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02-HEC-Ass, MP, GP & Assertion

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Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1136

13. What is immaterial for an electric fuse wire 20. Two heating coils, one of fine wire and the other of thick wire
of the same material and of the same length are connected in
[MNR 1984; MP PMT 2002; CPMT 1996, 2003]
series and in parallel. Which of the following statement is
(a) Its specific resistance correct
(b) Its radius (a) In series fine wire liberates more energy while in parallel
thick wire will liberate more energy
(c) Its length
(b) In series fine wire liberates less energy while in parallel
(d) Current flowing through it thick wire will liberate more energy
14. The electric bulbs have tungsten filaments of same length. If (c) Both will liberate equally
one of them gives 60 watt and other 100 watt, then (d) In series the thick wire will liberate more while in parallel
[NCERT 1979] it will liberate less energy
(a) 100 watt bulb has thicker filament 21. An electric bulb is rated 220 volt and 100 watt. Power
consumed by it when operated on 110 volt is
(b) 60 watt bulb has thicker filament
[CPMT 1986; MP PMT 1986, 94; AFMC 2000]
(c) Both filaments are of same thickness
(a) 50 watt (b) 75 watt
(d) It is possible to get different wattage unless the lengths are (c) 90 watt (d) 25 watt
22. A 25 watt, 220 volt bulb and a 100 watt, 220 volt bulb are
15. Three equal resistors connected in series across a source of connected in series across a 220 volt lines. Which electric bulb
e.m.f. together dissipate 10 watt. If the same resistors are will glow more brightly [MP PET 1999; MP PMT 1999]
connected in parallel across the same e.m.f., then the power (a) 25 watt bulb
dissipated will be
(b) 100 watt bulb
[CBSE PMT 1998; KCET (Engg.) 1999; MP PMT 2003]
(c) First 25 watt and then 100 watt
(a) 10 watt (b) 30 watt (d) Both with same brightness
(c) 10/3 watt (d) 90 watt
23. A resistor dissipates the power P when connected to a
16. How much energy in kilowatt hour is consumed in operating
certain generator. If the resistor is put in series with ,
ten 50 watt bulbs for 10 hours per day in a month (30 days).
[NCERT 1978, 80; CPMT 1991] the power dissipated by [CPMT 1985; MNR 1998]

(a) 1500 (b) 5,000 (a) Decreases

(c) 15 (d) 150 (b) Increases
(c) Remains the same
17. (1) The product of a volt and a coulomb is a joule.
(d) Any of the above depending upon the relative values of
(2) The product of a volt and an ampere is a joule/second.
(3) The product of volt and watt is horse power.
24. An electric fan and a heater are marked as 100 watt, 220 volt
(4) Watt-hour can be measured in terms of electron volt. and 1000 watt, 220 volt respectively. The resistance of the
State if [NCERT 1978; MP PMT 2003] heater is [CPMT 1990]

(a) All four are correct (a) Zero

(b) (1), (2) and (4) are correct (b) Greater than that of the fan
(c) Less than that of the fan
(c) (1) and (3) are correct
(d) Equal to that of the fan
(d) (3) and (4) are correct
25. According to Joule's law, if the potential difference across a
18. A 25 W, 220 V bulb and a 100 W, 220 V bulb are connected in conductor having a material of specific resistance remains
parallel across a 440 V line [CBSE PMT 2001] constant, then the heat produced in the conductor is directly
(a) Only 100 watt bulb will fuse proportional to [MP PMT 1986]

(b) Only 25 watt bulb will fuse (a) (b)

(c) Both bulbs will fuse
(c) (d)
(d) None of the bulbs will fuse
19. Two electric lamps of 40 watt each are connected in parallel. 26. Two heater wires of equal length are first connected in series
The power consumed by the combination will be and then in parallel. The ratio of heat produced in the two cases
[CPMT 1984]
[MNR 1987; UPSEAT 1999; MP PMT 1996, 2000, 01;
(a) 20 watt (b) 60 watt
AIIMS 2000; MP PET 1999, 2002; BHU 2004; Pb PET 2004]
(c) 80 watt (d) 100 watt
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
1137 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
27. Two bulbs of equal wattage, one having carbon filament and (a) Heat produced in a conductor is proportional to its
the other having a tungsten filament are connected in series to resistance
the mains, then (b) Heat produced in a conductor is proportional to the square
(a) Both bulbs glow equally of the current
(b) Carbon filament bulb glows more (c) Heat produced in a conductor is proportional to charge
(c) Tungsten filament bulbs glows more (d) Heat produced in a conductor is proportional to the time
for which current is passed
(d) Carbon filament bulb glows less
36. On an electric heater 220 volt and 1100 watt are marked. On
28. Two identical heaters rated 220 volt, 1000 watt are placed in using it for 4 hours, the energy consumed in kWh will be
series with each other across 220 volt lines. If resistance do not
(a) 2 (b) 4.4
change with temperature, then the combined power is
(a) 1000 watt (b) 2000 watt (c) 6 (d) 8
(c) 500 watt (d) 4000 watt 37. An electric heater kept in vacuum is heated continuously by
passing electric current. Its temperature [MP PET 1993]
29. A 25 watt, 220 volt bulb and a 100 watt, 220 volt bulb are
connected in parallel across a 220 volt line. Which bulb will (a) Will go on rising with time
glow more brightly (b) Will stop after sometime as it will loose heat to the
surroundings by conduction
(a) 25 watt bulb
(c) Will rise for sometime and there after will start falling
(b) 100 watt bulb
(d) Will become constant after sometime because of loss of
(c) Both will have same brightness heat due to radiation
(d) First 25 watt then 100 watt 38. Heat produced in a wire of resistance R due to current flowing
30. If two bulbs of wattage 25 and 100 respectively each rated at at constant potential difference is proportional to
220 volt are connected in series with the supply of 440 volt, [MP PET 1993]
then which bulbs will fuse [MNR 1988]
(a) 100 watt bulb (b) 25 watt bulb (a) (b)
(c) None of them (d) Both of them
31. If current in an electric bulb changes by 1%, then the power (c) R (d)
will change by [AFMC 1996] 39. The power rating of an electric motor which draws a current of
(a) 1% (b) 2% 3.75 amperes when operated at 200 V is about
(a) 1 H.P. (b) 500 W
(c) 4% (d) (c) 54 W (d) 750 H.P.
40. An electric bulb of 100 watt is connected to a supply of
32. Two identical batteries, each of e.m.f. 2 volt and internal electricity of 220 V. Resistance of the filament is
resistance 1.0 ohm are available to produce heat in an external
[EAMCET 1981, 82; MP PMT 1993, 97]
resistance ohm by passing a current through it. The
maximum Joulean power that can be developed across R using (a) (b)
these batteries is (c) (d)
[CBSE PMT 1990; BHU 1997]
41. A cable of resistance carries electric power from a
(a) 1.28 watt (b) 2.0 watt
generator producing 250 kW at 10000 volt. The current in the
cable is
(c) (d) 3.2 watt
(a) 25 A (b) 250 A
33. A constant voltage is applied between the two ends of a (c) 100 A (d) 1000 A
metallic wire. If both the length and the radius of the wire are 42. In the above question, the power lost in the cable during
doubled, the rate of heat developed in the wire transmission is
[MP PMT 1996] (a) 12.5 kW (b) 6.25 kW
(a) Will be doubled (b) Will be halved
(c) 25 kW (d) 3.15 kW
(c) Will remain the same (d) Will be quadrupled
43. The heat generated through 2 ohm and 8 ohm resistances
34. The heating coils rating at 220 volt and producing 50 cal/sec separately, when a condenser of 200 capacity charged to
heat are available with the resistances
200 V is discharged one by one, will be [MP PET 1993]
and . The heater of
(a) 4 J and 16 J respectively
maximum power will be of
[MP PMT 1985] (b) 16 J and 4 J respectively
(a) (b) (c) 4 J and 8 J respectively
(d) 4 J and 4 J respectively
(c) (d)
44. Two bulbs are in parallel and they together consume 48 W from
35. Which of the following statement is false a battery of 6 V. The resistance of each bulb is
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1138

(a) (b) (c) 5.5 ampere (d) 6.9 ampere

(c) (d) 52. You are given three bulbs of 25, 40 and 60 watt. Which of them
has lowest resistance [NCERT 1982]
45. The heat developed in an electric wire of resistance R by a
(a) 25 watt bulb (b) 40 watt bulb
current I for a time t is [MP PMT 1993; MP PET 2005]
(c) 60 watt bulb (d) Information is insufficient
(a) (b) 53. The value of internal resistance of an ideal cell is
[EAMCET 1989]
(a) Zero (b)
(c) (d) Infinity
54. Electric power is transmitted over long distances through
(c) (d)
conducting wires at high voltage because [MP PET 1994]
(a) High voltage travels faster
46. Two bulbs, one of 50 watt and another of 25 watt are connected
in series to the mains. The ratio of the currents through them is (b) Power loss is large
[JIPMER 1997] (c) Power loss is less
(a) 2:1 (d) Generator produced electrical energy at a very high
(b) 1 : 2 voltage
(c) 1:1 55. A coil develops heat of 800 cal/sec. When 20 volts is applied
across its ends. The resistance of the coil is (1 cal = 4.2 joule)
(d) Without voltage, cannot be calculated [MP PET 1994]
47. The brightness of a bulb will be reduced, if a resistance is (a) (b)
connected in
(c) (d)
(a) Series with it
56. Resistances and are joined in parallel and a current
(b) Parallel with it
(c) Series or parallel with it is passed so that the amount of heat liberated is and

(d) Brightness of the bulb cannot be reduced

respectively. The ratio has the value
48. A 100 watt bulb working on 200 volt and a 200 watt bulb
working on 100 volt have [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Resistances in the ratio of 4 : 1
(b) Maximum current ratings in the ratio of (a) (b)

(c) Resistances in the ratio of 2 : 1

(d) Maximum current ratings in the ratio of 1 : 2 (c) (d)
49. There are two electric bulbs of 40 W and 100 W. Which one
will be brighter when first connected in series and then in
57. The internal resistance of a primary cell is 4 ohm. It generates a
parallel, [MP PET 1993]
current of 0.2 amp in an external resistance of 21 ohm. The rate
(a) 40 W in series and 100 W in parallel at which chemical energy is consumed in providing the current
(b) 100 W in series and 40 W in parallel is [MP PMT 1994]

(c) 40 W both in series and parallel will be uniform (a) (b)

(d) 100 W both in series and parallel will be uniform (c) (d)
50. Two resistances and when connected in series and 58. A heating coil is labelled 100 W, 220 V. The coil is cut in half
parallel with 120 V line, power consumed will be 25 W and 100 and the two pieces are joined in parallel to the same source. The
energy now liberated per second is [CBSE PMT 1995]
W respectively. Then the ratio of power consumed by to
(a) 200 J (b) 400 J
that consumed by will be [EAMCET 1983] (c) 25 J (d) 50 J
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 59. Which of the following is not a correct statement
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 [MP PET 1995]
51. A 220 volt and 800 watt electric kettle and three 220 volt and (a) Resistivity of electrolytes decreases on increasing
100 watt bulbs are connected in parallel. On connecting this temperature
combination with 220 volt electric supply, the total current will (b) Resistance of mercury falls on decreasing its temperature
be [MP PMT 1975] (c) When joined in series a 40 W bulb glows more than a 60 W
(a) 0.15 ampere (b) 5.0 ampere bulb
1139 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
(d) Resistance of 40 W bulb is less than the resistance of 60 W (c) 15 minutes (d) 7.5 minutes
bulb 68. If 2.2 kilowatt power is transmitted through a 10 ohm line at
60. Three light bulbs of 40 W, 60 W and 100 W are connected in 22000 volt, the power loss in the form of heat will be
series with 220 V source. Which one of the bulbs will glow [MP PMT/PET 1998]
brightest [MP PMT 1995; UPSEAT 2002; BCECE 2005]
(a) 0.1 watt (b) 1 watt
(a) 40 W
(c) 10 watt (d) 100 watt
(b) 60 W
(c) 100 W 69. Two resistors having equal resistances are joined in series and a
current is passed through the combination. Neglect any
(d) All with the same brightness
variation in resistance as the temperature changes. In a given
61. The energy consumed in 1 kilowatt electric heater in 30 seconds time interval [MP PMT 1999]
will be
(a) Equal amounts of thermal energy must be produced in the
(a) (b) resistors
(c) (d) (b) Unequal amounts of thermal energy may be produced
62. Two bulbs of 500 watt and 200 watt are manufactured to (c) The temperature must rise equally in the resistors
operate on 220 volt line. The ratio of heat produced in 500 W
(d) The temperature must rise unequally in the resistors
and 200 W, in two cases, when firstly they are joined in parallel
and secondly in series, will be 70. A rise in temperature is observed in a conductor by
[MP PET 1996; DPMT 1999] passing a current. When the current is doubled the rise in
temperature will be approximately [CBSE PMT 1998]
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
71. Watt-hour meter measures [KCET 1994]
63. A 60 watt bulb carries a current of 0.5 amp. The total charge (a) Electric energy (b) Current
passing through it in 1 hour is [MP PMT 1996]
(c) Voltage (d) Power
(a) 3600 coulomb (b) 3000 coulomb
72. An electric lamp is marked 60 W, 230 V. The cost of 1 kilowatt
(c) 2400 coulomb (d) 1800 coulomb
hour of power is Rs. 1.25. The cost of using this lamp for 8
64. An electric heater of resistance 6 ohm is run for 10 minutes on a hours is [KCET 1994]
120 volt line. The energy liberated in this period of time is
[MP PMT 1996] (a) Rs. 1.20 (b) Rs. 4.00
(a) (b) (c) Rs. 0.25 (d) Rs. 0.60
73. 4 bulbs marked 40 W, 250 V are connected in series with 250 V
(c) (d)
mains. The total power is [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995]
65. Two bulbs are working in parallel order. Bulb A is brighter than (a) 10 W (b) 40 W
bulb B. If and are their resistance respectively then
(c) 320 W (d) 160 W
[MP PMT 2003]
74. Pick out the wrong statement [AMU 1995]
(a) (b) (a) In a simple battery circuit, the point of lowest potential is
the negative terminal of the battery
(c) (d) None of these
(b) The resistance of an incandescent lamp is greater when the
66. Two conductors made of the same material are connected lamp is switched off
across a common potential difference. Conductor A has twice (c) An ordinary 100 W lamp has less resistance than a 60 W
the diameter and twice the length of conductor B. The power lamp
delivered to the two conductors and respectively is (d) At constant voltage, the heat developed in a uniform wire
varies inversely as the length of the wire used
such that equals to
75. Two resistors of and are connected in series to a
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0
120 volt source. The power consumed by the resistor is
(c) 1.5 (d) 2.0
[SCRA 1994]
67. A heating coil can heat the water of a vessel from to (a) 384 W (b) 576 W
in 30 minutes. Two such heating coils are put in (c) 1500 W (d) 1200 W
series and then used to heat the same amount of water through 76. Electric room radiator which operates at 225 volts has
the same temperature range. The time taken now will be resistance of 50 ohms. Power of the radiator is approximately
(neglecting thermal capacity of the coils) [SCRA 1994]
[MP PMT 1997] (a) 100 W (b) 450 W
(a) 60 minutes (b) 30 minutes
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1140

(c) 750 W (d) 1000 W (c) 250 W (d) 125 W

77. If a power of 100 W is being supplied across a potential 86. A bulb rated at (100W – 200V) is used on a 100V line. The
difference of 200 V, current flowing is [AFMC 1993] current in the bulb is [JIPMER 1999]

(a) 2A (b) 0.5 A

(a) amp (b) 4 amp
(c) 1A (d) 20 A
78. A current of 2 A passing through conductor produces 80 J of
(c) amp (d) 2 amp
heat in 10 seconds. The resistance of the conductor is
[CBSE PMT 1993] 87. A steel wire has a resistance twice that of an aluminium wire.
Both of them are connected with a constant voltage supply.
(a) (b)
More heat will be dissipated in [Roorkee 1999]
(c) (d) (a) Steel wire when both are connected in series

79. A conductor is charged to 400 volts and then its plates (b) Steel wire when both are connected in parallel

are joined through a resistance of . The heat produced (c) Aluminium wire when both are connected in series
in the resistance is [CBSE PMT 1994] (d) Aluminium wire when both are connected in parallel

(a) 0.16 J (b) 1.28 J 88. A current i passes through a wire of length l, radius of cross-
section r and resistivity . The rate of heat generation is
(c) 0.64 J (d) 0.32 J [AMU (Med.) 1999]
80. A 10 ohm electric heater operates on a 110 V line. Calculate the
rate at which it develops heat in watts [AFMC 1997] (a) (b)
(a) 1310 W (b) 670 W
(c) 810 W (d) 1210 W (c) (d)

81. A (100 W, 200 V) bulb is connected to a 160 V power supply. 89. Which of the following is not equal to watt [DPMT 1999]
The power consumption would be (a) (b) Amp / Volt
[CBSE PMT 1997; JIPMER 2000]
(c) Amp × Volt (d) Joule / sec
(a) 64 W (b) 80 W
90. Two wires with resistances R and 2R are connected in parallel,
(c) 100 W (d) 125 W the ratio of heat generated in 2R and R is
82. A battery of e.m.f. 10 V and internal resistance 0.5 ohm is [DCE 1999, 2000]
connected across a variable resistance R. The value of R for (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
which the power delivered in it is maximum is given by (c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1
[BHU 1998; JIPMER 2001, 02; CBSE PMT 2001] 91. If a high power heater is connected to electric mains, then the
(a) 2.0 ohm (b) 0.25 ohm bulbs in the house become dim, because there is a
[BHU 1999; Pb. PMT 2000]
(c) 1.0 ohm (d) 0.5 ohm
(a) Current drop (b) Potential drop
83. A piece of fuse wire melts when a current of 15 ampere flows
(c) No current drop (d) No potential drop
through it. With this current, if it dissipates 22.5 W, the
resistance of fuse wire will be [MNR 1998] 92. If three bulbs 60W, 100W and 200W are connected in parallel,
then [BHU 2000]
(a) Zero (b)
(a) 200 W bulb will glow more
(c) (d) (b) 60 W bulb will glow more
84. Two wires ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the same material have their lengths (c) 100 W bulb will glow more
in the ratio 1 : 2 and radii in the ratio 2 : 1. The two wires are (d) All the bulbs will glow equally
connected in parallel across a battery. The ratio of the heat
produced in ‘A’ to the heat produced in ‘B’ for the same time is 93. An expression for rate of heat generated, if a current of I
[MNR 1998] ampere flows through a resistance of R , is [Pb. PMT 2000]

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

85. A heater draws a current of 2A when connected to a 250V 94. On giving 220V to a resistor the power dissipated is 40W then
source. The rate of energy dissipation is [JIPMER 1999] value of resistance is [RPMT 2000]
(a) 500 W (b) 1000 W (a) 1210  (b) 2000 
1141 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
(c) 1000  (d) None of these 103. An electric kettle has two heating coils. When one coil is used,
95. A 60 watt bulb operates on 220V supply. The current flowing water in the kettle boils in 5 minutes, while when second coil is
through the bulb is [MP PMT 2000] used, same water boils in 10 minutes. If the two coils, connected
in parallel are used simultaneously, the same water will boil in
(a) 11/3 amp (b) 3/11 amp
time [MP PET 2001]
(c) 3 amp (d) 6 amp
(a) 3 min 20 sec (b) 5 min
96. If two bulbs of wattage 25 and 30, each rated at 220 volts, are
connected in series with a 440 volt supply, which bulb will fuse (c) 7 min 30 sec (d) 2 min 30 sec

[MP PET 2000] 104. An external resistance R is connected to a battery of e.m.f. V

(a) 25 W bulb (b) 30 W bulb and internal resistance r. The joule heat produced in resistor R
is maximum when R is equal to [MP PET 2001]
(c) Neither of them (d) Both of them
97. Two electric bulbs (60W and 100W respectively) are connected (a) r (b)
in series. The current passing through them is
[AMU (Med.) 2000] (c) 2r (d) Infinitely large
(a) More in 100W bulb (b) More in 60W bulb 105. The amount of heat produced in a resistor when a current is
(c) Same in both (d) None of these passed through it can be found using [Kerala PET 2001]

98. In the circuit shown below, the power developed in the 6 (a) Faraday’s Law (b) Kirchhoff’s Law
resistor is 6 watt. The power in watts developed in the 4 (c) Laplace’s Law (d) Joule’s Law
resistor is 6 [AMU (Med.) 2000] 106. Two wires have resistance of 2 and 4 connected to same
(a) 16 voltage, ratio of heat dissipated at resistance is
(b) 9 4 [UPSEAT 2001]

(c) 6 (a) 1 : 2 (b) 4 : 3

(d) 4 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 5 : 2
99. Two wires A and B of same material and mass have their 107. Two electric bulbs rated watt V volts and watt V
lengths in the ratio 1 : 2. On connecting them to the same volts are connected in parallel and V volts are applied to it. The
source, the rate of heat dissipation in B is found to be 5W. The total power will be [MP PMT 2001; MP PET 2002]
rate of heat dissipation in A is [AMU (Engg.) 2000]
(a) (b) watt
(a) 10W (b) 5W
(c) 20W (d) None of these
(c) (d)
100. If two electric bulbs have 40W and 60W rating at ,
then the ratio of their resistances will be 108. n identical bulbs, each designed to draw a power p from a
[BHU 1999; KCET 2001] certain voltage supply, are joined in series across that supply.
The total power which they will draw is
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3
[KCET 2002]
(c) 3 : 4 (d) 4 : 3
(a) (b)
101. An electric bulb is designed to draw power P0 at voltage V0. If
the voltage is V it draws a power P. Then [KCET 2001] (c) (d)
109. A wire when connected to 220V mains supply has power
(a) (b)
dissipation . Now the wire is cut into two equal pieces
which are connected in parallel to the same supply. Power
dissipation in this case is . Then is [AIEEE
(c) (d)
(a) 1 (b) 4
102. Three bulbs of 40W, 60W and 100W are arranged in series with
220V. Which bulb has minimum resistance (c) 2 (d) 3

[AFMC 2001] 110. An electric bulb marked 40 W and 200 V, is used in a circuit of
supply voltage 100 V. Now its power is [AIIMS 2002]
(a) 40W (b) 60W
(a) 100W (b) 40W
(c) 100W (d) Equal in all bulbs
(c) 20W (d) 10W
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1142

111. Electric bulb 50 W-100 V glowing at full power are to be used 121. If a 2 kW boiler is used everyday for 1 hour, then electrical
in parallel with battery 120 V, 10 . Maximum number of energy consumed by boiler in thirty days is [BHU 2004]
bulbs that can be connected so that they glow in full power is
(a) 15 unit (b) 60 unit
[CPMT 2002]
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 120 unit (d) 240 unit
(c) 4 (d) 6 122. What will happen when a 40 watt, 220 volt lamp and 100 watt,
112. A bulb has specification of one kilowatt and 250 volts, the 220 volt lamp are connected in series across 40 volt supply
resistance of bulb is [MP PMT 2002] [BHU 2004]

(a) 125  (b) 62.5  (a) 100 watt lamp will fuse (b) 40 watt lamp will fuse
(c) 0.25  (d) 625  (c) Both lamps will fuse (d) Neither lamp will fuse
113. If a 30 V, 90 W bulb is to be worked on a 120 V line, a 123. What is the ratio of heat generated in R and 2R
resistance of how many ohms should be connected in series [DCE 2003]
with the bulb [MP PMT 2002; KCET 2003] I
(a) 2 : 1
(a) 10 ohm (b) 20 ohm
(b) 1 : 2 2R R
(c) 30 ohm (d) 40 ohm
114. A fuse wire with radius 1 mm blows at 1.5 amp. The radius of (c) 4 : 1
the fuse wire of the same material to blow at 3A will be (d) 1 : 4
[KCET 2003]
124. In an electric heater 4 amp current passes for 1 minute at
(a) (b) potential difference of 250 volt, the power of heater and energy
(c) (d) consumed will be respectively [DPMT 2003]

115. Three electric bulbs of rating 60W each are joined in series and (a) 1 kW, 60 kJ (b) 0.5 kW, 30 kJ
then connected to electric mains. The power consumed by these (c) 10 kW, 600 kJ (d) None of these
three bulbs will be
[MP PET 2003; CBSE PMT 2004] 125. Some electric bulbs are connected in series across a 220 V
supply in a room. If one bulb is fused then remaining bulbs are
(a) 180 W (b) 60 W
connected again in series across the same supply. The
(c) 20 W (d) illumination in the room will [J & K CET 2004]

(a) Increase (b) Decrease

116. An electric bulb is rated 60W, 220V. The resistance of its
filament is [MP PET 2003] (c) Remains the same (d) Not continuous

(a) 708  (b) 870  126. The resistor of resistance 'R' is connected to 25 V supply and
heat produced in it is 25 J/sec. The value of R is
(c) 807  (d) 780 
[Orissa PMT 2004]
117. A 220 volt, 1000 W bulb is connected across a 110 volt mains
supply. The power consumed will be [AIEEE 2003] (a) (b)
(a) 1000 W (b) 750 W
(c) (d)
(c) 500 W (d) 250 W
118. Two bulbs of 100 W and 200 W working at 220 volt are joined 127. Three bulbs of 40 W, 60 W, 100 W are arranged in series with
in series with 220 volt supply. Total power consumed will be 220 volt supply which bulb has minimum resistance
approximately. [Pb. PET 2003; BHU 2005] [Pb. PET 2000]

(a) 65 watt (b) 33 watt (a) 100 W (b) 40 W

(c) 300 watt (d) 100 watt (c) 60 W (d) Equal in all bulbs
119. How many calories of heat will be produced approximately in a 128. If two electric bulbs have 40 W and 60 W rating at 220 V, then
210 watt electric bulb in 5 minutes [Pb. PET 2004] the ratio of their resistances will be [Pb. PET 2001]
(a) 80000 cal (b) 63000 cal (a) 9 : 4 (b) 4 : 3
(c) 1050 cal (d) 15000 cal (c) 3 : 8 (d) 3 : 2
120. rise in the temperature is observed in a conductor 129. A 10 V storage battery of negligible internal resistance is
by passing some current. When the current is doubled, then rise connected across a resistor. How much heat energy is
in temperature will be equal to [BHU 2004] produced in the resistor in 1 hour [Pb. PET 2001]

(a) (b) (a) 7200 J (b) 6200 J

(c) 5200 J (d) 4200 J
(c) (d)
1143 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
130. A hot electric iron has a resistance of and is used on a appliances are connected in parallel. If all the three are
200 V source. The electrical energy spent, if it is used for two operating at the same time, the fuse used may be of
hours, will be [Pb. PET 2002] [ISM Dhanbad 1994]
(a) 8000 Wh (b) 2000 Wh (a) 20 amp (b) 5 amp
(c) 1000 Wh (d) 800 Wh
(c) 15 amp (d) 10 amp
131. The heat produced by a 100 watt heater in 2 minute will be
equal to [BCECE 2004]
139. Match the List I with the List II from the combination shown.
In the left side (List I) there are four different conditions and in
(a) (b) the right side (List II), there are ratios of heat produced in each
(c) (d) resistance for each condition : [ISM Dhanbad 1994]

132. If two wires having resistance R and 2R. Both joined in series List I List II
and in parallel then ratio of heat generated in this situation, (I) Two wires of same resistance are (A) 1 : 2
applying the same voltage, [BCECE 2004] connected in series and same current
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 is passed through them
(c) 2 : 9 (d) 9 : 2 (II) Two wires of resistance R and 2R (B) 4 : 1
133. Two electric bulbs A and B are rated as 60 W and 100 W. They ohm are connected in series and same
are connected in parallel to the same source. Then, P.D. is applied across them
[KCET 2004] (III) Two wires of same resistance are (C) 1 : 1
(a) Both draw the same current connected in parallel and same
(b) A draws more current than B current is flowing through them
(c) B draws more current than A (IV Two wires of resistances in the ratio (D) 2 : 1
(d) Current drawn are in the ratio of their resistances ) 1 : 2 are connected in parallel and
134. Three identical resistances A, B and C are connected as shown same P.D. is applied across them
in the given figure. The heat produced will be maximum (a)
[MP PMT 2004]
B (b)
140. The electric current passing through a metallic wire produces
heat because of [BHU 1994]
(a) In B (b) In B and C (a) Collisions of conduction electrons with each other
(c) In A (d) Same for A, B and C (b) Collisions of the atoms of the metal with each other
135. If 2.2kW power is transmitted through a line at (c) The energy released in the ionization of the atoms of the
the power loss in the form of heat will be metal
[MP PET 2004] (d) Collisions of the conduction electrons with the atoms of
(a) 0.1 W (b) 1 W the metallic wires
(c) 10 W (d) 100 W 141. The maximum current that flows through a fuse wire before it
136. A heater coil connected to a supply of a 220 V is dissipating blows out varies with its radius as [SCRA 1998]
some power The coil is cut into half and the two halves (a) (b) r
are connected in parallel. The heater now dissipates a power
The ratio of power is [AFMC 2004]
(c) (d)

(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 142. What is immaterial for an electric fuse wire [UPSEAT 1999]

(c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1 (a) Specific resistance of the wire

137. An electric lamp is marked 60 W, 230 V. The cost of a 1 kWh of (b) Radius of the wire
energy is Rs. 1.25. The cost of using this lamp 8 hrs a day for (c) Length of the wire
30 day is [Kerala (Med.) 2002]
(d) Current flowing through the wire
(a) Rs. 10 (b) Rs. 16
143. The current flowing through a lamp marked as 50 W and 250 V
(c) Rs. 18 (d) Rs. 20 is [MH CET (Med.) 2001]
138. An electric iron draws 5 amp, a TV set draws 3 amp and
(a) 5 amp (b) 2.5 amp
refrigerator draws 2 amp from a 220 volt main line. The three
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1144

(c) 2 amp (d) 0.2 amp (b) Resistance of Y is

greater than X
144. Find the power of the circuit [AIEEE 2002] 40 W(X)
(c) Heat produced in Y
4 4 will be greater than
300 V 60 W(Y)
(d) Voltage drop in X
2 2 will be greater than Y
152. 3 identical bulbs are connected in series and these together
dissipate a power P. If now the bulbs are connected in parallel,
then the power dissipated will be [DPMT 2005]
(a) 1.5 W (b) 2 W (a) (b) 3P
(c) 1 W (d) None of these
145. If in the circuit, power dissipation is 150 W, then R is
(c) 9P (d)
R [AIEEE 2002]
153. A coil takes 15 min to boil a certain amount of water, another
2 coil takes 20 min for the same process. Time taken to boil the
same amount of water when both coil are connected in series
[DCE 2005]
(a) 5 min (b) 8.6 min
15 V
(c) 35 min (d) 30 min
(a) 2  (b) 6 
(c) 5  (d) 4  Chemical Effect of Current
146. Two resistors whose value are in ratio 2 : 1 are connected in
parallel with one cell. Then ratio of power dissipated is 1. Water can not be made conducting by adding small amount of
[RPMT 2000] any of the following except
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 4 : 1
(a) Sodium chloride (b) Copper sulphate
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 1
(c) Ammonium chloride (d) Sugar
147. A heater coil is cut into two equal parts and only one part is
now used in the heater. The heat generated will now be 2. The electrochemical equivalent Z of any element can be
[AIEEE 2005] obtained by multiplying the electrochemical equivalent of
(a) One fourth (b) Halved hydrogen with
(c) Doubled (d) Four times (a) Atomic weight (b) Molecular weight
148. The resistance of hot tungsten filament is about 10 times the
cold resistance. What will be the resistance of 100 W and 200 V (c) Chemical equivalent (d) A constant
lamp when not in use [AIEEE 2005] 3. A silver and zinc voltameter are connected in series and a
(a) (b) current i is passed through them for a time t liberating W gm of
zinc. The weight of silver deposited is nearly
(c) (d)
[NCERT 1973, 76]
149. A 5.0 amp current is setup in an external circuit by a 6.0 volt
storage battery for 6.0 minutes. The chemical energy of the (a) W (b) 1.7 W
battery is reduced by [KCET 2005]
(c) 2.4 W (d) 3.5 W
(a) 1.08  104 J (b) 1.08  10-4 volt
4. To deposit one gm equivalent of an element at an electrode, the
(c) 1.8  104 J (d) 1.8  104 volt
quantity of electricity needed is
150. A railway compartment is lit up by thirteen lamps each taking
2.1 amp at 15 volts. The heat generated per second in each lamp [IIT 1984; DPMT 1982; MP PET 1998;
will be [J & K CET 2005] MP PMT 1998; 2003]
(a) (b) (a) One ampere (b) 96000 amperes
(c) (d) (c) 96500 farads (d) 96500 coulombs

151. Two bulbs X and Y having same voltage rating and of power 40 5. In an electrolysis experiment, a current i passes through two
watt and 60 watt respectively are connected in series across a different cells in series, one containing a solution of
potential difference of 300 volt, then
and the other a solution of . The rate of increase of
[Orissa JEE 2005]
the weight of the cathodes in the two cells will be
(a) X will glow brighter
[NCERT 1972]
1145 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
(a) In the ratio of the densities of Cu and Ag
(b) In the ratio of the at. weights of Cu and Ag
(c) In the ratio of half the atomic weight of Cu to the atomic
weight of Ag (d)
(d) In the ratio of half the atomic weight of Cu to half the
atomic weight of Ag 14. If in a voltaic cell 5 gm of zinc is consumed, then we get how
many ampere hours ? (Given that E.C.E. of Zn is
6. To deposit one litre of hydrogen at 22.4 atmosphere from
acidulaled water, the quantity of electricity that must pass
through is [BVP 2003] (a) 2.05 (b) 8.2
(a) 1 coulomb (b) 22.4 coulomb (c) 4.1 (d)
(c) 96500 coulomb (d) 193000 coulomb 15. The current flowing in a copper voltameter is 1.6 A. The
7. The amount of substance liberated on electrodes during number of ions deposited at the cathode per minute
electrolysis when 1 coulomb of electricity is passed, is are [MP PMT 1994; MP PET 2000]

(a) Chemical equivalent (a) (b)

(b) Electrochemical equivalent (c) (d)
(c) Equivalent weight 16. In a copper voltameter experiment, current is decreased to one-
(d) One mol fourth of the initial value but it is passed for four times the
earlier duration. Amount of copper deposited will be
8. For goldplating on a copper chain, the substance required in the [MP PMT 1993]
form of solution is
(a) Same
(a) Copper sulphate (b) One-fourth the previous value
(b) Copper chloride (c) Four times the previous value
(c) Potassium cyanide
(d) of the previous value
(d) Potassium aurocyanide
9. On passing the current in water voltameter, the hydrogen 17. A certain charge liberates 0.8 gm of . The same charge
(a) Liberated at anode (b) Liberated at cathode will liberate how many gm of silver [MP PET 1999]

(c) Does not liberate (d) Remains in the solution (a) 108 gm (b) 10.8 gm

10. In water voltameter, the electrolysis of ...... takes place (c) 0.8 gm (d)
[DPMT 1999]
18. In charging a battery of motor-car, the following effect of
(a) (b)
electric current is used [MP PET 1993; AFMC 2003]
(c) and both (d) and (a) Magnetic (b) Heating
(c) Chemical (d) Induction
11. For depositing 1 gm of Cu in copper voltameter on passing 2
amperes of current, the time required will be (For copper Z = 19. The Avogadro's number is per gm mole and
0.00033 gm/C) electronic charge is . The Faraday's number
(a) Approx. 20 minutes (b) Approx. 25 minutes is
[DPMT 2001]
(c) Approx. 30 minutes (d) Approx. 35 minutes
12. A battery of e.m.f. 3 volt and internal resistance 1.0 ohm is (a) (b)
connected in series with copper voltameter. The current flowing
in the circuit is 1.5 amperes. The resistance of voltameter will
be (c) (d)
(a) Zero (b) 1.0 ohm
20. In solution when electric current equal to 2.5
(c) 1.5 ohm (d) 2.0 ohm
faraday is passed, the gm equivalent deposited on the cathode
13. According to Faraday's laws of electrolysis, the amount of is
decomposition is proportional to [MP PMT 1993]
(a) 1 (b) 1.5
(c) 2 (d) 2.5
21. The atomic weight of silver and copper are 108 and 64. A silver
voltameter and a copper voltameter are connected in series and
(b) Electrochemical equivalent of the substance
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1146

when current is passed 10.8 gm of silver is deposited. The mass (a) (b)
of copper deposited will be
(a) 6.4 gm (b) 12.8 gm
(c) 3.2 gm (d) 10.8 gm (c) (d)
22. Faraday's laws of electrolysis are related to [IIT 1983]
(a) The atomic number of positive ion 31. The relation between faraday constant F, electron charge e and
(b) The equivalent weight of electrolyte avogadro number N is [MP PET 1995]

(c) The atomic number of negative ion (a) (b)

(d) The velocity of positive ion (c) (d)
23. In the process of electrolysis, the current is carried out inside
32. The electrochemical equivalent of magnesium is
the electrolyte by [AMU (Engg.) 1999]
. A current of 5 A is passed in a suitable
(a) Electrons solution for 1 hour. The mass of magnesium deposited will be
(b) Atoms [MP PMT 1995]
(c) Positive and negative ions (a) 0.0378 gm (b) 0.227 gm
(d) All the above (c) 0.378 gm (d) 2.27 gm
24. The mass of ions deposited during a given interval of time in 33. Two electrolytic cells containing and
the process of electrolysis depends on [DPMT 2002]
respectively are connected in series and a current is passed
(a) The current (b) The resistance through them until 1 mg of copper is deposited in the first cell.
(c) The temperature (d) The electric power The amount of silver deposited in the second cell during this
25. The amount of charge required to liberate 9 gm of aluminium time is approximately
(atomic weight = 27 and valency = 3) in the process of [Atomic weights of copper and silver are respectively 63.57 and
electrolysis is (Faraday's number = 96500 coulombs/gm 107.88] [MP PMT 1996]
equivalent) (a) 1.7 mg (b) 3.4 mg
(a) 321660 coulombs (b) 69500 coulombs (c) 5.1 mg (d) 6.8 mg
(c) 289500 coulombs (d) 96500 coulombs 34. A current I is passed for a time t through a number of
voltameters. If m is the mass of a substance deposited on an
26. In an electroplating experiment, m gm of silver is deposited electrode and z is its electrochemical equivalent, then
when 4 ampere of current flows for 2 minute. The amount (in [MP PMT 1997]
gm) of silver deposited by 6 ampere of current for 40 second
will be [MNR 1991; UPSEAT 2000; MP PET 2002; (a) (b)
Pb. PET 2004; Orissa JEE 2005]

(a) 4 m (b) (c) (d)

(c) (d) 2 m 35. For electroplating a spoon, it is placed in the voltameter at

27. In electrolysis, if the duration of the passage of current is [MP PMT/PET 1998]
doubled, the mass liberated is [EAMCET 1979] (a) The position of anode
(a) Doubled (b) Halved (b) The position of cathode
(c) Increased four times (d) Remains the same (c) Exactly in the middle of anode and the cathode
28. A current of 16 ampere flows through molten NaCl for 10 (d) Anywhere in the electrolyte
minute. The amount of metallic sodium that appears at the 36. If nearly coulomb liberate 1 gm equivalent of aluminium,
negative electrode would be [EAMCET 1984]
then the amount of aluminium (equivalent weight 9) deposited
(a) 0.23 gm (b) 1.15 gm through electrolysis in 20 minutes by a current of 50 amp will
(c) 2.3 gm (d) 11.5 gm be [CBSE PMT 1998]

29. The mass of a substance liberated when a charge ‘q’ flows (a) 0.6 gm (b) 0.09 gm
through an electrolyte is proportional to [EAMCET 1984] (c) 5.4 gm (d) 10.8 gm
(a) q (b) 37. Electroplating does not help in [AIIMS 1998]

(c) (d) (a) Fine finish to the surface

(b) Shining appearance
30. A steady current of 5 amps is maintained for 45 mins. During
(c) Metals to become hard
this time it deposits 4.572 gms of zinc at the cathode of a
voltameter. E.C.E. of zinc is [MP PET 1994] (d) Protect metal against corrosion
1147 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
38. When a current is passed through water, acidified with a dilute 46. The relation between Faraday constant (F), chemical equivalent
sulphuric acid, the gases formed at the platinum electrodes are (E) and electrochemical equivalent (Z) is
[KCET 1994] [SCRA 1994; AFMC 2000]
(a) 1 vol. hydrogen (cathode) and 2 vol. oxygen (anode)
(b) 2 vol. hydrogen (cathode) and 1 vol. oxygen (anode) (a) (b)
(c) 1 vol. hydrogen (cathode) and 1 vol. oxygen (anode)
(d) 1 vol. oxygen (cathode) and 2 vol. hydrogen (anode) (c) (d)
39. The negative Zn pole of a Daniel cell, sending a constant
current through a circuit, decreases in mass by 0.13g in 30 47. The electrochemical equivalent of a material in an electrolyte
minutes. If the electrochemical equivalent of Zn and Cu are depends on [MP PET 2001]
32.5 and 31.5 respectively, the increase in the mass of the (a) The nature of the material
positive Cu pole in this time is [AIEEE 2003]
(b) The current through the electrolyte
(a) 0.242 g (b) 0.190 g
(c) The amount of charge passed through electrolyte
(c) 0.141 g (d) 0.126 g
(d) The amount of material present in electrolyte
40. When a copper voltameter is connected with a battery of e.m.f.
12 volts. 2 gms of copper is deposited in 30 minutes. If the same 48. On passing 96500 coulomb of charge through a solution
voltameter is connected across a 6 volt battery, then the mass of the amount of copper liberated is [MP PMT 2001]
copper deposited in 45 minutes would be
[SCRA 1994]
(a) 64 gm (b) 32 gm
(a) 1 gm (b) 1.5 gm (c) 32 kg (d) 64 kg
(c) 2 gm (d 2.5 gm 49. If 96500 coulombs of electricity liberates one gram equivalent of
41. The value of current required to deposit 0.972 gm of chromium any substance, the time taken for a current of 0.15 amperes to
in 3 hours if the E.C.E. of chromium is 0.00018 gm per deposite 20mg of copper from a solution of copper sulphate is
coulomb, is [SCRA 1994] (Chemical equivalent of copper = 32)
(a) 1 amp (b) 1.5 amp [Kerala (Engg.) 2002]
(c) 0.5 amp (d) 2 amp (a) 5 min 20 sec (b) 6 min 42 sec
42. The current inside a copper voltameter [Roorkee 1992] (c) 4 min 40 sec (d) 5 min 50 sec
(a) Is half the outside value
50. How much current should be passed through acidified water for
(b) Is the same as the outside value
100 s to liberate 0.224 litre of [DCE 2002]
(c) Is twice the outside value
(a) 22.4 A (b)
(d) Depends on the concentration of
(c) 9.65 A (d) 1 A
43. The resistance of a cell does not depend on [RPET 1996]
51. Who among the following scientists made the statement
(a) Current drawn from the cell
–"Chemical change can produce electricity" [DCE 2004]
(b) Temperature of electrolyte
(a) Galvani (b) Faraday
(c) Concentration of electrolyte
(c) Coulomb (d) Thomson
(d) The e.m.f. of the cell
52. If a steady current of 4 amp maintained for 40 minutes, deposits
44. The electrochemical equivalent of a metal is 4.5 gm of zinc at the cathode and then the electro chemical
. The mass of the metal equivalent will be [MH CET 2003]
liberated at the cathode when a 3 A current is passed for 2
seconds will be (a) (b)
[SCRA 1998; AIEEE 2004; DCE 2005]
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
53. The current flowing in a copper voltameter is 3.2 A. The
(c) (d) number of copper ions deposited at the cathode per
45. Faraday’s 2nd law states that mass deposited on the electrode is minute is [Pb. PET 2001]
directly proportional to [DCE 1999]
(a) (b)
(a) Atomic mass (b) Atomic mass × Velocity
(c) Atomic mass/Valency (d) Valency (c) (d)
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1148

54. A copper voltameter is connected in series with a heater coil of (c) Peltier effect (d) Thomson effect
resistance . A steady current flows in the circuit for 2. When a current passes through the junction of two different
twenty minutes and mass of 0.99 g of copper is deposited at the metals, evolution or absorption of heat at the junction is known
cathode. If electrochemical equivalent of copper is 0.00033 as [MP PMT/PET 1998]
gm/C, then heat generated in the coil is (a) Joule effect (b) Seebeck effect
[Pb. PET 2002] (c) Peltier effect (d) Thomson effect
(a) 750 J (b) 650 J 3. When a current passes through a wire whose different parts are
maintained at different temperatures, evolution or absorption of
(c) 350 J (d) 250 J heat all along the length of wire is known as
(a) Joule effect (b) Seebeck effect
55. E.C.E. of Cu and Ag are and A
(c) Peltier effect (d) Thomson effect
certain current deposits 14 gm of Cu. Amount of Ag deposited
is 4. The thermocouple is based on the principle of
[MP PET 1984; AFMC 1998; BCECE 2003]
[Orissa PMT 2004]
(a) Seebeck effect (b) Thomson effect
(a) 1.2 gm (b) 1.6 gm
(c) Peltier effect (d) Joule effect
(c) 2.4 gm (d) 1.8 gm
5. For a thermocouple, the neutral temperature is and
56. The chemical equivalent of silver is 108. If the current in a the temperature of its cold junction is . If there is no
silver voltameter is 2 Amp., the time required to deposit 27 deflection in the galvanometer, the temperature of the hot
grams of silver will be [MP PMT 2004] junction should be [AMU Engg. 2000]

(a) 8.57 hrs (b) 6.70 hrs (a) (b)

(c) 3.35 hrs (d) 12.50 hrs (c) (d)

57. Two voltameters, one of copper and another of silver, are 6. Thermocouple is a device for the measurement of
joined in parallel. When a total charge q flows through the (a) Absolute temperature of a metal
voltameters, equal amount of metals are deposited. If the (b) The temperature difference between two substances
electrochemical equivalents of copper and silver are and (c) The couple acting on a wire
(d) Thermal conductivity of a substance
respectively the charge which flows through the silver
7. The true statement for thermo e.m.f. of a thermocouple
voltameter is [AIEEE 2005] (a) Depends on the nature of metals
(b) Depends only on temperature of cold junction
(a) (b) (c) Depends only on temperature of hot junction
(d) Depends on the length of the wires used for thermocouple
8. The direction of current in an iron-copper thermocouple is
(c) (d) [MP PET 1995]
(a) From copper to iron at the hot junction
(b) From iron to copper at the hot junction
58. The chemical equivalent of copper and zinc are 32 and 108 (c) From copper to iron at cold junction
respectively. When copper and silver voltameter are connected
(d) No current will flow
in series and electric current is passed through for sometimes,
9. Peltier coefficient for the junction of a pair of metals is
1.6 g of copper is deposited. Then, the mass of silver deposited
proportional to [MP PMT 1993; MP PET 1997]
will be [J & K CET 2005]
(a) T absolute temperature of the junction
(a) 3.5 g (b) 2.8 g
(b) Square of absolute temperature of the junction
(c) 5.4 g (d) None of these
59. Ampere hour is the unit of [Orissa JEE 2005] (c)
(a) Quantity of charge (b) Potential
(c) Energy (d) Current

10. If for a thermocouple is the neutral temperature, is
1. The production of e.m.f. by maintaining a difference of
temperature between the two junctions of two different metals the temperature of the cold junction and is the temperature
is known as of inversion, then [MP PET 2001; AIEEE 2002]
(a) Joule effect (b) Seebeck effect
1149 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current

(a) (b) (b) From Cu to Fe through the hot junction

(c) Maximum
(c) (d) None of these (d) None of the above
11. For a thermocouple, the temperature of inversion is that 20. In Seebeck series Sb appears before Bi. In a
temperature at which thermo e.m.f. is thermocouple current flows from [MP PET 1994]
(a) Zero (b) Maximum (a) Sb to Bi at the hot junction
(c) Minimum (d) None of the above (b) Sb to Bi at the cold junction
12. For a given thermocouple, the thermo e.m.f. can be (c) Bi to Sb at the cold junction
(a) Zero (b) Positive (d) None of the above

(c) Negative (d) All of the above 21. Which of the following statement is correct [MP PET 1994]
(a) Both Peltier and Joule effects are reversible
13. When current is passed in antimony-bismuth couple, then
(a) The junction becomes hot when the current is from (b) Both Peltier and Joule effects are irreversible
bismuth to antimony (c) Joule effect is reversible, whereas Peltier effect is
(b) The junction becomes hot when current flows from irreversible
antimony to bismuth (d) Joule effect is irreversible, whereas Peltier effect is
(c) Both junctions become hot reversible

(d) Both junctions become cold 22. For a given temperature difference, which of the following
pairs will generate maximum thermo e.m.f. [MP PMT 1994]
14. A thermocouple is made of Cu and Fe. If a battery is connected
(a) Antimony-bismuth (b) Silver-gold
in it, then
(c) Iron-copper (d) Lead-nickel
(a) Both junctions will be at the same temperature
23. The cold junction of a thermocouple is maintained at .
(b) Both junctions will become hot
No thermo e.m.f. is developed when the hot junction is
(c) One junction will be hotter than the other maintained at . The neutral temperature is
(d) None of these [MP PMT 1994]
15. Thermopile is used for (a) (b)
(a) Collecting the heat energy
(c) (d)
(b) The measurement of radiant heat energy
24. Which of the following is not reversible
(c) The measurement of current
[Manipal MEE 1995; DPMT 2001]
(d) The change of atomic energy into heat energy
(a) Joule effect (b) Peltier effect
16. When a current of 1 ampere is passed through a conductor
(c) Seebeck effect (d) Thomson effect
whose ends are maintained at temperature difference of
25. Neutral temperature of a thermocouple is defined as the
, the amount of heat evolved or absorbed is called
temperature at which [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Peltier coefficient (b) Thomson coefficient
(a) The thermo e.m.f. changes sign
(c) Thermoelectic power (d) Thermo e.m.f. (b) The thermo e.m.f. is maximum
17. In a thermocouple, the temperature that does not depend on the (c) The thermo e.m.f. is minimum
temperature of the cold junction is called
(d) The thermo e.m.f. is zero
(a) Neutral temperature (b) Temperature of inversion 26. As the temperature of hot junction of a thermo-couple is
(c) Both the above (d) None of the above increased (while cold junction is at constant temperature), the
thermo e.m.f.
18. At neutral temperature, the thermoelectric power has (a) Increases uniformly at constant rate
(b) Increases slowly in the beginning and more rapidly at
the value [MP PET 2003; MP PMT 2004] higher temperatures
(c) Increases more rapidly in the beginning but less rapidly at
(a) Zero (b) Maximum but negative higher temperatures
(c) Maximum but positive (d) Minimum but positive (d) In minimum at neutral temperature
19. In Cu-Fe couple, the flow of current at the temperature of 27. As the temperature of hot junction increases, the thermo e.m.f.
inversion is [MP PET 1999]

(a) From Fe to Cu through the hot junction (a) Always increases

Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1150

(b) Always decreases (b) Peltier electro motive force (e.m.f.)

(c) May increase or decrease (c) Thomson electro motive force (e.m.f.)
(d) Always remains constant (d) None of these
28. The e.m.f. in a thermoelectric circuit with one junction at 36. The neutral temperature of a thermocouple is when
and the other at is given by . the cold junction is at When the cold junction is
The neutral temperature is then [AMU 1995; BCECE 2004]
immersed in a bath of the inversion temperature is
(a) (b) [Kerala (Med.) 2002]

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (c) (d)

29. The temperature of cold junction and neutral temperature of a 37. A thermoelectric refrigerator works on [JIPMER 2002]
thermocouple are and respectively. The (a) Joule effect (b) Seeback effect
temperature of inversion is [AMU (Engg.) 1999] (c) Peltier effect (d) Thermonic emission
(a) (b) 38. If the temperature of cold junction of thermocouple is lowered,
then the neutral temperature [JIPMER 2002]
(c) (d)
(a) Increases
30. Above neutral temperature, thermo e.m.f. in a thermocouple (b) Approaches inversion temperature
[AMU (Engg.) 1999]
(c) Decreases
(a) Decreases with rise in temperature
(d) Remains the same
(b) Increases with rise in temperature
(c) Remains constant 39. Consider the following two statements A and B and identify the
correct choice given in the answers
(d) Changes sign
(A) Duddells thermo-galvanometer is suitable to measure
31. Consider the following two statements A and B, and identify the
direct current only
correct choice out of given answers
A. Thermo e.m.f. is minimum at neutral temperature of a (B) Thermopile can measure temperature differences of the
thermocouple order of [EAMCET 2003]
B. When two junctions made of two different metallic wires are
(a) Both A and B are true (b) Both A and B are false
maintained at different temperatures, an electric current is
generated in the circuit. [EAMCET (Med.) 2000] (c) A is true but B is false (d) A is false but B is true
(a) A is false and B is true (b) A is true and B is false 40. If what is the temperature of inversion
(c) Both A and B are false (d) Both A and B are true
[DCE 2003]
32. The temperature at which thermal electric power of a thermo
couple becomes zero is called [MP PMT 2001]
(a) (b)
(a) Inversion temperature (b) Neutral temperature
(c) Junction temperature (d) Null temperature
33. Thomson coefficient of a conductor is . The two (c) (d)
ends of it are kept at and respectively.
41. Antimony and bismuth are usually used in a thermocouple,
Amount of heat absorbed by the conductor when a charge of because [MH CET 2003]
10C flows through it is [EAMCET 2001]
(a) Negative thermal e.m.f. produced
(a) 1000 J (b) 100 J
(b) Constant thermal e.m.f. produced
(c) 100 mJ (d) 1 mJ
(c) Lower thermal e.m.f. produced
34. For a thermocouple the neutral temperature is when
(d) Higher thermal e.m.f. produced
its cold junction is at . What will be the neutral
42. The smallest temperature difference that can be measured with a
temperature and the temperature of inversion when the
combination of a thermocouple of thermo e.m.f. 30 V per degree
temperature of cold junction is increased to and a galvanometer of 50 ohm resistance, capable of measuring a
[Kerala PET 2001] minimum current of 3  10–7 amp is
(a) (b) [MP PET 2000]
(a) 0.5 degree (b) 1.0 degree
(c) (d)
(c) 1.5 degree (d) 2.0 degree
35. Two ends of a conductor are at different temperatures the
electromotive force generated between two ends is
43. , If temperature of cold junction is
[MP PMT 2001; MP PET 2002]
(a) Seebeck electro motive force (e.m.f.) then temperature of inversion is
1151 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current

) (b) 60 calorie
[DCE 2001] (c) 100 calorie
(a) 100 (b) 200 (d) 120 calorie
(c) 300 (d) 400 7. The resistance of a heater coil is 110 ohm. A resistance R is
44. If the emf of a thermocouple, one junction of which is kept 0°C connected in parallel with it and the combination is joined in
is given by then the neutral temperature series with a resistance of 11 ohm to a 220 volt main line. The
will be [J & K CET 2005] heater operates with a power of 110 watt. The value of R in
(a) a/b (b) – a/b ohm is [ISM Dhanbad 1994]
(c) a/2b (d) –1/ ab (a) 12.22
(b) 24.42
(c) Negative
(d) That the given values are not correct
8. A 500 W heating unit is designed to operate from a 115 volt
1. The resistance of the filament of an electric bulb changes with line. If the line voltage drops to 110 volt, the percentage drop in
temperature. If an electric bulb rated 220 volt and 100 watt is
heat output will be [ISM Dhanbad 1994]
connected volt sources, then the actual power
(a) 10.20% (b) 8.1%
would be [CPMT 1989]
(c) 8.6% (d) 7.6%
9. A heater of 220 V heats a volume of water in 5 minute time. A
(b) heater of 110 V heats the same volume of water in
(c) Between watt and 100 watt [AFMC 1993]
(a) 5 minutes (b) 8 minutes
(d) Between and watt
(c) 10 minutes (d) 20 minutes
2. An immersion heater is rated 836 watt. It should heat 1 litre of 10. An electric kettle takes 4 A current at 220 V. How much time
water from to in about [AIEEE 2004] will it take to boil 1 kg of water from room temperature
(a) 200 sec (b) 150 sec ? The temperature of boiling water is
(c) 836 sec (d) 418 sec [RPET 1996]
3. In the circuit shown in figure, the heat produced in 5 ohm (a) 6.4 minutes (b) 6.3 minutes
resistance is 10 calories per second. The heat produced in 4 (c) 12.6 minutes (d) 12.8 minutes
resistance is [IIT 1981; UPSEAT 2002]
11. If a wire of resistance is covered with ice and a
(a) 1 cal / sec 4 6 voltage of 210 V is applied across the wire, then the rate of
(b) 2 cal/sec melting of ice is [AFMC 1997]

(c) 3 cal / sec (a) (b)

(d) 4 cal/sec 5 (c) (d) All of these
4. A house is served by 220 V supply line in a circuit protected by 12. Four identical electrical lamps are labelled 1.5V, 0.5A which
a 9 ampere fuse. The maximum number of 60 W lamps in describes the condition necessary for them to operate at normal
parallel that can be turned on, is brightness. A 12V battery of negligible internal resistance is
(a) 44 (b) 20 connected to lamps as shown, then
(c) 22 (d) 33 [UPSEAT 2001]

5. Water boils in an electric kettle in 15 minutes after switching

on. If the length of the heating wire is decreased to of its
initial value, then the same amount of water will boil with the
same supply voltage in [MP PMT 1994]
(a) 15 minutes (b) 12 minutes
(c) 10 minutes (d) 8 minutes 12V R
6. In the circuit as shown in the figure, the heat produced by 6 (a) The value of R for normal brightness of each lamp is (3/4)
ohm resistance due to current flowing in it is 60 calorie per 
second. The heat generated across 3 ohm resistance per second (b) The value of R for normal brightness of each lamp is
will be [MP PET 1996] (21/4) 
(a) 30 calorie 2 3 (c) Total power dissipated in circuit when all lamps are
normally bright is 24W

6 4
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1152

(d) Power dissipated in R is 21W when all lamps are normally (c) Increases by 37.5%
(d) Decreases by 37.5%
13. A 100 W bulb B1, and two 60-W bulbs B2 and B3, are connected
to a 250 V source, as shown in the figure. Now W1, W2 and W3 17. The expression for thermo e.m.f. in a thermocouple is given by
are the output powers of the bulbs B1, B2 and B3, respectively.
the relation , where is the temperature
Then [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2002]

B1 B2 difference of two junctions. For this, the neutral temperature

will be [AMU (Engg.) 2000]
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
18. For copper-iron (Cu-Fe) couple, the thermo e.m.f. (temperature
of cold junction ) is given by
(a) (b) . The neutral temperature will
(c) (d)
(a) (b) 350 K
14. The three resistance of equal value are arranged in the different (c) (d) 560 K
combinations shown below. Arrange them in increasing order
19. One junction of a certain thermoelectric couple is at a fixed
of power dissipation
temperature and the other junction is at temperature T. The
[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2003]
thermo electromotive force for this is expressed by

. At temperature
I. II. i

, the thermoelectric power is

[MP PMT 1994]

III. IV. (a) (b)

i i

(c) (d)

20. The temperature of the cold junction of thermo-couple is

(a) III < II < IV < I (b) II < III < IV < I and the temperature of hot junction is . The
e.m.f. is volts. The temperature of
(c) I < IV < III < II (d) I < III < II < IV
inversion is [EAMCET 1994]
15. Silver and copper voltameter are connected in parallel with a (a) (b)
battery of e.m.f. 12 V. In 30 minutes, 1 gm of silver and 1.8 gm
(c) (d)
of copper are liberated. The power supplied by the battery is
[IIT 1975] 21. The temperature of the cold junction of a thermocouple is
and temperature of the hot junction is The
(a) 24.13 J/sec (b) 2.413 J/sec
(c) 0.2413 J/sec (d) 2413 J/sec thermo e.m.f. is given by the relation

(where A = 16 and B = 0.08). The temperature of inversion is

and [AIIMS 2001]
(a) (b)

16. A silver voltameter of resistance 2 ohm and a 3 ohm resistor are (c) (d)
connected in series across a cell. If a resistance of 2 ohm is 22. The thermo e.m.f. of a thermo-couple is at
connected in parallel with the voltameter, then the rate of room temperature. A galvanometer of 40 ohm resistance,
deposition of silver [EAMCET 1983] capable of detecting current as low as is connected
(a) Decreases by 25% with the thermocouple. The smallest temperature difference that
can be detected by this system is
(b) Increases by 25% [AIEEE 2003]
1153 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current

(a) (b) 29. An ammeter, suspected to give inaccurate reading, is connected

in series with a silver voltameter. The ammeter indicates 0.54
(c) (d) A. A steady current passed for one hour deposits 2.0124 gm of
23. An electric bulb rated for 500 watts at 100 volts is used in a silver. If the E.C.E. of silver is
circuit having a 200-volt supply. The resistance R that must be
put in series with the bulb, so that the bulb draws 500 W is then the error in ammeter reading is
(a) (b) (a) + 0.04 A (b) + 0.02 A
(c) (d) (c) – 0.03 A (d) – 0.01 A

24. A thermo couple develops between and 30. If 1 A of current is passed through solution for 10

If it develops and seconds, then the number of copper ions deposited at the
cathode will be about
respectively between and
(a) (b)
then what will be the thermo emf it
(c) (d)
develops between and
31. A silver and a copper voltmeters are connected in parallel across a
(a) (b)
6 volt battery of negligible resistance. In half an hour, 1 gm of
(c) (d) copper and 2 gm of silver are deposited. The rate at which energy is
supplied by the battery will approximately be (Given E.C.E. of
25. A thermo couple is formed by two metals X and Y metal X
copper and E.C.E. of silver
comes earlier to Y in Seebeck series. If temperature of hot
junction increases beyond the temperature of inversion. Then
direction of current in thermocouple will so
(a) 64 W (b) 32 W
(a) X to Y through cold junction (c) 96 W (d) 16 W
(b) X to Y through hot junction 32. A thermocouple of resistance is connected in series
(c) Y to X through cold junction with a galvanometer of resistance. The thermocouple
(d) Both (b) and (c) develops and e.m.f. of per degree temperature
difference between two junctions. When one junction is kept at
26. Peltier co-efficient of a thermo couple is 2 nano volts. How
much heat is developed at a junction if 2.5 amp current flows and the other in a molten metal, the galvanometer reads
for 2 minute 8 millivolt. The temperature of molten metal, when e.m.f. varies
linearly with temperature difference, will be
(a) 6 ergs (b)
(a) (b)
(c) 16 ergs (d)
(c) (d)
27. Resistance of a voltameter is it is connected in series
33. The emf of a thermocouple, one junction of which is kept at
to a battery of 10 V through a resistance of . In a certain
is given by the Peltier co-efficient
time mass deposited on cathode is 1 gm. Now the voltameter
will be
and the resistance are connected in parallel with the
battery. Increase in the deposited mass on cathode in the same (a) (b)
time will be
(c) (d)
(a) 0 (b) 1.5 gm
34. A coil of wire of resistance is embedded in a block of
(c) 2.5 gm (d) 2 gm ice. If a potential difference of 210 V is applied across the coil,
28. A current of 1.5 A flows through a copper voltameter. The the amount of ice melted per second will be
thickness of copper deposited on the electrode surface of area (a) 4.12 gm (b) 4.12 kg
in 20 minutes will be (Density of copper = 9000 (c) 3.68 kg (d) 2.625 gm
and E.C.E. of copper = 0.00033 g/C) 35. The same mass of copper is drawn into two wires 1 mm and 2
mm thick. Two wires are connected in series and current is
(a) (b) passed through them. Heat produced in the wire is in the ratio

(c) (d) (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 16

Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1154

(c) 4 : 1 (d) 16 : 1 (a) 192 kJ

36. The temperature of hot junction of a thermo-couple changes (b) 192 J
from to The percentage change in (c) 200 J
thermoelectric power is
(d) 132 kJ
(a) 8% (b) 10%
42. The thermo e.m.f. of a thermocouple varies with the
(c) 20% (d) 25%
temperature of the hot junction as in volts
37. A thermo couple uses Bismuth and Tellurium as the dissimilar
where the ratio a/b is If the cold junction is kept at
metals. The sensitivity of bismuth is and
then the neutral temperature is [AIEEE 2004]
that of the tellurium is . If the difference
between hot and cold junction is then the (a)

maximum output will be (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (d) No neutral temperature is possible for this thermocouple
38. Three wires of copper, iron and nickel are joined to form three 43. In the following circuit, 5  resistor develops 45 J/s due to
junctions as shown in Fig. When the temperature of junction 1 is current flowing through it. The power developed per second
kept with the other two junctions at , the across 12  resistor is [AMU (Engg.) 1999]
sensitive galvanometer gives a deflection of 14 divisions. When i2 9 6
(a) 16 W
the temperature of junction 3 is kept with the other two
(b) 192 W 12 
junctions at the galvanometer gives a deflection of 11
(c) 36 W i
divisions. Then the deflection given by the galvanometer, when
temperature of the junction 2 is kept at with the other (d) 64 W i1 5
44. Water of volume 2 litre in a container is heated with a coil of 1
two junctions at will be
kW at 27 oC. The lid of the container is open and energy
dissipates at rate of 160 J/s. In how much time temperature will
G rise from 27oC to 77oC [Given specific heat of water is 4.2
(a) 3 div
Cu Cu kJ/kg] [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2005]
(b) 11 div
Fe Ni (a) 8 min 20 s (b) 6 min 2 s
(c) 14 div
(c) 7 min (d) 14 min
(d) 25 div 1 2 3
45. For ensuring dissipation of same energy in all three resistors
39. The wiring of a house has resistance A 100 W bulb is connected as shown in figure, their values
glowing. If a geyser of 1000 W is switched on, the change in must be related as ] [AIIMS 2005]
potential drop across the bulb is nearly [MNR 1998]
(a) Nil (b) 23 V R1

(c) 32 V (d) 12 V (b) and

R2 R3
40. A 12 V lead accumulator is being charged using 24 V supply
(c) and Vin
with an external resistance . The internal resistance of
the accumulator is . Find the time in which it will store
360 W-hour energy.
(a) 1 hr (b) 7.5 hr
(c) 10 hr (d) None of these
41. In a Ag voltameter 2.68 gm of silver is deposited in 10 min. The
heat developed in resistor during the same period will
Current in mA

1. In a copper voltameter, mass deposited in 30 second is m gm. If

the time-current graph is as shown in figure, ECE of copper is
(a) m

200 mA

100 mA

0 10 20 30
1155 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
(c) 0.1 m
6. The V-i graphs A and B drawn for two voltameters. Identify
(d) 0.6 m each graph
2. Which of the following plots may represent the thermal energy I I
produced in a resistor in a given time as a function of the
electric current [MP PMT 1999]
(a) a d
1.7 V V V
(b) b
c (A) (B)
(c) c a (a) A for water voltameter and B for voltameter
(d) d i (b) A for voltameter and B for water voltameter
3. Two different metals are joined end to end. One end is kept at (c) Both A and B represents voltameter
constant temperature and the other end is heated to a very high
(d) None of these
temperature. The graph depicting the thermo e.m.f. is
[DCE 2000] 7. A constant current i is passed through a resistor. Taking the
temperature coefficient of resistance into account, indicate
(a) (b) which of the plots shown in figure best represents the rate of
production of thermal energy in the resistor
(a) a dU
dt d
(b) b
t t c
(c) c b
(c) E (d) E (d) d
8. In a copper voltameter, mass deposited in 6 minutes is m gram.
If the current-time graph for the voltameter is as shown here,
then the E.C.E of the copper is
t t
(a) m / 5
I ampere
4. Which of the following graphs shows the variation of
thermoelectric power with temperature difference between hot (b) m / 300
and cold junction in thermocouples 2.0
(c) 5 m
dE dE
(d) m / 18000 1.0
(a) d  (b) d 
9. Battery shown in figure has e.m.f. E and internal resistance r.
Current in the circuit can be varied
0 by
2 sliding
4 the6 contact J. If at
any instant current flowing through the t circuit
(min) is I, potential
  difference between terminals of the cell is V, thermal power
generated in the cell is equal to  fraction of total electrical
(c) dE (d) dE power generated in it.; then which of the following graph is
d d correct
+ – r

 
5. When an electric heater is switched on, the current flowing J
through it (i) is plotted against time (t). Taking into account the
variation of resistance with temperature, which of the following (a) (b)
best represents the resulting curve
(a) I (b) I

(c)  (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct
t t
(c) I (d) I

t t
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1156

Reason : Its value is constant for the given metals of the

10. Assertion : In practical application, power rating of
resistance is not important.
Reason : Property of resistance remain same even at high
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out 11. Assertion : Leclanche cell is used, when constant supply of
of the options given below : electric current is not required.
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the Reason : The e.m.f. of a Leclanche cell falls, if it is used
correct explanation of the assertion. continuously.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
correct explanation of the assertion. 12. Assertion : In the given circuit if lamp B or C fuses then
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false. light emitted by lamp A decreases.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false. A
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.
1. Assertion : The possibility of an electric bulb fusing is
higher at the time of switching ON and OFF V
Reason : Inductive effects produce a surge at the time of B C
switch ON and OFF [AIIMS 2003]
2. Assertion : The 200 W bulbs glows with more brightness Reason : Voltage on A decreases.
then 100 W bulbs.
13. Assertion : If three identical bulbs are connected in series as
Reason : A 100 W bulb has more resistance than a 200 W shown in figure then on closing the switches.
Bulb C short circuited and hence illumination of
3. Assertion : Fuse wire must have high resistance and low bulbs A and B decreases.
melting point.
Reason : Fuse is used for small current flow only.
4. Assertion : Two electric bulbs of 50 and 100 W are given.
When connected in series 50 W bulb glows more +
but when connected parallel 100 W bulb glows –
Reason : In series combination, power is directly
proportional to the resistance of circuit. But in Reason : Voltage on A and B decreases
parallel combination, power is inversely 14. Assertion : Heat is generated continuously is an electric
proportional to the resistance of the circuit. heater but its temperature becomes constant
5. Assertion : Two bulbs of same wattage, one having a after some time.
carbon filament and the other having a metallic Reason : At the stage when heat produced in heater is
filament are connected in series. Metallic bulbs equal to the heat dissipated to its surrounding
will glow more brightly than carbon filament the temperature of heater becomes constant.
15. Assertion : Electric appliances with metallic body; e.g.
Reason : Carbon is a semiconductor. heaters, presses etc, have three pin connections,
6. Assertion : An electric bulb is first connected to a dc source whereas an electric bulb has a two pin
and then to a ac source having the same connection. [AIIMS 1996]
brightness in both the cases.
Reason : Three pin connections reduce heating of
Reason : The peak value of voltage for an A.C. source is connecting cables.
times the root mean square voltage.
16. Assertion : A laser beam 0.2 W power can drill holes
7. Assertion : Current is passed through a metallic wire, through a metal sheet, whereas 1000 W torch-
heating it red. When cold water is poured on light cannot.
half of its portion, then rest of the half portion
become more hot. Reason : The frequency of laser light is much higher then
that of torch light. [AIIMS 1996]
Reason : Resistances decreases due to decrease in
temperature and so current through wire 17. Assertion : A domestic electrical appliance, working on a
increases. three pin will continue working even if the top
8. Assertion : Through the same current flows through the line pin is removed. [AIIMS 1995]
wires and the filament of the bulb but heat Reason : The third pin is used only as a safety device.
produced in the filament is much higher then
that in line wires. 18. Assertion : In all conductors, for studying the
thermoelectric behaviour or metals, lead is
Reason : The filament of bulbs is made of a material of
taken as a reference metal.
high resistance and high melting point.
Reason : In lead, the Thomson effect is negative.
9. Assertion : Neutral temperature of a thermocouple does not
depend upon temperature of cold junction. 19. Assertion : The presence of water molecules makes
separation of ions easier in electrolyte.
1157 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current
Reason : The presence of water molecules in electrolyte 151 a 152 c 153 c
decreases the resistance of electrolyte.
20. Assertion : Thermocouple acts as a heat engine. Chemical Effect of Current
Reason : When two junctions of thermocouple are at
different temperature, thermo e.m.f. is 1 d 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 c
6 d 7 b 8 d 9 b 10 a
21. Assertion : When temperature of cold junction of a
thermocouple is lowered, the value of neutral 11 b 12 b 13 b 14 c 15 b
temperature of this thermocouple is raised.
16 a 17 b 18 c 19 a 20 d
Reason : When the difference of temperature of two
junction is raised, more thermo e.m.f. is 21 c 22 b 23 c 24 a 25 d
produced. 26 b 27 a 28 c 29 a 30 a
31 b 32 d 33 b 34 a 35 b
36 c 37 c 38 b 39 d 40 b
41 c 42 b 43 d 44 a 45 c
46 c 47 a 48 b 49 b 50 b
51 a 52 d 53 d 54 a 55 c
Heating Effect of Current
56 c 57 d 58 c 59 a

1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 b
6 c 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 c Thermo-Electricity
11 a 12 c 13 c 14 a 15 d
1 b 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 c
16 d 17 b 18 c 19 c 20 a
6 b 7 a 8 a 9 a 10 a
21 d 22 a 23 a 24 c 25 d
11 a 12 d 13 b 14 c 15 b
26 d 27 c 28 c 29 b 30 b
31 b 32 b 33 a 34 d 35 c 16 b 17 a 18 a 19 a 20 b

36 b 37 d 38 b 39 a 40 a 21 d 22 a 23 b 24 a 25 b

41 a 42 b 43 d 44 d 45 a 26 c 27 c 28 d 29 c 30 a

46 c 47 a 48 b 49 a 50 a 31 a 32 b 33 d 34 c 35 c
51 b 52 c 53 a 54 c 55 c 36 d 37 c 38 d 39 d 40 a
56 a 57 d 58 b 59 d 60 a 41 d 42 a 43 b 44 b
61 d 62 a 63 d 64 b 65 b
66 d 67 a 68 a 69 a 70 c Critical Thinking Questions
71 a 72 d 73 a 74 b 75 a
1 d 2 b 3 b 4 d 5 c
76 d 77 b 78 b 79 d 80 d
6 d 7 a 8 c 9 d 10 b
81 a 82 d 83 d 84 d 85 a
11 c 12 b 13 d 14 a 15 a
86 a 87 a,d 88 a 89 b 90 a
91 b 92 a 93 b 94 a 95 b 16 d 17 d 18 a 19 a 20 b

96 a 97 c 98 b 99 c 100 a 21 c 22 b 23 b 24 b 25 d

101 b 102 c 103 a 104 a 105 d 26 a 27 b 28 c 29 a 30 b

106 c 107 a 108 b 109 b 110 d 31 d 32 a 33 a 34 d 35 d

111 c 112 b 113 c 114 a 115 c 36 d 37 d 38 d 39 b 40 b
116 c 117 d 118 a 119 d 120 c 41 a 42 d 43 b 44 a 45 c
121 b 122 d 123 a 124 a 125 a
126 c 127 a 128 d 129 a 130 c Graphical Questions
131 a 132 c 133 c 134 c 135 b
136 c 137 c 138 c 139 b 140 d 1 b 2 d 3 d 4 a 5 b

141 a 142 c 143 d 144 c 145 b 6 a 7 d 8 b 9 d

146 c 147 c 148 c 149 a 150 c

Assertion and Reason
Heating and Chemical Effect of Current 1158

1 a 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 d 14. (a) and

6 e 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 d
11 a 12 a 13 d 14 a 15 c
16 c 17 a 18 c 19 b 20 b
21 d

15. (d) In series  

In parallel = 3  30 = 90 W

16. (d) Energy consumed in

Heating Effect of Current  For 30 days,

1. (a) 1 kWh = 1000 W  3600 sec = 36  105 W-sec (or J)

2. (b) 17. (b) also

18. (c) Because given voltage is very high,

3. (c) 19. (c)
20. (a) In series, is same), i.e. in series Fine wire
(high R) liberates more energy.
In parallel, is same) i.e. thick wire (less R)
4. (b) When two bulbs are connected in series, the current will be liberates more energy.
same in both the bulbs. As a result potential drop will be
21. (d) Resistance of the bulb =
more in the bulb of higher resistance i.e., bulb of lower
5. (b) When 1 bulb fuses, the total resistance of the circuit
decreases hence the current increases. Since , When connected with 110 V, the power consumed
therefore illumination increases.
6. (c)

7. (c) We know that 22. (a) The resistance of 25 W bulb is greater than 100 W bulb. So
for the same current, heat produced will be more in 25 W
bulb. So it will glow more brightly.
8. (a) and 23. (a) Equivalent resistance in the second case

Now, we know that

9. (b) Rconductor  Temperature and Rsemiconductor 

Since in the second case the resistance is
higher than that in the first case (R1).
Therefore power dissipation in the second case will be
10. (c) decreased.
11. (a) In series, current is same in both the bulbs, hence
24. (c) For constant voltage, we know that

So higher the power, lower will be the resistance.

12. (c) In this case, or and will be

minimum, when divided four parts are joints in parallel to

the battery.
13. (c) Length is immaterial for an electric fuse wire.
1159 Heating and Chemical Effect of Current

25. (d) but  .

Since is constant as per given conditions So

26. (d) Power consumed means heat produced.

For constant potential difference

(Since and

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