Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
• Runoff: It is the portion of the precipitated water that reaches the river or
stream through the surface or sub surface flow.
• The water that flows towards the stream / river by over land flow is fast and
also called direct runoff whereas horizontal movement of water i.e., runoff
through the underground soil is very slow to reach rivers / streams and called
delay flow / base flow.
• Surface Runoff
• The precipitated portion of water that takes its way towards the rivers or
stream through the surface flow/ over land flow is called surface runoff.
Surface runoff provides the flash flood / discharge to the rivers.
• For the fan shaped catchment which is broad and spread such that all the
tributaries are approximately of same size provides greater runoff because
peak flood from the tributaries is likely to reach the main river / stream
approximately at the same time.
• For the case of fern shaped catchment which is small and elongated, all the
tributaries have different length and meet the main river at regular intervals.
they receive water from the small area in one hand and in another the time of
concentration / travel water from the farthest area to the outlet of the catchment
will be high hence reduces the occurrence of peak flood intensity in
comparison to fan shaped catchment.
𝑁( 𝑃𝑅) −( 𝑃)( 𝑅)
•𝑎= 2
𝑁( 𝑃2 )−( 𝑃)
𝑅−𝑎 𝑃
• b=
• where, N = number of observations / data
• the coefficient of correlation r is given by
• r = [N∑RP -∑ R ∑𝑷] / √[N∑P2 - (∑𝑷)2. N∑R2 - (∑𝑹)2]
N(∑RP) −(∑ R )(∑𝑷)
√[N∑P2 − (∑𝑷)2. (N∑R2 − (∑𝑹)2)]
• r lies between 0 and 1. the value of r between 0.6 to 1 indicates good
• Types of gauges:
• Different types of gauges can be used for measuring the depth of the river.
• 1) Staff gauges: They are the wooden bar / metal bar provided with
graduations. the level at which the river water wets the graduation will be the
depth of flow of river at that time of measurement. This reading should be
taken manually.
• 2) Wire gauge: The rope/ wire is provided with the weight disk attached to
it is lowered into the river towards the bed from the fixed reference point
with the help of pulley arrangements.
• The wet portion of the rope with the disk length is measured by tape to
know the depth of flow.
Cable / rope
• 3) Float gauge: It is the recording type gauge, which consists of the float
attached with the wire/rope is counter balanced by the weight.
• Due to the rise or fall in stage of river the float moves up ward or downward
• The movement of the rope / angular displacement of pulley provides the
input to the shaft to record on the revolving drum.
• Stream flow measurements by velocity Area method ,current meter, floats , velocity
rod and dilution techniques.
• The discharge of stream can be computed by using velocity area method.
• i.e. Discharge = Velocity of flow x cross sectional area of flow = V x A
• so, velocity of flow as well as cross section area of flow must be known to
find the discharge.
• Measurement of flow velocity:
• Floats: Surface float
• Velocity rod / Sub- surface float
• Current meters
• 1) Floats: floating objects such as wooden piece, cork, apple, slipper etc. can
be used to measure the velocity of flow of the river/ stream. For the surface
floats: consider the figure;
• The straight reach of the river is chosen
having length of L between two sections 1
and 2.
• The surface float is flown from section 1 at
time t= 0 and when it reaches section 2, time
is taken as t = t
• The travel time of float will be (t -0) = t sec
Now, measured velocity Vm = L / t
• Average velocity of flow Va = Cv x Vm
• where, (Cv = Coefficient of velocity 0.85 to
• 2) Velocity Rod / Sub-surface float: Floating object is flown from under water
in between the sections. Velocity rods are the straight wooden or hollow tubes
of tin having diameter of 25 to 50mm and counter weight is provided to keep
them under water vertically such that small portion of the length of tube can be
remained above water surface during running under water.
• Single point method: Float is flown at 0.60 times the depth of water from the
top surface.
• Vo.6D = Va = L/t as usual in the surface float. No need of multiplying by
velocity coefficient to get average velocity of flow.
• Double point method: Flown at 0.20 times and 0.80 times depth of river water
from the surface. velocity at 0.20 depth and 0.80depth is measured separately
and average velocity is considered as the velocity of flow.
• V 02D = Length of reach / time taken by float to reach section 2 from section 1
V 0.8D = Length of reach / / time taken by float to reach section 2 from section
• Vm = Va = [V0.2D + V 0.8D] / 2
Current meter: It is the mechanical device to measure the flow velocity. (0.1 to
9m/s) two types of current meter
Vertical axis (Cup type). up to 3 to 5m/s.
Horizontal axis (Propeller type). 6 to 9m/s higher velocity
fig: vertical axis current meter fig: Horizontal axis ( Propeller type)current meter
𝑆 ∗𝑘
•𝑄=𝑐 ∗
( 𝑐 𝑡 −𝑁 𝐶0 ) 𝑇
• Considering the two sections of the river reach 1 and 2 of L meter apart as
shown in figure above.
• here;
• z1 and z2 bed level of section 1 and 2 from datum respectively. y1 and y2 are the
water depth of section 1 and 2 respectively.
• V1 and V2 are the velocity of flow of section 1 and 2 respectively.
• V12/2g and V22/2g are the kinetic head of section 1 and 2 respectively
• h1 and h2 are static head of section 1 and 2 respectively.
• hL = head loss includes both eddy loss he and friction loss hf.
• Applying Bernoulli’s principle between the sections;
• Method 3: Plot G vs Q in arithmetic scale and draw the best fit rating curve.
Choose three discharge values as Q1, Q2 and Q3 from this curve such that
• Q1/Q2 = Q2/Q3 and find the corresponding stages G1,G2 and G3 respectively.
• Use the relation: (G1-a) / (G2-a) = (G2-a) / (G3-a)
• a = (G1.G3 – G22) / (G1+G3- 2G2)
• If the shifting control is due to unsteady flow effect, then for the same
stage there will be more discharge than in the steady uniform flow
condition. the actual discharge is given by:
𝟏 𝒅𝒉
Q / Q0 = (𝟏 + ∗ )
𝑽𝒘 ∗𝑺𝒐 𝒅𝒕
• Vw = Velocity of flood wave
• S0 = Bed slope of river
• dh/dt = rate of change of stage
• Qo = discharge under steady flow condition.
• Numerical 1: Determine the discharge per unit width of the stream 5 m deep from
the following recorded values of velocity.
Depth above bed m 1 2 3 4
Velocity m/s 0.60 0.74 0.85 0.90
• Solution:
• The average velocity of flow can be measured by either single point method or
double point method.
• For single point method 0.60 x depth of flow is considered from the top surface.
• So, velocity at 0.60 depth from top = 0.60 x 5 = 3m form top i.e. 2 m from bed =
• Similarly, for double point method; 0.20 depth = 1m and 0.80 depth = 4m from top
Velocity at 0.20 depth = 0.90m/s
• Velocity at 0.80 depth = 0.60m/s
• Average velocity of flow = 0.90+0.60 /2 = 0.75m/s
• Calculation of discharge:
• Using single point method = Q = 0.74 x (5 x1) = 3.72 m3/s
• Using double point method = Q = 0.75 x (5x1) = 3.75m3/s
Note: width of 1st and last segment W1 and Wn = (b1+ b2/2)2 / 2b1 = (1.2 + 1.2/2)2 / (2 x 1.2)
= 1.35m
for other intermediate sections, W = (1.2 + 1.2)/2 = 1.2m
Distance Average
Average Sectional Discharge
from Width Velocity of velocity Depth
depth area Qi Remarks
End W flow m/s m/s of flow
Dm Ai= Dm x W = Ai x Vi
m Vi
0 - 0 - 0 - - -
1.2 1.2 0.40 0.20 0.70 0.35 0.42 0.084
2.4 1.2 0.60 0.50 1.70 1.20 1.44 0.72
3.6 1.2 0.75 0.675 2.50 2.1 2.52 1.701
4.8 1.2 0.50 0.625 1.30 1.90 2.28 1.425
6.0 1.2 0.35 0.425 0.50 0.90 1.08 0.459
7.20 1.2 0 0.175 0 0.25 0.30 0.053
Total: Q = ∑𝑸𝒊 4.44 m3/s
Dist. from 0 2 4 6 9 12 15 18 20 22 23 24
right bank m
Depth m 0 0.50 1.1 1.95 2.25 1.85 1.75 1.65 1.5 1.25 0.75 0
Time of
observation 0 180 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 0
0 - - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0.032 0.000
2 2 2.25 0.50 0.25 0.563 180 80 0.44 0.17 0.096
4 2 2 1.10 0.80 1.60 120 83 0.69 0.25 0.400
6 2 2 1.95 1.525 3.05 120 131 1.092 0.38 1.159
9 3 2.5 2.25 2.10 5.25 120 139 1.158 0.40 2.100
12 3 3 1.85 2.05 6.15 120 121 1.01 0.36 2.214
15 3 3 1.75 1.80 5.40 120 114 0.95 0.34 1.836
18 3 3 1.65 1.70 5.10 120 109 0.91 0.32 1.632
20 2 2.5 1.50 1.575 3.544 120 92 0.767 0.28 0.992
22 2 2 1.25 1.375 2.75 120 85 0.71 0.26 0.715
23 1 1.5 0.75 1.0 1.50 150 70 0.47 0.18 0.270
24 1 1.125 0 0.375 0.422 0 0 0 0.032 0.014
Total: Q = ∑𝑸𝒊 =11.428 m3/s
For first segment W1 = [b1 + (b2/2)] 2/ 2b1 = (2 + 2/2)2 / 2 x 2 = 2.25m for other
intermediate segments W = average width
for Last segment = [bn + (bn-1/2)]2 / 2bn = (1+1/2)2 / 2 x 1 = 1.125m
• Numerical 4: The high flow water surface elevation of a stream at two sections
A and B, 10 km apart are 206.923m and 206.652m respectively. The cross
sections and wetted perimeters are as follows. Assume N= 0.02, the eddy loss
coefficient is 0.30 for gradual expansion and 0.10 for gradual contraction.
Estimate the discharge at the stream.
Section A Area : 73.293 sq.m. Wetted perimeter: 26.818m
Section B Area: 93.375 sq.m. Wetted perimeter: 30.228m
Solution: Discharge of stream can be solved by slope area method.
• We, have
• frictional head loss between two sections: hf = (ha – hb) + (Va2-Vb2)/2g - Ke.
• N= Manning’s roughness coefficient = 0.02
• Length between section L = 10km = 10,000m
• ha – hb = 206.923-206.652 = 0.271m
• Ke = eddy loss coefficient for gradual expansion = 0.30
• Wetted perimeter of A = Pa = 26.818, Area of A = Aa = 73.293 sq.m.
• Wetted perimeter of B = Pb = 30.228 Area of B = Ab = 93.375 sq.m.
• Hydraulic mean radius for A = Ra = Aa/Pa = 73.293/26.818 =2.733m
• Hydraulic mean radius for B = Rb = Ab/Pb = 93.375/30.228 = 3.089m
Calculation of Conveyance factors for A and B
• Numerical 5: The stage discharge data of the river are given below. Establish
the stage discharge relationship to predict the discharge for the given stage.
Assume the value of stage corresponding to zero discharge as 35m. Estimate the
discharge corresponding to stage value of 42.50m and 48.50m
• Stage m 35.91 36.90 37.92 39.07 41.00 43.53 44.40 45.40 46.43 48.02 49.05 49.55 49.68
Discharge 89 230 360 469 1208 2853 3800 4650 5330 5900 6800 6900 6950
• Solution:
• Linear Correlation between R and P for the small catchment is given by
• R = aP+ b equation of straight line
• Can be solved by least square method as that of rating curve.
• a = (N∑𝑷𝑹 - ∑𝑷. ∑𝑹) / [N ∑ P2 – ( ∑𝑷)2]
• b = ∑𝐑 – a ∑𝐏] / N
• Correlation coefficient
• r = (N∑𝑷𝑹 - ∑𝑷. ∑𝑹) /√[ N ∑ P2 – ( ∑𝑷)2 x N ∑ P2 – ( ∑𝑷)2]
• Do by yourself. Assignment
• Thanks End of chapter 4