This document contains a 9 question assessment on Management of Change (MOC) policies and procedures. It tests understanding of key MOC concepts like what MOC stands for (Management of Change), when an MOC or exemption is required, MOC status definitions and whether certain statements about MOCs are true or false. The assessment is meant to ensure employees comprehend how to properly implement changes according to the company's MOC system.
This document contains a 9 question assessment on Management of Change (MOC) policies and procedures. It tests understanding of key MOC concepts like what MOC stands for (Management of Change), when an MOC or exemption is required, MOC status definitions and whether certain statements about MOCs are true or false. The assessment is meant to ensure employees comprehend how to properly implement changes according to the company's MOC system.
This document contains a 9 question assessment on Management of Change (MOC) policies and procedures. It tests understanding of key MOC concepts like what MOC stands for (Management of Change), when an MOC or exemption is required, MOC status definitions and whether certain statements about MOCs are true or false. The assessment is meant to ensure employees comprehend how to properly implement changes according to the company's MOC system.
This document contains a 9 question assessment on Management of Change (MOC) policies and procedures. It tests understanding of key MOC concepts like what MOC stands for (Management of Change), when an MOC or exemption is required, MOC status definitions and whether certain statements about MOCs are true or false. The assessment is meant to ensure employees comprehend how to properly implement changes according to the company's MOC system.
Any change to equipment/materials, management systems, senior
personnel, changes to a daily plan or changes to computer 2. software/hardware requires an MOC to be implemented.
Which of the below requires an Exemption Request:
Company Policy and Procedures state that every 21 days the BOP will be function and pressure tested but due to operations 3. this cannot be done. Safety and Environmental Critical PMs that become 90 days overdue. Any time a policy or procedure cannot be complied with. Promoting a Driller to a Toolpusher. Exemptions don’t require a Written Risk Assessment? 4. TRUE / FALSE
The duration of an exemption is determined based on the provided
documentation and the nature of changes? 5. TRUE / FALSE QHSE DEPARTMENT TM 04 Management of Change (MOC) Assessment
Match the following MOC Status with their definitions:
Awaiting Changes: ( ) a. Change has been approved or rejected and
it’s time to ensure that any and all associated actions to implement the change are taken care of 6. Awaiting Actions: ( ) b. Change has been accepted and completed Implemented: ( ) c. Change form has been submitted to the relevant approval authorities, approved or rejected, and now it is time to prepare for the changes that are outlined in the Change Planning section of the form. Not Implemented: ( ) d. Change has been cancelled or not implemented Exemptions against regulatory rules are prohibited? 7. TRUE / FALSE
GN 131 can be referenced for additional MOC information?