Growth and Development of NEWBORN
Growth and Development of NEWBORN
Growth and Development of NEWBORN
2 Skin
Soft, smooth and opaque and colour pink
Vernix Caseosa
Whitish greasy material covered the skin
Pearl whitish spots on chin, nose, fore head and cheeks
Erythema Toxicum
Skin with red, yellowish white papule in centre of the body
Mangolian Spot
Dark blue and purple macular spots
Should turn as far as the shoulder in both directions
Diamond Shape 4-6 cm diameters
Triangular in shape
2.Catput Succendaneum
A diffuse oedematous swelling of the soft tissue of the
catput may extend the suture line
3. Cephal Hematoma
A subperital hemorrhage that never extends across the
suture line
Light coloured, sparse, soft textured
White sclera
Symmetry of movements
Usually dark iris for 3-6 months
Position should be same on both sides
Location is determined by drawing a horizontal line from
inner canthus of the eyes perpendicular to the vertical axis
of the head
Alert and stops movement in the direction of the sound
Symmetrical and patent
Bell Shape
Mildly Protruberent
One inch less than head circumference
Normally positioned midway between the xiphoid process
and pubis
Cord should contain 2 arteries and 1 vein
Musculoskeletal System
Spine id normal curvature
Extremities are symmetrical in position and presence of
normal active and passive motions
Resting posture- the term newborn lies with hips abducted
and partially flexed and knees flexed.
Routing Reflex
When the cheek or corner of the mouth is stroked the infant
head should turn towards the stimulus and moth should
Sucking Reflex
When touching or stroking the lips, the mouth opens and
sucking movements begin
Swallowing Reflex
The passage of food from the posterior aspect of the mouth
to stomach
Gagging Reflex
When the posterior pharynx is stimulated with food there is
a immediate return of undigested food.
When substance placed on anterior position of tongue will
be expelled out
Protection of the eye by rapid eye lid closure when the eyes
are exposed to bright light
Doll’s Eye
Normally the eyes do not move when the newborn head
slowly turn to right or left side.
Palmar grasp
When the objects are placed in the newborn palm, the
newborn grasp
Plantar Grasp
When the objects touch the sole of the foot at the base of
the toes,toes grasp around very small objects.
Babinski Reflex
Stroking the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot with a
relatively sharp object from the heel up towards the little
toe and across the foot towards the big toe, there will be
fanning of toes.
Calories – 120 kcal/kg/day
Fat – 30gm/kg/day
Protein -2.5-3.5 gm/kg/day
Iron - 0.27 mg/kg/day
Calcium – 200 mg/day
Vitamin D – 400 IU daily
Vitamin C – 50 mg/day
Fluids - 120 ml/kg/day
Needs of newborn
Love and affection
Need for human contact
Sensory stimulation
Breast feeding every 2-3 hrs (When Needed)
Demand feed 8-10 per day
Maintain body temperature
Hygienic needs
Prevention of injuries/ accidents
Provision of optimal nutrition
Prevention of infection or injury
Provision of optimal nutrition
Monitoring weight, vital signs,output (1ml/kg/hour)
Observation of body temperature, hydration status
Watch for danger signs of newborn like
hypothermia, hypoglycemia, jaundice, apnoea, etc..
Growth and Development of INFANT
2 years-16 teeth
2.5 yrs- 20 teeth ( Primary teeth Completes)