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Low-Rate Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Detection in Software Defined Network-Enabled Internet of Things Using Machine Learning Combined With Feature Importance

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2023, pp. 1974~1984

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v12.i4.pp1974-1984  1974

Low-rate distributed denial of service attacks detection in

software defined network-enabled internet of things using
machine learning combined with feature importance

Muhammad Abizar, Muhammad Ferry Septian Ihzanor Syahputra, Ahmad Rizky Habibullah,
Christian Sri Kusuma Aditya, Fauzi Dwi Setiawan Sumadi
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: One of the main challenges in developing the internet of things (IoT) is the
existence of availability problems originated from the low-rate distributed
Received Oct 9, 2022 denial of service attacks (LRDDoS). The complexity of IoT makes the
Revised Apr 15, 2023 LRDDoS hard to detect because the attack flow is performed similarly to the
Accepted May 7, 2023 regular traffic. Integration of software defined IoT (SDN-Enabled IoT) is
considered an alternative solution for overcoming the specified problem
through a single detection point using machine learning approaches. The
Keywords: controller has a resource limitation for implementing the classification
process. Therefore, this paper extends the usage of Feature Importance to
Feature importance reduce the data complexity during the model generation process and choose
Internet of things an appropriate feature for generating an efficient classification model. The
Low-rate distributed denial of research results show that the Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB) produced the
service most effective outcome. GNB performed better than the other algorithms
Machine learning because the feature reduction only selected the independent feature, which had
Software defined network no relation to the other features.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Fauzi Dwi Setiawan Sumadi
Department of Informatics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
246 Raya Tlogomas Street, Malang 65144, East Java, Indonesia
Email: fauzisumadi@umm.ac.id

The internet of things (IoT) is a concept where various smart devices are connected via the Internet to
collect and transfer data or information [1]. The advancement of IoT is accompanied by efforts to modernize
the global communication infrastructure that revolutionizes many aspects of life, enabling system
interconnection with intelligent communication [2]. Examples of IoT implementations include medical
devices, medical care, driverless vehicles, industrial robots, and smart city infrastructure with remote
interaction models [1]. The rapid development of IoT will increase the number of smart devices connected to
public networks, raising problems of complexity and security [2]. Even though IoT devices are growing, IoT
networks are vulnerable to availability attacks, such as denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service
(DDoS). Such attacks can quickly attack devices connected to an IoT network.
Moreover, the use of botnets can increase the volume of DDoS attacks, which can tamper the IoT
services. In addition, traditional security mechanisms tend to be unsuitable for being implemented because IoT
devices have less memory, processing capacity, and power. Due to its resource-limited characteristics, IoT
tends to have more vulnerabilities that attackers can easily exploit [2]. This raises concerns about the security
risks of IoT networks caused by the large-scale incorporation of smart devices. Due to the rapid development

Journal homepage: http://ijai.iaescore.com

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1975

of IoT, there are more and more efforts made by attackers to find loopholes to infiltrate the IoT network. Low-
rate distributed denial of service attack (LRDDoS) is a serious threat to IoT infrastructure networks, among
many attacks. LRDDoS attacks present an ongoing threat to almost every internet service as they attack server
resources and can also potentially bring down the network. In addition, the main challenge with detecting
LRDDoS attacks is the complexity of the attacking pattern. Massive traffic analysis will significantly consume
the use of computing resources and even increase the risk of memory overflow.
IoT devices integrated with software defined network (SDN) [3], namely SDN-Enabled IoT, can
significantly reduce the amount of computing overhead and provide additional security [4]. IoT aims to
distribute data, and SDN provides services for network management by separating the control and data plane.
However, because of this separation, the controller becomes a vulnerable target for cyber security attacks.
Among all of the possible attacks, the availability threat may direct its attack to the controller by overwhelming
the node using flooding, namely DDoS. In response, the controller will process every unwanted packet from
the attackers. If the controller crashes, the entire network will collapse [5]. DDoS attacks are categorized into
Flood and Shrew according to their characteristics and attack speed. Among them, Flood attacks are divided
into high-rate (DDoS attacks with massive delivery rates) and low-rate (which are included in Flood attacks,
but the transmission speed is less than 1,000bps). Their division is based on the packet transmission speed [6].
In the SDN-Enabled IoT network, attacks will occur at several levels, such as HRDDoS attacks in the control
plane and LRDDoS attacks in the data plane. Attackers launch high-rate DDoS attacks at the SDN control layer
by sending large amounts of useless data to weaken controllers and network resources.
A controller running out of resources will cause the entire SDN network to crash. However, HRDDoS
attacks on controllers have traffic characteristics that are easy to identify, which can be pointed out by the
significant rise in traffic amount in a short period [7]. In contrast, the LRDDoS are hard to detect because it
has the same characteristics as regular traffic. So, the general DDoS attack detection mechanism (statistics) is
ineffective in detecting LRDDoS because deep packet inspection (DPI) should be performed in order to retrieve
the detailed information on the packet’s header [8]. Unlike HRDDoS attacks, LRDDoS generates very little
attack traffic and is stealthy. With a slow and inconspicuous process, LRDDoS allows the target system's
performance to decrease gradually until it completely fails [9]. Low-Rate DDoS attacks are in the form of
periodic pulses, where the attacks sent are concentrated. The average attack traffic is small but carried out
repeatedly so that it can reduce the quality of service [6]. LRDDoS has the same characteristics as a normal
network in the data center: low delay, diversity, and synchronization [10] so LRDDoS will not be easily
detected if its characteristics match normal traffic. Low-rate DDoS attacks target the data layer with small
attack traffic levels. Attackers can take advantage of it to launch LRDDoS attacks that hide in normal data
streams and are difficult to detect with traditional methods.
Several studies have been conducted to detect LRDDoS attacks on SDN and SDN-Enabled IoT
networks. Altamemi et al. [11] proposed a method for classifying DDoS attacks which include either high-rate
or low-rate attacks based on real-time traffic datasets using machine learning method (Gaussian Naïve Bayes
(GNB), logistic regression (LR), and decision tree (DT)). The research outcomes showed that DT could
produce better accuracy than the other algorithms by gaining 99.9%. However, this paper did not use the
appropriate dataset extracted using OpenFlow protocol in order to provide better data classification. Wani and
Revathi [12] proposed a ransomware detection system in an IoT environment integrated with SDN, namely
IoTSDN-RAN. The classification was performed by inspecting the constrained application protocol (CoAP)
packet received by the controller using a combination of GNB and principal component analysis (PCA). The
results indicated that the proposed method could predict ransomware traffic, proven by the accuracy pointed at
97.91%. John and Nagappasetty [13] investigated the detection scheme for detecting a Slowloris attack with
slow bandwidth traffic aimed to simultaneously open a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) connection between
the attacker and the targeted server. The authors utilized a statistical approach by extracting the flow statistic
provided by OpenFlow. However, the results indicated that the statistical approach did not detect the attack as
faster as the Machine Learning approach, proven by the detection time pointed at 260s. Research conducted by
Azmi and Sumadi et al. [14] aims to detect LRDDoS using the support vector machine (SVM) combined with
feature importance using logistic regression (LR) [15], [16]. Feature importance is useful for sorting the
features contained in the OpenFlow protocol to ease the controller's classification process. The best accuracy
is found in SVM with Linear Kernel, with accuracy reaching 100%. However, in terms of training time, linear
SVM takes about 23.6 seconds, while SVM with kernel radial basis function (RBF) is much faster, which is
only 1.5 but with lower accuracy results, and the average accuracy only gets 74.3%.
Cheng et al. [7] researched machine learning to detect LRDDoS attacks on SDN-Enabled IoT
networks. In this study, the researchers tried to overcome one of the LRDDoS, shrewattack. The features used
in this study are taken from features extracted from the OpenFlow protocol and are divided into 2, namely
stateless and stateful. These researchers used several algorithms: SVM, the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm
(NB), random forest (RF), and K-nearest neighbors (KNN). The dataset used is 204,888 packets containing
synchronize transmission control protocol (TCP SYN) packets, repeated TCP transmissions other than normal.
Low-rate distributed denial of service attacks detection in software defined … (Muhammad Abizar)
1976  ISSN: 2252-8938

The number of normal data packets is 48,509, including hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS), HTTP,
internet control message protocol (ICMP), and message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT). The RF
algorithm obtains the highest accuracy value with an accuracy rate of 97% and has the best effect on the switch.
Maslan et al. [17] conducted a similar study by combining linear regression models (ANOVA) in the
feature reduction process to increase the effectiveness of the classification process using machine learning. In
addition, the dataset used in this study is the result of extraction in a test bed environment and has not used the
SDN architecture. From the results obtained, RF is the best algorithm in the classification process, with an
accuracy value of 98.70%. Khempetch and Wuttidittachotti [18] employed the deep learning method for
detecting DDoS, specifically using deep neural network (DNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM). The
results indicated that the algorithm could successfully classify the attack, proven by the accuracy value pointed
at 99.97% on average. Huraj et al. [19] stated that IoT integrated with manufacturing processes could
potentially threaten DDoS attacks. Researchers describe case studies of IoT device applications and show the
vulnerabilities of these devices. In addition, the researcher proposes to use sample Flow (sFlow) to detect and
protect against DDoS attacks during production using machine learning.
In a study by Pande et al. [20] DDoS detection was carried out using machine learning
techniques, and the algorithm used for model training was RF, resulting in an accuracy value of 99.76%.
Alashhab et al. [21] found that machine learning is the proposed most effective LRDDoS detection mechanism
in addition to other detection techniques. The researchers divided the LRDDoS detection mechanism categories
based on machine learning into classification-based and deep learning-based. Wang et al. [22] in their research,
explained that DDoS attacks are not only centered on the data plane but also in the control plane, causing
fluctuations in the number of flows. In this study, the researchers built a DDoS attack with a separate SDN
architecture and a new model to define the attack flexibly. The detection model used by the researcher is
supervised learning. At the testing stage, the models that produce the highest accuracy values are decision tree
(DT), KNN, and bagging tree (BT), with values above 90%. However, the sample used in this study is still
lacking to get better accuracy results because it only uses one feature.
Based on previous research, it can be concluded that machine learning is an effective method of
detecting LRDDoS attacks. However, no authors provided a thorough analysis of performing the LRDDoS
detection using minimal resources in an IoT environment and maintained its datasets to conform with the
OpenFlow standard. In this study, the solution proposed by the author to deal with LRDDoS attacks is an
integration of SDN-Enabled IoT with machine learning combined with Feature Importance. Machine learning
has the function of creating models that are used in the classification process by the controller. The model
generation process is combined with three feature importance methods, namely LR, random forest classifier
(RFC), and random forest regression (RFR), to reduce the number of features so that the load received by the
controller will be reduced because the resources used are only the relevant features. The model goes through a
training process using eight different algorithms, including SVM with linear kernel and RBF, RF, DT, multi-
layer perceptron (MLP), GNB, AdaBoost (ADB), and KNN. Each model used in the classification process will
produce accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and classification-loss values from each algorithm. The
contribution given in this research is performing LRDDoS detection utilizing several supervised algorithms
combined with three different Feature Importance methods for computational reduction in the classification
process and adjusting the dataset of LRDDoS with the OpenFlow protocol based on the port statistic. Adjusting
the dataset will also significantly improve the accuracy of the detection mechanism since the features were
easily extracted on the controller. In addition, this study also compares which algorithm is the most appropriate
for detecting LRDDoS attacks from each Feature Importance method.

2.1. Emulation’s topology and scenario
In this study, the test was operated on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS computer with a specification of Intel®
Core™ i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, and 240 GB of SSD. The SDN-Enabled IoT network
topology was emulated by the Mininet emulator [23]. Based on Figure 1, the components used in the network
architecture in this topology consisted of 7 Open vSwitch (OvS) [24], [25], 1 RYU Controller [26], and 8 Hosts.
The applied topology was a tree with configuration variables of depth=3 and fanout=2. In the topology that
had been developed, h1 acted as an attacker, and h6 acted as a victim and a CoAP server [27] with a logical
address of As an attacker, h1 overwhelmed the topology using the TCPReplay tool [28] 3 times
with different packet transmission speeds, consisting of 20, 50, and 70 packets per second (PPS).
The attack carried out by h1 was sent via a *.pcap file containing dummy packets. In each of these
packets, the IP and MAC source addresses were composed of values that were randomly generated in as many
as 39,994 packets using the CoAP (POST) protocol. Packet header information that went to OvS was processed
according to the rules defined by the controller. If there was no matching header, the packet was detected as a

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2023: 1974-1984

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1977

new packet and would be processed by the controller directly for network learning purposes. Because the data
sent by the attacker was composed of random source addresses, it could indirectly interfere with the controller's
performance. If the controller could not withstand the load, this attack could collapse the SDN-Enabled IoT

Figure 1. Emulation topology

2.2. LRDDoS dataset

The dataset used in this study utilized the OpenFlow protocol to investigate the impact of LRDDoS
attacks [29]. The data was generated by crafting a CoAP packet using Scapy and transmitting both normal and
LRDDoS packets using TCPReplay. The controller extracted the receiving packet using the OpenFlow protocol
described in Table 1. All available hosts on the network perform normal traffics, which is directed to
communicate using a CoAP POST message to the server (h6). In contrast, the LRDDoS packets contain dummy
packets composed of randomly generated source addresses. This data was divided into two parts: a training
dataset of 160,006 packets and a test data of 39,994 packets. If totaled, the total dataset was 200,000 packets.
The composition in the dataset had a 1:1 ratio for LRDDoS and normal packets.
The packets were extracted using the OpenFlow feature, including standard headers on IPv4,
UDP/TCP protocols, and OvS port usage statistics. The total number of features contained in the OpenFlow
protocol was 21. This number could still be excessive, burdening the controller in the classification process. In
order to reduce this burden, it was necessary to simplify the number of features used, using feature selection
based on the coefficient score of feature importance. The Feature Importance method used in this study includes
LR, RFC, and RFR. The results of the LR and RFC processing obtained eight features, while RFR only used
two features, which could improve the training model's performance and reduce the workload on the controller.
The results of the calculation of feature importance can be seen in Table 1.
Some features marked "-" were not used in the model generation process because they were equal
to 0. Features taken from feature importance only had a value greater than 0 or less than 0. Features with a
coefficient value of 0 would not affect the evaluation variables originating from the classification process based
on the generated model. The comparison between the techniques used in LR and RF on the Feature Coefficient
was that the LR method was calculated with all features as input in the model, while the RFC and RFR
calculated the coefficient separately for each feature [30].

2.3. Model generation and classification process

Figure 2 shows a system block diagram that includes the feature reduction process without eliminating
information that is considered essential or relevant based on the value of the coefficient score inputted into
each feature to be predicted. This feature reduction process used three Feature Importance methods, LR, RFC,
and RFR, followed by model generation, which employed eight different algorithms. All features in the training
set would have a coefficient value, and their relevance to the classification process was assessed. In Table 1,
the relevant features are shown with a positive or negative value, while those with a value of 0 are removed
because they have no significant impact on the classification process. The selected features from each Feature
Importance would later be used in the training stage of the classification model with the SVM Linear, SVM
RBF, RF, DT, MLP, GNB, ADB, and KNN. This stage generated a classification model used by the SDN-
Low-rate distributed denial of service attacks detection in software defined … (Muhammad Abizar)
1978  ISSN: 2252-8938

Enabled IoT controller application to detect attacks from incoming packets. The classification process
performed by the controller will be faster because it uses fewer resources by selecting the most relevant features
based on the coefficient score. Therefore, the controller did not thoroughly extract all of the 21 features. The
use of Feature Importance also prevented a decrease in the quality of the model. After the model was completed,
the model was used as a classification model on the SDN-Enabled IoT controller. The model was added to the
simple_switch_13 application that already existed on the RYU controller.

Table 1. Feature list

Features Name Features Origin Coefficient Score
Logistic Regression Random Forest Classifier Random Forest Regression
datapath_id OFPT_PACKET_IN - - -
version IPv4's Header - - -
header_length IPv4's Header - - -
tos IPv4's Header - - -
total_length IPv4's Header -1.61720 0.05396 -
flags IPv4's Header 6.76580 0.35920 0.59000
offset IPv4's Header - - -
TTL IPv4's Header - - -
proto IPv4's Header - - -
csum IPv4's Header -0.00195 0.00062 -
srcp_ip IPv4's Header 1.85064 0.30681 0.41000
dst_ip IPv4's Header - - -
src_port UDP's/TCP's Header -0.26961 0.07073 -
dst_port UDP's/TCP's Header - - -
port_no OFPPortStatsReply -0.08737 0.00001 -
rx_bytes_ave OFPPortStatsReply 3.04460 0.17514 -
rx_error_ave OFPPortStatsReply - - -
rx_dropped_ave OFPPortStatsReply - - -
tx_bytes_ave OFPPortStatsReply 0.08789 0.03354 -
tx_error_ave OFPPortStatsReply - - -
tx_dropped_ave OFPPortStatsReply - - -

Figure 2. System block diagram

The detail of the classification process is described in Figure 3. The process started with the attacker
sending a testing set that contained normal and LRDDoS packets using TCPReplay. Because the components
of the attack packet were constructed randomly (source MAC and IP address), the packet was sent to the

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2023: 1974-1984

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1979

controller for learning. The model that was formed from 8 algorithms and 3 Feature Importance functioned to
classify packets into the LRDDoS type or normal packets. The classification results were stored in a file for
measuring the level of effectiveness using the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The data was compared
with the original class in the testing set of each classified packet. In the classification process, some data was
not successfully classified because the link on the OvS was overwhelmed. This condition could be measured
by calculating the classification loss value from the total of all successfully categorized packets.

Figure 3. Classification process in SDN-enabled IoT


3.1. Feature importance and reduction
A large number of features can impact the controller because the greater the resource, the greater the
burden the controller receives. Therefore, it is necessary to have a feature reduction process to reduce the
number of features that will be used in the classification process by selecting the most relevant features and
removing features that will not be too useful for the model to be trained and can even reduce the quality of the
model. The feature selection process in this study applied three different Feature Importance methods, namely
LR, RFC, and RFR. In this study, the dataset used has a total of 21 features. With the Feature Importance
method, only certain features will be used in the classification process to reduce the overload received by the
The feature importance score can be calculated for problems involving the prediction of numerical
values called regression and problems involving the prediction of class labels called classification. The Feature
Importance method selects features based on the results of a positive and negative coefficient score. This
coefficient score can provide a fundamental basis for the feature score that is considered essential. Features
with a coefficient score of 0 will be removed to prevent poor model quality. The coefficient score is obtained
from the results of entering the score into the input feature for a predictive model that indicates the relative
importance of each feature when making predictions. As shown in Table 2, after selecting features using
Feature Importance, only eight features have a coefficient score of 0 out of a total of 21 features selected using
the Feature Importance LR and RFC methods, while for RFR, there are only two relevant features. In terms of
the selected features, the feature affects the prediction model because it has a coefficient score other than 0,
which indicates that the feature plays an essential role in the classification process.
Low-rate distributed denial of service attacks detection in software defined … (Muhammad Abizar)
1980  ISSN: 2252-8938

Table 2. Selected features based on feature importance methods

Features Name Features Origin Coefficient Score
Logistic Regression Random Forest Classifier Random Forest Regression
total_length IPv4's Header -1.61720 0.05396 -
flags IPv4's Header 6.76580 0.35920 0.59000
csum IPv4's Header -0.00195 0.00062 -
srcp_ip IPv4's Header 1.85064 0.30681 0.41000
src_port UDP's/TCP's Header -0.26961 0.07073 -
port_no OFPPortStatsReply -0.08737 0.00001 -
rx_bytes_ave OFPPortStatsReply 3.04460 0.17514 -
tx_bytes_ave OFPPortStatsReply 0.08789 0.03354 -

3.2. Training result in SDN-enabled IoT

Based on Table 3, in the classification model training process, it can be seen that the LR, among
several other models, has perfect results with an average value of close to 100% for accuracy, precision, recall,
and F1-score. The GNB model was superior because it was also considered the fastest in performing the
training than the other models. The RF model produced the worst results, with an accuracy ratio of 89%, 79%
for recall, and 88% for the F1-score. In the process of learning the model, the GNB model took time faster than
the RF. The GNB model required about 0.031 seconds to train data, while the RF consumed 0.211 seconds. It
can be seen in Table 4 that GNB also obtained perfect results of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score with
a difference in the training data time of about 0.022 seconds, while the RFC model also produced the lowest
results among other models.
In the RFR training test, the GNB model became the best and fastest among the previous two methods,
as illustrated in Table 5. The GNB model obtained an average result of 100% for accuracy, precision, recall,
and F1-score, with the training time data getting 0.013 seconds. In comparison, the RFC and DTC models
produced a 10% lower accuracy difference, 20% lower recall, and an 11% lower F1-score. Regarding the time
training, there was a difference between RFC and DTC. DTC performed faster within 0.017 seconds, while
RFC consumed 0.158 seconds for training data. Based on the results of these tests, it can be concluded that the
GNB model is the most effective and fastest model for the three coefficient score calculation methods because
it works very well for large amounts of data and does not require a long time in the data training process.

Table 3. LR’s training results

Algorithm Accuracy % Precision % Recall % F1-Score % Training Time (s)
SVM-LINEAR 100 100 100 100 22.462
SVM-RBF 99 100 100 100 3.541
RF 89 100 79 88 0.211
DT 90 100 80 89 0.050
MLP 100 100 100 100 5.354
GNB 100 100 100 100 0.031
ADB 100 100 100 100 0.064
KNN 100 100 100 100 0.168

Table 4. RFC’s training results

Algorithm Accuracy % Precision % Recall % F1-Score % Training Time (s)
SVM-LINEAR 100 100 100 100 21.971
SVM-RBF 99 100 100 100 3.746
RF 80 86 80 79 0.233
DT 100 100 100 100 0.043
MLP 100 100 100 100 4.243
GNB 100 100 100 100 0.022
ADB 100 100 100 100 0.052
KNN 99 100 100 100 0.159

3.3. Classification result in SDN-enabled IoT network

Table 6 is the result of research emulated in SDN-Enabled IoT using the LR feature, which is
accumulated from three packet sending rates, including 20, 50, and 70 pps. The highest scores on the accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score originated from SVM Linear, DTC, MLP, GNB, and ADB, with an overall score
of 100%. Other models, namely SVM, RBF, and KNN, get the lowest results. Table 7 shows the classification
results using the RFC model with the same attack data delivery speed (20, 50, and 70 pps). The table shows
how the impact of classification loss. The accuracy will increase if the loss value is high because fewer data

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2023: 1974-1984

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1981

are processed compared to the overall testing set. In the delivery range of 70 pps, the classification loss value
produced results above 50%, which increased the accuracy value for all classification algorithms. The highest
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score values were found in SVM Linear, DTC, GNB, and ADB, which were
pointed at 100% overall. In contrast, the lowest value was generated by SVM RBF, MLP, and KNN.

Table 5. RFR’s training results

Algorithm Accuracy % Precision % Recall % F1-Score % Training Time (s)
SVM-LINEAR 100 100 100 100 0.131
SVM-RBF 100 100 100 100 0.491
RF 90 100 80 89 0.158
DT 90 100 80 89 0.017
MLP 100 100 100 100 3.888
GNB 100 100 100 100 0.013
ADB 100 100 100 100 0.024
KNN 100 100 100 100 0.048

Table 6. The results of LR in SDN-enabled IoT

Algorithm Packet Rate (pps) Accuracy % Precision % Recall % F1-Score % Classification Loss %
SVM LINEAR 20 100 100 100 100 4.03560
50 100 100 100 100 4.06060
70 100 100 100 100 4.15562
SVM RBF 20 51.879 25.939 50.0 34.158 4.03560
50 51.879 25.940 50.0 34.158 4.06060
70 51.868 25.934 50.0 34.153 4.15562
RF 20 90.360 92.165 89.983 90.183 4.03560
50 90.360 92.165 90.983 90.183 4.06060
70 90.353 92.165 89.978 90.177 4.15562
DT 20 100 100 100 100 4.03560
50 100 100 100 100 4.06060
70 100 100 100 100 4.15562
MLP 20 100 100 100 100 4.03560
50 100 100 100 100 4.06060
70 100 100 100 100 4.15562
GNB 20 100 100 100 100 4.03560
50 100 100 100 100 4.06060
70 100 100 100 100 4.15562
ADB 20 100 100 100 100 4.03560
50 100 100 100 100 4.06060
70 100 100 100 100 4.15562
KNN 20 51.879 25.939 50.0 34.158 4.03560
50 51.879 25.940 50.0 34.158 4.06060
70 868 25.934 50.0 34.153 4.15562

Table 7. The results of RFC in SDN-enabled IoT

Algorithm Packet Rate (pps) Accuracy % Precision % Recall % F1-Score % Classification Loss %
SVM LINEAR 20 100 100 100 100 4.03310
50 100 100 100 100 4.20313
70 100 100 100 100 51.21518
SVM RBF 20 51.880 25.940 50.0 34.158 4.03310
50 51.933 25.966 50.0 34.181 4.20313
70 76.890 38.445 50.0 43.468 51.21518
RF 20 80.768 86.468 79.996 79.672 4.03310
50 80.803 86.506 80.031 79.724 4.20313
70 94.311 96.555 87.691 91 51.21518
DT 20 100 100 100 100 4.03310
50 100 100 100 100 4.20313
70 100 100 100 100 51.21518
MLP 20 51.880 25.940 50.0 34.158 4.03310
50 51.933 25.966 50.0 34.181 4.20313
70 76.890 38.445 50.0 43.468 51.21518
GNB 20 51.880 25.940 50.0 34.158 4.03310
50 100 100 100 100 4.20313
70 100 100 100 100 51.21518
ADB 20 100 100 100 100 4.03310
50 100 100 100 100 4.20313
70 100 100 100 100 51.21518
KNN 20 51.880 25.940 50.0 34.158 4.03310
50 51.933 25.966 50.0 34.181 4.20313
70 76.890 38.445 50.0 43.468 51.21518

Low-rate distributed denial of service attacks detection in software defined … (Muhammad Abizar)
1982  ISSN: 2252-8938

Another SDN-enabled IoT research result is RFR, as seen in Table 8. Only RF and DT have different
values. This was because RFR only selected two features. The variable values of accuracy, recall, and F1-score
in other models (SVM Linear, SVM RBF, MLP, GNB, ADB, and KNN) had the same overall value of 100%.
From the three Feature Importance models, it could be concluded that SVM Linear, GNB, and ADB were the
best algorithms because they had accuracy, precision, and recall reaching an average of 100% despite the
classification loss was different for each delivery speed. The classification loss variable arose because the
controller experienced overlapping data reception so that the testing set was not sent or the incoming data was
received more than once. Receiving the same packet repeatedly would cause the classification value to increase
because the number of classified data was less than the total test data sent. This pattern could happen because
the emulator on mininet-IoT was unstable.

Table 8. The results of RFR in SDN-enabled IoT

Algorithm Packet Rate (pps) Accuracy % Precision % Recall % F1 % Classification Loss %
SVM LINEAR 20 100 100 100 100 4.17562
50 100 100 100 100 4.06310
70 100 100 100 100 4.34565
SVM RBF 20 100 100 100 100 4.17562
50 100 100 100 100 4.06310
70 100 100 100 100 4.34565
RF 20 90.345 91.146 89.983 90.172 4.17562
50 90.359 92.165 89.982 90.182 4.06310
70 90.354 92.165 89.971 90.176 4.34565
DT 20 90.345 91.146 89.983 90.172 4.17562
50 90.359 92.165 89.982 90.182 4.06310
70 90.354 92.165 89.971 90.176 4.34565
MLP 20 100 100 100 100 4.17562
50 100 100 100 100 4.06310
70 100 100 100 100 4.34565
GNB 20 100 100 100 100 4.17562
50 100 100 100 100 4.06310
70 100 100 100 100 4.34565
ADB 20 100 100 100 100 4.17562
50 100 100 100 100 4.06310
70 100 100 100 100 4.34565
KNN 20 100 100 100 100 4.17562
50 100 100 100 100 4.06310
70 100 100 100 100 4.34565

Feature Importance allows us to understand the relationship of features with target variables, as well
as understand which features are relevant and which are not for the model to be built. In addition, when
conducting model training, the coefficient score becomes the basis for selecting features to reduce the model's
dimensions and save resources to be used. This clearly can improve the performance of the model and controller
in carrying out the classification process. Based on the analysis of the test results that have been carried out,
the GNB algorithm is the best model for the classification process against LRDDoS attacks because it obtains
a fast training time value and also the results of accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-score values in the range of
100% during the model training process. In the Feature Importance method, LR, RFC, and RFR each have a
training time of about 0.031 seconds, 0.022 seconds, and 0.013 seconds, respectively. Three models have
dominant results in the classification test with SDN-Enabled IoT, including ADB, SVM Linear, and GNB.
However, compared to the ADB and SVM Linear models, although they both produce perfect results, if we
analyze it in comparative testing without and with SDN-Enabled IoT, the GNB model is superior in all aspects.
This is possible because the selected feature has independent properties from other features. In addition, the
amount of data that is processed after processing the feature selection also has an impact on reducing the
complexity of the data used in the classification process. In future research, the author plans to develop a dataset
model that is more effective in handling availability cases while at the same time incorporating statistical
techniques in the attack detection module.

This manuscript is based on research supported by the Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang under the
Grant Number E.2.a/334/BAA-UMM/IV/2022. The authors would also express their gratitude for the UMM
Informatics Laboratory, who have supported the implementation of this research.

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2023: 1974-1984

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  1983

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Low-rate distributed denial of service attacks detection in software defined … (Muhammad Abizar)
1984  ISSN: 2252-8938


Muhammad Abizar currently pursuing undergraduate degree majoring in

informatics at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang since 2019. His areas of interest include
SDN, Network Security. he can be contacted at email: aybewrld@gmail.com.

Muhammad Ferry Septian Ihzanor Syahputra graduated from Telkom

Banjarbaru Vocational High School with a major in Computer and Network Engineering, and is
currently pursuing undergraduate degree majoring in informatics at the University of
Muhammadiyah Malang. His areas of interest are IoT, software development, network
management and security. He can be contacted at email: mhmmdferry713@gmail.com.

Ahmad Rizky Habibullah graduated from Telkom Banjarbaru Vocational High

School majoring in computer and network engineering. He is currently studying in Malang to be
precise at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in informatics Department. He interested in
SD-IoT, network management, and network security. He can be contacted at email:

Christian Sri Kusuma Aditya graduated with a Master of Computer from Sepuluh
Nopember Technological Institute (ITS), Surabaya. Currently, he is a lecturer in the Informatics
Department University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). His areas of interest are Data
Science, Machine Learning, and Text Processing. He can be contacted at email:

Fauzi Dwi Setiawan Sumadi achieved his master degree program in computer
science at the University of Queensland, Australia which focused on analyzing the vulnerability
in software-defined networks. Nowadays, he has become one of the main lecturers in the
Informatics Department at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang and maintains his research
in the implementation of artificial intelligence in a computer network, distributed computing,
Cyber security, IoT, and the SDN. He can be contacted at email: fauzisumadi@umm.ac.id.

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2023: 1974-1984

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