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Artificial Neural Networks Based Optimization Techniques: A Review

Article  in  Electronics · November 2021

DOI: 10.3390/electronics10212689


73 1,598

9 authors, including:

Maher G.M. Abdolrasol Taha Selim Ustun

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology


Mahidur Sarker
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Artificial Neural Networks Based Optimization Techniques:

A Review
Maher G. M. Abdolrasol 1,*, S. M. Suhail Hussain 2, Taha Selim Ustun 2,*, Mahidur R. Sarker 3,
Mahammad A. Hannan 4, Ramizi Mohamed 1, Jamal Abd Ali 5, Saad Mekhilef 6 and Abdalrhman Milad 7

1 Department of Electric, Electronics and System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Malaysia; ramizi@ukm.edu.my
2 Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science

and Technology (AIST), Koriyama 963-0298, Japan; s.suhail.md@gmail.com

3 Institute of IR 4.0, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia UKM, Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia;

4 Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang 43000, Selangor, Malaysia;

5 General Company of Electricity Production Middle Region, Ministry of Electricity, Baghdad 10001, Iraq;

6 School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology,

Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia; smekhilef@swin.edu.au

7 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering and Architecture,

University of Nizwa, Birkat-al-Mouz, Nizwa 616, Oman; a.milad@unizwa.edu.om

* Correspondence: maher.abdolrasol@gmail.com (M.G.M.A.); selim.ustun@aist.go.jp (T.S.U.)
Citation: Abdolrasol, M.G.M.;
Hussain, S.M.S.; Ustun, T.S.; Sarker, Abstract: In the last few years, intensive research has been done to enhance artificial intelligence
M.R.; Hannan, M.A.; Mohamed, R.; (AI) using optimization techniques. In this paper, we present an extensive review of artificial neural
Ali, J.A.; Mekhilef, S.; Milad, A. networks (ANNs) based optimization algorithm techniques with some of the famous optimization
Artificial Neural Networks Based techniques, e.g., genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony
Optimization Techniques: A Review. (ABC), and backtracking search algorithm (BSA) and some modern developed techniques, e.g., the
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689. lightning search algorithm (LSA) and whale optimization algorithm (WOA), and many more. The
entire set of such techniques is classified as algorithms based on a population where the initial pop-
ulation is randomly created. Input parameters are initialized within the specified range, and they
can provide optimal solutions. This paper emphasizes enhancing the neural network via optimiza-
Academic Editors:
tion algorithms by manipulating its tuned parameters or training parameters to obtain the best
Ahmad Taher Azar and
Amir Mosavi
structure network pattern to dissolve the problems in the best way. This paper includes some results
for improving the ANN performance by PSO, GA, ABC, and BSA optimization techniques, respec-
Received: 24 August 2021 tively, to search for optimal parameters, e.g., the number of neurons in the hidden layers and learn-
Accepted: 29 October 2021 ing rate. The obtained neural net is used for solving energy management problems in the virtual
Published: 3 November 2021 power plant system.

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- Keywords: artificial neural networks; optimization algorithms; machine learning;
tral with regard to jurisdictional ANN enhancement; PSO; BSA; ABC; GA
claims in published maps and institu-
tional affiliations.

1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
Artificial intelligence (AI) helps computers or inanimate objects based on computers
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. to think or act as humans do. AI research focuses on how the human brain thinks, learns,
This article is an open access article decides, and works to solve problems. AI is a vast field that aims to create intelligent ma-
distributed under the terms and con- chines [1]. Machine learning (ML) is a branch of AI that recognizes and learns different
ditions of the Creative Commons At- data set patterns [2]. As a definition, ML is an AI application that allows systems to learn
tribution (CC BY) license (http://crea- automatically and improve by the experience and is devoid of being programmed implic-
tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). itly [3,4]. The common algorithms used in the ML are neural networks, support vector

Electronics 2021, 10, 2689. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10212689 www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics

Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 2 of 44

machines, decision trees, random forest, logistic regression, and many more. Also, some
others are subsections of the neural network, such as generative adversarial network
(GAN) by Goodfellow in [5,6]. The deep learning (DL) approach utilizes a hierarchy of
concepts in a field that assists a computer in building knowledge from experience [7]. This
approach has found its use especially in visual object or speech recognition as well as
genomics and medicines [8,9]. The neural networks are a family of deep learning (DL) and
ML methods based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) with multi-hiding layers [10–14].
Neural networks are applied in many different implementations with slight variations in
their structures, such as recurrent neural networks (RNN), Artificial neural network
(ANN), and convolutional neural networks (CNN) [15,16]. Due to their feature engineer-
ing and decision boundaries, the novel neural network approaches are preferred over ma-
chined learning in some fields like self-driving vehicles, unmanned drones, and complex
deep learning problems [17]. The decision boundary is used to classify any data point as
one of the two classes, positive or negative. For this reason, if the data is not separable for
any reason, the neural networks in deep learning will not be a good choice [18,19].
Artificial neural networks are computational algorithms that are utilized to model
data. Their design is based on the biological nervous system, hence the name [20,21]. An
ANNs contain a set of processing elements called neurons that are interrelated compo-
nents. These neuron structures act as a harmonious rhythm to solve certain complex prob-
lems. ANN can be used in scenarios when it is difficult to extract trends or detect patterns.
ANNs have recently gained popularity after almost 50 years of existence. Through their
rapid increases and importance, the underlying logic behind ANNs has existed; however,
due to the pervasive and ubiquitous adoption of powerful computational tools in our con-
temporary society, ANNs have had a sort of renaissance, much to the benefit of experts,
engineers, and consumers.
The current cutting-edge in deep-learning and ANNs focuses highly on their ability
to model and interpret complex data and their ability to scale due through optimization
and parallelization [22]. The current framework for designing ANNs is widely available,
with a myriad of tools facilitating their development. Python, C++, Google’s Tensorflow,
Theano, Matlab, and Spark contain a robust set of mathematical operations that necessi-
tate ANNs. Due to the algorithm behind ANNs, the models are inherently liable for ex-
tracting meaning from imprecise or intricate problems. Speaking reductively, ANNs are
data modeling tools that are trained on a given dataset.
Optimization problems often require good optimization methods to minimize or
maximize objective functions. These functions can often not solve problems accurately,
for example, when they are not linear or polynomial and must be approximated. Full or
partial derivatives are used in some algorithms to linearize these functions at specific
points [23], whereas evolutionary algorithms (EA) may be employed for approximation.
The objective function approximation in optimization problems makes it possible to apply
other artificial intelligent techniques through a non-linear regression to resolve an optimi-
zation problem. The objective function’s derivate should be polynomial to calculate the
optimization problem’s solution. Algorithms are normally used to optimize, e.g., weights,
optimize network architecture, optimize learning rules, neurons, activation function, and
bias. Another way to optimize and enhance the ANN is by using an optimizer to replace
the neural network’s original algorithms with optimization algorithms, replacing the
backpropagation with any optimization techniques to solve certain associated issues.
However, using an optimization algorithm in place of back-propagation, like using the
Liebenberg Marquardt neural network with any optimization techniques for fast or accu-
rate achievement in the neural network training. This research review highlights improv-
ing the neural network by optimizing algorithms by handling neural network parameters
or training parameters to find the finest structure network pattern to solve the problems
with high accuracy and faster. This review included testing results for improving the
ANN performance using four optimization algorithms to search for ANN’s optimal pa-
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 3 of 44

rameters, such as the number of neurons in the hidden layers and learning rate. The ob-
tained neural net is used for solving energy management problems in the virtual power
plant system.
Supporting AI, ML, DL with optimization techniques has gained importance in the
last few years. There is a lot of ongoing research using optimization to enhance or boost
performance by finding the optimal parameters values to help architecture design. In [24],
a fuzzy logic controller design improvement for PV Inverters utilizes differential search
optimization to find the optimal membership function patterns, which improve the fuzzy
controller to a higher level of accuracy. In [25] the ML, this approach optimizes the Sup-
port Vector Machine model parameters and simultaneously locates the best features sub-
set. Allowing the optimization technique to do the job is the smartest way to improve
almost any AI or ML performance [26]. It is essential to process pre-setting to guarantee
optimal results for almost any application. In the DL and particularly deep neural net-
works (DNNs) and ANN, the more hidden layers, number of neurons, and complex acti-
vation functions, the better the outcomes but will cost more time and more complexity of
the network [27,28]. So, to use the optimum numbers of parameters by trial and error is a
time-consuming and impossible way to follow. From another point of view, the ANN
with human estimation parameters setup could bring outcomes, but how to confirm this
is the best outcome of the ANN? For these reasons, the optimization algorithm can solve
these issues, and this review delivers a detailed analysis of various examples of ANN-
based optimization techniques. For instance, In [29–31], optimization techniques optimize
ANN parameters to solve different electricity and communications fields by finding opti-
mal parameters for the optimum ANN structure.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the materials and
methods used. Section 3 addresses the challenges and motivations for ANN-based opti-
mization, while Section 4 presents a review of optimization algorithms, Section 5 ad-
dresses neural network structure types. Section 6 is the complete overview of neural net-
works enhanced by optimization algorithms, Section 7 is an application on artificial neural
network-based optimization algorithms, Section 8 covers artificial neural network training-
based optimized parameters and finally, Section 9 presents the conclusions and future work.

2. Materials and Methods

A literature survey for material contents was done to present, identify, analysis, clas-
sify and review the distinguished ANN-based optimization techniques for various appli-
cations and controller enhancement. In this comprehensive review, the survey has gone
through voluminous publisher databases. For example, IEEE Xplore library, Web of Sci-
ence, Elsevier Scopus, and MDPI open access for putting into practice the search queries
to ensure all selected articles meet the essential quality measures, novelty, originality, high
impact, and high h-index. Following the guidelines [32–34], to present an in-depth review
and understanding of utilized various keywords to find significant journals within the
scope of the research, including multiple types of neural networks, such as ANN, RNN,
CNN, GNN, and many more and different kinds of optimization techniques such as PSO,
EA, CSA, and many more. In this section, the enhancement of the architecture of the neu-
ral network is further evaluated. Different neural network structures are presented, se-
lecting and validating the superiority of using various optimization techniques to search
for optimal ANN parameters and comparing the performance [35] to designate the best
parameters results in the comparative performance output of the ANN controllers.
Most of the included articles were about the focus of this research review, that is how
to boost the performance of neural networks using optimization algorithms by modifying
the neural network structure. The screening stage comprises three stages. Firstly, match-
ing articles were excluded, bringing in about 433 best articles which were examined in the
next step, where the significant papers were reviewed by looking at their title, keywords
and abstract. This step resulted in 306 documents for additional investigation. The third
stage is the eligibility step, in which the full texts of papers were studied, in which 219
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 4 of 44

were counted as eligible for review of references. In this review, only the meaningful and
suitable literature has been considered by evaluating the article’s relevant content and the
critical topic of attention of the review. Accordingly, the related papers were designated
based on the number of citations and research interest. This review methodology process
comprises several stages, and the Prisma guidelines according to [36,37] were followed.
Figure 1 shows how the methodology for utilizing optimization to find optimal parame-
ters of neural networks. A schematic diagram of the review section process, evaluation,
and quality control of the database using the Prisma guidelines is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 1. Methodology of utilizing optimization to find optimal parameters of neural networks.

394 Articles were 35 Articles were identified

Identifications identified during cross refereeing

Initial Argumentation
Screening and , screening &
evaluation of assessment of
433 articles all articles

127 articles
excluded after
reading title
and abstract

306 articles accessed in full-

Eligibility 77 articles were excluded

219 Articles were involved in

Inclusion review analysis

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the literature selection, evaluation and quality control process of the
database using the Prisma guidelines.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 5 of 44

3. Challenges and Motivations for ANN-Based Optimization

Neural networks can study large volumes of data with complex features and extract
different patterns in a relevantly short amount of time. Therefore, they are useful for many
industrial applications, such as predicting certain behaviors, detecting anomalies or errors
in data, detecting certain images, sounds or pictures. They could use self-learning to pro-
duce the best output, with unlimited provided inputs [36]. The neural networks modeling
approach is very flexible and quick to solve problems, and it does not rely on physics-
founded algorithms to build models. They are easy to modify and deal with based on
operator experiences and merge with the ANN structure model. Neural networks are
good for solving complex non-linear relationships as their inputs are saved in their par-
ticular networks as an alternative to a database line. For that reason, the loss of data will
not disturb the NN operation process. The following points list the main motivations as-
sociated with the use of ANNs:
 Ability to accept unlimited inputs and outputs; this unique advantage makes ANNs
more important and popular than other AI methods, making them suitable for small
or huge dataset analysis.
 Skills to learn and model non-linear and complex relationships, the ANNs can handle
various real-life applications in different fields that are complicated and non-linear;
this is a very significant advantage.
 Skills of training without complete information and the data may produce output,
and the performance depends on the importance of the missing data.
 Distinct from the other deep learning prediction techniques, ANNs do not need any en-
forcement restrictions on the input variables, such as how the data need to be distributed.
 Skills to create ML: ANNs can learn events and sort wise decisions via commenting
to reach similar events better.
 Multi-processing capability, the ANNs can assure numerical efficiency with their
power of performing several duties simultaneously.
 Ability to tolerate faults, whereby ANNs can produce output results even if some
cells are corrupted, and this advantage allows ANNs to tolerate faults.
 Ability to generalize; as soon as the ANNs learn from the initial input relations, they
can conjecture unknown relationships in anonymous data, thus making the model
generalized and allowing it to predict unknown data.
 In using distributed memory during the ANN learning, an essential process is ad-
justing samples and indoctrinating the network according to the desired output by
viewing these samples to the network. This process allows the network to achieve
and select the instance straight proportionally and by failing to show the event to the
network in its full features, and the network may yield false outputs.
However, artificial neural networks, although considered one of the best general al-
gorithms solving problems, they are very much a stochastic problem, where model
weights are used and every iteration is reorganized with the backpropagation of the error
algorithm signal. ANNs’ performance is good, yet several disadvantages and challenges
face the ANN to assure the proper network structure, duration, best tuning parameters,
trial and error, and more explanations that must rely on an expert user. The next points
express the main challenges for ANNs as follows:
• Mysterious network behavior, After the ANN produces an analytical result, it is un-
explained why or how selecting these outputs and rejecting the others may make it
untrusted in the network.
• Appropriate network architecture design. ANNs have no exact law to determine the
best structure design or a proper network structure must be achieved by experience
and trial and error.
• Obscure duration time for the network; the optimum results may be produced dur-
ing the training phase as expected because the network minimizes to a certain level
the error on the sample to allow the training completion.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 6 of 44

• Depending on the hardware, ANNs need powerful dual processors and ANN struc-
tures. This drawback is called the realization that the whole approach is equipment-
• Gradual corruption slows down the process over time and it suffers relative degra-
dation, and the network problems do not immediately degrade directly.
• Difficulty recognizing network problems if they exist since ANNs are based on nu-
merical data that explain the difficulties in numerical values before being introduced
to the ANNs. This could depend on the researcher’s ability to display the mechanism
and influence the network’s performance.
Artificial neural network applications that have increased dramatically in the world
in the middle of the last century are developing very fast. At present, besides the computer
capabilities, the advantages of ANNs have been examined, and the problems users have
encountered. However, it is very important not to neglect the ANN network’s disad-
vantages, which are a developing science branch, and should excluded one after another,
and the advantages of the ANNs are growing progressively. That is, the avenue of using
ANNs will be an increasingly important indispensable part of our lives. The enhancement
of ANNs by using optimization methods could eliminate some of their disadvantages in
picking the best network structure using the proper optimization techniques. The chal-
lenge is finding a system coding that enables appropriate tuning of neural structures in
professional networks, including the best number of neurons, hidden layers, weights,
bias, and self-shaping architecture and multi-stage objective functions.
It is very important to select and adjust the best suitable neural network parameters
for any given application, as there are many possibilities. However, not every neural net-
work can could act perfectly in all applications. Some types are more practical in particular
applications; for example, CNN is good for images and videos, while RNN is good for
text and classification problems, so the networks need to be studied and adjusted, and the
problems need to be compared and contrasted. Somehow, to enhance the neural networks
with optimization it is important to select the neural network parameter optimizer to ob-
tain the best outputs.
Like other AI algorithms, neural networks can deal with non-linear and complicated
problems with a high volume of data. The superiority of neural networks over other dif-
ferent AI algorithms lies in that they are very effective for many inputs and outputs. While
it is true that fuzzy or adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) techniques have
drawbacks, they can accept many inputs, although they are limited in the number of out-
puts they can support. Neural networks do not have this limitation which makes them
work better for classification and regression studies.

4. Review of Optimization Algorithms

An optimization algorithm is an essential tool for selecting the best solution from a
set of all possible solutions for analyzing, classifying, or improving existing systems or
data. Above all optimization problems get at least one objective function or more objective
functions. However, the target is to determine the optimal key that fulfills the comple-
mentarity conditions. Optimization problems are found in numerous scientific areas, such
as medicine, engineering, business, and many more. Optimization algorithms are classi-
fied into various types: deterministic optimization and global optimization [23,37], con-
tinuous optimization [21,38], multi-objective optimization [39–41], etc. Overall, each opti-
mization method is designed to serve specific targets. For instance, the local algorithms
solve some optimization problems, such as discrete variables or integers, whereas it is
easy for global algorithms. The global optimization algorithms can be categorized as ei-
ther evolutionary algorithms or deterministic algorithms.
There are hundreds of common optimization techniques for many relevant scientific
code archives. The challenge is knowing the best techniques to suit a particular optimiza-
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 7 of 44

tion problem because some techniques use derivatives while others do not. The conven-
tional methods normally use first order derivatives, and others use the second derivative
for their objective function. The search type is either direct or stochastic search for targeted
objective functions that result in its function’s maximum or minimum output.
Normally, the most popular kinds of optimization problem facing neural networks
involve continuous function optimization. Their input pretext for their function estimates
numeric values for either the input function or the output function. However, the more
available information for the target function, the more accurate the achieved optimization
will be. In contrast, the differentiable function can determine any sample in the input
search. Optimization algorithms are, in general, categorized into two groups: determinis-
tic and heuristic algorithms. Deterministic techniques exploit their analytical capabilities,
while in contrast, heuristic techniques are more flexible and efficient than deterministic
techniques through fast-to-obtained solutions, decreasing the number of global solutions.
Global optimization algorithms are used to find the global minimum or maximum in com-
plex problems. This is harder than local optimization with bound constraints and does not
require derivatives. Both the local and global optimizations are a matching set in solving lin-
ear, non-linear, quadratic, and least squares constrained or unconstrained, dense or sparse,
forward or reverse communication, continuous, mixed-integer, integer problems [42]. The op-
timization techniques are classified according to the underlying principle of a biological
and physical-based algorithm. The first category is a biology-based algorithm such as ge-
netic algorithm (GA), harmony search algorithm (HSA), particle swarm optimization
(PSO), bacteria foraging optimization (BFO), cuckoo search algorithm (CSA), bee colony
algorithm (BCA), ant colony optimization (ACO), firefly algorithm (FA) [43], backtracking
search algorithm (BSA), lightning search algorithm (LSA), etc. The second category is
physics-based algorithms such as simulated annealing (SA), gravitational search algo-
rithm (GSA), chaotic optimization algorithm (COA), etc. [44,45]. In this review, some of
the most popular optimization algorithms are explained.
The particle swarm optimization algorithm is one of the most popular evolutionary
optimization algorithms [46]. The PSO algorithm principle depends on the velocity and
position of particles [47]. The authors described that the PSO algorithm is utilized to au-
tomatically design an ANN method to improve the synaptic mass, architecture, and trans-
fer functions for each neuron [48–52]. Nevertheless, PSO has some drawbacks: it is vul-
nerable to becoming stuck in local minima and selecting control parameters incorrectly,
resulting in a bad solution. In [48], an ANN-based PSO method was used to predict the
thermal properties of molecular structure.
Another popular algorithm is the gravitational search algorithm, a physics-based opti-
mization algorithm inspired by Newton’s motion and gravity laws [49]. The GSA optimiza-
tion method has been used in some applications to find the best solution for a short-term
training feedforward approach to ANN problems and to improve the performance [53–57].
In [50], the authors addressed an ANN-based GSA optimization approach to enhance kid-
ney image quality classification for a bio-medical application. The study in [51] presented
a GSA optimization-based ANN to solve geotechnical engineering issues for improving
geogrid-reinforced soil structures.
One optimization algorithm is the neural network algorithm (NNA), which is in-
spired by the functioning of biological nervous systems and artificial neural networks [52].
NNA has recently been used in machine learning, as an intelligent controller, in biodiver-
sity assessment, intelligent feature recognition, and for uncertain data streams to provide
a way of learning features, predicting highly nonlinear functions, discovering useful hid-
den representations of the input because it does not require mathematical models and it
achieves good prediction for ANN [58–61]. However, NNA controllers require massive
data and long-time training and learning. In [53], an artificial bee colony (ABC) and an
NNA intelligent feature recognition for STEP-NC-compliant manufacturing can adjust
geometric and topological information. The study in [54] addressed estimating biodiver-
sity assessment based on AI and NNA.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 8 of 44

Another powerful optimizer is the BSA which generates a trial population and then
takes partial advantage of its experiences from previous generations. Crossover is devel-
oped in the trial population. The initial trial populations are taken from mutations. The
described benefits of BSA are in their search exploration process, which has the advantage
of using the mutation and crossover strategies. Though it has some limitations, such as
time-consuming computation because of the dual population algorithm, one parameter is
only used to control the amplitude of the search direction matrix in the mutation phase,
and crossover is complex [55–57]. In [29–30], BSA is applied for a fuzzy logic speed con-
troller optimization approach for induction motor drives. The deterministic global opti-
mization in numerical optimization helps to search for global solutions for optimization
problems [42].
The lightning search algorithm was first proposed by Shareef and his colleagues [58].
Afterwards Ali upgraded it with quantum mechanics theories to generate a quantum-in-
spired LSA (QLSA) [59]. The LSA optimization approach has been utilized in numerous
applications [30,60,61]. The study in [30] described an LSA-based ANN method home en-
ergy management scheduling controller for residential demand response strategies. The
study in [62] proposed a neural networks-based LSA to find the optimized feedforward
learning process to solve datasets. In [63], the author addressed finding the optimal Kp and
Ki value of the LSA-based PI voltage controller and implementing it into the dSPACE con-
troller. Table 1 lists the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular nature-inspired
optimization techniques. However, not all optimization algorithms and their variants pro-
vide superior solutions to specific problems. Also, even though some of the optimization
techniques are efficient, they still need further improvement to enhance their performance.
Besides, how to speed up the convergence of an algorithm is still a very challenging ques-
tion, so new Nature-inspired optimization techniques must be continuously developed to
advance the field of computational intelligence or heuristic optimization [60,61,64–73].

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the most popular nature-inspired optimization techniques.
Technique Advantages Disadvantages
- Fast convergence.
- Easily get trapped in local minima.
PSO [62] - The capability of solving complex problems in a dif-
- Improper selection of control parameters leads to a poor solution.
ferent application domain.
- No guarantee of finding the global minimum,
- It does not require derivative information - Long time for convergence,
GA [63]
- Suitable for a large number of variables, - Hard to fine-tune all the parameters, like mutation rate, crossover pa-
rameters, etc., this is often done by just trial and error.
- Easy to learn and implement. - Abrupt switching to the exploitation stage by quickly varying wave-
NNA [52] - It obtains good results when dealing with lower-di- length and pulse emission rate.
mensional optimization problems. - Difficult to solve high-dimensional optimization problems.
- Premature convergence in the later search period.
- Strong robustness
ABC [64] - Accuracy problems that in some cases cannot meet the optimal solu-
- Fast convergence and flexibility
- Time-consuming in computation because of the use of the dual popula-
- Suitable for the search exploration process. tion algorithm.
LSA [58] - Has the advantage of using the mutation and crosso- - One parameter only controls the amplitude of the search direction ma-
ver strategies. trix in the mutation phase.
- Crossover is complex.
- Robust concerning noisy evaluation functions. - Usually provide reasonably good performance
EA [65]
- Easily to adjust to the problem - Premature convergence to a local global minimum.
- Suitable for the search exploration process. - Time-consuming in computation because of the dual population algo-
BSA [73]
- Has good mutation and crossover strategies. rithm.
- Easily gest trapped in local minima, and weakness in its strategy to
GSA [67] - Faster solution convergence
diversify the algorithm’s population
- Gets trapped in several local minimal.
- Easy to implement
- Performs local searches
FA [68] - Capable of automatic subdivision and dealing with
- Does not memorize the history of the better situation, and may end
up missing situations
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 9 of 44

5. Neural Networks in Deep Learning

Deep learning (DL) is a subset of ML which is based on learning data representations,
unlike task-specific algorithms. It is inspired by the function and structure of the brain,
known as artificial neural networks. The approach utilizes a hierarchy of concepts in a
field that assists a computer in building knowledge from experience. This technique does
not require computer knowledge to be provided through human input as it is automati-
cally gathered. The hierarchy of concepts facilitates breaking complex concepts into sim-
pler ones with several layers [8]. DL techniques use several layers of abstraction to learn
when there is more than one processing layer. This approach has found its use especially
in visual object or speech recognition as well as genomics and medicines. DL implements
a backpropagation approach to detect patterns in complex datasets. It does this by con-
sidering how the internal parameters should be altered to move from one representation
layer to the next. Deep convolutional and recurrent nets have facilitated breakthroughs in
image and audio processing as well as text and speech detection, respectively [16,69].
Neural networks have different implementations with slight variations, including
RNN, ANN, and CNN [15,16]. Due to their feature engineering and decision boundaries,
such novel NN approaches are preferred over machine learning by the people active in the
study of self-driving vehicles, unmanned drones, or complex deep learning problems [17].
The decision boundary is a technique used to classify any data point as belonging to one
of two classes, positive or negative. For this reason, if the data is not separable for any
reason, neural networks will not be a good choice in deep learning. On the other hand,
feature engineering is composed of two steps: feature selection and extraction. These two
components make up the model building. The multi-layer ANNs are also neurons placed
similarly to the human brain. Each neuron is connected to other neurons with certain co-
efficients. During training, information is distributed to these connection points to learn
the network structure and functioning [18].

6. Neural Networks Structure Types

In deep learning, many neural network types use different principles to determine
rules for various applications and formulate the foundation for most pre-trained models.
The most well-known neural networks are ANN [70], CNN [71], and RNN [72]. On the
other hand, many neural networks are developed with unique structures to serve different
software. For example, radial basis function neural networks, modular neural networks,
multilayer perceptron neural networks, and sequence-to-sequence models neural net-
works use their unique strengths to serve and fit some applications well compared to
other networks. DNN [73] and another deep learning NN are so-called graph neural net-
works (GNNs), designed for graphic data classification problems [74,75]. LSTM recurrent
neural network models are excellent for text classification problems. An ANN is based on
the use of simultaneous optimization techniques was used to model theophylline tablet
formulations in [76]. A generative neural network has been used in adjoint electromag-
netic simulations [23].

6.1. Artificial Neural Networks

An ANN is a cluster of multiple perceptrons or neurons at each layer; when the input
data is sorted in the forward direction, this is called the feed-forward neural network
[15,77]. The basic structure of an ANN consists of three layers: the input layer, hidden
layers, and output layer. The input layer receives the input data; the hidden layers com-
pute the input data, and the output layer provides outcomes. Each layer’s duty in the
neural networks attempts to learn specific decimal weights to be set at the end of the learn-
ing process. The ANN approach is good for solving image data, text data, and tabular
data problems. The advantage of ANN is its skill of dealing with nonlinear functions and
learning weights that help map any input to the output for any data. The activation func-
tions provide nonlinear properties to their ANN, which can benefit the net to learn any
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 10 of 44

complex relation associated with input data and output data, known as a universal ap-
proximation. Many researchers adopt ANNs to solve complex relations, for example, the
coexistence of cellular and WiFi networks in an unlicensed spectrum [78].
Another example is feed-forward neural network probabilistic neural network
(PNN) in [79] and knowledge-based neural network described in [80,81]. In [82] this ap-
proach was used for modeling a solar field in direct steam generation parabolic trough.
ANN is used as an optimizer in many research projects to solve bundling problems; for
example, in [83] it was used to optimize a flight trajectory for rockets. An ANN optimized
the design and optimization of microwave circuits in [84]. Model-aided wireless AI em-
bedding expert knowledge in DNN to solve wireless system optimization to find the best
architecture of an ANN [22]. ANN is also used to optimize and control thin film growth
processes [85]. A sampling method for the ANN model’s optimal design [86]. A feedfor-
ward neural network optimization is applied to synthesize fault-tolerance [87]. ANNs, to-
gether with the Xinanjiang model to employed to explore nonlinear transformations [88].
Some optimized artificial neural network models for predicting chlorophyll dynamics
were done to decrease the cost of aquatic environmental in-situ monitoring and increase
bloom forecasting accuracy [89]. A problem of crude oil distillation systems was solved
using ANN by optimizing heat-integration [90]. ANN solved the optimization problem
and extraction of anthocyanins in black rice using orthogonal arrays [91]. ANN solves the
optimization problems in traffic lights timing traffic light controller [92]. Also, ANN is
used as an optimizer and applied to waves energy converters (WEC) to predict overtop-
ping rates as part of a sustainable optimization of coastal or harbor defense structures and
their conversion for constructing a predictive model [1]. The architecture of the artificial
neural network is shown in Figure 3. Each neuron output includes an activation function
of a sum of all inputs weights, while the neuron input is a sum of all weights included in
the bias, as shown in Figure 4. The bias is a constant used to adjust the output and the
weighted sum of the inputs to the neuron, while the activation functions are a powerhouse
for neural networks [93–99]. The neural network weights updates in the back-propagation
process are done to get the gradients as a neural network using many hidden layers. The
gradient may vanish and explode during the backward propagation [100,101].

Figure 3. Artificial neural network architectures with feed-forward and backpropagation algorithms.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 11 of 44

Figure 4. Details of a single perceptron neuron for an artificial neural network.

6.2. Recurrent Neural Network

Recurrent neural network architecture is from a neural network family, though, is
displays differences compared to ANN, in which the looping constraint on the hidden
layer turns back to RNN [15]. The feedback constraint is back-propagated to ensure that
the subsequent data is looped into the input data from the last step in each neuron’s first
step, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Details of the recurrent neural network architectures network.

RNN is normally used to solve problems associated with text data, time-series data,
and audio data. Because the parameters go through different time steps, these steps are
called parameter sharing, ending with fewer parameters to be trained [102]. This action
could save computational time because the gradient computes only at the last step and
vanishes in every neuron in the RNN. The error is back-propagated from the previous
time step to the first step. The error at each time step is calculated, allowing us to update
the weights. The Elman neural network (ENN) has similar concept properties to RNNa,
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 12 of 44

and it has standard back-propagation known as the Elman backpropagation algorithm

(EBP). RNN is used in many applications for real-world problem-solving, as in [38].

6.3. Convolution Neural Network

A convolutional neural network is a neural network family compared to a multilayer
perceptron (MLP) [93]. The CNN has hidden layers called convolutional layers. Also,
CNN has other non-convolutional layers [15,103]. The basic concept of CNN structure is
the convolutional layers that pull through the input weight and transform the neurons’
input on the activation function.
To the next convolutional layer, is the convolutional operation, as shown in Figure 6.
Each convolutional layer specifies the number of filters used to detect the patterns of
shapes in specific object shapes, for example (circle, squire, corner, eyes, feathers, etc.).
These filters help extract the right and relevant features from the input data. CNN is the
most widely used type of neural network for analyzing images. However, image analysis
is but one use of CNN and it can be used for other data analysis problems such as classi-
fication problems. Most generally, CNN is a critical neural network specializing in picking
out patterns and making sense of them. This pattern detection is what makes CNN so
useful for image analysis. These CNN models are used across different applications and
domains, especially in image and video processing projects. CNN is related to solving
images as multiple-image-based depth estimation or estimates depths in the edges; basi-
cally, they are used to classify the edges in backgrounds or reflections [5]. CNN was used
to detect wildfire smoke images [104] and forest fire smoke recognition [105].

Figure 6. Details of the convolution neural network architectures network with convolution layers.

7. Overview of Neural Networks Enhanced by Optimization Algorithms

The optimization technique aims to improve the applications by finding the minimal
error, minimal cost, maximum performance and efficiency. It can be categorized into two
principal ideologies: physical and biological-based [44]. for example, chaotic optimization
algorithm (COA), simulated annealing (SA), gravitational search algorithm, etc. or a biol-
ogy-based algorithm such as genetic algorithm (GA), practical swarm optimization, bac-
terial foraging optimization, harmony search algorithm, cuckoo search algorithm, ant col-
ony optimization, dolphin swarm algorithm (DSA) bee colony algorithm, firefly algo-
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 13 of 44

rithm, LSA, backtracking search algorithm, etc. [46]. In this review, some common opti-
mization algorithms that enhance the performance of neural networks are discussed in
detail in the following subsections.

7.1. Artificial Neural Networks Based Particle Swarm Optimization

The PSO method was first discovered by Eberhart and Kennedy inspired by the
movement of organisms such as bird flocking and fish schooling in 1995 [106]. PSO uses
a velocity vector to update each particle’s current position in the swarm [107]. The PSO-
based neural network is used extensively compared to the other algorithms and applied
by many researchers in different applications. For example, it is used to solve mathemat-
ical problems of predicting the uniaxial compressive strength of rock samples from other
states in Malaysia [108]. Also, this combination of ANN-based PSO is used for detecting
trip purposes from smartphone-based travel surveys of GPS data [109]. ANN-based PSO
is used smartly to improve the prediction performance model for Wi-Fi indoor localiza-
tion strategies by reducing the maximum location error with astonishing results [110]. In
[111], PSO optimization swas used to design a dynamic modular neural network based
on adaptive PSO to solve the problem related to a subnetwork output. Optimization en-
hances many algorithms and applications to solve complex linear and nonlinear prob-
lems; for example, an efficient PSO-based ANN was utilized for the nonlinear mathemat-
ical model of Troesch’s problem. PSO was used to obtain a unique numerical solution by
weights optimization for the final network [112]. Network weight optimization is very
popular for optimizing the initial weights or entire network weights. For example, in [72],
optimization is used to find the best weights for self-adaptive parameters and strategy-
based PSO (SPS-PSO) algorithm to optimize feedforward NN (FNN) design. Again,
weights optimization using ANN-based PSO solves a non-linear channel equalization
problem as in [113], and in [49], PSO’s weight optimization automatically designs an ANN
methodology. Using PSO for search for hyperparameters is also widely discussed and
tested in many kinds of studies and the outcome improves many applications. For exam-
ple, CNN-based PSO optimized the hyperparameter linearly to decrease CNN weights in
the final network [114]. Also, PSO optimization boosts neural networks by searching for
the optimal hyperparameters for network architecture design in [115]. PSO-based deep
NN was used to optimize the number of hidden layer nodes for digital modulation recog-
nition applications. Another study [116] discusses optimizing the number of hidden layer
nodes used for global solar irradiance prediction in extremely short-time intervals with
hybrid backpropagation neural networks based on PSO optimization. Table 2 presents
some examples of PSO research for neural network architectures focusing on weights and
neurons in hidden layer optimization problems.

Table 2. Studies involving PSO for neural network design based on weights and neuron number optimization.

Neural Net-
Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved
Adaptive PSO To calculate the weights Design of dynamic modular neural network
MNN [111]
DNN [115] PSO To optimize the number of hidden layer nodes Digital modulation recognition
Simulation an- initial weights and biases of the neural network are Endpoint sulfur content in Kambara reactor
ANN [117]
nealled PSO optimized desulfurization
BiLSTM NN To optimize the hyperparameters
ADPSO Ship motion attitude prediction
[118] of BiLSTM neural network
IT2FNNs For parameter optimization for Takagi-Sugeno- Design interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks
[119] Kang TSK type IT2FNNs IT2FNNs
For parameter and self-adaptive mechanism
FNN [72] SPS-PSO Weight optimization problem parameters
To evaluate the fitness of each solution and
ANN [49] PSO Train a set of synaptic weights
find the best ANN design
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 14 of 44

ANN [113] PSO Find the optimal weights of the network Non-linear channel equalization
For optimizing the number of hidden layers and Global solar irradiance prediction at ex-
ANN [116] PSO
neurons used and the learning rate tremely short-time-intervals
For hyperparameter optimization with linearly de-
CNN [114] PSO CNN architecture design
creasing weights
For an optimal number of hidden layers and learn-
ANN [120] PSO Microgrid scheduling and management
ing rate

A combination of PSO optimization and neural networks is the most common com-
bination between optimization algorithms and AI and is used in many application soft-
ware and controllers. There is much ongoing research on this combinationa; for example,
a PSO-based ANN was used to enhance forecasting software reliability [121], while in
[122], one was used for data-based fault-tolerant control. PSO assists different types of
neural networks in different ways. For example, a PSO-based BP neural network used to
solve big-data mining approach problems associated with financial risk management with
the Internet of Things (IoT) constructs a nonlinear parallel optimization model [3]. There
are some applications done on a giant scale, for example, The Kambara reactor desulfuri-
zation used a combining ANN-based optimization techniques and a simulated annealing
algorithm with PSO (SAPSO) for determining optimal parameter structures such as a
number of hidden layers, neurons, and activation functions training to solve desulfuriza-
tion model performance problems [117]. In [118], an issue of ship motion attitude predic-
tion was solved by using the adaptive dynamic PSO (ADPSO) algorithm and bidirectional
long short-term memory (LSTM). That is done by searching for the hyperparameters of
bidirectional (BiLSTM) neural networks. In [119] interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks
(IT2FNNs)-based PSO and a big bang big crunch (BBBC) functional for parameter optimi-
zation were used for Takagi-Sugeno-Kang type problem. Sadik and his co-workers have
successfully used a hybrid PSO-ANN algorithm for indoor and outdoor track cycling
wireless sensor localization. and the algorithm was used for improving the distance esti-
mation accuracy of mobile nodes [29].
The PSO optimization with AI saves lives in many biomedical applications that help
many smart applications in hospitals, clinics, and therapists by assisting smart diagnoses
or smart robots. Some applications in this area can be highlighted; for example, in [123], a
hybrid ANN-PSO is used for predicting airblast-overpressure by estimating quarry blast-
ing and influential parameters in four granite quarry sites in Malaysia. Also, in [124]
ANN-PSO is used to manage groundwater resources to solve the groundwater manage-
ment problems of groundwater in France’s Dore river basin [124], whereas in western
Australia, short-term traffic flow predictors for forecasting traffic flow conditions on a
section of freeway using Intelligent Swarm PSO-based ANNs were used [125]. In [126], a
functional-link-based neural fuzzy network (FLNFN)-based hybrid cooperative PSO and
cultural algorithm were proposed for solving problems related to orthogonal polynomials
and linearly independent functions in a functional expansion of the functional link neural
networks. in [127], PSO was enhanced with a periodic mutation strategy (PMS) and neural
networks with mutation application strategy and diversity variety for solving problems
of an airfoil in transonic flow. A photovoltaic thermal nanofluid-based collector system
used ANN and PSO to solve a complex non-linear relationship between input and output
parameters [128]. Some researchers have used a neural network to improve the PSO search
performance oppositely [129–131]. Improved PSOs revolve around feed-forward ANNs,
as in [31], to present a unique evolutionary ANN algorithm called IPSONe. In [132], a
neural network with a fuzzy algorithm and PSO is used for a brain-computer interface
classifier for wheelchair commands, whereas PSO is used to optimize with a cross-mu-
tated-based ANN (FPSOCM-ANN). A PSO combined with ANN for data classification
with an opposition-based PSO neural network (OPSONN) algorithm was used for the NN
training to solve data classification problems [133]. Taguchi PSO solves high-dimensional
global numerical optimization problems for ANN design concerning tensile strength for
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 15 of 44

steel bars [131]. A nonlinear neural network predictive control strategy based on tent-map
chaotic PSO (TCPSO) was used for achieving a nonlinear optimization for advanced con-
vergence and high accuracy [129]. ANN is the most common neural network and the PSO
is the most common optimization method; for that reason, they have been used and com-
pared in some cases with other AI or optimization techniques. For example, training
ANNs over a hybrid PSO and cuckoo search (PSO-SC) algorithms that have been done by
adopting feedforward neural networks (FNNs) to solve algorithm performance problems
[130]. Table 3 presents studies involving PSO for neural network design and application

Table 3. Studies involving PSO for neural networks design and application enhancement.

Neural Networks Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved

Airblast-overpressure induced influential
To predict airblast-overpressure (AOp) in
ANN [123] PSO parameters in four granite quarry sites in
quarry blasting
To minimize pumping cost and solve ground Management of groundwater of the Dore
ANN [124] PSO
management issues river basin in France
Forecast traffic flow conditions on a free-
ANN [125] PSO To solve traffic flow predictors problems
way in Australia
Neural fuzzy Net- To increase the global search capacity using the
CCPSO Several predictive applications
work [126] belief space
A periodic mutation application strategy with
ANN [127] PSO & PMS diversity variety for six benchmark test func- Airfoil in transonic flow
To identify a complex non-linear relationship
ANN [128] PSO Photovoltaic thermal nanofluid
between input and output parameters
tent-map chaotic To perform the nonlinear optimization to en- Numerical simulations of two benchmark
ANN [129]
PSO (TCPSO) hance the convergence and accuracy functions
Hybrid PSO-CS Al- To investigate the algorithm performance with Benchmark classification for ANN struc-
ANN [130]
gorithm two benchmark problems tures.
ANN [121] To enhance forecasting of software reliability Forecasting of software reliability
fuzzy PSO
Solve the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
Critic NN [122] PSO Data-based fault-tolerant control
more efficiently.
To improve the distance estimation accuracy of
ANN [29] PSO Wireless sensor localization technique
mobile nodes
Taguchi PSO To solve high-dimensional global numerical op- Optimize the chemical composition of a
ANN [131]
(TPSO) timization problems. steel bar
To obtain the numerical solution of Troesch’s
ANN [112] PSO Non-linear Troesch’s problem
Affinity Propaga- To reduce the maximum location error and en-
ANN [110] Wi-Fi-based indoor localization system
tion (AP) & PSO hance the prediction performance
To predict unconfined compressive strength Predicting UCS rocks from different states
ANN [108] PSO
(UCS) of rocks in Malaysia
ANN [31] PSO To evolve the structure and weights of ANNs Evaluated on several benchmarks
Classification of a three-class mental task-based Brain-computer interface for wheelchair
ANN [132] Fuzzy PSO
brain-computer interface commands
For training on opposition based PSO neural
ANN [133] PSO Data classification
network (OPSONN) algorithm
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 16 of 44

7.2. Artificial Neural Networks-Based Genetic Algorithms

Holland firstly introduced the genetic algorithm concept in 1975. It is a stochastic
global adaptive search optimization technique based on the mechanisms of natural selec-
tion [134]. The GA algorithm solves optimization problems by applying a series of cross-
over, mutation, and fitness evaluations to multiple chromosomes. This algorithm is ini-
tialized to a population containing several chromosomes, in which each one represents
the optimal solution of the problem that is evaluated by an objective function [87]. Many
researchers use the GA for different applications. Some such research was about renewa-
ble energies applications, such as the maximum power point tracking for PV and wind
systems, to improve distribution systems’ reliability and power quality [135]. Ongoing
studies focus more on GA for enhancing the ANN than other neural networks in compar-
ison. For example, the GA is used for outline capturing using rational functions and ANN
to solve energy management applications such as scheduling and economic dispatches
[136]. It is also used for solving reliability problems of structural laminated composite
materials [137]. In [138], it solves bankruptcy prediction problems, while that combination
is used to solve circular tubes with functionally graded thickness problems with multiple
objective crashworthiness optimizations [139].
ANN-based GA is applied in many ways; some are related to optimizing the ANN
structures design. For example, in [140], an ANN used GA to optimize parameters to de-
termine the number of hidden neurons, bias values, and the connection weights between
nodes to solve time series forecasting problems. Also, it is used for weights optimization
of ANN on a pre-specified neural network applied on a mobile ad-hoc network [141]. GA-
based ANN is used for solving many issues, such as producing spectra for prediction,
parameter fitting, inverse design, and performance to design network architectures and
select optimal hyperparameters [142]. In the same way, it is used to compute a heat trans-
fer study in [143] to determine suitable parameters for maximum weight reduction. GA is
also used to select optimal network parameters for a deep-NN model architecture to
model prospective university students’ admission [144].
Many types of research use these two smart concepts by merging them for many
applications and classification problems. In [145], an ANN hybridized with GA was used
to optimize lipase production from Penicillium roqueforti ATCC 10110 in solid-state fer-
mentation in. A multi-layer ANN united with GA was employed to solve problems of
pectinase-assisted extraction of cashew apple juice [146]. Some studies discuss parametric
study problems of the transcritical power cycle and regenerator by selecting objective
functions for parametric optimization [147]. In [148], a nanofluid flow in flat tubes using
computational fluid dynamics problems was solved using multi-objective ANN optimi-
zation and non-dominated sorting GA (NSGA). Also, decouples capacitor placement on
a power delivery network, while another example used for analog circuit design space
exploration for automated sizing of integrated circuits [149].
In some cases, the neural network works with more than one optimization for either
comparison or combination reasons. For example, the GA and PSO work together on
ANN to find the best values of the rational functions’ parameters for optimizing surface
roughness [12]. in [150,151] the GA is used with Adadelta DNN (GA-ADNN) to predict
catenary comprehensive pantograph and catenary monitor status models. Table 4 pre-
sents different studied involving GA for neural network design and application enhance-
ment. In [152], a hybrid PSO with GA for ANN training for short-term load forecasting
and GA optimization was used to solve power grid investment risk problems by optimiz-
ing the weight and threshold of the BP neural network, while in A GA was also applied
on three neural networks (MLP), radial basis functions neural network (RBFNN), and a
GA-derived generalized regression neural network (GRNN) for discovering the optimal
weights to solve the problem of predicting groundwater salinity [153]. Also,
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 17 of 44

Table 4. Studies involving GA for neural network design and application enhancement.

Neural Net-
Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved
To overcome the training issue of local minima
ANN [152] PSO &GA Short-term load forecasting
To overcome high computational cost by using Design of anisotropic laminated composite
ANN [137] GA
multilayer perceptron NN structures
To determine suitable parameters for maxi- Heat transfer analysis in perforated plate
ANN [143] GA
mum weight reduction fins
To solve the data imbalance problem caused by
ANN [138] GA Corporate bankruptcy prediction
simultaneous ANN optimization.
To select optimal network parameters of the Binary classification for university student
DNN [144] GA
Deep-NN admissions
Crashworthiness optimi- To design parameter alternatives and deter- Circular tubes having a functionally
ANN [139]
zation and GA mine optimal combinations. graded thickness
To find the number of hidden neurons, bias
ANN [140] GA values of hidden neurons, and the connection Time-series forecasting for real-life data
weights between nodes.
Lipase production from Penicillium roque-
To optimize lipase production through the
ANN [145] GA forti ATCC 10110 in solid-state fermenta-
ANN model
Low-temperature extraction of cashew ap-
ANN [146] GA Optimum extraction parameters
ple juice
To optimize the thermal efficiency, exergy effi-
ANN [147] GA Transcritical power cycle with regenerator
ciency, and specific network.
Non-dominated Sorting To numerically solve problems in various flat
ANN [148] Nanofluid flow in flat tubes
GA tubes for nanofluid flow analysis and regime
To minimize the number of decoupling capaci-
ANN [17] GA tors for reducing the differences between the PCB decoupling
input impedance
For analog circuit optimization system auto-
ANN [149] GA Analog design space exploration
mated sizing of integrated circuits
To prevent prediction models from falling into
ADNN [150] GA local optimum and a comprehensive catenary Pantograph and catenary
To optimize the weight and threshold of a BP
ANN [151] GA Power grid investment risk problems
neural network
For weight optimization in a pre-specified neu-
ANN [141] GA Applied on a mobile ad-hoc network
ral network
To design the network architecture and select
ANN [142] GA Plasmonic waveguide systems
the hyperparameters for ANNs
& GRNN GA Search for optimal weights Predicting groundwater salinity

7.3. Artificial Neural Networks-Based Artificial Bee Colony

Many optimizations are used for optimizing neural networks to find the values of
linkage weights either alone or associated with biases and neurons in hidden layers. Many
researchers have considered the ABC for boosting neural network performance either by
optimizing the hyperparameters or somehow merging to enhance the neural network or
applications. An example of improving the ANN is an efficient model based on the ABC
optimization algorithm with neural networks [154]. The ABC algorithm uses an alterna-
tive learning scheme to optimize neuron connection weights for the design of ANN struc-
tures used for electric load forecasting to obtain an optimized set of neuron connection
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 18 of 44

weights [155]. In [156], intrusion detection for cloud computing using ANN neural net-
works and an ABC and fuzzy logic for identified normal and abnormal network traffic
packets by optimizing the values of linkage weights and biases [156]. Deep neural net-
works are good for classification problems, and some studies use the ABC algorithm with
DNN. For example, in the ABC algorithm search for hybridization parameters of DNN
structure, this study included autoencoder layers cascaded to a softmax classification
layer [157].
Also, a modular neural network presents a modular NN model based on the ABC
algorithm for electric load forecasting with synaptic weights optimization [158]. On the
other hand, some research is merging the neural networks with ABC to solve specific
problems. For example, a study using a swarm-inspired algorithm with ANN to protect
against dual attacks using the concept of ANN as a deep learning algorithm and the
swarm-based ABC optimization technique [8]. Table 5 lists studies involving ABC for neu-
ral network design and application enhancement.

Table 5. Studies involving ABC for neural networks design and application enhancement.

Neural Net- Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved

ANN [155] ABC To optimized set of neuron connection Electric load forecasting
Modular NN ABC For synaptic weights optimization Classifier designed for NN
MLP network ABC & Fuzzy clustering al- To optimize linkage weights and biases Intrusion detection for cloud computing
[156] gorithms
DNN [8] swarm-based ABC To optimize DNN parameter protection Mobile ad hoc network for mitigation of
against dual attacks black and gray holes attacks
DNN [157] ABC & BFGS For hybridization parameters of deep neural Data classification of dimensions and
networks sizes

7.4. Artificial Neural Networks Based Evolutionary Algorithm

Most of the research discussing neural networks-based evolutionary algorithms im-
proves the neural networks’ design to either reduce the training time or solve problems
encountered by ANNs [159]. This combination is used in many applications to solve dif-
ferent problems, for example, an adaptive co-optimization of ANNs using EA for global
radiation forecasting using hybrid ANN models. It predicted monthly radiation by typical
weather and geographic data-adaptive the EAs utilized to improve prediction perfor-
mance was developed to train the neural networks [160]. At the same time, another study
used multiverse optimization for new natural EA together with ANN to develop ad-
vanced detection approaches for intrusion detection systems [161]. The combined effort
between ANN and EA is reported in many research studies, yet only some significant
research has been considered in this review. For example, in a correlation analysis of the
training process, self-organizing combined with genetic EA, is applied to boost built struc-
tures of neural network’s performance and efficiency [162], while another research study
evaluated a model-based optimization process for high voltage alternating current sys-
tems [163]. Though some studies use EA optimization for ANN weights optimization, this
unique combination is used in mobile communications to solve weights optimization
problems in ANN optimal modeling by applying a framework for predicting received
signal strength [164]. Also, in the chemistry field, the EA introduces chemical reaction
optimization (CRO), used as a global optimization technique to replace BP in training
neural networks [165], for better performance and saving more time for the training pro-
cess. An optimization technique, EA based on pieces of training, approximates the solu-
tion of fractional differential equations [166]. Table 6 presents research involving EA for
neural network structure design and application enhancement.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 19 of 44

Table 6. Studies involving EA for neural networks design and application enhancement.

Neural Net-
Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved
ANN [160] EA To co-optimize the ANN properties Global radiation forecasting
Intrusion detection systems using mul-
Multiverse optimizer To allow ENN to solve problems encountered by
ANN [161] tiverse optimization via a benchmark
Self-organized genetic To improve the performance efficiency and structural Structure of neural network and its im-
ANN [162]
EA efficiency of the built ANN plementation
ANN [163] EA For optimization and ANN for modeling High voltage AC systems
For self-adaptive control parameters and dynamically
Unmanned aerial vehicle measure-
ANN [164] EAs adjust the population size for ANN weight optimiza-
ments for mobile communications
To adjust the weights to satisfy the differential equa- Differential equations of fractional or-
ANN [166] EA
tions der
To replace backpropagation in training neural net-
ANN [165] EA/CRO ANN architecture design

7.5. Artificial Neural Networks-Based Backtracking Search Algorithm

BSA optimization technique is an evolutionary computation technique for producing a
trial population that includes two new crossovers and mutation operators proposed by [62].
BSA dominates searching for the best value of the populations and searches in the space
boundary to get the exploitation capabilities and very robust exploration [62]. BSA dominates
the search’s value for the best populations and the boundary of the space to provide very
sturdy exploration and exploitation capabilities. Thus, considerable research has proven
it as one of the most powerful optimization techniques [62]. Numerous researchers widely
use BSA in modern applications, such as solving the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries
by improving a backpropagation neural network (BPNN) by optimizing hidden layer
neurons’ optimal value learning rate [167]. The BSA improved neural network with ran-
dom weights by combining BSA and a neural network with random weights (NNRWs) to
optimize the hidden layer parameters of the single-layer feed-forward network (SLFN), and
NNRWs is used to derive the output layer weights [168]. In [169] a modified BSA (MBSA)
has been improve by learning and niching together with ANN training and in [170] an ANN
prediction method based on adaptive BSA was used for optimizing the connection weights
matrix of the echo state network reservoir [170]. These studies involving BSA for neural
network design and applications enhancement for the best neural network structure boost
the performance level and reduce the time-consuming network setup. Table 7 presents dif-
ferent research projects involving BSA for design and application enhancement.

Table 7. Studies involving BSA for neural network design and application enhancement.

Neural Networks. Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved

Back-propagation NN To find the optimal values of hidden layer neurons and Estimating state of charge of lith-
[167] learning rate ium-ion batteries
To optimize the neural network with random weights,
SLFN [168] BSA Improve neural network design
and derive the output layer weights.
For learning and niching strategies such as learning Chaotic time series prediction and
ANN [169] Modified BSA
strategy, a niching strategy, and a mutation strategy benchmark functions
Echo State Net- To optimize the connection weights matrix of the echo Echo state network architecture
Adaptive BSA
work/RNN [170] state network reservoir design
To optimize the number of nodes in hidden layers and Energy management to reduce the
ANN [171] Binary BSA
learning rate cost
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 20 of 44

7.6. Artificial Neural Networks Based Other Optimization Search Algorithms

Neural network-based optimization algorithms are a hot topic in the research field.
Many algorithms have been studied in the past ten years; their combination has become
very attractive because of the incredible outcomes from that merging or enhancement. As
a result, many studies have been conducted in different applications in life; in this section,
some significant research has been investigated to highlight the importance of enhancing
neural networks with optimizations. A short wind speed forecasting-based prediction
problem has been solved by ANN hybrid with crisscross optimization in [172]. ANN also
solves the reliability-based design problem of double-loop reliability-based optimization
approaches [173]. Deterministic global optimization and ANN to solve the convex and
concave envelopes of the nonlinear activation function in [4]. A graph neural network
called RouteNet solves complex relationships between topology, routing, and input traffic
to produce accurate estimates solutions in [81].
This section focuses on mixing different types of neural networks with other optimi-
zation algorithm techniques. For example, FNN training employs a symbiotic organisms
search (SOS) algorithm to solve the UCI machine learning repository problems [84]. An
ANN model using the teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm (TLBO) solves en-
ergy consumption estimates in Turkey [174]. Also, the ANNs with ant colony optimiza-
tion (ACO) assess residential buildings’ performance by training the NN based on ACO
instead of the BP algorithm [175]. In [176], a social spider optimization was used to im-
prove the training phase of ANN with multilayer perceptrons for the context of Parkin-
son’s disease recognition. A dynamic optimization problem (DOPs) used with neural net-
work (NN)-based information transfer method (NNIT) used for solving issues associated
with environmental changes in [177]. Also, an automated optimization-oriented strategy
for designing high power amplifiers using DNNs with a deep learning regression network
and electromagnetic-based Thompson sampling efficient multi-objective optimization
(TSEMO) [178]. Another continuous optimization based on deep RNNs uses metaheuris-
tic algorithms to solve the difficulties of optimization problems for noise to signal ratio
[40]. A neural network in numerous learning problems and backpropagation (BP) meth-
ods as correntropy-based conjugate gradient BP (CCG-BP) in [179]. A DNN based on a
secure precoding scheme is a deep AN scheme for solving artificial noise scheme prob-
lems in multiple-input single-output (MISO) wiretap channels [180]. A deep CNN
(DCNN) structure modeling for reconstruction enhancement and decreasing online pre-
diction in ANN is used for anthropomorphic manipulators in [181]. In [182], three DNNs
called deep multilayer perceptron (DMLP), long-short memory (LSTM) neural network,
and CNN, were used to build prediction-based portfolio optimization models in the Chi-
nese stock market. This combination has come to an optimal prediction without optimiza-
tion in comparison to the other studies. A hybrid method for electricity price forecasting by
ANN and artificial cooperative search algorithm (ACS) for the combination of mutual in-
formation and neural network (NN) in [183]. Table 8 presents research involving various
optimization techniques based on neural network design and application enhancement.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 21 of 44

Table 8. Overview of a variety of optimization techniques based on neural network design and application enhancement.

Neural Net-
Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved
FNNs [84] SOS For training of FNNs UCI machine learning repository
Estimates of energy consumption in
ANN [174] TLBO To replace the BP with TLBO
Social-spider Opti- To improve the training phase of ANN with multilayer
ANN [176] Parkinson’s disease identification
mization perceptrons
DNNs to predict each stock’s future return also DNNs are Portfolio optimization models utiliz-
applied to measure the risk of each stock ing the stocks market of China
ANN [177] NNIT & EA To solve dynamic optimization problems Moving peaks benchmark
To get the number of passive components in the input and Designing high power amplifier cir-
output matching networks cuit topologies
Metaheuristic Al- For the objective analytic function of a continuous optimi-
RNN [40] Estimate tree structures
gorithms zation problem
Optimizing common correntropy-based BP algorithms Improving training in NNs for en-
ANN [179] CCG-BP
based on MSE hancing the signal-to-noise ratios
Artificial noise scheme wiretap chan-
DNN [180] Deep AN For optimal precoding scheme
For reconstruction enhancement and reducing online pre-
ANN [181] DCNN Anthropomorphic manipulators
diction time
To select the input variables subsets for forecasting of elec-Forecasts of short-term electricity
ANN [183] ACS
tricity price prices in a deregulated market

The following examples enhance neural networks by optimizing their weights con-
nections, for example, a prediction of time series to adjust the weights in the ANNs model
with parameter-free simplified swarm optimization (SSO) [184]. ANN-based biogeogra-
phy-based optimization (BBO) also solved electrical energy forecasting problems for long-
term forecasting of India’s sector-wise electrical energy demand [185]. Again, an enhanced
ANN with a shuffled complex evolutionary global optimization algorithm with principal
component analysis—University of California Irvine (SP-UCI) for the weight training for
feedforward ANN [186]. Another example of weights linkages optimization is done in a
metaheuristic, bird mating optimizer (BMO), which was used to train feedforward ANNs
in [21]. Also, a quantum-based algorithm was used to design an ANN with few connec-
tions and high classification performance by simultaneously optimizing the network
structure and the connection weights [187]. Neural network training with a weighting
mechanism-based optimization algorithm was used to resolve some algorithms’ undesir-
able convergence behavior and improve Adam and AMSGrad [188]. A unified automated
model generation algorithm uses optimization to automatically determine the type and
topology of the mapping structure in a knowledge-based neural network model to force
some weights of the mapping neural networks to zeros while leaving other weights non-
zeros optimized in [88]. An Elman neural network was used to train the connection
weights between the layers based on a whale optimization algorithm (WOA) to solve the
problem of falling into local best solutions [189]. Another optimization of connection
weights in neural networks using the WOA for training ANN and verified by compari-
sons with BP algorithm other evolutionary techniques was described in [190]. An evolu-
tionary nonlinear adaptive filter approach via cat swarm functional link ANN (CS-
FLANN) was employed for solving unwanted noise problems by picking the optimum
weights of NN filters in [191]. Cat swarm optimization (CSO) was also used to train the
ANN for structure design by simultaneously optimizing the connection weights [192]. A
calibration method was done to improve the robot positional accuracy of industrial ma-
nipulators using a teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) method to optimize the
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 22 of 44

weights and bias in ANN in [193]. ANNs based sparse optimization simultaneously esti-
mates the weights and model structure of an ANN in [194]. Table 9 lists optimization-
based neural network weights optimization enhancements.

Table 9. Overview of a variety of optimization-based neural network weights optimization enhancement.

Neural Networks Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved

Long-term sector-wise power fore-
ANN [185] BBO To obtain the best global weight parameters
To the weight-training process of a three-layer feed- Gradient-based optimization
ANN [186] (SP-UCI)
forward ANN schemes
ANN [184] SSO To adjust the weights in ANNs For ANN modeling
Solving three real-world classifica-
ANN [21] BMO For weight training of ANNs
tion problems
Quantum- Few connections and high classification perfor-
ANN [187] ANN design and structure
based algorithm mance using connection weights.
To simultaneously estimate the weights and model
ANN [194] sparse optimization Model structure of ANN
structure of an ANN
To resolve the undesirable convergence behavior by
For effective neural network train-
ANN [188] NWM-Adam weighting mechanism-based first-order gradient
descent optimization
Knowledge-based To force some weights of the NNs to zeros while For unified automated parametric
NN [88] leaving other weights as non-zeros. modeling algorithm
Network soft-sensor model of con-
Elman Neural Net-
WOA To train the connection weights between the layers version velocity in a polymeriza-
work [189]
tion process
Optimizing connection weights of ANN controlling
ANN [190] WOA ANN structure design
parameters weights and biases
For the selection of an optimum weight of the neu- Gaussian noise removal from to-
ral network filter mography Images
ANN [192] CSO & OBD For optimization of the connection weights ANN structure design
ANN [193] TLBO To optimize weights and bias of the NN Robot manipulator

The following studies overview some examples of optimization enhancement of var-

ious optimization-based neural network parameters (hidden layers, learning rate, neu-
rons, and wights). For example, a hybrid lightning search algorithm (LSA)-based ANN
can predict the optimal ON/OFF status for home appliances for home energy management
by tuning the learning rate value and the number of nodes in the hidden layers in [30].
Also, in [195], FNNs are based on artificial fish swarm optimization (AFSA) to replace the
BP process in ANN. A DNN based on multi-objective was used for solving the connecting
structure DNNs, particularly the layerwise structure learning method, in [80]. An optimi-
zation method for CNNs based on the difference between the present and the immediate
past gradient diffGrad optimization technique to solve the problem with basic stochastic
gradient descent (SGD) in [103]. A global optimal known as Bayesian optimization
(BayesOpt) is a machine learning-based global optimization technique to solve a simple
objective function problem in CNN [196]. A systematic quantitative and qualitative anal-
ysis and guidelines using CNN-based Ben’s spiker algorithm [197]. In [198], the microca-
nonical optimization algorithm (MOA) is used to select the best hyperparameter architec-
ture for CNN for a variant of simulated annealing. DNNs with stochastic optimization
acceleration update the network parameters to solve PID controller problems in [199]. A
hybrid neuro-fuzzy network-based differential biogeography-based optimization (DBBO)
for online population classification in an earthquakes optimizer searches for the best pa-
rameter for the main network and the subnetwork [200]. An adaptive memetic algorithm
with a rank-based mutation (AMARM) is used to design ANN architectures by a simul-
taneously fine-tune number of hidden neurons as well as connection weights in [201].
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 23 of 44

ANN-based path loss prediction for wireless communication network multilayer percep-
tron (MLP) neural network generates low dimensional environmental features and elim-
inates redundant information among similar environmental types [202]. Table 10 over-
views various optimization-based neural network parameters (hidden layers, learning
rate, neurons) optimization enhancement.

Table 10. Overview of various optimization-based neural network parameters (hidden layers, learning rate, neurons, and
weights) optimization enhancement.

Neural Networks Optimizer Optimizer Problem Application Improved

To obtain hidden layers trained by the back-
ANN [195] AFSA Design of neural networks
propagation algorithm
To eliminate redundant information by impacts
of the number of neurons in the hidden layer, Wireless communication net-
ANN [202] PL
number of hidden layers, number of training work
To find the optimal structure with high repre-
Multi-objective Op-
DNN [80] sentation ability and better generalization for Structure of DNN model
each layer.
To adjust each parameter for faster gradient Image categorization experi-
CNN [103] diffGrad
changing parameters ments
Using suitable learning rate value and number Home energy management
ANN [30] LSA
of nodes in the hidden layers scheduling
To utilize both a simple objective function and a
CNN [196] BayesOpt low-rank decomposition
proper optimization
Ben’s Spiker algo-
CNN [197] For parameter optimization Signal-to-noise ratio
For hyper-parameter optimization and architec- Using six widely-used image
CNN [198] MOA
ture selection for CNN recognition datasets
Use past and present gradients for DNN pa-
DNN [199] SGD-M PID Controller
rameter updates
Hybrid neuro-fuzzy For parameter optimization of both the main Online population classification
[200] network and the subnetwork in earthquakes
To simultaneously fine-tune the number of hid-
ANN [201] AMARM Design ANN architectures.
den neurons and connection weights

7.7. Optimization Search Algorithm-Based Artificial Neural Networks

In this subsection, neural networks work as an optimizer for optimization techniques
to optimize algorithm parameters. For example, as in a study, the fitness function value
in a pressurized water reactor core was optimized by pattern optimization using a grey
wolf algorithm (GWO)-based ANN to solve the best configuration for fuel assemblies
[203], while in [204] parameter prediction, using an ANN as a tool in finding the parame-
ter optimization of resistance spot welding optimization (RSW) to solve the sensitivity of
exact measurement for aluminum alloy was decribed. A topology optimization acceler-
ated-based deep learning study discussed learning a cross-sectional image of an interior
permanent magnet motor represented in RGB and trained a CNN to infer the torque prop-
erties to decrease computational cost for the optimization topology (TO) [11]. Table 11
presents studies involving neural networks for improving optimization techniques design
and application enhancement.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 24 of 44

Table 11. Studies involving neural networks for improving optimization techniques design and application enhancement.

Optimization Algorithm
Networks Optimizer Problem Application Improved
ANN is applied to estimate the fitness
ANN [203] GWO Pressurized water reactor
function value of GWO
ANN as a tool in finding the parameter op- A sensitive to exact measurement of alu-
ANN [204] RSW
timization of RSW minum alloy
The trained CNN approximately evaluates Cross-sectional image of an interior per-
CNN [11] TO
individuals manent magnet motor

8. Application on Artificial Neural Networks Based Optimization Algorithms

Previous research on optimal scheduling controllers was developed for energy man-
agement, reliable power generation, cost minimization, and carbon emission calculation
[64]. A binary BSA algorithm and binary PSO are utilized to search for optimal binary
schedules [120,205]. These algorithm techniques have powerful optimization skills, search
exploration process, fast convergence for the solution, and other conventional optimiza-
tion techniques and overcome local minima traps. Besides, developing an enhanced ANN-
based BBSA and ANN-based BPSO schedule controller ensures the best performance
across different load conditions. [206,207]. An ANN is on track as a prediction technique
to find the best weight values for neural nets designed for efficient system operation. In
this paper, these nets operate in optimum ON/OFF status by training on input and output
data patterns obtained from scheduling controllers [206,208]. This section presents ANN-
based optimization algorithms implementation for ANN-PSO, ANN-GA, ANN-ABC, and
ANN-BSA, respectively, to search for the optimal values of the number of nodes in hidden
nodes layer1 and layer2 as well as the best value of the learning rate. The algorithms apply
limitations of, e.g., (max and min) number of nodes in each hidden layer and the learning
rate. The output data is relayed on a binary schedule (25x24) obtained from the scheduling
controller. The input data includes six inputs, including solar irradiances, wind speed,
energy price, battery status, gird status, and diesel fuel status refer to [206,208]. In all the
ANN-based algorithms, the iteration of ANN is set to 100 iterations, and the population
size is 20 populations. Table 10 presents a brief list describing the data and the limitations
of the aforementioned algorithm techniques. The mean absolute error (MAE) is an objec-
tive function that enhances the ANN performance by decreasing the error function ex-
pressed in the general flow chart of optimization of ANN optimal parameters, as shown
in Figure 7. All the inputs and outputs of the ANN-based optimization algorithm training
for the virtual power plants system in [208] can be expressed by the following Equations
(1) and (2):
( )
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ( ) ⎥
⎢ ( ) ⎥
=⎢ (1) (1)
( ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ( ) ⎥
⎣ ( )⎦

( , ) … ( , )
= ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ (2) (2)
( , ) … ( , )

ANN deep neural networks using feed-forward structures have been adopted in this
study. The use of trainlm as a network training function that updates weight and bias
values according to Levenberg-Marquardt optimization is considered the fastest back-
propagation algorithm in the Matlab toolbox. However, it does require more memory
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 25 of 44

than other algorithms. Hidden layers are chosen to be two layers using the sigmoid acti-
vation function and the optimization is adapted to search for the number of the nodes in
both hidden layers; the optimization algorithms are also set to search for the optimal value
for learning rate. This optimization process is done using random trail values in ANN
training based on the aforementioned inputs and outputs data. The optimal trail is the
minimalist mean absolute error (MAE). Those trials from each optimization algorithm
have been done separately, and each optimization takes days to come up with the best
parameters. All these algorithms have addressed the limitations of the search for a set of
trails, as presented in Table 12. The algorithms use random ANN trial parameters as the
initial step pre iteration process includes ANN training for 10000 epochs to evaluate the
minimum objective function. Figure 8 shows that the numbers of inputs and outputs lay-
ers are known based on the data [209]. The duration time of each ANN training is unex-
pected could take a long or short time depending on the trial training points of the ANN
training. The training can show good or bad performance from the very early stages of
the training, but this is not sure because it sometimes behaves differently and improves
or remains in the middle or end of the training.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 26 of 44

net  newff (minmax  p  ,  N1, N 2, 25 ,{' tansig ', ' tansig ', ' purelin '}, ' trainlm ')

n e t1  tra in  n e t , p , t 

MAE   Sum(errori) / (4800  25)
i 1

MAE  Evaluation k 

Optimal k ,:  Population k ,:

Evaluation k   MAE

LROptimal N1Optimal N 2Optimal

Figure 7. General flow chart of optimization algorithms for ANN-PSO, ANN-GA, ANN- ABC, and
ANN- BSA for 100 iteration.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 27 of 44

Neural Network inputs data

Neural Network outputs data

Figure 8. ANN Architecture Based on PSO, GA, ABC, and BSA algorithms, using input and output data obtained from

Table 12. Optimization algorithms data and limitations.

Symbol Description
P Controller input data
t Controller output data
iteration ANN  100 Maximum iterations for ANN
Population size = 20 Size of the population
LowerLR =0 Min value of LR
UpperLR =1 Max value of LR
LowerN 1 =6 Min value of nodes in hidden layer1
UpperN 1 =30 Max value of nodes in hidden layer1
LowerN 2 =6 Min value of nodes in hidden layer2
UpperN 2 =30 Max value of nodes in hidden layer2

In this study, the BSA objective of enhancing the ANN structure toward optimal pa-
rameters was the best among the other techniques, which minimize the MAE to reaches a
value of 0.0062 [210]. The GA objective was 0.0080, which is not very far from the BSA
objective. Simultaneously, the MAE of the PSO and the ABC was greater at 0.0144 and
0.0172, respectively, compared to the other two techniques, as shown in Figure 9. The
BSA’s main principles have been done through its crossover consists of two parts. The
first part generates the binary matrix, and the second part compares population X(i,j) and
the trial population. Crossover is used to obtain an updated map(i,j). Also, this part works
on the control mechanism of boundaries for a trial population. As presented, enhancing
the neural network could help the system enormously and the enhanced ANN is proven
to be overwhelmingly impressive, or at least competitive, by training and testing is as
important as the optimal design of the ANN structure. This study also introduces a novel
way of solving optimization tasks by the neural network.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 28 of 44

0.04 ANN-BSA
0.035 ANN-ABC



0.0080 0.0062

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 9. Objectives of optimization algorithms for ANN-PSO, ANN-GA, ANN-ABC, and ANN- BSA for 100 iterations.

9. Artificial Neural Network Training-Based Optimized Parameters

When applying the optimized parameters in ANN training using the input and out-
put data for each optimization technique separately, this training process will result in a
net for each optimization algorithm. The obtained net is the masterpiece, and it is the in-
telligent controller that can replace the ordinary controller to predict unexpected non-lin-
ear input to result in a wise decision. The enhanced ANN saves training time and ANN
parameters chosen wisely by the optimization algorithms. The results are better than hu-
man decisions no matter what type of optimization is used [208–211]. The pseudocode of
ANN training based on the optimal parameters, and the outcome is a Net for ANN-PSO,
ANN-GA, ANN-ABC, and ANN-BSA [212–214]. Since the net output is 0 or 1 hourly pat-
tern, we can call this net an intelligent binary controller [120,206,208,211].

Pseudocode of ANN training based on optimized parameters obtained from optimization algorithms.
1: Input: (solar irradiances, wind speed, energy price, battery status, gird status, and diesel fuel status)
2: Output: ANN-Net of the binary matrix of (24 × 25)
3: N1=optimal value obtained
4: N2= optimal value obtained
5: LR= optimal value obtained
6: // ANN
7: Applying Feed-Forward neural network ( newff ) and Levenberg-Marquardt ( trainlm )
8: net  newff (minmax p , N1, N2,25 ,{' tansig ', ' tansig ',' purelin'},'trainlm')
9: net trainParamepochs  10,000
10: net trainParamlr  LR
11: net trainParam goal  0
12: n e t 1  t r a i n  n e t , p , t 
13: gen sin( Net1, 1)
14: Output is an ANN-Net with input data and 25 outputs
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 29 of 44

The optimal enhanced net of ANN-BSA in a Matlab Simulink block is shown in Fig-
ure 10, involving six inputs and twenty-five binary outputs on an hourly basis to manage
distributed generators throughout the virtual power plant system. The net block is gener-
ated after the training completer by using Equation (3). Table 13 presents the ANN train-
ing-based PSO, GA, ABC, and BSA using the optimized parameters. The generated ANN
Net module is an AI controller; it is considered a masterpiece and smart controller. This
Net could be implemented in cheap microchips and used as a smart device to control hug
systems to serve in a very effective smart way cheaply.

gen sin( Net1, 1) (3)

Figure 10. MATLAB Simulink block of Neural Network Net of ANN-BSA.

Table 13. Artificial neural network training-based PSO, GA, ABC, and BSA using the optimized parameters obtained.

Optimization Al- No. of Nodes in Hid- No. of Nodes in Hid- Learning Rate Value Training Performance
Training Time
gorithm den layer1 (N1) den layer2 (N2) (LR) (MSE)
PSO 18 30 0.7 20:00:48 3.99e-06
GA 23 28 0.6 20:31:36 5.46e-06
ABC 26 29 0.45 30:32:29 2.52e-05
BSA 22 27 0.6 4:30:29 6.37e-07

The following figures represent the training performance and regressions for ANN
deep neural network after using the optimization algorithms’ optimal parameters. This
study shows a fair compression based on each optimization technique to find the best pa-
rameters to serve the system in the best way. These hybrid techniques could save huge trial
and error time during training and find the required best parameters, using smaller nets to
save valuable time during the training and testing. Any of the optimization algorithms used
could give better results than manual parameters tuning. Yet, some techniques could find
the best fitness faster and more efficiently than others, as ANN-BSA in Figure 11, which
shows the best training performance of 6.3695 e−7 at 2317 epochs and regression (R) reach to
best of 1 regression training which the best results it may obtain by training.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 30 of 44

Best Training Performance is 6.3695e-07 at epoch 2317 Training: R=1

Train Data
Best Fit
10 Y=T


Output ~= 1*Target + 1.5e-06

Mean Squared Error (mse)





-6 0.1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 500 1000 1500 2000
2317 Epochs
(a) (b)
Figure 11. (a) Performance and (b) regression of ANN training after applying optimal parameters of ANN-BSA.

However, other optimization techniques trained for 10,000 epochs on their optimal pa-
rameter have good results somewhat near in results. However, in Figure 12, ANN-GA shows
the best training performance of 5.4579 × 10−6, and regression (R) reach 0.99999 it is very close
to unity. Figure 13 and Figure 14 show the best training performance of 3.9938 × 10−6 and 2.5178
× 10−5 and regression of 0.99999 and 0.99995 for ANN-PSO and ANN-ABC [210].
Fair comparison results of Bus1 of 14-bus IEEE test system for virtual power plants
utilize the optimized ANN net based on half-hour binary patterns for managing each dis-
tributed generation (DG) unit in the system. The binary (ANN-BPSO), binary (ANN-
BABC), binary ANN-BGA, and binary (ANN-BBSA) is a controller with binary output 0
or 1 to switch each DG ON or Off based on the inputs. Figure 15 shows that the entire
algorithm saved a huge amount of power. Yet, all the saved power was considered with
sharing new distributed resources to inject power to the loads instead of supplying power
from the utility grid [212]. However, most of the optimized Nets have done an excellent
job. However, some Nets are better than the others based on their objectives as can be seen
that the total power for the 24 h of the ANN-BBSA Net was 1182.5 MW in comparison to
other optimized Nets 1211.3 MW, 1184.3 MW, and 1252.9 MW for, ANN-BGA, ANN-
BPSO, ANN-BABC, respectively.

Best Training Performance is 5.4579e-06 at epoch 10000 Training: R=0.99999

Train Data
Best Fit
0 1
10 Y=T
Output ~= 1*Target + 1.2e-05

Mean Squared Error (mse)

-2 0.6


10 0.2

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
10000 Epochs
(a) (b)
Figure 12. (a) performance and (b) regression of ANN training after applying optimal parameters of ANN-GA.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 31 of 44

Best Training Performance is 3.9938e-06 at epoch 10000 Training: R=0.99999

Train 1 Data
Best Fit
10 Y=T

Output ~= 1*Target + 9.1e-06

Mean Squared Error (mse)



10 0.2

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
10000 Epochs Target

(a) (b)
Figure 13. (a) Performance and (b) regression of ANN training after applying optimal parameters of ANN-PSO.

Best Training Performance is 2.5178e-05 at epoch 10000 Training: R=0.99995

Train Data
Best Fit
10 Y=T
Output ~= 1*Target + 5.8e-05
Mean Squared Error (mse)


10 0.6



0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 0.5 1
10000 Epochs

(a) (b)
Figure 14. (a) Performance and (b) regression of ANN training after applying optimal parameters of ANN-ABC.

x 10

Power (W)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time (h)
Figure 15. Original Bus1 of 14-bus IEEE test system compared to ANN-based binary optimization algorithms ANN-BPSO,
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 32 of 44

Much research is conducted to address the ANN enhancement to present extraordi-

nary results compared to using the same ANN. The difference between the first and the
second results is because the involvement of optimization techniques to find the best pa-
rameters. This method has been evaluated compared to other trends research discussing
similar issues in evaluating the applied approach compared to other methods, Table 14
presents a comparison of the proposed technique with other enhancing neural networks
by finding the optimal parameters of no. of nodes in hidden layers and learning rate. Table
15 shows an overview of neural networks-based optimization techniques for the optimal
number of nodes in hidden layers and learning rate. The table states that ANN-based op-
timization techniques have gained a momentum trend in the last five years. This enhance-
ment becomes essential in most AI applications used for ANFIS and fuzzy to optimize the
best membership function shapes. Also, the optimization techniques are used to enhance
the PI controllers to select the best parameters. Also, in many ML to improve the classifi-
cation or regression are utilized.

Table 14. Comparison of the proposed technique with other techniques of enhancing neural networks by finding the
optimal parameters of No. of nodes in hidden layers and learning rate.

Objective No. of Nodes inNo. of Nodes in Learning Training Per-

Optimization Al- No. of Input and
Function Hidden layer Hidden layer Rate Value Regression (R) formance
gorithm Output
(MAE) 1(N1) 2(N2) (LR) (MSE)
Hybrid LSA-
9.128 × 10−9 6 4 0.6175 5 and 4 1 9.128 × 10−9
ANN [30]
PSO-DNN [115] - 20 60 0.1 12 - -
Hybrid ANN-
0.1742 18 16 0.071 3 and 1 0.99991 -
PSO [29]
0.1911 × 10−2,
BPNN-PSO [116] 14 and 9 9 and 11 0.7373, 0.64817 and 1 0.99993, 0.99999 4.3 × 10−5
0.2032 × 10−2
ANN-PSO tested 0.0144 18 30 0.7 6 and 25 0.99999 3.99 × 10−6
ANN-GA tested 0.0080 23 28 0.6 6 and 25 0.99999 5.46 × 10−6
ANN-ABC tested 0.0172 26 29 0.45 6 and 25 0.99995 2.52 × 10−5
ANN-BSA tested 0.0062 22 27 0.6 6 and 25 1 6.37 × 10−7

Table 15. Overview of significant studies on NNs based optimization using node numbers in hidden layers and learning rate.

Enhancement Method Reference Year Application Enhanced

ANN-based GA [140] 2021 Time-series forecasting for real-life data
ANN-based binary BSA [171] 2021 Virtual power plant
ANN-based PSO [120] 2021 Microgrid energy management
ANN-based LSA [30] 2016 Home energy management
DNN-based PSO [115] 2019 Digital modulation recognition
ANN-based AMARM [201] 2017 Design ANN architectures.
BPNN-based PSO [116] 2021 Global solar irradiance prediction
ANN-based BSA [167] 2018 Estimating state of charge of lithium-Ion battery
ANN-based PSO [213] 2016 Wireless sensor localization for cycling tracking
ANN-based PL [202] 2020 Wireless communication network
ANN-based ABC [155] 2014 Electric load forecasting
ANN-based SAPSO [117] 2020 Kambara reactor desulfurization
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 33 of 44

10. Conclusions and Future Work

This review includes extensive research on ANNs’ importance, advantages and types
of utilization in a series of applications and also neural network enhancement based on
optimizations for network architecture design, training and testing. The literature shows
that optimization for AI generally and neural networks specifically has been a hot topic
during the past ten years and has increased year by year up to 2021. The review has un-
dertaken neural network enhancements by optimizing the parameters, such as weight op-
timizations, initial weight optimizations, bias and learning rate optimizations, number of
hidden layers, number of nodes in hidden layers, and activation functions. On the other
hand, the enhancement could be trained by modifying the neural network’s regular algo-
rithms, for example, replacing the feed-forward or the back-propagation for tuning net-
work weights based on the error rate per epochs. This review covers a test case study of
ANN-based optimization algorithm techniques to provide a quick example of ANN im-
provement. As presented, the hybrid or mix techniques of ANN-PSO, ANN-GA, ANN-
ABC, and ANN- BSA are compared in a fair comparison for their objectives, regressions,
training performance, training time, and application of microgrid energy management.
The influence of each technique can economize time for selecting parameters and for the
training. The enhanced ANN nets are tested on distributed energy resources in the form
of an energy management system. The quick results show that virtual power plants save
a reasonable amount of supplied power. From this review, the research emphasizes en-
hancing the neural network by optimization algorithms used to search for ANN best pa-
rameters and training parameters to achieve the best structure network have been satis-
fied based on the comparison tables as well as the testing results for improving the ANN
performance by PSO, GA, ABC, and BSA, optimization techniques. Also, this review has
proved that neural network is a very hot topic recently and could improve both neural
networks or maybe other AI techniques or ML to search for optimal parameters to solve
the problems in a short time and efficient way. This review and the case study also include
several important and targeted recommendations for the further development of the
ANN-based optimization method, such as:
• Generally, ANN intelligent methods are associated with powerful optimization tools,
such as PSO, ABC, BSA, and GA techniques, in various engineering applications, such
as electromagnetism, signal processing, and pattern recognition and classification, ro-
botics. Nevertheless, they have a problem with constancy and cost. Thus, future re-
search should be conducted on the appropriate optimization method selection, finding
the system’s optimal value, such as cost-effect components with high accuracy.
• The conventional NN technologies create issues; for example, the human brain is
highly complex, non-linear, and sensitive [214]. Therefore, additional investigation is
needed on human brain monitoring optimization to obtain high accuracy. The low
timing loss under the high-risk, complex situation to achieve high reliability, modu-
larity, efficiency, and performance; further investigation of the system’s proper opti-
mization selection is needed.
• Despite the benefits of optimization algorithms in reducing technical loss, low error,
and cost, their use in ANN has been very limited. Only computational intelligence
optimization algorithms have made significant progress toward optimizing the con-
troller design and the price. As a result, advanced optimization algorithms will be
better choices for ANN design.
• Enhancement of ANN parameters with optimization could result from new algo-
rithms that save more time adjusting the ANN toward optimal architectures by
avoiding trial and error or random selection. Like this, the optimal solution is con-
sidered as a smaller network, a straightforward calculation method, and less time
could be achieved.
The neural networks of intelligence dependence evolutionary algorithms improve
neural networks’ design by reducing training time or solving problems using the ANN
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 34 of 44

method. For quick tracking, less steady-state errors, and high performance, ANN tech-
niques can be used to monitor robotic sensing and control monitor and achieve bidirec-
tional power management. However, real-time data integrity, reduced operations time,
expensive processing equipment, and the need for good parameter selection and manual
tuning are all disadvantages. As a result, more research is required to select proper opti-
mization methods for enhancing neural network structure design is important.
DL methods are fast evolving for higher performance. There are adequate review
articles about the progressing algorithms in particular application domains. Future work
could be carried out considering other DL methods such as denoising autoencoder, deep
belief networks, and long short-term memory. Further study and review can enhance or
hybridize ML with optimization techniques, random forest, Markov chain Monte Carlo,
or support victor machines. Future work can also consider many optimizations to im-
prove AI and ML to boost their performance [215–217]. Future studies can consider DL
from another perspective, for example, continuous or online optimization.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.S.U., M.G.M.A. and J.A.A.; methodology, M.G.M.A.

and M.R.S.; software, M.G.M.A.; A.M. and J.A.A., validation M.A.H., S.M.; formal analysis, T.S.U.;
investigation, S.M.S.H. and T.S.U.; resources, T.S.U. and R.M.; data curation, M.G.M.A. and R.M.;
writing—original draft preparation, M.G.M.A., R.M.; writing—review and editing, S.M., S.M.S.H.
and T.S.U. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

ABC Artificial bee colony
ACO Ant colony optimization
ACS Artificial cooperative search algorithm
ADNN Adadelta deep neural networks
ADPSO Adaptive dynamic particle swarm optimization
AFSA Artificial fish swarm optimization
AI Artificial intelligence
AMARM Adaptive memetic algorithm with a rank-based mutation
AMSG Adam optimization stochastic gradient descent
ANFIS Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems
ANN Artificial neural networks
ANN-ABC Artificial neural networks-based artificial bee colony
ANN-BSA Artificial neural networks-based backtracking search algorithm
ANN-BABC Artificial neural networks-based bainary artificial bee colony
ANN-BBSA Artificial neural networks-based binary backtracking search algorithm
ANN-BGA Artificial neural networks-based binary genetic algorithm
ANN-BPSO Artificial neural networks-based binary particle swarm optimization
ANN-GA Artificial neural networks-based genetic algorithm
ANN-PSO Artificial neural networks-based particle swarm optimization
Aop Airblast-overpressure
AP Affinity propagation
BABC Binary artificial bee colony
BBBC Big bang big crunch
BBO Biogeography-based optimization
BBSA Binary backtracking search algorithm
BCA Bee colony algorithm
BFGS Limited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shannon
BFO Bacteria foraging optimization
BGA Binary genetic algorithm
BMO Bird mating optimizer
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 35 of 44

BP Backpropagation
BPNN Backpropagation neural network
BPNN-PSO Backpropagation neural network-based particle swarm optimization
BPSO Binary particle swarm optimization
BSA Backtracking search algorithm
CCG-BP Correntropy-based conjugate gradient- backpropagation
CCPSO Cultural cooperative particle swarm optimization
CNN Convolutional neural networks
COA Chaotic optimization algorithm
CRO Chemical reaction optimization
CS Cuckoo search
CSA Cuckoo search algorithm
CSO Cat swarm optimization
DBBO Differential biogeography-based optimization
DCNN Deep convolutional neural networks
DG Distributed generation
DL Deep learning
DMLP Deep multilayer perceptron
DNN Deep neural networks
DOP Dynamic optimization problem
DSA Dolphin swarm algorithm
EA Evolutionary algorithms
EBP Elman backpropagation algorithm
EFA Electromagnetism-based firefly algorithm
ENN Elman neural network
FA Firefly algorithm
FLANN Functional link artificial neural networks
FLNFN Functional-link-based neural fuzzy network
FNN Optimize feedforward NN
GA Genetic algorithm
GAN Generative adversarial network
GNN Graph Neural Networks
GRNN Generalized regression neural network
GSA Gravitational search algorithm
GWO Grey wolf algorithm
HSA Harmony search algorithm
IT2FNN Interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks
LR Learning Rate
LSA Lightning search algorithm
LSA-ANN Lightning search algorithm-based particle swarm optimization
LSTM Long short-term memory
MAE Mean absolute error
MBSA Modified backtracking search algorithm
MISO Multiple-input single-output
ML Machine learning
MLP Multilayer perceptron
MNN Modular neural network
MOA Microcanonical optimization algorithm
MSE Mean squire error
MVO Multiverse optimizer
NN Neural networks
NNA Neural network algorithm
NNIT Neural network-based information transfer
NNRW Neural network with random weights
NSGA Non-dominated sorting GA
OBD Optimal brain damage
OPSONN Opposition-based PSO neural network
Electronics 2021, 10, 2689 36 of 44

PI Proportional integral
PID Proportional integral derivative
PL Path Loss
PMS Periodic mutation strategy
PNN Probabilistic neural network
PSO Particle swarm optimization
PSO-DNN Particle swarm optimization-based deep neural network
PV Photovoltaic
QLSA Quantum-inspired lightning search algorithm
RBF Radial basis functions
RBFNN Radial basis functions neural network
RNN Recurrent neural networks
RSW Resistance spot welding optimization
SAPSO Simulation annealing algorithm with particle swarm optimization
SGD Stochastic gradient descent
SLFN Single-layer feed-forward network
SOS Symbiotic organisms search
SPS-PSO Self-adaptive parameters and strategy-based PSO
SSO Simplified swarm optimization
TCPSO Tent-map chaotic particle swarm optimization
TLBO Teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm
TO Optimization topology
TPSO Taguchi particle swarm optimization
TSEMO Thompson sampling efficient multi-objective optimization
UCI University of California Irvine
UCS Unconfined compressive strength
WEC Wave energy converters
WOA Whale optimization algorithm

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