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The key takeaways are that gut health is important for overall well-being, mental health is connected to gut health, and the book provides information and recipes to support a healthy gut.

The book discusses that the gut and emotions have a two-way relationship, and that addressing gut health is important for mental health.

The book mentions signs of an unhealthy gut like IBS, bloating, reflux, lack of energy, headaches, joint pain, and a weakened immune system.

Your essential guide to healing

your gut naturally and restoring

the digestive system.

Your gut & your emotions
are a two-way street.

They both impact on each other.

So addressing the state of your gut health,
not just the food you eat, is incredibly
important to your mental health.

Gut Matters

Everything you need to know to glow

Quick & Easy

Recipes, Health
Guides & More!


H E L P I N G Y O U H E L P Y O U R S E L F. W E B E L I E V E T H A T



F O R I T T H A N YO U A R E .”

from the inside out.

About Us 6

Why Your Gut Matters? 8

re her

What Affects Our Gut Health? 10

10 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut 12

Y o u a

What is a Leaky Gut? 13

How Your Gut Works? 14

5 Fascinating Facts About Your Gut 16

Top 6 Supplements for Gut Health 18

10 Daily Habits for a Healthy Gut 20

Drinks, Broths & Tonics 28

Breakfast 40

Main Meals 50

Light Meals 60

Snack and Sides 70

Desserts 78

Apple Cider Vinegar 90

Glossary 96

Gut Matters

Have you ever wondered what’s going on
beneath your skin? Perhaps you’re feeling
a little lackluster, or you’re missing that
natural glow?

Well, it might be time to take a look at

your gut health.

Hippocrates once said “all disease begins within
the gut.” So whether you’re suffering from a chronic
disease, battling a whole host of allergies, or simply
needing more energy and sparkle, spending some
time getting acquainted with your digestive system is
imperative to your health and wellbeing.

This book is a great starting point to understanding

how our inner ecological system works and what action
steps we can take right now to help promote a healthy
and thriving gut.

And of course, who doesn’t love delicious recipes that

can help heal your body?! The second half of this book
is a collection of our favorite gut-loving recipes that you
can start making at home today.

Please remember… we did not wake up today to feel

mediocre. We woke up today to feel brilliant and alive.
So let’s take the necessary steps to ensure our body
and mind are thriving!

In good health,

James & Laurentine

Filmmakers 'Food Matters' & 'Hungry For Change'

Gut Matters

Why Your
Gut Matters?
Your gut is a very delicate ecosystem, with more flora (healthy
bacteria) contained within it than all of the other cells in the
body combined. Yes, that’s a lot of flora!

When this ecosystem is healthy and flourishing, your digestive

tract has the proper balance of stomach acids and bacteria.
This perfect balance allows for your body to break down food
for nourishment and cell repair.

Without the ability to absorb nutrients from your food and

eliminate waste, you may experience all kinds of health issues
that, on the surface, don’t seem to be related to your digestion
but quite likely are.

Whether you suffer from headaches, mood issues, weight gain,

menstrual cramps, fatigue, back pain, frequent colds, estrogen
dominance, and many more, these are all issues that could be
caused by having an unhappy gut.

g u t i s
o u
If y ing, r
f e r t h i n g
s u f every too.
su f f e r s

Gut Matters


What Affects
Our Gut Health?
When it comes to gut health, it’s not chemicals wind up in our gut when
just food that can cause your flora to we eat non-organic food and hurt our
become imbalanced. Many factors in our friendly tummy bugs, too! Remember,
modern environment negatively impact agricultural run-off makes its way into
our gut health. From a young age, most our waterways, so unfiltered water can
of us are given antibiotic medications also be contaminated with compounds
which interfere with our microbiome. that reduce our gut flora.
While antibiotics are designed to
attack pathogenic (bad) bacteria, they Being ‘over-hygienic’ in the home can
indiscriminately wipe out our good also contribute to imbalances in your
bacteria as well! gut flora. In particular, anti-bacterial
sprays and lotions unfavorably impact
Pesticides, herbicides and other your microbiome. Our bodies naturally
agricultural chemicals have similar require some exposure to dirt and germs
actions to antibiotics; after all, they to build a healthy, robust immune system,
are applied to kill bugs that attack but an over-emphasis on ‘cleanliness’
plants, right? Sadly these residual can interfere with this natural process.

H O W D O E S I T W O R K ?







Gut Matters

10 Signs
You Have an
Unhealthy Gut
Is your inner tube of life unhealthy?

We’ve compiled 10 of the most common

signs you should look out for to see if the
gateway to your health is needing some
repair and healing.

1. Digestive issues 6. Depression

2. Food allergies or sensitivities 7. Autoimmune disease
3. Mood swings and irritability 8. Poor memory and concentration
4. Skin problems 9. Diabetes
5. Anxiety 10. Frequent infections and illnesses

If you’ve said “yes” to more than one of

the items above, then now is a good time
to get reacquainted with your gut and give
it the TLC that it deserves. Remember, if
your gut suffers, so does everything else!

What is a
Leaky Gut?
Leaky Gut Syndrome, also referred to as With a healthy gut, the small intestine
intestinal permeability or hyperpermeability, contains small junctions that allow for vital
is a condition where the “gate keepers” nutrients to be deposited around the body
within your gut are not properly working to by the bloodstream. If it’s in working order, it
control what passes through to the small will only allow certain elements to enter the
intestine. This means that harmful elements bloodstream and will block toxic elements
such as proteins (including gluten), from entering. Think of it as the bodyguard
undigested particles and bad bacteria are to your bloodstream, only letting the VIP’s
able to leak into your bloodstream. into the bloodstream club.

What may not seem harmful, in the short- However, with a leaky gut, these small
term, can have profound effects to your openings within your small intestine are
health in the long-term. These particles can widened. This then allows for all sorts of
wreak havoc by causing inflammation and undigested food particles and toxins to take
immune reactions over time. a ride through your bloodstream and can
lead to inflammation and immune reactions.
Your small intestine may be little but it is
a mighty organ with incredibly important Some of the initial signs that you may have
functions. It helps to absorb the majority a leaky gut include food allergies, digestive
of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals issues (IBS, bloating, diarrhea) and skin
from your food. issues such as eczema and acne.

Gut Matters

Did you know?

The alimentary canal is the
entire passage along which
food passes through the

How Your
body from mouth to anus
during digestion.

Gut Works?
Did you know that your gut is technically outside your body?!

I know this sounds extremely strange, to scare you, as bacteria play a very
but technically, we have one long tube important role in sustaining life on earth.
running through our body. The term for However, our body is not equipped to let
this tube is the ‘alimentary canal’ and is any ol’ bug from the outside world into
comprised of the mouth, oesophagus, our bloodstream.
stomach, intestines and anus.
Our gut contains a very sophisticated
This tube is pinched closed by your immune system to make sure that the
mouth, anus and certain sphincters bugs that we swallow and eat are not
along the digestive tract. Technically, given free reign into our bloodstream.
however, this canal is not completely This is why bacteria and food are
and permanently sealed shut from kept ‘outside’ our body and safely
the outside world. Hence, from a enclosed within your gut until deemed
physiological perspective, we say it is safe enough to pass through our gut’s
outside of your body. Crazy right? immune defences and into our blood.

The gut is ‘outside’ our body for a very Until now, you may have thought that
important immunological reason. You the chief function of our gut is to digest
see, our environment is naturally filled food, but there is so much more that this
with billions of bacteria. This is not amazing organ does!


trust your

Gut Matters

5 Fascinating Facts
About Your Gut

The lining in your gut is actually part of your immune system.
In fact, it’s your first line of defense against bugs and other organisms that can

make you ill. For millennia, this immune mechanism was needed for the survival of

the species. Humans lived without refrigeration and didn’t always know enough to

practice safe food handling. When your gut is healthy, it keeps any foreign invaders

in food from getting into the bloodstream. It also protects you from airborne viruses

and bacteria.

Research done in recent years proves there is a real connection

between the digestive tract and the nervous system.
(To learn more read Michael Gershon, M.D.s book ‘The Second Brain’.) In addition

to the nervous system in the spine, there is a nervous system in the gut called the

enteric nervous system, which sends signals to the brain and vice versa. If you are

anxious, depressed, or stressed, you may notice that your desire for food is different

or your digestion is off. Stress hormones can shut down digestion (which results in

constipation) or speed it up (which results in diarrhea).

The digestive system actually produces more neurotransmitters
than the brain does.
It’s possible that many women could avoid antidepressants altogether just by

supporting their digestive system. How many of us reach for a sugary treat when

stressed? This is a short-term (and unhealthy) way to make the neurotransmitters

your body needs to restore your emotional equilibrium.

The phrases ‘trust your gut’ and ‘gut instinct’ make more sense
than you may realize!
As a second brain, it may be more effective. It doesn’t have to contend with the

judgmental committee which lives in your left brain and will often try to talk you out

of what you know in your gut to be true. As an energy system, the digestive system

is part of the third chakra. This area has to do with self-esteem, self-expression, an

appropriate sense of responsibility, and having the confidence to go with your gut.

There are approximately 100 trillion microbes living in your gut.

In fact there is a lot more than just that on your entire body. If you were to collect

all your bacteria and weight it, it would make up approximately two to three pounds

(approximately one kilo) of your body weight.

Gut Matters

Top 6
for Gut Health
When it comes to gut health, there are a plethora of
supplements out in the market that you can find. To
make this super simple for you, we’ve chosen to stick
to our top 5 that we believe used in conjunction with
a gut-healing diet can really see your health flourish.

Probiotics: Probably one of the THE most Licorice Root: This potent adaptogenic
important supplements you can take when herb can help balance cortisol levels and
trying to boost your gut health as they improve the acid production within the
assist in replenishing the good bacteria stomach. It is also helpful in supporting the
and crowding out the bad bacteria. You body’s natural processes for maintaining
can get probiotics in both natural food the mucosal lining of the stomach.
and supplement form. Check out some of
the fermented recipes inside this book for Slippery Elm: Don’t be fooled by its
ideas on how to make your own. strange name! This supplement contains
mucilage and stimulates nerve endings in
Fiber: Many people don’t know this, the body’s intestinal tract. The increase
but probiotics cannot live without fiber. in mucus secretion helps protect your
Prebiotics (indigestible fibers) help stomach’s lining and combat ulcers and
probiotic bacteria to survive in our gut. excessive acidity within the digestive
That’s why it’s extremely important when system. Did we mention it also contains
taking probiotics, to also ensure you are powerful antioxidants that help relieve
getting a health dose of high-fiber foods. inflammatory bowel symptoms?
One of our favorites is sprouted flaxseeds!
Caprylic Acid: Also known as octanoic
Digestive Enzymes: To assist with the acid, is a fatty acid that is naturally
digestion of your food, take one or two found within coconut oil. It is known for
capsules at the beginning of each meal, its antiviral and antifungal abilities and
and they will decrease the changes that is especially helpful for people that feel
partially digested food particles and they are suffering from Candida or yeast
proteins cause damage to your gut wall. overgrowth.

Daily Habits
for a Healthy Gut
It’s the small things that add up to make big changes
to how we feel! Try out these 10 simple steps to build
a happier and healthier belly!

Hit Up Your Fiber Feast on Fermented Foods

One of our body’s main methods of Fermented foods provide the cultured
eliminating toxins is through our poop! bacteria that our digestive tract needs
Our body can’t do this job properly, to function optimally. These products
unless you’re getting enough fiber to include sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh,
keep things moving along and passing miso, kimchi and even yogurt (from
though. We need to remember to eat pasture-fed, organic sources and
plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, chia only if you tolerate dairy). Regular
seeds, legumes, soaked/activated consumption of fermented foods can
nuts, quinoa and brown rice to really help to keep your microbiome in tip
boost your fiber intake. top condition!
Gut Matters

Antibiotics if You Need Them Eat Calmly

Indisputably, antibiotics can be life- When we feel stressed, our body

saving in certain situations. However, switches into ‘fight or flight’ mode. As
antibiotics are often over-prescribed for this happens, our body focuses on
health conditions that don’t warrant this the physiological functions that help
intervention. And although antibiotics do us to flee or attack an enemy; blood is
kill off ‘bad bacteria’, our poor little ‘good diverted to the muscles, our breath rate
bacteria’ in the digestive tract get wiped increases and external senses become
out too! Therefore, try to be discerning hyper-alert. Simultaneously, systems
when choosing to use antibiotics - often that are nonessential to fight or flight
they are routinely recommended when are suppressed - this includes digestion.
they aren’t fully needed, so question your Therefore, try not to eat when you’re
doctor carefully. feeling stressed and your body isn’t in
an ideal mode for digestion.

Eat Cold Potatoes… Err, What? Drink Plenty of Water

Yes, you read that right! Cold (cooked) Think of your intestines as one giant
potatoes provide something called tube that propels food along. As this
resistant starch. Technically classed as food travels through the tube, nutrients
a type of fiber, resistant starch is thus and water are absorbed. The body also
named because it resists digestion; as puts toxins, metabolic by-products and
it passes through our digestive tract, we excess cholesterol back into the tube for
don’t have the enzymes to break it down… elimination. So what happens to any tube
but our gut microflora do! In fact, resistant if the material inside gets hardened? The
starch is a feast for the bacteria in our gut tube blocks up and transit slows down.
and provides the nutrients and fuel these Staying hydrated helps to keep materials
bugs need to do their important work. moving through your digestive ‘tube’ soft
Rice, legumes, and ‘just ripe’ bananas are and moving freely, thereby supporting the
other good sources of resistant starch. entire absorption and elimination process.

Gut Matters

Eat Slowly Avoid Chemical Nasties

You’ve probably heard it before but Just like humans put antibiotics into our
digestion really does begin in the mouth. bodies to fight off unwanted bacteria,
Your saliva contains enzymes that start we also put chemical sprays on plants
to break down starches in food as you to protect them against fungal or
chew. Plus, the act of chewing also bacterial attack. Unfortunately, when
signals to your brain that the process of these chemicals are sprayed onto fruit
digestion is beginning. The final benefit and vegetables, we wind up eating them,
is that you’re less likely to overeat; eating too! Chemical residue can impact our
slowly gives your body plenty of time to gut flora, so choosing organic is best in
register that you’re full. this regard to avoid it.

Go Green in Your Home
It would appear that our bodies do actually need a healthy dose of

germs in order to build a healthy colony of bugs in our digestive

tract. So use non-toxic cleaning products in your household

whenever possible - your belly will thank you for it!

Trial a Probiotic Get Digestive Rest

Back in the hunter-gatherer days before Just like you do, your belly needs some
antibiotics and environmental chemicals, rest to work in peak condition. When you
probiotics would have been unnecessary. think about all the hard (and incredible!)
However, many modern factors negatively work your digestive system does to
affect our microbiome. Therefore, taking transform food into - well, you - it’s little
a ‘probiotic course’ periodically can be wonder that it needs time to repair and
helpful to boost your microflora. Taking heal between meals. Try not to overeat
a good quality probiotic has also been or snack overly often, as this ensures
shown to relieve certain digestive issues your belly gets the break that it deserves
and inflammatory conditions. between all its hard digestive work.

Gut Matters


Note: please check with your health practitioner before making any changes to your diet or taking supplements or
herbs, especially if you are pregnant or have an underlying health condition. Dietary supplements and herbs may have
contraindications. We also encourage that any recipes that call upon animal products be organic and ethically sourced.

Drinks, Broths & Tonics
Gut Matters

Muddled Mint Spritzer



1 cup soda water

½ lime, sliced finely

8 fresh mint leaves

Optional: A few drops of coconut essence

Optional: ½ cup ice cubes


1. Place ice cubes into a tall glass. Lightly

squeeze lime slices into glass and put on top

of ice.

2. Massage and ‘macerate’ the mint leaves

with your fingers or a muddling stick (this

releases the beautiful oils within the mint).

3. Place all remaining ingredients into

glass and swirl together gently. Cheers!

Did you know?
Mint contains compounds that are
naturally anti-spasmodic and can
relieve stomach cramping. Plus it’s
light and simply delightful in this
refreshing drink.

Gut Matters

Did you know?

Aloe Vera has long
been regarded for its
ability to ‘heal and seal’
the gut. Pineapple is a
source of bromelain,
an enzyme believed to
aid digestion. The taste
of Aloe is more subtle
than you think and
balances nicely with
the vibrant produce in
this recipe. Aloe Vera &
Pineapple Juice
P R E P : 5m INGR:5 SERVES:1


½ cup fresh pineapple

1 small knob ginger

1 small Lebanese cucumber

1 small handful of mint

¼ cup pure aloe vera juice


1. Juice the pineapple, ginger, cucumber and


2. Stir through the aloe vera juice and serve.

Sparkling Coconut Kefir

Ingredients Method

1 L coconut water 1. Make coconut water with kefir

granules according to instructions.

1 sachet kefir granules
(on the kefir sachet)

½ cup soda water

2. Once kefir has developed, pour
Optional: wedge of fresh lime ½ cup into a tall glass.

3. Add soda water and lime to serve.

Did you know?

The healing benefits of kefir
have been well-known by
our ancestors for centuries.
The fermentation process of
kefir grains creates a fizzy,
tart, acidic drink, loaded with
probiotic bacteria. It contains
many vitamins, nutrients and
minerals which are easily
digested. Many studies are
now showing the therapeutic
benefits of consuming kefir!

Gut Matters

Kombucha Tea


3 ¼ quarts (3L) filtered water

1 cup sugar
(don’t worry - this is ‘food’ for your SCOBY)

8 bags green tea

1-2 cups starter tea from last batch

or store-bought kombucha



1 gallon glass jar (sterilized)

A wood stirring utensil

1 cheesecloth

1 rubber band to secure cloth

Never use metal with your SCOBY

SCOBY(symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast): this is also known as the ‘mother’ due to its ability to reproduce.

Did you know?

Kombucha is a fermented
tea using a SCOBY. This is
used as the starter culture to
produce the friendly bacteria
to heal your gut. Loaded with
probiotics, kombucha can help
enhance nutrient absorption,
reduce bloating, improve
mental clarity, stabilize mood
and detoxify the body.


1. Prepare your sweet tea. Usually 2 tbsp 6. Place the mixture in a warm spot in the

of loose tea or 8-10 tea bags per gallon of kitchen (they usually like temperatures of 70-
hot water. Add 1 cup of sugar per gallon. 75°F) and no direct light.
This needs to be regular sugar (preferably
7. Let sit to ferment for around 7 days, the
organic, not honey or rapadura - the SCOBY
length will vary on temperature.
needs to feed off regular sugar)
8. You can taste your kombucha to see if
2. Let your tea cool to room temperature.
it is done, it should be tart but still slightly
Hot tea will kill your SCOBY!
3. Once your tea is completely cool,
9. Pour off your kombucha into glass

prepare your large glass jar with the tea,

bottles with airtight lids and store in the
leaving about 20% room at the top. Pour in
refrigerator ready to drink.
previous starter liquid.
10. At this stage, it is best to prepare
4. With clean hands, gently place your
another batch so you can have a continuous
SCOBY into your tea mixture. It should stay
ferment going.
11. Flavor your kombucha with fresh fruit or
5. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and use
a favorite of ours is adding in some freshly
the rubber band to hold in place.
grated turmeric and ginger.

Gut Matters

Chicken Bone Broth


Ingredients Method
1 organic chicken carcass/bones 1. Place chicken, enough water to

A splash of apple cider vinegar cover chicken bones and apple cider
vinegar in a larger saucepan and bring
2 stalk celery, roughly chopped
to boil.
3 ¼ quarts (3L) filtered water
2. Add garlic, carrot, celery, parsley,
1 carrot, roughly chopped
onion, sea salt and cayenne pepper.
1 onion, roughly chopped
3. Simmer in the pot for 8-10 hours.
2 cloves garlic, peeled
Keep topping up water to prevent over-
½ bunch fresh parsley evaporation.
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
4. Strain and store cooled broth in
1 tsp sea salt airtight containers in the fridge.
For Slow Cooker

1. Add all ingredients to the slow cooker

and cover with filtered water.

2. Cook on low for 10-12 hours.

3. Strain and store cooled broth in

airtight containers in the fridge.

Glucosamine: Provides joint support, and collagen to support connective tissue.

Did you know?

Bone broth is rich in protein and
minerals to support a healthy immune
system. It contains glucosamine. The
gelatin from the bone broth works to
protect and heal the mucosal lining of
the digestive tract.

Gut Matters

Ginger &
Gut Tonic

1 knob ginger

1 knob turmeric

1 cup of freshly cut pineapple

A dash of black pepper

(necessary to help with the absorption of curcumin in turmeric)

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!

Turmeric & Ginger

IMPORTANT They are a great salve for an
A blender is required for this recipe.
inflamed compromised gut.

Glossary Curcumin: It is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric, a member of the ginger family

Gut Matters

*IMPORTANT: As with any supplements, start with a small dose and build slowly the recommended amount that is specified on the packaging.
Turkish Delight


1 tbsp slippery elm powder* 2 tsp cacao nibs

1 frozen banana (peeled) 1 cup coconut milk

1 cup frozen raspberries 1 spoon honey

A dash of rosewater essence

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!

Rosewater Essence

IMPORTANT This makes the smoothie
A blender is required for this recipe. taste like Chocolate
Turkish Delight

Did you know?
Slippery elm has a therapeutic action that
is very much as the name suggests - it
coats the lining of your stool and makes
it ‘slippery’, which can be an excellent
antidote to constipation.

Gut Matters

Papaya and Pineapple

“Granola” Parfait

1 slice fresh pineapple, chopped

¼ cup papaya (paw paw), chopped

1 lime juiced

2 tsp pepitas

2 tsp slivered almonds

2 tsp shredded coconut

¼ cup plain coconut yogurt

Optional: Mint leaves, to serve

1. Place pineapple and papaya into a serving bowl and

coat thoroughly with the lime juice.

2. In a shallow frypan, lightly toast the pepitas, almonds

and coconut until the pepitas are popping or the nuts are
lightly browned.

3. Using a tall glass or parfait glass, layer the fruit,

yogurt and ‘granola’ nut/coconut mix. Reserve a little of

Pineapple & Papaya
the granola to sprinkle on top. Are low in FODMAPS, which
is helpful for people with
4. Garnish with fresh mint if desired. Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Pineapple and papaya have been renowned for their
digestive enzymes. If you marinate meat with these
fruits, you’ll notice their tenderizing properties, which
is due to their strong enzyme action!

Gut Matters

Did you know?

Chia seeds are a wonderful
plant-based source of
omega-3s, which can
soothe inflammation in your
digestive tract. Furthermore,
Chia Flatbread
chia seeds are rich in protein
and fiber, as an added
benefit to your gut health.



4 eggs

½ cup chia seeds

½ cup coconut flour


1. Blend eggs, chia and coconut flour until a well-

combined batter is formed.

2. Heat a frypan to medium heat and coat with your

choice of oil, if needed (we recommend coconut oil).

3. Pour “pancake-sized” dollops of mixture into the

pan. These will form flatbreads and will not rise like
pancakes do.

4. Flip after a couple of minutes, or until the base is

starting to lightly brown.

5. Cook on the other side for another minute, or

until lightly browned

6. Serve with your choice of toppings.

Savory Toppings
Lightly sautéed
mushrooms, cherry
tomatoes and spinach
with a little garlic and
freshly torn basil, topped
with diced avocado.

Sweet Toppings
Berries, coconut yogurt, crushed
walnuts and a drizzle of maple syrup

Gut Matters

Mesquite Pancakes

Ingredients Method

2 very ripe bananas, peeled 1. Blend the bananas, eggs, mesquite powder

and nutmeg to form a creamy liquid.

4 organic/free range eggs
2. Heat a frypan to medium heat.
½ cup *mesquite powder
3. Add a little coconut oil (or your preferred oil
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
of choice) to coat the base of the frypan.
1 sweetener of choice
(we recommend honey or maple syrup) 4. Place approximately ⅓ cup of the pancake

batter to the frypan to form your pancake (it will

be quite thin). Wait until small bubbles appear
through the mixture, then flip to fry for another
one to two minutes on the reverse side.

5. Serve with a little sweetener of choice. You

*You can substitute mesquite can also top with coconut yogurt, fresh berries
powder with any gluten free flour. and nuts for a heartier meal!

Did you know?
Mesquite is a low GI, gluten-free
flour that is light and easy to digest.
Slightly sweet, it truly makes the
perfect flour to complement these
banana pancakes!

Main Meals
Gut Matters

Coconut Salmon

Ingredients Method

½ cup macadamia nuts 1. Preheat oven to 360°F (180°C).

1 cup shredded coconut 2. Combine macadamia nuts, shredded coconut

and a little salt and pepper in a food processor to form

1 egg
a rustic crumbing mixture.
2 salmon fillets, bones removed
3. Beat egg in a small shallow bowl. Dip salmon
1 lemon
fillets in egg mixture before coating thoroughly with
1 wedge of lemon the crumbing mixture.

1 cup of green salad leaves 4. Transfer crumbed fillets onto a lined or greased

baking tray. Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until salmon

Olive oil
is cooked to your preference.
Salt and pepper, to taste
5. Serve salmon with a side of green salad leaves,
drizzle with olive oil and wedge of lemon.

Did you know?
Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty
acids, to fight inflammation. Like all
seafood, salmon also contains zinc,
which tends to be less well absorbed
in people with digestive issues.

Gut Matters

Vietnamese Pho


1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp hoisin sauce

4 scallions, diced 1 pack of brown rice noodles

1 tbsp grated ginger 1 lime, juiced

2 cinnamon sticks A handful of bean sprouts

5 star anise seeds A handful of fresh basil

1 tsp cloves A handful of fresh mint

Did you know?
6 -8 cups chicken broth A handful of cilantro This light, traditional Vietnamese
dish is easy to digest, with flavor
30 0 G mixed mushrooms A bunch of bok choy and simple to make.


1. In a large pot, add ½ tbsp sesame oil 4. While the broth is being cooked and

and sauté scallions, ginger, cinnamon sticks, mushrooms being sautéed, cook the brown
star anise and cloves. rice noodles as per the packet.

2. Add broth and bring to a full boil, then 5. Divide the rice noodles between four

reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. large bowls, then fill each bowl with the
broth. To each bowl, add a few bok choy
3. While the broth is cooking, in a large
leaves, bean sprouts, mushroom mix, fresh
skillet over medium heat add ½ tbsp
basil, fresh cilantro, fresh mint and serve
sesame oil. Add the mushrooms and sauté
with a squeeze of fresh lime juice and an
for 4-5 minutes until softened. Stir in the
extra dash of hoisin if desired.
hoisin sauce and coat the mushrooms well.

Gut Matters

Quinoa Risotto

Ingredients Method
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or ghee 1. Melt 2 tbsp of ghee or olive oil in a medium
saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook,
1 medium onion, thinly diced
for 4–5 minutes or until softened.
2 cups quinoa
2. Add the apple cider vinegar and cook for 2
1L homemade broth
minutes or until reduced.
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
3. Add the quinoa and cook, stirring, for 1 minute.
1 tsp sea salt
4. Add the stock, 1 cup at a time, until absorbed, and
1 tsp black pepper cook, stirring frequently, for 25–30 minutes or until the

30 0 G Swiss brown mushrooms, quinoa is just cooked. Remove from the heat, season
thinly sliced with salt and pepper.

1 fennel, thinly sliced 5. Heat another tbsp of oil or ghee in a non-stick

frying pan over high heat.

2 cloves garlic, crushed

6. Add the mushroom, fennel, garlic, thyme, salt and

3 sprigs fresh thyme
pepper and cook, for 4–5 minutes or until golden.
1 lemon zest & juice
7. Add mushroom mixture to the risotto along with

lemon juice and zest, and stir to combine.

Did you know?
Quinoa is one of the highest-fiber
grains in the plant kingdom! Just 1 cup
of cooked quinoa contains almost one
fifth of an adult’s daily fiber needs.

Gut Matters


2 tbsp coconut oil 340G wild salmon fillets

1 small fennel, thinly sliced 2 cups coconut milk

1 large leek, thinly sliced 1 cup chicken or fish broth

Did you know?
It’s time to get more of
2 stalks celery, sliced 1 large bay leaf
those beautiful, nourishing

1 small celeriac, thinly diced 1 tsp sea salt and anti-inflammatory

omega-3 fats in once
2 large carrots, cubed A handful of fresh parsley more! As far as fish goes,
salmon is one of the richest
3 sprigs fresh thyme sources of omega-3’s

1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, 4. Add coconut milk, broth and bay leaf

melt coconut oil or ghee. and poach in liquid for 10-12 minutes.

2. Add fennel, leek, celery, celeriac and 5. Combine the sautéed vegetables with

carrots to the heated saucepan. Sauté and the salmon mix and flake the salmon into
sweat vegetables for 8-10 minutes. pieces, discarding the salmon skin.

3. In another frypan over medium heat, 6. Serve chowder in bowls, topped with

heat 2 tsp of coconut oil. Cook salmon, skin fresh parsley.

side down until crisp and brown, flip and
cook on the other side for 2 minutes.

Light Meals
Gut Matters

Creamy Potato Salad

with Coconut Dressing

Ingredients Method

2 white potatoes, washed with skin 1. Preheat oven to 360°F (180°C).

1 small sweet potato, washed with skin 2. Line or grease baking tray.

1 cup plain unsweetened coconut yogurt 3. Cut potatoes and sweet potato into small

1 juiced lemon cubes. Place onto baking tray and cook in

oven for 20 minutes, or until the potato is soft
1 tsp dried mustard seeds
and cooked but not burned.
1 garlic clove, minced
4. In a bowl whisk together the yogurt,
2 tsp honey or maple syrup lemon, mustard, garlic, honey/maple and a
½ bunch kale, finely shredded little salt and pepper.

5. Allow potato and sweet potatoes to cool.

6. Combine cooled potatoes, dressing and

shredded kale together just before serving.

Did you know?
Cooked and cooled potato is
very high in resistant starch and
experts believe that an increased
intake of it may help to protect
against bowel cancer.

Gut Matters

Green Papaya Salad


Ingredients Method
1 inch knob of ginger, finely grated 1. Using a julienne kitchen knife or specialized
spiralizer, create fine ‘noodles’ with the flesh of
1 green papaya (paw paw)
the papaya and carrot.
½ bunch cilantro
2. Whisk together lime juice, coconut sugar,
2 tsp sesame oil (optional)
fish sauce, fresh ginger and sesame oil.
2 tsp coconut sugar
3. Marinate noodles in this sauce for at least
1 tbsp fish sauce 30 minutes before serving (but not too long as it will

3 limes, juiced go soggy).

1 carrot 4. Toss through cilantro just before serving.

Eat with tofu, fish or chicken to make a complete

Optional: Freshly cooked tofu, fish or chicken,
drizzled with a little gluten free tamari, chili flakes meal, topping with chili and crushed peanuts.
and crushed peanuts.

Did you know?
Green papaya is rich in enzymes
that support digestive. The extra
kick of ginger in this salad also
aids digestion and is famed for its
anti-inflammatory qualities.

Gut Matters

Miso Soup

A handful of dried organic shiitake mushrooms.

½ sheet dried nori, cut into thin strips

1 tsp freshly grated ginger

1 tbsp white miso paste

(this is milder than dark miso)

½ clove garlic (grated)

1. Bring a kettle of filtered water to the boil.

2. Place miso, ginger and garlic in a large ‘soup’

mug. Fill the mug halfway with hot water and stir the
mixture until the miso has dissolved.

3. Add nori and mushrooms into the brew and top

with hot water until the mug is completely filled. It has a strong, salty taste that
isn’t for everyone and being a
4. Allow to steep for 10 minutes so that the
soy-based product, do ensure
mushrooms can soften. Then enjoy! you purchase an organic brand

Once you know how to use
miso, it is very versatile and
can even replace the use of
stock powder in many recipes.

Gut Matters

Tempeh Satay
Sticks with Rice
Paper Rolls

Satay Sauce Rice Paper Rolls

½ cup pure peanut butter 2 0 0 G organic tempeh, cut into strips

½ cup coconut milk 6 rice paper rolls sheets

2 tsp curry powder 1 carrot, grated

2 tsp coconut sugar ½ red pepper (capsicum) finely cut

1 cup English spinach leaves

Tempeh is a little fickle to cook with - it can be very bland and unpleasant if prepared
incorrectly. However, with a delicious recipe and simple steps to follow here, you really
can’t go wrong… Bring on the tempeh love affair!

This is how it should look!

1. In a shallow frypan, fry tempeh in a little 4. Being very careful with the hot water,

oil until browned and a little crispy. Remove use tongs to dip rice paper roll sheets into
from heat and set aside. the hot water (approximately 5 seconds)

2. Add peanut butter, coconut milk, until softened but not dissolving.

curry powder and coconut sugar into a 5. Spread softened rice paper roll sheet

small saucepan over medium heat. Stir on a flat surface. Starting at one side,
constantly until mixture is well-combined heap your tempeh, carrot, red pepper
and thickened to form a satay sauce. and spinach. Then roll to form a ‘spring
Remove from heat and set aside. roll’ configuration. Repeat with remaining

3. Bring a large kettle of water to boil. wraps.

Pour hot water into a large heat proof bowl. 6. Serve with satay dipping sauce.

Snacks & Sides
Gut Matters

Pepita Pesto


1 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

1 bunch basil

2 cloves garlic

2 lemons juiced

⅔ cup cold-pressed olive oil


1. Heat a frypan to medium heat. Place pepitas into

frypan and stir periodically for at least five minutes,

or until the pepitas start to brown and ‘pop’.

2. Place all ingredients into a blender and blitz to

form a rustic paste. It’s that easy!

Did you know?
For people with IBS or fructose
malabsorption issues, it can be
difficult to get enough zinc in your
daily diet. Pepitas are one of the
highest vegan sources of zinc!

Gut Matters



2 medium cabbages, red or green, or one of each

(approx. 2.5 - 3 pounds)

3 tbsps unrefined sea salt

1 tbsp caraway seeds

1 tbsp mustard seeds

Did you know?

Sauerkraut was said to have originated in China over 2,000 years
ago and later brought over to Europe. It could perhaps be one of the
most vital things you could add to your diet. To nourish your gut, is
to nourish your body. Sauerkraut works wonders for your digestion,
producing amazing amounts of probiotics. The fermentation also
produces isothiocyanates, compounds shown to prevent disease.
The cabbage itself contains similar anti-carcinogenic phytochemicals
as broccoli and brussels sprouts, and is also a good source of vitamin
C, K, and folate.


1. Remove cores from cabbages and 4. Once the cabbage is completely

thinly slice using a food processor or good submerged by the brine, cover with a lid or
knife. Place in a large bowl and add the salt, tea towel and leave at room temperature in
caraway and mustard seeds. a dark corner of your kitchen, for 1 - 3 weeks
(less time in summer, longer in winter).
2. Mix with your hands, squeezing firmly

and pushing down the cabbage with your 5. It’s ready when it tastes sour and tangy

fist to encourage the salt to draw the natural and the cabbage has become soft. Skim off
water out. Continue to do this for the next 15 any white scum that appears on the surface.
minutes or so. You want to extract enough of This is a harmless natural ‘kahm’ yeast and
the cabbages’ juices so that they will cover nothing to worry about .
the cabbage when it goes in the jar or pot.
6. Once sufficiently fermented, seal and

3. Transfer the cabbage to the jar, also store in the refrigerator. It will last 12 months
pour in all the liquid. You want the cabbage unopened, and 2 months once opened.
to be submerged in its juices.

Gut Matters



1 liter filtered water 1 tsp cilantro seeds

½ green cabbage 2 tbsp freshly grated ginger

3 small radishes 1 tsp cumin seeds

2 tbsp sea salt 1 clove garlic

1 carrot


1. Create brine by mixing water and salt.

2. Coarsely chop or grate the cabbage, radishes, carrot.

Soak veggies in the brine overnight, fully submerged.

3. The next day, drain the veggies. If they taste too salty,

give a brief rinse with cold water.

4. Mix veggies with garlic, ginger, cumin and cilantro seeds.

5. Pack veggies into sterilized glass jars and press down

firmly until the brine lifts up. Place lid on jar.

6. Ferment the jar in your kitchen or any other warm area.

After roughly one week, taste the kimchi to see if it’s ‘ripe’. If
so, replace the lid and store in the fridge - it’s ready to eat!

Why not spicy?
Sorry chili-lovers but if you have a sensitive digestive system,
chili might not love you as much as you love eating it! Chili has
a stimulatory effect on the bowels, so it’s best to minimize your
intake if you take a few more trips to the bathroom than you’d
like. This lovely version of kimchi has so many wonderful flavors
without the chili that you won’t even feel like you’re missing out!

Gut Matters

Cacao Mousse

Looking for
Ingredients a Guilt-free
2 cups coconut milk Chocolate Fix?
Try the Food Matters
¼ cup raw cacao powder
Superfood Chocolate
¼ cup high-quality gelatin blend.

1 tsp vanilla extract
Enjoy a 10% discount using
“BSG-Choc” in your next
WARNING: Tastes too good to be healthy.
order online.
1. Heat the coconut milk on medium-low
in a heavy-bottomed pot. STORE.FOODMATTERS.COM

2. Add the raw cacao and whisk until well


3. Once combined, whisk in the gelatin by

slowly, pouring in gently as you whisk.

4. Whisk in the vanilla extract.

5. Pour into your desired glasses or cups

and chill for at least 2 hours or until set.

A chocolate dessert that’s actually good for you!

Gelatin can offer wonderfully
soothing, restorative properties to
‘heal and seal’ your gut. It is be-
lieved to help repair the mucosal
lining of the digestive tract and
many people swear by it!

Gut Matters

Cookie Clusters


1 cup puffed quinoa or brown rice ¼ cup coconut butter or oil

2 tbsp flaxseed 3 tbsp pure maple syrup

3 tbsp chia seeds ½ tsp ginger powder

1 cup shredded coconut ½ tsp cardamom powder

¼ cup crushed nuts 1 lemon, zested

¼ cup nut butter 1 tsp vanilla essence or vanilla

bean paste


1. Mix together all dry ingredients.

2. Add in wet ingredients and mix well to combine.

3. Spoon small spoonfuls into your hand and roll into balls and gently flatten.

4. Place on a lined tray and place into the freezer to set for 20 minutes.

Did you know?

Most people aren’t getting enough fiber in their diets and these little cookies could very well take
care of that! Packed with high-fiber grain, nuts and seeds, this is one oh-so-tasty way to get in a
big dose of your daily roughage.

Gut Matters

Chia Lime Jelly


1 lime, zested and juiced ¼ tsp bean paste vanilla

1 cup coconut milk ½ cup chopped nuts

¼ cup chia seeds ¼ cup coconut yogurt


1. In medium bowl, mix together lime zest, lime juice,

coconut milk, chia seeds and vanilla. Mix well.

2. Pour chia seed mixture into two jars or glasses and

place in the fridge to set for 30 minutes.

3. Serve in the jar or glass topped with chopped nuts,

coconut yogurt, shredded coconut and a fresh squeeze
of lime.

There’s something that literally feels
so soothing about eating a cooled,
refreshing, silky chia jelly. Filled
with healthy anti-inflammatory fats,
quality protein and good fiber, your
belly will be as happy as your taste
buds after eating this!

Gut Matters

Strawberry & Coconut

Layered Gummies

Strawberry Layer Method

¾ cup lemon juice 1. Place lemon juice and strawberries in a

blender and blend on high until completely mixed.
1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries
Pour into a saucepan.

¼ cup high-quality gelatin 2. Add gelatin and whisk together.

3. Pour into a lined slice tin or small baking dish.

Coconut Layer 4. Set in the refrigerator for 1 hour to firm up.

1 cup coconut milk 5. In a small saucepan add coconut milk, vanilla

extract, maple syrup and the rest of the gelatin,
½ tsp vanilla extract and whisk together.

1 tbsp pure maple syrup 6. Pour over strawberry layer and refrigerate for
1 hour to set.
¼ cup high-quality gelatin
7. Cut into bite-size squares.

Who would have thought that a
‘gummie’ could be healthy?! This
version is filled with good quality,
gut-healing gelatin, high-antioxidant
berry and flavored with a silky-smooth
coconut cream layer. This recipe is a
delicious fusion of classic flavors.

Gut Matters

Strawberry & Lemon

Gummy Hearts


1 lemon zested and juiced

1 cup strawberries or raspberries

¼ cup high-quality gelatin

1. Place lemon juice and raspberries in a blender and blend
on high until completely mixed. Pour into a saucepan.

2. Add gelatin and whisk together to combine well.

3. Pour into silicone molds.

4. Set in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to firm up.

5. Remove gummies from their molds and store in the fridge.

These fun gummies are a lighter
twist on the strawberries and cream
version! Slightly sweet, slightly tart
and naturally bright, this is a great al-
ternative to lollies for the young ones,
or a delightful treat if you’re slowly
craving something sweet.

ACV or apple cider vinegar has been touted
for many health benefits. No wholefoods
kitchen is truly complete without it!
Gut Matters

Tummy Calm Tea

1 tbsp honey 1 lemon, juiced

1 cinnamon quill 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 inch piece of ginger 2 cups filtered water

1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, or in a teapot,
add filtered water, lemon juice, ginger, cinnamon quill and
a tablespoon of honey.

2. Bring to a gentle boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and add apple cider vinegar.

Did you know?

Organic brands that are naturally fermented ‘with the mother’ offers a wide
range of health-promoting benefits and culinary uses. It is naturally alkalizing,
offers a lovely tart flavor that ‘cuts through’ heavier textures and assists in
drawing out the wonderful, beautifying, skin-healing and gut-sealing collagen
from bones when you are preparing bone broth.

Morning Digestive Drink
Wake up your digestive system in the morning with this combination!
It’s the perfect way to get the metabolism fired up and get things moving.

1 tsp apple cider vinegar, juice of ½ a lemon and ½ cup filtered water

Mix ingredients together and sip.

Zesty Berries
Zesty berries soaked in a little apple cider vinegar, paired with
probiotic-rich yogurt makes the perfect tummy-friendly snack!

1 cup berries, 2 tsp apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp slivered almonds
and ½ cup coconut yogurt

First soak berries in apple cider vinegar for 2 minutes. Then
layered with almonds and coconut yogurt.

ACV Vinaigrette
A lovely light dressing that is versatile in salads.

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, juice of 1 lemon and 2
tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Mix ingredients together and drizzle over salad.
Gut Matters

of Helpful Terms

ACV: Type of vinegar made from cider Eczema: A medical condition in which
or apple and has a medium amber color. patches of skin become rough and
inflamed with blisters which cause itching
Aloe Juice/Gel: Reduces inflammation, and bleeding.
increase in enzymes which support
digestion, natural laxative. Enteric Nervous System: The enteric
nervous system (ENS) is one of the
Bone Broth: Time-honored traditional main divisions of the nervous system
broth, releases healing compounds into and consists of a mesh-like system of
a drinkable tonic, reducing inflammation, neurons that govern the function of the
healing the lining of the digestive tract, gastrointestinal system.
contains amino acids, collagen and
gelatin. Increases integrity and health of FODMAPS is an acronym referring
mucosal lining. to Fermentable Oligosaccharides,
Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and
Copper: Repairs damage done to tissues Polyols.
which line digestive tract, is involved in
enzyme reactions and maintains strong Glucosamine: Is an amino sugar and a
connective tissues. Found in organ prominent precursor in the biochemical
meats, mushrooms, cashews and more. synthesis of proteins and lipids.

Disaccharides: A sugar composed of Gelatin: Is a translucent, colorless, brittle,

two monosaccharides. flavorless food derived from collagen
from various raw materials.

Hyperpermeability: Higher than normal health benefits.
permeability of the gut or a blood vessel.
Digestive Tract: The digestive tract
Immune Reactions: Is a set of non includes all structures between the
desirable reactions produced by the mouth and the anus, forming a continuous
immune system, including allergies and passageway that includes the main
autoimmunity. organs of digestion.

Intestinal Permeability: A term L-Glutamine: is an essential amino acid

describing the control of material passing and is the most abundant amino acid in
from inside the gastrointestinal tract the bloodstream and it makes up 30-35
through the cells lining the gut wall and percent of the amino acid nitrogen in your
into the rest of the body. blood.

Kefir: A fermented milk drink made Microflora: Refers to the collective

with kefir “grains” (a yeast/bacterial bacteria and other microorganisms in
fermentation starter). It is prepared by yogurt.
inoculating cow, goat, or sheep milk with
kefir grains. Microbiome: Is the ecological community
of commensal, symbiotic and pathogenic
Kombucha: A variety of fermented, lightly microorganisms that share our body
effervescent sweetened black or green space.
tea drinks that are commonly intended as
functional beverages for their supposed Mucosal Lining: Is the moist layer that

Gut Matters

aids in the absorption and secretion of Sauerkraut: Is finely cut cabbage that
substances in the body. has been fermented by various lactic acid
bacteria for days.
Pathogenic Bacteria: Are bacteria that can
cause infection. Each species has specific Slippery Elm: Contains mucilage that
effects and causes symptoms in people. helps nerve endings in the digestive tract
to produce protective mucous, lines the
Probiotics: Are live bacteria and yeasts that stomach, reduces ulcers and is anti-
are good for your health, especially your inflammatory.
digestive system.
SCOBY: Is a mix of cultures of bacteria
Resistant Starch: Is a type of dietary fiber and yeast present during production of
naturally found in many carbohydrate-rich kombucha and water kefir among others.
foods such as potatoes, particularly when
these foods are cooled. Vitamin C: Supports immunity, it is an
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, maintains
Third Chakra: Located around the navel connective tissues, found in berries, citrus
in the area of the solar plexus and up to fruits, leafy greens, guava.
the breastbone, it is a source of personal
power and governs self-esteem, warrior Zinc: Helps stabilize the gut mucosa and to
energy, and the power of transformation. stimulate healing and repair in the GI tract. It
The third chakra also controls metabolism can be especially helpful for individuals with
and digestion. “leaky gut syndrome”.

Thanks to You…
Gut Matters would not have been possible without your amazing
support! Food Matters exists to support you on your journey to
become the best version of yourself; to thrive and inspire your
family and your community.

Thanks to all the experts and contributors who have provided us

with amazing information and inspiration.... We love you all!

This book has also been contributed to with tireless love and
dedication from the following Food Matters team members from
articles, to recipe ideas, photos, copy, and design: Kali Gray,
Rachel Morrow, Matias Rodriguez, Tess Lewis, Ashleigh Jensen,
Luke Crocker, and Rikki Lancaster.

To all of you… thank you!

Gut Matters


The contents of this book are for information only and are intended to assist readers in identifying
symptoms and conditions they may be experiencing. This book is not intended to be a substitute for
obtaining proper medical advice and must not be relied upon in this way. Always consult a qualified
doctor or medical practitioner. The authors do not accept responsibility for illness arising out of the
failure to seek medical advice from a doctor. In the event that you use any of the information in this
book for yourself, or your family or friends, the authors assume no responsibility for your actions.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or
electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval
system, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for “fair use” as
brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without the prior written permission of the author.

The moral rights of the authors have been asserted.

Gut Matters

Your essential guide to healing your gut naturally

and restoring the digestive system.

Does your gut health really matter?

In one simple word: “yes”, your gut matters. The health of your gut is
extremely important to your overall well-being. It’s often the root cause
of many health issues, including mental and physical health, and goes
so much deeper than just how well you are digesting your food. Your gut
is largely responsible for critical bodily functions such as the digestive
and immune system, your body’s absorbency of vitamins and minerals,
hormone regulations, ability to eliminate toxins, and even your overall
mental health.

So whether you’ve been suffering from obvious symptoms like IBS,

bloating, reflux, or less obvious ones such as a lack of energy, headaches,
joint pain or a weakened immune system, it might be time to do a health
check on your gut and get it thriving again.

From key information about how your gut works and why it matters, to
action steps and recipes you can start adding to your daily life; this book
is going to help guide you to having a healthy and thriving gut, naturally.
It’s a lot easier than you might think.


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