Statistics For Management Unit 2 Note
Statistics For Management Unit 2 Note
Statistics For Management Unit 2 Note
Unit 2
Target Population
Statistical Population
Sample Frame
Sample Unit
1) Target Population: The enire group of unils, Delng he Tocus of study, is represented by the
consisting of all the persons in the counry, In a partucular geographical location, or a population or universe
group based on the purpose and scope or stuuy. INon-nunan enulies ike farms, houses or
special domestic or economic
business establishments also
comprise population.
For example, if a study is to be
conductea on the marks obtained by the students of Statistics then the 'universe' wil
be all the students of that subject in that class. u ne class is
consisting of 50 students then the 50 students is the
MBA First Semester (Statistics for Management) ic
2) Statistical Fopulation: To draw out statistical inferences from the set of entities of statistical population is based.
population. derive generalisations about the crows, to oniy the set of crowe
Oe For example, to
s t of study. However, if one chooses a population such as 'all crows', then the limitauons will be in
DonstaPulation'. e-g., income of individuals. Depending on the finite and infinite number of elements, statistical
CrowsC a n be infinite as well as finite. A random set may not be a statistical population. For example, a set of
crows at a
point of time will not a represent statistical population.
3p e A part ofthe population which is examined to estimate the characteristics ofthe population is called a sample.
For example,
poruon of rice is examined to assess the quality of rice in the bag where the portion of rice examined is the
sample and the bag of rice is the population.
From a large consignment, proportion of defective articles is estimated only from a portion of the consignment.
The selected portion is called
4 Census: When in a research
every item or entity of the universe is included, that approach is called
metnod, detailed information regarding every population unit is collected. "census. InTthis
It is also called complete enumeration. his
method provides more accuracy in the results in comparison to the sampling method. For example, population survey
about various issues, such as., literacy, education, income, etc., include all the items of the population.
Difference between Census and
The differences between the census and sample
are as follows:
Basis Census
Meaning Sample
When the whole population is
targeted for|When a representative sample is prepared from
collecting the relevant information about the |the target population for collecting the
members of population, it is called Census. information, it is called Sampling.
Reliability of Data Data obtained through census may be reliable
and Data obtained through sampling is not fully
complete._ |reliable, it may have some error
Time Taken |As it covers the entire population, it is time-taking |As it covers only few representatives of
process. the|
population, it is not time-taking process.
Sampling Variance There is presence of virtually zero sampling|Since the data used in sampling is taken
variance as the data used is taken from from|
entire only few members of the population, sampling
population._ variance may be present.
Drawing of Data In census, all elements of the population are| In sampling, only key representative
processed to form data. elements|
of the population processed to form data.
Applicability Census may be applied to research including Sampling may be are applied to research including
limitedarea. a large area.
Homogeneity It may be useful for population having|It may be useful for
| heterogeneous elements. population having
homogeneous elements.
5 Sample Frame: The actual set of units and a list containing every member of the
drawn at random is called sample frame. For example,
population from which a sample is
ir wants to know the factors
natients being admitted in the hospital after an acute attack of asthma in a
that are responsible for the
know the names of all those
specified area, then it becomes necessary to
people of that particular area being admitted into the hospital for that reason.
A good sampling frame should be:
i) Relevant: Research topic must be directly linked with relevant things.
ii) Complete: Coverage of all relevant items.
iii) Precise: It should exclude all the irrelevant items
iv) Up-to-Date: Incorporating recent changes and additions, and deleting redundant items
6) Sample Unit: Every sample is made up or SEveral
sampling units. A sampling unit may or may nomemoers
components. These members or components are called
Dca Sampling
campling element. But in case of sampling units Consisng or severalelement. Generally sampling unit is referred as
cluster 0f units. The individual populauon uts wn come population units, each sampling unit is
called a
Therefore in this case a samplingis an element under the cluster of units, are called
inaiviaual samoling elements.
object on which the research is
of sampling unit. done. and it fc
a vammle. in case of inspecting the oT
orange is
only few oranges are selected
to examine
orange is aa sampling
colony unit. But
for research. in case
These of finding
houses the literacy
are sampling level
units. of a nartical
However c a Several
the individual to e
members ofand
houses each
are selected
house ar
approached for examining the literacy level, thus these individual members
of sseveral houses are
sanmpling elements.
Sampling Distribution and Estimation (Unit
2.1.3. Characteristics of a
The various characteristics of a good sample Sample Design
1) design of
rue Kepresentative: The true representative are as
follows: and matching its
the population properties is termed as good sanpic
wICicagETEgate of certain properties is the
population and sample is the sub-total of the univci
2) choice
ree trom
and itBias:
is unbiased
A good sample does not allows prejudices, pre-conceptions, and imaginations which affects its
3) ACCurare: A sample is called good when it vields accurate estimates or statistics and free from errors.
4)COmprenensive: A sample that is true representative of the population is also comprehensive in nature wnnich
goody definiteofpurpose
representative the
of investigation. A sample's characteristic may be comprehensive but it may not be a
) APPToachable: The subjects of good sample are easily accessible where the tools of research are easily conducted and
easy collection of data is possible.
6) Good Size: The size of good sample is such that it vields an accurate result and the error due to probability can be
7) Feasible: A good sample creates the research work more feasible.
8 o a l orientation: Any sample which is selected by the researcher should be able to satisfy the objectives of the
Tesearch. he sample should be taken in proper number. It should be customized to fit the environment under which
tneresearch is going to be conducted. If the sample is changed as per the requirement of the survey design then it can
come out with better results and
9)Practical: It means that the concepts of sample selection should be applied properly while conducting the research.
The researcher should be well experienced and wel instructed. The instructions which are passed to observer should
be clear, complete and correct in all terms so as to avoid errors and biasness on their part. The sample should be
selected on basis of thee sample design. The sampling units should be representative. The sample design should be
practical and feasible in nature.
10) Economical: It refers that the research should not incur huge costs, time or efforts. One of the objectives of any
research is to complete the research with minimum effort, time, money and resources. The researcher calculates per
unit cost for each respondent. The researcher should choose that sampling design which gives minimum per
respondent cost and maximum accuracy. The funding agency is highly concerned with per unit cost and the
corresponding accuracy.
For example, let there be a large normal population. For the given samples, a person regularly calculates the sample mean
for a sample size taken from the population which will result in different means for the different sample sizes. And the
distribution of the sample means for any give sample size is termed as the sampling distribution of the sample mean. As the
population is normal hence the distribution will be normal.
In case the statistic is the sample mean the expected value of any statistic and the mean of sampling distribution are
The standard error is also called the standard deviation of any quantity in case of the sampling distribution of the statistics.
In case of the statistics as the sample mean, the standard error can be calculated by:
Where G is the standard deviation of the population distribution of that quantity and n is the size (number of items) in the
for Management) Ar
Semester (Statistics
MBA First
where, the standard deviation of the population distribution of that quantity,
n= size
of the sample. (4x) to achieve
half (1/2) the
VeTy important quadruple the sample size
implication formula is that one must u
on of this formula
factor, this may
have a factor in understanding cost.
dsurement where cost is a
benefit trade-offs. designing statistical studies
the sample
quadruple (i.e., (4x))
n a l r (1/2) the measurement errorthen
he/she should
Otner method is the sample median from the same population having a different sampling
For example,
Sampling Distribution
Population Sample Statistic
inite, X-N(4, o*) Sample mean, X
Finite(Size N),X - N(4) Sample mean, X
Infinite, X- BinomiaKp) SamplePr oportion, P P-Binomial (p)
Infinite Sample Difference
-X Properties of Sampling Distribution
1)The mean of the population and the
sampling distribution's mean are equal.
According to the normal distribution the categorisation of the population mean in terms of standard deviation is:
1) Approx. 68% of all sample means into 1 standard deviation,
ii) 95% into 1.96 standard deviations, and
ii) 99% into the 3 standard deviation.
3) The standard error of the mean is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution.
Expected Value of X
Hence, any statistic's expected value and the mean of sampling distribution are same. When the statistics is the sample mean,
Standard Deviation of X
Standard error of any quantity is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of that
The standard error in case of the statistics as the sample mean will be,
where, G = the standard deviation of the population distribution of that quantity, andd
n size of the sample.
inferences for the population proportion parameter p. p can be used for the statistical
Degree of Variability
1) Size of universe: It has been observed and statistically proven that the sample size should be large so that it can
represent the whole target population. If the universe size is large and heterogeneous then the researcher should take
large sample size and vice versa.
2) Avaiiability of Resources: The researcher needs a lot of resources to complete the task of research. These resources
bind the researcher. It means that the researcher has to complete the research within those allouted resources
Resources can be money, time, experts or any other variable. If the resources are easily available than the sample size
can be large otherwise smaller sample would be appropriate.
3) Level of Accuracy Required: For any research, the level of the accuracy affects sample size as bigger sampie
represents the whole population properly than a smaller sample. However, it is not always mandatory that a large
sample will always give more accurate results. The selection of the sampling technique and research tools also impact
the accuracy level of the research.
4) Homogeneity or Heterogeneity of the Universe: Homogenous universe is that universe in which all the elements are
similar, on the other hand heterogeneous universe is that universe where the elements are different from each other. A
homogeneous universe requires a smaller sample size, while researcher needs to tak bigger sample size in case of
heterogeneous universe because a small sample may not represent the whole population.
5) Nature of Study: The researcher may choose a small sample, if the research is intensive and fundamental
(continuous) in nature. But in those cases, where the research is extensive and applied (researches which are not going
to be repeated soon), then the researcher is bound to select a larger sample size. So, it is quite clear that the nature of
8) Degree of the Variability: Degree of varnabiltyspecifiesthe exlent to which the scores in any distribution are spread
in the population. Larger numbers always inCalcs grealer variabiliuty of scores in a population. Sometimes dispersion
is substituted for variability, and this letn 1s wideiy useu n statustics. If the population is heterogeneous, then the
researcher uses larger sample size so as t p c i e d preciSIon level. On the other hand, if the population is
more homogeneous then the smaller sample
size is selected by the researcher
(Statistics for Managem
MBA First Semester agement) AU
Member Determination and Selection of Samplediscussed in two estimation problems:
of optimal sample size has been
The method of deternnation
1) Determination sample size n
ot population mean.
when estimating the
2) Detemination of sample size n when estimating the population proportio
1s vn The following pre-assigned value is required for estimating the sample
1) The desired oonfidence level.
2 The permissible sampling emor (E).
The population standand deviation (O)
So. E=-u and standard emor
of X .n
n96X orn
Let's consider an example to explain this procedure. If a researcher wants to caliculate the average income (in lac) of the
given population having an accuracy of 05 of in income. This means that the researcher can tolerate a loss of 50% in
income on either side of the true average income at 95% confidence level. Thus, it means that the researcher wants to be
95% confident about his decision.
= Standard eror of x
= Standard deviation
= Sample size
Ifthe researcher has decided to tolerate an error of 1/2 lac that is (X-u) =0.5
So 05-7 value of Z at 95% contidence level are t1.96
0.5=t1.96 1.96 x o
So Vn
n 0.5
Let 3 lac
Sampling Distribution and Estimation 79
(Unit 2)
Now assum if the
population proportion is not more than 0.3 then p -
r 03 and q = 0.7. So.
than 2
ABC hotel
management is interested in determining the percentage of the guests of
days. the hotel whe stay tor
According to the central limit theorem the sample means may also be calculated with the
help of Z scores.
Now Z
One can assume that the sampling distnbution is normally distnbuted for
any populations or processes in case of
size being n 2 30. If the population situatuons are adverse then a sampie
sample size of atleast 30 will be
required whle in case of
the non-pormal populations the smaller sample size will be
As the sample means of sample size n230 are normally disubuted hence the norumal distibutioa for
from any population (either non-normaliy distributed or of unknow n sample data taken
shapes) can be calculated. This is the
of central limit
main advantage
In figure 2.1 column four different Populalion distibuuoAs are illustraled,
every column shows the shape of the
distribution for the sample size of theu FeSpecuvE sallple cans. With the increase in sanmple size a, the
distribution approaches the normal curve sample means
n 30
Population n= 5
Distribution I n 2
M 1
Figure 2.1: Population Distributions
Application of Central Limit Theorem
1) Vanous assumptions for the relationship between the sample statistics and the
using the Central Limit Theorem. population parameters can be made
The probability for
getting different sample means can be calculated by this theorem.
3) As the sample means of
sample size n230 are normally distributed hence the normal distribution for
non-normally distributed or of unknown shapes) can be calculated. This sample
from any population (either data taken
central imit theorem. is the main use of
Example 9: In a shipment of manufactured tools there were 2% defective tools. Calculate the
Lools in shipment of 400 tools, when: probabilities of defective
1) 3% or more tools are defective and
2) 2% or less tools are defeective.
=p =0.02 (0.02X0.98) 0.14 = 0.007
H, and a, = 400 20
Using the correction for discrete variables, 1/2N = 1/800 =
0.00125, one has
(0.03 0.00125) in standard units 0.03-0.00125 -0.02
Required Probability (area under normal curve to right of z 1.25)
= = 0. 1056
In case of not using the corrections, the answer will be 0.0764.
H 2000
2) Sampling without replacement:
The mean for the sampling distribution mean is,
(Statistics for Manageme
tistics for Management) AU
MBA First
satisfy (1) is
given by
that will
value of n
We know that P{lzl s 196) = 095, Therefore, the least
= 1.96
i.c., n= (: a s)
1.., n = 6 x40
1.., n= 245 86
The collection
the the initial problem in procedures of sampling.
other constraints. Defining termed as the
universe is
inferences are to be made is
information desired by the researcher regarding what definition will result
ojects possessing must as ambiguous
target population is
target population or the universe. Precise definition of the thhe
in ineffective research and deceptive in meaning. Proper defining of
the target population requires translating
problem definition precisely as what should and should not be included in the sample.
constructed for some study to
2 Sample Frame: The frame is enlisted by somepopulation that already exists or it is
the frame of the populatiop 1s
conducted by the researcher. After the specification of the population to be studied.
which is built by the researcher for the
developed. Sampling frame consists of all thesampling units of the population
subjecti of his study or it consists of already existing list of the population.
Specifyingg the Sampling Units: A sampling the basis of the sampling frame which is the primary
unit is decided on
unit containing the sampling elements of the population like, city blocks,
households, a business organisation, etc. The
design of the project is the partial basis of the selection of the sampling unit. The units that are served as initial
sampling are called as units.
primary sampling The objective of the inquiry is the basis of the composition of one or
more units of the population.
Selection of Sample Design: The procedure of selecting units in the sample involves two primary methods of
sampiing namely. probability and non-probability methods that can be further sub-divided into specific methods of
seiection. The probability sample being one and the procedure involved in selecting the units has some specific chance
of its inclusion in the sample. An arbitrary method 1s adopted in selecting the units which is not depending upon the
chance for the non-probability sample. The purpose ot inquiry and the attitude or convenience of the investigators is
the basis of this method.
5Determination of Sample Size: The desired degree of accuracy in investigation is directly proportional to the size of
the sample which also depends upon the nature of the population and the method of selection. The ideal sample size in
marketing research investigationsdepends upon the type of series and the population size. There will be more degree
of heterogeneity and larger units will be drawn in the sampie due to larger size of the population. Hence the size of the
sample should be larger for being fully representative
Sedect the Sample: Execution of the actual
6 sampling Pprocess is
called as selection of the sample and the real selecüon
of the elcments of sample requinng
consideiabie anount or otice and [ield work especially when the personai
iterviews are involved. Detailed specific alion salnpng
or ne
design 1s the requirement tor the execution of the
n o orocess with respect w the implementatlon
samp or he s1ze ot
sampling technque, and sample size population, sämpling frame, sampling uni. is equally
probable of pe:
Simple Random Sampling where each
unit of the
n units are to be selected
This is the most famous and simple method
of samplingsampling w
population is
from which
1ro random sampling says tha
included in the sample. Let us consider of the being selected equally. Simple
that the size
and the choices are
adom tor a sample such that NC sample has the
nSample has the
probability of
of beng included in
in the sample
) be
population to
nere is an eaual element of the
each other
E aFac
2) c h possible combination has an equal chance of being chosen.
by the method of simple random
units is eliminated
pOSSibility of bias or personal prejudices in the sclection of the
Methods of Simple Random Sampling
Some of the common methods of drawing simple random samples are: sample or SiZe n is
This method includes the following steps. Let N be the
size of population and a
to be drawn:
i) The units of the population are numbered from 1 to N.
11) N identical pieces of papers, cards, capsules or balls are taken and are numbered from I to N
items are selected either by replacement
1) These are mixed carefully in a bag, bowl or some other container and n
without replacement in one stroke.
(ii) constitutes the desired
the items drawn in step
he number of units in the population bearing the numbers on
random sample.
increases to infinity this method is
ne applicaton of this method is simple and easy but as the size of the population
2) By Using Random Numbers: The random number table that helps in selecting a sample has been constructed by
Some experts. The most popular of all the existing tables, Tippett's Tables is very popular and in use. Out of the gaven
2) Representativeness: Without any erors in the execution of simple random sampling, the results are fully typical to
the population of interest. Thus, theoretically a bad luck can only compromise the researcher's access to all the
important data about a given population not representing the sample.
3) Ease of Sampling and Analysis: Comparatively, Simple random sampling only requires a complete list of the
elements in the population whereas, the requirement or ouner methods of sampling is
Lnowledee of the population before the selection of subjects. The highly representativedeep research and advance
through simple random sampling simplifies the analysis of the results and data interpretation.sample of the population
Disadvantages of Simple Random Sampling
Disadvantages of simple random sampling are as follows:
1 Cost: Simple random sampling usage is limitea Dy
nOssible item in the universe to be
cost ractor. According to this method there is a same chance for
www.nhical chosen,
ne actual
items. For conducting personal nterviews by ne sample
chosen often consist
of widely
interviewers involves dispersed
enhances the cost of field operations. extensive travelling which
2) Availability of a Current Listing of Universe Elements: The
practical use of
accurate list of universe eler:ent w hich has serious limitations, simple random sampling requir
3) Statistical Eficiency: There is a possibility of a standard
compared to the other sample design which is statisticallymore efficient
for thea same size sample. This is he when
associated with this sampling.
efficient sample d
4) Administrative Dif+culties: There are aber of administrative difficulties
this method the selection of sample 15 conceptualy simple yet
problematic associated with simple
is the problem related to
maintaining supervisory control There is another random sampue
at times. g
in simple random sampling
during home personal
Sampling Distribution and Estimation (Unit 2)
universe are arranged such as alphabetic arangement, numerical arrangement, or geographical arrangemenis
2) Gives Similar Results: The results obtained by proportionate stratified random sampling are similar to the resu
isselected. Due to this reason, the sampling error is very high and it cannot be evaluated properly
but in
of Selecting Impracticable Units: Sometimes unrealistic units of the population are selected,
2) Possibility
practical situation it is very easy to determine the presence of periodicity or determination of its significance.
3) Biased: The drawer's bias affects the selection if all the chits are not identically folded and are not same in size, shappe
and colour.
because it is very difficult to
4) Not Suitable for Large Population: This method is not suitable for a large universe
Write down the names or particulars of a large number of units on the chits of paper.
in each stratum, where f is the sampling fraction. For example, suppose that
Then randomly choosing a sample of f =n/N
in a universe of 1,10,O00 grocery stores is to be studied by the researcher. He will
the retail sale of a product such as sugar
based on store size, as stated below:
first sub-divide this universe into three strata,
Table 2.1
Store SizeStratum | Number of Stores Percentage of Stores
Large stores 22,000 20
Medium stores 33,000 30
Smallstores 55,000 50
Total 1,10,000 100
the three strata, the researcher guarantees for the desired sample
Then, by independent random sampling Within cach of their
allocation of stores within each size group, rather leaving representation to chance. For example, according to the
stratification scheme it was required to have toal samples of 120 stores, the researcher applies, simple random sampling
from each strata, that is expected to yiela about 24 lan a s (20%% of 120); about 36 medium stores (30% of 120); a
(Statistics lor Manageme
MBA First
of simple
in the strata.
n case
about 60 small stores of the characteri
(50% of 1 20). Thus the sstrata
h u s all the
would get
that o n c stic of
sampling. the equal chances of occumences are given to
all sample points,
it may
small strata
may not at all get any C e s
Advantages of Stratified Random Sampling
Advantages of stratified random sampling are as follows stratified in homogeneous groups
When it is
)More Representatives: This the is case of heterogencous
and any particularity regardine
different strata being is called proportionate
is reduced due to within the strata then it
heterogencity fractions are s a m e (f) then it is calle
t n e sampling
(f) within the
stratified random sampling Wnen sampling fractions are different
2) Greater Variability: There 1s a grealer amount of varlability in the estimates than any other method of sampling.
3) Less Emicient: Generally, it is less efli ient than an appropriate single stage random sampling
for sampling
of cluster
sampling are also applicable The total area
which 18 usea
area sampling.
to area sampling.
Dcable to sampg consider a city map, unique number for
2Costly: In comparison with simple random sampling, area sampling has more costs and problems of statistical analysis.
the researcner deliberately selects items for the sample and the choice of researcher regarding the ite P
weightage. In other words, under non-probabilítý samoling the organiser of the inquiry purposively cnooses d a
O Consutute a sample on the basis that the small portion selected by him, out of a huge one 1S typical
representative of the whole universe. The various non- probability sampling designs are:
Quota Sampling
Quota sampling is the most commonly used non-probability sample designs, which is most comprehensively used in
consumer surveys. Principle of stratification is also used by this sampling method. In stratified random sampling the
TesearcheT begins by building strata. The common bases for stratification in consumer surveys are demographic, e-g., age,
gender. income and so on. Compound stratification is generally used, e.g., gender-wise age groups. For each stratum
Sampie sizes are fixed. Regarding stratified random sampling, the sampling within strata may be either proportional or
csproportional. Interviews are conducted with the designated quotas by the field workers, with the identification of
individual respondents being left to the field-workers.
3) Minimum Memory Errors: For minimising memory errors in the situation when field work is be done
to quickly.
most appropriate and feasible technique is quota sampling.
4) Independent: It is not related with the existence of sampling frames. Due to unavailability of suitable sampling
frames, the only choice available is quota sampling.
4) Selection Bias: Validity and credibility are questionable due to selection bias.
5) Reliability: The reliability of the resulung estumates cannot be evaluated which results in the user not knowing how
much confidence can be placed in any interpretalions of the survey finding.
94 Semester
(Statistics Management) AU
for Managemer
stics for
MBA First
2.2.4. DifferenceDeTween Probability and
Non-Probability Sampling_
| 1) Control
Basis between l Probability Sampling Sampling
cannot be
controlled in non-
of higher
level selection
Chances of sampling.
2) may be
not influenced by the| There
Selection dhcess 1s depends on biasnes
expertise of because it
Cperise of the researcher and quicker
Bias the specific technique. involvement of cost is very
Point estimate of 0
Flgure 2.3: Point Estimation of a Population Parameter
The point estimators for the population parameters u, t and o are given in table 2.3.
Table 2.3: Point Estimators of , xand o
Population Parameters Point Estimator Formula for Point Estimate
ased estimator
unbiased estimator of the oe
to be
6 is said
estimator of the population parameter.
Hence, u Hence, the
variable is,
,- i=l
estimate ECX -
o is obtainene
by averaging the squared deviations from the sample mean. f one takes many samples of sizen from aofpopulation,
ed for each sample would
average to O.
On tne other hand, if is to divide by
would be biased low and tend to underestimate o. In
estimating o, the unknown n. the estima0
one iIs computing squared deviations around the population mean u is replaced wit
sample mean X. That is, sample mean, not the
population mean.
smaller deviations aroundu
than the
The deviations around x are
it stimates
underestimates o. In order to co
o". Clearly, the mean deviation
the mean deviation aroundu, compensate for this biasness, arour
round x is smaller
one inflates the
sum or square
Sampling Distribution and Estimation (Unit 2)
EXdie 18: BeloW you are given the values btained from a random samplc of 4 observations taken from an infinite
32 34 35 39
) Find a point estimate for
u. Is this an unbiased estimate of u? Explain.
ii) Find a point estimate for o. Is this an unbiased estimate
iii) Find a point estimate for o.
of d. Explain.
iv) What can be said about the sampling distribution of X ? Be surc to discuss the expected value, the standard deviation
and the shape of the sampling distribution of x ?
i) Point Estimate of u = -32+34+35+39 =
iv) The sampling distribution has a mean equal to the population mean. The sampling distribution has a standard deviation
equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size. The shape of the sampling
distribution of x will be a normal curve.
of Population Parameters
Difference between Point Estimate and Interval Estimate Interval Estimate of Population Parameters
Point Estimate of Population P'arameters An interval estimate is detined by two numbers. between
population paraneter is ä single
point estimate of
A which a population parameteris said to lie.
value of a stalistuc. For example a < X < b is an interval estimate of the
sample mean (X) is à point estimate
For example, the
Similarly, the sample population mean a. lt indicates that the populativn mean is
of population
the mean H. greater than a but less than b.
estimate of the
proportion P is
LPopulation proportion P.
Confidence Interval hat the tnue value of the population parameter will fall in an interval
and the prODaDIlity
If one selects the repeated samples
then this ntervial 1s caled "confidence interval'. Generally, 95% contidence level and,
is used in a certain percentage,
confidence level is used.
Sometimes 99%
for Management) AUc
(Statistics for
98 MBA First
the ilit
that the t e
Suppose chooses 99% as the
one taking repeated the population
parameter wi
confidence level. one keeps on
level. If one
value will fall in this al COnfidence keep
interval is 99%. In other words, one isi 99% sure that the true value of
d i s t r i b u t i o n principle. Th
fall in this
interval. sl other one ral based
based on the sampling
vd. The actual selection of the confidence
actual interval is u
meaning of interval of
estimation is depicted confidene .
by the following figu
Point estimate
Confidence interval
ne contidence interval is enlarged by increasing the desired confidence level. For computing the margin of error an
nterval estimate of a population mean is formulated either by the population standard deviation ( ) or the sample standard
Degrees of freedom is the parameter which is the basis of t-distribution hence as there is an increase in the degrees of
freedom, t-distribution gradually approaches normal distribution where sample standard deviation (s) is the better estimate
of the standard deviation (G), of the population.
ttaior X-tai2Sus X tn +
Where, tan is the critical value of t-test statistie providing an area o72 in the
degrees of freedom, and
right tail of the t-distribution with (n -
From the data in table 2.4, the sample mean y 2 X = 320/10 = 732, and the sample standard deviation
n-1 2 6 2 =16.2. Using this information and ta2 = 1.833 at
df =9,
we have.
Xtz/2 O, or X t Zal2
ow2 = 0.025 level /2=0.025
X Estumator
a12 0 - a/2 O-