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The Development of Reinforced Masonry

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Reinforced masonry notes

The Development of Reinforced Masonry
The reinforcement of masonry is not a new concept. In the 18th Century
external iron straps were commonly used in stonework. It was not until
1825 that the first use of reinforced brickwork was recorded. Sir Marc
Brunel used the technique in the construction of two caissons, one
either side of the River Thames for the WappingRotherhithe Tunnel.
The diameter of each caisson was 50 ft. and they were 42 ft. and 70 ft.
deep respectively. The walls consisted of two leaves of 9 in. brickwork
reinforced horizontally by iron hoops 9 in. wide and in. thick and
vertically by 1 in. diameter wrought iron bars. Brunel was impressed by
the structural performance of reinforced masonry and during the period
18361838 he carried out experiments on reinforced brickwork beams
and cantilevers. The most important of these tests was the "Nine Elms"
beam which had a clear span on 21 ft. 4 in.2, which is shown in Figure 1.
Tensile failure of the reinforcement occurred at a load of approximately
30 ton f. Further tests were carried out by Colonel Pasley in 18373. It is
interesting to note that this work predates the development of both
Portland cement and reinforced concrete. There were few other
significant uses of reinforced masonry in the 19th Century, with the
exception of a 100 ft. diameter 35 ft. high reservoir built in Georgetown,
USA, in 1853. This was used until 1897 and was eventually demolished in
At the turn of the Century, a number of reinforced brickwork buildings
were built by a French structural engineer, Paul Cottancin. Cottancin
had patented a method for reinforcing concrete in 1889, which
consisted of using mesh placed in thin (50 mm) slabs. These slabs were
supported by a triangulated system of ribs or, as they were known "spinal
stiffeners". His ideas for reinforced concrete soon developed and he also
began to reinforce brickwork walls and columns using the same principle
as for his slabs and ribs. Buildings constructed in this way include the
San Merino Pavilion for the 1900 Paris Exhibition, the Church of St Jean
de Montmarre and a fashionable house in the Avenue Rapp, Paris. Figure
2 illustrates a cross section through the Sidwell Street Methodist Church
in Exeter. The walls are of cavity construction, the cavity being 530 mm
wide; the bricks are 215 mm long x 73 mm deep x 75 mm thick, each
containing four perforations. Vertical wires pass through each of the
perforations and horizontal wires pass through each bed joint, the latter
being interwoven with the verticals. The external walls are joined in
places by cross ribs as indicated in Figure 3, and at these positions a
larger steel flat was used as vertical reinforcement. The walls support a
dome which consists of an inner dome of reinforced brickwork and an
outer dome of 50 mm thick reinforced concrete. The dome supports a
lantern tower and an ornate ventilator turret. The gallery consists of

Reinforced masonry notes

two 50 mm thick reinforced concrete slabs interconnected by ribs; this

cantilevers some 4 m off the walls, the only other support coming from
the staircases at either end. Without doubt, Cottancin was a pioneer
and his buildings include numerous interesting features.
In the 1920's a great deal of reinforced brickwork was built in Bihar and
Orissa in India which was reported by Sir Alexandar Brebner 5. Figure 4
shows a beam being subjected to a "live" load. At Quetta reinforced
brickwork was built in a special bond (Quetta bond) to increase
resistance to seismic loads. This same technique was considered in the UK
during the Second World War for the construction of air raid shelters.
More recent developments include the widespread use of reinforced
hollow block masonry, particularly in seismic areas. Other typical applications for vertical reinforced masonry include increasing the resistance
of walls to wind loading.
The post-tensioning of structures (and particularly of masonry structures)
has been available as a technique for a long time, for example, in the
tying together of ageing buildings with iron rods, the force in which
instance is generated by the cooling of the rods which were clamped whilst
hot. A great deal of attention has been given to the possibility of producing
pre-stressed brickwork9,10,11 and bonding arrangements have been devised
which permit the introduction of both prestressing tendons and shear
reinforcement. As yet, in spite of a lot of laboratory testing, however,
there have been no practical applications of this type of element. The most
common use of pre-stressing in building construction is the vertical posttensionsing of walls to resist lateral loading from either wind, stored
material or retained earth13,14,15.
Post-tensioned diaphragm walls were also used by W G Curtin and Partners16
for the Oak Tree Lane Community Centre, Mansfield, to provide a building
which would resist the massive settlement expected (1 m) due to mining
activity. The building did, in fact, suffer some superficial damage due to
this settlement which produced differential settlements of 125 mm.
Reinforced brickwork has been used in a number of instances in water
storage tanks. Vertically prestressed walls which act compositely with
connected floors have been laboratory tested' and also used in the George
Armitage office block to build storey height box section cantilevers19.
Clearly there is no reason why hollow blockwork should not be
prestressed, however, there has been relatively little use of this form of
construction except in New Zealand where seismic considerations are
important and post-tensioned blockwork has been used20, and in Ireland
where silos have been constructed using post-tensioned external

Reinforced masonry notes

BEAMISH, R. Memoires of the life of Sir Marc Isambad Brunel.
London, Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1862.
2. The Civil Engineer and Architects Journal, No 6, March 1938. p. 135.
3. PASLEY, R E. Civil Engineer. October 1937. p. 30.
FILLIPI, H. Brick engineering. Volume III. Reinforced brick masonry
principles of design and construction. Brick Manufacturers Association
of America, 1933.
BREBNER, A. Notes on Reinforced Brickwork. Technical Paper No. 38,
Volumes 1 and 2. Calcutta, Public Works Department, Government of
India, 1923.
LORD BAKER OF WINDRUSH. Enterprise vs Beaurocracy. The
development of structural air raid precautions during the Second World
War. Pergamon Press, 1978.
7. KALGES, A P. Stahlton can open new $85 M market to clay. Brick and
Clay Record. 132(1), 80. 1958.
8. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Prestressed clay tile partition panels.
Patent No. 2781657 Robert B Taylor.
9. MEHTA, K A and FINCHER, D. Structural behaviour of pretensioned
prestressed masonry beams. Proceedings SIBMAC. Edited by H W H West
and K H Speed. British Ceramic Research Association, 1971.
ROBSON, I .1, AMBROSE, R J, HULSE, R and MORTON, J. Posttensioned prestressed blockwork beams. Paper presented at 8th
International Loadbearing Brickwork Symposium, London, November 1983.
GARWOOD, T G. The construction and test performance of four
prestressed brickwork beams. i.b.i.d.
DRINKWATER, 1 P and BRADSHAWE, R E. Reinforced and prestressed
masonry in agriculture. Reinforced and prestressed masonry. Thomas
Telford Ltd, London, 1982.
CURTIN, W G and PHIPPS, m E. Prestressed masonry diaphragm
walls. Proceedings 6th International Brick Masonry Conference, Rome,
1982, p. 971.
CURTIN, W G, ADAM, S and SLOAN, M. The use of post-tensioned
brickwork and the SCD system. Proceedings of the British Ceramic
Society, 24 September 1975.
CURTIN, W G, SHAW, G, BECK J and POPE, L S. Post-tensioned free
cantilever diaphragm wall project. Reinforced and prestressed masonry.
Thomas Telford Ltd, London, 1982.
SHAW, G. Post-tensioned brickwork diaphragm subject to severe
mining settlement. Reinforced and prestressed masonry. Thomas Telford
Limited, London, 1982.
FOSTER, D. Design of a prestressed brickwork water tank. S C P 9.
Structural Clay Products Limited, 1975.
FOSTER, D. Reinforced brickwork box beams. S C P 3. Structural
Clay Products Limited, 1979.
brickwork in the George Armitage Office Block, Robin Hood, Wakefield.
The Structural Engineer, 61A, No 8, August 1983.

Reinforced masonry notes

HANLON, J R G. Concrete masonry in New Zealand : Prestressed
masonry. Concrete, Volume 4, No 9, September 1970. pp. 356-358.
MALLAGH, T J S. Prestressed brickwork silos. Reinforced and
prestressed masonry. Thomas Telford Limited, London, 1982.
Post-tensioned brickwork. Clay Products Technical Bureau, Volume 9,
May 1966.

Reinforced masonry notes

Figure 2: An early load test.

Reinforced masonry notes

Reinforced masonry notes

Design to BS 5628 Part 2

Preparation of the first design guidance for reinforced masonry (more
specifically reinforced brickwork) commenced in 1937 but was not issued
until 1943 in the form of a British Standard BS 1146. Some guidance on
reinforced masonry was provided in CP 1112 but it was not until the
introduction of BS5628: Part2 in 1985 that detailed design guidance
became available in the UK. Subsequently BS5628 was amended and new
edition published in 1995 and the current version in 2005.
BS 5628: Part 2 was prepared to bring together UK design experience and
practice of the use of reinforced and prestressed masonry. Where
appropriate, overseas experience was introduced to supplement that
available in the UK.
The document gives recommendations for the structural design of reinforced
and prestressed masonry constructed of brick or block masonry, and
masonry of square dressed natural stone. Far more experience was available
in the use of reinforced masonry than in prestressed masonry and this is
apparent in both the scope and content of these respective parts of the
document. Included in the document, in Appendix A, is guidance on design
methods for walls containing bed joint reinforcement to enhance their
resistance to lateral load.
There are a number of forms in which units of different types may be
bonded together to leave clear channels or cavities which may be reinforced
or prestressed. The Code defines the four types of construction most likely
to be employed, but the many other possibilities are equally valid. The
types defined are:
(a) grouted cavity
(b) pocket type
(c) Quetta bond
(d) reinforced hollow blockwork.
Grouted Cavity Masonry
Grouted cavity construction is probably the construction method with the
widest application and may employ virtually any type of masonry unit.
Essentially two parallel leaves of units are built with a cavity at least 50 mm
wide between them. The two leaves must be fully tied together with wall
ties. Reinforcing steel is placed in the cavity which is filled with high slump
concrete. The word "grout" in this context is derived from United States
practice. In the UK Code "infilling concrete" is the term corresponding to the
USA term "grout". The word grout is reserved for the material used to fill
ducts in prestressed concrete and prestressed masonry.

Reinforced masonry notes

Earlier guidance on reinforced brickwork did not include the concrete or

mortar in the cavity as contributing to the compressive strength of the wall.
The reason for this conservative approach was the fear that in the long
term, differential movement would lead to a loss of composite action. The
Code committee accepted that this approach was unnecessarily cautious but
included a restriction on the effective thickness of a grouted cavity wall
section. For cavities up to 100 mm the effective thickness may be taken as
the total thickness of the two leaves plus the width of the cavity, but for
greater cavity widths the effective thickness is the thickness of the two
leaves plus 100 mm. In some cases mortar may be used to fill the cavity
rather than concrete and, because this reduces the protection offered to
the reinforcing steel, steel which has some additional form of resistance to
corrosion may need to be specified. Regardless of the type of infill, the
minimum permitted cover of concrete or mortar to the steel is 20 mm,
except where stainless steel is used.
Pocket type masonry
This type of construction is so named because the main reinforcement is
concentrated in vertical pockets formed in the masonry. This type of wall is
primarily used to resist lateral forces in retaining or wind loading situations.
It is the most efficient of the brickwork solutions if the load is from one side
only and the wall section may be increased in thickness towards the base.
A particular advantage of the simplest and most common form of the pocket
type wall is that the "pocket" may be closed by a piece of temporary
formwork propped or nailed to the masonry. After the infilling concrete has
gained sufficient strength, this formwork may be removed and the quality of
the concrete and workmanship inspected directly.
Quetta bond
The Quetta bond traces its origin to the early use of reinforced brickwork in
the civil reconstruction of the town of Quetta in India following earthquake
damage8. The section produced by this bond is at least one and a half units
thick and the vertical pocket formed may be reinforced with steel and filled
with concrete or mortar. The face of the wall has the appearance of Flemish
bond. There is also a modified form of Quetta bond in which the face of the
wall has the appearance of Flemish garden wall bond. In thicker walls the
steel may be placed nearer to the faces to resist lateral loading more
Reinforced Hollow Blockwork
In this form of construction the cores of hollow blocks are reinforced with
steel and filled with in situ concrete. The work size of the most common
blocks is 440 x 215 x 215 mm, although 390 x 190 x 190 mm blocks are also
widely available. Although other sizes of blocks may be available, they are
not nearly so common in the UK. In addition to the standard two core hollow
blocks, specials such as lintel and bond beam blocks are available.

Reinforced masonry notes

Materials and components

Minimum strength requirement for masonry units
This part of the Code of Practice includes values for the characteristic
strength of masonry units whose compressive strength is at least 7 N/mm2.
Ideally the elasticity of the masonry and infilling concrete should be
matched, but in practice a wide variation in constituent properties does not
appear to have caused significant problems. There are a number of reasons
why properties are not directly comparable. For example, different
characteristic strengths are necessary for bricks and blocks of a given unit
strength because smaller and squatter units give a greater apparent strength
when tested between the platens of a testing machine. Both mortar and
infilling concrete are normally tested in the form of cubes, the effect of
which is that the apparent mortar or concrete strength may be different to
the in situ strength. A further factor which can affect the in situ strength of
mortar and infilling concrete is the amount of water absorbed by the units.
The unit may absorb a considerable proportion of the water from the mortar
or the concrete, thereby reducing the water/cement ratio and increasing
the strength. Standard cubes made in metal moulds will have a higher
water/cement ratio and indicate a lower strength. In practice the strength
of the infill concrete may well be determined by the minimum cement
content necessary for adequate protection of the reinforcement against
There may be certain circumstances where the specification of a minimum
strength for the units is not appropriate, for example in a relatively lightly
loaded post-tensioned diaphragm wall. The Code does not preclude the use
of lower strength units in these circumstances but the designer should
consider this carefully. This relaxation is also particularly appropriate for
situations where local reinforcement is provided within a building. It is
possible to reinforce locally around openings, to provide an in situ lintel, to
provide an alternative path for structural support or to improve lateral load
resistance even when low strength units are employed. The use of a low
strength unit will, however, mean that only a low characteristic masonry
strength may be used even though the infilling concrete is significantly
stronger. It may be appropriate, in exceptional circumstances, to consider
the brick or block element as permanent non-loadbearing formwork and
design the element as a reinforced concrete section based on the area of
the infilling concrete. A final point which should be noted is that the block
strength is normally measured and quoted on the gross area of the unit. In
the case of hollow or cellular blocks it may be necessary to convert the
gross strengths to nett strengths to check compliance with any minimum
strength requirement.
Wall ties
When the low lift grouting technique is employed in conjunction with cavity
construction, the vertical twist type of tie may be used. The requirements

Reinforced masonry notes

regarding length of tie in this Standard are not applicable to reinforced

masonry but the designer should ensure that adequate embedment is
possible. It is recommended that in situations where the masonry is likely to
be wetted for prolonged periods, such as retaining walls, stainless steel ties
be employed.
Where the high lift grouting technique is to be used with cavity construction
then a more substantial tie should be used to resist the pressure exerted by
the infilling concrete during placing. A suitable tie is described in Appendix
B to the Code and, again care should be taken to ensure adequate
protection against corrosion. Other forms of tie may be used providing they
give adequate restraint against the pressure exerted by the concrete.
Whatever type of tie is employed it is clearly necessary to avoid filling the
cavity until the leaves have achieved sufficient strength and sufficient bond
strength has developed between the mortar and the tie. A minimum of
three days is recommended in normal ambient conditions.
Wall ties for prestressed diaphragm wall construction where the cross ribs
are not bonded into the outer leaf of the masonry will usually need to be
obtained from a specialist supplier. A tie of substantial cross section is
required to provide adequate shear resistance.
Concrete infill and grout
The minimum grade of concrete infill which may be employed in reinforced
masonry is a Grade 30. As an alternative to the Grade 30 mix, a mix of the
following proportions by volume of the dry materials may be used or grouted
cavity and quetta bond reinforced masonry construction:
1: 0 1/4:3: 2 cement lime : sand:l0 mm maximum size aggregate
It is considered important to use a wet mix to ensure that the units or
cavities are completely filled and the concrete properly compacted, but
clearly the masonry may absorb a considerable amount of water, thereby
effectively reducing the water/cement ratio. One method of keeping the
water/cement ratio low whilst still producing a flowing mix is to employ a
plasticiser or superplasticiser. The mix has to be produced with a carefully
controlled slump, typically of 60 mm, before the admixture is added to give
a collapse slump. The concrete then needs to be placed within 20-30
To improve the protection offered to the reinforcing steel by the concrete
cover, a range of options for a particular exposure condition is given in the
Code. In some situations a concrete of a Grade better than 30, up to a
Grade 50, may be required.
Limits are placed on both the percentage of chloride ion present in sands

Reinforced masonry notes

and in concrete and mortar mixes. The intention is to prevent sufficient

chloride ion being present in reinforced masonry to lead to problems caused
by the corrosion of the reinforcing steel.
Basis of design
Limit state design
The Code makes three recommendations to ensure that, within the
limitations of the calculation procedures, deflections are not excessive.
These may be summarized as:
1.final deflection not to exceed length/125 for cantilevers or span/250for
all other elements
2.limiting deflection span/500 or 20 mm, whichever is the lesser, after
partitions and finishes are completed
3.total upward deflection of prestressed elements not to exceed span/300 if
finishes are to be applied, unless uniformity of camber between adjacent
units can be achieved.
Little guidance is given in the Code on the subject of cracking. Fine cracking
is to be expected in reinforced masonry but the crack width should be
limited to avoid possible durability problems. The Code also recommends
that the effects of temperature, creep, shrinkage and moisture movement
be considered and allowed for with appropriate movement joints.
Direct determination of the characteristic compressive strength of
masonry, fk
The "characteristic" masonry strengths presented in Table 3 of the Code are
based on those presented in BS 5628 Part 1. Although these are termed
characteristic they have not been determined statistically but are in general
agreed lower bounds to the masonry strength. The designer may wish to
directly determine a value of the characteristic compressive strength of a
particular combination of units and mortar. This may be done by deriving a
value statistically from test results (see Appendix D).
For simply supported beams or cantilevers an enhancement factor of 2 d/av
(with a limiting factor of 2) can be applied when a principal load (usually
accepted as one contributing to 70% or more of the shear force as a support)
is at a distance av from the support. The maximum factor of 2 implies a cut
off in the shear strength at a ratio av/d=1.0.
The Code suggests that in certain walls where substantial precompression
can arise, for example, in loadbearing walls reinforced to enhance lateral
load resistance, it is often more advisable to treat the wall as plain

Reinforced masonry notes

masonry, i.e., unreinforced, and design to BS 5628: Part 1.

For sections in which the main reinforcement is enclosed by concrete infill,
an enhancement to fv is given depending upon the amount of tensile
reinforcement, by the formula:
fv = 0.35 + 17.5
where = As /bd
with an upper limit of 0.7 N/mm2.
For simply supported beams or cantilever retaining walls an enhancement in
the shear strength as derived above is given by the formula:
[ 2.5 0.25 (a/d) ]
Here the shear span is defined as the ratio of the maximum design bending
moment to the maximum design shear force, i.e., M/V. An upper limit of
1.75N/mm2 is applied, i.e., a maximum enhancement of 2.5 when a/d = 0;
the enhancement factor equals 1.0 when a/d = 6. Much below ad=2, the
masonry would act as a corbel not a beam, above a/d = 6, the failure mode
would be flexural, shear failure being most unlikely. Between these values a
"transition" occurs from shear to flexural failure. This behaviour in shear is
analogous to that of reinforced concrete upon which much has been written.
Racking shear in reinforced masonry shear walls
The first part of this clause deals with walls subjected to racking shear as if
they were unreinforced (see BS 5628: Part 1). The increase of 0.6 gB due to
vertical loads is due to an increased "friction effect" preventing sliding.
Characteristic anchorage bond strength, fb
Reinforcement exhibits better bond strength in concrete than in mortar and
this is reflected in the values given in the code. The same value is given for
bars in compression or tension and any increase due to increase in strength
of the concrete is not permitted. This approach is likely to be conservative.
Characteristic anchorage bond strength (N/mm2) for tension or compression
reinforcement embedded in:

Plain Bars

Deformed Bars



The Code contains a note to the effect that these values may not be
applicable to reinforcement used solely to enhance lateral load resistance
of walls. This is for two reasons:
1. the shape, type and size of certain proprietary reinforcement will differ


Reinforced masonry notes

from the bars normally used as reinforcement

2. normal detailing rules do not generally apply in this situation
The values of fb apply to austenitic stainless steel for deformed bars only
and in other cases values will need to be established by test.
Elastic moduli
For all types of reinforced masonry the short term elastic modulus, Em, may
be taken as 0.9fk kN/mm2. Although the accuracy of this estimate does vary
with different types of masonry, it is reasonably well substantiated by
experimental work and is consistent with overseas data. It must be noted
that this is the "gross" elastic modulus of reinforced masonry including the
concrete infill; an "effective" modulus should not be calculated based on a
transformed section incorporating different values of modulus for the
concrete infill and masonry separately. This approach is likely to be
somewhat conservative, particularly where relatively high strength concrete
is used with relatively low strength units and particularly for blockwork.
The elastic modulus of concrete infill used in prestressed masonry is given in
Table 5 of the Code, thus effectively allowing the use of transformed
sections. The long term moduli appropriate to various types of reinforced
masonry are given in Appendix C.
The elastic modulus of all steel reinforcement is given as 200 kN/mm2 and
that for prestressing steel may be taken from the appropriate British
Standard with due allowance made for relaxation under sustained loading
Partial safety factors
The partial safety factor for loads, f, is used to take account of possible
unusual increases in load beyond those considered in deriving the
characteristic load, inaccurate assessment of effects of loading, unforeseen
stress redistribution within the structure and the variations in dimensional
accuracy achieved in construction. The partial safety factor for materials,
m, makes allowance for the variation in the quality of the materials and for
the possible difference between the strength of masonry constructed under
site conditions and that of specimens built in the laboratory.
Ultimate Limit State
The four load cases (a) to (d) in this section indicate the appropriate
combinations of design dead load, design imposed load, design wind load,
i.e. their corresponding characteristic loads which, together with their
attendant values of f need to be considered. These values were selected to
produce acceptable global factors of safety.
It will be apparent that load case (a) will be the one which governs the


Reinforced masonry notes

design of many buildings. Case (b) will dominate in the situation where wind
load is the primary load. Case (c) considers the combination of all three
loads with reduced values of f applied to each due to the fact that it is
unlikely that extreme values for all three will occur simultaneously.
There are cases when it may be appropriate to either use different partial
safety factors to those recommended or in fact derive design loads in a
completely different way.
Serviceability limit state
When considering deflections, stresses or cracking, the values of mm should
be chosen as 1.5 and that of ms as 1.0.
Moments and forces in continuous members
In continuous members and their supports it is necessary to consider the
effects of
pattern loading. It is considered that an adequate assessment will be made
of the structure at the ultimate limit state if the two conditions below are
1. alternate spans loaded with maximum combination of dead + imposed
load (1.4 Gk + 1.6 Qk) and minimum dead load (0.9 Gk)
2. all spans loaded with maximum combination of dead and imposed load.
Design of reinforced masonry
Reinforced masonry subjected to bending
This section of the Code deals with the design of elements subjected only to
bending. Clearly this applies to a wide range of elements including beams,
slabs, retaining walls, buttresses and piers. The design approach may also
be applied to panel or cantilever watts reinforced primarily to resist wind
forces. Walls containing bed joint reinforcement to enhance lateral load
resistance should be designed following the recommendations of Appendix
A. In a few situations it may be appropriate to design a reinforced masonry
element as a two-way spanning slab using conventional yield-line analysis.
The designer may calculate deflections using the procedure described in
Appendix C to check that a member will not deflect excessively under
service loads. In many situations, however, it will be sufficient to limit the
ratio of the span to the effective depth. The same limiting values should
also ensure that cracking in service conditions will not be excessive,
although little research evidence is available on this topic. By designing
elements within the limiting ratios imposed by the simple sizing rules, it is
only necessary to determine that the design resistances exceed the design
forces or moments to ensure that there is an adequate factor of safety
against reaching the ultimate limit state.


Reinforced masonry notes

Effective span of elements

The effective span of either simply supported or continuous members may
be taken as the lesser of:
1. the distance between the centres of supports
2. the clear distance between the faces of the supports plus the effective
The effective span of a cantilever may be taken as the lesser of:
1. the distance between the end of the cantilever and the centre of its
2. the distance between the end of the cantilever and the face of the
support plus half the effective depth
Limiting dimensions
Attention is drawn to the fact that the limiting ratios given in the Code
should not be used when more stringent limitations on deflection and/or
cracking are required.
Walls subjected to lateral loading
Limiting values of the ratio span to effective depth for walls subjected to
lateral loads are given in the Code. In the case of cavity walls, the effective
depth of the reinforced leaf should be used. In the case of freestanding
walls that do not form part of a building and are subjected primarily to wind
loading, the limiting ratios may be enhanced by 30% provided that increased
deflections and cracking are not likely to cause damage to applied finishes.
In the case of beams, relatively little data exists to indicate what might be
reasonable limiting ratios of span to effective depth. As a result, the same
limiting ratios as are used for reinforced concrete have been adopted,
although as yet no enhancement based on the level of working stress has
been introduced, as it has in the case of reinforced concrete. Further data is
required before this can be done, but the evidence available suggests that
the recommended values which are given in the Code are fairly
For simply supported or continuous beams the distance should not exceed
the lesser of 60 bc and 250 bc2/d For a cantilever the clear distance from the
end to the face of the support should not exceed the lesser of 25 bc and 100
bc2/d. In the case of simply supported or continuous beams, bc is the
breadth of the compression block midway between restraints, in the case of
a cantilever it is suggested that bc be taken as the breadth of the
compression zone at the support.

Reinforced masonry notes

Resistance moments of elements

For any singly reinforced masonry section there is a unique amount of
reinforcement which would fail in tension at the same bending moment as
that at which the masonry would crush. This section is described as
balanced and if lower amounts of reinforcement were incorporated the
section would be described as under-reinforced. If an under-reinforced
section were tested to destruction in flexure the failure would be due solely
to that of the steel in tension. In laboratory tests tensile failure often leads
to massive deflections and subsequent compressive failure in the masonry.
When large amounts of reinforcement are provided, greater than that
required for a balanced section, the failures in test beams are due solely to
the masonry in the compression zone having inadequate strength. These
failures can be sudden, are sometimes explosive and the aim of the Code
recommendations is to ensure that all the sections designed using them are
Some relatively simple assumptions have been made which enable the
design moment of resistance of any under-reinforced section to be
determined. An upper limit to the design moment of resistance has been
set, which is that of the balanced section.
Analysis of sections
The mean stress at failure of the masonry in compression is assumed to be
fk/mm where fk is the characteristic compressive strength of masonry and
mm is the partial safety factor for the compressive strength of masonry. This
partial safety factor is intended to allow for the possibility that the masonry
in the structural element on site may be weaker than similar masonry
constructed in the laboratory. An allowance for other factors which affect
the capacity of the section (rather than the masonry in the compression
zone) is also included in this partial safety factor and consequently these
influences are treated as being equivalent to a reduction in the strength of
the masonry. This formulation does not necessarily attribute the various
causes of uncertainty in the bending moment capacity to the most appropriate parameters because further evidence of the likely magnitude of the
various influences is needed before this can be done. The current
recommendations are conservative.
The maximum strain in the outermost compression fibre is assumed to be
0.0035 and is reached when the masonry fails in compression. For a
balanced section the compression block is considered to have its greatest
depth, dc max and plane sections are considered to remain plane. This depth
is defined by the tensile strain in the steel at failure. This is found from the
assumed stress-strain relationship for steel given in the Code.
The short term stress-strain relationship for stocky specimens of brickwork
has been established as a curve which may be represented by a parabola


Reinforced masonry notes

with a falling branch. Although less research has been conducted, it is

apparent that the stress strain curve for reinforced hollow concrete
blockwork is either parabolic or rectangular-parabolic. If the assumption is
made that plane sections remain plane, a logical form for the stress block is
parabolic. The advantages of the simplicity and familiarity of the
rectangular stress block approach are, however, substantial and there is
considerable merit for design purposes in replacing the parabola by a
statically equivalent rectangle. For those sections which are acting primarily
in flexure, but which are also subjected to a small axial thrust, it is
considered reasonable to ignore the thrust for design purposes because the
flexural stress will dominate. The limiting stress due to the axial thrust
which may be ignored in this way is 10% of the characteristic compressive
strength of the masonry.
Design formulae for singly reinforced rectangular members
This section deals with the design of singly reinforced rectangular members
which are sufficiently long (i.e., the ratio of span to effective depth is
greater than 1.5) to be acting primarily in flexure. The designer must ensure
that the design Moment of Resistance of the section (which is determined on
the basis that it is an under reinforced section) is greater than the bending
moment due to the design loads. The design formula is:
Md =

A s f yz


and this must not exceed

0.4 f k bd 2



z = d (1 0.5

As f y mm
bd f k ms

Md = design moment of resistance

b = width of the section
d = effective depth
fy = characteristic tensile strength of reinforcing steel
fk = characteristic compressive strength of masonry
z = lever arm, which should not exceed 0.95
mm = partial safety factor for strength of masonry
ms = partial safety factor for strength of steel

Design formulae for walls with the reinforcement concentrated locally

Flanged members
There are a number of situations where reinforced masonry elements may


Reinforced masonry notes

be considered to act as flanged members and the Code includes

recommendations for the more usual cases, which are in walls. Naturally,
the same principles apply in other cases also. The width of the masonry
which is considered to act as a flange is limited in an arbitrary way so that
the design is not extended to cases where the stability of the flanges is
critical. Nevertheless, it is important that, when the spacing between
concentrations of reinforcement exceeds 1 m, the capacity of the masonry
to span between them should be checked. The thickness of the flange, tf is
taken as the masonry thickness provided that this value does not exceed
half the effective depth. The width of the flange is then taken as the least
1.for pocket-type walls, the width of the pocket or rib plus 12 x the
thickness of the flange
2.the spacing of the pocket or ribs
3.one third of the height of the wall
In the case of pocket type walls where the pocket is contained wholly within
the thickness of the wall, it acts as a homogeneous cantilever. For design
purposes, however, it is convenient to group pocket type walls with other
walls in which the reinforcement is placed in local concentrations. The
design moment of resistance for under reinforced sections is the same as
that for singly reinforced rectangular sections, i.e., given by the design
formula. The upper limit for the balanced section is given below:

Md =



bt f (d 0.5t f )

When checking the capacity of the masonry to span between the

concentrations of reinforcement, it may be considered to be arching
horizontally. It is important for the designer to ensure that, at the end of a
wall, there is sufficient resistance to the component of the arch thrust that
acts in the plane of the wall. The necessary force may be provided by part
of an adjacent structure. Alternatively, the end of the wall may be
restrained by the provision of additional reinforcement. Similarly the design
should not rely on the action of arching forces across movement joints and
these are generally located at positions where an additional reinforced rib,
pocket or core, have been included in the wall.
Locally reinforced hollow blockwork
It is possible, particularly in the case of hollow blockwork, that
reinforcement is concentrated locally. For example, a hollow blockwork wall
may have a few cores reinforced vertically at the centre of a length of
walling to divide the horizontal span. In this case the reinforced element is
considered to be limited in width to 3 x the thickness of the block.


Reinforced masonry notes

Shear resistance of elements

This clause deals with the shear requirements of elements in pure bending,
although the recommendations are equally applicable to elements subjected
to a combination of vertical load and bending where the effect of the
moment is much greater than the axial load (i.e., resultant eccentricity,
is greater than ). The design for shear in this case would tend to
ex =
be conservative as there is no method of taking account of the enhanced
resistance to shear afforded by the precompression.
Behaviour in shear
The shear stress at any cross section, v, is calculated from the equation


where: b = the width of the section

d = the effective depth (or for a flanged member, the
actual thickness of the masonry between the ribs if
this is less than the effective depth)
V = the shear force due to design loads
This equation treats the shear stress as if it were uniformly whole cross
section as far as the tensile reinforcement.
This is not strictly true and many researchers have found that, for
reinforced concrete without shear reinforcement, the shear resistance is
made up of a number of component forces. The situation has been found to
be similar for reinforced masonry.
The shear resistance of the section includes contributions from the
uncracked part of the section which is primarily in compression, dowel
action of the tensile reinforcement and any interlock along the tensile
cracks. In reinforced concrete design the shear resistance is increased with
an increase in the compressive strength of the concrete and also the
amount, but not the grade, of tensile reinforcement. There is no recognized
method of allowing for interlock which, in the case of reinforced concrete,
is due to aggregates. Also, as dowel action depends for its effectiveness on
the tensile strength of the concrete in that the cover must not burst, it
should not in general be relied upon. As in practice, however, the figures for
shear resistance are derived from tests, there will be a contribution based
on both interlock and dowel action included in the design.
An enhancement due to the percentage of reinforcing steel is included in
the formula to be used for reinforced sections in which the main


Reinforced masonry notes

reinforcement is placed within pockets, cores or cavities filled with

f v = 0.35 + 17.5
Additional enhancement factors for simply supported beams and cantilever
retaining walls include an additional multiplier to allow for the fact that the
shear strength of sections increases as the shear span/effective depth ratio
decreases, hence:

f v = [0.35 + 17.5 ].2.5 0.25


where =


= the shear span/effective depth ratio

with a being taken as the ratio of the maximum design

bending moment to the maximum design shear force
No such enhancement is permitted when the reinforcement is surrounded by
mortar instead of concrete due to lack of evidence. The value of fv can be
enhanced in relation to any precompression which exists.
Provision of shear reinforcement



is v then for many structures (for example, retaining walls) shear

1 fv
, for
2 mv
short span lintels supporting masonry and for shallow depth beams (< 225
mm), shear reinforcement can be safely omitted. Masonry above a lintel will
tend to arch over the opening whilst for a shallow beam flexure will
generally be the critical design parameter. Shear failure of beams is very
rare and even for long spans or deep beams, nominal shear reinforcement
may not be required.

reinforcement is not generally needed. For beams in which v

If the value of v is too large, the designer is faced with a number of

alternatives. The mean shear stress could be reduced by increasing the
depth of the section and in some cases this is a reasonable solution. For
example, in the case of a retaining wall, the thickness can be increased in
steps towards the base. In this situation a further advantage is gained since
the shear span/effective depth ratio will decrease. In the case of a
brickwork beam containing only bed joint reinforcement, increasing the size
of the section may well be the only cost-effective solution. A further option


Reinforced masonry notes

for some sections will be to increase the diameter of the main steel since
this may enable a higher characteristic shear strength to be used. Where,
however, v v , and it is not possible to adjust the section as previously
described, shear reinforcement should be provided according to the



b (v



) ms


where: Asv = cross sectional area of reinforcing steel resisting shear

b = the width of the section or the rib width in the case of a
flanged beam
fy = the characteristic strength of the reinforcing steel
sv = spacing of shear reinforcement along the member 0.75 d
2. 0
v= shear stress due to design loads
This formula has been developed from the truss analogy and has been shown
experimentally to be conservative. In the first application of the truss
analogy to reinforced concrete it was assumed that the reinforcement and
concrete could be considered to behave in a similar way to an N type truss.
The tension forces in the truss are carried by the longitudinal and stirrup
reinforcement whilst the concrete carries the thrust in the compression
zone and the diagonal thrust across the web (when large shear forces are
being supported it is possible that the diagonal compressive force could
cause failure). Experimental observations of cracking indicated that the
inclined compression struts can be taken at 450 to the longitudinal axis of
the beam. Thus, to ensure that any crack is crossed by at least one stirrup,
their spacing is limited to 0.75 d. Bent-up bars are not included in masonry
design since no experimental evidence exists as to their effectiveness and
since they are unlikely to be suitable without accompanying stirrups. It may
be noted than nominal links of high yield steel or mild steel will provide a
contribution to the total shear resistance of not less than 0.43 N/mm2. Thus
v v by no more than 0.43 N/mm2, then nominal links will suffice. On
the other hand, where v v
by more than 0.43 N/mm2 links will need
provided to the formula:
b(v v ) ms



Reinforced masonry notes

Reinforced masonry subjected to a combination of vertical loading and

Research into this aspect of reinforced masonry is somewhat limited. The
design methods given in the Code are, therefore, something of a
compromise. An eccentricity of 0.05 times the depth of the section in the
plane of bending is a common reference point.
Slenderness ratios of walls and columns
Slenderness ratios for reinforced masonry walls and columns have been
limited to the same values as those given for unreinforced masonry in BS
5628 : Part 1.
Effective thickness
The effective thickness of a reinforced masonry wall depends upon its form.
For single leaf walls and columns, the actual thickness is used. Where one
leaf of a cavity wall is reinforced, the effective thickness may be taken as
2/3 of the sum of the actual thickness of the two leaves, or as the actual
thickness of the thicker leaf, whichever is the greater. In the case of the
cavity wall, for reasons of practicality, the reinforced leaf will usually be
the thicker and its actual thickness will probably be used as the effective
thickness, thus avoiding the need to share the load between the leaves and
check that the shear between them can be accommodated. For grouted
cavity walls the effective thickness is taken as the actual overall thickness
with the limitation that the width of the cavity shall be taken as not thicker
than 100 mm. This is an arbitrary limitation to prevent the excessive
thickening of the concrete infill merely to reduce the slenderness ratio of
the wall. The limitation also ensures that the masonry can interact with the
concrete infill. If a very wide cavity was desirable it would generally be
more economic to design on the concrete section only, regarding the
masonry as permanent formwork.
Short columns
It is usually considered sufficient to design short columns for the maximum
moment about the critical axis only, even where it is possible for significant
moments to occur simultaneously about the axes.
Two methods are given for the design of short columns. The first is based
upon first principles in which the cross section of the column is analyzed
using strain compatibility to determine the design moment of resistance and
the design axial load capacity, and the second is to use the design formulae


Reinforced masonry notes

Am f k
then the
eccentricity of the load at a critical cross section is not likely to be great
enough to cause cracking due to flexural tension. In more lightly loaded
columns reinforcement may be provided to control cracking and this should
be provided in the same way as for beams.

If the design vertical load of a wall or column exceeds

Reinforced masonry subjected to axial compressive loading

This clause deals with walls and columns which carry a design vertical load,
the resultant eccentricity of which does not exceed 5% of the thickness of
the member in the direction of the eccentricity. In BS 5628 Part 2, the
designer is referred either to the equations appropriate for columns
subjected to combined loading, or to the design method given in BS 5628:
Part I, making no allowance for the reinforcement. Recourse to Part I is also
recommended for the design of walls subjected to concentrated loads, the
implication being that the provision of special reinforcement is impractical.
Reinforced masonry subjected to horizontal forces in the plane of the
Where walls are used to provide overall stability to a structure, significant
horizontal loads can be applied in the plane of the walls. The capability of
the element to resist these forces should be checked in respect of both the
resistance to racking shear and the resistance to bending.
Detailing reinforced masonry
The previous clauses have covered the basis of design and the analytical
procedures to be followed to arrive at the area of reinforcement required to
give an adequate margin of safety against failure. As with reinforced
concrete, it is the detailing of the reinforcement which is paramount if the
calculated design performance is to be achieved in practice. This section
explains the requirements and gives guidance on how reinforcement may be
incorporated in masonry so that the main steel is effective, any secondary
steel economically provided and any cracking controlled.
Area of main reinforcement
The area of main reinforcement that is provided is usually expressed as a
proportion of the area defined as the effective depth x the breadth of the
section. There are no minimum recommendations in the Code, although
many of the early drafts included the following limitation:
As 0.002bd for mild steel
As 0.015bd for high yield steel
It would be unusual for reinforced sections to include areas of main


Reinforced masonry notes

reinforcement which are much below these values. However, there are a
number of situations where the size of the element may be fixed for other
than structural reasons and the area of steel supplied does not need to meet
such requirements. For example, low grouted cavity retaining walls have an
effective depth dictated by the thickness of the units used and the cavity
width but may be adequately reinforced using mesh which does not provide
an area in excess of the appropriate value above. It should be noted that
when considering the percentage of reinforcement in an element, this may
well relate to a locally reinforced section, for example, if some cores of an
otherwise unreinforced hollow blockwork wall are reinforced, then the
locally reinforced section should be considered for calculating the
proportion of reinforcement when designing for flexure or shear
Maximum size of reinforcement
The limiting sizes given are based on practical considerations. Most mortar
joints are designed as 10 mm thick and, therefore, to maintain some cover
above and below joint reinforcement, the 6 mm maximum is specified. In
most cores and cavities a 25 mm bar is the largest which can be
incorporated, particularly if the bars are to be lapped. In pocket type walls,
where the pockets can be made large enough, a 32 mm bar can be used.
These limitations are based on experience in the UK. In the USA and Canada
larger bars are commonly used, but are incorporated in very wide cavities or
cores (such as 300 mm wide concrete blocks) and reinforcement is often
spliced rather than lapped. Such a wide range of units is not available in the
Minimum area of secondary reinforcement in walls and slabs
Secondary reinforcement is required in walls and slabs to ensure monolithic
action. The minimum required is 0.05% of bd and can be provided in any of
the following ways:
1. proprietary bed joint reinforcement
2. light reinforcement (6 mm) in bed joints
3. reinforcement in bond beams in reinforced hollow blockwork
4. within the cavity of grouted cavity construction
(Note: in pocket type walls secondary reinforcement is usually omitted)
Such reinforcement can also perform a secondary function of controlling
movements in the masonry Particular attention should be paid to the
durability requirements of a section especially with respect to steel
embedded in mortar.
Spacing of main and secondary reinforcement
The minimum bar spacings are aimed primarily at allowing adequate room
for the concrete to flow around the bars and at obtaining adequate
compaction. Bars can be grouped in pairs either horizontally or vertically.
Bundling of bars is unlikely to be necessary since the percentage of steel

Reinforced masonry notes

required is comparatively low and this is not generally recommended for

reinforced masonry because of the limited size of sections available. Where
an internal vibrator is to be used, room should be left between any top bars
in beams for its insertion. It is also for this reason that only one bar should
be incorporated in pockets or cores whose size is less than 125 x 125 mm.
This does not apply at laps of course, but consideration should be given to
the use of splices and connectors.
Generally, spacings wider than the minimum should be aimed at,
particularly between top bars, to allow the concrete to pass through easily.
The maximum bar spacing of 500 mm is specified for two reasons:
1. to control crack widths
2. to enable walls and slabs to act monolithically
In reinforced hollow blockwork this spacing would typically mean one bar
every alternate core. This maximum spacing may be exceeded when the
element is designed as a flanged member, but care must be taken to ensure
that the masonry between concentrations of reinforcement, where no
flange action can occur or where the allowable flange width is exceeded,
can span unreinforced between these concentrations. In pocket type
retaining walls the spacing between concentrations of reinforcement is
likely to be within the range 1.2-1.5 m. The maximum spacing of shear links
is 0.75 d.
Classification of exposure situations
Three definitions of site exposure condition (El, E2, E3) have been defined
which relate to wind driven rain, viz.
El very sheltered or sheltered
E2 sheltered/moderate or moderate/severe
E3 severe or very severe
There are, in addition, certain local conditions to which the masonry may be
exposed which can be classified in a similar way to site exposure but are not
dependent upon it. Examples are:
E1 reinforcement in the inner skin of ungrouted external cavity walls and
behind surfaces protected by an impervious coating which can readily be
E2 reinforcement in buried masonry and masonry continually submerged in
fresh water
E3 reinforcement in masonry exposed to freezing while wet or subjected to
heavy condensation.
A further set of conditions are so severe that whatever the site
classification, the only suitable reinforcement is that which is solid or


Reinforced masonry notes

coated with at least 1 mm of austenitic stainless steel. These conditions are

where the masonry is exposed to salt or moor land water, corrosive fumes,
abrasion or dc-icing salts. This exposure situation is defined as E4.
The workability of infill concrete should be very high when filling vertical
cores or narrow cavities in masonry walls. It is essential that such mixes
should be largely self-compacting, although small mechanical vibrators,
compacting rods and so on, should also be used to ensure the complete
filling of all sections. There are some reinforced masonry elements, such as
shallow lintels or beams, in which it is comparatively easy to determine the
efficiency of the filling by inspection. Walls filled in fairly low lifts are also
reasonably easy to inspect as described below.
The reinforcement should be free from deleterious material as described in
the Code. Care should be taken with the fixing and location of reinforcing
steel to ensure that the correct cover is maintained and that the steel
cannot be displaced during the filling process. This can usually be achieved,
in a wall for example, by locating main vertical reinforcement by means of
the horizontal distribution steel. Conventional plastic type bar spacers may
be used quite readily in beams and other "open" elements, but should not be
allowed to obstruct the core, for example, of hollow blockwork.
Grouted cavity construction
During the construction of cavity walls, care needs to be taken to keep the
cavity clean. For narrow cavities this may be achieved by the use of a
timber lathe which may be placed in the cavity and "drawn up" with the
mortar droppings. For wider cavities it will usually be simpler to remove
mortar droppings through "clean out" holes left at the bottom of the wall.
All mortar extrusions which infringe into the cavity space should be removed
before filling.
Low lift
In this method of construction the infill concrete iS placed as construction
proceeds. usually in lifts of 450 mm, i.e., two courses of blockwork or six
courses of brickwork. The "construction joint" in the core should be at midunit height rather than corresponding with the top of the unit. To maintain
the appearance of facing masonry, care should be exercised in filling the
cores and in preventing grout loss detracting from the appearance. The
concrete should be compacted as each layer is placed. It may be necessary
to limit the rate of construction and filling to avoid disruption of the
masonry due to the pressure exerted by the fresh concrete infill. Any
disruption due to the placing process will result in the necessity to rebuild
the wall.
High lift
The clean out holes at the base of the wall should be at least 150 mm x
200mm and spaced at intervals of 500 mm. They are used to remove all

Reinforced masonry notes

mortar and other debris prior to placing the concrete. Before the wall is
filled, the brickwork must either by replaced in the clean out holes or
temporary shuttering fixed to prevent the loss of infill concrete. The latter
technique provides a means of checking efficient filling at the base of the
The infilling concrete should not be placed until after three days have
elapsed since the brickwork was constructed - longer in adverse weather
conditions. The maximum height to be filled by this technique in one pour is
3 m, usually in two lifts. The concrete in each lift should be recompacted
after initial settlement due to water absorption by the masonry.
There are examples in the USA where extremely high pours (up to l0m) have
been carried out in a single lift, the mix containing a lot of cement and a
great deal of water. However, this is not usual and the practice
recommended above is similar to many American recommendations.
Reinforced hollow blockwork
There are essentially two techniques for filling the cores of hollow concrete
blocks, low lift and high lift grouting. In the low lift technique the cores are
filled as the work proceeds so that not more than a few courses of
blockwork are built up before filling. In the high lift technique the cores are
filled in lifts of up to 3 m, care being taken to ensure that the cores are
fully filled and that the pressure exerted by the infilling concrete does not
disrupt the wall.
Low lift
The reinforcing steel within the cores may be located by tying the main
steel to the distribution steel. If necessary the face shell of appropriate
blocks may be removed to facilitate the tying of vertical steel for laps and
so on. The use of plastic spacers which might tend to block up the cores
should be avoided. The general aspects applying to low lift grouted cavity
construction apply to this technique except that the maximum vertical
interval at which concrete is placed may be 900 mm.
High lift
In the high lift technique it is particularly important to ensure that all
mortar extrusions are removed from the core of the blocks.
This is commonly achieved by leaving clean out holes at the base of the
wall. Excess mortar is knocked off the side of the cores and is removed
through the holes in the base of the wall. Before filling with concrete these
holes need to be securely blocked to prevent the loss of the infilling
The concrete itself may be placed by hand, skip or pump. Whichever
method is used, particular care should be taken with facing work to prevent
grout running down the face of the wall. The mixes specified in the Code
are such that they are intended to have a high level of workability and

Reinforced masonry notes

should be readily compacted when a 25 mm diameter poker vibrator is used.

Once a wall has been filled using the high lift grouting technique it will be
noticed that after a period of some 15 minutes (depending on the mix,
absorption of the masonry and weather conditions), the concrete in each
core has slumped. At this stage further concrete should be added and some
limited recompaction carried out. An alternative approach is to use a
proprietary additive in the mix to prevent this slump taking place.
When infilling concrete is placed by a grout pump, the rate of placing should
not exceed 0.2 m2 per minute.
Bond beam Construction
When using a bond beam within an otherwise unreinforced section of
walling, it will be necessary to seal the openings in the bottom of the blocks
using an appropriate material. In the USA these are known as "grout stop"
materials. Typical materials used are expanded metal lathe, thick mesh
screen and asphalt saturated felt.
Horizontal reinforcing steel will need to be supported to give the
appropriate cover by either plastic saddle supports, reinforcing steel or
prefabricated brackets. Where it is necessary to splice bars, this should be
done vertically (i.e., one bar above and one bar below), rather than side by
side, to provide less restriction to the flow of the infilling concrete.
Quetta and similar bond walls
In this method of construction the reinforcement is usually placed
progressively, in advance of the masonry. The cavities are filled with mortar
or concrete as the work proceeds. In some circumstances, where large voids
are produced, either low or high lift techniques may be used.
Pocket type walls
Pocket type walls are usually built to their full height, the starter bars only
projecting from the base into the pocket space. The main steel is then fixed
and may be held in position using wires fixed into bed joints. Shuttering may
be propped against the rear face of the wall, although it has in the past,
been successfully fixed to the wall with masonry nails. The concrete is
normally placed in lifts with a maximum height of about 1.5 m; this may be
vibrated by poker vibrator or compacted using a rod.


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