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Iso 5149-1 - 2014-04

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First edition

Refrigerating systems and heat
pumps — Safety and environmental
requirements —
Part 1:
Definitions, classification and
selection criteria
Systèmes frigorifiques et pompes à chaleur — Exigences de sécurité et
d’environnement —
Partie 1: Définitions, classification et critères de choix

Reference number
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)



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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Refrigerating system........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Location.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Pressure......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Components of refrigerating system..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Piping, joint, and fitting.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Safety device.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.7 Fluid................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.8 Heat transfer circuit.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.9 Refrigerant disposal......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.10 Miscellaneous......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4 Abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................................................11
5 Classification..........................................................................................................................................................................................................12
5.1 Occupancies classification.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Systems classification...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Location classification of refrigerating systems....................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Refrigerant classification............................................................................................................................................................. 18
6 Quantity of refrigerant per occupied space...........................................................................................................................18
7 Space volume calculations.......................................................................................................................................................................18
8 Heat-transfer fluid............................................................................................................................................................................................19
8.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 Ingestion..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.3 Water and soil contamination.................................................................................................................................................. 19
8.4 Personal exposure (toxicity)..................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.5 Pressure...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.6 Marking....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.7 Freezing point........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
8.8 Decomposition point....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.9 Flash point................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
8.10 Auto-ignition temperature.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.11 Thermal expansion............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
8.12 Corrosion protection........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Annex A (normative) Location of refrigerating systems................................................................................................................21
Annex B (normative) Safety classification and information about refrigerants..................................................30
Annex C (informative) Potential hazards for refrigerating systems..................................................................................40
Annex D (informative) Equivalent terms in English and French...........................................................................................42
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.  In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted.  This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.  Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:  Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISOISO/TC  86, Refrigeration and air-conditioning,
Subcommittee SC 1, Safety and environmental requirements for refrigerating systems.
ISO 5149-1, together with ISO 5149-2, ISO 5149-3, and ISO 5149-4, cancels and replaces ISO 5149:1993,
which has been technically revised.
ISO 5149 consists of the following parts, under the general title Refrigerating systems and heat pumps —
Safety and environmental requirements:
— Part 1: Definitions, classification and selection criteria
— Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation
— Part 3: Installation site
— Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

The purpose of this International Standard is to promote the safe design, construction, disposal,
installation, and operation of refrigerating systems.
The industry response to the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) issue has accelerated the introduction of
alternative refrigerants. The entry of new refrigerants and blends in the market and the introduction of
new safety classifications prompted the revision of this International Standard.
This International Standard is directed to the safety of persons and property on or near the premises
where refrigeration facilities are located. It includes specifications for fabricating a tight system.
This International Standard is intended to minimize possible hazards to persons, property, and
environment from refrigerating systems and refrigerants. These hazards are essentially associated
with the physical and chemical characteristics of refrigerants as well as the pressures and temperatures
occurring in the refrigeration cycles (see Annex A).
Attention is drawn to hazards common to all compression systems, such as high temperature at discharge,
liquid slugging, erroneous operation, or reduction in mechanical strength caused by corrosion, erosion,
thermal stress, fatigue stresses, liquid hammer, or vibration.
Corrosion, however, should have special consideration as specific conditions to refrigerating systems
arise due to the alternate frosting and defrosting or the covering of equipment by insulation.
Commonly used refrigerants except R-717 are heavier than air. Care should be taken to avoid stagnant
pockets of heavy refrigerant vapours by proper location of ventilation inlet and exhaust openings. All
machinery rooms are required to have mechanical ventilation controlled by oxygen deficiency alarms
or refrigerant vapour alarms.


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Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and

environmental requirements —
Part 1:
Definitions, classification and selection criteria

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements for the safety of persons and property,
provides guidance for the protection of the environment, and establishes procedures for the operation,
maintenance, and repair of refrigerating systems and the recovery of refrigerants.
This part of ISO 5149 specifies the classification and selection criteria applicable to the refrigerating
systems and heat pumps. These classification and selection criteria are used in ISO 5149-2, ISO 5149-3,
and ISO 5149-4.
This part of ISO 5149 applies to:
a) refrigerating systems, stationary or mobile, of all sizes including heat pumps;
b) secondary cooling or heating systems;
c) the location of the refrigerating systems;
d) replaced parts and added components after adoption of this part of ISO 5149 if they are not identical
in function and in the capacity.
This part of ISO  5149 applies to fixed or mobile systems, except to vehicle air conditioning systems
covered by a specific product standard, e.g. ISO 13043 and SAE J 639.
This part of ISO 5149 is applicable to new refrigerating systems, extensions or modifications of already
existing systems, and for used systems, being transferred to and operated on another site.
This part of ISO 5149 also applies in the case of the conversion of a system to another refrigerant.
Annex A specifies the limits for the quantity of refrigerant charge permitted in systems in various
locations and occupancy classes.
Annex B specifies the criteria for safety and environmental considerations of different refrigerants used
in refrigeration and air conditioning.
Systems containing refrigerants which are not listed in ISO 817 are not covered in this part of ISO 5149.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 817:2014, Refrigerants — Designation and safety classification
ISO  5149-2:2014, Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements  —
Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

ISO  5149-3:2014, Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements  —
Part 3: Installation site

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 817 and the following apply.

3.1 Refrigerating system

absorption system
refrigerating system in which refrigeration is effected by evaporation of a refrigerant, the vapour
then being absorbed or adsorbed by an absorbent or adsorbent medium, respectively, from which it is
subsequently expelled at a higher partial vapour pressure by heating and then liquefied by cooling
cascade system
two or more independent refrigerant circuits where the condenser of one system rejects heat directly
to the evaporator of another
direct releasable system
system with one degree of separation from an occupied space
Note 1 to entry: Systems in which the secondary coolant is in contact with the air or the goods to be cooled or
heated (e.g. spray systems) are direct releasable systems.

Note 2 to entry: For the purpose of this part of ISO 5149, direct and indirect systems are defined with respect to
the potential to leak refrigerant into an occupied space. When the system does not serve an occupied space, it can
be classed as direct or indirect depending on the system design.

indirect system
systems with more than one degree of separation from the occupied space
double indirect system
indirect system for which the heat-transfer medium passes through a second heat exchanger located
externally to the space, and cools or heats a second heat-transfer medium fluid, which is brought into
direct contact with the substance concerned (e.g. by sprays or similar means)
limited charge system
refrigerating system in which the internal volume and total refrigerant charge are such that, with the
system idle, the allowable pressure is not exceeded when complete evaporation of the refrigerant occurs
high-pressure side
part of a refrigerating system operating approximately at the condenser pressure
low-pressure side
part of a refrigerating system operating approximately at the evaporator pressure

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

refrigerating system (heat pump)
combination of interconnected refrigerant-containing parts constituting one closed circuit in which the
refrigerant is circulated for the purpose of extracting and rejecting heat (i.e. cooling and heating)
Note  1  to  entry:  Refrigerating is used to refer to the on-going process, while refrigeration is used to refer to
something that is completed, such as the equipment (refrigeration equipment).

self-contained system
complete factory-made refrigerating system in a suitable frame and/or enclosure, that is fabricated and
transported completely, or in two or more sections and in which no refrigerant-containing parts are
connected on site other than by isolation valves, such as companion (block) valves
sealed system
refrigerating system in which all refrigerant-containing parts are made tight by welding, brazing, or a
similar permanent connection
Note 1 to entry: A connection that is tightness-tested for a leakage rate of less than 3 g refrigerant per year under
a pressure of at least 0,25 X PS, and where the mechanical joints are prevented from improper use by the need
of a special tool (e.g. glue), is considered as a similar permanent connection. This can include capped valves and
capped service ports.

set of components working together as a mechanism or interconnected network
Note 1 to entry: Examples of systems are given in 4.2.

unit system
self-contained system that has been assembled, filled, ready for use, and tested prior to its installation
and is installed without the need for connecting any refrigerant-containing parts
split system
refrigerating system, air conditioner, or heat pump incorporating one or more refrigerant circuits,
comprising one or more factory-built indoor units providing cooling or heating to the space and or more
factory-built outdoor units
multisplit system
split system with at least more than one indoor unit

3.2 Location
crawl space
space that is generally accessed for maintenance only and where it is not possible to walk or access by
Note 1 to entry: Usually, the height of crawl spaces is less than 1 m.

opening in the outer wall, with or without door or gate
exit passageway
passageway in the immediate vicinity of the door through which people leave the building

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

corridor for the passage of people
machinery room
enclosed room or space, with mechanical ventilation, sealed from public areas and not accessible to the
public, which is intended to contain components of the refrigerating system
Note 1 to entry: A machinery room can contain other equipment provided that the design and its installation
requirements are compatible with the requirements for the safety of the refrigerating system.

occupied space
space in a building which is bounded by walls, floors, and ceilings and which is occupied for a significant
period by persons
Note 1 to entry: Where the spaces around the apparent occupied space are, by construction or design, not airtight
with respect to the occupied space, these can be considered as part of the occupied space, e.g. false ceiling voids,
crawl ways, ducts, movable partitions, and doors with transfer grilles.

open air
any unenclosed space, possibly but not necessarily roofed
special machinery room
machinery room intended to contain only components of the refrigerating system, having no combustion
element, (except where the refrigerating system is direct gas fired absorption) and accessible only to
competent personnel for the purposes of inspection, maintenance, and repair
ventilated enclosure
enclosure containing the refrigerating system that does not enable air to flow from the enclosure to the
surrounding space, and has a ventilation system that produces airflow from the enclosures to the open
air through a ventilation duct

3.3 Pressure
design pressure
pressure chosen for the strength calculation of each component
Note 1 to entry: It is used for determining the necessary materials, thickness, and construction for components
with regard to their ability to withstand pressure.

tightness test pressure
pressure that is applied to test a system or any part of it for tightness under pressure

maximum allowable pressure

maximum pressure which system or component is designed, as specified by the manufacturer
strength test pressure
pressure that is applied to test the strength of a refrigerating system or any part of it

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

3.4 Components of refrigerating system

part of the refrigerating system constructed from pipes or tubes suitably connected and serving as a
heat exchanger (evaporator or condenser)
Note 1 to entry: A header connecting the tubes of the heat exchanger is part of the coil.

device for mechanically increasing the pressure of a refrigerant vapour
compressor unit
combination of one or more compressors and the regularly furnished accessories
positive displacement compressor
compressor in which compression is obtained by changing the internal volume of the compression
non-positive displacement compressor
compressor in which compression is obtained without changing the internal volume of the compression
open compressor
compressor having a drive shaft penetrating the refrigerant-tight housing
heat exchanger
device designed to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids
heat exchanger in which refrigerant vapour is liquefied by removal of heat
condensing unit
combination of one or more compressors, condensers or liquid receivers (when required), and the
regularly furnished accessories
heat exchanger in which liquid refrigerant is vaporized by absorbing heat from the substance to be
pressure vessel
any refrigerant-containing part of a refrigerating system other than
— compressors,
— pumps,
— component parts of sealed absorption systems,
— evaporators, each separate section of which does not exceed 15 l of refrigerant-containing volume,
— coils,

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

— piping and its valves, joints, and fittings,

— control devices, and
— pressure-containing components (including headers) having an internal diameter or largest cross
sectional dimension not greater than 152 mm.
fade-out vessel
vapour receiver connected to the low temperature stage of a limited charge cascade system which is of
sufficient size to limit the rise in pressure during system standstill
Note 1 to entry: The receiver provides sufficient volume to accommodate the total refrigerant charge of the circuit
as vapour at ambient temperature without exceeding the allowable pressure of the system.

liquid receiver
vessel permanently connected to a system by inlet and outlet pipes for accumulation of liquid refrigerant
internal net volume
volume calculated from the internal dimensions of a vessel, after the subtraction of the volume of the
parts within the internal dimensions
refrigerating equipment
components forming a part of the refrigerating system, e.g. compressor, condenser, generator, absorber,
adsorber, liquid receiver, evaporator, and surge drum
surge drum
vessel containing refrigerant at low pressure and temperature, and connected by liquid feed and vapour
return pipes to an evaporator(s)

3.5 Piping, joint, and fitting

brazed joint
joint obtained by the joining of metal parts with alloys which melt at temperatures that is generally
higher than 450 °C, but less than the melting temperatures of the joined parts
companion (block) valve
pair of mating stop valves, isolating sections of systems and arranged so that these sections can be
joined before opening these valves or separated after closing them
compression joint
pipe joint in which the tightening of a nut compresses a shaped ring that presses on the outside of the
pipe sealing the system
flanged joint
joint made by bolting together a pair of flanged ends
flared joint
metal-metal compression joint in which a conical spread is made on the end of the tube


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

pipe or tube component of a refrigerating system to which several other pipes or tubes are connected
isolating valve
valve which prevent flow in either direction when closed
connection which assures the gas-tight connection between parts
pipes or tubes (including any hose, bellows, or flexible pipe) for interconnecting the various parts of a
refrigerating system
quick-closing valve
shut-off device which closes automatically (e.g. by weight, spring force, quick closing ball) or has a closing
angle of 130° or less
service duct
duct containing the electrical supply, refrigerant piping, plumbing, other ducts, or equivalent service
required for operation of the product
shut-off device
device to shut off the flow of the fluid
tapered thread joint
threaded pipe joint requiring filler materials in order to block the spiral leakage path
three-way valve
service valve that connects one refrigerant line to one or two other refrigerant lines and generally
intended to permit servicing part of a refrigerating system without removing the refrigerant from the
complete system
welded joint
assembly of metal parts in the plastic or molten state

3.6 Safety device

bursting disc
disc or foil which bursts at a predetermined differential pressure
Note 1 to entry: Bursting disc is also called rupture disc or rupture member.


changeover device
valve controlling two safety devices and so arranged that only one can be made inoperative at any one
fusible plug
device containing any material which melts at a predetermined temperature and relieves the pressure

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

liquid level cut out
actuated device designed to prevent unsafe liquid levels
overflow valve
pressure relief device discharging to the low pressure side of the refrigerating system
pressure limiter
switching device for limiting the pressure that resets automatically
pressure relief device
pressure relief valve or bursting disc device designed to relieve excessive pressure automatically
pressure relief valve
pressure-actuated valve held shut by a spring or other means and designed to relieve excessive pressure
refrigerant detector
sensing device which responds to a pre-set concentration of refrigerant in the environment
safety switching device for limiting the pressure
type-approved pressure-actuated device that is designed to stop the operation of the pressure generator
self-closing valve
valve that closes automatically, e.g. by weight or spring force
temperature limiting device
temperature-actuated device that is designed to prevent excessive temperatures
Note 1 to entry: A fusible plug is not a temperature limiting device.

type-approved component
component for which the examination is performed on one or more samples of this component by
following a recognized standard for type approval
type-approved pressure cut out
safety switching device for limiting the pressure that requires to be manually reset
type-approved pressure limiter
safety switching device for limiting the pressure that automatically resets
type-approved safety pressure cut out
safety switching device for limiting the pressure that requires to be reset manually only with the aid of
a tool


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

3.7 Fluid
fluid present in the internal volume of the refrigerating system, present for the main purpose of
lubrication of wearing surfaces
blend composed of two or more refrigerants whose equilibrium vapour and liquid phase compositions
are the same at a given pressure, but can be different at other condition
Note 1 to entry: See Table B.3.

[SOURCE: ISO 817:2014, 2.5 — Note 1 to entry has been added.]

blend composed of two or more refrigerants whose equilibrium vapour and liquid phase compositions
are not the same at any pressure below the critical pressure
[SOURCE: ISO 817:2014, 2.1.44]
Note 1 to entry: See Table B.2.

chemical compound consisting of halogen (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine), carbon, and in some
cases, hydrogen
chemical compound consisting of hydrogen and carbon
heat-transfer fluid
fluid (e.g. brine, water, air) for the transmission of heat
auto-ignition temperature
lowest temperature of a substance at or above which a chemical can spontaneously ignite in a normal
atmosphere, without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark

outside air
air from outside of the building
fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigerating system, which absorbs heat at a low temperature and a low
pressure of the fluid, and rejects it at a higher temperature and a higher pressure of the fluid usually
involving changes of the phase of the fluid
Note 1 to entry: Refrigerants are listed in ISO 817.

[SOURCE: ISO 817:2014, 2.32 — Note 1 to entry has been added.]

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

refrigerant type
chemical compound or blend of compounds used as a specific nomenclature designation
Note 1 to entry: Designation is given in ISO 817.

ability of a refrigerant or a heat-transfer fluid to be harmful or lethal or to impair a person’s ability to
escape due to acute or chronic exposure by contact, inhalation, or ingestion
Note 1 to entry: Temporary discomfort that does not impair health is not considered to be harmful.

ability of a refrigerant or heat-transfer fluid to propagate a flame from an ignition source
practical limit
concentration used for simplified calculation to determine the maximum acceptable amount of
refrigerant in an occupied space
Note  1  to  entry:  Refrigerant Concentration Limit (RCL) is determined by toxicity or flammability tests, but
practical limit is derived from RCL or historically established charge limit.

3.8 Heat transfer circuit

heat-transfer circuit
circuit which is composed of at least two heat exchangers and interconnecting pipes

3.9 Refrigerant disposal

to dispose of or to convey a product usually for scrapping or destruction
to process used refrigerants to new product specifications
to remove refrigerant in any condition from a system and store it in an external container
reduction of contaminants in used refrigerants by separating oil, removing non-condensables, and using
devices to reduce moisture, acidity, and particulate matter
Note 1 to entry: Devices can include filters and dryers.

use (charge) of recovered refrigerant without any processing to remove impurities

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

3.10 Miscellaneous
factory made
manufactured at a dedicated production location under control of a recognized quality system
dilution transfer opening
opening which allows the leaked refrigerant to flow out from the room to an adjacent room or corridor
by density difference, dilution, convection, or ventilation
quantity limit with additional ventilation
charge of refrigerant that results in a concentration equal to the Oxygen Deprivation Limit (ODL), if the
total charge leaked with the occupied space
Note  1  to  entry:  See A.5 for the use of Quantity Limit with Additional Ventilation (QLAV) to manage risk for
systems in occupied spaces where the level of ventilation is sufficient to disperse the leaked refrigerant within
15 min.

quantity limit with minimum ventilation
charge of refrigerant that results in a concentration equal to the RCL in a room of non-airtight construction
with a moderately severe refrigerant leak
Note 1 to entry: See A.5 for the use of QLAV to manage risk for systems in occupied spaces not below ground level
where the level of ventilation is not sufficient to disperse the leaked refrigerant within 15 min. The calculation is
based on an opening of 0,003 2 m2 and a leak rate of 2,78 g/s.

4 Abbreviated terms
A/C Air Conditioning systems

ATEL Acute Toxicity Exposure Limit

GWP Global Warning Potential

HTF Heat-Transfer Fluid

ITH Integration Time Horizon

LFL Lower Flammability Limit

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

ODL Oxygen Deprivation Limit

ODP Oxygen Deprivation Potential

PS Maximum Allowable Pressure

QLAV Quantity Limit with Additional Ventilation


QLMV Quantity Limit with Minimum Ventilation

RCL Refrigerant Concentration Limit

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

5 Classification

5.1 Occupancies classification

For the purpose of this International Standard, occupancy classification shall be determined according
to Table 1.
Machinery rooms shall not be considered as an occupied space except as defined in ISO 5149-3:2014, 5.1.

Table 1 — Categories of occupancy

Categories General characteristics Examplesa
General Rooms, parts of buildings, building where Hospitals, courts or prisons, thea-
occupancy — sleeping facilities are provided, tres, supermarkets, schools, lecture
a — people are restricted in their movement, halls, public transport termini,
— an uncontrolled number of people are present, or hotels, dwellings, and restaurants
— to which any person has access without being
personally acquainted with the necessary safety
Supervised Rooms, parts of buildings, buildings where only a Business or professional offices,
occupancy limited number of people can be assembled, some laboratories, places for general
b being necessarily acquainted with the general safety manufacturing, and where people
precautions of the establishment. work
Authorized Rooms, parts of buildings, buildings where only Manufacturing facilities, e.g. for
occupancy authorized persons have access, who are acquainted chemicals, food, beverage, ice, ice-
c with general and special safety precautions of the cream, refineries, cold stores, dair-
establishment and where manufacturing, processing, ies, abattoirs, and non-public areas
or storage of material or products take place. in supermarkets
a The list of examples is not exhaustive.

NOTE Occupancies can be classified by national requirements.

5.2 Systems classification

5.2.1 General

Refrigerating systems are classified according to

— the method of extracting heat from the atmosphere (cooling),
— the method of adding heat to the atmosphere (heating),
— the substance to be treated, or
— the refrigerant leak entering the occupied space.

5.2.2 Direct releasable system Direct systems

A direct system shall be classed as a direct releasable system if a single rupture of the refrigerant circuit
results in a refrigerant release to an occupied space, irrespective of the location of the refrigerant circuit
(see Figure 1).
Direct systems are considered to be located in location classification I (see 5.3.5) or II (see 5.3.4).


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)

Figure 1 — Direct system Open spray system

An open spray system shall be classed as a direct releasable system if the heat-transfer medium is in
direct communication with the refrigerant-containing parts of the circuit and the indirect circuit is
open to an occupied space (see Figure 2).
Open spray systems are considered to be located in location classification I (see 5.3.5) or II (see 5.3.4).

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant- containing part(s)
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 2 — Open spray system Direct ducted system

A direct ducted system shall be classed as a direct releasable system if the conditioned air is in direct
communication with the refrigerant-containing parts of the circuit and is supplied to an occupied space
(see Figure 3).
Direct ducted systems are considered to be located in location classification I (see 5.3.5) or II (see 5.3.4).


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)

Figure 3 — Direct ducted system Open vented spray system

An open vented spray system shall be classed as a direct releasable system if the heat-transfer medium
is in direct contact with refrigerant-containing parts of the circuit and the indirect circuit is open to an
occupied space (see Figure 4). The heat-transfer medium shall be vented to the atmosphere outside the
occupied space, but the possibility remains that a single rupture of the refrigerant circuit could result in
a refrigerant release to the occupied space.

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 4 — Open vented spray system

5.2.3 Indirect systems Indirect closed system

An indirect system shall be classed as indirect closed system if the heat-transfer medium is in direct
communication with an occupied space, and a refrigerant leak into the indirect circuit can enter the
occupied space if the indirect circuit also leaks or purged (see Figure 5).

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Indirect closed systems are considered to be located in location classification I (see 5.3.5) or II (see
NOTE A pressure relief device (or purger) on a secondary circuit is an appropriate method to prevent the
refrigerant leaking into the occupied space. Such a system is not considered as an indirect closed system (see

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 5 — Indirect closed system Indirect vented system

An indirect system shall be classed as indirect vented system if the heat-transfer medium is in direct
communication with an occupied space, and a refrigerant leak into the indirect circuit can vent to
atmosphere outside the occupied space (see Figure 6).
NOTE This can be achieved by using a double-walled heat exchanger.

Indirect vented systems are considered to be located in location classification III (see 5.3.3).

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 6 — Indirect vented system


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E) Indirect vented closed system

An indirect system shall be classed as an indirect vented closed system if the heat-transfer medium is in
direct communication with an occupied space and a refrigerant leak into the indirect circuit can vent to
atmosphere, through a mechanical vent, outside the occupied space (see Figure 7).
Indirect vented closed systems are considered to be located in location classification III (see 5.3.3).

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 7 — Indirect vented closed system Double indirect system

An indirect system shall be classed as a double indirect system if the heat-transfer medium is in contact
with refrigerant-containing parts, and the heat be exchanged with a second indirect circuit that passes
into an occupied space (see Figure 8). A refrigerant leak cannot enter the occupied space.
Double indirect vented systems are considered to be located in location classification III (see 5.3.3).

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 8 — Double indirect system

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E) High-pressure indirect system

An indirect system shall be classed as a high-pressure indirect system if the heat-transfer medium is in
direct communication with an occupied space and the indirect circuit is maintained at a higher pressure
than the refrigerant circuit at all times, so that a rupture of the refrigerant circuit cannot result in a
refrigerant release to the occupied spaces (see Figure 9).
High-pressure indirect systems are considered to be located in location classification III (see 5.3.3).

1 occupied space
2 refrigerant-containing part(s)
P1 pressure 1
P2 pressure 2
… heat-transfer medium

Figure 9 — High-pressure indirect system

5.3 Location classification of refrigerating systems

5.3.1 General

Charge limit requirements for refrigerating systems shall be calculated in accordance with the location
class, as specified in 5.3.2 to 5.3.5, and the toxicity and/or the flammability of the refrigerant as specified
in Annex A.

5.3.2 Class IV: ventilated enclosures

If all refrigerant-containing parts are located in the ventilated enclosures, then the requirements for a
class IV location shall apply. The ventilated enclosures shall fulfil the requirements of ISO 5149-2 and
ISO 5149-3.

5.3.3 Class III: machinery room or open air

If all refrigerant-containing parts are located in a machinery room or open air, then the requirements for
a class III location shall apply. The machinery room shall fulfil the requirements of ISO 5149-3.
EXAMPLE Water-cooled chiller.

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

5.3.4 Class II: compressors in machinery room or open air

If all compressors and pressure vessels are either located in a machinery room or in the open air, then
the requirements for a class II location shall apply unless the system complies with the requirements
of 5.3.3. Coil-type heat exchangers and pipework, including valves, can be located in an occupied space.
EXAMPLE Cold store.

5.3.5 Class I: mechanical equipment located within the occupied space

If the refrigerating system or refrigerant-containing parts are located in the occupied space, then the
system is considered to be of class I unless the system complies with the requirements of 5.3.4.

5.4 Refrigerant classification

The refrigerant classification according to ISO 817:2014 shall be applied.

6 Quantity of refrigerant per occupied space

6.1 The amount of a refrigerant charge that could enter into the occupied space shall be determined as

— For occupied spaces, the refrigerant quantity shall not exceed the amounts specified in Tables A.1
and A.2.
— The refrigerant quantity is the quantity that can be released in an occupied space, and shall be the
largest charge of any single refrigerating system, unless otherwise specified in this International

6.2 Where IEC or ISO product standards exist for particular types of systems and where these product
standards refer to refrigerant quantities limits, such quantities shall overrule the requirements of this
part of ISO 5149.

7 Space volume calculations

7.1 The space considered shall be any occupied space which contains refrigerant-containing parts.

7.2 The volume (V) of the smallest, enclosed, occupied space shall be used in the determination of the
refrigerant quantity limits.

7.3 Multiple spaces that have appropriate openings (that cannot be closed) between the individual
spaces or are connected with a common ventilation supply, return, or exhaust system not containing the
evaporator or the condenser shall be treated as a single space. Where the evaporator or condenser is
located in an air supply duct system serving multiple spaces, the volume of the smallest single space shall
be used. If the air flow to a space cannot be reduced to less than 10 % of the maximum air flow by the use
of an air flow reducer, then that space shall be included in the volume of the smallest occupied space.

7.4 Where the evaporator or condenser is located in an air supply duct system and the system serves an
unpartitioned multi-storey building, the occupied volume of the smallest occupied storey of the building
shall be used.

7.5 The space above a false ceiling or partition shall be included in the volume calculation unless the
false ceiling is airtight.

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

7.6 Where an indoor unit of a system, or any refrigerant-containing pipe working thereof, is located in a
volume of such size so that the total charge exceeds the allowable charge, special provisions shall be made
to ensure at least an equivalent level of safety. See A.5.

8 Heat-transfer fluid

8.1 General
Where fluids listed in Annex B are used as heat-transfer fluids, the circuit shall be treated as a refrigerating
circuit and the fluid as a refrigerant. The designer shall take into account the criteria described in 8.2 to
8.12 when selecting a heat-transfer fluid.

8.2 Ingestion
The use of heat-transfer fluids for the cooling or heating of food products shall comply with national or
regional regulations.
NOTE Many food processing applications rely on a heat-transfer fluid for indirect cooling or freezing. Use of a
“food grade” heat-transfer coolant mitigates the risk of injuring persons by an unintentional leakage into the food
product .

The effects of a leak when the fluid is under pressure shall be considered.

8.3 Water and soil contamination

Where the heat-transfer fluid is not listed in this part of ISO  5149 or national regulations for human
consumption or release to ground water, provision for containment shall be made in the design of the
system and the building in the event of a leak.

8.4 Personal exposure (toxicity)

The risk of personal exposures to heat-transfer fluid shall be determined by reviewing the Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

8.5 Pressure
The heat-transfer fluid containment circuit shall be capable of withstanding the pressures generated in
the heat-transfer circuit in accordance with ISO 5149-2.

8.6 Marking
The system shall be marked with a design pressure rating in accordance with ISO 5149-2.

8.7 Freezing point

If the freezing point of the heat-transfer fluid is more than 3  K below the lowest temperature of the
primary circuit refrigerant, no additional requirements shall apply. A freezing point greater than the
lowest temperature of the primary circuit refrigerant is permitted if the pressure of the secondary
circuit does not exceed the design pressure rating of the pressure-containing parts. The pressure shall
be determined under a freezing blockage at the most adverse point in the circuit. The freezing point of
the HTF is also permitted to be greater than the lowest temperature of the primary circuit refrigerant if
the circuit contains an automatic control that stops the primary circuit refrigeration function before the
secondary circuit is blocked. Fluids that expand on freezing shall not cause the pressure in the secondary
circuit to exceed the rated pressure for the circuit and shall not cause permanent deformation of the
pipe under freezing conditions. Compliance shall be checked by testing at 10 K below the freezing point
of the fluid or at the temperatures that can be reached under blocked conditions, whichever is lower.

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

8.8 Decomposition point

To avoid decomposition of the heat-transfer fluid, the maximum operating temperature shall not be
greater than the maximum rated operating temperature of the fluid as specified by the manufacturer.

8.9 Flash point

The flash point of the fluid shall not be less than 55 °C as specified in the MSDS.

8.10 Auto-ignition temperature

If the HTF is flammable, its auto-ignition temperature shall be greater than 100 °C.

8.11 Thermal expansion

Equipment shall be protected against thermal expansion.
NOTE Most liquids expand as temperature rises, but some liquids expand when temperature is lowered.

8.12 Corrosion protection

The HTF shall include adequate corrosion inhibitors for all system materials.
NOTE Most non-aqueous-based heat-transfer fluids are inherently non-corrosive provided they are not
contaminated by water.


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Annex A

Location of refrigerating systems

A.1 General
There are four types of location for refrigerating systems: class I, class II, class III, and class IV (see
Tables A.1 and A.2). The appropriate location shall be selected in accordance with 5.3.
NOTE Some heat pumps/air conditioners operate for either heating or cooling by reversing the flow from the
compressor to the heat exchangers by means of a special reversing valve. In these cases, the high and low pressure
sides of the system can change depending on the mode of the unit.

Refrigerating systems or parts of systems shall not be installed in or on stairways, landings, entrances,
or exits used by the public, if free passage is thereby limited.
Tables A.1 and A.2 show the refrigerant charge limit and the specific requirements for reference system
for different locations and applications based on the specific toxicity and flammability characteristics
of the refrigerant used. The charge limit can be an absolute value or calculated from characteristic
refrigerant data and room volumes.
If a secondary system serving an occupied space employs a substance that is listed as a refrigerant in
Annex B, the charge of that heat-transfer fluid shall be calculated by using the requirements for direct
releasable systems within Tables A.1 and A.2.

A.2 Charge limit requirements for refrigerating systems

Refrigerant charge limits shall be calculated according to Tables A.1 and A.2, depending on the toxicity
and/or the flammability of the refrigerant.
The following method shall be applied to determine the charge limit of a refrigerating system.
1) Define which occupancy category (a, b, or c, according to 5.1) applies and which location class (I, II,
III, or IV, according to 5.3) the system is used in.
2) Define the toxicity class of the refrigerant (A or B, according to Tables  B.1 and B.2) used in the
refrigerating system. The toxicity limit equals ATEL/ODL values or practical limits whichever is
higher. Where dual classification exists, the more restrictive classification is used.
3) Determine the charge limit for the refrigerating system based on Table A.1.
4) Define the flammability class of the refrigerant (1, 2L, 2, 3, etc., according to Tables B.1 and B.2) used
in the refrigerating system and the corresponding LFL. Where dual classification exists, the more
restrictive classification is used.
5) Determine the charge limit for the refrigerating system based on Table A.2.
6) The lowest refrigerant charge obtained according to 3) and 5) is applied. For determination of
charge limits for refrigerants of flammability class 1, 5) can be omitted.
The charge limits in Table A.2 are capped to a limit based upon the LFL of the refrigerant. In the case
of flammability class 2 or 3 refrigerants, the basic cap factor is m1, m2, and m3. For flammability class
2L refrigerants, the basic cap factor is increased by a factor of 1,5 in recognition of the lower burning
velocity of these refrigerants, which lead to a reduced risk of ignition and impact. The cap factor used in


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Table A.2 can be increased where occupants are familiar with the safety requirements for the building
(for example, occupancy class b or c), or where risk of leakage is reduced.
The cap factors given in Table A.2 shall be calculated as follows:

m1 = 4 m 3 × LFL (A.1)

m2 = 26 m 3 × LFL (A.2)

m3 = 130 m 3 × LFL (A.3)

where LFL equals the lower flammable limit in kg/m3 according to Annex B.
NOTE The cap factor of 26 is based on a charge of 1 kg of R-290.

For refrigerants of flammability class 2L, there are no room volume restrictions for refrigerant charges
below or equal to m1 × 1,5. For refrigerants of flammability classes 2 and 3, there are no room volume
restrictions for refrigerant charges below or equal to m1.


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Table A.1 — Charge limit requirements for refrigerating systems based on toxicity

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Toxicity class Occupancy category Location classification

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a Toxicity limit × Room volume or see A.5

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Upper floors Toxicity limit × Room volume
without emer- or see A.5
gency exits or

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b below ground
floor level
A Other No charge restrictiona No charge restrictiona
No charge restrictiona
Upper floors Toxicity limit × Room volume
without emer- or see A.5
gency exits or
c below ground
floor level
Other No charge restrictiona
The charge requirements shall
a For sealed absorption systems, Toxicity limit × Room volume be assessed according to loca-

and not more than 2,5 kg, all other systems, Toxicity limit × tion classification I, II, or III,
Room volume depending on the location of
the ventilated enclosure.
Upper floors Toxicity limit × Room volume Charge not more than 25 kga
without emer-
gency exits or

below ground
floor level

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B Density of per- Charge not more than 10 kga No charge restrictiona No charge restrictiona
sonnel <1 person
per 10 m2
Other Charge not more than 10 kga Charge not more than 25 kga
c Density of per- Charge not more than 50 kga No charge restrictiona

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sonnel <1 person and emergency exits are avail-
per 10 m2 able
Other Charge not more than 10 kga Charge not more than 25 kga
a ISO 5149-3:2014, 5.2 and 8.1 applies.
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


Table A.2 — Charge limit requirements for refrigerating systems based on flammability

Flammabil- --`,,`,,````,,,`,``,``,,,,,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Location classification
Occupancy category
ity class I II III IV

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According to A.4 and not more than m2a × 1,5 or according to A.5
Human comfort
and not more than m3b × 1,5

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than m2a × 1,5 or
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Other applications
according to A.5 and not more than m3b × 1,5

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According to A.4 and not more than m2a × 1,5 or according to A.5
Human comfort
and not more than m3b × 1,5
b 20 % × LFL × Room volume 20 % × LFL × Room volume and
and not more than m2a × 1,5 or not more than 25 kgc or accord-
Other applications
according to A.5 and not more ing to A.5 and not more than
than m3b × 1,5 m3b × 1,5 Refrigerant charge not more
2L No charge restrictionc
than m3b × 1,5
According to A.4 and not more than m2a × 1,5 or according to A.5
Human comfort
and not more than m3b × 1.5
20 % × LFL × Room volume 20 % × LFL × Room volume and
and not more than m2a × 1,5 or not more than 25 kgc or accord-
Other applications

according to A.5 and not more ing to A.5 and not more than
than m3b × 1,5 m3b × 1,5
20 % × LFL × Room volume and
not more than 50 kga or accord-
< 1 person per 10 m2 No charge restrictionc
ing to A.5 and not more than
m3b × 1,5
Human comfort According to A.4 and not more than m2a
Other applications 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than m2a
Human comfort According to A.4 and not more than m2a

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Other applications 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than m2a
Refrigerant charge not more
2 No charge restrictionc
Human comfort According to A.4 and not more than m2a than m3b
Other 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than m2a
c ground

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tions Above 20 % × LFL × Room volume and 20 % × LFL × Room volume and
ground not more than 10 kgc not more than 25 kgc

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Table A.2 — (continued)

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Flammabil- Location classification
Occupancy category
ity class I II III IV

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In accordance with occupancy

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Human comfort According to A.4 and not more than m2a
category a, other applications
Below Only sealed systems:
a Other Not more than 1 kga
ground 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than 1 kga

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tions Above Only sealed systems:
Not more than 5 kgc
ground 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than 1,5 kga
In accordance with occupancy
Human comfort According to A.4 and not more than m2 a
category b, other applications
Below Refrigerant charge not more
3 b Other 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than 1 kga Not more than 1 kga
ground than m3
tions Above
20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than 2,5 kg a Not more than 10 kgc
In accordance with occupancy
Human comfort According to A.4 and not more than m2a

category c, other applications
c Other 20 % × LFL × Room volume and not more than 1 kgc Not more than 1 kg
tions Above 20 % × LFL × Room volume and 20 % × LFL × Room volume
No charge restrictionc
ground not more than 10 kgc and not more than 25 kgc
a m2 = 26 m3 × LFL.

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b m3 = 130 m3 × LFL.
c ISO 5149-3:—, 5.2 and 8.1 applies.

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

A.3 Factory-sealed appliances with a charge of less than 0,15 kg of A3 refriger-

For factory-sealed appliances containing not more than 0,15 kg of A3 refrigerant according to ISO 817,
the requirements of IEC 60335-2-24 and IEC 60335-2-89, as applicable, shall be applied.

A.4 Charge limitations due to flammability for A/C systems or heat pumps for hu-
man comfort: refrigerant-containing parts in an occupied space
When the charge of refrigerants with flammability class 2L is greater than m1  ×  1,5, the charge in
the room shall be in accordance with Formula (A.4). When the maximum charge of refrigerants with
flammability classes 2 and 3 is greater than m1, the charge in the room shall be in accordance with
Formula (A.4).

mmax = 2,5× LFL 5/4 × h0 × A 1/2 (A.4)

  mmax is the allowable maximum charge in a room, expressed in kilograms;

  m is the refrigerant charge amount in the system, expressed in kilograms;

  Amin is the required minimum room area, expressed in square metres;

  A is the room area, expressed in square metres;

  LFL is the Lower Flammability Limit, expressed in kilograms per cubic metre;

  h0 is the height factor based upon the method of mounting the appliance.

NOTE For guidance, the following height can be considered:

—     0,6 m for floor location;

—     1,0 m for window mounted;

—     1,8 m for wall mounted;

—     2,2 m for ceiling mounted.

If Formula (A.4) produces the larger value, the required minimum floor area Amin, in square metres, to
install a system with refrigerant charge m, in kilograms, shall be in accordance with Formula A.5:
 m 
Amin =   (A.5)
 2, 5 × LFL5/4
× h0
where LFL is expressed in kilograms per cubic metre (see Annex B) and the relative molar mass of the
refrigerant is greater than 42.

A.5 Alternative for risk management of refrigerating systems in occupied spaces

A.5.1 General
Where the combination of location classification and occupancy classification shown in Tables A.1 and
A.2 allow the use of the alternative provisions, then the designer can choose (for some or all of the
occupied spaces served by the equipment) to calculate the allowable refrigerant charge using the RCL,

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

QLMV, or QLAV values given in A.5.2 instead of the practical limit values given in Tables B.1 and B.2. All
occupied spaces, where refrigerant-containing parts are located, shall be considered in calculating the
system charge.
This subclause should only be used for an occupied space where the equipment fulfils all of the following
— systems where the refrigerant is classified as A1 or A2L according to Annex B;
— systems where the refrigerant charge does not exceed 150  kg and furthermore does not exceed
195 m3 × LFL for A2L refrigerants;
— systems where the rated cooling/heating capacity of the indoor unit is not more than 25 % of the
total cooling/heating capacity of the outdoor unit;
— equipment location is class II, in accordance with 5.3.4;
— systems where the heat exchanger in the indoor unit and the control of the system are designed to
prevent damage due to ice formation of freezing;
— systems where the refrigerant-containing parts of the indoor unit are protected against fan breakage
or the fan is so designed to prevent breakage;
— systems where the equipment pipes in the occupied space in question are sized to suit the capacity
of the heat exchanger in that space and connected to that heat exchanger;
— systems where only permanent joints are used in the occupied space in question except for site-
made joints directly connecting the indoor unit to the piping;
— systems where the equipment pipes in the occupied space in question are installed in such a way
that it is protected against accidental damage, in accordance with ISO  5149-2:2014, and
ISO 5149-3:2014, 6.2;
— special provisions to ensure safety are provided, in accordance with A.5.2.2 and A.5.2.3;
— doors of the occupied space are not tight-fitting;
— effect of flow down is considered, in accordance with A.5.2.4.
Provided all the above conditions are fulfilled, the maximum leakage in the occupied space is deemed to

be not greater than that resulting of a pinhole leak, and the maximum charge can be calculated on that

A.5.2 Allowable charge

A.5.2.1 General

For occupied spaces exceeding 250 m2, the charge limits calculation shall use 250 m2 as the room floor
area for the determination of the room volume.
The total charge of the system divided by the room volume shall not exceed the QLMV value specified in
Table A.3 (or if the lowest floor is underground, the RCL value in Table A.4) unless appropriate measure
are taken. If the value exceeds the QLMV or RCL, appropriate measures shall be taken in accordance with
A.5.2.2 or A.5.2.3. The appropriate measure shall be ventilation (natural or mechanical), safety shut-off
valves, and safety alarm, in conjunction with a gas detection device. See ISO 5149-3:2014, Clauses 6, 8,
9, and 10. A safety alarm alone shall not be considered as an appropriate measure where occupants are
restricted in their movement (see ISO 5149-3:2014, 8.1).
NOTE 1 For systems that are installed and operated within the constraints of A.5.1, the risk of rapid release of
refrigerant through a major leak has been minimized. The calculation of ventilation rate in Annex A has therefore
been based on a maximum leakage rate of 10 kg/h.

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NOTE 2 QLMV is based on a room height of 2,2 m and an opening of 0,003 2 m2 (0,8 m width door and 4 mm
gap) that can be expected in rooms without designed ventilation.

NOTE 3 QLAV is based on an oxygen concentration of 18,5 vol %, assuming perfect mixing.

Table A.3 — Allowable refrigerant concentration

concentration QLMV QLAV
Refrigerant kg/m3
kg/m3 kg/m3
R22 0,21 0,28 0,50
R134a 0,21 0,28 0,58
R407C 0,27 0,46 0,50
R410A 0,39 0,42 0,42
R744 0,072 0,074 0,18
R32 0,061 0,063 0,16
R1234yf 0,060 0,062 0,15

For refrigerants not listed in Table A.3, Formula (A.6) shall be used for the calculation of QLMV:
T ×m
QLMV = (A.6)

T is the time where

x 
= RCL and is found by solving dx =  m
 − × A× c
( ρ − ρ a ) × 2 × h  × dt ;
V  V ρ 
 

x is the refrigerant mass in the room, in kilograms;

 is the leak rate from refrigerating system (10 kg/h);

  V is the room volume, in cubic metres;

  t is the time, in seconds;

  A is the opening area, in square metres, assumed to give a minimum ventilation rate, such as an
area of 0,004 × 0,8 = 0,003 2;

  c is the flow coefficient (0,7 for orifice);

  ρ is the density of refrigerant air mixture, in kilograms per cubic metre, such as
x x ρa
ρ = + ρa − ;
V V ρr

ρa is the air density, in kilograms per cubic metre;

ρr is the refrigerant density, in kilograms per cubic metre;

h is the refrigerant mass in the room, in kilograms.

The QLMV of refrigerants with relative molar mass between 50 g/mol and 125 g/mol can be determined
by linear interpolation of the values given in Table A.4.


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Table A.4 — Interpolation table for calculating QLMV

Molar mass
RCL 50 75 100 125
0,05 0,051 0,051 0,051 0,051
0,10 0,106 0,107 0,108 0,108
0,15 0,168 0,173 0,175 0,176
0,20 0,242 0,254 0,260 0,263
0,25 0,336 0,367 0,383 0,393
0,30 0,495 0,565 0,634 0,689
0,35 0,725 ― ― ―

A.5.2.2 Occupancies except ones on the lowest underground floor of the building

Where the refrigerant charge divided by the room volume does not exceed the QLMV, no additional
measures are required.
Where the value is more than the QLMV but less than or equal to QLAV value, at least one of the measures
described in ISO 5149-3:2014, Clauses 6 and 8 shall be taken into account. Where the value exceeds the
QLAV, at least two of the specified measures shall be taken.

A.5.2.3 Occupancies on the lowest underground floor of the building

Where the refrigerant charge divided by the room volume is more than the RCL value in Table B.1 but
less than or equal to QLMV value, at least one of the measures described in ISO 5149-3:2014, Clauses 6,
8, and 9 shall be taken. Where the value exceeds the QLMV, at least two of the specified measures shall
be taken into account. The value shall not exceed QLAV value.

A.5.2.4 Effect of flow down

Even if there is no refrigerating system on the lowest floor, where the largest system charge in the
building divided by the total volume of the lowest floor exceeds QLMV value, mechanical ventilation
shall be provided in accordance with ISO 5149-3:2014 , 6.3.

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Annex B

Safety classification and information about refrigerants

See Tables B.1, B.2, and B.3.


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Table B.1 — Refrigerants designation

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Vapour Auto-
Practical Flamma- Relative Normal GWPa e
Refriger- Safety density ignition
Chemical formula limit ATEL/ODLf bility molar boiling ODPa d (100 yr
ant num- group 25°C, a tempe-
LFLg mass point a ITH)
101,3 kPaa rature

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Chemical nameb

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kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C
Methane series

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11 Trichlorofluoromethane CCl3F A1 0,3 0,006 2 NF 5,62 137,4 24 1 4 750 ND
12 Dichlorodifluoromethane CCl2F2 A1 0,5 0,088 NF 4,94 120,9 –30 1 10 900 ND
12B1 Bromochlorodifluoromethane CBrClF2 ND 0,2 ND NF 6,76 165,4 –4 3 1 890 ND
13 Chlorotrifluoromethane CClF3 A1 0,5 ND NF 4,27 104,5 –81 1 14 400 ND
13B1 Bromotrifluoromethane CBrF3 A1 0,6 ND NF 6,09 148,9 –58 10 7 140 ND
14 Carbon tetrafluoride CF4 A1 0,4 0,40 NF 3,60 88,0 –128 0 7 390 ND
22 Chlorodifluoromethane CHClF2 A1 0,3 0,21 NF 3,54 86,5 –41 0,055 1 810 635
23 Trifluoromethane CHF3 A1 0,68 0,15 NF 2,86 70,0 –82 0 14 800 765

Dichloromethane (methylene
30 CH2Cl2 B1 0,017 ND NF 3,47 84,9 40 ND 8,7 662
Difluoromethane (methylene
32 CH2F2 A2L 0,061 0,30 0,307 2,13 52,0 –52 0 675 648
50 Methane CH4 A3 0,006 ND 0,032 0,654 16,0 –161 0 25 645

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


Table B.1 — (continued)

Vapour Auto-
Practical Flamma- Relative Normal GWPa e
Refriger- Safety density ignition
Chemical formula limit ATEL/ODLf bility molar boiling ODPa d (100 yr
ant num- group 25°C, tempe-
LFLg a massa point a ITH)
101,3 kPa rature

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Chemical nameb

kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Ethane series

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113 CCl2FCClF2 A1 0,4 0,02 NF 7,66 187,4 48 0,8 6 130 ND
114 CClF2CClF2 A1 0,7 0,14 NF 6,99 170,9 4 1 10 000 ND
115 Chloropentafluoroethane CClF2CF3 A1 0,76 0,76 NF 6,32 154,5 –39 0,6 7 370 ND
116 Hexafluoroethane CF3CF3 A1 0,68 0,68 NF 5,64 138,0 –78 0 12 200 ND
123 CHCl2CF3 B1 0,10 0,057 NF 6,25 152,9 27 0,02 77 730
124 CHClFCF3 A1 0,11 0,056 NF 5,58 136,5 –12 0,022 609 ND

125 Pentafluoroethane CHF2CF3 A1 0,39 0,37 NF 4,91 120,0 –49 0 3 500 733
134a 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane CH2FCF3 A1 0,25 0,21 NF 4,17 102,0 –26 0 1 430 743
141b 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane CH3CCl2F ND 0,053 0,012 0,363 4,78 116,9 32 0,11 725 532
142b 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane CH3CClF2 A2 0,049 0,10 0,329 4,11 100,5 –10 0,065 2 310 750
143a 1,1,1-trifluoroethane CH3CF3 A2L 0,048 0,48 0,282 3,44 84,0 –47 0 4 470 750
152a 1,1-difluoroethane CH3CHF2 A2 0,027 0,14 0,130 2,70 66,0 –25 0 124 455

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170 Ethane CH3CH3 A3 0,008 6 0,008 6 0,038 1,23 30,1 –89 0 5,5 515
1150 Ethene (ethylene) CH2 = CH2 A3 0,006 ND 0,036 1,15 28,1 –104 0 3,7 ND
E170 Dimethyl Ether CH3OCH3 A3 0,013 0,079 0,064 1,88 46 –25 0 1 235

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Table B.1 — (continued)

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Vapour Auto-
Practi- Flamma- Relative Normal GWPa e
Refriger- Safety density ignition
Chemical formula cal limit ATEL/ODLf bility molar boiling ODPa d (100 yr
ant num- group 25°C, a tempe-
LFLg mass point a ITH)
101,3 kPaa rature

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Chemical nameb

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kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C
Propane series

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218 Octafluoropropane CF3CF2CF3 A1 1,84 0,85 NF 7,69 188,0 –37 0 8 830 ND
227ea CF3CHFCF3 A1 0,63 0,63 NF 6,95 170,0 –15 0 3 220 ND
236fa 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane CF3CH2CF3 A1 0,59 0,34 NF 6,22 152,0 –1 0 9 810 ND
245fa 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane CF3CH2CHF2 B1 0,19 0,19 NF 5,48 134,0 15 0 1 030 ND
290 Propane CH3CH2CH3 A3 0,008 0,09 0,038 1,80 44,1 –42 0 3,3 470
1234yf 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene CF3CF = CH2 A2L 0,058 0,47 0,289 4,66 114,0 –26 0 4i 405
trans-1,3,3,3- tetrafluoroprop-
1234ze(E) CF3CH = CFH A2L 0,061 0,28 0,303 4,66 114,0 –19 0 7i 368

1270 Propene (propylene) CH3CH = CH2 A3 0,008 0,001 7 0,046 1,72 42,1 –48 0 1,8 455
Other hydrocarbons
600 Butane CH3CH2CH2CH3 A3 0,008 9 0,002 4 0,038 2,38 58,1 0 0 4,0 365
600a 2-methyl propane (isobutane) CH(CH3)2CH3 A3 0,011 0,059 0,043 2,38 58,1 –12 0 ~20h 460
601 Pentane CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 A3 0,008 0,0029 0,035 2,95 72,1 36 0 ~20h ND

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601a 2-methyl butane (isopentane) (CH3)2CHCH2CH3 A3 0,008 0,0029 0,038 2,95 72,1 27 0 ~20h ND

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)



Table B.1 — (continued)

Practical Flamma- Relative Normal GWPa e
Refriger- Safety density ignition
Chemical formula limit ATEL/ODLf bility molar boiling ODPa d (100 yr
ant num- group 25°C, tempe-
LFLg a massa point a ITH)
101,3 kPa rature

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Chemical nameb

kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Cyclic organic compounds

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C318 Octafluorocyclobutane -(CF2)4 - A1 0,81 0,65 NF 8,18 200,0 –6 0 10 300 ND
Inorganic compounds
717 Ammonia NH3 B2L 0,000 35 0,000 22 0,116 0,700 17,0 –33 0 <1h 630
744 Carbon dioxide CO2 A1 0,1 0,072 NF 1,80 44,0 –78c 0 1 NA
NOTE 1 See Tables B.2 and B.3 for zeotropic and azeotropic blends.

NOTE 2 NA signifies not applicable.

NOTE 3 ND signifies not determined.

NOTE 4 NF signifies non flammable.

a The vapour density, normal boiling point, ODP, and GWP are not part of this International Standard, and are provided for information purposes only.
b The preferred chemical name is followed by the popular name in parentheses.
c Sublimes. Triple point is −56,6 °C at 5,2 bar.
d Adopted under the Montreal Protocol.
e Data from IPCC 4th assessment report 2007. When not available, WMO Scientific assessment of ozone depletion 2010 is used as first priority and then the UNEP RTOC 2010

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f Acute-Toxicity Exposure Limit or Oxygen Deprivation Limit, whichever is lower, values taken from ISO 817.
g Lower Flammability Limit.
h Data from UNEP RTOC 2010 report.
i Data from WMO Scientific assessment of ozone depletion 2010.

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Table B.2 — Refrigerant designations of zeotropic blends (R-400 series)

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Vapour Bubble
Practi- Flammabil- Relative GWPa f igni-
Composition toler- Safety ATEL/ density point/dew
Refrigerant Compositionc cal ity molar ODPa e (100 yr tion
ances group ODLg 25 °C, point a
number limitd LFLh massa ITH) tempe-

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101,3 kPaa at 101,3 kPa
mass %

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% kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C
401A R-22/152a/124 (53/13/34) ±2/+0,5 −1,5/±1 A1/A1 0,30 0,10 NF 3,86 94,4 –33,4/–27,8 0,037 1 180 681

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401B R-22/152a/124 (61/11/28) ±2/+0,5 −1,5/±1 A1/A1 0,34 0,11 NF 3,80 92,8 –34,9/–29,6 0,04 1 290 685
401C R-22/152a/124 (33/15/52) ±2/+0,5 −1,5/±1 A1/A1 0,24 0,083 NF 4,13 101,0 –28,9/–23,3 0,03 933 ND
402A R-125/290/22 (60/2/38) ±2/+0,1 −1,0/±2 A1/A1 0,33 0,27 NF 4,16 101,6 –49,2/–47,0 0,021 2 790 723
402B R-125/290/22 (38/2/60) ±2/+0,1 −1,0/±2 A1/A1 0,32 0,24 NF 3,87 94,7 –47,2/–44,8 0,033 2 420 641
403A R-290/22/218 (5/75/20) +0,2 −2,0/±2/±2 A1/A2 0,33 0,24 0,480 3,76 92,0 –44,0/–42,4 0,041 3 120 ND
403B R-290/22/218 (5/56/39) +0,2 −2,0/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,41 0,29 NF 4,22 103,3 –43,9/–42,4 0,031 4 460 ND
404A R-125/143a/134a (44/52/4) ±2/±1/±2 A1/A1 0,52 0,52 NF 3,99 97,6 –46,5/–45,7 0 3 920 728

405A ±2/±1/±1/±2b ND ND 0,26 ND 4,58 111,9 –32,8/–24,4 0,028 5 330 ND
406A R-22/600a/142b (55/4/41) ±2/±1/±1 A2/A2 0,13 0,14 0,302 3,68 89,9 –32,7/–23,5 0,057 1 940 ND
407A R-32/125/134a (20/40/40) ±2/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,33 0,31 NF 3,68 90,1 –45,2/–38,7 0 2 110 685
407B R-32/125/134a (10/70/20) ±2/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,35 0,33 NF 4,21 102,9 –46,8/–42,4 0 2 800 703
407C R-32/125/134a (23/25/52) ±2/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,31 0,29 NF 3,53 86,2 –43,8/–36,7 0 1 770 704

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407D R-32/125/134a (15/15/70) ±2/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,41 0,25 NF 3,72 91,0 –39,4/–32,7 0 1 630 ND
407E R-32/125/134a (25/15/60) ±2/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,40 0,27 NF 3,43 83,8 –42,8/–35,6 0 1 550 ND
407F R-32/125/134a (30/30/40) ±2/±2/±2 A1/A1 0,32 0,32 NF 3,36 82,1 –46,1/–39,7 0 1 820 ND
408A R-125/143a/22 (7/46/47) ±2/±1/±2 A1/A1 0,41 0,33 NF 3,56 87,0 –44,6/–44,1 0,026 3 150 ND

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409A R-22/124/142b (60/25/15) ±2/±2/±1 A1/A1 0,16 0,12 NF 3,98 97,4 –34,7/–26,3 0,048 1 580 ND
409B R-22/124/142b (65/25/10) ±2/±2/±1 A1/A1 0,17 0,12 NF 3,95 96,7 –35,8/–28,2 0,048 1 560 ND
410A R-32/125 (50/50) +0,5 −1,5/+1,5−0,5 A1/A1 0,44 0,42 NF 2,97 72,6 –51,6/–51,5 0 2 090 ND
410B R-32/125 (45/55) ±1/±1 A1/A1 0,43 0,43 NF 3,09 75,6 –51,5/–51,4 0 2 230 ND
411A R-1270/22/152a (1,5/87,5/11,0) +0;-1/+2−0/+0–1 A1/A2 0,04 0,074 0,186 3,37 82,4 –39,6/–37,1 0,048 1 600 ND
411B R-1270/22/152a (3/94/3) +0;-1/+2−0/+0–1 A1/A2 0,05 0,044 0,239 3,40 83,1 –41,6/–40,2 0,052 1 710 ND

412A R-22/218/142b (70/5/25) ±2/±2/±1 A1/A2 0,07 0,17 0,329 3,77 92,2 –36,5/–28,9 0,055 2 290 ND
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


413A R-218/134a/600a (9/88/3) ±1/±2/+0 −1 A1/A2 0,08 0,21 0,375 4,25 104,0 –29,4/–27,4 0 2 050 ND

Table B.2 (continued)

Vapour Bubble
Practi- Flammabil- Relative GWPa f igni-
Composition toler- Safety ATEL/ density point/dew
Refrigerant Compositionc cal ity molar ODPa e (100 yr tion
ances group ODLg 25 °C, point a
number limitd LFLh massa ITH) tempe-

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

101,3 kPaa at 101,3 kPa
mass %

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

% kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


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414A ±2/±2/±0,5/+0,5−1,0 A1/A1 0,10 0,10 NF 3,96 96,9 –33,2/–24,7 0,045 1 480 ND
414B ±2/±2/±0,5/+0,5−1,0 A1/A1 0,096 0,096 NF 4,16 101,6 –33,1/–24,7 0,042 1 360 ND
415A R-22/152a (82/18) ±1/±1 A2 0,04 0,19 0,188 3,35 81,9 –37,5/–34,7 0,028 1 510 ND
415B R-22/152a (25,0/75,0) ±1/±1 A2 0,03 0,15 0,13 2,87 70,2 –23,4/–21,8 0,009 546 ND
416A R-134a/124/600 (59,0/39,5/1,5) A1/A1 0,064 0,064 NF 4,58 111,9 –23,4/–2,8 0,009 1 080 ND
417A R-125/134a/600 (46,6/50,0/3,4) ±1,1/±1,0/+0,1−0,4 A1/A1 0,15 0,057 NF 4,36 106,7 –38,0/–32,9 0 2 350 ND
417B R-125/134a/600 (79,0/18,3/2,7) ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,5 A1/A1 0,069 0,069 NF 4,63 113,1 –44,9/–41,5 0 3 030 ND

418A R-290/22/152a (1,5/96,0/2,5) ±0,5/±1/±0,5 A1/A2 0,06 0,20 0,31 3,46 84,6 –41,7/–40,0 0,033 1 740 ND
419A R-125/134a/E170 (77/19/4) ±1/±1/±1 A1/A2 0,05 0,31 0,25 4,47 109,3 –42,6/–36,0 0 2 970 ND
420A R-134a/142b (88/12) +1−0/0−1 A1/A1 0,18 0,18 NF 4,16 101,8 –24,9/–24,2 0,005 1 540 ND
421A R-125/134a (58,0/42,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A1/A1 0,28 0,28 NF 4,57 111,7 –40,8/–35,5 0 2 630 ND
421B R-125/134a (85,0/15,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A1/A1 0,33 0,33 NF 4,78 116,9 –45,7/–42,6 0 3 190 ND
422A ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,4 A1/A1 0,29 0,29 NF 4,65 113,6 –46,5/–44,1 0 3 140 ND

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422B ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,5 A1/A1 0,25 0,25 NF 4,44 108,5 –40,5/–35,6 0 2 530 ND
422C ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,5 A1/A1 0,29 0,29 NF 4,64 113,4 –45,3/–42,3 0 3 090 ND
422D +0,9–1,1/±1,0/+0,1−0,4 A1/A1 0,26 0,26 NF 4,49 109,9 –43,2/–38,4 0 2 730 ND

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423A R-134a/227ea (52,5/47,5) ±1,0/±1,0 A1/A1 0,30 0,30 NF 5,15 126,0 –24,2/–23,5 0 2 280 ND
R-125/134a/600a/600/601a ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,2/
424A A1/A1 0,10 0,10 NF 4,43 108,4 –39,1/–33,3 0 2 440 ND
(50,5/47,0/0,9/1,0/0,6) +0,1−0,2/+0,1−0,2
425A ±0,5/±0,5/±0,5 A1/A1 0,27 0,27 NF 3,69 90,3 –38,1/–31,3 0 1 510 ND

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Table B.2 — (continued)

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

GWPa Auto-
Vapour Den- f
Practi- ATEL/ Flammabil- Relative Bubble point/ igni-
Composition toler- Safety sity ODPa
Refrigerant Compositionc cal ODLg ity molar dew point a e (100 tion
ances group 25 °C, a
number limitd LFLh mass at 101,3 kPa yr tempe-

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

101,3 kPaa
ITH) rature
mass %

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% kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C
R-125/134a/600/601a ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,2/
426A A1/A1 0,083 0,083 NF 4,16 101,6 –28,5/–26,7 0 1 510 ND

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(5,1/93,0/1,3/0,6) +0,1−0,2
427A ±2,0/±2,0/±2,0/±2,0 A1/A1 0,29 0,29 NF 3,70 90,4 –43,0/–36,3 0 2 140 ND
R-125/143a/290/600a ±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,2/
428A A1/A1 0,37 0,37 NF 4,40 107,5 –48,3/–47,5 0 3 610 ND
(77,5/20,0/0,6/1,9) +0,1−0,2
429A ±1,0/±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,010 0,098 0,052 2,08 50,8 –26,0/–25,6 0 19 ND
430A R-152a/600a (76,0/24,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,017 0,10 0,084 2,61 63,9 –27,6/–27,4 0 99 ND
431A R-290/152a (71,0/29,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,009 0,10 0,044 2,00 48,8 –43,1/–43,1 0 38 ND

432A R-1270/E170 (80,0/20,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,008 0,002 1 0,039 1,75 42,8 –46,6/–45,6 0 2 ND
433A R-1270/290 (30,0/70,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,007 0,005 5 0,036 1,78 43,5 –44,6/–44,2 0 3 ND
433B R-1270/290 (5,0/95,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,005 0,025 0,025 1,80 44,0 –42,7/–42,5 0 3 ND
433C R-1270/290 (25,0/75,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,006 0,006 6 0,032 1,78 43,6 –44,3/–43,9 0 3 ND
434A ±1,0/±1,0/±1,0/+0,1−0,2 A1/A1 0,32 0,32 NF 4,32 105,7 –45,0/–42,3 0 3 250 ND

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435A R-E170/152a (80,0/20,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,014 0,09 0,069 2,00 49,0 –26,1/–25,9 0 26 ND
436A R-290/600a (56,0/44,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,006 0,073 0,032 2,02 49,3 –34,3/–26,2 0 11 ND
436B R-290/600a (52,0/48,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,007 0,071 0,033 2,00 49,9 –33,4/–25,0 0 11 ND
R-125/134a/600/601 +0,5−1,8/+1,5−0,7/
437A A1/A1 0,081 0,081 NF 4,24 103,7 –32,9/–29,2 0 1 810 ND

Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs

(19,5/78,5/1,4/0,6) +0,1−0,2/+0,1−0,2
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


Table B.2 — (continued)

GWPa Auto-
Vapour Den- f
Practi- ATEL/ Flammabil- Relative Bubble point/ igni-
Composition toler- Safety sity ODPa
Refrigerant Compositionc cal ODLg ity molar dew point a e (100 tion
ances group 25 °C,
limitd LFLh massa at 101,3 kPa yr tempe-

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

number 101,3 kPaa
ITH) rature
mass %

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

R-32/125/134a/600/601a +0,5−1,5/±1,5/±1,5/

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438A A1/A1 0,079 0,079 NF 4,05 99,1 –43,0/–36,4 0 2 260 ND
(8,5/45,0/44,2/1,7/0,6) +0,1−0,2/+0,1−0,2
439A R-32/125/600a (50,0/47,0/3,0) ±1,0/±1,0/±0,5 A2/A2 0,061 0,34 0,304 2,91 71,2 –52,0/–51,8 0 1 980 ND
440A R-290/134a/152a (0,6/1,6/97,8) ±0,1/±0,6/±0,5 A2/A2 0,025 0,14 0,124 2,71 66,2 –25,5/–24,3 0 144 ND
441A ±0,3/±2,0/±0,6/±2,0 A3/A3 0,006 3 0,006 3 0,032 1,98 48,3 –41,9/–20,4 0 5 ND
442A ±1,0/±1,0/±1,0/±0,5/±1,0 A1/A1 0,33 0,33 NF 3,35 81,8 –46,5/–52,7 0 1 890 ND
a ODP, GWP, vapour density, “bubble point”, and “dew point” temperatures are not part of this International Standard; they are provided for information only. The “bubble point
temperature” is defined as the liquid saturation temperature of a refrigerant at the specified pressure, the temperature at which a liquid refrigerant first begins to boil. The bubble point of a
zeotropic refrigerant blend, at constant pressure, is lower than the dew point. The “dew point temperature” is defined as the vapour saturation temperature of a refrigerant at the specified

pressure, the temperature at which the last drop of liquid refrigerant boils. The dew point of a zeotropic refrigerant blend, at constant pressure, is higher than the bubble point.
b The sum of the composition tolerances for R152a and R142b shall be between 0 and −2 %.
c Blend components are conventionally listed in order of increasing normal boiling point.
d Practical Limit, calculated from the values for the individual components as listed in Table B.1.
e Ozone Depletion Potential, calculated from the values for the individual components as listed in Table B.1.
f Global Warming Potential, calculated from the values for the individual components as listed in Table B.1.
g Acute-Toxicity Exposure Limit or Oxygen Deprivation Limit, whichever is lower.

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h Lower Flammability Limit.

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Table B.3 — Refrigerant designations of azeotropic blendsa (R-500 series)

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Vapour den- Rela- Azeo- Auto-
Prac- Flammabil- Normal GWP b f
Refrig- Azeotropic Composition toler- Safety ATEL/ sity tive tropic ignition
tical ity boiling ODPb i (100 yr
erant compositione ances group ODLg 25 °C, molar tempera- tempe-
limit LFLh pointb ITH)
101,3 kPab massb tured rature

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

number mass %

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% kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 °C °C °C
500 R-12/152a (73,8/26,2) +1,0 −0,0/+0,0 −1,0 A1/A1 0,4 0,12 NF 4,06 99,3 –33 0 0,74 8 080 ND

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501 R-22/12 (75,0/25,0)c A1/A1 0,38 0,21 NF 3,81 93,1 –41 –41 0,29 4 080 ND
502 R-22/115 (48,8/51,2) A1/A1 0,45 0,33 NF 4,56 111,6 –45 19 0,33 4 660 ND
503 R-23/13 (40,1/59,9) A1/A1 0,35 ND NF 3,58 87,5 –88 88 0,6 14 600 ND
504 R-32/115 (48,2/51,8) A1/A1 0,45 0,45 NF 3,24 79,2 –57 17 0,31 4 140 ND
507A R-125/143a (50/50) +1,5 −0,5/+0,5 −1,5 A1/A1 0,53 0,53 NF 4,04 98,9 –46 –40 0 3 990 ND
508A R-23/116 (39/61) ±2,0/±2,0 A1/A1 0,23 0,23 NF 4,09 100,1 –86 –86 0 13 200 ND
508B R-23/116 (46/54) ±2,0/±2,0 A1/A1 0,25 0,2 NF 3,90 95,4 –88 –45,6 0 13 400 ND
509A R-22/218 (44/56) ±2,0/±2,0 A1/A1 0,56 0,38 NF 5,07 124,0 –47 0 0,024 5 740 ND

510A ±0,5/±0,5 A3/A3 0,011 0,056 1,93 47,2 –25 –25,2 0 3 ND
(88,0/12,0) 0,087
511A R-290/E170 (95,0/5,0) ±1,0/±1,0 A3/A3 0,008 0,092 0,038 1,81 44,2 –42 –20 to +40 0 3 ND
512A A2/A2 0,025 0,124 2,75 67,2 –24 –20 to +40 0 189 ND
(5,0/95,0) ±1,0/±1,0 0,14
a Azeotropic refrigerants exhibit some segregation of components at conditions of temperature and pressure other than those at which they are formulated. The extent of

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segregation depends on the particular azeotrope and hardware system configuration.
b ODP, GWP, vapour density, molecular mass, and normal boiling point are not part of this International Standard, but are provided for informative purposes only.
c The exact composition of this azeotrope is in question, and additional experimental studies are needed.
d Under vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) conditions.

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e Blend components are conventionally listed in order of increasing normal boiling point.
f Global Warming Potential, calculated from the values for the individual components as listed in Table B.1.
g Acute-Toxicity Exposure Limit or Oxygen Deprivation Limit, whichever is lower.
h Lower Flammability Limit.
i Ozone Depletion Potential, calculated from the values for the individual components as listed in Table B.1.
ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Annex C

Potential hazards for refrigerating systems

C.1 General
Refrigerants, their mixtures and combinations with oils, water, and other materials, which are present in
the refrigerating system, intended or unintended, affect the internal surrounding materials chemically
and physically, for example, due to pressure and temperature. They can, if they have detrimental
properties, endanger persons, property, and environment directly or indirectly due to global long-term
effects (ODP, GWP) when escaping from the refrigerating system. The specifications of such refrigerants,
mixtures and combinations are given in relevant standards such as ISO 817, and are not included in this
part of ISO 5149.
Refrigerating system pressure and temperature hazards can be caused by refrigerant in the vapour,
liquid, or combined phases. Furthermore, the state of the refrigerant and the stresses that it exerts on
the various components do not solely depend on the processes and functions inside the equipment, but
also on external causes.
The potential hazards include from:
a) the direct effect of extreme temperature, for example:

1) brittleness of materials at low temperatures;
2) freezing of enclosed liquid;
3) thermal stresses;
4) changes of volume due to temperature changes;
5) injurious effects to persons caused by low temperatures;
6) touchable hot surfaces;
b) excessive pressure due to, for example:
1) increase of the pressure of condensation, caused by inadequate cooling or the partial pressure
of non-condensable gases or an accumulation of oil or liquid refrigerant;
2) increase of the pressure of saturated vapour due to excessive external heating, for example, of
a liquid cooler, or when defrosting an air cooler or high ambient temperature when the plant is
at a standstill;
3) expansion of a liquid refrigerant in a closed space without the presence of vapour, caused by a
rise in extreme temperature;
4) fire;
c) the direct effect of the liquid phase, for example:
1) excessive refrigerant charge or refrigerant flooding of equipment;
2) presence of liquid in compressors, caused by siphoning, or condensing in the compressor;
3) liquid hammering in piping;

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

4) loss of lubrication due to emulsification of oil;

d) from the escape of refrigerants, for example:
1) fire;
2) explosion;
3) toxicity;
4) caustic effects;
5) freezing of skin;
6) asphyxiation;
7) panic;
8) possible environmental issues such as depletion of the ozone layer and global warming;
e) from the moving parts of the machinery, for example:
1) injury;
2) hearing loss from excessive noise;
3) damage due to vibration.


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Annex D

Equivalent terms in English and French

D.1 General
The equivalence in English and French of the defined terms are given in Table D.1.

Table D.1 — Equivalent terms in English and French

Index of the terms defined in the standard Répertoire des termes définis dans la Clause number
absorption system système à absorption 3.1.1
Acute Toxicity Exposure Limit limite d’exposition de toxicité aiguë Clause 4

auto-ignition temperature temperature d’inflammation spontanée 3.7.7
azeotrope azéotrope 3.7.2
brazed joint joint brasé fort 3.5.1
bursting disc disque de rupture 3.6.1
cascade system Installation en cascade 3.1.2
changeover device inverseur 3.6.2
coil serpentin 3.4.1
companion (block) valves contre-robinets (ou robinets-vannes) de 3.5.2
compressor compresseur 3.4.2
compressor unit groupe compresseur
compression joint joint par compression 3.5.3
condenser condenseur 3.4.4
condensing unit groupe de condensation 3.4.5
crawl space vide sanitaire 3.2.1
design pressure pression de conception 3.3.1
dilution transfer opening courant d’air dû à l’ouverture 3.10.3
direct releasable system système à détente directe 3.1.3
disposal mise à disposition 3.9.1
double indirect system système indirect double 3.1.5
evaporator évaporateur 3.4.6
exit sortie 3.2.2
exit passageway passage de sortie 3.2.3
factory-made fabriqué en usine 3.10.1
fade-out vessel récipient d’afaiblissement 3.4.8
flammability inflammabilité 3.7.12
flanged joint joint à bride 3.5.4
flared joint joint évasé 3.5.5

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Table D.1 (continued)
Index of the terms defined in the standard Répertoire des termes définis dans la Clause number
fusible plug bouchon fusible 3.6.3
hallway corridor 3.2.4
halocarbon halocarbure 3.7.4
header collecteur 3.5.6
heat exchanger échangeur thermique 3.4.3
heat pump pompe à chaleur 3.1.9
heat-transfer circuit circuit de transfert de chaleur 3.8.1
heat-transfer fluid fluide caloporteur 3.7.6
high-pressure side côté haute pression 3.1.7
hydrocarbon hydrocarbure 3.7.5
indirect systems systèmes indirects 3.1.4
internal net volume volume interne net 3.4.10
isolating valves robinet d’isolation 3.5.7
joint joint 3.5.8
limited charge systems système à charge limitée 3.1.6
liquid level cut out limiteur de niveau de liquides 3.6.4
liquid receiver réservoir de liquide 3.4.9
low-pressure side côté basse pression 3.1.8
Lower Flammability Limit limite inférieure d’inflammabilité 3.7.5
lubricant lubrifiant 3.7.1

machinery room salle des machines 3.2.5

maximum allowable pressure pression maximale admissible 3.3.3
multisplit system système multisplit 3.1.15
non-positive displacement compressor compresseur non volumétrique
occupied space espace occupé par des personnes 3.2.6
open air air libre 3.2.7
open compressor compresseur ouvert
overflow valve soupape de décharge 3.6.5
outside air air extérieur 3.7.8
Oxygen Deprivation Limit limite de privation d’oxygène 3.11.2
piping tuyauterie 3.5.9
positive displacement compressor compresseur volumétrique
practical limit limite pratique 3.7.13
pressure limiter limiteur de pression 3.6.6
pressure relief device dispositif limiteur de pression 3.6.7
pressure relief valve soupape de sécurité 3.6.8
pressure vessel récipient sous pression 3.4.7
Quantity Limit with Additional Ventilation quantité limite avec ventilation supplémen- 3.10.3
quantity limit with minimum ventilation quantité limite avec ventilation minimale 3.10.4

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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)

Table D.1 (continued)
Index of the terms defined in the standard Répertoire des termes définis dans la Clause number
quick closing valve robinet à fermeture rapide 3.5.10
reclaim régénérer 3.9.2
recover récupérer 3.9.3
recycle recycler 3.9.4
refrigerant fluide frigorigène 3.7.9
Refrigerant Concentration Limit limite de concentration du fluide frigorigène 3.11.5
refrigerant detector détecteur de fluide frigorigène 3.6.9
refrigerating equipment composants frigorifiques 3.4.11
refrigerating system système de réfrigération 3.1.9
refrigerant type type de fluide frigorigène 3.7.10
reuse réutilization 3.9.5
safety switching device for limiting the pres- dispositif de sécurité de limitation de la pres- 3.6.10
sure sion
sealed system système scellé 3.1.11
self closing valve robinet à autofermeture 3.6.11
self-contained system système autonome 3.1.10
service duct gaine de service 3.5.11
shut-off device dispositif d’arrêt 3.5.12
special machinery room salle des machines spéciale 3.2.8
strength test pressure pression de l’essai de résistance 3.3.4
surge drum réservoir-tampon 3.4.12
system système 3.1.12
tapered thread joint joint fileté conique 3.5.13
temperature limiting device dispositif de limitation de la température 3.6.12
three-way valve robinet à trois voies 3.5.14
tightness test pressure pression de l’essai d’étanchéité 3.3.2
toxicity toxicité 3.7.11
type-approved component composant ayant subi un essai de type 3.6.13
type-approved pressure cut out pressostat ayant subi un essai de type
type-approved pressure limiter limiteur de pression ayant subi un essai de
type-approved safety pressure cut out pressostat de sécurité ayant subi un essai de
unit system système monobloc 3.1.13
ventilated enclosure gaine ventilée 3.2.9
welded joint joint soudé 3.5.15
zeotrope zéotrope 3.7.3


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


[1] ISO 5149-4, Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements —
Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery
[2] ISO 13043, Road vehicles — Refrigerant systems used in mobile air conditioning systems (MAC) —
Safety requirements
[3] SAE J 639, Safety standards for motor vehicle refrigerant vapor compression systems
[4] UNEP RTOC 2010 report
[5] WMO Scientific assessment of ozone depletion 2010
[6] IPCC 4th assessment report 2007


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ISO 5149-1:2014(E)


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