Kea 091 NSTR
Kea 091 NSTR
Kea 091 NSTR
Control Unit
June 2011
for Stand-by Gensets
Replaces: April 2004
KEA 091 - NSTR
The control unit KEA 091 is designed for control- The control unit is fitted with the following facili-
ling emergency power gensets. It has the same ties for monitoring of the assembly and the genset:
dimensions as the KEA 081. All three phases of − voltage sensors for mains and generator,
the mains and two phases of the generator voltage − 10 externally connected alarm signals,
are monitored for − 8 alarms of the mains resp. generator voltage
− under- and overvoltage, monitoring, programmable to alarms 1 to 10,
− under- and overfrequency, − DC battery voltage monitor.
− correct phase sequence (mains only).
Ten relays, max. contact rating 35 volts DC,
The software covers: 1 amp., are provided for the controlling of the gen-
− mains voltage failure sensing, set and the assembly. The functions of 7 relays are
− starting of engine and changeover from mains programmable via an RS 232 communication port.
to generator supply, The unit is delivered with the standard alarm label-
− frequency control for insular genset operation, ling (easy to change by paper strips) and standard
− genset monitoring and protection, parameters. A customers programming and label-
− sensing of mains voltage restoration, re- ling is available for extra charge.
connection to mains supply and cooling- A common control system can also be connected to
down/shutdown of the genset, the RS 232 port.
− software for sprinkler mode.
Precaution Hints
All applicable regulations, especially those of VDE, are to be observed.
Programming of the unit must be carried out in such a way that any danger to people or equip-
ment is impossible.
A thorough knowledge of this Operating Manual is essential for design and commissioning.
A faulty connection may cause permanent damage to the unit.
Push-button Mains on
The operating modes are selected by four push- key-operated control switch). This avoids an unin-
buttons with integrated LEDs, showing the actual tentional or unacceptable change of a decided se-
selected mode. The push-button selector may be lection. The following modes are selected by the
electrically locked by an input (eg. by connecting a four push-buttons.
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This operating mode is automatically selected − switching-off of all indicated alarm signals,
when the supply voltage is applied to the unit. except alarm signals 13 and 14, as long as the
When this mode is selected from an active mode, corresponding alarm contact is active,
the following is initiated: − reset of the control unit, in case the external
− shutdown of the genset (if running), EMERGENCY STOP contact is not active.
The engine may be started by pressing the push- accordingly. Connection of the mains C.B. has
button START in the MANUAL mode. The mains always to be made manually in this mode.
C.B. is disconnected by pressing the push-button The remote start command does not affect an
MAINS OFF (O), even if the engine is not running. automatic generator circuit breaker closing. Simi-
If the mains voltage and frequency are within larly the mains C.B. is not automatically con-
their programmed limits, it may be reconnected nected in case an alarm signal (eg. GENERATOR
with the push-button MAINS ON (I). OVERCURRENT) appears during generator opera-
The load is changed over with the push-buttons tion, which disconnects the generator.
MAINS OFF respectively GEN. ON if the engine is Pressing the ON buttons has no affect in case the
running and the generator voltage and frequency voltage of the selected system (mains or genera-
are within their programmed limits. Changing tor) is not within its programmed limits or in case
back to mains supply takes place by means of the the phase sequence is incorrect.
push-buttons GEN. OFF and MAINS ON. On press- To stop the genset, the operating mode is to be set
ing the push-button GEN. OFF, the generator C.B. to OFF (no remote start command alive) to AUTO-
is disconnected, but the mains C.B. does not close MATIC.
In case of a faultless mains voltage the mains sup- (reconnection delay period) before the generator
ply is connected and the genset is in stand-by C.B. is disconnected and after elapsed changeover
mode. The mains voltage is permanently measured delay the mains C.B. is connected again. To pre-
and monitored. The green LED MAINS VOLTAGE vent the engine from a heat increase, the genset
in the mimic diagram is switched off as soon as the will run unloaded for an adjusted cooling down
programmed limits of voltage or frequency are no period, and then will be shutdown.
longer kept. After running out of a programmable The automatic unit may be programmed in a man-
time lag the genset will be started. ner to initiate the start and change-over to genera-
The control unit may be programmed in a manner tor operation also in case the mains circuit breaker
either to initiate always a starting in case of mains is tripped by a disturbance (for switchboards ac-
failure, or starting takes place only if simultaneous cording to VDE 107). The genset is started-up
a remote start command is given. This function automatically in that case and takes over the emer-
enables an additional start interlock. gency power supply. The mains C.B. tripping is
If the genset should not be running after the com- indicated by a fault signal. The fault signal MAINS
plete cranking sequence, the alarm signal OVER- C.B. TRIPPED must be deleted to enable mains re-
CRANK/ENGINE FAULT will occur and the control connection operation. In case of faultless mains
unit will be locked. voltage the automatic unit changes back to mains
When the genset, after running up, has reached supply after the reconnection delay period has
nominal voltage and frequency, the mains circuit elapsed.
breaker will be disconnected and after a time lag Additionally to the start initiation by mains failure
(about 2 sec., programmable) the generator circuit or remote start command, the genset start can be
breaker is closed. After mains voltage re- initiated also by the SPRINKLER MODE (see further
establishing, a delay timer starts running down down).
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In case operating mode MANUAL is selected, the In case the diesel engine requires pre-glowing,
engine can be cranked by pressing the push-button arrangements for this must be realized externally.
START. If the starting sequence is programmed When another operating mode is selected or when
for a gas engine, this sequence will run. generator set is running, the push-button is not
The operative readiness of all LEDs can be this test other signal lights, assembled in
checked by this push-button, without initiating or switchboard panels, a relay can be programmed to
suppressing an actual alarm signal. To include in this function.
By a pulse of this push-button, the audible signal ble LED signal may be switched-off by pressing
caused by an alarm signal, will be silenced. After the push-button once again.
having eliminated the source of trouble, the visi-
The both upper rows with LEDs show important following four basics indications are provided.
status and fault information of the system. The
After starting-up of the genset, this green LED until the alarm monitoring is on. The indication is
signal indicates, that the delayed monitored switched-off, as soon as the shutdown procedure
alarms are activated. As soon as the engine has is beginning.
reached the firing speed, the LED start blinking
This indication shows, that an external EMER- To reset the control unit, the push-button selector
GENCY STOP push-button has been pressed or that has to be set to position OFF (RESET). Prior to this,
an alarm signal has caused the genset to shut- the reason for the trouble has to be eliminated, or
down. The red LED indicates, that the control unit the EMERGENCY STOP push-button has to be unlo-
as well as the genset is locked for any further cked.
starting attempt.
This signal is lighting, if there is a starting de- The indication is switched-off as soon as the dy-
mand, processed by the control unit at AUTO- namo D+ signalises the exceeding of the firing
MATIC mode or if the operating mode MANUAL or speed. Now, it is not possible, to actuate the
TEST is selected. starter motor, not even manually.
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If an alarm signal comes up, the corresponding Alarm signals, shutting the engine down, lock the
LED is blinking and the audible signal is switched automatic operation. This is shown by the signal
on. The audible signal is cancelled either auto- Autom. Device locked. The operation mode OFF
matically after it's programmed operating time or must be selected for unlocking the automatic op-
by one push of the button ALARM OFF. The LED eration.
indication changes then to a steady lighting. A If during the automatic mode the generator trips
next alarm signal coming up acts in the same due to a warning signal (eg. Generator Overload)
manner, i.e. it's LED is blinking, the audible sig- the engine will shutdown after the cooling down
nal is on. The LED can be cancelled, if the alarm period and lock the automatic operation.
signal was only warning and the reason for it is
not active anymore.
The alarm signal is internally triggered in case no set will start in the automatic mode and take the
feed back signal MAINS CB IS ON takes place after load. In this case the alarm signal must be can-
running out of the mains CB closing pulse. Ac- celled for switching back to mains supply after the
cording to the programming (VDE 0107) the gen- mains reconnection delay
The alarm signal is internally triggered in case no place after running out of the generator closing
feed back signal GENERATOR CB IS ON takes pulse.
These two alarms may be delayed from contract however without the audible signal. Criteria,
closing 0 up to 250 sec., i.e. the alarm contact which have to be always monitored, can be con-
must be active for the programmed time delay to nected here (eg. tank filling level, leakage
initiate an alarm signal. Furthermore these two warning).
alarms are also active in the operating mode OFF,
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It is possible to reset the alarms and unlock the for this alarm. It is not possible to unlock the
control unit by a remote command. A pro- control device if it was locked by an IMMEDI-
gramming is available to select weather an ATE STOP command. In this case the unlocking
alarm can be reset or not. If the alarm contact is only possible by switching the mode to Off
is still active, the remote reset is not possible and back to the desired one.
If this function is enabled, the control unit within programmed limit values. There is a
emits adjusting pulses to the speed control break between two speed commands, which
device if the frequency of the genset is not enables the engine to follow the command.
The following parameters are provided for the − Delayed off of SPRINKLER MODE 600 sec.
start/stop sequence: − Stopping time 30 sec.
− Start delay 2sec.,
In case of using a diesel engines, fitted with
− Cranking time 10 sec.
pre-glowing device, an external pre-glow push-
− Break between two cranking attempts 7 sec. button must be provided for the operating
− 3 cranking attempts mode MANUAL. For an automatic start se-
− 10 cranking attempts in SPRINKLER MODE quence, the pre-glowing time (start delay) can
− Delay time for CONTROLS ON 7 SEC. be programmed.
− Mains recovery delay 60 sec.
− Cooling down period 180 sec.,
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