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Som Questions Paper

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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : 40300


Third/Fourth Semester

Mechanical Engineering


(Common to Aerospace Engineering/ Automobile Engineering/
Industrial Engineering/ Industrial Engineering and Management/
Manufacturing Engineering/ Marine Engineering/ Material Science and
Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)/
Mechanical and Automation Engineering/ Mechatronics Engineering/
Production Engineering/ Robotics and Automation/
Safety and Fire Engineering)

(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A — (10  2 = 20 marks)

1. Distinguish between stress and strength.

2. Define principal planes and principal stresses.

3. Discuss the importance of constructing bending moment diagram of a beam

under loading.

4. List the advantages and disadvantages of using Flitched beams.

5. The maximum shear stress in a solid shaft is 20 N/mm2 when the torque
transmitted is 10 kNm. Determine the minimum diameter of the shaft to avoid

6. List the advantages and disadvantages of carriage springs.

7. From the deflection curve of a beam, it is observed that the slope at both the
ends is zero. What are the end conditions? Why?

8. State Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem.

9. Distinguish between thin and thick shells.

10. State Lame’s theorem.

PART B — (5  13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) For the compound bar shown in Figure 1. Calculate the stress in each
segment if the temperature increases by 500C. Assume, for the
aluminium segment: Area = 400 mm2; Young’s Modulus = 70 GPa;
Co-efficient of thermal expansion= 23  10–6/C and for the steel segment:
Area = 100 mm2: Young’s Modulus = 210 GPa: Co-efficient of thermal
expansion = 12.4  10–6/°C. (13)

Figure 1
(b) A material is subjected to stress as shown in Figure 2. Use the Mohr’s
circle to determine
(i) The principal stresses and their corresponding principal planes
(ii) The maximum shear stress and the planes of maximum shear
(iii) Show the principal stresses calculated above on a sketch of the
element. (13)

Figure 2
12. (a) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the loaded beam
shown in Figure 3. Clearly indicate the maximum bending moment. (13)

Figure 3

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(b) Calculate the maximum shear stress and maximum bending stress in the
wooden beam shown in Figure 4 carrying a uniform load of 22.5 kN/m
(including the self-weight). Assume that the beam is simply supported at
the ends, length of the beam = 1.95 m, and the cross section is
rectangular with width = 150 mm and height = 300 mm.

Figure 4
13. (a) A brass tube of external diameter 40 mm and internal diameter
25 mm closely surrounds a steel rod of 25 mm diameter to form a
composite shaft. If a torque of 10 kNm is to be resisted by this shaft, find
the maximum stresses developed in each material and the angle of twist
in 1 m length. Assume modulus of rigidity of brass and steel as 40 GPa
and 80 GPa respectively. (13)
(b) Two close coiled helical springs are compressed between two parallel
plates by a load of 1 kN. The springs have a wire diameter of 10mm and
the radii of coils are 50 and 75 mm- Each spring has 10 coils and is of the
same initial length. If the smaller spring is placed inside the larger one
such that both the springs are compressed by same amount, calculate
(i) the total deflection and
(ii) the maximum stress in each spring. Assume G = 40 GPa for both
the springs. (13)
14. (a) A contilever beam of 8 m long carries a load of 100 kN at a distance of
3 m from the free end, and a load of 50 kN at a distance of 3 m from the
fixed end. Calculate the deflection and slope at 5 m from the fixed end.
Assume E = 70 GPa and Moment of Inertia = 10  107 mm4. (13)
(b) Determine the deflection at the free end of the beam shown in Figure 5
using Conjugate beam method and verify the same by moment area
method. (13)

Figure 5

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15. (a) A thin cylindrical shell having 800 mm outside diameter and 10 mm
thickness and length 2 m is subjected to an internal pressure of 2 MPa,
(i) The hoop and longitudinal stresses developed,
(ii) Maximum shear stress,
(iii) The changes in diameter, length and volume. Assume Young’s
modulus, E = 210 GPa and Poisson’s ratio = 0.3. (13)
(b) Calculate the maximum and minimum hoop stress across the
cross-section of a pipe having 500 mm internal diameter and 120 mm
thick. Assume that the pipe contains a fluid at a pressure of 10 N/mm2.
Sketch the radial pressure and hoop stress distribution across the
cross-section. (13)
PART C — (1  15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) A point in a strained material, the intensities of normal stress across two
planes at right angles to each other are 500 N/mm2 (tensile) and
100 N/mm2 (compressive) and a shear stress of 200 N/mm2 across the
planes as shown in Figure 6. Locate the principal planes and evaluate the
principal stresses. Also locate the planes of maximum shear stress and
find the values. Find normal, tangential stresses on a plane inclined at
300 as shown in Figure 6. (15)

Figure 6
(b) The industrial robot is held in the stationary position as shown in
Figure 7. Draw the shear and moment diagrams of the arm ABC if it is
pin connected at A and connected to a hydraulic cylinder BD. Assume the
arm and grip have a uniform weight of 0.3 N/mm and support the load of
200 N at C. (15)

Figure 7

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