Jpedo 4
Jpedo 4
Jpedo 4
Background: Down syndrome is characterized by a variety of dysmorphic features and congenital malformations,
such as congenital heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, and other conditions like leukemia and autoimmune
disorders. Patients with Down syndrome are highly prone to respiratory tract infections, which might be fatal to
them. However, there are only few available data on patients diagnosed with Down syndrome and
agammaglobulinemia. In this report, we describe a case of successful prevention of post-dental treatment
complications (e.g., pneumonia and other bacterial infections) in a patient with Down syndrome and
Case presentation: A 43-year-old man with Down syndrome, untreated agammaglobulinemia, and a history of
recurrent pneumonia, was referred to our clinic for tooth mobility. To reduce the risk of post-operative infections,
gammaglobulin treatment and prophylactic administration of antibiotics was scheduled before the dental
procedure. Furthermore, the dental treatment, which included a filling and extractions, was conducted under
general anesthesia and with the supervision of a hematologist. The dental procedures were successfully performed
without any post-operative infection, and the patient is undergoing follow-up care.
Conclusions: The purpose of this case report was to recommend a close liaison between physicians and dentists
who may encounter a similar case, and to emphasize the importance of improving oral health of immunodeficient
patients to prevent infections caused by oral microbial flora.
Keywords: Down syndrome, Immunodeficiency, Oral management, Case report
treatment in patients with Down syndrome diagnosed perform a comprehensive evaluation and treatment
with agammaglobulinemia. under general anesthesia as an in-patient procedure.
Here, we report the successful prevention of post- After consultation with a hematologist, the patient re-
dental treatment complications, such as pneumonia and ceived three courses of intravenous immunoglobulin
other bacterial infections, in a 43-year-old man with (IVIG) therapy to restore and maintain his serum IgG
Down syndrome and agammaglobulinemia, through levels above 500 mg/dL (Fig. 1). IVIG therapy was imple-
immunoglobulin administrations and prophylactic mented at 4 weeks, 2 weeks, and 1 day before operation.
antibiotherapy. The mandibular right first molar was restored with
light-cured composite resin. The maxillary left first
Case presentation molar, second molar, maxillary incisors, and mandibular
Consent for publication in this report was obtained from left incisor were extracted. After extraction, sockets were
the patient’s mother. sutured to prevent post-operative infection. Suture
A 43-year old male patient was referred to the Clinic reduced the risk of rebleeding and relieved patient
for Persons with Disabilities at the Dental Hospital of discomfort.
Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Tokyo, Japan) Operating table was prepared in the usual fashion. For
with a primary complaint of tooth mobility. He had a operative field, we used 0.025% benzalkonium chloride
history of Down syndrome that was diagnosed at birth. solution and normal saline solution as usual. All proce-
He lived alone with his mother. Family history was unre- dures were carried out under standard disinfection with-
markable. He had experienced recurrent pneumonia and out any additional measures.
chronic bronchitis since he was 34 years old. Subsequent Ampicillin sodium (6 g/day) was administered every
immunological assessment revealed agammaglobulin- 12 h intravenously, beginning in the morning before the
emia (Fig. 1) and B-cell deficiency (0.47%) associated operation and then for 4 days after the operation, follow-
with decreased CD45 RA+ naive CD4+ T-cells (4.5% of ing which the patient was discharged without any infec-
CD4+ T-cells) (Fig. 2). He had never received gamma- tion or complication.
globulin treatment. At present, the patient is undergoing follow-up care,
Oral and radiographic examinations revealed alveolar and the marginal gingivitis has improved. He is receiving
bone resorption in maxillary incisors and several regular IVIG treatments under the care of his local
decayed teeth (Fig. 3). Marginal gingivitis was observed physician.
all around the teeth. The patient’s oral hygiene was very
poor with dental plaque on all surfaces of his teeth. Discussion
The patient had severe mental retardation and autistic The case reported here was successfully managed
features, which included difficulty in communication. through the administration of gammaglobulin and
Thus, with the consent of his family, it was decided to antibiotics. This report describes the management of
Fig. 1 Schedule of pre-operative intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. Hb = hemoglobin level (g/dL); IgA = immunoglobulin A (mg/dL);
IgG = immunoglobulin G (mg/dL); IgM = immunoglobulin M (mg/dL); IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin substitution; Plt = platelet count
(10,000/μL); RBC = red blood cell count (10,000/μL); WBC = white blood cell count (/μL)
Kusumoto et al. BMC Oral Health (2020) 20:71 Page 3 of 5
Fig. 2 Flow cytometric analysis of the patient’s peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). PBMCs from the patient were stained with
monoclonal antibodies for CD19, Cd3, CD4, CD45RA, and CD45RO. The B-cells and naive T-cells were remarkably decreased in the patient
agammaglobulinemia in a patient with Down syndrome IVIG therapy in patients with agammaglobulinemia re-
during oral care procedures. Autoimmune diseases are duces the risk of infection [6, 7]. It involves therapeutic
frequently observed in patients with Down syndrome, preparations of pooled polyspecific IgG, obtained from
with prevalence of immune deficiency, mild to moderate the plasma of a large number of healthy individuals.
T-cell and B-cell lymphopenia with decreased naive lym- IVIG approach had a significant and positive therapeutic
phocytes, impaired mitogen-induced T-cell proliferation, impact in our patient (Fig. 1).
reduced specific antibody responses to immunizations, IVIG therapy prevents many, though not all, pulmon-
and defects in neutrophil chemotaxis [4, 5]. These ab- ary complications. Though they are receiving IVIG ther-
normalities may contribute to increased susceptibility to apy, in some patients with relatively more severe
viral infections, hematologic malignancies, and auto- antibody deficiencies, may be in high risk of chronic bac-
immune diseases associated with Down syndrome [4, 5]. terial infections [8]. Then a standard course of antibi-
For invasive dental procedures, such patients are at a otics for acute infections stemming from surgical
high risk of severe infection and septicemia caused by treatment would not be sufficient in severely immunode-
the spread of oral microorganisms and their toxins ficient patients and may lead to rapid relapse or recur-
through circulating blood. Clinical use of IVIG therapy rence of infections and further morbidity, including
has increased in the treatment of patients with PADS. permanent scarring and loss of function. Experienced
Fig. 3 Panoramic radiograph, radiographic examinations revealed alveolar bone resorption in maxillary incisors and several decayed teeth
Kusumoto et al. BMC Oral Health (2020) 20:71 Page 4 of 5
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microbials that are two to three times longer than stand- approved the final manuscript.
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