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Hand-Gesture Recognition Based On EMG and Event-Based Camera Sensor Fusion: A Benchmark in Neuromorphic Computing

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published: 05 August 2020

doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00637

Hand-Gesture Recognition Based on

EMG and Event-Based Camera
Sensor Fusion: A Benchmark in
Neuromorphic Computing
Enea Ceolini 1† , Charlotte Frenkel 1,2† , Sumit Bam Shrestha 3† , Gemma Taverni 1 ,
Lyes Khacef 4 , Melika Payvand 1 and Elisa Donati 1*
Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 ICTEAM Institute, Université Catholique
de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 3 Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore,
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, LEAT, Nice, France

Hand gestures are a form of non-verbal communication used by individuals in conjunction

with speech to communicate. Nowadays, with the increasing use of technology,
hand-gesture recognition is considered to be an important aspect of Human-Machine
Edited by:
Fabio Stefanini,
Interaction (HMI), allowing the machine to capture and interpret the user’s intent and
Columbia University, United States to respond accordingly. The ability to discriminate between human gestures can help
Reviewed by: in several applications, such as assisted living, healthcare, neuro-rehabilitation, and
Arren Glover, sports. Recently, multi-sensor data fusion mechanisms have been investigated to
Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Italy
Chetan Singh Thakur, improve discrimination accuracy. In this paper, we present a sensor fusion framework
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India that integrates complementary systems: the electromyography (EMG) signal from
*Correspondence: muscles and visual information. This multi-sensor approach, while improving accuracy
Elisa Donati
and robustness, introduces the disadvantage of high computational cost, which
grows exponentially with the number of sensors and the number of measurements.
† These authors have contributed
equally to this work
Furthermore, this huge amount of data to process can affect the classification latency
which can be crucial in real-case scenarios, such as prosthetic control. Neuromorphic
Specialty section: technologies can be deployed to overcome these limitations since they allow real-time
This article was submitted to
processing in parallel at low power consumption. In this paper, we present a fully
Neuromorphic Engineering,
a section of the journal neuromorphic sensor fusion approach for hand-gesture recognition comprised of an
Frontiers in Neuroscience event-based vision sensor and three different neuromorphic processors. In particular,
Received: 15 December 2019 we used the event-based camera, called DVS, and two neuromorphic platforms, Loihi
Accepted: 22 May 2020
Published: 05 August 2020
and ODIN + MorphIC. The EMG signals were recorded using traditional electrodes
and then converted into spikes to be fed into the chips. We collected a dataset
Ceolini E, Frenkel C, Shrestha SB, of five gestures from sign language where visual and electromyography signals are
Taverni G, Khacef L, Payvand M and
synchronized. We compared a fully neuromorphic approach to a baseline implemented
Donati E (2020) Hand-Gesture
Recognition Based on EMG and using traditional machine learning approaches on a portable GPU system. According
Event-Based Camera Sensor Fusion: to the chip’s constraints, we designed specific spiking neural networks (SNNs) for
A Benchmark in Neuromorphic
Computing. Front. Neurosci. 14:637.
sensor fusion that showed classification accuracy comparable to the software baseline.
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00637 These neuromorphic alternatives have increased inference time, between 20 and 40%,

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 1 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

with respect to the GPU system but have a significantly smaller energy-delay product
(EDP) which makes them between 30× and 600× more efficient. The proposed
work represents a new benchmark that moves neuromorphic computing toward a
real-world scenario.
Keywords: hand-gesture classification, spiking neural networks (SNNs), electromyography (EMG) signal
processing, event-based camera, sensor fusion, neuromorphic engineering

1. INTRODUCTION 2014), medical diagnosis (Hoeks et al., 2011), and understanding

brain functionality (Horwitz and Poeppel, 2002).
Hand-gestures are considered a powerful communication In this study we consider the complementary system
channel for information transfer in daily life. Hand-gesture comprising of a vision sensor and EMG measurements. Using
recognition is the process of classifying meaningful gestures EMG or camera systems separately presents some limitations,
of the hands and is currently receiving renewed interest. The but their fusion has several advantages, in particular EMG-based
gestural interaction is a well-known technique that can be utilized classification can help in case of camera occlusion, whereas
in a vast array of applications (Yasen and Jusoh, 2019), such as the vision classification provides an absolute measurement
sign language translation (Cheok et al., 2019), sports (Loss et al., of hand state. This type of sensor fusion which combines
2012), Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (Cicirelli et al., 2015; vision and proprioceptive information is intensively used in
Liu and Wang, 2018), and more generally in Human-Machine biomedical applications, such as in the transradial prosthetic
Interaction (HMI) (Haria et al., 2017). Hand-gesture recognition domain, to improve control performance (Markovic et al., 2014,
systems also target medical applications, where they are detected 2015), or to focus on recognizing objects during grasping to
via bioelectrical signals instead of vision. In particular, among adjust the movements (Došen et al., 2010). This last task can
the biomedical signals, electromyography [Electromyography also use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as feature
(EMG)] is the most used for hand-gesture identification and for extractors (Ghazaei et al., 2017; Gigli et al., 2018).
the design of prosthetic hand controllers (Benatti et al., 2015; While improving accuracy and robustness, the multiple
Donati et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020). input modalities also increase the computational cost, due to
EMG measures the electrical signal resulting from muscle the amount of data generated to process in real-time which
activation. The source of the signal is the motor neuron action can affect the communication between the subject and the
potentials generated during the muscle contraction. Generally, prosthetic hand. Neuromorphic technology offers a solution to
EMG can be detected either directly with electrodes inserted overcome these limitations providing the possibility to process
in the muscle tissue, or indirectly with surface electrodes multiple inputs in parallel in real-time, and with very low power
positioned above the skin [surface EMG (sEMG), for simplicity consumption. Neuromorphic systems consist of circuits designed
we will refer to it as EMG]. The EMG is more popular for its with principles based on the biological nervous systems that,
accessibility and non-invasive nature. However, the use of EMG similar to their biological counterparts, process information
to discriminate between hand-gestures is a non-trivial task due to using energy-efficient, asynchronous, event-driven methods (Liu
several physiological processes in the skeletal muscles underlying et al., 2014). These systems are often endowed with on-line
their generation. learning abilities that allow adapting to different inputs and
One way to overcome these limitations is to use a multimodal conditions. Lots of neuromorphic computing platforms have
approach, combining EMG with recordings from other sensors. been developed in the past for modeling cortical circuits and their
Multi-sensor data fusion is a direct consequence of the well- number is still growing (Benjamin et al., 2014; Furber et al., 2014;
accepted paradigm that certain natural processes and phenomena Merolla et al., 2014; Meier, 2015; Qiao et al., 2015; Moradi et al.,
are expressed under completely different physical guises (Lahat 2017; Davies et al., 2018; Neckar et al., 2018; Thakur et al., 2018;
et al., 2015). In fact, multi-sensor systems provide higher Frenkel et al., 2019a,b).
accuracy by exploiting different sensors that measure the same In this paper we present a fully-neuromorphic
signal in different but complementary ways. The higher accuracy implementation of sensor fusion for hand-gesture recognition.
is achieved thanks to a redundancy gain that reduces the The proposed work is based on a previous work of sensor
amount of uncertainty in the resulting information. Recent works fusion for hand-gesture recognition, using standard machine
show a growing interest toward multi-sensory fusion in several learning approaches implemented in a cell phone application
application areas, such as developmental robotics (Droniou et al., for personalized medicine (Ceolini et al., 2019b). The paper
2015; Zahra and Navarro-Alarcon, 2019), audio-visual signal showed how a CNN performed better, in terms of accuracy,
processing (Shivappa et al., 2010; Rivet et al., 2014), spatial than a Support Vector Machine (SVM) on the hand-gesture
perception (Pitti et al., 2012), attention-driven selection (Braun recognition task. The novelty introduced here is that the sensor
et al., 2019) and tracking (Zhao and Zeng, 2019), memory fusion is implemented on a fully neuromorphic system, from the
encoding (Tan et al., 2019), emotion recognition (Zhang et al., event-based camera sensor to the classification phase, performed
2019), multi-sensory classification (Cholet et al., 2019), HMI using three event-based neuromorphic circuits: Intel’s Loihi
(Turk, 2014), remote sensing and earth observation (Debes et al., research processor (Davies et al., 2018) and a combination

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 2 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

of the ODIN and MorphIC Spiking Neural Network (SNN) the scene (represented in Figure 1). The static information is
processors (Frenkel et al., 2019a,b). The two neuromorphic directly removed on the hardware side and only the dynamic
systems present different features, in particular, depending one, corresponding to the movements in the scene, is actually
on the number of neurons available and on the input data, we transmitted. In this way the DVS can reach low latency, down to
implemented different SNN architectures. For example, for visual 10 µs, reducing the power consumption needed for computation
data processing, a spiking CNN is implemented in Loihi while and the amount of transmitted data. Each spike is encoded
a spiking Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is chosen for ODIN + using the Address Event Representation (AER) communication
MorphIC (see section 2.3). For the case of EMG, the data was protocol (Deiss et al., 1999) and is represented by the address of
collected using the Myo armband that senses electrical activity the pixel (in x-y coordinates), the polarity (1 bit for the sign), and
in the forearm muscles. The data was later converted into spikes the timestamp (in microsecond resolution).
to be fed into the neuromorphic systems. Here, we propose a
feasible application to show the neuromorphic performance in 2.1.2. EMG Sensor
terms of accuracy, energy consumption, and latency (stimulus In the proposed work, we collected the EMG corresponding to
duration + inference time). The performance metric for the hand gestures using the Myo armband by Thalmic Labs Inc.
energy consumption is the Energy-Delay Product (EDP), a The Myo armband is a wearable device provided with eight
metric suitable for most modern processor platforms defined equally spaced non-invasive EMG electrodes and a Bluetooth
as the average energy consumption multiplied by the average transmission module. The EMG electrodes detect signals from
inference time. The inference time is defined as the time elapsed the forearm muscles activity and afterwards the acquired data is
between the end of the stimulus and the classification. To sent to an external electronic device. The sampling rates for Myo
validate the neuromorphic results, we are comparing it to data are fixed at 200Hz and the data is returned as a unitless 8-bit
a baseline consisting of the network implemented, using a unsigned integer for each sensor representing “activation” and
standard machine learning approach, where the inputs are fed does not translate to millivolts (mV).
as continuous EMG signals and video frames. We propose this
comparison for a real case scenario as a benchmark, in order 2.2. DVS-EMG Dataset
for the neuromorphic research field to advance into mainstream The dataset is a collection of five hand gestures recorded with
computing (Davies, 2019). the two sensor modalities: muscle activity from the Myo and
visual input, in the form of DVS events. Moreover, the dataset
also provides the video recording using a traditional frame-based
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS camera, referred to as Active Pixel Sensor (APS) in this paper.
The frames from the APS are used as ground truth and as input in
In the following section, we describe the overall system
the baseline models. The APS-frames provided in the dataset are
components. We start from the description of the sensors
gray-scale, 240 × 180 resolution. The dataset contains recordings
used to collect the hand-gesture data, namely the event-based
from 21 subjects: 12 males and nine females aged from 25 to 35
camera, Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS), and the EMG armband
(see Data Availability Statement for the full access to the dataset).
sensor, Myo. We then describe the procedure with which
The structure is the following: each subject repeats three sessions,
we collected the dataset used for the validation experiments
in each session the subject performs five hand gestures: pinky,
presented here and which is publicly available. Afterwards, the
elle, yo, index, and thumb (see Figure 2), repeated 5 times. Each
two neuromorphic systems under consideration, namely Loihi
single gesture recording lasts 2s. The gestures are separated by
and ODIN + MorphIC, will be described, focusing on their
a relaxing time of 1s, to remove any residual activity from the
system specifics, characteristics, and the model architectures
previous gesture. Every recording is cut in 10 chunks of 200ms
that will be implemented on them. Finally, we describe the
each, this duration was selected to match the requirements of a
system that we call baseline and which represents the point of
real-case scenario of low latency prosthesis control where there is
comparison between a traditional von-Neumann approach and
a need for the classification and creation of the motor command
the two neuromorphic systems.
within 250 ms (Smith et al., 2011). Therefore, the final number of
samples results in 21 (subjects) × 3 (trials) × 5 (repetitions) × 5
2.1. DVS and EMG Sensors (gestures) × 10 (chunks) for a total of 15,750. The Myo records
2.1.1. DVS Sensor the superficial muscle activity at the middle forearm from eight
The DVS (Lichtsteiner et al., 2006) is a neuromorphic camera electrodes with a sampling rate of 200Hz. During the recordings,
inspired by the visual processing in the biological retina. Each the DVS was mounted on a random moving system to generate
pixel in the sensor array responds asynchronously to logarithmic relative movement between the sensor and the subject’s hand. The
changes in light. Whenever the incoming illumination increases hand remains static during the recording to avoid noise in the
or decreases above a certain threshold, it generates a polarity Myo sensor and the gestures are performed in front of a static
spike event. The polarity corresponds to the sign of the change; white background, see Figure 2 for the full setup.
ON polarity for an increase in light, and OFF polarity for
a decrease in light. The output is a continuous and sparse 2.2.1. Implementation on Neuromorphic Devices
train of events, interchangeably called spikes throughout this SNNs, in general, and their implementation on neuromorphic
paper, that carries the information of the active pixels in devices require inputs as spike trains. In the case of the DVS, the

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 3 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

DVS Spike Stream EMG Spike Stream

ON events
ts de ON events
nsity OFF events
OFF events
35 0.8
30 0.6

Amplitude [a.u.]
Address y

25 0.4
20 0.2
15 0.0
10 −0.2 0.10
5 −0.4 0.08
0 −0.6 0.06

40 35 0.04


30 25 0.04 7

5 0.02

20 15 4 3

Add 0.02

ress 10 Chann 2 1 0.00

x 5 el 0
0 0.00

FIGURE 1 | Example, for a gesture “elle,” of spike streams for DVS (left) and EMG (right). In the EMG figure the spikes are represented by dots while the continuous
line is the raw EMG. Different channels have different colors.

A Data collection setup B Spike streams C Neuromorphic systems D Gestures

DVS Gesture Myo b1. DVS c1. Loihi







b2. EMG c2. ODIN + MorphIC








FIGURE 2 | System overview. From left to right: (A) data collection setup featuring the DVS, the traditional camera and the subject wearing the EMG armband sensor,
(B) data streams of (b1) DVS and (b2) EMG transformed into spikes via the Delta modulation approach, (C) the two neuromorphic systems namely (c1) Loihi and (c2)
ODIN + MorphIC, (D) the hand gestures that the system is able to recognize in real time.

sensor output is already in the form of spikes and polarity. The For this reason, we decided to crop the 128 × 128 input of the
only requirement that we need to take into account is the limited DVS to 40 × 40 centered on the hand-gesture. On the contrary,
number of neurons in the available neuromorphic processors. for the EMG, a conversion in the event-based domain is required.

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 4 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

The solution used here is the delta-modulator ADC algorithm, topologies. Training is carried out in Keras with quantization-
based on a sigma-delta modulator circuit (Corradi and Indiveri, aware stochastic gradient descent following a standard ANN-to-
2015). This mechanism is particularly used in low frequency, SNN mapping approach (Hubara et al., 2017; Moons et al., 2017;
high performance and low power applications (Lee et al., 2005), Rueckauer et al., 2017), the resulting SNNs process the EMG and
such as biomedical circuits. Moreover, this modulator represents DVS spikes without further preprocessing.
a good interface for neuromorphic devices because it has much In order to process the spike-based EMG gesture data, we
less circuit complexity and lower power consumption than selected ODIN so as to benefit from 3-bit weights. Indeed,
multi-bit ADCs. due to the low input dimensionality of EMG data, satisfactory
The delta-modulator algorithm transforms a continuous performance could not be reached with the binary weight
signal into two digital pulse outputs, UP or DOWN, according to resolution of MorphIC. A 3-bit-weight 16-230-5 SNN is thus
the signal derivative. The UP (DOWN) spikes are generated every implemented in ODIN, this setup will be referred to as the
time the signal exceeds a positive (negative) threshold, like the EMG-ODIN network.
ON (OFF) events from the DVS. As described before, the signal For the DVS gesture data classification, we selected MorphIC,
is sampled at 200Hz, this means that a new sample is acquired to benefit from its higher neuron and synapse resources. ON/OFF
every 5 ms. To increase the time resolution of the generated spike DVS events are treated equally and their connections to the
train, which otherwise would contain too few spikes, the EMG network are learned, so that any of them can be either excitatory
signals are over-sampled to a higher frequency before undergoing or inhibitory. Similarly to a setup previously proposed for MNIST
the transformation into spikes (Donati et al., 2019). benchmarking (Frenkel et al., 2019b), the input 40 × 40-pixel
For our specific EMG acquisition features, we set the threshold DVS event streams can be subsampled into four 20 × 20-
at 0.05 and an interpolation factor of 3500; these values have been pixel event streams and processed independently in the four
selected from previous studies which looked at quality of signal cores of MorphIC, thus leading to an accuracy boost when
reconstruction (Donati et al., 2018, 2019). combining the outputs of all subnetworks, subsequently denoted
as subMLPs. The four subMLPs have a 400-210-5 topology
with binary weights, this setup will thus be referred to as the
2.3. Neuromorphic Processors DVS-MorphIC network.
2.3.1. ODIN + MorphIC To ease sensor fusion, the hidden layer sizes of the EMG-
The ODIN (Online-learning DIgital spiking Neuromorphic) ODIN and DVS-MorphIC networks and the associated firing
processor occupies an area of only 0.086 mm2 in 28 nm thresholds were optimized by parameter search so as to balance
FDSOI CMOS (Frenkel et al., 2019a)1 . It consists of a single their activities. These hidden layers were first flattened into a
neurosynaptic core with 256 neurons and 2562 synapses. Each 1,070-neuron layer, then a 5-neuron output layer was retrained
neuron can be configured to phenomenologically reproduce the with 3-bit weights and implemented in ODIN. This setup
20 Izhikevich behaviors of spiking neurons (Izhikevich, 2004). will be referred to as the Fusion-ODIN network, which thus
The synapses embed a 3-bit weight and a mapping table bit encapsulates EMG processing in ODIN, DVS processing in
that allows enabling or disabling Spike-Dependent Synaptic MorphIC, and sensor fusion in ODIN. From an implementation
Plasticity (SDSP) locally (Brader et al., 2007), thus allowing for point of view, mapping the MorphIC hidden layer output
the exploration of both off-chip training and on-chip online spikes back to ODIN as sensor fusion requires an external
learning setups. mapping table. Its overhead is excluded from the results provided
MorphIC is a quad-core digital neuromorphic processor in section 3.
with 2k LIF neurons and more than 2M synapses in 65nm
CMOS (Frenkel et al., 2019b). MorphIC was designed for high- 2.3.2. Loihi and Its Training Framework SLAYER
density large-scale integration of multi-chip setups. The four 512- Intel’s Loihi (Davies et al., 2018) is an asynchronous
neuron crossbar cores are connected with a hierarchical routing neuromorphic research processor. Each Loihi chip consists
infrastructure that enables neuron fan-in and fan-out values of of 128 neurocores, with each neurocore capable of implementing
1k and 2k, respectively. The synapses are binary and can be either up to 1,024 current based (CUBA) Leaky Integrate and Fire (LIF)
programmed with offline-trained weights or trained online with neurons. The network state and configuration is stored entirely
a stochastic version of SDSP. in on-chip SRAMs local to each core, this allows each core to
Both ODIN and MorphIC follow a standard synchronous access its local memories independently of other cores without
digital implementation, which allows their operation to be needing to share a global memory bus (and in fact removing
predicted with one-to-one accuracy by custom Python-based the need for off-chip memory). Loihi supports a number of
chip simulators. As both chips rely on crossbar connectivity, different encodings for representing network connectivity, thus
CNN topologies can be explored but are limited to small allowing the user to choose the most efficient encoding for their
networks due to an inefficient resource usage in the absence of task. Each Loihi chip also contains three small synchronous ×86
a weight reuse mechanism (Frenkel et al., 2019b). The selected processors which help monitor and configure the network, as
SNN architectures are thus based on fully-connected MLP well as assisting with the injection of spikes and recording of
output spikes.
1 The HDL source code and documentation of ODIN are publicly available at SLAYER (Shrestha and Orchard, 2018) is a backpropagation
https://github.com/ChFrenkel/ODIN. framework for evaluating the gradient of any kind of SNN

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 5 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

[i.e., spiking MLP and spiking CNN] directly in the spiking Here, XcY denotes a convolution layer with X kernels of
domain. It is a dt-based SNN backpropagation algorithm shape Y-by-Y, while 2p denotes a 2-by-2 max pooling
that keeps track of the internal membrane potential of the layer. Zero padding was applied for all convolution layers. No
spiking neuron and uses it during gradient propagation. There preprocessing on the spike events was performed, the ON/OFF
are two main guiding principles of SLAYER: temporal credit events are treated as different input channels, hence the input
assignment policy and probabilistic spiking neuron behavior shape 40x40x2. For this network, current and voltage decay
during error backpropagation. Temporal credit assignment constants for the Loihi neurons were set to 1,024 (32 ms) and
policy acknowledges the temporal nature of a spiking neuron 128 (4 ms).
where a spike event at a particular time has its effect on future Finally, a third network where the penultimate layer neurons
events. Therefore, the error credit of an error at a particular time of DVS and EMG networks were fused together was trained.
needs to be distributed back in time. SLAYER is one of the few Only the last fully connected weights (640-5) were trained. The
methods that consider temporal effects during backpropagation. parameters of the network before fusion were preserved. The
The use of probabilistic neurons during backpropagation helps current and voltage decay constants of 1,024 (32 ms) and 128
estimate the spike function derivative, which is a major challenge (4 ms), respectively, were used for the final fusion layer neurons.
for SNN backpropagation, with the spike escape rate function From now on, we will refer to these three networks as EMG-
of a probabilistic neuron. The end effect is that the spike Loihi, DVS-Loihi, and Fusion-Loihi whenever there is ambiguity.
escape rate function is used to estimate the spike function
derivative, similar to the surrogate gradient concept (Zenke 2.4. Traditional Machine Learning
and Ganguli, 2018; Neftci et al., 2019). With SLAYER, we can Baselines
train synaptic weights as well as axonal delays and achieve Machine Learning (ML) methods, and in general data-driven
state of the art performances (Shrestha and Orchard, 2018) on approaches, are currently the dominant tools used to solve
neuromorphic datasets. complex classification tasks since they give the best performance
SLAYER uses the versatile Spike Response compared to other approaches. We compare the performance
Model (SRM) (Gerstner, 1995) which can be customized to of the two fully neuromorphic systems described in the above
represent a wide variety of spiking neurons with a simple change sections, against a traditional machine learning pipeline that uses
of spike response kernels. It is implemented2 atop the PyTorch frame-based inputs, i.e., traditionally sampled EMG signals and
framework with automatic differentiation support (Paszke et al., traditionally sampled video frames. For the comparisons to be
2017) with the flexibility of feedforward dense, convolutional, fair, in the traditional approach we maintain the same constraints
pooling, and skip connections in the network. imposed by the neuromorphic hardware. In particular, we used
SLAYER-PyTorch also supports training with the exact CUBA the same neural network architectures as those used in the
Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron model in Loihi (Davies et al., neuromorphic systems. Note that two different networks were
2018). To train for the fixed precision constraints on weights implemented, spiking MLP and spiking CNN (see Figure 3 for
and delays of Loihi hardware, it trains the network with the more details on the architectures). For this reason, we have two
quantization constraints and then trains using the strategy different baseline models that are paired to the two considered
of shadow variables (Courbariaux et al., 2015; Hubara et al., neuromorphic systems.
2016) where the constrained network is used in the forward
propagation phase and the full precision shadow variables are 2.4.1. EMG Feature Extraction
used during backpropagation. Traditional EMG signal processing consists of various steps. First,
We used SLAYER-PyTorch to train a Loihi compatible signal pre-processing is used to extract useful information by
network for the hand-gesture recognition task. The networks applying filters and transformations. Then, feature extraction is
were trained offline using GPU and trained weights and delays used to highlight meaningful structures and patterns. Finally,
were used to configure the network on Loihi hardware for a classifier maps the selected features to output classes.
inference purposes. All the figures reported here are for inference In this section we describe the EMG feature extraction
using Loihi, with one algorithmic time tick in Loihi of 1 ms. phase, in particular we consider time domain features used
A spiking MLP of architecture 16-128d-128d-5 was for the classification of gestures with the baseline models.
trained for EMG gestures converted into spikes (section 2.2.1). We extracted two time domain features generally used in
Here, 128d means the fully connected layer has 128 neurons literature (Phinyomark et al., 2018), namely Mean Absolute Value
with trained axonal delays. The Loihi neuron with current (MAV) and Root Mean Square (RMS) shown in Equation (1).
and voltage decay constants of 1,024 (32 ms) was used for The MAV is the average of the muscles activation value and it is
this network. calculated by a stride-moving window. The RMS is represented as
For the gesture classification using DVS data we used both a amplitude relating to a gestural force and muscular contraction.
spiking MLP, with the same architecture as the one deployed on The two features are calculated across a window of 40 samples,
MorphIC and described in section 2.3.1, and a spiking CNN with corresponding to 200 ms:
architecture 40x40x2-8c3-2p-16c3-2p-32c3-512-5.
T u T
1X u1 X
2 SLAYER-PyTorch is publicly available at https://github.com/bamsumit/ MAV(xc ) = |xc (t)| RMS(xc ) = t xc2 (t) (1)
slayerPytorch. T T
t=0 t=0

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 6 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

A DVS CNN 8c3 2p 16c3 2p 32c3 512 5

ON events
ts de
nsity OFF events

Address y

0 0.06
40 35 ]
30 25 0.04

20 15

Add 0.02

ress 10
x 5
0 0.00

B DVS MLP 4x 400-210-5 C EMG MLP

c1. 16-128-128-5
c2. 16-230-5
ON events
ts de
nsity OFF events ON events
OFF events

35 0.8

30 0.6

Amplitude [a.u.]
Address y

−0.2 0.10
−0.4 0.08
5 0.06
0.08 −0.6

e [s
0 0.06 0.04
40 35 7 6

5 0.02

30 25 0.04

4 3

20 15 Channe 1 0 0.00

Add 0.02

ress 10 l
x 5
0 0.00

Concatenated during fusion

FIGURE 3 | Architectures of the neural networks implemented on the neuromorphic systems and used in the baselines. (A) CNN architecture implemented on Loihi;
the corresponding baseline CNN receives APS frames instead of DVS events. (B) subMLP architectures implemented on MorphIC, the corresponding baseline
subMLPs receive APS frames instead of DVS events. (C) MLP architecture for the EMG data implemented on Loihi (c1) and on ODIN (c2), the corresponding baseline
MLPs receive EMG features instead of EMG events. The shading indicates those layers that are concatenated during the fusion of the networks.

where xc (t) is the signal in the time domain for the EMG channel processing. For the visual input, we used the same subMLP-based
with index c and T is the number of samples in the considered network structure as the one described in section 2.3.1, but with
window, which was set to T = 40 (N = 200 ms) across this work. gray-scale APS frames. The 40 × 40 cropped APS frames are
The features were calculated for each channel separately and the sub-sampled and fed into four 2-layer subMLPs of architecture
resulting values were concatenated in a vector F(n) described 400-210-5, as shown in Figure 3B. The outputs of the four
in Equation (2): subMLPs are then summed when classifying with a single sensor
 T and are concatenated for the fusion network. The EMG neural
F(n) = F(x1 ), . . . , F(xC ) (2) network is a 2-layer MLP of architecture 16-230-5. The fusion
network is obtained as described above for the Loihi baseline.
where F is MAV or RMS, n is the index of the window and C
is the number of EMG channels. The final feature vector E(n) for 2.4.3. Baseline Loihi
window n is shown in Equation (3), it is used for the classification As described in section 2.3.2, we used a spiking MLP and
and is obtained by concatenating the two single feature vectors. a spiking CNN to process and classify DVS events. For the
h iT Loihi baseline, we kept the exact same architectures, except for
E(n) = MAV(n)T , RMS(n)T (3) the axonal delays. Moreover, both architectures of the baseline
receive the corresponding gray-scale APS frames instead of
2.4.2. Baseline ODIN + MorphIC the DVS events. The baseline MLP architecture and the CNN
As described in section 2.3.1, a CNN cannot be efficiently architectures are shown in Figures 3A,B, respectively. Note that
implemented on crossbar cores, which is the architecture ODIN the number of parameters between the baseline networks and the
and MorphIC rely on. We will therefore rely solely on fully- spiking networks implemented on Loihi is slightly different since
connected MLPs networks for both visual and EMG data the input has one channel (gray-scale) in the case of the baseline

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Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

TABLE 1 | Comparison of traditional and neuromorphic systems on the task of gesture recognition for both single sensor and sensor fusion.

System Modality Accuracy (%) Energy (uJ) Inference time (ms) EDP (uJ * s)

EMG 55.7 ± 2.7 173.2 ± 21.2 5.89 ± 0.18 1.0 ± 0.1

Spiking CNN (Loihi) DVS 92.1 ± 1.2 815.3 ± 115.9 6.64 ± 0.14 5.4 ± 0.8
EMG+DVS 96.0 ± 0.4 1104.5 ± 58.8 7.75 ± 0.07 8.6 ± 0.5

EMG 68.1 ± 2.8 (25.5 ± 8.4) · 103 3.8 ± 0.1 97.3 ± 4.4
CNN (GPU) APS 92.4 ± 1.6 (31.7 ± 7.4) · 103 5.9 ± 0.1 186.9 ± 3.9
EMG+APS 95.4 ± 1.7 (32.1 ± 7.9) · 103 6.9 ± 0.05 221.1 ± 4.1

EMG 53.6 ± 1.4 7.42 ± 0.11 23.5 ± 0.35 0.17 ± 0.01

Spiking MLP (ODIN + MorphIC) DVS 85.1 ± 4.1 57.2 ± 6.8 17.3 ± 2.0 1.00 ± 0.24
EMG+DVS 89.4 ± 3.0 37.4 ± 4.2 19.5 ± 0.3 0.42 ± 0.08

EMG 67.2 ± 3.6 (23.9 ± 5.6) · 103 2.8 ± 0.08 67.2 ± 2.9
MLP (GPU) APS 84.2 ± 4.3 (30.2 ± 7.5) · 103 6.9 ± 0.1 211.3 ± 6.1
EMG+APS 88.1 ± 4.1 (32.0 ± 8.9) · 103 7.9 ± 0.05 253.0 ± 3.9

The results of the accuracy are reported with mean and standard deviation obtained over a 3-fold cross validation.

TABLE 2 | Inference statistics of Loihi models on 200 ms-long samples.

Network Accuracy % Core Dynamic Inference Table 1 summarizes the results for Loihi and ODIN+MorphIC
utilization power (mW) speedup with the respective baselines. More details are described in the
following sections.
EMG-Loihi 55.74 ± 2.74 6 29.4± 3.6 (34.01 ± 1.01)×
DVS-Loihi 92.14 ± 1.23 95 109.0±15.5 (30.14 ± 0.65)×
Fusion-Loihi 96.04 ± 0.48 100 137.2±7.3 (25.82 ± 0.24)×
3.1. Loihi Results
The classification performances of these three networks, EMG-
Loihi, DVS-Loihi, and Fusion-Loihi, with 3-fold cross-validation
and inferenced using 200 ms data, are tabulated in Table 2.
that uses APS frames while it has two channels (polarity) in the The core utilization, dynamic power consumption, and inference
input for Loihi. time in the Loihi hardware are also listed in Table 2. The
The MLP architecture used for the EMG classification is dynamic power is measured as the difference of total power
instead composed of two layers of 128 followed by one layer of consumed by the network and the static power when the
5 units. While the input stays of the same size (16) with respect chip is idle. Since one algorithmic time tick is 1ms long,
to the network implemented on Loihi, the input features are inference time represents the speedup factor compared to
different since the baseline MLP receives MAV and RMS features real time.
while the Loihi receives spikes obtained from the raw signal. With the spiking MLP implemented on Loihi, we obtained
To obtain the fusion network, we eliminate the last layer an accuracy of 50.3 ± 1.5, 83.1 ± 3.4, and 83.4 ± 2.1% for the
(classification layer) from both the single sensor networks, hand-gesture classification task using EMG, DVS and fusion,
concatenate the two penultimate layers of the single sensor respectively. Being that these results were significantly worse than
networks, and add a common classification layer with five units, the ones obtained with the spiking CNN, we do not report them
one per each class. in Tables 1, 2 and prefer to focus our analysis on the CNN which
is better suited for visual tasks. This poor performance is due to
2.4.4. Training and Deployment temporal resolution of Loihi that causes a drop in the number of
The models are trained with Keras using Adam optimizer with spikes in the MLP architecture while this does not happen in the
standard parameters. First, the single modality networks are CNN architecture.
trained separately, each for 30 epochs. For sensor fusion, output The EMG network does not perform as well as in the baseline
layer retraining is also carried out for 30 epochs. In order to as shown in Table 1. The reason for this discrepancy can be found
compare the baselines against the neuromorphic systems in terms in the fact that the baseline method uses EMG from the raw signal
of energy consumption and inference time, we deployed the of the sensor. However, to process this signal using neuromorphic
baseline models onto the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, an embedded chips (Loihi and ODIN + MorphIC), the EMG signal is encoded
system with a 128-Core Maxwell GPU with 4GB 64-bit LPDDR4 into spikes. With this encoding, part of the information is lost (as
memory 25.6 GB/s3 . is the case for any encoding). Therefore, the baseline method has
the advantage of using a signal that has more information and
3 https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-nano-developer-kit thus it outperforms the neuromorphic approach. Note that these

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Accuracy [%]






25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Stimulus duration [ms]

FIGURE 4 | Accuracy vs. stimulus duration for the Loihi system and its software baseline counterpart. In green the results for the CNN (GPU), in purple the results for
the spiking CNN (Loihi). No classification is present for APS frames before 25 ms since the frame rate is 20 fps.

Loihi networks are restricted to 8-bit fixed precision weights and CNN, the Loihi CNN can respond to the input within a few ms of
6-bit fixed precision delays. inputs. However, for the vision modality, notice that, because the
To evaluate the performance over time of the Loihi networks, frame rate of the camera is 20 fps, there is no classification before
stimulus duration vs. testing accuracy is plotted in Figure 4. 25ms. Therefore, for short stimulus duration, the neuromorphic
We can see that the EMG-Loihi network continues to improve system has higher accuracy than the traditional system.
with longer stimulus duration. Table 1 and Figure 4 show the
results of the Loihi baseline. From an accuracy point of view the 3.2. ODIN + MorphIC Results
baseline reaches a higher classification accuracy only in the EMG Inference statistics for a 200 ms sample duration are reported in
classification, while both the visual classification and fusion are Table 3 for the EMG-ODIN, DVS-MorphIC, and Fusion-ODIN
on par with the Loihi networks and show only a non-significant networks. Chip utilization is computed as the percentage of
difference. In terms of inference time, the baseline running on the neuron resources taken by the hidden and output layers in ODIN
GPU system is systematically faster than Loihi, but never more and MorphIC, while the power consumption P of the crossbar
than 40% faster. As expected, the energy consumption of the cores of both chips can be decomposed as
GPU system is significantly higher than the Loihi system. Loihi is
P = Pleak + Pidle fclk + ESOP rSOP , (4)
around 30× more efficient than the baseline with concern to the
fusion network and more than 150× and 40× more efficient with where Pleak is the chip leakage power and Pleak + Pidle fclk
concern to the EMG and DVS processing, respectively. Figure 4 represents the static power consumption when a clock of
shows in more details the effect of stimulus duration on the frequency fclk is connected, without network activity. The term
classification accuracy. As expected, EMG is the modality that ESOP rSOP thus represents the dynamic power consumption,
suffers more from classification based on short segments (Smith where ESOP is the energy per synaptic operation (SOP) and rSOP
et al., 2011), reaching the best accuracy only after 200 ms for both is the SOP processing rate, each SOP taking two clock cycles.
the neuromorphic system and the baseline, while the accuracy Detailed power models extracted from chip measurements of
for vision and fusion modalities saturate much more quickly, ODIN and MorphIC are provided in Frenkel et al. (2019a,b),
in around 100 ms for the neuromorphic system and 50 ms for respectively. The results reported in Tables 1, 3 are obtained with
the baseline. The traditional system reaches its best performance ODIN and MorphIC optimizing for power, under the conditions
after 50 ms while the neuromorphic system reaches its best summarized in Table 4. The dynamic power consumption
performance after 200ms. One should, however, also note that reported in Table 4 reflects the regime in which ODIN and the
the DVS sensor contains only the edge information of the scene four cores of MorphIC run at the maximum SOP processing
whereas the baseline network uses the image frame. Therefore, rate rSOP = fclk /2.
the spiking CNN requires some time to integrate the input A limitation of the crossbar-based architecture of ODIN
information from DVS. Despite the inherent delays in a spiking and MorphIC is that each neuron spike leads to a systematic

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Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

TABLE 3 | Inference statistics of ODIN and MorphIC models on 200 ms-long samples.

Chip utilization (%) Dyn. power (mW) Processing time (ms)

Network Accuracy (%) Inference speedup

EMG-ODIN 53.65 ± 1.37 91.8 – 0.315 – 23.5 – 8.5×

DVS-MorphIC 85.17 ± 4.11 – 42.0 – 3.3 – 17.3 11.6×
Fusion-ODIN 89.44 ± 3.02 91.8 41.0 0.315 3.3 19.5 9.5 10.3×

TABLE 4 | Low-power operating conditions of ODIN and MorphIC at minimum alleviated by reducing the neuron firing thresholds for shorter
supply voltage. stimulus durations.
Chip Supply voltage (V) ESOP (pJ) Max. fclk (MHz)
3.3. EDP and Computational Complexity
ODIN 0.55 8.4 75 Figure 6 shows a comparison between the Loihi system and the
MorphIC 0.8 30 55 ODIN + MorphIC system in terms of EDP, number of operations
per classification and a ratio between these two quantities. While
panel (a) reports the same numbers as in Table 1, panels (b)
and (c) allow for a more fair comparison of energy consumption
processing of all neurons in the core, thus potentially leading
between the two neuromorphic systems. From panel (b), we
to a significant amount of dummy operations (Frenkel et al.,
can see how the number of operations is similar for the EMG
2019b). Taking the example of the DVS-MorphIC network with
networks, both being MLPs for the two neuromorphic systems.
a crossbar core of 512 neurons (Figure 3B), each input spike
Differently, the number of operations for the visual input and the
leads to 512 SOPs, of which only 210 are useful for hidden
fusion differ substantially between the two systems due to the use
layer processing. Similarly, each spike from a hidden layer
of a CNN in the Loihi system. Taking this into account, we can
neuron leads to 512 SOPs, of which only five are actually
see in panel (c) that the normalized energy consumption tends to
used for output layer processing. The induced overhead is
be similar for both systems, more than the EDP in panel (a) is.
thus particularly critical for output layer processing, which
degrades both the energy per inference and the inference time4 .
However, this problem is partly mitigated in the Fusion-ODIN 4. DISCUSSIONS
network for output layer processing. Indeed, when resorting to
an external mapping table (section 2.3.1), hidden layer spikes As it has been discussed in Davies (2019), there is a real
can be remapped back to the sensor fusion output layer of need for a benchmark in the neuromorphic engineering field
ODIN with specific single-SOP AER events (Frenkel et al., to compare the metrics of accuracy, energy, and latency. ML
2019a), thus avoiding the dummy SOP overhead and leading to benchmarks, such as ImageNet for image classification (Deng
a lower energy and inference time compared to the standalone et al., 2009), Chime challenges for speech recognition (Barker
EMG-ODIN and DVS-MorphIC networks (Tables 1, 3). As et al., 2015), and the Ninapro dataset containing kinematic
described in section 2.3.1, the fusion results exclude the mapping and surface EMG for prosthetic applications (Atzori et al.,
table overhead. 2014) are not ideal for neuromorphic chips as they require
The comparison of the results obtained with ODIN + high performance computing for processing. For example,
MorphIC to those obtained with its GPU baseline counterpart floating point bit resolution, large amounts of data and large
(Table 1 and Figure 5) leads to conclusions similar to those power consumption. There have been some efforts in creating
already drawn with Loihi in section 3.1, with the difference relevant event-based datasets, such as N-MNIST (Orchard et al.,
that while the GPU system is significantly faster, between 2× 2015), the spiking version of the widespread MNIST digits
and 10× faster, the ODIN + MorphIC neuromorphic system recognition dataset, N-TIDIGITS18 (Anumula et al., 2018),
is between 500× and 3,200× more energy-efficient. Moreover, the spiking version of the spoken digits recognition dataset
it appears from Figure 5 that the EMG-ODIN, DVS-MorphIC from LDC TIDIGITS, and the DVS gesture recognition dataset
and Fusion-ODIN networks basically perform at chance level from IBM (Amir et al., 2017). These datasets are either toy
for a 10-ms stimulus duration. This comes from the fact that examples or are not meant for real-world applications. Here,
the firing thresholds of the networks were selected based on we are introducing a hand gesture benchmark in English sign
a 200-ms stimulus duration, which leads the output neurons language (e.g., ILY) using the DVS and Myo sensors. This kind of
to remain silent and never cross their firing threshold when benchmark can be directly used as a preliminary test for Brain-
insufficient input spike data is provided. This problem could be Machine Interface (BMI)/personalized medicine applications.
We have collected this dataset from 21 people and in this
4 As discussed in (Frenkel et al., 2019b), a simple extension providing post-synaptic
paper have benchmarked it on three digital neuromorphic chips,
start and end addresses would avoid these dummy SOPs and allow for an efficient
measuring the accuracy, energy, and inference time. We believe
processing of fully-connected layers, which will be included in future generations this work takes an important first step in the direction of a
of the chips. real use-case (e.g., rehabilitation, sports applications, and sign

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Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark




Accuracy [%]





25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Stimulus duration [ms]

FIGURE 5 | Accuracy vs. stimulus duration for the ODIN + MorphIC system and its software baseline counterpart. In blue the results for the MLP (GPU), in red the
results for the spiking MLP (ODIN + MorphIC). No classification is present for APS frames before 25 ms since the frame rate is 20 fps.

Loihi ODIN+MorphIC
10 1 107

10− 6
EDP / SOPs [uJ * s / spike]
EDP [uJ * s]



10− 1
10− 7

FIGURE 6 | Comparison between the two neuromorphic system with respect to (A) energy delay product (EDP) (see section 1), (B) number of synaptic operations
(SOPs) (see section 2.3.1), (C) EDP normalized by the number of SOPs.

interpretation) which we would like to encourage the community signals as we mentioned in section 2.2. However, this does not
to use. move away from the real application as we have shown in a live
Although the dataset we provided is on static gestures, the demo in Ceolini et al. (2019a).
DVS and the spiking EMG signals provide the capability for low- The selected multi-sensor data fusion, which combines
power processing using event-based neuromorphic chips and vision and EMG sensors, derives from the need of multiple
enable embedded systems with online on-site processing without sources to help the classification in real-scenario cases. Although
having to send the data to remote sensors. Therefore, this work is the results show a small improvement due to the EMG
an important first step toward edge-computing applications. The sensors, they still provide some classification in case light
static dataset also helps with reducing the noise from the EMG conditions or camera occlusions are not ideal. In addition,

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Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

for specific applications, such as neuroprosthetic control, the manually extracted, and the classification is done on the extracted
EMG is integrated in the prosthetic device and, eventually, the features. Note that this pipeline is completely different from the
camera can act as a support input helping during calibration event-based neuromorphic approach which extracts the features
or more advanced tasks, such as sensory-motor closed loop directly from the events. Another important thing to mention
(Jiang et al., 2012). here is that although we have encoded the signals separately,
Since the event-based neuromorphic chips require inputs this sensory information can be directly encoded to events at the
in the form of events, the continuous sensory signals have front-end. This has already been established for audio and visual
to be encoded into spikes for an event-driven processing. sensors (Lichtsteiner et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2007) and there
This quantization loses information (and hence accuracy) in have also recently been design efforts for other signals such the
comparison to the analog information processing in trade-off biomedical ones (Corradi and Indiveri, 2015).
with the low power consumption of event-based systems which To have a reference point for comparison, we trained the
is required for edge computing. To compensate for the loss of same network architecture used for the two neuromorphic
information and accuracy, it is important to merge information setups. As can be seen in Table 1, the baseline accuracy on
from multiple sensors in a sensory fusion setup. In this setting, the fusion is on par with both Loihi and ODIN + MorphIC,
the information loss by quantization from one sensor can be despite the lower bit resolution on the neuromorphic chips in
made up for by another one. This is similar to how humans comparison with the 32-bit floating point resolutions on GPU
and animals perceive their environment through diverse sensory in the baseline approach. We speculate that this is because the
channels: vision, audition, touch, smell, proprioception, etc. SLAYER training model already takes into account the low bit
From a biological perspective, the fundamental reason lies in precision and thus calculates the gradients, respectively. Similar
the concept of degeneracy in neural structures (Edelman, 1987), to that, ODIN and MorphIC take a quantization-aware training
which means that any single function can be carried out by more approach which calculates the weights based on the available
than one configuration of neural signals, so that the biological on-chip precision. As can be seen from all the experiments in
system still functions with the loss of one component. It also Table 1, the classification accuracy using only the EMG sensor
means that sensory systems can educate each other, without an is relatively low. However, it should be noted that this is the
external teacher (Smith and Gasser, 2005). The same principles result of having a model which is trained across subjects and
can be applied for artificial systems, as information about the there are multiple sources of variability across subjects: (i) The
same phenomenon in the environment can be acquired from placement of the EMG sensor is not necessarily in the same
various types of sensors: cameras, microphones, accelerometers, position (with respect to the forearm muscles) for every subject.
etc. Each sensory-information can be considered as a modality. (ii) Every subject performs the gestures in a unique manner. (iii)
Due to the rich characteristics of natural phenomena, it is rare The muscle strength is different for every subject. In addition,
that a single modality provides a complete representation of the since the EMG is directly measured from surface electrodes,
phenomenon of interest (Lahat et al., 2015). it acquires noise while traveling through the skin, background
There are mainly two strategies for multi-modal fusion in noise from electronics, ambient noise, and so forth. In a real-
the literature (Cholet et al., 2019): (1) data-level fusion (early world application, the network model can be trained on a single
fusion) where modalities are concatenated then learned by a subject’s data, yielding much higher accuracy. Moreover, having
unique model, and (2) score-level fusion (late fusion) where the online learning abilities on the neuromorphic chip can aid
modalities are learned by distinct models and only after their in adapting these models to every subject uniquely. Such online
predictions are fused with another model that provides a final learning modules already exist in Loihi as well as in ODIN and
decision. Early fusion, including feature-level fusion, suffers MorphIC, which can be exploited in the future to boost the
from a compatibility problem (Peng et al., 2016) and does not classification accuracy of EMG signals. Furthermore, it becomes
generalize well. Additionally, neural-based early fusion increases apparent that the fusion accuracy is close, if not higher, at
the memory footprint and the computational cost of the process, about 4% to the accuracy achieved with the DVS single sensor.
by inducing a full connectivity at the first classification stages. It However, the importance of the EMG signal is in the wearable
is an important factor to take into consideration when choosing application since it is a natural way to control prosthesis and
a fusion strategy (Castanedo, 2013), especially for embedded it is a direct measure of the activity and movement in the
systems. Therefore, we follow a late fusion approach with a muscles. Given the noisy nature of the EMG signal, it is critical
classifier-level fusion, which has been shown to perform better to combine it with the visual input to boost the accuracy. But
than feature-level fusion for classification tasks (Guo et al., 2014; even given the noisy nature of the signal, it still allows to retrieve
Peng et al., 2016; Biagetti et al., 2018). It is close to score- relevant information which helps boosting the accuracy of
level fusion by combining the penultimate layers of the base the fusion.
(unimodal) classifiers in a meta-level (multimodal) classifier It is worth noting that while the accuracy between the
that uses the natural complementarity of different modalities to spiking MLP on Loihi and ODIN + MorphIC are directly
improve the overall classification accuracy. comparable, the results regarding the spiking CNN on Loihi
In this context, to have a fair comparison, the central and the spiking MLP on ODIN + MorphIC are not. This is
question is the difference between the completely traditional because the two architectures use different features and resources
approaches, such as the CNN and MLP baselines, vs. the event- on their respective neuromorphic systems (as already described
based neuromorphic one. In the baseline, the EMG features are in section 2.3). Based on this, there are different constraints

Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 12 August 2020 | Volume 14 | Article 637

Ceolini et al. Sensor Fusion Neuromorphic Benchmark

present in the two chips. Traditionally, a CNN architecture is the context of a particular application, the malleability of
used for image classification which is the network we used on the neuromorphic hardware enables this adaptation to the task-
Loihi chip, given the large number of neurons that are available dependent constraints within a framework of state of the art
(128k) on this general-purpose platform. However, since ODIN results with respect to system performance.
and MorphIC are small-scale devices compared to Loihi, the
number of neurons are a lot more constrained (i.e., 256 neurons DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
for ODIN, 2k for MorphIC). Therefore, we resorted to using
a fully-connected MLP topology instead of a CNN for image The datasets analyzed for this study can be found in the Zenodo,
classification in MorphIC. open access repository, http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3663616.
Regarding the latency, it is important to mention that for All the code used for the reported experiments can be found at
real-world prosthetic applications, the latency budget is below https://github.com/Enny1991/dvs_emg_fusion.
250 ms (Smith et al., 2011). This means that if the processing
happens within this budget, the patient will not feel the lag AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
of the system. Hence, optimizing the system for having lower
latency than 200 ms will not be beneficial as the patient will EC, CF, and SS contributed equally to the work. EC, GT, MP, and
not feel the latency below 200 ms. Therefore, within this ED participated equally to the development of the work idea and
budget, other parameters can be optimized. The neuromorphic collected the dataset. EC and LK were responsible for the baseline
approach is very advantageous in this case since it trades- experiments. CF and SS implemented the ODIN + MorphIC
off power with latency, but it stays within the latency budget and Loihi pipelines, respectively. SS implemented the SLAYER
that is required. Contrarily, the GPU system has an overall framework and adapted it for the specific application. All authors
faster inference time but uses much more energy. It is worth contributed to the writing of the paper.
mentioning that our results are reported in accelerated time,
however, the EMG and DVS are slowly changing signals, and FUNDING
thus, even though the classification is done very fast, the
system has to wait for the inputs to arrive. Therefore, it is This work was supported by the EU’s H2020 MSC-IF grant
as if the system is being run in real-time. Here, there is a NEPSpiNN (Grant No. 753470), the Swiss Forschungskredit
trade-off between the memory that is storing the streaming grants FK-18-103 and FK-l9-106, the Toshiba Corporation,
data for processing and the dynamic energy consumption. the SNSF grant No. 200021_172553, the fonds Européen de
The accelerated time allows for lower energy consumption Développement Régional FEDER, the Wallonia within the
as the system is on for a shorter time, however, this comes Wallonie-2020.EU program, the Plan Marshall, the FRS-FNRS
with the caveat that the input has to be buffered for at least of Belgium, the EU’s H2020 project NEUROTECH (Grant No.
200 ms in off-chip memory, therefore inducing a power and 824103), and the H2020 MC SWITCHBOARD ETN (Grant No.
resource overhead. 674901). The authors declare that this study received funding
The final comparison provided by Figure 6 shows how from Toshiba Corporation. The funder was not involved in
the two systems have a similar energy consumption when this study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the
this is normalized by the number of operations done to writing of this article, or the decision to submit it for publication.
run the network and obtain one classification output. While
ODIN + MorphIC consumes less per classification in absolute ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
terms, when considering the number of operations, it performs
comparably to Loihi. When deploying a neuromorphic system, The authors would like to acknowledge the 2019 Capocaccia and
one has to take into account all these aspects. Meaning not only Telluride Neuromorphic Workshops and all their participants for
is there a trade-off between speed and energy consumption but the fruitful discussions, and Intel Corporation for access to Loihi
there is also one between accuracy and energy consumption, neuromorphic platform. We thank Prof. B. Miramond, Prof. D.
given the fact that a more complex network architecture may Bol, Prof. S. Liu, Prof. T. Delbruck, and Prof. G. Indiveri. Finally,
have more predictive power while having a higher energy we thank Garrick Orchard for supporting us with the use of the
demand. Overall, one has to look for the best trade-off in Loihi platform and the useful comments to the paper.

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