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Affiliated Institutions Anna University of Technology Chennai:: Chennai 600 113 Curriculum 2010

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B.E. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULA AND SYLLABI FOR III SEMESTER SEMESTER III (Applicable to the students admitted from the Academic year 2010 2011 onwards) CODE NO. COURSE TITLE L T P C THEORY 181301 Transforms And Partial Differential Equations 3 1 0 4 111301 Mechanics of Machines 3 1 0 4 111302 Aero Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 113303 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 1 0 4 111303 Solid Mechanics 3 1 0 4 111304 Elements of Aeronautics 3 0 0 3 PRACTICAL 111351 Strength of Materials Lab 0 0 3 2 111352 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab 0 0 3 2 111353 Thermodynamics Lab 0 0 3 2

SEMESTER III 181301 TRANSFORMS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Common to all branches) OBJECTIVES The course objective is to develop the skills of the students in the areas of Transforms and Partial Differtial Equations. This will be necessary for their effective studies in a large number of engineering subjects like heat conduction, communication systems, electro-optics and electromagnetic theory. The course will also serve as a prerequisite for post graduate and specialized studies and research. 1. FOURIER SERIES 9+3 3 1 0 4

Dirichlets conditions General Fourier series Odd and even functions Half range sine series Half range cosine series Complex form of Fourier Series Parsevals identify Harmonic Analysis. 2. FOURIER TRANSFORMS 9+3

Fourier integral theorem (without proof) Fourier transform pair Sine and Cosine transforms Properties Transforms of simple functions Convolution theorem Parsevals identity. 3. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9 +3

Formation of partial differential equations Lagranges linear equation Solutions of standard types of first order partial differential equations - Linear partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients. 4. APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9+3

Solutions of one dimensional wave equation One dimensional equation of heat conduction Steady state solution of two-dimensional equation of heat conduction (Insulated edges excluded) Fourier series solutions in cartesian coordinates. 5. Z -TRANSFORMS AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 9+3

Z-transforms - Elementary properties Inverse Z-transform Convolution theorem -Formation of difference equations Solution of difference equations using Z-transform. Lectures : 45 Tutorials : 15 Total : 60


1. Grewal, B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics 40th Edition, Khanna publishers,

Delhi, (2007) REFERENCES 1. Bali.N.P and Manish Goyal A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics, Seventh Edition, Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd. (2007) 2. Ramana.B.V. Higher Engineering Mathematics Tata Mc-GrawHill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi (2007). 3. Glyn James, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Third editionPearson Education (2007). 4. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth edition-Wiley India (2007).


MECHANICS OF MACHINES (Common to Automobile and Aeronautical)

3 1 0 4

To expose the students the different mechanisms, their method of working, Forces involved and consequent vibration during working 1. MECHANISMS 9+3 Machine Structure Kinematic link, pair and chain Grueblers criteria Constrained motion Degrees of freedom - Slider crank and crank rocker mechanisms Inversions Applications Kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms Determination of velocity and acceleration. 2. FRICTION 9+3 Friction in screw and nut Pivot and collar Thrust bearing Plate and disc clutches Belt (flat and V) and rope drives. Ratio of tensions Effect of centrifugal and initial tension Condition for maximum power transmission Open and crossed belt drive. 3. GEARING AND CAMS 9+3

Gear profile and geometry Nomenclature of spur and helical gears Gear trains: Simple, compound gear trains and epicylic gear trains - Determination of speed and torque - Cams Types of cams Design of profiles Knife edged, flat faced and roller ended followers with and without offsets for various types of follower motions 4. BALANCING 9+3

Static and dynamic balancing Single and several masses in different planes Balancing of reciprocating masses- primary balancing and concepts of secondary balancing Single and multi cylinder engines (Inline) Balancing of radial V engine direct and reverse crank method 5. VIBRATION 9+3 Free, forced and damped vibrations of single degree of freedom systems Force transmitted to supports Vibration isolation Vibration absorption Torsional vibration of shaft Single and multi rotor systems Geared shafts Critical speed of shaft. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS Rattan.S.S, Theory of Machines, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co, New Delhi,2004. Ballaney.P.L, Theory of Machines, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Rao, J.S and Dukkipati, R.V, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Second Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1992. Malhotra, D.R and Gupta, H.C., The Theory of Machines, Satya Prakasam, Tech. India Publications, 1989. Gosh, A. and Mallick, A.K., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Affiliated East West Press, 1989. Shigley, J.E. and Uicker, J.J., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGrawHill, 1980.




Burton Paul, Kinematics and Dynamic of Planer Machinery, Prentice Hall, 1979.



3 1 0 4

To give a brief background of application of various laws of thermodynamics and its application in heat transfer, refrigeration and air-conditioning, jet propulsion system. 1. BASIC THERMODYNAMICS 15+3

Systems, Zeroth Law, First Law - Heat and work transfer in flow, Second law, Clausius statement - concept of entropy entropy change in non-flow processes. 2. AIR CYCLES 5+3

Otto, Diesel, Dual combustion and Brayton combustion cycles Air standard efficiency Mean effective pressure Actual and theoretical PV diagrams of two stroke and four stroke IC Engines. 3. THERMODYNAMICS OF ONE DIMENSIONAL FLUID FLOW 12+3

Application of continuity, momentum and energy equations- Rankine cycle - Isentropic flow of ideal gases through nozzles - Simple jet propulsion system - Thrust rocket motor Specific impulse. 4. REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 6+3

Principles of refrigeration, Air conditioning - Heat pumps - Vapour compression - Vapour absorption types - Coefficient of performance, Properties of refrigerants. 5. AIR COMPRESSORS 7+3

Classification and working principle of compressors (Descriptive Treatment). Isothermal and Isentropic efficiency of air compressors. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Rathakrishnan, E, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall, India, 2000 Nag. P.K., Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hills Co., Ltd., Seventh Edn., 1993 Yunus A.Cengal. Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2002.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mayhew, A. and Rogers, B., Engineering Thermodynamics, Longman Green & Co. Ltd., London, E.L.B.S. Edition, 1990. Van Wylen, G.J. and Sonntag, R.E., Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics (S.I.Version), Second Edition, 1986. Bacon, D.H., Engineering Thermodynamics, Butterworth & Co., London, 1989. Saad, M.A., Thermodynamics for Engineers, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1989. Reynolds, Thermodynamics, Int. Student Edn., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Ltd., 1990




(Common to Aeronautical, Mechanical, Automobile & Production)

OBJECTIVES: The student is introduced to the mechanics of fluids through a thorough understanding of the properties of the fluids. The dynamics of fluids is introduced through the control volume approach which gives an integrated under standing of the transport of mass, momentum and energy. The applications of the conservation laws to flow though pipes and hydraulics machines are studied I. INTRODUCTION 12 Units & Dimensions. Properties of fluids Specific gravity, specific weight, viscosity, compressibility, vapour pressure and gas laws capillarity and surface tension. Flow characteristics: concepts of system and control volume. Application of control volume to continuity equiation, energy equation, momentum equation and moment of momentum equation. II. FLOW THROUG CIRCULAR CONDUITS 12 Laminar flow though circular conduits and circular annuli. Boundary layer concepts. Boundary layer thickness. Hydraulic and energy gradient. Darcy Weisbach equaition. Friction factor and Moody diagram. Commercial pipes. Minor losses. Flow though pipes in series and in parallel. III. DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS 9 Dimension and units: Buckinghams theorem. Discussion on dimensionless parameters. Models and similitude. Applications of dimensionless parameters. IV. ROTO DYNAMIC MACHINES 16 Homologus units. Specific speed. Elementary cascade theory. Theory of turbo machines. Eulers equation. Hydraulic efficiency. Velocity components at the entry and exit of the rotor. Velocity triangle for single stage radial flow and axial flow machines. Centrifugal pumps, turbines, performance curves for pumps and turbines. V. POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT MACHINES 11 Recriprocating pumps, Indicator diagrams, Work saved by air vessels. Rotory pumps. Classification. Working and performance curves. TOTAL 60 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Streeter. V. L., and Wylie, E.B., Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill, 1983. 2. Rathakrishnan. E, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India (II Ed.), 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Ramamritham. S, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Fluid Machines, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, 1988. 2. Kumar. K.L., Engineering Fluid Mechanics (VII Ed.) Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1995. 3. Bansal, R.K., Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi.



3 1 0 4

To give brief descriptions on the behaviour of materials due to axial, bending and torsional and combined loads. 1. BASICS AND AXIAL LOADING 10+3

Stress and Strain Hookes Law Elastic constants and their relationship Statically determinate cases - statically indeterminate cases composite bar. Thermal Stresses stresses due to freely falling weight. 2. STRESSES IN BEAMS 10+3

Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported and cantilever beamsBending stresses in straight beams-Shear stresses in bending of beams with rectangular, I & T etc cross sections-beams of uniform strength 3. DEFLECTION OF BEAMS 10+3 Double integration method McCauleys method - Area moment method Conjugate beam method-Principle of super position-Castiglianos theorem and its apllication 4. TORSION 5+3 Torsion of circular shafts - shear stresses and twist in solid and hollow circular shafts closely coiled helical springs. 5. BI AXIAL STRESSES 10+3

Stresses in thin circular cylinder and spherical shell under internal pressure volumetric Strain. Combined loading Principal Stresses and maximum Shear Stresses - Analytical and Graphical methods. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. Nash William Strength of Materials, TMH, 1998 2. Timoshenko.S. and Young D.H. Elements of strength materials Vol. I and Vol. II., T. Van Nostrand Co-Inc Princeton-N.J. 1990. REFERENCES 1. Dym C.L. and Shames I.H. Solid Mechanics, 1990.



3 0 0 3

To introduce the basic concepts of aerospace engineering and the current developments in the field. 1. AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATIONS 6

Brief History-Components of an airplane and their functions. Different types of flight vehicles, classifications. Basic instruments for flying, 2. INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT 8

Physical properties and structure of the atmosphere, Temperature, pressure and altitude relationships, Evolution of lift, drag and moment. Different types of drag. 3. INTRODUCTION TO AERODYNAMICS 9 Aerodynanic forces on aircraft classification of NACA aerofoils, aspect ratio, wing loading, Mach number,centre of pressure and aerodynamic centre-aerofoil characteristics-lift, drag curves. 4. INTRODUCTION TO AIRPLANE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS 12

General types of construction, Monocoque, semi-monocoque. Typical wing and fuselage structure. Metallic and non-metallic materials, Use of aluminium alloy, titanium, stainless steel and composite materials. 5. POWER PLANTS USED IN AIRPLANES 10

Basic ideas about piston, turboprop and jet engines, Use of propeller and jets for thrust production., Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets TOTAL : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Anderson, J.D., Introduction to Flight, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

REFERENCE 1. Kermode, A.C., Flight without Formulae, McGraw-Hill, 1997.



0 0 3 2

To develop the knowledge in testing the materials for hardness, fatigue, impact, tension and torsion. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Brinell Hardness test Rockwell Hardness test Tension test Torsion test Izod Impact test Charpy Impact test Reverse plate bending Fatigue test Rotating Beam Fatigue test Testing of springs Block Compression Test TOTAL : 45 PERIODS LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students) Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Details of Equipments Hardness Testing Machine Universal Testing Machine Impact Testing Machine Fatigue tester- Rotating Beam Fatigue tester Reverse plate bending Qty Required 1 1 1 1 1 For Experiments 1, 2 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 5, 6 8 7




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To study the flow measurement and the performance of fluid machinery LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Calibration of venturimeter Pressure measurement with pitot static tube Determination of pipe flow losses. Verification of Bernoullis theorem Flow visualization by Heleshaw apparatus Performance test on centrifugal pumps Performance test on reciprocating pumps Performance test on piston wheel turbine Performance test on Francis turbine Determination of Viscosity of a Fluid TOTAL : 45 PERIODS LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students) Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Details of Equipments Venturimeter setup Pipe friction set up Pitot tube set up Jet pump Submersible pump Centrifugal pump Reciprocating pump Pelton wheel turbine and Francis turbine Viscosity Meter Hele-shaw apparatus Qty Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Experiment No. 1,3 3 2,4 6 6 6 7 8,9 10 5




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To enhance the basic knowledge in applied thermodynamics LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Performance test on a 4-stroke engine Valve timing of a 4 stroke engine and port timing of a 2 stroke engine Determination of effectiveness of a parallel flow heat exchanger Determination of effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger Determination of heating value of a fuel COP test on a vapour compression refrigeration test rig COP test on a vapour compression air-conditioning test rig Determination of specific heat of solid Determination of Thermal Conductivity of solid. Determination of Thermal Resistance of a Composite wall. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students) Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Details of Equipments 4 stroke twin cylinder diesel engine Cut section model of 4 stroke diesel engine and cut section model of 2 stroke petrol engine Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger test rig Bomb Calorimeter Vapour compression refrigeration test rig Vapour compression air-conditioning test rig Conductive Heat Transfer set up Composite wall Qty Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Experiment No. 1 2 3,4 5 6 7 9 10


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