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Hard Core D&D

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Hard Core D&D Rules

1. A PC’s short rest is 8 hours and a long rest is a week relative to in game time. To get the benefit of a long
rest, the PC’s need to find shelter, where they can relax mentally and physically for 7 days without any
notable interruptions.

2. 0The Hunger Die, Your Hunger Die is an indicator of how hungry you are and if you don’t eat when you’re
low you will become Exhausted and eventually starve to death. Your Hunger Die is equal to your Hit Die.
It starts out at the highest number and incrementally goes down with strenuous activity. Your Hunger Die
increases if you specifically specify when you eat, drink, or quaff a health potion. If your Hunger Die
would ever go negative as the result of your actions or lack of actions you die. No Death Saves, you’re
fucking dead loser. Below is a list of activities that will affect your Hunger Die.

Eating & Drinking +2 Hunger

Eating or Drinking +1 Hunger
Eating or Drinking Poor Quality Roll 1d6. 2-6: +1, 1: -1 Hunger
Eating Raw Meat Roll 1d6. 4-6: +1 Hunger, 1-3: -1 Hunger
Magical Food +2 Hunger
Potion of… Healing: +2, Greater: +4, Superior: +8, Supreme: +12
After Combat DC 15 Con Save or -1 Hunger on failure
Athletics or Acrobatics DC 10 Con Save or -1 Hunger on failure
Half or Less HP DC 15 Con Save or -1 Hunger on failure
0 HP -2 Hunger
Short Rest -1 Hunger
Long Rest -2 Hunger

3. Spells are not learned merely upon level up, they must be taught previously by a mentor, have read some
form of literature such as a spell scroll, seen a visual diagram or through observation by the PC of a spell
being performed in its entirety at least once prior to level up. It is the PC’s responsibility to keep track of
the spells they have been exposed to in these manners.

4. When a PC or NPC’s rolls a nat 1 related to an attack roll or their health reaches 0 in a combat encounter
they will retain a lingering injury after the event. They will roll a D100 for the table below to decide their
injury as written in the DM’s guide.

5. Failed death saves do not reset until a PC has completed a long rest. However a critical success or failure
does not influence the death saving throw positively or negatively.

6. Initiative is decided by any PC rolling a D20 acting as the initiative for the entire group against the
opposition, using the highest intuitive bonus amongst the group participating in combat as the entire group's
initiative bonus. The group with the highest roll goes first and the group with the lowest roll goes last. Once
it has been decided which group goes first the PC group decides together the initiative order set for the
group during the entirety of the encounter. If two or more PC’s cannot decide or agree upon the turn order
they will roll a D20 initiative roll using their own initiative bonus against one another with the highest roll
going first and the lowest going last.

7. Each PC has a pool of fate points equal to 5 + their level. A PC can spend as many or few fate points as
they wish from their pool and add it to any attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw and add it to the
result after it has been rolled as long as the initial result was not a nat 1. The fate point pool resets upon the
PC leveling up and fate points in a previous pool prior to level up do not carry into the next level. There is
no other way for the PC to regain fate points outside of the PC leveling up.
The Setting
A century ago the realm of the forgotten fell. The great war of blood, binding the heavens of Celestia, the
nine hells of Baator and the pure chaotic hunger of the abyss that raged since time and memorial finally came to an
end. The demon prince Fraz-Urb'luu once the strongest lord of the abyss traveled to it’s deepest pits and scoured the
wand of orcus. Growing in such might he consumed the other lords of the abyss growing to not just be a servant of
chaos but chaotic destruction incarnate. Heeling the abyss and it’s layers under his rule. With this new found power
the endless tide of demonic hordes and eldritch horrors from the caseros rift caved the line. With a wave of pure
chaotic carnage they ravaged and broke the gates of Baator, upheaving it to the very core. The Celestial forces of the
heavens descended upon the hells fighting fiercely but overwhelmed by the endless tide they were forced back to the
endless shining sea laid at the foot of Mt Celestia itself. Gods and beings of power of all ikes and planes of
existence, champions of law, good and evil stood fast and united as a final effort to push back the forces of chaos as
a means of survival. The battles were fierce, a true war in the heavens itself. Gods and the mightest of their kin were
but martyrs in the fighting, old rivalries and hatreds as old as time itself were set aside for but the only purpose of
mutual survival. Countless billions were lost, and even the mightiest fell.

The greater deities of the men and the elves were slayed, gutted and broken by the tide as waves of agony
and sorrow came upon all their children. As a last ditch effort the father and mother of all dragons, Bahamut and
Tiamat once more fused their power together to reform IO the draconic god of balance, the mightiest of the
pantheon. IO scourged the wave back and faced Fraz-Urb'luu but to no avail as IO and was separated and Bahamut
and Tiamat were plunged to the mortal coil defeated. With no one left to challenge forces of the abyss the deities and
their servants scattered, fleeing to possible one day regain enough power to fight back. The abyss corrupted celestia,
the souls meant to rest were coalesced alongside cancerous corruption of celestia by the abyss into an endless vortex
of souls. A place not of touture, not of haven, but pure painful annihilation or corruption of mortal souls. All souls of
mortals taken by demons were now forever destined to be sent to the vortex.

With no celestial protection the mortal realms were plunged into an age of darkness, as carnage and demons
raigned. Mortals of all kin fled from the surface of the forgotten realms into ancient dwarven helms of old sealing
themselves from the surface. Children were carried on backs into the darkness as a last bastion, as they looked back
to see the light of the sun being encompassed by clouds darker than the blackest black they cried knowing it would
be the last light of day they would ever see, before the seals finally engulfed them in darkness. 112 years have
passed since the fall, the helms of old have been transformed into underground city scapes and near boundless
tunnels with an endless need for expansion and mining to sociate the ever growing over population. To be a man in
such times is to be under constant fear of all. From tunnels collapse, quakes, demonic incursions or ravaging of the
undead from above and so below, not to mention his fellow man. It is among many in the soil, ragged from soot and
grease of machines, forced to drink water that colored of snot, where a place to rest one's head is luxury. Every man
feels a deep looming fear of the vortex knowing of most likely upon death that is where they shall end, with no hope
of salvation as it is viewed as fruitless, let alone believe in the gods that once failed them, ostracizing any who dare
hope for salvation from the gods of old as outcast. With no place for souls to rest, spirits and undead proliferate the
world driven mad with no way to ease their eternal surrafage haunting the husk that once was the world.

Many grow every weary as quakes more frequent seem to ever endanger what remains of a broken society
of mortals. You start your venture on a trolley headed for the town of Down Murk, a town used for industrial
moisture farming, as it rest above an underground lake of putrid but drinkable water utop rickety boards. You and
many have heard word of possible work on this outskirt hole called a town, the prospect for coin has called you, as
you venture into the tunnel with a caravan trolley group, mounted upon hand cranked rail cars, your adventure
begins weary traveler.

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