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MOS-2 Marks

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1. Define beam? BEAM is a structural member which is supported along the length and subjected to external loads acting transversely (i.e) perpendicular to the center line of the beam. 2. What is mean by transverse loading on beam? If a load is acting on the beam which perpendicular to the central line of it then it is called transverse loading. 3. What is Cantilever beam? A beam one end free and the other end is fixed is called cantilever beam. 4. What is simply supported beam? A beam supported or resting free on the support at its both ends. 5. What is mean by over hanging beam? If one or both of the end portions are extended beyond the support then it is called over hanging beam. 6. What is mean by concentrated loads? A load which is acting at a point is called point load. 7. What is uniformly distributed load. If a load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that rate of loading w is uniform through out the length then it is called as udl. 8. Define point of contra flexure? In which beam it occurs? Point at which BM changes to zero is point of contra flexure. It occurs in overhanging beam. 9. What is mean by positive or sagging BM? BM is said to positive if moment on left side of beam is clockwise or right side of the beam is counter clockwise. 10. What is mean by negative or hogging BM? BM is said to negative if moment on left side of beam is counterclockwise or right side of the beam is clockwise. 11. Define shear force and bending moment?

SF at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of all the forces acting either side of beam. BM at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces which are placed either side from that point. 12. When will bending moment is maximum? BM will be maximum when shear force change its sign. 13. What is maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of span L subjected to UDL of w over entire span? Max BM =wL2/8 14. In a simply supported beam how will you locate point of maximum bending moment? The bending moment is max. When SF is zero. Write SF equation at that point and equating to zero we can find out the distances x from one end .then find maximum bending moment at that point by taking all moment on right or left hand side of beam. 15. What is shear force? The algebric sum of the vertical forces at any section of the beam to the left or right of the section is called shear force. 16. What is shear force and bending moment diagram? It shows the variation of the shear force and bending moment along the length of the beam. 17. What are the types of beams? 1. Cantilever beam 2. Simply supported beam 3. Fixed beam 4. Continuous beam 5. over hanging beam 18. What are the types of loads? 1. Concentrated load or point load 2. Uniform distributed load 3. Uniform varying load 19. In which point the bending moment is maximum?

When the shear force change of sign or the shear force is zero 20. Write the assumption in the theory of simple bending? 1. The material of the beam is homogeneous and isotropic. 2. The beam material is stressed within the elastic limit and thus obey hookes law. 3. The transverse section which was plane before bending remains plains after bending also. 4. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract independently about the layer, above or below. 5. The value of E is the same in both compression and tension. 21. Write the theory of simple bending equation? M/ I = F/Y = E/R M - Maximum bending moment I - Moment of inertia F - Maximum stress induced Y - Distance from the neutral axis E - Youngs modulus R - Constant.


1. What are the methods for finding out the slope and deflection at a section?

The important methods used for finding out the slope and deflection at a section in a loaded beam are 1. Double integration method 2. Moment area method 3. Macaulays method The first two methods are suitable for a single load, where as the last one is suitable for several loads. 2. Why moment area method is more useful, when compared with double integration? Moment area method is more useful, as compared with double integration method because many problems which do not have a simple mathematical solution can be simplified by the ending moment area method. 3. Explain the Theorem for conjugate beam method? Theorem I : The slope at any section of a loaded beam, relative to the original axis of the beam is equal to the shear in the conjugate beam at the corresponding section Theorem II: The deflection at any given section of a loaded beam, relative to the original position is equal to the Bending moment at the corresponding section of the conjugate beam 4. Define method of Singularity functions? In Macaulays method a single equation is formed for all loading on a beam, the equation is constructed in such away that the constant of Integration apply to all portions of the beam. This method is also called method of singularity functions. 5. What are the points to be worth for conjugate beam method? 1. This method can be directly used for simply supported Beam 2. In this method for cantilevers and fixed beams, artificial constraints need to be supplied to the conjugate beam so that it is supported in a manner consistent with the constraints of the real beam. 6. What are the different sections in which the shear stress distribution is to be obtained? Rectangular section Circular section I- section T- section

Miscellaneous section 7. What do you mean by shear stress in beams? The stress produced in a beam, which is subjected to shear forces is know as stresses.

8. What is the formula to find a shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam? The shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam is given by _ F x AY q = _______ Ixb F = shear force acting at a section A = Area of the section above the fiber Y = Distance of C G of the Area A from Neutral axis I = Moment of Inertia of whole section about N A b = Actual width at the fiber 9. What is the shear stress distribution rectangular section? The shear stress distribution rectangular section is parabolic and is given by q = F/2I [d2 /4 y2} d = Depth of the beam y = Distance of the fiber from NA 10. What is the shear stress distribution Circular section? q = F/3I [R2-y2]

11. State the main assumptions while deriving the general formula for shear stresses The material is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic The modulus of elasticity in tension and compression are same.

The shear stress is constant along the beam width The presence of shear stress does not affect the distribution of bending stress. 12. Define: Shear stress distribution The variation of shear stress along the depth of the beam is called shear stress distribution 13. What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the average shear stress for the rectangular section? Qmax is 1.5 times the Qavg. 14. What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the average shear stress in the case of solid circular section? Qmax is 4/3 times the Qave.

15. What is the shear stress distribution value of Flange portion of the I-section? q= f/2I * (D2/4 - y) D-depth y- Distance from neutral axis 16. What is the value of maximum of minimum shear stress in a rectangular cross section? Qmax=3/2 * F/ (bd) 17. What is the shear stress distribution for I-section? The shear stress distribution I-section is parabolic, but at the junction of web and flange, the shear stress changes abruptly. It changes from F/8I [D2 d2] to B/b x F/8I [D2d2] where D = over all depth of the section d = Depth of the web b = Thickness of web B = Over all width of the section. 18. How will you obtained shear stress distribution for unsymmetrical section? The shear stress distribution for Unsymmetrical sections is obtained after calculating the position of N A.

19 Where the shear stress is max for Triangular section? In the case of triangular section, the shear stress is not max at N A. The shear stress is max at a height of h/2 20. Where shear stress distribution diagram draw for composite section? The shear stress distribution diagram for a composite section should be drawn by calculating the shear stress at important points.


1. Explain with examples the statically indeterminate structures. If the forces on the members of a structure cannot be determined by using conditions of equilibrium (Fx =0, Fy = 0, M = 0 ), it is called statically indeterminate structures. Example: Fixed beam, continuous beam. 2. Differentiate the statically determinate structures and statically indeterminate structures? Sl.No 1. statically determinate structures Conditions of equilibrium are sufficient to analyze the structure Bending moment and shear force is independent of material and cross sectional area. No stresses are caused due to temperature change and lack of fit. statically indeterminate structures Conditions of equilibrium are insufficient to analyze the structure Bending moment and shear force is dependent of material and independent of cross sectional area. Stresses are caused due to temperature change and lack of fit.



3. Define: Continuous beam. A Continuous beam is one, which is supported on more than two supports. For usual loading on the beam hogging ( - ive ) moments causing convexity upwards at the supports and sagging ( + ve ) moments causing concavity upwards occur at mid span. 4. What are the advantages of Continuous beam over simply supported beam? 1. The maximum bending moment in case of continuous beam is much less than in case of simply supported beam of same span carrying same loads.

2. In case of continuous beam, the average bending moment is lesser and hence lighter materials of construction can be used to resist the bending moment.

UNIT 4.COLUMNS 1. Define: Column and strut. A column is a long vertical slender bar or vertical member, subjected to an axial compressive load and fixed rigidly at both ends. A strut is a slender bar or a member in any position other than vertical, subjected to a compressive load and fixed rigidly or hinged or pin jointed at one or both the ends. 2. What are the types of column failure? 1. Crushing failure: The column will reach a stage, when it will be subjected to the ultimate crushing stress, beyond this the column will fail by crushing The load corresponding to the crushing stress is called crushing load. This type of failure occurs in short column. 2. Buckling failure: This kind of failure is due to lateral deflection of the column. The load at which the column just buckles is called buckling load or crippling load or critical load. This type of failure occurs in long column. 3. What is slenderness ratio ( buckling factor)? What is its relevance in column? It is the ratio of effective length of column to the least radius of gyration of the cross sectional ends of the column. Slenderness ratio = l eff / r l eff = effective length of column r = least radius of gyration Slenderness ratio is used to differentiate the type of column. Strength of the column depends upon the slenderness ratio, it is increased the compressive strength of the column decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased.

4. What are the factors affect the strength column? 1.Slenderness ratio Strength of the column depends upon the slenderness ratio, it is increased the compressive strength of the column decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased. 2. End conditions: Strength of the column depends upon the end conditions also. 5. Differentiate short and long column Short column 1. It is subjected to direct compressive stresses only. 2. Failure occurs purely due to crushing only. Long column It is subjected to buckling stress only.

Failure occurs purely due to bucking only.

3. Slenderness ratio is less than 80

Slenderness ratio is more than 120.

4.Its length to least lateral dimension is less than 8. ( L / D 8 )

Its length to least lateral dimension is more than 30. ( L / D 30 )

6. What are the assumptions followed in Eulers equation? 1. The material of the column is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic. 2. The section of the column is uniform throughout. 3. The column is initially straight and load axially. 4. The effect of the direct axial stress is neglected. 5. The column fails by buckling only. 7. What are the limitations of the Eulers formula? 1. It is not valid for mild steel column. The slenderness ratio of mild steel column is less than 80. 2. It does not take the direct stress. But in excess of load it can withstand under direct compression only.

8. Write the Eulers formula for different end conditions.

1. Both ends fixed. PE = 2 EI ( 0.5L)2

2. Both ends hinged PE = 2 EI (L)2

3. One end fixed ,other end hinged. PE = 2 EI ( 0.7L)2

4. One end fixed, other end free. PE = 2 EI ( 2L)2 L = Length of the column 9. Define: Equivalent length of the column. The distance between adjacent points of inflection is called equivalent length of the column. A point of inflection is found at every column end, that is free to rotate and every point where there is a change of the axis. ie, there is no moment in the inflection points. (Or)

The equivalent length of the given column with given end conditions, is the length of an equivalent column of the same material and cross section with hinged ends , and having the value of the crippling load equal to that of the given column.

11. Give Rakines formula and its advantages.

P R=

fC A (1+ a (l eff / r)2 )

where, P R = Rakines critical load f C = yield stress A = cross sectional area a = Rakines constant l eff = effective length r = radius of gyration In case of short column or strut, Eulers load will be very large. Therefore, Eulers formula is not valid for short column. To avoid this limitation, Rankines formula is designed. The Rankines formula is applicable for both long and short column.

12. Write Eulers formula for maximum stress for a initially bent column?

max = P /A + ( M max / Z )

= P/ A +

P a ( 1- ( P / PE ))Z

Where, P = axial load A = cross section area PE = Eulers load a = constant Z = section modulus

13. Write Eulers formula for maximum stress for a eccentrically loaded column?

max = P /A + ( M max / Z)

= P/ A +

P e Sec (l eff / 2 ) (P/EI) (1- (P / PE ) ) Z

Where, P = axial load A = cross section area PE = Eulers load e = eccentricity Z = section modulus EI = flexural rigidity

14. What is beam column? Give examples. Column having transverse load in addition to the axial compressive load are termed as beam column. Eg : Engine shaft, Wing of an aircraft.

15. Define buckling factor and buckling load. Buckling factor : It is the ratio between the equivalent length of the column to the minimum radius of gyration. Buckling load : The maximum limiting load at which the column tends to have lateral displacement or tends to buckle is called buckling or crippling load. The buckling takes place about the axis having minimum radius of gyration, or least moment of inertia.

16. Define safe load. It is the load to which a column is actually subjected to and is well below the buckling load. It is obtained by dividing the buckling load by a suitable factor of safety (F.O.S). Safe load = Buckling load Factor of safety

17. Write the general expressions for the maximum bending moment, if the deflection curve equation is given.

BM = - EI ( d 2y / dx 2 ) UNIT-2 STRESSES IN BEAMS 1. State the relationship between shear force and bending moment. The rate of change of bending is equal to the shear force at the section. =F F =shear force M =bending moments 2. What are the different types of beams? 1. Cantilever beam: A beam which is fixed at one end and at the other end is known as cantilever beam. 2. Simply supported beam: A beam supported or resting freely on the supports at its both end is known as simply supported beam 3. Fixed beam: A beam whose both end are fixed or built-in walls is known as fixed beam. 4. Overhanging beam: if the end portion of a beam is extended beyond the support is known as overhanging beam. 5. Continuous beam: A beam which is having more than two supports is known as continuous beam 3. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilever beam subjected to point load at the free end. 4. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilever beam subjected to uniformly distributed load. 5. Name the various types of load. 1. concentrated load or point load 2. Uniformly load

3. Uniformly distributed load 6. Define shear force at a section of a beam. The algebraic sum of the vertical force at any section of a beam to the right or left of the section is known as shear force. 7. Define bending moment at a section of a beam. The algebraic sum of the moments of all the force acting to the right or left of the section is known as bending of the beam. 8. What is meant by point of contraflexure? It is the point where the bending moment is zero where it change sign from positive to negative or vice versa. 9. Mention the different types of supports? 1. Fixed support 2. Hinged support 3. Roller support 10. State the relationship between the load and shear force. The rate of the change of shear force is equal to the loading = -W 11. What will be the shape of bending moment and shear force diagrams for different types of load. Types of load S.F.D BM.D Point load Rectangle Triangle Uniformly load Triangle Second degree curve Uniformly distributed load Second degree curve Third degree curve 12. Define clear span and effective span.

The horizontal distance between the supporting walls is called the clear span of the beam. The horizontal distance between the lines of action of end reaction is called effective span. 13. A simply supported beam is subjected to u.d.l of w per unit length throughout its length L. write the value maximum bending moment. Maximum bending moment= 14. A cantilever beam is subjected to u.d.l of w per unit length throughout its length L.write the value maximum bending moment. 15. What is section modulus? The ratio of Moment of Inertia of a section about the neutral axis to the distance of the outer most layer from the neutral axis is known as Section Modulus. It is denoted by Z. 16. What is moment of resistance? The couple produced in a flexural member due to internal forces is called as moment of resistance. 17. Sketch the bending stress distribution across a symmetrical section. d NA Neutral Axis C - Compression T - Tension 18. State the theory of simple bending? If a length of a beam is subjected to a constant bending moment and no share force (i.e. zero shear force) then the stresses will be set up in that length of the beam due to B.M. only and that length of the beam is said to be in pure bending or simple bending. The stresses set up in that length of beam are known as bending stress. 19. Write the bending equation? = M = bending moment Q or f = bending stress I = moment of inertia about N.A. Y = distance of the fibre from N.A.

R = radius of curvature E = youngs modulus of beam 20. The rectangular section is subjected to a transverse shear force. Sketch the shape of shear stress distribution. b qmax = = 1.5X q average 21. What are the assumptions made in the theory of simple bending? 1. The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous and isotropic. 2. The beam material is stressed, within its elastic limit and thus obeys Hookes law. 3. The transverse sections, which were plane before bending, remain plane after bending also. 4. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract, independently, of the layer, above or below it. 22. A cantilever beam of span 3 m carries a point load of 10 kN at the free end. What is the value of support moment? The value of support moment = 3 X10 = 30 kNm 23. What is the maximum value of shear stress in a circular cross section? At neutral axis the maximum shear stress occurs. Maximum shear stress. Qmax = where, F-shear force R- Radius of circle qmax 24. Define neutral axis of a cross section The line of intersection of the neutral surface on a cross-section is called the neutral axis of a cross-section. There is no stress at the axis. 25. What is the maximum Value of shear stress in a triangular section? qmax = Where, b = base width; h = height The shear stress is maximum at a height of h/2

26. Write the shear stress at any point (or in a fibre) in the cross-section of a beam when subjected to a shear force F? qmax = Where, A = area of the section above the fibre. = distance of the C.G. of the area A from N.A. b = actual width at the fibre l = moment of inertia of the section about N.A. 27. Write the shear stress distribution across a (i) Rectangular section (ii) Circular Section. (i) Rectangular Section b q fs Where d = depth of the beam Y = distance of the fibre from N.A The shear stress distribution across a rectangular section is parabolic. (ii) Circular Section q fs Where R = radius of the circular section. Draw the shear stress distribution diagram for a I- section. 28. Write the section modulus for the following section: 1. Rectangular section 2. Circular section 3. Hollow circular section 4. Triangular section 1. Rectangular section: I= Y max=

Z== 2. Circular section: I = , Y max= Z== 3. Hollow Circular section: I Extreme fiber distance Y max= Z== 4. Triangular Circular section: I= Y max = h Z==

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