01-2021 CNN ML
01-2021 CNN ML
01-2021 CNN ML
ABSTRACT As a tremendous amount of service being streamed online to their users along with massive
digital privacy information transmitted in recent years, the internet has become the backbone of most
people’s everyday workflow. The extending usage of the internet, however, also expands the attack surface for
cyberattacks. If no effective protection mechanism is implemented, the internet will only be much vulnerable
and this will raise the risk of data getting leaked or hacked. The focus of this paper is to propose an Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) based on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to reinforce the security of the
internet. The proposed IDS model is aimed at detecting network intrusions by classifying all the packet traffic
in the network as benign or malicious classes. The Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection
System (CICIDS2017) dataset has been used to train and validate the proposed model. The model has been
evaluated in terms of the overall accuracy, attack detection rate, false alarm rate, and training overhead. A
comparative study of the proposed model’s performance against nine other well-known classifiers has been
INDEX TERMS CICIDS2017, Convolutional neural network, Cybersecurity, Deep learning, Intrusion detec-
tion system.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
14 VOLUME 2, 2021
audit trails, system administrators could hunt for malicious UNSW-NB 15 dataset [11]. The Canadian Institute for Cyber-
traffic and take further actions to secure the system. Most security Intrusion Detection System (CICIDS2017) dataset,
traditional IDS use an attack signature database that is created used in this paper, is more challenging for a classifier with
from expert’s knowledge, to cooperate with some predefined its larger feature set and more attack classes that are 59%
decision rules in the program to find out intrusions [2]. In [3], and 55% more than the UNSW-NB 15 dataset. This paper is
the author claimed that it is easy to develop and understand structured to include a brief review of some recent research
a signature-based IDS if the network behavior of the target on deep learning applications at cybersecurity. Then in the
anomaly activities is known. However, in recent years, cy- model design section, CICIDS2017 database is explored to
berattacks have become more sophisticated, especially the at- reveal the design decisions of the custom training and test
tacks on the systems that are storing or manipulating sensitive dataset of the proposed model. Also, the architecture of the
information. CNN, which is the deep learning model on which the proposed
The hand-crafted attack database by experts will obsolete IDS is based, is discussed and the mathematical details are
quickly without constant updates. Another major problem provided. Finally, the architecture of the proposed IDS is pre-
with the signature-based IDS is that they fail to be generalized sented along with its parameter selections. And the model is
to detect innovative attacks that have signatures that are not evaluated by the defined benchmarks in the simulation result
logged in the signature database. In short, the attack signature section to provide performance validation and comparison.
database causes a high storage overhead in order to include
the signature of all the known attacks, making them hard to II. LITERATURE REVIEW
get implemented or distributed. Also, matching the incoming Prior to the rise of machine and deep learning, the design of
data flow with the signatures logged in the dataset could be the IDS is usually based on network experts’ knowledge of the
computationally expensive. attacks. In [12], Ansam Khraisat et al. classified various kinds
The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) architecture is a pop- of IDS models based on their detecting techniques. In short,
ular solution nowadays for prediction and classification tasks. the IDS with statistics-based techniques builds a distribution
There are many advantages of ANN which make it especially model for the benign traffic and flag the low probability events
suitable for network intrusion detection [4]. Firstly, ANN per- as potential attacks. The IDS with knowledge-based tech-
forms great at modelling non-linear data with a large number niques, on the other hand, creates a knowledge base to reflect
of input features; for example, network packets. Secondly, the legitimate traffic profile. Afterward, any action that differs
once an ANN is trained, its forward propagation, in other from the standard profile is flagged as an intrusion. Finally,
words, the predictions, are fast. This is crucial for network’s there are IDS with machine learning techniques. These models
speed if the IDS model is placed in-line with the network mine characteristics of each type of attack from large quan-
traffic. In brief, an ANN is trained by a big dataset to be- tities of data and classify traffic based on the learned char-
come a generalized solution for a specific task. The traditional acteristics. In addition, a survey of the datasets for intrusion
signature-based IDS, on the other hand, is using manually de- detection systems is presented by the authors in [12]. They
fined and human-understandable rules for intrusion detection. explored some public datasets such as Knowledge Discovery
The ANN approach relies on a solid mathematics backbone in Databases (KDD) Cup’99, Center for Applied Internet Data
how the error is backpropagated with the stochastic gradient Analysis (CAIDA), Network Security Laboratory- Knowl-
descent method to optimize the model [5], [6]. In addition, edge Discovery Databases (NSL-KDD), and CICIDS2017,
no predefined rules are required during the ANN’s training and a comparative study of those IDS datasets, in terms of
process. Meaning that the developers are not required to pos- their feature selection and type of computer attacks, is pre-
sess much expertise in the field of cybersecurity to train an sented as well. Finally, the authors provided classification
ANN-based IDS. In addition, since the decision mechanisms results of the selected datasets based on their prior research.
of the ANN-based IDS are generalized from the features of Specifically, on CICIDS2017, their model that combinedly
all the known attacks, they have the potential to detect the uses a Multiplayer Perceptron (MLP) neural network and pay-
innovative attacks sharing similar traits with the known at- load classifier reaches an accuracy of 95.2%.
tacks. On the other hand, the signature-based IDS will fail to Machine learning is a popular solution for classification
detect innovative attacks due to the lack of knowledge on their tasks due to its relatively simple architecture and low com-
specific signature. putation overhead. Many studies that are applying machine
In this paper, an IDS for cybersecurity based on the Con- learning techniques on the CICIDS2017 dataset for attack
volutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is proposed. classification have been proposed [13]–[15]. Many of which
Unlike some previously proposed CNN based IDS, which have reached decent accuracy at one-class classifications for a
mostly aiming at one-class or a subset of classes classifi- certain attack class, such as DDoS, in the dataset. However, to
cation [7]–[9]. The proposed IDS has high performance at reach a usable multi-class classification accuracy in detecting
multi-class classification, for identifying innovative and all modern network intrusions, many data preprocessing methods
the known attack classes in a dataset. And compared to some have been proposed to improve the model’s performance. In
state-of the-art CNN based IDS’s that are aiming at multi-class [13], Yonghao Gu et al. proposed a semi-supervised K-means
classification, such as Potluri’s work in [10] for classifying the model to detect the DDoS attacks in CICIDS2017. Besides,
VOLUME 2, 2021 15
they implemented a hybrid feature selection algorithm to In [9], a CNN based IDS was proposed by Jiyeon Kim
exclude the unreasonable features from being the input of the et al. In this paper, the authors employed deep learning tech-
model to prevent “the curse of dimensionality”. Their feature niques and developed a CNN model for the CICIDS2018
selection algorithm takes the available features as input. The dataset, which was a dataset sharing the same feature set
features are processed by a series of procedures including the with CICIDS2017 but with larger sample counts. The training
data normalization, feature ranking, and feature subset search- and test of the models in the study were performed on sub-
ing, and selected features are output by the algorithm. Finally, datasets which included a subset of types of network traffic
with their proposed feature selection method, they reached a from CICIDS2018. Therefore, the models were simulated for
detection rate of 96.50% and a false positive rate of 30.5%. multi-class classification for certain classes in the dataset, not
In recent years, deep learning models such as neural net- all of them at once. In this study, the experimental results
works have become more effective solutions for classification showed that the performance of the CNN based IDS could
tasks because of their ability to generalize more complex pat- be higher than that of the recurrent neural network (RNN),
terns of features of tasks. In [16], the authors provided a study which is another deep learning model that is popular in the
of anomaly analysis for intrusion detection with K-Nearest cases of time series data being used as input. The CNN model
Neighbors (KNN) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) to com- proposed in this study reached a 96.77% accuracy in the sub-
pare the classification performance of a machine learning dataset which was composed by the benign and DoS samples
model to a deep learning model. They used CICIDS2017 as from CICIDS2018. On the other hand, the RNN model tested
the database for the simulations of the model’s performance in in this study reached a 82.84% accuracy in the same dataset,
the study. They concluded that DNN performed significantly which was significantly lower than of the CNN model.
better than KNN. In specific, their DNN yields an accuracy In [17], Ahmed Ahmim et al. proposed a novel hierarchical
of 96.427%, which is much higher than 90.913% accuracy by IDS that is based on Decision Tree and Rules-based models.
the KNN. In addition, they also compared the computation They also used CICIDS2017 as the dataset to evaluate the
time overhead of the two models. The 110 (s) CPU time of performance of their model. Their proposed model combines
DNN is shorter than the 130 (s) CPU time of KNN, therefore, Reduced Error Pruning Tree (REP Tree) and JRip algorithm
indicated that DNN has a lower time overhead than KNN. at its first stage. The input features of the dataset are used as
In [7], another study of using deep learning models for input at this stage to classify traffic as attacks or benign. Then
cybersecurity in the Internet of Things (IoT) networks is a Forest PA classifier takes the output of the two classifiers
proposed by Monika Roopak, Gui Yun Tian and Jonathon at the first stage, in combination with the input features of
Chambers. The authors used the DDoS attack samples in CI- the initial dataset as input to generate the final classification
CIDS2017 to evaluate the performance of MLP, Long Short- result. Their model reached decent performance on almost
Term Memory (LSTM), CNN, and a hybrid model of LSTM every traffic class in CICIDS2017. They also provided a per-
and CNN. They reached a 98.44% precision by the LSTM formance comparison of their proposed model with 11 well-
model, followed by a 98.14% precision by the CNN model known classifiers to validate its classification power. Within
and a 97.41% precision by the hybrid model. Lastly, the MLP the 12 classifiers models, their model had the best classifica-
model reached an 88.47% accuracy in their simulation. The tion performance at seven attack classes and the lowest false
authors also compared their results to some machine learning alarm rate for benign traffic. This model is competitive for
models. After the simulation, they concluded that all the tested its great overall classification performance on CICIDS2017.
deep learning models except MLP outperform the machine Therefore, in the result section of this paper, the proposed IDS
learning models such as SVM, Bayes and Random forest. model has been compared against their novel hierarchical IDS
In [8], Sungwoog Yeom and Kyungbeak Kim tested the per- to assess the proposed model’s performance.
formance of Naïve bayes, SVM and CNN based classifier on
the CICIDS2017 dataset. In the study, it was focus more on the III. MODEL DESIGN
model’s binary classification performance on each attack class This section specifies many design elements of the proposed
in the dataset. The raw CICIDS2017 dataset, which included IDS model. At first, the cybersecurity database CICIDS2017
separate sub-datasets of the network traffic in a day, was used that is used to train the proposed model is introduced and an-
to train the models. The authors trained and evaluated a CNN alyzed. The data preprocessing methods and the design of the
based classifier based on each sub-dataset, which mostly in- training dataset are also presented. Then, the architecture and
cluded only 1∼3 attack classes. And the accuracy, precision, mathematical model of the CNN are introduced and discussed.
recall and F-measure of the models were record. After the Finally, the architecture, operating flow of the proposed model
evaluation, the authors concluded that CNN and SVM gen- and input data collecting methods are presented in details.
erally had high detection rates. In addition, CNN was better
than SVM in term of the processing time. However, they also A. CICIDS2017 SECURITY DATASET
observed that CNN had mediocre performance with datasets The training, validating, and testing of the proposed model are
with many labels. In other words, it was challenging for the all accomplished with the data from CICIDS2017 database.
CNN models if there were many labels need to be classified. CICIDS2017 database was proposed in 2018 by Iman
16 VOLUME 2, 2021
TABLE 1. CIDIDS2017 With Sample Size and Class Composition B. DESIGN OF THE TRAINING AND TEST DATASET
Albeit CICIDS2017 is an advanced modern security database
with merits, it does have certain shortcomings that need to be
considered and addressed to unlock its full potential. There are
three main issues of the database: scattered presence, missing
values and class imbalance. The network traffic is logged into
eight separate files corresponding to the time window and
class of the traffic sample. The scattered presence is not ideal
for the training of the proposed model since the model aims to
classify all the cyberattacks in the database instead of particu-
lar types of attack. Further, according to [19], CICIDS2017
has a total of 288,602 samples with an absent class label,
and 203 instances of missing information. The samples with
an absent class label need to be removed, and the missing
information needs to be restored.
Table 1 shows the class composition of the original data
in CICIDS2017. Among all the samples, the benign samples
have a proportion of 80.301%, which is the highest in the
database. On the opposite, the Heartbleed samples have a
proportion of only 0.001%. This high imbalance of in-class
sample size typically leads to biased classification results. It
needs to be avoided in the proposed model to prevent a drop
at overall performance.
Sharafaldin et al. [18]. The database was developed to combat The three issues in the database raise the difficulty for the
the sophisticated and ever-growing network attacks in the neural network model to reach decent performance. However,
modern era. The creators of the database had the ambition they are not necessarily defects for a database, which is aimed
to replace outdating security databases such as DARPA98, at simulating sophisticated network traffic. In fact, the three
KDD99, ISC2012, and ADFA13. These databases were vastly issues, mentioned above, do have a high chance to appear
used for the evaluation of intrusion detection and prevention in the data that is collected from a real-world environment.
models in many papers in the past decades, but were in fact Therefore, by solving these shortcomings in CICIDS2017, the
obsolete and unreliable to use [19]. Therefore, for the pro- proposed model is also prepared to be implemented in real
posed model, which aims at detecting modern cyberattacks, environments.
CICIDS2017 is a top-notch option for the training database. The first issue of missing values is solved in the data pre-
The CICIDS2017 database emulates the network traffic of processing phase by a data imputer. In this case, the missing
a real environment for one week. The network traffic contains values are all replaced by 0 to prevent value errors. In addi-
normal network packets and a diverse set of attack scenarios tion, the rest of the two issues, namely, class imbalance and
that are injected by the attack profiles created by developers. scattered presence, are solved by building a custom database
In total, the database contains 2830,743 samples, and the that concatenates all the separate files of CICIDS2017 with
composition of the traffic classes is presented in Table 1. balanced class composition. This custom database is called
Each sample in the database contains 78 features that are α-Dataset.
extracted from the traffic of two nodes in the network, and a Table 2 presents a few design decisions of the α-Dataset,
label to indicate the class of the traffic. A few examples of such as the size of samples for each class, splitting strategy of
the extracted features are the destination port, flow duration, training and test set, and the class composition of the training
total forward packets, and total backward packets. Among the set. Balancing the samples for a high imbalance database is a
78 features, the proposed model takes all of them as input problem with trade-offs. Most neural network models work
except for the destination port. The destination port of the better with databases with balanced samples in each class.
network traffic may be a useful audit trail for the network However, neural network models also require a big dataset for
admin to track down the place where a cyberattack is initiated better generalization of the task assigned to it. Therefore, it is
or target towards. However, it is a method of encoding the not feasible to simply trim down the number of samples in the
network ports into identification numbers. The destination classes with a higher proportion to match with the minority
port is not a quantitative measure of network traffic that our classes. For the best of both worlds, the database is divided
neural network-based IDS is expected for input. Accordingly, into two categories. Namely, the normal attack samples, and
the inclusion of it, as an input feature, can cause unexpected minority attack samples that are marked grey in Table 2.
issues at the training process of the proposed neural network The normal attack samples include the benign samples from
model. The rest of the 77 features are all quantitative measure, the Monday file, DDoS, DoS, and Port Scan. Each of the four
thus, they are all valid inputs for the proposed model. classes is split into training and test samples with a distinct
VOLUME 2, 2021 17
18 VOLUME 2, 2021
maps, while preserving the valid information carried by them.
This also eases the calculation of any further processing to the
feature maps.
After the feature maps are calculated and pooled, they will
undergo a “flattening” process before being passed to the fully
connected layer. The flattening process converts the feature
maps from 2-D matrices to 1-D arrays in row-major order,
which is the format expected by the fully connected layer. The
fully connected layer is composed of input neurons, optional
hidden neurons and output neurons. Each neuron is connected
to every neuron at the adjacent layers with distinct weights
and biases as the parameter. The output neurons, which are
also the final output of the CNN model, determine to which
class each input sample belongs.
In the case of cybersecurity, the model can use the output FIGURE 2. Architecture of the proposed IDS model.
neurons to represent the benign class and every class of attack
that the model is trained to classify. When a network traffic
sample is processed by the model, it will be classified as the
class that is represented by the output neuron that holds the only rich in its sample counts and feature set but also has a
highest value at the output layer. balance class composition.
One of the characteristics that distinguish CNN from other In this study, a novel data-preprocessing method is pro-
neural networks is weight sharing. CNN has shared weights, posed in the Model Design section to generate a relatively bal-
which means the model uses the same weight vectors to do ance sub-dataset, which still includes all the available attack
the convolution. In other words, the feature detectors, which classes from the CICIDS2017 dataset, for the training and test
contain the weight vectors, are replicated at every convolution of the proposed IDS model. And the proposed IDS is trained
process at the convolution layer. There are some advantages to perform multi-class classifications on every types of attacks
to the implementation of shared weights. First, it makes the that are known in the CICIDS2017 dataset.
model have substantially fewer parameters to be optimized.
This means the optimizer can potentially converge the model D. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED IDS MODEL
to optimal loss with less time overhead. Secondly, it slightly The proposed IDS model, in this paper, is developed on
lowers the degrees of freedom of the model. This could help Python 3. PyTorch is used as the framework to build the neural
the model to avoid overfitting, which happens when the model network layers of the proposed model [21].
makes too much of an effort to fit itself to a limited set of CNN has many layers to be implemented and some pa-
samples. rameters to be selected before training one. Empirically, the
The constraint on weights also enables the model to achieve number of convolution and fully connected layers for a CNN
better generalization on the tasks assigned to it. Briefly, CNN for network intrusion detection tasks could be selected from
has merits that are suitable for the development of IDS for the range of 1∼3 layers each [8], [9], [22]. In general, the
cybersecurity in the modern era. CNN requires less time more complex the task assigned to a neural network, the more
overhead at the testing process. Besides, with its convolu- layers are added. For example, the ResNet-50, which is a
tion mechanism, CNN could potentially learn the much more large CNN that classify images into 1000 object classes, has
complex characteristics of some modern cyberattacks, which 50 layers in total. However, a large network size does not
other neural network models struggle to capture. Lastly, CNN always guarantee the performance of a CNN [22]. The input
can achieve better generalization on the classification of cy- of the model is batches of matrices. Each matrix has a size
berattack samples. This enables the IDS to potentially detect of 9 × 9, which is composed of 77 extracted features from
innovative attacks that share similar traits with the known the network traffic samples and four zero pads for format
attacks. concern. The model contains two convolution layers and two
However, from [7]–[9], it is observed that CNN, albeit with fully connected layers. The decision of hyperparameters, such
its merits at generalize complex patterns of features in the as the number of layers, the kernel size for convolution, and
dataset, has some potential issues at multi-class classifica- the number of neurons in a fully connected layer, are all
tions. The CNN models proposed in these studies are tested on determined by exhaustive grid search. In this method, all the
classification tasks of either one-class or a subset of classes in hyperparameters are selected from a subset of values that are
the dataset. This is not a surprise since neural networks depend manually specified, and the model will be evaluated iteratively
a lot on training data to reach the full potential and prevent to search for the best combination in the parameter values.
issues such as biased classification results or over-fitting [4]. The architecture of the proposed model is presented in Fig. 2.
Therefore, to access the advantage of the neural network mod- At the first convolution layer, the kernel of the convolution is
els, it is important to train the model with a dataset that is not designed to have a size of 3 × 3, and the stride and padding of
VOLUME 2, 2021 19
the convolution to be one. In addition, the number of output TABLE 3. Confusion Matrix
feature maps is selected to be 16, and the activation function to
be a rectified linear unit (ReLU) function at this layer. Accord-
ingly, for each matrix in a training batch, the model generates
16 feature maps at the first convolution layer. Each feature
map has a size of 9x9 and is mapped to a ReLU function.
Then, the feature maps are pooled at the first pooling layer by
the Max Pooling algorithm with a kernel size of 2x2, stride of
2, and padding of 1. This generates 16 pooled feature maps,
True Negative Rate (TNR), and overall accuracy, which are all
each has a size of 5x5. Afterward, the pooled feature maps
explicitly defined and calculated. In addition, a comparative
are passed to the second convolution layer and pooling layer,
study of the proposed model with nine other well-known clas-
which both have the same kernel size, stride, and padding
sifiers is provided. Finally, the proposed model’s performance
configuration as the first two layers.
on innovative attacks is also validated. All the simulations
The second convolution layer is designed to output 32 fea-
in this section are done on a workstation of the Networked
ture maps, and they are also individually mapped to a ReLU
Embedded Systems (NES) Laboratory at California State Uni-
activation function. Eventually, after the two convolution lay-
versity, Long Beach. This workstation runs a 64-bit Windows
ers and two pooling layers, the proposed model generates
10 OS and is equipped with an Intel Xeon W-2125 processor
32 pooled 3 × 3 feature maps for each input matrix. At the
and 64 GB of RAM.
flattening layer, all the elements of the pooled feature maps
are converted into a 1-D array in row-major order, which is the
format expected by the fully connected layer. This generates A. PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKS
an array of 288 elements for each input matrix. Then the array To evaluate the classification performance of the proposed
becomes an input sample of the fully connected layer, which model on cyberattacks, it has been simulated with several
has 288 input neurons, a hidden layer and nine output neurons. benchmarks that are derived from the confusion matrix gen-
Consequently, the proposed model is trained to classify net- erated by the model. Confusion matrix, as shown in Table 3,
work traffic into nine different classes represented by the nine is a matrix showing all the possible scenarios of classification
output neurons, namely, Benign, Brute Force, Bot, DDoS, results. In terms of cybersecurity, the positive class is defined
DoS, Heartbleed, Infiltration, Port Scan, and Web Attack. The to be the attack samples, and the negative class contains the
number of classes is designed this way for the model to reach benign samples. There are four scenarios in a confusion ma-
a better generalization for the cyberattacks. trix, namely, True Negative (TN), True Positive (TP), False
For a certain dataset with a limited number of samples, Negative (FN) and False Positive (FP). Among the four sce-
when the number of classes increases, the number of sam- narios, TN and TP contribute to the overall accuracy of the
ples for each class decreases inevitably. It raises the difficulty classification outcomes. They represent the instances when a
of the model to generalize the characteristics of each class. model successfully predicts a sample to be its true case. On
Therefore, the proposed model has a custom dataset function the other hand, instances of FN and FP deteriorate the per-
to merge some of the samples, based on their type of attack, formance of a classification model. They occur when a model
into a bigger class. predicts a sample incorrectly. In a sense of cybersecurity, FP
For instance, from CICIDS2017 database, samples with the occurs when a benign sample is classified as an attack, which
four labels of DoS attacks, namely, DoS GoldenEye, DoS is also known as a false alarm.
Hulk, DoS Slowhttptest, and DoS slowloris are merged into Confusion matrix is a great tool to record the simulation
a single DoS class. The same merging strategy is also im- results of a classification model. However, it is not necessarily
plemented at various labels of Brute Force and Web Attack easy to read nor handy enough to quickly evaluate the perfor-
samples in the database to form bigger classes of the two types mance of IDS models. Thus, for comparative studies, some
of attacks. performance benchmarks are derived from the confusion ma-
Eventually, the samples from CICIDS2017 are assorted into trix, which are universally used. The first benchmark is DR,
nine distinct classes with some greater sizes of in-class sam- which could be understood as the ratio of the samples in an
ples to facilitate the model’s generalization of cyberattacks. attack class, which are correctly classified as attacks by an
Hence the selection of nine output neurons at the final output IDS model. Mathematically, DR could be derived from the
layer of the model. Meanwhile, the original label is still at- confusion matrix and denoted as:
tached to each sample for label-wise performance evaluation T Pclass
of the proposed model. DRclass = . (2)
T Pclass + F Nclass
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS In general, when an IDS model has a high DR at an at-
This section presents in detail the performance of the proposed tack class, it implies the model performs great at recognizing
IDS model based on the simulation results with some bench- this type of attack and not confusing them with the benign
marks. The benchmarks include the Detection Rate (DR), samples.
20 VOLUME 2, 2021
TNR is a benchmark of an IDS model’s classification power TABLE 4. Performance of the Proposed Model on α -Dataset
on the benign samples. When an IDS model yields a high
TNR, it suggests that the model performs well on isolating
the benign samples from the attack samples. TNR is also
derived from the confusion matrix. Mathematically, it could
be denoted as:
T NR = . (3)
Another performance benchmark, which is closely related
to the TNR, is the False Alarm Rate (FAR). As its name
implies, FAR gives the probability of a false alarm, which
occurs when a benign sample is falsely classified as an attack,
initiated by the IDS model. It is very important to evaluate
a classifier’s performance at FAR, especially in the cases of
anomaly detections. A classifier for network intrusion detec-
tions is not trustworthy when it has a high DR for attacks
but also a high FAR. In such case, the classifier will perform
poorly with data from the real world. Given that the benign
traffic is the majority in an ordinary network environment, a
high FAR means the IDS can falsely warn the network admin
on benign traffic very frequently, making the IDS not usable.
In other words, for an IDS model, the higher the FAR, the
lower the TNR. FAR could be denoted as:
FAR = = 1 − T NR. (4)
Finally, the proposed IDS model’s overall accuracy is also
provided. The overall accuracy reflects a classifier’s ability of
classifying each sample into its true class. In the case of net-
work intrusion detections, it is a comprehensive performance
metric of an IDS’s classification power at both benign and
attack samples. It is defined to be the ratio of the total correct proposed IDS model struggles to capture the characteristics
predictions made by the classifier to the total number of the of these two types of network traffic due to their insufficient
input samples. The overall accuracy is calculated as follows: samples. This also happened at some other IDS models using
T Noverall + T Poverall CICIDS2017 as the training database, as shown in Table 5.
Accuracy = .
T Noverall + T Poverall + F Noverall + F Poverall
The proposed IDS model is also evaluated by comparing to
B. PERFORMANCE ON THE α-DATASET some well-known classifiers. In Table 5, the class-wise DR
The proposed IDS model is trained on the training set from and TNR of the following nine models: Hierarchical [17],
the α-Dataset. The Adam optimizer [23] is used in the train- WISARD [24], Forest PA [25], J48, LIBSVM [26], FURIA
ing process. The learning rate is set to 0.0002 for the first [27], Random Forest, MLP, and Naive Bayes are presented.
50 epochs and decreased to its 1/10 for refine tuning. Some In addition, the figures in Table 5 that are bolded represent
performance benchmarks of the trained model are shown in the best performer in a class. For example, the 98.984% TNR
Table 4. In Table 4, DR and TNR of the proposed model on yielded by the proposed IDS is bolded to indicate it has the
the training set and test set are presented. The proposed model highest TNR performance among the competitors.
reaches over 90% in DR at 12 attack classes out of the total 14 Among the selected models, the proposed IDS model has
classes. In addition, at 10 attack classes, the proposed model the highest DR at 10 attack classes out of the total 14
successfully yields over 99% at DR. Also, TNR of the benign classes. These 10 classes are the Bot, DDoS, DoS GoldenEye,
class reaches 98.984%. The proposed IDS model performs DoS Hulk, DoS Slowhttptest, DoS slowloris, Heartbleed, Port
relatively poorly at the Botnet and Sql Injection class when Scan, Web Attack-Brute Force, and Web Attack-XSS. For the
compared to the other attack classes. This is due to the small rest of the four attack classes, in terms of DR, the proposed
size of in-class samples of the two classes. Botnet and Sql In- model is ranked the second at FTP-Patator, the seventh at
jection only make proportions of 0.07% and 0.001%, respec- SSH-Patator, the third at Infiltration, and the fourth at Web
tively, in the original CICIDS2017 database. Accordingly, the Attack-Sql Injection. In addition, the proposed model has the
VOLUME 2, 2021 21
TABLE 5. Class-Wise Performance of the Proposed IDS Model and Other Classifiers
22 VOLUME 2, 2021
TABLE 6. Class-Wise Performance of Other CNN Models on CICIDS2017 TABLE 7. Performance of the Proposed IDS Model At Innovative DoS
the rest of the three DoS varieties are only used in the test
dataset to represent the innovative attacks. In this scenario,
since the model never encounters the innovative DoS samples
in the test dataset, some traditional signature-based IDS mod-
els may fail easily due to the lack of signature information in
the database. On the other hand, the proposed model has the
potential to recognize these innovative DoS samples.
The proposed IDS model, which is a neural network-based
model, captures the generalized characteristics of each type
classification, and the model’s accuracy, DR, and TNR were of cyberattacks. Therefore, if some innovative DoS samples
provided. In Table 6, the DR and TNR of the proposed IDS share similar traits with the DoS samples in the training
and the compared CNN based IDS are provided. The proposed dataset, they might be successfully classified as the DoS class
IDS is superior to the other models in many aspects. First, in by the model.
the comparison, the proposed IDS is the only model perform- The four models are trained separately and their DR on
ing true multi-class classification on all the 15 classes that are the innovative DoS attacks in the test dataset is recorded.
available in the CICIDS dataset. The other two CNN based The simulation results of all the four models are presented in
IDS, while performing well on binary classification on one Table 7. From Table 7, one can easily observe that when only
attack class, have poor performance if there are many attack the DoS GoldenEye samples are used in the model’s training
classes need to be classified. Second, in term of class-wise process, the model has the potential to also detect DoS Hulk
classification performance, the proposed IDS also has the at a decent 87.29% DR.
highest TNR, and a higher or comparable DR at each attack Besides, when the model is only trained on the DoS
class. In summary, the proposed IDS, thanks to the innovative slowloris samples, it has the potential to also detect DoS
dataset pre-processing method, not only can classify more Slowhttptest at an 85.73% DR. These simulation results con-
classes at once with one CNN classifier but also yields a com- firm that the proposed model is superior to the traditional IDS
petitive benchmark at each class-wise classification category at detecting innovative attacks.
compared with other previously proposed CNN based IDS. Thus, the scientific significance of the proposed IDS model
could be summarized into three categories, namely, the orig-
D. PERFORMANCE ON INNOVATIVE ATTACKS inal design of the training dataset, the model’s outstanding
To test how the proposed model performs on innovative at- 99.78% accuracy, and its potential to detect innovative attacks.
tacks, the data from CICIDS2017 is used to design some
custom training and testing datasets for simulation. More
specifically, the DoS attacks is selected to be the test subject V. CONCLUSION
due to its diversity. In this paper, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for cy-
CICIDS2017 has four DoS varieties, namely, the DoS bersecurity based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
GoldenEye, DoS Hulk, DoS Slowhttptest and DoS slowloris. classifier is proposed. The convolution and pooling process
During the simulation, four IDS models are generated, each of CNN allow the proposed IDS model to learn complicated
has the same architecture of the proposed model, with four patterns of features form network traffic, while maintaining
combinations of training and test dataset. Each time a model is reasonable storage and computation overhead. This feature
trained, only one type of the DoS samples are included in the differentiates the proposed IDS model with the traditional one,
training dataset to represent the known attacks. Meanwhile, which requires a signature database that is usually handmade
VOLUME 2, 2021 23
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24 VOLUME 2, 2021
SALEH AL JUFOUT received the B.S., M.S. MOHAMMAD MOZUMDAR received the Ph.D.
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical power engineering degree in electronics and communication engineer-
from Donetsk State Technical University, Donetsk ing from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. He
Oblast, Ukraine, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. is currently an Associate Professor with Electrical
He is currently a Professor of electrical power Engineering Department, California State Univer-
engineering. From 1997 to 2005, he was a Fac- sity, Long Beach, CA, USA, and an Ex-Postdoc
ulty Member with Al-Balqa Applied University, with the University of California, Berkeley, CA,
Salt, Jordan. From 2005 to 2019, he was a Pro- USA. His novel ideas of model-based design for
fessor with the Electrical Power Engineering and sensor networks made profound impact on engi-
Mechatronics Department, Tafila Technical Uni- neering and industrial communities. He has au-
versity, At-Tafilah, Jordan. Since January 2020, he thored or coauthored in a book chapter, renowned
has been with Electrical Engineering Department, California State University, journals, reputed conference proceedings, major scientific magazines, and
Long Beach, CA, USA. He is the author of more than 70 articles. His research also translated in several different languages. His current research interests
interests include the simulation of transients in electrical power systems, pro- include methodologies and tools for embedded system especially in the do-
tection system design, and modeling of electrical systems and machines. He is main of sensor networks, energy-efficient building information and control
the Founder Editor-in-Chief of the Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. system design, cloud computing, cyber physical system, and methodology
He was the recipient of the Erasmus Mundus Postdoctoral Scholarship in for the design of distributed embedded systems typically subjected to high
2015 at the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, and the Fulbright real time, safety, and reliability constraint.
Postdoctoral Scholarship in 2016 at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI,
VOLUME 2, 2021 25