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R.Rema Pukazh

Civil Department, Lecturer

UNIT :1 Energy Principles

1) Define Strain energy

When an elastic body is loaded with in an elastic limit, it deforms and some work is done which
is stored with in the body in the form of internal energy. This stored energy in the deformed body is
known as Strain energy.

2) Define Proof Resilience

Proof Resilience is the maximum energy stored in the body within the elastic limit.

3) Define Strain energy Density (Resilience)

The ability of the material to regain its original shape on removal of the applied load is known
as Strain energy Density (Resilience).

4) Define Modulus of Resilience

Proof Resilience per unit volume is known as Modulus of Resilience.

5) Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to axial loads.

U=∫ P^2 dx limit 0 to L



P=Applied tensile load

L=length of the member

A=Area of the member

E=Young’s Modulus

6) Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to bending

U=∫M^2 dx limit 0 to L



M=Bending moment due to applied loads

E=Young’s Modulus

I=moment of inertia

7) Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to torsion in a solid shaft

U= V* (fs)^2



Fs= maximum shear stress developed in the outermost layer.

V=volume of shaft

N= Modulus of rigidity

8) Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to torsion in a Hollow shaft

U= fs^2(D^2+d^2)


Fs= maximum shear stress developed in the outermost layer.

D=outer diameter of the shaft

d=inner diameter of the shaft

N= Modulus of rigidity

9) Write the formula to calculate the strain energy if the moment value is given.




M=Bending moment due to applied loads

E=Young’s Modulus

I=moment of inertia

10) Write the formula to calculate the strain energy if the applied load value is given




P=Applied tensile load

L=length of the member

A=Area of the member

E=Young’s Modulus

11) State Castigliano’s theorem

Castigliano’s theorem states that” If a body is acted upon by forces f1, f2, f3…..fn and U is the
strain energy stored in the body the partial derivative of the strain energy with respect to a force system
fi gives the displacement of the body in the direction of fi.

δi= ∂U


12) What are the uses of Castigliano’s theorem?

i) To determine the deflection of complicated structures.

ii) To determine the deflection of curved beams and springs.

13) Define unit load method

The external loads are removed and the unit load is applied at places where deflection has to
be found out is known as unit load method.

14) Define Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem

In any beam or truss the deflection at any point ‘A’ due to a load ‘W’ at any other point ‘C’ is
the same as the deflection at ’C’ due to the same load at ‘A’.


15) Compare the unit load method and Castigliano’s first theorem
In the unit load method one has to analyze the frame to find the load and deflection while
in the latter method, only one analysis is needed.

16) What is Williot Mohr’s diagram?

Williot Mohr’s diagram is a graphical method to find the deflection of the beam.

17) Write the formula for finding deflection of a fixed beam carrying a load w at the free end of length L

δ =wL^3


18) State the principal of virtual work

Direct use of deflection and strain energy for determining deflection of beam breaks down due
to several deflections. Hence an extraordinary device meant for solving this problem i.e., by replacing
true or real work and strain energy by external and internal work.

19) Write the formula for finding strain energy per unit volume due to a tensile stress (f)




P= tensile stress

E=Young’s Modulus
20) Write the formula for finding deflection of a beam of length (L) simply supported at one end caries a
point load (W) at its centre.

δ = WL^3


UNIT : 2

Indeterminate Beams

1. What do you mean by propped cantilevers?

Propped cantilevers means cantilevers supported on a vertical supported at a
suitable point.
2. How will you find the reaction at the prop?
The reaction of the prop is calculated by equating the down ward deflection due to
load at the point of prop to the upward deflection due in prop reaction.
3. What do you mean by a fixed beam?
A beam whose both ends are fixed is known as fixed beam.
4. What do you mean by a continuous beam?
A beam which is supported on more than two supports is known as a continuous
5. What is the advantage of fixed beam:
a. The beam is more stable and stronger
b. The slope at both ends of a fixed beam is Zero
c. The fixed beam is subjected to a lesser maximum bending moment
d. The maximum deflection of a fixed beam is less than that of a simply supported
6. Find an expression for the deflection for a fixed beam carrying a udl throughout the span.
7. Find an expression for deflection for a fixed beam carrying a point load at the centre.
8. State theorem of three moments.
MAL1 + 2MB (L1 + L2) + MC L2 = -6(a1x1/L1 +a2 x2/L2)
A1 = Area of BM diagram due to Vertical loads on Span AB
A2 = Area of BM diagram due to Vertical loads on Span BC
X1= Distance of C.G. of BM diagram due to Vertical load on AB from A
X2= Distance of C.G. of BM diagram due to Vertical load on BC from point C
9. How will you apply clapeyron’s theorem of three moments to a continuous beam with
simply supported ends.
MAL1 + 2MB (L1 + L2) + MC L2 = -6( a1x1/L1 +a2 x2/L2)
The fixing moments on the ends of a simply supported beam is Zero.
MA = MC = 0
10. What is the reaction for a cantilever carrying a udl over the entire span and propped
rigidly at the free end,
P = 3/8 WL
11. Find the BM at fixed end for a cantilever carrying a udl over the entire span and propped
rigidly at the free end.
M= WL^2/8
12. Find the deflection at the centre for a cantilever carrying a udl over the entire span and
propped rigidly at the free end.
Y C= WL^4/192EI
13. What is the prop reaction for a simply supported beam, carrying a udl over the entire span
and propped at the centre.
P = 5/8W
14. Find the support reaction for a simply supported beam, carrying a udl over the entire span
and propped at the centre.
RA = RB = 3W/16
15. Find the B.M at centre for a simply supported beam, carrying a udl over the entire span
and propped at the centre.
M = -WL^2/32
16. Find the deflection for a simply supported beam, carrying a uniformly distributed load
over the entire span and propped at the centre.
Y = WL^4/384EI

UNIT : 3 Columns

1) Define Column

The vertical compression member whose lateral dimensions are small when compared to
its length and if either ends are fixed (or) one hinged is known as Column.

2) Define Strut

A structural member whose lateral dimensions are small when compared to its length
and subjected to compressive force is known as Strut.

3) What are the types of Stresses causes for failure in a column?

 Direct compressive stress

 Buckling Stresses
 Combined of Direct compressive stress and Buckling Stresses

4) Define Slenderness ratio

The ratio of length of a member to its least radius of gyration is known as Slenderness

5) List out the factors which affect the strength of a column

 Slenderness ratio
 End conditions

6) Define Buckling

A long column when subjected to direct load deflects in lateral direction is known as

7) Define Critical load

Critical load is defined as the load at which the column is in neutral equilibrium.

8) What are the assumptions followed in Euler’s equation

1. The material of the column is homogenous.

2. The section of the column is uniform through out.
3. The column initially straight and loaded axially.
4. The effect of the direct axial stress is neglected.
5. The column fails by buckling only.

9) List out the end conditions in Euler’s theory

i. One end free and other end fixed

ii. Both ends are fixed
iii. Both ends are hinged
iv. One end fixed and other end hinged
10) What are the limitations of Euler’s theory?

1. It is not valid for steel column having slenderness ratio<80.

2. It does not take the direct stress. But in case of load it can withstand compression only.

11) What is beam column?

Column having transverse load in addition to the axial compressive load is termed as beam

Ex: Engine Shaft, Wing of an air craft

12) Define thick cylinders

Thick cylinders are vessels, containing fluid under pressure and whose wall thickness is not
small (t≥d/20)

13) What are the assumptions followed in Lame’s equation

1. The material of the column is homogenous.

2. Plane section is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder remain plane
after the application of internal pressure.
3. The material is stressed with in the limit.
4. All the fibres of the material are free to expand or contract independent without
being constrained by the adjacent fibres.

14) State the variation of hoop’s stress in a thick cylinder

The hoop’s stress is maximum at the inner circumference and minimum at the outer
circumference of a thick cylinder.

15) How can you reduce hoop’s stress in a thick cylinder?

The hoop’s stress in a thick cylinder can be reduced by shrinking one cylinder over another

16) What are thin cylinders?

Thin cylinders are vessels, containing fluid under pressure and whose wall thickness is less than
1/15(or) 1/20 of its internal diameter.

17) Define buckling factor

Buckling factor is the relation between equivalent length and minimum radius of gyration.

18) Define safe load

It is the load to which a column is actually subjected to and is well below the buckling load.

Safe load = buckling load

Factor of safety

19) Write Euler’s general formula for finding buckling load

P = π^2EI


P = buckling load

L= equivalent length

20) Write Lame’s equation to find out stress in a thick cylinder

Radial stress = σr = b -a


Circumferential (or) hoops stress = σc = b +a


UNIT :4 state of stress in 3 dimension

1) What are the types of failure?

The 2 types of failure are;

I. Brittle failure
II. Ductile failure

2) Define Brittle failure

Failure of a material represents direct separation of particles from each other, accompanied
by considerable deformation is known as Brittle failure.
3) Define ductile failure

Slipping of a material accompanied, by considerable plastic deformations is known as ductile


4) Define tensor

State of a stress at a point is defined by three components on each of the three mutually
perpendicular axis in mathematical terminology is called tensor.

5) List out the theories of failure

 Maximum principal stress theory(Rankine’s theory)

 Maximum principal strain theory(St.Venant’s theory)
 Maximum shear stress theory(Tresca’s & guest theory)
 Maximum shear strain energy theory(Von-Mises-Hencky theory)
 Maximum strain energy theory(Haigh’s theory)

6) Define Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory)

According to this theory, the failure of a material will occur when the maximum principal
tensile stress (σ1) in the complex system reaches the value of the maximum stress (σ t*) at the elastic
limit in simple tension or the minimum principal stress (i.e., the maximum principal compressive stress)
reaches the value of the maximum stress at the elastic limit in simple compression..

σ1= σ t*

7) Define Maximum principal strain theory (St.Venant’s theory)

According to this theory, the failure of a material will occur when the maximum principal strain
(e1) reaches the strain due to the yield stress in simple tension (σ t*/E).
e1= σ t*/E

In 3D e1= [σ1-μ (σ2+σ3)] = σ t*/E

In 2D e1= [σ1-μσ2] = σ t*/E

8) Define Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s & guest theory)

According to this theory, the failure of a material will occur when the maximum shear stress in
the body will reaches the value of Maximum shear stress in simple tension at the elastic limit.

In 3D (σ1- σ3) = σ t*

In 2D σ1 = σ t*

9) Define Maximum shear strain energy theory (Von-Mises-Hencky theory)

According to this theory, the failure of a material will occur when the total shear strain energy
per unit volume in the stressed material reaches a value equal to the shear strain energy per unit
volume at the elastic limit in simple tensile test.

In 3D shear strain energy due to distortion U = (1/12C) [(σ1- σ2) ^2+ (σ2- σ3) ^2+ (σ3- σ1) ^2]

In 3D shear strain energy due to simple tension U = σ t*^2\6C

U= (1/6C) [(σ1- σ2) ^2+ (σ2- σ3) ^2+ (σ3- σ1) ^2] = σ t*^2\6C

In 2D shear strain energy due to simple tension

U= (1/6C) [(σ1- σ2) ^2+ (σ2) ^2+ (σ1) ^2] = σ t*^2\6C

10) Define Maximum strain energy theory (Haigh’s theory)

According to this theory, the failure of a material will occur when the total strain energy per
unit volume in the stressed material reaches the strain energy per unit volume of the material at the
elastic limit in simple tensile test.

In 3D shear strain energy due to deformation

U= (1/2E) [σ1^2+ σ2^2+ σ3^2+-2μ (σ1σ2 +σ2σ3 +σ3 σ1)]

In 3D shear strain energy due to simple tension U= σ t*^2\2E

U= [σ1^2+ σ2^2+ σ3^2+-2μ (σ1σ2 +σ2σ3 +σ3 σ1)] = σ t*^2

In 2D U= [σ1^2+ σ2^2 -2μ (σ1σ2)] = σ t*^2

11) Write the limitations of Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory)

• This theory disregards the effect of other principal stresses & effect of shearing
stresses on other planes through the planes through the element.
• Material in tension test piece along 45º to the axis of the test piece, where normal
stress is neither maximum nor minimum, but the shear stress is maximum.
• Failure is not brittle but cleavage failure.

12) Write the limitations of shear stress theory (Tresca’s & guest theory)

This theory does not give accurate results for the state of stress of pure shear in which the
maximum amount of shear is developed (in torsion test).

13) Write the limitations of Maximum shear strain energy theory (Von-Mises-Hencky theory)

This theory cannot be applied to materials under hydro static pressure

14) Write the limitations Maximum strain energy theory (Haigh’s theory)

This theory does not apply to brittle materials for which elastic limit in tension and
compression is quite different.

15) Define strain Rosette

Linear strains are measured in all direction by strain gauges known as strain Rosette.

16) Define Plasticity ellipse

The graphical surface of a maximum shear strain energy theory (Von-Mises-Hencky theory) is
a straight circular cylinder.

[σ1^2+ σ2^2 -σ1σ2] = σ t*^2, which is called Plasticity ellipse.

17) Define Octahedral Plane

The plane which is equally inclined to the three axes of reference is called Octahedral Plane.

18) Define Octahedral Stresses

The normal and shear stress acting on the Octahedral Plane (The plane which is equally
inclined to the three axes of reference) is known as Octahedral Stresses.

19) Define volumetric strain per unit volume

Volumetric strain per unit volume is defined as the ratio of change in volume of a material to
its unit volume.

ev = ex +ey +ez
20) What are residual Stresses?

Maximum principal stress and Maximum shear stress are collectively known as residual

UNIT : 5 Advanced topics in bending of stress

1) What are the assumptions made in the analysis of curved bar?

1. Plane section remains plain during bending.

2. The material obeys Hooke’s law.
3. Radial strain is negligible.
4. Each layer is free to expand or contract, independently of the layer above or below it.

2) Define unsymmetrical bending

If the plane of loading or that of bending does not lie in (or parallel to) a plane that contains the principal
centroidal axis of cross section, the bending is called unsymmetrical bending.

3) What are the reasons for unsymmetrical bending?

1. The section is symmetrical but the load line is inclined to both the principal axis.
2. The section itself is unsymmetrical and the load line is along the centroidal axis.
4) What is shear centre or angle of twist?

The shear centre for any transverse section of the beam is the point of intersection of the bending axis
and the plane of the transverse section.

5) Who postulated the theory of curved beam?

Winkler-bach postulated the theory of curved beam.

6) Define Principal moment of inertia

The perpendicular axis about which the product of inertia is zero is called Principal axes and the
moment of inertia with respect to this axis is called Principal moment of inertia.

7) Define Major and Minor Principal moment of inertia

The perpendicular axis about which the product of inertia is maximum is known as Major Principal
moment of inertia.

The perpendicular axis about which the product of inertia is minimum is known as Minor Principal
moment of inertia.

8) What is the shape of distribution of bending stress in a curved beam?

The shape of distribution of bending stress in a curved beam is Hyperbolic.

9) What is the nature of stress in the inside section of a crane hook?

The nature of stress in the inside section of a crane hook is Tensile.

10) Where is the maximum stress in a ring under tension occurring?

The maximum stress in a ring under tension occurs along the line of action of the load.

11) What is the most suitable section for a crane?

The most suitable section for a crane is trapezoidal section.

12) What is pure bending of a beam?

When the loads pass through the bending axis of a beam, then there shall be pure bending.

13) Write the formula for stress using Winkler–bach Formula

σ = M {1+R^2 [ V]

R*A H^2 R+Y


σ =Bending stress (i.e.σ h)

M= Bending moment with which the bar is subjected.

R=radius of curvature of curved bar.

A=Area of cross section.

H^2=constant for a cross section.

H^2=1 ∫ y^2 dA

A 1+ y

14) How will you calculate stress due to unsymmetrical bending?

σ = Mu.u + Mv.v

Iv.v Iu.u


u=xcos θ + ysin θ

v=ycos θ - xsin θ

15) How will you calculate the distance of neutral axis from centroidal axis?

yo = - (R-H^2)


‘-‘ ive shows that the neutral axis is below centroidal axis.

16) How will you calculate the angle of inclination of neutral axis with respect to principal axis?

α = (tan)^-1(Iuu tanθ)


17) How will you calculate Resultant stress in a curved bar subjected to direct stress and bending

σr = σo + σb


σo =Direct stress =P/A

σb =Bending stress
18) How will you calculate Resultant stress in a Chain link?

σr = σo + σb


σo =Direct stress =P*sin θ


σb =Bending stress

19) When is product of inertia Ixy zero?

Product of inertia Ixy becomes zero if the section is symmetrical to X-axis (or) Y-axis (or) both the
axis(X&Y axes).

Unit:1 Energy principles

Part : B

6 marks

1.Find the deflection of a simply supported carrying a concentrated load at mid span. Assume uniform
flexural rigidly.

Mx= x

Deflection= dx

= dx

= [ ]

= [wx( )3]

2. Find the deflection at free end of the cantilever of length ’l’ carrying a u dl w/l over the whole span

P is a imaginary load at end B

Mx=-px- =-x

Deflection= dx


= [ ]

3. Define unit load method and explain it.

The principle of virtual work is based on the conservation of energy for a structure which implies loads
is equal to the internal energy stored in the structure


For beam, deflection =

In general,the principle of virtual work and energy states ΣP ∆ = Σfδ

Work of External loads=Work of internal forces.

4.State Maxwell’s theorem and explain it.

It states that the deflection at any point P resting from the application of the load at any other point Q
is the same as the deflection of a resulting from the application of the same load at P.

5.Write down the steps to be followed in unit load method. 1.For the given load system,the forces in
the various members of the structures will be first determined.Let these forces be P1,P2 and P3.

2. The given load system is removed and a unit load is applied at the joint where the deflection is
desired.Now the forces be K1,K2 and K3 in the various members of the structures caused by the unit
load are computed.

3.The deflection at the joint is given by the summation Σ .This may be entered in a tabular form

as given below

Member P K L A


Part C (16 Marks)

1.A simply supported beam carrier a point load ‘P’ eccentrically on the span. Find the deflection under
the load assume uniform flexural rigidity
Taking moment about A


RB = P A=


=RBx =


= =

Total strain energy stored U= dx+ dx

= dx+ dx

= dx + dx

= [ ] + [ ]

= +

U= =

= =

2.Find the vertical and horizontal deflections of joint C of the pin jointed truss shown in figure.The areas
of horizontal member is 150 mm2 and the area of the members AC and BC are 200mm2 E=200 KN/mm2

=36ᵒ25’ AC= = 7.5m

Taking moment about A

12 RB -(9X6)=0

RB =4.5KN



At joint A


4.5+fAC =0



fAB + fAC =0

fAB =6.003KN

At joint B


4.5+fBC =0

fBC =-7.5KN
T o find the vertical deflection C, remove the given load and apply 1KN vertical load



VA X 12 – 1X6 =0

VA =0.5 KN VB=0.5 KN

Consider joint A

ΣV=0 ΣH=0

0.5+KAC =0 KAB + KAC =0

KAC =-0.833KN KAB=0.667

Consider joint B


KBC =0

KBC =-0.833KN

Member P K L A

AC -7.5 -0.833 7500 200 234.36

BC -7.5 -0.833 7500 200 234.36

AB 6 0.666 7500 150 310.68


= X 788.242 = 3.9412 mm

To find the horizontal deflection at C apply a horizontal load of 1 KN at C

At joint A there will be a opposite force due to 1KN load at C

Moment about A

1X 4.5 + VB X 12 = 0

VA =0.37 KN VB=-0.37 KN

A t joint A


0.375+KAC =0

KAC =-0.625


-1+KAC KAB=0

KAB= 1.5KN

A t joint B


-0.375+KBC =0

KBC =0.625

Member P K L A

AC -7.5 -0.625 7500 200 0.878

BC -7.5 -0.625 7500 200 -0.878

AB 0 1.5 12000 150 36

δ = 3.6mm

3.Calculate the central deflection of a simply supported beam loaded as shown in figure
Apply an imaginary load P at the centre of the beam

Taking moment about A

8RB=10 X 2 RA+RB= 10

RB=2.5KN RA = 7.5KN

Total reaction at end (A)[including imaginary]

RA =7.5 + , RB =2.5 +

BM at any section x distance from A (O-4m)

=RAx- 10(x-2)

=(7.5 + )x – 10x + 20

= + – 10x + 20

BM at any section x distance from B (O-4m)

= RB x

=(2.5 + )x

= +

Deflection= dx + dx

= dx + dx

= dx + dx

= [ ]+ [ ]

= [ ]+ [ ] =-

UNIT-2 Indeterminate beams

Part : B

6 Marks

1.The cantilever of length l carries a u dl of w/l is propped at the free end.If the prop holds the end at
the level of fixed end.Find the reactions of prop.

Let ax be the moment of area of cantilever beam about the prop



Let a’x’ be the moment of area of cantilever beam about the prop reaction only

a’x’= xl x pl x x l





P = wl BM@A=pl

2.A fixed beam of length 5m carries a u dl of 9 KN/m2.Find the fixing moments at the ends and deflection
at the centre

Given Data



I=4.5 X 10-4 m4

E-1 X 107 KN/m2

Fixing moments at the ends

MA=MB= = = 18.75KNm

The deflection at the centre

Yc = =



3.Find the fixing moments and support reaction of a fixed beam AB of 6m carrying a load of 4KN/m over
the left half of the span

Given Data



The area of a’ BM diagram due to end moment is a’ =1/2(MA+MB) X 6


Taking moment about A

RB X 6 = 4 X 3 1.5 RB = 3KN

RA + RB = 12 RA = 9KN

MX=RA X x – 4 XxX

=9x – 2x2


=[ ]=22.5

A =Area + Area of triangle

=Area + X 9 X 3 = 22.5 + 0.5 X 9 X 3 = 36

MA+MB =12

ax = dx + Area of triangle

=[ ] +54


a’x’ =MB X L X + ) L

=18 MB + 6 MA - 6 MB

=6(MA +2MB)

ax =a’x’

MA+2MB = =15.75

Solve equation 1 and 2,



4.A Continuous beam ABC covers two consecutive span AB and BC of lengths 4m and 6m Carrying a u dl
of 6kN/m respectively .If the ends A and C are simply supported .Find the support moments at A and C
are simply supported .

Given data



For span AB = = =12KN m

For span BC = = =45 KN m

End A and C are simply supported

MA = Mc =0

MAL1+2MB(L1 + L2)+MC2L2 = +
4 + 2 MB(4+6)+ 0 L2 = +

= =96

= =540

20 MB =96+540

MB =31.8KN

Part-C(10 marks)

1. Calculate the fixing moment of fixed beam and deflection at the centre of the beam carrying a
concentrated point load at centre of the spam


a= =

a’=-MA X l

MA= -


B.M of fixed beam at any section at distance x from A

= - ’

= x


= - =
Deflection at

EI =

EI = x-

Integrate the above equation,

EI = - +

At x=0

EI = -

Integrate the above equation,

EIy= - +

At x=0, y=0

EIy= -

Differentiate at

EIy= -

y =

2.Find an expression for the deflection for a fixed beam carrying a u dl throughout the span



a’=- MA X l
= MA X l


Mx = - ’

= x- x


Mx =( x- x) -

EI = - ’

EI =( x- x) -

Integrate the above equation,

EI = - -

At x=0

EI = - -

Integrate the above equation,

EIy= - - +

At x=0, y=0

EIy= - -
Differentiate at

EIy= - –

y =

3.A cotinuous beam ABC of uniform section with span AB and BC as 4m is fixed at A and simply
supported at B and C .The beam is carrying a u dl of 4 KN/m run throughout its length.Find the support
moments and the reactions.Also draw the bending moment and shear force diagram

For span AB = = =12KNm

For span BC = = =12KNm

The extreme end C is simply supported hence span A’A and AB

M0 0+2MA(0+L1)+MBL1 =

2 MA (0+4)+4 =0+

= =64

8 MA+4 MB= X 64

2MA+ MB=24

For span AB and BC

MAL1+2MB(L1 + L2)+MCL2 = +

MA 4 + 2 MB(4+4)+ 0 L2 = +

= =64

= =64
4 MA+16 MB= X 64 + X 64

MA+4 MB=48



Find reactions

Taking moment about B

MB=RC X 4 – 6 X 4 X


MB= MA+4 X RA– 6 X 4 X

RA = = 11.14 KN

RB=Total load – (RA+ RC)

=(6 X 4) - 11.14 – 9.43


UNIT 3 Columns

Part : B (6 Marks)

1.A steel rod 5m long and of 40mm diameter is used as a column with one end fixed and other end is
free.Determine a crippling load by Euler’s formula.Take E=200Gpa

Given Data

L= 500mm

E=200Gpa=2 x 105 N/mm2

Cripping load

P= =

= 2480.42 N

I= =

=125.66 x 103 mm4

2.The external and internal diameter of a hollow cast iron column are 5 cm and 4cm respectively.If the
length of this column is 3m and both of its ends are fixed.Determine the crippling load.Using Rankine’s
formula.Take the values of =550N/mm2 and a= in Rankine’s formula.

Given Data

D=5 cm


A= (52-42)

= 7.0695cm2


I= (54-44)

= 181132.66mm4


Substitute the values of I and A, we get

K = 16.00mm

= = = 1500mm



= 59881.822N

3.A 1.5m long column has a circular cross section of 5cm diameter one of the end of the column is fixed
and other end is free.Determine the crippling load Using Rankine’s formula.Take the values of
=560N/mm2 and a= in Rankine’s formula.

Given Data

d=5 cm


A= (52)

= 19.635cm2

A= 19.635 x 102mm2

I= (54)

= 30.7cm4

= 30.7x 104mm4


Substitute the values of I and A, we get

K = 12.5mm

=2l =2 X 1500



= 29708.1N
4.Define the term columns,strut and assumption made in Euler’s column theory for long columns

Member of the structure is vertical and both of its ends are fixed rigidly while subjected to axial
compressive load, the member is known as columns

Member of the structure is not vertical and one or both of its ends are hinged, the bar is known
as strut


1.The column is initially perfectly straight and the load is applied axially

2.The cross section of the column is uniform throughout its length

3.The column material is perffectly elastic,homogeneous and isotropic and obeys Hooke’s Law

4.The length of the column is very large as compared to its lateral dimensions

5.The direct stress is very small as compared to the bending stress

6.The column will fail by bucking alone

7.The self weight of column is negligible


(10 Marks)

1.Find an expression for crippling load when both the ends of the column are hinged


EI =

EI = -Py

+ Y =0

The solution of the above differential equation is

Y=C1 ) +C2

(i)At A,x=0 and y=0

0= C1 + C2

C1 =0
(ii)At A,x=l and y=0

0=C1 ) +C2

0=0+ C2

C2 =0


=0 or Π or 2Π

Taking least value


2.Find the expression for crippling load when one end of the column is fixed and the other end is free


EI = p(a-y)


EI + py=pa

+ y= a

The solution is

Y=C1 ) +C2
(i)At A,x=0 and y=0

0= C1 + C2 +a

= C 1 X 1 + C 2X 0 + a

C1 =-a

(ii)At A,x=0 and =0

Differentiating the equation w ith respect to x

= C1 +C2 )

0=- C1 X 0 +C2 X1

C2 =0

C2 =0


y=-a )+a

At the free end x=l y=a

a=-a )+a

0=-a )

) =0

)= or

= or

Taking least values



3.Find the expression for crippling load when both the end of the column is fixed

M= -py

EI = -py

EI +py =

+ y= a

= X

= X

The solution of the above differential equation is

Y=C1 ) +C2 +

(i)At A,x=0 and y=0

0= C1 + C2 +

= C 1 X 1 + C 2X 0 +

C1 =-

Differentiating the equation of y with respect to x

= C1 +C2 ) +0

=- C1 +C2 )
(ii)At A,x=0 and =0

0=- C1 X 0 +C2 X1

C2 =0

C2 =0


y=- )+a

(iii)At x=l, y=0

0=- )+


) =1

)= or or

= or or

Taking least values


4. Find the expression for crippling load when one end of the column is fixed and the other end is hinged

EI = -py+H(l-x)

EI +py =H(l-x)

+ y =

The solution of the above differential equation is

Y=C1 ) +C2 +

(i)At A,x=0 and y=0

0= C1 + C2 +

= C 1 X 1 + C 2X 0 +

C1 =-

Differentiating the equation of y with respect to x

= C1 +C2 ) -

=- C1 +C2 ) -

(ii)At A,x=0 and =0

0=- C1 X 0 +C2 X1 -

C2 =0

C2 =
y= )+ +

(iii)At the end x=l, y=0

0=- )+ +

0=- )+

= )

= )





5. Determine the maximum and minimum hoop stress across the section of a pipe of 400mm internal
diameter and 100mm thick, when the pipe contains a fluid at a pressure of 8N/mm2

Given Data

Internal diameter = 400mm

r1= =200mm

Thickness =100mm

External diameter=400 + 2 X 100 = 600mm

r2= = 300mm

P0=8 N/mm2
At x= r1,Px= P0=8 N/mm2

Px = -a

1.At x= r1=200mm ,Px=8 N/mm2

2.At x= r2= 300mm,Px=0

8= –a= –a

0= –a= –a

Solve the above equations

8= -


b= =576000

Substituting the values in equation

0= -a

a= 6.4

= +a= + 6.4

At x=200mm, = + 6.4 =20.8 N/mm2

At x=300mm, = + 6.4 =12.8 N/mm2

UNIT 4 State of stress in 3 D

Part : B (6 Marks)

1.A 5mm thick aluminium plate has a width of 300mm an da length of 600mm subjected to pull of
15000N and 9000N respectively in axial and transverse direction.Determine the normal,tangential and
resultant stress on a plane 50ᵒ

Given Data





Axial stress= = = 10 N/mm2

Transverse stress= = = 3 N/mm2

Normal stress = +

= + = 5.89 N/mm2

Tangential stress =

= = 3.447 N/mm2

Resultant stress =

=6.82 N/mm2

2.Explain the term maximum principal stress theory

According to Rankine’s theory, failure will occur if maximum principal stress

exceeds a value of ,the direct stress at a elastic limit,

For no failure maximum principal stress

In the case of two dimensional stress

and in the case of three dimensional stress

3.Explain the term maximum strain theory

According to this theory failure will occur when maximum principal strain occur
caused by the direct strain at a elastic limit

For no failure maximum principal strain


-poisson’s ratio

4.Explain the term maximum shear stress theory

According to this theory, failure will occur if maximum shear stress occur
exceeds the maximum shear caused by the direct stress at a elastic limit

For no failure maximum principal strain

In the case of two dimensional stress

in the case of three dimensional stress

5.Explain the term total strain energy theory

According to this theory, failure will occur if total strain energy occur exceeds the total strain
energy caused by the direct stress at a elastic limit

For no failure total strain energy

6.Explain the term shear strain energy theory

According to this theory, failure will occur if shear strain energy occur exceeds the shear strain
energy caused by the direct stress at a elastic limit

For no failure shear strain energy

Part- C


1.The state of stress at a point is given by KN/m2

Determine the principal stress & direction associated with the normals to the surface of each
principle strain .

Let be the principal stresses ,for the existence of principal stress & principal planes.

I1 = =3000+0+0=3000

I2 = =0+0+0+ -




Cubic equation



Direction Cosines

A1= =

B1= =
C 1= =

K1 =

= =0.8165

= =-0.4082

= =0.4082

Direction cosines

=1000 mm2

A1= =

B1= =

C 1= =

K2 =

= =-0.577

= =-0.577

= =0.577
Direction cosines

=1000 mm2

A1= =

B1= =

C 1= =

K3 =

2. A certain steel has proportionality limit of 280 mm2 in simple tension.Under a certain three
dimensional stress system,the principal stress are 129 mm2 tensile, 60N/ mm2tensile,&
30 mm2Compressive. Calculate the FOS according to Maximum principal stress theory
,Maximum shear stress, Total strain energy theory , Shear strain energy theory, Maximum strain

Given Data


=60N/ mm2
Maximum principal stress theory


Factor of safety = =2.33

Maximum shear stress

=120 + 30 =150

Total strain energy theory


FOS= =2.1

Shear strain energy theory


FOS= =2.14

Maximum strain theory

120-(60-30) X0.3


FOS= =2.52.

2.State and explain theories of failure

Maximum principal stress:

According to Rankine’s theory,failure will occur if maximum principal stress exceeds a value of ,the
direct stress at a elastic limit,

For no failure maximum principal stress

In the case of two dimensional stress

and in the case of three dimensional stress

Maximum strain theory

According to this theory failure will occur when maximum principal strain occur
caused by the direct strain at a elastic limit

For no failure maximum principal strain

-poisson’s ratio

Maximum shear stress theory

According to this theory, failure will occur if maximum shear stress occur
exceeds the maximum shear caused by the direct stress at a elastic limit

For no failure maximum principal strain

In the case of two dimensional stress

in the case of three dimensional stress

Total strain energy theory

According to this theory, failure will occur if total strain energy occur exceeds the total strain
energy caused by the direct stress at a elastic limit

For no failure total strain energy

Shear strain energy theory

According to this theory, failure will occur if shear strain energy occur exceeds the shear strain
energy caused by the direct stress at a elastic limit

For no failure shear strain energy

Unit 5 Advanced topics in bending of stress

Part : B (6 Marks)

1. A steel plate of width 120mm and of thickness 20mm is bent into a circular arc of radius 10m.
Determine the maximum stress induced and the bending moment which will produce the
maximum stress take E=2x10^5N/mm.
Given data:
Moment of inertia, I= bt3/12

= 120 x 20 3/12 = 8 x10 4 mm 4

Radius of curvature ,R =10m=10x10 3mm

E = 2x10 5 N/mm 2

σ= xy

y = t/2 = 20/2 = 10mm.

σ =200 N/mm2

M= = =16 N mm.

2. Calculate the maximum stress induced in a cast iron pipe of external dia 40mm of internal dia
20mm and length 4m when the pipe is supported at its ends and carries a point load of 80N at
its centre.

Given data:

D = 40mm
d = 20mm
L = 4000mm
W = 80 N

Maximum bending moment : = = Nmm.

I= -

= -

= 117809.7mm 4

Y= = = 20mm

σ= xy

= 13.58 N/mm2

3. A rectangular beam 200mm deep & 300mm wide is simply supported over a span of 8m.what
udl/m. of the beam may occur ,if the bending stress is not to exceed 120N/mm^2.

Given data:
D = 200mm
B =300mm
L = 8m
σ = 120 N/mm2

Z= = = 2000000 mm 3

M= = = 8w Nm

M=σ Z

8000 w = 120 x2000000

W= 30 x1000

= 30 KN/m.

4. Determine the position of neutral axis on a curved beam of diameter 100mm to pure bending
moment of 11.5 KNm.The radius of curvature is 100mm.

Given data:
diameter 100mm
bending moment of 11.5 KNm.
The radius of curvature is 100mm.

= +

= +

=- =-


10 marks
1. Determine : (1) location of neutral axis

(2)Maximum and minimum stress

(3) Ratio of maximum and minimum stress when curved beam of rectangular section
of width 20mm and of depth 40mm is subjected to pure bending of moment 600Nm.The beam is
curved in a plane parallel to depth.The mean radius of curvature is 50mm,Also calculate the
variation of the stresses across the section.






(1) location of neutral axis

=- =-

(2)Maximum and minimum stress
= =
=-154.140 N/mm2

Maximum stress will occur at extreme top layer


= = 87.488 N/mm2(tensile)

(3)Ratio of maximum and minimum stress

= =1.762

(4) variation of the stress

15[1+16.91( )]


5= 15[1+16.91( )]=38.059N/mm2

10=57.27 N/mm2







2.Determination of (1) Neutral axis

(2) Maximum and minimum stress when a curved beam of trapezoidal section of
bottom width 30mm,top width 20mm and height 40mm is subjected to pure bending of beam of B.M
600Nm.The bottom width is towards the centre of curvature .The radius of curvature is 50mm and the
beam is curved in a parallel to depth.Also calculate the variation of stresses.

=( )

=[ ]


A= mm2


(i)Location of neutral axis

=- =-

(2)Maximum and minimum stress

= =-115.126 N/mm2

=12[1+17.782( )]=75.802 N/mm2

Maximum stress will occur at extreme top layer

variation of the stress

= [1+17.782( )]

=12 N/mm2

=31.399 N/mm2

10=47.564 N/mm2






-18.667=-115.126 N/mm2

3. A water main of 500mm internal diameter and 20mm thick is running full.The water main is of cast
iron and is supported at two points 10m apart.Find the maximum stress in the metal.The cast iron and
water weight 72000N/mm2and 10000M/mm2respectively.



= +2 X t =500 + 2 X 20 =540mm=0.54m

Internal area=

Area of pipe section= = =0.0327 m2

Moment of inertia of the pipe section

I= = =1.105 X mm4

Weight of the pipe for one meter= weight density of cast iron X volume of pipe
=72000x(Area of pipe section X length) (length=1m)



Weight of water for one metre run=weight density of water X volume of water

=10000XArea of water section X length



Total=2376 X 1960=4336N

Maximum bending moment due to u dl

M= = =54200 Nmm


y = = = 270mm

= X 270

= 13.18 N/mm2

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