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Dragon Sword 1.3 Jumpchain

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Legends of Light and Darkness: A Generic Fantasy RPG

Once, a legend was whispered among the weak and

For eons, the Six Blades have kept the world in
balance. Each one, a shard of the holy weapon that
saved humanity from destruction long ago.
Once, there was a noble king who enshrined the BLADE
OF LIGHT in his kingdom, who ruled with peace and
But the highest of angels beneath the CREATOR saw
this with jealousy and destroyed this kingdom.
Cast out of THE TOWER OF HEAVEN for his sins and
becoming the king of demons, MASTEMA now looks to
CORRUPT the blades and drown the world in darkness.
If all were to be turned to shadow…
The waters will cease to flow…
The wind will cease to blow…
The world’s wisest and strongest would know defeat…
And the will cease to beat.
Already, Five Blades have been buried in evil. Only the
BLADE OF SHADOW remains. But, once, a legend was
whispered at world’s end.
“At shadow’s edge, THE BRAVES OF LIGHT will return,
holding the DRAGON SWORD’s shards in their hearts,
and shatter the ANGEL’S REVERIE.”
After a long journey, at the edge of ALLESTONE, six
adventurers have arrived, bearing a strange mark on
the back of their hands, one and all…
But, the tale of the Braves isn’t necessarily your own.
After all, you’re just visiting. Even so…

Welcome to the world of Dragon Sword!


You will have to discover where you begin this journey. You may roll a d8 to determine
this or choose one as you like – each has its own features and threats.

>1. Allestone: Known as the "Kingdom of Survivors", Allestone is shrouded in

the ruin-forest of Teyr, large enough to cover most of the southern part of
the continent.

The great Alv civilization of Serannia stood here, but in a long-forgotten war
was destroyed, leaving crumbling spires overgrown with plant life and
dangerous beasts - making it beyond the light of Zandipore's law even in the
kingdom's heyday. As such, it was a perfect destination for exiles and rejects
of every description.
Every town in Allestone is independent, often run by adventurers and
warlords, as strength is the only way to maintain order in the forests.
Allestone is favored by the land's adventurers as the ruins hold secrets and
treasure, and the beasts are fantastic quarry for valuable hunts.

The 'capital' of the kingdom is around the eldest tree in Teyr Forest, where
the BLADE OF DARKNESS rests buried within - guarded by the Great Sage.
The Emissary of Eclipse, Ahriman, plots to claim the BLADE OF DARKNESS
and finally bring calamity upon the land in the name of MASTEMA.

[Art Credit: Daniel Riise]

>2. Pal-Ul-Don: The "Drowned Kingdom", Pal-Ul-Don is made up of a series
of islands, floating towns and underwater sanctuaries in Lake Cicero, also
known as the Cicero Sea for its grand size. Beneath the blue waters of Pal-
Ul-Don lay the drowned ruins of the City of a Thousand Saints.

The eldest of the land say that the kingdom was named for the three
goddesses who founded Pal-Ul-Don, and that the Saints were in facts gods
venerated by the old kingdom, submerged by a jealous Creator.

Even so, the sailors and fishermen of Pal-Ul-Don are fiercely

superstitious regardless of the divinity or not of their patron saints and
follow a number of traditions. Buccaneers, Lake monsters, mad cultists and
Drowned Spirits all infest the deepest and darkest parts of the lake.

The sunken temple of the three goddesses holds the BLADE OF WATER,
guarded jealously by the vain Emissary of Abyss, Rahab - demanding worship
or else bidding the waves to destroy defiant towns.
[Art Credit: Unknown]
>3. Lagado: The "Shining Kingdom", Lagado, is based in the Scirocco Desert.
Each city in Lagado is built around the towering Red Obelisks built by the
ancient Lagadite kings, advanced facilities channeling oasis water and
underground springs in the scorching desert to grow verdant "hanging
gardens" ripe with delicious fruits, spices, and vegetables to sustain the
peoples of the kingdom.
This wealth of food and water allows the Satraps of these cities to gather
gold and power - even with the Obelisks drawing less and less water with
every passing year, the kingdom still is the closest to Old Zandipore in its

However, with the oasis water growing fewer and food growing scarcer, more
and more are exiled from the Obelisks to ensure the life of the desert princes
- with the people within scrabbling for whatever influence and power they can
to avoid this fate.

Exiled bandits roam the desert, desperate for anything they can take, and
forming small baronies of their own in whatever oases can be found beyond the
Obelisks. Lagado is secretly ruled by the Emissary of Ruin, Ptolemy, who
fashions himself the God-King of this declining paradise out of a castle built
atop the BLADE OF EARTH.
[Art Credit: The Siege and the Sandfox]
>4. Vulpina: The "Echoing Kingdom", Vulpina, was once a colony meant to act
as the first wave of an invasion beyond the Sunset Ocean, arriving in the
coastal jungle of Rauu. For reasons unknown, the Rakasha of Vulpina decided
to settle and become part of the land's people, despite initial bloody
battles with the kingdoms of the land when they first arrived.

While Rauu is normally wild and untamable due to its variety and ferocity of
dangerous beasts of every shape and size, Vulpina was the first to
introduce what would become Bardic and Taming arts to the land - they are
able to subdue and even control the flora as well as fauna of Rauu using
their songs and traditional medicines.

Vulpina has very little in the way of constructed buildings, instead singing
trees into domiciles, or travelling the jungle as nomadic tribes lead by a
duo of "Eagle" (The Wisest) and "Jaguar" (The Strongest) of their
respective tribes. Singing Stones are left in some areas to tell tales of
great victories and tragedies, or the history of a tribe in the area.

The only true standing fortress is the BLADE OF FIRE, which rests at the
landing site of Vulpina's original invasion. The Emissary of Hellfire, Gerra,
seeks to destroy the Vulpine tribes and their arts the best way they can -
bouts of fire tearing scars into Rauu, leaving scorched earth that refuses
to grow again until Gerra is defeated.

[Art Credit: Pukuhuna]

>5. Grim Tartary: The "Silent Kingdom", Grim Tartary, rests at the far north
of the land in the Edelweiss Mountain pass. Grim Tartary was an ancient
place of monasteries, and archives. Edelweiss was considered an old and
sacred land even before Old Zandipore was a twinkle in the king’s eye -
making it a prime spot for wise men to search for truth.

However, every sanctuary had to be built strong not only to last the bitter
cold and winds but also the constant raids from the Moreau invaders hailing
from the North. When Zandipore rose to prominence, Edelweiss became a place
of great focus for the kingdom, with towering bastions and bulwarks built
along the mountain pass.
The Moreau became part of the land's people through this, and eventually the
civilized Moreau taught their arts to the wise men and magi of Zandipore,
enhancing the defense lines of Grim Tartary - as the fortress network was
With Zandipore fallen, the remaining defenders have used the dark magics of
Northern magicians to raise the fallen as eternal guardians, killing all who
would trespass the mountains. Grim Tartary is filled with undead sentinels,
guarding a kingdom long destroyed.

The highest peak of Grim Tartary holds the BLADE OF AIR, where the
Emissary of Illwind, Stribog, guards the deepest secrets of this land and the
CREATOR'S actions.

[Art Credit: Yoshift]

>6. Old Zandipore: The "Old Kingdom", Zandipore. What can be said about this
kingdom in the meadows? Once a bright and noble kingdom, Zandipore's
knights had a seemingly inborn talent for magic, allowing them to defeat
threats that would destroy entire cities. They claimed that were blessed by
the CREATOR, forming the Church of the Light.

The Knights of Zandipore wandered the land, gathering followers until they
established Castle Yalding at the heart of the land. As the blood of the
Blessed spread and Zandipore's light shone across the land, peace became
the rule of the land. Zandipore's zenith was a golden age, as their great
power with magic and combat meant that the threats of this world were

A benevolent church, wise rulers, clever merchants and humble folk allowed
Zandipore to act as a beacon. However, upon the discovery of the BLADE OF
LIGHT, the King enshrined the Blade with Barchester Cathedral in the name
of the Church.
This led to MASTEMA creating the Corrupted Lands out of spite, flooding
Zandipore with cursed magic and demons. Despite the power of the knights,
the king was corrupted and became Picrochole, the Wicked Lord - defeating
many of the knights and allowing the kingdom to fall into chaos. Old
Zandipore is still a fairy tale land of castles and villages - but the
meadows are now tainted, the earth itself spawning demons and cursed dead.
Picrochole guards the BLADE OF LIGHT even now, as the Emissary of

[Art Credit: Corykeks]

>7. New Zandipore: When MASTEMA destroyed Zandipore in a fit
of jealousy, as his crowning achievement he corrupted Yalding
Castle thoroughly and forced it to fly in the air, a constant
darkness over Zandipore.
The Castle itself has been outfitted to be a den of sin and
luxury, flashing signs and fixtures stolen from Serannia's olden
days - the hallways and courtyards resembling a twisted and
dark city of dazzling lights.
Demons and worse patrol the streets and revel in the coming
darkness, while MASTEMA sits from a thorny throne in wait for
any ' who would dare stop his designs to drown the world
in calamity. The King of Demons, MASTEMA himself is the
guardian of this hive of evil, named "New Zandipore" as a final
insult to the fallen Eden.
[Art Credit: Miitopia]
>8. Tower of Heaven: A spire that splits the sky, the Tower has been there
for as long as people can remember. Adventurers from across the land often
climb the tower, only to be devoured or destroyed by the bizarre creatures
and worlds within - but not for lack of reason, as great treasures of divine
power and rarity can be found there.

In the deepest parts of Grim Tartary, a legend can be found - that the Tower
of Heaven is in fact the legendary , slumbering. Whether or not
this is true, what is known is that at the highest level of the Tower rests
the CREATOR and their angels.

They say whoever can reach the CREATOR will be granted a boon. It's in fact
rumored among those who know that the blessing that created Zandipore was
the result of such a gift. In any case, small camps and traders await at the
base of the Tower awaiting those brave or foolish enough to seek the top and
reach paradise…

I saw the traveler make his way toward the monolith,

That thin gash amidst the clouds;
An open seam between heaven and earth that eluded the eye of God.
Or perhaps it had not; perhaps it beckoned from one realm
To the other, wedded and ruled as one;
For look how clean it splits the horizon ‘twain, absorbs it,
Makes it strange,
An indomitable beam,
A Tower of Heaven.

While all of this land’s people are equally capable in their Jobs, you may choose
a race for aesthetic reasons and a minor talent.

>Human: Native to this land, humans

have no particular strengths, instead
favoring flexibility in their attributes
and skills. They are said to have the
favor of the Creator.

>Alv: Alves are an ancient race that

seemingly descended the Tower of
Heaven, resembling humans with strange
proportions. They favor magical
capabilities overall.

>Rakasha: Hailing from the distant

west, this demonic race favors
abilities requiring precision, as well
as an affinity for Dark Jobs such as
Dark Knights or Black Mages.

>Moreau: Hailing from the North, Moreau

are notable for being diverse in looks,
resembling any manner of beast, bird, or
reptile with human proportions. They
often have a natural strength and
endurance that makes for fine martial
artists and warriors.

>Machina: A race created long ago by the

Serannian people, Machina are naturally armored
and heavily resistant to most basic status
effects such as Blindness and Poison. However,
they also are susceptible to Thunder type damage.

>Awakened Monster: While Monsters normally are

simply wild creatures such as Slimes, Dire Animals
or Wyverns that have been corrupted or driven to
frenzy, you and your kind are Monsters that have
awoken to reason. You possess unique biology that
allows for strong unarmed attacks and basic
natural Black Magic. You must choose a Template
from the Notes section for this form.
*Origins (100 perks are free for origin; all others are discounted. Perks cannot be bought
multiple times.)
Drop in

A wanderer from beyond the interdimensional

rift, you have access to abilities some would
consider unnatural and strange.

Unfortunately, the “Job” system that others

would use to gain strength and power is not
inherent to you. But there’s other paths to
power. Whatever roads you walk, you can be sure
to know that they are yours alone.

Whispering Legend (100): Though there are many prophecies and legends in this land, it’s a
mystery as to who exactly ‘starts’ them…well, you may be an answer. You have a talent for
creating compelling and long-lasting stories that can act as guiding lights for
generations, easily retold and interpreted.

Battle on the Big Bridge (100): Wandering through the worlds, you have an air of
familiarity yet mystery to you – everyone has a sense that they know you, and you’re easily
quotable and likeable, but if you wish to make yourself scarce, those who knew you would
struggle to describe you well.

Your outsider’s view allows you to actually engage with monsters

or otherwise mindless beasts in a way even Blue Mages would find impressive – allowing you
to form real and true bonds with unawakened Monsters and even with time can Awaken them
to reason and wisdom simply by being a positive and enlightening influence on them.

The chaotic energies of the Rift have made your body a

little…odd. You are able to grow extra arms from your back, allowing you to use multiple
weapons. While these arms cannot outperform a seasoned adventurer from this world in
brawn, they do allow you to use your many gathered trinkets easily.

Collector of Unique Treasures (400): The many worlds are filled with hidden weapons and
gear that hold great power but are locked behind esoteric locks and puzzles. You are not
deterred, however. You have an amazing ability to uncover these hidden “optional”
treasures for yourself, even in places where you wouldn’t expect. In addition, you can even
find “replicas” of unique weapons and artifacts in worlds where they’re truly one of a kind,
though they tend to be only half as powerful as their originator.

While there are Machinists and Chemists in this world who can tinker
in the realms of science, you know the arts to generate miraculous power from technology,
able to create honest-to-Creator magitech. While you start only merely able to replicate
what Machinists can do with steam technology, as you advance, the creation of automata
and flying machines and beam weaponry open up. In time, you may even be able to reach the
stars above…

A longstanding companion, your own “Enkidu”, you are joined by a

sentient weapon with a potent and latent power. This weapon is currently slumbering,
giving you a basic potential in a Job of your choice, granting the 100-point perks for your
chosen Job. As it feeds on conflict and strife, it can ‘level up’ to eventually grant you more
and more of a job’s abilities until you reach Mastery of the job. When you reach Mastery in a
job, it ‘reproduces’, creating another weakened copy of itself. Occasionally, this copy will
mutate into an item that acts as a Soulbound Weapon for a random Job – though a weapon
can only reach Mastery once, so its progeny will have to be the one to birth another Weapon.
Truly a unique friend to have.

Champion from Beyond the Rift (600): This may not be the path you used to get here,
but…you may appreciate it none the less. You are now able to “wander” and access the Rift
in any setting you enter, a crystalline blue void filled with all manner of dangerous Rift
Abominations. From this void, you can enter any worlds in the “multiverse” of any setting
you enter, though like any territory you will have to explore and map the Interdimensional
Rift of any setting you go to if you wish to use it effectively. Still, it is a road that is
always open to you, and with effort no place in these many worlds is beyond your reach.
Brave of Light

A chosen of the Dragon Sword, you hold one of the

Six Blades’ blessings, and are ordained by the
Dragon Sword’s will to gather together and purify
the Six Blades, restoring order to the land. Though
you are not necessarily the strongest in the land,
your potential is through the roof from your
elemental blessing…as well as the fact that a
hidden power slumbers within you.

Pots and Bushes (100): An odd form of luck, you’ll find that some providence deigns for
vital supplies such as money, food and healing items can be discovered with a little
scrounging anywhere you look – though once an area is searched this way, it’ll remain
clean for at least a few weeks.

The mark of the Dragon Sword, you hold one of the

Six Blade’s brands. The Brands grant the Blessing of Light, Darkness, Fire, Earth, Wind,
or Water. While Black Mages and similar magic workers can use these elements as a pure
offensive ability, your blessing grants you a fine amount of control over them, and what’s
more, you can integrate their attributes into any actions you take – allowing even a
Berserker to wield Flame as part of their art. In addition, during the course of your
adventures here, you may attune to the Blade of your element to gain the EXCEED
version of the element, enhancing the element and giving it additional features.
EXCEEDED Elements and their effects will be laid out in the Notes section, but all of
them add onto the element’s capabilities and make them much more flexible.

Echoing Whisper (200): This land is old and storied, and much of the long-forgotten past
will be relevant to your journeys…but the Dragon Sword was old when the Creator was
young, so they say, and you can tap into its observance of this world. Visions of the past
when meeting important people or entering important places will assault you, ensuring
that you will never be without important context in your adventure!

Sleep it Off (200): As the Brave of Light, your body’s natural ability to recover has been
greatly enhanced, allowing you to recover greatly from near mortal wounds and shake off
anything but explicitly supernatural wounds or diseases with bed rest and a good
breakfast! Though you can’t recover from death without white magic, obviously.

Your legend can’t end here! Now, you can shake off
supernatural afflictions such as Curse, Doom, or Petrification with willpower and the
will of your friends at your side in proportion to the severity of the affliction. In
addition, when fighting alongside your friends, your power just grows and grows based on
the depths of your bonds with them. Finally, you can draw upon this inner light to purify
people and objects that were otherwise corrupted!

Brave Break (400): As a hero to cast down evil, your combat potential is great! When are
your most stressed in a fight, you can break your limits and perform a powerful
combination attack that is at least 150% more effective as your usual strikes. In
addition, you have a talent for creating “Double Techs” that combine you and another
hero’s strengths for a single amazing attack.

The guidance of the Blades allows you to gain great skill and
prestige. This perk grants you up to 3 Job Choices and grants 1000 points to spend
specifically on Job Perks, allowing you to truly gain a wide array of tools in the fight!

: The true core of the Brave of Light’s strength, your Blade Brand
allows you to call upon guidance from an ancient guardian spirit of the Element, allowing
you to call upon their strength in combat, their guidance and advice, and their mere
presence in your heart granting immeasurable boosts to your potential in combat and
magic, as well as enhancing your control and flexibility with your chosen Element. You
may look to the Eidolon Generation section to see the nature of this spirit and how it
Emissary of Shadow

One of Mastema’s lieutenants in Darkness,

your charge is to defeat the Braves of Light
and turn this world into a hell on earth.
Though the odds are against you, all you must
do is ensure that evil always finds a way…And
not let those pesky Braves stop you from
drowning the world in darkness.

Wicked Whispers (100): The words from a devil’s lips always have a sweet sound to
them, as the mind knows that it is only the finest of treasures lie behind evil. You
have the ability to seep sin into your voice, allowing you to seduce and intimidate
with little to no effort.

Princess Taker (100): Words don’t always convince the righteous to step down. But, if
someone precious to them were to be on the line…. it’s hard to find a do-gooder who is
willing to let a friend, lover, or family member die. You know how to ‘acquire’ people,
store them, and ensure that they’re not likely to bust out anytime soon.

While crushing your foes is all well and good, it’s hard to rule
through fear if nobody can tremble your name through their lips to those who would
oppose you. With this, you are able to hold back in combat enough to bring someone to
'near defeat' when they would otherwise perish. In this state, they are able to observe
and escape and not much else, being unable to take any action against you until they’ve
recovered. May they learn their lesson ell.

Unlike the serene night that the Blade of Darkness grants,

MASTEMA has blessed you with control over the hungry darkness that gnaws at
people’s hope, using this mastery to create intimidating illusions and effects is a
cinch. You can also use weak Dark elemental attacks, akin to a basic Black Mage’s

Flood of Demons (400): Demons are your ever-ready minions, and you can birth them
with but a wave of your hand. By infusing pure darkness or your Blighted Blade’s
element into wildlife, humans, or objects, you can create monsters at your beck and
call. You can even create pure demonic constructs of your Blighted Blade Element or
Shadow, much like the Demons of the Rift. Let your army grow and grow.

Your presence is so oppressive that even fighting you for long

periods of time has a tendency to wear on people’s very will to fight – your natural
attacks have the capability of inflicting the “Mind Break”, “Power Break”, and “Life
Break” statuses – weakening their magical, offensive and defensive capabilities with
every time the status strikes true.

You are made to corrupt a specific Blade and have been gifted
with great Dark Powers based on that element. This allows you to access the
strongest Black Magic of that element as a combat option. Your power over darkness,
also allows for you to forcibly 'corrupt' magic, creatures, people, or artifacts to be
at your beck and call, though those who would resist you or things that are forced to
act against their nature will be reduced in their effectiveness as they resist your
pull, perhaps even breaking free from the corruption if they’re strong enough.

By fully devouring yourself in shadow, you now have access

to a powerful “final” form, perfect for annihilating stubborn crusaders who won’t get
the hint. You gain access to a form created with the Transformation Generation
section, similar to Heroic Spirits.
Hero of the Land

Though you have not heard the Dragon Sword’s

call, you none the less are a renowned
adventurer, sage or just particular gritty
individual. What the Braves accomplish with
destiny and friendship, you reached through
sacrifice and hard work. Let them know that
heroes still walk this land, even now.

Just an Old Man (100): While your exploits may be amazing and grand, it’s nice to be
able to hang your blade up and live a simple life. You know how to downplay and mitigate
your reputation, allowing you to fly under the radar despite how amazing your past
victories and triumphs have been.

The Living Legend (100): Conversely, there are times when you simply need to throw
your weight around. When you wish to do so, you know how to make a dramatic entrance
and make it VERY clear to everyone around that you’re a big deal – as well as having it
such that those in this world who are interested in your expertise know you at a
glance and honor your name.

Passing the Torch (200): You know that legends never die, but men do, and their
lessons with them…unless you take the time to spread the light. You know how to
foster and ignite those less experienced then you, suffusing them with determination
and competence by a steady hand and brilliant words. Even if you were to meet your
end, your battle would carry on far beyond your life. That’s the best a hero can hope

Beast Hunter (200): You've spent years and years, perhaps decades, in this land. Every
beast, every monster, everything that isn’t one of Mastema’s own lieutenants or
something entirely new? You’ve killed it. You know how to kill it. You even know how to
capture it! You’re a true hunter of monsters and killing anything less than an agent of
MASTEMA is easy to you even without a Job.

Dungeon crawling. This land is covered in lost towns, ruins, and

keeps that adventurers spend hours and hours in them. As a result, Dungeoneering is so
ingrained to you that you can easily read and figure out ancient keeps, castles, and
trapped crypts despite having never touched or been to the dungeon in question!

Master of Ceremonies (400): As the highest of echelons for adventurers, it’s up to you
to whip them into shape! Under your guidance, you’re able to optimize parties of
adventurers and create a trim fighting force from even the most rag tag groups,
growing vagabonds with swords and minor magics into heroes with a careful hand. Show
them what a real party looks like!

Since you made your own way in this world, it’s not
surprising that you have your own way of doing things – not beholden to legends and
myths, being one yourself! You have a custom Job, which you can create by picking two
100-cost perks, two 200-cost perks, 1 400-cost perk, and a Mastery Perk from any
available Jobs. You have all of these perks and are a MASTER of this custom Job.

As among the highest of adventurers, you are a beacon of hope

that paves the way for the new generation. You may choose a job and gain all of the
perks of a chosen job for free, immediately unlocking MASTERY of that Job. In
addition, you can teach others to gain your Job and its basic skills directly – allowing
them to gain the basic perks of that Job and advance through their training into
MASTERY. But you may not always be there or around to give your teachings firsthand.
Yet, you learnt a curious skill that can allow you to teach from across time and space.
You know how to create JOB CRYSTALS, which allows someone to instantly gain
potential for a Job as if you had taught them the basics. You can create Job Crystals
of any job you know, not just your Warrior of Dawn job.

Jobs are representations of sets of skills and magical talents that adventurers and
warriors in this world are capable of, allowing you to claim victory in a variety of ways
as well as solve a number of problems. However, you do not get a Job unless a perk
allows you to, and Job perks can only be purchased if you have the Job given by a perk.

You can, however, spend CP on Job Perks once you have the job unlocked. Just like
regular perks, Job Perks cannot be purchased multiple times. Perks aren’t discounted
and MASTERY perks are taken for free by having every perk in a Job’s tree. You may
eventually train and practice to gain Mastery in a Job without needing to buy the perks,
but it will take the better part of a decade to do so.


The Archers are sharp-eyed soldiers who rarely

miss their mark. Patience is an Archer's best
friend, and cooler heads prevail amongst these
ranged units; when an Archer lines up a shot, they
mean business. Some Archers deal in the traditional
bow and arrow, but some Machinists allow Archers
to deal death with guns and bullets.

Precision (100): Your skill with bow and arrow is phenomenal, allowing you
control and finesse that marks you as a seasoned marksman, able to land shots
even at a dead sprint as long as you can get a bead on your target.

Quick Arrows (100): Your quickdraw capabilities are such that you can easily
get the first shot in any combat among equals, and what’s more you can easily
switch targets without missing a beat.
Trick Arrows (200): While arrows and projectiles are not exactly easy to
switch out and use without causing some issues with trajectory, you know how
to use a mix of simple engineering and alchemical skills to create variant
arrows that can inflict status effects or mimic Elemental spells, albeit
slightly weaker.

Deadly Shot (200): Your precision is increased to the point that you can easily
strike vitals and weak points, even in massive or armored targets. Striking
critical points is your forte!

Barrage (400): Your ability to draw, aim, and fire in moments is so finely honed
that you can send out veritable storms of arrows within the amount of time
that a less experienced marksman could get out 4. Gun users could find that
their trigger finger is such that even muskets can fire in a semi-automatic
fashion, somehow. Rain down on your enemies, marksman!
Soul Slay (Mastery): Years of dealing death have taught you not only to strike
someone’s physical vitals, but their mystical vitals as well. You can take a
moment to aim and use a Soul Slay, inflicting an Instant Death status effect
with an arrow. While creatures with strong willpower or magical strength can
resist it, against simply tough or physically strong enemies, it spells their

Some people bring staves or swords to battle, but

not the Bard. These charming men support their
allies with the music they make, raising their
spirits and their abilities with rousing harp
solos. The Bard is often accused of not taking
things seriously enough, but the carefree Bard is
only following his heart's desires, and why
shouldn't he? There's a whole world out there, and
it's a world full of music.

Harping On (100): You are capable of doing basic magical attacks by

playing an instrument, as if every strum were a sword swing. You also are
not bad at playing any given instrument, at default the Lute.

Take a Melody (100): You gain access to the basic bardic spells – which
consist of a sonic blast attack, and a pair of songs that enhance people's
defenses and magical potential. You must continuously play the Song in
question in order to keep the buff going.

Performance Artist (200): You can perform Bardic Spells using your
movements and gain some skill with dancing and acting, allowing you to
maintain a bardic spell without vocalization or sound, and through your

Simple as Can Be (200): You can perform median Bardic spells, allowing you
to inflict status effects like Stop or Silence as well as regenerate health
over the course of the healing song, or deal great damage to wicked beings
such as demons or undead.

Words and Sweet Harmony(400): The strongest tier of Bardic spells, this
grants a powerful earthshaking sonic attack song, a song that gives allies
herculean strength and a surge of fighting strength, a song to confound
enemy senses, and a song to allow people to move with great haste and

Mockingbird (Mastery): Through your mastery of performance, you are able

to 'echo' an ally's Job ability, mimicking them to the point of being able to
actually use an ability that your ally has just performed - though the
timing window is tight and requires perfect tempo.

The Berserker is well known for their large weaponry

and foul mood. Neither as brooding as the Dark Knight
or as dapper as the Red Mage, the Berserker cares
about the end result, not how they got there or what
they're fighting for. Always looking for a chance to
fight, Berserkers have been known to call out entire
guilds to combat against or group together to take
down a famous opponent. Berserker care little about
money or even their own health. They just want to
swing their axe.

Get Angry (100): You are capable of entering the Berserk status. You are
driven to attack everything in your reach, but as your rage fills you, you gain
the strength to chop a tree in one swing of an axe without slowing – easily
allowing you to cut down hordes in your reach.

Get Tough (100): Your iron constitution is such that common status effects
such as Poison and Paralysis are much easier to shake off with pure rage, and
as you are Berserk you can take mortal wounds and still keep fighting with
little to no pain!

Get out of my Way (200): Your strength can easily be leveraged into tossing,
shoving, and otherwise forcing people to move where you want them, able to
toss full grown men like pillows and suplex bears in your sheer rage.

Tamed Beast (200): You have learned to temper your anger with compassion
and protective instincts. While you’re berserk, you can't be forced to attack
allies due to confusion, anger, or mind control. Even a wild wolf doesn’t bite a
feeding hand.
Go Nuts (400): Your rage allows you to expend stamina to create lightning-
quick bursts of rapid attacks while berserk, striking three times where
normal combatants would only strike once.

Avatar of Rage (Mastery): You are beyond angry. Mental effects such as fear,
mind control, forced sleep, or confusion don't work on you as long as you're
Berserk. In addition, while you're berserk, your body is naturally as tough and
difficult to damage as if you were inhumanly armored, like attempting to tear
into a mountain with your weapon alone. Rip and tear, until it’s done.
Black Mage

With a distinct pointed cap and a face shrouded deep inside the
darkness of their cowl, the Black Mage is a master of magic
turned to the aim of destruction. Even if their outfits seem
doddering and silly, and whether they're loudmouthed, stoic or shy,
the fires, blizzards and thunderstorms they call inspire awe in
those around them.

Presto (100): You have access to the most fundamental of all Black Magic –
Elemental Attacks. You can wield all of the basic elements except Light (instead
replaced with Lightning) as powerful attacks. At this level, they’re potent but
nothing out of the ordinary – Fire I hits like being struck with a blazing torch,
Earth I is a fist sized hunk of solid rock flung at high speeds, and Water I feels
as if you dove from 40 feet into a lake. Even so, elemental weaknesses and
strengths can make these much, much stronger.

Fun with Shapes (100): Your control over magic gives you the ability to shape
your magical attacks into 'beams' and ‘balls’ that have an area of effect rather
than simply striking a single target, as Black Magic normally does.

Abracadabra (200): You have learnt Journeyman-level Black Magic, able to inflict
basic status effects such as Poison, Frog, and Sleep. In addition, your Elemental
spells become stronger – Fire II is a massive bonfire, Earth II is a man-sized
boulder flung as a projectile, Air II is a howling wind that can pick someone off
their feet and fling them a few yards. Many stop here, but your path can go even

Finesse (200): Your control over magic is such that you can even dial back or
further pump your spells! You can either weaken a spell (while still taxing more
Mana Points in order to control this process finely) in order to give it more
targets and allow you to 'home in' on them with your spells, or 'pump' a spell to
boost its potency 1.5 times. You can combine these, but the cost of a spell
increased by 30% for each specific alteration, meaning a pumped targeted spell is
nearly 60% harder to cast, for most. Still, it’s well worth the effort.

Alakazam (400): You have reached some of the highest levels of Black Magic. You
have learned Stone, a petrification spell, allowing you to directly turn enemies to
stone. In addition, you can use Mana Drain and Life Drain, allowing you to sap mana
and vitality from your foes. You now call upon elemental magic that would qualify
as a minor natural disaster - conflagrations that can swallow castles, small
hurricanes, and lightning bright and strong enough to drive deep splits into stone.
Wield your power well!

Avatar of Black Magic (Mastery): As one of the genius Mages of our time, you are
able to freely shape and spread your magic's targets (such as in Finesse) with no
reduction in power or addition in cost. In addition, you have twice the amount of
magical potential as any normal adventurer in this world, allowing you to call upon
much more power than they. Let them quiver before you.
The source of handy potions and smelling salts world-over,
Chemists are known for their well-stocked inventories
and their swift reflexes. Whether scientists, herbalists,
or something in-between, they know their mixtures and
tinctures better than anyone else - and when you want the
most out of your stock, you'll want a Chemist there to help

Mix and Match (100): As a basic skill of this world’s Alchemists, you know
the recipes and ways to create any consumable magic item of this world
using alchemical ingredients such as herbs and small orbs – antidotes,
potions, and ethers are all within your wheelhouse, and they’re easy to
make for you.
Throw (100): You have a pretty steady throwing arm, allowing you to
accurately and easily administer consumable items from a distance, even
if they normally need to be imbibed or otherwise applied not through high
velocity methods.
Enhance Item (200): By tinkering with existing consumable items and
using more than one of the consumables in question, you can “upgrade” the
items in question – turning two or three potions into a hi-potion or
combining a potion and an ether to make an elixir! In addition, consumables
you tinker with become twice as effective as normal.
All Natural (200): By examining monsters and demons after their defeat,
you can procure useful ingredients that allow you to create more
consumable items! You can also easily dissect and extract all manner of
materials from normal beasts as well.
The Great Work (400): You can easily transform consumables into other
consumables, such as transforming antidotes into eye drops, or potions
into ethers. Combined with Enhanced Item, you can even use a number of
potions to create a Smelling Salt, allowing you to resurrect someone
fallen in battle (though not fully killed) at half health!
Philosopher’s Stone (MASTERY): A simple yet potent ability, a
demonstration of the transformative power of alchemist skill – you can
infuse mana into a consumable item and duplicate it from the ether. There
is no limit to how many times you can do this, only your own mana
reserves. For most adventurers, this process requires 30% of their
maximum mana reserves to perform.
Dark Knight
Faces hidden by black helms and bearing enormous weapons,
the Dark Knight appears on the battlefield as fear
embodied. Legends about them proclaim warriors
empowered by hate and bargains with fiends, mercenaries
who will betray their allies at any moment, knights serving
as a mere extension of their liege's mad ambition. In truth,
none can say but the Dark Knights - and they are not
known for running their mouths.

The Edge is Calling Tonight (100): Your blade can be infused with
Darkness, allowing you to inflict poison and blindness by calling upon
dark winds as well as inflicting Darkness damage through your weapon. As
you grow in strength, it becomes comparable to a Black Mage’s Dark-
aspected attacks, going from Dark I to Dark III as you become a master of
the Evil Weapon technique. IN addition, you are able to instead of
expending mana use your own life force as fuel for these and other Dark
Knight abilities.
I Walk a Lonely Road (100): One way or another, you tend to be much
better off fighting on your own. When you are outnumbered or otherwise
alone in a combat, your effectiveness of strikes goes up by a noticeable
and significant amount, and you become equally harder to put down.
My Shadow Walks Beside Me (200): While you may fight better alone, you
can always count on your inner darkness to aid you. You can manifest your
shadow as a second combatant with your level of power and skill in the
Dark Knight Job, granting it all of your strength in magic and combat.
This Shadow Knight may transform back into a shadow and manifest again,
allowing it to act as an evasive foe for those who stand in your way.
Wicked Ways (200): By channeling evil, you can defeat it. At least, that’s
the idea. You are able to call upon a wicked aura, summoned by an evil
cackling that inflicts the Slow status on your foes. In addition, your
ability to perform dirty tactics such as striking from behind or heavy
intimidation of your foes is within your reach. In fact, your villainy is
such that even when you’re using Darkness against those who would be
empowered or healed by it, they are still harmed!
Darkness, Heed my Call (400): By manifesting your inner darkness, you
now have cultivated that demonic energy that even Demons fear you more
than MASTEMA. Demons and unnatural beings such as undead will not
willingly strike you, and you can banish them with a contest of wills –
forcing them to flee or even turn on their masters if they have less raw
power and will then you.
The Devil Within (Mastery): At the edge of Darkness…you will have to
become what you must. When you would be defeated in battle, you instead
become a monstrous devil created using the Transformation Generation
section, resurrected with half health and suffused with terrible power.
The Devil Within may be used by an Eidolon or Transformation, but The
Devil Within does not stack with itself nor can it be used multiple times
in a fight.

Whether they are seen as traveling nomads or esteemed

members of the army, Dragoons are easily recognizable
by their dragon-like armor, crafted to show their
resemblance to their dragon counterparts. Often
seeking to reach new heights, many Dragoons have gone
on a training ordeal at some point in their life, jumping
to the highest of mountains, sometimes even
befriending a wyvern along the way. Throughout history,
many Dragoons have taken the surname of Highwind upon
themselves, to show their respect to the man who first
befriended the wyverns. Or so the legends say.

Jump Attack (100): With a single leap, you can fly high into the
air, allowing you to evade most if not all attacks and strike at
flying enemies with your lance. In addition, this allows you to
accurately land and strike with all of your might and combined
momentum when you come down to earth without any
Parry and Leap (100): You are insanely evasive, able to backflip
and turn away even arrows with your lance, using your agility to
your advantage as you simply cartwheel through the danger
Critical Leap (200): Your Lance now can strike critical weak
points with ease after a Jump Attack, allowing you to pierce the
armor of even the strongest Warmechs using your honed
precision and the sheer fact of gravity in your favor. These
critical strikes take whatever damage would be dealt and triple
Bloody Lance (200): Your lance thirsts for blood! With every
Jump Attack, you restore as much health and mana as you inflict
damage, as long as a lance is your given weapon.
Wyrmblood (400): Like the Dragoons of old, you have befriended a
Wyvern and now can call upon them as your allies – allowing you
to ride Dragons into battle and speak the language of Dragons,
giving you many options and powerful allies.
Highwind (Mastery): Your mastery over the Jump Attack is such
that, simply put, when you perform a Jump Attack, you don’t come
down until you want to. You are able to suspend yourself mid-air
indefinitely, allowing you to even fly by moving through the air,
and coming down from hundreds of feet in the air with no ill
effects. In addition, all of your Jump Attack-based abilities are
thrice as effective.

Armed with steel, guts, and occasionally their allies, the

Fighter, as a class, personifies the scrapper at the heart
of the battlefield - from mercenary cadet to former
soldier, the Fighter specializes in bringing chaos and
disaster to the enemy as well as tactical genius to their

Zweihander (100): All you need to do some proper damage is to put your
back into it! By gripping a weapon with both hands, your physical strikes
are much more punishing, doing nearly twice as much damage as normally.
Even otherwise two-handed weapons such as battle axes and great
swords grant this boost in damage as well.
Proud Protector (100): As the bulwark of your party, you know how to
shore up defenses. When you’re the target of an attack, you can steel
yourself and make it inflict half the damage it would’ve inflicted. In
addition, you have the protective instincts to dive and cover a party
member, taking damage that would’ve been inflicted upon them – but you
can’t Guard this damage, so…Make sure it’s something you’re not going to
regret taking.
Heart of the Party (200): You’re the most valuable party member! You can
cheer on your allies, granting them boosts to their defense and
resistance to status effects, as well as assisting their attacks and
actions to become much more effective, almost 40%. Finally, you can
create a distraction that gives your party the best chance to retreat
from any encounter not against one of the Emissaries of Shadow. You’re
certainly popular…
Crosscut (200): By expending mana, you can grant your attacks a ‘double
strike’ property, meaning every strike you land has the effect as if it
had landed twice in that one moment – essentially a kind of double tap.
This can rapidly mount to amazing piles of damage!
Raw Intuition (400): You may not necessarily have the techniques and
fancy abilities that your party members have, but you are built for
battle and honed well. You have the fighting strength of 10 adventurers
of your caliber, a vitality to match, with punishing blows that strike
critical weak points. Finally, your training allows you to use any kind of
weapon under the sun with no practice or learning curve!
Unavoidable Attack (MASTERY): Your skill is maximum. Your blade is true.
By focusing mana into a strike, you can make it as such that your next
attack will ignore evasive strikes and defensive magics and strike
without fail, barring divine intervention or similarly potent defenses.

A Machinist is an incredibly skilled artisan who has decided

to push the boundaries of current technology and has
managed to do so successfully. They are capable of building
a wide variety of machines and firearms which they use to
overwhelm enemies of their homes through sheer efficiency.
Those who welcome a Machinist to live within their city
will be granted the boons of a true genius.

Technomancy (100): By gathering mechanical and alchemical materials,

you can create devices such as weapons and attack items that do a good
job of replicating Black Magic and White Magic, though many of them are
either one-use or require recharging and ammunition to activate.
These often manifest as guns, bombs, and strange gizmos!
Scrounge (100): By searching an area thoroughly, you can find enough
parts to create up to 3 Technomancy Devices. However, you are so
thorough that once an area is searched this way it won’t have anything
useful to you for at least two weeks before you can search again. You
can also search a fallen Mechanical enemy such as a Warmech or a Golem
for enough parts to create half of a Machinist device.
Assemble and Disassemble (200): In order to save time and resources,
you are able to disassemble and reassemble your existing Technomancy
devices into new forms, effectively recycling them! This allows you to
also disassemble non-Technomancy technology into parts to use for
Always Ready (200): You are able to hide away a single Device in a
hidden space beyond this world, allowing you to use it even when fully
stripped of your gear. In addition, you have an innate understanding of
all technology, regardless of homeland or time period. Use far flung
future tech or ancient Serannian computers with no issue whatsoever!
The Sky is the Limit (400): Your mastery of technology is such that
you can go far beyond simple weapons and gizmos, allowing you to create
vast works such as Airships, Submarines, Flying fortresses, and
automated weaponry! In addition, you also can create Animating
Intelligences using Mana, allowing you to start on the process of
creating proper Machina if you so desire.
Deus Ex Machina (Mastery): Your mastery of Artifice is such that you
barely need materials anymore. You can draw upon the Ether using your
mana to create the raw materials needed for any Device or technology
you wish to make, and even create them fully formed if you so wish! For
most adventurers, this process requires 30% of their maximum mana
reserves to perform.
Often caught in meditation, the Monk is
distinguished by their fit statures, determination
and trademark bandana's. Whether they are holding
up a collapsing building or practicing their jump
kicks during a night at the inn, it does not take a
trained eye to determine they endure many

Focused Blow (100): By anticipating and focusing your chi, you can
strike with increased power using your bare fists – giving it 150%
effectiveness in a single strike. But you must give a moment to charge
the chi, and for the strike to be made barehanded.
Chi Touch (100): Your unarmed strikes are now able to strike like
mystical bullets, allowing you to smash your way through spirits and
even damage roughly armored Machina with your bare hands with no
damage to yourself whatsoever!
Counter Stance (200): You can enter a Stance in which you have a 30%
chance whenever struck to instantly return the damage back with a
powerful unarmed strike, as long as the attack is melee. This stance
slowly drains mana to maintain, but as long as the fee is paid, it can be
maintained indefinitely.
Impetuous Style (200): By entering a Stance (that cannot be combined
with Counter stance), your unarmed strikes now come down fast and
furious, this Impetuous stance allowing you to strike twice with each
punch in the timespan of a single swing of the fist! As with the Counter
Stance, this drains mana slowly, but it can be maintained as long as Mana
is plentiful.
Superb Training (400): Similarly, to the Fighter, you have foregone
fancy magical tricks to harden your body and focus your mind. You’re
faster than a jaguar, your punches can go through armored plating
easily as you swing with the strength of 10 men, and can take a punch
thrown by someone of your caliber and keep going with no issue despite
being lightly armored. In addition, you can use “Focused Blow” with no
time delay whatsoever, allowing you to strike powerfully time after
Turbo Fighter (Mastery): Your body is now so finely trained that it
seems almost like magic. You are essentially under the effects of a
Haste spell at all times, allowing you to move at high speeds, strike
with a flurry of blows in the blink of an eye, and react to attacks so
quickly you are essentially untouchable to sluggish opponents. Even
when slowed, you only return to normal speed for the duration of the
status effect.
Mystic Knight

Shrouded in gleaming armor and swathed in white cloth, the

path towards a Mystic Knight is more one of revelation than
of training - most famously symbolized in the triumph beyond
oneself that must be performed on a path of ordeals. Solitary
knights of virtue, the traditional Knight is a wandering
ascetic of the sword, protecting the innocent and defeating
evil wherever their blade travels, paying no fealty - or even
lip-service - to any authority on earth.

Barrier (100): When you are put down to low health, you can create
a protective barrier across the entire party, granting a great
boost to defense and protecting both yourself and those around
Smite (100): By expending Mana, you are capable of calling the
Light upon your blade, essentially doing Holy damage as if you were
a white mage through your weapon. In addition, you can use this
power to deal even greater damage to unnatural beings such as
Demons and Undead beyond what Holy does already.
Ad Astra (200): By focusing your inner hope and strength, you can
cast a protective spell on yourself or another during your battles.
This spell negates the damage of a single attack fully, and once an
attack is negated the spell is fully dispelled. The attacks of those
who greatly outpower you can shatter this shield and still keep
going, instead having this divine shield act as merely a damage
Last Stand (200): When you are down to low health, you are able to
put an aura upon your body that doubles the effectiveness of all
healing techniques and abilities – including consumables, white
magic, and bardic magic! This maintains even after you are
restored to full health, until the end of a combat.
Spirits Within (400): By calling upon the spirit of your chivalry,
you are capable of summoning a number of silvery blades that can
aid in your assault, striking with holy magic and power as
effectively as you can. You do not stand alone!
Sword That Emits Light (Mastery): The ultimate technique in
banishing evil, this attack allows you to summon forth the hopes
and dreams of your allies and those who despise the one you’re
striking down with this – allowing you to summon their power in a
single strike and ignore the defenses of your vile
opponent…though, with enough raw power beyond even your hopes
and dreams, a particularly ancient or powerful evil can shrug off
the worst of this strike and still have their magical defenses

Whether fighting for honor and for country or for anyone

that's willing to pay, the ninja is a shadowy agent so
skilled that their existence is sometimes dismissed as
legend. They move with silence, shroud themselves in
black, and wield strange magics - what are they but men
aspiring to be phantoms?

Shinobi Arts (100): Skilled with two weapon fighting and

acrobatic combat, you are the very image of a shinobi. You know
how to leverage dual blades and speed to get the job done, no
matter how grim.
Trick Bombs (100): You have access to a number of bombs that
allow for you to get the advantage – smoke bombs, goo bombs,
and flash bombs that disorient and distract the foe in any
manner you please.
From the Shadows (200): You can easily hide from view and
strike critical weak points of your enemies, using the shadows
as your ally. In addition, your ambushing strikes always deal at
least 150% of their usual damage comparatively, ensuring that
you kill without a sound and without being sighted.
Striking the Smoke (200): You are almost infuriatingly
difficult to target, as your skill and shadow-like nature make
you an absolute nightmare to actually target – even magic
itself has difficulty getting a bead on you!
Dim Mak (400): Every strike you make, especially ambushed
strikes or critical attacks, has a decent chance of inflicting
the Instant death status – on those greatly weaker than you,
this is almost always likely to activate. A forbidden technique,
but a damn good one.
The Shadow of Death (Mastery): By channeling a mysterious
technique, you can become unperceivable by even magical
senses, a near total invisibility. While taking any attack in
this state will drop the invisibility, your first attack while
stealthed deals triple damage.

Drawing upon a power from within, Esper arts were

introduced by entities from beyond the Rift.
Espers are unable to perform as grand feats as
Black and White mages, but shockingly, they do not
need to draw Mana forth in order to work their
arts…and in addition, they appear to mimic the
nature of the Rift itself in certain ways and call
upon its power.

Psychokinetic (100): You are able to utilize the power of your mind
and produce bullets and missiles of great force, equal to Black Magic
such as Fire I or Dark I without using any mana. These attacks are
without any elemental allegiance, allowing you to bypass resistances
but unable to take advantage of weaknesses.
Brainshock (100): By focusing on an opponent and entering in a
battle of wits with them, you may hypnotize or utterly disrupt their
concentration – allowing you to effectively Silence spellcasting
opponents or even charm slow witted enemies. Mindless opponents
cannot be affected by this, such as mindless automatons or zombies.
4th Dimensional (200): You have expanded your mind, allowing you to
tap into an odd plane known as the Inland Empire just layered over
our own. While this plane is dangerous for living beings, you can enter
it for short periods of time to cross distances instantly or store
items for later use – as long as they are not alive, they will be
untouched by the tides of time.
Power Shield (200): With greater control over your psychokinesis,
you are now able to maintain the invisible force of your mind into a
protective shield around you and your allies or bar the path of your
foes. These barriers are effective enough to block Level 2 magic
such as Fire II.
Starstorm (400): The dangerous and chaotic energies of your Inland
Empire are now at your command. You are able to call upon the Star
Storm, a manifestation of the Inland Empire’s amazing power –
raining down pure psionic energy as if it were a meteor shower, with
un-aspected damage equaling the Comet spell, enough to eradicate at
least two packs of Rift Abominations in a single attack. Shame that
you can’t normally control where and who it strikes…
Inland Empire (Mastery): Your Inland Empire has advanced, becoming a
true miniature Rift of its own. While it’s atmosphere still is
violently dangerous and toxic to non-psionic living beings, you are
capable of calling upon Rift Abominations shaped and specified to
your needs as allies, known as Tulpas. You will need to exert
willpower over them for them not to run wild, but while you do, they
are truly at your disposal.
Blue Mage

Always mysterious figures, whether azure

wizards in veils, frog-chomping hermits or
dashing swordsmen in domino masks, Blue Mages
take their power from strange places,
attempting to mirror and mimic the power of
Monsters…even going so far as to mutate their
very bodies at the highest of echelons.

Learning the Hard Way (100): Your body has been trained with a special kind of
power. While you can’t learn Job Abilities this way unless used by Monster (such as
one who has Transformed and is using Skill Set), you are capable of using your mana
to replicate a monster’s innate attacks and spellcasting…as long as you enter a
Learning stance and allow yourself to be struck by the technique. Once you have
survived such an attack, however, you can perform the ability from there on out
using your own mana as a resource.

Tame and Capture (100): You know the tongue of un-awakened and corrupted
monsters, allowing you to attempt to reason with them. By taking a moment to
attempt to soothe the beast, you can enter a contest of wills with it. In your
success, the creature’s aggression will severely drop, reducing their offensive
capabilities as they lose the will to fight. Tamed creatures may then be captured by
further attempting to convince them to join your side, guaranteeing their
cooperation for a single battle before they attempt to leave. Continuous taming may
become permanent, but it will require a lot of effort and time to do so.

Observe (200): Your studies into monsters ensures that you are never caught off
guard when out in the wild. For any non-unique monster such as Mastema’s
Lieutenants, you are able to take a few minutes to note its capabilities, granting
you knowledge on things such as their weaknesses, their special attacks, and their
general health and durability. In addition, this enhances ‘Learning the Hard Way’ in
such a way that you can choose to Learn an ability that the creature performs while
you are Observing it.

Malleable Blood (200): Your studies into monstrous energy have allowed you to focus
mana and change your ‘Template’, which is the general categories applies to
monstrous beings. A list of templates and their effects are laid out in Notes. It
takes at least 12 hours in order to gather the requisite mana to change your
current template.

Metamorphosis (400): You are what you eat. In your case, literally. By devouring a
monster’s ‘meat’ (be it slime, their softer metallic innards, or simply sucking the
marrow from a defeated skeleton) and channeling a great deal of mana into the
transformation, you can become the monster you devoured – gaining all of their
abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. In addition, you can also use your Blue Magic in
this form, allowing you to even further improve on their capabilities!

Chimera’s Blood (Mastery): Why choose what kind of monster you can be when you can
be whichever kind you want? You are able to expend 20% of an average adventurer’s
mana reserves to take on the traits of any monster you have devoured with
Metamorphosis, freely change your Malleable Blood template, and even pick and
choose specific features from different creatures. Each individual change requires
that mana expenditure, but it can be done on the fly and mid-combat if you wish, the
changes taking seconds.
Time Mage

The Time Mage is both the scribe and the master of

the heavens. Arms spread and chanting, their
calculations bend space and time, using the insight
of the cosmos to rework the orbits of individual
moments. To the layman, of course, this looks an
awful lot like speeding up things or slowing them
down, but they have some very complicated orreries
and almagests to explain the real, underlying

Between Tick and Tock (100): By twisting the fabric of time, you are
capable of inflicting the Stop status effect upon your foes, though like all
time magic this can be shaken off by an enemy with a great amount of
willpower and strength. You may also Slow an enemy using your skills in time
magic. Finally, you may use a basic Gravity attack, an unaspected magical
strike that is effective against flying foes.

Cures All Wounds (100): You are able to accelerate someone’s natural
healing to the point that grave wounds would become stabilized in minutes.
While this isn’t as effective as a White Mage’s cure, it requires less mana to
use than a Cure and can passively work over the course of a battle.

Warp (200): Twisting the fabric of space, you are able to allow your party
to escape a combat by expending half of an average adventurer’s mana pool.
You will be teleported either to a nearby safe place, or if one is farther
than a few miles from you, at least 10 miles from the combat in question.

Do It Again (200): You are able to expend a quarter of an average

adventurer’s mana pool to cause a ‘skip’ in time, enchanting an ally so that
their last action is taken a second time immediately – such as allowing a
powerful spell to be cast twice with no need for more mana expenditure, or
ensuring that a critical hit is repeated without fail.

Fast Forward (400): Your mastery of time is such that you are capable of
expediting it to your benefit. You can cast Haste II, a powerful haste spell
that allows a combatant to act at triple their normal speed, though this is
only really fully felt on the average adventurer in capabilities – those who
are already three times as fast as the average adventurer will find this a
little less effective. In addition, you are capable of inflicting the Old
status on an opponent, requiring them to resist the effect with their
willpower or otherwise age decades or even eons in an instant. For short
lived creatures, this is Instant Death, while for arcane constructs and
long-lived creatures it reduces their capabilities greatly, effectively
halving every stat.

Avatar of Time (Mastery): Time and space are yours to command. You are
capable of not only inflicting Stop on an opponent but Stopping time for all
those within a mile of you who do not resist the effect. In addition, you are
capable of creating vortexes to the far future, casting unwary foes into
them to ensure that they will never return – at least, not within your

The Geomancer is something of an oddity in a world where man

has the power to defy the laws of nature with magic and science.
Rather than ignore the natural order, he has learned to become
one with it, calling the land for aid in his time of need.
Geomancers become capable of truly amazing feats as their
bonds with the world increase - summoning a blizzard within a
volcano, creating an oasis of water in the desert, and striding
through molten lava untouched.

Terrain Attack (100): By channeling the earth’s wrath, you are able to
expend mana to inflict a Level 2 Black Mage’s spell effects based on your
current terrain. For example, in a desert or mountainous area you’ll be
casting Earth II while in a coastal area Water II will be cast. These are
often more cost effective than a Black Mage’s casting but are locked to
your local terrain.
Nature’s Blessing (100): Living amongst the wild beasts and untamed land
has enhanced your body to the point where you are much like a beast in
movement. You are capable of hovering over the ground, burrowing into
the earth, and on foot move quickly enough to overtake a horse at full
gallop. Your senses are equally honed.
Tremor Sense (200): You are able to go beyond your senses and tap into
the Earth’s beating heart, capable of seeing through vibrations in the
ground and by disturbances in the ambient aether – able to see magical
phenomena and detect magic.
Cloaked in the Elements (200): You may expend a quarter of an
adventurer’s mana pool to grant yourself an elemental blessing. The
blessing enhances your physical statistics noticeably (attack for fire,
speed for air, defense for earth, and magical potency for water) and
enhances your attacks with an elemental aspect, in addition to granting
150% effectiveness on your attacks with the blessing.
Power of the Earth (400): You may enter a Geotrance, which allows you
call upon the Boon, Bane, and Disasters of your current terrain –
powerful magical effects. Disasters greatly match many Black Magic
spells and can be cast for only 30% of an average adventurer’s mana
store, but once again require you to be in a specific terrain. For example,
A Geotrance of water may restore your party’s MP and assault foes with
tidal waves, while a Geotrance of underground may spawn healing
mushrooms and cave ins. The power is simply whatever the earth sees as
your best chance at that moment.
One with the World (Mastery): Your mastery of the world is such that you
are capable of calling upon the Geotrance and Terrain Attack of any
Terrain no matter where you are. In addition, you are resistant to the
elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air, taking half damage from
elemental strikes of those natures.

Inspired by the Machina’s early efforts to integrate Jobs by

creating specific parts to attach, Futurists see their body as a
chassis that can be upgraded with thaumaturgic technology. While
Machina eventually learnt how to affect jobs normally, many across
the different races embraced the self-upgrading philosophy, and
many Machina retain the tradition now.

Utilizing “Skill Crystals” and integrating magic items into their

own body, Futurists are self-made men in every sense of the word.

Crystallization (100): By entering a trance-like “Observation” state

similar to that of the Blue Mage, you may permanently invest 15% of an
average adventurer’s mana pool to create a Skill Crystal of a Job ability
or spell you witness in that state. While you hold this Skill Crystal in
your hand, you are capable of performing that Job Ability or Casting that
Spell. You may dissolve the crystal in order to restore your max Mana
Pool back to normal.
Equipment Enhancement (100): You know how to adjust your equipment as
such that it can hold Futurist crystals, allowing you to wear Skill
Crystals and Mystic Crystals in your weapons, armor, or accessories
instead of needing to hold it in your hands.
My Body is a Shell (200): Your body is a tool like any else. You are capable
of integrating Futurist Crystals into your own body directly, granting
you the ability hands-free. The result is that you are capable of holding
onto and using more of your skill crystals at once.
Internal Armory (200): You are able to integrate any equipment into your
body, allowing you to effectively wear and benefit from multiple pieces of
enchanted armor or accessories at once with no limit. While you would need
to ‘swap’ weapons to get their effects, you can get the passive benefits of
multiple magic items at once this way.
Mystic Crystal (400): You are capable of not only creating Skill Crystals,
but crystals that grant permanent passive spell effects. You could create
a Mystic Crystal of Haste and remain permanently hasted, or a Mystic
Crystal of Bio in order to grant all of your attacks poisonous
Apex of Arcana (Mastery): Your body has been so suffused with magical
energy you have become partially made of pure magic in the form of pure
crystal. The result is that purely physical damage inflicted upon you is
greatly resisted, up to half its normal effectiveness – and in addition, you
are able to combine your vitality and your magical potential, making your
mana and health one and the same.

Somewhere between healing and destruction is a more subtle

power, and the Witch capitalizes upon it. In their
characteristic pointy hats, they grant their allies
protection and enhancement, while their foes are lost in a
torrent of hexes. Their magic does no direct harm, but from
a Witch's lips pour spells which can turn the tide of any

Magic Ways (100): A Witch’s

As amagic does
support class not
which lie
deals in in destruction
status effects, a studentthrough
of the Greenspectacle.
Dominion will
It rests in the small deaths, the stumbles that throw you off a cliff. You are
soon find that the Green Mage's true strength lies in manipulating the flow of battle,
capable of casting Hexes that force an opponent to resist your magic or else
not in direct destruction.
suffer a Break status – reducing their damage, casting abilities, and ability to
defend themselves by 20% with each successful cast. Each time, their doom
slowly approaching…

Witch’s Kiss (100): A Witch’s wrath is not easily suffered. You know how to punish
insolence by enfeebling polymorphic magics, forcing your opponents to resist your
spells or be turned into a Frog, rendered Tiny and weak, or temporarily
transformed into an elderly and feeble form of themselves as if they were Old.
Dark Influence (200): A maddening hex lies in your hands, allowing you to use it
for weal or woe…You may use your magic to force an opponent (or ally?) to resist
becoming corrupt or berserk. While a Berserk target merely will forget any
higher tactics and strike whatever is nearest them with enhanced strength and
durability (as if they were a Berserker), a Corrupted target will actively use the
strongest and most effective capabilities they can on their ostensible allies,
acting as a full turncoat enchantment. To think they’ll die for you…

Ring the Bell (200): You are able to cast the powerful spell known as Demi I , an
offensive spell that does a quarter of an opponent’s current health in a single
magical strike. It requires 40% of an average adventurer’s mana pool to cast and
the damage can be mitigated by those truly beyond your ken, but against the vast
majority of your foes they will suffer horrific damage, allowing your allies to
finish the job with greater ease.
‘Tween Life and Death (400): The shadow of death is your ally. You are capable of
casting Doom and Zombify, two potent spells…though one is surprisingly useful
for your allies. Doom inflicts the Instant Death status effect on those who
cannot resist your magic with their willpower or will to live, and Zombify
transforms a victim who fails to resist partially into an Undead, allowing them to
take increased damage from holy damage but resisting or even being healed by
dark aspected damage. In addition, their durability and vitality (paradoxically)
rise by 30%

Avatar of Doom (Mastery): You are…dangerous. You passively force your foes to
resist taking mounting Break statuses of all kinds as long as you’re conscious,
and what’s more weak foes who suffer a multitude of your Break status effects
will be forced to resist Instant Death in your mere presence. All it takes is for
you to arrive, and people’s very souls become heavier…

Contracted to otherworldly beasts - be they spirits of

fallen heroes who gave their lives to aid the
pilgrimages of others, magical creatures from a distant
world, or merely the sealed spirits of gemstones,
Summoners call upon an unparalleled variety of battle-
field sweeping magic with a little help from the other
side. Wear your horn with pride.

Elemental Spirit (100): You are able to call upon Elementals, basic
spirits that have access to Fire, Air, Water, or Earth. They will follow
you to the best of your abilities, but they are ephemeral and can be
defeated if focused on with enemy attacks. Still, they can bring to bear
elemental attacks up to Level II if they’re allowed.
Bestial Ally (100): Tapping into the soul of the earth, you can convince
wild beasts such as hawks and wolves in droves to fight on your side.
While they’re not proper monsters such, they can do some damage even
to Wyverns if they gather in great numbers.
Lord of the Beasts (200): Rather than simply calling upon the beasts of
the land, you can call a “King” – such as King of Beasts, King of Birds,
King of Vermin, etc…They tend to hold supernatural abilities ,
monstrous strength and spee,d and dominion over their type of
creature, but they are proud beings and will only provide assistance for
a short time until they’re defeated or their time is up.
Ally of Light/Agent of Chaos (200): You are able to call upon Light and
Dark elementals, known as Angels and Demons. Much like Elementals,
they can call upon Level II Dark and Holy, as well as having much
stronger physical forms that are capable of matching a Beast King in
The Legend Reborn (400): You may choose a Non-Summoner Job. You can
call upon a Legendary Hero of this job, the entity being a phantom
adventurer who has Mastery over the chosen Job and will follow you
until the combat ends or they are defeated.
Echo of the Old Gods (Mastery): You can call upon an echo of a god from
before the Creator’s ascension, summoning one created using the
Eidolon Generation section. The god’s echo will fight until it is
dispelled or until combat ends, in your name, with all of its might. An
Eidolon may have Echo of the Old Gods, but its own Summon is incapable
of summoning another Eidolon.

In any world where some people have more than others,

you'll find thieves. Sneaky, clever, and cautious, they
bring a scoundrel's knowledge to an adventure, with a
knack for being one step ahead of every dirty trick
the villain might decide on. Whether they rob enemy
clans, kidnap princesses, prey on soldiers, or cruise
the airways as a legendary Sky Pirate, there's no limit
to the scheme a Thief might cook up.

Roguish Kit (100): In addition to a mastery of dagger fighting, you

know how to pickpocket even mid-battle as well as doing so as part of
an attack. That is to say, with every strike you make, you have a chance
ot stealing valuables or even body parts from an opponent depending on
how monstrous they are.
Observant (100): Your years of carefully casing homes and
strongholds for loot as well as being a proper lookout gives you quite a
bit of expertise in keeping a sharp eye out. You know how to find hidden
exits and entrances anywhere, and you can’t be surprised by a sudden
ambush no matter the time or place.
Eye for Valuables (200): Treasure can’t escape you. You know how to
find hidden loot on fallen enemies as well as the best way to squeeze
more money out of anything you sell or loot – you’d be a fantastic
Devilish Charm (200): Surprisingly, you know how to speak Demon. You
can offer items and money in order to bribe anything that isn’t one of
Mastema’s lieutenants or a mindless automaton, either getting them to
leave you alone or even join your side temporarily!
Tactical Retreat (400): When the going gets tough, you get going. You
know how to use a secret technique where as long as you’re willing to
suffer whatever consequences that come with this level of cowardice,
how to escape a battle unscathed. You’ll never win, but you won’t die –
at least, from that combat. You may be maimed or lose something you
care about, but you’ll live to suffer defeat another day…at least, until
your prodigious luck finally runs out.
Always Prepared (Mastery): You have a bag. This bag contains,
essentially, anything that you could have conceivably looted, picked up,
or stolen in this world – in short, anything that money could buy in a
world. It always contains treasure to spend, or basic supplies, or even
surprisingly specific gear. It can’t contain anything truly unique,
unless you know how to find a ripoff of some sort, but it has anything
you could possibly need.
White Mage

Behind every victory is an unassuming mage in a white

hood, healing and supporting their allies. Bravery and
devotion are both strong within these men and women, for
they depend on their allies to bring down their foes, just
as their allies depend on the White Mage to keep them
strong and healthy.

White Peace (100): As a practitioner of medicine, you have a bit of

affordance that is given even by beasts, who smell you as barely unable
to present a threat. Of your party, you’re the least likely to be
targeted first.
May I Enjoy My Life (100): You have access to basic white magic, which
allows you to heal vicious wounds, use an Observe spell that gives the
health and magical potency of a monster, and remove basic status
effects such as poison and blindness. You can also raise the physical
and magical defenses of an ally.
And Practice My Art (200): You are a well-respected White Mage, an
asset to all parties that have you. Beyond simple healing and
restoration of status, you can restore the recently slain to life in a
weakened state, use a pure burst of divine magic to cause Light
aspected damage, and remove all magical status effects such as
confusion and frog. You may also create a reflective barrier to
redirect offensive magic, and magic alone. Your healing potency is also
enough to heal mortal wounds back to good condition.
Turn Unnatural (200): You can instantly destroy a group of weak undead
or demon as a spell, though it must be greatly weaker than you in order
for this to work effectively. Your very presence turns away the
Respected by All Men, in all times (400): Your mastery of White Magic is
to be feared and respected. Your healing is such that nearly any wound
as long as it is not instant death can be restored to full health, and in
addition can remove all status effects from an ally including
Petrification and Instant Death. You can also immunize your allies from
status effects, and create an enchantment that automatically
resurrects them if they fall in battle. Finally, you have access to a
powerful holy beam that strikes like a bolt from the blue, inflicting
massive damage to undead and demons.
Avatar of Life (Mastery): Your vitality is overflowing, giving you and
your allies a strong passive regeneration, as well as automatically
giving your allies the effect of resurrecting upon death as long as you
stand. Their defense and magical defense also becomes greatly enhanced!
Eidolon and Transformation Generation
Eidolon and Transformation Generation
There are entities, beasts, monsters, and greater still in this world that
can’t be reflected by the mere statistics of the mortal races. This is where
those legendary figures are created and reflected.

Eidolons and Transformations share this section, but Eidolons have 1500
EP points to spend here while Transformations have 1000 EP to spend here.
Eidolons must pick one of the as their core element.

Eidolons must have a name and an appearance, which you can determine!

Transformations can also have their aesthetics determined.

Auto Guard (Eidolon Only, 200): Having been a protective guardian God in its
previous life, The Eidolon will automatically move to protect its Summoner
or its Brave from dangerous or powerful attacks.
Body Resistance (300): Owing to an inhuman body with great vitality, the
entity is immune to all basic status effects that effect the body such as
Paralysis, Blindness, and Poison. In addition, Eidolons grant their Braves a
great resistance to these status effects passively, giving their great
constitution among their chosen.

Mana Boost (300): Owing to a grand soul full of potential, the entity has
access to a great reserve of Mana, having double the mana of their summoner
or base form. Eidolons also grant their summoners 150% of their normal
mana pool passively, sharing their wisdom with their chosen hero.

Resilience (400): The entity’s form is titanic and filled with vigor, granting
them nearly triple the amount of HP of ordinary creatures and making them
gravely difficult to put down. They are able to take dragon breath and bites
and return fire with equal strength! Eidolons grant their chosen 200% HP
passively, allowing them to survive and thrive.

Elemental Resistance (300, can be taken up to 4 times. Eidolon gets one

purchase free based on their Core Element): The entity is capable of taking
half damage from one of the six elements, as they may be masters of the
element or simply disdain that element. Eidolons grant their chosen heroes
the ability to reduce that element’s damage by 25%, making elemental
attacks 3/4ths as effective against them.

Skill Set (600, can be taken more than once): The entity has access to a Job
and is a Master of that Job, perhaps due to having been the inspiration for
that Job in the distant past. Eidolons may grant their Summoners or Chosen
Hero Mastery of that job for as long as they are Summoned, though they do
not grant this passively.

Soul Resistance (400): Owing to a hardy spirit from beyond the pale, the
Entity has immunity to all status effects that affect the mind and spirit
such as Confusion, Instant Death, and Slow. In addition, Eidolons grant their
Braves a great resistance to these status effects passively, giving their
great spiritual fortitude among their chosen.
Strike Boost (200): Owing to inhuman power and majesty, the Entity’s
strikes are at least 200% more effective than their summoner’s or their
base form’s – and Eidolons can passively grant their chosen heroes a 150%
damage boost to their basic strikes.
Toughness (300): Owing to an invincible form and once divine corpus, the
Entity’s defenses are at least 200% stronger than their summoner’s or
their base form’s, and Eidolons can passively grant their chosen heroes a
150% boost to their damage reduction and defenses.

Empower (500): The basic statistics of the entity are far beyond what
adventurers can attain, meaning at base they are three times as strong as
their summoner or their base form’s, which is stacked with any Boost
abilities on top of this option.

Elemental Storm (700): Transformations may pick an element, while Eidolons

must use their Core Element for this – gaining access to the power of the IV
level of their element’s combat magic. In effect, this allows for magical
strikes that classify as a true disaster, able to destroy almost all but the
strongest of creatures of this world. However, Eidolons must be summoned
to perform this and will disperse after unleashing this, while
Transformations cannot perform this until they are near the edge of defeat.

Super Combo Strike (600): The entity gains access to a combination attack
that performs 500% of their normal damage output, unleashing their inner
rage and power in a single demonstration of might. Eidolons must be
summoned to perform this and are dispersed after accessing this potential,
while Transformations must spend time and telegraph this attack to
perform it effectively.

Party Finder (Free): You can create or import up to 8 companions, your
adventuring party! Each one gains a Job and has all the perks except the
400-cost perk of that Job, being seasoned but not quite Masters of the job
yet. You may pay 100 points per Companion through this way to grant them a
second Job with a similar level of expertise in it, however, you can only
upgrade a Companion once this way.

The Braves of Light(Free and Required, Brave of Light, 300 otherwise): You
gain 5 Companions, each one a Brave of Light with the Heroic Spirit and
Inheritor of Legends perks, as well as 300 points to spend from the Brave
of Light origin. They each have a different Elemental Brand, as they are the
other chosen. You may import into this option.

The Emissaries of Shadow(Free Emissary of Shadow, 300 otherwise): You

gain 5 conspirators, the other Emissaries of Shadow who seek to ruin the
land. They gain the My Mask, Cast Aside perk and Blighted Blade perk for
free, as well as 300 points to spend from the Emissary of Shadow origin.
You may import into this option.

The Wandering Weirdoes(100): You may create or import up to two

companions as Drop Ins, giving them 600 points to spend, as your own pair of
odd ducks.
A Legend Reborn(200): You may create or import up to two companions as
Heroes of the Land, giving them 600 points to spend, as part of a legendary
party of heroes.

Legends of Light and Darkness (+0, Required for Braves of Light): You begin
at Allestone, and from there must travel across the land with your 5
companions. Along the way, you must purify the Six Blades by defeating their
guardian Emissary and restore peace and order to the land. Once you have
purified the Six Blades, you must go forth to New Zandipore and defeat the
King of Demons Mastema to ensure that this world is restored to its former
glory and your journey continued. As a reward, your Brand of the Brave
becomes Exceeded.

Dragon Sword Zero (+0, Required for Emissaries of Shadow): Emissaries of

Shadow meanwhile, begin shortly after the corruption of the Blade of Light
and the creation of New Zandipore. Your task is to corrupt the remaining
Five Blades – however, this isn’t an easy task. Heroes of the Land with
access to great expertise and power bar your path, the monsters haven’t
been tamed for you yet so they’ll be a constant threat and what’s worse, the
Dragon Sword has already chosen the Braves of Light to try and stop you
before it’s too late. Defeat all these pesky heroes, and summon forth the
darkness, before your journey comes to an end here.

World Full of Troubles (+100): The crawling shadow of Mastema has forced
shortages and struggles on every person in this land – the result is that
nothing can get done without help. Shops need hunters to get supplies, Kings
require threats to be cleared from the land to lend aid, so on and so forth.
While the tasks are never complicated, they can be long, and they come often
enough that accomplishing any tasks is much, much more of an ordeal.

Like a Rogue (+100): While normally the world would have a natural sense of
progression from Allestone to Zandipore, threats are now irregular and
wandering – some monsters are mere vermin even in Old Zandipore, while
there are party-wiping monstrosities in the shadow of Allestone.

Dungeon Rats (+200): There are…way too many heroes in this land. Or at
least wannabes. Adventurers with basic Jobs and various levels of
experience have formed parties en masse, wandering the land, fighting
monsters, and delving dungeons. All the while, causing problems for everyone
involved – Emissaries are threatened constantly by heroic individuals while
everyone else has to deal with bickering, armed groups of fools with equal
amounts of bravado and cowardice, seeking gold and glory and ruining things
in the process.

Traitor’s Road (+200): One among us will betray you. That is to say, you know
that among your companions, allies and acquaintances, someone is going to
take advantage of you and leave you high and dry for your enemies to exploit
at the worst time. Even if you were to reject all your allies, they would
simply take advantage of this and rally against you in the process.

Manifest Destiny (+400): Lagado has the distinction of being directly ruled
by an Emissary of Shadow. While normally it would stay within its own lane,
with this, Ptolemy has decided to be much more forceful with the crusade of
Darkness. Now, Lagado and its armies are on the march against all the other
kingdoms of the land, forcing political strife and now a constant air of
unease and war – As the lands are forced to work together or fall apart. With
“Dragon Sword Zero”, this instead has Allestone and its many adventurer-
lords to rally together armies of adventurers and sally forth, forming
adventurer guilds to stand against the darkness – true companies of heroes
led by Heroes of the Land.
Tidings from Beyond the Rift (+400): The Interdimensional Rift, no longer
contained beyond the pale, vomits forth Rift Abominations from every
corner of the land. Possessing uncanny intelligence and a variety of forms
and powers, Rift Abominations will test your expertise in adventuring as
they have powers beyond what this land can create, they can come forth from
thin air in great amounts, and slowly eradicate the land and its people. With
“Dragon Sword Zero”, instead these Rift Abominations are replaced with
Champions from beyond the rift, summoned heroes with access to exotic Jobs
and powers such as those given by the Drop-In origin. As a result, the land
suddenly gets an influx of amazing defenders from another world.

The Palace of the Damned (+600): Deep in Allestone lies an ancient

Serranian ruin, a prison. When the world was young, a great war machine
known as The Lensman arrived from beyond the Rift. The Great Societies of
the time - Serrania, the Wise Men of Edelweiss, Pal-Ul-Don and the
Thousand Gods, and Old Lagado – banded together before it could annihilate
this world, the Old Gods sealing it within an obsidian orb known as the Dark
Omen. The Palace of the Damned and it’s Hundred Wards act as the strongest
hold in the world, each layer staffed with ancient magical, thaumaturgic, and
technomagical guardians as well as draconic security measures…but grim
tidings from an overseer of the palace. The Lensman has over millennia
slowly begun to crack the Dark Omen, studying whatever it can of the Palace
of the Damned. Within 10 years, the Lensman will break the Dark Omen and
rampage through the Hundred Wards of the Palace, destroying everything it
can and unleashing havoc upon the land. The only hope of the world is to delve
into the Palace, overcome the Hundred Wards, and defeat the Lensman while
it is still weakened and trapped in the Dark Omen – not a mean feat, but one
you will have to overcome if you wish for your journey to continue past the

Tear Heaven’s Seams Apart (+600): One way or another, the truth will get
out. Whether it be from Mastema’s dying breaths or the very proclamations
of the heavens itself once the final Blade is buried in shadow. The Creator
orchestrated this entire war and crusade of the Demon King in a bid to
permanently defeat the Dragon Sword – the weapon forged by the old gods of
their own souls when he attempted to usurp heaven and become the one and
only God of this world. Now, for one reason or another, he has decided to
destroy and remake this world with his angelic army for his own amusement.
Normally, he would do so out of a frustration with the Braves of Light for
reinvigorating the Dragon Sword’s energy. However, in “Dragon Sword Zero”,
he does so as he realizes that the Emissaries of Shadow now have the power
to defeat him, as the Corrupted Dragon Sword still is powerful enough to
kill the Creator and he has no faith in Mastema’s monstrous lieutenants. In
order for you and this world to survive, you must fight the armies of The
Creator, scale the Tower of Heaven to the very top, and confront him. He is
no slouch – he was capable of defeating Eidolons at their full strength
singlehandedly. But by channeling the Dragon Sword’s power as you remove
the Creator’s influence from it via clearing the Tower of Heaven, you can
overcome him and remove his divine might. Cast aside this false god and let
this world decide its own fate.
Notes Deltarune, Makai Toshi SaGa,
What is Dragon Sword? Dragon Sword is a Jump that is a love letter to
JRPG tropes, warts and all. It can be considered a Generic Console RPG

Inspirations: JRPG Traitor, Miitopia, Final Fantasy Series, Dragon Quest,

Treasure of the Rudra, Romancing SaGa, Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass, Makai
Toshi SaGa, Super Console, Deltarune
Rift Abominations are about as dangerous as the demons of New Zandipore -
one of them is enough to give a town guard a lot of trouble, and a pack of
about five them could destroy a town. Someone with a Job can handle about 3
of them alone, and a party can handle a pack with some stress and wear on

If you do not take “Tear Heaven’s Seams Apart”, the Creator is more
whimsical and aloof than outright hostile and will honor the promise to
grant you a Wish if you ascend to his throne on the Tower. These wishes are
more or less freeform, the only thing is not to try and game it and wish for
more wishes or wish for the Creator’s power or something silly like that.

Art Credits: http://www.akashics.moe/

Aekashics Librarium


Cover art: Kafesuro, Pixiv Fantasia Sword Regalia

Exceeded Elements
Fire -> Flare: Flare grants a number of powerful “almighty” attacks
that ignore defenses and elemental resistances, acting as non-
elemental damage.
Water -> Ice: Ice grants a number of defensive options by creating Ice
Walls, Ice Armor, as well as inflicting Petrification and Slow by
freezing enemies. You can also create solid constructs such as
castles and platforms.
Air -> Storm: Storm grants Lightning attacks, improving potency and
allowing for “chain” attacks that are great AoE. The Storm magic
also allows for weather manipulation.
Earth -> Horizon: Horizon allows for the manipulation of gravity,
crushing enemies and allowing for flight and high jumps. You can also
inflict Heavy and Haste on enemies this way.
Light - > Aurora: Aurora allows for heavy buffs and healing as well
as holy attacks, granting temporary invincibility by expending mana
and dazzling enemies with shining colors.
Darkness -> Midnight: Midnight allows one to call upon the night sky,
barrages of Starlight magic attacks, Comet strikes, and even the
dreaded Demi II status which permanently halves an opponent’s
vitality are within reach.
Templates for Awakened Monsters and Blue Mages
Aerial: Whether through wings or other means, you are able to permanently fly or
hover in place, allowing you to avoid and dodge attacks easily. You are also able to fly
faster than any other aerial creature – twice as fast, in fact. They take double
damage from Lightning attacks.

Amorph: An Amorph such as a slime is capable of squeezing through openings a

fraction of their normal body size — such as putting an arm through a keyhole or
slipping between the cracks in the floorboards. Despite this, an amorph is still
capable of carrying items. They are resistant to physical damage but susceptible to
magical attacks.

Angelic: Angelic creatures are rare but seen often around the Tower of Heaven. They
are capable of Flight and are able to naturally cast Holy by expending twice the
required mana and take half damage from lightning. They are susceptible to Dark
aspected attacks and are naturally somewhat fragile, losing 25% of their toughness
and vitality.

Arcana: Raw magic flows through the creature’s bloodstream – they have 20% more
MP and resist any effects that would drain their MP or Silence them. However, they
are susceptible to physical attacks.

Aqua: You are capable of breathing underwater and moving in water unimpeded, in
addition you are able to navigate in salt and freshwater equally well. They are
susceptible to Lightning attacks.

Beast: Your strength and endurance are increased by 20%, and you have natural
weaponry that allows you to strike with the effectiveness a longsword or axe would
have in your hands. They are susceptible to mental attacks.

Construct: You are indistinguishable from a Machina, however you also are able to
communicating with technology directly in addition to a Machina-like body. You may
have integrated Machinist weaponry as well. They are also susceptible to lightning

Dragon: You are able to cast a basic elemental attack (except Light or Darkness) on
the tier of Fire II by expending twice the mana required, and have a tough hide on par
with plate mail. They often are capable of flight, though not as fast as Aerial
creatures. They are susceptible to Light and Dark magic.

Demon: You are capable of flight and casting Dark I naturally by expending twice the
needed mana normally and take half damage from Fire. Demons are naturally
susceptible to Holy and have difficulty resisting magic, losing 25% of their base
resistance to many spells.

Plant: The character's skin takes on a greenish tint, allowing them to

photosynthesize nourishment, reducing the need for air and food. They have 20% more
vitality than normal, though no increase in defense. They are healed by Water Damage
and susceptible to fire damage.

Undead: Undead are essentially permanently under the zombify status, allowing them
to be healed by Dark aspected damage, taking damage from healing spells, having an
increased vitality and defense by 50%, and being susceptible to Holy.

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