Iwasaki A Three-Dimensional PDF
Iwasaki A Three-Dimensional PDF
Iwasaki A Three-Dimensional PDF
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June, 1987
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ISBN 0*3:15*37375*x
o 198 7
ÀBSTRÄCT ,.,....., iv
LIST OF TÀBLES ......... x
1. Mandibular P1ane .Ang1e 9
2.ffi 10
3. Mandibular Plane .Ang1e and Facial HeÍght
correGElõns ... 72
rrr orrrrsED FAcrAr, rrPrs 13
1. t4
and Function ... 16
Breat ng 16
Muscles 19
II.I. Þi +ô !r^r^ô 23
iv, Vertical Dimension aa
4. Mecfran-icaf .Analysis 33
'I 1
crrÀPTER 4 RESIJLTS ,.. ,.,,. 87
Figure !
vi i i
SÀl"lPLE ....,.. 104
Table 3
2, Facial Heiqht
Facial height has been regarded as an important
variable in distinguishing facial type, Studies regarding
facial balance have shown that increased f acial- height Ís
generally related to increased gonial angle and a poor
facial pattern (WyIie and Johnson, 1952), Ratios or
percentages of upper or Iower facial- heights to total facial
height are conmon cephalometric ¡neasurements (Wyl-ie, L944¡
Coben, 1"955; Goldsman, 1958; Schudy, L964; Weinberg and
Kronman, 1966; Beaton, 1973). The norms or standards of
these facial heíght measuxements have varied slightly fron
analysis to analysis, depending on the sample popul-ations
There has been much controversy regarding the constancy
of facÍaÌ height proportions. The work of Brodie (1.94L1
l-950, 1953) greatly affêcted the regard for growth and
development in cLinical orthodontícs during the 1940,s and
1950's (T\Meed, 1946¡ Wylie/ 1946; Downs, L952¡ Stoner,
1955), Brodie propounded the concept that the
"morphogenetic pattern" of the human head was established at
a very early age, and that once attained, this pattern did
not change, The percentage contributions of the faciaL
parts to total height were thus believed to remain the same,
regardless of age (Brodie, 1941; Hellman, 1932i Broadbent,
794I¡ Herzberg and HoLic, 1943; Wy1ie, L944i Tirk, 1948; and
Isaacson et al,, L977). Other investigators have contested
this belief, however (Williams, 1953; Meredith et a1.,
L958; Moore, 1959).
3. Mandibufar Pfane Ã.nq.l- e and Facial- HeiqhL Correl-ations
A number of Ínvestigators have proposed that a
compensatory mechanism or balancing property functions
within the dentofacial complex to preserve a semblance of
overall harmony and proportion in the faciaf pattern (Tweed,
1954; Coben, 1955; GoIdsman, f959; Hasund and Ul-stein,
1970). Where one dimension shows an obvious discrepancy,
therefore, other dimensions are compensated in a predictable
manner. Significant correlations between facial dimensions
that display obvíous deviations from mean val-ues typically
characterize facial tlæes. It has often been suggested that
more than one parameter be used to describe facial type
(Coben, 1955; Opdebeeck and Bel-l-, J,978¡ Fields e! al,,
1984). The combination of parameters most conmonly used to
distinguish facía1 types is the MPA and lhe l- o\,¡er anterior
face height as a proportion of the total- facial height
Isaacson et qI. (1971) examined extreme variations in
facíaI growth in order to compare lhe morphological
differences manifest from these growth patterns. Increased
verticaL al-veolar growt,h and increased anterior dental
height were found in cases of high SNMPA, whil-e decreased
vertical al-veol-ar growth and increased anterior dental
height were found in cases of Low SNMPA, A tendency to
anterior open bite malocclusions in high SNMPA cases, was
therefore predicted, despite that fact that these patients
tend to show reLatively longer maxil- Ìary incisors. In
contrast, a tendency to deep-bite maloccl-usion in Iow MPA
cases predicted. despite the fact t,hat these patients
Characteri zation
The term "long face syndrorne" (LFS) has been used to
describe indÍvidual-s showing excessive anterior verticaL
facÍaL dÍmensions rel-ative to posterior facial dimensions
(SchendeÌ et al.¡ 1976; Radney and Jacobs, 198J-; Proffit and
FieLds, 1983; FieLds e! a!., 1-984). This so-cal-led
"slmdrome" is characterized primarÍIy by an excessÍve nose-
to-chin length (LAFH) and a steep mandibular plane ang1e.
Other characteristics which have been incl-uded in the
"syndrome" are: a narrow alar base and nostrí1s that are
smaIl and poorly developed; a poor upper lip-to-tooth
relationship with inordj-nate exposure of maxillary teeth and
gingiva upon smifing; a l-arge interLabial- gap; a short
ramus; a retruded mandible, a long, narrow, v-shaped
maxil- lary arch with a hÍgh palataL vault/ proclined upper
incisors, and a large distance between the maxilfary root
ap.ices and the nasal floor, Tendencies toward a skeletal
anterior open bite, an open mouth posture, and a vacant
facial expression have also been associat,ed with large LAFH
and steep MPA (Linder-Aronson and Backstrom, 1960; L.,inder-
Ä.ronson, 1970; Schendel et Êf ., 1976; Radney and Jacobs,
1981; Shaughnessy, L9B3). Àmong other terms used to
describe this f acial- type are! extreme cLockwise rotation
(Schende1 et a1. I I976), high angle type (Schudy, 1966),
adenoid facies (O'Ryan et qI., 1982), idiopathic long face
(Wi1J.mar, 7974), total- maxil-lary alveolar hyperplasia (Ha11
and Roddy, 1975)t and vertical maxilJ-ary excess (SchendeI et
aL., J"976).
The opposite condition of short LAFH and L o\..¡ MpA has
been termed "short face syndrome" (SFS) (BeLl-, I977),
IndÍviduals manifesting simíIar skeletal-, dental, and facial
features as a result of a l-ack of vertj-caÌ maxillary growth,
characteristic of the SFS (BeÌ1, 1977), have been described
under a number of different lerms, such as: hypodivergent
face (Schudy, 1965), Iow-angle type (Schudy, 1966), skeletaL
type deep-bite (Sassouni, 1969), idiopathÍc short face
(Wil1mar, L97 4) t vertical maxilJ-ary deficiency (Opdebeeck
and Bel-1, 1978), and extreme counterc l ockwi se rotation type
(Opdebeeck and BeIl, 1978). ClinicatIy, the typícaI SFS
presents wi!h an edentul-ous, overclosed appearance in a
short, square-shaped face; often wit,h a distinct chin
button, deep mentoJ.abial foId, and a tendency to skin-foLds
lateral to the oral- com¡nissures. The masseter muscLes are
generally weJ-J- developed, the vertical maxillary height is
smaÌ1, the interocclusal distance l-arge, and there is a
large overbÍte along with the short LAFH and l-ow MpA (Van
Sickels and Ivey, 1979),
Use of the tern "syndrome" has been justified by
Opdebeeck and Bell (1978) since, for a given facial type,
sÍmil-ar esthetic, cephaJ.ometrÍc, and occl-usal features are
consistent and thus can be grouped together. The generaL
terms LFS and SFS have been used to al low a Less restricted,
more complete description of the skeletal-, dentat, and
facial- characteristÍcs of a given tl¡pe and it,s variants,
The LFS and SFS individuals represent extreme
dyspJ-asias in terns of skeletal-, denta 1, and facial
structures, Surgical treatment to improve the hard and soft
tissue reLationships Ís often advocated Ín such cases (BelJ.,
J,977 i Van Sickel-s and Iveyt L979; Piecuch et aL., 1980;
extrapolation to the human situation is questionable.
A rel-atÍonship between head posture and craniofacial
morphology was firs! suggested by Schwarz in L926 (Solow et
ê1,, 1984). He attributed the developrnent of Cl-ass II
malocclusions to the hyperextension of the head relatj-ve to
the cervical co.Lumn during sIeep. Since then, many
associations have been made between airway adequacy,
craniocervical posture, and craniofacial- morphology. It has
been postuLated that rnouth-breathers tend to Lip their heads
backwards in an attempt to increase their airway. Where
adenoidectomies have created a normal airway, a l_ess
extended head posture has been reported (Ricketts, 1968i
Linder-Aronson, l-974; Woodside and LÍnder-Aronson, 1979i
SoÌow and Greve, 1979). Furthermore, a radiographic study
done by SheLton and Bosma (f962\ on pharyngeat airway
patency showed this patency to be markedly increased in
radiographs taken with the head extended.
"Forward head posture," is known to have whole-body
ramifications. Ä chronology of events is associated with
this "abnormaf" postural position, which can affect ,'muscl-e
length/tension relationships and joint biornechanics,'
(Darnel- I, 1983). SoLow and Tallgren (I977), found that
subjecLs with J.arge craniocervical angulation tended to have
decreased facial prognathism, a large mandÍbu1ar plane
inclination, and a large LAFH. A hypothesis to account for
the association between head position, decreased nasal-
airway function, and craniofacial morphology has suggested a
chain of interactions invol ving:
1) change in airway adequacy
2) ar feedback
3) change in craniocervical- angulation
4) passive stretching of thê soft-tissue l-ayer
covering the face and neck
5) morphologic change
6) change in airway adequacy.
-SoLow and Ta J- l gren (1977)
"Triggering factors" are also thought to be involved:
adenoÍd tissues, perennÍa1 al-l-ergic conditions; disturbances
in the visual-, propriocepLive. utricular, or semicircul-ar
canal systems; cervical spine anomalies; scar tissues; and
sutural growth disorders, condylar disorders, or a
discrepancy between the vertical components of condylar and
cervical vertebraJ- growth (Solow et al-., 1984),
Investigations to test the possible correl-ations between
nasal respiratory resistance and craniocervÍcaI angulations
have been carríed out (Solow and Greve, 1979¡ Línder-
Aronson, J.979; Weber et a1., 1981; SoJ-ow et al., 1984).
The effects of tongue and mandibular posture, on the
dentofacial morphology have been expLored for real and
simulated anterior open bite subjecls using EMG recordings
of the activity of the tongue¡ the jaw, and the orof acÍal-
musculature (Lowe, 1980). Although relationships have been
suggest.ed, the smal- I sampl-e sizes preclude any defÍnite
concl-usions from these studies. DaIy et aL (1982) found
that, a mechanical- bÍte-opening of eight mil-l-imeters caused
changes in head posture in theÍr cLinicaL subjects. These
were largely due to extensíon of the neck, and were índuced
withÍn one hour. The subjects t,ended to recover their
origína1 head poslure after removal of the bite-opening
device, Ieading to speculations that the response was
re.Iated to functional demands and influences. The
maintenance of a postlinguaJ- airway and/or occlusal sensory
perception and a subsequent motor response have been
suggested in this regard.
With the increasing prevalence of t.he surgical-
correction of craniofacial deformities, concern has been
raised over the effect of such surgery on nasal airway
resistance/ especÍalIy where vertical changes to the maxilla
are invol-ved. It is hoped that the suspected câuse-effect
relationshíp between nasaL airway and craniofacial
charcteristics, and the part played by posture, muscular
activity, and oral- habits wiII be Ínvestigated through the
study of the effects of orthognathic surgery. The current
l-iterature in thís area has described prelirninary research
onLy (Grandstaff and Mason, 1983t Turvey et a1., 1984¡
Guenthner et al., f 984).
ii. Muscles
Links between the neuromuscul-ar and skeletaL systems
are known to exist (HarvoId, 1979) however, the nature of
the relationshíp between form and function has yet, to be
determined. The question of whether a predetermined facial
form dictates muscle strength or whether muscle strength
det.ermines the facial form remains.
Experimental investigations have consistently sho\dn
type-specific muscl"e characteristics associated with the
masticatory sys tens of LFS and SFS individual-s.
Correlations between the masticatory muscle
electromyographic (EMG) activity and facial and bite
morphology have been found in chil-dren (AhIgren, I967¡
Ahlgren et af. , 1,973¡ IngervaÌI and ThÍfander, 1974) and
adults (MdIler, f966). Sirnilar resul-ts have been obtained
from studies of isometric bite force in adults (Ringqvist,
1973). For the conditions of chewing, bitÍng, swaJ. lowing,
and posturaf rest position, these studíes have shown
íncreased masticatory muscle aclivity and increased bÍtÍng
force in individual-s with SFS characteristics (AhIgren,
I967¡ Md L ler, I966¡ Ringqvi st, 1973¡ Ingerva l L and
Thilander, L974¡ rngervaJ. 1, 1976). These individuafs
exhibited small- face height; parallelism between jaw bases,
occLusaL lÍne, and the mandibular border; and a smal1 gonial
MdlLer found that certain features of facial morphology
varied less within a group of persons with strong
masticatory muscles than with weak masticatory muscLes
(IngervaLl- and Helkimo, J.978). Strong muscl-es therefore
resuLted in faces with simil-ar morphological features,
whereas weak muscles, whj-ch were less able to infLuence
morphology, resulted in a wide range of variation in
individual f acia l- patterns.
Ingervall and Hefkino (1978) studied young adults with
complete/ natural dentitions, to measure bite force and to
examine then for signs and sl¡mptoms of functional problems
within their temporomand i bu Ì ar Joint systems. The sample
was represented by strong and weak bite force groups. No
significant difference with respect to signs and symptoms of
lemporomandibu l ar joint dysfunction (TMD) was found, except
the strong bite group as a whoLe showed increased tooth
abrasion. A link between bite force, tooth position, and
facial morphoÌogy has been pointed out by others as well
(RÍchards, 1985), Strong bite force r¡7a s presumed to imply
strong musc.Ie force, although muscle activity \,¡a s not
actuaL ly measured. A comparison of cepha].ometrÍc parameters
used to measure faciaL morphofogy supported the work of
MdlLer (Ingerval l- and Hel-kimo, 1978), in that a greater
uniformity in faciaL norphology was shown in those with
strong bites, Ingerval-I and Helkimo therefore concluded
that the effects of rnuscles contribute to the shape of the
face. The cranial base, on the other hand, seemed to be
governed by intrinsic factors, since it was found to be
variable in both strong and weak bite groups (supporting the
theoríes of van Limborgh, 1972), The essen!Ía1 morphologic
differences between the weak and strong bite groups were
thus: decreased facial height and decreased mandibular
plane inclinations Ín the strong bite group relative to the
weak bite group.
Investigations int.o vertical f acial- dysplasias with
rêspect to muscl-e morphoJ-ogy, rnuscJ_e activity, and muscle
mechanics, have been described. Finn and co-workers (1980)
obtained muscLe biopsies of the deep masseter f rorn three
L,FS and three SFS surgery patient,s, and from three nornaL
cadavers/ for hÍstological examination. The type and
distribution of the component muscl-e fibres are general J-y
felt to be a ref l-ection of the function of the muscLe as a
whol-e. Signs of muscl-e fÍbre hypertrophy were found in
long-faced patients, while signs of muscle fibre atrophy
were found in short-faced patients compared to the controls.
This initial histological study has suggested that patiênts
with verticaf maxillary dysplasia have abnormaL jaw muscles.
EMG resul-ts of the muscle activity Ín LFS compared to
SFS patients have been quite consistent, in that hÍghêr EMc
activity of the muscl-es has been seen in short-faced
subjects (Md.lJ-er, 1966¡ AhIgren, L973¡ Ingervall- and
Thilander, 1974i lngervaJ-1, 1-976; Finn et gI., 1980). On
the basis that the force that a rnuscLe fiber can generate is
proportional to the cross-sectional area of the fiber, it
has been argued that short-faced patients must recruit more
muscLe fibres to generat.e the same bite force as long-faced
patients (Finn et aI.¡ 1980). A two-dimensional analysis of
the masticatory systen of short-faced patients compared !o
long-faced patients did not show J-arge differences in the
mechanicaJ- advantage between the two groups, however. FÍnn
et a1. concluded, therefore, that dÍfferences in muscle
morphology masked the relatively sma l- I mechanical
and Hillen (1984a and 1985), Cross-sections taken from
computex tomograns taken at pre-defined 1eve1s in the muscle
were found t.o be proportional to the anatomically determined
totaL fibre cross-sectional- area. The relationships
belween the cross-sectional areas of the masticatory muscLes
and the dimensions of the face and cranium in clinical
subjects with "normal" occLusion have also been studied
(weijs and HiIlen, 1984b), In general, the breadths of the
skull-, face, and mandible were found to be strongly
correLated with the strength of the masticatory system.
The masseter and medial pterygoid muscles were found to be
large in individuals with brachycephalic skulÌs, short
faces, and small gonial angles. The cross-sectional areas
of the temporalis and l-ateral- pterygoid muscles, however,
showed no significant correl-ation with f acial- dirnensions,
This lack of correlatÍon between the cross-section of the
temporalis (the largest jaw muscl-e), and craniofaciaJ- form,
was surprisíng. Since the ternporalis varÍed fess in cross-
section than the other jaw muscLes and showed a re]-atÍvely
weak correlation with the total- jaw muscle cross-section, it
was suggested that the strength of the temporaralis muscle
may be a constant factor in the chewing system, and that the
rnasticatory strength is modulated by the masseter and medial_
pterygoid muscl-es (Wei js and HiJ. len, 1985).
Kawazoe et. aI.f 1979), In a study of bite force (simul-ating
that used in chewing) and finger force however, Helkimo and
IngervaII (1978) showed no correlation belween bite force
(or chewing force) and the general muscLe stÏength as
represented by finger force, This was in agreement \.{ith the
findings of Lindholm and Wennstrërn (l-970) who failed to show
statislical- ly sÍgnificant correl-ation between bite force and
general muscl-e force, body height, wêight, and skeLetal
It has been suggested that for a given individual, a
vertical dimension exists from which maximum masticatory
force may be developed (Boos, i.940; TuelIer, 1969), This
position Ís bel-ieved to be close to the mandÍbul-ar posturaJ.
rest position. Manns and associates (1979) investigated
these findings by recording masseter muscle EMG activity and
the bite force during isometric bitÍng at various vertÍcaI
dimensions Ín healthy adult subjects. An optimum vertical
dimension was found to exist, for these individual-s, bet\4reen
fifteen and twenty millimeters from occLusion. This
position, where the bite force was rnaximized and the EMG
activity of the masseter muscle was minimized, was
considerably larger than the conventionally accepted ranges
for rest position interoccfusal distance. It was
concl-uded that this represented a physiologÍca11y optimun
rnuscu.lar elongation of major efficiency for the masseter
muscle, and that individual differences in this position
probably corresponded to differences in craniofacial
skeLetaI characterístics.
Invêstj.gations by Proffit, FieIds, and Nixon (1983a)
have demonstrated significant differences between occlusal_
forces in adults with normal vertical dentofacÍal
proportíons and those wÍth LFS vertical dyspLasias. At
maximum effort, the LFS individuals were shown to have about
half as much biting force as the normal- indÍviduaIs, The
I-.,FS subject,s al-so showed considerabl-y J.ess occl_usal- force
Evidence for a relationship between facial types
distinguished by FMPA, patterns of tooth contact in
eccentric jaw movements (fateraL disclusion), and biting
forces has been presented (Dipietro, I977).
variations in its conponents, have been investigated for
individuals with deep-bite rnalocclusions (overbite greater
than five miI limeters ). Orthodontic treatment was
found not to sÍgnificant.ly al-ter the anterior facial
proportíons, in spite of successful correction of deep
overbite mal-occLusions, involving a signifÍcant change in
the dentaL components of facial height (Weinburg and
Kronman, 1966). Specufat.ions that the masticatory muscles
were responsibLe for maintaining facial proportions by
acting to maintain their resting Iength, and that the
decrease in overbite with treatment 1^/a s due to depression of
the mandibuÌar incisors, have thus been made.
The role of verticaL dimension discrepancies of lhe
jaws has figured prominently Ín the quest to understand
masticatory pain and dysfunction, Cases of SFS and LFS.
where surgicaJ. rearrangement of maxil- lary and mandibular
rel-ationships are carried out, may, in the future, heJ.p to
resolve the controversy regarding the sanctity of vertical
signs and symptoms of TMD nost frequently, Deep bítes,
charact.eristic of Ang1e Cl-ass ff, Division two maloccLusions
have been commonl-y reported ín cfinicaL TMD sampfe groups
(Perry¿ 1969; Mongini, I977¡ WiLl-iamson and Brandt, 1981) as
have skeletal- anterior open bite mal-occlusÍons (Perry, 1969;
Willíamson and Brandtf 1981; MohLin and Thilander, 1984;
ThÍIander, 1985),
CurrentLy, there is l-ittle agreement on the association
between abnormal- skeletal- and/or dentaL Tel-ationships and
temporomandibul-ar pain and dysfunction, including internal
joÍnt pathology and abnor¡nalities of muscl-e functÍon, What
constitutes "dysfunction" has been controversiaL and poorly
defined (Moyercs, 1985), The sample sel-ection of most studies
have therefore been based on poor criteria. Greene and
Marbach (1982) have suggested that any rel-ationships between
dental- mal-occLusion, abnormal facial norphology, and TMD
have been greatly exaggerated, Their criticaf analysis of
t'he epidemiological research in this area provides good
argument against the cLinical appl-ication of the informat.ion
gained from such studies.
Van Sickels and lvey (J.979) have presented a rationale
for the association of SFS wit,h myof acial- [sic] pain
dysfunction syndrome, Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome
(MPD) is recognized as a multifactorial entí!y rel-ated to
the anatomy of thê temporomandibu 1ar joint, the muscfes of
mastication, the occlusion, and the personality of the
patient, It has been suggested that SFS represents an
anatomic variation which simulates the situation of
overcl-osure due to l-oss of verticaL di-mension in the
prosthodontic patient (Van Sickels and Ivey, L979, Piecuch
et a1,, 1980). This so-ca1led overclosure, is purported to
cause the muscles to overcontract and result in muscle
fatigue, and furthermore, to result in posterosuperior
repositioning of the condyJ.es, leadÍng to joint noises and
al-t,ered mandibuÌar movèments. Treatment Lo address both
the MPD and the underj-ying anatonic varíation has been
advocated (Van Sickel-s and Ivey, L979¡ Piecuch et al-.¿
1980), Occ.Iusa.I splint !herapy in order to temporarily
attain a more normal- verticaL dimension, f oJ.J.owed by a
maxÍLLary osteotomy procedure to permanentÌy ímprove
function and esthetics, have been suggested in cases of SFS
(Van sÍckels and Ivey, 1979). Resolution of TMD probJ.ems in
a SFS patient, who underv¡ent orthognathic surgery to
establish more normal- skeletodenta.L rel-ationships, has been
documented (Piecuch et al-,, 1980). More substantial
evidence is needed, however. Treatment rationales such as
these require more thorough investigation before being
applied to the general SFS popuLat,ion, or !o the skel_etal
dysharmony population as a who.le,
A number of studies to investigate the prevalence of
TMD in skeletal disharmony groups or subgroups have been
carried out. Rotskoff has reported a forty-three percent
incidence of TMD sl¡mplons in a population of one hundred and
forty-one pre- orthognathii surgery patients (Upton et aLf
1984). Upton and associates found an incidence of
pretreatment TMD symptoms in orthognathic surgery patients
of fifty-three percent, but thi s was based on a
postreatmentf retrospective questionnaire, to which l-ess
than hal-f of their patients responded.
Wisth (1984) has Iooked at TMD signs and symptons in
patients with mandibul-ar prognathism, He reported a
signifÍcantLy greater incidence and severity of certain TMD
signs and sl¡mptoms in untreated prognathism patients than in
those v¡ho were treated surg j-ca1l-y ten years earlÍer, He
Marbâch, L982). Às weJ. 1, emotional- and psychotogical
factors are known to be involved (Laskin, L969; Zarb and
Speck¡ f977). Yêmm (1979), has supported the argument that
TMD represents a centraJ.J-y deríved disturbance rather than a
dysharmonies in cases of TMD, Three major problems arise
from errors of improper classification (Laskin et aI.,
1986). Firstly, a mi sunderstanding can be created about how
common it j-s for TMD to develop in patients wÍth skeletal
dentofacial dysharmonies. SecondJ-y, a presumptive and
possibJ-y erroneous causal assocÍation has been made when a
patient with a major skeletal dysharmony has symptoms of
mandibul-ar pain and dysfunction. FÍna11y, !he need for
correction of these dysharmonies appears more imperative if
surgeons and orthodontists bel-ieve that patients with major
maf occl-usions either are at hÍgh risk of TMD or must have
ort.hognathic treatment in order to resolve sl¡mptoms that are
pTesent, Data !o support an assocíation between skeLetal
dysharmonies and TMD has so far been ínsufficient to be a
strong basis for cl-inical- treatment.
4, MechanicaL Ànalysis
Investigations into the mechanics of various
masticatory systems as dictated by morphology have been
attempted, O'Ryan and Epker (1984) have pointed out
variations in the temporonandibu l ar joint morphology between
Cl-ass I normal-, Class II open-bite, and CIass II deep-bite
variants, They have suggested that since such morphological
differences are predi ctab 1e, predi cti ons as to
temporomandibu l- ar joÍnt problems, particularly with respect
to joint loading should afso be possible,
Throckmorton and associates (L983) have presented the
resuLts of a modeL anaLysis demonstrating how seLeçted
differences in faciaL morphology shouLd affect the
mechanical- advantage of the mas!icatory muscl-es. The model
was used to evaluat.e differences in the mechanical advantage
betvreen patients with LFS and those with SFS. Al-though
Throckmorton and associates predicted that differences in
facial morphology between the two extrême facial types
resu.l-ted in significant differences in the mechanical-
advantage of theÍr muscles, their model analysis was
strictfy two-dimensionaI ExtrapoLation to the cl-inical
situation to predict the effects of orthognathic surgical
procedures or masticatory function/ therefore, is hÍghJ-y
Various other nodels of the masticatory system have
been proposed as welf (Barager and Osborn, 1984; Osborn and
Barager, 1985; Smith et al-., 1986i Meyer and FieÌds, 1986;
Hatcher et af ,, L986). but no three-dimensiona f analyses of
the mechanics of masticatory function with respect to
facial type have yet been reported.
rel-ative to an applied bite force, The prenise that the
temporomandibu I ar joints should be ¡nÍnima11y loaded for any
given bite force consistent with mechanical equilibrium, is
the basis for this numerical model.
The term "loadingf ', as it pertains to the
temporomandibufar joint, has been defined in this model_ as a
force aÕting upon the condyle and imparting lo the condyle a
propens ity toward .l inear movenent (Smith, L 9I4 ) . ',Load,,'
Moyers (I979)t has been modified for use in the modeÌ,
Moyers defined the sagittal view occlusaL plane as being
represented by a fine averaging the posterior occfusal
contacts, usually involving the first permanent ¡nolars and
the primary molars or the bicuspids. For the mode1, the
occlusal- plane was a plane averaging the points of posterior
occl-usal contact from the dÍstobuccal cusp of the mandÍbuIar
second permanent molar (2n), anteriorly t,hrough the bicuspid
region, and crossing within the area between the incisal
edge and the incÍsal- one-quarter of the most anterj.or
mandibul-ar tooth (Fígure 3.2), The crÍteria for determiníng
occ.l-usaI plane were applied in the following order:
1) the point of contact at the distobuccal cusp of
the 2m
2) a point between the incisaL edge and the incisal
one-quarter of the central incisor; or the most
anterior mandibul-ar tooth invoLved in function
3) the best plane averaging the points of occlusal
contact between poínts L) and 2),
The x-z plane is paralLel to this occlusal p1ane, while the
x-y plane and y-z plane are perpendicular to this occlusal_
plane ,
-) at
description of the tooth ro\,¡ are given by the positions of
!he cusp tip of the nandibular canine and the distobuccal_
cusp tip of the mandibular second permanent mol-ar, The
tooth row is thus approximated by two straight 1Íne segments
representing the rÍght and Left mandibuLar teeth from the
distobuccal cusp of the second permanent molar to the
canine, and by the arc of a circle representing the
mandibufar anteríor teeth (Figur.e 3,3).
The most anterosuperior point on the sagittal view
profile of the condy.le, and approximately mÍdway
mediolateraJ-ly, represents the temporomandibular
articuLation for the ríght and feft condyles (Figures 3,2
and 3,3). A line joiníng these two points has been defined
here as the intercondylar axis (z-axis in Figure 3.1).
The resul-tant force and the resultant moment acting on
the mandible are zero when static equilÍbrium is satisfied.
A bite force applied at a point on the tooth row must
therefore be resisted by the condyles and by the contraction
of muscl-es, Six muscles of mastÍcation that are invofved in
jaw closure are represented in the model_; these are the
right and left masseter nuscles, the right and l-ef t
temporalis muscles, and the right and left lateral pterygoid
muscl-es, The biting system has been simplified to
investigate verticaÌly applied biting loads, The mediaÌ
pterygoid muscl-es, which are thought to be important in
resisting mediol-at,eraI loads to the jaw, have therefore been
The six nuscle vectors are determined from estimates
of the muscl-e centroids correspondíng to muscl-e insertÍons
and origÍns, as determined by anatomic landmarks. For
isometric biting, because musc.l-e attachments are fixed to
bone, and because the forces created by rnuscles come abouL
only through contraction, these muscl-e vectors wiff be of a
se! direction and point of applica!Íon. The contraction
forces required to satisfy static equilibrium are thus
represented as síngle resultant vectors. The relatÍonship
betr,reen these muscle vectors, for a given biting situation,
wilJ- depend on the anatomical- rel-atÍonships of the origÍns
and insertions for an indivíduaf. Within an índivÍdua I
system, t'he muscLe vectors can be moved to accommodate
variatj-ons Ín function. ¡'or example, posterior biting with
the mandibLe in a retruded posÍtion, as weII as anterior
biting with the mandÍb1e in a protruded position, may be
investÍgated in the model (NickeJ-, L987).
The basic j-nformation required for the numerÍcal model
ana.lysis of a particular bitÍng situation Ís provided by the
geornetric anatonic data representing a given system, The
relative positions of the occlusal- pl-ane, the condylar
heads, and the muscle vectors of the masseter/ temporalis,
and the l-ateraL pterygoid musc.l-es, are measured from dentaL
and skeletal l-andmarks and hence are known (Figure 3.4).
The bite force, its point of application, and the direction
of its action on the mandibÌe are specified by the
investÍgator, and therefore are al-so known. Given the
condition that the forces acting on the condyles shouLd be
minimized, a two-step algorithm is employed to solve for the
I f.,l Specified
E] Fixed anatom¡cally
T Unknown(iterativety acquired)
]. CLinical Samp1e
Sixteen pre-orthodontic treatment patients from the
University of Manitoba Graduate Orthodontic CIinic were
chosen for invest,igation, The patients were North .tunerican
Caucasians. Their ages ranged from thirteen years and nine
months to t\,renty-six years and one month, \"¡ith a mean age of
L7 years and four months. There were equal nurnbers of maLes
and females. Al-l- the patients were in good general heafth
and were not known to be suffering from any chronic, and/or
debilitating disease or disorder.
By orthodontic standards, these patients demonstrated
maloccl-usions associated with some degree of gnathic,
skeletal- disharmony, In general, treatment of severe cases
of "abnormal-" skeletaL, dentofaciai- patterns is most ideaIJ.y
addressed t.hrough orthognathic surgery in conjunctíon with
orthodontic therapy. In fourteen of the sixteen cases used
in this study, orthodontics combined with orthognathic
surgery was the subsequent.Ly recommended treatment,
Form and functÍon have been assurned to be related, By
accepted orthodontic norms, it could be saíd that the
cÌinical sample showed skeletal- and dental ma l- f orrnations.
Despite their so-cal led "malf ormations', however,
"malfunction" to an obvÍous, hea l th-compromi s ing extent was
not evident in these patients. This study was focussed upon
the consíderations of whether, and to whaL degree,
functional- compromÍses associated with the "abnormal,' form
demonstrated by the sampJ.e may have existed. The method
described was aimed at investigating the rel-ationship
between orthodontÍc cl-assif ication of "normal', and
"abnormal-" form, and the prÍmary function of the masticatory
systen as related to the plane of occlusion.
The patients in this study were sel_ected to represent
extremes in terms of facial type, The patients were judged
c1ÍnÍca1ly to demonstrate doficofacial or brachyfacial
characteristÍcs (Figure 3.6). The se clinical
cl-assÍfÍcations were verified cepha l ometrica I J-y by analysis
of tracings made from Iateral cephalometríc radiographs,
Figure 3.7 shows a typical Lateral- cephalometric tracing.
The Landnarks and reference pLanes pertinent to this method
are indÍcated, The relative facial heights and the
mandibular plane angles (MPA) for the seLected individuals
were quantified and compared to the normative ranges for
these paraneters given by the ManÍt.oba CephalometrÍc
Ä.naIysis (Figure 3,8). In terms of anterior facial height
proportions and rnandibular plane incl-inations rel-ative to
conventional- reference planes (FH and SN), lhese patients
* Th.
"Manitoba Anatysis" is a set of standard values for
comrnonly used cephaJ.ometric measurenents based on a sel-ected
sample of CLass I 'rnormal " skeLetal and dentaJ_ pattern
children of the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Beaton,
1973), These norns were felt to be appropriate for the
clinical sampJ-e group described in this thesis,
("Long Face Syndrome" )
MANTTOBA ll (1984)
sNg I .t
56 26
utryEß8tfY oF MAHtfOà^
(*From Beaton, 1973)
Figure 3.8
were generalJ.y seen as being beyond the accepted ranges of
"normal- " (TabJ-e 3,1-).
The use and rel-evance of the measurements of facial
height proportions and mandibular plane incLinatíon have
been referred to in Chapters I and 2. More specific
definitÍons are given ín the following paragraphs. AÌl_
descriptions are made in reference to a lateral_-view
cephal-ometric tracing.
Anterior facÍaL heÍght proportions were expressed by
the l- ower anterior face height (LAI'H) as a percentage of the
total- anterior face height (TAFH). The TAFH, as
conventíonally measured, was the distance between the points
Nasion (N, the junction.of the frontonasal suture with the
skeletal prof iJ.e outfine of the bridge of the nose) and
Menton (Me, the Lowest point on Èhe symphyseal- outl-ine of
the chin). The LAFH was measured between Me and Anterior
Nasa l- Spine (ANS ) .
Long/Steep Group:
J, B. M 13-9 57.0 5.5
4 34.s
J,l^7. M 14-0 56.2 38.0 31.5
K.M. î 14-4 60.8 48,0 ¿1 C
P,A, F 15-l-0 58.9 37.0 34.0
D.K. M 17-3 57.8 38.5 37.5
ÞD F L'l -4 63.6 s6.0 53,5
J ,Z, M i_7-5 62.4 53.0 48.0
T.K. F 20-0 60.3 LL
Mean age of long/steep groups 16 years - 3 months
Short/Flat Group!
CF 15- 0 52.2 22.0
M 14.0
D,H. M 1.5-9 53.4 2 s.0 18,0
u,b. F 15-9 51.8 2t,5 12,0
T.W, F L7 -0 55.1 26,0 r_9.5
L, P, F 1B-8 54.8 17.0 L2.0
Þr\ M L9-2 56.6 23.0 r8.0
A,L, F 20-L 54.8 ¿¿.u l_ 1.5
D.M. M 26-7 53.8 23.0 16 .5
*Where:F=femafe M= male
LAFH = Lower anterior facÍa1 height
TAFH = Total- anterior facial height
SNMPÀ = Sell-a-Nasion - Mandibular pJ.ane angle
FHMP.A, = Frankfort horizontal - MandÍbuIar plane
ang 1e
auditory meatus), Since Or and Po are both bilateral
landmarks, the points representj-ng then r¡/ere averaged over
the rÍght and l-eft sides.
LAFH/TAFH, SNMPA| and FHMPA measurements clearly
separated the long LAFH/steep MPA (l-ong/steep) group from
the short LAFH/f l-at MPÀ (short/fIat) group, As weII,
superimpos itions of Lateral- cephal-omètric tracings on both
FH and SN planes demonstrated two distinctly different
f acial- types by normaL standards of assessment (Figure 3,9
shows superimpositions on SN) . This conventiona I
distinction between the two groups of people examined was
tested with respect to function, by investigating the
mechanical- potential of their respective masticatory
The geometric anatonical relationships between the
condy.lar heads, the origins and insertions of the mâsseter,
temporalis, and lateral pterygoid muscJ.es, and the tooth row
for each of the patients were obtained f ro¡n tracings of
standard orthodontic lateral and posteroanterior (PA)
cephalometric radiographs. These radiographs were part of
the initial records made at the University of Manitoba and
hence were avaÍLabLe for study. The derived geometries were
used in the model and the condyJ-ar load and musc.Ie activity
patlerns were caLcu.l-ated for each of the eight individuals
in the long/steep group and each of the eight individual-s in
the short/ f i-at group.
The cephalometric radiographs \,¡ere obtained in the OraI
DiagnosÍs/Radiology Clinic, Department of Stomatology,
íi I
¡i ' N
2. OsteologicaL Sampl-e
In order to determine whether the geometric
rel-ationships of the teeth, temporomandibu l- ar joints, and
the muscles of mastication could be accurately derived from
* Faculty of Dentistry,
780 Bannatyne Àvenue,
l'Tinnipeg, Manitoba , Canada R3 E 0W3
** N. TayLor Engineering Ltd.,
Parks tone-DorseL / England
*** Pi"k"r x-ray Engineering l-.,td,,
Winnipeg/ Manitoba
cephalometric radiographs, data from a human osteological
sampJ.e were obtained, The sample consisted of ten human
skull-s selected from the Hamann-Todd (H-T) Osteological
ColLection. This unique coffection is housed in the
Department of Physical Anthropology, at the Cl-eveland Museum
of Natural History. * The Hamann-Todd Col lection
represents an exceptionally weJ. l--documented and catalogued
assembly of autopsied skel-etal remains, Relatively
complete records of over two thousand eight hundred
macerated cadavers, which were accumul-ated over the Latter
part of the nineteenth century and first haÌf of this
century/ are now stored in the nuseum, The acconpanying
autopsy and pathology reports have included as much detailed
information as possíbIe. Where available, records from
medical- and civic authorities have been included to assÍst
the accurate recording of each individuaf,s chronological
and maturatÍona1 age, sex, ethnicÍty, provenience, heaLth
historyr and cause of death, Heights and body weights of
the cadavers, as well as photographs in some cases, helped
to give further Índication of general body constitution.
Ten adul-t skul-Is with nandibl-es and relatively intact
natural- dentiÈions were selected. These specimens were
believed to be ín relatively good generaL heal-th at the time
of their deaths. Specimens v¿hose records showed evidence of
Long-standing chronic and/or osteologically degenerative
* Th" C1..r.l-and Museum of Natural- History,
Wade Oval I University Circle,
CleveIand, Ohio, U.S.A. 44L06
processes were not incLuded in the sample, The ten
specinens are described with respect t.o age, sex, ethnÍc
origin, and cause of deat.h, in the Table 3-2.
The photographic data col- l-ected from the skeletal
sample was used to test a cephalomêtric radiographic
technique for data coflection. This was accomplished by
comparing t.he anatomÍc measurements obtained from the skuffs
with the radiographic anatomic measurements obtained from
standardized cephalometric radiographs of the same skuLls.
The ten osteologic spec j-mens were also selected to
represent extrenes in terms of facial type, and could be
divided into two groups, wíth five skulLs showing long face
heÍghts and steep mandibul-ar pl-ane inclinations, and five
skulls showing short face heights and fLat mandibular plane
i. Photographic Records
Geometric anatomic data suitable for use in the model
was obtained from the skulls using a st,andardized
photographic technique developed by NickeÌ, Mcl..achlan and
Snith (NickeI I L987), This technÍque f acil-itated the
measurement of specific points relative to a defined
orthogona I axÍs sys tem, and provided a mean s of
transporting and storing the skel-etaI information as a
resource rnateria L ,
views based on three anatomic pJ.anes: the sagittal, the
f ronta.l , and the basal planes.
3.17). This area has been defined as extending posteriorly
to the region of the zygomati cotempora 1 suture (Sícher and
DuBrul-, L975) and anteriorly on to the zygomaticomaxi 1 l ary
process, The insertion of the masseter muscl-e was marked Ín
the area of the angfe of the mandible extending anteriorly
towards the l-evel of the Lower second molar tooth, and on
the Lateral cortícaL surface of the inferior portion of the
ramus (Figure 3.10 ) .
The origin of the temporalis muscle was delineated
according to Sicher and DuBrul (1975), in that Ít fotlowed
the inferior ternporal Line and thereby extended over the
temporal, parietaì-, sphenoid (greater wing) and frontaL
bones on the f ateraJ- part of the skulJ. (Figure 3.11). The
insertion of the temporalis muscfe was outl-ined on the
medial and lateral cortical surfaces of the coronoid
process. The bony scarring of the insertion was seen to
extend anteriorly and inferior.Iy towards the posterior end
of the alveolar process of the nandiblef l-ateral and medial
to the retromolar fossa (Figures 3,10, 3,13, and 3.16).
The outl-ine of the origin of the l-ateral pterygoid
muscle included the regions occupied by the inferior and
superior heads of the muscle (Figure 3.17). Bony scarring
was observed on the l-ateraL cortical- surface of the l-ateral
pterygoid pLate of thê sphenoÍd bone, representing the
origin of the inferior head (Figure 3,17), The scarring
extended superiorly onto the ínfratemporaL surface of the
greater wing of the sphenoid, This area, medial to the
infratemporal crest, whj-ch formed the roof of the temporal
fossa, represented the superÍor head, The insertion of the
lat.eral pterygoíd muscl-e was outlined by the muscfe scarring
evídent Ín the fovea of the condylar neck (Fígure 3.16),
The photographs were made with the prepared sku1ls
and/or mandÍbles positioned within a specíalIy constructed
framework (Figure 3.18). This framework had a set and
identifiable focal- pfane, located at the nost anterior Limít
of the framework with respect to the camera, This focaL
plane was narked by a metaf rod measuring 149 mil-Iímeters in
length, which was used as a guide to the posÍtíoning of the
specimens. The metaf rod was incLuded in the photographs¡
to one side of the specimen. Inclusion of this rod
permitted the obtained photographÍc images to be scaled to
stze. It also allowed perspective errors to be
calculated for measurements of coordinates located behind
the focal p I ane,
The specimens themsel-ves were supported by a dry,
Ìarge-particl-e medium (spIit yel lo\^¡ peas) in a metaL pan
attached to the f ra¡nework. The set-up allowed sliding of
the pan towards and a\,¡ay from the camera in the horizontal
pLane. The posítion of the pan within the framework could
thus be adjusted with respect to the f ocaJ- plane, For the
photographs made of the skuLl- with the nandibl-e, the
position of f ul-l--occlusaL articulation of the teeth was
approximated, judging from the occlusaL facets and patterns
of dentaÌ attri!Íon, and the mandibl-e was secured to the
skul-l- in that position with masking tape. Where support
from the masking t.ape alone would interfere with visibility
of important anatomicaL structures, manuaf support, was
provÍded by an assístant, For the photographs of the
mandible a.lone, a hofding device was used to suspend the jaw
bone above the support rnedium so that the entire mandibLe
was visib.Ie Ín the photograph.
Three sagittal pfane views of each specimen were
recorded. These showed the skulL alone, the mandibfe alone
(FÍgure 3.10), and the skuLL and the mandiblè together
(FÍgure 3.f1), The sagittal view photographs were made wÍth
the specimen adjusted to have the sagiltaJ- plane paraJ-leI to
the focal plane and the occ1usal. plane horizontal. For the
sagittal- views of the skufl aLone and with the mandible, the
position of the specimen was adjusted to have the parietal
eminence intersectÍng the focal pfane. For the sagittal- view
of the mandibl-e only, the ipsÍlateral condyle was positioned
to intersect the focaL plane,
Three frontal plane views were recorded. These showed
the skul-1 aIone, the mandibLe alone (Figure 3.13), and the
skull and the mandible together (Figure 3.14). The frontal
view photographs were made wÍth the specimen adjusted to
have the frontal plane parallel to the focal- plane and the
occlusal- plane horizontal-, In these views the most antêrior
portion of the specimen was positioned to intersect the
focal p I ane,
Two basaf aspect photographs of each specírnen were
made, one with the skull- alone (Figure 3.16) and the other
with the mandibl-e articul-ated. In these views, the occLusal
plane was positíoned paraLleL to the focal p1ane, and the
most proxirnal portions of the skull- and the nandibl-e in this
position, were set to intersect the focal plane,
Àn occLusal- view of the mandÍble (Figure 3,17)
completed the set of nine picturès made for each specÍmen.
The occlusal plane was oriented para11eJ. to the focal plane
for this photograph, and the most superior aspects of the
condyles, or in some casesf the coronoid processes, were
positioned to intersect the focal plane.
A Minolta (Registered Trademark) 35 millirneter, single
lens refLex camera was used on a fÍxed tripod, with the
camera l-ens-f ocaÌ pl_ane set at a distance of 100
centimeters, The camera was set at f-g, and the belLows at
position 9/ on the given scal-es, The Kodak (Registered
Trademark) EPY 135, ASA 50 film empJ_oyed was processed and
developed by a commercial photographic laboratory.
demonstratíng the maín direction of muscl-e pull ín a
centríc, isometric bite posÍtion, This definition has taken
into consideration the muscle bul_k as wefl as attachment
area, It therefore was not a mathematical centroÍd
caLcul-aLed strictly from the two-dimensionaf outLine of the
muscl-e attachment,
SmalI pieces of l-ead foil were secured with transparent,
tape to the estimated centroid positions of the origins of
the masseter, temporalis, and f ateral- pterygoid muscJ.es, and
the insertion of the tenporalis muscle. To mark the
insertíons of the masseter and l-ateral- pterygoid muscles,
1.0 mill-imetêr diameter, dead-sof!, solder wíre, secured by
tape, was used to mark the approximate length of the maJor
extent of the area. With the radio-opaque markers in pIace,
the mandibl-e and craníaI portion of each specimen were
articuLated according to the dentition, as in the
photographic technique, and secured in this position with
masking tape,
The set-up used to obtain the cephalometric radiographs
of the osteol-ogical sample was provided by the School of
Dentistry, Case Western Reserve University.* The specimens
were transported from the museum to the Bol-ton-Brush Study
Roo¡n in the Department of Orthodontics at Case Westeïn
Reserve University, for radiographing. The Bol_ton-Brush
cephal-ometric x-ray unit utÍlizes two x-ray sources and two
fifm hol-ders so that the subject, or specímen in this case,
did not need to be moved between the Laterat and pA
exposures. The cephalostat lherefore did not rotate. This
unit was rnodelled after that used for the origina I
Broadbent-BoLton cephalometric study, first described in
1931. An orbitale poÍnter helped to l_ocate Frankfort
horizontal plane in the specimen in order to more
accurately orient this plane paraLl-el to the f1oor, The ear
rods of lhe cephalostat were posÍtioned and secured in the
external audit.ory meati of the skuJ-I, with the nasion
Locator helping to provide additional support. The
specÍmens were thus suspended in the cephalostat and exposed
for both cephalonetric vÍews. The advantage of thÍs set-up
was that more precÍse three-dimensionaL interpretations
were possible than would be the case if the subject or skull
was repositioned for the second exposure.
rneasured from these two composite tracings, the x-
coordinates and y-coordinates being obtained from the
LateraL aspêct tracing and the z-coordinates being obtained
from the f ronttaL aspect tracing. The coordinate axis system
was defined in this study, to be centred at the midpoint of
the inlercondylar axis, where the intercondylar axis was the
line perpendicular to the midsagittal pJ.ane of the specimen,
that intersected the most anteïosuperior, central point of
each of the condyles. The x-axis and the z-axis were
defined as lines 1yÍng in a horizontaJ- p1ane, paraJ. J.el to
the occl-usaI plane of the specirnen, running anteroposterio ly
and mediolaterally, respectively. The y-axis was therefore
defined as the vertical- axis, which ran superoinferiorly,
perpendicular to the occl-usa1 plane (FÍgure 3.2).
Ai-l- tracings were made in a systernatic fashion, In
order to minimize perspective errors, the view which showed
the area of interest closest to the f oca]. plane was used
whenever possible, to draw the area in the tracing. The
method employed to construct the composite IateraL and
frontal tracings from the photographic sLide series for a
given specimen, wiJ. l- now be outlÍned in detaiL.
The lateral aspect tracing was based mainly on lhe
sagittal views of the skul-1 and mandibl-e alone and together,
From the projection of the transparency of the lateral view
of the mandible, the occlusal pfane was estabLished in
relation to the condyle, the coronoid process, the ramus,
and the angle of the mandibl-e (Figure 3,10). The anterior
and posterior tooth positions (CA and 2m) were marked along
the l-ine representing occlusal plane Ín the tracing. From
LhÍs Lateral- view of the mandible transparencyf the out.Iine
of the entire insertion of the masseter muscle and what
could be seen of the temporalis muscle originr ês
delÍneated by the drafting tape, were traced. The most
anterosuperior point on the profile of the condyle was
marked, and where visible, any portion of the markings of
Lhe l-ateraL pterygoÍd muscl-e insert.ion were al_so traced,
The tracing was then superimposed by the proJection of
the l-ateraf view skul1-with-mandibLe transparency (Figure
3.11). The occ1usal. plane was lined up as in the first
transparency of the mandible alone, and the best-fit of the
condyle, t,he coronoid process, the ramus and the angle of
the mandible was estabÌished, .Any differences seen in the
anteroposterior positioning of the teeth ref l ected
discrepancies due to perspective and/or technique errors,
The outlines of Lhe masseter muscle and temporalis muscle
origins were added to the tracing, as was any portion of the
lateral pterygoid muscle origin, visible through the
semilunar notch. Additional portions of the outlÍne of the
l-ateral- pterygoid muscl-e origín were obtained from the
superÍmposition of the l-ateral view of the skulf a1one.
Both basal views, and the frontal and occLusal views of
the mandibLe were studied carefully in order to apprecÍate
the extension of the muscle attachments not seen in the
l-ateral view projections. In particular, the origin of the
superÍor head of the lat.eraL pterygoid muscLe which
extended on to the roof of the infratemporal fossa, the
lateral extensÍon of the temporal j-s rnuscl-e insertÍon on thê
coronoid process, and the fovea area of the condylar neck,
were examined and taken into account, This aided the
sel-ection of muscle "centroids', for measurement from the
Ìateral view tracing. Muscle ,'centroÍdr" as used here, was
defined in the previous section. From the composite Lateral
vie\M tracing, the x-coordj_nates and the y-coordinates of the
condylar head, the tooth positions. and the origins and the
insertions of the three muscle pairs were derived.
The midplane of the f rontal_ aspect tracing was
established from the frontal_ sku l- L -with-mandibL e projection
by a best-fit fine through bil-ateral- cranial and mandibular
st.ructures (Figure 3.14). The teeth and some of the
midplane structures were t,raced for superimposition
purposes, The mediolateral positions of the temporaÌis and
masseter muscle origins were focated through the frontal
view as well as through the basal view of t,he skuIl al-one,
The insertions of the masseter and temporalis muscles were
also sketched in from this view, and then checked by
comparison with the frontal_ vÍew of the mandibLe al-one
(Figure 3,13). The basal view of the skul_ L-with-mandible
also helped to focate the nasseter muscl_e insertion.
The mediolateraL position of the distobuccal cusp of
the second mandibul-ar molar and the cusp tip of the
mandibular cuspid were marked. on the tracing. These were
derived from the frontal- view transparency projection of the
nandible alone/ or from the occl-usal- view of the mandÍble
(Figures 3,13 and 3.1-6). From these pro j ections, the
mediolateraJ. positions of the centre of the condyle and the
centroid of the lateraL pterygoid muscfe insertion were al-so
marked .
represented ín the tracing by a best-fit line through
midplane structures, and reflecting as closely as possible,
slmmetry of bifateral- structures. The skel-etal radiographÍc
Ímages were studied with respect t.o the positions of the
applied radio-opaque markers. The centres of the lead foil
imaqes were marked as the centroids to the muscle
attachments of the temporalis muscle and Lhe inserËions of
the masseter and fateral pterygoid muscles. The poínts
cho s en to denote the centroids of the origins of the
masseter and lateraÌ ptergoid muscl-es, in this view, were
the points of most convexÍty and concavity respectively,
aLong the lines marking the extension of these rnuscl-e
The mediolateraf centre of the condyle and the
positions of the distobuccal cusp of the mandibuLar second
moLar and the cusp tip of the mandíbul_ar cuspid tooth on one
side, were also marked in the tracing, The geometric data
for use ín the model- couLd thus be derived from the
composite tracing of the cephalonetric radiographs in a
fashion of measurement similar to that used in the
photographic technÍque. The x-coordinates and y-coordinates
were mea s ured f rom the l-ateraL view tracings of
cephalometric radiographs and the z-coordinates were
measured from the PA view tracings of cephalometric
radiographs of the clinical- subjects \¡zere made in a manner
ídentical- to the tracings made of cepha.lometric radiographs
of the osteoJ-ogical sample. There were of course, no
art.ifÍcial markers to índicate the centroids of the muscl_e
attachments in the clinicaf sample. The locating of the
centroids of the masseter/ tenporal-is/ and lateral- pterygoid
muscl-e attachments was done in a systematic and consistent
manner/ and was dependent upon knowledge of the anatomy,
particuLarly with respect to cephaJ"ometric radiologicaJ.
int,erpretation, and experience in tracíng.
The comparison of the corrected versus the unaltered
geometric descriptions of the H-T Specimen #75 as expressed
by the modeL, for the specified conditions, showed very
little difference between the predicted resuLts ín terms of
the magnitudes and directions of l-oads on the condyles, Any
difference in the condylar load magnitude or the muscLe
force magnítude was expressed as a percentage of the applied
bite force, The average difference in the resuLtant load on
either the r ight or l-ef t condyLes ov er the four
anteroposterior positions was 2.9 percent. The range of
differences for the resu.Ltant condylar loads was 0.8 percent
to 5,1" percent. Average val-ues for the differences between
Èhe x-axis components and y-axis components of lhe condylar
loads for the unaltered versus the corrected situations were
1,4 percent and 2.6 percent respectively. The maximum
difference between the two data sets, in their predicted
force rnagnitudes for the muscl-es and the condyles, was 5.4
percent of the applied bite force. This maximum difference
occurred in the predicted muscl-e force vaLue for the
masseter. The average difference in the direction of the
J-oad acting on the condyLe was 0.4 degrees, with a range of
0,1 degrees to 0.6 degrees. These differences ín the
predictions made by the model, represented thê maximum
amounts of error involved in calcuLating the magnÍtude and
direction of the minimum condylar loads and muscfe forces
required to attain these, when unal-tered measurements,
obtained directJ-y from the tracing were used. For the
purposes of this study, it was felt that the amount of error
associated \ùith the predictions fTom the unal-tered
geometries was smaLl enough to permÍt the use of the traced
neasurements without perspêct i ve -correcti on,
There were other errors ínherent in the photographic
technÍque, These errors were associated primarily with the
set-up of the technique itself, and with the timÍtations of
the operator. In order to obtain the photographs as
desired, the positioning of the specÍmens within the
frarnework was velcy important in terms of proper orientatÍon,
The specimens were not perfectJ.y symmetrica.L, and hence some
degree of operator judgement was required in deternínÍng the
best position of the skul- l- and/or mandible for
photographing. Such errors, which occurred with the
obtaining of the photographs, tended to be unpredictabl_e,
fnformaL assessment of changes in dimension due to operator
judgement, Índicated that such errors would be smal l- when
compared with other errors.
Assuming therefore, that the effors associated with the
photographic transparencies were relativel_y sma11. attentÍon
was focussed toward lhe operator errors which were incurred
through the photographic technique, OperaLor-re I ated errors
occurred in the projectÍon of the photographic images, in
the l-ocating of the anatomical- landmarks, and in the tracing
and measuring of these l-andmarks, Errors in the proJection
of a photographic image woul-d largely have entaiLed
magnification and/or distortion errors. As long as the
distortion errors were kept to a minimum, projection errors
coufd be considered negligible, since any magnification or
dimunition of the size of the specimen would not affect the
refative geometric refationships within it, and therefore
wouLd not affect the predÍctions of the model_, Errors in the
actual- tracing of the visible landmarks and anatomic parts,
and the measurement of selected points, were non-systematic
and rel-atively smal1. The largest operator error was
associated \^¡ith the establishment of occlusaL plane and
with the sel-ection of muscle centroids for the establishment
of representatÍve muscle vecLors. Repeated tracÍngs of one
specimen were carried out in order t'o characterizê the
operator error associated with the selection of data points
for measurement from the photographic tracings. An analysis
of the measurements for H-T SpecÍmen #75 was done in three
separate test trials, in which the described technique \,¿a s
applied by the same operator. In order to minimize the
infLuence of the operator,s memory, and encourage impartÍaJ.
and unbiased but systematic tracing, procedures were carried
out using the photographÍc transparency series for the
specimen in three different orientationss conventional-ly (as
photographed), rotated by 90 degrees, and where the mirror-
image projection was rotated by 180 degrees.
The indivídual measurenents from the three test triaLs
were compared, Relative neasurements of the condylar
position and the tooth row showed a maximum discrepancy of
5.5 miLlimeters overaLl (for the measurement of central
anterior position/ Ín this case)/ while the largest
discrepancy in the muscle vector angul-ation relative t,o the
occl-usal- plane, was 7 degrees (for the temporal_is ¡nuscle in
the lateral view),
The measured geonetric data from each of these test
trials were entered into the computer and the model
predictions were obtained for cornparison. The conditions
were again specified to be l-00 units of biting force applied
verticaL ly, at four positions anteroposterior 1y, along the
right half of the tooth row. Äny difference in the condylar
load magnitude or the muscle force magnitude, was expressed
as a percentage of the applied bite force. The average of
the maximum differences in the resultant load on either the
right or left condyles over the four anteroposterior bite
positions for the three trials was 3.3 percent. The range
of these maximum dífferences was 2.8 percent to 3.7 percent.
The average values for the differences between the x-axis
components and the y-axis components of the condylar loads
for the three trials were 3.4 percent and 5.2 percent¡
respectively. The l-argest maximurn difference between the
three data sets for H-T Specimen #75, in the predÍcted force
magnitudes for the muscles and condyles/ was 6.2 percent of
the applied bite force. This largest maxirnum difference
occurred in the predicted rnuscl-e force vaLues for the
ipsilateral masseter. The average maximum difference in the
direction of the J-oad acting on the condyle was 5.6 degrees
with a range of 5.1 degrees to 6.1 degrees.
The operator-re l ated errors demonstrated through three
test-triaI tracings of H-T SpecÍmen #75 showed relativeJ.y
consistent neasurements, and hence relatively smal Ì
differences in the mode I predictions bâsed on these
measurenents, The operator-related errors due to the
sel-ection of landmarks (and therefore the tracing and
measuring of these landmarks as well) was shown to be sma1l
but greater in a1l respects, than the errors due to direct
measurements without consideration of perspective effects.
the soft tissues tended to complicate radíographic
interpretation compared to the osteotogic samp.Ie.
Undoubtedly, there were potentiaÌIy large errors involved in
using cIínical cephalometric radiographs to measure three-
dimensional anatomic relatÍonships, lrlhen employed with the
experience gained from a conscÍentious, prospective study of
an osteologic sample, these radiographs nonetheless offered
j-nf ormation useful- for the purposes of this study. The
future prospect of cephalometric radiographs being used to
obtain clinical- information pertinent to mechanical function
of the nastÍcatory system is supported by the work reported
were applied at four anteroposterior positions along the
right half of the tooth row. The cephalometric data and the
photographic data for each of the ten H-T specimens were run
in the model- and the resul-ts from the two techniques weïe
compared for each specimen.
The average of the absolute difference between the
predicted minimum resultant condyJ.ar .Ioads for the ten H-T
specimens, over the four bite force positions, was 8,6
percent with a range of 1,6 percent to 21..5 percent. The
average of t,he absolute differences in the x-axis components
and the y-axis components of the resu.Itant condylar Ioads
was 10.7 percent, .ç,ríth a range of 3,4 percent to 19,3
percent, The average of the maximum differences in the
predicted masseter activity over the four bite force
positions was 12.9 percent, with a range of 4.7 percent to
31.9 percent; while for the t,enporalis muscle, it was 12,0
percent¡ with a range of 3.3 percent to 2L,6 percent. The
largest values in the aforementioned ranges occurred in
three specimens. The remaíning seven specimens showed
maximum differences between the predicted condylar loads and
muscl-e forces of a smalLer nagnitude. The average maximum
difference in the dÍrection of the x-axis and the y-axis
conponents of the resul-tant condylar Loads was 7.0 degrees,
wilh a range of 2,9 degrees to 14,4 degrees,
Tests were carried out in an attenpt to account for the
differences in the model predictions for the cephalometric
technique data versus the photographic technique data for
lhe sane specimen. It seemed from preliminary anaÌyses
that Lhe mechanical predictions for the model- may be
particularly sensitive to differences in condyJ.ar heighL
rel-ative to the occlusal- plane, arch J_ength reLative to the
position of the condyle, and the l_ateral-view angulation of
the nasseter muscfe to the occLusa.I plane, For example,
changes were made to the photographic technÍque data for H-T
Specimen #66. Specifical ly, these changes entai 1ed
increasing the condylar height by ten nill-ineters
increasing arch length by five miÌ1Írneters, and making the
l-at,eral-view masseter muscfe vector-to-occIusaI plane
angulation more oblÍque by fifteen degrees. These changês
simuLated the measured values from the cephaJ.omet.ric
technigue for these parameters. The resul_tant predictions
from the photographic Lechnique data, when al_tered Ín this
wây, were very simifar to those obtained from the
cephal-ometric technigue data,
A more detailed investigation into the observed
differences Ín the model,s predictions for the anatomic data
from the two techniques will be required in the future. For
the purposes of the present sludy, the consistency
demonstrated between the resul-ts for the two technÍques for
the majority of the specimens in the osteol_ogical sample was
felt !o be satisfactory, partícularly in Ìigh! of the
acknowledged error considerations associated with the
individuaL techniques.
SNMPA (degrees )
FHMPA (degrees )
Mole - y
Femole - tr
Mole - t
Meon - ft
Ronge -N
SNMPA (Degrees)
R SQUARED = 0.86
r 60.0
(o lr
o v
J Mole - y
at four anteroposterÍor posÍtions along the rÍght side of
the given mandibular tooth row. The results obtained from
the model can be represented in the form of comprehensive
three-dÍmensiona I pLots. Figure 4.3 provides a J_abelled key
to the infornation available from such pl-ots/ whÍIe Figures
4.4 and 4.5 show the pfotted results for the descrÍbed
vertÍcal- biting conditÍons at four anteroposterior biting
positions, Each horizontal row seen in the figures
represents the model.s predictions for an individuaf
patient. Along each row, the muscle activities for t,he Left
and right masseter (ML, MR), lateral_ pterygoid (LPTL, LPTR),
and temporalis (TL.TR) muscles at the four bit.ing
positions, and the resultant minimaÌ left and right condyJ.ar
loads (CLf CR) at the four positions, are dispJ.ayed as a
set, The results for the eight Long/steep facial type
patÍents are shown in FÍgure 4.4, while the resul_ts for the
eight short/flat facial type patients are shown in Figure
4.5. A1 Ì forces and loads are expressed as a percentage of
the applied vertical bitÍng force, t,he magnitude of whÍch is
shown by the length of the verticaL axis on the left of each
pl-ot .
ov= o
,, lÐlÐlHlHlslrylele
KM lØlWlHlHlHlryls.g,
P.A. lglÐlHlHlrylrylsls
D. K. lÐlWlHlHlslrylsls
8.P. lÐlWlHlHlE'lrylsle
rz lÐlÚlHlHlglrylsls
TK. l&lÚlHlHlslrylslg
(See Figure 4.3 for key)
LP lglÚlHlHlslwlels
PD l&lÚIHlHlslrylsls
AL l&lÚlHlHlrylrylslg
D,1 lÚlÚlHlHlæ'lrylsls
Papient CondyLar Masseter Lateral Temporafis Masseter/
(Sex) I.,oad Muscl_e pteryqoíd Muscl_e Tempora l- Í s
Force(?) Force(8) Force (?)
Mus c 1e
Forcã- RãETo
Lonq/Steep Group ¡
J,B. (M) 51,3 79.0 0.00 39.4 2 .00
J. w, (M) 52 ,6 84.3 0.00 33.2 2 .54
K.M. (F) 60.8 r05.1 0.00 14 ,2 8.40
P,4. (F) 55,6 0.00 46.l" r-.63
D.K, (M) 56.2 89,2 0.00 2s .6 3.48
B.P. (F) 48.5 80.8 0.00 31.4
J, z. (M) 52 .9 89.6 0.00 20 .5 4 .37
r. K. (r) 55.3 87. B 0.00 24 .5 3.58
Mean va l- ues ¡
54,2 I6.4 0.00 29.3 3.69
(48.5-60.8) (7s.2-10s.1) (L4.2-46.t) (1,63*8,40 )
Short/FLat Group3
s.E. (M) 49 .8 0.00 41.8 r.78
D. H, (M) 44 ,6 73.2 0,00 36.8 1.99
c,s. (F) 54 .4 84.6 0.00 36,2 't )À
r.w. (F) 45 .7 78.0 0.00 2s .6 3.05
L.P, (F) 47 .0 69. B 0,00 39.1 L,78
P.D. (M) 50.6 83 .2 0.00 ¿6,r+ 2 1t
A.L, (F) ÃÃ c UJ, U 0.00 40.3 2 ,06
D. M, (M) 44 .0 71.0 0.00 28.2 2 ,52
Mean vaLues:
49.0 77,r 0.00 34.3 2.4 6
Ranges !
(44.0-s5.s) (6e.8-84.6) - (26,4-4L.8) (1.78-3.34)
OveraJ- L means :
51.6 81.8 0.00 31.8 3.08
Overa I l- ranges :
(44.6-60.8) (69.8-10s.1) - (L4.2-46.r) (1.63-8.40)
A quantitative, comparative anaLysis of the predicted
condylar load for vertical- isometric biting at the centraL
anterior position/ demonstrated relatively Iit!Ie dif ference
belween the two groups. The centraf anterÍor position was
chosen in order to sÍnplify the comparative analysis, The
magnitude of the loading of the condyles was maxÍmal_ at this
position for any given case (Snith et, aI, L986), and, since
the applied bite force was central- for this situation, the
required muscl-e activity and resul-tant foads on the condyles
were expected to be symmetrical (the same for right and left
sides). The mean condyl-ar load for the long/steep group
(54,22) was somewhat higher than the rnean condylar l-oad for
the short/ffat group (49.08) at this posit.ion, but this
difference was not statisticall-y significant for the
clinical popu l ation investigated to a 95t IeveL of
confidence, The numerical mechanical anaJ-ysis of the
masticatory systems of the clinical- sample wil_1 be explored
in more detail for this biting position.
CondyJ. ar f oad at the central anterior position¡
expressed as a percentage of the appJ.ied bite force, showed
no strong correlation to facial height proportÍons/ or MpA
for the individuafs invoLved (!'igurês 4,6t 4,2, and 4.9),
The Iinear regression coefficients for the plots of the
condylar foad versus the LAFH/TÀFH, the condylar Ioad
versus SNMPA, and the condylar l_oad versus FHMPA, for this
s amp 1e, were nearl-y zero (0,06/ 0,L7, and 0,15,
respectively), indicating poor linear dependence of the
predicted condyJ.ar l-oads and the parameters characterizing
R SQUARED = 0.06
3 oo.o
o tr
:o so.o
g It tr
cr Femole-v
Mole - v
# so.o
z Femole
() Mole - ¡
o.o 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.O
For vertlcal bltlng at tho central Êntorlor Þosltlon.
o t vvv
J Femole-v
30.o Mole - y
o Femole
o Mole - I
o.o 10-o 20.o 30.o 40.o 50.o 60_o
FHMPA (Degrees)
vørtlcal blt¡ng at the contral antorior poa¡t¡on.
facial type,
The muscle activity
patterns required to satisfy static
equilibrium and minimize the l-oad on the condyles were al-so
analyzed for vertical isometric bÍtÍng. In the survey shown
in Figures 4.4 and 4.5, overall l-ateral pterygoid muscle
inactivity was predicted by t,he mode1. The predicted
masseter and temporaLÍs rnuscLe forces, on the other hand,
showed some degree of activity at a1l_ four of thê bite force
posÍtions surveyed, The observed masseter-temporalis
muscle force patterns, with respect to bite force position,
were ínvestigated more cl-osely. The model predictions for
the situation of verticaÌ biting at the central- anterior
position (Table 4-2) were anaJ_yzed. The nasseter muscle
force versus the Lemporal_ is muscle force for lhe clinical
sampJ.e showed an inverse relationship of a l-inear nature for
this situation (Figure 4.9). This was a rel-atively weak,
but notabfe inverse rel_ationship, wÍth R-squared equal to
The relative activity of the masseter and temporalis
muscles was further expJ.ored. The ratio of masseter muscLe
force to temporaLis muscl-e force (M/T) was used to represent
the reLatÍve activity of these two muscles. Whether or not
the M/T showed a rel-ationship to facial- type was therefore
investigated by pl-otting M/T at. the centraL anterÍor
posilion versus both facíaI height proportions and MpA for
al-l- the individuals in the cl-inical sanple, These ptots
faifed to show any strong relationship between the muscle
activity patterns and paxameters used to distinguish faciaL
(l) 100.0 R SQUARED = O.5'!
a 90.0
l! 80.0
U) Femole
70.o Mole - v
t¡J Femole - o
IU Mole - I
U) 60.o
o.o 10.o 20.0 30.o 40.0
For verticel bltlng at the contral enterbr poalt¡on.
type (Figure 4,10 shows a representative plot), The
correl-ation coefficients for M/T vêrsus LAFH/T.A,FH, M/T
versus SNMPA, and M/T versus FHMPA were 0.28, 0,26, and
0.25 t respectivel-y.
Compared to the rest of the sample, one indÍvidual_ in
the long/steep group, patient K.M,, generally showed very
high condy.Iar l-oads and masseter muscLe forces, with Iow
temporalis musc.l-e forces predicted for aIl_ biting positions
surveyed. These were particularly extreme at the central
anterior posÍtÍon, The effects of this ,,extreme,' data on the
l-inear regression equations cal-culated for the sample were
tested. The data associated \,¡ith patient K.M. was excJ.uded,
and the linear regression equations were recalculated,
For the plot of the relationship between masseter
muscle force and temporalis muscl_e force for the sample,
when the data point representíng patíent K.M, was excluded,
the linear regression coefficient decreased somewhat, from
R-squared equal to 0,51 to R-sguared egual to 0.32, AIso,
for the plots of condylar load versus MpA, analyses showed
that the Ìinear refationships were made worse when patient
K,M, was excLuded from the sample. For the plot of condylar
l-oad versus SNMPA, for exampJ.e, the R-squared value changed
from 0.17 Lo 0,10 when thÍs patient was excl-uded. The
extreme model prediction val-ues for the patient K.M.
therefore, dÍd not appear to be masking stronger l-inear
reLationshÍps between mechanicaf analysis predictions and
conventional- facial- type parameters. fn addit,ion/ they were
not rnisleading in terms of possible masseter-temporalis
fr Mole - y
t- Mole - I
o.o 10.0 30.o 40.o 50.o 60.o
FHMPA (Degrees)
* For vertlcal bltlng at tho contral ânterlor porltlon.
muscl-e associations for t'he sampl_e group,
A separaLe analysis of the nasseter muscle force versus
tenporaLis muscl-e force relationship of the eight
individuals representing the Long/steep group onIy, showed. a
much stronger l-Ínear reÌationship (R-squared equal to 0.85)
than the anaJ.ysis of this rel-ationship for the overaLl
sampl-e. Exclusion of the data point. associated with patient
K.M. in this situation, Írnproved the inverse relationship
between masseter and temporal-is muscLe forces foï the
long/steep group (R squared equal to 0.91). A much stronger
masseter-temporaJ-is muscl_e force relatíonship withÍn the
Iong/steep group was thus evÍdent. pl_ols of M/T versus the
cephaÌometric parameters of facial height proportions or MpA
did not show strong links within this group. R-sguared
vaLues v¿ere very Iow, including and excluding patient K.M.
The model predictions for the clinical sample
investigated did not support strong f acial- type-specifÍc
characteristícs in terms of condylar Load and muscLe force
patterns for vertical isometric bitíng, In addition, no
obvious sexuaf dimorphisrn was demonstrated in any of thè
parameters investigated (Figures 4.6, 4,7, 4,8, 4.9, and
4.10), As was found for the measures used to characterize
facial type, the predicted condyJ-ar Load and muscl_e force
magnitudes did not show trends related to gender.
anatonical- parameters, Tn particu j_ar/ the mechanics of
the masticatory anatomy are affected byt arch Iength
relative to the posÍtÍon of the condyles, cond.ylar height
measured perpendicuLar to the occlusal- plane, and the
l-a!era.l-vÍew angulation of the masseter nuscle to the
occfusal pÌane. The modef predictions did not vary widely
between the Long/steep and short/f l-at groups. It might
therefore be expected that the aforementioned parameters
aÌso did not vary much between the faciaf type groups,
despite their wide differences with respect to comnon].y used
cephalometric measurement.s,
The relative anatomical geometric measurements and
proportions of the two sample groups were therefore
investigated relative to occlusal_ plane, AtI of the
individual-s showed a remarkable degree of siniLarity Ín
terms of their functional masticatory anatomy when measured.
in this way. The parameters of arch length, condylar
height, and l-ateraL-view masseter angul_ations wil l- be the
focus of this section, but simil-ar consistencies in other
anatomic refationships, relative to occlusal plane, were
al-so observed.
Larger predicted condylar loads for a defined bite
force as it is applied at more and more anterior positions
along a given tooth row have been reported (Smith et. al-,
1986). Sensitivity tests Ín which arch J.ength was extended
also supported thÍs, The effect of variations in aïch
length as demonstrated within the clinica j. sample was
expl-ored by plotting the relalionship between condylar l_oad
at the central- anterior position versus the arch length
(Figure 4.11), For the sample group, the condylar load
magnitude was not strongly reLated to the anteroposterior
distance from the condyles at which the biting force was
applied (R-squared, J-ess than 0.0L).
A closer l-ook at arch length measured relative to the
condylar position for the cfinical sampJ_e showed that it
did not provide a strong basis for distinguishÍng between
the two facial tlæes, The Lack of anatomical- distinction
supported the l-ack of functional mechanical distinction
predicted between the two groups, The mean vaLue for arch
l-ength for the long/steep group was 90.1 mil limeters, with a
range of 82,4 Lo 104,5 nilLimeters. For the short/fIat
group, mean arch length was 84,3 miLlimeters with a range of
7 6 ,0 to 9 0.5 ¡ni l .l imeters, Al though the l ong/ s t.eep group
showed a tendency towards slightly l_arger arch J_ength
val"ues, a Student,s t-test anaJ.ysis showed no significant
difference between these two groups in terms of arch Iength,
to a 958 leveÌ of confidence.
Sensítivity tests in the modeL have also shown condylar
height measured perpendicul-ar to occlusaL plane to be an
important parameter with respect to mechanical function
(Chapter 3, section V). However, the model predíctions for
the clinical sampLe groups did not imply strong correlations
Èo condylar height, over the range of condylar height
variations demonstrated by the sample.
Further anaJ-ysis of the condylar height measurements of
o.o 70.0 80.O 90.O
ARCH LENGTH (Mill¡meters)
* For vertical b¡t¡ng at the central antor¡or poe¡tion.
the two f acial- types did not show this measurement to be
closely associated with facial type. The mean condylar
heights and ranges for the long/steep and the short/flat
groups were 37.8 millÍmeters, wíth a range of.27,5 to 50.0
miLlimeters, and 38.7 nill-imeters, wíth a range of 33,5 to
43.5 milfimeters. The facial type groups were not
significantly different in terms of condylar height to a 958
confidence l-eve1.
The lat.eral-view masseter muscle vect,or anguJ.ation
relatíve to the occfusal- pJ.ane was afso measured for aIl the
indÍviduals in the cl-inical sample. This angl-e tended to be
higher for the individuals in the i-ong/steep group, t,han for
the índividuafs in the short/fIat group, but this difference
was not found to be significant to a 958 confidence l-evel.
The average va.l-ue of the masseter muscle vector to occlusal
plane angJ.e in the l-ateral view, was 57,0 degrees, with a
range of 52.0 to 73.9 degrees for the Iong/steep group, and
52.7 degrees, with a range of 43,5 t,o 59,0 degrees for the
short/fIat group, Linear regression anaJ.ysis showed that
the condylar loads predícted by the model for the clinical_
sample did not appear to be closely related to the
measurement of this angle for the sixteen indíviduals
investigated (R-squared equal_ to 0.20), pot,entiaL for
relatively large errors in this angular measurement is
acknowledged. Error considerations have been discussed in
Chapter 3,
r.0 9
assessed re.Iative to occl-usaJ. p1ane, their masticatory
systems exhibit remarkably simil-ar patterns of muscl-e
functÍon and condyle loading as determined by the numerical
mode.L, In addition, theÍr component anatomical structures
exhibit striking similarities. This Ís in contrast to the
distinct differences in the anatomical rel_ationships of
these individuals when interpreted relative to conventÍona1
cephaLometric reference planes such as SN and FH.
Cephalometric analysis woufd divide the cl-inÍcaJ- sample Ínto
two groups, representing two very different f acial- types.
-A,n anatomical analysis relative to occLusal plane, and a
mechanicaÌ analysis using a numerical model based on
occlusaf pl-ane, do not support this categorization. The
implication that marked rnorphological and mechanical
differences exist between the long/steep and short/fIat
facial- types has not been borne out by analyses relative to
a functionaJ-ly relevant reference pJ_ane,
l_ 1L
cfassÍfications used ( FÍgure 4,4 and 4.5). Further
comparison reveaLed that, relative to occl-usaf plane, the
geometric anatomic data representing an indÍvidual-,s basic
masticatory system \^¿a s not markedly different in terms of
facial type, The differences in the functíonaI masticatory
anatomical- relationships expected between the two
conventionally recognized faciat types were not found.
ï Proportiona I Rel-ationships
No single parameter is expected to account for the
observed differences or sÍmilarities in the predicted
mechaníca1 function of thê individuals investigated and
described herein, Sensitivity tests in the numericaL model
have shown that significant changes to certain anatomÍcal
parameters can cause noteworthy changes in the predictions
obtained from the model (see Chapter 3, section V). The
indivídual-s in the sample showing the Largest and smallest
measurements for a given parameter generally did not
demonstrate large differences in theÍr predicted functÍonal-
mechanics, however. Consider the l-argest and smal_Iest
measurements of arch length for example, which were shown by
patients D,K. and D.¡4,. The arch J.engths, measured from the
condyle to the CA position along the occl-usal p1ane, were
104.5 millimeters and 76,0 millimeters, respectively, for
these t\^ro patients, representing a reJ.ative difference of
approximately twenty-seven percent, The predictions from
the model for the tv¡o patients were not markedly different
(Figure 5.1a) compared to lhe difference in the predictions
D .l{. l4lWZrlHlslrylele
TL TÞ .r -Þ
position. (R-squared for the relatÍonship was found to be
0, sl, )
degree of consÍstency was seen in the angular measurements
studied, though, as dÍscussed in Chapter 3, a relatively
large potentÍal error, which was in part, inherent in the
operator, was recognized in these muscl_e vector-as sociated
angles. Nonetheless, the range of values for the angle
formed between the Lines of direction of the masseter muscle
vector and the temporaJ.Ís muscle vector in the lateral view,
was found to be quÍte smal-f . The overal- 1 sample mean for
the angle formed by these l-ines was equaJ. to 65.8 degrees,
with a standard deviation of + 4.5 degrees. Students. t-
test statisticaJ- anaJ-ysis showed no significant difference
between the two facial type groups for this angle to a
confÍdence leveI of 958. Masseter and temporalis muscle
vector angulations relative to occlusal- plane in the l-ateral
view therefore showed a complernentary relationshÍp, Where
nasseter muscle vector angulation to occl-usaI plane tended
to be more oblÍque, the tenporalis muscLe vector angulation
to occl-usa1 plane tended to be reJ.atively uprÍght, and vice
versa. Figure 5.2 shows these angles relative to occlusal
It seems that proportional refationships important to
mechanical function, exist between the anatomíc parts of the
mastÍcatory system. Differences in these proportional
relationships may be responsible for the differences ín the
model predictions for individual masticatory systems. The
initial investigations carried out for the clinical sample,
using the numericaL model support this. For example, an
\/ \,1 v \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
LONG/STEEP GR0UP: (Patient Degrees)
v \/ \,2 \/ \z \/ \,2 \/
Pâtient: SE DH CS Tì,1 LP PD AL Di4
Degrees: 68,0 69.0 67 .O 62.0 71,0 62,0 68,5 55,0
o 60.0
o 50.0
o 40.o
G Femole -v
Mole - i7
zo Femole
() Mole - ¡
survÍval. Exampfes of the effects of function on form are
pLent.if uL. Consider the effect of a proJ.onged digit-
sucking habit on the dentoskel-etaf rel-ationshÍps, for
example. Masticatory functíon is expected to sirniJ.arly
influence the growth and devefopment of the component parts
involved in masticatÍon. As a result, compensatory
reLatj-onships between the components important to
mastication, Leffect the inf l-uencè of functional demands on
the underlying genetic predisposition for form,
Some of the higher condylar loads predÍcted for the
sampLe occurred for bite forces applied at the central
anterior position ín the five long/steep group patÍents who
clinically demonstrated anterÍor open bite malocclusÍons
(Patients J.w.f D,K., 8,p., J.2., and T,K. in Table 4-2),
It may be hypothesized that the development of an anterior
open bite refLects a compensation to discourage incisor
biting, in individual"s where relativeJ.y high J.oads on the
condyLes would resul-t, In the future, this could be f urt.her
explored using the nurnerica l- model-.
The existence of compensatory relatÍonships rnay also
help to explain orthodontic relapse subsequent to treatment
to "improve" form. Such improvements/ as they are regarded./
generally mean changes in form t,o meet conventional
orthodontic concepts of ídeal occl-usion and facÍat balance.
These ideaLs are J.argeIy based on derived systems of
reference, Changes in form to meet these concepts may not
comply r{ith the functionaL demands of the dentoskelelal
unit, A!ùareness of this is a lreatnent imperative.
Proportional- relatÍonships between the functional anatomic
components of the masticatory system are evident through
this work. Changes in for¡n whÍch violate these functionaL
rel-ationships may compromise and/or damage the underlyíng
heal-lh of the chewing apparatus. The use of orthodontic and
orthognathÍc surgÍcal procedures to make gross changes to
the dentoskeletal reLations in order to ,,improve"
denLoskeLetal and facial harmony and bal_ance/ is put j-nto a
new perspective by the results presented in this thesis,
or SN, If the reciprocal influences of form and function
are to be recognized and respected in the treatment of
dentofacial disharmony or "abnormalitÍes,', functional as
wel.I as morphological relationshÍps must be appropriately
assessed and addressed in all phases of treatment. This
thesis contends that the SN and FH planes of reference are
not appropriate to the assessnent of the functional occlusal
relationships which characterize a given system,
Dentofacial form that is judged to be ,'abnormal, " may
constitute a real and val-id concern from a number of
perspectives, Orthodontic standards regarding,,normaI,' and
"abnornal" dentofacial form are l-inked to societal standards
and personal- tastes. Facial- form and esthetics are known to
influence sociaL behaviour and interactions (Macgregor,
1970; Lansdown, 198J-; Kiyak et CI., 1986), In alnost aII
forms of communícation rnedia, the association of facial form
with personality and behavioural characteristics finds
prominent, use. As welI, there are strong functional
impJ-ications associated with facial_ form and esthetics from
the personal, societal., and dental standpoints,
Achieving more ,'normaL,, dentofacial refationships, is
generalJ-y the primary goaJ- for those indÍviduaLs exhíbitÍng
"abnormal- " dentofacial form, who seek treatment and/or for
whom treatment Ís advocaLed. Because of the suspected close
V Sexual DÌmorphisn
As mentioned in Chapter 4, sexuaJ_ dimorphism was not
demonstrated in any of the parameters quantified by
cephal-ometric rneasurements or by geornetric relationships
relative to occlusaL pl-ane, Since t,he geometric relations
were not gender-specific, it foLLowed that the model
predictions were not gender-specific either. It seems that,
despite the differences in gross size of anatonicaL parts,
and muscufar strength generalLy associated with gender, the
proportÍonaJ. relationships of the dentofaciaf systems
studied did not show trends associated with gender.
I Concfusions
The functional importance of conventional_ facial typíng
has been investigated. The rnechanics of the human
masticatory systems characterizing two very different facial
types were analyzed using a three-dinensional numerical
modeL, The geometric anatomic rel-ationshÍps relevant to
isometric biting in eight dolicofacial (LFS) patients and
eight brachyfaciaJ- (SFS) patients were thus conpared. As a
result of this work,, the f ol J-owing conclusions have been
made 3
these parameters,
The future investigator could benefit greatl-y by having
the opportunÍty to examine the subject cfinical-ly, prior to
x-ray exposure for the cephalometric radiographs. Radio-
opague markers could be temporarily attached to the teeth in
a manner that did not interfere with the occlusion or lip
posture. These markers wouLd help to more accurateÌy focate
the positions of the teeth, and thus improve the rêf iabil_ity
of the arch Iength measurements and locatÍon of the occl_usal
p.lane. Direct measurement of relative tooth positions Ín
the mouth or f rorn accurate study modeLs could be an
additional help to verify relative tooth positions measured
radiographica11y ,
markers attached to the skÍn couLd serve adjunctively as
guides to the Location of muscle centroids and the
direction of muscle puJ. 1.
The radio-opaque imaging parameters usêd to obtain the
cephalonetric radiographs could be improved in future.
These parameters could be adjusted more specifically for the
improved visibility of the anatomical part of ínterest. The
condy.l-es, for exampl-e, are not always clearly seen in
cl-ÍnÍcal cephaJ.ometric radiographs. Such improvements to
the radiographic image definition can be achieved wit,h very
smal- I changes in the radiation exposure to the subject
(Hatcher, 1987).
A f inal- suggestíon with respect to further improvements
to the cephalometric technique, regards additional testing
to better verify the accuracy of this technique,
Osteological- specimens should be radiographed with and
without radio-opaque markers for tracing by the sane
operator, The accuracy of the measurements determined fron
the unmarked specimens compared to the marked specimens
would give a further indication as to the degree of accuracy
expected for this aspect of the technique. Appropriate
steps should of course be taken to avoid operator bias in
such tracÍngs. This coutd be accomplished by having the
operator trace a number of unidentifíed, inarked and unmarked
radiographs, not alJ- of which would be matched pairs.
modeÌ have suggested that the mechanics of the masticatory
system may be morê sensitÍve to variations in certain
anatomÍc reLatíons and proportions than others. The
relationships believed to be critÍcaI, such as that of arch
length to condyJ-ar height and intercondyl-ar widthf and the
lateraL-view angul-ation of the masseter muscle to occlusal
pl-ane, should be more fully tested in the nodeL. The exact
naturê and rnagnitude of these critical- reLations and
proportions should be determined in the future,
The resuÌts reported in this thesis coul-d serve as a
guide to such future work. Cl-ues as to the anatomical
rel-ationships nost important to the nodel may be found by
examining and comparing the results of the anatomical_ versus
the modef anaJ.yses for the individual-s in the clinical
sample. For instance, out of the entire clinícaL sampLe,
the predicted condylar Load was the highest for patient K.M.
for the condítions surveyed, for all bite force positions
except the most posterior. Linear regression analyses
indicated that the predictions pertaining to patient K.M.
belonged with those of the group assessed, but represented
the extreme within this group. fnvestigation Ínto how
patient K,M. differed from the rest of the clinÍcal_ sampJ"e
in terms of anatomÍc parameters and proportions should
firstly be performed, These differences coul-d then be
tested in the model to see which might account for lhe
predictions of higher condylar loads,
Às weJ"1, t,he effecls of breadth parameters on the
mechanics of the masticatory system for the conditions of
non-vertical bÍting, should be expJ.ored with respect to
f acial- types. The widths of the face, jaws, and dental
orthodonticf orthognathic surgical, prosthodontic, and
temporomandibular joint dysfunctÍon cases.
The verified model- will provide a means for an e priorÍ
evaluatÍon of any treatment, which resuLts in al-teratj-ons to
the occlusaì- plane, It wiLl, therefore, be significant Ín
particular to the plannÍng and eval_uation of orthodontic,
orthognathic surgical, and prosthodontic procedures. The
abÍlity to eval-uatê the effects of changes to the occlusal
pLane on the mechanics of the masticatory systemf should
aflow a nore prevention oriented approach to trealment,
paying due regard to the possible long term effects of the
treatment on temporomandibuL ar Joint integrity, occlusion,
and esthetÍcs.
The numerica.L mode.I could/ j_n future, also serve as a
useful research tool for clinical_ investigation into
temporomandibu l ar joint function. Approporiate treatment
may be morê accurately apptied, as a result, to diagnosed
cases of temporomandibul ar joint dysfunction. For exarnple,
the mechanical- effects of occlusal splint therapy could be
ascertained. That is, knowledge gained from the model as to
the pattern of muscfe accommodation to occl-usal- splints,
would enhance the understanding of the effects of mandibular
repositÍoning splints in cornparison to rel_axation splints.
It is hoped that objectives for occl-usaI f unct,ion,
optimally suited to the faciaf form of each patient, will be
ul-timately identified through future research. The goa1,
more specificalJ.y, is to achieve an improved understanding
of the relationships between skeletal rnorphology, the
muscl-es of nastication, and patterns of functional tooth
contact, In this way, the numerical_ model could not only
provide an improved theoretical basis for the planning,
delivery, and evaluation of ctinical dent,al- care, but also
could establish a means of objective testing of clinical
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l. Body Types
The classificatÍon of human form has been an important
method of appraisaL for centuries. Cl-assífications have
been applied for the purposes of identification,
communication, correlation, and prediction, Throughout
history, human physigue has been tínked to personality
patterns, susceptibility to disease, and physiotogicaì.
constitution (Lindegâ-rd, 1953). physical characteristics
impart a very strong bias in the assessment of personal
qualities and abitity (Tweed, 1953; Macgregor, I970¡
Willmar, J"974¡ Stricker et sI.t 1979; Lansdown, L98l_).
Strong implications that the "disease fÍts the patíentr',
have thus prevailed throughout the nedicaL and dental_
literature (Draper, 1935 ).
General human body form is often acknowledged Ín
orthodontics as part of the diagnostíc evaluation of a
patient, å, nunber of different cl-assification systems used
t,o distinguish human body buil-ds have been based on
anatomical and physiological characteristics. Three
extreme variants of general human body form have usually
been differentiated: sl-ender, corpul-ent, and stocky
(Lindegärd, 1953). One commonly used cfassificatíon system
comes from the work of Shel-don and assocíates (1940). In
thÍs system¿ the body has been assessed for type of
deve.I opment as fo f L ows:
Ectomorphy - a physique characterized by linearity
and deLicacy of structure with presence
of quantitatively ectodermal ly derived
l- 51
tissues: the nervous !issue t]æe.
Endomorphy - a physíque with quantitativel_y endoder-
maIly derived tissues! soft roundness,
and a tendency to obesity,
Mesomorphy - a physique characterized by quantita-
tively mesodermally derived tissues !
well-developed bones, muscJ.es and con-
nective tissues.
3. Craniometry
HistoricaL ly, the recognition of head shapes has aided
the study of species evolution and of ethnicity in man,
Craniometry involves the int,egxat.ion of observations and
measurements in the analysis of cranial- form. Various
prehistoric and modern peoples have been distÍnguished using
the cephal-ic index (Kraus et al-., 1959), the ratÍo of the
maximum breadth to the maximum height of the cranium. Human
averages range from seventy to ninety percent (Kelso/ 1970).
A low cephal-Íc index implies a rel-atively 1ong, narrow head,
a condition defined as dolicocephalia, where the cephalic
index eguals 75.9 percent or less (DorIand, I974), A high
cephalic index on the other hand, irnplies a short, broad
head, defined as brachycephalia, where the cephalic index
is 81,0 percent or over (Dor1and, I974).
Certain popul ations exhibit consistent cepha 1i c
indices. Whether or not brachycephal-Íc or dolicocephalic
characteristics are ínherited traits hordever, is not easy to
determine (Kraus et al-. 1-959).
The changes in the teeth, from the anthropoids to
modern man, show progressive refinement, The contemporary
human races are supposed to reffect this trend as weIl, from
the "primiLive" .Australian aboriginal peoples, to the "nost
refined" European peoples (Downs, 1938). The concept of
"domestication" affecting the facÍal skel-eton and dentitions
of man was thus put forth (Downs, J.938; Björk/ 1951), and
was thought to be demonstrable ontogenetica 1 J-y in animals,
as wel- l- as in t.he evolution of ¡nan f rom ',primitive', to more
"cÍvi1ized" modes of L ife.
Various factors are bel-Íeved to govern the growth and
development of the denture, and hence aLso influence facial-
grov,¡th. Downs (1938) suggested a relationship between form
and functÍon, such that denture and f acial- forms were
related to the stimul-ation of tissues by forces delivered
through the teeth. He proposed that in ',norma1 occlusionr,'
a "c1ose and consistent correl-ation between arch form, tooth
form, and facial forn and cephaJ-ic index', should exist, On
the other hand, optimum correlations were possible only if
the occlusion was norma]- / because onLy then, when the teeth
were in a "correct" relationship, being used in ,,correct,"
functÍoning movements, could stimulation be completely
ef ficient.
forrns. Downs suggested that the inclined ptanes of the
teeth were the dominating guides during the chewing stroke,
The tendency towards more tapered teeth, and therefore more
sharply inc.Iined pl-anes/ in the dolicocephalic ÍndividuaL
would necessitate a more vertical- chewing stroke than the
brachycephalic individual. DeJ- Ívery of such vertical
FunakoshÍ, I980). Bony vestÍges resu.ItÍng from muscle
activity have been identified as being present in recent
human skul-1s, especially Ín the nuchal, temporal, and gonia]
regions (Jensen and PaLIing, 1954). ALthough general ly much
reduced in modern man, theÍr reLative prominence is bel-ieved
to reflect Índividual diet and function, hence, they have
been used by researchers to gain an impression of the amount
of ¡nusc.Ie mass which the individual possessed.
Shel-don et al./ 1940), Hrdl-i8ka (1940) however, did not
find any correl-ation between skull type and gonial- angle.
The work of nany Ínvestigators has focussed primarily
on the mandíble with regard to its shape and rel_ative
position (HeLl-nan, 1927; Sicher, !947 i Downs, 1948). Some
have regarded growth of the mandible, especially the
condylar cartilage, as thê main determinant in the
deveJ-opment of the whoLe face (Sicher, L947 ). It has been
suggested that in an individuaÌ of the stocky type,
cartilaginous growth is sJ-ow, and a short but heavy ramus
with a small gonial angle results. The entire facíaL
heÍght is secondarily reduced and the face is thus wide and
short. In the ta11, slender, long-limbed type of person,
the opposite is predicted¡ such that the mandibuLar
characteristics of a J-ong and narrow ramus with an obtuse
gonial angle result, the facial- height is increased, and the
resultant face is narrow and long (Sicher, l-947),
The theories of the evoLution of man have been the
bases for many attempts to explain facial form and the
relative positions of the mandibLe andthe maxi.l- Ìa. The
evolution of the present hominid head form is said to be due
to three main influences acting on the "basic mammal-Ían
arrangement" (DuBruI t 1972 and 1979)3 changes in feeding
mechanics (as previously mentÍoned), plus a larger brain,
and erect bipedaJ. ism.
The enlargement of the cerebrum and the forward
vauLtÍng of the frontal part of the brain case/ has resulted
in an overall shortening of the depth of the face and an
overall- increase in the height of the face (Enlow and
McNamara, 1973). Thê jaws, which Ín most rnammalian groups
1ie chief l-y in front of the eyes, appear to have swung
downward and backward, so that ín the prirnates they are
mostl-y behind and beneath the eyes (Jensen and Pal1ing,
1954; Enlow and McNamara, 1973), In hominids, the jaws are
even Iess promÍnentf and the profile becomes progressively
st,raíghter ín modern man (Björk, 1951-).
Perhaps the most profound influence on the development
of human form has been related to the shift to a vertical,
gait (Jensen and PaIling, L954; Uohl, 1984). This shift in
overal-I posture, demanded a reorganization of all of lhe
muscì-es, and a radical repositioning of the visceral cranium
rel-ative to the neurocranium. A severe bending of the
elongate primitive skull near ils middle, between visceral
and neura.I components, thus occurred (DuBrul , L972), The
craniofaciaL renovations may be summarized, according to
DuBruI (1972 and 1979), as follows:
1) vaulting of the dorsum
2) buckJ.ing up of the craniaL base at sel-l-a turcica
3) downward and forward positÍoning of the nuchal plane
4) forward shift of the foramen magnum and occipítal
condyl e s
5) extreme retrusion of the snoutf with shrinking and
crowding of the jaws
6) deepening of the mandible and outward f J-aring of its
entire fower border.
Attempts have been made to test the theories of
evoLution by simulating the adaptational- influences
experimental ly, DuBrul- and Laskin, in 196L, reported on
their investigations into the preadaptive potentials of the
mamma.Iian skull-. By surgically removing the spheno-
occipitaJ- synchondrosis of the cranial- base in rats, they
produced a curvature to the cranial- structures, These were
Ídentical !o some of the classical changes in the skul-l
thought to represent adaptatÍons to an upright posture,
Fanghänef (1972) investigatêd the infÌuence of statics upon
the postnatal developrnent of the skuIl and orofacial- systên
in rats, By surgical- amputation of the front extremíties at
the shoulder, the gro\^¡th adaptations to bipedal posture and
locomotion were studied. Fanghånel reported evidence of a
trend towards "brachycephaLization/" particufarly in the
dimensions of the skuLl- characterizing l-ength.
À.1). In the dolicocephalic type, the nasomaxillary complex
is Iocated more anteriorly and inferiorly, and the mandibl-e
is more retruded, while in the brachycephalic type, the
nasornaxil lary cornplex is Iocated more posteriorly and
superiorly, and the mandibl-e is more protruded. Simitar
associations between cranial base, f acial-, and dental
relationships have been supported by a number of
investigators (Björk 1951 and 1955; Renfroe, 1948; Moss,
1955; Coben, 1955; Hopkin et a1,, 1968¡ Bishara and
Augspurger, 197 5),
CorreLations between dental and faciaL characteri sti-cs
are widely used as diagnostÍc tools in orthodontics. The
"Tweed Triangfe" (Tweed/ 1954) for example, is a nethod of
assessing dentofaciaL relations as seen in a lateral
cephaLometric radiograph, Such correLations have gained a
sense of irnportance through their frequent use and
widespread app.I ication.
The Tweed Triangle is formed by the Frankfort
horizontal and mandibular planes, and a l-ine passing through
the J-ong axis of the Lower incisor tooth, Certain angular
relationships were found to exist between these planes in
cases of "norma1" occLusion and ',esthetic" facial form, FoÍ
a given Frankfort horizontaL-mandibuLar pÌane angle, a
certain dental- pattern woul-d thus be required to maintain
good f acial- form, Some degree of variation could be
accommodated through compensations in the dentition or
mandibuLar plane inclination (T\,reed, 1-946 and 1-953).
Other commonly used dentofacial correLations concerning
1.6 1
vert.ical proportions have been noted (Wylie, 1945¡ Ballard,
1957), These observational studies have been supported by
cl-inical experience, and have firmly establ-ished certain
paramelers as usef ul- cLinical- tool-s, These parameters are
supposed to provide important diagnostic clues to a more
conplête pattern of typical characteristics, and
therapeutic cues j.n terms of expected responses and
achievable lreatment results,
The terns countercl-ockwise rotatíon and cl-ockwise
rotation have been applied Ín describing faciaL types
(Schudy, 1965). These terms are based on the convent.ionaL
lateral view of the head (norma Iêteral!s), where the
prof il-e faces to the viewer's right. Rotation of the
mandibLe is thought to result from inharmonious vertical and
anteroposterÍor (horizontal) growth of the component parts
of the mandible, The point of rotation of thê mandibLe is
thought to be located at the most distal- mandibul-ar molar
in occ.l"usal contact (Schudy, 1965).
A clockwise rotation of the mandible, is observed when
reLatively more vertical growth in the mol"ar areas than in
t,he condyles has occurred. In extreme cases/ lhis resuLts
in an open bite. A countercfockwise rotation of the
mandible is observed when more condylar growth than verlical-
growth at the molars has occurred. If extreme, a deep or
cLosed bite is the result. Rational-es have been sought to
explain why these extrernely different patterns of nandibul-ar
growth come about. Relationships reflecting compensatory
growth are found between the gonial angle, MPA| and the
angle formed by the occlusal- plane and mandibular plane
(OMÀ), Cases of severe vertical dysplasia, where SNMPA and
OMA are very large, are often accompanied by a severe open
upon the integumental tissues and the tongue, This
"maffunction" of the soft tÍssues call-s for a compensatory
vertical- growth of the mandibuLar anterior alveol-ar process
in an attempt to rel,ievê the strain. The changes observed
have been ínterpreted as occ.IusaI plane compensations for
"inharmonies of growth" (Schudy, 1965).
Many explanations for the observed patterns of facial-
growth have been descríbed and applied, Those based on
longitudínal data rather than cros s - sectiona.l- data, are felt
to be far superior for the eval-uation of trends in facial
growth (Popovich and Thompson, L977; Bishara and Jakobsen,
198s ) .
s, E. 86 .5 44 .5 41.5 52 .5 68.0
D,H, 90.5 4L .5 39 .0 52.0 69.0
c. s. 80. 0 45.5 37.0 s6.0 67 .0
T.W. 80 . 5 40.0 37.0 53.0 62.0
L.P. 85.0 4s.0 38.5 49.0 71.0
P.D. 89.0 41.5 43.5 56.0 62 .0
A.r,. 86.5 46 .5 33.5 51.5 68.5
D.M. 76.0 40.0 39 . s 52 .0 55.0
1.6 6