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Course Objectives: 1. To develop an appreciation soil as a vital construction material, and of soil mechanics in the engineering of civil infrastructure.

2. To develop an understanding of the relationships between physical characteristics and mechanical properties of soils. 3. To understand and experience experimental measurement of the physical and mechanical soil properties commonly used in engineering practice. 4. To understand and be able to apply the modeling and analysis techniques used in soil mechanics: (a) Darcy's Law and flow-nets for seepage; (b) Consolidation models for load-time-deformation responses of soils; (c) Mohr-Coulomb models for shear strength behavior of soils. Expected Course Outcomes: Upon successfully completing this course in Soil Mechanics, it is expected that students will be able to: 1. Understand the significance of the basic physical and mechanical properties of soils, and also the experimental methods used to measure them. 2. Recognize and be able to apply fundamental soil mechanics principles underlying common Civil Engineering applications. 3. Understand both the applications and limits of engineering methods commonly used to solve soil mechanics problems in Civil Engineering. Also to be aware of more advanced techniques that is available for unusual problems.

16 MARKS QUESTIONS UNIT-I INTRODUCTION 1. Explain in detail the procedure for determination of grain size distribution of soil by sieve analysis. 2. Explain the procedure for determining the relationship between dry density and moisture content by proctor compaction test. 3. Explain in detail the Indian standards classification system. 4. Describe in detail the procedure for determination of liquid limit of soil 5. Describe in detail the procedure for determination of shrinkage limit of soil 6. Explain in detail the factors affecting compaction. 7. A fully saturated sample of 130 gm and has a volume of 64 cc. The sample mass is 105 gm after oven drying. Assuming the volume does not change during drying, determine the following i specific gravity, ii void ratio, iii porosity, iv dry density. 8. A soil has a bulk unit weight of 20.22 KN/ m3 and water content of 15%. Calculate the water content if the soil partially dries to a unit weight of 19.42 KN/ m3 and voids ratio remains unchanged. 9. Write short notes on the following. i plasticity index, ii liquidity index, iii Consistency index, and iv. flow index 10. A 10 m thick layer of clay is underlained by a 4 m thick layer of sand. The water table is at a depth of 4 m from the ground level. The void ratio of the clay is 0.65 and specific gravity is 2.67. Water content above the saturated soil is 17%. And the void ratio of the sand is 0.567 and G = 2.65. Determine total and effective stress.

16 MARKS QUESTIONS UNIT-II SOIL WATER AND WATER FLOW 1. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of permeability using constant head method. 2. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of permeability using falling head method. 3. Derive the Laplace equation for two-dimensional flow. 4. Explain in detail the properties and applications of flow nets. 5. Explain in detail the procedure for drawing the phreatic line for an earthen dam. 6. A permeameter of 82.5 mm diameter contains a column of fine sand 460mm long. When water flows through it under a constant head at a rate of 191ml/min, the loss of head between two points 250mm apart is 380mm. Calculate the co efficient of permeability. If the falling head test is made on the same sample using a stand pipe of diameter 30 mm, in what time the water level in stand pipe fall from 1560 to 1066mm above outflow level. 7. In a falling head permeameter, the sample was 18 cm long and having a cross sectional area of 16 cm2. The head is fall from 1.0 m to 0.4 m in 20 minutes. If the cross sectional area of the stand pipe was 1 sq cm, Determine the co efficient of permeability. 8. In a falling head permeability test was performed on a sample of clean , uniform sand. One minute was required for the initial head of 100cm to fall 50 cm in the standpipe cross sectional area of 1.50 sq cm. If the sample was 4 cm in diameter and 30 cm long, calculate the co-efficient of permeability of the sand. 9. For a field pumping test, a well was sunk through a horizontal stratum of sand 14.5 m thick and underlain by a clay stratum. Two observation wells were sunk at horizontal distances of 16m and 34 m respectively from the pumping well. The initial position of water table was 2.2 m below ground level. At a steady pumping rate of 1 m3/min., the drawdowns in the observation wells were found to be 2.45 m and 1.2 m respectively. Calculate the coefficient of permeability of the sand. Derive the equation used, if any. 10. What is upward flow or quick sand condition? Explain in brief?

16 MARKS QUESTIONS UNIT-III STRESS DISTRIBUTION, COMPRESSIBILITY AND SETTLEMENT 1. Derive the equation for Terzhaghis one-dimensional consolidation. 2. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of co-efficeint of consolidation. 3. Explain the concept of consolidation using Terzaghis mechanical model. 4. Explain the principle of Newmarks Chart in detail. 5. Explain in detail with sketches the applications of Boussinesq theory. 6. A saturated soil has a compression index of 0.25 and coefficient of permeability of 3.4 ? 107 mm/s. If its void ratio at an effective pressure of 100 kPa is 2.02, find the void ratio when the pressure is increased to 190 kPa. Also, find the settlement of the stratum, if it is 5 m thick and coefficient of consolidation for this pressure range. 7. An elevated structure is supported on a tower with four legs. The legs rest on piers located at the corners of a square of side 7 m. If the value of vertical stress increment due to this loading (considering 4 equal concentrated loads) is 25 kPa at a point 8 m beneath the centre of the structure, what will be the stress increment at 10 m below one of the legs? 8. Explain vertical pressure distribution on a) Horizontal plane b) Vertical line 9. Explain the Vertical Pressure under a uniformly loaded a) Circular area b) Rectangular area 10. Explain vertical pressure due to a) Line load b) Strip load

16 MARKS QUESTIONS UNIT-IV SHEAR STRENGTH 1. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using direct shear test. 2. Explain the Mohrs stress circle and Mohr-Coulomb failure theory. 3. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using unconfined compression test. 4. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using triaxial compression test. 5. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using vane shear test. 6. Explain the shear strength behavior of cohesive and cohesionless soils under different drainage condition in a triaxial test. 7. Explain in detail the stress path method of determination of shear strength parameters. 8. A cylindrical specimen of saturated clay, 4cm in diameter and 9cm in over all length is tested in an unconfined compression test. The specimen has coned ends and its length between the apices of cone is 8cm. find the unconfined compressive strength of clay, if the specimen fails under an axial load of 46.5N. The change in the length of the specimen at failure is 1cm. 9. A cylinder of soil fails under an axial vertical stress of 160 kN/m2 , when it is laterally unconfined. The failure plane makes an angle of 500 with the horizontal. Calculate the value of cohesion and the angle of internal friction of the soil. 10. A saturated specimen of cohesionless sand was tested in triaxial compression and the sample failed at a deviator stress of 482 kN/m2 when the cell pressure was 100 kN/m2 , under the drained conditions. Find the effective angle of shearing resistance of sand. What would be the deviator stress and the major principal stress at failure for another identical specimen of sand, if it is tested under cell pressure of kN/m2 ?

16 MARKS QUESTIONS UNIT-V SLOPE STABILITY 1. Explain in detail the Swedish circle method of stability analysis. 2. Explain in detail the friction circle method of stability analysis. 3. Explain in detail the Bishops method of stability analysis. 4. Explain in detail about Taylors stability number and stability curves. 5. Explain in detail the various methods to protect slopes from failure. 6. A 10 m high embankment of infinite slope is made of a soil having cohesion, angle of internal friction and unit weight of 30 kN/m2, 200 and 17 kN/m3 respectively. Find the factor of safety with respect to height if the slope angle is 300. Derive from the first principles the equation used, if any. 7. A proposed cutting in a homogeneous cohesive soil will have a angle of 250 and will be 8.0m deep. Using Taylors stability numbers, determine the factor of safety with respect to the shear failure if the undrained cohesion, angle of internal friction and unit weight of the soil are respectively 50kPa, 00 and 19 kN/m3 if the hard stratum is far below. If the hard stratum is at a depth of 12m from the surface, ehat will be the factor of safety? 8. Explain how slope stability analysis of finite slope made of pure cohesive soil is carried out using method of slices. 9. An infinite slope of soil having cohesion of 30 kPa, unit weight 18 kN/m3 and angle of internal friction of 200 has a slope of angle of 300. Determine the critical height of the slope. Derive equation used if any. 10. a)What are the factors affecting stability of slopes? List various remedial techniques normally adopted to increase the stability of slope. b) What are the advantages of friction circle method over conventional Swedish circle method?

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