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Student Self-Led Activity Exercises On Supported Vertical Sided Excavations

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Student self-led activity exercises on Supported vertical sided excavations

1. 3. A 3.5 m deep excavation in cohesionless soil is to be supported by cantilever sheet

piles. The soil characteristics are: ′ = 34, c′ = 0 and  = 19 kN/m3.
Estimate the length of pile to be driven into the ground by the two methods described in
the hand out (Method 1 – The Factored Moment Method (FMM) and Method 2 – The
Factored Strength Method (FSM), then through a check decide which value to go for and
give the reason why. For both methods use design partial factor of 2. (Ans: d = 5m FMM
and d = 7.6m)

2. An anchored sheet-pile wall retains soil of height 6 m, the pile having a total length of
9.75 m. The soil has a bulk unit weight of 19 kN/m3, a negligible cohesion and an angle
of shearing resistance of 30. The anchor tie-rods are at 1.25 m below the surface of the
soil winched to a grouted concrete mass.
(i) Find the active thrust on the piling in kN per horizontal metre (Ans: 301 kN/m).
(ii) Determine the fraction contribution of the anchor to the limiting state passive
resistance on the embedded length of the sheet-pile to balance the active thrust,
assuming the free earth support system. (Ans: 0.54)
(iii) Find the tension in the anchor (Ans: 83.1kN
(iv) Find the total pull force on the anchor if they are spaced at 3m (Ans: 249.24kN).
(v) If the anchor has a diameter of 0.5m, determine the length of the grout anchor. (Ans:
(vi) Support your answer with clearly labelled diagrams.

3. Find the length of a sheet pile wall required to retain 4 m of soil, which has a surcharge of
10 kN/m2/m acting on the surface. The surface is horizontal and the water table is several
metres below the retained level. Assume c' = 0 kPa; ' = 30° and  = 20 kN/m3. (Ans:

4. A trench 2.5 m wide and 5.5 m deep is to be excavated in compact dry sand, in order to
place a 500 mm diameter pipeline with centre at 5 m below ground level. The
characteristics of the sand are: ′ = 32 c′ = 0 = 19.4 kN/m3. Determine the forces in
three horizontal timber struts placed at 1.1 m, 2.75 m and 4.4 m from the surface at 1.8 m
intervals. (Ans: 70.8kN top strut, 72.1kN middle strut and 56.2kN bottom strut). Show all
the loading diagrams at every level.

5. An excavation 6 m × 7.5 m in plan is to be taken to a depth of 6 m in a sensitive clay

which has an undisturbed shear strength cu = 16.5 kN/m2 and a density of 1760 kg/m3.
The ground surface carries an overall surcharge of 10 kN/m2. Check the stability of the
excavation against both collapse of the vertical sides and failure of the base in both
horizontal planes. Comment on the stability conditions of the excavation and suggest a
possible solution. Note: use Nc equation given in the handout). (Ans: Max depth of
excavation = 3.8m thus vertical sides would collapse; Factors of safety against heave are:
1.41 for width 6m and 1.28 for width 7.5m both less than 1.5)

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