Som 2 Marks
Som 2 Marks
Som 2 Marks
1. Define stress.
When an external force acts on a body, it undergoes deformation. At the
same time the body resists deformation. The magnitude of the resisting
force is numerically equal to the applied force. This internal resisting force
per unit area is called stress. Stress σ= Force/Area, P/A Unit N/mm2
2. Define strain
When a body is subjected to an external force, there is some change of
dimension in the body. Numerically the strain is equal to the ratio of change
in length to the original length of the body.
Strain = Change in length/Original length
e = ∂L/L
3. State Hooke’s law.
It states that when a material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is
directly proportional to the strain.
E= Stress / Strain, unit is N/mm2
E - Young‟s modulus
σ - Stress
e - Strain
4. Define shear stress and shear strain.
The two equal and opposite force act tangentially on any cross sectional
plane of the body tending to slide one part of the body over the other part.
The stress induced is called shear stress and the corresponding strain is
known as shear strain.
5. Define Poisson’s ratio.
When a body is stressed, within its elastic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to
the longitudinal strain is constant for a given material.
Poisson‟ ratio (µ or 1/m) = Lateral strain /Longitudinal strain
6. State the relationship between Young’s Modulus and Modulus of
E = 2G (1+1/m)
Where, E – Young’s Modulus, K - Bulk Modulus, 1/m – Poisson’s ratio
7. Define strain energy
Whenever a body is strained, some amount of energy is absorbed in the
body. The energy which is absorbed in the body due to straining effect is
known as strain energy.
1. Define beam?
BEAM is a structural member which is supported along the length and
subjected To external loads acting transversely (i.e) perpendicular to the
center line of the beam.
2. What is mean by transverse loading on beam?
If a load is acting on the beam which perpendicular to the central line of
it then it is called transverse loading.
3. What is Cantilever beam?
A beam one end free and the other end is fixed is called cantilever beam.
4. What is simply supported beam?
A beam supported or resting free on the support at its both ends.
5. What is mean by over hanging beam?
If one or both of the end portions are extended beyond the support then
it is called over hanging beam.
6. What is mean by concentrated loads?
A load which is acting at a point is called point load.
7. What is uniformly distributed load.
If a load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that rate of
loading „w‟ is uniform through out the length then it is called as udl.
8. Define point of contra flexure? In which beam it occurs?
Point at which BM changes to zero is point of contra flexure. It occurs in
overhanging beam.
9. What is mean by positive or sagging BM?
BM is said to positive if moment on left side of beam is clockwise or right
side of the beam is counter clockwise.
10. What is mean by negative or hogging BM?
BM is said to negative if moment on left side of beam is counterclockwise
or right side of the beam is clockwise.
11. Define shear force and bending moment?
SF at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of all the forces
acting either side of beam. BM at any cross section is defined as
algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces which are placed either
side from that point.
12. When will bending moment is maximum?
BM will be maximum when shear force change its sign.
13. What is maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam
of span ‘L’ subjected to UDL of ‘w’ over entire span?
Max BM =wL2 /8