DNA methylation but are not
overly concerned about making significant reductions in your
bio age; rather, you’re looking for a foundational diet that you
follow the majority of the time.
Remember that both the Everyday and Intensive dietary
patterns readily layer into any program you’re already doing.




Primary goal Reversed biological age May slow the rate of aging down,
but not necessarily reversing it
Macronutrient Fat 45–50% / Carbs 30–35% / Fat 40–45% / Carbs 35–40% /
ratios Protein 15–20% Protein 15–20%
Green, 7 cups a day 4–5 cups a day
cruciferous, and
colorful veggies
Clean animal Two 3–4-ounce servings per day Two 3–4-ounce servings per day
protein (unless (unless you’re over sixty or weigh (unless you’re over sixty or weigh
vegetarian or more than 175 pounds, then two 5– more than 175 pounds, then two 5–
vegan) 6-ounce servings per day) 6-ounce servings per day)
Eggs (unless 5–10 a week (aim for 10 if you’re 5–10 a week (aim for 10 if you’re
vegan) not eating liver) not eating liver)
Liver (unless Three 3-ounce servings per week One 3-ounce serving per week
vegetarian or
Beans and None (unless vegetarian or vegan, One to two ½-cup servings per day,
legumes then enough to meet your 40–50 preferably soaked or soaked and
grams of protein daily requirement sprouted (unless vegetarian or
—protein powder can also help you vegan, then enough to meet your
meet this target) 40–50 grams of protein daily
requirement—protein powder can
also help you meet this target)
Organic dairy None If tolerated, up to two servings per
day (serving sizes vary)
Healthy fats At least 5 tablespoons per day At least 3 tablespoons per day
Grains None Up to ½ cup per day
Nuts and seeds Up to ½ cup of nuts per day Up to ½ cup of nuts per day
¼ cup each of sunflower and 2 tablespoons each of sunflower
pumpkin seeds per day and pumpkin seeds per day
Beets 1–2 medium beets per day 3 medium beets per week
DNA Two-plus servings per day One-plus servings per day
Hydration Half your body weight in ounces of Half your body weight in ounces of
water, herbal tea, or seltzer (limit to water, herbal tea, or seltzer (limit to
2 glasses per day) 2 glasses per day)
Coffee No more than 2 cups, before noon, No more than 2 cups, before noon;
no dairy or sweeteners adding a little organic cream, half-
and-half, or natural sweeteners is
Alcohol None Max one drink per day (5 ounces
wine, 12 ounces beer, or 1½ ounces
Intermittent Go twelve hours between your final Go twelve hours between your final
fasting meal of the day and the first meal of meal of the day and the first meal of
the next day—typically this means 7 the next day—typically this means 7
p.m. to 7 a.m., but you can adjust to p.m. to 7 a.m., but you can adjust to
your sleep and wake cycle your sleep and wake cycle


In general, the Younger You Everyday is a pretty even mix of low-glycemic
carbs; protein from nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and clean animal sources; and
healthy fats. It has a higher level of carbs in total than the Intensive version,
with more of those carbs coming from certain grains (nongluten and non-
folic-acid-fortified), and beans and legumes lend some extra carbs to the
eating plan in addition to protein.
Like the Younger You Intensive, the Everyday version still relies on green,
cruciferous, and/or colorful vegetables, clean animal protein, healthy fats,
nuts and seeds, lots of fresh herbs and spices, and plenty of hydration. (See
the “What to Eat [and Avoid]” list in the previous chapter, here, for choices in
all these categories.) But there are categories of foods that are part of the
Everyday eating plan that aren’t included in the Intensive version—beans and
legumes, grains, and dairy, as well as very moderate amounts of natural sugars
and alcohol. Here’s more about each of those.

Beans are wildly nutritious, and people who live a long time generally eat
beans. They’re rich in many methylation-related nutrients including
magnesium, potassium, folate, choline, and sulfur compounds, as well as a
great source of fiber, which supports a happy and healthy microbiome.
The only reason beans and legumes aren’t on the Intensive (for everyone
except vegans and vegetarians) is that they are higher in nonfiber carbs and
may, in some, promote insulin resistance. In addition, many folks have a hard
time digesting them—although soaking helps with digestibility, which is why
I strongly suggest that you soak or even sprout beans before eating them. (See
here for instructions.) And for a very small subset of folks, beans might
prompt inflammation because they have high levels of lectin—a
phytochemical that impedes the bioavailability of nutrients and can irritate the
digestive tract. The beans on the Everyday plan include:

Adzuki beans
Black beans
Black lentils
Black-eyed peas
Brown lentils
Cannellini beans
Chickpeas/Garbanzo beans
Fava beans
Great northern beans
Green lentils
Kidney beans
Mung beans
Navy beans
Pinto beans
Red beans
Red lentils
Soy (see the next page for guidelines on eating soy)
Split peas
Turtle beans

Note: Eden brand soaks their beans, then pressure cooks them in their cans
and even adds a bit of the sea vegetable kombu to improve digestibility. If you
don’t have time for soaking, seek out this brand, which is available at most
grocery stores.

Things to Keep in Mind When Eating Soy

I know soy has gotten a bad rap for its lectin content, potential
negative estrogenic effects, and for the genetically modified soy
that abounds in processed foods. However, we also know that
○ Soy isoflavones genistein, diadzien, and equol are potently
and beneficially epigenetically active.
○ Equol is protective against dementia.
○ Soy consumption is associated with a protective effect
against breast cancer (perhaps in part because of the
isoflavones’ beneficial effect on demethylating tumor-
suppressor genes).
○ Dr. Randall Jirtle demonstrated that genistein eliminated the
toxic effect of in utero BPA exposure on agouti mice offspring
(by acting like a methyl donor).
○ The modest estrogenic effect is helpful for women in
○ Soy is helpful for bone health.
○ It’s also a good source of protein.
My read on the literature is that, correctly chosen, soy is a
smart food.
When opting to eat soy, make sure that it is organic, as most
conventional soy is genetically modified and highly
contaminated with pesticides, and preferably fermented—which
includes varieties such as tempeh, miso, tamari, natto, and
pickled tofu—as fermentation makes the nutrients in soy more

When chosen carefully, whole grains can be a valuable source of magnesium
and B vitamins, which are important for DNA methylation, and chromium,
which improves blood sugar management. Some grains, such as oats, provide
sulfur, which is important in the methylation cycle and our antioxidant and
detoxification systems. Whole grains are also an excellent source of fiber,
which, again, is great for your microbiome.
That being said, there are two types of grains I recommend greatly
minimizing (or even avoiding altogether if you can)—those that contain
gluten, and those that are fortified with folic acid. So many people don’t
tolerate gluten well, and the incidence of celiac disease—an autoimmune
condition that can be triggered by gluten—has been increasing 7.5 percent a
year for the last several decades according to a 2020 review of eighty-six
studies (rates are higher for women and children than men).1 And I covered
the danger in over-consuming folic acid (the synthetic form of folate) here.
Another very important reason to minimize grain consumption—or at least
approach it carefully—is that for many of us (myself included) grains can
aggressively spike blood sugar, especially processed grains such as wheat
flour. Finally, grains do contain lectins, and if you’ve determined yourself to
be sensitive to these antinutrients, you’ll want to take care in consuming them.

Buckwheat (technically a seed)
Oats (look for gluten-free oats)
Quinoa (technically a seed)
Rice (basmati, bran, brown, wild)
Rye (particularly dark rye)


You can also soak your grains before cooking to improve their digestibility
and nutrient bioavailability (I share soaking instructions here).

Great Alternatives to Typical Grain Products

Pasta made from red lentils, chickpeas, or mung beans (a huge

favorite for kids, including mine)
Shirataki noodles (made from the konjac plant)
Almond flour
Coconut flour
Cassava flour
Arrowroot flour
Tapioca flour
Paleo baking flour (generally a mix of almond, coconut, and
cassava flours and tapioca starch)

Dairy from cows, sheep, and goats can be a great source of methylation
nutrients, especially methionine and B12. Other nutrients in fairly good
amounts include protein, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. Butyrate is
a very important short-chain fatty acid found in dairy. Also, most dairy sold in
the United States is fortified with D3 and vitamin A (as palmitate). However,
you do want to keep your dairy consumption fairly low, organic, and rbGH-
free, and consider leaning on goat or sheep sources, which are easier to digest
and are generally less inflammatory. The casein family of proteins found in all
dairy sources is problematic for many individuals. In our practice, we see a lot
of instances of dairy allergy or sensitivity, which contributes to everything
from eczema to migraine and inflammatory arthritis. And the milk sugar
lactose is frequently a cause of gas and bloating in individuals with genetic
lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose) deficiency or acquired lactase
deficiency, as commonly seen in adult-onset irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Anecdotally, some patients in
our clinic report dairy consumption on a low-carbohydrate diet contributes to
weight-loss resistance and/or difficulty getting into ketosis.
The form of dairy I feel the least conflicted about recommending is ghee, a
form of butter that has been clarified to remove the dairy proteins (including
the problematic casein). This renders it very hypoallergenic and most often
well tolerated even by people who are sensitive to dairy. It is also a good
source of butyrate, which nourishes cells in your digestive tract and directly
modulates genetic methylation to favorably alter gene expression. (Clinically,
we have not seen ghee inhibit ketosis or contribute to weight-loss resistance.)
If you tolerate dairy, stick to moderate amounts (no more than two 1-
tablespoon servings per day, unless otherwise noted below) of the following
dairy products:
Cottage cheese (¼ cup)
Goat cheese
Gruyère cheese
Milk (½ cup)
Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
Romano cheese
Yogurt (unsweetened, ¼ cup)

In general, sweeteners of any kind aren’t great for health because they raise
inflammation and drive oxidative stress that can cause injury at the molecular
and cellular level and contribute to the development of long-term diseases.
That’s why there are no added sweeteners included on the Younger You
Since the Everyday is designed to be more doable, even something you
can stick to over the long term, you can have small amounts of natural
sweeteners, listed below. Just keep it to no more than 1 teaspoon at a time,
and no more than twice per day. For some people, the sugar alcohols
erythritol and xylitol cause gas and bloating; if this is your experience, avoid
these noncaloric sweeteners.
Blackstrap molasses
Cane sugar, unrefined
Cocoa (70%+ dark, not Dutch processed)
Erythritol (a few drops)
Maple syrup
Monk fruit
Stevia (a few drops)
Xylitol (a few drops, and keep it away from pets as it’s toxic to dogs)

(A Little) Alcohol
When you’re on the Younger You Intensive, alcohol really is a no-no, as it’s
known to deplete methylation reserves and interfere with healthy epigenetic
methylation patterns. However, this is the Everyday version. And everyday is
real life. I don’t expect you to never have a drink again unless that’s the
choice that makes the most sense for you.
If you do consume alcohol, keep it to a minimum. This means no more
than one alcoholic drink per day for women and men. If you can drink less, or
none at all, that’s even better, because drinking alcohol does directly inhibit
the methylation cycle, but I understand that we live in the real world.
For clarity’s sake, one alcoholic drink is equivalent to five ounces of wine,
twelve ounces of beer, or one and a half ounces of spirits. When you imbibe, I
suggest drinking organic or biodynamic wine so that you minimize pesticide
exposure (just as you would when selecting a food to eat). Red wine contains
a small amount of resveratrol, an antioxidant and a DNA methylation
adaptogen, but don’t let this fact convince you that your red wine is a health
food—many other foods contain significantly more resveratrol; see here in the
Nutrient Reference for a list. Or enjoy a grain-free spirit such as vodka or
tequila, because they are low carb and, thus, take less of a toll on your body to
metabolize because they don’t spike your blood sugar the same way, say, a
beer does. Obviously, most beer contains gluten. In the best of all worlds, if
you are a devoted beer drinker, you’ll find a beer you like that doesn’t contain
And when you have those drinks, I suggest counterbalancing that DNA
methylation inhibition with a super methylation-supportive snack or meal
either before (a snack of sunflower and pumpkin seeds), during (a big helping
of greens with dinner), and/or the next morning (a blueberry smoothie).

Intermittent Fasting
Because the intermittent fasting portion of the Younger You Intensive is so
moderate and doable, I recommend you continue it on the Everyday version,
as well. To refresh your memory, that means finishing up your last meal at 7
p.m. and then not eating again until 7 a.m. the next morning. If you are more
of a night owl, you can push both of these times back to one that suits you
better, making sure to finish eating at least three hours before bed. If you are
already regularly going longer than twelve hours overnight without eating,
that is fine. Keep it up.

Foods to Continue to Avoid

Charred/fried/grilled foods
Artificial sweeteners
Added sugars (except for those few exceptions I just listed)

And although these aren’t foods, per se, they influence the chemical
content of your food and beverages, so avoid these too: plastic food storage
containers, plastic water bottles, and nonstick pans (more on this in Chapter
You also want to continue to eat organic as much as you possibly can.


I find it’s more helpful to focus on what you can eat instead of what you can’t.
So allow me to introduce you to what I affectionately call the Dynamic
Dozen. These are the top twelve foods that get your DNA methylation
machinery humming. Some of them will be familiar to you, some you may
love, and some, honestly, you may question. (I mean, I get that liver isn’t
exactly a popular food.) But when you learn why these foods are so powerful
—and try our recipes that incorporate them—I think you, too, will be a fan,
and you’ll be inspired to weave these foods into your regular rotation.
Just know that, in addition to being DNA methylation superstars, the foods
in the Dynamic Dozen are what’s known as pleiotropic, which is a fancy way
of saying they do lots of good things. (In Greek, pleio means many and tropic
means effects. Pleiotropic is most often used to describe single genes that
influence multiple biological characteristics; I use it here to refer to one
compound or food having a broad array of benefits.) They’re anti-
inflammatory, anticancer, and in many cases, antiviral. And remember, some
of them are both methyl donor and DNA methylation adaptogens (especially
cruciferous vegetables), meaning they offer double the benefits to bio age.
There are of course many other DNA methylation–rock star foods, so
don’t stop with just these twelve! See here for the full list.

#1: Green Tea

DNA methylation adaptogen
In addition to being a beneficial anti-aging player via a variety of ways, green
tea is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and neuroprotective (to name
a few). I am sure some of these important mechanisms of green tea are
enacted via epigenome regulation. Many of the world’s longest-lived humans
are avid, daily green tea drinkers.
You probably have heard that green tea is healthier than black tea. While
they are both made from leaves of the same plant, Camellia sinensis, black tea
leaves are exposed to the air and allowed to oxidize and turn darker in order
to intensify their flavor. Green tea leaves are protected from exposure to the
air; that’s why they are much lighter in color. This difference in process leads
to different nutrient profiles. While both black and green tea are high in the
antioxidants known as flavonoids (which are a subgroup of the category of
antioxidants known as polyphenols), green tea is significantly higher in a
handful of important flavonoids epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is
a powerful DNA methylation adaptogen. Green tea is also lower in caffeine
than black tea and less dehydrating.
How to consume it: Of course, you can brew tea out of green tea. To get
the maximum amount of EGCG, let it steep for ten minutes in hot water that
has just kissed the boiling point (this provides about 100 mg EGCG per cup,
although, be warned, it will intensify the taste; if steeping this long makes
green tea unpalatable to you, steep it as long as you can and still find it
drinkable). Matcha is a powdered form of green tea, and you can also make
tea out of it, or a delicious Matcha Latte (here), or use it in your cooking.
Check out our recipe for Matcha Coconut Crunch here—it is truly a delicious
way to get not just your EGCG but also other superfoods such as seeds, all in
one bowl (or handful—it’s good enough to eat straight!). And the Matcha
Gummies here make EGCG’s goodness extremely portable and palatable if
you don’t want to drink an entire cup.
Alternatives: White tea, oolong tea, and black tea, which have varying
amounts of EGCG (although less than green tea does); other EGCG sources
are listed here in the Nutrient Reference.

#2: Turmeric
DNA methylation adaptogen
Known as the “king of spices,” turmeric has many potent effects on your
biochemistry and your health, including preventing cancer as well as
neurological and inflammatory diseases.2 Of course, I am most excited about
its impressive ability to modulate genetic expression by changing levels of
DNA methylation, which is a primary way that turmeric exerts its powerful
A constituent of turmeric is curcumin, which is a powerful DNA
methylation adaptogen. In cell studies, curcumin looks to be able to both add
and reverse excess or erroneous methylation marks on your DNA, like the
clean-up crew for life’s inevitable biochemical messes. While turmeric’s
bright yellow color may stain your fingers and your cookware, it’s worth the
potential cleaning mishaps.
How to eat it: You can buy turmeric fresh—it looks a lot like fresh ginger,
only smaller, and is often found in the produce section of the grocery store.
You can also buy it powdered, but if you choose this option, spring for
organic. Some conventional brands add things like lead (seriously) to keep it
looking bright yellow, and it’s not the color that’s beneficial, it’s the
curcumin. You don’t want your DNA methylation superfood to expose you to
toxic metals, right? You can add turmeric to eggs, salad dressings, stir fries,
soups, and stews (my favorite is our Creamy Coconut Curry recipe here), or
even make a tasty beverage out of it—see here for our Golden Turmeric Milk
recipe (I drink it almost every day!). Just be sure to have it with a little
healthy fat and freshly ground black pepper, which makes the curcumin more
readily used by your body.
Alternative: Curry powder

#3: Blueberries
DNA methylation adaptogen
Blueberries are rich sources of DNA methylation adaptogens, including
anthocyanins, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, and quercetin. Plus, they’re
sweet while still being low-sugar and low-glycemic, making them a natural fit
on the Younger You program.
How to eat them: Luckily most berries aren’t a hard sell—they are
delicious on their own, especially when they are in season, and you can eat up
to one cup of them per day (and more if your blood sugar isn’t impacted by
them; less if it is). When they’re not in season, frozen wild or organic versions
are great additions to smoothies and Younger You–approved grain-free baked
goods, like the Blueberry Beet Scones here. I also throw fresh or frozen
blueberries in glasses of water or on my salad. Whenever possible, choose
wild berries, as they typically have higher levels of DNA methylation
adaptogens than their cultivated counterparts.
Alternatives: Blackberries, black currants, raspberries, and strawberries are
all rich in DNA methylation adaptogens, too.

#4: Rosemary
DNA methylation adaptogen
Rosemary is a stealth contender in the health-food world—it doesn’t get near
the attention that turmeric, garlic, or ginger do, but it’s definitely worthy of
your adoration and a place in your daily diet. Rosemary is a potent antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory, it’s anticancer and provides neuroprotection (boosting
memory and cognitive performance) and pain relief.3 It’s even been shown to
be as effective as minoxidil (aka Rogaine) in regrowing hair.4 But most
importantly for our purposes, it’s a powerhouse DNA methylation adaptogen,
thanks to abundant amounts of rosmarinic acid and ursolic acid, among
others. It’s also super easy to grow on a patio (although more challenging to
keep alive on a windowsill, at least in my experience). Choose fresh rosemary
or dried whole-leaf rosemary that you chop or grind just before using, as they
have significantly higher levels of rosemarinic acid than powdered dried
How to eat it: Rosemary goes with so many things—roasted vegetables,
soups, meat dishes, soups, stews. If you don’t like its woody texture you can
put it in one of those spice containers that has a built-in grinder. You can also
buy one with black peppercorns or sea salt in it and add a little rosemary, as
the piperine present in freshly ground pepper may help the rosmarinic acid be
better absorbed. You can also brew a tea with it by steeping two teaspoons of
the whole leaves (whether dried or fresh) in hot water, then garnishing with a
squeeze of fresh lemon or orange. Or try my favorite Rosemary Lemon Tart
for a “legal” sweet way to enjoy it (here)!
Alternatives: Peppermint, spearmint, sage, thyme, lemon thyme, and
oregano are also good sources of rosmarinic acid.

#5: Cruciferous Vegetables

Methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens
Cruciferous vegetables are rich sources of sulfur-containing compounds
known as glucosinolates (maca is another source). Once ingested,
glucosinolates are metabolized by your digestion and your gut microbes into
other compounds, including indoles, thiocyanates, and isothiocyanates. These
biologically active derivatives are known to prevent cancer, reduce
inflammation, turn on our body’s antioxidant system, balance our microbiome
(they’re antimicrobial), improve estrogen metabolism (important for men as
well as women), and support detoxification. One isothiocyanate getting a lot
of attention in the epigenetic world is sulforaphane. In addition to the benefits
of isothiocyanates, sulforaphane is a powerful DNA methylation adaptogen
that has been shown to support epigenetic changes that are potently
anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective.5,6
Thanks to glucosinolates’ tremendous beneficial influence on the
epigenome overall, not just DNA methylation, the Younger You program
prescribes eating a lot of them. For comparison, the USDA suggests eating
four cups of cruciferous vegetables per week.7 On the Younger You Everyday,
you’ll be eating two cups per day. (If that sounds like a lot, consider that’s
measured raw, not cooked, and lightly packed.)
How to eat them: Highly versatile, cruciferous vegetables are equally great
eaten raw, roasted, or sautéed.
Examples: arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, daikon radish, horseradish, kale,
kohlrabi, radish, rutabaga, turnip greens, turnips, wasabi, and watercress

#6: Beets
Methyl donor
Beets get a bad rap, but they are so loveable. Not only for their sweet earthy
taste, but also, and especially, for one specific phytonutrient they contain:
betaine. This important methyl donor plays a big role in keeping the
methylation cycle humming (fundamental for DNA methylation fitness).
Beets are also high in vitamin C (a DNA methylation adaptogen), fiber,
potassium (needed in the methylation cycle, too), protein, folate (another
methyl donor), and manganese. They help lower blood pressure, fight cancer,
and support detoxification. They are smart for so many reasons!
On the Younger You Everyday, I advise eating a minimum of three
medium beets per week. While red beets are the most widely available, all
beet varieties (such as golden beets) have unique polyphenol profiles that
contribute to their lovely colors. It’s my recommendation that you eat a
variety of different types of beets, as you’re able to source them. And if you
can’t stomach eating any variety of beet regularly, opt for a beet supplement
(see here). (True story: red beets will also turn your poop bright red, which
can be startling, I admit, but a good way to gauge how long it takes for your
body to digest and eliminate a meal.)
And while I’m selling you on beets, I can’t neglect raving about beet
greens! Don’t throw these out: they are chock-full of antioxidants and
nutrients, with more iron than spinach and loads of protein, phosphorus, zinc,
fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium.
How to consume them: Beets are great roasted or boiled and eaten either
on their own or in salads. They’re also good grated, raw, and used in slaws or
even folded into burgers (see our Not Your Mama’s Burger on here). You can
also get betaine by drinking beet juice, which is a great addition to seltzer or
sparkling water (see the Beet Bubbly here), or even to our Blueberry Beet
Scones (recipe here). Isabella and I both love them boiled, peeled, and
drizzled with a little olive oil (or half extra-virgin olive oil, half MCT oil) and
balsamic. As for those beet greens, you can use them instead of spinach in
many recipes or stir-fry them with olive oil, garlic, and salt; you can also add
them to smoothies.
Alternatives: Quinoa, spinach, and lambsquarters are also excellent
sources of betaine.

#7: Eggs
Methyl donor
Once considered the “bad egg” of the nutrition world, the humble egg—
especially a pastured, organic, and omega-3-enriched egg—is a DNA
methylation darling because it is arguably the best food source of choline.
And choline is a vital methyl donor (in addition to brain food, mood food,
liver food, pregnancy food, and so on), albeit one that works in a bit of a
backdoor way. Choline is tough for your body to make and sucks up S-
adenosylmethionine (SAMe), the universal methyl donor that donates the
methyl groups that get laid down on the genome, along the way. Indeed,
choline is considered “conditionally essential” because it is so hard to make
and pretty much no one eats enough in their diet. So if you supply the body
with choline through food, you preserve SAMe, and in so doing, you plug up
a hole in the methylation process, leaving yourself more SAMe available for
DNA methylation.
On both the Younger You Intensive and Everyday, we suggest eating a
range of between five and ten eggs per week. You can go on the lower end of
that spectrum if you’re willing to eat liver (the other primary source of
choline) once or twice a week. If liver is just a no-go for you—although I
truly do believe our Luscious Liver Pâté recipe (here) can convert most nay-
sayers—then you can double up on your weekly eggs. That being said, eggs
are a common allergen. And of course, vegans don’t eat them. I list some
alternative sources of choline below.
How to eat them: Poaching is the healthiest way to prepare an egg. Aside
from the standard directives to hard boil, scramble, or fry eggs, my best
advice is to eat them with other members of the DNA methylation Dynamic
Dozen—add a teaspoon of turmeric to scrambled eggs, sauté greens in the
same pan, or try our Green Eggs and Shiitake Ham (recipe here). You can also
pop a hard-boiled egg on a salad, or eat it on its own as a snack.
Alternatives: Grass-fed beef, wild salmon. Plant-based sources of choline
include: soybeans (must be organic), lentils, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, shiitake, and flax seeds. If you are a woman who’s considering
pregnancy, you need choline (the recommended daily intake for pregnant
women is 450 mg and 550 mg for lactating women—likely more than you’re
eating, especially if you are vegan); while the foods listed above do indeed
provide some choline, supplementation might be appropriate for you (see here
and here for more information).

#8: Organic Liver

Methyl donor
Liver is such an astonishing powerhouse source of methylation-friendly
nutrients, I really should have put it in the number-one spot on this list. If
everything else here is one of the Supremes, liver is Diana Ross. But I know I
would probably scare you off if I did that. I get that liver is not exactly
popular, and that perhaps right about now you’re envisioning the liver and
onions your mom or grandma used to try to force on you as a kid. But please,
hear me out. No other food matches liver’s broad-spectrum methylation
support. It provides a surprisingly high amount of natural folate and B12
(more than a day’s supply), other B vitamins, betaine, choline (almost a full
day’s supply), methionine and cysteine (which is converted back to
methionine or into our body’s chief antioxidant, glutathione), as well as zinc.
Every single one of these nutrients supports the methylation cycle.
Additionally, liver has a lot of preformed vitamin A (which is important for
DNA demethylation). There are, however, two caveats with liver: 1. If you
have been diagnosed with too much iron, don’t eat it, as it is rich in iron; 2. It
is a detox organ, so you always want to choose organic and/or grass-fed (for
beef liver). And if you can’t find clean liver, I recommend using liver
capsules instead (see here).
How to eat it: I really think our Luscious Liver Pâté (here) will make a
liver believer out of you! Otherwise, you can add it to soup (see our DNA
Methylation Minestrone, here) or mix a little bit of it into hamburgers,
meatballs, or meatloaf. You can also stick to chicken, lamb, or calf liver,
which typically have a milder flavor than beef liver. I grew up eating
liverwurst and still like it with mayo (I hold off on the bread). Ron, the study
participant I mentioned earlier who is still eating his daily seven cups of
vegetables, swears by breading chicken livers in a little paleo flour that’s been
seasoned with paprika and garlic powder and pan-frying them—he calls them
“the new chicken fingers.” I understand that liver can be a struggle. Just know
that any amount of it that you eat is a win.
Alternatives: The nutrient density of liver requires that you double down
on all of the other Younger You super nutrients if you are going to avoid it.
Plan B: consider taking liver in supplement form (see Resources for our

#9: Seeds
Methyl donors
Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are powerhouses of DNA methylation,
since they are rich in zinc, methionine, cysteine, magnesium, potassium, B3,
B6, folate, and betaine. They’re also great sources of polyunsaturated fatty
acids. On the Younger You Everyday, you’ll be eating one tablespoon each of
pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds every day, which is surprisingly easy to
How to eat them: Seeds are a great addition to salads. You can also eat
them by the handful, or try them in a blend (see our Cinnamon Nut Crunch,
here). For a different texture, you can also use sunflower seed or pumpkin
seed butter, which are just like peanut butter. There are quite a few different
brands on the market, and some contain sugars or added oils, so make sure to
look for one that only contains seeds and salt. You can also easily make them
at home with a little time and a food processor. Go for raw rather than roasted
whenever possible.
Alternatives: Sesame seeds and tahini also pack a DNA methylation

#10: Salmon
Methyl donor
Oh salmon, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. You are a great
source of the omega-3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, and DHA helps
indirectly to regulate the methylation cycle. You also deliver healthy amounts
of vitamins D and A, which modulate the function of enzymes involved in
both methylation and demethylation. You are also an excellent source of the
methyl donor B12 (with a massive 236 percent of recommended daily intake!),
as well as other important methylation nutrients choline, zinc, magnesium,
and potassium. Plus you offer selenium, biotin, niacin, iodine, and
phosphorous. This potent cocktail of nutrients makes the omega-3s more
bioavailable, meaning that eating salmon is more effective at elevating levels
of DHA and EPA than taking fish-oil supplements (as fish oil typically only
contains omega-3s, other fats, and some vitamin A and D).
While wild caught salmon is great, I’m also a fan of very cleanly sourced,
humanely raised farmed salmon, of which some varieties have more omega-
3s than wild caught. (Note that organic fish farming is not yet regulated by the
FDA, so if you’re buying “organic” I suggest carefully reviewing just what
the producer is doing to make sure it is indeed organic and regulated by a
reputable certification body.) Correctly raised farmed salmon has an
abundance of good nutrients and is very low in toxins. I regularly eat super-
clean farmed salmon that I buy at Whole Foods (Izzy loves it as much as I
do). It tastes great, and most importantly the standards used in raising the
salmon are humane and the diet is very clean. In addition, the nutrient levels
are verified by a third party.
How to eat it: Salmon is so darn easy to cook—just sprinkle with a little
salt and pepper and sauté in a small amount of avocado oil until opaque
throughout. It goes great with greens (I think you’ll find most things go great
with greens!). If you want a little more flavor variety, try the Spiced Salmon
Cakes with Vegetable Fries here.
Alternatives: Whitefish, roe, and oysters are other DNA methylation
superfoods from the sea. If you are vegetarian or vegan, get omega-3s from
flax and chia seeds and walnuts; you may also want to consider
supplementing with DHA- and EPA-containing algae. I assure you, these fatty
acids are that important.

#11: Shiitake Mushrooms

Methyl donor and DNA methylation adaptogen
Shiitakes offer a winning combo for supporting DNA methylation. They
modulate the activity of enzymes involved in methylation and have been
shown to reduce excess levels of homocysteine.8 They are also a good source
of the methyl donors folate and choline; plus vitamins D, B2, B3 and B6. And
they act as a DNA methylation adaptogen. Good sources of zinc and
potassium, shiitakes are also packed full of polysaccharides called beta
glucans. These are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune rejuvenating.
I realize mushrooms can be a hard sell for some folks—I think shiitakes
are the least “mushroomy” mushrooms, especially when you sauté them until
they are just barely golden brown, with a little salt and a splash of coconut
aminos (see here in the Nutrient Reference for more about this savory
ingredient). Cooked this way, they almost taste like bacon, with a great savory
flavor that perfectly embodies the so-called fifth taste known as umami.
How to eat them: Sauté them and add them to salads, soups, scrambled
eggs and frittatas, stir-fries, and curries.
Alternatives: Other forms of mushrooms show up in multiple places on the
Nutrient Reference that starts here—enoki and reishi, for example—so
experiment with those if you are so inclined. Supplementing with shiitake is a
reasonable alternative; it can be taken as powder or in capsules. Dried
mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Just
make sure you’re buying a pure, organic product that has been standardized
for beta glucans concentration and clearly states that on the label. I generally
avoid products with the term “mycelium” in the ingredient list—it should say
“fruiting body” on the label.

#12: Spinach
Methyl donor
Really, all dark leafy greens are methylation superstars, but I’m calling out
spinach on this list because it has a mild taste that blends well with other
flavors, making it a great starter green. All greens are rich sources of folate
and betaine, which are methyl donors, and they’re terrific sources of minerals,
including iron, calcium, and magnesium. For the Younger You Everyday,
you’ll be eating one cup of dark leafy greens per day. But consider that two
cups of raw greens cooks down to about one-third of a cup—you can totally
do this. (Also, I include a list of ways to make sure you get your daily veggie
allotment here.)
How to eat it: Sautéed with a bunch of garlic; steamed and sprinkled with
lemon juice; torn up and thrown into smoothies, soups, stews, stir-fries, and
curries; or raw with a dressing made of healthy fats.
Alternatives: kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, dandelion greens, mustard
greens, beet greens—or my favorite, broccoli rabe


I’ve seen the power of even baby steps in improving diet make a huge
difference in symptoms and overall well-being. One patient, Terri, a woman
in midlife, had arthritis, hives, and complained of having gained weight that
she couldn’t lose. Although I suggested she meet with a nutritionist to
develop a personalized eating plan, she didn’t keep the appointment and
didn’t follow the Everyday dietary guidelines very well. But she did stop
eating between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., and she switched as many of her foods to
organic as she could. Her pain and her hives both improved considerably, and
she even lost a little bit of weight, without making any other changes. Best of
all, she raved about how much better she felt. While I love to see patients
make huge strides and adopt a top-notch diet, the truth is, not everyone is
motivated to do so. Yet even small steps can truly add up.
Many of my patients find the easiest way to start making changes to their
diet is to swap out things they’re already consuming with something that
packs more of a DNA methylation punch. The following fifteen swaps will go
a long way toward bathing your genes in the ingredients they need for optimal
expression and making sure that they are methylated in just the right amounts
(not too much or too little). Copy this chart and stick it on your fridge for an
easy reminder!


Coffee or black tea Green tea or oolong tea
Bananas Berries—especially blueberries, raspberries, and
Potatoes Beets, kohlrabi, carrots, or sweet potatoes
Typical hamburgers Grass-fed burgers, wild salmon burgers
Vegetable oil, soybean oil, Avocado oil, coconut oil, MCT oil
cottonseed oil, canola oil,
grapeseed oil, safflower oil (for
Regular olive oil Organic extra-virgin olive oil—bonus points for
rosemary infused—only for drizzling on salads or
cooked foods, not for cooking
Potato chips and other bagged Roasted beet chips, roasted chickpeas, seaweed
snacks snacks, kale chips, plantain chips, sunflower seeds, or
pumpkin seeds
Hot chocolate Turmeric-rich golden milk
Pasta Quinoa or legume pastas
Sausage Sautéed shiitake mushrooms (or if you want real
sausage, get a clean-sourced product; fresh organic
chicken sausage is good and fairly easy to find
Iceberg or regular lettuces Spinach, arugula, kale, chard, and collard greens as a
base for salads
White or brown sugar Stevia, monk fruit, inulin, erythritol, honey, or maple
Peanut butter Almond butter, sunflower butter, or pumpkin seed
Cereal A grain-free, nut- and seed-heavy granola (such as our
Matcha Coconut Crunch), a porridge made from
quinoa, or an egg dish (such as Green Eggs and
Shiitake Ham)
Conventional produce and meat Organic produce, meat (pastured and/or grass-fed
whenever possible), and fish (wild caught or third-
party-verified, clean farm-raised)


I’ve got a Cheat Sheet and a sample weekly menu for you at the end of this
chapter that helps show what the Everyday eating plan looks like. But it’s also
helpful to keep these few principles in mind as you decide what to eat on your
plan (especially if you are following the Everyday as a foundational eating
plan and aren’t transitioning out of the Intensive or are merely looking to
swap in more DNA methylation-foods).
• Focus on incorporating a variety of nonstarchy veggies that
support methylation: Prioritize the consumption of three types of
vegetables: cruciferous, leafy green, and colorful, as they are rich in
methyl donors and, particularly in the case of cruciferous vegetables,
DNA methylation adaptogens. (To reiterate, many foods contain
nutrients that are both methyl donor and adaptogen—cruciferous
vegetables are just one example of this wondrous fact.) That includes
things like leeks, daikon radish, asparagus, bok choy, Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, broccoli rabe, kale, collard greens, spinach, Swiss chard, and
peppers of all colors. A simple way to incorporate these veggies is with
a big chopped salad or in a stir-fry. Season/flavor with olive oil, salt and
pepper, and perhaps a squeeze of lemon for zing (or use our Herbal
Epigenetic Dressing for even more DNA methylation support and
One thing to keep in mind is that these vegetables are all low-
glycemic, meaning they don’t have a big impact on your blood sugar.
Most potatoes, squashes, and corn rank higher on the glycemic scale, so
keep those to a minimum.
• Increase your healthy fat intake by including a combination of
avocados, nuts, and seeds—particularly sunflower seeds, pumpkin
seeds, and sesame seeds, which are all rich in methyl donors. Add cold-
pressed oils of these foods to your meals to keep the healthy fat content
high. All nut and seed oils should not be heated; instead, use as
finishing oils. Avocado oil (naturally refined), however, can be used for
high-heat cooking.
• Make your animal protein organic. Animals can pass on all the
contaminants found in their feed, so make sure that any animal protein
you eat is at least organic, and ideally grass-fed and pasture-raised. It
will help you keep more toxins out of your diet, and will protect your
body’s ability to methylate your DNA in a balanced way.
• Get plenty of the Dynamic Dozen. These are the twelve foods and
beverages that offer the biggest boost to balanced DNA methylation
that I listed starting here. Think of them as your new best-friend foods!
These are the foods to prioritize, even on days (or during weeks) when
you’re not otherwise focused on supporting your epigenome. Just put
them on your regular shopping list so that you have them on hand at all
times. Some require a little prep (like the liver), while others are grab
and go (like the nuts and seeds).
• Eat fermented foods daily, ideally a little with most meals: Healthy
gut microbes are crucial for optimal health and balanced DNA
methylation. They reduce inflammation, promote healthy digestion,
make the polyphenols (the plant compounds that fuel DNA
methylation) in your food bioavailable, and can even make methyl
donors, such as folate. Making a habit of eating some fermented foods
most days helps keep your microbiome and your genetic expression
Options for fermented foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir,
kombucha, pickles, olives, and fermented beets (make sure that these
have no added sugar and are fermented traditionally so that they are
high in probiotics—generally, you can tell by looking at the ingredient
list; traditionally fermented veggies often only have salt and other herbs
in them and develop their telltale tang over time as they ferment, while
“quick pickles” rely on vinegar for that puckery taste). Two good
choices are fermented products from Farmhouse Culture and Bubbies.
Just make sure that what you buy is from the refrigerated section rather
than the room-temperature shelves. You can also make your own—see
the recipes for Turmeric-Pickled Daikon here and Lactofermented
Vitamin D Mushrooms here.
• Add in prebiotic foods: Prebiotics nourish your microbiome by
providing the fiber that your good gut bugs rely on for food and are also
a great daily addition to your diet. Good sources of prebiotic fiber
include apples, asparagus, cocoa, dandelion greens, flax seeds, garlic,
inulin, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, leeks, onions (raw or cooked), and
seaweed. Jerusalem artichoke works well sautéed with olive oil and
some rosemary. The dandelion greens sauté easily with some olive oil
and lemon. Jicama is ideally suited to grating raw and adding to salads.
• Up your intake of DNA methylation adaptogens. Honestly there are
so many polyphenol-rich DNA methylation adaptogens it should be
easy to eat these—even multiple types—at every meal. I included a list
of the top ones here—go back and review that to find the few that you
can commit to having on a regular basis. But don’t stop there. My
nutritionist team and I have scoured nutrients databases and the
scientific literature to generate a compilation of these wonderfully
nutritive foods—it’s so exhaustive that it quickly grew to many pages,
and so we included it in the Nutrient Reference here. Read it over,
circle some of your faves, and star the ones perhaps you haven’t tried
before but are game to try. I cannot tell you how much I love this
resource. I am certain it’s the most comprehensive listing of DNA
methylation and epigenetically bioactive nutrients anywhere to date. (In
fact, much to the chagrin of our publisher, I kept adding to our Nutrient
Reference list as new science was released, right up until we went to


As much as I adore and espouse whole foods, I get that sometimes you just
want to grab something off the shelf and rip open a bag, or shake a bottled
dressing on your burger or salad. The following products are DNA
methylation friendly—eat them in moderation (because, of course, I prefer
that you primarily get your nutrients from whole foods, not things that come
in a wrapper, box, or bag).

Protein Bars
EPIC bars (there are a variety of flavors; find your favorite)
Go Raw Pumpkin Seed Sprouted Bar
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars (especially the Vanilla Shortbread and
Fudge Brownie flavors—my personal favorites)
Health Warrior Pumpkin Seed Bars
BHU FIT Vegan or Paleo Protein Bars

Sir Kensington’s Avocado Oil Mayo, Vegan Mayo, or Avocado Oil Vegan
Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo
Primal Kitchen salad dressings (made with avocado oil)
Bragg salad dressings (I especially love the organic olive oil)
Primal Kitchen Organic Unsweetened Ketchup
Hellmann’s Real Ketchup sweetened only with honey

Wild Planet sustainably caught sockeye salmon, mackerel, and sardines
Safe Catch tuna—their Elite line is lowest in mercury
Vital Choice canned seafood

Here are some labels to look for on farmed and wild-caught seafood:
MSC certified sustainable seafood
ASC certified farmed responsibly
Whole Foods Market Responsibly Farmed

Blue Mountain Organics Wraps, available in raw basil, raw tomato, and
raw curry flavors
NUCO Organic Coconut wraps
Siete Almond Flour Tortillas
Siete Cassava Flour Tortillas

Chips and Chip Alternatives

SeaSnax organic seaweed
EPIC Pork Rinds
LesserEvil Paleo Puffs
Barnana Organic Plantain Chips (my daughter would live on these if I let

Nut- and Seed-Based Snacks

Nut butter pouches, from Justin’s or Yumbutter
Go Raw snacks: Flax Snax, Sprouted Bites, Sprouted Cookie Crisps
Flackers Flax Seed Crackers
Simple Mills Crunchy Toasted Pecan Cookies

Dark Chocolate
Just make sure to choose chocolate that is 70 percent cacao or higher,
preferably dairy-free and low sugar or sugar-free (sweetened with stevia or
erythritol). Some of the brands that make bars that meet this criteria are listed
below, but there are others—read the label carefully.
Alter Eco Dark Blackout
Mary’s Gone Crackers—the whole line is gluten-free
Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers—they have many flavors and
varieties, all delicious

Bone Broths
Bonafide Provisions
Kettle & Fire
Cauldron Broths
Epic Bone Broth

Ice Cream
Van Leeuwen Vegan Ice Cream


(Recipes begin here)


Breakfast Zucchini Salmon Matcha Zucchini Cranberry- Green Cranberry-
Banana and Coconut Banana Apple- Eggs and Apple-
Muffins + Spinach Crunch Muffins Cinnamon Shiitake Cinnamon
coffee + Omelet Oatmeal + Ham + Oatmeal +
coconut coffee green tea oolong tea
Snack Herbed Seeds + Luscious Soft Nut and Sunflower Luscious
Beet berries Liver Pâté boiled Seed seed Liver Pâté
Yogurt on Nut and eggs “Everything” butter + + snap
Dip + Beet Seed topped Bread with broccoli peas
celery Bubbly “Everything” with berries
sticks Bread Herbed
Lunch Spiced Mix-and- Turkey Mix-and- Epigenetic Colorful Turkey
Butternut Match Meatballs + Match Chili Quinoa- Meatballs
Squash Rainbow sautéed Rainbow Lentil + steamed
and Red Salad + kale + Salad + Salad + veggies +
Lentil chickpeas rainbow salmon pumpkin black
Soup + quinoa carrots + seeds beans
wild rice
Snack Iced Golden Beet Bubbly Iced Beet Bubbly Golden Iced
oolong Turmeric oolong Turmeric oolong tea
tea Milk tea Milk
Dinner Broccoli Spiced Broccoli Colorful Mix-and- Epigenetic Mix-and-
Pesto Butternut Pesto with Quinoa- Match Chili Match
with Squash Pasta Lentil Rainbow Stir-Fry +
Pasta and Red (using Salad Salad + Glass of chicken
(using Lentil chickpea chicken red wine
chickpea Soup noodles) +
noodles) pumpkin
+ Glass of seeds
steamed red wine
kale +
Dessert No-Bake No-Bake
Chocolate Chocolate
Almond Almond
Cups Cups

Cheat Sheet of Younger You Everyday Program Food Targets

__ 2 cups dark leafy greens, measured raw, chopped, and
__ 1 cup cruciferous vegetables, measured raw, chopped, and
__ 1–2 cups additional colorful fruits and vegetables (limit fruit
consumption to two servings a day, as they can be high in
__ 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed butter
__ 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds or sunflower seed butter
__ One-plus serving of DNA methylation adaptogens (see list
__ Two 3- to 4-ounce servings of clean animal protein (unless
you’re over 60 or weigh more than 175 pounds, then two 5-
to 6-ounce servings; see list here)*
__ 3–5 tablespoons of healthy fats (see list here)
__ One-plus servings fermented foods (see list here)
__ Half your body weight in fluid ounces of filtered or spring
water, herbal tea, or seltzer

__ One serving of liver (3-ounce serving), preferably organic**
__ 5–10 eggs, preferably free-range and organic**
__ Three medium beets
* If you are vegetarian or vegan, aim for 40–50 grams of
additional protein from beans, legumes, or plant-based protein
powder to compensate for the animal protein; see here for a
chart to help you hit this target.
** On days when you eat liver and/or eggs, those count
toward your daily clean animal protein target; one egg is roughly
approximate to 1 ounce of meat.

• Eat organic as much as possible
• Eat between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. (or finish eating three hours before bed if
you go to bed after 11:30 p.m., and don’t have your first meal until
twelve hours after your final meal)
• Include healthy oils (coconut, olive, flaxseed, and pumpkin seed)
• Avoid folic acid–fortified foods (including nearly all commercial
products made out of wheat, such as bread, pasta, and baked goods),
vegetable oils, fried foods, and charred foods
• Keep alcohol consumption to two drinks per week or less
• Minimize plastic food and beverage containers, nonstick cookware

Just as with the Intensive, the Younger You Everyday isn’t complete
without the addition of a few powerful lifestyle practices, which I’ll cover in
the next chapter.



S ince there’s more to your life than mealtimes, there’s also more to the
Younger You plans than food. The truth is, the way that you take care of
yourself beyond what you eat has incredible power to positively influence
your DNA methylation and your epigenome.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to optimize your exercise, stress
reduction, sleep, and connection to others so that your DNA methylation
engine is firing on all cylinders. Every one of these pieces I share is
moderate and doable and has been road tested by our patients, our study
participants, and even our staff and family members. Best of all, these are
the types of practices that take all the good inputs you’ve been giving
yourself with your DNA methylation-supporting food choices and lend them
even more power. When you combine high-quality nutrition with sleep,
movement, and relaxation—the lifestyle practices from the formula I
introduced here—you function at your best. And you feel amazing.

Exercise is an anti-aging elixir that spins the biological clock in reverse:
when you look at the lifestyle habits of healthy centenarians, a commonality
among all of them is that movement is a foundational part of their life. And
in general, it needn’t be intense—gardening, walking, dancing, or bike riding
are truly all it takes to tick the box on your requirements for exercise.
Exercise is the ultimate form of hormesis (beneficial stressor). It turns on
physiologic processes for cellular repair, detoxifies you through your sweat,
burns pro-inflammatory fat for fuel, and builds heart muscle. In fact, not
exercising takes as big a toll on life span as smoking.
A big reason that movement is such a vital component of health and
longevity is that it nourishes the epigenome.1 It acts like yet another epi-
nutrient by turning bad genes off and turning on genes we want activated,
and giving you the DNA methylation patterns of a younger person.2
Specifically, positive, exercise-induced DNA methylation changes have
been found on genes that are related to the following:
• Obesity, diabetes, and fat storage (this particular study showed
profound, beneficial changes in type 2 diabetics who started exercising
in just six months!)3
• The inflammatory response and inflammation-associated diseases4
• Learning, memory, and neuroplasticity (the ability of brain cells to
form new connections)5
• Suppressing cancer—and this effect is more pronounced the older you

Some of the epigenetic changes that exercise produces happen really

quickly. A 2012 study found that nonexercising healthy adults experienced
immediate (albeit transient) DNA methylation changes—genes associated
with metabolism were turned on—after a single exercise session.7
Exercise has a significant effect on DNA methylation, and at least some
of the methylation patterns on specific genes known to be favorably
influenced by exercise are handed down generation to generation (called
“imprinted genes”). Specific imprinted genes that are favorably influenced
by exercise include those in cancer prevention, insulin sensitivity, and
muscle. Could your resilience to developing diabetes come from your
grandmother’s lifelong tai chi practice? Or the very low incidence of cancer
in your family be the result of your family history in the hard work of
farming? Or the ease with which you build muscle be a benefit of your
parents’ and grandparents’ love of the outdoors? Research suggests yes.8
That being said, there is such a thing as too much exercise. Again, there’s
a U curve of benefit. For one example, the process of generating the energy
it takes to fuel all that exertion naturally creates free radicals that your body
needs time (and nutrients) to be able to quench. Pushing up to and beyond
your limit, too often, especially when you are not well-conditioned, can turn
this beneficial stressor into a harmful one; intense, frequent exercise could
have a pro-aging influence if not conducted correctly. Just as with food, you
want to be in the sweet spot.
A reasonable starting goal—what we asked of our study participants, and
the requirement for the Intensive program—is to aim for a minimum five
sessions per week of at least thirty minutes at a moderate exertion level. We
think that this exercise prescription is enough to keep your DNA methylation
in a good place.
As far as what kind of exercise to do, we told our study participants to do
something they loved, and suggested brisk walking, light jogging, hiking,
dancing, yard work, bicycling, and swimming as activities to consider.
Whether you are doing the Younger You Intensive or the Everyday, that’s
your assignment now, too: at least thirty minutes of doing some form of
exercise you love, at least five days a week. This not-too-structured, not-too-
intense kind of exercise program is great for getting you into the groove of
moving regularly—and that consistency is the most important piece (not the
Even if you’re not a typical exercise aficionado, there is a way to
incorporate movement into your life. My patient Jenny is a prime example.
A fifty-five-year-old female with IBS and a self-admitted “allergy” to
exercise, when Jenny was prescribed the Intensive program, the diet, sleep,
and meditation pieces were all doable and she starting reaping rewards
immediately—she had better GI function, lower C-reactive protein levels,
lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar and fasting insulin, and better mood. It
was all going quite well, except for exercise. For Jenny, the solution was
using the app Couch to 5K, which connects you to others who also share a
goal of being able to run five kilometers, no matter how sedentary you are
when you start. She also found that chatting with someone on the phone
during her training time, whether they were exercising or not, really helped.
The exercise—and the community—aspect also boosted Jenny’s mental
health, and she began tapering her antidepressant medication. And
interestingly, it wasn’t the goal of the 5K that motivated her, it was the daily
gentle jog and walk and community that provided her the most reward.
If you have mobility challenges, such as chronic illness or pain, a well-
designed exercise protocol can provide respite from your pain and fatigue.
Our patient Paul, even with his intense neuropathy, found that using the
weight machines at the gym helped his body feel significantly better.
Exercise can reduce pain through multiple avenues—it strengthens muscles,
which then leads to better-supported joints, whether they are your knees or
your vertebrae; it improves circulation and oxygenation, which means
inflammatory waste products are swept away; it releases endorphins and
endocannabinoids, endogenous chemicals that are extraordinarily potent
natural pain relievers; and it lifts mood.
There are brilliant physical therapists, exercise physiologists,
biomechanists, yoga instructors, and fitness trainers who can guide you
through any physical limitations you may have. I have one patient with
severe kyphosis who worked with a yoga instructor on appropriate stretching
and strengthening moves, and her spinal curvature improved so significantly
that she’s gained back two inches in height (a feat verified by her
If five sessions a week sounds like a lot to you, or you’re not currently
exercising at all, your simple goal is to do something to get moving at least
three times per week, and gradually increase that number of weekly sessions
to five. Just know that our study findings suggest you don’t need to go for
the burn. There’s no need to hit the weight machines at the gym to the extent
that you can barely move the next day, or go for a run when you’ve hardly
been walking, so that your heart starts pounding. In fact, doing so can be
counterproductive as it will increase inflammation and potentially dissuade
you from making movement a regular part of your life.
Your goal is to reach an intensity of 60 to 80 percent of maximum
perceived exertion (PE)—that means you’re still able to carry on a
conversation, although you might be sucking a little bit of wind in order to
do so. You don’t need to wear a heart rate monitor or fancy biometric
tracking device, as research suggests that using PE alone is about as reliable
as using fancy tracking equipment.

Perceived Exertion (PE) Chart

There’s really not one right way to hit these moderate goals. My patients,
staff, our study participants, even my mom all have a slightly different take
on what they do and when to ensure that they move their bodies for at least
thirty minutes, at least five times a week.
One study participant began walking to work, which was thirty minutes
each way and perfectly fit the guidelines of thirty to sixty minutes, five days
a week. Another, who was not very active, began going for a twenty- to
thirty-minute walk with his son two or three nights a week. While he didn’t
completely hit his exercise goal, making that initial commitment made him
realize how good it felt to get regular movement, and he said it was
something he would continue after the study was through.
For a couple of our study participants, this level of activity was much less
than they were used to. In fact, one participant had to delay the start of his
eight weeks because he had a rock climbing trip planned where he would be
climbing several hours a day. I don’t want to talk anyone out of a beloved
hobby, such as rock climbing, but I share his story because I know some of
you are reading this book because you are fitness enthusiasts. There is a
popular belief that more exercise is better, but there comes a point (that is
still being defined) where it might work against your overall health. I
definitely don’t want to stop you from going after your highest fitness goals.
I just hope that knowing that sleep, relaxation, and connection also play such
a vital role in the health of your epigenome, you’ll consider these other
levers to be as important as working out, and perhaps—if it’s correct for you
—redistribute some of the time you spend exercising on these other
endeavors. The good news is that by measuring your bio age using the
various tools in the book plus a periodic look at your DNA methylation
biological age, you will be able to find your exercise sweet spot.
Believe me, I understand the lure to intense exercise: I was a competitive
cyclist during medical school, and it was one of the happiest, and most
arduous, times in my life. I was also sick with sinusitis during that time quite
often because I was always pushing myself scholastically and on the bike—I
didn’t understand the importance of recovery then. I’ve not had sinusitis
once since graduation, which also coincided with the end of my competitive
cycling career.
Riding is still my sport of choice, and I still like to get my heart rate up
and work up a good sweat, but I have dialed the intensity and duration down
somewhat. Now riding outdoors in as many weather conditions as possible is
my sanity; it gets me outside where I can see (and smell) the change of
seasons—the freshly mowed lawns and flowers of summer, the musky sweet
grapes and colorful leaves of fall, and the bracing cold of winter. If I’m
alone, I can listen to podcasts, engage in an active meditation practice, call in
to a work meeting, check in with family, or just enjoy the silence. And if
Isabella is sitting in her seat on the back of the bike, I can savor the sounds
of her humming “Baby Shark.”
Because sitting is the new smoking, I also invested in a treadmill desk at
work that I walk on, very slowly, for one or two hours a day, or that I just
use as a standing desk. And I’ve built a few core exercises and some gentle
yoga poses into my getting ready for bed wind-down routine. They keep my
lower back supple, strong, and pain free and help me relax a bit before sleep.
My mom is all about finding the right time of day to slot in her exercise
based on her energy level. She goes for a walk in the early mornings, after
coffee and meditation but before breakfast.
Mom says she goes even when she doesn’t feel like it by telling herself
she’ll just go around the block, and she ends up nearly always walking
around several blocks before she heads back. She said that listening to an
audiobook—especially a good mystery—helps get her out the door. She also
listens to a book in the afternoons when she does her leg-strengthening
exercises, and when she watches the news at night she’ll do some arm
weights. Mom is also a passionate gardener, an activity she engages in most
days during the warmer months. It’s a good blend of doing the forms of
exercise she loves, and for those types that aren’t as fun (lifting arm weights,
for example), she does them while doing something she does enjoy
(although I don’t know if “enjoy” is the right term to use for watching the
Karen, the COO of our practice, loves a loose schedule. While she’s
committed to exercising five or six days per week, she varies what she does,
alternating between walks, weights, YouTube exercise videos, dancing, and
yoga. She says that committing to a number of weekly sessions while
maintaining flexibility around when and what she does works best.
It also helps to work movement into your workday wherever you can,
whether that’s walking to work or having a moving meeting. Karen and I
have a regular weekly meeting during which I am on my bike and she’s
getting her fitness in—in the fall, I can often hear her raking leaves, and
other times, she’s on her treadmill desk, too.
There really is no one right way to get your moderate amounts of
exercise, just as long as it’s consistent. There’s only the way that works for
you. If you can exercise outdoors, you’ll also get fresh air, but if a virtual
experience (such as riding a Peloton bike) gets you active, use it. If
exercising with others makes it more fun for you, by all means, set up a
regular walking date or commit to a group class. I see this all of the time in
my practice: patients transitioning into an exercise routine do it best with a
community, even a virtual one, some even using a free conference call line
or an online video meeting to share workout time with others. But if you
prefer solitude so you can hear yourself think, that’s great, too. Whatever
gets you moving.
When you’re ready, you can add in bursts of more intense exercise, such
as the aptly named high-intensity interval training (HIIT), where you
alternate periods of pushing hard for a short amount of time (somewhere
between thirty seconds and one minute, typically) with periods of rest
(generally for about half the time you go all out). HIIT has a body of
research that suggests that it provides extra benefits. Research has shown
HIIT to be effective at:
• Boosting brain power9
• Burning fat10
• Lowering insulin resistance11
• Improving markers of cardiovascular health12

“High intensity” means you are going “all out” and reaching 90 percent
or higher perceived exertion—your breathing is strained, it’s impossible to
keep up a conversation, and your muscles are fatiguing quickly. The good
news is that you only maintain this level of intensity for two minutes or less.
You can either incorporate your HIIT into your regular workout—walking
up a few hills as quickly as you can, if you’re walking, or sprinting if you’re
jogging—or you can perform a workout that is specifically designed to
intersperse short intervals of exertion and rest—like the famous seven-
minute workout. If you choose to do HIIT workouts, they should be in
addition to, not in replacement of, your five thirty-plus-minute exercise
sessions per week.
The take-home message here is that when it comes to exercise, what’s
most important is that you do something you can stick with, like my mom’s
faithful daily gardening or my patient Jenny’s daily walk/jog. The thing you
do day in and day out outweighs what you do every once in a while, even if
that once in a while thing is the trendy exercise du jour. We have to start—
and perhaps stick with—“good enough” and trust that even moderate efforts
will improve health span. Our study suggests that it will. Some is always
better than none.

Guidelines for DNA Methylation–Friendly Exercise

To recap, here’s your exercise prescription:
• A duration of thirty to sixty minutes
• A minimum of five times a week
• At an exertion level of 60 to 80 percent of your max capacity—you
can still have a conversation, but you’re breaking a light sweat and
your breathing may be noticeable
• As you’re ready, add in one or two HIIT sessions a week; either
incorporating them into your existing workout or adding an additional
workout or two (because they can be as short as seven minutes, you
can do HIIT workouts on the same days that you do your thirty-plus
minutes of moderate exercise). Also: if you need additional support or
motivation to do HIIT, look no further than YouTube; there are all
sorts of HIIT videos, targeted specifically to beginners, older people,
five-minute programs, and more.

Setting the Stage for Exercise Success

Any consistent new habit involves more than just a decision to start. It also
requires some forethought. Here are the issues you need to think through to
set yourself up for success:
• What motivates you? Give some thought to what you know helps
you do the things you say you want to do. Do you need company
(even virtually)? Accountability? Flexibility? Brainstorm ways to give
yourself the conditions you need to be successful. Also think about the
good feelings movement brings; the sense of accomplishment, the
visual changes that getting in shape produces, and the turning on of
the DNA methylation patterns of a younger you.
• Finding the time. Knowing that you’re looking for blocks of time that
are a minimum of thirty minutes long (you also need to factor in time
to change clothes before and after, and perhaps shower, although at
this moderate level of exertion you likely won’t sweat much, if at all),
get out your calendar and ask yourself when you have the most
flexibility for fitting in exercise. Put it in your calendar just as you
would any other meeting or appointment—that way you can protect
that time and even get a reminder to go do it.
• Figuring out what you like to do. Make a list of the physical
activities you enjoy.
• Securing supplies. Is there anything you need to buy or repair in
order to be able to do your favorite activities regularly? If you choose
walking, an activity tracker, a comfortable pair of walking shoes, and
some gear appropriate to your typical weather conditions can really
help you get out the door. If you want to get back into playing tennis,
do you need some new balls?


I know you’ve heard this message before, but it is vital that you’re tending to
how you respond to stress. Stress is inevitable, but managed poorly, stress
will drive aging forward like gasoline poured on a fire. As I mentioned in
Chapter 3, a full 25 percent of the methylation sites that are evaluated in the
DNAmAge clock we used in our study are on gene regions that get turned on
in response to stress (specifically, the glucocorticoids, like cortisol, which is
released under stress, can turn the genes on). These stress-stimulated genes
are associated with diseases driven by inflammation including cancer, heart
disease and, of course, aging itself.13 I know it’s a bit of a complex
phenomenon, but the take-home is that stress plays a very large, direct, but
underappreciated role in driving aging, and aging-related diseases, forward.
Stress-altered epigenetics increases inflammation, dysregulates blood
sugar, and imbalances our immunity. Stress can also lead to methyl donor
drain, as we use up our precious SAMe—the universal methyl donor
manufactured and then used in the methylation cycle (see here for more
about this vital process) in the process of metabolizing adrenaline.
The brutal truth is that some of us come into the world with epigenetic
stress programming from previous generations’ experiences that makes us
more sensitive to its ravages. If you feel that you are quick to anger,
overreact, or dive headfirst into overwhelm or fear, perhaps your epigenetics
have been modified in such a way that your glucocorticoid response has
been heightened or your oxytocin is blunted. You might have a baseline
lower stress threshold that came from experiences in your lifetime, or
perhaps your stress response was inherited (or a combination of both).
One animal study showed these stress and trauma-induced changes can
be passed down through a full four generations;14 and still another animal
study showed fear responses (associated with significant anatomical changes
to brain neuron size) were passed down for at least two generations!15 Wow.
In humans, the Överkalix, Dutch Hunger Winter, and Project Ice Storm
studies all showed negative effects of maternal stress, both physical and
emotional, on the DNA methylation of their offspring that, in some cases,
was shown to last at least three generations. (I can’t help but wonder what
DNA methylation effects the COVID-19 pandemic will have on some
mothers, kids, and the babies that were born in 2020 and 2021.)
Why is there such a huge relationship between early stress and lasting
DNA methylation changes and the outcomes they produce? When we are
little, DNA methylation patterning is wide open; it’s a sensitive time for
programming our response to the world. We are being shaped by
environment in a powerful, direct way. There are two important genes at
play in particular: oxytocin (or the oxytocin receptor)—the love hormone I
cover here—gene and glucocorticoid associated genes, which modulate the
stress response. If mom’s oxytocin activity is robust, she’ll want to tend to
baby, allowing for baby to develop a stress resilience that can last a lifetime.
But if her oxytocin activity is low because her oxytocin receptor gene is
hypermethylated, such as can be seen in postpartum depression or times of
heightened stress, or due to mom’s own history of mistreatment, her loving
contact with baby may also be low, which can then result in
hypomethylation of baby’s glucocorticoid genes, which allows them to be
turned on readily, increasing baby’s stress sensitivities.
It all begs the question: in those of us with this inheritance, are we also
predisposed to the chronic diseases of aging and accelerated aging?
Unfortunately, I strongly suspect that the answer is yes, although that
research has yet to be done. While we’re waiting for the science, we already
know that adopting these lifestyle habits will support healthy stress
responses and a beneficial restructuring of DNA methylation patterns.
In the Project Ice Storm study, lead researcher Suzanne King and
associate investigator Moshe Szyf found that both emotional and physical
stress can lead to heritable epigenetic changes that result in immune
dysregulation (i.e., inflammation, that fundamental driver of aging) in the
offspring. The mothers who were pregnant during that ice storm were more
likely to have children with autism, asthma, or negative changes to white
blood cells, and these changes were triggered by changed DNA methylation
patterns on the genes that code for immune system proteins responsive to
glucocorticoids—a category of stress hormones that includes cortisol.
The Project Ice Storm study wasn’t the first time Szyf demonstrated that
stress negatively impacts offspring. In fact, he’s been studying this
phenomenon for decades: In his seminal research using rodents, he and co-
investigator Michael Meaney found that maternal grooming, or lack thereof,
changed DNA methylation patterns regulating glucocorticoids in the
hippocampal region of the brain in offspring that persist into adulthood.
Those without sufficient grooming experienced a heightened stress response
that other rodent offspring with sufficient early life nurturing didn’t
experience (conversely, those that were groomed acquired a more balanced
DNA methylation pattern on those same genes and thus a more balanced
response to stressors).16 Thus, another key way that stress influences DNA
methylation is by lowering the brain’s stress response threshold. Meaning, it
takes a smaller stressor to elicit a bigger release of cortisol and adrenaline.
One other gene that can be differentially methylated in infants whose
mothers experienced trauma in their childhoods is brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), whose healthy expression is essential for brain
development in childhood and healthy function throughout the life span.17
Fortunately, BDNF expression can be nurtured by following the Younger
You program, as many DNA methylation adaptogens—green tea,
blueberries, grapes, extra-virgin olive oil, chocolate, turmeric, and fatty fish
—and lifestyle practices—sleep, exercise, and meditation—increase it.
One small piece of good news is that some research shows that the DNA
methylation changes that are due to childhood stress don’t always appear to
be heritable. A 2019 study found that mothers who had stressful childhoods
had a consistent pattern of imbalanced DNA methylation at key genes,
including increased glucocorticoid receptor methylation (the stress response
that’s associated with aging and the chronic diseases of aging) even in
adulthood, but their newborns didn’t share that pattern.18

Healing from Trauma

We can’t talk about reducing stress as part of reversing bio age without also
addressing trauma. Being from Sandy Hook, where the pain and trauma of
the mass shooting that happened at our elementary school is still palpable,
and thinking about all of the pain, suffering, and loss that occurred during
the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the generations of trauma that BIPOC
Americans have endured, I am constantly wondering how we can transform
the biological embedding of traumatic experiences.
Just as stress gets biologically embedded in our epigenome, so does
trauma. (Recall that biological embedding is the process by which emotional
events are incorporated into our epigenome—either through our own
experience or the experience of previous generations.)
If you’ve experienced traumatic stress—in utero, in infancy, or
childhood, or throughout your life—and/or you have PTSD, it can alter the
DNA methylation patterns in your brain, in some cases leading you to
experience less stressful events as more stressful. Meaning, a small- to
medium-size stressor occurs, and you have a large, extra-large, or Everest-
size reaction to it. Or, conversely, loads of stress over the course of a lifetime
can create a blunted response to stressful events, causing a shutdown.19 In
either case, whether you’re hypersensitive to stress or your receptors are
dulled to it, the chronic surge of cortisol still drives aging and age-related
diseases via changes to DNA methylation.
When we look at the research on DNA methylation in those with
symptoms associated with PTSD, across the studies, there are always
abnormal methylation patterns on genes associated with cortisol and the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (the feedback loop between the
brain and the adrenal glands that regulates the stress response) plus
inflammatory genes; and often in this population, we see negative changes to
feel-good brain hormones like oxytocin, BDNF, and serotonin.20
Kids mistreated in early childhood, in what’s known in the literature as
adverse childhood events (ACEs) or childhood maltreatment (CM), were
found to have hypermethylated—and thus turned off—oxytocin receptor
genes, which was associated with less gray matter volume in the left
orbitofrontal cortex region of their brains as compared to kids who didn’t
experience CM. These changes were associated with a distorted attachment
formation. There are plenty of other instances showing hypermethylated
oxytocin genes resulting from early life adversities, including lack of
maternal care, low socioeconomic status, and abuse. These changes appear
to carry forward into adulthood, prompting difficulty with connection,
emotional processing ability, and other challenges.21
An interesting 2020 review paper looking at DNA methylation patterns in
PTSD confirmed that the genes that are involved in trauma responses are
consistently associated with glucocorticoid activation, inflammation, and
genes that code for the enzymes that make DNA methylation possible.
Meaning, the effects of trauma on DNA methylation will push you toward
inflammation, a heightened stress response, and disordered DNA
methylation, all of which can accelerate aging and open the door to the
diseases of aging.22
There is good news here, though, and it is this: because DNA
methylation is a player in the effects of trauma, the Younger You program
should help remedy them. While the results of animal studies aren’t
guaranteed to apply to humans, they do illuminate how DNA methylation
works. One hopeful piece of trauma-related news came when Dr. Moshe
Szyf published a paper in Molecular Psychiatry looking at DNA methylation
patterns in mice. Those who displayed behaviors indicative of PTSD had
noticeably—and consistently—different DNA methylation patterns in the
nucleus accumbens region of the brain than those who didn’t. Using SAMe
and vitamin A, two nutrients that we know influence DNA methylation, Dr.
Szyf and his team were able to return the DNA methylation patterns in the
affected mice’s brains back to normal.
Of course, when you are in a full trauma response it can be hard to shop
for and prepare the healthy foods in the Younger You plans and to find the
time and motivation for things like exercise, meditation, and sleep. Your
financial reality may make paying more for organic produce not an option,
but know that any piece of the Younger You Intensive you can adopt—
drinking a cup of green tea, cuddling with a pet or loved one, taking a
prebedtime melatonin to help you get seven hours of sleep, getting out for a
ten-minute walk, for example—will help you avoid falling into a post-
trauma DNA methylation slump.
While we—collectively and individually—absolutely must do what we
can to reduce unnecessary trauma, it’s scientifically impossible to
completely insulate ourselves from it altogether. There is a powerful
opportunity around trauma, however, and that is to study the epigenetic
patterning around post-traumatic growth and resilience—what it is, how to
nurture it, and how to supercharge it in times of hardship so that trauma
doesn’t have such a long tail.
And here is where the research simply hasn’t caught up yet. As the
authors of the review I just mentioned point out: “There are not studies
examining post traumatic growth. This lack of literature is consistent with
observations of a pathogenic research bias in trauma literature.”
What we do know thus far is that there are epigenetic patterns associated
with surviving and thriving after stress. What if we could encourage the
development of those patterns in order to support ourselves and our family in
recovering from and coming back stronger after stressful, even traumatic
times? It’s a lovely idea, to be sure, but also a very good possibility: in my
2017 podcast with Dr. Moshe Szyf, he said he is hopeful that we will be able
to develop epigenetic diagnostics and therapeutics that will help us correct
the biological embedding of trauma onto our epigenome. A possible scenario
might be that, rather than having to relive trauma through talk or behavioral
therapy, we could identify and gently nudge the epigenetic patterns of
trauma back into balance with a noninvasive DNA methylation–supportive
program, avoiding emotional debilitation and mood-altering psychotropic
medications—and we might even be able to correct this in utero, long before
any chance of expression. We will have to see how it shakes out, but the
thought of improving overall health and releasing generations-old trauma is
certainly tantalizing. In the meantime, incorporate as many of the Younger
You guidelines as you can to rewire your genetic expression away from
being trauma impaired.

Countering Current Stress

Beyond the epigenetic patterns you inherited and what you experienced in
your earliest life, the stress that you’re experiencing currently, whether it’s
PTSD, job strain, death of a loved one, illness, or the effects of a global
pandemic, can all negatively influence DNA methylation patterns
contributing to aging and stress-associated illnesses.23
This sounds like a bummer, I know. Whose parents and grandparents
didn’t experience stressful times, perhaps even trauma? And who among us
isn’t stressed in our current realities? But really, the enormous impact that
stress has on the epigenome is a call to action. Your stress levels require
your attention in order to bring them down.
I know that stress feels like a ubiquitous and completely unavoidable
aspect of life; something you might be able to futz with around the edges,
but not something you can make a significant change to, without winning the
lottery, or retiring, or moving to a secluded island (or maybe all three). For
many of us, it’s often not until we have a realization or experience of its
brutal toll on our health that we find the motivation to do anything about it.
The key takeaway here is that it is possible to nudge yourself out of this
epigenetic pattern caused by, and which can contribute to, stress. The
Younger You principles are an excellent preventative and restorative
measure for anyone who has experienced trauma and fears that these
experiences may have become biologically embedded. The eating plan will
help keep DNA methylation in a more balanced place, and the lifestyle
components of the program—meditating, cuddling, getting regular exercise
—will help retrain your stress response so that stress has less of a negative
impact on your DNA methylation in the first place. In particular, a consistent
relaxation practice may have the potential to have a profound effect not only
on your biological age, but also on the associated, chronic diseases of aging
by favorably influencing those same HPA axis, immune, and feel-good
hormone genes that I mentioned earlier. Recall in Chapter 3, I said tai chi
practice significantly slowed age-related DNA methylation losses in a study
of five hundred women; a sixty-day relaxation response practice likewise
lowered DNA methylation age in a healthy population. Those who meditate
—both experienced and inexperienced—can favorably alter DNA
methylation patterns (the more experience, the more profound the change,
however).24 Yoga, qigong, and mindfulness are all capable of favorably
influencing the epigenome.25 It’s really quite extraordinary what it looks like
we can do by applying some intention and attention to stepping out of the
powerful river of stress.
The icing on the cake is that as you turn down your stress, you’ll not only
be biologically younger, but also your day-to-day experience of stress will
drop, in sometimes profound ways, as my patient Sean experienced.
Sean, a man in his thirties, had a very stressful job at a hedge fund (where
he was also very successful). He came to see me because he was
experiencing regular migraine headaches. Sean’s first morning salivary
cortisol levels (the stress hormone that, when released in excess over the
long haul, wreaks havoc on health) were high and imbalanced enough that,
along with a few other findings he had on labs, I was concerned about a
heart attack—early heart attacks were in his family history, and similar
morning cortisol patterns have an association with cardiovascular events. It
wasn’t until I showed Sean the hard laboratory data of his cortisol patterns
that he got motivated to meditate every morning.
Sean’s consistent practice helped his cortisol come down dramatically,
but it also got him to deeply rethink how he was choosing to live his life. In
what he viewed as a life-or-death decision, he ultimately changed careers to
one that was more fulfilling—fostering small business development. De-
stressing also remedied his cortisol levels and his migraines.
To be clear, the only de-stressing requirement of the Younger You
Intensive is that you practice meditation for a minimum of ten minutes,
twice a day (and as long as twenty minutes at a time if it’s feeling good and
you want to keep going) for the next eight weeks. But don’t be surprised if
regularly stepping off the hamster wheel and empowering your body to
experience how good relaxation feels leads you to rearrange your life so that
there’s more room for relaxation and less room for stress.

Are You Stressed Out? A Few Common and Less Common Signs

Look at your nails. Are they raggedy and chewed? Are the
cuticles picked? (The medical term for this practice is creepily
apt: autocannibalism). When I think I’m doing well at life, all I
need to do is take a peek at my cuticles to confirm—they
sometimes tell me a whole other story.
Are you yawning, sighing, or feeling like you need to
catch your breath? Stress triggers shallow breathing, which
can result in air hunger.
Having trouble thinking of words? Or conversely, can
you not stop talking, crying, thinking, or ruminating? Stress
impairs cognitive function, and can cause problems with
memory, mood, and anxiety. This is at least in part because
chronic stress and trauma can lead to imbalanced methylation
of one of our key genes involved in memory and learning:
BDNF. As previously mentioned, meditation and exercise both
can improve BDNF availability.
Are you more tuned in to odors, or are certain smells
bothering you? Humans are animals, and we use our sense
of smell to sniff for danger. If you’re stressed, your physiology
is going to turn up the sensitivity of your olfactory system.
Are you getting a lot of tension headaches? Holding
your breath or breathing shallowly results in low oxygenation of
your muscles. Which leads to tightness. Which leads to
tension headaches.
Are your muscles sore? In addition to low oxygenation,
stress causes your muscles to tense in preparation for fleeing
or fighting.
Have you been having heart palpitations? The fight-or-
flight response raises your heart rate.
Are your eyelashes or eyebrows looking scant? Some
folks deal with stress by pulling them out, in a practice known
as trichotillomania.

What I’m going to tell you to do about your stress is the same thing
that Sean and our study participants did, and that is meditate.
You probably already know that meditation helps with emotional
regulation and can even change the size of certain areas of the brain.
Meditation also gives your brain a break from all the emails, texts, and to-
dos that keep your nervous system in a heightened state. But you may not
realize that meditation also supports healthy DNA methylation. This likely
has to do with meditation’s ability to reduce psychological and physiological
stress. When you’re in a stressed-out state, your adrenals pump out the
hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which require methylation to be
made, metabolized, and excreted. That means there are fewer methyl donors
on hand for DNA methylation. In fact, a 2017 study found that long-term
meditators had a younger epigenetic age than people who had never or rarely
Clearly, it’s time we all get our meditation on: twice a day, for a total of
twenty to forty minutes, as part of the Younger You Intensive.
It’s common to resist the very idea of meditating, or breathing, almost
like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum (something I know a lot about at this
point in my life). But once you metabolize just how pervasive an effect
stress has on your health and your biological age—and how much
meditation truly can benefit you—you’ll be motivated to actually meditate
and not just read about it.
If you already have a meditation practice, booyah for you! I hope that
knowing that your practice helps promote healthy DNA methylation and
reduces biological age will inspire you to keep going. If you don’t already
have a meditation practice, now is the time to start. You don’t even have to
know how to meditate. I’m including the exact directions that we supplied to
our study participants here. I suggest following them during the eight weeks
of the Younger You Intensive if at all possible. But if you need a little more
in-the-moment guidance, or are following the Younger You Everyday, there
are many meditation apps that can talk you through it. An added bonus of
using a guided meditation app is that it will track your sessions, which helps
keep you accountable. Some good ones include:
• Oak
• Buddhify
• Insight Timer
• Headspace
• Calm
• University of Wisconsin’s Healthy Minds app (completely free and
research-based! I use their guided active mediations when I am biking)

It’s really as simple as taking a seat. You—your sanity and your health—
are worth that time. And every time you do, you’ll be reclaiming a portion of
those sixteen-plus years at the end of life that too many of us spend sick.


In our research study, we prescribed a twice-daily meditation session of ten
to twenty minutes inspired by Dr. Herbert Benson’s classic book The
Relaxation Response. This recommendation was evidence based: a 2019
study demonstrated that sixty days of relaxation practice, twenty minutes
twice per day, could significantly reduce biological age as measured by the
Zbieć-Piekarska clock (which is a different DNA methylation clock than the
DNAmAge clock that we used) in otherwise healthy people.27 Because we
recognized that twenty minutes twice a day was a big ask, we gave our
participants a range of ten to twenty minutes for each session. Aiming for ten
minutes makes the practice more doable, and once you are actually sitting,
you may get into a groove and decide to stay longer than ten minutes.
When you are following the Younger You Intensive, this is your
prescription, too—two daily meditation sessions of ten to twenty minutes
each. If you are on the Younger You Everyday, aim for a minimum of ten
minutes of meditation, done once per day, every day, or as many days as you
can manage. Meaning, if you miss a day, don’t throw in the towel—just get
started again the next day.
There are, of course, many other practices that induce relaxation, such as
tai chi, yoga, qigong, and breath work. You can sign up for these or for a
meditation class that meets in person or virtually. The community aspect of
these group settings can make the discipline of meditation easier, and it can
also feel like less of an effort to get into a quiet, focused state—you can just
ride the vibes in the (virtual) room. And practicing relaxation with others
helps you feel that connection to others that’s also so vital to emotional,
mental, and DNA methylation health (I’ll talk more about the benefits of
connection here).
If you prefer breath work to straight-up meditation, these apps are
• Stop, Breathe & Think
• MindShift CBT
• Just Breathe
• Breethe
• Box Breathing

Another option is HeartMath, which is an evidence-based program that

can improve symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety by helping you
synchronize the rhythms of your brain and heart by optimizing your heart
rate variability (HRV). The Inner Balance trainer, in particular, offers guided
meditation that gives you feedback in real time about the effect your efforts
are making on your heart rate and emotional state. It requires you to
purchase a small sensor that clips to your ear. We frequently recommend
HeartMath to our patients and they have found it very impactful in helping
them shift out of long-held states of stress.
While not a meditation app per se, I have also come to rely on my Ōura
Ring, which is a biometric tracker that measures all of the lifestyle
components tracked in our study, including meditation, exercise, sleep, and
sleep quality (in addition to heart rate and heart rate variability, which is a
measure of how quickly your heart recuperates after exposure to stress).
Seeing my body respond to meditation in the form of improved heart rate
variability and overall heart rate is validating and motivating for me, a self-
professed data hound. Many of us have some tool that can track our efforts,
whether it’s a Fitbit, smartphone, or Apple Watch. While they’re not precise
measurements, the trends these devices capture can offer beneficial insight
and keep us heading in the right direction.
Just as with exercise, the most important criterion of your relaxation
practice is that it be something you enjoy, so that it will be easy to make it a
long-running part of your life. For the duration of the Younger You
Intensive, I advise you to do the same exercise that our study participants
did, outlined in the box below. If you are starting with the Younger You
Everyday, this meditation practice is a great place to start if you don’t
already have something you love. Get some consistency under your belt with
this, and then you can branch out if you like.

Your Daily Relaxation Practice

Adapted from The Relaxation Response, by Herbert Benson, MD

Let go of the idea of doing it correctly, or even of relaxing
fully. This is a practice; you are practicing. Absolve yourself of
any expectations of nailing it.
Try to resist the urge to set an alarm, as hearing it may
undo some of the relaxation that you’ve cultivated. It’s OK to
open your eyes to check the time.
Sit comfortably in a quiet place (although if your best time to
meditate is while riding the train to work—use it).
Close your eyes.
Breathe normally, through your nose.
Starting at your feet, check in with each body part and invite
it to relax. Continue until you reach the top of your head.
Now rest your attention on your breath. Every time you
breathe out, say the word “one” silently to yourself. Breathe in,
breathe out, “one.” Breathe in, breathe out, “one.”
When stressful or distracting thoughts barge in, redirect
your attention to your breath and to saying the word “one” as
you exhale.
Keep going for 10 to 20 minutes.
Repeat the practice twice a day.
It’s OK to Work Your Way Up
If twenty minutes feels too long, you can start with as little as three minutes.
Once you sit down and get started, you’re likely to keep going. Also, your
body will start to crave more and more relaxation once it gets the experience
of it. Again, an app like Calm or HeartMath or an Ōura Ring can track your
time for you, so you don’t have to expend any mental energy peeking at the

Find the Time You Can Commit To

Many study participants found it helpful to do their relaxation practice right
after waking up and just before going to bed. But for those with kids, the
morning was typically too hectic. In that case, we advised them to do it just
before or after breakfast, exercise, or dinner—whichever worked best for
their schedule. Tying it to something else you’re already doing—even
brushing your teeth!—makes you much more likely to do it. For me, alone
time is sometimes drive time or bike time. There are a couple of public
parking lots in my town that are not busy that I can tuck into for a meditation
session if needed.

Don’t Stress About Getting It Wrong

The number-one rule of stress relief is that you can’t let it stress you out.
Anytime your mind tries to convince you you’re doing it wrong (which it
will, over and over), because your attention wanders or you get impatient,
just notice that it’s happened and go back to repeating the word “one” on
your exhales. Learning how to notice that you’ve gotten off track and then
starting again is essential to becoming versed in meditation and is a valuable
life skill that will serve you elsewhere.

Sleep is a fundamental component of health overall and healthy DNA
methylation in particular. Yet it’s well documented that as we age, our sleep
changes, and that these changes start as early as our thirties. Most
significantly, the all-important, restorative deep sleep (the form of sleep we
need to prevent age-related diseases and decline) decreases significantly
over time. Also, the total duration of sleep drops off and it becomes more
fragmented as we have more frequent wake-ups. In fact, as Matthew Walker,
of the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory at UC Berkeley says, “Sleep
changes with aging, but it doesn’t just change with aging; it can also start to
explain aging itself.”28 Let that sink in! Additionally, all of the chronic
diseases of aging have strong causal links to poor sleep. These facts, along
with the epigenetic research into sleep and DNA methylation, make it clear
why paying attention to sleep is so important to biological age and why it
was something that we included in our study. Fortunately, there are ways to
improve sleep—regardless of your age.
Whether you are doing the Younger You Intensive or the Everyday, your
assignment is the same we gave to our study participants—to get at least
seven hours of sleep per night. If that’s lower than you typically get, you can
feel good about knowing that you’ve already got this box checked (and
certainly don’t start sleeping less than you normally do just because I name
seven hours a night as a goal!).
As I covered in Chapter 2, sleep is an important part of the Younger You
program, because it is a powerful—and fast—influencer of DNA
methylation and the epigenome. As I also mentioned in Chapter 2, sleep is
the component of a healthy lifestyle that I struggle with the most. The upside
for you is that my questionable track record of getting good sleep has
motivated me to train for better sleep skills as if I were training for a
marathon. Let’s just say, I’ve learned some things. Namely, rather than
looking for the one thing that will revolutionize your sleep, prepare to try
several smaller adjustments to your daily routine. In my own experience and
the experience of my patients, a lot of little changes add up to a lot of restful

The Stages of Sleep, and Why They Matter

While yes, the total duration of your sleep is important, the quality of those
hours also matters. A lot.
There are four distinct phases of sleep that repeat throughout the night in
a series of cycles. Each cycle lasts between 70 and 120 minutes—the first
cycle of the night is the shortest; cycles then extend from there.
On average, you’ll go through four to six sleep cycles in a night; although
this number is affected by your age, how well you’ve been sleeping in
general, and whether or not you’ve had alcohol, which tends to decrease
REM sleep and contribute to middle-of-the-night waking. (This is yet
another reason that alcohol isn’t great for you, and why it is altogether
excluded from the Younger You Intensive and allowed only in minimal
amounts on the Younger You Everyday.)
Each of the phases of the sleep cycle are essential. They are as follows:
• Dozing off: This phase only lasts for a few minutes, and while your
brain and muscle activity is slowed (except for some random
twitches), you can still wake up easily.
• Light sleep: In this transitional stage, your core body temperature
drops, your muscles relax, and your heart and respiration rates slow
down. In transition sleep, you’re preparing for deep sleep; you can still
wake up fairly easily. In the first cycle of the night, you’re in this stage
for about twenty minutes. This phase gets longer in subsequent cycles,
to the point that about half your total sleeping hours are spent in light
• Deep sleep: This is the most restorative stage of sleep, when your
body cleans, rejuvenates, and repairs itself. In the brain, the glial cells
dump their toxic load and the glymphatic system clears out the waste.
There’s also cleanup and rebuilding happening throughout the body,
including in the muscles. This is more rationale for not eating after 7
p.m.—because the body has plenty of other tasks to tend to, and if it’s
busy digesting, the less focus and energy it will have for renewal. In
deep sleep, blood pressure drops, heart rate variability stabilizes, your
muscles are very deeply relaxed, and your pulse and breathing slow
even further. We tend to spend more time in deep sleep earlier in the
night; these phases get shorter in subsequent sleep cycles. All told,
deep sleep should comprise up to 20 percent of total sleep time. Deep
sleep decreases as we age.
• REM sleep: Perhaps the best-known sleep cycle, REM is when your
most vivid dreams occur. REM sleep is associated with memory,
learning, and creativity. In fact, your brain activity in REM sleep is
nearly as high as it is when you are awake. All the muscles in the
body, except the muscles of respiration and vision, are immobilized.
Your first REM stage of the night is short—just a few minutes. But the
duration of REM sleep grows throughout the night. Typically REM
sleep comprises about 25 percent of total sleep time. REM sleep also
decreases with age.

Tips for Getting More, Higher-Quality Sleep

There are some things you want to do on a daily basis to invite restorative
sleep, and some things that you do once that will then support your ability to
sleep from there on out. The one-time things include:
• Make your room dark. Light exerts a profound suppressive effect on
the pineal gland’s release of melatonin, thereby shortening the body’s
internal recognition of night duration.29 Even something seemingly
innocent, like a digital clock, can interfere with your sleep. It’s well
worth the investment to hang room-darkening shades, switch out your
digital clock that’s always on to one that only displays the time when
you push a button, or buy a quality sleep mask if the first two things
aren’t an option. I invested in beautiful room-darkening, top-down,
bottom-up blinds for me and my daughter. They allow lots of light by
day (and exposure to morning light also helps regulate your internal
clock, so you want to open those curtains and get outside as early as
you can) and create lots of dark by night.
• Keep things cool. Your body temperature naturally drops during light
sleep, so if your room is too hot, it can keep you awake. You may need
to adjust your bedding—swapping out a heavy down comforter for a
sheet, blanket, and quilt arrangement that will allow you to find just
the right amount of cover to keep you cool. Or you may need a fan or
an air conditioner, or to turn down your radiator or crack a window, to
keep your bedroom in a temperate zone. I love a cool mist humidifier
at night all year long for its cooling and moisturizing benefits. In fact,
I’ve become so attached to sleeping with humidity that I use a tiny
bedside USB-port travel humidifier when I’m staying in a hotel.
• Eat—and don’t eat—for sleep. Turns out good sleep has an optimal
diet: higher fat and lower carbs, which is in alignment with the
Younger You Intensive. Sleep metabolism prefers the slow burn of fats
rather than high-energy carbs. That being said, sleep is impaired when
you go to bed on a full stomach. Why? A full stomach will inhibit
sleep, and especially deep sleep. Your heart rate will not drop to where
it needs to be for detoxification and repair and rebuilding; rather,
you’ll be directing energy toward digesting food, something we’re
designed to do during the day. It’s yet another reason to stop eating by
7 p.m. each night, or if you are more of a night owl, at least three
hours before you go to bed.
• Secure some form of blue-light blocker. Blue light is a primary
component of sunlight, and we evolved to not have any blue-light
exposure once night fell. Because blue light is stimulating, and
because it is emitted by all the various screens in your life, you want
to minimize your exposure to it after the sun has gone down. Your best
first choice for minimizing your after-dusk blue-light intake is to turn
off the screen after the sun sets. I know this is hard, and sometimes
impossible, to do, so your second-best choice is to minimize or block
the blue light that your screen emits. You can download an app such as
f.lux, adjust your display settings on your device to shift into night
mode at sunset, or buy blue-light blocking glasses to wear during any
nighttime device usage. These glasses are ubiquitous now—I’ve seen
them at office supply stores and the drugstore, although you can
always find more stylish options online.
• Consider wearing a sleep tracker. Having struggled with poor sleep
on and off for decades, I did not have confidence that I’d ever become
a “good” sleeper. Knowing that, one of the first tools I found useful
was a wearable sleep tracker. Seeing the amount and types of sleep
you got last night as data points, and not relying on your perception of
how well you slept—or didn’t sleep—helps make the quest for a better
night’s sleep less fraught. Seeing that I achieved a good amount of
deep sleep every night was eye opening—and comforting. And I can
see that I do much better when I’ve exercised earlier in the day versus
later in the day or not at all (as research suggests, this helps
specifically deep sleep).30 I can also see that when I eat late at night
(and especially carbs late at night), forget it. My sleep stinks. The
sleep tracker also reminds me when bedtime is approaching, which is
a great cue to do my evening relaxation practice and make sure I’m
getting to bed early enough—which, turns out, is the most important
thing we can do to get enough total sleep, and specifically deep sleep.
Which means that a great first question to ask yourself if your sleep is
off is, am I going to bed too late? And what do I need to do in order to
get in bed earlier? Note that not all trackers are equal, and no tracker is
100 percent accurate, but they can still be quite helpful.
• Evaluate whom you share a bed with. Sleep is so important that if
your partner has sleep apnea or restless legs, give sleeping solo a try.
The same goes for pets—if your cat walks across your stomach in the
middle of the night seventeen times, they might need to sleep in a
different room. I had to start locking my kitty Amos out of my
bedroom and Isabella’s so that his nighttime adventures didn’t wake us
up. I know it’s hard, but sleep is worth it.

I like to think of the daily habits that promote better sleep in terms of
when they should occur. First, it makes it feel less like yet another to-do list.
And second, it helps give your days a regular structure, which helps regulate
your internal clock. And when your internal clock is well tuned, it will make
it easier for you to fall asleep at bedtime and sleep through the night.
• Noon: Stop having any caffeinated drinks. And if you’re very
sensitive to caffeine (many of us don’t metabolize it well), consider
dropping it altogether. Caffeine can stay in your system for as long as
six hours, so put plenty of time between caffeine’s zone of influence
and bedtime.
• 7 p.m.: Finish your last bit of food, as the digestion process can be
stimulating. (As discussed in Chapter 5, time-restricted eating is
favorable for DNA methylation and insulin regulation.) You’ll also
want to finish up any strenuous exercise, as a workout too close to
bedtime can rev your cortisol, which is a stimulant, and make it
difficult to drift off. (For most of us, early morning exercise is best for
deep sleep.) Again if you’re more of a night owl or you’re a shift
worker and go to bed later, you can adjust this time to be later as
needed, just know that the goal is to avoid food at least three hours
before bedtime.
• Three hours before bed: Start to wrap up your screen time. If you
partake in any screen time from here on out, use blue-light blocking
glasses (although as I mentioned above, these are not a free pass to
stare at your screens for hours every night). Make any shows or
movies you watch of the calming variety—no intense thrillers or
horror. For me, an intense thriller can be a recently published research
paper on a topic near-and-dear to me, like epigenetics. I have to save
those for another time, unfortunately.
• Two hours before bed: Have your last glass of liquid so that you are
less likely to need to wake up and pee. And remember, you are
foregoing alcohol altogether for at least the eight weeks of the
Younger You Intensive.
• Sixty minutes before bed: Turn off all screens. Indulge in a pre-
bedtime ritual. Take a bath, do a little light yoga or stretching.
• Thirty minutes before bed: Do your relaxation practice, such as the
meditation here.
• Fifteen minutes before bed: Brush your teeth, wash your face, and
do any other personal care in the same order every night. The
predictability of events will help cue the brain that sleep is coming.
• Ten minutes before bed: Turn on a white noise machine or app
and/or an essential oil diffuser with lavender oil. Regular use will
make this step a powerful cue to your body that it’s time to sleep.
Then read for a bit, take a few deep breaths, or give yourself a foot
massage to further relax before shutting off the light.

Bathe Your Way to Relaxation and Sleep

One thing that can support your efforts both to relax and to
sleep better are Epsom salt baths. Epsom salt is comprised of
magnesium (a mineral that helps to relax your muscles,
including the muscles of your GI tract, making it a helpful
laxative, too) and sulphate (a form of sulfur and key detoxifier).
Try taking a twenty-minute Epsom salt bath, with 2 cups or
even more of salt, before bed three times per week to reduce
stress and body aches and boost detoxification. In my clinic,
we recommend Epsom salt from Ancient Minerals or
Troubleshooting Sleep Issues
I know many people depend on some form of sleep medication, but these
medications take too big a toll on health in general, and DNA methylation in
particular. Benadryl, Unisom, Tylenol PM, and Advil PM all share the same
active ingredient—diphenhydramine, an antihistamine that has scary long-
term effects. It’s a clear contributor to dementia, with the risk increasing
depending on dose and duration of use.31 Being an anticholinergic drug, it
depletes an important neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine
has a number of important roles, from activating muscles to regulating
autonomic nervous system response. In the brain, it’s involved in arousal,
memory, motivation, and attention. Acetylcholine requires choline to
synthesize it, and choline is an important methyl donor that’s challenging to
get enough of, hence our recommendation for eggs. So if we deplete
acetylcholine, our body will work double time to make it, possibly stealing
methyl donors from DNA methylation, or simply not making enough
acetylcholine for the brain’s high demands. For that matter, sleep
medications including Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata also deplete
acetylcholine. If you are taking any of these, I recommend that you slowly
taper down and stop.
There are many supplements that are supportive of a good night’s sleep—
I cover them in Chapter 8, so if you feel like you aren’t able to sleep without
some outside help and are ready to find an alternative to sleep meds, be sure
to check them out.
There are some sleep-impeding issues that require a clinician’s
assistance, including hot flashes, sleep apnea, and nocturnal hypoglycemia.
These are sleep dealbreakers and need to be remedied with professional
If you regularly wake up in the middle of the night, first, consult your
physician to rule out any issues that might require medical help. Then, are
you experiencing anxiety? I know I tend to wake up thinking about projects
(or responding to a crying toddler). One of the most helpful interventions for
me has been listening to a boring story, a long meditation, or a sleep “talk-
down” podcast. There are literally thousands to choose from on YouTube.
However, you want to keep your exposure both to blue lights and
electromagnetic frequencies to a minimum in the middle of the night, so
download them onto your phone rather than streaming them and use audio
I recognize that I’ve thrown a lot of options at you here, but know this:
it’s worth the time and energy it might take to find the right combination of
practices, daily routines, and supplements that will help you get the sleep
you need to restore yourself.


When I was at the clinical laboratory during the early years of my career, we
developed a very sophisticated suite of tests for measuring body burden of a
wide variety of toxins, based on the best available technology developed at
the Centers for Disease Control. My department, the Medical Education
Department, was charged with diving into the science on these toxins and
amassing the data that would be used to educate clinicians around the world
about them. Over a period of months, our collective mood grew sour as we
saw the proof mount that toxins are everywhere, they damage everything,
and they are unavoidable. We decided to always include actionable steps
whenever we educated people on the pervasive dangers of toxins; it’s a
philosophy I maintain today.
Before I get to those steps, though, let’s take a look at toxins through the
lens of DNA methylation and bio age.
It is difficult to overstate how problematic environmental toxins are to
the genome and epigenome. Many environmental toxins damage DNA
directly. And a far-reaching swath of toxins have been shown to negatively
alter DNA methylation, including pesticides, fertilizers, inorganic arsenic,
mold toxins, persistent organic pollutants, lead, mercury, cadmium,
bisphenol A, phthalates, and more. They cause harm to DNA methylation in
two primary ways: they disrupt the function of the enzymes that add and
remove methyl groups to DNA, and they use up many of the precious
resources that are needed for healthy DNA methylation, because eliminating
toxins from the body can require copious amounts of our precious methyl
Furthermore, we are learning through an emerging field of study known
as toxicomethylomics that this damage to DNA methylation can accumulate
in utero, and throughout life, via environmental exposures, often at much
lower doses than we’ve previously understood, with the potential for long-
range, far-reaching damage to gene expression.32 Moshe Szyf summed up
the ability of environment, diet, and lifestyle choices to create lasting
changes in you and your offspring in a seminal 2011 paper on the topic of
toxicomethylomics in which he said, “DNA function and health could be
stably altered by exposure to environmental agents without changing the
sequence, just by changing the state of DNA methylation.”33
The fact that we are exposed to so many different toxins from so many
different sources—water, food, air, personal-care products, cleaning
products, fertilizers, and pesticides—means that even when we live very
cleanly, we easily experience enough exposure to have an impact on our
DNA methylation, and these changes may also be heritable: a 2004 study
found that exposure of female rats to the pesticide methoxychlor—which
was used as an alternative to DDT from 1948 to 2003—was associated with
epigenetic mutations in four subsequent generations. Specifically, there was
a significant increase in kidney disease, ovarian disease, and obesity in the
offspring of the rats who were exposed. And remarkably, while we might
intuitively think that the damage might be diluted over time, by the fourth
generation, the offspring were actually more likely to have multiple
diseases.34 And that’s just one particular toxin—we are exposed to multiple
different toxins in varying amounts on any given day.
And now, let’s look at what we can do about the toxic soup we are
currently living in.
First, the good news: we know that some toxic exposure is actually a
beneficial stressor, aka hormesis, aka “What doesn’t kill you makes you
stronger.” As the body responds to a mild stressor, it kicks on your
biotransformation system, which then releases a broad swath of antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory molecules into circulation that provide benefit well
beyond the toxic exposure itself. It’s like saying you’ll just pop the dishes in
the dishwasher, but then decide to clean the whole kitchen once you get
going. What are examples of toxin-induced hormesis? A hint of
methylmercury, the form of mercury that is a common environmental
contaminant and often bioaccumulates in fish, enhanced reproduction in
ducks in one study;35 and very-low-dose radiation in humans was shown to
lower risk of cancer deaths (as compared to high- or normal-dose radiation
exposure).36 Jirtle found a similar result with his agouti mice, too: a hint of
radiation to pregnant agouti mice kicked in DNA methylation, which turned
off the negative agouti gene in offspring, acting like methyl donors.37
However, the science is clear—you can’t hope that the hormetic effects
of any environmental exposures you may experience will be enough to keep
your DNA methylation in a good place. You need to avoid exposures to the
very best of your ability, and you need to boost your body’s detoxification—
also known as biotransformation—functions.38
I’ll cover simple but profound ways to reduce exposure in just a moment.
First, I want to reassure you that the Younger You program is a boon to your
systems of detoxification. The eating plan is jam-packed with foods that
contain a class of compounds known as xenohormetics—these are
polyphenols, most of which are also DNA methylation adaptogens, that kick
in a host of protective mechanisms and were found by Dr. David Sinclair to
demonstrate improved longevity in animal models.39 Xenohormetics include
sulforaphane (found in cruciferous vegetables), resveratrol (present in many
berries, pistachios, almonds, and lentils), and curcumin (found in turmeric).
Organic and wild-grown produce is extra-high in xenohormetics, because the
plants don’t have the protection of pesticides and need to develop these
compounds to fight pests. (I’ll state it more clearly below, but eating organic
also reduces your toxin exposure in the first place.)
Other polyphenol-rich stars of the Younger You program have been
shown to support the body’s detoxification pathways, including almonds,
apples, Brazil nuts, celery, citrus, coffee, dill, garlic, ginger, legumes (for
vegetarians and vegans only on the Younger You Intensive, and everyone on
the Everyday), olives, rosemary, Tartary buckwheat, and tomatoes.40
Polyphenols aren’t the only protective compounds found in foods. A
scientist who has inspired me for decades is Bernhard Hennig, PhD, of the
University of Kentucky’s nutritional sciences department, who says,
“Consuming healthy diets that exhibit high levels of antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties is a meaningful way to reduce the vulnerability to
non-communicable diseases linked to environmental toxic insults.”41
Dr. Hennig has focused a major amount of his research on looking at how
nutrients mitigate the damage of toxins and has, for example, found that
omega-3 fatty acids can lower the body’s proinflammatory response to
toxins like PCBs, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer
associated with these toxins; and folate and other methyl donors can support
the elimination of toxins like arsenic, lead, and mercury. Foods containing
these nutrients are pillars of the Younger You program.
The lifestyle components of the Younger You formula also aid in
detoxification: as I mentioned earlier in this chapter, exercise is another form
of hormesis. It generates all sorts of oxidation in our mitochondria, which
then cues the body to produce a wave of clean-up molecules that go above
and beyond cleaning up just recent exposure—they process some stored
toxins, too. Exercise also encourages detoxification via increased circulation
of blood and lymph (the waste removal system of the body) as well as
Younger You also helps by getting you more deep sleep, which is when
lymphatic cleaning occurs. And drinking half your body weight in ounces of
clean, filtered water every day will help you excrete toxins through your
urine, as well.
Beyond these fundamental pieces that will boost your ability to detox,
there are many ways to further reduce your toxin exposure. From a diet
perspective, these are the things to prioritize:
• Eat organic as much as possible. This is a DNA methylation two-fer,
as eating organic directly reduces your pesticide exposure, and organic
plants contain higher levels of toxin-protective nutrients. I know
paying for organics can be expensive, prohibitively so for some. If this
is you, know that any amount of organics you can afford will be
beneficial to your DNA methylation. (I suggest following the
Environmental Working Group’s guidance on which produce is the
most and least contaminated to decide what to spend extra for—you
can find their Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen lists, which they update
annually, at https://ewg.org.)
If cost isn’t an issue for you, and you’re just digging in your heels
(I have family members in this camp), know that the more people buy
organic, the more the cost of organics will come down. For everyone,
if you have any room for a couple of pots of herbs and tomatoes, or
garden space, even better.
• For produce that you buy that isn’t organic, use the following soaking
method to reduce pesticide residue—this is a distant second option,
but it’s better than nothing at all. And peel it if possible, taking care to
wash your knife between peeling and slicing to minimize
contaminating the food, although for something like apples, the peel
houses the nutrients so it’s an imperfect solution.
Soak your produce in a diluted white vinegar bath for twenty
minutes. The longer you soak, the more completely you’ll remove the
pesticides. Although some will remain it will be significantly less than
if you didn’t rinse them. Here’s the formula: four parts water to one
part white vinegar.
• Avoid as much as possible all plastic food containers, including plastic
water bottles. If you can’t completely cut them out, definitely don’t
microwave food in them or leave plastic water bottles in your hot car
and then drink the water, as heat will make some of the chemicals in
the plastic leach into the food or water.
• Avoid nonstick cookware—not just pans but also waffle irons, rice
cookers, electric griddles. The chemicals used to create the nonstick
coating can leach into food if the surface gets scratched at all. If you
must use nonstick cookware, make sure it’s coated with Thermalon,
which is silicon dioxide, and be sure to use wooden or silicon spoons
and spatulas, not metal, as they are less likely to scratch.
• Learn to use more cooking methods that use lower temperatures—
more braising, steaming, and low-heat roasting; less broiling,
browning, and grilling at high enough heat to leave a char—as the
burned bits of food contain pro-inflammatory and DNA-damaging
advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
• Opt for glass water bottles and glass or Pyrex food storage containers,
and buy food and water in glass instead of plastic or even metal cans
(since many are still lined with the hormone-disrupting chemical
• Aluminum pans are also best avoided, as aluminum is a known
neurotoxin and can leach from the pan into your food. Instead, look to
stainless steel, glass/Pyrex, cast iron, or cast iron coated with ceramics
(such as Le Creuset)—avoid cast iron pans if your iron levels are high,
as they can increase the iron content of foods cooked in them.

Of course, we take in toxins via more than just food. Here are other
important strategies to take for reducing overall toxin exposure (again, the
Environmental Work Group, https://ewg.org, is a fabulous resource for
helping you choose nontoxic products):
• Use natural cleaning products for your home and laundry.
• Avoid topical products, like lotions and sunscreens, that contain
chemicals like phthalates, parabens, formaldehydes, and methylene
glycol (a type of formaldehyde).
• If you have a vagina, choose your products with care. Nonorganic
tampons can have chemicals and pesticides sprayed on them, which
leaves a residue that gets introduced to your vagina, and the mucosal
membranes there are very absorbant. Never use talc or baby powder in
your underwear. Do not douche or put any deodorants or other
fragrance-containing items in your vagina. Wear natural fiber
underwear, use organic products (including lube), and consider a
menstrual cup or period underwear to reduce waste and chemical
• If you have babies, consider the type of diaper you are using. Many
contain plastics that come in contact with your baby’s skin twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week. Consider cloth or nontoxic disposable
diapers as an alternative.
• Take off your shoes inside the house so that you don’t track toxic
particulates into your home.
• Because synthetic fragrances are typically some of the most toxic
chemicals, avoid any scented products (except those scented with
essential oils), including air fresheners, odor-masking sprays, candles,
cleaning products, and perfumes.
• Use nontoxic nail polish (or skip it altogether and just buff your nails
until they shine).
• Use organic lawn and pest control in your yard, especially if you have
kids or pets (who are themselves vulnerable to these toxins and can
track them into the house).
• Choose mattresses and pillows made from natural materials—since
you spend up to a third of your life in bed and since you detox during
• Don’t carry your cellphone in your pocket or your bra or rest your
laptop in your lap, as the radiation and electromagnetic fields emitted
by these connected devices decrease dramatically with distance.
• Indoor air is nearly always more contaminated than outdoor air; we
breathe far more air than we eat food or drink water. At the minimum,
crack your windows. Also consider an air purifier(s) for your home—
at least for your bedroom, which is where we tend to spend the most
time in our homes, and where we do a lot of detoxifying work while
we sleep.
• Get your water tested, as lead (from old pipes, both in your home and
in the water system that carries water into your home) and other
contaminants are frequently found in drinking water. For example, my
well water is wildly high in iron, so I use a whole-house filtration
system plus a point-of-use filter (at my kitchen sink) to manage it.
(See here for water-testing service recommendations.) Knowing which
contaminants are in your water will help you determine what type of
water filter to use; a good, basic option is to use a carbon filter, as I
mention here. You do have to replace the filter regularly, because
when it is overloaded any contaminants it has previously trapped will
flow right back into the water you’re trying to purify.


If there’s one element to our study that I wish we could have built in, it’s
community. Since it’s difficult to “prescribe” in specific amounts (and we
needed to be able to ensure a consistent experience) it’s a challenge to build
in community as a part of a randomized controlled trial. We had to sacrifice
it for the sake of science, but there’s no doubt about it, connection matters to
bio age.
We theorize that the fact that our study participants talked with a live
nutrition coach was a piece—and perhaps a significant piece—of their
success. The Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine published a
study in the British Medical Journal in 2021 that shows that the outcomes of
their peer-supported group visits were significantly better (and way more
affordable!) than one-on-one meetings with the Clinic’s brilliant functional
medicine physicians.42 This really hits home the power of group support.
In our clinic, we run many different virtual nutrition programs, including
for folks who are doing an elimination diet, for example. It’s more efficient
for our nutritionists to answer common questions to a group instead of over
and over again to individuals, yes, but the true power is in the support and
encouragement that travels among participants and between participants and
their coaches. While, no, I don’t see collective check-ups happening, I do
believe that finding ways to have communal experiences is the future of
functional medicine (and make this time-intensive model broadly affordable
for all). And it’s because of the power of connection.
When you are relating to someone else, whether that’s a friend, a partner,
a child, or a pet, you are reducing stress. A hormone significantly at play
here is oxytocin.

The Importance of Oxytocin

Known as the love hormone or the cuddling hormone, oxytocin is an ancient
peptide molecule that is released when you enjoy physical contact with a
loved one (even a pet!). Since parenting is such a physical endeavor, having
a child is an open invitation to bathe yourself and your baby in this
wondrous neurochemical.
Because it plays a role in numerous vital physiological and psychological
drives and functions, oxytocin
• Helps you cope with stress and recover from trauma
• Is anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant
• Improves glucose tolerance
• Lowers blood pressure
• Produces feelings of love and connection to others
• Creates a drive to reproduce, because it’s released after orgasm
• Triggers your uterus to contract during childbirth
• Creates a good-feeling feedback loop that fosters a bond with your
baby—the more you cuddle them and look each other in the eye, the
more oxytocin you each produce, the more you want to keep taking
care of them and the stronger your bond
• Helps you stop eating when you’re full, or when you’ve had too much
salt, or when in the presence of toxins

Oxytocin is so important that not getting enough of it, whether due to life
circumstances or improper DNA methylation that shuts off oxytocin receptor
genes, is harmful for humans of all ages, from infants to centenarians.
A sad truth is that oxytocin declines with age, and low levels are
associated with many conditions seen in aging, including dementia,
depression, hypertension, diabetes, wrinkles, and muscle loss.43 Fortunately,
it’s easy—and important—to raise oxytocin. Adhering to the Younger You
Intensive and Everyday principles can help—by supporting healthy
methylation patterns of oxytocin receptor genes—as will many lifestyle
practices (see list here).
Of course, there’s a U curve of benefit for oxytocin, too. Some research
in humans suggests that there are negative impacts of oxytocin receptor
genes that are either cranked up (i.e., excessively hypomethylated) or
inhibited (excessively hypermethylated).
Too little oxytocin receptor gene action (thanks to hypermethylation) can
usher in depression, including postpartum depression, disconnection, the
social cognitive deficits seen in autism, and the rigid thinking present in
anorexia. In other words, social, cognitive, and emotional function are all
impaired. Excess oxytocin activity has been associated with anxiety,
perinatal stress, autism, and mood disorders. Korean researchers found that a
hypomethylated oxytocin receptor gene—which suggests that there is an
above-average amount of oxytocin in play—is associated with obsessive
compulsive disorder.44 Another long-lasting result of impaired oxytocin
receptors is that you become more likely to crave carbohydrates—especially
sugar, which then paves the way for inflammation, diabetes, and obesity.45
Because this science is new and evolving, it affirms that the broad, safe
diet and lifestyle choices that comprise the Younger You approach are a solid
game plan, and that there’s yet another reason to eat plenty of DNA methyl
donors and methylation adaptogens, so that your DNA methylation is just
The data are strong that your every interaction that involves loving touch,
whether with your child(ren), your partner, and/or your pet, gives you
regular doses of oxytocin, which then deliver long-lasting benefits for your
(and your offspring’s) epigenome. Even if your child isn’t yours by blood,
when you each get hits of oxytocin throughout the day, your DNA
methylation—and thus your genetic expression—syncs up, even though you
don’t share actual DNA. Your ongoing, nurturing connection to one another
becomes biologically embedded on your epigenome, creating a shared
genetic expression. This idea is deeply moving to me as an adoptive mom.
Kids who don’t get adequate amounts of physical affection and care have
reduced tolerance for stress, a higher possibility for a lower IQ, a lack of
social development, and a higher risk of obesity and diabetes later in life
because of epigenetic changes. Kids who grow up in a low-contact
household have different methylation patterns on their oxytocin receptor
genes than kids who come from a high-contact home.47 This likely plays a
role in the well-established phenomenon that babies who aren’t held enough
fail to thrive—something we can now understand as being a result of
imbalanced DNA methylation that prevents them from developing
Of course, it’s not just oxytocin receptor genes that are impacted by early
loving touch—or lack thereof. A 2017 paper out of the University of British
Columbia showed that the amount of hugging a child receives as an infant
can influence epigenetic changes in at least five areas of their DNA,
including those related to the immune system and metabolism.48
Luckily, it seems that whenever kids start to get more loving touch, they
will experience benefits, although earlier is better. A 2011 study found that
parentless children who were taken out of an orphanage and placed in foster
homes before they turned two enjoyed “substantial” gains in cognitive
function and social outcomes—much greater than children who stayed in the
orphanage until later ages. This study also found low caregiver contact was
associated with greater infant distress and a lower biological age at 4.5 years
of age (in kids, a lower bio age means they’re not developing appropriately).
So lack of early contact can have significant long-term effects.49
For parents, the steady stream of oxytocin that parenting provides means
a lower risk of dying from any cause. I know those tough, sometimes
sleepless, days in parenting can make it feel like your kids are shaving years
off your life, but science suggests the opposite is true: a 2012 Danish study
that followed over twenty-one thousand women undergoing in vitro
fertilization found that the women who went on to have children had a risk
of dying from any cause that was a full four times lower than those women
who didn’t.50 And a 2006 study analyzed life span in the Amish community
and found that life span for both fathers and mothers extended in proportion
to how many children they had—except for women, whose life span
increases petered out if they had more than fourteen children.51
Josh Mitteldorf, a brilliant statistician who assisted in analyzing the data
in our study, published a statistical analysis of the Centenarian Study in
Boston that showed that women having children after forty were a whopping
four times more likely to live to one hundred!52 The argument that women
who conceive after forty are metabolically stronger isn’t sufficiently strong
to explain the full four-fold increase. Yes, likely these women are healthier,
but the will to live and the deep ineffable connection to your offspring is
also, likely, a big piece.
While having a child definitely gives you a strong will to live, which
certainly has an impact on life span, it’s the regular doses of oxytocin—big
and small—that parenting provides that create healthier DNA methylation
patterns, which then delay aging (which is, remember, the single biggest
cause of chronic disease).
Of course, you don’t have to have children to give yourself regular doses
of oxytocin.

Simple Ways to Give Yourself an Oxytocin Boost (and Lower

In addition to cuddling with kids, partners, parents, and friends (anyone you
feel safe with), there are many ways to give yourself a hit of oxytocin.
• Pet a dog. There are many reasons why dogs are a human’s best friend
—not least of which is that petting them triggers an oxytocin release,
for you and your pooch.
• Make eye contact. You know how staring into a baby’s eyes feels like
it’s recharging your energetic batteries? That’s because it’s bathing
your cells in oxytocin. The same thing happens when you look anyone
you’re conversing with in the eye, no matter their age.
• Take a warm bath or shower. Oxytocin is released in response to
warmth on your skin, so immersing yourself in warm water bathes
your cells in oxytocin.
• Have an orgasm. Whether you’re with someone else or on your own,
having an orgasm creates a spike in oxytocin.53
• Watch your favorite tearjerker. A 2007 study found that watching
an emotional video elicited an oxytocin spike and made participants
more likely to be generous to a stranger.54
• Listen to music. I know the temptation to binge watch is real, but
keeping the screens off and the tunes on can boost your oxytocin—and
your relaxation. Better yet, sing along, as belting it out has been
shown to boost the love hormone, too.55
• Volunteer. A 2013 study found that folks who regularly participated
in charitable activities experienced fewer negative health
consequences from stressful life events if they also had a specific
genotype for their oxytocin receptors.56
• Get a massage. Part of the reason massages are so relaxing is that
they trigger the release of oxytocin.57
• Give a gift. The adage that it’s better to give than to receive probably
isn’t referring to the health benefits of giving, but giving a gift does
raise oxytocin—so think about that the next time you’re selecting a
gift for someone else.
• Share a meal. Eating together is a great way to bond with others, and
that sense of connection gets your oxytocin flowing.
• Meditate while focusing on others. A form of meditation known as
loving-kindness, or metta, where you consciously send good wishes to
another person, has been shown to boost oxytocin more than your
basic mindfulness meditation. But there is plenty of research,
including our own, to suggest that meditation leads to younger bio
age, as well, so however you like to meditate, just do it.

To make sure you’re getting plenty of connection in your life, aim to do

at least one thing on this list to raise your oxytocin every day. And know that
making time to have that phone call with a friend, or snuggle with your pet,
or have sex with your partner (all things that can feel frivolous, especially
when life is busy) is actually nourishing your epigenetics.


To sum up, here’s a quick refresher on all the lifestyle pillars that will not
only help you feel your best but also support your body’s DNA methylation

Younger You Intensive

Thirty to sixty minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week
as a baseline (this is what our study participants were prescribed);
adding in one or two sessions of HIIT a week (these can be as short as
seven minutes).
Two ten-to-twenty-minute sessions of mediation per day, as described
At least seven hours a night.
Use the 3YY digital program to access our community and a nutritionist
trained in the full program, or find a professional nutritionist or a
health-savvy friend with whom to have weekly check-ins about how
your Intensive experience is going—troubleshoot problems, share
wins, and get ideas. And of course, do all the things suggested for the
Younger You Everyday, below, to the extent that you are able. (If you
need to stay home more and avoid social gatherings to stick to your
eating plan, trust that impulse. You can get back out there when you’re
feeling more rooted in the plan, or the eight weeks are over—
whichever comes first.)
Make time for friends and family; cuddle with loved ones and pets; have

Younger You Everyday

Moderate, at least three times a week (but preferably five—when you’re
ready); work up to adding one or two bursts of intensity each week.
Work up to meditating—or some other kind of relaxation practice—for
ten to twenty minutes, twice daily. You can start with just a few
minutes once per day if this is totally new to you, but keep adding on
until you get comfortable sitting for ten to twenty minutes at a time;
then work up to doing it twice a day. Bonus points for Epsom salt baths
three times a week.
At least seven hours a night.
Make time for friends and family; cuddle with loved ones and pets; have

There is just one more piece to explore when it comes to rounding out the
full Younger You program—and that is ensuring that you are getting plenty
of the nutrients needed for healthy DNA methylation. Although of course I
strongly advocate for getting as many nutrients as possible through the diet,
there are instances where a moderate dose of a well-chosen supplement is
helpful for keeping DNA methylation humming. I’ll guide you through what
supplements to consider, how to choose the ones that are right for you, and a
prudent dosage.


O f course in general I want you to get your nutrients from whole foods
wherever and whenever possible. As evidence, in our study, we only
prescribed our participants a single-strain probiotic and an organic greens
powder—the lion’s share of nutrients came from food. After all, I spent most
of Chapter 2 explaining why we don’t want to rely on high-dose
supplements to meet our need for methyl donors. And yet. If only medicine
followed binary logic—supplements were always bad, and foods were
always good. It just doesn’t work that way. There is a time and place for
everything, and that includes a few well-chosen, moderately dosed
Yes, you can get ample, yet safe, amounts of methyl donors from your
diet. And yes, that is the optimal approach to take. But there may be
nutrients that come packaged in foods that you just don’t like, or don’t eat
for a reason. Say you have an allergy to eggs, for example: unless you’re
paying very close attention to alternative choline sources, you will not be
likely to eat enough of them to cover your choline needs. Or, if you never eat
salmon or other fatty fish, because you don’t like it or are a vegetarian or
vegan, you are probably not getting enough of the omega-3 essential fatty
acids EPA and DHA that those foods contain. Or maybe you don’t absorb
some nutrients optimally (if you’re on an acid-blocking medication, for
example) or burn through others fast (I always, always need extra
magnesium). In my clinical practice, using the broad nutrient testing that we
use, it’s the rare day that someone’s levels are perfect from food alone.
In this chapter, I’m sharing the supplements I recommend in the
following situations:
• You are following the Younger You Intensive; these are the
supplements our study participants took, and therefore something
everyone who follows the eight-week eating plan should consume.
• You are following the Younger You Intensive and are vegetarian or
vegan; in addition to the supplements listed above, these are the
supplements that will rectify any potential insufficiencies of DNA
methylation–supportive nutrients due to your minimal intake or
complete avoidance of animal-based foods.
• You want to support your overall health and shore up your epigenome
even further; these include basic nutrients most people are deficient in,
such as vitamin D and omega-3s, as well as key DNA methylation
adaptogens that provide further epigenetic support.
• You want to preserve the methyl donors you already have—a more
prudent strategy for boosting your level of methyl donors than
supplementing with them directly, something we refer to in our clinic
as “backdoor methylation.”
• Other anti-aging supplements that I’m rather bullish on for myself,
that you may want to consider also.
• In addition, I’ll cover supplements that help you sleep, so that you can
get your seven hours of sleep a night without having to rely on
prescription sleep medications.

While I’m offering broad recommendations in this chapter, it’s worth

noting that we all have unique nutrient needs. That’s why I recommend
working with a clinician or nutritionist to ensure that your nutrient levels are
in sufficient range. It’s definitely worth seeking the extra care it takes to get
your individualized nutrient needs assessed (something I do annually), vegan
or not. I suspect you’ll find it quite inspiring (and motivating) to see exactly
what your body needs, rather than taking something and hoping for the best.
Note: if you are taking any prescription medication, check with your
health-care provider for any contraindications, and while you’re at it, ask
them if your medications might cause an increased need for certain nutrients,


As I mentioned earlier, there are only two supplements that our study
participants took and that are technically part of the Younger You Intensive.
Everyone who follows the Younger You Intensive should take at least these
two, which I have listed first. And because liver is such a methylation super
star—and because it’s something not many people consistently eat two to
three times a week—I also include a recommendation for a liver supplement
that can help you tick this important box without actually buying, preparing,
and eating liver.
• Probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum 299V). In general, probiotics are
great support for gut health. With regard to DNA methylation, there is
some evidence that Lactobacillus plantarum 299V manufactures
natural folate in the gut. Further evidence is that our study participants
saw increased circulating methyl folate, although we can’t say for sure
that the probiotic alone did it. This strain has also been shown to
reduce cortisol levels in human saliva—yet another lever it has to
support healthy DNA methylation.1 L. plantarum 299V is also
generally well tolerated.
Dosage: Aim to take 40 billion live CFUs per day (usually two
• Greens powder with extra DNA methylation adaptogens. We also
used a proprietary greens powder that is flush with methyl donor and
DNA methylation adaptogen nutrients, including powdered versions
of various mushrooms, berries, flax seeds, turmeric, and beets. We use
this product as a high-quality, super-clean, extra bit of plant-based
insurance for our patients, too. It covers a lot of bases in one scoop.
(See here for specific recommendations.)
You certainly don’t need to use our specific blend. Any good
greens powder will work well. Make sure it is organic and look for
one that contains one or a blend of methyl donors and DNA
methylation adaptogens, such as those I just listed.
Dosage: Take one to two servings a day (as determined by the
product label), either stirred into water, green or herbal tea, a Beet
Bubbly (here), or mixed into the Basic Smoothie (here). Note that in
our study, we prescribed our greens powder twice per day.
• Liver supplements. As I’ve covered, liver is a key way to get methyl
donors in the diet and other DNA methylation supportive nutrients—
it’s like a methylation multivitamin in a food matrix. But… it’s not
something that most people are likely to eat. If you are liver-averse,
take a clean-sourced, nondefatted, freeze-dried liver supplement with
third-party verification of the nutrients in it and the absence of
pesticides and toxins. For a list of liver supplements I recommend, see
here. And if you have high iron, consult with your provider before
Dosage: Up to 1,500 mg per day (which provides the nutrients
found in about ½ ounce of bovine liver).


To be clear, I am very supportive of plant-based diets—both forms of the
Younger You eating plans are primarily plant-based! Yet, when I look at a
diet that is excluseively plant-based, I have some concerns. As I covered in
Chapter 5, there are a handful of nutrients that vegetarians and vegans tend
to be deficient in. These include some of the vital amino acids—particularly
the sulfur-containing methionine, cysteine, and taurine—the methyl donor
vitamin B12, choline, and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.
Even vegans who are very health conscious are still at risk of these
deficiencies. One of my vegan patients had a significant arrhythmia. Her
labs showed that she was profoundly deficient in taurine and magnesium,
two nutrients that are very important for heart health. When we corrected
those, the arrhythmia resolved. She was an integrative physician—someone
whom I expected to be very clued in to the health needs of vegans. If she had
imbalanced taurine, it’s very possible you do, too.
Below are the supplements I recommend every vegetarian and vegan
take. I also suggest some that are included on the list of epigenome-friendly
supplements that nearly everyone needs. I’ll list them in both places, just so
it’s clear why they are particularly important for vegans and vegetarians (but
that doesn’t mean you need to double up on them!).
• Organic protein powder that contains all nine essential amino
acids. In addition to just needing protein, vegans are vulnerable to
deficiencies in the amino acids methionine and taurine. Taurine is a
conditionally essential amino acid. That means your body requires
taurine and can make it, but it requires methionine to do so. Vegans
generally have to make all their own taurine, as the only foods that
contain it are meat or dairy. Animal products are also the richest
sources of methionine, although some plant foods do contain it. (See
our list of food sources for methionine here.) If you’re a vegan you’re
likely not getting enough methionine to make sufficient amounts of
Dosage: See here in the Supplements section for the protein
powders we recommend in our clinical practice. You can take them as
directed on the label in a daily smoothie (such as the Basic Smoothie
recipe, here).
• An algae-based omega-3 supplement that contains both DHA and
EPA. Interestingly, it’s all the algae that fish eat that makes fish such a
good source of omega-3s; these supplements help you go straight to
the source. And make sure you’re eating plenty of plants that are rich
in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), including flax
seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and hemp seeds. Your body has to convert
ALA into the most important forms of omega-3s—EPA and DHA—
and the conversion process is very inefficient for most of us. So it’s
helpful to eat a lot of ALA and take an algae supplement.
ALA: Shoot for about 3 to 5 grams of ALA per day, but I
recommend using whole foods to get it. For ground flax seed (my top
ALA source), that would be one to two tablespoons per day.
EPA and DHA: Try to get at least 300 mg combined EPA and DHA
daily, and possibly more if you are older, pregnant, or nursing, or if
you have an inflammatory condition such as heart disease,
autoimmunity, or allergies. (Testing your levels of EPA, DHA, and
ALA is particularly useful.)
• Vitamin B12: This important methyl donor, with few exceptions, is
only found in animal protein. If you are vegetarian and eat eggs and
dairy, you can still get some vitamin B12. There are small amounts of
B12 in nori and shiitake mushrooms (although you’d need to eat 50
grams of dried shiitakes a day to meet your daily requirements);
nutritional yeast is also fortified with B12.2 Spirulina and chlorella
appear to actually only contain biologically inactive B12, so don’t rely
on them as sources of this vital nutrient. Unless you are dedicated to
eating these foods on a daily basis, we generally recommend all our
vegan patients, and most of our vegetarian patients, take a B12
supplement. We recommend bioidentical forms (the same types that
our body uses) of B12, called methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin,
and hydroxycobalamin, rather than the synthetic form of B12 called
cyanocobalamin. The cyano form is still widely used in supplements,
most likely due to its cheap price and stability; I don’t think the cyano
is harmful (it’s way below a toxic dose of cyanide), but why go
synthetic when you don’t need to?3 Listen, don’t hesitate to get B12
levels tested (and also, if you can, look at a surrogate marker of B12
activity like homocysteine) to make sure you’re getting enough. B12
works with folate. If you’re taking B12, you want to be eating a lot of
folate foods or might need a smidge of folate (around 400 ug/day) in
your supplement, too.
Dosage: 500 ug/day.

• Vitamin D. While vegan vitamin D is readily available as a

supplement, levels are still generally found to be lower in vegetarians
and vegans.4 Thus, I recommend you make it a point to get extra
vitamin D. See the box here for information on how to use mushrooms
as a supercharged source of vitamin D2, and a recipe for lacto-
fermented mushrooms that ups the bioavailability of that vitamin D
even more here.
Dosage: Anywhere from 2,000 IU to 10,000 IU per day—for most
of us, 5,000 IU is the sweet spot.
• Iron. If you’re diagnosed as deficient, I recommend supplementing
with iron.
Dosage: 40–80 mg of elemental iron every other day until your
iron levels are restored, as research suggests our body is better able to
use (and our guts better able to tolerate) a lower dose of iron taken
every other day rather than a daily higher dose.5 Improve absorption
by taking your iron with 500 mg of vitamin C, or a vitamin C–rich
snack (see the Nutrient Reference here for vitamin C foods).
• Choline. Our bodies make choline, but it is a labor-intensive and
methyl-donor expensive journey. Thus, for most of us, and especially
vegans and premenopausal or pregnant women, it’s essential to get
some additional choline through supplements.
Dosage: 450–550 mg of choline bitartrate daily (on the higher end
if you are pregnant or nursing).


Regardless of whether you’re following the Younger You Intensive or
Younger You Everyday, these are the epi-nutrients that I think are essential
for keeping your epigenome humming along that most of us don’t get
enough of. Despite all of the attention in the media, I see patients who are
woefully low in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, almost as a
rule in the patients at our clinic (even in the sunny summer). Also included
on this list are a couple of DNA methylation adaptogen superstars, including
EGCG (the primary active constituent of green tea) and curcumin (found in
turmeric). Of course, there are loads of DNA methylation adaptogens
available as supplements (more are identified all the time—I write about
new ones frequently on my website and include them in the Younger You
app), and we all want to be taking in a nice variety of them all the time. If
you are taking methyl donor supplements, you want to be consuming a load
of DNA methylation adaptogens, too, so that they can direct DNA
methylation to happen at the right spots—and not everyone enjoys drinking
green tea or eating lots of turmeric every day.
Finally, this list includes important DNA demethylation supporters
vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. These nutrients support the active
demethylator family of enzymes called TET (more on these enzymes here
and 425), which actively remove errant methyl groups, allowing previously
inhibited genes to be reactivated. As vitamin C is water soluble, and used in
so many vital processes, nearly everyone could stand to have a little more of
it on hand. Iron is only necessary if bloodwork shows you’re deficient. And
vitamin A levels can dip below sufficient if you are not eating liver
(although I hope by this point in the book that you’re starting to eat it
regularly), or your thyroid function is impaired (as hypothyroidism slows
down the conversion of certain carotenoids found in plants to vitamin A). As
always, it’s best to have your levels of all these nutrients checked so that you
can determine whether you need the supplement at all, and if so, in what
• Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a workhorse nutrient responsible for the
smooth sailing of many physiological processes, especially relating to
normal immune function. We also know it’s important in regulating
many epigenetic mechanisms, including enzymes used in the DNA
demethylation process.6 Get your levels tested—I like to see levels
between 50 and 70 ng/mL.
Dosage: To maintain these levels, you need anywhere from 2,000
IU to 10,000 IU per day—for most of us, 5,000 IU is the sweet spot.
This is significantly higher than the daily recommended intake of just
600–800 IU per day, which is fine if you can achieve optimal blood
levels at this dosage. I have not seen this to be successful in my adult
patients. Why? Maybe absorption is an issue. A top tip for D and any
fat-soluble vitamin (like vitamins A, E, and K) is to take it with a little
fat, such as a handful of nuts or nut butter, a little avocado, or even
your omega-3 supplements!
• Omega-3 fatty acids. It’s rare to consume enough of the longer-chain
omega-3s, which are DHA and EPA. DHA in particular is suggested to
support the methylation cycle (where we synthesize the universal
methyl donor SAMe that works with DNA methylation). We’re also
particularly bullish on specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators
(SPMs)—compounds our bodies make from omega-3s—that are
important for many reasons, including their essential role in turning
off inflammation and in brain health, pain relief, and more. While
research is still forthcoming, given the number of SPMs we make in
our bodies (including in our brains) and their wide role in health, I
expect we’ll see them as beneficial influencers on the epigenome,
particularly as it pertains to inflammation.
Dosage: We routinely prescribe omega-3 supplements, around
2,000 mg per day for healthy adults of a blend of EPA and DHA. For
patients dealing with inflammation we go up to 5,000 mg per day.
SPMs are available in doses ranging from 500 to 1,000 mg. We
recommend adding SPMs at 1,000 mg per day when inflammation of
any form is an issue.
• Folate and B12.While it’s true that we should avoid overdoing folate
and B12 supplements (especially if you’re older and/or you don’t have
a clear need for them or you’ve been diagnosed with cancer), you need
sufficient amounts of these essential nutrients. While I recommend the
always safe food-forward approach, sometimes it is appropriate to take
extra folate and B12 in supplement form. Reasons for taking folate and
B12 supplements include:
» Your blood levels of either or both nutrients are low.
» You have macrocytosis (your red blood cell size is large) or
macrocytic anemia (your blood cells are large, and your
hemoglobin and hematocrit are low).
» You have a medical condition that causes nutrient malabsorption.
» You are taking medications that increase demand for B vitamins
including birth control pills, metformin, or acid blockers.
» Your functional medicine provider is recommending based on
– your lab tests and/or
– signs of significant deficiency that require more than you’re
ingesting in the Younger You Intensive—examples include
peripheral neuropathy (pins and needles in your hands and/or
feet, like my patient Paul whom I mentioned in Chapter 3 was
experiencing) or difficult-to-treat depression.
» You are vegan.
» You are pregnant or trying to become pregnant and are advised by
your health-care provider to take them.
Dosage: For folate, 400–1,000 ug per day and for B12, 100–2,000
ug per day; both are according to your need (your health-care provider
may prescribe differently, but this is a common range).

• EGCG (Green Tea Extract). If I haven’t said it enough yet, I want to

point out that many of the compounds showing themselves to be
extraordinary DNA methylation adaptogens, like the green tea and
curcumin discussed here, are nutrients that have been consumed the
world over since time immemorial. That said, perhaps you do not
particularly enjoy green tea (I confess, I don’t love the tannins). If you
aren’t able or willing to drink strong green tea most days of the week,
you can take green tea extract in capsules. I recommend the whole
plant extract versus just EGCG alone because there are many other
polyphenols in green tea that are likely important in health and DNA
methylation. To ensure a quality product, make sure the extract is
standardized to contain the primary constituent EGCG. Green tea
extract (800 mg per day for four months) was shown in one study to
be as potent as medication at reducing uterine fibroids; I’ve
successfully prescribed it along with the Younger You Intensive to
many of my female patients suffering with uterine fibroids and other
conditions associated with estrogen imbalance, and it has helped them
Dosage: 500–600 mg standardized green tea extract daily
(providing about 250–300 mg EGCG per day, the equivalent of about
three cups of strong green tea) is considered safe and healthy.8 Take
higher amounts with clinician guidance.
• Curcumin. Like green tea, curcumin—the main active constituent in
turmeric—has been used for millennia to bolster health. Also like
green tea and the other DNA methylation adaptogen polyphenols,
curcumin has pleiotropic activity: it’s potently anti-aging, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective, GI protective,
and antimicrobial to name some.9 It regulates the epigenome via a
variety of mechanisms, including, of course, DNA methylation. I use
loads of curcumin in practice, as do my colleagues. I drink a hot mug
of our extra-yummy Golden Turmeric Milk (here) almost every single
day, and I take a little extra in capsule form for safe measure. It’s
difficult to overstate the importance of this rock star polyphenol.
Dosage: 500–1,000 mg per day. Take a product that is standardized
for curcuminoids. Curcumin is not very bioavailable (i.e., it’s tough to
absorb); thus, good brands will address this issue, sometimes by
including a smidge of black pepper (as piperine), as it aids in
absorption. Also, curcumin is fat soluble, so take your capsules with a
fat-containing meal or with your omega-3 fatty acid supplements to
further improve absorption.
• Vitamin C. Refer to here for a look at how vitamin C supports the
epigenome. I tend to use l-ascorbic acid, because there’s not a lot of
data that the much more expensive forms are that much more
effective. That said, if taking vitamin C tends to upset your stomach,
look for a buffered form, and if you want a few extra DNA
methylation adaptogens, many vitamin C products come with extra
Dosage: 500–1,000 mg a day as baseline, more if you need extra
antioxidant or immune support.
• Vitamin A. See here for a rundown of the reasons why vitamin A is
supportive of health in general and DNA methylation in particular. If
you’re not eating plenty of food sources of vitamin A on a daily basis
(also listed here), consider supplementing.
Dosage: Take no more than 2,500 IU a day of retinol (a preformed
version of vitamin A, meaning your body doesn’t have to convert it),
unless specifically prescribed a different dosage or form by your
health-care provider.
• Iron. As discussed here, iron is important in healthy methylation, but
you don’t want to supplement with it unless you have demonstrated
need based on laboratory testing, or you are a vegan, or a low-meat-
consuming premenopausal woman (i.e., women who still get regular
periods). Pregnancy also increases iron requirements. Iron is one of
those nutrients that is classically U curve: too little is bad—resulting
in fatigue and anemia—and too much is also bad—iron is potently
oxidative and damaging. A high percentage of premenopausal women
get insufficient iron (even for meat eaters, it’s common), but
conversely, a high percentage of men (and to a lesser extent,
postmenopausal women) can have too much iron. In our practice, we
use a handful of tests, including iron, total iron binding capacity
(TIBC), percent transferrin saturation (%TS), and ferritin to determine
if iron is too low or too high. These reference ranges can change,
depending on whether you are a man or woman, pre- or
postmenopausal, but here are patterns to look for:
Iron Deficiency Low High Low Low
High Low High High

We also look at a CBC to see how iron status might be affecting

red blood cell indices.
Dosage: If you have your iron levels tested and they are low, I
suggest an iron supplement with about 40–80 mg of iron every other
day until your levels are where your care provider wants them. If you
have too much iron and you are otherwise healthy, the best way to
lower levels is to donate blood every few months. In fact, donating
blood is a fairly common anti-aging strategy—that’s how toxic excess
iron is. But you don’t want to overdo it and kick in anemia—
something I’ve seen occur in overzealous anti-agers.

Make Your Own Vitamin D—Using Mushrooms (and the Sun)

Here is a really cool way to essentially make your own vitamin D

supplement—by exposing mushrooms to sunlight before
eating them.
Mushrooms naturally contain vitamin D, which they make
from sun exposure, just like we do. The form of D in
mushrooms is D2, which is a different form than the D3 that
most supplements contain. But humans are typically pretty
good at activating D2: a study conducted at Boston University
Medical Center concluded that ingestion of mushrooms with
2,000 IU of vitamin D2 was as effective as 2,000 IU of either D2
or D3 in supplement form.10
When you take the mushrooms that you’ve bought at the
store or the farmers’ market and set them out in the sun for at
least fifteen minutes, and up to five hours, you dramatically
increase the levels of vitamin D they contain. The exact
amount of the increase depends on the variety of mushroom,
the length of sun exposure, and the intensity of the sun’s rays,
but even a little can make a big impact.
Once they’ve had a chance to soak up the sun, you can
cook mushrooms as you normally would. And to really amp up
the benefits of mushrooms, see the recipe for Lactofermented
Vitamin D Mushrooms here, which deliver a healthy dose of
friendly microbes that can shore up your microbiome, too.
Mushrooms may or may not be able to replace your vitamin
D supplement. I often see patients who, despite high intake of
vitamin D, still have inadequate levels circulating in their body.
The only way to know for sure is to monitor your levels.


What happens if you are like my patients Paul or Sharon and you absolutely
cannot tolerate or take B12 and folate? If you’re doing the full Intensive
program, you may still need extra methyl donors. A somewhat sneaky
approach (hence the “backdoor” name) to supporting DNA methylation is to
take supplements of nutrients that require a lot of methyl donors to make.
(Think of it like buying a premade cauliflower pizza crust versus making
your own—it gets a lot more efficient to get dinner on the table.) Two
supplements that help you do this:
• Creatine: Creatine phosphate is a molecule used in the body to
rapidly recycle ATP, the body’s main source of energy, in high-energy
tissue, including skeletal muscles, heart muscle, and the brain. You
synthesize and recycle creatine in the kidneys via a process that
requires a lot of methyl donors (just think about all of the skeletal
muscle you have—even if you’re not a bodybuilder, added up
together, skeletal muscles make up the largest organ in your body).
For this reason, I sometimes prescribe creatine to spare those many
methyl donors for use in other pathways, such as DNA methylation.
Folks who might benefit from creatine are those who don’t tolerate
B vitamins but need them, those with cognitive decline, muscle loss
(sarcopenia), fatigue, or individuals who require extra energy support.
Athletes can also benefit from extra creatine.
Dosage: I generally start dosing at 3 grams and may increase up to
6 grams. (And see the Nutrient Reference here for food sources.)11
• Choline and Betaine: If you’re not consuming enough eggs, you
might need extra choline. Choline is a conditionally essential nutrient
and key methylation player involved in a variety of important
processes throughout the body, including in the muscle, brain, and
liver; cell membranes; and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine.
While we can synthesize some choline, we do so very inefficiently: it
requires three methyl donor–dependent steps, making it a very methyl
donor–demanding process. We also need extra choline when we get
older for cognitive function and during pregnancy, as it’s essential for
a baby’s cognitive development. Choline is eventually metabolized to
betaine, another important methyl donor that can make SAMe in the
methylation cycle without the need of B12 and folate.
Dosage: 450–550 mg of choline bitartrate daily (on the higher end
if you are pregnant or nursing). Consider beet supplements for a
source of betaine, see here, or you can take three to six grams of
betaine itself.

Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), Choline, Betaine, and Heart

Disease: Cause for Concern?

Because they are important methyl donor nutrients, sufficient

intake of food sources of both choline and betaine are
important parts of the Younger You Intensive. These
compounds (and also carnitine, from meat) can be converted
by your gut microbiome to TMA (trimethylamine), and then to
TMAO (trimethylamine-N-oxide) by your liver. In a 2020 study,
higher circulating levels of TMAO were associated with
increased risk of major adverse cardiac events, although risk
appears to be dictated in part by composition of the gut
microbiome (since the microbiome varies from person to
person, we don’t all make the same amount of TMA).12 The
study findings were challenged by other scientists for a few
reasons, including the fact that participants who had some, but
not a lot of, TMAO actually fared better than those with very
low TMAO. The study was also challenged for not eliminating
the impact of certain commonly prescribed drugs that are
known to promote TMAO production, including statins,
antibiotics, and proton pump inhibitors.13 While scientists
puzzle through whether these findings are significant, and how
to best address high TMAO levels (likely by changing your gut
microbiome and medications rather than eliminating vital
nutrients, such as choline), your doctor can measure your
levels of TMAO to see if you need to focus on shoring up your
gut health and temporarily be mindful of your diet or
supplement habits.14


While we created the Younger You Intensive as a stand-alone program, I
believe that layering it into other anti-aging protocols could increase the
benefit. Thus, I certainly don’t shut the door when new science is published
on the anti-aging benefits of supplements.
There are a number of supplements that either directly benefit DNA
methylation and the epigenome or have some research on them as beneficial
anti-aging compounds worthy of considering as adjunctive to the Younger
You Intensive. I’m including those on my radar at the time of this writing,
and be sure to visit our 3YY app and website (3YYprogram.com) for more
supplement recommendations (and a discussion of the research), as this list
is always evolving. How do you decide if you want to take these? I would
recommend that you first do the full Intensive program as it’s prescribed,
and I’d strongly recommend you obtain an epigenetic bio age clock test at
baseline, and when you’re finished. After that, if you want to keep going
down the anti-aging road, then consider trying a couple of these. Ideally,
you’ll take them for at least a couple of months, tracking how you feel with
the MSQ every week or two, and even obtaining a periodic epigenetic
DNAmAge test. I personally try to get my bio age assessed via a DNAmAge
clock every six to twelve months. If you would like personalized guidance,
refer to here in the Resources for suggestions on finding a functional
medicine provider.
• Nicotinamide riboside (NR): This form of niacin is readily converted
into the form of niacin our body uses for energy synthesis in the
mitochondria (NAD+). It’s got a very nice body of research on it in
animals and some in humans showing it to be potently neuroprotective
and cardioprotective; it also repairs DNA and supports healthy
metabolism and antiaging via a variety of mechanisms. A supplement
company–funded research study suggests it might favorably influence
epigenetic age when combined with an important DNA methylation
adaptogen and antiaging polyphenol called pterostilbene (resveratrol’s
sibling, and a methylation adaptogen, it’s found in blueberries [and
some other berries] and almonds—see the Nutrient Reference).15
Dosage: 150–600 mg
• Alpha ketoglutarate (AKG): AKG is an essential cofactor for active
DNA demethylation via the TET family of enzymes. Thus, it’s really
important in helping hypermethylated genes to be turned back on, as
well as cleaning up the epigenome during embryogenesis. AKG is also
a key player in the production of energy in our mitochondria. We can
make AKG in the body pretty easily, but it seems to drop in quantity
as we age. There is compelling preclinical research on AKG as an
anti-aging molecule that supports muscle, burning fat, and boosting
mitochondrial activity.
Dosage: 300–600 mg

Senolytic Adaptogens

Senolytic compounds are nutrients or drugs that halt the aging

process by specifically inhibiting the accumulation of
senescent cells (SC)—these are cells that stop dividing but
don’t get recycled, a sort of zombie of the cellular world. SCs
accumulate as we age, doing considerable inflammatory
damage themselves and also dumping toxic debris into
circulation that contributes to the diseases of aging. Not
surprising to me, a number of our fabulous DNA methylation
adaptogens are also senoltyics, including:16
(Refer to the lists that start here for food sources of each of
these DNA methylation adaptogens.)

• Fisetin. In 2018, this DNA methylation adaptogen was shown to be

beneficial as a senolytic agent in old mice and in human tissue,
meaning, it made the mice immunologically younger and less
inflamed.17 Other animal studies show fisetin to be antioxidant,
antitumerogenic, cardio- and neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory.
A small study looking at inflammatory markers in colon cancer
patients showed benefit at only 100 mg/day.18 Stay tuned for larger
human studies.
Dosage: 100 mg
• Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB): HMB is recommended as an anti-
aging compound good for building muscle and brain function.19 HMB
is one of our favorite supplements at the clinic: we have had success
using it in people with poor muscle mass—including in cancer patients
with tough-to-treat cachexia, children who are underweight, or folks
just looking for more energy and muscle. I personally like HMB for
biking or weight lifting; it appears to increase my endurance and
Dosage: 3,000 mg per day; if using for performance, best benefits
might be seen with 1,500 mg before and 1,500 mg after exercise.
• Luteolin Luteolin is a polyphenol and DNA methylation adaptogen
whose moment in the sun is just coming now. As more studies come
forward, we are learning more and more about this polyphenol, which
has already been shown to be anticancer, anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, antimicrobial, and a very useful antihistamine.20 Along
with quercetin, we use luteolin in practice with our allergy patients
regularly. I suspect as research moves forward, we’ll see that in
addition to optimizing DNA methylation, luteolin has specific anti-
aging mechanisms and is likely a senolytic agent.
Dosage: 500–1,000 mg
• Quercetin: As I mention above, quercetin is a great antihistamine that
we prescribe with luteolin for our most allergic patients. Quercetin, as
a senolytic agent, is also an anti-aging rock star. Next to resveratrol, it
is probably the most studied polyphenol in aging research.
Dosage: 500–1,000 mg
• Tartary buckwheat: This form of buckwheat (Fagopyrum
tataricum), native to the Himalayas, takes the term “superfood” to a
new level—think of it as an epi-nutrient multivitamin. It’s sometimes
referred to as a pseudocereal, because it’s used similarly to, but is not,
a grain, nor is it closely related to wheat. It’s a mega superfood, also
known as a functional food, in part because it contains high levels of
multiple flavonoid DNA methylation adaptogens, including quercetin,
luteolin, rutin, hesperidin, diosimin, and another compound called 2-
HOBA, which lowers blood pressure and rejuvenates immune
function (all in therapeutic doses). Tartary buckwheat also contains the
aforementioned HMB and is low-glycemic, fiber-rich, gluten-free
(technically it’s the seed of a fruit), and high in amino acids and
healthy fats. Tartary buckwheat is now being grown (organically and
regeneratively) in the United States, and you can take it either in
capsule form or buy it as a flour to cook with. (You can find a recipe
for almond butter muffins using Tartary buckwheat flour here.)
Dosage: 2 caps twice per day
• Medicinal mushrooms (reishi, shiitake, turkey tail, lion’s mane,
and chaga): Packed with immune-rejuvenating beta glucan, we use
medicinal mushrooms routinely for anything relating to immune
resilience. We recommended them for COVID, for example; and we
always use them for our cancer patients and cognitive decline patients.
Mushrooms are dense with minerals, vitamin D, and some methyl
donor nutrients—especially shiitake, which has a nice amount of
folate. One study looking at reishi mushrooms in an animal model of
Alzheimer’s disease showed that they improved learning and memory,
improved neuronal function, resolved brain atrophy, and upregulated
DNA methylation enzymes in brain tissue.21 When taking medicinal
mushrooms, the only caveat is to make sure you’re taking the “fruiting
body,” not grain-based mycelium, which should be clear on the label.
If it isn’t, look for another brand or call the company.
Dosage: 1,000–2,000 mg per day

Sleep is such a vital component of health and a cornerstone of both the
Younger You Intensive and the Younger You Everyday. I discuss
nonsupplement strategies for getting more sleep, as well as the reasons why
you don’t want to rely on sleep meds, in Chapter 7. If you need more help
getting your zzzs, try these:
• Melatonin: Melatonin is a potent antioxidant and is considered a
longevity agent. Start lower and see how you tolerate it; for some,
melatonin causes strange dreams. For most, it’s a very useful sleep-
supporting supplement with a solid safety record.
Dosage: 300 ug to 10 mg about twenty minutes before bedtime
• Magnesium glycinate: Magnesium is relaxing. Taking it as
magnesium glycinate gives you the added benefit of the anxiolytic
amino acid glycine. You can also try glycine alone—Metabolic
Maintenance sells a three-gram stick of glycine powder that we love in
our practice.
Dosage: 200–600 mg at bedtime (I take about 600 mg most
• L-theonine: This is a main ingredient in green tea, but it’s not
stimulating. In fact, research shows it to promote relaxation and
reduce anxiety. While you can use it at bedtime, you can take it during
the day, too, and it won’t make you drowsy.
Dosage: 100–200 mg, taken at bedtime (if you want to promote
sleep; otherwise you can take it during the day whenever you’re
feeling, or anticipate feeling, anxious).

Taken together with the eating plans and lifestyle practices outlined in
Chapters 5, 6, and 7, these supplements round out the full Younger You diet
and lifestyle. In the remaining chapters, I’ll share how DNA methylation
changes over the course of your life—and how and when to support it during
each life stage. I’ll also give you a glimpse into the future—your own
personal future, the future of your family, and the future of the role of
epigenetics on individual and public health.





DNA methylation plays such a crucial role in health that everyone, at

every age, at every level of health, with every genetic profile, stands to
benefit from taking steps to support it. While the Younger You protocol as
it’s written is a potent umbrella policy that can improve health broadly, like a
rising tide lifts all boats, it can become even more powerful when you tailor
it to your particular life stage and, when possible, to your genetics.
In this chapter I’ll walk you through the ages and stages where DNA
methylation is amped up. I’ll also cover the ailments and conditions that are
halmarks of each of these time periods and that can be addressed by
nurturing your DNA methylation. In the next chapters, we’ll cover how to
think about your genetic testing results, if you have them, the future of anti-
aging science, and how to maintain the benefits of Younger You.


When I first started researching the foods and lifestyle practices that
positively influence DNA methylation, I was—and still am—focused on
reversing, or at least slowing, biological aging in adults at midlife. But as I
researched, I soon learned that the question really is, when isn’t a good time
to optimize DNA methylation?
I should point out that the research on DNA methylation during different
life stages is very new. That being said, there are several periods during the
lifecycle when your epigenome is more activated—so the efforts you make
to take care of your DNA methylation have the potential to have a bigger
impact. Some of these time periods happen very early on—if you are an
adult, especially an adult in midlife or in your senior years, some of these
moments will have already occurred.
As you read, keep this important point in mind: the single best time to
start taking better care of your epigenome is now. In other words, don’t
spend any energy wishing you had done things differently in the past.
Whether you are twenty-eight, fifty-eight, or ninety-eight, you can effect
positive change quickly. (All the more reason to share what I cover here with
the younger people in your life, whether they’re your kids, grandkids, nieces
and nephews, or friends’ kids or grandkids. You get the picture.)

Infancy and Toddlerhood (Zero–Three)

In the earliest months of life, babies and toddlers are aging at a breakneck
pace, and it’s a beautiful thing to observe them transform physically and
sprout new abilities before your eyes. If we, as parents and caretakers, can
direct some attention toward the health of our children’s epigenomes and
good health in general, we are laying a sturdy foundation that could carry
through not only our children’s lives, but the lives of generations to come.
For this reason, if you are a breastfeeding mom, try to follow the nutrient
intake goals of the Younger You Intensive (eggs, colorful and green veggies,
beets, liver) while allowing yourself the expanded carbohydrate selection
(legumes and whole grains) of the Younger You Everyday—I think of this as
the Younger You Hybrid plan. Also be sure to eat organic as much as
possible and to follow the guidelines I included here for minimizing toxin
exposure. And if you quit smoking while you were pregnant, definitely don’t
start again. In fact, all parents (nonbreastfeeding moms and dads) and
caregivers should follow these guidelines, as you are also big players in
influencing your child(ren)’s epigenome.
As soon as babies are eating solid foods, it’s time to introduce them to
DNA methylation–supportive foods. Don’t automatically assume they won’t
like beets, or spinach, or sunflower butter. (For more ideas, our list of DNA
methylation–supportive nutrients and the foods that contain them, which
starts here, is packed with so many foods that you’ll undoubtedly find
several even the pickiest kids will eat.) Babies in particular tend to want
whatever they see you eating, so let their watchful eyes inspire you to eat
plenty of DNA methylation superfoods throughout the day. And even though
you might be following the Younger You Intensive and avoiding legumes,
beans, grains, and dairy, don’t neglect to introduce your child to these whole
foods, including those that can be allergenic, such as peanuts and wheat. Not
only do infants need the energy that carbohydrates provide, but also very
exciting research demonstrates that early food introduction and a broad
menu can halt the development of food allergies.1 (To that end, my daughter,
Isabella, gets occasional organic dairy, has organic peanut butter on her
bananas, and she definitely enjoys a slice of pizza as much as the next kid.)
Isabella’s first solid food was a few bites of a coconut curry I was eating.
After that, she dove headlong into eating everything I ate, including broccoli
rabe, Brussels sprouts, beets, blueberries, and even a smidge of liver. Now
that she is well into her toddler years, she’s going to great lengths to pick
anything green out of her foods, so I’m doing a little strategic blending of
spinach and adding it in tomato sauce, or adding a greens powder or
blending beets into a smoothie. (Luckily, purple is her favorite color.) You
may have to be persistent—it can take several tries before a child decides
they like a new food—or you may have to resort to being creative, but it’s
worth the effort to support healthy DNA methylation in your babies and
Of course, nutrition isn’t your only lever for balancing your child’s DNA
methylation: research suggests that physical affection—kissing them,
snuggling them, giving them baths, and yes, even changing diapers!—
actually alters their epigenome in a way that supports healthy neurological
development, sufficient quantities of the feel-good hormone oxytocin (which
I covered at length in Chapter 7), stress resilience, and even brain size; they
also enjoy a decreased incidence of certain common childhood illnesses.
Thus, a healthy physical connection reaps huge rewards in the development
and maintenance of resilience for years to come, as well as in the lives of
any potential offspring. I hope that hearing this helps reframe the idea that
you’re “not doing anything” by taking care of your baby all day. I know it
can seem that way—by the time you bathe, dress, feed, and change the baby,
it can feel like the entire day has gone by and you haven’t “accomplished”
anything, especially during the newborn period. But you are accomplishing
extraordinary feats in terms of DNA methylation and the epigenome in
general. When you give your baby ample loving touch, your baby will
develop in a balanced, healthy way.
Animal research has demonstrated that physical touch by a caregiver—
even if that caregiver is not the biological parent—has a marked beneficial
influence on DNA methylation patterns in babies. Remember Dr. Moshe
Szyf’s study, covered in Chapter 7, that showed that baby rodents that are
groomed (in other words, comforted) by their mothers during the first week
of life biologically embed that experience in their DNA methylation and
acquire a glucocorticoid (stress hormone) gene methylation pattern that isn’t
excessively sensitive; as a result, when they are full-grown, they tolerate
stress better and are more trusting and more daring than rats not groomed by
their mothers. Another insight from that study, which I didn’t share in
Chapter 7, is that if a baby rat was groomed by another rat—not their mom
—they became less skittish, too.2 That’s right: in what I know will be a balm
to the soul of all adoptive and foster parents, any loving caretaker can
beneficially impact a child’s genetic expression. If you are an adoptive,
foster, or honorary parent to a child, you already knew that, didn’t you? You
could feel it, of course. But now you can know it intellectually, too: you and
the child(ren) you provide consistent loving care to influence the most
intimate recesses of each other’s DNA.
All that caretaking you’re providing is setting the pace of their biological
clock to tick at the optimal rate. In other words, you’re doing super-
important work—not a waste of time by any measure.
Finally, in humans and animals, this time period of early childhood
constitutes the most epigenetically sensitive and dynamic time period with
regard to adverse childhood events (ACEs). During this particular time,
significant gene modifications have been shown to happen via DNA
methylation in response to the experience of a broad range of adversity,
including poverty, family instability, caregiver pathophysiology, and abuse.3
While we’re still only starting to crack the nut of understanding the
epigenetically sensitive time periods, and how to address them, it’s already
clear that babies and toddlers need connection and stability.
Younger You strategies for infancy and toddlerhood:
• If you and/or your partner quit smoking while you were pregnant,
don’t start again.
• If you are breastfeeding, follow the Younger You Hybrid—meeting
the nutrient intake goals of the Younger You Intensive while also
eating the legumes, grains, and minimal dairy allowed on the Younger
You Everyday, for as long as you can, as you tolerate them.
• Once your baby is eating solid foods, introduce them to DNA
methylation–supportive foods (don’t assume that they won’t like them,
and if they don’t at first, keep trying).
• Give your baby ample loving physical contact.

Treating Postpartum Depression by Targeting DNA Methylation

Imbalanced DNA methylation is associated with postpartum

depression, which one in seven women experience.4 We know
that the oxytocin receptor gene is significantly inhibited (via
DNA methylation) in women with postpartum depression as
opposed to postpartum women who don’t develop it.5 We also
know that a history of PTSD—which has a potent impact on
the DNA methylation on a number of genes including those
associated with oxytocin, brain derived neurotropic factor
(BDNF), and the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1 genes—can
play a role in postpartum depression, too.6
Thus, if you find yourself feeling low during or after
pregnancy, load up on epi-nutrients by using the Younger You
formula, whether you follow the Intensive or the Everyday
Exercise, meditation, and an anti-inflammatory diet are all
generally beneficial for mood disorders for reasons beyond
methylation, but it’s likely that some of the reason why they are
helpful is that they’re influencing positive DNA methylation
changes. Any aspects of that formula you can muster—and
you may need to lean on supplements for a while and be
guided by a professional educated in our program (see the
Resources section for guidance on finding one, including the
nutrition team available through the 3YY digital program)—will
help give you the energy and the wherewithal to keep adding
more pieces. And as you do, you’ll be taking great care of your
child’s genetic expression as well as your own.
You needn’t be the birth mother to experience postpartum
depression. I had a tough transition to motherhood after I
adopted my daughter and experienced postadoption
depression. The extreme sleep deprivation and steep learning
curve of early parenthood, all without a partner, was as hard as
everything I’ve ever done, all rolled into one intense period.
Isabella’s pediatrician assured me it wasn’t as hard as learning
medical biochemistry, but as much as I adore and trust him, I
beg to differ. Recommitting to all things DNA methylation–
related helped—especially loving on Isabella and soaking in
the oxytocin that contact provided.
I know that PPD can make taking care of the baby feel
onerous—have your partner or trusted caregiver do as much
as possible, reach out for additional help in whatever form is
available to you, and don’t hesitate to seek professional care
from your doctor and/or a therapist or psychiatrist. There is no
shame in needing support during what can be an
overwhelming time; you deserve it and so does your baby.

Middle Childhood (Four–Seven)

This time period doesn’t yet have much research to support it as a
particularly epigenetically active time, although I suspect that we’ll come to
see that many aspects of development—from periods of extra brain plasticity
to growth spurts—are governed by epigenetic changes. Kids at this age do
appear to be more epigenetically resilient than babies and toddlers. For
example, in contrast to the epigenetic sensitivity to trauma displayed by
infants and toddlers, research thus far shows that kids in middle childhood
show DNA methylation changes only for the most severe adversity
exposures, such as sexual or physical abuse. Stay tuned for sophisticated
“epigenomic maps” across the life span that will help guide us to how we
might best support these sensitivity periods with nutrition, lifestyle, learning,
community, and connection.7
In the meantime, adopt the following tactics.
Younger You strategies for middle childhood:
• Keep feeding your kids as many DNA methylation–supportive foods
as you can.
• Help them establish healthy sleep patterns and movement habits.
• Continue cuddling them (as at some point in the not-too-distant future,
they won’t be as interested in being physically close to you).
• Keep them intellectually stimulated and challenged.

Late Childhood (Eight–Thirteen)

This is what’s known as the slow-growth period, where it seems at a glance
as if not much is happening—children have morphed from babies into kids,
a status they hold on to until, seemingly overnight, they shoot up and
become adolescents.
However, this is a very sensitive period for boys, as their sperm is
developing in these years before puberty. (Girls have a similarly intense
epigenetic window, but it comes later.) In fact, the Överkalix study that I
mentioned in Chapter 2 demonstrated that the years between ages nine and
twelve in boys is one of the most significant time periods for epigenetic
inheritance that occurs outside of pregnancy: boys who had either excess or
lower amounts of food during this period appeared to create lasting
epigenetic changes to their sperm that were impactful to their own health and
the health of their future offspring, especially influencing heart disease,
diabetes, and longevity.8 Another study looking at toxin exposures during
the slow-growth period likewise showed epigenetic changes to sperm that
resulted in lower counts and motility later in life; the same changes were not
noted to boys exposed to the same toxin during puberty.9
Why? For boys, it turns out the development in this period really isn’t so
slow. For them spermatogenesis is highly active, and all of that newly
assembled DNA is being marked with methylation groups.10 For all kids of
all genders, the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which regulates the
body’s response to stress, is waking up, and the body is preparing for sexual
A confounding factor is that these are the years when, for many kids, it
can be hard to get them to eat the DNA methylation–supportive foods
because they are enamored of the typical American diet—the pizza, mac and
cheese, chicken nuggets, and very few vegetables that they see their friends
eating. Kate, who works in my office, covers a lot of her tweens’
methylation superfoods bases with either smoothies (she adds probiotic
powder, greens powder, berries, and seeds) or eggs for breakfast, crudités
with hummus (or our Herbed Beet Yogurt Dip, here) for dipping, and a
nightly salad with a lot of chopped vegetables and greens served with
organic ranch dressing, which, while not at the top of any methylation
superfood lists, does often have a magical sway over kids. If it (along with
the mighty ketchup) helps kids get the methyl donors and DNA methylation
adaptogens they need during a particularly epigenetically vital time, so be it.
She also finds that setting out sliced fruit or veggies before dinner—when
kids are often their hungriest—means they will gobble them up, even when
they would overlook the same food packed into a lunchbox, for example.
Younger You strategies for late childhood:
• Do what it takes to get DNA methylation–supportive foods into your
kids’—especially boys’—regular diet: smoothies, eggs, cut-up fruits
and veggies, and a salad, using whatever sauces or dressings make it
so that kids will eat them.
• Prioritize their sleep—kids this age should get between nine and
eleven hours per night—and their movement, as these two pieces are
every bit as important for DNA methylation for kids as they are for

Adolescence (Fourteen–Twenty-four)
Puberty and sexual maturation are also a sensitive time period for epigenetic
activity, and perhaps more so in girls, given that oocytes—which are cells
that can go on to develop into eggs—are finishing their development now.
Thus, supporting the best genetic expression patterns as possible in girls is
an important goal. However, we don’t want to exclude the boys:
physiologically, for both sexes, lots of changes are happening, and anytime
we are developing and bringing new systems online (think: new cells, new
DNA, new DNA methylation) it’s a vital time for eating DNA methylation–
friendly foods.
In adolescence, hormones swoop in, triggering physiologic changes so
that we become physically capable of reproducing. And our brain isn’t fully
developed until our midtwenties, meaning this epigenetically potent time
lasts for nearly a decade. One study looked at hundreds of thousands of
DNA methylation sites in boys and girls in pre- and postadolescence and
found the adolescent transition to be associated with changes in fifteen
thousand DNA methylation sites! These were associated with immune
system development and cell growth. Other factors associated with DNA
methylation changes included BMI in the slow-growth period, smoking, and
the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (pain-relieving medication)
during this time.11
As many teens and college students experience a lot of school-related and
social stresses, the teen years and early twenties are an excellent time to
establish a meditation habit or other relaxation practice, like yoga or
breathing. The many meditation apps can make this more accessible and
appealing to young adults—refer back to here for a list of them.
Sleep is also vital at this time, and only about 8 percent of adolescents
actually get the sleep they need.12 We know sleep deprivation changes DNA
methylation patterns for the negative, both in the brain and body.13 Research
also shows that when a pattern of poor sleep continues in teenagers (think
video games, TikTok, homework) they tend to eat more carbs, eat more food
in general, and have more belly fat. Less sleep also increases depression in
It’s important to know that staying up late and then sleeping in is not just
your teen being willful: fluctuating hormones drive that tendency to stay up
late and sleep in, and school schedules generally squash that impulse
(although some schools are moving toward delaying start times). Teens can
also have erratic levels of melatonin, the chief sleep hormone. Thus, a
melatonin supplement can be a helpful sleep support for them—refer back to
here for more on this and other supplements to support sleep, and here for
lifestyle strategies that can also help teens get more zzzzzs. And the structure
that we, as parents, enact around bedtimes, study times, and screen time is
It’s also important to tend to brain health now, since it is still developing
until the midtwenties. The brain is about 70 percent fat, making omega-3
fatty acids—and especially DHA—essential for healthy brain function.
Fortunately, salmon isn’t a difficult fish to eat for most kids, and it’s loaded
with good fats. (Just follow the shopping guidelines for salmon I shared
here.) Researchers suspect that epigenetics might be a key mechanism that
drives the benefits of omega-3 supplementation, including those exerted on
brain development as well as warding off the development of metabolic
syndrome in childhood.14 Much remains to be understood, especially with
regard to kids and teens, but the science is strong enough to recognize
omega-3s as an important class of fatty acids to get both through food intake
and, when necessary, supplementation.
Because adolescence is often when we first begin drinking alcohol, many
times in binge drinking patterns, it’s worth reiterating that alcohol inhibits all
forms of methylation and the absorption of folate.15 So chronic alcohol use
is going to ultimately wreak havoc on all types of methylation, including
DNA methylation. If you are the young adult reading this, every drink you
don’t have will help support your DNA methylation. And when you do
drink, consume some extra methyl-donor foods that day and the day after—
such as greens, eggs, beets, and liver. If you are the parent of an adolescent
or young adult, share this information with your kids, and it may be a new
way into a conversation about imbibing responsibly.
For anything hormone-related, such as migraines that start in puberty or
occur in tandem with the premenstrual phase of the cycle, painful periods, or
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD),
the Younger You Intensive or Everyday will be helpful with balancing and
detoxing hormones thanks to their high content of cruciferous veggies
(which contain the compound DIM that helps the body process estrogen) and
lack of pro-inflammatory foods. Exercise and stress management are also
both documented to be helpful in PMS and PMDD. And it is extra-important
that you avoid toxins as much as you can, as many of them are “endocrine
disruptors,” which means they can aggressively disrupt our own hormonal
system and drive not just PMS and PMDD, but also, with both early
exposure and years of exposure, cancer. This link between cancer and
endocrine-disrupting chemicals is driven in part by hypermethylation (and
inhibition) of tumor-suppressor genes, such as BRCA in breast cancer. All
the more reason to eat plenty of DNA methylation adaptogens, which clean
up hypermethylation and allow for the re-expression of those inhibited
genes. All the toxin-avoiding advice I shared here–here applies here.
Younger You strategies for adolescence:
• Introduce your teen to relaxation practices, such as meditation, yoga,
and breathing, to help them manage their stress.
• Encourage them to exercise regularly.
• Consider magnesium or a melatonin supplement to help aid them in
getting the sleep they need, and refer back to the sleep strategies I
shared starting here to see which could help your teen get the sleep
they need.
• Enact boundaries around screen time, especially at night.
• Talk to your teens about alcohol’s potentially lasting, negative effects
on their brain DNA methylation patterns.
• Prioritize omega-3-rich foods, such as salmon, and consider a
supplement for them if needed (refer back to here).
• Encourage them to eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables and avoid
personal care products and home-cleaning products that have the
potential to contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals to help promote
hormonal balance.

Peak Adulthood (Twenty-five–Forty-five)

This is a wide swath of life that encompasses our peak. This highest height
means, in some (not all—I discuss the benefits of growing older in Chapter
11) ways, it’s all downhill from here. Part of this is recognized as
evolutionary. Billions of years ago, bacteria and fungi were the only life
forms, and some were immortal—rather than dying, they split in two, in a
process called fission. Once organisms evolved enough to allow genetic
material to be handed down and new individuals to be created, the older
individuals became dispensable and therefore susceptible to aging and,
eventually, death.16
For humans, after we’ve passed sexual development (in men, testosterone
begins a very slow decline at twenty; fertility in women starts to drop after
thirty17) and the brain has finished developing (anywhere from age twenty
until forty-five, depending on the measure18), we’re at the top of the
Maybe during this time you’ve got a bit of a break with regard to DNA
methylation patterns. You might get away with a few late-night fast-food
binges and partying into the wee hours, but truth is, just as you are peaking
and enjoying your arrival, there is only one way to go—and we want to go as
elegantly, slowly, and gracefully as possible. Thus, if you are in this age
range and want to stay there biologically for the long haul, now is a prime
time for nurturing your DNA methylation—protecting your assets, as it
were. Because by the time most people start to think about anti-aging
strategies—around the midforties—the rearranging of DNA methylation
patterns associated with aging have already started to pick up steam.
Now is the time to turn the volume on your aging journey down and set
the stage to stay healthy, happy, and very high functioning throughout the
rest of your life (in keeping with James Fries’s “compression of morbidity”
that I mentioned in the Introduction).
This also changes, regardless of your gender, the minute you start to
think about having children, whether you’d like to conceive in six months or
as far away as two years. You absolutely want your DNA methylation to be
its best before you pass any of your epigenetic marks on to your offspring.
Younger You strategies for this life stage:
• Make the Younger You Dynamic Dozen foods a regular part of your
rotation, and complete the Younger You Intensive a minimum of once
per year to keep your DNA methylation primed.
• Adopt as many of the Younger You lifestyle practices as you can—get
your seven hours of sleep; start a relaxation practice; and make time
for moderate movement no matter how busy you are with work and

Following some version of the Younger You program all of the time is smart,
but there are a few times when it moves beyond smart to essential, and
trying to conceive is one of them—for both women and men. If you can
nudge your genetic expression into tip-top shape, you’ll be handing a
pristine-as-possible imprint to your offspring. That’s because your diet and
lifestyle choices affect the germ cells that you pass on to your child, which
will, in turn, impact the germ cells that your children will pass on to their
offspring (aka your grandchildren), and likely, generations beyond that, too.
Because your epigenetic status has such a direct impact on your
descendants, ideally you (meaning both the mother- and father-to-be) will
follow the Younger You Hybrid: combine the nutrient targets of the Intensive
(greens, liver, eggs, fish, beets, DNA methylation adaptogens, and
superfoods) with the legumes and whole grains of the Everyday. If you want
dairy or sugar occasionally, and you tolerate them, that’s OK. An important
exception is if you or your partner has a demonstrated carbohydrate
intolerance such as insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or
diabetes. If that’s the case, stick with the Intensive and keep carb intake
lower during pre-conception.
For everyone, when you’re trying to conceive, as with pregnancy, I
would skip alcohol because it inhibits methylation across the board,
including DNA methylation.
If you are inclined, work with a functional medicine practitioner to take a
full medical history and suite of labs so that you can be sure you are hitting
all of your nutrient targets and that your inflammation, blood sugar, and
toxin exposures are all in a healthy range. I have done many of these pre-
conception workups on my patients over the years—they are informative and
rewarding. Your practitioner can further individualize the Younger You
program for your needs.
Even small DNA methylation–friendly improvements to your diet in this
pre-conception time can have a big impact: a 2020 study found that men
who ate 60 grams (about two ounces) daily of mixed nuts (a blend of
almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts; all rich in methyl donors) without changing
any other aspect of their standard Western diet for fourteen weeks
experienced beneficial DNA methylation changes, and their sperm count, as
well as the size, motility, and viability of their sperm, improved.19 That’s
pretty impressive for one small tweak, and yet another illustration of the
power of the epi-nutrients contained within food and the epigenome’s
responsiveness to those epi-nutrients.
Conversely, now is an important time to clean up your intake of toxins,
tobacco, and marijuana: research has shown that a man’s exposure to both
nicotine and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the psychoactive compound in
marijuana) can negatively change DNA methylation in sperm on seven
genes that play a role in neurodevelopment, many of which are associated
with autism.20 In a recent animal study, the herbicide glyphosate (the active
ingredient in Roundup) was “shown to promote the epigenetic
transgenerational inheritance of pathology and disease in subsequent great-
grand offspring [three generations!].”21 If you’re not eating organic yet, now
is the time.
Younger You strategies for pre-conception:
• Follow the Younger You Hybrid—unless you have PCOS or diabetes,
then follow the Younger You Intensive—as much as possible.
• Skip alcohol as much as you possibly can.
• Consider working with a functional medicine practitioner to do a
thorough assessment of your current health and nutrient status.
• Reduce your exposure to toxins, nicotine, and THC as much as
possible—eat organic, stop using marijuana, and follow the
suggestions starting here to lower your toxin exposure.

Once you conceive, the window for influencing your baby’s epigenome, in
what’s called “gestational programming,” is open wide. You can see how
important it is to support DNA methylation in the earliest trimester when
you look at the outcomes of the children whose mothers were pregnant with
them during the Dutch Hunger Winter: the babies of the women who were in
their first trimester of pregnancy experienced more and longer-lasting
negative impacts to their health outcomes (as did their children) than those
born to women whose pregnancies were further along.
In earliest stage of embryogenesis, there’s an all-important demethylation
process that happens on the DNA that’s been donated from the egg and the
sperm. Essentially, the DNA donated by the egg and the sperm is scrubbed
clean of methyl groups. Or almost clean, as about 30 percent of epigenetic
marks remain after the demethylation process is complete. It’s this remaining
30 percent that contains some of the experience of the previous generations,
which is sometimes referred to as the “imprintome” because it carries the
imprint of our parents’ epigenome. It’s here that our past generations’
nutrients, life experiences, stressors, and toxin exposures influence our
As with pre-conception, I recommend following a Younger You Hybrid
plan—hit the daily/weekly nutrient targets of the Younger You Intensive, but
include the legumes and well-chosen grains and occasional dairy of the
Younger You Everyday. In general, you want to be eating heartily, as
pregnancy is a calorically demanding time: a full-term pregnancy requires
about 77,000 calories!22 It’s a good thing there is no calorie counting on the
Younger You program; you can eat until you are satiated and nourished.
An important deviation from both the Younger You Intensive and
Everyday for pregnant women is that you want to eat more protein—15
percent more in the second trimester and a whopping 25 percent more by the
third trimester. And these numbers increase for twins and triplets. But in
general, for a single pregnancy, you want to be at a minimum of 1.1 grams of
protein per kilogram of body weight from week sixteen through delivery.
This is at least 70 grams/day for a 140-pound woman, and it will rise as you
and the baby put on weight. Protein during pregnancy should be about 15–25
percent of total food intake, increasing intake as time progresses. (Note that
the Younger You plan is 15–20 percent protein, so you’ll be above our
requirements as your pregnancy progresses. This is, of course, correct to do.)
During the earliest part of the first trimester, vitamins C and A and iron
are hugely important for epigenetic programming, as they support the
enzymes responsible for demethylation. While you want to get as many
nutrients as you can through food, in my experience, almost all pregnant
women need supplemental iron—refer back to here for guidance on how to
do it.
Equally important: as the DNA is scrubbed clean, shiny new methylation
marks are being placed down. This is part of the process that tells the
embryo’s stem cells what to be when they grow up—whether they’ll be a
skin cell, a nerve cell, a muscle cell, or a brain cell, etc. And determining
that fate requires a lavish sprinkling of methyl donors—which means plenty
of folate, vitamin B12, betaine, and choline. (You likely have questions about
folate and folic acid, since it is often advised as a key prenatal supplement.
I’ll talk about that in just a bit.)

Prenatal Supplement Recommendations

These values are general recommendations; doses can be
adjusted based on individual needs. For instance, if blood
testing shows that you have an extra requirement for iron, zinc,
vitamin D, EPA and DHA, or B vitamins, and/or the presence of
the MTHFR gene variant (see here), your supplement program
may be adjusted accordingly. Work with a functional medicine
practitioner to get these levels dialed in for you and your
particular physiology (see the Resources section for finding a
practitioner well-versed in DNA methylation).

Source: GrowBaby Health23

Both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) recommend pregnant women take a minimum of 400
ug of folate, either as synthetic folic acid or naturally occurring folate, in
addition to consuming a diet high in folate-rich and folic acid–fortified
foods.24 And if there is a family history of neural tube defects, the WHO and
CDC recommendation jumps ten-fold, to 4,000 ug per day for the first
trimester. Meanwhile, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends
600 ug folate daily, including folic acid from fortified foods.25
There has been no upper limit of daily folate intake set for pregnancy,
although the NIH states that adults nineteen years and older should not
exceed 1,000 ug/day. Yet, potential issues in offspring exposed to excess
folate/folic acid in utero in animal and human studies include asthma,
metabolic syndrome, obesity, and autism.26 Because of these findings, the
Society for Endocrinology recognizes that an upper limit recommendation
for pregnant women—especially in the first trimester—is urgently needed.
Where does that leave us? When I look at the CDC, WHO, and NIH
recommendations, in combination with the remarkable birth outcome data
from GrowBaby Health that I include in this section, I make the following

1. Whenever possible, supplemental folate should be natural folate, not

synthetic folic acid.
2. Avoid or minimize eating fortified foods during pregnancy for ease of
tracking total folate/folic acid intake (these can include nut milks and
some veggie burgers that contain grains—read labels on everything
you eat that has a label).
3. Total supplemental folate (including the folic acid found in fortified
foods, but not including natural folate found in whole foods such as
greens, mushrooms, liver, etc.) should be, at minimum, 400 ug, and
should not exceed 1,000 ug, unless specified by your health-care
As always, but even more so now, you want to stay in the sweet spot of a
just right amount of folate as well as fellow primary methyl donor, vitamin
B12. In 2016, Johns Hopkins released findings that pregnant women who
took either very high amounts or very low amounts of (or no) vitamin B12
and folate gave birth to offspring with a significantly increased risk of
autism. For the very high folate group, fortification plus supplementation
was likely a factor. This study validated how essential these nutrients are in
the right amounts, as those pregnant women who took a moderate course of
supplements (three to five times per week) gave birth to children with a
decreased risk of autism. Choosing your prenatal supplement well and being
mindful of not overconsuming folic acid–fortified foods will help you stay in
that zone of not too little and not too much.
And if you consume soy frequently, which if you’re vegetarian or vegan,
you probably do, you want to be extra vigilant about avoiding folic acid–
fortified grains or nondairy milks when you are pregnant—particularly if
you are supplementing with folate as part of your prenatal vitamins. Why?
Another big finding to come out of Dr. Jirtle’s work with agouti mice, which
I covered in Chapter 2, was that when they gave the pregnant mice genistein
—an important isoflavone in soy, and a potent DNA methylation adaptogen
—alone, without other methyl-donor nutrients, it increased DNA
methylation in offspring, which is a role that generally only methyl donors
play. As a result, the mice gave birth to pups that were trim, healthy, and
brown. It’s not entirely clear yet why genistein acted like a methyl donor in
the study; it’s suspected that it may have helped reposition the gene to more
readily receive the methyl groups in circulation.27 In the genistein study,
Jirtle and his colleagues speculate that excess consumption of methyl donor
compounds through all these supplemental sources could lead to unforeseen
epigenetic consequences, such as hypermethylating important genes that we
really want to stay on.
And if you’re eating a lot of soy and a lot of refined grains—nearly all of
which are fortified with folic acid, including anything made from wheat, of
course, but also white rice, some oatmeal, and corn meal—and taking a
prenatal vitamin—which is likely to have folate in it—your levels of methyl
donors can get overly high. In general, good sources of soy are a healthy
addition to any diet (as I discussed here), including in pregnancy, but you
want to keep it to less than two servings per day. The American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists agree—moderate soy consumption during
pregnancy is safe.28

Prioritizing DNA Methylation Enhances Birth Outcomes

The good news is that taking special care DNA

of your
methylation has the potential to significantly improve birth
outcomes. One Oregon clinic—GrowBaby Health, an
integrated medicine and nutrition program for women who are
seeking to get pregnant founded by nutritionist Emily Rydbom,
CN, BCHN, CNP, and her parents, Dr. Leslie Stone and Dr.
Michael Stone—is doing remarkable work in the field of
methylation assessment and support during pre-conception,
pregnancy, and the postnatal period. The GrowBaby team
incorporated many components of the Younger You Intensive
into the GrowBaby (GB) methylation core eating plan that they
use with about 25 percent of their patients (particularly those
with a variant of the MTHFR gene, which, as you’ll learn more
about later in Chapter 10, can reduce the body’s ability to
methylate—as you can imagine, addressing this during
pregnancy is wildly important). And the results they are getting
with it are nothing short of extraordinary.
During the years of 2011 to 2017, GrowBaby worked with
410 pregnant women who experienced the following birth
outcomes.29 When you compare these numbers to the
outcomes of all pregnant women in the United States, you can
clearly see what a tremendous impact prioritizing healthy DNA
methylation, lifestyle, and general nutrition can have on infant


Preterm birth 0% 11.5%

Small for gestational age 1.5% 11.5%
Gestational diabetes 0.2% 9.2%
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 0.7% 6.7%

In addition, the babies born to those 410 women had no

incidence of autism or immunity challenges, atopic dermatitis,
or asthma. This is remarkable. The GrowBaby approach is
accessible medicine—it is covered by insurance and Medicare
—and is being considered by hospitals around the country.
Any functional medicine practitioner who works in obstetrics
is seeking to improve methylation—as folate is such an
important nutrient for a healthy baby and a key player in the
methylation cycle—but GrowBaby has taken it to the next level
by prescribing a methylation-supportive diet, including both
methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens, that also
prioritizes stress reduction, sleep, exercise, and community.
And it’s working, suggesting that even though some of your
kids’ epigenetic realities are influenced by your parents’
choices—and, therefore, seemingly out of your control—you
actually have a lot of leeway in correcting for any epigenetic
challenges you may have inherited.

Younger You strategies for pregnancy:

• Continue with the Younger You Hybrid from when you were trying to
• If you consume it, limit your consumption of organic, preferably
fermented, soy to two servings per day.
• Read labels carefully (especially on grain-based foods, veggie burgers,
and nondairy milks) to ensure that your total supplemental folate
consumption—from both your prenatal vitamin and fortified foods—
stays under 1,000 ug per day (unless otherwise directed by your
health-care provider).
• Get your iron levels tested and supplement, if necessary, following the
information here, or as instructed by your health-care provider.
• Increase your protein intake according to the guidelines I shared here.
• Follow the supplement recommendations here.

Perimenopause and Menopause

If you menstruate, you begin your transition toward menopause typically
sometime in your midforties, although it can happen in the late thirties for
some women and mid to late fifties for others. Your estrogen levels start
fluctuating erratically and you will likely notice some changes to your
menstrual cycle—your periods may get longer or shorter, heavier or lighter,
and you’ll likely start missing cycles altogether. Declining estrogen levels
are associated with other impacts that include disruptions to sleep, changes
to libido, mood swings, irritability, forgetfulness, an increased risk of
depression, vaginal dryness, a little urinary incontinence (perhaps you start
to pee a little bit when you sneeze or laugh), a decrease in bone density, an
increase in abdominal adipose, and a loss of muscle mass. This period
typically lasts around four years. Once you have gone a full calendar year
with no menstrual cycles, you are officially out of perimenopause and in
As I type this list of impacts, I can’t help but think: really, evolution? Did
our transition really need to be accompanied by such a rough collection of
experiences? It’s true that some women have few if any noticeable impacts
of perimenopause. No matter what your experience, the Younger You
protocol is supportive in so many ways that can help smooth the waters of
your passage. Also, no matter what your particular transition is like, it’s
important to note that perimenopause is also a spiritual journey into a time of
deeper reflection and self-possession—and not just a prank of evolution.
Now that you know how involved DNA methylation is in every system
of the body, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that the transition to
menopause is accompanied by dramatic changes in your epigenome. In
simple terms, menopause, and the perimenopausal journey that leads to it,
turns the volume up on aging in women, and the earlier it happens, the
higher your biological age tends to be.30 This is on top of the typical changes
to DNA methylation that come with aging, which I’ll cover next. It’s a major
double-whammy that explains why it can feel like your body is suddenly
someone else’s.
If you are a woman already in your forties, or rapidly approaching them,
the Younger You Intensive is a powerful antidote to the negative changes to
DNA methylation that are ramping up now. It’s protective and preventative
against further imbalance, but it is also restorative. Even without its focus on
foods rich in DNA methylation–supportive nutrients, the Younger You
Intensive remedies the largest driver of a negative menopausal experience:
the pro-inflammatory trifecta of the standard American diet, a lack of
exercise, and high stress.
If you are perimenopausal or menopausal, there are DNA methylation
adaptogens that have some gentle phytoestrogenic activity, meaning they can
replace some of the function of your lost estrogen in a healthy way, so you’ll
want to increase your consumption of those foods that contain them. They
include soy (remember to keep it organic and preferably fermented, such as
tempeh or miso), flax seeds and maca powder (both of which you purchase
ground and add to smoothies), red clover, and green tea.
Another challenge for women in their midlife years is that they are often
taking care of kids and aging parents just as their careers are at their height.
It’s a foot-long stress sandwich, and as we’ve covered, stress acts like
gasoline on the fire of aging. In addition to the eating strategies of the
Younger You Intensive, exercise and relaxation practices are just hugely
important for you now, and well beyond the eight weeks that the Intensive
lasts. The older you are, the more exercise has to offer you, so don’t let your
age convince you that you can take it easy now. And remember that the
busier you are, the more you stand to benefit from relaxation practices.
Don’t wait to find the time. Make it. (Refer back to here for guidance on
how to do just that.)
Because sleep can become impaired during perimenopause and
menopause, the sleep tips I shared starting here are extra vital for you now,
too. As I covered in Chapter 7, you only need to aim for seven hours of sleep
per night as a baseline. I hope that thinking of sleep as anti-aging will help
you prioritize it, even if it requires letting some things go in order to do so—
things like answering every single email or making sure every dish is done
before you go to bed. Your health is more important than the tidiness of your
inbox or your kitchen.
Younger You strategies for perimenopause and menopause:
• Follow the Younger You Intensive for a minimum of eight weeks.
• Lean on DNA methylation adaptogens and include those with
phytoestrogenic properties, including (organic and preferably
fermented) soy (unless you are following the Younger You Intensive
and are not vegetarian or vegan; then omit for those eight weeks), red
clover, ground flax seed, maca powder, and green tea.
• Commit to regular exercise and relaxation.
• Follow the tips starting here to get at least seven hours of sleep per

Midlife and Beyond (Midforties On)

When I interviewed David Sinclair, Harvard professor of genetics and author
of Lifespan, on my podcast, he shared that middle adulthood (starting in the
forties) is just as impactful of an epigenetic time as embryogenesis.
Although this time around, most of the DNA methylation changes, frankly,
In both sexes, pro-inflammatory genes become hypomethylated and get
ramped up, tumor-suppressor genes become progressively more silenced,
genes that code for antioxidant and detoxification enzymes such as
glutathione transferase (which also happens to be an important tumor-
suppressor gene!) get turned off, and genes that promote cancer (known as
oncogenes) are turned on. Even our beautiful stem cells stop renewing and
replenishing, instead becoming inflamed and less productive. The
methylation cycle itself gets wonky, a state that correlates to a rise in
homocysteine, which is associated with heart disease and Alzheimer’s when
at high levels. It’s like we embark on a journey of gradually dying. (Looking
at this list, it’s easy to accept the theory that aging is a preprogrammed event
that I discussed in Chapter 1, and not the random wear-and-tear espoused in
the theory of aging as “epigenetic drift.”)
That’s why it’s in the years of middle life to old age that we are at the
highest risk of developing the chronic diseases that are ubiquitous in society:
heart disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes, osteoporosis, and Parkinson’s
disease. And why chronological and biological age are the highest risk
factors for complications and even death from COVID-19.31 It’s also why
we selected middle-aged men as our study population, because we knew
they’d be on this journey of disordered methylation and we wanted to see if
we could improve what had already been started (as mentioned earlier, we
didn’t include women because our study was too small to stratify the
population for pre-, peri-, and postmenopausal changes—but we will
absolutely include women in the larger study that we are currently
designing!). That answer was a clear yes. Which leads to the good news in
all this for those of us who are in the second half of our lives: it’s never too
late to have a positive effect on your DNA methylation.
Exercise is super-duper mega-important for the over-fifty set, as the older
you are, the more effective it appears to get. It acts like a DNA methylation
adaptogen and has been shown to turn tumor-suppressor genes that had been
hypermethylated and turned off back on more effectively, more powerfully
than when you’re younger. If you aren’t currently exercising and don’t have
plans to change that, you do so at your peril. While you don’t need to be the
weekend warrior who pushes themselves to the max on occasional outings, it
is possible to find a movement habit that respects the changes that have
happened in your body. If you have a specific issue, like knee pain or
asthma, or have mobility issues, a disability, or a general concern about
overdoing it, get assessed by your physician, an exercise therapist, or a
chiropractor to get guidance on choosing forms of exercise that are
appropriate for your particular body.
Once you are over fifty, if you’ve never done so, it’s worth combining the
Younger You Intensive with a short-term elimination diet (especially if your
score on the MSQ form here isn’t in the optimal range). That’s because over
your life span your gut changes—your microbiome and intestinal
permeability are influenced by the medications you’ve taken, foods you’ve
eaten, toxins you’ve been exposed to, and the stress you’ve experienced. All
of these factors can prompt the development of new, adult-onset sensitivities,
intolerances, or allergies to foods. These are inflammatory reactions that can
wreak big havoc in your life with symptoms like heartburn, digestive issues,
rashes, headaches, joint pain, and more. They can push the aging process
forward, too.
As I covered here, the Intensive is free of the most common food
irritants, like gluten and dairy, but it does include eggs, finned fish, shellfish,
tree nuts, sesame, and the nightshade vegetables, all of which can be sources
of food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. Consider avoiding all of
these foods that I just mentioned as you do the Younger You Intensive.
Basically, eat your seven cups of vegetables, your beets, your seeds, your
liver, and your clean animal protein for a minimum of four weeks, then walk
yourself through a careful reintroduction period when you test your reaction
to the potentially problematic foods that are included on the Intensive, such
as tree nuts, tomatoes, and eggs.

How to Test Your Reactions to Specific Foods

To reintroduce potential allergens, choose one of the foods

you’ve eliminated and eat two servings of it in one day—then
carefully monitor your symptoms (using the MSQ form here
daily) for seventy-two hours. If you notice anything like
headaches, runny nose, diarrhea, gas, constipation, rash, joint
pain, or fatigue, it’s indicative of a reaction to that food, and it’s
best for you to continue to keep it out of your diet for a longer
time, and then periodically rechallenge it every six weeks or
so. After each seventy-two-hour period, you can test a new
food, gauging your reaction each time and deducing which
foods agree with you, and which don’t. If you discover that you
are reactive to multiple different foods, work with a health-care
provider who is well versed in food reactions to guide you in
doing the underlying healing work that will help you get back to
eating a broad diet, as you don’t want to remain on a highly
restricted diet long term.
To do a comprehensive elimination diet, omit the following
common allergen foods from your diet for a period of twenty-
one days.

Finned fish*
Tree nuts*
* Foods allowed on the Younger You Intensive
** Foods allowed on the Younger You Everyday (except for soy, which is also
allowed on the Younger You Intensive for vegetarians and vegans)

Linda, one of my patients, is a woman in her late seventies who was

struggling with severe pain from osteoarthritis in her knee. Hoping to avoid
a full knee replacement, Linda followed the Younger You
Intensive/elimination diet combo. On the program, she lost a quick ten
pounds and her pain level lowered significantly, from a nine on a one-to-ten
scale to a six. During her testing phase, she also discovered that she’s
reactive to tomatoes, which came as a big surprise because it was a new
reaction. After she finished the Intensive she continued to test a broad range
of foods and found out she was profoundly sensitive to gluten, dairy, and
sugar. This may sound like bad news, but Linda’s reduction in joint pain,
weight loss, and improved energy makes going without those foods easy to
do. (She also discovered that she loves liver pâté, beets and beet greens, and
kale chips, so she has some new favorite foods to experiment with.)
My only caveat in doing an elimination diet is if you have any tendency
toward disordered eating, work with a nutritionist to guide you so that you
don’t eliminate too many foods, calories, or sources of nutrients.
Finally, once you are over sixty, you also want to eat more protein to help
compensate for the loss in muscle mass that is a hallmark of aging. Refer
back to here for guidance.
Younger You strategies for midlife and beyond:
• Find an exercise routine that you enjoy and you can stick to and that
includes resistance work, as we tend to lose muscle as we age; if you
have to consult with a fitness professional or physical therapist, the bio
age reversal benefits that regular movement offers are worth the
• If you’ve not recently done so, consider following an elimination diet
to identify any specific foods that may be causing digestive or
inflammatory issues.
• If you’re over age sixty, be sure to up your daily protein intake per the
guidelines here.



N o matter what genetic hand you have been dealt, nourishing your DNA
methylation can mitigate the risks and help you find your level of optimal
health, as Melissa’s story exemplifies so well.
As a twenty-eight-year-old New Yorker with a career in the fashion
industry, Melissa prided herself on being able to power through twelve-hour
workdays—even those times when she was jet-lagged after flying back from
Paris Fashion Week. A lifelong athlete and dancer, Melissa worked out for at
least an hour every day. She was also a vegetarian who never smoked and
rarely drank anything other than water. Her resilience kept her healthy even
when her coworkers got sick. In addition, Melissa was newly engaged. Life
was great.
Melissa took her dedication to living a healthy life so seriously that she
also performed a daily breast self-examination; a ritual she’d performed
since she was eighteen. Breast cancer ran in her mother’s side of the family
—despite being healthy overall, Melissa’s mother had been diagnosed with
stage 1 breast cancer at thirty-six. And Melissa’s grandmother had been
diagnosed with breast cancer at age twenty-nine; ovarian cancer took her life
just before her fortieth birthday.
Melissa’s awareness of her increased risk fueled her devotion to
exercising, eating well, and monitoring her breast health. Yet one jet-lagged
morning, Melissa found a lump during her daily breast exam. She got an
appointment with her gynecologist for later that same day.
Melissa’s Ob/Gyn confidently told her she was too young to have breast
cancer, regardless of her family history. Melissa wanted to believe her, but
couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. So she sought a
second opinion. When this doctor said Melissa’s mini-lump had no tumor-
like characteristics, and that there was only a 1 percent chance it was
cancerous because she was so young and healthy, Melissa wanted to believe
her, too. Just to confirm what she already knew to be a correct diagnosis, the
doctor did a needle biopsy and sent Melissa home.
About a week later, Melissa got the call that everyone dreads. The tiny
bump was malignant. Worse yet, her young age meant that her cancer was
highly aggressive and reoccurrence was likely. That meant she’d need
chemo and radiation—although not a bilateral mastectomy. The treatments
would cause her to lose her hair, the skin on her breast to harden (making
any future reconstruction extremely difficult), and one or both of her arms to
potentially swell indefinitely. On top of that, the treatment was expected to
bring post-treatment menopause and all of its symptoms, with only a 25
percent chance of ever getting pregnant. They also recommended genetic
testing and, if Melissa had the BRCA 1 or 2 gene, that she should have an
elective oophorectomy (removal of her ovaries) before she turned forty in
order to ensure the best odds of survival.
Melissa contacted a work colleague who, she remembered, had been
diagnosed with breast cancer in her midthirties. That colleague detailed the
treatment plan she had followed—surgery, a staggered chemotherapy
protocol, and IV therapy. Her protocol also included dietary interventions,
supplement regimens, and relaxation practices. Melissa booked an
appointment with her friend’s oncologist, and it changed everything.
This oncologist devised a treatment plan that included surgery and an
open-ended chemotherapy course that they would develop collaboratively.
Melissa would work with a nutritionist to create a dietary plan focused on
detoxification, immune support, and genetic expression. This sounded
especially appealing to Melissa as she had since learned that she had the
BRCA1 gene mutation. The plan included intermittent fasting (to protect
healthy cells but kill fast-growing tumor cells); an antioxidant-rich diet that
consisted of nine to ten cups of colorful, low-glycemic fruits and vegetables
each day; regular intake of bioactive food components such as genistein,
curcumin, choline, and sulforaphane (which we now recognize as DNA
methylation adaptogens); and a daily sleep journal to record time spent not
just sleeping but also resting. Ultimately, the goal of Melissa’s treatment
plan was to reset her future genetic expression away from cancer and toward
health, and its pillars very closely resembled the Younger You Intensive.
No other provider had mentioned diet, nutrients, or relaxation to Melissa.
And while the idea of favorably influencing genetic expression (rather than
being a victim of “bad genes”) was new to her, it also made sense to treat the
root cause, and not just target the tissues.
After four rounds of strong, but staggered chemotherapy, an elective
bilateral mastectomy, new daily routines that included a plant-based diet
with small amounts of organic animal protein, an emphasis on stress
reduction, at least eight hours of daily sleep, plus meditation and
acupressure, Melissa no longer had signs of any health issues and was
pronounced cancer-free. What she did have was
• Menstrual regularity throughout the entire course of treatment without
a single sign of menopause
• An absence of swelling, discomfort, or physical restriction in both
• Enough energy and resilience to continue working full time without
restriction and remain active
• A head of hair that grew back quickly and surgical scars that are now
barely detectable
• The opportunity to plan her wedding without fear or trepidation
• And last, but certainly not least, a renewed trust in herself, her
instincts, and her body

Now, over twenty years later, Melissa has two children and a master’s
degree in clinical nutrition, and she is currently one of the functional
nutrition residents in my clinic (in fact, she developed many of the vegan
recipes in this book).
I love Melissa’s story for many reasons—that she survived an early-onset
and aggressive cancer, of course. But also that she was an early adopter of
diet and lifestyle practices aimed at improving genetic expression, and that
they helped her get rid of cancer and have kept her cancer-free in the
decades since. And not least, Melissa’s story proves that even a genetic
mutation like BRCA1 doesn’t have to dictate your fate.
In this section I’ll talk through how to approach genetic variations and
mutations (there’s a difference), including perhaps the best-known genetic
mutation of all—the one that occurs on the BRCA genes so closely
associated with significantly increased risk of hormone-related cancers. I
hope to dispel some of the mystery and fear you may have encountered after
receiving your own genetic testing, or if you’re facing disease with a genetic


Many of us have Angelina Jolie to thank for raising our awareness of the
BRCA gene. The actress, who had a strong family history of cancer—her
mother died young of ovarian cancer—opted to have a preventative double
mastectomy in 2013 after identifying that she carried the BRCA1 genetic
Deriving its name from “breast cancer,” BRCA is a very important
tumor-suppressor gene. When it’s mutated, the likelihood of developing
hormone-sensitive cancers rises exponentially. Indeed, if you have a BRCA
mutation, your lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is 82 percent. Which
I can certainly understand feel like insurmountable odds, regardless of your
health choices.
However, BRCA isn’t anywhere near the most common cause of breast
cancer. In fact, only about 10 percent of breast cancer incidences are
considered hereditary. And of those 10 percent, only about 25 percent are
associated with mutations like BRCA1 or BRCA2.1
Also, when you look into the history of the BRCA mutations and cancer
risk, you find that before 1940, the risk of developing breast cancer was 24
percent with the BRCA mutation, not 82 percent, as it is today.2 Clearly,
something has changed. And that something is the environment, including
toxic exposures, diet, and stress. Specifically, your environment affects your
epigenetics, and your epigenetics then influences how your genes are
expressed—whether toward or away from cancer.
Dr. Mary-Claire King, the scientist who discovered the BRCA mutations,
recognized the environmental influence on cancer risk. She specifically cited
adolescent obesity, lack of exercise, and early age of menarche as factors in
the rise of BRCA-associated cancers—all things that have been on the rise
since the 1940s.3
However, you don’t need to be born with the BRCA1 or BRCA2
mutations to have this gene contribute to your risk of cancer. Even genes
without mutations can be inappropriately methylated, and therefore act like a
mutated gene without actually being mutated. For example, a number of
studies show that the all-important BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can be
hypermethylated and shut off.4 Science has also shown that mothers can pass
on a hypermethylated BRCA1 gene to their daughters.5

The Future of Predicting Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk

Did you know that there are more than five hundred known
BRCA mutations that are of “unknown clinical significance,”
which means we don’t know whether the mutation increases
cancer risk or not?6 A 2020 study argues that routine, broad
genetic testing for mutations on BRCA and other tumor-
suppressor genes could prevent up to an estimated 2,666
cases of breast cancer per million women, and up to 449
ovarian cases per million women.7
Beyond mutations, assessing the methylation patterns on
BRCA genes will become quite useful for determining risk. In
time, careful, broad assessments of DNA methylation patterns
will help guide breast and ovarian cancer prevention and
treatment, too—catching unfavorable changes and reversing
them well before disease is present.8 If we look for the gene
mutations plus the DNA methylation patterns, how many more
cancers could be prevented?

Once you have cancer, we know that it hijacks epigenetic machinery for
its own nefarious aims (namely, rampant growth). Tests of the DNA
methylation patterns present in breast cancer tumor cells shows that tumors
are older, epigenetically, than the surrounding, normal tissue. Specifically,
genes that inhibit the cancer are turned off, and genes that allow cancer to
grow unchecked are on—which, unfortunately, is the same pattern we see in
aging in general.9
This is all to say it needn’t be a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation that
increases your risk of cancer. In fact, more likely, it’s your epigenetics, and
how it is affecting whether those genes are turned on or turned off. The
typical pattern associated with cancer is hypermethylation of tumor-
suppressor genes, which essentially turns those all-important protector genes
off. The trick, then, is to reverse that hypermethylation via demethylation.
There are so-called dirty demethylating drugs that can serve this purpose,
but so far, most of them demethylate indiscriminately, and can have much
broader effects than simply turning tumor-suppressor genes back on. They
are kind of like bringing a gun to a knife fight. Also, we have such a strong,
safe option available to us, and that is consuming ample amounts of DNA
methylation adaptogens, as Melissa did.
These polyphenolic epi-nutrients appear to be super important for
keeping the BRCA genes well functioning: Two in vitro studies have shown
that exposure to toxins does indeed contribute to the silencing of BRCA1 via
hypermethylation, and that resveratrol—the antioxidant present in red and
purple grapes, red wine, blueberries, cranberries, and more—reversed the
effect.10 Other studies show that, in addition to resveratrol, the flavanols
EGCG (from green tea) and genistein (from soy) also reverse
hypermethylation of BRCA1.11 Another component of soy is the isoflavone
daidzein, which is transformed by your gut microbes into equol. And equol
has been shown to not only demethylate BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and
thus promote re-expression of these genes, but also upregulate production of
the all-important, protective proteins that the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
code for.12 (About 70 percent of people don’t have the microbiome to make
equol—although those ingesting a highly polyphenol-rich, plant-based diet,
including soy, are much more likely to have the right microbiome to produce
it, another reason to follow the Younger You program.13) In other in vitro
studies, quercetin and curcumin together epigenetically enhanced BRCA1
expression via multiple mechanisms.14 These effective phytochemicals are
all parts of the Younger You Intensive and Everyday plans.
In addition, every one of us has a lot of other tumor-suppressor genes.
Luckily, many of them, including BRCA 1 or 2, have been shown to have
their genetic expression favorably altered by certain nutrients; I call any
gene for which this is true a nutrient-responsive gene. So even if you have a
BRCA 1 or 2 genetic mutation, you can support your other nutrient-
responsive tumor-suppressor genes by taking care of your DNA methylation
with the Younger You approach, and it can help all of your important
anticancer genes function their best. (And know that we are researching how
the Younger You diet and lifestyle practices influence specific nutrient-
responsive genes in humans, so our understanding will only continue to
evolve. See drkarafitzgerald.com to stay tuned for details of this important
and interesting work.)


When it comes to preventing and treating cancer, tending to DNA
methylation using the Younger You Intensive is likely to be an important
strategy, as changes in DNA methylation underlie cancer initiation,
promotion, and progression, particularly on tumor-suppressor genes (TSG),
which are frequently hypermethylated (and thus turned off) in cancer.
Below are the nutrient-responsive tumor-suppressor genes that have the
most research linking their DNA methylation status to cancer, as well as the
specific nutrients—all of them DNA methylation adaptogens—that have
been shown in in vitro studies to help balance their DNA methylation.
Importantly, as you glance at these nutrients, they will be familiar to you.
Not only from this book, but because many of these polyphenols have long
histories of being used by traditional systems of medicine for a broad array
of uses, including reducing inflammation, providing antioxidant support, and
treating conditions including cancer, heart disease, and allergies. Likely, the
way these are exerting their influence in such a broad range of conditions is
in big part due to their ability to augment epigenetic expression and DNA
methylation in particular.
Naturally, I support following the Younger You Intensive or Everyday as
I think it’s the most comprehensive and upstream approach to fostering
healthy DNA methylation patterns on your nutrient-responsive genes.
However, if you’ve gotten genetic or epigenetic testing results that show that
you have a mutation, a single nucleotide polymorphism (or SNP, discussed
below), or imbalanced DNA methylation on any of these genes, you can
focus on prioritizing the nutrients that have been shown by research to
support that particular gene’s expression. To find a list of foods that contain
each of these nutrients, refer to the Nutrient Reference here.



BRCA1 Breast Cancer BRCA is a tumor-suppressor gene resveratrol

BRCA2 Gene 1 that also repairs DNA and EGCG
Breast Cancer regulates estrogen production. curcumin
Gene 2 Many mutations have been quercetin
identified in BRCA genes, of both genistein
known and unknown significance daidzein/equol
—the most well-known are sulphoraphane
associated with an increased risk kaempferol17
of hormone-related cancers,
including ovarian and breast.15
BRCA hypermethylation (which
inhibits the gene from working) has
also been associated with
numerous cancers including:
breast (male and female), ovarian,
prostate, pancreatic, melanoma,
Fanconi’s anemia, stomach,
bladder, and lung cancers.16

GSTP1 Glutathione S The GST family of enzymes act as EGCG

Transferase P1 antioxidants. Because they are lycopene
important players in the curcumin
detoxification of many daidzein (equol)
carcinogenic and cytotoxic genistein
compounds, they contribute to myricetin
cancer prevention by inhibiting ellagic acid
DNA damage. hesperidin
GSTP1 has been found to be apigenin
hypermethylated in prostate,
breast, liver, and lung cancer;
measuring methylation status of
GSTP1 could be an effective
biomarker for diagnosis and
monitoring of certain cancers.18
Other glutathione detox genes,
including GSTM1 and GPX3, are
also associated with cancer
prevention and may be
hypermethylated and inhibited in
RARß2 Retinoic Acid Retinoic acid is derived from EGCG
Receptor- ß2 vitamin A and is involved in cell myricetin
growth and differentiation. There daidzein (equol)
are four types of RARß; of these, genistein
RARß2 is considered to suppress
cancer growth. RARß2 may be
hypermethylated in prostate,
breast, cervical, head and neck,
non-small cell lung, bladder, and
brain cancers. Assessment of DNA
methylation status of RARß may
be useful for early detection,
prognosis, and drug response.20
MGMT O-6- The enzyme this gene codes for is EGCG
methylguanine involved in DNA repair— genistein
DNA specifically, it prevents kaempferol
methyltransferase mismatching and errors during olive leaf
DNA replication. MGMT has been extract23
found to be hypermethylated in
prostate, testicular, breast,
ovarian, cervical, brain, and colon
cancers and lymphoma.21 One
exception is glioblastoma, where
MGMT hypermethylation predicts
better survival.22 We don’t yet
understand why this is; yet these
findings reinforce seeking to
balance and optimize DNA
methylation through diet and
lifestyle so that when you need
more, you get more, and where
you need less, you get less.
TET1 Ten-eleven TET enzymes are needed for vitamin C
TET2 translocation demethylation of all genes, vitamin A
enzymes including tumor-suppressor genes, vitamin D
from embryogenesis on into alpha
adulthood. TET enzyme genes are ketoglutarate
inhibited in nearly all cancers.24 sulforaphane
DNMT DNA-N- The DNMT family of enzymes EGCG
Methyltransferase methylate DNA both during, and luteolin
outside of, cellular replication. sulforaphane
Tumors can hijack DNMT genistein
enzymes, using them to curcumin
hypermethylate tumor-suppressor resveratrol
genes and other important genes apigenin
like NRF2 (see below).25 myricetin
ellagic acid
vitamin E
vitamin A
NRF2 Nuclear factor NRF2 increases production of anti- sulforaphane
erythroid 2- inflammatory/antioxidant EGCG
related factor 2 molecules to protect against toxins curcumin
and oxidative damage. It is apigenin
downregulated in many chronic
diseases, including heart disease,
neurodegenerative disease,
diabetes, autoimmunity, and
cancer, and has been found to be
hypermethylated in liver, prostate,
colorectal, breast, bladder,
stomach, and ovarian cancer.
OPCML Opioid-binding This newly discovered tumor- luteolin
protein/cell suppressor gene plays an
adhesion important role in regulating opioid
molecule receptors and promoting cell
Hypermethylation of OPCML has
been identified in breast, ovarian,
colon, liver, lung, gastric,
lymphoma, esophageal,
nasopharyngeal, cervical, and
prostate cancers.26

Now that you hold in your hands a playbook for keeping your DNA
methylation balanced and younger, you know how to exert a powerful
protective influence on your genes and your risk for disease. Even cancer.
When you start making new choices, bathing your cells in the ingredients
for optimal DNA methylation and lowering the volume on outside influences
—such as pesticides, chemicals, and stress—that impair DNA methylation,
you start to clean up the epigenetic marks on your nutrient-responsive genes
and pass those improved patterns on to your own daughter cells, essentially
creating a younger, healthier, less-prone-to-cancer version of yourself.

Two Instances of Cures: The Power of Nutrients to Influence

Genetic Expression

There are two cases I encountered that showed me the profound

ability of nutrients to treat conditions with genetic roots—they
were moments when I truly grasped the power of nutrition.
One boy, whose physician I consulted with for years, had an
extremely rare genetic condition that confined him to a
wheelchair and gave him a life expectancy of five years. The
affected gene codes for a protein involved in bone synthesis;
when this gene is mutated, it leads to far-reaching deformities
in all bones that result in short stature, curved spine, joint
damage, and more. The boy’s clinician used blood and urine
tests to evaluate his essential nutrients, and we designed a
specific nutrition program that included all the vitamins and
minerals his body needed (in the doses he needed, all
administered through a feeding tube, which his condition
necessitated). Not surprisingly, his protocol included a rich
complement of methyl donors and DNA methylation
adaptogens. He went on to graduate from high school,
believed to be the oldest living male with this condition. Now,
we cannot say for certain it’s the dietary program he followed,
but it makes sense that optimal nutrition helped him function
better than following the standard American diet.
Another story was of a teenaged girl who developed severe
epilepsy and whose laboratory tests revealed a genetic defect
in a protein that requires the B vitamin biotin as its coenzyme.
It wasn’t wholly the genetic defect’s fault, as she had been
healthy up until her teens. Who knows what changed? Our gut
microbiome makes biotin—perhaps she had one too many
antibiotics that damaged her gut and impaired her biotin
production, until one day the biotin shortage was significant
enough that, along with the gene variant in a biotin-dependent
enzyme, her seizures ensued. We can’t know for sure.
Nevertheless, she was prescribed a higher-dose biotin
supplement (along with gut work and a nutrient-dense diet that
was the precursor to Younger You) to boost her biotin levels,
and her seizures stopped.


Throughout my years in clinical practice, I’ve frequently had patients arrive
in my office who have had direct-to-consumer genetic testing done and are
distressed about the information they’ve received about the state of their
genes, particularly about their single nucleotide polymorphisms, otherwise
known as SNPs (pronounced “snips”) or genetic variants. Extremely
common, SNPs are the simplest of all genetic mutations.
Something important to keep in mind as you attempt to understand the
results of your genetic testing is that genetic variants, especially when
considered one at a time, are rarely that impactful. In fact, scientists are quite
open about the high expectations for—and subsequent disappointment at the
failure of—SNP testing to pave the way for understanding disease. That
said, newer research is focused on looking at the influence of many related
SNPs (each contributing just a small effect) leading to a net increased risk—
or not—of a given disease such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. This
new line of inquiry is called polygenic risk profiling.27 While I think this
area could evolve into a useful way to use SNP data, without considering
epigenetics, any insight polygenic risk profiling will provide will be muddy
at best.
Every one of us has about four million SNPs, the vast majority of which
make no difference in our physical function or health. After all, humanity
has made it this far with them! The truth is SNPs generally only become
significant if they are negatively influenced by an environmental trigger.
But I don’t want to dismiss all single SNPs wholesale. There are a few
studies that suggest that SNPs can interact with epigenetics in a meaningful
way. Take the MTHFR gene, which codes for the enzyme
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, a fundamental player in the
methylation cycle. The MTHFR C677T variant is one of the most common
SNPs and perhaps the best known. (It is the variant I mentioned at the start
of Chapter 2, in Rhonda’s story.) When this variant is present, it is generally
considered to slow down the methylation cycle for all biochemical
methylation, including DNA methylation, meaning it’s associated with
hypomethylation. Some very preliminary research also suggests that the
MTHFR C677T variant might accelerate bio age, and supplementation might
restore it.28 We will be looking at the MTHFR variants in our next study
participants to see if the preliminary observation holds up, and how these
participants respond to the Younger You Intensive. Stay tuned for more data.
Just because you have a SNP—or a mutation, for that matter—it doesn’t
mean that it’s impacting you physiologically. You’ll need some thoughtful
inquiry to determine whether the genetic hand you’ve been dealt is
something you need to be concerned about. For example, if you have an
MTHFR SNP (outside of being pregnant, when you probably want to give
yourself and the growing baby extra support), you can gauge if it’s having a
negative impact on your biochemical methylation by seeing if your
homocysteine is high—something that’s easy to assess with a simple lab test.
If it is high, that implies that you’re probably not methylating your folate
enough to recycle homocysteine. And if it’s not high, then that suggests
you’re likely fine. Even if you do have an elevated homocysteine level, it’s
hardly due to just the SNP itself. There are lots of other things to take into
consideration, as well, such as, are you eating enough methyl donors? How
is your gut health (where we make folate)? Are you exercising? And what’s
your stress level like?
The major takeaway on genes, mutations, and SNPs is that your
environment—which includes your diet and lifestyle, including your toxin
exposures—is the biggest player in whether your genetics has a negative
impact on your health or not. And no matter what your particular genetic
profile is, you really want to take exquisite care of your DNA methylation
and epigenome over the long term.
We’ll talk about how to make your epigenetic and biological age
improvements lasting in the next chapter—as well as how this exciting new
area of our understanding might change our collective health in the not-so-
distant future. I’ll also cover some of the cutting-edge developments that our
unfolding understanding of aging and epigenetics is making possible.


O ur burgeoning understanding of genetic and epigenetics, including

DNA methylation—in other words, the omics revolution—is ushering the
fields of science and medicine in a period of intense change that is as
significant as the Industrial Revolution was to manufacturing and commerce
and finance. It’s incredibly exciting—and, truth be told, a little scary.
As devoted as I am to science, I also know that it’s an important endeavor
to periodically weigh where our ever-expanding knowledge might be leading
us so that we can decide if the future we’re creating is one we actually want
to inhabit. We are in the throes of leaping forward, but I don’t think we’re
quite able to see over the ledge to exactly where some of these advances will
take us. Because of the accelerated pace of possibility, there are important
questions to be asked, such as, what are the practical, medical, and ethical
ramifications of winding our clocks back? And how far do we truly want to
take it?
In this chapter, I’ll take a look at a few ideas for what’s on the horizon for
anti-aging in general and DNA methylation applications in particular, and
how it all relates to you, so that you can make choices now that help create a
future you want to inhabit. I’ll also cover how to lock in the benefits of the
Younger You program so that you stay vital and vibrant for the long term.


The ability for health-conscious individuals to be able to test their biological
age is rapidly approaching. It will be such a change from when we first
embarked on our study: then, each epigenetic test cost us over $1,000, and
we needed to collect each specimen in special tubes, deep freeze them, then
ship them overnight on dry ice from the Helfgott Research Institute in
Oregon, who gathered the specimens, to Yale in Connecticut, who analyzed
them—not exactly affordable or accessible. As I write this, the same bio age
testing technology that we used is on the verge of being available to
individuals and clinicians, and significantly less expensive.
In addition to measuring bio age, we’ll likely be regularly using DNA
methylation assessments to sensitively predict risk of disease. This is a wave
that has already started to reach the shore, but it has by no means crested:
There are currently DNA methylation assessments that are used to predict
risk of colon cancer (the Cologuard at-home colon cancer screening test I
mentioned here) and to predict whether a particular drug will be useful in
brain cancer treatment. In addition to assessing risk or guiding treatment in
other forms of cancer—including breast and ovarian, as I discussed here—
these coming DNA methylation tests may help shed insight on dementia,
heart disease, autoimmune disease, allergic diseases, COVID, or other
infectious diseases. I am giddy with excitement that these important, health-
saving, life-expanding tools are already here or are close by. (I myself am
working on researching and developing a test that looks at a host of DNA
methylation patterns, including a variety of bio age clocks and what we think
are nutrient-responsive genes, and collaborating with Dr. Dale Bredesen to
look at methylation patterns in important Alzheimer-associated genes.)
My area of interest is preventative, actionable medicine, thus I see these
tests as guiding us in individualized interventions to reverse bio age, ward
off chronic disease, and optimize health. The epigenetic testing may deliver
on the promise that we all expected from genetic testing by showing us
where our weaknesses and strengths lie in terms of the diseases and
conditions we are more susceptible to. Beyond that, it will help us identify
the causes of many conditions and help develop—and assess the
effectiveness of—customized treatment plans. Eventually, we’ll be able to
perform this test in utero, too.
Looking slightly farther ahead, we’ll likely be able to see our bio age in
real time thanks to a wearable device: as someone who has tracked my sleep,
movement, heart rate and heart rate variability, and glucose levels via
wearable monitors, I can attest that objectively seeing how your choices
create a measurable impact on your well-being is very motivating. That may
sound like I’m hooked up to a jumble of wires, but it’s just a simple ring
around my finger and a small disc on the back of my arm.
We know that certain epigenetic marks change in real time in response to
current exposures. Throughout these pages, I’ve mentioned studies where
changes to DNA methylation have been demonstrated after very short-term
experiences, including four hours of exposure to traffic pollution; a single
high-sugar meal; one session of meditation or exercise; or one poor night of
sleep. So imagine when we have the technology—perhaps a device similar
to the continuous glucose monitor on my arm—that can tell you in real time
whether your DNAmAge is ticking forward or backward based on how
you’re living your life. I assure you, someone, somewhere is thinking about
how to develop this technology.
The ultimate goal of affordable bio age testing and wearable biological
age–tracking devices is to put your health into your hands and take it back
from Big Pharma, insurance, and the medical complex—all those profiting
in trillions and trillions of U.S. dollars by keeping us propped up on drugs
and profoundly unwell for our final sixteen-plus years of life. It’s an
important advancement toward the vision my team and I adopted years ago:
“The widespread adoption of a health-care model that reverses the global
epidemic of chronic disease and supports the development of vibrant
With regard to longevity, we are at a wildly exciting time. On one hand,
we are actively moving forward with safe and accessible diet and lifestyle
practices that slow or reverse aging. But on the other hand there are other
areas of research into epigenetics and genetics that go far beyond this
approach—and while I’m very curious (and excited) about them, as you’ll
see, they also raise their own profound concerns.


At least since the start of the 1500s, when Juan Ponce de León sailed from
Spain to Florida in search of the fountain of youth, we’ve been actively
seeking external sources of longevity. Now that our scientific understanding
of aging is leapfrogging ahead, there is no shortage of cutting-edge
approaches coming down the pike.
One such strategy that uses existing technology in new ways is the
practice of taking certain medications for their anti-aging properties, even
though these drugs were developed and are prescribed for different uses. At
the top of the list is rapamycin, a molecule produced by bacteria that forms
the basis of a drug used with organ transplant patients because it suppresses
the immune system and therefore makes the body less likely to reject the
new organ.
Given its origins, it’s no wonder that rapamycin is, in anti-aging circles,
given almost mystical properties: it was discovered in 1964 in the soil of
Easter Island (native name: Rapa Nui), home to the moai statues of huge
stone heads facing out to sea. The molecule itself was identified in the mid-
1970s. It wasn’t until the mid-1980s that Dr. Suren Sehgal, a pharmaceutical
researcher, discovered the molecule’s immunosuppressive properties.1 Then
it took until 1999 for rapamycin to receive FDA approval as an
immunosuppressant for patients receiving organ transplants.
After its release, researchers kept looking for other benefits of this
intriguing molecule. By the mid-2000s, studies had found that rapamycin
extended life expectancy in yeast and worms. A 2009 study found that it
significantly lengthened the life span of mice—by 28 percent in males and
38 percent in females. Although these were animal studies and not human
studies, that was all the evidence early adopters of anti-aging remedies
needed to start taking it themselves; either securing it from the rare doctor in
America (a 2019 article in Men’s Health claimed there was then only one2)
who was willing to prescribe it for aging or buying it through questionable
online sources.
We now know that rapamycin works to delay aging by suppressing a
cellular pathway known as the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1
(mTOR), which regulates cell growth. When mTOR is inhibited, it
suppresses cellular growth, including the production of old, pro-
inflammatory senescent cells, which in turn slows down aging. This is also
one of the pathways that caloric restriction suppresses (see Chapter 3).
Because mTOR1 is activated by eating, activation is also altered by fasting
mimicking, and time-restricted eating (also discussed in Chapter 3).
I understand how tantalizing the thought of a pill that extends life is. But
rapamycin is immunosuppressive; it has a dangerous potential to make you
more vulnerable to infection. Early adopters are trying it and reporting it is
safe for them, but I recommend some caution until we know more. In fact,
there are anecdotal reports of more frequent infections, such as skin and
kidney infections, that rapidly become dangerous if they aren’t treated
quickly with antibiotics. Paradoxically, rapamycin can also contribute to
insulin resistance and high blood glucose, which generally leads to diabetes
(and the associated diseases of aging). However, a number of scientists,
including Mikhail Blagosklonny, argue that the mechanisms driving
rapamycin-induced insulin resistance are not actually detrimental and may
be life extending, as is the case in animal research.3 Clearly, we need to keep
an eye on this complex molecule.
In the meantime, the FDA, which gave the drug its most severe “black
box” warning when prescribed for transplant patients, lists the following
possible side effects:4
• Increased susceptibility to infection
• Increased risk of skin cancer and lymphoma
• Impaired or delayed wound healing
• Increased serum cholesterol and triglycerides
• Deterioration of kidney function
• Interstitial lung disease
• Fluid retention

It’s difficult to study longevity in humans because we live for such a long
time, so there is no evidence to suggest a safe and effective dosage of
rapamycin when used to extend life. Deciding how much to take for
longevity purposes remains a guess. Biohackers are experimenting with
doses less than 6 mg per week, and some are doing this just a few weeks of
the year. The dosage prescribed for organ transplant recipients is about 5 mg
per day, continuing indefinitely; this is the dosage that triggered the
warnings about infection and cancer. But still; if extended health span is the
goal, one needs to ask, are these risks truly worth it? For some of us, it’s an
unequivocal yes. For others, it’s a “no way,” especially when there are
dietary practices and natural compounds found in food that may also inhibit
the production and accumulation of old, pro-inflammatory cells.
Another wildly popular medication taken for possible life extension (and
often also taken by those on rapamycin) is metformin, the diabetes drug that
Fahy included in his TRIIM study, which I covered in Chapter 1, and that is
the most commonly prescribed medication worldwide for type 2 diabetes
because it very effectively lowers blood sugar. It also has been shown to
inhibit mTOR and beneficially affect the microbiome, making it capable of
producing more short-chain fatty acids that reduce inflammation and support
weight loss. In animals, metformin potently extends life span and health
span; in humans, it reduces age-related diseases beyond type 2 diabetes,
including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.5 It’s no
wonder we’re interested in it.
While metformin is pretty well tolerated, both as a treatment for diabetes
and as an anti-aging strategy, it also has its side effects. Documented less-
than-desirable accompaniments of metformin include vitamin B12 deficiency
(which, paradoxically, negatively impacts DNA methylation); GI issues such
as diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and vomiting (a deal-breaker issue for
many); and an increased risk of lactic acidosis (which can lead to coma and
even death). While living with GI issues has its own undesirability, what
concerns me is the admittedly rare increased risk of lactic acidosis, which is
caused by metformin impairing function of mitochondria, the organelles that
metabolize macronutrients into energy, via a protein called complex 1.6
Lactic acid is produced when cellular respiration (the molecular process
of creating energy from oxygen that occurs within the mitochondria) is
inhibited. While it’s totally normal to make some lactic acid when you’re
using extra energy—like during a workout, after which that buildup of lactic
acid will make your muscles feel sore—if you are making a lot without
reason, it’s a clue that something’s going wrong within the mitochondria.
When you see very high levels of lactic acid being excreted in the urine or
circulating in the blood, it can be a full-tilt emergency known as lactic
acidosis, or, if it’s in a subclinical range, it suggests that the mitochondria are
struggling. It’s essential that our mitochondria be in great health as we age so
we want to tread lightly regarding interventions that might impair function.
While diabetics are known to biologically age more rapidly than their
nondiabetic counterparts, and metformin may be playing a role in mitigating
the accelerated aging that accompanies diabetes, science is not at all clear on
metformin’s benefits to healthy, nondiabetic individuals in terms of life span
and health span.7 To that end, a 2019 study showed that older, basically
healthy people prescribed both an aerobic exercise program and metformin
displayed problems with skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration,
cardiorespiratory fitness, and insulin sensitivity.8 This suggests that
metformin may reduce the benefits of exercise in healthy people. If the
choice is between exercise and metformin, I recommend exercise! This and
other studies seem to suggest that metformin’s use may be best limited to
those with a chronic condition like diabetes or cancer and avoided if you are
Testosterone has been the subject of a major marketing campaign for
men, with claims that supplementing with the male sex hormone can
increase energy, boost mental sharpness, and restore sexual function. It’s
pretty compelling stuff, and can be true in some cases, until you consider
that testosterone may also increase risk of cardiovascular problems,
including heart attack, stroke, and death from heart disease, and these risks
are more pronounced the older the men are. The risk is so significant that
researchers in a 2010 study looking at the effects of testosterone replacement
in older men (who, admittedly, had higher rates of chronic disease) pulled
the plug on the study when the participants had a noticeable uptick in heart
Some men who take testosterone also experience acne, irregular
breathing while sleeping, and a tendency toward high red blood cell counts,
which can increase the risk of clotting. Also, once you supplement with
testosterone, the body stops producing it, making it hard to wean off. And
perhaps most troubling is the fact that testosterone is a growth promoter. It
ramps up mTOR, which rapamycin, metformin, and caloric restriction all
inhibit. Anything that pushes growth forward carries a risk of also pushing
forward cancer, because cancer is growth gone wild.
Testosterone is undeniably important, but testosterone replacement comes
with some risks. Like many other compounds we’ve discussed, the benefits
of testosterone have a U curve: too little isn’t good, but neither is too much.
A study of over three thousand men found that older men with midrange
testosterone levels tend to live longer and experience fewer bone fractures.10
That means that whether or not testosterone replacement is useful depends
on where your levels currently are.

A Natural Approach to Boosting Testosterone

In my practice, we see testosterone drop in men as they get

older, but a lot of times what’s happening is that testosterone
is getting converted to estrogen in men—and women—who
have high blood sugar and accompanying inflammation. For
men, that looks like gynecomastia (visible or larger breasts on
men), erectile dysfunction, muscle loss, and a belly. For
women, it can mean increased estrogen-driven conditions like
fibroids, PMS, endometriosis, muscle loss, and loss of libido.
In both, it can also play a role in cognitive impairment and
depression. When patients present with high blood sugar,
inflammation, low testosterone, and elevated estrogen, our first
step is to place them on the Younger You Intensive program. It
can rapidly drop blood sugar and inflammation, thereby turning
the dial on the brutal testosterone steal way down.

One of the most mind-bending area of epigenetics and anti-aging

involves proteins known as Yamanaka factors. Shinya Yamanaka, a stem cell
researcher and professor at Kyoto University and University of California,
San Francisco, along with Sir John Gurdon, an evolutionary biologist at
Cambridge University, were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2012
for their separate work that showed that mature cells can be reprogrammed
to become unidentified stem calls, or what are known as induced pluripotent
stem cells. This is turning the clock back as far as you can possibly go:
manipulating epigenetics via DNA methylation and demethylation to the
point where stem cells return to the state they were in when you were just an
This dramatic age reversal is orchestrated by proteins now known as
Yamanaka factors. Your body naturally makes these proteins—they are
present in high amounts during embryogenesis—but Yamanaka discovered a
way to synthesize them outside of the body and introduce them back into
cells in vitro. It’s an astounding discovery, and we still don’t exactly know
how it will play out. The possible implications include the ability to make
new organs, manufacture new red blood cells, and repair tissues. And, yes,
to shave years off biological clocks.
In fact, a landmark study has just been published by Harvard Medical
School scientists, including biologist and professor of genetics David
Sinclair. In a study published in Nature, the team shared how they reversed
vision loss due to a glaucoma-like condition by using Yamanaka factors to
turn back the epigenetic age of damaged nerve cells in the eyes of mice.12
Essentially, the administration of three of the four Yamanaka factors made
the nerve cells younger, and they regained their function, leading the
researchers to conclude, “old tissues retain a faithful record of youthful
epigenetic information that can be accessed for functional age reversal.” It’s
exciting, and a little trippy—a combination that elicited some expressions of
concern from other longevity researchers.
“At the beginning of this project, many of our colleagues said our
approach would fail or would be too dangerous to ever be used,” lead study
author Yuancheng Lu said in a news release about the study. “Our results
suggest this method is safe and could potentially revolutionize the treatment
of the eye and many other organs affected by aging.”13 It could even extend
to our entire being: if what we believe is true—that aging and death are
preprogrammed in the DNA—there may come a time when we can reverse it
with some type of a Yamanaka factor cocktail or similar-acting compounds
and march ourselves back to a biological childhood.14
It’s not quite as simple as it sounds, though. While the thought of being
able to reverse glaucoma-related vision loss and other age-related diseases is
undoubtedly tantalizing, research also shows that Yamanaka factors could
also promote the formation of cancer.15,16
There’s also Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat
(CRISPR) technology (also known as “genetic scissors”), which lets us
essentially rewrite our genes. The scientists involved in this discovery,
Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, were awarded the Nobel in
2020—an indication of how big a deal both these discoveries are.17 That
said, CRISPR was almost immediately misused, skating us right onto the
ethical thin ice: remember how we watched in horror as the news unfolded
of the 2018 birth of CRISPR-edited twins? As I write this in 2021, further
experiments on embryos reveal deep failure—the loss of an entire
chromosome in an attempt to edit out a mutation associated with blindness.18
“If our results had been known two years ago, I doubt that anyone would
have gone ahead” and tried it on embryos intended for pregnancy, said
biologist Dieter Egli, who led the study.19
Despite this profound failing, CRISPR technology is already being used
in livestock and crops and holds promise for reversing age-related
diseases.20 In rodents, inactivation of genes associated with aging is
happening now, with early outcomes demonstrating rejuvenation.21 And a
small 2021 human trial showed CRISPR effectively cleared amyloid in the
deadly genetic disease called amyloidosis.22 While CRISPR raises loads of
ethical and medical questions, I am absolutely paying attention. From curing
a lethal genetic disease to safely rebuilding an old, torn meniscus, thereby
revitalizing a knee joint and (perhaps) removing some of the obstacles of
aging, the possibilities of CRISPR (and Yamanaka factors) are staggering.
There is also a compound that was developed by Harold Katcher, the
academic director for the natural sciences at the University of Maryland and
a member of the team who identified BRCA1 as a breast cancer gene, that is
aptly named “Harold’s Elixir” (also known as E5). In 2020, Katcher’s
proprietary blend was shown to halve bio age (in fact, Steve Horvath did the
calculations in the study) in mice. It also lowered inflammatory markers,
lipids, and blood glucose and increased antioxidants.23 As mind-boggling
and potentially exciting as the promise of Harold’s Elixir, or any longevity
concoction, is, you have to remember that humans are not rodents. The test
of success for mice is successfully running a maze. We have a lot more
complexity in our lives, inside and out, than rodents. We also live a long
time. The real proof that any longevity-promoting interventions are safe and
work will come only decades after early adopters jump in with both feet.
In these heady discussions of what’s possible now and in the near future
in terms of anti-aging, I like to keep things grounded in current reality. Even
if you have the desire, the access, and the means (because they won’t be
cheap or covered by insurance any time soon) to engage in more aggressive
biohacking, be it rapamycin, metformin, a CRISPR-based intervention,
Harold’s Elixir, or any of the other myriad interventions currently being
investigated, there are always risks that you’re simply not going to find with
a diet, exercise, and lifestyle program.
In fact, if there is one aspect of health that gains clarity with each new
discovery, even during this time of accelerated scientific understanding, it’s
how essential diet and lifestyle practices are to fundamental health. Our
genome and epigenome evolved by responding to the potent, complex input
of whole foods, movement, sleep, and community. Over the last century, we
learned what happens when we try to “improve” upon natural food sources
—processed foods, artificial flavors, fortification, and other forms of food
technology landed us right in a huge health crisis. Let’s not make the mistake
of thinking we can outsmart Mother Nature again. Rather, let’s work with
her. (Let’s also remember that Mother Nature has arranged for us to live 80
to 100 years under the best of circumstances. If you are aiming beyond that
range and are willing to run the risk, exotic interventions will almost
certainly be needed.)
While there may be developments in the near or distant future that have
the potential to help us live better, longer, many profound tools are available
now. Some of those tools—like food—only require a trip to the grocery
store, farmers’ market, or even a backyard plot or patio container to procure.
And some—like meditation, cuddling, sleep, and movement—require
nothing at all except the willingness to do them. Add in the knowledge of
how to put these tools together into a program designed to fine-tune your
DNA methylation and, thus, your biological age, and you have everything
you need to become a younger you. And since you’ve come to the end of
this book on that very subject, you are ready to go. In fact, I hope you have
already started and are at least a few days into your first Younger You
protocol—whether it’s the Intensive or the Everyday—by now. Know that
for every choice you make that benefits your DNA methylation, you are
making immediate changes that, with consistency, can become lasting.


Our bodies are continually renewing, which means our cells are always
dividing. Depending on the tissue, cellular turnover happens quickly—in the
GI tract, for example, cells turn over around every three days. And when
those cells renew, so do their methylation marks. That means you can likely
begin to change the course of your genetic expression at any moment.
The only hitch is, you have to keep doing the things that favor balanced
DNA methylation, or else the stress or the crappy food will creep back in
and start influencing new epigenetic marks. Making as many Younger You
foods and lifestyle practices a regular part of your life as you can is how you
can lock in the epigenetic benefits you create.
The truth is, the Younger You principles are a marriage, not a fling. It’s
up to each of us to continually renew our commitment to taking care of our
genetic expression by implementing these diet and lifestyle tweaks.
Over the long term, implement as much of the Younger You Everyday
that you can. And ideally you’d complete the full eight weeks of the
Younger You Intensive at least once a year. You may find that the program
makes you feel so much better that you’re motivated to keep it up.
That being said, I know that life happens. For those times when you veer
off the path, whether you decide to have a few drinks to celebrate something
exciting or help take the edge off a particularly tough time, or you fall prey
to a high load of stress after losing a job or a loved one, or you just gradually
fall back into old eating patterns—all you ever have to do is start again. And
if you don’t have the wherewithal to get back to a formal Younger You
program at this particular point in time, use whichever of the many tools that
support DNA methylation you can manage to help offset any negative
effects—go to bed earlier, double down on green tea, cuddle extra with your
partner or your kid or your pet, or opt to have a vegetable-packed salad
instead of picking up fast food. Any step you take will help you keep some
momentum going.
On the other hand, if you find yourself becoming overly anxious about
following the program impeccably, and as a result your nutrient choices (and
lifestyle habits) become more and more restrictive, causing you to feel bad if
you “don’t get it right,” you might be moving toward orthorexia. In my
personal and clinical experience, I see both men and women succumbing to
disordered eating, and I believe there has been an uptick in both groups, but
for perhaps different reasons. For some men, we see extreme nutrient
biohacking, like water-only fasting, severe time-restriction, or very limited
keto plans, especially as these tactics are—with some validity—tacked to
longevity and survival. In women, we saw an uptick in disordered eating
(both too little and too much) with the COVID-19 pandemic; when it seemed
that the world was veering out of control, food became a focus. If there are
times when you need to be gentler and less rigid with your eating choices,
prioritize the lifestyle practices that support healthy DNA methylation (and
remember to keep your exercise moderate). It will keep your seat warm for
when you’re ready to get back to making healthier food choices, as well as
assist you in maintaining some of the positive changes you’ve already
created as a result of your time spent following the Younger You Intensive or
Everyday plans.

Signs Associated with a Vulnerability to Orthorexia

○ Obsession with wellness, health, biohacking, and/or

○ Feeling guilty or unwell anytime you diverge from your
chosen eating plan
○ Forbidding any foods that aren’t perfectly aligned with the
eating plan
○ Avoiding restaurants
○ Limiting social commitments or hobbies because so much
time is devoted to shopping for and preparing food


We tend to think of aging categorically as a raw deal; an unavoidable
accumulation of indignities and infirmities—loss of energy, aches and pains,
thinning hair, sagging skin, memory loss. And worse—heart disease,
susceptibility to infection, cancer, dementia.
Of course it’s OK to want to preserve our youth and slow our rate of
aging so that we don’t have to lose our faculties, our strength, our
independence, our resilience, and our lives prematurely. But let’s also not
overlook the perks of aging. Although I can’t point to research that backs up
my point—because I am not aware of it being conducted yet—it’s my strong
suspicion that as we age, we biologically embed a more nuanced sense of
morality and a deeper wisdom into our DNA methylation patterns.
I think of it this way: when I practiced Zen in my twenties, Zen master
Seungsahn described us students engaged in practice as dirty potatoes
cooking in a big pot. The experience of bumping up against each other in the
pot enabled a deep cleaning. Our rough edges were smoothed in the
experience of Zen practice (and living together in community), but of course
he was also talking about life in general, beyond the walls of the Zen center.
And so it goes with age: our rough spots come up against many
opportunities to soften and deepen. How is this experience captured
biochemically? I have no doubt it’s in large part mediated by changes to
DNA methylation. After all, the biological embedding of trauma happens in
part via DNA methylation; doesn’t it stand to reason that likewise the
biological embedding of maturity, love, forgiveness, and wisdom happen in
much the same way?
Which begs the question, if you take a Yamanaka blend in search of
regaining your physical prime, or clip out a couple of age-driving genes in
the equivalent of a CRISPR facelift, does the biological embedding of
maturation get wiped away, too? When we launched our Younger You
program, Tom, a physician friend of mine, texted and said in his refreshingly
direct fashion, “I am not interested in being younger. I am very interested in
aging gracefully. For me (probably only me) the name Younger You is a big
turn off. I am an elder of my tribe. I am not chasing vanity, or trying to be
something I am not. But I hope to stay active, physically and mentally, for
some years to come.” I love what he says. I appreciate it. And I suggest that
this maturity he’s appreciating is mapped out somewhere on his epigenome.
Conversely, when I ask my friends who are deep longevity scientists and/or
avid biohackers, they confess that they don’t much discuss the positive side
of aging—nor the potential for its loss—in their longevity-seeking circles.
Aubrey de Grey, a controversial figure in the field of gerontology,
believes firmly that aging as we know it will soon be a vestige of the past,
and that the human who will be the first to live to one thousand is alive
today. He believes we will essentially be able to decide our bio age, whether
it’s twenty or forty, and strongly resists what he terms our society’s “pro-
aging” trance.24
Let me be clear: I don’t judge anti-aging enthusiasts. I am one! I know
how tempting it is to want to do anything to reduce risk of disease and
reverse aging. Remember, I became a mother at age fifty. I long to be
younger with every fiber of my being because I want to be present—
physically, mentally, emotionally—for as many years of my daughter’s life
as possible. But the truth is, every external intervention has a downside to it,
and significant inhibition or reversal of aging—as appears to one day be
possible with Yamanaka factors, CRISPR technology, or Harold’s Elixir—is
an occasion for treading lightly with both eyes fully open. What happens if
(or should I say “when”?) unintended and negative consequences arise, are
the changes irreversible? Not only that, but how does prioritizing youth over
all else jibe with the biological embedding of wisdom?
I don’t know that I need to be the one that lives to one thousand. And I
definitely don’t care to revert to being a teenager, or even relive my twenties.
I won’t be first in line to gobble down an untested eternity potion, although
I’ll be paying close attention to the people who do it. Color me boring, but
like my friend Tom, I want to enjoy my years of being a cleaner potato, as
my meditation teacher referenced. I want to be able to age in a way that
empowers me to act on and share the insight I manage to accumulate, and
live well until the end.
On the other hand, I definitely don’t want to be propped up in a nursing
home, giving Isabella’s hard-earned inheritance to the corporations making
trillions off of extending life span without health. Neither do I want to spend
all my time and energy focused on managing the symptoms, conditions, and
loss of function that currently eat up the sixteen-plus years of the average
American’s life. After all, it’s not possible to implement and share the
wisdom you’ve acquired if you’re trapped in a downward spiral of health
that gets progressively worse. Personally, I’d rather spend those years
furthering my research, pursuing hobbies old and new, and spending time
with my loved ones—and I want you to have the same option to decide what
you want to do with your time and energy.
I want an aging journey that’s about adding instead of subtracting;
something that a passage from Robin Wall Kimmerer’s amazing book
Braiding Sweetgrass sums up nicely. In it, she’s describing her years-long
effort to reclaim a pond on her property from the weeds and algae that had
overtaken it. (Emphasis mine.)
Like many an old farm pond, mine was the victim of eutrophication,
the natural process of nutrient enrichments that comes with age.
Generations of algae and lily pads and fallen leaves and autumn’s
apples falling into the pond built up the sediments, layering the once
clean gravel at the bottom in a sheet of mulch. All those nutrients
fueled the growth of new plants, which fueled the growth of more new
plants, in an accelerating cycle. This is the way for many ponds—the
bottom gradually fills in until the pond becomes a marsh and maybe
someday a meadow and then a forest. Ponds grow old, and though I
will too, I like the ecological idea of aging as progressive enrichment,
rather than progressive loss.

Let’s aim for progressive enrichment, shall we?


T he majority of these recipes are appropriate for the Younger You Intensive,
although I’ve also included some that are only suited for the Younger You
Of course, you can eat Intensive recipes when you are following the
Everyday—and they are so tasty that I’m guessing you’ll want to add them to
your daily rotation! But unless you’re a vegetarian or a vegan and you need to
eat some legumes in order to meet your daily protein requirements while on the
Younger You Intensive (refer back to here for details), skip the Everyday recipes
while you are on the Intensive.
I’ve coded each recipe so that you can see at a glance which phase of the
program the recipe is appropriate for, as well as whether it’s keto-friendly, paleo-
friendly, vegan, or vegetarian. All recipes are gluten-free and dairy-free.
Remember that some foods are both methyl donor and DNA methylation
adaptogens, as different compounds within a food can play different, and
multiple, roles in the body. So don’t let the fact that one food appears on two
different lists confuse you (or think that we’ve made a mistake!).

K keto-friendly
KL keto-leaning (low carb, but not necessarily adherent to a strict keto diet)
P paleo-friendly
V vegan
VGT vegetarian
YYI Younger You Intensive
YYE Younger You Everyday

Basic Smoothie (YYI)
Sunberry Smoothie Bowl (YYE)
Rainbow Breakfast Bowl (YYE)
Berry Muesli (YYI)
Matcha Coconut Crunch (YYI)
Cranberry Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (YYE)
Salmon and Spinach Omelet (YYI)
Green Eggs and Shiitake Ham (YYI)
Baked Eggs Two Ways (YYI)
Veggie-Wrap Breakfast Burrito (YYI)
Savory Onion and Chard Muffins (YYI)
Zucchini Banana Muffins (YYE)
Almond and Tartary Buckwheat Muffins (YYI)
Blueberry Beet Scones (YYI)
Chocolate Avocado Banana Bread (YYE)

Light Dishes (Salads, Sides, Dips, and Dressings)

Mix-and-Match Rainbow Salad (YYI)
Herbal Epigenetic Dressing (YYI)
Tangy Citrus Dill Dressing (YYI)
Turmeric-Pickled Daikon (YYI)
Lactofermented Vitamin D Mushrooms (YYI)
Red Cabbage, Beet, and Pomegranate Slaw (YYI)
Warm Salmon and Roasted Cauliflower Salad (YYI)
Colorful Quinoa Lentil Salad (YYE)
Quinoa Tabbouleh (YYE)
Spiced Butternut Squash and Red Lentil Soup (YYE)
“Everything” Seed Crackers (YYI)
Rosemary and Sea Salt Crackers (YYI)
Nut and Seed “Everything” Bread (YYI)
Luscious Liver Pâté (YYI)
Baked Spinach and Artichoke Dip (YYI)
Herbed Beet Yogurt Dip (YYI)
Garlic and Rosemary Sunflower Seed Butter (YYI)
Roasted Mushroom Tapenade (YYI)
Cabbage Steaks with Pomegranate and Creamy Drizzle (YYI)
Fragrant Spiced Rice (YYE)
Baked Golden Tempeh (YYI for vegans and vegetarians, otherwise

Main Courses
Mix-and-Match Stir-Fry (YYI)
Spiced Salmon Cakes with Vegetable Fries (YYI)
Rosemary Chicken with Tomato, Avocado, and Bacon (YYI)
Creamy Garlicky Chicken with Cauliflower Rice (YYI)
Creamy Coconut Curry with Chicken and Vegetables (YYI)
Red Lentil and Tempeh Curry (YYE)
Epigenetic Chili (YYI for vegans and vegetarians, otherwise YYE)
Mediterranean Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Green Beans (YYI)
Not Your Mama’s Burger with Kohlrabi Mash (YYI)
Simple Pan-Fried Steak with “Creamed” Greens (YYI)
Pan-Fried Cauliflower Steak with Creamy Lemon Garlic Greens (YYI)
DNA Methylation Minestrone (YYI)
Wild Mushroom Ragout (YYI)
Lemon Garlic Broccoli Rabe and White Bean Stew (YYI for vegans
and vegetarians, otherwise YYE)
Broccoli Pesto with Pasta (YYE)
Turkey Meatballs (YYI)
Veggie Balls in Marinara Sauce (YYI for vegans and vegetarians,
otherwise YYE)
Crispy Garlicky Tempeh with Cauliflower Rice (YYI for vegans and
vegetarians, otherwise YYE)
Cauliflower-Crust Pizza (YYI)

Snacks and Sweets

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower “Popcorn” (YYI)
Oven-Baked Beet Chips (YYI)
Rosemary, Garlic, and Lemon Olives (YYI)
Cinnamon Nut Crunch (YYI)
No-Bake Golden Energy Balls (YYI)
Blueberry Gummy Squares (YYI)
Matcha Gummies (YYI)
Raspberry Cacao Truffles (YYI)
No-Bake Sunbutter Chocolate Squares (YYI)
No-Bake Chocolate Almond Cups (YYE)
Individual Coconut Cacao Chia Puddings (YYE)
Rosemary Lemon Tart (YYI)
Sunberry Sorbet (YYE)

Energy Boost Green Smoothie (YYI)
Vegan Megaboost Shot (YYI)
Golden Turmeric Milk (YYI)
Matcha Latte (YYI)
Beet Bubbly (YYI)
Iced Oolong Tea with Orange and Rosemary (YYI)
Calming Herbal Tonic (YYI)
Exercise Recovery Drink (YYE)
Fire Cider (YYI)
BREAKFAST • • • • • • • •

YYI | K, P, V (if not using honey), VGT
1 serving
Prep time: 6 minutes

Smoothies are a great, easy, and delicious way to get a lot of your
methyl donors and DNA methylation adaptogens in one fell swoop—and
you only need to clean the blender! Vary these ingredients as you like,
or based on what you have on hand.
Methyl donors: green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, Swiss chard), berries, avocado,
seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia, hemp), shredded coconut
DNA methylation adaptogens: green leafy vegetables (that are also cruciferous, such as
collard greens, Swiss chard, kale), berries, avocado, coconut oil, seeds (sunflower,
chia), lemon, lime, shredded coconut

8–10 ounces unsweetened nut or seed milk (e.g., coconut,

hemp, flax, almond, cashew)
2 cups green leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach, kale, collards,
Swiss chard)
½ cup berries (e.g., blueberries, raspberries, blackberries,
2 tablespoons protein powder (make sure it’s plant-based if
you are vegetarian or vegan)
¼ avocado or 1 tablespoon MCT oil
1–2 tablespoons seeds (e.g., sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia,
1–2 tablespoons dried shredded coconut, unsweetened

1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

Add extra nondairy milk or water to desired consistency.
Include 1 teaspoon matcha powder for extra adaptogen support.
Add lime or lemon for additional tanginess and adaptogen
Make it a fun challenge to create a rainbow with colorful
vegetables and fruits.
Add 3 to 5 drops liquid stevia or monk fruit (or 1 teaspoon honey,
if you’re on the Younger You Everyday) for additional
Smoothies are a superb way to hide supplements (and cut down
on capsules): consider adding liquid fish oil, probiotic powder,
and/or a greens powder.

(calculated using almond milk, spinach, blueberries, collagen protein, MCT
oil, 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon shredded coconut)
Fat: 55.8%
Carb: 19.1%
Protein: 25.1%
Calories: 351.5 kcal
Fat: 23.5 g
Carbohydrates: 18.1 g
Fiber: 4.8 g
Sugar: 9.9 g
Protein: 23.7 g


1 serving
Prep time: 20 minutes
So simple, so delicious, so packed full of YY nutrients—and an easy
way to get beets into your day! Because it contains so much fruit, it’s
not appropriate to the Younger You Intensive (which limits you to two ½-
cup servings of fruit per day), but is a great way to support your DNA
methylation once you’re on the Everyday.
Methyl donors: beets, banana, flax seeds, sunflower seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: berries, beets, bananas, lemon, kiwi, sunflower seeds, mint


1 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen
½ cup cooked beets, fresh or frozen (about 1 medium beet)
½ banana
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
Juice of 1 lemon
¼ teaspoon monk fruit or stevia powder (optional)


½ banana, sliced
¼ cup raspberries
¼ cup blueberries
1 kiwi, peeled and diced
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds, finely chopped
Sprig of mint

1. Blend all the base ingredients in a high-speed blender until

completely smooth.
2. Pour the smoothie base into your serving bowl.
3. Arrange the toppings on top of your smoothie base and serve.

Fat: 24.1%
Carb: 67.9%
Protein: 8%
Calories: 536.2 kcal
Fat: 15.4 g
Carbohydrates: 100.1 g
Fiber: 26.3 g
Sugar: 53.4 g
Protein: 13 g


1 serving
Prep time: 6 minutes

This smoothie bowl is almost too pretty to eat! And it’s positively
loaded with methylation donor foods and adaptogens. Although all
these fruits are typically available year round, this is a dish that’s best in
summer when fruits are at their freshest.
Methyl donors: banana, apple, mango, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: bananas, blueberries, strawberries, mango, kiwi, apple,
pumpkin seeds


½ small banana
¼ cup frozen or fresh blueberries
½ apple, cored and diced
¼ cup almond milk


1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
¼ cup strawberries, sliced
¼ cup blueberries
¼ cup diced mango
½ small banana, sliced
¼ cup chopped pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
1. Add the base ingredients to a food processor and blitz until
smooth. Add a little extra almond milk, if needed, to help keep it
at a creamy consistency.
2. Pour the pureed base into a bowl and arrange the toppings to
your liking.

Fat: 35.2%
Carb: 54.8%
Protein: 10%
Calories: 500.3 kcal
Fat: 21 g
Carbohydrates: 73.8 g
Fiber: 15.4 g
Sugar: 43.9 g
Protein: 14.4 g

2 servings
Prep time: 2 minutes

This no-cook option is great for busy mornings when you don’t have
much time, and lazy mornings when you just want something easy. It
also helps you meet your daily seed requirement first thing in the
morning. This fact also makes it pretty calorically dense, meaning it will
fill you up for a long time, so it’s also good for days when you’ll be on
the go or in back-to-back meetings without easy access to food.
Using a food processor lets you adjust the consistency to your liking,
but if you don’t have one, you can dice the apple and toss it with the
other ingredients right in the bowl, top with almond milk and berries, and
Methyl donors: apple, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut
DNA methylation adaptogens: apple, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut,

1 medium Granny Smith apple, cored and quartered

⅓ cup sunflower seeds
⅓ cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup dried shredded coconut, unsweetened
Pinch of salt
¼ cup almond milk
Handful of fresh berries

1. Add the apple, seeds, coconut, and salt to a food processor and
pulse until finely chopped.
2. Transfer to a bowl, pour the milk over it, and top with fresh
berries. Enjoy immediately.

Fat: 63.7%
Carb: 25.2%
Protein: 11.1%
Calories: 376.2 kcal
Fat: 28.6 g
Carbohydrates: 23.7 g
Fiber: 7.7 g
Sugar: 11.3 g
Protein: 12 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
10 servings (1 serving = ½ cup)
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 12–15 minutes
We call this “green granola” in my house, where it never lasts long.
Ever versatile, it makes a great snack and travels well. You can sprinkle
it on top of unsweetened coconut milk yogurt or pour almond milk over it
to eat it like a cereal. Top with a handful of your favorite berries to add
even more taste (and more DNA methylation adaptogens). If you’re
snacking, you can eat it right out of a small container with your hands.
Methyl donors: maple syrup, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts,
shredded coconut
DNA methylation adaptogens: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, matcha powder, almonds,
walnuts, coconut oil, shredded coconut

1 cup sunflower seeds

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup almonds, sliced or roughly chopped
1 cup walnuts, roughly chopped
1½ cups dried shredded coconut, unsweetened
½ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons matcha powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons water
½ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (or 1 tablespoon
maple syrup if you’re on the Everyday)

1. Preheat the oven to 300°F and line a large baking sheet with
parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, combine the seeds, nuts, coconut, salt, and
matcha. Mix well.
3. In a small saucepan, melt the coconut oil until completely liquid
(unless it’s over 78 degrees in your kitchen, in which case the
coconut oil will likely already be liquid). Add the water and
sweetener and stir through.
4. Add the melted coconut oil mixture to the dry mix and toss
several times to evenly distribute. Hands work great for this!
5. Spread the mixture onto your baking sheet and press it down so
that the surface is even.
6. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until the nuts and seeds are toasted
and turning a light golden brown.
7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving.
8. Keeps in an airtight container for several weeks.

Fat: 75.5%
Carb: 13.9%
Protein: 10.7%
Calories: 408.8 kcal
Fat: 36.6 g
Carbohydrates: 14 g
Fiber: 6.1 g
Sugar: 3.4 g
Protein: 12.4 g


2 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
(not including presoak time for the oats)
Cook time: 20 minutes

This flavorful oatmeal is like eating fall in a bowl. While all the
ingredients are health promoting, it is on the hearty side—I recommend
saving it for days when you’ll be on the go so that you can burn off
some of the carbs. (It will give you long-lasting energy, so go on that
hike or big bike ride!)
For more specific information on soaking, see here.
Methyl donors: rolled oats, apple, walnuts, maple syrup
DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, apple, cranberry,
cinnamon, walnut

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil

1 cup steel-cut oats or thick-cut rolled oats, soaked overnight
2 cups water
1 apple, diced
½ cup fresh cranberries (if using dried cranberries, use only ¼
Dash of cinnamon, to taste
Pinch of salt
¼ cup walnuts
½ to 1 teaspoon maple syrup or raw honey, optional

1. Heat the oil in a pot for a couple of minutes. Add the oats to the
oil and stir to coat. Toasting the oats like this gives them more
flavor and helps prevent the oatmeal from getting clumpy.
2. Add the water and cover the pot. Allow to boil and then simmer
on low for 5 to 7 minutes.
3. Add apples, cranberries, cinnamon, and salt and stir the oatmeal
well. Continue to simmer on low-medium heat for another 5 to 10
minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Remove from heat when the liquid is absorbed and it has
reached the consistency you like. Top with walnuts and maple
syrup and serve.

Fat: 27.9%
Carb: 62.8%
Protein: 9.3%
Calories: 477.6 kcal
Fat: 15.8 g
Carbohydrates: 75.4 g
Fiber: 12.7 g
Sugar: 14.6 g
Protein: 12.8 g


YYI | K, P
1 serving
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes

This recipe results in a fancy-tasting breakfast that is very easy to

cook. It’s also a great vehicle for the DNA methylation adaptogen
superstar turmeric.
Methyl donors: eggs, spinach, turmeric, salmon
DNA methylation adaptogens: eggs, spinach, extra-virgin olive oil, turmeric, salmon

Splash of extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup baby spinach, washed and well packed
2 eggs
¼ teaspoon turmeric
Pinch of salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 slices smoked salmon, diced, about ¼ cup

1. Set a small sauté pan over medium heat.

2. Add the oil and spinach leaves and stir until just wilted.
3. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, turmeric, salt, and pepper in a
medium bowl.
4. When the spinach is soft, add the egg mixture to the pan.
5. As it starts to cook, gently push the outer parts of the omelet in
toward the center with a spatula, allowing the raw mixture to
spread back out to the edges of the pan.
6. Once the omelet is cooked through (no visible raw egg remains
on the surface), about 4 to 6 minutes, sprinkle the smoked
salmon over one half of the omelet.
7. Carefully fold the omelet in half with your spatula.
8. Slide onto a plate and serve immediately.

Fat: 67.6%
Carb: 2.9%
Protein: 29.6%
Calories: 355.7 kcal
Fat: 26.9 g
Carbohydrates: 2.8 g
Fiber: 0.9 g
Sugar: 1.3 g
Protein: 24.7 g


2 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes

Every single ingredient in this savory breakfast dish actively supports

healthy DNA methylation, making it a great thing to eat any time you’ve
gotten off track in your Younger You efforts. The bright yellow of the
turmeric and deep green of the collards makes it a feast for your eyes,
Tip: To de-stem collard greens, fold the leaf in half lengthwise, lay it on the
counter, and use a sharp knife to slice through both halves of the leaf to cut away
the stem as far up as you can.

Methyl donors: eggs, collard greens, turmeric

DNA methylation adaptogens: eggs, extra-virgin olive oil, collard greens, shiitake
mushrooms, turmeric

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

2 large collard green leaves, de-stemmed, chopped, and
½ cup sliced shiitake mushrooms (stems removed)
4 eggs
1 teaspoon turmeric
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
1. In a sauté pan over medium heat, wilt the collard greens in the
olive oil until completely soft, about 5 minutes.
2. Pour greens and any cooking liquid from the pan into a small
bowl and set aside.
3. Return the pan to the heat and add a splash more olive oil; sauté
the mushrooms until soft and slightly browned, about 5 to 7
4. While the mushrooms cook, whisk the eggs, turmeric, salt, and
pepper in a medium mixing bowl.
5. Add the collard greens to the bowl and stir to combine—
everything will start to look a little green.
6. Add the egg mixture to the pan with the mushrooms and cook,
stirring slowly and scraping cooked parts off the bottom of the
pan as you go.
7. Once the egg mixture is cooked through, about 4 to 6 minutes,
transfer to two serving plates and enjoy in good company!

Fat: 67.3%
Carb: 7.8%
Protein: 24.9%
Calories: 235.3 kcal
Fat: 17.7 g
Carbohydrates: 5.1 g
Fiber: 2 g
Sugar: 1.7 g
Protein: 14 g


YYI | K, P, VGT (option 1)
1 serving
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 18–20 minutes
Eggs are wonderful because they’re so simple to prepare, but when
you are eating five to ten of them each week, the basic preparations
(like scrambling, frying, or hard-boiling) can get a little ho-hum. This
recipe gives you two options for making a flavor-packed breakfast (or
brunch, or dinner) that’s absolutely packed with DNA methylation–
supportive nutrients. No more “eggs again?” blues!
Methyl donors: eggs, tomato, rosemary, garlic, onion, chives, chicken liver
DNA methylation adaptogens: eggs, tomato, rosemary, shiitake mushrooms, garlic, onion,
red pepper flakes, chives, extra-virgin olive oil

½ cup shiitake mushrooms
2 cloves garlic, minced
Splash of extra-virgin olive oil
Pinch of red pepper flakes

2 chicken livers, rinsed and patted dry, then chopped
1 small onion, sliced
1 tablespoon chives, chopped
Splash of extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon tomato paste

2 eggs
¼ teaspoon fresh rosemary
Pinch of salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease a single-serving ovenproof dish

such as a large ramekin or small baking dish.
2. Make the base in a small sauté pan over medium heat.
• Option 1: Sauté the mushrooms and garlic in the olive oil over
medium-low heat until softened, about 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in
the red pepper flakes.
• Option 2: Sauté the chicken livers and onions in the olive oil
over medium-low heat until the liver is cooked through, about
seven minutes. Stir in the chives.
3. Stir the tomato paste into your base.
4. Layer your base into the bottom of the greased single-serving
ovenproof dish.
5. Crack two eggs on top of the base, being careful not to break the
6. Bake in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes, until the whites are set but
the yolks are still a little runny.
7. Top with the fresh rosemary, salt, and pepper and serve

Fat: 70.5%
Carb: 10.2%
Protein: 19.3%
Calories: 309 kcal
Fat: 24.4 g
Carbohydrates: 8.7 g
Fiber: 1.7 g
Sugar: 4 g
Protein: 14.5 g

Fat: 57.9%
Carb: 9.5%
Protein: 32.6%
Calories: 464.1 kcal
Fat: 30 g
Carbohydrates: 11.7 g
Fiber: 1.8 g
Sugar: 6.1 g
Protein: 35.7 g
1 serving
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes

This eat-with-your-hands burrito is a tasty—and unique—blend of

flavors that will add some novelty to your breakfast rotation. And it is
positively jam-packed with methylation-supporting foods! If you double
the filling ingredients, the extra will keep in the fridge for up to three
days, and then you’ll only need to reheat it and wrap it in another collard
green leaf for a quick breakfast on another day.
Methyl donors: collard greens, onion, garlic, carrot, sunflower seeds, apple, cumin, ginger,
tahini, avocado
DNA methylation adaptogens: collard greens, extra-virgin olive oil, onion, garlic, carrot,
sunflower seeds, apple, tahini, cumin, avocado


1 collard green leaf, washed and any tough stems carefully
removed with a sharp knife, leaving as much of the leaf
intact as possible


1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
½ onion, diced
1 carrot, peeled and grated
1 clove garlic, minced
¼ cup sunflower seeds, roughly chopped (a mortar and pestle
works well for this)
1 apple, skin on, cored and diced small
½ teaspoon cumin
¼ teaspoon ginger
¼ teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 teaspoons tahini
¼ avocado, sliced

1. Heat a medium sauté pan over medium heat.

2. Add the olive oil and onion and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring
3. Add the carrot and garlic and cook 3 to 4 minutes more, until
carrot starts to soften.
4. Add the sunflower seeds, apple, cumin, ginger, salt, and pepper.
Add 1 tablespoon of water to moisten, if needed.
5. Turn the heat down to low and cook the mixture, stirring slowly,
for 5 more minutes.
6. Take off the heat and stir the tahini through the mixture.
7. To assemble your burrito, take the collard green leaf and lay it
out flat. This will serve as your wrap. If you have a cut down the
middle from removing the stem, overlap the edges to hide the
8. Place the mixture in the center of the leaf and shape the mixture
into a log. Lay the avocado slides on top.
9. Roll up the leaf around the filling, folding the edges of the leaf
over into the middle as you roll.
10. Slice your roll in half on the diagonal and serve.

Fat: 66.6%
Carb: 26.4%
Protein: 7%
Calories: 546.9 kcal
Fat: 42.8 g
Carbohydrates: 38.6 g
Fiber: 11.3 g
Sugar: 18.3 g
Protein: 11.4 g


4 servings (1 serving = 2 muffins)
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes

For those of you who don’t like sweet in the morning, these give you
the portability of a muffin without the cloying sweetness. Their airy
texture makes them a cross between a muffin and a frittata. And their
crunchy topping means they still give you something to sink your teeth
into with a satisfying mouthfeel. Bake these on a Sunday afternoon and
you’ll have breakfast at the ready for most of the next week.
Methyl donors: almond flour, rosemary, eggs, red onion, Swiss chard, pumpkin seeds,
DNA methylation adaptogens: almond flour, rosemary, eggs, extra-virgin olive oil, red
onion, Swiss chard, pumpkin seeds, garlic, red pepper flakes


1½ cups almond flour
⅓ cup tapioca flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
½ teaspoon salt
2 eggs
⅓ cup extra-virgin olive oil
½ cup nondairy milk, unsweetened
1 red onion, finely chopped
½ cup Swiss chard, measured after de-stemming and finely


¼ cup pumpkin seeds, finely chopped
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
A splash more extra-virgin olive oil
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease a muffin tin or line with paper
liners. (You need to prep 8 muffin compartments in total.)
2. In a medium mixing bowl, thoroughly combine the almond flour,
tapioca flour, baking powder, baking soda, rosemary, and salt.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and then add the olive oil,
nondairy milk, onion, and Swiss chard. Stir to combine.
4. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and stir through.
5. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin tin, filling each muffin
cup about two-thirds full.
6. Now make the topping: combine the topping ingredients together
and distribute evenly on top of each unbaked muffin.
7. Bake for 25 minutes until lightly golden. Test for doneness with a
toothpick—muffins are done when it comes out clean.
8. Transfer to a rack to cool. Remove from the muffin tin once cool
enough to handle and continue to cool on the rack.
Note: The muffins can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for one
week. They also freeze well and can be revived in a few minutes in a toaster oven
or a few seconds in a microwave.

Fat: 75%
Carb: 15.5%
Protein: 9.5%
Calories: 374.9 kcal
Fat: 32.6 g
Carbohydrates: 14.6 g
Fiber: 3.8 g
Sugar: 2.5 g
Protein: 9.8 g


12 servings (1 serving = 2 muffins)
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20–30 minutes
This recipe comes in extra handy at the end of summer when gardens
and farmers’ markets are overflowing with zucchini. But it’s always a
good time for healthy muffins! You can store leftovers in the fridge or the
freezer and then defrost them individually.
Methyl donors: banana, applesauce, nutmeg, clove
Methylation adaptogens: banana, zucchini, applesauce, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon,
cinnamon, nutmeg, clove

1 banana, overripe and mashed well

2 cups grated zucchini
¾ cup applesauce
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1½ teaspoons real vanilla extract
3 cups gluten-free flour (I like Namaste’s flour blend, available
at Costco)
⅓ cup unrefined organic sugar
1½ teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg
Pinch of ground clove
1 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line two twelve-cup muffin tins with
cupcake liners or grease well with olive oil.
2. Combine all wet ingredients in a medium mixing bowl (banana,
zucchini, applesauce, olive oil, lemon juice, and vanilla).
3. Separately, thoroughly combine the dry ingredients in a large
mixing bowl (flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon,
nutmeg, cloves, and salt).
4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir well. Scoop about ¼ to
⅓ cup of the mixture into each muffin cup. Bake for 20 to 30
minutes until just beginning to brown and a toothpick inserted
comes out clean.
5. Let cool completely on a wire rack before storing.
Note: These can be frozen if needed and defrosted individually.

Fat: 23.7%
Carbs: 72.5%
Protein: 3.1%
Calories: 191.2 kcal
Fat: 5.2 g
Carbs: 34.8 g
Fiber: 1.7 g
Sugar: 9 g
Protein: 1.8 g


6 servings (1 serving = 2 muffins)
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20–25 minutes

Muffins are such a great, tasty, and portable way to get your DNA
methylation–supportive nutrients, and these pack an extra punch thanks
to the Tartary buckwheat flour they contain. Thanks to Barb Schiltz, MS,
RN, CN, of the Big Bold Health FoodLab, who developed and
contributed this recipe.
Methyl donors: Tartary buckwheat, almond flour, egg
DNA methylation adaptogens: Tartary buckwheat, almond flour, egg, coconut oil

1 cup Tartary buckwheat flour

1 cup almond flour or almond meal
2 teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
⅓ cup coconut oil, melted
⅓ cup water
⅓ cup Lakanto monk fruit syrup, room temperature
3 eggs, room temperature, beaten
¾ to 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries or raspberries
Almond butter, for serving, optional

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a twelve-cup muffin tin with

cupcake liners or grease well with olive oil.
2. Mix dry ingredients together well in a medium-size bowl and set
3. In another medium-size bowl, mix oil, water, and monk fruit syrup
together, then add beaten eggs and mix.
4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Stir thoroughly.
5. Fold in berries and spoon batter into muffin cups (fill about two-
thirds full) and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Prior to enjoying your
muffins, consider drizzling almond butter on them for an extra
kick of healthy fats and protein!

Fat: 53.1%
Carbs: 35.4%
Protein: 12.3%
Calories: 362.2 kcal
Fat: 22.0 g
Carbs: 32.1 g
Fiber: 2.7 g
Sugar: 3.2 g
Protein: 11.2 g


YYI | P, VGT, [V]
4 servings (1 serving = 2 scones)
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

These tasty (and purple!) scones come together quickly and can
satisfy an urge for something sweet without grains and with a heaping
helping of methylation-supportive nutrients. If you can’t find beet juice,
blend a roasted beet with water to thin it out to a liquid consistency. Or,
use the cooled cooking liquid after boiling your beets—while the nutrient
content hasn’t been verified by research, I suspect it has benefit. And if
you can find beet juice but balk at the price, know that it makes a great
DNA methylation adaptogen–rich addition to a glass of sparkling water
or in our Beet Bubbly (here).
Tip: This recipe can be made vegan by replacing the egg with 1 flax egg—
combine 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds with 2½ tablespoons water and let sit for
5 minutes before adding to the recipe along with the wet ingredients.

Methyl donors: almond flour, arrowroot powder, egg, beets

DNA methylation adaptogens: almond flour, eggs, coconut oil, beets, blueberries

1¼ cups almond flour
¼ cup coconut flour
¼ cup arrowroot powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon monk fruit sweetener or stevia powder (or 1
tablespoon honey if you are following the Younger You

1 teaspoon real vanilla extract (or the inside scrapings of one
vanilla pod)
1 egg
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
¼ cup beet juice, room temperature or slightly warm

½ cup blueberries, room temperature
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
2. Mix the dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl until thoroughly
combined (a whisk works well at this stage).
3. In a smaller bowl, mix the wet ingredients together until well
4. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and stir with a spoon until
there are no more dry patches and everything is pink.
5. Add the blueberries and gently fold through.
6. Using your hands, first form the mixture into a ball and then press
down into a disc shape on your lined baking sheet. You should
get a disc that is around 6 to 7 inches diameter and about 1 inch
7. Cut the disc into eight wedges and separate them from each
other slightly.
8. Bake for around 20 minutes or until lightly golden.
9. Once done, transfer to a cooling rack and let cool completely
before enjoying.
Note: Once cooled, these can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Fat: 60.8%
Carb: 28.6%
Protein: 10%
Calories: 378.6 kcal
Fat: 26.8 g
Carbohydrates: 27.5 g
Fiber: 7.6 g
Sugar: 9.9 g
Protein: 10.4 g


10 servings (1 serving = 1 slice)
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 45–55 minutes

This grain-free banana bread includes avocado and almond butter to

make it extra creamy and delicious. While of course you can eat this at
the start of your day, or for a midmorning snack, Isabella and I love it as
a delicious dessert.
Methyl donors: avocado, banana, almond butter, eggs, coconut flour, cocoa, pumpkin
DNA methylation adaptogens: avocado, banana, almond butter, almond flour, eggs,
coconut oil, cinnamon, cocoa, pumpkin seeds

½ medium avocado, mashed

3 ripe bananas, mashed
½ cup almond butter
¼ cup + 2½ tablespoons coconut oil, melted
4 eggs
½ cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
⅛ teaspoon salt
½ cup dairy-free stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips
¼ cup pumpkin seeds

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

2. Combine avocado, banana, almond butter, coconut oil, and eggs
in a large bowl and mix until blended.
3. In a separate bowl combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and
salt and stir to mix.
4. Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients and mix well. Stir in the
chocolate chips and pumpkin seeds. Pour into a lined loaf pan
and bake for 45 to 55 minutes. Cool completely before slicing;
serve warm.
Note: The bread can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer
for up to 3 months.

Fat: 67%
Carb: 23.4%
Protein: 9.6%
Calories: 304 kcal
Fat: 23.4 g
Carbohydrates: 20 g
Fiber: 6.2 g
Sugar: 5.5 g
Protein: 7.7 g
LIGHT DISHES • • • • • • • •


1–2 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10–20 minutes (for protein of choice, although less if you’re
using leftovers)

This is a quick and simple way to get in a large amount of your

methylation donor and adaptogen foods for the day and is my go-to
breakfast and lunch combo. You can absolutely customize this to
accommodate what you have in your fridge—I’ve included a base
template before the actual recipe so that you can see the method
behind the madness and make sure your version hits your basic targets.
Methyl donors: kale, spinach, red bell pepper, carrots, cabbage, sunflower seeds, thyme,
parsley, rosemary, sage, dill, oregano, salmon, chicken, pork, tofu, garlic
DNA methylation adaptogens: kale, spinach, red bell pepper, carrots, cabbage, sunflower
seeds, pumpkin seeds, berries, extra-virgin olive oil, thyme, parsley, rosemary, sage, dill,
oregano, salmon, chicken, pork, tofu, tempeh, coconut oil, garlic, lemon

1–2 cups dark leafy greens
1–2 cups cruciferous vegetables
1–3 cups colorful vegetables
½ cup seeds
½ cup berries
2 cloves garlic, minced
1–2 teaspoons dried herbs or 1–2 tablespoons fresh herbs
(e.g., sage, thyme, oregano, rosemary, dill)
3–6 ounces protein of choice (e.g., salmon, chicken, pork, or if
you’re vegetarian or vegan, organic tempeh, organic tofu, or
your cooked bean of choice)
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil and squeeze of lemon


1 cup kale, chopped
1 cup spinach, chopped
1 cup red bell pepper, chopped
1 cup carrot, chopped
1 cup purple cabbage, chopped
¼ cup sunflower seeds
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
½ cup berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, or
2 tablespoons Herbal Epigenetic Dressing (see here)


1 tablespoon coconut or avocado oil
3–6 ounces salmon
1–2 cloves garlic, minced
1 slice lemon
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Mix vegetables in a large glass container. Top with seeds and

2. For the salmon, heat coconut oil on medium heat in a sauté pan.
Add garlic and cook for 2 minutes.
3. Add salmon and cook on one side for 3 to 5 minutes until lightly
brown, then flip and cook another 3 to 5 minutes until thoroughly
4. Squeeze lemon on top and serve alongside salad.
5. Mix salad with Herbal Epigenetic Dressing (or pack the dressing
in a side container and take your salad with you).
(analysis used ½ cup blueberries and 6 ounces salmon)
Fat: 66.4%
Carb: 15.1%
Protein: 18.4%
Calories: 626.9 kcal
Fat: 47.7 g
Carbohydrates: 25.2 g
Fiber: 7.9 g
Sugar: 11.2 g
Protein: 29.7 g


YYI | K, P, VGT, V
8 servings (1 serving = about 2 tablespoons)
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus at least 30 minutes resoak time for sunflower

The fresh adaptogenic herbs in this dressing make a delicious and

nutritious addition to a salad, stir-fry, or even cooked protein. (And it
makes good use of any fresh herbs you have on hand.)
Methyl donors: sunflower seeds, garlic, apple cider vinegar, thyme, parsley, rosemary,
DNA methylation adaptogens: sunflower seeds, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil (MCT),
garlic, lemon, apple cider vinegar, thyme, parsley, rosemary, sage

½ cup sunflower seeds

¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup MCT oil
4 cloves garlic
¼ cup lemon juice and zest of 1 lemon or ¼ cup apple cider
¼ cup water, or more for consistency
1 tablespoon fresh thyme (or 1 teaspoon dried)
1 tablespoon fresh parsley (or 1 teaspoon dried)
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary (or 1 teaspoon dried)
1 tablespoon fresh sage (or 1 teaspoon dried)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Soak sunflower seeds in water for at least 30 minutes; drain

2. Place all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend
until smooth. Add additional water if needed to achieve desired

Start your own mini herb garden to have these fresh herbs
available anytime.
Use immediately or store on the countertop for up to one week.

Fat: 90.8%
Carbs: 6.2%
Protein: 3%
Calories: 158.6 kcal
Fat: 16.9 g
Carbohydrates: 2.8 g
Fiber: 1 g
Sugar: 0.4 g
Protein: 1.4 g


YYI | K, P, VGT, V
4 servings (1 serving = about 3 tablespoons)
Prep time: 10 minutes
This dressing is particularly refreshing in the early spring when citrus is
in season, but it can perk up a salad, stir-fry, or protein any time. If you
don’t have dill, you can substitute an equal amount of whatever herb
you do have on hand, such as rosemary, oregano, basil, or parsley.
Methyl donors: garlic, dill
DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, garlic, dill, lime, orange

½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons fresh dill (or 2 teaspoons dried)
Juice and zest of 1 lime
Juice and zest of 1 orange
Optional: 1 teaspoon honey (omit for a vegan diet)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Place all the ingredients in a clean glass jar, shake well. Or blend
in a high-powered blender for creamier dressing.

Use immediately or store on the countertop for up to one week.
You can double or triple batch and store in the refrigerator for a

Fat: 93.9%
Carb: 5.7%
Protein: 0%
Calories: 254.9 kcal
Fat: 7.1 g
Carbohydrates: 4.1 g
Fiber: 0.3 g
Sugar: 2.2 g
Protein: 0.3 g
72 servings (1 serving = 1 tablespoon)
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Fermenting time: 4–5 days

Daikon radish is a good source of nutrients such as folate, choline,

and vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and
calcium, many of which directly support methylation cycles and DNA
programming. Turmeric has broad methylation adaptogenic properties.
Pickling both together creates a potent probiotic (and prebiotic!) that
supports a healthy microbiome, and a top-notch microbiome provides
additional folate.
Pickling vegetables is a great way to not only meet your veggie
requirements (and work some perhaps less common methylation-
friendly vegetables into your daily diet, such as daikon radish) but also
boost your intake of probiotics and optimize your gut health. Plus the
briny, tangy-but-mellow taste is a delicious complement to your meals.
And fermenting is much less labor intensive than you might think—really
the only hard part, beyond grating the daikon, is waiting until it’s ready.
While technically sugar isn’t allowed on either the Younger You
Intensive or Everyday, it’s needed here to aid the fermentation process
—the microbes convert the sugar to lactic acid, so it doesn’t “count” as
added sugar.
Aim to eat 1 to 3 tablespoons of this a day. It’s a great accompaniment
to the Not Your Mama’s Burger or scrambled eggs and makes a great
addition to salads, or really any savory meal. Or, eat it as a small side
dish on its own.
You’ll need a large glass Mason jar—the 32-ounce size is perfect.
Methyl donors: turmeric, apple cider vinegar, daikon radishes
DNA methylation adaptogens: turmeric, apple cider vinegar, daikon radishes

2 cups water
¼ cup sea salt
¼ cup unrefined organic sugar
1 teaspoon turmeric
3 medium daikon radishes, about 2 pounds
¼ cup apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar

1. Bring 1 cup of water to a simmer and add the salt, sugar, and
turmeric. Stir to dissolve the salt and sugar.
2. Meanwhile, grate the radishes and pack into a glass food jar,
leaving about 2 to 3 inches of space at the top.
3. Add the remaining cup of water and the vinegar to the brine and
let cool. Pour gently over the radishes, making sure they are
completely covered. If needed, place a small glass container or
cleaned cabbage leaf inside the top of the jar to keep the
radishes completely submerged.
4. Seal and keep in a dark, room-temperature place for 4 to 5 days.
Every couple of days, open the jar to release pressurized air and
to mix the daikon to distribute the turmeric color evenly.
Note: Store the jar in the refrigerator, where it will last up to 1 month.

(per tablespoon serving)
Fat: 2%
Carb: 93.9%
Protein: 4.1%
Calories: 15.4 kcal
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrates: 3.8 g
Fiber: 0.6 g
Sugar: 3.2 g
Protein: 0.2 g


6 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus time to sit in the sun
Fermenting time: 3–5 days, depending on the temperature in your kitchen

Across cultures, mushrooms have long been viewed as a powerful

superfood. They have immune-boosting properties and even some
antimicrobial effects. In my practice, we love mushrooms because they
contain both methyl donor and DNA methylation adaptogen nutrients,
and they’re full of phytonutrient compounds like polysaccharide-glucans,
sterols, and lectins, as well as fiber, protein, and nutrients like selenium,
potassium, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin, folate, and niacin. And…
drum roll… also vitamin D—refer back to here for more information on
how exposing your mushrooms to the sun increases their vitamin D
Take those benefits one step further by fermenting those sun-exposed
mushrooms. In addition to being great for you—and providing about 400
IU of vitamin D2 per serving, they make a delicious addition to eggs and
salad and are even great on their own as a simple snack.1
Tip: You can find culture starter—a mix of microrganisms that can get the
fermentation process started—online and in health food stores.

Methyl donors: mushrooms, garlic

DNA methylation adaptogens: mushrooms (vitamin D), thyme, rosemary, garlic

1 pound mushrooms (you can use a variety or a single favorite

kind), wiped clean with a damp paper towel and sliced into
uniform pieces
¼ teaspoon juice from traditionally fermented sauerkraut, or
culture starter
A few sprigs of fresh thyme, to taste
A few sprigs of fresh rosemary, to taste
2–3 cloves garlic, smashed
Saltwater brine: 1 tablespoon of salt dissolved in 1 quart of
filtered water

1. Lay your mushrooms out on a flat cookie sheet and leave out in
the sun for at least 15 minutes but up to 6 hours for maximum
vitamin D production.
2. Place all the ingredients (except saltwater brine) in a 32-ounce,
wide-mouthed Mason jar, squeezing in as much as possible.
3. Add enough brine to cover, but be sure to leave about 1 inch of
space at the top.
4. Mushrooms like to float, so weigh them down. You can use a
smaller jar or a cup inside your Mason jar.
5. Allow to sit on your counter for 5 days. After 5 days, your
mushrooms are ready to eat. Any leftovers should be stored in
the fridge.

Fat: 11.8%
Carb: 71.1%
Protein: 17.1%
Calories: 164.7 kcal
Fat: 2.3 g
Carbohydrates: 33.1 g
Fiber: 11.7 g
Sugar: 10.9 g
Protein: 10.6 g


YYI | K, P, VGT, V
4 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes

If you have any resistance to cabbage and/or beets, try this rich, ruby-
colored slaw. It has a knockout flavor, thanks to the cinnamon and
pomegranate seeds, that will surprise you. It also keeps well in the
fridge for up to three days; the leftovers make it easy to meet your daily
beet, colorful vegetable, and cruciferous vegetable requirement without
any additional chopping. If you’re on the Everyday version, you can add
½ cup of crumbled goat or feta cheese for an another flavor element.
(This recipe was inspired by and adapted from Edible Rhody to make it
Younger You–friendly.)
Methyl donors: cayenne pepper, shallot, cabbage, beet, parsley, walnut, pecan, pine nut
DNA methylation adaptogens: red wine vinegar, extra-virgin olive oil, cinnamon, shallot,
cabbage, beet, pomegranate, parsley, walnut, pecan


1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
¼ cup red wine vinegar
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional for desired spice level)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


1 medium shallot, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
½ head red cabbage, thinly sliced
1 medium beet, shredded
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
½ cup pomegranate seeds
½ cup parsley, chopped for garnish
Nuts, toasted and chopped, for garnish (e.g., walnuts, pecans,
pine nuts)

1. Mix all the vinaigrette ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.
2. Soak the sliced shallots in a small bowl with the vinegar and a
pinch of salt. Set aside.
3. Combine cabbage and beets in a large bowl and season with salt
and pepper. Add pomegranate seeds and half the vinaigrette.
Toss to coat the vegetables and let sit for 5 minutes.
4. Drain the shallots and add to cabbage mixture and toss again.
5. To serve, sprinkle with garnishes and additional vinaigrette as
Fat: 79.9%
Carb: 17.4%
Protein: 3%
Calories: 353.1 kcal
Fat: 31.8 g
Carbohydrates: 16.8 g
Fiber: 5 g
Sugar: 9.1 g
Protein: 3.6 g


YYI | K, P
2 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20–25 minutes

You’ve gotta love a one-pan meal. You’ll also love how the tomatoes,
parsley, capers, and chives brighten up this easy weeknight dinner.
Tip: I’m a modest green thumb at best, but I can attest that chives are a super-
easy-to-grow perennial herb (that my daughter endlessly picks and eats). It comes
back every year and has cute, puffy, purple flowers in the spring to boot.

Methyl donors: salmon, red onion, cauliflower, tomatoes, parsley, chives

DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, salmon, red onion, cauliflower,
tomatoes, parsley, capers, chives

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

2 salmon fillet portions, about 3–4 ounces each
1 small red onion, quartered and sliced
2 cups cauliflower florets, about 1 inch diameter
2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
2 tablespoons capers
¼ cup fresh chives, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Drizzle a medium baking dish, or sheet pan, with olive oil.
3. Place the two salmon fillets on one side of the baking dish and
drizzle with more oil. On the other side of the baking dish, toss
the onion and cauliflower with a little more olive oil. Sprinkle the
salmon, onion, and cauliflower with salt.
4. Bake the salmon in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until cooked
through, and the veggies a little longer, 20 to 25 minutes until
softened and toasted (they may still be a little crunchy—that’s
5. Once out of the oven, put the salmon in a medium mixing bowl
and flake it with a fork into bite-size pieces.
6. When the veggies are done, add the tomatoes, parsley, and
capers to them (I like to do this in the pan they baked in, for
convenience), then add them to the salmon and gently fold the
ingredients together.
7. Spoon the warm mixture into two large serving dishes, such as
pasta bowls. Top with the chives and season to taste with salt
and pepper.

Fat: 58.3%
Carb: 13.9%
Protein: 27.8%
Calories: 437.1 kcal
Fat: 28.5 g
Carbohydrates: 17.5 g
Fiber: 5.9 g
Sugar: 8.9 g
Protein: 30.3 g


2 main dish–sized servings or 4 side dish–sized servings
Prep time: 20 minutes, plus overnight for soaking lentils and quinoa
Cook time: 35 minutes

This salad is a great way to cover a ton of DNA methylation–supportive

bases in one bowl. And taste-wise, it’s a home run. If you’re vegan, just
omit the eggs; the lentils and quinoa lend lots of protein even without
Tip: Soak the lentils and quinoa together overnight before cooking (see here for
soaking instructions).

Methyl donors: lentils, quinoa, garlic, cumin, ginger, red onion, carrots, egg, parsley,
DNA methylation adaptogens: lentils, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon, garlic, cumin, ginger, red
bell pepper, red onion, carrot, egg, parsley, arugula

1 cup lentils
½ cup quinoa
1 cup water
1 cup vegetable broth
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
Juice of 1 lemon
1 or 2 cloves garlic, pressed
¼ teaspoon cumin
¼ teaspoon dried ginger
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 red bell pepper, diced
¼ red onion, diced
2 medium carrots, grated
3 eggs, hard boiled, roughly chopped
¾ cup roughly chopped parsley
3 cups arugula

1. In a pot, bring the water and broth to boil. Add the soaked quinoa
and lentils and reduce heat to simmer. Allow to cook for about 12
to 15 minutes until both are soft. Stir occasionally. When done,
cover and set aside to cool.
2. Prepare the dressing: In a large mixing bowl, stir together the
olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, ginger, salt, and pepper. Add
the red bell pepper, onion, carrots, eggs, and parsley and toss
with the dressing.
3. When the quinoa and lentils have cooled, add to the veggies and
mix thoroughly. Divide the arugula between two plates and top
with the quinoa lentil salad. Drizzle with olive oil and serve.
(main dish serving size)
Fat: 37.9%
Carb: 45%
Protein: 17.1%
Calories: 577.4 kcal
Fat: 24.5 g
Carbohydrates: 66.5 g
Fiber: 13.8 g
Sugar: 12.7 g
Protein: 26.8 g

2 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes, plus presoak and resting time for the quinoa
Cook time: 30 minutes

Traditional tabbouleh uses bulgur, a gluten-containing grain that can

trigger an inflammatory response in those who have a gluten sensitivity.
Replacing the bulgur with quinoa makes this refreshing, crunchy, methyl
donor and DNA methylation adaptogen–rich dish a great part of your
Younger You Everyday plan.
If you have the quinoa already cooked and waiting to be eaten in the
fridge (a great time-saving hack to make weekday meals fast and easy),
this salad comes together in 15 minutes.
Methyl donors: quinoa, cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, parsley, garlic
DNA methylation adaptogens: cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, parsley, mint, garlic, lemon,
extra-virgin olive oil

⅔ cup quinoa, soaked for at least 20 minutes or up to 2 hours,

then well rinsed
1⅓ cups water, for cooking the quinoa
½ cucumber, diced
3 medium tomatoes, diced
1 medium red onion, diced
1 cup parsley, finely chopped
⅓ cup mint, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Place the presoaked quinoa in a saucepan with the water and

bring to a simmer. Simmer on low, with the lid on, for about 15
minutes, until all the water has absorbed. Take off the heat and
let sit, covered, for another 15 minutes, then fluff with a fork.
2. While the quinoa is cooking, place all the other ingredients in a
medium mixing bowl. Once the quinoa is ready, add it to the
mixing bowl and gently stir to combine all the ingredients
3. Although tabbouleh is traditionally eaten cold, you may serve this
warm immediately or allow to cool before eating.
Note: It’s best eaten the same day it’s made, though it can be refrigerated for up to
3 days.

Fat: 51.5%
Carb: 40.6%
Protein: 7.9%
Calories: 537.8 kcal
Fat: 31.3 g
Carbohydrates: 56.8 g
Fiber: 9.4 g
Sugar: 13.1 g
Protein: 12.1 g


YYE | V (if you use vegetable stock), VGT (if you use vegetable stock)
4 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes plus 30 minutes to preroast the butternut squash

This recipe, like many listed here, is a epigenetic all-star: every

ingredient except salt is a DNA methylation adaptogen! Butternut
squash is high in fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. In fact, 1 cup of diced
butternut squash has more potassium than a banana and provides 50
percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C! Lentils are tasty,
versatile, and cost-effective. They are high in dietary fiber, potassium,
prebiotic carbohydrates, and beneficial phytonutrients that help to
maintain health. And yet, this soup is so tasty that you won’t at all feel
like you’re being forced to eat something uber-healthy. (It’s also easy to
make and satisfies even the pickiest eaters… promise!)
Tip: To make this soup in a slow cooker, put all ingredients (except the lemon
juice, salt, and spices) in and set to the low setting for 4 to 6 hours.

Methyl donors: red lentils, onion, garlic, chicken stock, cumin, turmeric, butternut squash
DNA methylation adaptogens: red lentils, onion, garlic, chicken stock, cumin, turmeric,
cinnamon, butternut squash, lemon

1 cup red lentils

1 medium onion, diced
1–2 cloves garlic, minced
1 (15-ounce) can coconut milk
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock (homemade if possible)
1 medium butternut squash, seeded, peeled, cubed, and
roasted until tender (about 30 minutes)
Juice of ½ lemon
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon cinnamon

1. Place all ingredients except the lemon juice, salt, and spices in a
large, deep saucepan.
2. Bring to a boil and simmer until everything is tender, about 20
minutes. The squash should start to melt into the soup.
3. Add the lemon juice, salt, and spices and stir to combine.

Fat: 38%
Carb: 47.5%
Protein: 14.6%
Calories: 512.9 kcal
Fat: 23 g
Carbohydrates: 62.1 g
Fiber: 11.1 g
Sugar: 11.7 g
Protein: 20.9 g


YYI | K, P, VGT, [V]
4 servings (1 serving = about 7 crackers)
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes

Crackers just make life better. And since these have no grains and no
gluten and are chock-full of methyl donor and DNA methylation
adaptogens, they also help make your DNA methylation better. I
recommend using Bob’s Red Mill coconut flour here because it has a
mild flavor; some other brands have a stronger coconut taste.
Tip: You can make these crackers vegan by replacing the two eggs with 2
tablespoons of ground flax seeds soaked in 6 tablespoons of water for 15
minutes. You can also replace the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, dried onion, dried
garlic, and salt with a scant 2 tablespoons of an “everything” spice blend.

Methyl donors: coconut flour, flax seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, garlic, onion, eggs,
almond butter
DNA methylation adaptogens: coconut flour, garlic, onion, almond butter, coconut oil

¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon coconut flour

¼ cup coarsely ground flax seeds
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
½ teaspoon dried garlic
½ teaspoon dried onion
¼ teaspoon salt
2 eggs
⅓ cup almond butter
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and prepare a baking tray lined with
greased parchment paper or a silicone liner.
2. Combine the dry ingredients in a medium bowl and mix until
evenly distributed.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, almond butter, and
coconut oil.
4. Add the wet mixture to the dry and mix until a thick ball of dough
forms. Press the ball of dough onto a piece of parchment paper
and flatten as much as possible with your hands.
5. Place another piece of parchment paper over the top of the
dough to avoid sticking and roll it out with a rolling pin until it is
about ⅛ inch thick. Remove the top layer of parchment and
transfer dough to prepared baking tray.
6. With a sharp knife or pizza cutter, deeply score the dough with
vertical and horizontal lines to create individual crackers that are
around 1½ inches square.
7. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes, watching closely so that
they don’t brown. You’re looking for a golden color.
8. Remove the crackers from the oven and let them cool on the tray
for about 5 minutes, until you can handle them easily. Break the
crackers along the scored lines and let them finish cooling on a
wire rack.
Note: Once completely cooled, the crackers can be stored in an airtight container
for up to 3 days.

Fat: 71.5%
Carb: 16.2%
Protein: 12.2%
Calories: 321.1 kcal
Fat: 26.6 g
Carbohydrates: 12.6 g
Fiber: 7.8 g
Sugar: 2 g
Protein: 10.4 g


YYI | K, P, VGT, [V]
4 servings (1 serving = about 7 crackers)
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

These are similar to the “Everything” Seed Crackers (here), but since
crackers are so handy for snacks or light meals, and travel well, I think
you’ll enjoy having an additional cracker recipe with a different flavor
profile in your repertoire.
Tip: You can make these crackers vegan by replacing the egg with 1 tablespoon
of ground flax seeds soaked in 3 tablespoons of water for 15 minutes.

Methyl donors: almond flour, garlic, egg, rosemary

DNA methylation adaptogens: almond flour, garlic, egg, extra-virgin olive oil, rosemary

1¼ cups almond flour or almond meal

¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 egg
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons dried rosemary (or 2 tablespoons fresh)
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and prepare a baking tray lined with
greased parchment paper or a silicone liner.
2. In a medium bowl, combine the almond flour and baking soda
until the baking soda is evenly distributed.
3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, stir in the garlic, and then add
to the dry mixture.
4. Work the egg through the flour mixture with your hands and form
into a ball of dough.
5. Press the ball of dough onto a piece of parchment paper and
flatten as much as possible with your hands.
6. Place another piece of parchment paper over the top of the
dough to avoid sticking and roll it out with a rolling pin until it is
about ⅛ inch thick. Remove the top layer of parchment and
transfer dough to the prepared baking tray.
7. Using a pastry brush, brush the olive oil evenly over the top of
the dough. Sprinkle the rosemary and sea salt evenly over the
top and lightly press with your hands.
8. With a sharp knife or pizza cutter, deeply score the dough with
vertical and horizontal lines to create individual crackers that are
about 1½ inches square.
9. Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden, watching
closely so that they don’t get too brown.
10. Remove the crackers from the oven and let them cool on the tray
for about 5 minutes, until you can handle them easily. Break the
crackers along the scored lines and let them finish cooling on a
wire rack.
Note: Once completely cooled, the crackers can be stored in an airtight container
for up to 3 days.

Fat: 75.1%
Carb: 12.3%
Protein: 12.6%
Calories: 501.7 kcal
Fat: 44.4 g
Carbohydrates: 15.3 g
Fiber: 7.9 g
Sugar: 3.4 g
Protein: 17.6 g


10 servings (1 serving = 1 slice)
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus 2–12 hours resting time
Cook time: 1 hour

This is a versatile, nutrient-dense bread, which was adapted from a

recipe by Sarah Britton of the blog My New Roots, that will help you
stay energized and satiated throughout the day. Top it with our Broccoli
Pesto with Pasta (here, hold the pasta), Herbed Beet Yogurt Dip (here),
or eat it just by itself and savor the varied flavors and textures!
Methyl donors: hazelnut, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, almond flour, shredded
coconut, flax seeds, chia seeds, maple syrup, garlic powder
DNA methylation adaptogens: hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, almond flour,
shredded coconut, chia seeds, coconut oil, garlic powder

½ cup hazelnuts, walnuts, or almonds, chopped

1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup almond flour
½ cup dried shredded coconut, unsweetened
½ cup ground flax seeds
2 tablespoons chia seeds
4 tablespoons psyllium seed husks
1 teaspoon salt
2–4 drops liquid stevia (optional, or 1 teaspoon maple syrup if
you’re on the Everyday)
3 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
1½ cups water
Optional: 1 teaspoon garlic powder or other seasonings of
your choice

1. Line an 8 x 4-inch loaf pan with parchment paper.

2. In a medium bowl, combine all dry ingredients, stirring well.
3. Whisk stevia, coconut oil, and water together in a separate small
4. Add the wet mix to the dry ingredients and stir until dough
becomes very thick (if the dough is too thick to stir, add 1 or 2
teaspoons of water until the dough is manageable).
5. Add the dough to the lined loaf pan and let it sit out on the
counter at least 2 hours, or a maximum of 12 (cover with a clean
kitchen towel). This is simply to allow the nuts and seeds time to
soak up the liquid—it doesn’t take long for the dough to be ready,
but if you want to prep it at night and bake the next morning, it
won’t negatively affect the flavor or texture.
6. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
7. Place the loaf pan in the oven on the middle rack and bake for 20
8. Remove bread from the loaf pan, place it upside down directly on
the rack, and bake for another 30 to 40 minutes. Cool completely
before slicing.
Note: Store any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer for up
to 3 months.

Fat: 76.4%
Carb: 14.2%
Protein: 9.3%
Calories: 294.1 kcal
Fat: 26.6g
Carb: 10.8g
Fiber: 7.2g
Sugar: 1.6g
Protein: 8g


YYI | K, P
6 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes, plus presoaking time for cashews
Cook time: 35 minutes

If you don’t think you’re a liver person, this makes a great gateway dish.
Inspired by a luxurious pâté that our chief nutritionist, Romilly Hodges,
had at a restaurant in the South of Spain, this version delivers a
sumptuous richness and a heaping helping of methylation-supportive
nutrients. Serve it with either “Everything” Seed Crackers or Rosemary
and Sea Salt Crackers, or with crudités.
Tip: Don’t skip the step of presoaking the cashews—it helps make this spread so
creamy. (See here for more information on soaking.)

Methyl donors: onion, pork, chicken liver, cashews, rosemary, thyme

DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, onion, pork, chicken liver, cashews,
rosemary, thyme

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 onion, diced
3 slices Irish back bacon or Canadian bacon
¼ cup cashews, presoaked in water for at least 2 and up to 12
1 pound organic chicken livers, trimmed
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons dried rosemary (or 2 tablespoons fresh)
2 teaspoons dried thyme (or 2 tablespoons fresh)
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. In a medium saucepan on low heat, add the olive oil and onion
and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until the onion has softened.
2. Add the bacon, cashews, and chicken livers to the pan. Continue
to sauté for 12 to 15 minutes, until the livers and bacon are
cooked through.
3. Add the seasonings and stir for another minute or so. Take off
the heat and let cool 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and process until
completely smooth. You may need to stop intermittently to scrape
down the sides and/or add a little water to achieve a spreadable
5. Once cool, store in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Note: Will store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. It freezes well, too, if you don’t
want to use it all at once. (Thaw in the fridge overnight before serving.)

Fat: 53%
Carb: 7.3%
Protein: 39.6%
Calories: 240.1 kcal
Fat: 14.4 g
Carbohydrates: 4.5 g
Fiber: 0.6 g
Sugar: 1.2 g
Protein: 22.7 g


6 servings (1 serving = about ¾ cup)
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus presoak time for the cashews
Cook time: 20 minutes
This yummy, creamy (thanks to the soaked cashews) dip means you
can bring a methylation-friendly appetizer to a party—or keep it just for
yourself. The artichokes make this a high-fiber feast that feels like a
Methyl donors: cashews, garlic, spinach, artichokes
DNA methylation adaptogens: cashews, garlic, lemon, spinach, artichokes, extra-virgin
olive oil

1 cup raw cashews, presoaked for 2 hours in ⅔ cup water,

soaking liquid reserved
4 large cloves garlic
Juice of 1 lemon
4 cups packed fresh spinach
2 (14-ounce) cans artichoke hearts, packed in water, drained
and rinsed
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

2. Using a high-powered blender or food processor, blend the
cashews with half of their soaking liquid until you have a
completely smooth cashew cream.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and pulse until desired dip
consistency. You may need to scrape the sides down
intermittently and add more of the soaking liquid to keep the dip
4. Transfer to an oven-safe dish and bake until hot and bubbly, 15
to 20 minutes.
5. Serve with the “Everything” Seed Crackers (here), Rosemary and
Sea Salt Crackers (here), or vegetable crudités.
(for the dip only, not including the crackers)
Fat: 58.9%
Carb: 32.2%
Protein: 8.9%
Calories: 334.2 kcal
Fat: 22.9 g
Carbohydrates: 29.1 g
Fiber: 10.5 g
Sugar: 3.5 g
Protein: 10.2 g


8 servings (1 serving = about ⅓ cup)
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25–30 minutes

This dip will delight your taste buds and your eyes. It’s great paired
with sliced vegetables, served on top of a salad, or eaten with our
“Everything” Seed Crackers (here). This recipe was inspired by a recipe
by Melissa Clark in the New York Times—we adapted it to make it
Younger You–compliant and even more DNA methylation–friendly.
Tip: If you hate peeling beets, boil them whole and unpeeled. They will take 45 to
60 minutes to cook through, depending on size, but the peels will slip right off.

Methyl donors: beets, walnuts, garlic, almonds, rosemary, thyme, dill

DNA methylation adaptogens: beets, walnuts, garlic, almonds, lemon, rosemary, thyme, dill

2 medium beets, peeled and cubed

½ cup walnuts
2 large cloves garlic
1 cup unsweetened nondairy yogurt, such as almond,
coconut, or cashew (or regular plain yogurt if you’re on the
2 tablespoons lemon juice, or more, to taste
2 tablespoons fresh dill (or ¾ teaspoon dried)
2 teaspoons fresh rosemary (or ¾ teaspoon dried)
2 teaspoons fresh thyme (or ¾ teaspoon dried)
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Place beets in a pot and cover with water and a lid. Place the
walnuts in a small bowl and cover with water; set aside to soak
while the beets cook.
2. Bring beets to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Cook the
beets for 15 to 20 minutes, until tender.
3. Remove the beets from the water and let them cool. Meanwhile,
drain and rinse walnuts.
4. Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and puree.
Note: Will keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Substitute sunflower seeds for the walnuts.
Add a dash of cayenne pepper if you want a little kick.

Fat: 49.3%
Carb: 43.9%
Protein: 6.8%
Calories: 81 kcal
Fat: 4.7 g
Carbohydrates: 9.6 g
Fiber: 1.8 g
Sugar: 4.4 g
Protein: 1.6 g


YYI | K, P, VGT, V
20 servings (1 serving = 2 tablespoons)
Prep time: 11 minutes
Sunflower seed butter is a great way to meet your daily ¼-cup
sunflower seed requirement. This extra-savory version is great spread
on crackers (especially our cracker recipes!) or on apple slices, but a
little goes a long way as it is nutrient and calorie dense.
Tip: Because flaxseed oil can easily go rancid, look for a refrigerated version in an
opaque bottle and use it before the “best before” date.

Methyl donors: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, garlic, rosemary, flaxseed oil
DNA methylation adaptogens: sunflower seeds, garlic, rosemary, pumpkin seeds

2½ cups sunflower seeds, raw or roasted

½ cup pumpkin seeds
4 cloves garlic
¼ cup fresh rosemary (or 1 tablespoon dried)
½ cup flaxseed oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Place all the ingredients in a food processor or high-speed

blender and process until smooth and creamy. Scrape the sides
down intermittently to ensure you catch all those ingredients.
Note: You can store the seed butter in a jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Fat: 80.5%
Carb: 10.1%
Protein: 9.4%
Calories: 168.7 kcal
Fat: 15.9 g
Carbohydrates: 4.2 g
Fiber: 1.8 g
Sugar: 0.5 g
Protein: 4.6 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
6 servings (1 serving = about ⅓ cup)
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

This tapenade, paired with “Everything” Seed Crackers (here) or

Rosemary and Sea Salt Crackers (here), makes a great appetizer,
snack, or light meal. It also pairs well with scrambled eggs, sautéed
greens, or Luscious Liver Pâté (here). And since a food processor does
most of the work, there’s little chopping to do.
Methyl donors: shiitake mushrooms, crimini mushrooms, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,
garlic, chives
DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,
olives, garlic, lemon, capers, chives

1 cup shiitake mushrooms, tough stalks removed

1 cup crimini mushrooms, halved
3 tablespoons plus ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup sunflower seeds
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
¾ cup kalamata olives, without pits
2 medium cloves garlic
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons capers
2 tablespoons chopped chives, plus more for garnish
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

2. In a large baking dish or sheet pan, toss the mushrooms with the
olive oil and distribute evenly across the pan. Bake for 15 to 20
minutes, or until cooked through.
3. Place the sunflower and pumpkin seeds into a food processor
and pulse until coarsely chopped.
4. Add the remaining ingredients as well as the mushrooms and
continue to pulse until the tapenade is formed.
5. Transfer to a serving dish and season with the remaining chives.
Fat: 88.3%
Carb: 6.4%
Protein: 5.3%
Calories: 281.3 kcal
Fat: 28.9 g
Carbohydrates: 5.8 g
Fiber: 3.3 g
Sugar: 1.4 g
Protein: 4.4 g


2 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes

Cabbage truly is one of the most versatile vegetables—shredded raw

it makes a great slaw, sautéed with a little bacon it makes an easy side
dish. But I’m guessing you probably haven’t eaten a thick slice of it
that’s been baked. Prepare to be blown away. Baking it makes it so
mellow that it’s almost sweet; dousing it with lemon juice before baking
keeps the flavor bright. Drizzled with this creamy sauce and sprinkled
with pomegranate seeds, you’ve got an easy dinner that tastes
restaurant worthy.
Tip: Look for a dense head of green cabbage for this recipe—it will help the steaks
stay together better. And if you can find black sesame seeds, they make the dish
especially pretty.

Methyl donors: cabbage, tahini, sesame seeds

DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, cabbage, lemon, pomegranate,
Mexican oregano

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for sprinkling

1 small head of cabbage
Juice of 1 lemon
¾ teaspoon salt
⅓ cup cold water
2 tablespoons tahini
⅓ cup pomegranate seeds
2 tablespoons chopped fresh Mexican oregano (or 2
teaspoons dried)
1 tablespoon black or white sesame seeds
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Lightly brush a large baking pan or sheet pan with olive oil.
3. Prepare the cabbage by trimming any dried stem and then slicing
the whole head vertically into large rounds, each about ½ inch
thick. A large head should yield four or five “steaks.”
4. Carefully, so they don’t fall apart, lay the cabbage rounds in your
baking pan. It’s OK if they overlap a little bit, but you want each
one to make contact with the pan, as that will help it brown
instead of steam.
5. Sprinkle with a little olive oil, the lemon juice, and ½ teaspoon of
the salt. Bake in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, until just tender
and browned at the edges.
6. Meanwhile, prepare the creamy drizzle: In a small bowl, slowly
add the cold water to the tahini, stirring continuously. It will first
start to get thick, and then loosen again as you add more water.
It will also get a little lighter in color. Add ¼ teaspoon salt to the
7. Spoon the drizzle over the cabbage steaks and top with the
pomegranate seeds, Mexican oregano, black sesame seeds, and

Fat: 53.2%
Carb: 38.2%
Protein: 8.5%
Calories: 297.2 kcal
Fat: 18.6 g
Carbohydrates: 32.8 g
Fiber: 12.4 g
Sugar: 16.4 g
Protein: 8.9 g


3–4 side dish–sized servings
Prep time: 10 minutes plus 45 minutes for precooking the brown rice
Cook time: 20 minutes

Tantalize your taste buds and give your cells a boost with this fragrant
spiced rice. I like Lundberg rice as a base for this, since it is grown
organically and tested for heavy metal contamination (rice can easily
pick up heavy metals such as arsenic from the environment, so a good
quality source is important). It goes perfectly as a side dish with
chicken, lamb, whitefish, or legumes.
Methyl donors: cardamom, turmeric, cumin, curry, chili powder, onion, garlic, brown rice,
DNA methylation adaptogens: coconut oil, cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, curry, onion, garlic,

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 bay leaf
6 cardamom pods
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
curry or chili powder, optional, to taste (depending on how hot
you like it)
1 large onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2–5 cups cooked brown rice
⅓ cup cilantro leaves
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. In a large sauté pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the bay
leaf, cardamom pods, cinnamon stick, turmeric, cumin seeds,
and curry, if using. Warm the spices gently until they become
2. Add the onion and sauté for 7 to 10 minutes until translucent.
Add the garlic and cook another few minutes before adding the
3. Stir frequently until the rice is fully heated through and completely
coated in the spices.
4. Take off the heat, remove the bay leaf, and add salt and pepper
to taste. Transfer to a serving dish and top with the cilantro

Fat: 25.8%
Carb: 67.8%
Protein: 6.4%
Calories: 308 kcal
Fat: 9 g
Carbohydrates: 51.4 g
Fiber: 4.4 g
Sugar: 2.1 g
Protein: 5.9 g


YYI (for vegans and vegetarians only) | YYE | V, VGT
2 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Made from fermented soy beans, tempeh is a great vegetarian or
vegan protein source—although it’s good for meat eaters, too (so long
as you’re on the Younger You Everyday, as soy is only allowed on the
Intensive for non–meat eaters.) Like tofu, tempeh tastes best when
cooked with some seasoning, and this recipe adds plenty of flavor. Use
it when you want to make any of the main courses that contain meat
vegetarian- or vegan-friendly.
Methyl donors: garlic
DNA methylation adaptogens: tempeh, garlic, extra-virgin olive oil

8-ounce package of tempeh

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon coconut aminos
½ teaspoon garlic powder (or seasonings of choice)
1 tablespoon fresh (or 1 teaspoon dried herb) of choice (e.g.,
rosemary, sage, dill, cilantro, oregano, thyme)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with

parchment paper.
2. Cut tempeh into ½-inch cubes and place in a small bowl. Add oil,
coconut aminos, seasonings, and herbs to tempeh cubes and
mix thoroughly.
3. Place tempeh on baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes or until
golden brown.
4. Serve warm or cold.
Note: Can be stored up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Fat: 48%
Carb: 20.6%
Protein: 31.4%
Calories: 255.3 kcal
Fat: 14.5 g
Carbs: 12.3 g
Fiber: 4.2 g
Sugar: 6.1 g
Protein: 23.1 g
MAIN COURSES • • • • • • • •

YYI | K, P, [V], [VGT]
1–2 main dish–sized servings or 2–4 side dish–sized servings
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

This is an adaptive recipe where you can use most of the ingredients
from the Mix-and-Match Rainbow Salad (here) and easily turn them into
a warm stir-fry—a nice change for when the weather is cold. It is easily
adaptable to vegetarian and vegan diets, too. Together, these two
recipes (really, more like templates) can cover the majority of your
meals if you, like me, like to keep your meal prep as simple as possible.
Methyl donors: kale, spinach, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, thyme,
parsley, oregano, rosemary, sage, salmon, chicken, pork, tofu
DNA methylation adaptogens: kale, spinach, cruciferous vegetables, red bell pepper,
carrots, cabbage, sunflower seeds, berries, extra-virgin olive oil, thyme, parsley,
oregano, rosemary, sage, salmon, chicken, pork, tempeh, tofu, coconut oil, lemon

1–2 cups dark leafy greens
1–2 cups cruciferous vegetables
1–3 cups colorful vegetables
½ cup seeds
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons fresh or dried herbs (e.g., sage, thyme, oregano,
rosemary, dill)
3–6 ounces protein of choice (e.g., salmon, chicken, pork,
scallops, or, if you’re vegetarian or vegan, organic tempeh,
organic tofu, or your favorite cooked bean)


1 tablespoon coconut oil
1–2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup sliced carrot
1 cup diced purple cabbage
1 cup diced red bell pepper
1 cup chopped kale
1 cup chopped spinach
¼ cup sunflower seeds
¼ cup pumpkin seeds


1 tablespoon coconut or avocado oil
3 ounces salmon
1–2 cloves garlic, minced
1 slice lemon
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Heat oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add garlic and
cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently.
2. Add carrot, purple cabbage, and red bell pepper and cook for 3
to 5 minutes. Add kale and spinach (and plant-based protein, if
using) and cook for an additional 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from
3. For the salmon, heat coconut oil on medium heat in a medium
sauté pan. Cook the salmon on one side for 3 to 5 minutes until
lightly brown, then flip and cook another 3 to 5 minutes, until
thoroughly done.
4. Squeeze lemon on top, season with salt and pepper, and serve
alongside vegetables, garnished with seeds.

Switch up your veggies, including a variety of dark leafy greens
and cruciferous and colorful vegetables.
Top with various herbs and spices, such as chives, oregano, dill,
rosemary, sage, thyme, and cilantro, or with the Herbal
Epigenetic Dressing (here).
Add coconut aminos for additional flavor.

(main dish serving size)
Fat: 66.4%
Carb: 15.1%
Protein: 18.4%
Calories: 626.9 kcal
Fat: 47.7 g
Carbohydrates: 25.2 g
Fiber: 7.9 g
Sugar: 11.2 g
Protein: 29.7 g


2 servings (1 serving = 3 patties)
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes

Yes, salmon is great cooked simply, with just a little extra-virgin olive
oil, salt, and pepper. But when you want a full taste sensation, try these
flavorful salmon cakes.
Tip: Kohlrabi can be hard to find. Peeled broccoli stems make a great substitute,
as they have a similar texture and taste. Plus, using them reduces food waste.

Methyl donors: kohlrabi, broccoli, beets, salmon, garlic, eggs, arrowroot powder, turmeric,
sesame seeds, chives, avocado, onion powder
DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, kohlrabi, broccoli, summer squash,
beets, salmon, red bell pepper, scallions, garlic, eggs, turmeric, chives, avocado,
flaxseed oil, lemon, onion powder, red pepper flakes


1 kohlrabi (or 1 large or 2 small broccoli stems)
1 medium summer squash
2 medium beets
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Salt, to taste


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more, for drizzling
2 salmon fillets, about 3–4 ounces each
1 red bell pepper, finely diced
2 scallions, finely diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
2 teaspoons turmeric
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup chives, finely chopped
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste


1 ripe avocado, quartered
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon salt (or more, to taste)
1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.
2. Place salmon fillets on a medium baking tray and drizzle with a
little oil. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until cooked through.
Remove from the oven and let cool.
3. Meanwhile, prepare the kohlrabi (or broccoli stems), squash, and
beets for the fries by peeling and cutting them into ½-inch
batons. Toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil and spread them out on
a large baking sheet. Make sure they’re not overlapping,
otherwise they will steam instead of crisp. Sprinkle with salt.
Cook in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes, until just tender and
slightly browned.
4. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil and
sauté the red bell pepper over medium heat for 5 to 6 minutes.
Add the scallions and garlic and cook another 1 to 2 minutes.
Remove them from the heat for a few minutes, until cool enough
to handle.
5. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk the eggs together with the
mustard, arrowroot powder, turmeric, red pepper flakes (if using),
sesame seeds, and salt.
6. Flake the salmon into the egg mixture. Add the red bell pepper
mixture, along with the chives. Mix everything together well.
7. Form the mixture into six patties. Wipe down the skillet you used
for the vegetables and add an extra tablespoon of olive oil.
8. Over medium heat, cook the salmon cakes for 3 to 4 minutes
each side or until cooked through. Adding a lid over the pan
when cooking the second side helps the middles cook well.
Remove the salmon cakes to a paper towel–lined plate.
9. Lastly, combine all the avocado mayonnaise ingredients except
water in a blender and process on low until smooth and creamy.
Add water in very small amounts until you have a creamy but not
too thin consistency.
10. Serve three patties per person with the vegetable fries on the
side and a dollop of avocado mayo on top.

Fat: 60.3%
Carb: 19.5%
Protein: 20.2%
Calories: 780.8 kcal
Fat: 53.4 g
Carbohydrates: 40.7 g
Fiber: 14.7 g
Sugar: 15 g
Protein: 39.5 g


YYI | K, P
2 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes

There’s nothing fancy about this dish—it’s really just baked chicken
thighs with simple accompaniments that, except for the bacon, don’t
need to be cooked. But the luscious combination of the fat from the
avocado, the salty crunch of the bacon (which should be nitrite-free and,
ideally, organic), and the brightness of the tomato makes this weeknight
meal an embodiment of comfort food.
Methyl donors: chicken, rosemary, pork, avocado, tomato, garlic
DNA methylation adaptogens: chicken, pork, rosemary, tomato, avocado, garlic, olive oil

4 boneless chicken thighs

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus a dash more for
drizzling at the end
2 tablespoons fresh rosemary
2 pieces of Irish back bacon or Canadian bacon, fat trimmed
4 medium tomatoes
1 ripe avocado
2 cloves garlic
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F and place the chicken thighs in an
oven-proof baking dish.
2. Rub the chicken with 1 tablespoon of olive oil plus the rosemary,
then season with salt. Bake the chicken for 25 to 30 minutes, or
until thoroughly cooked through.
3. In the meantime, cook the two pieces of bacon in a skillet over
medium heat until starting to crisp. When cool enough to handle,
finely dice.
4. Prepare the tomato and avocado by cutting them into bite-size
pieces. Finely mince the garlic and mix in with the tomato.
5. Build your plates in layers—tomato first, then avocado, then a
sprinkle of salt. Then top each mound of veggies with two
chicken thighs and a sprinkle of bacon. Finish with an extra
drizzle of olive oil and freshly ground black pepper.

Fat: 54.6%
Carb: 9.7%
Protein: 35.6%
Calories: 637.4 kcal
Fat: 39.5 g
Carbohydrates: 17.2 g
Fiber: 7.9 g
Sugar: 7 g
Protein: 54.8 g


2 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
This is a great, family-friendly weeknight meal. (The sauce melds with
the cauliflower rice in a way that even picky eaters shouldn’t care that
it’s not actual rice.) Or, if you’re cooking for one, it’s tasty enough that
you’ll happily eat it a second time for leftovers later in the week.
Tip: To save prep time, buy your chicken at the meat counter (not prepackaged)
and ask the butcher to cut it into cubes for you.

Methyl donors: onions, chicken breast, garlic, tomatoes, cauliflower, chives

DNA methylation adaptogens: coconut oil, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cauliflower, chives

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 medium onions, halved and thinly sliced
2 boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1½-inch cubes
4 cloves garlic, minced
6 sun-dried tomatoes, oil-packed, diced
½ cup full-fat coconut milk
⅓ cup low-sodium chicken broth (I like Kettle and Fire)
½ large head of cauliflower (about 3 cups florets), or 1 12-
ounce bag of frozen riced cauliflower
Fresh chives, finely chopped, for garnish
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

1. In a medium skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil and add

the onions. Sauté for 10 to 12 minutes over medium-low heat,
until soft and translucent. Add the chicken and sauté 3 to 4
minutes more. Add the remaining ingredients, including salt and
pepper to taste, except for the cauliflower and chives, and cook
for another 5 to 10 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through.
2. Meanwhile, prepare the cauliflower. If you are using fresh
cauliflower, cut it into florets and then pulse in a food processor
until the texture resembles rice.
3. In a separate medium skillet, heat the other tablespoon of
coconut oil and sauté the cauliflower until it is just tender, about
10 minutes, adding salt and pepper as needed.
4. Serve the creamy chicken over a bed of cooked cauliflower rice
topped with the fresh chives.
Fat: 56.1%
Carb: 21.2%
Protein: 22.7%
Calories: 440.4 kcal
Fat: 28.3 g
Carbohydrates: 25.1 g
Fiber: 6 g
Sugar: 11.3 g
Protein: 25.4 g


YYI | P, [V], [VGT]
4 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes

This flavorful meal warms the body on a cold day and can easily be
made vegetarian by substituting legumes or organic tempeh for animal
protein, or simply omitting the chicken, and vegan by also omitting the
optional honey. You can also mix and match any vegetables you have
on hand, such as cauliflower, kale, carrots, and cabbage, making it a
great way to use up your produce before it goes bad. It’s one of my
favorite Younger You Intensive meals (and Izzy’s, too!).
Methyl donors: bok choy, broccoli, carrot, arrowroot powder, cashew, cauliflower, chicken,
cilantro, cumin, curry, garlic, ginger, onion, pumpkin seeds, turmeric
DNA methylation adaptogens: bok choy, broccoli, carrot, cashew, cauliflower, cilantro,
coconut oil, cumin, curry, garlic, ginger, lime, onion, turmeric, zucchini, red pepper flakes,
pumpkin seeds

1 large head cauliflower (about 6 cups florets), or 2 10–12

ounce bags of frozen cauliflower rice
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 medium onion, diced
1 1-pound chicken breast, sliced thin
2 cloves garlic, diced
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1½ tablespoons curry powder
2 teaspoons cumin
¼ teaspoon turmeric
Optional: 1 makrut lime leaf, thinly sliced, and 1 2-inch piece
of fresh lemongrass stalk
1 (13.5 ounce) can full-fat coconut milk
2 heads bok choy, chopped
1 cup diced broccoli
1 medium zucchini, sliced
1 large carrot, sliced
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder
Juice and zest of 1 lime
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, or to taste
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Optional: 1 tablespoon coconut aminos and/or honey
¼ cup pumpkin seeds or cashews
½ cup cilantro, finely chopped

1. Prepare the cauliflower: If using a head of cauliflower, cut into

florets and then pulse in a food processor until the texture
resembles rice. If using frozen cauliflower rice, proceed to next
2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil in a large skillet and sauté
the cauliflower until it is just tender, about 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, in a separate skillet, heat the remaining 2
tablespoons coconut oil over medium heat. Add the onion and
stir frequently until lightly brown, about 5 minutes.
4. Add the chicken or vegetarian protein and cook for 5 to 10
minutes, or until thoroughly cooked, stirring often.
5. Add the garlic, ginger, curry, cumin, and turmeric and cook for 2
to 3 minutes, continuing to stir. (If you want to amp the flavor, add
the makrut lime leaf and lemongrass at this step.)
6. Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a boil and then reduce to
medium heat.
7. Add bok choy, broccoli, zucchini, and carrot and cook until
desired consistency—5 to 10 minutes.
8. Meanwhile, mix 1 tablespoon arrowroot powder with 2
tablespoons cold water and stir until dissolved. Once vegetables
are cooked, add arrowroot mixture and stir until the sauce
9. Remove from heat and add lime juice and zest. Season with red
pepper flakes, salt, and pepper. Add coconut aminos and honey,
if using, to taste.
10. Serve on top of cauliflower rice and garnish with pumpkin seeds
and cilantro.

(calculated using pumpkin seeds)
Fat: 49%
Carb: 21.3%
Protein: 29.7%
Calories: 651.2 kcal
Fat: 36.9 g
Carbohydrates: 38 g
Fiber: 13.3 g
Sugar: 16.4 g
Protein: 51.3 g


4 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes (does not include time for optional presoaking of
Cook time: 1 hour
Doing the study and researching DNA methylation adaptogens has
given me such a deep appreciation for the DNA-regulating power of
spice! Curries are a fabulous way to get lots of methylation-supportive
spices in one tasty bowl. And curries also make for great leftovers—in
fact, I often think that they taste better the next day, after the flavors
have had a chance to meld. The result is a super-healthy dish that’s
friendly for your taste buds and your schedule.
Red lentils are quick-cooking and don’t generally require soaking, but
soaking does have its benefits (see more info here)… if you have time,
presoak, but if you don’t, that’s OK too.
Methyl donors: cumin, turmeric, nutmeg, clove, ginger, onion, garlic, red lentils, tahini,
apple cider vinegar, brown rice, bok choy
DNA methylation adaptogens: coriander, coconut oil, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg,
clove, ginger, onion, garlic, tempeh, red lentils, apple cider vinegar, bok choy

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon coriander
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
⅛ teaspoon ground clove
1 onion, minced
1-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 8-ounce packet of tempeh, crumbled
1 cup red lentils, soaked if you have time, otherwise debris
removed and rinsed
2 cups vegetable stock
6 ounces (half a can) full-fat coconut milk
1 tablespoon tahini
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 cups cooked brown rice (or swap out for cauliflower or
broccoli rice for a YYI-friendly option)
4 cups steamed and chopped bok choy, from 1 medium-sized
head of bok choy (approximately 1½ pounds)

1. In a large saucepan, heat the oil over medium-high heat and

sauté the spices for 2 to 3 minutes, until fragrant. Add the onions
and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, until translucent. Add the ginger,
garlic, and tempeh and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes,
checking occasionally to see if you need more liquid—add water,
a ½ cup at a time, if so. Conversely, you can transfer everything
to a slow cooker and cook on low for 6 hours.
3. After everything is cooked and soft, check the seasonings and
adjust to your liking. Serve with a ½ cup cooked brown rice and 1
cup steamed bok choy per person.

Fat: 35.7%
Carb: 47.8%
Protein: 16.6%
Calories: 600.2 kcal
Fat: 25.1 g
Carbohydrates: 70.9 g
Fiber: 11.4 g
Sugar: 6.2 g
Protein: 29.1 g

YYE | YYI (V or VGT) | [V], [VGT]
8 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes, plus presoak time for the beans
Cook time: 1 hour
This filling but still brightly flavored (i.e., not heavy-tasting) chili makes
a large portion that is perfect for feeding the entire family, or for having
leftovers for later in the week. It tastes great eaten warm, of course, but
it’s also great served cold on a hot summer day. And it’s easy to make
vegetarian or vegan by swapping the turkey for steamed and crumbled
tempeh and opting for vegetable broth or water instead of bone broth.
Methyl donors: tomatoes, garlic, red onion, turkey, cumin, chili powder, thyme, sage, black
beans, kidney beans, maple syrup
DNA methylation adaptogens: tomatoes, coconut oil, bell peppers, garlic, red onion, cumin,
chili powder, thyme, sage, black beans, kidney beans, green onion

5 large fresh tomatoes, 2 diced, 3 pureed, or 1 (14.5-ounce)

can diced
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 yellow bell pepper, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 red onion, chopped
1 pound ground turkey
2 tablespoons cumin
2 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons fresh thyme
2 tablespoons fresh sage
1 (7-ounce) jar tomato paste
¾ cup black beans, soaked overnight and drained, or 1 (15-
ounce) can, rinsed
¾ cup kidney beans, soaked overnight and drained, or 1 (15-
ounce) can, rinsed
16 ounces water (or bone or vegetable broth)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Dash of maple syrup, optional
Green onions, diced, for garnish
1 spoonful of dairy-free yogurt, such as almond, coconut, or
cashew, per serving, for garnish
1. Prep tomato sauce by pureeing three of the large tomatoes in a
blender until they reach a liquid consistency.
2. Heat coconut oil in large pot over medium heat. Add bell
peppers, garlic, and onion and sauté for 3 to 5 minutes. Add
turkey and stir frequently until thoroughly cooked, about 7 to 10
minutes. Add cumin, chili, thyme, and sage and cook for 2 to 3
minutes. Add diced tomatoes, tomato paste, and tomato puree.
3. Turn down to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes, allowing sauce
to reduce slightly and deepen in color.
4. Add beans and water. Simmer 30 to 40 minutes.
5. Season with salt and pepper and, if using, maple syrup. Serve
topped with yogurt and green onions.

Fat: 42.9%
Carb: 31.9%
Protein: 25.2%
Calories: 309.5 kcal
Fat: 14.8 g
Carbohydrates: 26.5 g
Fiber: 7.8 g
Sugar: 10.3 g
Protein: 21.1 g


4 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes plus 10 minutes resting time

If you’ve ever felt pork tenderloin was too bland, or too dry, this recipe
will change your mind. Stuffed with flavor-rich DNA methylation
adaptogens, including sun-dried tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and
capers, this dish tastes like it takes a lot more time to prepare than it
does. Although it’s easy enough for a weeknight dinner, it’s tasty
enough for entertaining—and your guests will never suspect you’re
serving them a health-focused dinner.
Tip: If you don’t have butcher’s twine, you can use toothpicks to keep the
tenderloin together—just leave enough of them sticking out that they are easy to
remove before slicing and eating.

Methyl donors: pork, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, garlic, rosemary, flax seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: pork, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, garlic, capers, Mexican
oregano, rosemary, red chili pepper, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon, green beans

1 pound pork tenderloin


¼ cup sunflower seeds
5 sun-dried tomatoes, oil-packed
3 cloves garlic
¼ cup capers
2 tablespoons fresh Mexican oregano (or 1 teaspoon dried)
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary (or ½ teaspoon dried)
Pinch of red pepper flakes
½ teaspoon salt
Fresh ground pepper


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
½ teaspoon salt


1 pound green beans, trimmed
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ teaspoon salt
1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.
2. Coarsely grind the sunflower seeds in a food processor. Add the
remaining stuffing ingredients to the processor and pulse until
everything comes together into a paste.
3. Slice the pork tenderloin in half lengthways, but don’t cut it all the
way through. Spread it out flat and place the stuffing lengthways
in the center. Roll it back up and tie with butcher’s string.
Transfer to a baking dish.
4. Mix the glaze ingredients together in a small bowl and then brush
over the tied tenderloin.
5. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375°F
and cook for another 20 to 30 minutes, until fully cooked through
(internal temperature of 160°F or above). Allow to rest for 10
minutes, then cut into eight slices.
6. Meanwhile, steam the green beans until tender. Combine the
flaxseed oil, garlic, and salt and stir through the cooked green
7. Distribute the pork tenderloin slices onto four plates along with a
serving of green beans. Serve immediately.

Fat: 49%
Carb: 12.9%
Protein: 38.1%
Calories 393.9 kcal
Fat: 22.1 g
Carbohydrates: 14.6 g
Fiber: 5.2 g
Sugar: 5.5 g
Protein: 36.8 g


YYI | K, P
4 servings
Prep time: 25 minutes plus 1 hour for chilling patties
Cook time: 15 minutes

A burger isn’t generally considered to be health food, but if you make

the beef grass-fed and combine it with the methylation superstars beets
and rosemary, it’s a valuable (and delicious!) (and purple!) addition to
your epigenetic eating plan. The marinade here not only infuses extra
flavor, it also reduces the formation of oxidative compounds formed
during high-heat cooking that otherwise deplete methyl donor reserves
and impair DNA methylation.
Tip: Because the beets make the burger a bright purple color, it can be hard to
gauge doneness. Use a meat thermometer to ensure burgers reach an internal
temperature of 160°F. Also, if you can’t find kohlrabi, try mashed turnips. Also

Methyl donors: beef, beets, rosemary, apple cider vinegar, garlic, kohlrabi, turnip
DNA methylation adaptogens: beets, rosemary, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, apple
cider vinegar, garlic, grapefruit, lemon, kohlrabi, turnip


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon grapefruit or lemon juice
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1–2 tablespoons coconut aminos (optional)


1 pound organic grass-fed ground beef
2 medium beets, raw and grated
½ teaspoon fresh or dried rosemary, finely chopped (about ½
sprig fresh)
3 tablespoons coconut oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


2 kohlrabi (or 2 turnips), peeled and diced
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Salt, to taste

1. Stir together all the marinade ingredients and set aside.

2. Mix the beef with the beets and rosemary. Season with salt and
pepper and form into four patties.
3. Place the burger patties in a shallow baking dish. Pour the
marinade over the patties, cover and place in the refrigerator for
1 hour.
4. Meanwhile, steam or boil the kohlrabi until tender, around 15
5. Mash the cooked kohlrabi well and mix in the olive oil and salt.
Keep the mash warm in a covered pan until the burgers are
6. When the patties have chilled, place a large sauté pan over
medium heat and wait 1 to 3 minutes until it builds up
temperature. Add the coconut oil to the pan and tip the pan
carefully to distribute.
7. Add the patties to the pan. Do this in batches if you need to,
being careful not to crowd the pan.
8. Cook for 4 minutes on the first side, and 3 minutes on the
second, using a meat thermometer to determine when they’ve hit
160°F. Serve patties alongside the warm kohlrabi mash.

Fat: 71.3%
Carb: 8.9%
Protein: 19.8%
Calories: 487.1 kcal
Fat: 38.3 g
Carbohydrates: 11.1 g
Fiber: 4 g
Sugar: 6.5 g
Protein: 24.1 g
2 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes plus 3 minutes resting time for the steaks

Like a good pair of black pants, this dish is versatile—it works as a

quick (if decadent) weeknight dinner, and just as well as a celebratory
meal. Using frozen greens makes it that much easier to prepare—no
washing or chopping required. It also reduces the amount of greens you
need to process; if you prefer using fresh greens, you’ll need a
whopping 11 cups spinach and 8 cups kale! But I’ve included those
options in the ingredients list, in case you have a lot of spinach or kale
on hand that you need to use up.
Tip: If you’d like your “creamed” greens a little creamier, add 2 tablespoons of
canned coconut milk at the end of the greens cooking process.

Methyl donors: beef, onion, spinach, kale, garlic, pine nuts

DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, onion, spinach, kale, garlic, Mexican
oregano, red pepper flakes

¼ cup pine nuts, for garnish

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
5 ounces frozen chopped spinach (or 11 cups fresh, cleaned
and chopped)
5 ounces frozen chopped kale (or 8 cups fresh, cleaned, de-
stemmed, and chopped)
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder
¼ cup low-sodium chicken broth (such as Kettle and Fire
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2–3 tablespoons full-fat coconut milk (optional)
2 small strip steaks, about 3–4 ounces each, grass-fed if
1 tablespoon refined (clear) avocado oil
2 tablespoons fresh Mexican oregano, finely chopped, for
Red pepper flakes (optional), for garnish

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a small oven-proof dish, toast the

pine nuts until just golden brown and beginning to release a nutty
odor, about 6 to 8 minutes (be careful to watch them—they can
burn quickly).
2. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan over medium heat, warm the
olive oil and sauté the onion until tender, about 10 to 12 minutes.
Add the spinach, kale, and garlic and cook for another 5 to 7
minutes, stirring, until all the greens have defrosted and cooked
(if using fresh, cook until wilted, about 3 minutes).
3. Sprinkle the arrowroot powder over the greens and stir through
evenly. Once you can no longer see any arrowroot clumps, add
the chicken broth and continue to stir through for 2 to 3 minutes.
Season to taste with salt and pepper, add coconut milk if using,
then cover and set aside while you cook the steaks.
4. Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Season the steaks with salt
and pepper. Add the avocado oil to the skillet and sear the steaks
2 to 3 minutes each side. Continue cooking until the steaks reach
your preferred level of doneness.
5. Let the steaks rest for 2 to 3 minutes, then cut across the grain at
a slight diagonal into slices about ½-inch thick.
6. Place a large spoonful of creamed greens on each plate and fan
the steak slices out against them. Top with the pine nuts,
Mexican oregano, and red pepper flakes (if using).

(calculated without the optional coconut milk)
Fat: 47.2%
Carb: 13.9%
Protein: 38.9%
Calories: 564.1 kcal
Fat: 30.7 g
Carbohydrates: 21.6 g
Fiber: 7.6 g
Sugar: 4.9 g
Protein: 57.2 g


4 servings
Prep time: 10–12 minutes (does not include soaking cashews)
Cook time: 45–50 minutes

Is there anything cauliflower can’t do? It’s great as crudités, amazing

roasted, and mimics rice and even pizza dough. It’s also a fabulous
stand-in for steak, whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or just looking for
a cost-effective and easy-to-prepare entrée option. This lemon garlic
cashew cream sauce is luscious and also goes great with a variety of
dishes, including salads, cooked greens or vegetables, poultry, and
As with the previous recipe, using frozen greens makes for much easier
prep and reduces the volume of greens you need to wash, de-stem (in
the case of kale), and chop. Again, I’m including amounts for fresh
greens if you prefer, but don’t let them scare you off—they will cook
down considerably.
Tip: Any extra bits of cauliflower will keep in the refrigerator for 5 days, or in the
freezer for 3 to 4 weeks. You can use these pieces for making cauliflower rice, or
steam them and mash them with a little extra-virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper for a
tasty alternative to mashed potatoes, or even throw them into a smoothie or on
top of a salad for extra methylation support.

Methyl donors: cauliflower, onion, spinach, kale, garlic, pine nuts, cashews
DNA methylation adaptogens: cauliflower, extra-virgin olive oil, onion, spinach, kale, garlic,
Mexican oregano, lemon, cashews
¼ cup pine nuts (optional)
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
5 ounces frozen chopped spinach (or 11 cups fresh, cleaned
and chopped)
5 ounces frozen chopped kale (or 8 cups fresh, cleaned, de-
stemmed, and chopped)
2 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup low-sodium vegetable broth
2 tablespoons fresh Mexican oregano, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


2 large heads cauliflower
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons refined (clear) avocado oil


1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 or 2 cloves of garlic, minced, to taste
½ teaspoon sea salt
3–4 tablespoons water, to taste

1. If using pine nuts, preheat the oven to 350°F. In a small oven-

proof dish, toast the pine nuts until just golden brown and
beginning to release a nutty odor, 6 to 8 minutes.
2. In a large saucepan over medium heat, sauté the onions in the
olive oil until tender, about 10 minutes. Add the spinach, kale,
and garlic and cook for another 5 to 7 minutes, stirring until all
the greens have defrosted and cooked (if using fresh, cook until
wilted, 2 to 3 minutes).
3. Add the vegetable broth and stir into the greens for 2 to 3
minutes. Season with the Mexican oregano and a few pinches of
salt and pepper, cover, and set aside while you cook the
cauliflower steaks.
4. Cut leaves off the cauliflower heads, place the heads stem side
down and cut 1-inch-thick slices vertically (top to bottom). Make
sure each slice is flat on the top and bottom and a similar
thickness so that they’ll cook evenly. Each large head should
yield two or three “steaks.” You need a total of four, but you can
always cook more if you have them. Brush the steaks with the
olive oil, then dust with sea salt and pepper.
5. To make the sauce, place all of the sauce ingredients in a high-
speed blender or food processor. Blend until the mixture is
creamy and smooth, adding additional water 1 teaspoon at a
time until it reaches your desired consistency. Add more salt and
pepper to taste.
6. Preheat a skillet over medium-high heat, then add the avocado
oil. Once hot, add two steaks to the skillet and cook each side for
about 4 minutes, until they are slightly browned. Transfer to a
serving plate and repeat with the other two steaks.
7. Plate the warmed greens, place a cauliflower steak on top, then
drizzle the lemon garlic sauce over the steak and greens. Top
with toasted pine nuts (if using).

Fat: 59.7%
Carb: 30.1%
Protein: 10.2%
Calories: 502 kcal
Fat: 35 g
Carb: 40.6 g
Fiber: 13.1 g
Sugars: 12.8 g
Protein: 18 g


6 servings
Prep time: 30 minutes plus 60 minutes cooling time for the meatballs
Cook time: 1 hour

This soup is nothing short of a DNA methylation extravaganza! Yes, it

has beef liver, but it’s mixed with turkey inside a delicious meatball, so
it’s not noticeable. There is a lot of chopping involved, but once that’s
done, your labor is basically over and you’ve got five additional servings
left over (or four, if you’re cooking for two).
Methyl donors: turkey, beef liver, egg, parsley, garlic, onion, carrots, tomatoes, shiitake
mushrooms, butternut squash, asparagus, oregano, rosemary, spinach
DNA methylation adaptogens: turkey, beef liver, egg, parsley, olive oil, coconut oil, garlic,
onion, carrots, celery, tomatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, asparagus, oregano,
rosemary, spinach


1 pound ground turkey
3 ounces beef liver, trimmed (remove the white membrane)
and chopped
1 egg
2 tablespoons parsley, minced, plus additional minced parsley,
for garnish
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 cup diced onion
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped celery
2 cups sliced shiitake mushrooms
1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes
3 cups water
1 small zucchini, chopped
½ large or 1 small butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and
chopped into ½-inch pieces
1 pound asparagus, trimmed and chopped into ½-inch pieces
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon oregano
2 teaspoons rosemary (or 1 fresh rosemary sprig)
2 cups spinach, de-stemmed and julienned
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. In a food processor, blend the turkey and liver. Place the ground
meat into a bowl and mix in the egg, parsley, salt, and pepper by
hand. Allow mixture to set, covered, in the refrigerator for at least
1 hour.
2. Once the meat has set, form small meatballs, about 1 inch in
3. In a large stockpot or Dutch oven, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil
over medium-low heat. Cook the meatballs until golden all over, 6
to 8 minutes. Set aside.
4. In the same stockpot, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil.
Add the garlic, onions, carrots, celery, and mushrooms. Sauté,
stirring occasionally, for 3 to 5 minutes.
5. Add the tomatoes, water, zucchini, butternut squash, asparagus,
bay leaf, oregano, and rosemary and bring to a low simmer.
6. Carefully place the turkey meatballs in the soup, covering them
with as much broth as possible.
7. Simmer for 15 minutes. Test one meatball to make sure the meat
has cooked through.
8. Once meatballs are done, turn off the heat and remove the
rosemary sprig if you used one (the leaves should have fallen off)
and the bay leaf. Add the spinach and stir the soup until the
spinach wilts. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
9. Garnish with parsley and serve.

Fat: 53.1%
Carb: 20.3%
Protein: 26.6%
Calories: 411.4 kcal
Fat: 24.5 g
Carbohydrates: 23 g
Fiber: 7.9 g
Sugar: 8.5 g
Protein: 28.8 g


2 servings
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes

The more I learn about mushrooms, with their high quantities of methyl
donors and DNA methylation adaptogens, the deeper I fall in love with
them. This dish puts them front and center. It also proves how hearty a
plant-based meal can be. Try serving it over garlicky sautéed greens
with some Rosemary and Sea Salt Crackers. (And if you’re not vegan, a
fried or poached egg is great with it, too.) If you can’t find kohlrabi, try
peeled broccoli stems—they have a similar taste and texture and are
also DNA-methylation friendly.
Methyl donors: onions, carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli, shiitake mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic,
arrowroot powder, parsley
DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, onions, carrots, broccoli, kohlrabi,
tomatoes, garlic, parsley

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

2 medium onions, diced
2 medium carrots, peeled and finely diced
1 kohlrabi, peeled and diced (or 1 large or 2 small broccoli
stalks, peeled and diced)
8 ounces shiitake mushrooms, sliced
8 ounces crimini mushrooms, sliced
4 sun-dried tomatoes, oil-packed, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder
1 cup low-sodium vegetable broth
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
¼ cup finely chopped parsley, for garnish

1. In a large saucepan with a lid, gently heat the oil over medium
heat and add the onions, carrots, kohlrabi, and mushrooms.
2. Cover and cook, stirring intermittently, until everything is soft,
about 30 minutes.
3. Add the tomatoes, garlic, and arrowroot powder. Stir well and
cook 1 to 2 minutes more.
4. Add the vegetable broth and season to taste. Bring to a boil, then
turn the heat down low and cook for another 10 minutes, until the
flavors have mellowed and blended together.
5. Serve in two bowls topped with the parsley.

Fat: 39.5%
Carb: 53.1%
Protein: 7.4%
Calories: 345 kcal
Fat: 15.5 g
Carbohydrates: 48.8 g
Fiber: 10.7 g
Sugar: 15.7 g
Protein: 9.6 g


YYE | YYI (VGT and V) | V, VGT
4 main dish–sized servings or 6 side dish–sized servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

Ever since I dated an Italian man when I was in my twenties, broccoli

rabe has been my favorite green veggie. I eat an absurd amount of it
every week (in season, probably around three pounds!). As a
cruciferous vegetable, it has a robust complement of methyl donors
(including a ton of folate) and methylation adaptogens. Personally, I like
my broccoli rabe prepared very simply, with salt, pepper, lots of garlic,
and a healthy glug of flavorful extra-virgin olive oil. I add the rosemary
and MCT oil as little extra YY kicks.
Broccoli rabe is not for the timid: it’s very bitter. The longer you cook it,
the mellower it becomes; that’s why I advise steaming it before sautéing
it. The lemon in this dish brightens it up and the beans make it hearty
enough for a meal. You can top with crushed red pepper flakes for
additional heat or toasted pine nuts for crunch and texture.
Note that because of the beans, it’s really not appropriate for the
Younger You Intensive unless you are a vegan, in which case a
moderate amount of beans is important for you to meet your protein
requirements on the eating plan. Also note that if you are a meat eater,
you can make this Intensive-approved by replacing the beans with a
serving of animal protein of your choice—this version is one of my go-to
meals (I usually top mine with an organic chicken sausage or some
Tip: If you prefer broccoli rabe on the crunchier side, remove before adding the
beans and put back once the beans are almost done. You can also remove the
lemon slices at the end of the cooking process and puree everything to make a
flavorful soup.

Methyl donors: lemon, garlic, great northern beans, rosemary

DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, lemon, broccoli rabe, garlic,
rosemary, red pepper flakes

14–16 ounces fresh broccoli rabe, cleaned, trimmed

4 large cloves garlic, sliced thin
2 tablespoons MCT oil
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 small lemon, sliced thin with seeds removed
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 (15-ounce) cans of great northern or cannellini beans, rinsed
½ cup water
½ teaspoon kosher salt, or more, to taste
¼ teaspoon ground rosemary

1. Steam the broccoli rabe in a large covered pot until stalks are
fork soft (5 to 7 minutes), adding the sliced garlic with 2 to 3
minutes remaining.
2. Transfer the broccoli rabe and garlic to a large skillet over
medium heat. Add the MCT oil, ⅛ cup of the olive oil, lemon, salt,
and pepper, making sure to fully coat the broccoli rabe. Cook and
occasionally stir for about 3 minutes until lemon is soft and
slightly brown. Broccoli rabe should be a vibrant green and
slightly crisp.
3. Add the beans and water and heat until everything begins to boil.
Reduce to a low heat and simmer; continue to cook and carefully
stir occasionally (for about 3 to 4 minutes) until the flavors
combine and the liquid is reduced by half (the remaining liquid
acts as a light sauce).
4. Transfer everything to a serving plate or bowl, sprinkle the
remaining olive oil and rosemary over the top, and serve.
(main dish serving size)
Fat: 44%
Carb: 41.5%
Protein: 14.6 %
Calories: 425.8 kcal
Fat: 21.7 g
Carbs: 44.2 g
Fiber: 13.2 g
Sugars: 1.2 g
Protein: 19 g


4 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes plus presoak time for walnuts and sunflower seeds
Cook time: 15 minutes

This pesto, inspired by a recipe in the New York Times, gets additional
depth from broccoli florets (which, as a cruciferous vegetable, are both
a methyl donor and a DNA methylation adaptogen) and from some of
our favorite DNA methylation adaptogenic herbs. It makes a great dip
on its own, or serve it over chickpea, lentil, mung bean, or kelp pasta.
Top it with Rosemary, Garlic, and Lemon Olives (here) for even more
Methyl donors: broccoli, garlic, basil, oregano, thyme, walnuts, sunflower seeds,
chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, kelp
DNA methylation adaptogens: broccoli, garlic, basil, oregano, thyme, walnuts, sunflower
seeds, lemon, extra-virgin olive oil, chickpeas, lentils, kelp, red pepper flakes

8 cups water
4 cups broccoli florets
1 (8-ounce) package gluten-free chickpea, lentil, mung bean,
or kelp pasta
2 cloves garlic
2 cups fresh basil leaves
2 tablespoons oregano
2 tablespoons thyme
½ cup walnuts or sunflower seeds, soaked in water for at least
1 hour
1 lemon, zested and juiced
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for serving
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Red pepper flakes (optional)

1. Add the water to a large pot and bring to a boil.

2. Add the broccoli and cook, stirring occasionally, until bright
green, about 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Keeping the water boiling, remove the broccoli with a slotted
spoon and transfer to a food processor.
4. Add the pasta into the boiling water and cook according to the
package’s directions. Reserve ½ cup of pasta cooking water.
5. Meanwhile, add garlic, basil, oregano, thyme, walnuts, and
lemon juice and zest to the food processor and pulse until
smooth. Next, add the olive oil and mix briefly.
6. Drain the pasta and transfer to a large bowl. Stir in the pesto and
toss until the pasta is evenly coated. Add in the reserved pasta
water to desired consistency, 1 tablespoon at a time.
7. Add salt and pepper (and red pepper flakes, if using) to taste.
Serve warm.
Note: Store the pesto in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

(includes 2 ounces of dry chickpea pasta per serving)
Fat: 74.8%
Carb: 17.9%
Protein: 7.3%
Calories: 429.1 kcal
Fat: 36.8 g
Carbohydrates: 20.2 g
Fiber: 5.6 g
Sugar: 3.5 g
Protein: 8.9 g

YYI | K, P
2 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes

These super-tasty meatballs are a great way to get in a lot of

methylation-supportive foods in a way that your kids won’t even notice.
They also refrigerate and freeze well and are great for snacking or
adding to meals, so consider doubling the recipe.
Methyl donors: turkey, almond flour, flax seed, spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, parsley,
onion powder, garlic powder
DNA methylation adaptogens: turkey, almond flour, spinach, Swiss chard, parsley, onion
powder, garlic powder

½ pound ground turkey

½ cup almond flour
3 tablespoons ground flax seed
1 cup greens (such as spinach, Swiss chard, arugula)
2 tablespoons dried parsley (or 6 tablespoons fresh; about
one medium bunch), finely chopped
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon garlic powder
¾ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Using a food processor, combine all

ingredients until you have a near-smooth mixture. If you don’t
have a food processor, you can finely chop the greens, then mix
all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl until well combined.
2. Form the mixture into about 12 to 16 meatballs and place on a
baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 15 to 25
minutes or until cooked through.

Fat: 63.9%
Carb: 8.7%
Protein: 27.3%
Calories 524.6 kcal
Fat: 38.5 g
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Fiber: 7 g
Sugar: 1.7 g
Protein: 37.4 g
YYE | YYI (VGT and V) | VGT, V
4 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes plus 15 minutes to cook the quinoa
Cook time: 45 minutes

These veggie balls are little nuggets of deliciousness. Try serving them
over zucchini noodles for a full pasta-like experience. If you can’t find
Mexican oregano, regular oregano is a good substitute; it’s not as high
in luteolin (a powerful DNA methylation adaptogen) as Mexican
oregano, but it does have some adaptogenic compounds in it.
Methyl donors: tomatoes, onion, garlic, shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, beets, quinoa,
almond, eggs
DNA methylation adaptogens: tomatoes, onion, garlic, red pepper flakes, Mexican
oregano, extra-virgin olive oil, broccoli, beet, almond, eggs, broccoli sprouts


2 (14-ounce) cans (or 1 28-ounce can) whole peeled
tomatoes, BPA-free
1 medium onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
Pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)
2 tablespoons fresh Mexican oregano (or 2 teaspoons dried)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


1 onion, quartered
5 ounces shiitake mushrooms
1 cup broccoli florets
1 medium beet, peeled and quartered
3 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup cooked quinoa
⅓ cup ground almond meal
1 egg (or replace with one “flax egg”—see ingredient note
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder
½ teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Broccoli sprouts

1. Start with the marinara sauce. In a medium saucepan, combine

all the ingredients and simmer gently for about 45 minutes,
stirring intermittently. After about 15 minutes or so, you will be
able to start breaking up the tomatoes against the side of the pan
with the back of a wooden spoon.
2. Meanwhile, make the veggie balls. Place the onion, mushrooms,
broccoli, beets, and garlic in a food processor and pulse until you
have a very finely minced mixture.
3. In a medium skillet, heat the olive oil and cook the vegetable
mixture over medium heat, until tender, about 8 to 10 minutes.
Cool slightly, then transfer back to the food processor.
4. Preheat the oven to 375°F. To the processor, add the remaining
veggie ball ingredients. Pulse until the mixture comes together
and is well combined. It doesn’t have to be completely smooth.
5. Form the mixture into bite-size balls and lay out on a parchment-
lined baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until just
starting to brown.
6. Transfer the veggie balls into the marinara sauce and fold them
in until evenly coated. Do this carefully so as not to break up the
veggie balls.
7. Plate the veggie balls in marinara sauce and garnish with
broccoli sprouts.

Fat: 43.3%
Carb: 44.6%
Protein: 12.1%
Calories 287.2 kcal
Fat: 14.4 g
Carbohydrates: 34 g
Fiber: 10.1 g
Sugar: 11 g
Protein: 10.2 g


YYE | YYI (VGT and V) | K, V, VGT
2 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30–40 minutes

Organic tempeh, made from fermented soybeans, makes a great

substitution for poultry in stir-fries, cutlet-based dishes, slow cooker
stews, and chili. Like tofu, it absorbs the taste of the spices and flavors
of the food it’s cooked with. In this dish, pan-searing the tempeh first
minimizes its earthy, nutty taste and helps it mimic chicken more
effectively. That means even your meat-eater family will like it.
Methyl donors: onions, garlic, tomatoes, cauliflower, chives
DNA methylation adaptogens: coconut oil, onions, tempeh, garlic, tomatoes, cauliflower,

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 medium onions, halved and thinly sliced
8 ounces (1 package) organic, plain tempeh, cut into 1- to 2-
inch cubes
4 cloves garlic, minced
6 sun-dried tomatoes, oil-packed, diced
½ cup full-fat coconut milk
⅓ cup vegetable broth
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
½ head of cauliflower, or 2 12-ounce bags of frozen riced
Fresh chives, finely chopped, for garnish

1. In a medium skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil and add

the sliced onions. Sauté for 10 minutes over medium-low heat,
until soft and translucent.
2. Add the tempeh and sauté 5 to 6 minutes more, until it is
browned with a slight “crust.”
3. Add the remaining ingredients, except for the cauliflower and
chives, and cook for another 6 to 8 minutes, until the tempeh is
saturated with sauce and flavors.
4. Meanwhile, prepare the cauliflower: if you are using fresh
cauliflower, cut it into florets and pulse in a food processor until
the texture resembles rice.
5. In a separate skillet, heat the remaining tablespoon of coconut oil
and sauté the cauliflower rice until it is just tender, about 10
minutes, adding salt and pepper as needed.
6. Serve the crispy garlicky tempeh over a bed of cooked
cauliflower rice and top with the fresh chives.

Fat: 59.3%
Carb: 23.4%
Protein: 17.3 %
Calories: 552.5 kcal
Fat: 38.1 g
Carbs: 33.6 g
Fiber: 9.9 g
Sugars: 14.4 g
Protein: 28.9 g

2 servings
Prep time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes

This yummy pizza has only a mild cauliflower flavor that supports the
tangy tomato and red onion sauce. And the dough holds together well.
You could make it even more DNA methylation–friendly by adding some
mushrooms and colorful bell peppers as toppings.
Methyl donors: cauliflower, eggs, garlic, red onion, tomatoes, basil
DNA methylation adaptogens: cauliflower, eggs, garlic, red onion, tomatoes, basil

2 small bags of frozen riced cauliflower (or 1 head of fresh

2 eggs
2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ teaspoon salt
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
¼ cup marinara sauce (read the label to make sure there’s no
added sugar)
3 tablespoons tomato paste
2 medium red onions, finely sliced
¼ cup basil leaves, for garnish

1. Set the oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with parchment
paper. If you have a pizza stone, place it in the oven.
2. If you are using fresh cauliflower, chop it into 2-inch pieces and
then pulse in a food processor until you have a texture that
resembles rice.
3. Steam the cauliflower for fifteen minutes until tender. Allow to
cool so that you can handle it, then transfer to a clean kitchen
cloth, wrap it up and squeeze it well to remove as much water as
4. In a medium mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the arrowroot
powder, then add the garlic and salt. Stir to combine.
5. Add the riced cauliflower to the egg mixture, season with salt and
pepper, and keep stirring until everything is well distributed.
6. Press the mixture onto your prepared baking sheet, forming a
circular pizza shape. Aim for about ½-inch thickness. Bake the
crust for about twenty minutes.
7. Meanwhile, stir the marinara sauce and tomato paste together
until evenly combined.
8. Remove the crust from the oven and spread the tomato sauce
carefully over it. Top with the red onions and bake for another 10
to 12 minutes or until the edges are a touch browned and the
onions slightly toasted.
9. Garnish with basil and serve immediately.

Fat: 22.1%
Carb: 60.1%
Protein: 17.8%
Calories 260.1 kcal
Fat: 6.4 g
Carbohydrates: 41.8 g
Fiber: 9.5 g
Sugar: 16.3 g
Protein: 14.3 g
SNACKS AND SWEETS • • • • • • • •


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
4 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes

Roasted cauliflower on its own is delicious. Cauliflower that’s been

tossed in this spicy and savory blend of methylation-friendly ingredients
is off the charts. In fact, it’s so good raw that I dare you not to keep
eating pieces right off the pan before it goes in the oven.
Tip: If you want your cauliflower to be extra crispy, use a food dehydrator set to
115°F for 16 hours.

Methyl donors: cauliflower, tahini, tomato, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, garlic
powder, onion powder, turmeric
DNA methylation adaptogens: cauliflower, extra-virgin olive oil, tomato, apple cider vinegar,
garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric

1 head cauliflower
1 tablespoon tahini
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (omit if you don’t want it spicy)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
¼ cup water
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and lightly oil a large baking sheet.
2. Chop the cauliflower into bite-size pieces. (It makes it easier to
slice off any leaves first, then start separating the florets from
3. In a large mixing bowl, stir all the remaining ingredients into a
smooth paste.
4. Add the cauliflower pieces to the mixing bowl and use your
hands to mix them with the paste until it is evenly distributed.
5. Spread the coated cauliflower onto the baking sheet and bake in
the oven for 40 to 45 minutes, until slightly crunchy on the
outside and soft on the inside.
6. Serve immediately, while still warm.

Fat: 51%
Carb: 38.6%
Protein: 10.4%
Calories: 101.6 kcal
Fat: 5.9 g
Carbohydrates: 10.7 g
Fiber: 3.9 g
Sugar: 3.5 g
Protein: 4 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
4 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 45–60 minutes

Earthy. Salty. Crunchy. These beet chips satisfy the urge for a
processed snack without the high sodium and low-quality oils most
chips are cooked in.
Methyl donors: beets
DNA methylation adaptogens: beets, extra-virgin olive oil

2 medium beets, peeled or very well scrubbed

2 teaspoons sea salt
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1. Preheat the oven to 300°F. Lightly oil two large baking sheets.
2. Cut the ends off and slice the beets very thin. I highly
recommend a mandolin or the slicer disc of your food processor
for this, but a sharp chef’s knife will do in a pinch.
3. Place the beets in a medium bowl and sprinkle with the salt.
Work the salt into the beet slices so that they are all well salted.
Let sit for 30 minutes.
4. Drain any water that comes off the beets and pat them dry with a
paper towel. Drizzle the olive oil over the beets and toss with
your hands to evenly coat them. (Beware—this will turn your
hands purple temporarily!)
5. Lay the beet slices onto the baking sheets and bake for 30
minutes. Then check them every 5 minutes, removing the beets
that have curled and crisped up each time you check. (It could
take up to another 30 minutes for all the chips to finish cooking.)
Note: Any leftover chips can be stored in a glass container on the counter for up to
a week, but they’re so yummy I doubt they’ll last that long!

Fat: 78.1%
Carb: 19.5%
Protein: 2.4%
Calories: 77.3 kcal
Fat: 6.8 g
Carbohydrates: 3.9 g
Fiber: 1.1 g
Sugar: 2.8 g
Protein: 0.7 g
YYI | K, P, V, VGT
6 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes plus 5–10 minutes for cooling

Take the flavor of your favorite olives up several notches with garlic,
rosemary, and lemon zest—a great-tasting combination that’s also
superfood for your genes. These olives are yummy as a snack, or pair
with roasted chicken and a green salad for a satisfying meal.
Tip: You can use olives that have been pitted or that still have their pits.

Methyl donors: rosemary, garlic

DNA methylation adaptogens: extra-virgin olive oil, lemon, rosemary, garlic, olives

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Zest from 1 lemon
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary (or 1 teaspoon dried)
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups mixed olives such as kalamata, cerignola, niçoise,
picholine, or gaeta

1. To a medium saucepan over medium heat, add the olive oil, zest,
rosemary, and garlic and cook, stirring, until the garlic just starts
to brown, about 5 minutes. Be careful not to let the garlic burn.
2. Remove from the heat and let cool.
3. Stir the olives into the seasoning mixture.
Note: The olives will keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Best served at room
temperature or slightly warmed.

Fat: 95.4%
Carb: 0%
Protein: 3.8%
Calories: 201.7 kcal
Fat: 22.8 g
Carbohydrates: 2.4 g
Fiber: 4.1 g
Sugar: 0 g
Protein: 2.1 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
6 servings (1 serving = about ½ cup)
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

Nuts and seeds are great to eat completely unadorned. But when you
add a little cinnamon, a touch of sweetener, and just a bit of salt, they
become a taste sensation. You honestly won’t feel like you’re following
any kind of healthy eating plan with these.
Methyl donors: pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: pecans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded
coconut, cinnamon, extra-virgin olive oil

2 cups pecans, roughly chopped

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
½ cup sesame seeds
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder
1½ tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Pinch of salt

1. Preheat the oven to 325°F and lightly grease a large baking

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the pecans and all the seeds
and mix together.
3. In a separate small bowl, stir together the cinnamon, stevia, and
olive oil. Add this to the nuts and seeds and use your hands to
coat them all with the cinnamon mixture.
4. Spread the nuts and seeds on the baking sheet and cook in the
oven for 15 to 20 minutes until lightly browned.
Note: Once cooled, the nut crunch can be stored in an airtight container for 2 to 3

Fat: 81%
Carb: 9.6%
Protein: 9.4%
Calories: 610.2 kcal
Fat: 58.8 g
Carbohydrates: 14.5 g
Fiber: 8.5 g
Sugar: 2.4 g
Protein: 16.6 g


4 servings (1 serving = 3 balls)
Prep time: 30 minutes plus 2 hours to set

These energy balls are a seed extravaganza! They’re also super

handy to have on hand for snacking or being on the go. They last a full
two weeks in the fridge (and also freeze well), so make a double batch
to ensure that you always have something methylation friendly on hand
for those times when you need something now.
Methyl donors: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut, flax seeds, turmeric
DNA methylation adaptogens: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut, dates,
turmeric, coconut oil, lemon

1 cup sunflower seeds

¼ cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup dried shredded coconut, unsweetened, plus extra for
¼ cup sunflower seed butter
4 Medjool dates, pits removed
2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
1 tablespoon turmeric
1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
2 tablespoons water
Zest of 2 lemons
1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until you

have a medium-coarse mixture with a consistency resembling
dough. You may need to stop and scrape the sides down
2. Form the mixture into twelve balls and roll them in the extra
shredded coconut.
Note: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or in the
freezer for up to 3 months.

Fat: 64.5%
Carb: 25.5%
Protein: 9.5%
Calories: 168.4 kcal
Fat: 12.9 g
Carbohydrates: 11.3 g
Fiber: 2.8 g
Sugar: 6.4 g
Protein: 4.6 g


YYI | P, [VGT, V] (if you use agar-agar in lieu of gelatin)
12 servings (1 serving = 1 square)
Cook time: 15 minutes plus 2 hours to set

These gummies have a rich purple color and a tart flavor with a hint of
coconut. You can cut them into squares, or use small cookie cutters to
cut them into kid-friendly shapes. Agar-agar is a plant-based alternative
to gelatin derived from algae. It’s available online and at health food
stores. And coconut butter is a cream spread made of pureed dried
coconut meat that’s rich in protein, carbs, fiber, and healthy fats.
Methyl donors: coconut butter, agar-agar
DNA methylation adaptogens: blueberries, lemon, coconut butter

1 cup blueberries
½ cup lemon juice
½ cup coconut butter
½ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (or 3 tablespoons
maple syrup if you’re on the YYE)
4 tablespoons gelatin or powdered agar-agar

1. Line an 8 x 8-inch glass dish with parchment paper and set

2. In a small saucepan over low heat, bring the first four ingredients
to a gentle boil. Take off the heat and stir until the coconut is
melted and well combined.
3. Put the warm blueberry mixture into a blender and add the
gelatin or agar-agar powder. Process until completely smooth (it
will be fairly thick).
4. Pour the mixture into the lined glass dish and refrigerate for 2
5. When set, gently tease out the contents onto a cutting board and
cut into twelve squares, each approximately 1½ inches square.
Note: Store in a sealer container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Fat: 67%
Carb: 19.9%
Protein: 13.1%
Calories: 83.9 kcal
Fat: 6.1 g
Carbohydrates: 4.5 g
Fiber: 1.7 g
Sugar: 2.3 g
Protein: 2.8 g

YYI | K, P, [VGT, V] (if you use agar-agar in lieu of gelatin)
12 servings (1 serving = 1 square)
Cook time: 10 minutes plus 3 hours to set

If you don’t love drinking green tea (as I admit, I don’t), these matcha
gummies are a great way to get a concentrated dose of EGCG from
green tea in just a bite. The coconut milk makes them luscious. If you
don’t like or don’t have coconut milk, you can use an unsweetened nut
milk if you prefer. The gummies will be less creamy, but still tasty. And if
you’re vegan, substitute agar-agar for gelatin.
Tip: You can use molds or an 8 x 8-inch pan.

Methyl donors: agar-agar

DNA methylation adaptogens: matcha powder

1 can full-fat coconut milk (13.5 fluid ounces)

½ cup water
1 tablespoon matcha powder
½ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (or 2 tablespoons
honey if you are following the YYE)
Pinch of salt
3 tablespoons gelatin or powdered agar-agar

1. Heat the coconut milk and water over medium heat until just
2. Add the remaining ingredients except the gelatin and stir.
Sprinkle the gelatin (or agar-agar) over the top and stir until it has
completely dissolved. Continue stirring over the heat for another
3 to 5 minutes.
3. Distribute the mixture into lightly oiled molds or pour into an 8 x
8-inch baking pan that you’ve lined with parchment paper.
4. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, until solidified.
5. Lift the parchment paper out of the pan and cut gummies into 12
squares, approximately 1½ inches square each.
Note: Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Fat: 68.3%
Carb: 19.2%
Protein: 12.5%
Calories: 68.8 kcal
Fat: 5.6 g
Carbohydrates: 3.5 g
Fiber: 0.6 g
Sugar: 2.6 g
Protein: 2.3 g


6 servings (1 serving = 2 truffles)
Prep time: 20 minutes plus 1–2 hours to set

These luscious, chocolaty treats come together quickly and will kick
any feelings of deprivation straight to the curb. The freeze-dried
raspberries add a little crunch as well as a pop of brightness.
Methyl donors: cocoa, sunflower seed butter, coconut flour
DNA methylation adaptogens: cocoa, raspberries, coconut flour, sunflower seed butter


3 ounces of dairy-free dark chocolate (70 percent cacao or
higher), broken into small pieces
¾ cup unsweetened sunflower seed butter
1 tablespoon coconut flour
¼ cup freeze-dried raspberries
½ teaspoon real vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (or 1 tablespoon
maple syrup if you’re on the YYE), to taste
Pinch of salt

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

1. In a medium heat-proof bowl set over a saucepan with 2 inches

of gently boiling water, place the chocolate pieces/chips and stir
until they melt.
2. Meanwhile place the remaining ingredients in a food processor.
3. Carefully remove the bowl from the saucepan and add the
melted chocolate to the food processor. Blend until you have a
smooth dough-like mixture. You may need to scrape the sides
down intermittently so that everything gets incorporated evenly.
Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour to reach a soft but
solid state.
4. Form into twelve bite-size balls and refrigerate for 1 more hour to
5. Sift the additional 3 tablespoons cocoa powder into a bowl and
gently roll each ball in the powder to coat.
Note: Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

(using stevia)
Fat: 66%
Carb: 25.5%
Protein: 8.3%
Calories: 315 kcal
Fat: 24.3 g
Carbohydrates: 38.5 g
Fiber: 5.9 g
Sugar: 11.1 g
Protein: 7.5 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
24 servings (1 serving = 1 square)
Prep time: 20 minutes plus 45 minutes to chill

These squares are easy to make and deliciously filling (and calorically
dense, which is why the serving size is small). They’re also a tasty way
to meet your seed requirements for the day.
Methyl donors: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, ground almonds, cocoa
DNA methylation adaptogens: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, ground almonds, coconut
oil, cocoa


⅔ cup sunflower seeds
⅔ cup pumpkin seeds
⅓ cup ground almonds or almond flour
¼ cup unsweetened sunflower seed butter
½ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (or 2 tablespoons
maple syrup if you’re on the YYE)
¼ teaspoon salt


2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup unsweetened sunflower seed butter
¾ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (or 3 tablespoons
maple syrup if you’re on the YYE)
2 tablespoons unsweetened nondairy milk
4 tablespoons coconut flour
½ teaspoon real vanilla extract
Scant ½ teaspoon salt


1¼ cups dairy-free stevia-sweetened dark chocolate (either
chocolate chips or broken-up chocolate bars)
2 tablespoons unsweetened sunflower seed butter

1. Lightly grease an 8 x 8-inch baking pan and line it with

parchment paper.
2. To make the base layer, combine the sunflower and pumpkin
seeds in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Add the
remaining base layer ingredients to the food processor and
continue pulsing until everything is just combined.
3. Press the mixture into the bottom of the prepared baking pan so
that you have an even, tightly packed layer. Place in the
refrigerator while you prepare the middle layer.
4. For the middle layer, gently melt the coconut oil in a medium-size
saucepan. Add the sunflower seed butter, stevia, and nondairy
milk. Stir to combine and warm through.
5. Take off the heat and add the coconut flour, vanilla, and salt to
the mixture. Stir well.
6. Take the base layer out of the refrigerator and pour the middle
layer mixture on top of it, smoothing it out evenly and making
sure it reaches all the corners. Return the baking pan to the
7. For the top layer, place a saucepan on the stove and add 1 or 2
inches of water. Bring to a boil. Place the chocolate in a heat-
safe mixing bowl nested inside the saucepan without touching
the water. Stir gently until the chocolate is melted. Add the
sunflower seed butter and stir to combine. Remove from the
8. Remove the baking pan from the refrigerator once more and
drizzle the melted chocolate mixture over the top. Return it to the
refrigerator for a further 45 minutes.
9. Gently release from the baking pan and cut into 24 (four rows of
six) bite-size squares.
Note: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
Fat: 71.5%
Carb: 19.1%
Protein: 9.3%
Calories: 213.4 kcal
Fat: 17.8 g
Carbohydrates: 10.1 g
Fiber: 3 g
Sugar: 4.1 g
Protein: 5.6 g


YYE | K, P, V, VGT
24 servings (1 serving = 2 cups)
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30–40 minutes

These Chocolate Almond Cups are really good and super healthy. Use
them for entertaining or gift giving, or just keep them in the refrigerator
for when you need a little treat! I admit that there are a lot of steps to
take, but that work yields forty-eight mini cups—enough to keep you
going for a while.
Thanks to Angela Liddon of the blog Oh She Glows, whose 3-Layer
Dream Cups were the inspiration for this recipe.
Methyl donors: coconut butter, almond flour, almond butter, maple syrup, cocoa, coconut
DNA methylation adaptogens: coconut butter, almond flour, almond butter, coconut oil,


½ cup coconut butter
1 cup almond flour
1 dropperful liquid stevia
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup almond butter
1 tablespoon coconut oil
½ teaspoon real vanilla extract
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 dropperful liquid stevia


1½ cups dairy-free stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips
½ cup coconut shavings, unsweetened (optional)

1. Prepare a mini-cupcake tray with liners, set aside.

2. First make the crust layer: Warm the coconut butter in a small
saucepan on the stove. When soft, mix in the almond meal,
stevia, and salt, combining thoroughly. By the teaspoonful, press
the mixture into the bottom of the cupcake liners so that it forms
a compact and flattened base layer.
3. Next make the creamy middle layer: Warm all the ingredients in
that same saucepan. It should be slightly creamy, but not runny.
Again, by the teaspoonful, add the mixture as the next layer to
your cupcake liners, pressing down and out to the edges with a
wet finger if necessary.
4. Finally, melt the chocolate: The best way to do this is over a
double boiler to prevent the chocolate from burning. If you have
an electric stove, you can place the chocolate in a cleaned small
saucepan and set it on the now turned-off burner you were just
using; it will be warm enough to melt the chocolate with the
occasional stir to help. Add teaspoons of melted chocolate to the
cupcake liners to make the last layer.
5. If you’d like to get the top layer very flat, place the tray in the
oven on the lowest setting for 10 minutes. Then you can just
gently tap the tray to help the chocolate settle into a flat layer.
6. Top with the coconut shavings, then place the tray (cooled) in the
freezer or refrigerator to get very hard. Serve either in the
cupcake liners or out.
Note: Keep any cups you don’t eat in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use to
prevent them from melting.
Fat: 73.1%
Carb: 19.1%
Protein: 7.7%
Calories: 107 kcal
Fat: 9 g
Carbohydrates: 5.1 g
Fiber: 1.9 g
Sugar: 2.2 g
Protein: 2.3 g


6 servings (1 serving = ½ cup)
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes plus at least 3 hours of chilling time

Sometimes you just need something creamy and chocolaty. This chia
pudding satisfies that important need while also doing your body a lot of
good, as every ingredient delivers multiple health benefits, including
optimizing DNA methylation—even the maple syrup contains important
phytonutrients! I do recommend using as little as possible to get a
sweetness that appeals; although the recipe calls for a quarter cup, you
might be able to use less without sacrificing taste.
Methyl donors: maple syrup, cacao, chia seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: raspberries, blueberries, cacao, chia seeds

¾ cup raspberries
¾ cup blueberries or blackberries
1 can unsweetened, full-fat organic coconut milk
¼ cup pure maple syrup
2 teaspoons real vanilla extract
1 tablespoon cacao powder (unsweetened)
⅓ cup chia seeds
1 bar dairy-free dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cacao) for
grating on top (optional)
Extra berries for top (optional)

1. Divide the raspberries and blueberries between six small bowls

or ramekins.
2. In a medium-size bowl, mix the coconut milk, maple syrup,
vanilla, and cacao powder until very smooth.
3. Add the chia seeds and mix well. Pour approximately ⅓ cup of
liquid over the berries in each container.
4. Refrigerate at least 3 hours, or overnight, until firm.
5. For optional garnish, top each serving with berries and finish with
a small grating of the chocolate bar.

Fat: 55.2%
Carb: 39.8%
Protein: 5%
Calories: 248.5 kcal
Fat: 16.3 g
Carbohydrates: 25.7 g
Fiber: 6.9 g
Sugar: 15.6 g
Protein: 3.5 g


YYI | P, [VGT, V] (if you use agar-agar in lieu of gelatin)
6 servings
Prep time: 30 minutes plus 4 hours to set

Like a kid with a favorite cake, I make this lemon tart for every birthday
and holiday—it is definitely celebration worthy. (It’s also one of the most
commented-upon recipes on my website.) I warn you: the flavor is on
the tart side. But the sweetness of the dates (which are legal on the
Intensive, so long as your fruit consumption for the day stays less than
1 cup total) in the crust tempers the sourness of the lemon filling and
makes a great (and pleasing) combination. To make this recipe vegan,
use agar-agar instead of gelatin.
Methyl donors: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut, cashews, rosemary
DNA methylation adaptogens: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut, dates,
coconut oil, cashews, lemons, rosemary, raspberries


1 cup mixed sunflower/pumpkin seeds
¾ cup dried shredded coconut, unsweetened
6 Medjool dates, pitted
2 tablespoons coconut oil
¼ teaspoon salt


Juice and zest of 6–10 lemons, enough to make 1 cup of juice
1 tablespoon gelatin or powdered agar-agar
1 can (13.5 ounces) full-fat coconut milk
¼–⅓ cup Lakanto monk fruit syrup, to taste (or use 3–6
tablespoons maple syrup, to taste, if on the YYE)
1 cup cashews
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary (or ¼ teaspoon dried)
¼ teaspoon salt


1 cup fresh raspberries

1. Line an 8-inch springform pan or an 8- or 9-inch pie dish with

waxed paper.
2. In a food processor, combine all the crust ingredients and
process until the seeds are very small and it starts to stick
together. You may need to scrape down the sides of the food
processor intermittently. Empty the crust mixture into your
prepared pan/dish and press down to coat the bottom evenly with
no gaps.
3. For the filling, heat the lemon juice in a small pan on the stove
until it just begins to simmer. Then pour it into a high-speed
blender, add the gelatin, and blend until frothy.
4. Add the remaining filling ingredients and blend until everything is
completely smooth. This may take a few minutes, but you want
there to be no remaining traces of cashew pieces.
5. Pour the filling on top of the crust and place in the refrigerator for
about 4 hours to firm completely.
6. Serve garnished with raspberries.

Fat: 63.7%
Carb: 28.4%
Protein: 7.9%
Calories: 480.5 kcal
Fat: 36.2 g
Carbohydrates: 37.1 g
Fiber: 6.2 g
Sugar: 22 g
Protein: 11 g

2 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes

Think of this as the methylation-friendly version of frozen yogurt, with a

smooth frozen base and plenty of toppings for extra flair. It’s also vegan
friendly. Although it has a lot of natural sugar from the fruit, it also has
plenty of fiber to keep the impact on your blood sugar manageable. If
you know that you have insulin sensitivity, save this dessert for after a
strenuous workout.
Methyl donors: beets, banana, flax seeds, sunflower seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: raspberries, blueberries, beets, banana, lemon, kiwi,
sunflower seeds, mint


1 cup raspberries, frozen
½ cup cooked beets, frozen
½ banana, frozen
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
Juice of 1 lemon
¼ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (optional)


¼ cup raspberries
¼ cup blueberries
1 kiwi, peeled and diced
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds, finely chopped
Sprig of mint

1. Blend all the sorbet ingredients in a high-speed blender until

completely smooth.
2. Divide the blended ingredients into two serving bowls. Arrange
the toppings on top and serve.

Fat: 26.4%
Carb: 65.2%
Protein: 8.4%
Calories: 241.8 kcal
Fat: 7.6 g
Carbohydrates: 43.3 g
Fiber: 12.4 g
Sugar: 23.1 g
Protein: 6.2 g
BEVERAGES • • • • • • • •


1 serving
Prep time: 5 minutes

This anytime smoothie has it all: matcha gives a little bit of caffeine for
energy; nutrient-dense avocado and sunflower seeds give you energy
when you need it; and the tanginess of the lemon and turmeric balance
the richness of the avocado—it all makes for a delicious pick-me-up.
Methyl donors: avocado, sunflower seed butter, turmeric
DNA methylation adaptogens: avocado, matcha powder, sunflower seed butter, lemon,

½ ripe avocado
1 teaspoon matcha powder
1 tablespoon sunflower butter
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 cup almond or coconut milk, unsweetened
Pinch of salt

1. Place all ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until

completely smooth.
2. Serve immediately.

(almond milk used for calculations)
Fat: 68.3%
Carb: 23.4%
Protein: 8.4%
Calories: 325.2 kcal
Fat: 26.4 g
Carbohydrates: 20.9 g
Fiber: 8.3 g
Sugar: 5.5 g
Protein: 7.8 g


2 servings
Cook time: 5 minutes

It can be challenging for vegans to get the full suite of amino acids. This
recipe helps you cover those bases with its addition of hemp seeds. It
also contains iron (from the spinach), vitamin C (which helps with iron
absorption, from the mango), and zinc (from the pumpkin seeds)—other
nutrients that are often at risk with vegan diets. If you’re on the
Intensive, omit the banana and know that this recipe will fill your daily
allowance of fruit for the day.
Methyl donors: hemp, spinach, banana, pumpkin seeds
DNA methylation adaptogens: pumpkin seeds, banana, mango, spinach

1 cup cold water

3 tablespoons hemp seeds
2 tablespoons pumpkin seed butter, unsweetened (or use 3
tablespoons pumpkin seeds)
½ banana
Pinch of salt
1 cup spinach leaves, packed
½ cup frozen mango
1. Place all ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until
completely smooth. Serve immediately.

(pumpkin seeds used in calculation)
Fat: 53.1%
Carb: 31.1%
Protein: 15.8%
Calories: 229.6 kcal
Fat: 13.1 g
Carbohydrates: 19.2 g
Fiber 3.7 g
Sugar: 11.9 g
Protein: 9.3 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
1 serving
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes

It’s a drink. It’s a snack. It’s a time-honored Ayurvedic self-care ritual

called “Haldi Ka Doodh.” And now we know that it’s a DNA methylation
powerhouse. I’m talking about golden milk (although in this case, I
suggest a nondairy milk, such as coconut or almond milk). This tasty
beverage gets its color from turmeric—the “clean-up crew” for life’s
inevitable biochemical messes. Mix yourself up a cup whenever you
need a pick-me-up.
Tip: You can triple or even quadruple the amounts of spices and store the blend in
a glass jar for future cups—just add a rounded 1½ teaspoons to your nondairy
milk and sweetener of choice.

Methyl donors: turmeric, ginger

DNA methylation adaptogens: turmeric, ginger, cinnamon
1½ cups coconut or almond milk, unsweetened
1 teaspoon turmeric
¼ teaspoon ginger
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
⅛ teaspoon black pepper
A few drops of liquid stevia, to taste (or 1 teaspoon honey or
maple syrup if you are on YYE)

1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a simmer.

2. Turn off the heat and let sit for 5 minutes for the spices to mellow
and blend together. Enjoy while still warm.

Fat: 46.6%
Carb: 43.6%
Protein: 9.8%
Calories: 67.6 kcal
Fat: 3.6 g
Carbohydrates: 7.8 g
Fiber: 1.9 g
Sugar: 3 g
Protein: 1.8 g

YYI | K, P, V, VGT
1 serving
Cook time: 5 minutes

You don’t have to patronize a fancy coffee shop to enjoy a delicious

matcha latte. This DIY version makes getting your daily green tea a
tasty treat.
DNA methylation adaptogens: matcha powder

1½ teaspoons matcha powder

1 cup hot almond or coconut milk, unsweetened
¼ teaspoon stevia or monk fruit powder (optional)

1. Pour your matcha powder into a mug.

2. Add 1–2 tablespoons of the hot milk first and stir into the matcha
powder until smooth. While stirring, slowly add the remaining
milk. Add sweetener if desired and enjoy immediately.

Fat: 39%
Carb: 41.5%
Protein: 19.4%
Calories: 59.5 kcal
Fat: 2.7 g
Carbohydrates: 6.7 g
Fiber: 2.9 g
Sugar: 2 g
Protein: 3.3 g

1 serving
Prep time: 1 minute

This drink is a great way to use up beet juice from other recipes (such
as the Blueberry Beet Scones, here). Even better, it makes a tasty
spritzer, especially with a squeeze of lemon. For DNA methylation
bonus points, muddle a little fresh rosemary in the bottom of the glass
before pouring in the spring water and beet juice.
Methyl donors: beet juice
DNA methylation adaptogens: beet juice, lemon

½ cup beet juice

1 cup sparkling water
Sliced lemon and ice cubes to serve (optional)

1. Place all the ingredients into a glass and enjoy!

Fat: 3.7%
Carb: 82.4%
Protein: 13.8%
Calories: 42.7 kcal
Fat: 0.2 g
Carbohydrates: 9.2 g
Fiber: 1.9 g
Sugar: 4.3 g
Protein: 1.5 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
2 servings
Prep time: 20 minutes plus 1–2 hours to chill

This is a great summer refresher. Oolong tea is nearly as high in

EGCG as green tea. Be sure to let it steep for ten full minutes as that
process helps extract the EGCG.
Methyl donors: rosemary
DNA methylation adaptogens: oolong tea, orange, rosemary

4 cups water
3 bags oolong tea
1 medium orange, cut into slices
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 cup ice cubes
1. Bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
2. Add the tea bags, turn off the heat, and let steep for 10 minutes.
Remove the teabags.
3. Place the orange slices and rosemary sprig in a pitcher and pour
the tea over them. Let cool and then put in the fridge to chill.
4. To serve, add the ice cubes, stir gently with a long wooden
spoon, and bring to the table.

Fat: 2.6%
Carb: 90.7%
Protein: 6.7%
Calories: 31.2 kcal
Fat: 0.1 g
Carbohydrates: 7.8 g
Fiber: 1.6 g
Sugar: 6.1 g
Protein: 0.6 g


YYI | K, P, V, VGT
2 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes

Take your chamomile tea to the next level—both flavor-wise and DNA
methylation–wise—by adding fresh ginger, lemon, and rosemary.
Methyl donors: ginger, rosemary
DNA methylation adaptogens: chamomile, ginger, lemon, rosemary

4 cups water
4 bags chamomile tea
1-inch piece of fresh ginger, sliced
1 small lemon, quartered
2 sprigs rosemary

1. Bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Remove from

2. Add the chamomile tea bags, ginger, lemon, and rosemary and
let steep for 10 minutes.
3. Remove tea bags and strain out the solids, reserving the liquid.
Serve warm or cold.
Note: This will last in the refrigerator up to 3 days.

Fat: 11.3%
Carb: 77.3%
Protein: 11.3%
Calories: 3.7 kcal
Fat: 0.1 g
Carbohydrates: 1.1 g
Fiber: 0.3 g
Sugar: 0.3 g
Protein: 0.1 g


1 serving
Prep time: 5 minutes

After exercise, food sources of antioxidants (in other words, all the
ingredients in this recipe) are fabulously regenerative for the body. This
recipe is chock-full of electrolytes (such as the potassium, chloride, and
magnesium in cantaloupe and coconut water) and trace minerals (from
the small pinch of Himalayan pink salt) to replace what you sweated
out; it also delivers protein (in the flax seeds and almonds) to aid in
muscle building and repair.
Tip: Keep your ground flax seed in the freezer to preserve its delicate fat and
antioxidant content.

Methyl donors: flax seed, almond

DNA methylation adaptogens: blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, almond, coconut

½ cup blackberries or blueberries

½ cup cantaloupe melon, seeded and peeled
1 teaspoon ground flax seeds
6–8 almonds
1 cup coconut water
Pinch of Himalayan pink salt
2–3 ice cubes, optional

1. Place all the ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend

until completely smooth. Serve immediately.

Fat: 31.3%
Carb: 57%
Protein: 11.7%
Calories: 167.1 kcal
Fat: 6.3 g
Carbohydrates: 25.1 g
Fiber: 8.9 g
Sugar: 16.6 g
Protein: 5.7 g

YYI | [V], VGT
64 servings (1 serving = 1 tablespoon)
Prep time: 30 minutes
Curing time: 30 days
Fire cider is an all-around tonic—the ginger and apple cider vinegar
promote digestion, while the horseradish, cayenne, and garlic boost
immunity. My team of nutritionists turned it into a DNA-methylation
powerhouse by adding rosemary, orange, and turmeric. Just grating the
horseradish will clear your sinuses!
In this version, the flavor of orange shines through immediately,
followed by a mild spicy tingle and flavor of garlic at the end. You can
combine it with olive oil to make a pungent salad dressing, or drink a
small amount straight. Some of my patients have used a morning shot
of this fire cider as a way to help dial down their coffee habit—it
certainly has a pick-you-up kick! The tiny amount of honey per serving
makes this still OK to consume on the Younger You Intensive. If you’re
vegan, either swap the honey for maple syrup or omit.
Methyl donors: ginger, horseradish, onion, garlic, orange, rosemary, turmeric, apple cider
DNA methylation adaptogens: ginger, horseradish, onion, garlic, jalapeño, orange,
rosemary, turmeric, apple cider vinegar

1 medium ginger root, about 5 inches long, peeled and grated

1 medium horseradish root, about 5 inches long, scrubbed
well and grated
1 small onion, roughly chopped
10 cloves garlic, crushed
2 jalapeño peppers, stems removed and chopped in half
Zest and juice of 1 orange
2 tablespoons fresh rosemary (or 2 teaspoons dried)
2 teaspoons turmeric
32 ounces raw apple cider vinegar, enough to cover the above
⅛ cup honey, or to taste

1. Prepare your roots, fruits, herbs, and spices and place them in a
32-ounce sterilized glass jar (or two if your jars are smaller),
leaving 2 to 3 inches of room at the top.
2. Pour the apple cider vinegar into the jar until it reaches just below
the top. The other ingredients should be well covered.
3. If you are using a metal lid, place a piece of natural parchment
paper under the lid to keep the vinegar from touching the metal.
Otherwise use a plastic lid if you have one.
4. With the lid on tightly, shake the jar well and then pack down the
solid ingredients again with a spoon.
5. Store in a dark, cool place for a month and remember to shake
6. After 1 month, strain out the pulp using a cheesecloth, reserving
the liquid. Squeeze out as much liquid from the solids as you
can. Pour the liquids into a fresh, sterilized glass jar or bottle.
7. Add the honey and stir to dissolve.
8. Consume by the tablespoon, or add it to a veggie juice, splash it
over food, or incorporate it into a salad dressing.
Note: Keeps for 3–4 months in the refrigerator.

Calories: 8.4 kcal
Fat: 0 g
Carbs: 1.4 g
Fiber: 0.1 g
Sugar: 0.9 g
Protein: 0.1 g

Younger You Intensive, Menu Version, Week 1

As you’ll soon see, this list is made up mostly of fresh produce. To make
the most of your food budget dollars, you can look for frozen fruits and
vegetables, shop at your local farmers’ market to buy produce that’s in
season, and buy your nuts and seeds in bulk (since you’ll be eating plenty
more over the rest of the eight-week program). Remember to look for
organic where possible.
If you need to stock up on the things on the staples list because they’re
not already in your pantry, know that you won’t have to restock them for a
while; meaning, your grocery bill on the second week will be significantly


• 5½ cups spinach (about 2 medium bunches)
• 4 cups kale (about 1 extra-large bunch, or 2 small bunches)
• 3 cups arugula (about 1 large bunch)
• 1½ cups Swiss chard (less than one bunch)
• ½ cup collard greens (or use leftover Swiss chard in its place)
• 1 medium head broccoli
• 1 medium head cauliflower
• 1 large or 2 medium kohlrabi
• 1 small bunch radishes
• 1–2 daikon radishes
• 1 head red cabbage, as small as possible
• 5 medium tomatoes
• ½ pound shiitake mushrooms
• 2 medium red onions
• 3 large red bell peppers
• 1 large orange bell pepper
• 1 (14-ounce) can of artichoke hearts, in water
• 1 small bunch celery
• 1 small bag of whole carrots
• 1½ cups green beans
• 1¼ cups snap peas
• 1 large leek
• 1 small bunch fresh parsley
• 1 small bunch fresh chives
• 1 pint cherry tomatoes
• 11 beets
• 6–10 lemons (enough to yield 1 cup juice)
• 6 Medjool dates
• 1 pint blueberries
• 1 medium Granny Smith apple
• 1¾ cups sunflower seeds (1 12-ounce bag)
• 1¾ cups pumpkin seeds
• 1 (8-ounce) bag cashews
• 1 (8-ounce) bag walnuts
• 1 (8-ounce) bag almonds
• 1 (16-ounce) jar organic sunflower butter
• 1 (13.5-ounce) can full-fat coconut milk
• 1 (12-ounce) jar beet juice
• 1 bag freeze-fried raspberries
• 1 pound organic chicken livers
• 1 dozen eggs (you’ll use ½ dozen this week and ½ dozen next week)
• 4 bone-in chicken thighs (about 1 pound)
• 1 pound pork tenderloin
• 12 ounces wild or responsibly farmed salmon
• ¼ pound Irish back bacon or Canadian bacon (or buy ½ pound, as you’ll
need it next week, too)
• 1 pound grass-fed ground beef
• Small container (generally around 3 ounces) matcha green tea powder,
culinary grade
• Extra-virgin olive oil
• Avocado oil
• Coconut oil
• Flaxseed oil
• MCT oil
• Balsamic vinegar
• Apple cider vinegar
• Dijon mustard
• Almond flour
• Coconut flour
• Arrowroot powder
• Baking powder
• Vanilla extract
• Dairy-free milk (such as almond or macadamia—not soy)
• Coconut aminos
• Turmeric
• Rosemary (fresh or dried)
• Thyme (fresh or dried)
• Sage (fresh or dried)
• Mexican oregano or regular oregano (fresh or dried)
• Red pepper flakes
• Sun-dried tomatoes
• Capers
• Pine nuts (not called for until Week 2, so you can delay this purchase by
a week if needed)
• Garlic
• 1 bar 70% cacao or higher dark chocolate (preferably dairy- and sugar-
free, like Lily’s)
• Gelatin or agar-agar
• Oolong tea
• Green tea
• Stevia (comes in both powdered and liquid form; although our recipes
call for both types, they can be used interchangeably, so you only need
to purchase one kind), monk fruit, or erythritol
• Sea salt

Younger You Intensive, Menu Version, Week 2

Definitely look in your fridge and pantry and assess what you have left over
from Week 1; there may be items on this list that you already have. While
the recipes call for a wide variety of greens, you can absolutely use them
interchangeably—if you only need a ½ cup of Swiss chard for the Savory
Onion and Chard Muffins recipe, but you have extra spinach or mustard
greens, you can use those instead and skip buying the chard.

• 6 cups spinach (about 2 medium bunches)

• 3 cups kale (about 1 large bunch)
• ½ cup Swiss chard (or use leftover spinach or beet greens)
• 2½ cups mustard greens (1 small bunch)
• ½ cup collard greens (about 2 leaves; or use leftover spinach or beet
• 1 small bunch cilantro
• ¾ cup arugula (less than 1 small bunch)
• 13 beets
• 7 cups cauliflower (2 medium or 1 extra-large head)
• 2½ cups broccoli (1 medium bunch)
• 4½ cups purple cabbage (1 large or 2 small heads)
• About 2 cups of kohlrabi (1 large or 1 small)
• 1 cup Brussels sprouts (about ½ pound before removing outer leaves
and de-stemming)
• 1 bunch celery
• 3 medium onions
• 1 small bag carrots
• ½ pound cremini mushrooms
• ½ pound shiitake mushrooms
• 4 small tomatoes
• 2 medium zucchini
• 1 small butternut squash
• 3 large red bell peppers
• 1 pound asparagus
• 1 avocado
• 1 medium summer squash
• 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes
• 2 lemons
• 1 bulb garlic
• 1 shallot
• 1 bunch scallions
• 1 small bunch basil
• 1 pomegranate
• 2 small bags frozen cauliflower rice
• 1 quart nondairy milk, unsweetened
• 1 quart low-sodium vegetable broth
• 1 small jar no-sugar marinara sauce
• 1 small jar tomato paste
• 1 pound ground turkey
• ¼ pound beef liver
• ¼ pound Irish back bacon or Canadian bacon
• 1 pound organic chicken livers
• 2 small strip steaks, about 3–4 ounces each, grass-fed if possible
• 2 4-ounce salmon fillets
• 12–16 ounces organic chicken thighs or breast (skinless, boneless)


• Matcha
• Sunflower seeds (if you bought a large bag)
• Pumpkin seeds (if you bought a large bag)
• Sunflower butter
• Eggs (if you bought a dozen; you’ll need another 6 this week)
• Turmeric
• Rosemary
• Green tea
• Oolong tea
• Beet juice
• Almond flour
• Cashews
• Pine nuts
• Stevia
• Parsley
• Chives


• Tapioca flour
• Garlic powder
• Red pepper flakes
• Baking powder
• Baking soda
• Bay leaf
• Oregano
• Rosemary
• Sun-dried tomatoes
• Arrowroot powder
• Unsweetened shredded coconut
• Flax seeds (buy whole and grind just before using, if possible, otherwise
buy preground and store in refrigerator)
• Coconut oil
• Vanilla extract
• Mexican oregano
• Ground cinnamon
• Dijon mustard
• Red wine vinegar
• Coconut flour
• Sesame seeds

Younger You Intensive, Improv Version, Shopping List

This is the list of foods we gave to our study participants; most of whom
opted to follow the improv version of the Younger You Intensive rather than
follow a scripted version. Keep in mind, they had weekly calls with a
nutritionist to help them figure out how to meet their nutrient targets (for a
refresher, refer to the Cheat Sheet here).
Remember to look for organic where possible. Frozen vegetables and
berries are OK.


• 14 cups of fresh dark leafy greens, such as kale, Swiss chard, collard
greens, spinach, dandelion, mustard greens (1 medium bunch is about
2½ cups, packed)
• Alternative: 7 cups of frozen dark leafy greens
• 14 cups cruciferous vegetables, choosing from broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, arugula, kale, mustard
greens, watercress, rutabaga, kohlrabi, radish, Swiss chard, turnip
• 21 cups of additional colorful vegetables (excludes white potato and
sweet corn)
• 7–14 medium beets
• 1¾ cups pumpkin seeds (1 12-ounce bag)
• 1¾ cups sunflower seeds (1 12-ounce bag)
• 9 ounces liver (chicken or beef, organic preferred)
• 5–10 eggs (buy a half dozen if you plan on eating liver, a dozen if
you don’t, as you’ll need to eat more eggs to make up for some of the
nutrients in liver)
• 60–80 ounces of good-quality meat, poultry, fish and/or seafood (3¾
pounds–5 pounds)


Choose at least one, but remember that DNA methylation adaptogens
appear to be even more effective when used in combination. See
Nutrient Reference for additional options.
• 3½ cups berries
• 3½ teaspoons dried rosemary, or 1 bunch fresh rosemary
• 3½ teaspoons turmeric
• 14 green tea bags
• 21 oolong tea bags
• 14 cloves garlic (about 2 bulbs)
• Oils—olive, coconut, flax seed, pumpkin seed, for example
• Salt and pepper
• Nondairy milk, unsweetened (such as almond milk or coconut milk)


• Cost saver: check the freezer section for dark leafy greens (2 cups
fresh is equivalent to 1 cup frozen)
• Rice alternative: check the freezer section for cauliflower rice
• Pasta alternative: look for vegetable “noodles” or kelp noodles for the
Intensive, or chickpea, lentil, or mung bean pasta for the Everyday
• Bread alternative: Julian Bakery Paleo Bread, or look for
unsweetened paleo breads made with nut flours
• Cracker alternative: Simple Mills almond crackers, or look for
unsweetened paleo crackers
• Wrap alternative: Julian Bakery Paleo Wrap or Nuco Coconut Wrap
• Half-and-half alternative: Califia Farms Better Half (almond and
• Cream cheese alternative: Kite Hill Farms cream cheese
• Sauce-thickening alternative to flour: arrowroot powder
• Online source for liverwurst: www.grasslandbeef.com

Younger You Everyday, Menu Version, Week 1 Shopping List

• 1 bunch basil
• 1 bunch kale
• 1 bunch or small bag spinach
• 1 bunch or small bag arugula
• 1 small bunch Swiss chard
• 1 small bunch collard greens (or use leftover spinach or chard)
• 1 medium head broccoli
• 1 medium head cauliflower
• 1 small head purple cabbage
• 1 small bunch bok choy, or 2–3 baby bok choy
• 1 medium butternut squash
• 1 medium zucchini
• 5 large tomatoes or 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes
• Small bag rainbow carrots
• 2 red bell peppers
• ¼ pound shiitake mushrooms
• 2 heads garlic
• 4 red onions
• 1 bunch parsley
• ½ pound snap peas
• 3 medium beets
• 4 lemons
• 1 banana
• Fresh dill (or use dried)
• Fresh rosemary (or use dried)
• Fresh thyme (or use dried)
• Fresh sage (or use dried)
• Pint of berries of your choice
• 1 apple
• 1 small bag fresh cranberries (or ¼ cup dried)
• 1 small bag dried black beans
• 1 small bag dried kidney beans
• 1 small jar applesauce (no sugar added)
• 1 quart chicken or vegetable broth
• 1 (13.5-ounce) can full-fat coconut milk
• 1 (7-ounce) can tomato paste
• 1 pint plain yogurt (nondairy preferable)
• 1 8-ounce box chickpea pasta
• 1 8-ounce bag pumpkin seeds
• 1 8-ounce bag sunflower seeds
• 1 small bag wild rice
• 1 small canister steel-cut or thick-cut rolled oats
• 1 small can chickpeas (make sure label says BPA-free)
• 1 small jar coconut butter
• 1 small jar almond butter (unsweetened)
• 1 small jar sunflower seed butter (unsweetened)
• 1 12-ounce bag dairy-free stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips
• 1 quart nondairy milk (almond or coconut preferred, unsweetened)
• 1½ pounds ground turkey
• 1 dozen eggs
• Small package smoked salmon
• ¼ pound Irish back bacon or Canadian bacon
• 1 pound organic chicken livers
• ½ pound boneless skinless chicken thighs or breasts
• Beet juice
• Green tea
• Oolong tea
• Matcha powder


• Red lentils
• Walnuts
• Almonds
• Cashews
• Hazelnuts
• Almond flour
• Shredded unsweetened coconut
• Flax seeds (buy whole and grind just before using if possible, otherwise
buy preground and store in refrigerator)
• Chia seeds
• Psyllium seed husks
• Garlic powder
• Onion powder
• Cumin
• Turmeric
• Ground ginger
• Chili powder
• Cinnamon
• Oregano
• Nutmeg
• Cloves
• Vanilla
• Stevia
• Gluten-free flour
• Baking soda
• Baking powder
• Organic cane sugar
• Maple syrup
• Extra-virgin olive oil
• Coconut oil
• Quinoa


Soaking and sprouting techniques have been used for millennia across
Eastern and Western cultures to improve the digestibility and nutritional
value of whole grains, legumes, and beans. Soaking and sprouting helps
improve the digestibility of beans and the bioavailability of their nutrients
by breaking down and reducing saccharides and antinutrients, making for a
much more health-promoting food.
If you are new to handling your legumes this way, start with the basic
soaking method. It doesn’t really take any more time, just a little more
advanced planning. Once you feel comfortable with that, move on to
sprouting: it’s always exciting to see the first little shoots! (Note that you
can use this method with grains as well.)


• To soak legumes, first pick out any debris, then rinse thoroughly.
Place in a large bowl, cover with two to three inches of warm water,
and add one to two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar or raw
coconut vinegar for every cup of legumes. The vinegar helps ferment
the legumes, which improves their nutritional profile and reduces
antinutrients that can hinder absorption and provoke the gut.
• Soak, uncovered, for twelve to twenty-four hours. Drain into a fine-
mesh strainer and rinse. They are now ready for cooking, or you can
store them in the refrigerator until you’re ready to cook them. Cook
these straight away, keep them in the refrigerator, or use them for


• Once your legumes have been soaked and rinsed, return them to the
large bowl. They should be damp, but not submerged in any water.
Cover with a clean dishcloth and leave for two to three days, rinsing
them twice a day and then returning them to the bowl. When you start
to see little “tails” appearing from your legumes (these are the sprouts
that would grow into a full plant if you planted them), either store
them in the fridge until you’re ready to cook them, or cook them right
• You can use sprouted legumes just as you would regular legumes.
Although the amount of liquid you need to cook them in and the time
it takes for them to cook will likely be reduced, so don’t go
wandering off while they’re on the stove!

S ome of the foods included on these shopping lists may be new to you or
may be referred to more specifically than you are used to. Here are a few I
wanted to introduce you to.

Agar-agar [YYI and YYE]

Agar-agar, which is made from seaweed, is a plant-based alternative to
gelatin, which is derived from animal products. In addition to using it to
replace gelatin, you can also use it as a thickener—it’s particularly helpful
in gluten-free baking. It comes in many forms, but the powder is easiest to
use (it’s a 1-to-1 replacement for gelatin) and to source.

Coconut aminos [YYI and YYE]

Made by fermenting the sap of unopened coconut tree flowers, coconut
aminos has a similar savory taste to soy sauce without the soy and wheat
that are typically found in soy sauce.

Dairy-free yogurt [YYI and YYE]

There are yogurts made from coconut milk, almond milk, and cashew milk
that fit both the Younger You Intensive and Everyday programs. You want
to make sure there is no added sugar, so check the ingredients list and stick
to the plain version. Brands we like include Anita’s Coconut Yogurt, Lavva
Plant-Based Yogurt, and Forager Project Dairy-Free Cashew Yogurt.

Extra-virgin olive oil [YYI and YYE]

Extra-virgin olive oil is a component of many diets followed in areas with
the highest percentage of centenarians. Making sure to buy extra virgin
means you will get the highest possible levels of numerous beautiful
polyphenols. Signs to look for that connote a high-quality olive oil include a
cloudy appearance, a sharp and slightly bitter taste, and perhaps even a little
tingle at the back of your tongue.

MCT oil
Made from coconut oil or palm oil, MCT oil is comprised of medium-chain
triglycerides that are absorbed quickly by the bloodstream because they are
easier to digest. I think of it as easy fuel for the body. It offers the following
• Improved energy production in cell mitochondria
• Improved satiety and prevention of excess food intake
• Supports cognitive function and overall brain health
• Encourages the production of anti-inflammatory ketones, especially
when used as part of a ketogenic or keto-leaning diet

Mexican oregano
Mexican oregano is from a totally different plant family than the oregano
typically used in Italian cuisine; it’s got a lemony flavor and is one of the
best sources of luteolin, a DNA methylation adaptogen. The same is not
true of regular oregano, although it does have some different DNA
methylation adaptogenic compounds in it. In the United States, you can
typically only find dried Mexican oregano—often at Latin markets or
gourmet markets (and of course, online), although I have seen it at Target.

Stevia is three hundred times sweeter than sugar, so it’s best to start with the
smallest amount. Avoid stevia products that have added artificial sweeteners
or dextrose or maltodextrin. Some brands may have a bitter aftertaste, so
you may need to experiment to find one that you like. Stevia comes in both
powdered and liquid forms—powdered tends to work better in baking and
liquid is more easily added to drinks, but in truth you can use them
interchangeably (so if you only want to buy one form to save on costs
and/or storage space, that’s fine). Brands we recommend include:
• NuNaturals NuStevia—Alcohol Free
• SweetLeaf Sweet Drops SteviaClear
• Organic Traditions Stevia Leaf Powder

A sugar alcohol found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods,
erythritol is only about 70 percent as sweet as sugar, so you may need to use
more of it. For some people, erythritol may cause gas and bloating. If you
tend to react to sugar alcohols in general, start with a smaller amount of
erythritol to see how it impacts your gut.
• NOW Real Food Erythritol
• Swerve Granular erythritol

Monk Fruit (Lo Han)

Native to northern Thailand and China, monk fruit is similar in sweetness to
stevia but has no bitter aftertaste.
• Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener
• NuNaturals Monk Fruit Sweetener


This is as complete a list of DNA methylation–supportive epi-nutrients and
the foods that contain them as we could possibly make at this time—yet
know that as research continues and our understanding of orthomolecular
nutrition evolves, so will this list.1
You’ll also notice that many foods appear in multiple places. For
example, blueberries contain many DNA methylation adaptogenic
polyphenols as well as vitamin C, which is an active demethylation nutrient,
while liver is rich in multiple methyl donors as well as active demethylation
nutrients. Call me nerdy, but I think it’s exciting and fun to see how many
DNA methylation–smart foods you can fit into your diet on a daily basis.
And that’s what this list can help you do. Anytime you start wondering,
“What should I eat?” refer to these pages and find a new staple that likely
also helps you keep your bio age low.
Note: Foods containing each nutrient are listed in descending order of
how much of that nutrient they contain. Foods legal on both the Younger
You Intensive and Younger You Everyday plans are included. Nut milks are
likely rich sources of some DNA methylation-supportive nutrients, but it’s
difficult for us to know their exact polyphenol content and therefore we are
excluding them from this list.

DNA Methylation Adaptogens

Below are the compounds—and the foods that contain them—that we
currently know of that assist in balancing DNA methylation, helping to
ensure that, when eaten in conjunction with methyl donor foods, we’re
methylating the genes we want off or actively inhibiting (or removing)
methylation marks from genes we want on.
In general, you want to be consuming ample amounts of as broad a
variety of these adaptogenic foods on a daily basis, as consuming
combinations of these nutrients probably improves absorption and DNA
methylation action. For example: in addition to the one-plus serving of
methylation adaptogens the Younger You Intensive requires, the daily
allotments for low-glycemic fruits, cruciferous veggies, and colorful veggies
can all be selected from the examples listed here.

Anthocyanin Vegetables and fruits: blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry,

raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, grape, açai berry, red
hibiscus, red rose, black carrot, red cabbage, purple potato,
red seaweed, brown seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary buckwheat
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: red wine, red
wine vinegar, blue rosemary, purple mint, purple sage, purple
basil, lavender, bay leaf
Apigenin Vegetables and fruits: rutabaga, celery, spinach, artichoke,
beet, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celeriac, cauliflower, kale,
kohlrabi, lettuce, hot pepper, sweet pepper
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: thyme,
parsley, peppermint, annual sow thistle leaves, coffee,
chamomile, oregano, basil, fennel leaves, horseradish root,
Catechins Vegetables and fruits: cocoa, reishi mushroom, apple, peach,
coconut, nectarine, plum, grape, apricot, rhubarb, green
seaweed, red seaweed, brown seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary buckwheat, pecan,
almond, hazelnut, chestnut, pea
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: Green tea,
oolong tea, black tea, red wine, red wine vinegar, coffee,
nutmeg, ginger, rosemary
Chlorogenic acid Vegetables and fruits: blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry,
raspberry, strawberry, peach, prune, potato, tomato, apple,
pear, eggplant
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary buckwheat, sunflower
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: green tea,
coffee, parsley
Curcumin Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: turmeric,
Diindolylmethane (DIM) Vegetables and fruits: Brussels sprouts, garden cress,
mustard greens, collard greens, turnip, kale, radish,
watercress, kohlrabi, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, broccoli,
Ellagic acid (and its Vegetables and fruits: blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry,
metabolite urolithin A) raspberry, strawberry, pomegranate, grape, brown seaweed,
green seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: walnut
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: green tea,
Epicatechin Vegetables and fruits: cocoa, blackberry, cherry, apple,
peach, strawberry, black grape, custard apple, red raspberry,
cranberry, apricot, pear, nectarine, plum, persimmon, green
bean, avocado, rhubarb, green grape, blackcurrant, kiwi
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: fava bean, pea, cashew, pecan,
pistachio, almond, hazelnut
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: green tea,
red wine, black tea, red wine vinegar, oolong tea, apple cider
Epigallocatechin gallate Vegetables and fruits: cranberry, blackberry, raspberry, Fuji
(EGCG) apples, Golden Delicious apple, Granny Smith apple, Red
Delicious apple (skin only), plum, avocado, pear, strawberry,
sweet onion
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: hazelnut, pecan, pistachio
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: green and
white tea (far and away the best source, with ten times more
EGCG than any other food), oolong tea, brewed black tea,
Equol Vegetables and fruits: kudzu root, currant, raisin, red
(produced by the gut seaweed, brown seaweed
microbiome when we Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: natto, soy protein isolate, miso,
consume soy that tofu, tempeh, soybean, pistachio (refer to here for guidance on
contains daidzein) eating soy)
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: Red clover
Fisetin Vegetables and fruits: strawberry, apple, mango, persimmon,
kiwi, grape, tomato, onion, cucumber
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: red wine,
green tea, black tea
Genistein Vegetables and fruits: red seaweed, brown seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: natto, miso, soybean, pistachio
(refer to here for guidance on eating soy)
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: red clover
Hesperidin Vegetables and fruits: orange, tangerine, lemon, lime,
grapefruit, reishi mushroom, Welsh onion, green seaweed
(chlorella), red seaweed, brown seaweed
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: peppermint
Kaempferol Vegetables and fruits: caper, reishi mushroom, kale, turnip
greens, endive, black bean, broccoli, cabbage, red raspberry,
lingonberry, cranberry, red onion, potato, leek, blueberry,
currant, green grape, strawberry, tomato, broccoli sprouts,
chive, apricot, apple, green bean, green seaweed (chlorella),
red seaweed, brown seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary buckwheat, almond,
white bean
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: oolong tea,
saffron, cumin, dill, clove, basil, caraway, green tea, red wine,
coffee, black tea, coconut oil, cinnamon, ginger
Luteolin Vegetables and fruits: onion leaves, broccoli, globe artichoke,
celery leaves, carrot, black olive, green pepper, red lettuce,
lemon juice, green olive, white radish
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: pistachio, lentil, pumpkin seeds
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: peppermint,
Mexican oregano, celery seed, bird’s eye chili, thyme, basil,
parsley, peppermint, mint, dandelion, lemon verbena,
chamomile, green chili, rosemary, coffee, olive oil, red chili
Lycopene Vegetables and fruits: guava, tomato, watermelon, pink
grapefruit, papaya, red bell pepper, persimmon, carrot, apricot,
asparagus, red cabbage, mango
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: rosehip
Myricetin Vegetables and fruits: blueberry, reishi mushroom, cranberry,
Welsh onion, blackcurrant
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: walnut, lentil
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: turmeric, red
wine, coffee, oolong tea, dill, parlsey, coconut oil, green tea
Naringenin Vegetables and fruits: grapefruit, reishi mushroom, lemon,
lime, orange, tangerine, grape, tomato, seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: pistachio, almond
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: Mexican
oregano, basil, peppermint, nutmeg, red wine
Proanthocyanidin Vegetables and fruits: cocoa, chokeberry, blueberry,
cranberry, currant, lingonberry, black plum, rhubarb,
gooseberry, strawberry, bilberry, red, white, and green grape,
apple, yellow plum, pear, sea buckthorn berry, peach, custard
apple, apricot, red raspberry, elderberry, nectarine, blackberry,
mango, cherry, date, blackcurrant, marionberry, avocado,
quince, banana, carob, kiwi
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: sorghum, hazelnut, kidney
bean, adzuki bean, pecan, pistachio, fava bean, almond,
buckwheat, black-eyed pea, walnut, red rice, black rice, pinto
bean, black bean, cashew, lentil
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: cinnamon,
rosehip, hops, red wine, curry, black tea, green tea
Pterostilbene Vegetables and fruits: blueberry, cranberry, bilberry,
lingonberry, huckleberry, red grape
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: almond
Quercetin Vegetables and fruits: cranberry, black chokeberry, black
olive, black elderberry, caper, cocoa, red lettuce, blueberry,
lingonberry, kale, blackberry, chive, black grape, green pepper,
cherry tomato, shallot, broccoli, strawberry, green lettuce,
green grape, arugula, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, zucchini,
red onion, bilberry, orange, sea buckthorn, scallion, turnip
greens, green bean, peach, nectarine, garlic, red chili pepper,
apple, yellow onion, plum, pomegranate, pear, green seaweed
(chlorella), red seaweed, brown seaweed
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary buckwheat, chia seed,
almond, lentil
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: dill, Mexican
oregano, clove, basil, apple cider vinegar, garlic, green tea,
black tea, oolong tea, ginger, fennel tea, cilantro, marjoram,
fenugreek, coffee, turmeric, red wine, cinnamon, coconut oil
Resveratrol Vegetables and fruits: lingonberry, cranberry, blueberry, red
currant, bilberry, strawberry, mulberry, black grape, cocoa,
green grape
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary buckwheat, pistachio,
lentil, almond
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: red wine,
rosé wine, white wine, apple cider vinegar
Rosmarinic acid Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: peppermint,
rosemary, spearmint, mint, thyme, sage, oregano, basil, lemon
balm, marjoram
Silibinin Vegetables and fruits: artichoke
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: milk thistle
Sulforaphane Vegetables and fruits: broccoli sprouts, radish sprouts,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, collard
greens, Chinese kale, daikon radish
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: mustard seed
Ursolic acid Vegetables and fruits: apple, cranberry, blueberry, prune,
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: rosemary,
marjoram, lavender, thyme, oregano, holy basil, elderflower,

Active Demethylating Nutrients

The following nutrients are a subgroup of DNA methylation adaptogens that
support the function of the enzymes used to remove methyl groups from
hypermethylated genes (the TET enzymes I mention here). One other key
player essential for TET functionality is alpha ketoglutarate (AKG). As
there are no food sources of AKG (our body makes it from protein break
down), it’s not listed in this table, but I do cover it as a supplement here.


Iron (eat with Vegetables and fruits: spinach, tomato, raisin Cofactor for TET
vitamin C– Animal protein: oyster, beef liver, salmon, beef enzymes (and many
rich foods to other proteins and
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary
boost enzymes)
buckwheat, white bean, lentil, tofu, kidney bean,
absorption) Contributes to DNA
chickpea, cashew
dark chocolate Plays a role in producing
blood and transferring
oxygen from lungs to
Both too little iron and
too much are harmful—
too little can lead to
anemia and fatigue and
poor cognition in kids;
too much can damage
vital organs like the heart
and liver and is potently
Deficiency common in
premeno-pausal women,
especially if vegan
Men who consume a lot
of red meat are at risk of
excessive intake
A common genetic
condition, hereditary
hemochromatosis, can
cause increased
absorption and
excessive levels of iron

Vitamin A Vegetables and fruits (contain carotenoids— Increases TET

vitamin A precursors): sweet potato, spinach, expression levels
pumpkin, carrot, cantaloupe, butternut squash, Works with vitamin C to
red pepper flake, collard greens, kale, turnip
greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, beet increase stem cell
greens, turnip greens, Swiss chard, winter reprogramming (mice)2
squash, green onion, chili pepper, garden cress,
Fat soluble
plum, sweet red pepper, broccoli rabe, brown
seaweed (kelp), apricot, date, persimmon, Major player in the
grapefruit, orange tomato, broccoli, broccoli growth and
sprouts, green bean, purslane, vegetable broth, specialization of all cells
tangerine, scallion in the body
Animal protein (contains preformed vitamin Plays a large role in
A): liver, herring, egg immune function, eye
development, and vision
Fats/oils (contains preformed vitamin A): fish
oil, cod liver oil Potent antiviral
There are hundreds of
carotenoids, including
beta-carotene, 10
percent of which are
capable of being
synthesized into vitamin
Not everybody converts
their carotenoids as
readily (particularly
people with
hypothyroidism), so
getting some preformed
vitamin A is a good idea

Vitamin C Vegetables and fruits: acerola cherry, guava, Key antioxidant and
red bell pepper, currant, spinach, orange, kiwi, infection fighter
lemon, broccoli, strawberry, Brussels sprouts, Cofactor with iron in
grapefruit, kohlrabi, papaya, pineapple, bitter enzymatic reactions,
melon, tangerine, passion fruit, lime, including TET
cantaloupe, chili pepper, mango, cabbage,
Works with vitamin A to
cauliflower, tomato, elderberry, mulberry, bok
increase stem cell
choy, sweet potato, avocado, turnip greens,
reprogramming (mice)
mustard greens, clementine, beet greens,
rutabaga, collard greens, garden cress, Used to make collagen,
raspberry, broccoli rabe, Swiss chard, butternut heal wounds, and
squash, honeydew melon, blackberry, turnip, promote healthy skin
plantain, okra, zucchini, kale, parsnip, potato, Helps burn fat and make
dandelion greens, plum, cranberry, neurotransmitters
pomegranate, jalapeño pepper, green bean, Mitigates the effect of
apricot, artichoke, kale, blueberry, goji berry, toxins and the damage
banana, collard green, watermelon, celeriac, of oxidative stress on
purslane, onion, leek, peach different structures
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary Regenerates other
buckwheat, soybean, green pea, chestnut, lima antioxidants, like vitamin
bean E
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: Plays a role in
parsley, fennel, coconut water, coriander reactivating anti-
inflammatory genes and
tumor suppressor genes
as a cofactor for TET
and other epigenetic
enzymes. For this
reason, vitamin C is a
very important player in
the anti-aging space,
and is associated with a
lower risk of all of the
main diseases of aging,
including cancer, heart
disease, hypertension,

Vitamin D Vegetables and fruits: mushrooms that have Needed for bone,
been exposed to sunlight hormonal, immune, and
Animal protein: trout, mackerel, cod liver oil, heart health
salmon, sardine, flounder, beef liver, egg yolk, An important regulator of
trout, pork, turkey, chicken, oyster the epigenome,
regulating the expression
of hundreds of genes
D deficiency is
associated with
accelerated aging and all
the diseases of aging
A 2019 study of D-
deficient obese African
Americans found that
supplementing with
4,000 IU of vitamin D
dailiy—and no other
their age by 1.85 years
on the Horvath clock3

Methyl Donors
These nutrients are also listed in alphabetical order for ease of reference, but
the primary methyl donors are folate, vitamin B12, betaine, and choline. All
the other nutrients included in this section play a support role in the
methylation cycle, either directly or indirectly.

Betaine (AKA Vegetables and fruits: spinach, beet, - Donates a methyl

trimethylglycine, lambsquarters group to convert
or TMG) Animal protein: egg yolk (contains choline), homocysteine back
liver to methionine
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: quinoa, rye, - Can be converted
sunflower seed, kamut (through an
enzymatic reaction)
into folate
- Helpful in
regulating blood
pressure, reducing
levels, and reducing
fatty deposits in the
- Choline is a
precursor to betaine
Biotin (B7) Vegetables and fruits: mushrooms, carrot, - Involved in
avocado, berries, banana, cauliflower, sweet metabolizing fats,
potato, onion, Swiss chard protein, and
Animal protein: beef liver, egg, salmon, pork, carbohydrates
beef, tuna, turkey - Regulates blood
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: sunflower seed, sugar
almond, berries, walnut, legumes (chickpea, - Behind-the-scenes
green pea, soybean, lentil), oat role in many
processes, including
DNA methylation
- Works with folate
to turn off pro-
inflammatory genes
- A healthy
produces biotin
- Raw egg white
inhibits biotin
Choline Vegetables and fruits: maitake mushroom, - Involved in
enoki mushroom, cauliflower, shiitake synthesis of
mushroom, seaweed (kelp) neurotransmitters
Animal protein: liver, egg yolk, whitefish, beef, and healthy lipid
salmon, trout membranes
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: lentil, flax seed, - Essential for
soybean cognitive
development in
fetuses—so it’s
extra important for
pregnant women to
get ample amounts
- Also needed for
brain function later
in life
- Deficiency causes
muscle damage and
abnormal fat
deposition in the
liver (and
nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease is
common in
- A precursor to
- We can make
choline, but the
process requires
methylation, and
some of us have
genetic differences
that make our ability
to produce it less
efficient; for this
reason, choline is
therefore, eating
plenty of choline is a
good idea for most
Cobalamin (B12) Vegetables and fruits: lesser quantities in - A key player in
some seaweeds, including nori, shiitake folate metabolism
mushrooms and synthesis of
Animal protein: liver (beef, turkey, duck, goose, SAMe in the
chicken), oyster, mackerel, clam, herring, trout, methylation cycle
snapper, crab, salmon, lamb, beef, cod, lobster, - Essential in
whitefish, egg, goose, pork, chicken mitochondrial
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: energy synthesis
nutritional yeast - Essential
component of the
membranes that
surround neurons
(known as the
myelin sheath)
- Involved in making
of neurotransmitters
- Has a relatively
involved absorption
journey in the gut,
requiring a number
of different
specialized proteins
- Pernicious anemia
is a serious, but
fairly common,
disease that
involves an inability
to absorb B12
because the
proteins are
damaged by
treatment includes
B12 injections or
- Older people,
those on acid-
blocking medication,
individuals with
untreated celiac
disease, or those
with small intestinal
bacterial overgrowth
all tend to absorb
B12 less efficiently
- Because it’s
mostly found in
animal proteins,
vegans are often
- Low B12 is
associated with an
increased risk for
cancer, as—to a
lesser extent—are
high levels, which
can lead to
abnormal epigenetic
patterns associated
with cancer
Cysteine Vegetables and fruits: spirulina, butternut - This sulfur amino
squash acid is produced
Animal protein: egg, beef, cod, pork, whitefish, after methionine is
fish roe, goose (skin removed), duck breast, broken down into
buffalo, lamb, chicken, quail, octopus, halibut, SAMe and then
clam converted to
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: sesame seed, homocysteine;
tofu, soybean, black walnut, watermelon seed, homocysteine can
oat, pumpkin seed, pistachio, flax seed either be recycled
back to methionine,
or converted to
cysteine, which
goes on to make
glutathione, sulfate,
and taurine
- Ingesting sufficient
cysteine in our diet
indirectly helps the
methylation cycle
and SAMe
Docosahexaenoic Vegetables and fruits: algae contains DHA - An omega-3
acid (DHA) and, to a lesser extent, EPA essential fatty acid
Animal protein: mackerel, salmon, fish roe, that regulates
anchovy, whitefish, herring, trout, bass, tilefish, multiple enzymes in
sardine, halibut, oysters, squid, flatfish, mussel, the methylation
shrimp, crab, perch, scallop cycle4
Fats/oils: fish oil, cod liver oil - Has DNA
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: DHA may be methylation
synthesized from precursor fatty acid alpha adaptogenic
linoleic acid (ALA), which is found in chia seed, properties
flax seed, walnut, perilla seed, hemp seed - Powerful anti-
inflammatory that’s
essential for brain
health and cognitive
- A host of nutrients
produced from DHA
(and its cousin EPA)
called specialized
pro-resolving lipid
mediators (SPMs)
are potently anti-
inflammatory and
involved in a variety
of beneficial
- It’s highly likely
that as research on
epigenetics grows
we will see DHA
and EPA becoming
star players
Folate (B9) Vegetables and fruits: turnip greens, wakame - Although it works
seaweed, spinach, kelp seaweed, okra, collard in concert with
greens, artichoke, asparagus, leek, enoki many nutrients,
mushroom, daikon radish, maitake mushroom, folate is the single
mustard greens, shiitake mushroom most important
Animal protein: liver, turkey, chicken, beef, nutrient involved in
goose, egg genetic expression,
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: legumes including DNA
(soybean, lentil, chickpea), sunflower seed, methylation
quinoa - Essential for DNA
synthesis and repair
- A key methyl
parsley, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, tarragon,
donor in the
thyme, bay leaf, basil, sage, cilantro, dill
methylation cycle, it
works with B12 to
produce SAMe and
homocysteine into
Because folate and
B12 work so closely,
if you’re deficient in
one, you’re likely
deficient in the
other; for this
reason, both are
often prescribed
- There are a
number of different
natural folates used
in the body that are
produced via the
folate cycle
- A classic sign of
deficiency is
anemia, which
impairs the ability to
make red blood
cells efficiently
- Folate deficiency
can cause far-
reaching problems
—increasing risk of
cancer, heart
disease and
diseases; in
pregnancy folate
deficiency may lead
to birth defects
- Folate excess has
been associated
with increased risk
of certain cancers,
especially in older
- Some cancer and
drugs can inhibit
synthesis and
absorption of folate,
and there’s
speculation that
birth control drugs
can, too
- Not to be confused
with folic acid, which
is synthetic (refer
back to here for
more on the
difference between
the two)
Magnesium Vegetables and fruits: seaweed, cocoa, leek, - Ubiquitous and
spinach, avocado, lambsquarters, daikon radish, vitally important
horseradish mineral involved in
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: hemp seed, at least four
Tartary buckwheat, buckwheat, pumpkin seed, hundred enzymatic
amaranth, Brazil nut, sunflower seed, cashew, reactions
almond, black bean, oat, great northern bean, - Essential for all
teff, hazelnut, mung bean, tofu, walnut, ATP energy–
chickpea, chia seed, kidney bean, pecan, requiring reactions
sesame seed, rye, poppy seed, quinoa, flax - Essential for
seed mitochondrial
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: function
molasses, curry, nutmeg, apple cider vinegar - Helps make ATP,
DNA, and proteins
- Involved in
communication and
- Magnesium
deficiency is
associated with all
the chronic
diseases of aging,
and half the US
population ingests
Methionine Vegetables and fruits: spirulina - The only essential
Animal protein: anchovy, bison, buffalo, sulfur-containing
chicken, goose, pork, snapper, tilapia, duck, amino acid,
haddock, halibut, herring, mackerel, salmon, meaning your body
turkey, sardine, whitefish, beef, cod, lamb, needs it and you
lobster, egg can’t manufacture it
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Brazil nut, —therefore, you
pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, sesame seed must get it from
your diet
- Because it is
primarily found in
animal protein, it
can be challenging
for vegans to get
enough methionine
(although it is in
spirulina and some
nuts and seeds)
- Converted to
SAMe in the
methylation cycle
- Also provides the
sulfur for
glutathione, taurine,
and sulfate
Niacin B3 Vegetables and fruits: enoki mushroom, - When activated,
maitake mushroom, shiitake mushroom, niacin is
spirulina, tomato transformed into a
Animal protein: beef liver, anchovy, lamb liver, compound called
chicken, duck, chicken liver, salmon, mackerel, NAD (nicotinamide),
game meats, lamb, trout, pork, beef, cod which is a cofactor
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: sunflower seed, in many enzymatic
pecan, sesame seed reactions, including
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: those involved in
cilantro, parsley, tarragon, mustard seed, chili the methylation
powder cycle
- An important
player in gene
stability, DNA repair,
function, and overall
- NAD decreases
with age, and thus a
variety of
compounds that are
converted to NAD in
the body—including
riboside (NR) and
considered to be
rising stars in the
anti-aging world
Potassium Vegetables and fruits: potato, yam, dried - Key electrolyte
apricot, avocado, arrowroot, tomato, spinach, and fundamental
portabella mushroom, Swiss chard, enoki player in the
mushroom, shiitake mushroom, lambsquarters, electrochemical
daikon radish, cocoa, maitake mushroom, system, helping
coconut, apple heart to pump,
Animal protein: salmon, cod, pork, clam nerves to fire,
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: lima bean, muscles to contract,
adzuki bean, white bean, great northern bean, and cellular
pinto bean, Tartary buckwheat, lentil, kidney transport
bean, flax seed, pistachio, mung bean, pumpkin - The vast majority
seed, hazelnut, sunflower seed, cashew, pine of Americans aren’t
nut, pecan, tahini, chia seed getting enough
potassium; it is
considered “a
dried herbs, turmeric, maple syrup, cumin,
nutrient of public
oregano, apple cider vinegar, chili powder,
concern” according
to the 2015–2020
Dietary Guidelines
for Americans
- Insufficient
potassium is
associated with
heart disease,
hypertension, heart
- Works with sodium
in cellular transport,
so important to
maintain a close
sodium ratio; which
most Americans do
not successfully do,
as the standard
American diet is a
high-sodium, low-
potassium diet
- Humans are the
only mammals to
ingest more sodium
than potassium
Pyridoxine B6 Vegetables and fruits: potato, prune, chestnut, - Essential for over
ancho pepper, garlic, leek, shiitake mushroom, one hundred
palm heart, daikon radish, dried apricot, chive enzymatic reactions
Animal protein: turkey liver, salmon, chicken - Involved in the
liver, octopus, goose, pork, beef, trout, cod, folate cycle and the
game meats synthesis of
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: rice bran, Tartary glutathione, sulfate,
buckwheat, pistachio, sunflower seed, sesame and taurine from
seed, pecan, amaranth, hazelnut, black walnut, homocysteine
soybean, lentil, English walnut, chickpea, - A number of drugs
soybean, brown rice, pecan can interfere with B6
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: metabolism,
baker’s yeast, molasses, fenugreek seed, including
paprika, chili powder, sage, cayenne pepper, nonsteroidal anti-
tarragon, basil, turmeric, bay leaf, rosemary, dill, inflammatory drugs
parsley, oregano, marjoram, curry powder, (such as ibuprofen),
chervil, celery seed, ginger, cilantro, clove, birth control, and
thyme certain Parkinson’s
disease medications
Riboflavin B2 Vegetables and fruits: spirulina, chive, shiitake - Required for many
mushroom, daikon radish enzymatic reactions
Animal protein: lamb liver, beef liver, egg, - Along with niacin,
chicken liver, duck liver, goose liver, game riboflavin is
meats, mackerel, fish roe essential for both
the methylation and
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: Tartary folate cycles
buckwheat, almond, soybean, pecan, sesame - Deficiency of
seed riboflavin can lead
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: to a secondary
paprika, cilantro, spearmint, tarragon, parsley, folate deficiency by
cayenne pepper, chili powder, chervil impairing the folate
Dairy: goat cheese, brie cheese cycle; this can then
in turn impair the
methylation cycle
- Helps synthesize
ATP, our body’s
main energy source
- Some individuals
with MTHFR variant
(see here) may
require extra
Sulfur Vegetables and fruits: alliums (chive, leek, - Along with calcium
garlic, onion, shallot), cruciferous vegetables and phosphorus,
(arugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sulfur is the most
cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, daikon, abundant mineral in
horseradish root, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, the body
radish, rutabaga, tatsoi, turnip, watercress, - We use
wasabi), garden cress, coconut, spinach methionine, an
Animal protein: egg, cod, haddock, salmon, essential sulfur-
sardine, scallop, lamb, beef, chicken, pork, containing amino
duck, goose, turkey, whey and casein acid, to make SAMe
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: lentil, pea, butter - SAMe (after it
bean, barley, oat, haricot bean, hazelnut, donates its methyl
chickpea, Brazil nut, almond, walnut group) becomes
which is recycled
back to methionine
or donates its sulfur
to make the
glutathione, taurine,
and sulfate
- Vegans and older
individuals typically
take in lower
amounts of sulfur-
containing amino
Taurine Animal protein: scallop, mussel, clam, oyster, - Sulfur-containing
squid, egg, octopus, cod, pork, veal, beef, amino acid that is a
chicken, turkey, shrimp derivative of
Spices/herbs/sweeteners/condiments/drinks: methionine
brewer’s yeast - Considered to be
essential, as we
tend not to make
enough taurine,
especially if
methionine intake is
low (typically that
means older people
- Major player in
heart muscle,
skeletal muscle,
vision, the central
nervous system,
and detoxification
- Functions as
- Can be an
intervention for
cardiac arrhythmias
and hypertension
Zinc Vegetables and fruits: shiitake mushroom, - Essential for a
cocoa, seaweed (agar) number of enzymes,
Animal protein: oyster, beef, lamb, lobster, including one of the
crab, bison, pork, game meats, turkey enzymes involved in
Legumes/nuts/seeds/grains: rice bran, dark the methylation
rye, pumpkin seed, Tartary buckwheat, pine nut, cycle
poppy seed, sesame seed - Required to
stabilize DNA and
many proteins in the
celery seed, chervil, cardamom, mustard seed,
body, giving it far-
thyme, parsley, basil
reaching importance
- Deficiency
associated with
impaired growth,
dysfunction, and
increased risk of
- Excess zinc intake
may result in a
copper deficiency

In order to understand how methyl donors like B12 and folate actually
work to support DNA methylation, it helps to have a basic understanding of
how methylation—of all types, including DNA methylation—works. The
image below shows you a very simplified version of the methylation cycle.

Vitamin B12


Pyridoxine (B6)
Riboflavin (B2)
Niacin (B3)


Biotin (B7)

The ingredients of the methylation cycle listed above help convert

methionine (an amino acid we get from animal protein) into S-
adenosylmethionine (SAMe)—the universal methyl donor used in most
forms of biochemical methylation, including DNA methylation. SAMe
quite literally donates a methyl group to the hundreds of methylation
enzymatic reactions that are happening all of the time throughout the body,
including on strands of DNA.
Once SAMe delivers its methyl group, it becomes S adenosyl
homocysteine (SAH). Then SAH is converted to homocysteine. With the
addition of B12 and folate, or betaine, homocysteine is then converted back
to SAMe. The methylation cycle is whirring through these steps nonstop,
over and over again, all the time, throughout our lives.
DNA Methylation: Common Terms and Definitions
With few exceptions, in humans, DNA methylation happens at the fifth
carbon position on the DNA nucleotide cytosine, but only when cytosine is
sitting next to guanine, hence the common DNA methylation abbreviation
CpG, where “p” refers to the phosphate that connects the nucleotides. Most
often, DNA methylation occurs on the gene’s promotor region (a regulatory
region that directs whether a gene is on or off). Scientific figures denote a
methylated site using a red ball on a black line stuck atop a strand of DNA
(making them look like red lollipops).
• Hypomethylation describes a state where a gene’s promoter region is
only lightly methylated or not at all (and there are few to no little red
lollipops present). Hypomethylation allows the gene to be turned on.
You can think of it almost like a traffic light—the less red there is, the
more the gene gets the signal to go. Generally speaking,
hypomethylation is a negative descriptor of a gene that should be off
(e.g., a proinflammatory gene) having been inappropriately
methylated and, therefore, turned on.
• Hypermethylation is just the opposite—a gene that has an
overabundance of methyl groups attached and, therefore, can’t be
turned on. In this case, it’s more like a parking lot—those red
lollipops take up all the available spaces so that there’s no room for
transcription factors—proteins that activate DNA—to land.
Hypermethylation is generally used to describe a state in which a
good gene, like a tumor-suppressor gene, is inappropriately turned
• Demethylation is an essential epigenetic process by which a
hypermethylated gene can be re-expressed. Depending on
circumstance, it can be beneficial or harmful. There are two types of
demethylation: (1) passive demethylation, which is when the DNA
methylation marks that are present on a DNA strand are not copied
during DNA replication. This can happen for a few reasons, such as a
lack of available methyl donors, toxin interference, or enzyme
inhibitition. While all passive demethylation isn’t necessarily healthy,
we think that DNA methylation adaptogens, like EGCG, support the
re-expression of good genes through passive demethylation; and (2)
active demethylation, which occurs when enzymes actively remove
the attached methyl group so that it no longer has influence over the
gene (more information on the enzymes that perform this function

Enzymes Involved in DNA Methylation

Methyl groups don’t decide to plop down on, or pop off of, DNA on their
own. There are specific enzymes that do the deciding of which cytosine gets
the methyl group, or which methyl groups are removed. It’s difficult to
overstate how important these enzymes are; different members of these
enzymatic families direct the development of embryos, tell pluripotent stem
cells what types of cells they’ll develop into, remove DNA methylation
marks from parental DNA, and direct DNA methylation in response to a
wide array of inputs. These enzymes, listed below, are on the front line of
the interface between living your life and your genetic material and are
influenced by many things—nutrients, stress, toxins, hormones, exercise,
sleep, meditation… basically everything. So while we say we are seeking to
support healthy DNA methylation, the way we do that is by supporting the
healthy function of the enzymes that regulate DNA methylation.
The enzymes involved in DNA methylation include:

• DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) family of enzymes puts the

methyl groups on DNA. Research suggests that the polyphenols
we’re calling DNA methylation adaptogens generally work by
inhibiting DNMT.
• Ten-eleven translocation (TET) family of enzymes takes methyl
groups off of DNA via a multistep process of oxidation. Nutrients
that work with TET include vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and alpha
ketoglutarate (AKG).

My Website
My website is home to:

• My blog, where I cover research related to bio age and DNA

methylation and other topics in functional medicine
• My podcast, New Frontiers in Functional Medicine, where I
interview thought leaders in the functional medicine space
• Links to bio age testing and supplements

Website: www.drkarafitzgerald.com

3 Years Younger (3YY) Digital Program

While helping our patients succeed with the Younger You Intensive and
Everyday programs, we noticed that what they needed most was an easy
way to track their progress. As a result, we created an app that is your
digital support guide to everything Younger You. With features that enable
you to track your daily food intake, sleep, relaxation, exercise, fasting
window, and more, it offers insight, motivation, and accountability. It also
keeps tabs on your biological age with an interactive version of the Bio Age
Self-Assessment (BASA, which appears in print form here of this book)
and automated evaluation of your lab results. Additionally, you can order
some of the blood tests I mention here, supplements, and even an epigenetic
assessment of your DNA methylation so that you can see the results of your
efforts to reduce your biological age for yourself—which offers the best
motivation to keep going. 3YY digital program users can also individualize
the Younger You plan via access to our digital nutrition coaches.
Website: 3YYprogram.com
Institute for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine offers a powerful new operating system and clinical
model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to
replace the outdated and often ineffective acute-care models carried forward
from the twentieth century.
Functional medicine translates the latest clinical and scientific research
(including omics: genome, epigenome, microbiome, etc.) into safe, whole-
person medicine that recognizes the influence of environment and lifestyle
factors on emergence and progression of disease.
You can find one near you by using the Institute for Functional
Medicine’s Find A Practitioner referral network—a comprehensive,
searchable network of clinicians in various specialties and health-care
The listings that feature an “IFM Certified Practitioner” badge are
licensed and practicing health-care professionals who have completed the
IFM Certification Program, which is the highest level of education available
in functional medicine. All practitioners in the network have attended IFM’s
five-day foundational course, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical
Practice (AFMCP) and are also current IFM members.
Website: www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/

My Sandy Hook Clinic

My clinic, which is located in the Sandy Hook Village section of Newtown,
Connecticut, consists of a multidisciplinary team of MDs, NDs, and
nutritionists. Our core team of practitioners at the Sandy Hook Clinic are all
IFM Certified.
If you can’t make it to the clinic in person, we offer telehealth
consultations via Zoom and other platforms as an alternative.
We have a world-renowned nutrition program, including a highly
competitive nutritional training program. We offer nutritional consultations
via Zoom and other platforms. In my experience, nutrition support is
essential for good outcomes in functional medicine, regardless of how
experienced (or trained) a patient may be. Having that additional help
dialing in a therapeutic plan is vital. Every patient in our clinic receives
nutrition support; we also offer nutrition consults as a stand-alone option—
that is, no doctor required.
Website: www.drkarafitzgerald.com/our-clinic/

GrowBaby Health
This Grants Pass, Oregon, clinic, led by the mother-daughter team of
Ob/Gyn Leslie Stone, MD, and certified nutrition consultant Emily
Rydbom, CN, BCHN, CNP, uses nutrition and a focus on methylation to
improve birth outcomes. They work with women and couples who are
seeking to conceive in person; they also offer online group programs and
educational videos for each trimester.
Website: http://growbabyhealth.com

T hese are the bio age clocks that are available to consumers at the time
of this writing. Note that some laboratories require blood to do their testing
while others require saliva. Whichever lab you choose to take your baseline
bio age measurement, make sure you get your follow-up test from the same
lab using the same specimen type. After you’ve gotten your initial baseline
and follow-up tests, you can change labs for your next series of tests if you
like. Because different laboratories use different DNA methylation clocks,
you cannot expect results from different tests to be the same. Although
whether your bio age is increasing or decreasing should be consistent
regardless of laboratory or test.

YY BioAge Plus
This is the suite of tests that my team and I created; it assesses multiple bio
age clocks as well as the DNA methylation status of select nutrient-
responsive genes.

This bio age assessment is from Dr. Moshe Szyf’s laboratory.

TruAge Epigenetic Test Kit

Requires a clinician to order.
Elysium Index


BioViva TimeKeeper

V isit the Environmental Working Group

(www.ewg.org/guides/cleaners) to peruse their cleaning product
recommendations. Ratings include: the presence of known hazardous
materials, ingredient disclosure and transparency, other potential risks such
as high acid or caustic agent content, potentially toxic packaging, and
unclear ingredient verbiage (“natural cleansers,” “eco-friendly,” “nontoxic”)
without further ingredient disclosure. They also note whether each product
is using animal testing methods or not.
Specific products we recommend, based on EWG’s guidance:
• AspenClean Natural Bathroom Cleaner, the safest-rated bathroom
• CLR Mold & Mildew Clear, the safest-rated shower mildew/mold
• Seventh Generation Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner, highly rated
disinfecting bathroom spray.
• CloroxPro Disinfecting Bio Stain & Odor Remover, scores an A
overall but has some less favorable ingredients.

Air Pollution Testing

While it is not possible to determine exact levels of heavy metals in the air
through these sites, you can get some idea of the levels of air pollution in
your home, which can include heavy metal particulates.
• https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/care-your-air-guide -
• www.airnow.gov
• www.lung.org/our-initiatives/healthy-air/sota

Water Testing
We recommend National Testing Laboratories for water testing.

Soil Testing
We recommend anyone starting a vegetable garden check for soil
contamination by toxins such as PCBs and lead. In the United States, many
state universities and local governments offer basic soil testing for low or
no cost. Do an internet search for “soil testing” and your state to see what’s
available near you.

Beef Liver Supplements

For those of us who are a little less gung ho on buying and preparing liver
(me included), you can get clean-sourced, encapsulated freeze-dried liver in
supplement form. I suggest getting products that are not defatted, so the fat
soluble vitamins, including preformed vitamin A (retinol), D, E, and K, are
present, just as they would be if you ate liver.


• Freeze-dried
• Grass-fed animals raised without pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics
• Non-defatted (contains vitamin A)
• Completely free of additives—contains only liver and gelatin


• Only contains liver and gelatin
• Free of dairy, wheat, yeast, gluten, corn, sugar, soy, shellfish, tree
nuts, stearates, fillers, flow agents, or any other potentially irritating


• Cows humanely pasture-raised in New Zealand without chemicals or
• No fillers, no flow agents, GMO-free
• Freeze-dried to preserve all of the nutrients and cofactors
• Beef liver, heart, and kidney
• Freeze-dried
• Non-GMO
• Grass-fed

Beet Supplements
I recognize that beets can also be viewed unfavorably, yet betaine is so
important to DNA methylation that you don’t want to forego them
altogether. If you truly can’t stomach beets—or learn to love them—take
them in supplement form instead, either as powder or capsules. Follow
instructions on label to determine dosage.


• The capsules contain only cellulose and organic beets and their
powder contains just organic beets
• Sugar content is 1 gram per serving
• Free of yeast, wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, and tree nuts


• Non-GMO
• Fermented beets
• 7 grams sugar per serving


• Contains only organic fermented beets and less than 1 gram sugar
• Fermenting reduces the sugar content of beets and increases their
nutrient content

Greens Powders
Adding a quality greens powder to a smoothie, plant-based yogurt, or even
a glass of water or Beet Bubbly is a convenient and easy way to help ensure
that you meet your daily greens requirement on both the Younger You
Intensive and Everyday.


• In addition to greens, this also includes green tea extract, beet
powder, and vitamin C, covering a lot of bases


• This is the product we recommend the most in my practice
• Also includes flax seed, green tea extract, beet powder, prebiotic
fiber, and a small amount of probiotics


• Over 90 percent organic ingredients
• No grains, legumes, gluten, or fructose
• In addition to greens, includes apple, blueberry, cranberry, raspberry,
camu camu berry, and grape skin powders

• Non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegetarian
• Blend of seeds, vegetables, fruits, herbs, mushrooms, green tea,
enzymes, and probiotics

Vegan Protein Powders

Putting some protein powder in a morning smoothie is a great way for
vegans to ensure that they’re getting adequate protein. These are the
specific powders we recommend in our practice because their ingredients
are clean and most have a full panel of amino acids.


• Gluten-free
• Vanilla flavored
• Pea protein
• Uses stevia and cinnamon for sweetness


• Gluten-free
• Soy-free


• Comes in chocolate, vanilla, and unflavored
• Uses stevia for sweetness


• Raw
• Paleo-friendly
• 0 grams sugar

Supplement Companies Our Clinic Uses and Trusts

For other supplements I suggest in Chapter 8, these are the companies I rely
on to provide the highest-quality supplements for our patients. Full
disclosure: some, but not all, of these companies may sponsor our blogs,
podcasts, and/or social media content.
• Metagenics
• Integrative Therapeutics
• Big Bold Health
• Designs for Health
• Ortho Molecular Products
• Klaire Labs
• Jigsaw Health
• Optimum Nutrition
• Life Extension
• Thorne
• Vital Nutrients
• NeuroProtek
• Real Mushrooms
• Tru Niagen
• T.A. Sciences
• Biotics Research
• NutriDyn
• Biocidin
• Women’s International Pharmacy

It was around 2013 when I really started to tussle with the literature on
epigenetics and became entranced (and somewhat horrified) by the science
regarding DNA methylation as it relates to cancer. The more I learned, the
more I saw that other chronic diseases—including aging itself—share some
of the same pathological DNA methylation signatures as cancer.
My next question was obvious: how might we tend to DNA methylation,
through a functional medicine lens, in patient care? Unbeknownst to me at
the time, answering this question would change my career. There are so
many people who have helped me expand my understanding and spread the
word about all I’ve learned.
Romilly Hodges, MS, CNS, my sister in science and the founding
director of our nutrition programs at Sandy Hook Clinic, you have been
deeply in the “tussle” with me, as we dialoged endlessly about the meaning
of what we were reading, and how we might favorably, safely influence
DNA methylation patterns. The 2016 e-book that you and I cowrote for
other functional medicine professionals, Methylation Diet and Lifestyle:
Whole Being Support for Healthy Methylation and Epigenetic Expression,
laid the foundation for this book. I am deeply indebted to you for walking
with me for so many years on this methylation journey. You did the heavy
lifting on designing the nutrient ratios to ensure our epi-nutrient targets
were achieved, and that our recipes were palatable and doable in our study
and in the real world.
Jeff Bland, PhD, you have been a mentor to me—as you have for so
many of us in functional medicine—for twenty-plus years, since I was a
medical student and heard your brilliant lecture on the biochemistry of hops
and estrogen. You have been a constant source of strength and
encouragement. Having you as a bedrock of unwavering faith in me and my
team’s ability to execute our vision has been essential to our success.
Brent Eck, CEO, Metagenics, Inc. Thank you, thank you, thank you
for having those early, open, honest, and sometimes scary conversations
with me on how our interventions might be influencing epigenetic
expression (favorably or not) and providing us with the unrestricted funding
and support to dig in and answer our questions. I am forever indebted to
you and the entire Metagenics team, including Nikky Contractor, PhD,
Kim Koch, and Kirti Salunkhe, MD.
Executing a multivariable trial such as ours is no small feat; it takes a
village of brilliant, committed scientists, nutritionists, and support staff.
Thank you to my coprincipal investigator at National University of Natural
Medicine’s Helfgott Research Institute, Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH. You
helmed the ship of this study with the utmost scientific rigor and integrity.
Thank you also to your team at NUNM, Doug Hanes, PhD, and Emily
I am deeply indebted to Moshe Szyf, PhD, pioneer in the field of
epigenetics. In 2017 I had the opportunity to podcast with you, where I
introduced you to what was then just a bud of a study idea. Your guidance
in all phases helped it flourish. While I know we’ve written the book for a
broader audience, I hope we’ve done the science sufficient justice. Also at
McGill, David Cheishvili, PhD, assisted us with endless questions and
statistical analysis. I look forward to continued collaborations.
It’s handy to become good friends with a brilliant biostatistician and
gerontologist. Josh Mitteldorf, PhD, worked on the DNAmAge clock data
analysis and continues to be willing to spend a lot of time dialoging with
me on everything pertaining to longevity epigenetics. I look forward to our
continued work together and the successful launch of your DataBeta study.
It’s been argued that our study nutrition team (most of them graduates of
our clinic internship program) were the difference between our study’s
success vs. failure. Of course, I am wildly appreciative to all of you for
volunteering your time and I hope we continue to collaborate: Despina
Giannopoulou, CNS, Janine Henkel, CNS, Josette Herdell, CNS, Sally
Logan, CNS, and Melissa Twedt, CNS.
An extra thanks to Josette Herdell, CNS, for analyzing the epi-nutrient
content on the recipes. Thank you also to our nutrition interns who helped:
Michelle Didner, MS, Miranda Kusi, MS, Jacquelyn Lombari, MS,
Carrie A Newsome, BSN, RN, MSACN, CNS, Meghan Pfiffner, MS,
Andrew Sisisky, JD, MS, Hili Ben-David, MD, IFMCP, Gretchen
DePalma, MS, CNS, CDN, Carrie J. Ettinger, MS, CNS, Tammi Hall,
MS, Ann Haren, MS, Sally Logan, MS, CNS, Karin Michalk, MS, PT,
CN, CNS, Amy Pabbi, MS, INHC, Dione Sordi.
Thank you to Melissa Parker, CNS, who not only worked on our vegan
recipe development (and is another brilliant program graduate), but shared
her own personal journey of recovery from cancer in Chapter 10.
I am indebted to the Institute for Functional Medicine, specifically
Patrick Hanaway, MD, Laurie Hoffman, David Jones, MD, Robert
Luby, MD, Dan Lukaczer, ND, Amy Mack, and Chris D’Adamo, PhD,
for your support of our work. My gratitude runs deep. Thank you to my FM
peeps for your support (and challenges): Cheryl Burdette, ND, Sara
Gottfried, MD, Shalesh Khalsa, MD, PhD, Todd LaPine, MD, Helen
Messier, MD, PhD, Amy Myers, MD, Cass Nelson-Dooley, MS, Joe
Pizzorno, ND, Bob Rountree, MD, Tom Sult, MD, Sam Yanuck, DC,
and the early adopters at Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional
Thank you to Lucia Aronica, PhD, nutritional epigeneticist and
Stanford faculty who has cheerleaded our project since the start. I am so
grateful for your support, insight, understanding, and friendship. Thank you
for your scientific review of Younger You and the late-night responses to my
urgent inquiries. I look forward to our continued collaboration.
To Drs. Michael and Leslie Stone and daughter Emily Rydbom CNP
at Stone Medical and GrowBabyHealth: I am honored that you are
incorporating ideas from Younger You into your program and research.
Thank you to the journal Aging for publishing our first study. We
appreciate your enthusiasm and support.
Stephanie Tade, my agent: thank you, thank you, thank you for your
years-long commitment to our work. I adore you and appreciate your
support and belief in our project.
Renée Sedliar and the team at Hachette: I knew as soon as we all met
that you were the badass team to launch this project. Thank you for your
extraordinary skills in making this book happen.
And to Kate Hanley, my cowriter supreme: could I be working with a
better, more entertaining soul sister and translator of really tough science?
Who hits deadlines and is uberorganized? We wrote this bad boy during
COVID. How ’bout that! You have been more in the trenches with me over
the last year-plus than, really, anyone else! Thank YOU.
Thank you to Victor Chapla, Shai Rosen, and Erica Sanders at
Suggestic. You are bringing the digital platform of Younger You to life,
enabling us to make the bio age testing, program, nutritionists, book,
products, and future research accessible to anyone, anywhere.
To my team at Accelerate360, Weston Gardner and Jonathon Jacobs:
Thank you for walking our work out into the world in such a beautiful way.
As some of you may know, for the last six years, I’ve been hosting the
podcast New Frontiers in Functional Medicine. As I say every episode, I
am interviewing the best minds in functional medicine, specifically Dale
Bredesen, MD, Randy Jirtle, PhD, Volter Longo, PhD, David
Perlmutter, MD, and David Sinclair, PhD. Their interest in this work
bolstered my confidence that we might be onto something. And thank you
to our producer Kate Mayer for making it happen each month.
Thank you to my dearest mentor: Richard Lord, PhD. Without your
mentorship during my time at the laboratory, your endless teaching, your
unending passion for nutritional biochemistry, your thinking outside of the
box, and your “embracing the uncertainty,” I don’t know that these next
phases of my career would’ve happened. I am indebted to you.
To our study participants: Thank you for your time, energy, attention,
and commitment.
To our many patients at SHC practicing the program: Thank you!
THANK YOU to the extraordinary group of super smart, hardworking,
and creative physicians and nutritionists that make our clinic a one-of-a-
kind place to practice medicine. Thank you for hanging in with the insanity
of our study and our book. You are my touchstones, and I practice medicine
better because of all of you: Lizzie Bird, MD, Stacey Cantor-Adkins,
MD, Gretchen DePalma, CNS, Darisa Espinal, ND, Karen Herb, CNS,
Jessica Kovalchik, DC, CNS, Ken Litwin, MD, Rachel Surprenant, ND,
and Lara Zakaria, PharmD, MS, CNS.
Our clinic management team, who have patiently put up with my
madness and absence for the last three-plus-plus years, and who’ve
coordinated a bear of a schedule, juggled crazy finances, and supported all
of us to reach higher and dig deeper in the practice of functional medicine:
THANK YOU, thank you thank you: Sam Bucur, Karen Frank, Karen
Herb, and Rhonda Timmons.
And finally, to my family and my amazing care team.
Yolanda, you are my nanny as much as Isabella’s. You make our lives
work seamlessly. Thank you for loving my daughter and taking such good
care of us. Yo te quiero.
Mom, Evan, Brigid, Dad, Jim, Rob, Chloe, Jay, and Connie: I
appreciate your endless interest in this work. Mom, because “methylation is
good for you,” you make a delish version of our lemon tart at every holiday
occasion. Iz and I can’t get enough. XXOO
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Praise for


“Younger You challenges the long-held notion that we are helpless as it

relates to the seemingly inexorable decline in our physical health as time
marches on. Dr. Fitzgerald makes it clear that we can absolutely change
our destiny as it relates to various parameters associated with aging and
provides a straightforward program for achieving this important goal.”
—David Perlmutter, MD, New York Times bestseller author of Grain
“It is a new era—aging ‘backward’ is no longer a fantasy; it is now a fact
proven by clinical trial. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, lead author of this
paradigm-shifting trial, now describes her approach in her new book,
Younger You. This is the first book in the new era of ‘aging reversal’
medicine and health, and for all of us who are aging, this is a must read.”
—Dale Bredesen, MD, professor and author of the New York Times
bestseller, The End of Alzheimer’s
“Younger You leads us through a compelling narrative linking food,
genes, epigenetic programming of genes by life experiences and how
this guides us to take control of our own lives. The book provides an
engaging, clear, and understandable presentation of the complex science
of epigenetics and the developmental origins of health and disease for
the general audience.”
—Moshe Szyf, PhD, McGill University Medical School
“As a scientist and educator in nutritional epigenetics and longevity, I
commend Kara’s extraordinary ability to make science accessible and
actionable to a lay audience. Her guest lecture for my course on the
biology of longevity at Stanford University drew rave reviews from my
students. I will recommend Kara’s new book Younger You to my students
who want to deepen their knowledge and practice of nutritional
—Dr. Lucia Aronica, PhD
“Dr. Fitzgerald is among the first to realize that epigenetics is destined to
be a game changer for twenty-first-century medicine. Now she shares
her program to modify our epigenetics safely, with exercise, a natural
diet, and a surprising array of other practices. Let’s try it!”
—Josh Mitteldorf, PhD, author of Cracking the Age Code
“Dr. Fitzgerald has published groundbreaking research that proves that
we can change the aging of our body through a specific lifestyle
intervention program. Now she has made this program available for all
of us to benefit from in this extraordinary book. This is a ‘must’ for
anyone interested in what they can do in slowing the aging process
—Jeffrey Bland, PhD, president, Personalized Lifestyle Medicine

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