Fin Market Chapter 5
Fin Market Chapter 5
Fin Market Chapter 5
Past and
Learning Objectives:
LO5-2 Use data on the past performance of stocks and bonds or scenario analysis
to characterize the risk and return features of these investments.
LO5-3 Determine the expected return and risk of portfolios that are constructed
by combining risky assets with risk-free investments in Treasury
LO5-4 Use the Sharpe ratio to evaluate the investment performance of a portfolio and
provide a guide for capital allocation.
hat constitutes a satisfactory judged on its
investment portfolio? Until the contributions to
early 1970s, a reasonable both the
answer expected return
would have been a federally insured bank and the risk of
sav- ings account (a risk-free asset) plus a the entire
risky port- folio of U.S. stocks. Nowadays,
investors have access to a vast array of
assets and can easily construct portfolios
that include foreign stocks and bonds, real
estate, precious metals, and collectibles. Even
more complex strategies may include futures,
options, and other derivatives to insure
portfolios against specified risks.
Clearly every individual security must be
portfolio. We begin with an examination of various conventions for We then consider the trade-offs that arise
measuring and report- ing rates of return. Next, we turn to the histori- cal when investors practice the simplest form of
performance of several broadly diversified investment portfolios. In doing risk control, capital allocation: choosing the
so, we use a risk-free portfolio of Treasury bills as a bench- mark to fraction of the portfolio invested in virtually
evaluate the historical performance of diversified stock and bond risk-free securities versus risky securities.
portfolios. We show how to calculate the performance
one may expect from various allocations
between a risk-free asset and a risky can evaluate a passive strategy that will Related websites
for this chapter
portfolio and contemplate the mix that would serve as a benchmark for the active
are available at
best suit different investors. With this strategies con- sidered in the next chapter.
background, we
This definition of the HPR assumes that the dividend is paid at the end of the holding
period. When dividends are received earlier, the definition ignores reinvestment income
between the receipt of the dividend and the end of the holding period. The percentage return
from dividends, cash dividends/beginning price, is called the dividend yield, and so the divi-
dend yield plus the capital gains yield equals the HPR.
This definition of holding return is easy to modify for other types of investments.
For example, the HPR on a bond would be calculated using the same formula, except
that the bond’s interest or coupon payments would take the place of the stock’s divi-
dend payments.
Consider investing some of your money, now all invested in a bank account, in a stock market EXAMPLE 5.1
index fund. The price of a share in the fund is currently $100, and your time horizon is one year.
You expect the cash dividend during the year to be $4, so your expected dividend yield is 4%. Holding-Period Return
Your HPR will depend on the price one year from now. Suppose your best guess is that it will
$110 per share. Then your capital gain will be $10, so your capital gains yield is $10/$100 5 .10,
or 10%. The total holding-period rate of return is the sum of the dividend yield plus the capital
gains yield, 4% 1 10% 5 14%.
$110 2 $100 1 $4
HPR 5 5 .14, or 14%
TABLE 5.1 Quarterly cash flows and rates of return of a mutual fund
*New investment less redemptions and distributions, all assumed to occur at the end of each quarter.
by the end of the quarter. An even better HPR in the second quarter elicited a larger net
inflow, and the second quarter ended with $2 million under management. However, HPR in
the third quarter was negative, and net inflows were negative.
How would we characterize fund performance over the year, given that the fund
experienced both cash inflows and outflows? There are several candidate measures of
performance, each with its own advantages and shortcomings. These are the arithmetic
average, the geometric average, and the dollar-weighted return. These measures may vary
considerably, so it is important to understand their differences.
arithmetic average Arithmetic average The arithmetic average of the quarterly returns is just the
The sum of returns in each sum of the quarterly returns divided by the number of quarters; in the above example:
period divided by the number (10 1 25 2 20 1 20)/4 5 8.75%. Since this statistic ignores compounding, it does not
of periods. represent an equivalent, single quarterly rate for the year. However, without information
beyond the historical sample, the arithmetic average is the best forecast of performance
for the next quarter.
geometric average Geometric average The geometric average of the quarterly returns is equal to the
The single per-period return single per-period return that would give the same cumulative performance as the sequence
that gives the same of actual returns. We calculate the geometric average by compounding the actual period-by-
cumulative performance as period returns and then finding the per-period rate that will compound to the same final
the sequence of actual value. In our example, the geometric average quarterly return, rG, is defined by:
(1 1 .10) 3 (1 1 .25) 3 (1 2 .20) 3 (1 1 .20) 5 (1 1 rG)4
The left-hand side of this equation is the compounded year-end value of a $1 investment
earning the four quarterly returns. The right-hand side is the compounded value of a $1
investment earning rG each quarter. We solve for rG:
The geometric return is also called a time-weighted average return because it ignores the
quarter-to-quarter variation in funds under management. In fact, an investor will obtain a
larger cumulative return when high returns are earned in periods when larger sums have
been invested and low returns are earned when less money is at risk. In Table 5.1, the higher
returns (25% and 20%) were achieved in quarters 2 and 4, when the fund managed
$1,200,000 and
$800,000, respectively. The lower returns (220% and 10%) occurred when the fund managed
$2,000,000 and $1,000,000, respectively. In this case, better returns were earned when less
money was under management—an unfavorable combination.
Published data on past returns earned by mutual funds actually are required to be time-
weighted returns. The rationale for this practice is that since the fund manager does not have
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 113
full control over the amount of assets under management, we should not weight returns in
one period more heavily than those in other periods when assessing “typical” past
0 1 2 3 4
Net cash flow ($ million) 21.0 2.1 2.5 .8 2.6 1 1.56 5 .96
The entry for time 0 reflects the starting contribution of $1 million; the negative entries for
times 1 and 2 are additional net inflows in those quarters, while the positive value for quarter
3 signifies a withdrawal of funds. Finally, the entry for time 4 represents the sum of the final
(negative) cash inflow plus the value of the portfolio at the end of the fourth quarter. The
latter is the value for which the portfolio could have been liquidated at year-end.
The dollar-weighted average return is the internal rate of return of the project, which is
3.38%. The IRR is the interest rate that sets the present value of the cash flows realized on
average return
the portfolio (including the $1.56 million for which the portfolio can be liquidated at the end
The internal rate of return
of the year) equal to the initial cost of establishing the portfolio. It therefore is the interest
on an investment.
rate that satisfies the following equation:
The dollar-weighted return in this example is less than the time-weighted return of 7.19%
because, as we noted, the portfolio returns were higher when less money was under manage-
ment. The difference between the dollar- and time-weighted average return in this case is
quite large.
A fund begins with $10 million and reports the following three-month results (with negative
c h e ck 5.1
figures in parentheses):
1 2 3
Net inflows (end of month, $ million) 3 5 0
HPR (%) 2 8 (4)
However, because it ignores compounding, the APR does not equal the rate at which your
invested funds actually grow. This is called the effective annual rate, or EAR. When there
are n compounding periods in the year, we first recover the rate per period as APR/n and
then compound that rate for the number of periods in a year. (For example, n 5 12 for
monthly payment mortgages and n 5 2 for bonds making payments semiannually.)
n APR n
1 1 EAR 5 (1 1 Rate per period) 5 a1 1 b (5.4)
Since you can earn the APR each period, after one year (when n periods have passed),
your cumulative return is (1 1 APR/n)n. Note that one needs to know the holding period
when given an APR in order to convert it to an effective rate.
Rearranging Equation 5.4, we can also find APR given EAR:
The EAR diverges by greater amounts from the APR as n becomes larger (we compound
cash flows more frequently). In the limit, we can envision continuous compounding when n
becomes extremely large in Equation 5.4. With continuous compounding, the relationship
between the APR and EAR becomes
1 1 EAR 5 e APR
APR 5 ln(1 1 EAR)
More generally, the EAR of any investment can be converted to an equivalent continuously
compounded rate, rcc , using the relationship
EXAMPLE 5.2 Suppose you buy a $10,000 face value Treasury bill maturing in one month for $9,900. On the
bill’s maturity date, you collect the face value. Since there are no other interest payments, the
Annualizing holding- period return for this one-month investment is
Treasury-Bill Returns
Cash income 1 Price $100
HPR 5 change 5 5 .0101 5
Initial price 1.01%
The APR on this investment is therefore 1.01% 3 12 5 12.12%. The effective annual rate is
A warning: Terminology can be loose. Occasionally, annual percentage yield or APY and
even APR are used interchangeably with effective annual rate, and this can lead to
confusion. To avoid error, you must be alert to context.
The difficulties in interpreting rates of return over time do not end here. Two thorny
issues remain: the uncertainty surrounding the investment in question and the effect of
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 115
Each entry in column D of Spreadsheet 5.1 corresponds to one of the products in the
summation in Equation 5.6. The value in cell D7, which is the sum of these products, is
therefore the expected return. Therefore, E (r) 5 10%.
Because there is risk to the investment, the actual return may be (a lot) more or less than
10%. If a “boom” materializes, the return will be better, 30%, but in a severe recession the
return will be a disappointing 237%. How can we quantify this uncertainty?
The “surprise” return in any scenario is the difference between the actual return and the
expected return. For example, in a boom (scenario 4) the surprise is r(4) 2 E(r) 5 30% 2
10% 5
20%. In a severe recession (scenario 1), the surprise is r (1) 2 E(r) 5 237% 2 10% 5 247%.
Scenario analysis for the stock market
1 Column B x Deviation from Column B x
2 Scenario Probability HPR (%) Column C Mean Return Squared Deviation
3 1. Severe recession .05 —37 —1.85 —47.00 110.45 Please visit us at
4 2. Mild recession .25 —11 —2.75 —21.00 110.25
5 3. Normal growth .40 14 5.60 4.00 6.40
6 4. Boom .30 30 9.00 20.00 120.00
7 Column sums: Expected return = 10.00 Variance = 347.10
8 Square root of variance = Standard deviation (%) = 18.63
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 116
Uncertainty surrounding the investment is a function of both the magnitudes and the
probabilities of the possible surprises. To summarize risk with a single number, we define
variance the variance as the expected value of the squared deviation from the mean (the expected
The expected value of the squared “surprise” across scenarios).
squared deviation from the
Var(r) ; s2 a p(s)[r (s) 2 E (r)]
5 s 51
We square the deviations because negative deviations would offset positive deviations other-
wise, with the result that the expected deviation from the mean return would necessarily
be zero. Squared deviations are necessarily positive. Squaring (a nonlinear -transformation)
exaggerates large (positive or negative) deviations and deemphasizes small deviations.
Another result of squaring deviations is that the variance has a dimension of percent
squared. To give the measure of risk the same dimension as expected return (%), we use the
standard deviation standard deviation, defined as the square root of the variance:
The square root of the
variance. SD (r) ; s 5 "Var (r) (5.8)
Applying Equation 5.6 to the data in Spreadsheet 5.1, we find that the expected rate of return on
Expected Return and the stock index fund is
Standard Deviation E ( r) 5 .05 3 (237) 1 .25 3 (211) 1 .40 3 14 1 .30 3 30 5 10%
We use Equation 5.7 to find the variance. First we take the difference between the holding-
period return in each scenario and the mean return, then we square that difference, and finally
we multiply by the probability of each scenario. The sum of the probability-weighted squared
deviations is the variance.
s2 5 .05 (237 2 10)2 1 .25 (211 2 10)2 1 .40 (14 2 10)2 1 .30(30 2 10)2 5 347.10
s 5 "347.10 5 18.63%
Column F of Spreadsheet 5.1 replicates these calculations. Each entry in that column is the
squared deviation from the mean multiplied by the probability of that scenario. The sum of the
probability- weighted squared deviations that appears in cell F7 is the variance, and the square
root of that value is the standard deviation (in cell F8).
The normal distribution
with mean return 10% and
standard deviation 20%
We can transform any normally distributed return, ri, into a “standard deviation score,” by
first subtracting the mean return (to obtain distance from the mean or return “surprise”) and
then dividing by the standard deviation (which enables us to measure distance from the
mean in units of standard deviations).
ri 2 E ( r i )
sr 5 (5.9A)
This standardized return, which we have denoted sri, is normally distributed with a mean of
zero and a standard deviation of 1. We therefore say that sri is a “standard normal” variable.
Conversely, we can start with a standard normal return, sri, and recover the original return
by multiplying by the standard deviation and adding back the mean return:
In fact, this is how we drew Figure 5.1. Start with a standard normal (mean 5 0 and SD
5 1); next, multiply the distance from the mean by the assumed standard deviation of
20%; finally, recenter the mean away from zero by adding 10%. This gives us a normal
variable with mean 10% and standard deviation 20%.
Figure 5.1 shows that when returns are normally distributed, roughly two-thirds (more
precisely, 68.26%) of the observations fall within one standard deviation of the mean, that is,
the probability that any observation in a sample of returns would be no more than one
standard deviation away from the mean is 68.26%. Deviations from the mean of more than
two SDs are even rarer: 95.44% of the observations are expected to lie within this range.
Finally, only 2.6 out of 1,000 observations are expected to deviate from the mean by three or
more SDs.
Two special properties of the normal distribution lead to critical simplifications of invest-
ment management when returns are normally distributed:
1. The return on a portfolio comprising two or more assets whose returns are normally
distributed also will be normally distributed.
2. The normal distribution is completely described by its mean and standard deviation.
No other statistic is needed to learn about the behavior of normally distributed returns.
These two properties in turn imply this far-reaching conclusion:
3. The standard deviation is the appropriate measure of risk for a portfolio of assets with
normally distributed returns. In this case, no other statistic can improve the risk
assessment conveyed by the standard deviation of a portfolio.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 118
Suppose you worry about large investment losses in worst-case scenarios for your
portfolio. You might ask: “How much would I lose in a fairly extreme outcome, for exam-
ple, if my return were in the fifth percentile of the distribution?” You can expect your
investment experience to be worse than this value only 5% of the time and better than this
value at risk (VaR) value 95% of the time. In investments parlance, this cutoff is called the value at risk
Measure of downside risk. (denoted by VaR, to distinguish it from Var, the common notation for variance). A loss-
The worst loss that will be averse investor might desire to limit portfolio VaR, that is, limit the loss corresponding to
suffered with a given a probability of 5%.
probability, often 5%. For normally distributed returns, VaR can be derived from the mean and standard
deviation of the distribution. We calculate it using Excel’s standard normal function
5NORMSINV(0.05). This function computes the fifth percentile of a normal
distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of 1, which turns out to be 21.64485. In
other words, a value that is 1.64485 standard deviations below the mean would
correspond to a VaR of 5%, that is, to the fifth percentile of the distribution.
We can obtain this value directly from Excel’s nonstandard normal function 5NORMINV
(.05, E(r), s).
When faced with a sample of actual returns that may not be normally distributed, we must
estimate the VaR directly. The 5% VaR is the fifth-percentile rate of return. For a sample of
100 returns this is straightforward: If the rates are ordered from high to low, count the fifth
observation from the bottom.
Calculating the 5% VaR for samples where 5% of the observations don’t make an integer
requires interpolation. Suppose we have 72 monthly observations so that 5% of the sample is
3.6 observations. We approximate the VaR by going .6 of the distance from the third to
the fourth rate from the bottom. Suppose these rates are 242% and 237%. The
interpolated value for VaR is then 242 1 .6 (42 2 37) 5 239%.
In practice, analysts sometimes compare the historical sample VaR to the VaR implied by
a normal distribution with the same mean and SD as the sample rates. The difference
between these VaR values indicates the deviation of the observed rates from normality.
c h e ck 5.2 a. The current value of a stock portfolio is $23 million. A financial analyst summarizes
the uncertainty about next year’s holding-period return using the scenario analysis in
the following spreadsheet. What are the annual holding-period returns of the portfolio
in each scenario? Calculate the expected holding-period return, the standard
Please visit us at deviation of returns, and the 5% VaR. What is the VaR of a portfolio with normally distributed returns with the same mean and standard deviation as this stock? The
spreadsheet is available at the Online Learning Center (go to,
and link to the Chapter 5 material).
Business End-of-Year Value Annual Dividend
Conditions Scenario, s Probability, p ($ million) ($ million)
2 High growth 1 .30 35 4.40
b. Suppose that the worst three rates of return in a sample of 36 monthly observations are
17%, 25%, and 2%. Estimate the 5% VaR.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 119
You may wonder: Is the fact that the probability of the worst-case scenario is .05 in Spreadsheet 5.1 just a lucky
happenstance given our interest in the 5% VaR? The answer is no. Given investor concern about VaR, it is fair (in
fact, necessary) to demand of analysts that their scenario analysis explicitly take a stand on the rate of return
corresponding to the probability of the VaR of interest, here .05.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 120
Comparing scenario analysis 1
same mean and standard 5 0.9 Scenario analysis
deviation 6
Likewise normal
7 0.8
9 0.7
11 0.6
13 0.5
15 0.4
17 0.3
19 0.2
–0.4620 –0.1165 0.1310 0.2624
25 Continuously compounded (cc) rates
27 Cumulative
28 Scenario Analysis Squared Corresponding
29 Probability Cumulative Effective Rate cc Rate (decimal) Deviations Normal
30 0.05 0.05 –0.37 20.4620 0.2926 0.0020
31 0.25 0.3 –0.11 20.1165 0.0382 0.1494
32 0.40 0.7 0.14 0.1310 0.0027 0.6092
33 0.30 1 0.30 0.2624 0.0337 0.8354
34 Mean 0.10 0.0789
35 SD 0.1881
37 VaR Scenario Analysis –0.37 20.4620
38 VaR corresponding Normal –0.2058 20.2304
in each scenario to their equivalent continuously compounded rates using Equation 5.5.)
Obviously, it is naive to believe that this simple analysis includes all possible rates. But
while we cannot explicitly pin down probabilities of rates other than those given in the
table, we can get a good sense of the entire spectrum of potential outcomes by
examining the distribution of the assumed scenario rates, as well as their mean and
standard deviation.
Figure 5.2 shows the known points from the cumulative distribution of the
scenario analysis next to the corresponding points from a “likewise normal
distribution” (a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation, SD).
Below the graph, we see a table of the actual distributions. The mean in cell D34 is
computed from the formula 5SUMPRODUCT($B$30:$B$33, D30:D33), where the
probability cells B30:B33 are fixed to allow copying to the right.2 Similarly, the SD in
cell F35 is computed from 5SUMPRODUCT(B30:B33, F30:F33)^0.5. The 5% VaR of
the normal distribution in cell E38 is computed from 5NORMINV(0.05, E34, F35).
VaR values appear in cells D37 and D38. The VaR from the scenario analysis, 237%,
is far worse than the VaR derived from the corresponding normal distribution,
220.58%. This immediately suggests that the scenario analysis entails a higher probability
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 121
of extreme losses than would be consistent with a normal distribution. On the other hand,
the normal distribu- tion allows for the possibility of extremely large returns, beyond the
maximum return of 30% envisioned in the scenario analysis. We conclude that the
scenario analysis has a distribution that is skewed to the left compared to the normal. It
has a longer left tail (larger losses) and a
The Excel function SUMPRODUCT multiplies each term in the first column specified (in this case, the
probabili- ties in column B) with the corresponding terms in the second column specified (in this case, the
returns in column D), and then adds up those products. This gives us the expected rate of return across
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 122
shorter right tail (smaller gains). It makes up for this negative attribute with a larger
probability of positive, but not extremely large, gains (14% and 30%).
This example shows when and why the VaR is an important statistic. When returns are nor-
mal, knowing just the mean and standard deviation allows us to fully describe the entire
distribu- tion. In that case, we do not need to estimate VaR explicitly—we can calculate it
exactly from the properties of the normal distribution. But when returns are not normal, the
VaR conveys impor- tant additional information beyond mean and standard deviation. It gives
us additional insight into the shape of the distribution, for example, skewness or risk of
extreme negative outcomes.3
Because risk is largely driven by the likelihood of extreme negative returns, two
additional statistics are used to indicate whether a portfolio’s probability distribution differs
significantly from normality with respect to potential extreme values. The first is kurtosis,
Measure of the fatness of
which compares the frequency of extreme values to that of the normal distribution. The
the tails of a probability
kurtosis of the normal distribution is zero, so positive values indicate higher frequency of
distribu- tion relative to that
extreme values than this benchmark. A negative value suggests that extreme values are less
of a normal distribution.
frequent than with the nor- mal distribution. Kurtosis sometimes is called “fat tail risk,” as Indicates likelihood of
plots of probability distribu- tions with higher likelihood of extreme events will be higher extreme outcomes.
than the normal distribution at both ends or “tails” of the distribution; in other words, the
distributions exhibit “fat tails.” Similarly, exposure to extreme events is often called tail
risk, because these are outcomes in the far reaches or “tail” of the probability distribution.
The second statistic is the skew, which measures the asymmetry of the distribution. Skew
takes on a value of zero if, like the normal, the distribution is symmetric. Negative skew Measure of the asymmetry of
a probability distribution.
suggests that extreme negative values are more frequent than extreme positive ones.
Nonzero values for kurtosis and skew indicate that special attention should be paid to the
VaR, in addition to the use of standard deviation as measure of portfolio risk.
The financial crisis of 2008–2009 demonstrated that bank portfolio returns are far from normally distributed, with
exposure to unlikely but catastrophic returns in extreme market meltdowns. The international Basel accord on bank
regulation requires banks to monitor portfolio VaR to better control risk.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 123
To illustrate how to calculate average returns and standard deviations from historical data, let’s
Historical Means and compute these statistics for the returns on the S&P 500 portfolio using five years of data from the
Standard Deviations following table. The average return over this period is 16.7%, computed by dividing the sum of
column (1), below, by the number of observations. In column (2), we take the deviation of each
year’s return from the 16.7% average return. In column (3), we calculate the squared deviation. The
variance is, from Equation 5.11, the sum of the five squared deviations divided by (5 2 1). The
standard deviation is the square root of the variance. If you input the column of rates into a
spreadsheet, the AVERAGE and STDEV functions will give you the statistics directly.
(2) (3)
(1) Deviation from Squared
Year Rate of Return Average Deviation
1 16.9% 0.2% 0.0
2 31.3 14.6 213.2
3 23.2 219.9 396.0
4 30.7 14.0 196.0
5 7.7 29.0 81.0
Sometimes a gamble might seem like speculation to the participants. If two investors differ in their forecasts of the
future, they might take opposite positions in a security, and both may have an expectation of earning a positive risk
premium. In such cases, only one party can, in fact, be correct.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 124
We call the ratio of a portfolio’s risk premium to its variance the price of risk.5
Later in the section, we turn the question around and ask how an investor with a given price of risk
degree of risk aversion, say, A 5 3.91, should allocate wealth between the risky and risk-free The ratio of portfolio risk
assets. premium to variance.
To get an idea of the level of the risk aversion exhibited by investors in U.S. capital
markets, we can look at a representative portfolio held by these investors. Assume that all
short-term borrowing offsets lending; that is, average borrowing/lending is zero. In that case,
the average investor holds a complete portfolio represented by a stock-market index; 6 call it
M. A com- mon proxy for the market index is the S&P 500 Index. Using a long-term series
of historical returns on the S&P 500 to estimate investors’ expectations about mean return
and variance, we can recast Equation 5.12 with these stock market data to obtain an estimate
of average risk aversion:
Average(rM) 2 rf 0.08
A5 Sample sM2 < 0.045 2 (5.13)
The price of risk of the market index portfolio, which reflects the risk aversion of the
average investor, is sometimes called the market price of risk. Conventional wisdom holds
that plausible estimates for the value of A lie in the range of 1.524. (Take a look at average
excess returns and SD of the stock portfolios in Table 5.2, and compute the risk aversion
implied by their histories to investors that invested in them their entire wealth.)
Notice that when we use variance rather than the SD, the price of risk of a portfolio does not depend on the
holding period. The reason is that variance is proportional to the holding period. Since portfolio return and risk
premium also are proportional to the holding period, the portfolio pays the same price of risk for any holding
In practice, a broad market index such as the S&P 500 often is taken as representative of the entire market.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 125
TABLE 5.2 Annual rate-of-return statistics for diversified portfolios for 1926–2010 and three subperiods
World Portfolio U.S. Market
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 126
*Applied to continuously compounded (cc) excess returns (5 cc total return 2 cc T-bill rates).
Source: Inflation data: BLS; T-bills and U.S. small stocks: Fama and French, http://mba.tuck.dart
french/data_library.html; Large U.S. stocks: S&P500; Long-term U.S. government bonds: 1926–2003 return on 20-Year U.S. Please visit us at
Treasury bonds, and 2004–2008 Lehman Brothers long-term Treasury index; World portfolio of large stocks: Datastream; World
portfolio of Treasury bonds: 1926–2003 Dimson, Elroy, and Marsh, and 2004–2008 Datastream.
commonly used to rank portfolios in terms of this risk-return trade-off is the Sharpe (or
reward-to-volatility) ratio, defined as Sharpe (or reward-to-
volatility) ratio
Ratio of portfolio risk
Portfolio risk premium E(rP) 2 rf premium to standard
S5 5 deviation.
Standard deviation of portfolio excess (5.14)
A risk-free asset would have a risk premium of zero and a standard deviation of zero.
Therefore, the reward-to-volatility ratio of a risky portfolio quantifies the incremental reward
(the increase in risk premium) for each increase of 1% in the portfolio standard deviation.
For example, the Sharpe ratio of a portfolio with an annual risk premium of 8% and standard
deviation of 20% is 8/20 5 0.4. A higher Sharpe ratio indicates a better reward per unit of
volatility, in other words, a more efficient portfolio. Portfolio analysis in terms of mean and
standard deviation (or variance) of excess returns is called mean- variance analysis.
A warning: We will see in the next chapter that while standard deviation and VaR of mean-variance analysis
returns are useful risk measures for diversified portfolios, these are not useful ways to think Ranking portfolios by their
about the risk of individual securities. Therefore, the Sharpe ratio is a valid statistic only for Sharpe ratios.
ranking portfolios; it is not valid for individual assets. For now, therefore, let’s examine the
historical reward-to-volatility ratios of broadly diversified portfolios that reflect the
performance of some important asset classes.
a. A respected analyst forecasts that the return of the S&P 500 Index portfolio over the
c h e ck 5.3
coming year will be 10%. The one-year T-bill rate is 5%. Examination of recent returns
of the S&P 500 Index suggests that the standard deviation of returns will be 18%. What
does this information suggest about the degree of risk aversion of the average investor,
assuming that the average portfolio resembles the S&P 500?
b. What is the Sharpe ratio of the portfolio in (a)?
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 127
The importance of the coupon rate when comparing returns on bonds is discussed in Part Three.
Year-by-year returns are available on the Online Learning Center. Go to, and link to
material for Chapter 5.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 128
Frequency distribution of annual, continuously compounded rates of return, 1926–2010
Source: Prepared from data used in Table 5.2.
Average return = 3.56
0.60 Standard deviation = 2.95
World Equity Portfolio (MSCI World)
0.40 0.40
Average return = 10.81
Standard deviation = 18.06
0.30 0.30
0.20 0.20
0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00
–90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90 –90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90
0.20 0.20
0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00
–90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90 –90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90
U.S. Small Stocks (Lowest Capitalization Quintile) World Bond Portfolio (Barclay’s World
0.40 0.40
Average return = 11.15
Average return = 5.28
0.30 Standard deviation = 32.72 0.30 Standard deviation = 7.92
0.20 0.20
0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00
–90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90 –90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90
60 Rates of return on stocks,
bonds, and bills, 1926–2010
40 Source: Prepared from data
used in Table 5.2.
Rate of return (%)
Large stocks
240 Long-term bonds
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 129
Thus, while the differences in average returns in Table 5.2 may seem modest at first glance,
they imply great differences in long-term results. Naturally, the reason all investors don’t
invest everything in stocks is the higher risk that strategy would entail.
The geometric average is always less than the arithmetic average. For a normal
distribution, the difference is exactly half the variance of the return (with returns measured
as decimals, not percentages). Here are the arithmetic averages (from Figure 5.3) and
geometric averages (from Table 5.2) for the three stock portfolios over the period (1926–
2010), the differences between the two averages, as well as half the variance computed from
the respective standard deviations.
You can see that the differences between the geometric and arithmetic averages are
conse- quential and generally close to one-half the variance of returns, suggesting that these
distribu- tions may be approximately normal, but there is a greater discrepancy for small
stocks; therefore, VaR will still add important information about risk beyond standard
deviation, at least for this asset class.
We have suggested that the geometric average is the correct measure for historical per-
spective. But investors are concerned about their real (inflation-adjusted) rates of return, not
the paper profits indicated by the nominal (dollar) return. The real geometric averages sug-
gest that the real cost of equity capital for large corporations has been about 6%. Notice
from Table 5.2 that the average real rate on small stocks has been consistently declining,
steadily approaching that of large stocks. One reason is that the average size of small, pub-
licly traded firms has grown tremendously. Although they are still far smaller than the larger
firms, their size apparently has reached the level where there is little remaining small-firm
premium. The higher-than-historical-average returns recently provided by long-term bonds
are due largely to capital gains earned as interest rates plunged in the recessions of the
decade ending in 2010.
In the previous section we discussed the importance of risk and risk premiums. Let us
now turn to the excess-return panel of Table 5.2. Notice first that excess returns do not need
to be adjusted for inflation because they are returns over and above the nominal risk-free
rate. Second, bond portfolios, albeit an important asset class, are not really candidates for an
inves- tor’s sole-investment vehicle, because they are not sufficiently diversified. Third, the
large differences in average returns across historical periods reflect the tremendous volatility
of annual returns. One might wonder whether the differences across subperiods are
statistically significant. Recalling that the standard deviation of the average return is the
annual standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of observations, none of
the differences between these subperiod averages and the 1926–2010 average exceeds one
standard deviation for stocks and 1.8 standard deviations for bonds. Thus, differences in
these subperiod results might well reflect no more than statistical noise.
The minimum and maximum historical returns also reflect the large variability in
annual returns. Notice the large worst-case annual losses (around 50%) and even larger
best-case gains (50%–150%) on the stock portfolios, as well as the more moderate extreme
returns on the bond portfolios. Interestingly, the small and large U.S. stock portfolios
each experienced both their maximum and minimum returns during the Great Depres-
sion; indeed, that period is also associated with the largest standard deviations of stock
portfolio returns.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 130
The potential import of the risk premium can be illustrated with a simple example. Consider two EXAMPLE 5.5
investors with $1 million as of December 31, 2000. One invests in the small-stock portfolio, and
the other in T-bills. Suppose both investors reinvest all income from their portfolios and liquidate The Risk Premium
their investments 10 years later, on December 31, 2010. We can find the annual rates of return and Growth of
for this period from the spreadsheet of returns at the Online Learning Center. (Go to Wealth Look for the link to Chapter 5 material.) We compute a “wealth index” for
each investment by com- pounding wealth at the end of each year by the return earned in the
following year. For example, we calculate the value of the wealth index for small stocks as of
2003 by multiplying the value as of 2002 (1.1404) by 1 plus the rate of return earned in 2003
(measured in decimals), that is, by 1 1 .7475, to obtain 1.9928.
The final value of each portfolio as of December 31, 2010, equals its initial value ($1 million)
multiplied by the wealth index at the end of the period:
The difference in total return is dramatic. Even with its devasting 2008 return, the value of the
small-stock portfolio after 10 years is 118% more than that of the T-bill portfolio.
We can also calculate the geometric average return of each portfolio over this period. For T-
bills, the geometric average over the 10-year period is computed from:
(1 1 rG )10 5 1.2406
1 1 rG 5 1.24061/10 5 1.0218
rG 5 2.18%
Similarly, the geometric average for small stocks is 10.46%. The difference in geometric average
reflects the difference in cumulative wealth provided by the small-stock portfolio over this period.
Are these portfolios normally distributed? The next section of Table 5.2 shows the kurto-
sis and skew of the distributions. As discussed earlier, testing for normality requires us to
use continuously compounded rates. Accordingly, we use Equation 5.5 to compute
continuously compounded rates of return. We calculate ln(1 1 annual rate) for each asset and
compute excess returns by subtracting the continuously compounded rate of return on T-
bills. Because
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 131
these measures derive from higher exponents of deviations from the mean (the cubed devia-
tion for skew and the fourth power of the deviation for kurtosis), these measures are highly
sensitive to rare but extreme outliers; therefore, we can rely on these measures only in very
large samples that allow for sufficient observations to be taken as exhibiting a “representa-
tive” number of such events. You can see that these measures also vary considerably across
subperiods. The picture is quite unambiguous with respect to stock portfolios. There is
excess positive kurtosis and negative skew. These indicate extreme gains and, even more so,
extreme losses that are significantly more likely than would be predicted by the normal dis-
tribution. We must conclude that VaR (and similar risk measures) to augment standard
deviation is in order.
The last section in Table 5.2 presents performance statistics, Sharpe ratios, and value at
risk. Sharpe ratios of stock portfolios are in the range of 0.37–0.39 for the overall history
and range between 0.34–0.46 across all subperiods. We can estimate that the return-risk
trade- off in stocks on an annual basis is about a .4% risk premium for each increment of 1%
to standard deviation. In fact, just as with the average excess return, the differences between
subperiods are not significant. The same can be said about the three stock portfolios: None
showed significant superior performance. Bonds can outperform stocks in periods of falling
interest rates, as we see from the Sharpe ratios in the most recent subperiod. But, as noted
earlier, bond portfolios are not sufficiently diversified to allow for the use of the Sharpe ratio
as a performance measure. (As we will discuss in later chapters, standard deviation as a risk
measure makes sense for an investor’s overall portfolio but not for one relatively narrow
com- ponent of it.)
The VaR panel in Table 5.2 shows unambiguously for stocks, and almost so for bonds, that
potential losses are larger than suggested by likewise normal distributions. To highlight this
obser- vation, the last panel of the table shows the difference of actual 5% VaR from likewise
normal distributions; the evidence is quite clear and consistent with the kurtosis and skew
Finally, investing internationally is no longer considered exotic, and Table 5.2 also
provides some information on the historical results from international investments. It
appears that for passive investors who focus on investments in index funds, international
diversification doesn’t deliver impressive improvement over investments in the U.S. alone.
However, international investments do hold large potential for active investors. We elaborate
on these observations in Chapter 19, which is devoted to international investing.
c h e ck 5.4 Compute the average excess return on large-company stocks (over the T-bill rate) and the
standard deviation for the years 1926–1934. You will need to obtain data from the spread-
sheet available at the Online Learning Center at Look for Chapter 5
dollars you received at the end of the year. With a 10% interest rate, for example, after you
netted out the 6% reduction in the purchasing power of money, you were left with a net
increase in purchasing power of about 4%. Thus, we need to distinguish between a nominal
nominal interest rate
interest rate—the growth rate of money—and a real interest rate—the growth rate of
The interest rate in terms of
purchasing power. If we call R the nominal rate, r the real rate, and i the inflation rate, then
nominal (not adjusted for
we conclude
purchasing power) dollars.
r<R2i (5.15)
real interest rate
The excess of the interest rate
In words, the real rate of interest is the nominal rate reduced by the loss of purchasing power
over the inflation rate. The
resulting from inflation.
growth rate of purchasing
In fact, the exact relationship between the real and nominal interest rates is given by
power derived from an
11R investment.
11r5 (5.16)
In words, the growth factor of your purchasing power, 1 1 r, equals the growth factor of
your money, 1 1 R, divided by the new price level that is 1 1 i times its value in the
previous period. The exact relationship can be rearranged to
r5 11i (5.17)
which shows that the approximate rule overstates the real rate by the factor 1 1
If the interest rate on a one-year CD is 8%, and you expect inflation to be 5% over the coming EXAMPLE 5.6
year, then using the approximation given in Equation 5.15, you expect the real rate to be r 5 8% 2
5% 5 3%. Real versus
.08 2 .05 Nominal Rates
Using the exact formula given in Equation 5.17, the real rate is r 5 5 .0286 , or 2.86%.
1 1 .05
Therefore, the approximation rule overstates the expected real rate by only .14 percentage
points. The approximation rule of Equation 5.16 is more accurate for small inflation rates and is
perfectly exact for continuously compounded rates.
R 5 r 1 E(i) (5.18)
Suppose the real rate of interest is 2%, and the inflation rate is 4%, so that the nominal
interest rate is about 6%. If the expected inflation rate rises to 5%, the nominal interest rate
should climb to roughly 7%. The increase in the nominal rate offsets the increase in
expected inflation, giving investors an unchanged growth of purchasing power at a 2% rate.
Notice that for continuously compounded rates, Equation 5.16 is perfectly accurate. Because ln(x/y) 5 ln(x) 2
ln(y), the continuously compounded real rate of return, rcc, can be derived from the annual rates as
rcc 5 ln(1 1 r) 5 lna b 5 ln(1 1 R) 2 ln(1 1 i) 5 R c 2 icc
11i c
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 133
c h e ck 5.5 a. Suppose the real interest rate is 3% per year, and the expected inflation rate is 8%.
What is the nominal interest rate?
b. Suppose the expected inflation rate rises to 10%, but the real rate is unchanged. What
happens to the nominal interest rate?
Interest rates, inflation, T-bills
and real interest Inflation
rates, 1926–2010 15
Real T-bills
Source: T-bills: Prof. Kenneth
French, http://mba.tuck.dart
.french/data_library.html; 5
Inflation: Bureau of Labor
Statistics,; Real 0
rate: authors’ calculations.
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 134
TABLE 5.3 Annual rates of return statistics for U.S. T-bills, inflation,
and real interest rates, 1926–2010 and three subperiods
U.S. Market
Arithmetic average
1926–2010 3.66 3.08 0.68
1926–1955 1.10 1.51 20.11
1956–1985 5.84 4.85 0.98
1986–2010 4.14 2.84 1.26
Standard deviation
1926–2010 3.09 4.17 3.89
1926–1955 1.22 5.55 5.84
1956–1985 3.19 3.50 2.39
1986–2010 2.25 1.31 1.87
Correlations T-bills1inflation Real bills1inflation
1926–2010 0.41 20.46
1926–1955 20.30 20.59
1956–1985 0.72 20.53
1986–2010 0.53 0.35
Minimum (lowest rate)
1926–2010 20.04 210.27 215.04
1926–1955 20.04 210.27 215.04
1956–1985 1.53 0.67 23.65
1986–2010 0.05 20.04 22.64
Maximum (highest rate)
1926–2010 14.72 18.13 12.50
1926–1955 4.74 18.13 12.50
1956–1985 14.72 13.26 6.45
1986–2010 8.38 6.26 4.91
* Two slightly negative interest rates occurred in the 1930s, before T-bills were introduced. In those days, the Treasury instead
guaranteed short-term bonds. In highly uncertain times, great demand for these bonds could result in a negative rate.
Source: T-bills: Fama and French risk-free rate; Inflation data: Bureau of Labor Statistics (inflation-cpiu-dec2dec).
The most basic form of asset allocation envisions the portfolio as dichotomized into risky
capital allocation versus risk-free assets. The fraction of the portfolio placed in risky assets is called the
The choice between risky capital allocation to risky assets and speaks directly to investor risk aversion.
and risk-free assets. To focus on the capital allocation decision, we think about an investor who allocates
funds between T-bills and a portfolio of risky assets. We can envision the risky portfolio, P,
as a mutual fund or ETF (exchange-traded fund) that includes a bundle of risky assets in
desired, fixed proportions. Thus, when we shift wealth into and out of P, we do not change
the relative proportion of the various securities within the risky portfolio. We put off until
the next chapter the question of how to best construct the risky portfolio. We call the overall
complete portfolio portfolio composed of the risk-free asset and the risky portfolio, P, the complete portfolio
The entire portfolio including that includes the entire investor’s wealth.
risky and risk-free assets.
The Risk-Free Asset
The power to tax and to control the money supply lets the government, and only the
government, issue default-free (Treasury) bonds. The default-free guarantee by itself is not
sufficient to make the bonds risk-free in real terms, since inflation affects the purchasing power
of the proceeds from the bonds. The only risk-free asset in real terms would be a price-indexed
government bond such as TIPS. Even then, a default-free, perfectly indexed bond offers a
guaranteed real rate to an investor only if the maturity of the bond is identical to the investor’s
desired holding period. These qualifications notwithstanding, it is common to view Treasury
bills as the risk-free asset. Any inflation uncertainty over the course of a few weeks, or even
months, is negligible compared to the uncertainty of stock market returns.11
In practice, most investors treat a broader range of money market instruments as
effectively risk-free assets. All the money market instruments are virtually immune to
interest rate risk (unexpected fluctuations in the price of a bond due to changes in market
interest rates) because of their short maturities, and all are fairly safe in terms of default or
credit risk.
Money market mutual funds hold, for the most part, three types of securities: Treasury
bills, bank certificates of deposit (CDs), and commercial paper. The instruments differ
slightly in their default risk. The yields to maturity on CDs and commercial paper, for
identical maturities, are always slightly higher than those of T-bills. A history of this yield
spread for 90-day CDs is shown in Figure 2.2 in Chapter 2.
Money market funds have changed their relative holdings of these securities over time,
but by and large, the risk of such blue-chip, short-term investments as CDs and commercial
paper is minuscule compared to that of most other assets, such as long-term corporate bonds,
common stocks, or real estate. Hence, we treat money market funds, as well as T-bills, as
representing the most easily accessible risk-free asset for most investors.
John C. Bogle, Bogle on Mutual Funds (Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin Professional Publishing, 1994), p. 235.
In the wake of the euro crisis as well as the credit downgrade of the United States in the summer of 2011, one
clearly needs to consider whether (or when) sovereign debt can be treated as risk-free. Governments that issue debt
in their home currency can in principle always repay that debt, if need be by printing more money in that currency.
This strategy, however, can lead to runaway inflation, so the real return on that debt would hardly be risk-free.
More- over, the cost of possible hyperinflation can be so great that they might justifiably conclude that default is the
lesser of the two evils. Governments that issue debt in currencies they do not control (e.g., euro-denominated Greek
debt) cannot fall back on the printing press, even under extreme duress, so default in that situation is certainly
possible. Since the euro crisis, analysts have focused considerable attention on measures of sovereign fiscal health
such as the ratio of indebtedness to GDP. As is also true of corporate debt, long- and medium-term debt issues are
typically riskier, as they allow more time for credit conditions to deteriorate before the loan is paid off.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 136
risk and return is the “technical” part of capital allocation; it deals only with the
opportunities available to investors. In the next section, we address the “personal
preference” part of the problem, the individual’s choice of the preferred risk-return
combination, given his degree of risk aversion.
Since we assume that the composition of the risky portfolio, P, already has been
determined, the only concern here is with the proportion of the investment budget (y) to
be allocated to it. The remaining proportion (1 2 y) is to be invested in the risk-free
asset, which has a rate of return denoted rf .
We denote the actual risky rate of return by rP, the expected rate of return on P by E(rP),
and its standard deviation by sP. In the numerical example, E(rP) 5 15%, sP 5 22%, and rf 5
7%. Thus, the risk premium on the risky asset is E(rP) 2 rf 5 8%.
Let’s start with two extreme cases. If you invest all of your funds in the risky asset, that is,
if you choose y 5 1, the expected return on your complete portfolio will be 15% and the
standard deviation will be 22%. This combination of risk and return is plotted as point P
in Figure 5.6. At the other extreme, you might put all of your funds into the risk-free
asset, that is, you choose y 5 0. In this case, you would earn a riskless return of 7%.
(This choice is plotted as point F in Figure 5.6.)
Now consider more moderate choices. For example, if you allocate equal amounts of your
complete portfolio, C, to the risky and risk-free assets, that is, you choose y 5 .5, the
expected return on the complete portfolio will be the average of E(rP) and rf .Therefore,
E(rC) 5 .5 3 7% 1
.5 3 15% 5 11%. The risk premium of the complete portfolio is therefore 11% 2 7% 5
4%, which is half of the risk premium of P. The standard deviation of the portfolio also
is one-half of P ’s, that is, 11%. When you reduce the fraction of the complete portfolio
allocated to the risky asset by half, you reduce both the risk and risk premium by half.
To generalize, the risk premium of the complete portfolio, C, will equal the risk premium
of the risky asset times the fraction of the portfolio invested in the risky asset.
The standard deviation of the complete portfolio will equal the standard deviation of the
risky asset times the fraction of the portfolio invested in the risky asset.
sC 5 y sP (5.20)
In sum, both the risk premium and the standard deviation of the complete portfolio increase
in proportion to the investment in the risky portfolio. Therefore, the points that describe the
risk and return of the complete portfolio for various capital allocations of y all plot on the
E(r) The investment
opportunity set with a
risky asset and a risk-free
CAL = Capital
P line
E(rP ) = 15% y = 1.25
y = .50
E(rP) – rƒ =
S = 8/22 8%
rƒ = 7%
σP = 22%
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 137
straight line connecting F and P, as shown in Figure 5.6, with an intercept of rf and slope
(rise/run) equal to the familiar Sharpe ratio of P :
E(rP) 2 rf 15 2 7
S5 5 5 .36 (5.21)
sP 22
c h e ck 5.6 What are the expected return, risk premium, standard deviation, and ratio of risk premium
to standard deviation for a complete portfolio with y 5 .75?
Return Risk Standard Reward-to-
Premium Deviation Volatility Ratio
In fact, the reward-to-volatility ratio is the same for all complete portfolios that plot on the
capital allocation line. While the risk-return combinations differ according to the investor’s
choice of y, the ratio of reward to risk is constant.
What about points on the CAL to the right of portfolio P in the investment
opportunity set? You can construct complete portfolios to the right of point P by
borrowing, that is, by choosing y . 1. This means that you borrow a proportion of y
2 1 and invest both the bor- rowed funds and your own wealth in the risky portfolio P.
If you can borrow at the risk-free rate, rf 5 7%, then your rate of return will be rC 5 2(
y 2 1)rf 1 y rP 5 rf 1 y(rP 2 rf ). This complete portfolio has risk premium of y[E(rP) 2 rf
] and SD 5 y sP. Verify that your Sharpe ratio equals that of any other portfolio on the
same CAL.
Suppose the investment budget is $300,000, and an investor borrows an additional $120,000,
Levered Complete investing the $420,000 in the risky asset. This is a levered position in the risky asset, which is
financed in part by borrowing. In that case
y 5 300,000 5 1.4
and 1 2 y 5 1 2 1.4 5 2.4, reflecting a short position in the risk-free asset, or a borrowing position.
Rather than lending at a 7% interest rate, the investor borrows at 7%. The portfolio rate of return
E( rC ) 5 7 1 (1.4 3 8) 5 18.2
Another way to find this portfolio rate of return is as follows: You expect to earn $63,000 (15% of
$420,000) and pay $8,400 (7% of $120,000) in interest on the loan. Simple subtraction yields an
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 138
expected profit of $54,600, which is 18.2% of your investment budget of $300,000. Therefore, EXAMPLE 5.7
E(rC) 5 18.2%.
Your portfolio still exhibits the same reward-to-volatility ratio: Levered Complete
s C5 1.4 3 22 5 30.8
E( r ) 2 r 11.2
C f
S5 sC 5 5 .36
As you might have expected, the levered portfolio has both a higher expected return and a
higher standard deviation than an unlevered position in the risky asset.
“Risk tolerance” is simply the flip side of “risk aversion.” Either term is a reasonable way to describe attitudes
toward risk. We generally find it easier to talk about risk aversion, but practitioners often use the term risk
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 139
*Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton, Triumph of the Optimists: 101
Years of Global Investment Returns (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
factors: the use of longer time periods in which equity returns are examined; a broad range mana
of countries rather than just the U.S. in which excess returns are computed (Dimson, Marsh, geme
and Staunton, 2001); direct surveys of financial executives about their expectations for stock nt
market returns (Graham and Harvey, 2001); and inferences from stock market data about indus
investor expectations ( Jagannathan, McGrattan, and Scherbina, 2000; Fama and French, try
2002). The nearby box discusses some of this evidence. goin
g are
Costs and Benefits of Passive Investing
The fact that an individual’s capital allocation decision is hard does not imply that its imple- large
mentation needs to be complex. A passive strategy is simple and inexpensive to implement: pote
Choose a broad index fund or ETF and divide your savings between it and a money market ntial
fund. To justify spending your own time and effort or paying a professional to pursue an of
active strategy requires some evidence that those activities are likely to be profitable. As we enric
shall see later in the text, this is much harder to come by than you might expect! hme
To choose an active strategy, an investor must be convinced that the benefits outweigh nt
the cost, and the cost can be quite large. As a benchmark, annual expense ratios for index from
funds are around 20 and 50 basis points for U.S. and international stocks, respectively. The succ
cost of utiliz- ing a money market fund is smaller still, and T-bills can be purchased at no essfu
cost. l
Here is a very cursory idea of the cost of active strategies: The annual expense ratio of an inves
active stock mutual fund averages around 1% of invested assets, and mutual funds that invest in tmen
more exotic assets such as real estate or precious metals can be more expensive still. A hedge ts—
fund will cost you 1% to 2% of invested assets plus 10% or more of any returns above the the
risk-free rate. If you are wealthy and seek more dedicated portfolio management, costs will be same
even higher. powe
Because of the power of compounding, an extra 1% of annual costs can have large conse- r of
quences for the future value of your portfolio. With a risk-free rate of 2% and a risk com
premium of 8%, you might expect your wealth to grow by a factor of 1.10 30 5 17.45 over a poun
30-year investment horizon. If fees are 1%, then your net return is reduced to 9%, and your ding
wealth grows by a factor of only 1.0930 5 13.26 over that same horizon. That seemingly work
small man- agement fee reduces your final wealth by about one-quarter. s in
The potential benefits of active strategies are discussed in detail in Chapter 8. The news your
is generally not that good for active investors. However, the factors that keep the active favor
you can add even a
few basis points to total return, (2) the difficulty in assessing performance (discussed in
Chapter 18), and (3) uninformed investors who are willing to pay for professional money
management. There is no question that some money managers can outperform passive
strategies. The problem is (1) how do you identify them and (2) do their fees outstrip their
potential. Whatever the choice one makes, one thing is clear: The CML using the passive
market index is not an obviously inferior choice.
SUMMARY • Investors face a trade-off between risk and expected return. Historical data confirm our
intuition that assets with low degrees of risk should provide lower returns on average
than do those of higher risk.
• Shifting funds from the risky portfolio to the risk-free asset is the simplest way to reduce
risk. Another method involves diversification of the risky portfolio. We take up
diversifica- tion in later chapters.
• U.S. T-bills provide a perfectly risk-free asset in nominal terms only. Nevertheless, the
standard deviation of real rates on short-term T-bills is small compared to that of assets
such as long-term bonds and common stocks, so for the purpose of our analysis, we con-
sider T-bills the risk-free asset. Besides T-bills, money market funds hold short-term,
safe obligations such as commercial paper and CDs. These entail some default risk but
rela- tively little compared to most other risky assets. For convenience, we often refer to
money market funds as risk-free assets.
• A risky investment portfolio (referred to here as the risky asset) can be characterized by
its reward-to-volatility ratio. This ratio is the slope of the capital allocation line (CAL),
the line connecting the risk-free asset to the risky asset. All combinations of the risky and
risk-free asset lie on this line. Investors would prefer a steeper-sloping CAL, because that
means higher expected returns for any level of risk.
• An investor’s preferred choice among the portfolios on the capital allocation line will
depend on risk aversion. Risk-averse investors will weight their complete portfolios
more heavily toward Treasury bills. Risk-tolerant investors will hold higher proportions
of their complete portfolios in the risky asset.
• The capital market line is the capital allocation line that results from using a passive
investment strategy that treats a market index portfolio, such as the Standard & Poor’s
500, as the risky asset. Passive strategies are low-cost ways of obtaining well-
diversified portfolios with performance that will reflect that of the broad stock market.
KEY TERMS arithmetic average, geometric average, 112 real interest rate, 131
112 asset allocation,
holding-period return risk aversion, 122
(HPR), 111 risk-free rate, 122
capital allocation, 134
inflation rate, 130 risk premium, 122
capital allocation line
kurtosis, 121 scenario analysis, 115
(CAL), 136
mean-variance analysis, 125 Sharpe (or reward-to-
capital market line, 138
nominal interest rate, 131 volatility) ratio, 125
complete portfolio, 134
passive strategy, 138 skew, 121
dollar-weighted average
price of risk, 123 standard deviation, 116
return, 113
1 1 Nominal return
Real rate of return: 21
1 1 Inflation
Real rate of return (continuous compounding): rnominal 2 Inflation rate
E(r ) 2 r
P f
Optimal capital allocation to the risky asset, y: A
2 P
1. Suppose you’ve estimated that the fifth-percentile value at risk of a portfolio is 230%.
Now you wish to estimate the portfolio’s first-percentile VaR (the value below which lie
1% of the returns). Will the 1% VaR be greater or less than 230%? (LO 5-2)
2. To estimate the Sharpe ratio of a portfolio from a history of asset returns, we use the
difference between the simple (arithmetic) average rate of return and the T-bill rate.
Why not use the geometric average? (LO 5-4)
3. When estimating a Sharpe ratio, would it make sense to use the average excess real
return that accounts for inflation? (LO 5-4)
4. You’ve just decided upon your capital allocation for the next year, when you realize that
you’ve underestimated both the expected return and the standard deviation of your risky
portfolio by 4%. Will you increase, decrease, or leave unchanged your allocation to risk-
free T-bills? (LO 5-4)
5. Suppose your expectations regarding the stock market are as follows:
Use Equations 5.6–5.8 to compute the mean and standard deviation of the HPR on
stocks. (LO 5-4)
6. The stock of Business Adventures sells for $40 a share. Its likely dividend payout
and end-of-year price depend on the state of the economy by the end of the year as
a. Calculate the expected holding-period return and standard deviation of the holding-
period return. All three scenarios are equally likely.
142 Part TWO Portfolio Theory
b. Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio invested half in
Business Adventures and half in Treasury bills. The return on bills is 4%.
7. XYZ stock price and dividend history are as follows:
2010 $100 $4
2011 $110 $4
2012 $ 90 $4
2013 $ 95 $4
An investor buys three shares of XYZ at the beginning of 2010, buys another two shares
at the beginning of 2011, sells one share at the beginning of 2012, and sells all four
remaining shares at the beginning of 2013. (LO 5-1)
a. What are the arithmetic and geometric average time-weighted rates of return for the
b. What is the dollar-weighted rate of return? (Hint: Carefully prepare a chart of cash
flows for the four dates corresponding to the turns of the year for January 1, 2010,
to January 1, 2013. If your calculator cannot calculate internal rate of return, you
will have to use a spreadsheet or trial and error.)
8. a. Suppose you forecast that the standard deviation of the market return will be
20% in the coming year. If the measure of risk aversion in Equation 5.13 is A 5
4, what would be a reasonable guess for the expected market risk premium?
b. What value of A is consistent with a risk premium of 9%?
c. What will happen to the risk premium if investors become more risk tolerant?
(LO 5-4)
9. Using the historical risk premiums as your guide, what is your estimate of the
expected annual HPR on the S&P 500 stock portfolio if the current risk-free interest
rate is 5%? (LO 5-3)
10. What has been the historical average real rate of return on stocks, Treasury bonds,
and Treasury bills? (LO 5-2)
11. Consider a risky portfolio. The end-of-year cash flow derived from the portfolio will
be either $50,000 or $150,000, with equal probabilities of .5. The alternative riskless
investment in T-bills pays 5%. (LO 5-3)
a. If you require a risk premium of 10%, how much will you be willing to pay for
the portfolio?
b. Suppose the portfolio can be purchased for the amount you found in (a). What will
the expected rate of return on the portfolio be?
c. Now suppose you require a risk premium of 15%. What is the price you will be
willing to pay now?
d. Comparing your answers to (a) and (c), what do you conclude about the relationship
between the required risk premium on a portfolio and the price at which the portfolio
will sell?
For Problems 12–16, assume that you manage a risky portfolio with an expected
rate of return of 17% and a standard deviation of 27%. The T-bill rate is 7%.
12. Your client chooses to invest 70% of a portfolio in your fund and 30% in a T-bill
money market fund. (LO 5-3)
a. What is the expected return and standard deviation of your client’s portfolio?
b. Suppose your risky portfolio includes the following investments in the given proportions:
Stock A 27%
Stock B 33%
Stock C 40%
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 143
What are the investment proportions of your client’s overall portfolio, including the
position in T-bills?
c. What is the reward-to-volatility ratio (S) of your risky portfolio and your client’s
overall portfolio?
d. Draw the CAL of your portfolio on an expected return/standard deviation
diagram. What is the slope of the CAL? Show the position of your client on
your fund’s CAL.
13. Suppose the same client in the previous problem decides to invest in your risky
portfolio a proportion (y) of his total investment budget so that his overall portfolio will
have an expected rate of return of 15%. (LO 5-3)
a. What is the proportion y?
b. What are your client’s investment proportions in your three stocks and the T-bill
c. What is the standard deviation of the rate of return on your client’s portfolio?
14. Suppose the same client as in the previous problem prefers to invest in your portfolio a
proportion (y) that maximizes the expected return on the overall portfolio subject to the
constraint that the overall portfolio’s standard deviation will not exceed 20%. (LO 5-
a. What is the investment proportion, y?
b. What is the expected rate of return on the overall portfolio?
15. You estimate that a passive portfolio invested to mimic the S&P 500 stock index yields
an expected rate of return of 13% with a standard deviation of 25%. Draw the CML and
your fund’s CAL on an expected return/standard deviation diagram. (LO 5-4)
a. What is the slope of the CML?
b. Characterize in one short paragraph the advantage of your fund over the
passive fund.
16. Your client (see previous problem) wonders whether to switch the 70% that is
invested in your fund to the passive portfolio. (LO 5-4)
a. Explain to your client the disadvantage of the switch.
b. Show your client the maximum fee you could charge (as a percent of the investment
in your fund deducted at the end of the year) that would still leave him at least as
well off investing in your fund as in the passive one. (Hint: The fee will lower the
slope of your client’s CAL by reducing the expected return net of the fee.)
17. What do you think would happen to the expected return on stocks if investors perceived
an increase in the volatility of stocks? (LO 5-4)
18. You manage an equity fund with an expected risk premium of 10% and a standard
deviation of 14%. The rate on Treasury bills is 6%. Your client chooses to invest
$60,000 of her portfolio in your equity fund and $40,000 in a T-bill money market
fund. What is the expected return and standard deviation of return on your client’s
portfolio? (LO 5-3)
19. What is the reward-to-volatility ratio for the equity fund in the previous problem?
(LO 5-4)
For Problems 20–22, download the spreadsheet containing the data for Table 5.2, “Rates
of return, 1926–2010,” from
20. Calculate the same subperiod means and standard deviations for small stocks as Table
Please visit us at
5.4 of the text provides for large stocks. (LO 5-2)
a. Have small stocks provided better reward-to-volatility ratios than large stocks?
b. Do small stocks show a similar higher standard deviation in the earliest subperiod
as Table 5.4 documents for large stocks?
Please visit us at
21. Convert the nominal returns on both large and small stocks to real rates. Reproduce
Table 5.4 using real rates instead of excess returns. Compare the results to those of
Table 5.4. (LO 5-1)
22. Repeat the previous problem for small stocks and compare with the results for Please visit us at
nominal rates. (LO 5-1)
144 Part TWO Portfolio Theory
23. Download the annual returns on the combined NYSE/NASDAQ/AMEX markets as
well as the S&P 500 from the Online Learning Center at For
Please visit us at
both indexes, calculate: (LO 5-2)
a. Average return.
b. Standard deviation of return.
c. Skew of return.
d. Kurtosis of return.
e. The 5% value at risk.
f. Based on your answers to parts (b)–(e), compare the risk of the two indexes.
CFA Problems
1. A portfolio of nondividend-paying stocks earned a geometric mean return of 5%
between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2011. The arithmetic mean return for
the same period was 6%. If the market value of the portfolio at the beginning of
2005 was $100,000, what was the market value of the portfolio at the end of
2011? (LO 5-1)
2. Which of the following statements about the standard deviation is/are true? A standard
deviation: (LO 5-2)
a. Is the square root of the variance.
b. Is denominated in the same units as the original data.
c. Can be a positive or a negative number.
3. Which of the following statements reflects the importance of the asset allocation
decision to the investment process? The asset allocation decision: (LO 5-3)
a. Helps the investor decide on realistic investment goals.
b. Identifies the specific securities to include in a portfolio.
c. Determines most of the portfolio’s returns and volatility over time.
d. Creates a standard by which to establish an appropriate investment time horizon.
Use the following data in answering CFA Questions 4–6.
Investor “satisfaction” with portfolio increases with expected return and decreases with
variance according to the “utility” formula: U 5 E(r) 2 ½ As2 where A 5 4.
4. Based on the formula for investor satisfaction or “utility,” which investment
would you select if you were risk averse with A 5 4? (LO 5-4)
5. Based on the formula above, which investment would you select if you were
Use the following scenario analysis for stocks X and Y to answer CFA
Questions 7 through 9.
Chapter 5 Risk and Return: Past and Prologue 145
Probability .2 .5 .3
Stock X 220% 18% 50%
Stock Y 215% 20% 10%
7. What are the expected returns for stocks X and Y ? (LO 5-2)
8. What are the standard deviations of returns on stocks X and Y ? (LO 5-2)
9. Assume that of your $10,000 portfolio, you invest $9,000 in stock X and $1,000
in stock Y. What is the expected return on your portfolio? (LO 5-3)
10. Probabilities for three states of the economy and probabilities for the returns on a
particular stock in each state are shown in the table below.
Probability of Stock
Probability of Stock Performance in Given
State of Economy Economic State Performance Economic State
Good .3 Good .6
Neutral .3
Poor .1
Neutral .5 Good .4
Neutral .3
Poor .3
Poor .2 Good .2
Neutral .3
Poor .5
What is the probability that the economy will be neutral and the stock will experience
poor performance? (LO 5-2)
11. An analyst estimates that a stock has the following probabilities of return depending on
the state of the economy. What is the expected return of the stock? (LO 5-2)
Good .1 15%
Normal .6 13
Poor .3 7
WEB master
1. Use data from to answer the following questions.
a. Select the Company tab and enter the ticker symbol “ADBE.” Click on the Profile tab
to see an overview of the company.
b. What is the latest price reported in the Summary section? What is the 12-month target
price? Calculate the expected holding-period return based on these prices.
c. Use the Historical Prices section to answer the question “How much would I have
today if I invested $10,000 in ADBE five years ago?” Using this information,
calculate the five-year holding-period return on Adobe’s stock.
2. From the Historical Prices tab, download Adobe’s dividend-adjusted stock price for the
last 24 months into an Excel spreadsheet. Calculate the monthly rate of return for each
month, the average return, and the standard deviation of returns over that period.
3. Calculating the real rate of return is an important part of evaluating an investment’s
performance. To do this, you need to know the nominal return on your investment and
146 Part TWO Portfolio Theory
the rate of inflation during the corresponding period. To estimate the expected real rate of
return before you make an investment, you can use the promised yield and the expected
inflation rate.
a. Go to and click on the CDs and Investments tab. Using
Compare CDs & Investment Rates box, find the average one-year CD rate from
banks across the nation (these will be nominal rates).
b. Use the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s website at as a
source for data about expected inflation. Search for “MICH inflation,” which will
pro- vide you with the University of Michigan Inflation Expectation data series
(MICH). Click on the View Data link and find the latest available data point. What is
the expected inflation rate for the next year?
c. On the basis of your answers to parts (a) and (b), calculate the expected real rate
of return on a one-year CD investment.
d. What does the result tell you about real interest rates? Are they positive or
negative, and what does this mean?
1 2 3
0 1 2 3
* Time 0 is today. Time 1 is the end of the first month. Time 3 is the end of the third month,
when net cash flow equals the ending value (potential liquidation value) of the portfolio.
The IRR of the sequence of net cash flows is 1.17% per month.
The dollar-weighted average is less than the time-weighted average because the negative
return was realized when the fund had the most money under management.
5.2 a. Computing the HPR for each scenario, we convert the price and dividend
data to rate-of-return data: