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Tawfik Et Al., 2019

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Annals of Internal Medicine REVIEW

Evidence Relating Health Care Provider Burnout and Quality of Care

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Daniel S. Tawfik, MD, MS; Annette Scheid, MD; Jochen Profit, MD, MPH; Tait Shanafelt, MD; Mickey Trockel, MD, PhD;
Kathryn C. Adair, PhD; J. Bryan Sexton, PhD; and John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc

Background: Whether health care provider burnout contrib- comes (n = 17), and quality and safety (n = 74). Relations be-
utes to lower quality of patient care is unclear. tween burnout and quality of care were highly heterogeneous
(I2 = 93.4% to 98.8%). Of 114 unique burnout– quality combina-
Purpose: To estimate the overall relationship between burnout tions, 58 indicated burnout related to poor-quality care, 6 indi-
and quality of care and to evaluate whether published studies cated burnout related to high-quality care, and 50 showed no
provide exaggerated estimates of this relationship. significant effect. Excess significance was apparent (73% of stud-
Data Sources: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Health and Psychosocial ies observed vs. 62% predicted to have statistically significant
Instruments (EBSCO), Mental Measurements Yearbook (EBSCO), results; P = 0.011). This indicator of potential bias was most
EMBASE (Elsevier), and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), prominent for the least-rigorous quality measures of best prac-
with no language restrictions, from inception through 28 May tices and quality and safety.
2019. Limitation: Studies were primarily observational; neither causal-
Study Selection: Peer-reviewed publications, in any language, ity nor directionality could be determined.
quantifying health care provider burnout in relation to quality of Conclusion: Burnout in health care professionals frequently is
patient care. associated with poor-quality care in the published literature. The
Data Extraction: 2 reviewers independently selected studies, true effect size may be smaller than reported. Future studies
extracted measures of association of burnout and quality of care, should prespecify outcomes to reduce the risk for exaggerated
and assessed potential bias by using the Ioannidis (excess signif- effect size estimates.
icance) and Egger (small-study effect) tests. Primary Funding Source: Stanford Maternal and Child Health
Data Synthesis: A total of 11 703 citations were identified, from Research Institute.
which 123 publications with 142 study populations encompass-
ing 241 553 health care providers were selected. Quality-of-care Ann Intern Med. 2019;171:555-567. doi:10.7326/M19-1152 Annals.org
outcomes were grouped into 5 categories: best practices (n = For author affiliations, see end of text.
14), communication (n = 5), medical errors (n = 32), patient out- This article was published at Annals.org on 8 October 2019.

H ealth care providers face a rapidly changing land-

scape of technology, care delivery methods, and
regulations that increase the risk for professional burn-
within the field by using a detailed evaluation for re-
porting biases.
Reporting biases take many forms, each contribut-
out. Studies suggest that nearly half of health care pro- ing to overrepresentation of “positive” findings in the
viders may have burnout symptoms at any given time published literature. Publication bias occurs when stud-
(1). Burnout has been linked to adverse effects, includ- ies with negative results are published less frequently
ing suicidality, broken relationships, decreased produc- or less rapidly than those with positive results (14). Se-
tivity, unprofessional behavior, and employee turnover, lective outcome reporting occurs when several out-
at both the provider and organizational levels (2– 6). comes of potential interest are evaluated, but only
Recent attention has been focused on the relation those with positive results are presented or empha-
between health care provider burnout and reduced sized (13). Selective analysis reporting occurs when
quality of care, with a growing body of primary litera- several analytic strategies are used, but those that pro-
ture and systematic reviews reporting associations be- duce the largest effects are presented. Overall, these
tween burnout and adherence to practice guidelines, biases result in an excess of statistically significant re-
communication, medical errors, patient outcomes, and sults in the published literature, threatening reproduc-
safety metrics (7–11). Most studies in this field use ret- ibility of findings, promoting misappropriation of re-
rospective observational designs and apply a wide sources, and skewing the design of studies assessing
range of burnout assessments and analytic tools to interventions to reduce burnout or improve quality (13).
evaluate myriad outcomes among diverse patient pop-
ulations (12). This lack of a standardized approach to
measurement and analysis increases risk of bias, poten-
tially undermining scientific progress in a rapidly ex- See also:
panding field of research by hampering the ability to
decipher which of the apparent clinically significant re- Editorial comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
sults represent true effects (13). The present analysis Web-Only
sought to appraise this body of primary and review lit-
erature, developing an understanding of true effects
© 2019 American College of Physicians 555
REVIEW Burnout and Quality of Care

METHODS 24). In line with our aim to look for reporting bias, we
We conducted a systematic literature review and did not expand our search beyond peer-reviewed pub-
meta-analysis to provide summary estimations of the lications and did not contact authors for unpublished
relation between provider burnout and quality of care, data. If an article presented insufficient data to calculate
estimate study heterogeneity, and explore the potential an effect size, we supplemented the information with
of reporting bias in the field. We followed the PRISMA data from subsequent peer-reviewed publications
(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and when available; however, we still attributed these effect
Meta-Analyses) and MOOSE (Meta-analysis of Observa- sizes to the initial report. We excluded any studies that
tional Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines for method- were purely qualitative.
ology and reporting (15, 16). All investigators contributed to the development of
study inclusion and exclusion criteria. The literature re-
Data Sources and Searches view and study selection were conducted by 2 inde-
We searched MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Health and Psy- pendent reviewers in parallel (D.S.T. and either A.S. or
chosocial Instruments (EBSCO), Mental Measurements K.C.A.), with ambiguities and discrepancies resolved by
Yearbook (EBSCO), EMBASE (Elsevier), and Web of Sci- consensus.
ence (Clarivate Analytics) from inception through 28
May 2019, with no language restrictions. We used Data Extraction and Quality Assessment
search terms for burnout and its subdomains (emo- We extracted data into a standard template reflect-
tional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced per- ing publication characteristics, methods of assessing
sonal accomplishment), health care providers, and burnout and quality metrics, and strength of the re-
quality-of-care markers, as shown in Supplement Ta- ported relationship. Data were extracted by 2 indepen-
bles 1 to 3 (available at Annals.org). dent reviewers (D.S.T. and A.S.), with discrepancies re-
solved by consensus. We estimated effect sizes and
Study Selection precision using the Hedges g and SEs, respectively.
We included all peer-reviewed publications report- The Hedges g estimates effect size similarly to the Co-
ing original investigations of health care provider burn- hen d, but with a bias correction factor for small sam-
out in relation to an assessment of patient care quality. ples. In general, 0.2 indicates small effect; 0.5, medium
Providers included all paid professionals delivering effect; and 0.8, large effect.
outpatient, prehospital, emergency, or inpatient care, We classified each assessment of burnout as over-
including medical, surgical, and psychiatric care, to pa- all burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,
tients of any age. We chose an inclusive method of or low personal accomplishment. We also identified
identifying burnout studies, considering assessments to burnout assessments as standard if defined as an emo-
be related to burnout if the authors defined them as tional exhaustion score of 27 or greater or a deperson-
such and used any inventory intended to identify burnout, alization score of 10 or greater on the Maslach Burnout
either in part or in full. Likewise, we chose an inclusive Inventory, or as the midpoint and higher on validated
approach to identify quality-of-care metrics, including any single-item scales. We categorized quality metrics within
assessment of processes or outcomes indicative of care 5 groups— best practices, communication, medical errors,
quality. We included objectively measured and subjec- patient outcomes, and quality and safety—and reverse
tively reported quality metrics originating from the pro- coded any “high-quality” metrics such that positive effect
vider, other sources within the health care system, or pa- sizes indicate burnout's relation to poor-quality care.
tients and their surrogates. We considered medical For publications with several distinct (nonover-
malpractice allegations a subjective patient-reported lapping) study populations reported separately, we con-
quality metric. Although patient satisfaction is an impor- sidered each population separately for analytic purposes.
tant outcome, it is not consistently indicative of care qual- For publications with more than 1 outcome for the same
ity or improved medical outcomes, suggesting that it may study population, we decided to perform analyses using
be related to factors outside the provider's immediate only 1 outcome per study, ideally the specified primary
control, such as facility amenities and access to care (17– outcome. If no primary outcome was clear, we chose the
20). Thus, for the purposes of this review, we excluded first-listed outcome, consistent with reporting conventions
metrics solely indicative of patient satisfaction to reduce of presenting the primary outcome first. We considered
bias from these non–provider-related factors that may af- other outcomes secondary, excluding them from the pri-
fect satisfaction. mary analyses to avoid bias from intercorrelation but in-
We included peer-reviewed, indexed abstracts if cluding them in selected descriptive statistics and strati-
they reported a study population not previously or sub- fied analyses when appropriate.
sequently reported in a full-length article. For study
populations described in more than 1 full-length arti- Data Synthesis and Analysis
cle, we included the primary result from the paper with We calculated the Hedges g from odds ratios (di-
the earliest publication date as the primary outcome, chotomized data) by using the transformation
with any unique outcomes from subsequent articles as 冑3
secondary outcomes. We supplemented the database log共OR兲* or from correlation coefficients (unscaled

searches with manual bibliography reviews from in- 2*r
cluded studies and related literature reviews (7–9, 21– continuous data) by using the transformation ,
冑1 ⫺ r2
556 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 Annals.org
Burnout and Quality of Care REVIEW

both multiplied by a bias correction factor


sistent with published norms (25, 26). Further details
N⫺2 ification to estimate the between-study variance ␶2 (32).
We evaluated study heterogeneity using I2. Details re-
garding this meta-analytic approach are presented in
are provided in the Supplement (available at Annals the Supplement.
.org). We performed the Ioannidis test to evaluate for ex-
Most studies reported burnout as a dichotomous cess significance (33) by identifying the study popula-
variable or with unscaled effect size estimates, facilitat- tion with the highest precision (1/SE) among those with
ing the aforementioned transformations. We scaled ef- the lowest risk of bias (studies using a fully validated
fect sizes accordingly for the 6 studies reporting burn- burnout inventory with an objective quality metric). We
out only as a continuous variable in order to maintain then calculated the power of all studies to detect the
comparability, adapting our methods from published effect size of this study and compared the observed
guidelines (27, 28). On the basis of known distributions versus expected number of studies with statistically sig-
of burnout scores among providers (29 –31), we calcu- nificant results by using paired t tests. Next, we strati-
lated the difference between the mean scores of pro- fied excess significance testing by outcome category.
viders with and without burnout to average 47.6% of Because small studies may carry increased risk of
the span of the particular burnout scale used. We thus bias, we performed the Egger test to look for small-
converted effect sizes from continuous scales to the study effects (34). We regressed standard normal devi-
corresponding effect size reflecting a 47.6% change in ate (Hedges g/SE) on precision (1/SE) by using robust
scale score when needed to extrapolate to dichoto- SEs due to clustering of effect sizes at the study popu-
mized burnout. We also performed sensitivity analyses lation level.
excluding these few scaled effect sizes. Details of this
We used Stata 15.0 (StataCorp) for all analyses. All
process are presented in the Supplement.
tests were 2-sided. For summary effects, we considered
Initially, we intended to primarily perform a
2 different thresholds of statistical significance, P <
random-effects meta-analysis including all primary (or
first-listed) effect sizes, with secondary meta-analyses 0.050 and the newly proposed P < 0.005 (35, 36). We
stratified by quality metric category and by each unique made no further corrections for multiple testing.
burnout– quality metric combination. However, because This study was performed in accordance with the
of high heterogeneity in the pooled meta-analyses, we institutional review board requirements of Stanford
report only summary effects from the unique burnout– University and was classified as research not involving
quality metric combinations. We also performed sensi- human subjects.
tivity analyses limited to studies with standard burnout
assessments and those with independently observed or Role of the Funding Source
objectively measured quality-of-care markers. We used The funders had no role in study design, data col-
the empirical Bayes method with Knapp–Hartung mod- lection, analysis, interpretation, or writing of the report.

Figure 1. Evidence search and selection.

Articles identified in MEDLINE Articles identified in

and PsyclNFO (n = 6715) EMBASE (n = 3871)

Articles identified in Web of

Science (n = 3116)
Duplicate publications (n = 1999)

Titles/abstracts screened (n = 11 703)

Not relevant (n = 11 390)

Selected for full-text review (n = 313)

Excluded (n = 193)
No burnout predictor: 123
No quality outcome: 46
Review/repeat population: 16
Bibliographic reviews (n = 3) Not quantitative: 7
Not health care providers: 1

Included in final analysis (n = 123)

Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 557
REVIEW Burnout and Quality of Care

Figure 2. Summary of all included burnout– quality metric combinations, showing frequency of effect size reporting (count)
and value of summary effect size (Hedges g).

Burnout Metric








































Best practices
Inappropriate laboratory tests
Inappropriate timing of discharge
Suboptimal patient care practices
Inappropriate use of patient restraints
Poor adherence to infection control
Inappropriate antibiotic prescribing
Lack of close monitoring 30
Low best practice score
Neglect of work
Poor adherence to management guidelines

Poor communication
Low patient enablement score 20

Forgetting to convey information
Low attention to patient impact
Low physcian empathy score
Not fully discussing treatment options 15
Poor handoff quality
Short consultation length
Errors 10

Self-reported medical errors 7

Self-reported medication errors 5
Quality Metric

Self-reported treatment/medication errors

Medical error score 3
Observed medical errors 1
Accident propensity
Diagnosis delay 2.0
Diagnostic errors
Observed medication errors
Self-reported impairment

Adverse events 1.0

Health care–associated infections
Patient falls
Length of stay 0.5
Urinary tract infections

Hedges g
Poor pain control
HIV viral load suppression 0
Posthospitalization recovery time
Quality and safety
Low quality of care –1.0
Low patient safety score
Low safety climate score
Low quality during most recent shift
Low work unit safety grade –1.5
Poor patient care quality score
Malpractice allegations
Low individual safety grade –2.0
Low safety perceptions
Near-miss reporting
Prolonged emergency department visit

RESULTS study populations included physicians (n = 71 [50%]),

The search identified 11 703 citations. Screening nurses (n = 84 [59%]), and other providers (n = 18
resulted in 313 potentially eligible publications re- [13%]) for a total of 241 553 health care providers eval-
trieved in full text—120 of which were included—plus 3 uated. Quality metrics covered inpatients (n = 122
additional publications identified by bibliography re- [86%]); outpatients (n = 62 [44%]); and adult (n = 134
view (Figure 1). Overall, we included 123 publications [94%]), pediatric (n = 93 [65%]), medical (n = 135
from 1994 through 2019 (37–159), encompassing 142 [95%]), and surgical (n = 89 [63%]) patients. Only 4
distinct study populations, as detailed in Supplement studies explicitly specified a primary outcome. Six stud-
Table 4 (available at Annals.org). The median sample ies did not provide sufficient data to derive an effect
size was 376 (interquartile range, 129 to 1417). The 142 size from the original publication but provided usable
558 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 Annals.org
Burnout and Quality of Care REVIEW
data published in a subsequent review (39, 66, 69, 107, Results were similar when secondary effect sizes
115, 117). One research group reported results from a were included. Of the 114 distinct burnout– quality met-
single study population in 2 publications; the first pub- ric combinations, 58 (51%) had statistically significant
lished effect was considered primary, with results from summary effects greater than 0, 6 (5%) had statistically
the later publication considered secondary effects significant effects less than 0, and 50 (44%) showed no
(112, 160). difference at the P < 0.050 threshold. When the P <
Overall burnout, emotional exhaustion, and deper- 0.005 threshold was used, the respective numbers
sonalization were the primary predictors for 56, 75, and were 47 (41%), 6 (5%), and 61 (54%). Results from all
11 study populations, respectively, from a variety of sur- burnout– quality metric combinations are shown in Sup-
vey instruments, as outlined in Supplement Table 5 plement Figure 3 (available at Annals.org). Our findings
(available at Annals.org). The 50 distinct quality metrics were similar when limited to studies explicitly using
included 10 best practices, 8 communication, 10 med- standard burnout definitions, but the observed rela-
ical errors, 10 patient outcomes, and 12 quality and tionships were attenuated when limited to indepen-
safety measures (26 measured provider perception of dent or objective quality metrics, as shown in Table 1.
quality, 15 used independent or objective measures of The most precise study with low risk of bias (143)
quality, and 9 included both types of assessments). reported a small effect size (Hedges g = 0.26, analo-
As illustrated in Figure 2, 38 (33%) of the 114 dis- gous to an odds ratio of 1.5 to 1.6). Using this estimate,
tinct burnout– quality combinations were reported 3 or the Ioannidis test found an excess of observed versus
more times. The most frequently reported effect re- predicted statistically significant studies (73% observed
lated emotional exhaustion to low quality of care (n = vs. 62% predicted at the 0.050 significance threshold,
41), with most of the reported effect sizes in the quality P = 0.011) (Table 2). When stratified by quality metric
and safety and medical errors categories. Although all category, an excess of statistically significant studies was
5 categories of outcomes had estimates more fre- seen in the categories of best practices and quality and
quently relating burnout in the direction of poor quality safety. Results were similar for the P < 0.005 threshold.
of care (denoted in red in Figure 2), 7 of the 16 esti- The Egger test did not show small-study effects (inter-
mates pointing in the opposite direction were found in cept, ⫺1.32 [95% CI, ⫺3.48 to 0.85]), indicating that
the communication category. Results were similar when smaller studies did not systematically overestimate effect
limited to primary (or first-listed, when primary was not sizes (Figure 3). A funnel plot relating effect size to SE is
specified) effect sizes only (Supplement Figure 1, avail- shown in Supplement Figure 4 (available at Annals.org).
able at Annals.org).
Meta-analyses combining burnout and quality met-
rics within quality categories revealed I2 values of DISCUSSION
93.4% to 98.8%, indicating extremely high heterogene- This overview extends previous work in the field by
ity; therefore, summary effects are provided only at the including a comprehensive evaluation for reporting bi-
level of the 114 distinct burnout– quality combinations, ases in the health care provider burnout literature, en-
46 of which included primary effect sizes. Meta- compassing 145 published study populations that
analyses of these 46 combinations revealed 24 (52%) quantified the relation between burnout and quality of
with a statistically significant summary effect greater care over 25 years for 241 553 health care profession-
than 0 (burnout related to poor quality of care), 1 (2%) als. Most of the evidence suggests a relationship be-
with statistically significant summary effects less than 0 tween provider burnout and impaired quality of care,
(burnout related to high quality of care), and 21 (46%) consistent with recent reviews of various dimensions (7–
with no difference at the P < 0.050 threshold. When the 10, 22). Although the effect sizes in the published liter-
P < 0.005 threshold was used, the respective numbers ature are modestly strong, our finding of excess signif-
were 18 (39%), 1 (2%), and 27 (59%). Results are sum- icance implies that the true magnitude may be smaller
marized in Table 1, and primary effect sizes from all than reported, and the studies that attempted to lower
included studies are shown in Supplement Figure 2 the risk of bias demonstrate fewer significant associa-
(available at Annals.org). tions than the full evidence base. That only 4 studies

Table 1. Number and Direction of Summary Effect Sizes for Each Combination of Burnout and Quality Metric*

Criteria for Inclusion Burnout–Quality P < 0.050 Threshold, n (%) P < 0.005 Threshold, n (%)
Combinations, n†
Hedges g > 0‡ Hedges g < 0§ No Effect円円 Hedges g > 0‡ Hedges g < 0§ No Effect円円
Primary effects only 46 24 (52) 1 (2) 21 (46) 18 (39) 1 (2) 27 (59)
Primary and secondary effects 114 58 (51) 6 (5) 50 (44) 47 (41) 6 (5) 61 (54)
Standard burnout definitions 24 15 (62) 1 (4) 8 (33) 14 (58) 1 (4) 9 (38)
Independent/objective quality metrics 48 14 (29) 2 (4) 32 (67) 9 (19) 2 (4) 37 (77)
* Summary effect sizes obtained via empirical Bayes meta-analysis.
† Number of distinct burnout– quality combinations represented.
‡ Indicates burnout related to poor-quality care.
§ Indicates burnout related to high-quality care.
兩兩 Not significantly different from 0 at the specified P value threshold.

Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 559
REVIEW Burnout and Quality of Care

Table 2. Predicted Versus Observed Significance for Primary* Effect Sizes, Among All Included Studies and Stratified by
Quality Metric Category

Category Studies, n P < 0.050 Threshold P < 0.005 Threshold

Predicted Observed P Value Predicted Observed P Value

Significance, % Significance, n (%) Significance, % Significance, n (%)
Full cohort 142 62 104 (73) 0.011 46 96 (68) <0.001
Best practices 14 12 9 (64) 0.001 2 8 (57) 0.001
Communication 5 43 3 (60) 0.67 40 3 (60) 0.63
Medical errors 32 50 20 (62) 0.169 33 15 (47) 0.182
Patient outcomes 17 64 9 (53) NP 54 9 (53) NP
Quality and safety 74 65 62 (84) <0.001 50 60 (81) <0.001
NP = not pertinent (observed smaller than predicted).
* Or first listed, when the primary effect size was not specified.

specified primary outcomes further supports the possi- care in the published literature is not a result of subop-
bility of reporting bias causing exaggerated effects. timal measures or variability in the definition of burn-
From a 2015 search of MEDLINE, Web of Science, out.
and CINAHL (EBSCO), Salyers and colleagues (9) re- Excess significance in the published literature was
ported effect sizes of r = ⫺0.26 (Hedges g = 0.54) and noted specifically for adherence to best practice guide-
r = ⫺0.23 (Hedges g = 0.47) for the relationship be- lines and for quality and safety metrics. Investigations of
tween burnout and quality and safety outcomes, re- burnout in relation to these outcomes are typically ret-
spectively. These effect sizes are somewhat larger than rospective studies of routinely collected outcome met-
those observed in the present study. However, the pre- rics in existing data sets, without preregistered proto-
vious meta-analysis also included markers of patient cols. The relative ease of defining and evaluating many
satisfaction and included only 82 studies through outcomes in many ways with these data sets increases
March 2015. More recently, a 2017 all-language search the risk for selective outcome and selective analysis re-
of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL by Panagioti and porting, which may have contributed to excess signifi-
colleagues (10) identified 47 physician studies and re- cance. We found slightly lower effect sizes, but without
ported a more similar summary odds ratio of 1.96 for excess significance, for the patient outcomes sub-
patient safety incidents (approximate Hedges g = 0.37). group, possibly reflecting the more common use by
However, that review included 42 473 physicians (less these studies of quality metrics with little or no flexibility
than 20% of the number of providers represented here) in their definition and measurement (such as mortality
and did not include diverse health care professionals. or length of stay).
The observed relationships between burnout and In direct assessment, studies using independent or
quality of care are probably multifactorial. Providers objective quality metrics demonstrated less frequent
who have burnout may have less time or commitment significant effects. This finding is not surprising, be-
to optimize the care of their patients, may take more cause previous research suggests that current methods
unnecessary risks, or may be unable to pay attention to of objectively measuring quality of care cannot reliably
necessary details or recognize the consequences of identify certain events, such as errors in judgment,
their actions (71). Conversely, exposure to adverse pa- technical procedural mistakes, or near misses (10, 162).
tient events or recognition of poor-quality care may re- Objective metrics also are costly to measure and diffi-
sult in emotional or other psychological distress among cult to connect to an individual provider because of the
providers. This phenomenon often is referred to as sec- team-based nature of most clinical care, limiting appli-
ondary trauma, particularly in relation to sentinel events cation to smaller studies and those in which a quality
or important safety incidents, but it might also arise metric can be connected reliably to a provider. On the
from repeated minor incidents (161). The true effect other hand, subjective quality metrics may be more
sizes relating burnout and quality of care in both direc- sensitive and comprehensive but more prone to bias
tions are important to understand in order to make (for example, having burnout may create recall bias).
sound decisions regarding resource allocation and Further research is needed to determine the appropri-
study design of interventions, both to improve quality ate balance between insensitivity of objective quality
of care and to diminish burnout. metrics and potential for recall bias with subjective
Recent concerns have arisen regarding variability quality metrics.
in burnout assessment methods, and this inconsistency Our analysis found no evidence specifically for
was evident in the body of literature compiled here small-study effects, that is, small (more imprecise) stud-
(12). In this regard, the subset of studies in our analysis ies reporting larger effects than large studies. These
that used the most widely accepted “standard” burnout findings are consistent with those of previous meta-
assessment methods demonstrated a similar to slightly analyses, which traditionally evaluated for small-study
increased frequency of significant associations com- effects as a surrogate for all forms of reporting bias (9,
pared with the full evidence base. This finding suggests 10). The discrepancy between our findings of overall
that the relationship between burnout and quality of excess significance without evidence of small-study ef-
560 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 Annals.org
Burnout and Quality of Care REVIEW
fects may highlight the insensitivity of the latter test as a widely accepted tools exist. Salyers and colleagues (9)
marker of all forms of bias. Moreover, smaller studies in created a 10-item tool to assess quality aspects in 82
this field are more likely to have objective measure- burnout and quality-of-care studies and did not identify
ments, whereas larger studies are more likely to have any relationship between study quality score and effect
subjective measurements. This would dilute the ability size.
of the small-study effect test to show a typical bias Our findings carry several important implications
pattern. for future intervention trials and observational studies.
Our study should be viewed in light of its design. For intervention trials, the potential for exaggerated
Although most included studies were cross-sectional, published effects should be considered in power calcu-
observational, and unable to determine the directional- lations to lower the risk for false-negative results (type II
ity of a causal relationship, longitudinal studies suggest error). In addition, future studies should attempt to re-
bidirectional causality (62, 149, 151, 152). Although 2 duce the risk of reporting biases. Standardization and
independent reviewers conducted extensive searches, consensus on core outcomes may be useful for future
they may have missed some relevant studies. Burnout studies if appropriate targets can be identified (164).
has several important outcomes beyond its effects on Such standardization may improve comparability
quality of care that were not the focus of our analysis among studies, facilitating traditional meta-analysis es-
(2– 6). Finally, excess significance may be a result of timates of the relevant effect sizes. Some outcomes,
genuine heterogeneity of effects across studies rather such as self-reported medical errors, low quality of
than reporting bias (33). The effects reported here rep- care, and low patient safety score, are particularly prev-
resent the results of heterogeneous studies; therefore, alent in the literature, suggesting that researchers al-
we do not report a single summary effect size. Rather, ready consider these outcomes either important or fea-
we report frequencies of significant summary effect sible to measure. However, if core outcomes are to be
sizes within burnout– quality metric combinations to widely accepted, they must be both important and fea-
provide a quantitative framework for interpretation sible to measure. Thus, in addition to this “popular
while acknowledging that a distribution of true effect vote” approach, expert consensus is needed to curate
sizes is expected in this field-wide assessment, in con- an appropriate list of core outcomes for this field. Other
trast to a traditional meta-analysis (163). outcome evaluations might then be discouraged unless
We avoided scoring quality assessments of the in- a unique justification is present.
cluded studies, choosing instead to analyze key aspects Study registration may further reduce the risk of
of study quality, as suggested by the proposed report- study publication bias and increase transparency of un-
ing guidelines for meta-analyses of observational stud- published studies. By registering a study publicly at its
ies (16). Judging the quality of mostly cross-sectional outset, researchers can reduce the likelihood that a
observational studies is notoriously difficult, and no study was conceived and conducted but remains un-

Figure 3. Standard normal deviate (Hedges g/SE) in relation to precision (1/SE).

95% CI
Fitted values
Standard Normal Deviate




0 20 40 60 80
Parameter Robust
Estimate SE 95% CI P Value
Intercept –1.32 1.10 –3.48 to 0.85 0.23
Slope 0.54 0.10 0.33 to 0.75 <0.001

Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 561
REVIEW Burnout and Quality of Care

published because of undesirable or lackluster results Corresponding Author: Daniel S. Tawfik, MD, MS, 770 Welch
(165). In a similar manner, protocol prespecification Road, Suite 435, Palo Alto, CA 94304; e-mail, dtawfik
may reduce the risk for selective outcome and selective @stanford.edu.
analysis reporting within published studies, allowing
easier identification of any post hoc analyses. Published Current author addresses and author contributions are avail-
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Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019 567
Current Author Addresses: Dr. Tawfik: 770 Welch Road, Suite Author Contributions: Conception and design: D.S. Tawfik,
435, Palo Alto, CA 94304. J.P.A. Ioannidis.
Dr. Scheid: Office BL341G, 221 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Analysis and interpretation of the data: D.S. Tawfik, J. Profit, T.
MA 02115. Shanafelt.
Dr. Profit: 1265 Welch Road, MSOB x1C07, Stanford, CA Drafting of the article: D.S. Tawfik, T. Shanafelt, J.P.A. Ioannidis.
94305. Critical revision for important intellectual content: D.S. Tawfik,
Dr. Shanafelt: 300 Pasteur Drive, Room H3215, Stanford, CA A. Scheid, T. Shanafelt, M. Trockel, J.B. Sexton, J.P.A. Ioannidis.
94305. Final approval of the article: D.S. Tawfik, A. Scheid, J. Profit, T.
Dr. Trockel: 401 Quarry Road, Room 2303, Stanford, CA Shanafelt, M. Trockel, K.C. Adair, J.B. Sexton, J.P.A. Ioannidis.
Provision of study materials or patients: D.S. Tawfik.
Statistical expertise: D.S. Tawfik.
Drs. Adair and Sexton: 3100 Tower Boulevard, Suite 300, Dur-
Obtaining of funding: D.S. Tawfik.
ham, NC 27707.
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: D.S. Tawfik, A.
Dr. Ioannidis: 1265 Welch Road, MSOB x306, Stanford, CA
Scheid, J.B. Sexton.
94305. Collection and assembly of data: D.S. Tawfik, A. Scheid, K.C.

Annals.org Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 8 • 15 October 2019

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