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CE2201 - Mechanics of Solids Two Mark With Answers

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CE2201 - Mechanics of Solids Two Mark with

Anna university, Chennai
1. Define stress.
When an external force acts on a body, it undergoes deformation. At
the same time the body resists deformation. The magnitude of the
resisting force is numerically equal to the applied force. This internal
resisting force per unit area is called stress.
Stress = Force/Area
When a body is subjected to an external force, there is some change
of dimension in the body. Numerically the strain is equal to the ratio
of change in length to the original length of the body.= P/A unit is
2. Define strain
Strain = Change in length/Original length e = L/L
3. State Hookes law.
It states that when a material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the
stress is directly proportional to the strain.
Stress Strain
= Ee
E = /e unit is N/mm^2
E - Youngs modulus
- Stress e - Strain
4. Define shear stress and shear strain.
The two equal and opposite force act tangentially on any cross
sectional plane of the body tending to slide one part of the body
over the other part. The stress induced is called shear stress and the
corresponding strain is known as shear strain.
5. Define Poissons ratio.
When a body is stressed, within its elastic limit, the ratio of lateral
strain to the longitudinal strain is constant for a given material.
Poisson ratio ( or 1/m) = Lateral strain /Longitudinal strain
6. State the relationship between Youngs Modulus and
Modulus of Rigidity.

E = 2G (1+1/m)
E - Youngs Modulus
K - Bulk Modulus
1/m - Poissons ratio

7. Define strain energy

Whenever a body is strained, some amount of energy is absorbed in
the body. The energy which is absorbed in the body due to straining
effect is known as strain energy.
8. Give the relationship between Bulk Modulus and Youngs
E = 3K (1-2/m)
E - Youngs Modulus
K - Bulk Modulus
1/m - Poissons ratio
9. What is compound bar?
A composite bar composed of two or more different materials joined
together such that system is elongated or compressed in a single
10. Define- elastic limit
Some external force is acting on the body, the body tends to
deformation. If the force is released from the body its regain to the
original position. This is called elastic limit
11. Define Youngs modulus
The ratio of stress and strain is constant with in the elastic limit.
E = Stress
12. Define Bulk-modulus
The ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain.
K = Direct stress
Volumetric strain
13. Define- lateral strain
When a body is subjected to axial load P. The length of the body is
increased. The axial deformation of the length of the body is called
lateral strain.
13. Define- longitudinal strain
The strain right angle to the direction of the applied load is called
lateral strain.
14. What is principle of super position?
The resultant deformation of the body is equal to the algebric sum of
the deformation of the individual section. Such principle is called as
principle of super position
15. Define- Rigidity modulus
The shear stress is directly proportional to shear strain.
N = Shear stress

Shear strain
16. State principle plane.
The planes, which have no shear stress, are known as principal
planes. These planes carry only normal stresses.
17. Define principle stresses and principle plane.
Principle stress: The magnitude of normal stress, acting on a
principal plane is known as principal stresses.
Principle plane: The planes which have no shear stress are known as
principal planes.
18. What is the radius of Mohrs circle?
Radius of Mohrs circle is equal to the maximum shear stress.
19. What is the use of Mohrs circle?
To find out the normal, resultant stresses and principle stress and
their planes.
20. List the methods to find the stresses in oblique plane?
1. Analytical method
2. Graphical method

1. What is mean by perfect frame?
If a frame is composed of such members, which are just sufficient to
keep the
frame in equilibrium, when the frame is supporting the external
load, then the frame is know as perfect frame.
2. What are the different types of frames?
The different types of frame are:
Perfect frame and
Imperfect frame.
3. What is mean by Imperfect frame?
A frame in which number of members and number of joints are not
given by
n = 2j 3 is know as imperfect frame. This means that number of
members in an imperfect frame will be either more or less than (2j
4. What is mean by deficient frame?
If the number of member in a frame are less than (2j -3), then the
frame is
know as deficient frame
5. What is mean by redundant frame?
If the number of member in a frame are more than (2j -3), then the
frame is
know as deficient frame
6. What are the assumptions made in finding out the forces
in a frame?
The assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame are:
The frame is a perfect frame
The frame carries load at the joints
All the members are pin-joined.
7. What are the reactions of supports of a frame?
The frame are generally supported
(i) on a roller support or
(ii) On a hinged support.
8. How will you Analysis of a frame?
Analysis of a frame consists of
Determinations of the reactions at the supports and
Determination of the forces in the members of the frame
9. What are the methods for Analysis the frame?
Methods of joints,

Methods of sections, and

Graphical method.
10. How method of joints applied to Trusses carrying
Horizontal loads.
If a truss carries horizontal loads (with or without vertical loads)
hinged at one
end supported on roller at the other end, the support reaction at the
roller support end
will be normal. Whereas the support reaction at the hinged end will
consist of (i)
horizontal reaction and (ii) vertical reaction
11. How method of joints applied to Trusses carrying inclined
If a truss carries inclined loads hinged at one end supported on roller
at the
other end, the support reaction at the roller support end will be
normal. Whereas the support reaction at the hinged end will consist
of (i) horizontal reaction and (ii) vertical reaction
12. What is mean by compressive and tensile force?
The forces in the member will be compressive if the member pushes
the joint
to which it is connected whereas the force in the member will be
tensile if the member pulls the joint to which it is connected.
13. How will you determine the forces in a member by
method of joints?
While determining forces in a member by methods of joints, the joint
be selected in such a way that at any time there are only two
members, in which the forces are unknown.
14. Define thin cylinder?
If the thickness of the wall of the cylinder vessel is less than 1/15 to
1/20 of its
internal diameter, the cylinder vessel is known as thin cylinder.
15. What are types of stress in a thin cylindrical vessel
subjected to internal pressure?
These stresses are tensile and are know as
Circumferential stress (or hoop stress ) and
Longitudinal stress.
16. What is mean by Circumferential stress (or hoop stress)
and Longitudinal stress?
The stress acting along the circumference of the cylinder is called

circumferential stress (or hoop stress) whereas the stress acting

along the length of the cylinder is known as longitudinal stress.
17. What are the formula for finding circumferential stress
and longitudinal stress?
Circumferential stress (f1) is given by as f1 = p x d / 2t x l and the
longitudinal stress (f2) is given by f2 = p x d / 2t x c
18. What are maximum shear stresses at any point in a
Maximum shear stresses at any point in a cylinder, subjected to
fluid pressure is given by f1 f2 / 2 = pd / 8t
19. What are the formula for finding circumferential strain
and longitudinal
The circumferential strain (e1) and longitudinal strain (e2) are given
by e1 = pd / 2tE (1- 1/2m), e2 pd / 2tE (1/2 1/m).
20. What are the formula for finding change in diameter,
change in length and change volume of a cylindrical shell
subjected to internal fluid pressure p?
d = pd2 /2tE (1 1/2m),
L = pdL /2tE (1/2 1/m),
V = pd /2tE (5/2 2/m) x volume,
21. What are the formula for finding principal stresses of a
thin cylindrical shell subjected to internal fluid pressure p
and a torque?
Major Principal Stress = f1 + f2 / 2 + {(f1 - f2 /2)2 + fs 2}
Minor Principal Stress = f1 + f2 / 2 - {(f1 - f2 /2)2 + fs 2}
Maximum shear stress = [Major Principal Stress - Minor Principal
Where f1 = Circumferential stress, f2 =Longitudinal stress,
fs =shear stress due to torque.
1. Define beam?
BEAM is a structural member which is supported along the length
and subjected to external loads acting transversely (i.e)
perpendicular to the center line of the beam.
2. What is mean by transverse loading on beam?
If a load is acting on the beam which perpendicular to the central
line of it then it is called transverse loading.
3. What is Cantilever beam?

A beam one end free and the other end is fixed is called cantilever
4. What is simply supported beam?
A beam supported or resting free on the support at its both ends.
5. What is mean by over hanging beam?
If one or both of the end portions are extended beyond the support
then it is called over hanging beam.
6. What is mean by concentrated loads?
A load which is acting at a point is called point load.
7. What is uniformly distributed load.
If a load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that rate of
loading w is uniform through out the length then it is called as udl.
8. Define point of contra flexure? In which beam it occurs?
Point at which BM changes to zero is point of contra flexure. It
occurs in overhanging beam.
9. What is mean by positive or sagging BM?
BM is said to positive if moment on left side of beam is clockwise or
right side of the beam is counter clockwise.
10. What is mean by negative or hogging BM?
BM is said to negative if moment on left side of beam is
counterclockwise or right side of the beam is clockwise.
11. Define shear force and bending moment?
SF at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of all the forces
acting either side of beam.
BM at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of the moments
of all the forces which are placed either side from that point.
12. When will bending moment is maximum?
BM will be maximum when shear force change its sign.
13. What is maximum bending moment in a simply
supported beam of span L
subjected to UDL of w over entire span?
Max BM =wL2/8
14. In a simply supported beam how will you locate point of
maximum bending moment?
The bending moment is max. When SF is zero. Write SF equation at
that point
and equating to zero we can find out the distances x from one
end .then find maximum bending moment at that point by taking all
moment on right or left hand side of beam.
15. What is shear force?

The algebric sum of the vertical forces at any section of the beam to
the left or right of the section is called shear force.
16. What is shear force and bending moment diagram?
It shows the variation of the shear force and bending moment along
the length of the beam.
17. What are the types of beams?
1. Cantilever beam
2. Simply supported beam
3. Fixed beam
4. Continuous beam
5. over hanging beam
18. What are the types of loads?
1. Concentrated load or point load
2. Uniform distributed load
3. Uniform varying load
19. In which point the bending moment is maximum?
When the shear force change of sign or the shear force is zero
20. Write the assumption in the theory of simple bending?
1. The material of the beam is homogeneous and isotropic.
2. The beam material is stressed within the elastic limit and thus
obey hookes law.
3. The transverse section which was plane before bending remains
plains after bending also.
4. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract
independently about the layer, above or below.
5. The value of E is the same in both compression and tension.
21. Write the theory of simple bending equation?
M/ I = F/Y = E/R
M - Maximum bending moment
I - Moment of inertia
F - Maximum stress induced
Y - Distance from the neutral axis
E - Youngs modulus
R - Constant.
1. What are the methods for finding out the slope and
deflection at a section?
The important methods used for finding out the slope and deflection
at a section
in a loaded beam are

1. Double integration method

2. Moment area method
3. Macaulays method
The first two methods are suitable for a single load, where as the
last one is suitable for several loads.
2. Why moment area method is more useful, when compared
with double integration?
Moment area method is more useful, as compared with double
integration method
because many problems which do not have a simple mathematical
solution can be simplified by the ending moment area method.
3. Explain the Theorem for conjugate beam method?
Theorem I : The slope at any section of a loaded beam, relative to
the original
axis of the beam is equal to the shear in the conjugate beam at the
corresponding section Theorem II: The deflection at any given
section of a loaded beam, relative to the
original position is equal to the Bending moment at the
corresponding section of the conjugate beam
4. Define method of Singularity functions?
In Macaulays method a single equation is formed for all loading on a
beam, the
equation is constructed in such away that the constant of
Integration apply to all portions of the beam. This method is also
called method of singularity functions.
5. What are the points to be worth for conjugate beam
1. This method can be directly used for simply supported Beam
2. In this method for cantilevers and fixed beams, artificial
constraints need to be supplied to the conjugate beam so that it is
supported in a manner consistent with the constraints of the real
6. What are the different sections in which the shear stress
distribution is to be obtained?
Rectangular section
Circular section
I- section
T- section
Miscellaneous section
7. What do you mean by shear stress in beams?

The stress produced in a beam, which is subjected to shear forces is

know as
8. What is the formula to find a shear stress at a fiber in a
section of a beam?
The shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam is given by
_ F x AY
F = shear force acting at a section
A = Area of the section above the fiber
-Y = Distance of C G of the Area A from Neutral axis
I = Moment of Inertia of whole section about N A
b = Actual width at the fiber
9. What is the shear stress distribution rectangular section?
The shear stress distribution rectangular section is parabolic and is
given by q = F/2I [d2 /4 y2]
d = Depth of the beam
y = Distance of the fiber from NA
10. What is the shear stress distribution Circular section?
q = F/3I [R2-y2]
11. State the main assumptions while deriving the general
formula for shear stresses
The material is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic
The modulus of elasticity in tension and compression are same. The
shear stress is constant along the beam width
The presence of shear stress does not affect the distribution of
bending stress.
12. Define: Shear stress distribution
The variation of shear stress along the depth of the beam is called
shear stress distribution
13. What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the
average shear stress for the rectangular section?
Qmax is 1.5 times the Qavg.
14. What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the
average shear stress in the case of solid circular section?
Qmax is 4/3 times the Qave.
15. What is the shear stress distribution value of Flange
portion of the I-section?
q= f/2I * (D2/4 - y) D-depth
y- Distance from neutral axis

16. What is the value of maximum of minimum shear stress

in a rectangular cross section?
Qmax=3/2 * F/ (bd)
17. What is the shear stress distribution for I-section?
The shear stress distribution I-section is parabolic, but at the
junction of web and flange, the shear stress changes abruptly. It
changes from F/8I [D2 d2] to B/b x F/8I [D2
d2] where D = over all depth of the section d = Depth of the web
b = Thickness of web
B = Over all width of the section.
18. How will you obtained shear stress distribution for
unsymmetrical section?
The shear stress distribution for Unsymmetrical sections is obtained
calculating the position of N A.
19 Where the shear stress is max for Triangular section?
In the case of triangular section, the shear stress is not max at N A.
The shear stress is max at a height of h/2
20. Where shear stress distribution diagram draw for
composite section?
The shear stress distribution diagram for a composite section,
should be drawn by calculating the shear stress at important points.
1. Define Torsion
When a pair of forces of equal magnitude but opposite directions
acting on body, it tends to twist the body. It is known as twisting
moment or torsion moment or simply as
Torque is equal to the product of the force applied and the distance
between the point of application of the force and the axis of the
2. What are the assumptions made in Torsion equation
o The material of the shaft is homogeneous, perfectly elastic and
obeys Hookes law.
o Twist is uniform along the length of the shaft
o The stress does not exceed the limit of proportionality
o The shaft circular in section remains circular after loading
o Strain and deformations are small.
3. Define polar modulus

It is the ratio between polar moment of inertia and radius of the

= polar moment of inertia = J Radius R
4. Write the polar modulus for solid shaft and circular shaft.
= polar moment of inertia = J Radius R
J = D4
5. Why hollow circular shafts are preferred when compared
to solid circular shafts?
The torque transmitted by the hollow shaft is greater than the
solid shaft.
For same material, length and given torque, the weight of the
hollow shaft will be less compared to solid shaft.
6. Write torsional equation
J- Polar moment of inertia
C-Modulus of rigidity
L- Length
q- Shear stress
R- Radius
7. Write down the expression for power transmitted by a
N-speed in rpm
8. Write down the expression for torque transmitted by
hollow shaft
T= (/16)*Fs*((D4-d4)/d4
q- Shear stress
D-outer diameter
D- Inner diameter
9. Write down the equation for maximum shear stress of a
solid circular section in diameter D when subjected to
torque T in a solid shaft.
T=/16 * Fs*D3
q Shear stress
D diameter
10. Define torsional rigidity

Product of rigidity modulus and polar moment of inertia is called

torsional rigidity
11. What is composite shaft?
Some times a shaft is made up of composite section i.e. one type of
shaft is sleeved over other types of shaft. At the time of sleeving,
the two shafts are joined together, that the composite shaft behaves
like a single shaft.
12. What is a spring?
A spring is an elastic member, which deflects, or distorts under the
action of load and regains its original shape after the load is
13. State any two functions of springs.
1. To measure forces in spring balance, meters and engine
2. To store energy.
14. What are the various types of springs?
i. Helical springs ii. Spiral springs iii. Leaf springs
iv. Disc spring or Belleville springs
15. Classify the helical springs.
1. Close coiled or tension helical spring.
2. Open coiled or compression helical spring.
16. What is spring index (C)?
The ratio of mean or pitch diameter to the diameter of wire for the
spring is called the spring index.
17. What is solid length?
The length of a spring under the maximum compression is called its
solid length. It is the product of total number of coils and the
diameter of wire.
Ls = nt x d
Where, nt = total number of coils.
18. Define spring rate (stiffness).
The spring stiffness or spring constant is defined as the load
required per unit deflection of the spring.
K= W/y
Where W -load
Y Deflection
19. Define pitch.
Pitch of the spring is defined as the axial distance between the
adjacent coils in uncompressed state. Mathematically
Pitch=free length n-1
20. Define helical springs.

The helical springs are made up of a wire coiled in the form of a

helix and are primarily intended for compressive or tensile load.
21. What are the differences between closed coil & open coil
helical springs?

The spring wires are coiled very

The wires are coiled such that there
closely, each turn is nearly at right angles is a gap between the two consecutive
to the axis of helix
Helix angle is less than 10o

Helix angle is large (>10o)

Part -B
1. A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile stress of
110 N/mm2 on one plane and a tensile stress of 47 N/mm2 on the
plane at right angle to the former. Each of the above stress is
accompanied by a shear stress of 63 N/mm2 Find (i) The direction
and magnitude of each of the principal stress (ii) Magnitude of
greatest shear stress.
2. At a point in a strained material, the principal stresses are100
N/mm2 (T) and 40
N/mm2 (C). Determine the resultant stress in magnitude and
direction in a plane inclined at 600 to the axis of major principal
stress. What is the maximum intensity of shear stress in the material
at the point?
3. A cantilever truss is show in fig. Find the forces in the members of
the truss by the method of joint.
5 KN 10 KN
1.5m 3m

4. A truss of span 9m is loaded as shown in fig. Find the reaction and
forces in the members marked 1, 2, and 3 by using method of

2 4m

3m 3m 3m
5. A thin cylindrical shell 3 m long has 1m internal diameter and 15
mm metal thickness. Calculate the circumferential and longitudinal
stresses induced and also the change in the dimensions of the shell,
if it is subjected to an internal pressure of
1.5 N/mm2 Take E = 2x105 N/mm2 and poisons ratio =0.3. Also
calculate change in volume.
6. A closed cylindrical vessel made of steel plates 4 mm thick with
plane ends, carries fluid under pressure of 3 N/mm2 The diameter of
the cylinder is 25cm and length is
75 cm. Calculate the longitudinal and hoop stresses in the cylinder
wall and determine the change in diameter, length and Volume of
the cylinder. Take E =
2.1x105 N/mm2 and 1/m = 0.286.
7. Derive double integration method for cantilever beam
concentrated load at free end.
8. A 2m long cantilever made of steel tube of section 150 mm
external diameter and
10mm thick is loaded as show in fig If E=200 GN/m2 calculate (1)
The value of W so that the maximum bending stress is 150 MN/m2
(2) The maximum deflection for the loading.
2W W

l = 2m
a = 0.5m
9. Determine the diameter of a solid shaft which will transmit 300
KN at 250 rpm. The maximum shear stress should not exceed 30
N/mm2 and twist should not be more than 10 in a shaft length 2m.
Take modulus of rigidity = 1x 105N/mm2.

10. The stiffness of the closed coil helical spring at mean diameter
20 cm is made of 3 cm diameter rod and has 16 turns. A weight of 3
KN is dropped on this spring. Find the height by which the weight
should be dropped before striking the spring so that the spring may
be compressed by 18 cm. Take C= 8x104 N/mm2.
11. A compound tube consist of steel tube 140mm internal diameter
and 160mm external diameter and an outer brass tube 160mm
internal diameter and 180mm external diameter. The two tubes are
of same length. The compound tube carries an axial load of 900 KN.
Find the stresses and the load carried by each tube and the amount
it shortens. Length of each tube is 140mm. Take E for steel as 2 x
12. A rectangle block of material is subjected to a tensile stress of
110 N/mm2 on one plane and a tensile stress of 47 N/mm2 on the
plane at right angles to the former. Each of the above stress is
accompanied by shear stress of 63 N/mm2. Find (i) the direction and
magnitude of each of the principal stress (ii) magnitude of greatest
shear stress.
13. . At a point in a strained material, the principal stresses are 100
N/mm2 (T) and 40
N/mm2 (C) Determine the direction and magnitude in a plane
inclined at 600 to the axis of major principal stress. What is the
maximum intensity of shear stress in the material at the point
14. It is required to design a closed coiled helical spring which shall
deflect 1mm under an axial load of 100 N at a shear stress of 90
Mpa. The spring is to be made of round wire having shear modulus
of 0.8 x 105 Mpa. The mean diameter of the coil is 10 times that of
the coil wire. Find the diameter and length of the wire.
15. A steel shaft ABCD having a total length of 2400 mm is
contributed by three different sections as follows. The portion AB is
hollow having outside and inside diameters 80 mm and 50 mm
respectively, BC is solid and 80 mm diameter. CD is also solid and 70
mm diameter. If the angle of twist is same for each section,
determine the length of each portion and the total angle of twist.
Maximum permissible shear stress is 50 Mpa and shear modulus
0.82 x 105 MPa
16. Three planks of each 50 x200 mm timber are built up to a
symmetrical I section for a beam. The maximum shear force over
the beam is 4KN. Propose an alternate rectangular section of the
same material so that the maximum shear stress developed is same

in both sections. Assume then width of the section to be 2/3 of the

17. Obtained the deflection under the greater load for the beam
shown in fig using the conjugate beam method.
60 KN 120 KN

2m 3m 1m
18. A beam of uniform section 10 m long carries a udl of KN/m for
the entire length and a concentrated load of 10 KN at right end. The
beam is freely supported at the left end. Find the position of the
second support so that the maximum bending moment in the beam
is as minimum as possible. Also compute the maximum bending

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