Pre-Feasibility Study Framework Report Final
Pre-Feasibility Study Framework Report Final
Pre-Feasibility Study Framework Report Final
Table of Contents
Term/Abbreviation Meaning
ASALs Arid and semi-arid areas
CTCN Climate Technology Centre and Network
GoK Government of Kenya
LAPSSET Lamu Port Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport
MTP Medium Term Plan of Vision 2030
RETs Renewable Energy Technologies
RE Renewable Energy
UDP UNEP DTU Partnership
WAGs Water Action Groups
WASH Water supply and sanitation
WRUAs Water resource users associations
WSTF Water Services Trust Fund
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
INDCs National Determined Contributions
COP Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
SWTs Small Wind Turbines
VIP Ventilated Improved Latrines
WASREB Water Services Regulatory Board
Study Framework Report
1. Overview
1.1. Introduction
Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF), is a State Corporation established with a mandate to
mobilise finance for the provision of water services to the underserved areas in Kenya. Despite
the progress achieved, water coverage has been relatively slow increasing at an approximate
rate of 1% between 2012 and 2015. Access to improved water services in urban and urbanizing
areas stood at 55% and 49% for rural population by 2015 compared to the average national
target of 80%. (Water Services Regulatory Board (WSRB) 2016)(WASREB 2014)
Water has variety of uses; agriculture, industry, livestock, hygiene etc. where most technological
nexus are developed and applied. However, variety of technology applications are at their
infancy and several barriers prevent solutions from reaching scale, including high cost of
investments, limited awareness of benefits and technology supply chain. Moreover, the group
experiencing lowest access to water services also have low access to basic services, they rely on
unskilled jobs, have insecure income that is vulnerable to environmental shocks, low
infrastructure coverage such as sanitation and transport and limited access to market for their
produce and products. Being isolated and with little access to resources and important
information, such people miss many opportunities to improve their lives.
These challenges cannot be addressed by a single entity but joining forces through new
collaborative efforts in which motivated parties from different societal sectors pool to provide
solutions to (perceived) common problems. Capacity development for sustainable and efficient
water management need to focus on strategies to catalyse development of water–energy and
food nexus including enhancing awareness on its benefits, access to affordable finance,
management capabilities for delivery, policy incentives and improved codes and standards for
the deployment of the green technologies.
Over the years, WSTF has financed a number of rehabilitation or non-functional water projects,
which by itself is indication of need for designs requiring less operation and maintenance, and
thereby release available finance to focus on new/undeveloped areas. WSTF is in the forefront
of ensuring sustainable water sector investment which informs the need for this study.
Investment in green solutions for water can drive sustainable water management and multiples
other benefits such as improved agricultural production, improved livestock production and
improved livelihoods. In this context, green technologies for water apply broadly to
technologies which enhance the use of renewable energy and efficiency, reduce reliance on
fossil fuels, prevent pollution, increase climate resilience, and facilitate recycling of wastewater
and its constituents’ and/or raise productivity of freshwater.
Low cost green technologies investments are intended to provide services through the
integration of either new or renewed facilities into already existing infrastructures. Partnership
with the various stakeholders intervening in the system is thus a necessity. Also, sound
economic policy, quality institutions and strong political commitment can help the
implementation and management of the low cost green technology investments, and therefore
resulting in achievement of larger benefits. In short, investments are easier to carry out where
the context is more favourable. For this reason, the specific context characteristics need to be
taken into due consideration starting with feasibility phase. In some cases, improvements in the
institutional set up might be needed to ensure an adequacy in low cost technologies
The foregoing in mind, WSTF requested for technical assistance from the Climate Technology
Centre and Network (CTCN) to catalyse low cost green technologies1 for sustainable water
service delivery in Northern Kenya and peri-urban areas. UNEP-DTU Partnership (UDP) was
contracted by CTCN to provide technical assistance to (a) analyse the feasibility and
sustainability of the deployment 3-specific low-cost green technologies for improved water
services for household consumption, farming and/or irrigation, in underserviced arid and semi-
arid areas (ASALs) in Northern Kenya and in peri-urban areas and (b) to analyse private sector
engagement potential in their deployment.
The main objectives of the CTCN technical assistance are:
i. To determine the technical, economic and social feasibility of three water technologies
for the targeted areas, through a pre-feasibility study entailing in-depth primary and
secondary data collection and analysis.
ii. To identify potential private sector actors and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) within
the water sector for the deployment of green water technologies.
iii. To develop a PPP business model in collaboration with relevant stakeholders model and
build their capacity to engage in PPP.
iv. To develop a concept note to trigger future funding i.e. to enable piloting of
technologies, supporting implementation of PPP etc.).
The pre-feasibility study considers identifying the contextual features that allow use or limit the
viability of selected technologies in areas (counties) with less developed infrastructure within
the wider view of sustainable water supply. This includes people's attitudes and preferences,
institutional and financial opportunities and barriers, as well as relevance of technologies in
enhancing sustainable water supply. In addition, the study captures management issues such as
operation and maintenance needs and infrastructure resilience against frequent climate impacts
such as droughts, flooding, high infiltration and evapo-transpiration rates leading to high water
losses from rain water harvesting systems.
The objective of the pre-feasibility study is thus to assess the technical, economic and social
feasibility of three water technologies for the targeted areas, through an in-depth primary and
secondary data collection and analysis.
Green technology encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods, materials and systems for generating
services while conserving the natural environment and resources and/or mitigate or reverses the effects of human
activity on the environment:
The pre-feasibility study and subsequent implementation of the CTCN technical assistance
contributes to WSTF’s strategic objective of “financing sustainable water and sanitation services
in underserved rural and urban areas” (WSTF 2014) and contributes to national priorities and
planned development programs in the water and environment sector in Kenya.
This report presents the study framework applied for conducting the pre-feasibility study of
selected low-cost technologies in the context of water supply. It describes how the feasibility
study goes about to identify both good design features and any shortcomings or disadvantages
of the selected technology with a view to developing a modified and improved solutions with
better performance and which better meet end-user requirements and deployment.
1.4. Scope
The focus of the pre-feasibility study framework outlined in this document is specific three (3)
selected technologies namely water pans, solar and wind powered pumping system. The focus
is on the extent to which they are employed to address challenges of water accessibility and
availability (system capacity and reliability), affordability and acceptability, particularly in rural
and peri-urban areas. The study will also include other types of water and energy sources for
control and comparison of costs, benefits and challenges that relate to the application of the
identified technologies
1.4.1. Inclusions
The study depicts existing structures and conditions through primary and secondary data
collection and identifies and analyses opportunities and gaps that can be addressed to achieve
improved water services in target areas in Kenya.
1.4.2. Exclusions
The study is primarily intended to assess potential single technology to improve water supply
services in specific contexts (county and/or ecological zone) and not as a selection tool which
selects between various technologies, or to assess complex systems such as a piped supply with
tanks, pipes and taps. The field visits will be used to verify the context and boundaries of study
1.4.3. Constraints
The following are some of the constraints identified in the feasibility study:
Limited time for the data collection process
Limited resources to conduct data collection process
1.4.4. Assumptions
i. The data obtained shall be a true representation of the real time scenario in the field,
meaning that the respondents are truthful and reveal the entire information about the
situation on the ground
ii. Technology performance, preferences and experience in particular locations is
generally representative of what happens in the specific agro-ecological zone and
lessons on its application can be generalised irrespective of social circumstances
It is estimated that 18.5 million or 41% of Kenyan population still lack access to improved water
services. Seasonal and regional water scarcity exacerbates the difficulty to
improved water supply and climate change and variability will generate more extreme events,
such as floods and droughts. These phenomena are expected to have significant effects on
water safety and security, altering patterns of availability and distribution, and increasing the
risks of water contamination. Kenya has therefore, prioritized the water sector as a critical area
of focus for climate change adaptation, alongside other sectors and highlights the crucial role of
the technologies employed to ensure the effectiveness of adaptation (TEC 2014).
Ironically, regions that are characterised by low water service levels also have poor provision of
structures and limited management skills to support water services (1). Functionality as well as
the sustainability of rural and peri-urban water supplies is still a challenge because of high cost
The average access to improved water in five ASAL counties of Garrisa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Wajir and Turkana is 37%
compared to national average of 59% (Global et al. 2015)
of operations and maintenance. In particular, the cost of energy supply has a direct implication
on the quality and prices of water services (2). Many experts have suggested that technologies
such as solar, wind, and small-scale hydropower are not only economically viable source of
energy for water supplies but also ideal for water supply in disadvantaged areas (Kamp &
Vanheule 2015).
However, investments in water and energy technologies are often more than just cost-
recovering over their lifetime cycle. Investment in technology makes up high proportion of the
initial implementation costs, and subsequently that of operation and maintenance. While the
standard model of economic theory would suggest that any cost-effective measure should be
automatically implemented, investments in water and energy technology is often more than
just cost-recovering over the project lifetime cycle.
Innovation and
development of water
supply and sanitation
(WASH) technologies have
the potential to facilitate a
more dignified and
humane way of life for all
and especially for the
poorest in the Kenya.
However, many
technologies which once
showed promise for
The ventilated improved pit (VIP) is a pit latrine provided with vent pipe and squat hole cover to control the problem of flies and
unpleasant odours.
The India Mark II Pump is a robust human-powered, lever action hand pump designed to lift water from a depth of 50m or less.
Typically intended for, serving communities of less than 300 persons. http://www.rural-water-
The Afridev Pump is reciprocating type hand pump designed to lift water at less than depths 45m and meet the requirements for
Village Level Operation and Maintenance.
A kijito is a multi-bladed rotor (3.65m - 7.9m) wind pump designed to operate in low wind speed regimes (from 2.5 m/s)
Kenya is divided into seven agro-climatic zones using moisture index (Sombroek et al. 1982)
based on annual rainfall, which is expressed as a percentage of the potential evaporation. Areas
that are categorised as zones I, II and II have a greater index than 50% and are considered to be
good for cropping, accounting for 12% of the country land. Zones V, VI and VII are considered to
be ASALS region which have an average rainfall of < 900mm, accounting for 83% of the land.
(%) (%)
I Humid >80 1100-2700 12
II Sub-humid 65 - 80 1000-1600
III Semi-humid 50 - 65 800-1400
Semi-humid to
IV 40 - 50 600-1100 5
V Semi-arid 25 - 40 450-900 15
VI Arid 15 - 25 300-550 22
VII Very arid <15 150-350 46
The study will be carried out in four (4) counties out of 47 counties in Kenya, namely Baringo,
Embu, Homabay and Isiolo.
The counties are selected to represent the different agro-ecological zones in Kenya, with priority
given to counties identified for WSTF investment programmes funded by the EU and Danida, as
these are likely to benefit directly from the results of this study. The table below represents the
target counties based on the various ecological zones, the technologies available and WSTF
relying on unimproved sources. There is no gender differential in use of improved sources with
both male and female headed households at 28% each.
In Homabay County, the mean land holding stand at 6 acres with 2 acres used for settlement
and the rest is used for agriculture and rural development purposes. 48% of the land in
Homabay has title deeds. Climate change in Homabay County is evident with it being observed
from declined stock of fish, drying up of water sources and erratic rainfalls. Further,
environmental degradation across the county has resulted in loss of productivity of land
affecting crop production, income levels and food insecurity within the county.
climate change are unpredictable rainfalls, floods, recurrent droughts, loss of forest and wetland
ecosystems and scarcity of portable water.
The interrelationship between the water sector and other key sectors such as agriculture, public
health, energy and animal husbandry presents the sector as a complex sector. The effects of
climate change further increases the complexity of the water sector, as various measures for
climate adaptation and mitigation linked to these sectors are required. Therefore, it is
imperative that technologies that enhance sustainable water supply are adopted to reduce
vulnerability to climate change and enhance climate resilience.
The term adaptation technology has become common with the rise of climate change talk
across the globe. Adaptation technology is defined as the application of technology to reduce
vulnerability or enhance resilience of human or natural system to the impacts of climate change
(UNFCCC, 2005). In the water sector, it is important that site specific solutions are considered
within the integrated water management context8. Poor planning, over-emphasis on short term
outcomes and failure to account for possible climate consequences have been attributed to
maladaptation or adopting technologies that do not effectively vulnerability of climate change
(TEC 2014).
In common, the technologies are all low-cost simple technologies involving either renewable
energy or enhancing water storage and generally appropriate for underserved communities.
The five technologies were evaluated and prioritised through a multi-criteria analysis using a
combination weighted criteria based on the following criteria and which will be subject to an in-
depth analysis:
i. Cost of technology (initial investment, operations and Maintenance)
ii. PPP potential for the selected technologies
iii. Potential to improve livelihood and grow local economy
iv. Availability of requisite skills for installation, operations and maintenance
v. Potential deployment across the country, and
A process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, un
order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the
sustainability of vital ecosystem (GWP, 2000).
Costs Benefits
O& M Capital PPP Livelihood Availability skills Potential Capacity to Capacity Potential Potential to
costs costs Potential improvement, to supply deployment enhance to to reduce increase
Total Score
employment, installation, across water enhance GHG resilience
economic running and country quality water emissions to climate
empowerment maintenance quantity change
Technology 1: Solar
water pumping
system 64 48 72 117 52 34 32 117 130 91
Technology 2: Wind
powered pumping
systems or wind mill 64 40 64 110.5 26 32 32 117 130 91
Technology 3: Sand
dams (run off water
technology) 76 64 32 91 104 20 32 65 65 110.5
Technology 4: Djabias
tanks with water
catchment systems) 68 64 16 58.5 104 36 12 39 65 78
Technology 5: Water
pans (run off water
technology) 48 32 48 104 91 28 8 65 65 91
Criterion weight 13 8 8 13 13 4 4 13 13 13
However, when a
Figure 10: Typical plan and section drawing of a water pan, suitable inclined
(Government of Kenya 2015) location can be
identified for the construction of the pan a somewhat more favourable ratio can be obtained.
Storage pans tend to be relatively expensive constructions when compared to small earth dams;
where possible natural depressions can be enlarged to produce water pans with a slightly better
storage to earthworks ratio. (Government of Kenya 2015)
Pans for the purpose of surface water storage can be constructed wherever a sufficient quantity
of water can be intercepted to create a small reservoir. Pans are basically used in such locations
where no topographically suitable site can be found for the construction of a small dam, or
where no suitable construction materials for the construction of a dam can be found.
Water storage pans are subject to the same limitations regarding sedimentation and
evaporation as small dams. Due to their shallow depths (usually 2.50 m to 5.00 m) water storage
pans are usually not suitable as permanent water sources for high evaporation areas, while for
catchment areas subject to erosion, silt traps will have to be included in the design
(Government of Kenya 2015).
Study Framework Report
Apart from the two factors mentioned above (topography and availability of construction
materials), basic principles for selection of appropriate locations include;
i. The water-tightness of the reservoir in sandy areas but since pan dimensions are
limited, lining of the reservoir with an impervious clay blanket can often present a
solution for pans,
ii. The natural drainage and flow pattern of the intercepted water and an overflow
structure for any excess water towards the natural drainage
iii. Silt trap which is often combined with the overflow structure.
iv. Sedimentation, evaporation and ecological impact
v. Specific alignment of the pan to minimize earthworks
vi. Storage sizes considering the expected inflows, Length of the dry period, reliability level
to be maintained during a given dry period and the expected water use and relative
importance of the evaporation losses9.
Strength Weaknesses
Easy to construct and maintain Low, erratic rainfall and droughts may result
to water pans drying
No energy is required to draw water Elevation often restricts conveyance by
Generally pans in arid areas should be sized with emphasis on availability of grazing (i.e. the pan
should dry out just as the available grazing is finished). Large pans may result in overgrazing in the
area around the pan.
The amount of energy that can be produced is directly dependent on the sunshine intensity.
Thus, for example, PV devices are capable of producing electricity even in cloudy weather albeit
at a reduced rate. Natural cycles in the context of PV systems thus have three dimensions; a
seasonal variation in potential electricity production with the peak in hot season although in
principle PV devices operating along the equator has an almost constant exploitable potential
throughout the year. Secondly, electricity production varies on a diurnal basis from dawn to
dusk peaking during mid-day. Finally, short-term fluctuation of weather conditions, including
clouds and rainfall, impact on the inter-hourly amount of electricity that can be harvested. The
strengths and weaknesses of this technology are presented in Table 6.
a. Enabling environment: Kenya’s applies the Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) i.e.
lowest overall economic cost options - for development of new energy generation. On this
basis solar energy sources are often relegated on previous assumptions that solar energy is
too expensive. This policy stance and presumption limits growth of solar home solutions
and other off-grid uses in rural areas. This standpoint is changing because of active donor
support for solar energy.
c. Awareness: Lack of awareness by consumer has been considered as among the top three
challenges facing the penetration of PV systems in Kenya and the rest of Africa (6). When
there is high presence of products that are sub-standards in the market spoilage occurs.
Cheap products that have poor quality results make market penetration difficulty since the
consumers no longer trust the technology. Therefore the target market awareness levels of
the energy generation options available, quality and their benefits is important to overcome
market spoilage. In a study carried out by the Lumina Project on LED torches in East Africa, it
was found that 90% of the users experienced quality-related problems during the six-month
study period (Tracy et al. 2010) In 2009, Lighting Africa undertook the quality testing of solar
products in the African market; the study revealed that 13 out of the 14 Pico PV products
in circulation did not pass quality tests. A follow-up round of tests in 2012 returned results
where 46 of the 120 products available in the market passed the quality tests.
Consumer education is considered as an expensive hurdle that needs to be overcome for
the solar products to develop a client base especially in the rural settings.
d. Access to technical support services: Ensuring that there is technical assistance in the
proximity of the technology consumer plays a major role in overcoming market spoilage.
The availability of trusted technicians with the knowhow of trouble shooting, repair and
maintenance of solar systems within the end user locality increases their trust. With the
uniqueness of the most of the solar energy products, it is necessary to localise their
maintenance capacity especially where these technologies are being marketed. However,
due to the scattered nature of end-users in rural areas linked to their limited buying
A Pico PV system is defined as a small PV-system with a power output of 1 to 10W, mainly used for lighting and thus
able to replace unhealthy and inefficient sources such as kerosene lamps and candles
capability makes the concept of setting up maintenance centres in the distribution regions
Table 7: Average wind speed potentials and number of wind pumps for selected
countries in Africa, (Karekezi et al. 2003)
Grid-connected wind turbines are mainly through large-scale installations either on land (on-
shore) or in the sea on the continental shelf (off-shore). In addition, smaller machines are now
being grid-connected. This principle can be used to contribute to a more decentralized grid
network and/or to support a weak grid. Wind turbines do, however, generate electricity
intermittently in correlation to the underlying fluctuation of the wind. Because wind turbines do
not produce power constantly and at their rated power (which is only achieved at higher wind
speeds) capacity
factors (i.e. actual
annual energy output
divided by the
theoretical maximum
output) are typically
between 20 per cent
and 30 per cent. One of
the principal areas of
concerns of wind
energy is its variable
power output, which
can create network
problems as the share Figure 13: Power curve of small wind turbines, (Anon n.d.)
of intermittent
generation on the grid rises.
The most common stand-alone wind turbines involve the use of a wind generator to maintain
an adequate level of charge in an electrical storage battery. The battery in turn can provide
electricity on demand for electrical applications such as lights, radios, refrigeration,
telecommunications, etc., irrespective of whether or not the wind is blowing. A controller is also
used to ensure that the batteries are not damaged by overcharging (when surplus energy is
dissipated through a dump load) or excessive discharge, usually by sensing low voltage. Loads
connected to the battery can either be DC or AC (via an inverter).
Small wind battery charging systems are most commonly rated at between 25-100 W for a
10m/s wind speed, and are quite small with a rotor diameter of 50 cm to 1 m. These systems
are suitable for remote settlements. Larger stand-alone systems, incorporating larger wind
electricity generators and correspondingly larger battery banks (at an increased cost) are also
available, these may include other renewable energy technologies, such as PV, as well as diesel
generators to ensure that the batteries are always charged and that power availability is high.
Less common is the stand-alone system which does not incorporate a battery back. This involves
the use of a wind turbine with, at least, a diesel generator, which will automatically supply
power when required. This has the advantage of not requiring a battery bank but the required
control systems are complex.
Wind turbines for water pumping most common type is the wind pump which uses the wind’s
kinetic energy to lift water. Wind pumps are typically used for water supply (livestock or human
settlements) or small-scale irrigation.
3.1.3 Challenges for small wind turbine in rural and peri-urban areas
Cost of technology: Cost remains to be the most influential factor for the deployment of small
wind turbines (SWTs.) In Europe, the installed cost of a SWT ranges from 2.100 to 7.400 € per
kW and the electricity production cost between 0,15 to 0,30 € per kWh. Within this spot,
competitiveness of the sector is linked to the possibility of reducing the technology costs and be
in such parity with the energy trading, so that the SWT technology is attractive to the targeted
market. (7)
Site selection: Wind resource assessment stands a delicate drawback for SWT. Accurate
prediction of the wind speed is essential to calculate the electricity output of a wind turbine,
representing the basis for economic performance. Wind evaluation currently presents
challenges for the small wind industry owing to the fact that assessments are site specific and
time consuming. This means that wind energy development requires some initial investment for
careful wind prospecting. Good equipment and quality work is needed, both being cost-
In urban areas, the shading and turbulence effect of surrounding obstacles produces
inconsistent and unpredictable wind patterns below 30 m. As a result, the vast demand for
inexpensive and efficient methods of predicting and collecting local wind data is another key
driving factor that requires further innovation and cost reduction in the technology.
Wind resource database: The Ministry of Energy (MoE) has made some progress in this area but
suppliers of wind turbines often rely on meteorological data and customers’ observations to
determine whether particular site is viable. Such information may not be available or misleading
and could lead to installation of poorly performing or non-performing systems.
Aesthetic, noise and vibration: Noise emission is one of the major concerns of SWTs one, which
are mostly erected into the urban areas. Tonal noise emitted from the wind turbine
installations, such as gearboxes or electrical power transmission parts, vibration excitation
mechanism is resonance of the dominant whirling mode of the turbine, aesthetic issues are key
enablers for the social acceptance of these systems poses an environmental and social
acceptance problem especially in urban environment.
Low awareness: Majority of people in the target areas have no previous experience or
knowledge of wind system. There is generally low public awareness for wind energy.
Local capacities: Areas in the Northern Kenya that have the highest potential for wind energy
generation have poorly developed local technical capacities for grid integration and system
management due to the early stage of the market development for grid-connected systems.
Activities for capacity development are necessary
4.1. Approach
The present study is based on the hypothesis that low-cost green technologies have potential to
sustainably improve access to safe drinking water and sanitation services in Kenya.
The study follows a stepwise process on the applicability, scalability and sustainability of each selected
technology to provide lasting services in a specific context and on the readiness for its introduction
(Washtech and Skat Foundation 2013). The process entails the application of various methodologies to
access (a) the technical (types of technologies and materials required, skills and knowledge required and
potential technology providers), (b) the economic (cost effectiveness, price of materials, operation and
maintenance costs, current demand and supply) and (c) the social feasibilities (potential to create
employment, attitude and perception, land use patterns, gender and governance issues) of the selected
low cost technologies.
The data and information needed will be collected through secondary data collection (e.g. extensive
desk studies including scientific articles, reports etc.) and primary data collection through field visit in
the target counties described in 2.3 and Annex V. The field visit will be conducted by the consultant who
will be assisted by field assistants for the purposes of maximizing responses and translating the designed
survey tools (users’ questionnaire, water manager questionnaire, focus group discussion, observations
and key informant semi-structured interviews). The use of the various survey tools will ensure
triangulation of data, so as to allow validation of the data collected from different sources. All relevant
actors will be involved in the collection of data and in the generation and discussion of results. This
allows a wide range of actors to bring in their perspectives and views, including representatives from
national and county government, private sector and technology users such as communities.
The study will use mixed-method and experimental design that creates a representative sample for the
data collection. The team will ensure in-person site visits and data collection at all of the sample
locations, and maximize the use of existing valid data resources to help assess the reality of the
Appreciation will be given to the following when undertaking the data collection and analysis:
Integrity – being true to oneself is a personal core value of each of the consultants as well as
being true to the assignment as a research ethic.
Flexibility – maintaining a reflective review process is a crucial component of developing and
implementing any consultancy assignment in order to capture unexpected risks or results.
Informed – implying a thorough understanding of the principles of performance assessment and
development of water supply sector in Kenya and differing enabling environments.
Insightful – to ensure the approach is insightful the consultants have drawn on known
methodologies for undertaking such an assignment.
Objectivity – in order to minimise the risk of subjectivity a mixed method design is proposed
where qualitative data will be used to triangulate quantitative data analysis.
The different stages followed in the study process are outlined in Table 9 below.
Stage 1: the objective is to understand fully the precise objectives of the technology assessment
and to tailor the survey and reporting against these. The background situation and stakeholder
involvement will help to gain a fuller understanding of the context and background.
Stage 2: aims to prepare and agree on well-defined research questions that need to be addressed
and which will affect the choice of data collection tools to be used. Different quantitative and
qualitative analysis methods will be used to provide strong evidence of achievement against the key
research questions.
Stage 3: aims at collecting data that will enable to answer the identified research questions.
Stage 4 & 5: stage 4 and 5 involve data analysis and elaboration of report, based on the date
gathered in stage 3.
Baselines and
damage control Reporting
What do we Indicators Purpose
want to know?
Different kinds of Key research Methods
information questions
(quantitative and
Who should be
To provide a better understanding of the study and its main objectives, it is necessary to set up the
study result areas based on the key areas of assessments (technical, economic and social) and develop
research question around these result areas. As mentioned, the main objective of the study is to analyse
the technological viabilities of solar, wind pumping systems and water pans in term of their availability,
accessibility, affordability and acceptability, as these factors are known to have influence on the
successful uptake and sustainability of low cost technologies for sustainable water supply. A technology
is therefore technically viable if it is durable, reliable at all times during various climate extremes and has
the capacity to address users' needs. Based on the economic aspects, a technology is deemed viable if it
is cost effective in terms of its' capital cost, operation and maintenance and whether these costs are
sustainable. Finally, a technology is deemed viable if it is socially acceptable, transformative in term of
job creation and improved livelihoods, and if it is inclusive in the sense that it allows an equitable access
to water by both men and women. As a result the three key research questions that will be addressed in
the feasibility study are the following:
1. Do the identified green technologies provide functional mechanism for climate proofed water
2. Do the identified green technology cost effectively and sustainably increase water supply in the
target areas.
3. What are the community's attitudes and perceptions of the specific technologies for water
The figure below summaries the rationale behind the study's key research questions;
Table 10: Technology adaptation indicators from the perspectives of different actors (adapted
Hostettler & Hazboun 2015)
The linkages between research questions and the choice of data collection tools and methods
applied in the present study are presented in table 11 below. A detailed description of the
specific data collection tools applied is presented below.
4.4.2. Key Informants Interviews (KII), semi-structured interviews (SSI): and Focus Group
Discussions (FGD)
A mix of semi-structured interviews for the key informants and focus group discussions will be
used to guide the qualitative data collection process. Interviews will be conducted with the line
ministries staff, Implementation agencies staff, key community leaders, technology providers
and other individuals deemed resourceful to gain more in depth understanding of the identified
technologies, their technical economic and social aspects based on their experiences. Key
guiding questions will be adapted for the different types of stakeholders. The flexibility of semi-
structured interview for the key informants and focus group discussions bring a richness of
discussion and allows the participants to talk freely around the subject, allowing also new
insights on issues that were not necessarily expected beforehand. Interviews will be held
through face-to-face interaction, telephone or Skype, or a combination. The focus group
discussions will compose of a minimum of five people so as to allow the facilitator to coordinate
the discussion and avoid biases of responses from one individual.
4.4.4. Observation
It will be important to observe progress being made and adoption of technologies being
promoted so as to get a picture of the situation on the ground.
Observations will be undertaken in the field by enumerators and summarised in the daily
summary tool (74). This will be used to inform on the technology context, especially with
regards to issues that may not be adequately captured in the questionnaires and interviews.
Observations will be very useful especially in explaining the performance of a given technology
point and will examine among others:
Size, capacity and quality of technology and nonconformity
State of technology e.g. the state of water pan, solar and wind installation
Physical environment of the site e.g. the environmental hygiene and sanitation
which will be captured through the use of photographs.
Protection systems e.g. the fencing among others
Other aspects that may be of interest to the team
The table below describes the type of respondent for each survey tool and the factor influencing
the choice of the respondent.
Water user The water user The choice of respondent was What are the community
survey tool influenced by: attitudes and perceptions
- A person daily interaction of the specific technology
with the technology during for water supply project?
obtaining water.
Semi In line ministries in The choice of respondent was; Do the identified green
Structured national and local - The ability to obtain first- technology cost-
interview government, Water hand knowledge on low cost effectively and
form/ Focus Resources technologies that enhances sustainably increase
group Management sustainable water supply in water supply in target
Discussions Authority, Water the study area areas
services boards,
water services Do the identified green
providers, civil society technology cost-
organizations and effectively and
community sustainably increase
management water supply in target
committee areas
Field The field assistants observation and examination on Observation will
Observation the technology sites to capture complement:
the technology condition Do the identified
technologies provide
functional mechanism for
climate proofed water
the report.
The main partners for this study are the Water Services Trust Fund being the primary
beneficiary institution and originator of request for the CTCN technical assistance, Kenya
Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) as the National Designated Entity (NDE),
Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Danish
Embassy in Kenya who are supporting green growth water investment programme 2016-2020
Key stakeholders have been identified by purposive sampling in discussion with WSTF. These
include the Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA), Water Services Regulatory Board
(WASREB), Water Services Board, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA),
Ministry of Energy Renewable Energy companies Local and International institutions of higher
learning and County authorities and water services providers. The latter two carry legal
mandate and investment in water supply. Other stakeholders involved in the study include
communities and implementing partners, technology providers (e.g. Davis and Shirtliff11,
Gosolar12, and Kenital13), practitioner associations (Kenya Renewable Energy Association14 and
Kenya Water Industry Association15, Institution of Engineers of Kenya16) and NGOs implementing
water solutions (53).
Pre-field stakeholder meetings will be held with WSTF and county official before starting field
activities in each target area. The objective of the meetings is to get a wider understanding of
the water supply and technology status in each county, refine research questions and data
collection instruments and review available data sources from related project by other players.
The meetings will also be used to discuss study logistics and the study processes.
Other key stakeholders will also be consulted throughout the data collection process to ensure
inclusivity, focus and alignment with the broader study objectives. Participating in obtaining
divergent data from various sources will also provide a means to test and gather ideas, fill in
possible data gaps and allow feedback by key stakeholders for the dual purpose of validating
key assumptions and findings and to trigger discussion around previously un-captured ideas.
The study will be undertaken with a strong understanding of ethical considerations. Focus will
be placed on establishing good relations between the enumerator and the respondents on the
one hand, and between the team and the community on the other hand. Informed consent of
the respondent will be sought, and the source of information collected during this study will not
be disclosed without the consent of the respondents. Unrealistic promises are avoided in the
entire study period by properly explaining to the consenting respondents that participation in
the research is voluntary and that they should not expect any reward in return. The time for
FGD administration will be negotiated with the participants to guarantee their active
participation without compromising their major daily livelihood activities.
In designing this study, the four selected counties were drawn upon the nationally
representative sample within the seven ecological zones in Kenya mainly humid, sub-humid,
semi-humid, semi-humid to semi-arid, semi-arid, arid and very arid and the peri-urban areas in
these counties. Further, study areas within these counties will be identified through cluster
sampling through the use of electoral administrative and electoral boundaries. The electoral
wards within each county will be listed and used as the basic clusters. The study clusters will
then be randomly selected from the list of electoral wards. Exact technology points will be
identified by snowball or referral sampling by stakeholders and community members at the
county level, field guides and survey participants in target areas.
a. Security
The security situation in Isiolo and Baringo is very unpredictable due to presence of various
groups of bandits, hence a contingency plan to revise planned study area as determined by
security situation on the ground.
b. Language
Language barriers will be managed by recruiting enumerators from the area. While translation
of the tools into local language may not be necessary, the tools will be thoroughly discussed and
a common understanding of the questions developed. Pre-testing of the questionnaire during
the training of the enumerators will help clarity potential language difficulties.
c. Sites Accessibility
Long distance to sites constitutes a challenge to access the sites and start field work early, both
for research team and respondents. This challenge will be tackled by enumerators working late
to complete the day-to-day's assignments.
The data collection will take place during the rainy season in Kenya and it is therefore possible
that some parts of the target areas will be inaccessible or difficult to access. It is anticipated that
the use of four wheeled vehicles will minimise this risk.
Miles, M. B and Huberman, A. M (1994), qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook, 2nd ed, Sage
The following data quality dimensions defined the threshold for the weighting and ensuring the
obtained data is an accurate measure.
The aspects are defined below on how their significantly contributed to the data quality as
Validity: Are all the data values within the value domains specified by the research
Accuracy: Does the data reflect the real world observations?
Consistency: is data consistence between the various survey tools?
Integrity: are the relations between entities and attributes consistent?
Timeliness: is the data available in the time needed
Completeness: is all necessary data present
The table below outlines the various sources of data to be obtained to answer the outlined
research questions, the best suited data collection method for each identified source and the
type of analysis suited for each collected type of data.
4.11. Reporting
The table tabulates different reporting and communication mechanisms appropriate for
different stakeholders and at different times during the study.
Target group Appropriate format
Study Team, WSTF, Written Draft and Final reports, presented verbally at the Inception,
NDE and Key after field mission and Feasibility study
Donors, CTCN Full written report with executive summary or a special version,
focused on donor/financier concerns and interests.
5. Bibliography
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2. Alberto Lemma, Marie-Agnes Jouanjean, Emily Darko. Climate change, private sector
and value chains: Constraints and adaptation strategies. s.l. : Pathways to Resilience in
Semi-arid Economies (PRISE), 2015.
3. Anon, Domestic Wind Turbines - 1 - 6 kW.pdf.
4. APEC, Batiment Engineering & Associates /. Muranga County Water Services
Management Rationalization and Master Plan. 2015.
5. Buildings End-Use Energy Efficiency Technology Demonstrations. [Online] [Cited: 16
January 2017.]
6. Central Bureau of Statistics. Republic of Kenya Economic Survey. Nairobi, Kenya. :
Ministry of Planning and National Development, 1991.
7. Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles (Kenya). FAO. [Online] [Cited: 17 January
8. Global, R. et al., 2015. Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated
Development ( KENYA RAPID ). , (202).
9. Government of Kenya, M. of W. and I., 2015. Practice Manual for Small Dams , Pans and
Other Water Conservation Structures. , p.371. Available at:
10. Hostettler, S. & Hazboun, E., 2015. Technologies for Development. Technologies for
Development. What is Essential?, pp.55–69.
11. Jenkins, J. & Mansur, S., 2011. Bridging the Clean Energy Valleys of Death. Breakthrough
institute, (November), p.22.
12. Kamp, L.M. & Vanheule, L.F.I., 2015. Review of the small wind turbine sector in Kenya:
Status and bottlenecks for growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49,
pp.470–480. Available at:
13. Karekezi, S., Kithyoma, W. & Initiative, E., 2003. Renewable energy development.
workshop on African Energy Experts on Operationalizing the NEPAD Energy Initiative,
June, pp.2–4.
14. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), 2012. 2009 Kenya Population and Housing
Census Analytical Report on Population Projections Volume XIV. , XIV(March), pp.1–13.
15. Kernaghan, Sam. 2012 : ISET-International.
16. KERNAGHAN, SAM. Technical Feasibility Assessments. s.l. : ISET-International , 2012.
17. Kiplagat, J.K., Wang, R.Z. & Li, T.X., 2011. Renewable energy in Kenya: Resource
potential and status of exploitation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6),
18. Light by Solar. [Online] [Cited: 16 January 2017.]
19. Mateche, Damaris E. The Cycle of Drought in Kenya a Looming Humanitarian Crisis.
[Online] Environmental Security Programme. [Cited: 13 11 2016.]
20. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Kenya . World Water celebrations Day
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21. Murphy, Andrew C. Learning Hub - IT Options Summary. [Spreadsheet] 2010.
22. Murphy, Andrew C. Learning Hub, Information TEchnology (IT) - Solutions Options
Document. 20 December 2010.
23. Orodho, Apollo Bwonya. Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles. FAO. [Online] 2006.
[Cited: 10 November 2016.]
24. Philippa Marshall, Phil Wallace, M.B., Module 2: The energy sector in Africa. Sustainable
Energy Regulation and Policymaking for Africa, The Energy Sector in Africa, pp.8–9.
25. Silva, Izael P. Da. The four barriers for the diffusion of solar energy technologies in
Africa: Trends in Kenya. Africa Policy Review. [Online] [Cited: 04 January 2017.]
26. Sombroek, W.G., Braun, H.M.H. & van der Pouw, B.J. a, 1982. Exploratory soil map and
agro-climatic zone map of Kenya, 1980. , p.60.
27. TEC, 2014. Technologies for Adaptation in the Water Sector. , p.12.
28. The challenges. SWIP website. [Online] [Cited: 04 January 2017.]
29. Threapleton, Noel. Learning Hub Information Technology (IT )Program, Business
Requirements Document. Adelaide, SA, Australia : s.n., 28 September 2010.
30. Tracy, J., Jacobson, A. & Mills, E., 2010. Assessing the Performance of LED-Based
Flashlights Available in the Kenyan Off-Grid Lighting Market. , pp.1–20.
31. UNIDO, 2010. Module 7: Renewable Energy Technologies. Sustainable energy regulation
and policymaking for Africa, p.473.
32. UNIDO/REEEP. Sustainable energy regulation and policymaking training manual
(Module 7). December, 2008.
33. University of Adelaide. Learning Hub Aspirational Brief. Adelaide, South Australia,
Australia : s.n., 26 February 2010.
34. US Energy Information and Adminstration . Types of Wind Turbines. [Online] [Cited: 16
January 2017.]
35. Washtech and Skat Foundation, 2013. Technology Applicability Framework ( TAF )
36. WASHTech, 2011. Africa wide water, sanitation and hygiene technology review. Irc,
37. WASHtech. The challenge of technology in WASH. Technology Applicability Framework .
[Online] [Cited: 29 October 2016.]
38. WASREB, 2014. IMPACT: A Performance Review of Kenya’s Water Services Sector 2011 -
2012. , (7), p.92. Available at:
39. Water Services Regulatory Board (WSRB), 2016. A Performance Review of Kenya’s
Water Services Sector 2014 - 2015. , (9).
40. WSTF, 2014. WATER SECTOR TRUST FUND STRATEGIC PLAN, 2014-2019. , (June).
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Approach to study
2.1. Objectives
2.2. Selection of technologies – Technical, social, economic and environmental
2.3. Potential of Selected low-cost technologies for water services
2.4. Description of assessment methods
3. Green infrastructure and Renewable Energy Developments Potential for
adaptation and resilience in Kenya
Context Analysis
3.1. Institutional and Policy Framework for water, energy and climate
3.1.1. International
3.1.2. National
3.2. Demographic studies (Target Counties)
3.3. Water resources availability and services coverage
Technology Analysis
3.4. Solar Energy Resources Potential
3.5. Wind Energy Resources Potential
3.6. Water Storage potential
4. Embedding Low cost green technology in water services for climate adaptation
and resilience
4.1. Existing infrastructure
4.2. New infrastructure
5. Analysis of Findings
5.1. Governance, organizational, and enabling environment
5.2. Technical Analysis (capacity, reliability, durability)
5.3. Social Assessment (acceptability, inclusion, transformative)
5.4. Economics Analysis (cost effectiveness, benefits)
5.5. Environmental and climate risk assessment (risk mitigation, resilience,
adaptation capacity)
5.6. Financial Mechanisms and financing opportunities
5.7. Technology risk and sustainability analysis
Study Framework Report
6. Key messages/recommendations
County profile
List of Participants and consultation
Survey tools
Willis Ombai
Water Resources Management Lead agency in the management Provision of water points data
Authority (WRMA) of water resources in the country. Provision of information on ground
water table in the selected area
Water Services Regulatory Board Oversee the implementation of Advise of water tariffs which is critical
(WASREB) policies and strategies relating to in the study economic feasibility
provision of water and sewerage
Energy Regulatory Commission Regulate the electrical energy, Provide information on the renewable
(ERC) petroleum and related products, energy potential in the country
renewable energy and other forms
of energy.
Dr Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola |
Director Climate Change
Programmes Coordination
Directorate of Climate Change| State
Department of Environment
Ministry of Environment and Natural
NHIF Building, 12th Floor, Ragati
P. O. Box 30126 -00100
Kenya Climate and Innovation Provides holistic, country-driven KCIC will provide useful information Edwards Mungai
Centre (KCIC) support to accelerate the on the deployment capability of the CEO
development, deployment and identified technologies based on its
Tel +254 722 733 324
transfer of locally relevant previous experiences
climate and clean energy
SNV Provide advisory services, SNV has been keen in WASH services
promote the development and in Kenya and therefore its programmes
brokering of knowledge, and will provide insights on the possibility
support policy dialogue at the of deployment of the identified
national level technologies
Millennium Water Alliance Offering sustainable solutions MWA is engaged in various
(MWA) through advocacy, shared programme in the water sector
knowledge, and collaborative
DEVELOPNENT programming
Agile Harmonized Assistance for USAID programme aimed at AHADI is a key stakeholder in this Waceke Wachira, Chief of Party
Devolved Institutions (AHADI) Strengthen the capacity of study as it has engaged in developing a AHADI Project
counties through training, water policy for Isiolo county which is
mentoring and technical one county in this study
assistance for key leaders –
building skills and accountability
in governance and service
Cordiad Drought risk reduction Have various projects on drought risk Mohamed Dida
reduction and therefore plays an P.O.BOX 40278-00100 , 5th Floor,
important role in sharing lessons learnt New Rehama House Rhapta Road,
Tel: (25472) 188-4397
(25472) 220-3095
DANIDA It has a thematic Programme on Provision of insight on its various Anne N. Angwenyi
Green Growth and Employment project under green growth in relation P.O.BOX 40412 - 00100 Embassy of
to sustainable water provision Denmark 13 Runda Drive
Tel: (25420) 425-3000
Adaptation Consortium The consortium has worked closely Yazan A. Elhadi
Strengthening Adaptation and with county governments on climate P.O.BOX 74247 - 00200, Bazaar
Resilience to Climate Change finance fund and therefore it will give Plaza, Biashara Strret, 2nd Floor
critical information on climate
Tel: (254737) 777-6276
adaptation through sustainable water
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
1. Technology Prioritization
1.1 Prioritization and selection of
1.2 Inception workshop
2. Feasibility Study of the selected
2.1 Preparation phase
2.1.1 Development of questionnaires
2.1.2 Desk study
2.1.3 Study framework and
2.1.4 Mobile Application development
2.1.5 Mobile App Pre-Test
2.1.6 Training of Enumerators
2.2 Data Collection
2.2.1 Homabay County
2.2.2 Baringo County
2.2.3 Embu County
2.2.4 Isiolo County
2.3 Data analysis and submission of final
feasibility study report
14. How many cells are used for the solar system?
i. How many households are served by this technology point?
a. 0-50
b. 50-100
c. 100-150
d. 150-200
25. What is the average size of irrigated land for each farmer?
28. What is the source of operating and maintenance finance? (Select all that applies and
percentage Contributed)
a. Donor
b. Government
c. Community
d. Private
e. Revenue
f. Others………
29. What are the main challenges experienced while using this technology? (Select all
that applies)
a. Equipment breakdown
b. Complex/difficult to operate
d. Technology supplier
e. Others……..
If yes, explain………
47. Does it work differently during different times/seasons of the year?
c. Yes
d. No
If yes, explain………
48. Do you think the technology is reliable?
a. Yes
b. No
If no, why………….
49. Consumer distance to this water technology point?
53. What are some of the benefits accrued by the users of this technology
54. In your perception, what are the most important water related issues in this area?
55. Are you aware if there are water uses constrained by the amount of water available
from this technology?
e) Shallow well
f) Rivers
g) Private rainwater tank , specfy construction material
h) Others (Specify)……………………………….)
11. From the answer above, what method is used for abstracting water in your nearest source
of water supply?
a. Solar water pumping system
b. wind pumping system
c. Diesel pump
d. Hand Pump
e. Grid electricity
f. Gravity
g. None
h. Others…………….(specify)
12. How is water obtained from this technology used? (Select all that applies)
g. Domestic
h. Livestock
i. Poultry and fishing rearing
j. Farming
k. Commercial (specify)
l. Others………..
13. What is the current status of your main water sources in terms of functionality?
a.) Functional (go to 19)
b.) Non functional
c.) Temporarily down
d.) Don’t know
If not functional or temporarily down, explain
14. How many months in the year is water available at the nearest water technology point
a. Never
b. 1 month
c. 2 months
d. 3 months
e. 3-6 months
f. 6-9 months
g. 9-12 months
h. Throughout
15. On average, how many hours in a day is technology at your nearest water source working?
16. Does the technology at your nearest point work differently in different time of day?
e. Yes
f. No
If yes, explain………
17. Does the technology work differently in different times/seasons of the year?
g. Yes
h. No
If yes, explain………
18. Do you think the technology is use at your nearest water source is reliable?
If no, why………….
19. In your own opinion, what are the main challenges observed in provision of water using this
a) Yes
b) No
23. Usually, what is the gender of the water manager/caretaker?
a) Mostly males
b) Mostly females
24. Have conflicts over water arisen within the community since the technology was
If yes which ones and how was it resolved?
25. From the above mentioned technologies, in your opinion what improvement should be
introduced to ensure water supply?
27. Do people in your community contribute towards the following water services?
Please indicate by ticking, whether you are; 1 = extremely satisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = dissatisfied
or 4 = extremely dissatisfied, using a scale given between 1-4, with 4 being the highest score
1□ 2□ 3□ 4□
If not satisfied, why
31. If yes, how satisfied are you with the level of support to ensure provision and sustainability
of water supply by these agencies?
Please indicate by ticking, whether you are; 1 = extremely satisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = dissatisfied
or 4 = extremely dissatisfied, using a scale given between 1-4, with 4 being the highest score
a). County government 1□ 2□ 3□ 4□
b). Sub County Local government 1□ 2□ 3□ 4□
c). NGOs 1□ 2□ 3□ 4□
d). Private contractors 1□ 2□ 3□ 4□
e). Others (Specify)…………………………... 1 □ 2□ 3□ 4□
34. How can you rate the water technology easiness in use?
Please indicate by ticking, whether you are; 1 = extremely satisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 =
dissatisfied or 4 = extremely dissatisfied, using a scale given between 1-4, with 4 being the
highest score
1□ 2□ 3□ 4□
35. Average distance/time to the nearest water point?
e. How far is nearest water source from your home (km)
f. How much time does it take to reach the nearest water source (minutes)
a. How much water do you collect everyday?
b. How much water do you require for all your daily needs?
1. The technology point e.g. the state of water pan. solar and wind installation (please allow
for space to type in)
2. The physical environment of the site e.g. the environmental hygiene and sanitation (please
allow for space to type in)
3. The protection systems e.g. the fencing among others (please allow for space to type in)
4. Any other thing that will be of interest to the team (please allow for space to type in)
1. Which technologies are commonly used for storage and pumping water
supplies and which factors mostly influence technology choice?
(Guide to interviewer: How important are these factors, are
water pan, solar and wind energy ranked among the most
prevalent technologies? How many have been constructed in
the last 1-year and by who?)
3. What is the potential contribution of water pans, solar and wind energy in
addressing cost and technical challenges
3. Is the technology easy to manage and do you think the benefits will
continue for long time? If no, why not?
4. Have conflicts arisen in the community over water since the technology
was implemented? If yes which one and how are they being resolved?