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Herzer Soft Magnets1

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5, SEPTEMBER 1990 1397



G. Herzer
Vacuumschmelze GmbH, D-6450 Hanau, Fed. Rep. Germany

Abstract - Amorphous ribbons of composition

Fe74 5-xCuxNb3Si13 gBg (x=O,l at%) have been We will adopt this model as well as the ones
annealed between about SOO'C and 9OO'C. This for large scale poly-crystalline materials and
produced a series of crystallized samples with discuss their predictions with respect to the
grain sizes between about lOnm and 300nm and new nanocrystalline material. In particular we
with coercivities HC and initial permeabilities will focus on the grain size dependence of the
pi varying over several orders of magnitude. soft magnetic properties in crystallized
The best soft magnetic properties (Hc=O.OIA/cm Fe74.~-~Cu~Nb3(SiB)22.5 for grain sizes from
and pi=80x103) were observed for the smallest about 10nm up to several 100 nm.
grain sizes of about 1 Onm. With increasing grain
size D coercivity steeply increases following EXPERIMENTAL
a D6-power law (up to DsSOnm). Hc then runs
through a maximum of Hc=30A/cm and decreases Ribbons of Fe74.5-xC~xNb3Si13.5Bg(x=O, 1 at%)
again for grain sizes above 15Onm according to and Fe73.5CuiNb3Si16.5B6 were prepared by
the well-known l/D-law for poly-crystalline rapidly quenching from the melt in 15 mm width
magnets. The initial permeability was found to and about 20 wm thickness. The material was then
vary in a similar manner, essentially being crystallized by annealing for lh above its
inversely proportional to coercivity. The crystallization temperature T,. In order to get
variation of the soft magnetic properties with a series of samples with increasing crystallite
the average grain size is discussed and compared size the annealing temperature Ta was varied
with the predictions of the random anisotropy from about 500°C up to 900°C.
model and other theories for the magnetization
reversal- Differential thermoanalysis (DTA) at 10 K/min
was used to characterize the crystallization
INTRODUCTION behaviour of the material. The structural
details after crystallization were studied by
Recently Yoshizawa et al. [ l ] reported on new transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Addi-
ferromagnetic Fe-base alloys with ultrafine tional information about the constituent cry-
grain structure, revealing excellent soft stalline phases and its volume fraction was
magnetic properties. A typical example is deduced from the temperature dependence of
Fe73.5CUlNb3Si13.5Bg,(at%). Thematerial is cast saturation magnetization Js being measured in
as an amorphous ribbon. A subsequent heat a Faraday balance in a magnetic field of
treatment above the crystallization temperature H =6kA/cm.
produces a homogeneous, ultrafine grain The soft magnetic properties were measured at
structureof a - F e S i w i t h a t y p i c a l g r a i n d i a m e t e r room temperature on annealed toroidal wound
of D-lOnm. The formation of this nanocrystalline cores of 22mm outer and 16mm inner diameter.
structure is ascribed to the addition of Cu and Coercivity Hc was determined from the B-H-loops
Nb 111. recorded at about 0.1 Hz using an integrating
The good soft magnetic properties of the new fluxmeter. The initial permeability Pi was
material can only partially be understood by measured at 50 Hz with a driving field of
the decrease of saturation magnetostriction to H=Hc/100.
near-zero being observed after crystallization RESULTS
[ 1 1 . The combination of small grain size and
good soft magnetic behaviour seems to be at odd
with the classical rule of soft magnetic Maanetic Proverties upon Annealinq
engineering which states that soft magnetic Fig.1 shows the coercivity HC of heat treated
properties of poly-crystalline magnets Fe74.5:xCuxNb3Si13.5Bg as a function of the
deterioratewithdecreasing grain size (cf.[2]). annealing temperature Ta. The behaviour of
But, as a matter of fact, this rule only applies initial permeability vi is given in Fig.2 and
as long as the grain diameter is larger than reveals a similar behaviour being essentially
the ferromagnetic exchange length. Otherwise inversely proportional to Hc.
the magneto-crystalline anisotropy K1 of the
grains is suppressed due to the smoothing part In the alloy without Cu coercivity increases
of ferromagnetic exchange interaction. This steeply with the onset of crystallization by
mechanism seems to provide the basis for the orders of magnitude and reaches a maximum of
soft magnetic properties of the nanocrystalline more than 10A/cm at about 540'C. This is a rather
structure [3]. typical behaviour observed in many amorphous
alloys (cf.[5]). In comparison the crystallized
The situation resembles much the case of Cu-doped composition reveals a broad minimum of
amorphous alloys where it has become folklore H,=lOmA/cm within the same annealing window
that atomic-scale local anisotropies are ran- between about 500'C and 560°C. Simultaneously
domly averaged out so that there would be no the initial permeability reaches a maximumvalue
anisotropy net-effect on the magnetization of more than 80x1 03. A deterioration of the soft
process. The degree to which this mechanism is magnetic properties is finally observed at about
effective has been successfully addressed by 6OO0C, i.e. at significantly higher annealing
Alben et al. (41 in terms of the so-called random temperatures than in the Cu-free alloy.
anisotropy model.

0018-9464/90/0900-1397$01.00'SI 1990 IEEE



.-C 1


1 ; 5 : ; ! : ; I ' eF ,

0 a 1 at% Cu
0.00 'm
500 600 700 800 900
Annealing Temperature To in OC

Fig. 1 C o e r c i v i t y H , a s a f u n c t i o n of t h e
a n n e a l i n g t e m p e r a t u r e T, .
The arrows i n d i- Fig. 3 TEM b r i g h t f i e l d m i c r o g r a p h s o f
Fe73.5CulNb3Si13,gBg annealed a t Ta=540' C
cate t h e o n s e t o f c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n d e t e r m i n e d
by DTA a t 10 K / m i n . ( u p p e r l e f t ) and 900°C (lower r i g h t ) ,
Fe73.5CulNb3Si16.5Bg a n n e a l e d a t 5 4 0 ' C ( u p p e r
r i g h t ) a n d Fe74 g N b 3 S i 1 3 5Bg ( T a = 5 3 0 " C , lower
l e f t ) showing v a r i o u s s t a g e s o f crystalli-
z a t i o n . A n n e a l i n g t i m e w a s l h i n each c a s e .

.- 10000- the a-FeSi grains. Annealing above 600°C sig-
D nificantly increases the average grain size of
0 the a-FeSi-particles (cf. lower left in Fig.3).

1000- \

+ \
At the same time we find the Curie temperature
to increase towards Tc=700"C which proposes a
decrease of the Si-content in the a-FeSi. The

a 100- electron diffraction patterns further indicate
the formation of a second crystalline phase,
annealed l h at 1, presumably FeNbB. This phase is also manifested
in a slight inflection of the temperature
lo! ' '500' ' ' ' 550 ' ' ' ' ' '
600 ' dependence of magnetization at around 420°C.
The situation is somewhat different in the
Annealing Temperature T, in OC Cu-free alloy. The thermomagnetic analysis
reveals a considerable amount of a-FeSi ( 5 0 - 8 0 % )
only in the very initial state of crystalli-
Pig. 2 I n i t i a l p e r m e a b i l i t y p i as a f u n c t i o n zation, i.e. in a small annealing window between
o f the a n n e a l i n g t e m p e r a t u r e T,. about 520'C and 540°C. Above Ta=540"C the
constituent phase changes to a FeB-compound,
presumably bct-FejB. This is indicated by the
X-ray diffraction patterns [1,6] as well as by
the thermomagnetic analysis which shows that
Microstructural Investiaations above Ta=540"C about 70-80% of the sample is
made up of a crystalline phase with a Curie
Fig.3 shows some typical microstructures of temperatureofTc=500"Cclosetothatofbct-Fe~B
the crystallized material. The most striking (Tc=550'C, cf.18)). Yet there is still a small
difference between the alloy compositions amount ( 2 0 . 3 0 % ) of a second crystalline phase
without and with lat% Cu appears to be the with Tc=660"C corresponding to that of a-FeSi
crystallite size after comparable heat treat- with around 1 5 at% Si. The change in the con-
ments in the lower temperature regime (cf. lower stituent phases from a-FeSi to FeB-compounds
left and upper part in Fig.3, respectively). runs along with a maximum in the average grain
The constituent phase in the Cu-doped alloy size which first increases towards 540°C to
is a-FeSi [ 1,3,6]. The temperature dependence D-50-60nm and then decreases between about
of magnetization indicates its volume fraction Ta=540"C-600"C.The behaviour of coercivity
to be about 70-90% (cf.[3]) increasing with indicates that D finally increases again above
annealing temperature. For annealing tempera- about Ta=600"C, although the development of
tures Ta below about 580°C the crystalline microstructure above Ta=600'C has still to be
particles are embedded in a still amorphous investigated.
matrix [3] probably enriched with Nb, Cu and B The different crystallization behaviour of the
since these elements are known to be insoluble alloys is also manifested in the DTA-traces.
in a-FeSi. The lattice parameter of 0.284 nm as While the Cu-free alloy shows a single crys-
obtained by X-ray defraction [l] and the Curie tallization peak at TX(onset)=575"C, the
temperature of about Tc=600'C [3] suggest an addition of Cu results in two peaks with
enhanced Si-content of about 20 at% (cf.[ 71 ) in crystallization onsets at about 51 0°C and 660°C.

Obviously the Cu-addition promotes the THEORETICAL MODEL

nucleation of a-FeSi since Cu and Fe tend to
segregate. This is assumed to be the basic The magnetic properties of an assembly of small
mechanism [ 1 ] for the ultrafine grain structure grains depend strongly on the counterplay of
of a-FeSi obtained in a relatively wide anneal local magnetic anisotropy energy and ferro-
window between about 500’C and 560°C. magnetic exchange energy.
For large grains the magnetization can follow
cture the easy magneticdirectionsin the single grains
The correlation between the microstructural and domains can be formed within the grains.
and magnetic investigations is given in Fig.4, The magnetization process, thus, is determined
where Hc and pi have been plotted versus the by the magneto-crystallineanisotropy K1 of the
average grain size D. The most significant crystallites.
feature is the steep increase (decrease) of Hc For very small grains, however, ferromagnetic
(vi) by orders of magnitude for grain sizes exchange interaction more and more forces the
below about 50nm. Coercivity then runs through magnetic moments to align parallel, thus,
a maximum and tends to decrease again for grain impeding the magnetization to follow the easy
sizes of several 100 nm. Permeability varies directions of each individual grain. As a
accordingly. consequence the effective anisotropy for the
Fig.4 represents the central result of the magnetic behaviour is an average over several
present work. An interpretation of the grains and, thus, reduced in magnitude.
underlying physical mechanisms will be the The dividing line between these two cases is
subject of the following paragraph. given by the ferromagnetic exchange length
L:x = Jrn (1)
(A denotes the exchange stiffness) which is a

C 9
I - - - - - -
basic parameter in domain wall theory (cf.[9])
representing a characteristic minimum scale over
which the magnetization can vary appreciably.
With the material parameters of a-Fe-20at%Si
(K1=8kJ/m3 [lo], A=lO-llJ/m [ll]) the exchange
length is estimated as Lex=35nm. This value
-- 100- ? roughly coincides with the grain size below that
U I we find a steep decrease of coercivity and a
I I F~74.5-x~uxNb3Si22.5-~ - corresponding increase of permeability (Fig.4).
,x 10-1-
_- H without Cu. 9 at% B 1 G r a y o w Model)

10-2- +
0 0.0 1 at% Cu. 9 at% B
A& 1 at% Cu, 6 at% B
In order to interpret the behaviour of the
magnetic properties for very small grain sizes
0 we make use of the random anisotropy model
lo-’- I I . . . . I I * . . ’ originally proposed by Alben et al. [4] for
amorphous ferromagnets. The basic idea is
sketched in Pig. 5 and starts from an assembly
of ferromagnetically coupled grains of size D
with magneto-crystalline anisotropies K1
oriented at random.
The effective anisotropy affecting the mag-
netization process results from averaging over
the N= (Lex/D) grains within the volume V=Lex3
104- \
1 w- \


lo’!- - - ,
10 50
-I ‘.‘I
I .’..
500 1000
*\, I-
Grain Size D in nm

Fig. 4 Coercivity He and initial permea-

bility p i as a function of the average grain
size D. The dashed lines sketch the
theoretically expected behaviour and show
the variation H,, l / p i a D6 below 4 0 nm and Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the random
H e , l/pi a l/D above 150 nm. anisotropy model. The arrows indicate the
randomly fluctuating magneto-crystalline

of the exchange length. For a finite number, N, L a m e Grains

of grains there will always be some easiest If the grain size exceeds the exchange length
direction determined by statistical fluctu- the effective anisotropy <K> for the magnet-
ations. As a consequence the resulting aniso- ization process is given by the magneto-crys-
tropy density <K> is determined by the mean talline anisotropy K1 itself.
fluctuation amplitude of the anisotropy energy
of the N grains, i.e. For D=Le!, coercivity and permeability approach
their maximum or minimum value, respectively,
given by
Hc = P , z (6a)
In turn the exchange length Lex now is related
self-consistently to the average anisotropy by
substituting <K> for K1 in eq. (l), i.e.

(3) With the material parameters of a-FeSi and

pc=0.64 and p =.33 for cubic particles we
This renormalization of Lex results from the estimate Hc=35 #/cm and pi=70 which is close to
counterplay of anisotropy and exchange energy: the experimentally observed extreme values.
as magneto-crystalline anisotropy is suppressed
by exchange interaction the scale on which Finally, if the grain size exceeds the domain
exchange interactions dominate expands at the wall width, GB=~L,,=T(A/K~ ) ll2, the magnetiz-
same time and ,thus, the local anisotropies are ation process is determined by domain wall
averaged out even more effectively. pinning at the grain boundaries. For that case
The combination of eqs.(2) and (3) finally theory predicts [13,14]

which holds as long as the grain size D is

smaller than the exchange length Lex. It should
be noted that this result is essentially based with pre-factors being typically pc=6 (3) and
on statistical and scaling arguments and, pk=O.l(0.2) for 180'(90") -domain walls in an
therefore, is not limited tothe case of uniaxial assembiy of randomly oriented cubic particles.
anisotropies (as may be anticipated from Fig.5) This l/D-law for Hc and l/pi is well-known for
but also holds for cubic or other symmetries. poly-crystalline Ni-Fe [2] or MnZn-ferrites
The most significant feature of the above ~ 5 1 .
analysis i s the strong variatior, of < K > with Our experimental data of Hc and l/pi indeed
the sixth power D6 of the grain size. If seem to match with this theoretic result for
coercivity and initial permeability are related grain sizes above about 150 nm (=4(A/K1)ll2).
to <K> using the results for coherent spin A fit of the data points to a 1/D law (dashed
rotation (cf.[12]) we find line in Fig. 4) gives pc=2.6 for coercivity and
pP=0.05 for permeability which is in the order
of the theoretically expected values.
Fig. 6 compares the coercivities of nano-
crystalline FeCuNbSiB with other soft magnetic
Accordingly the sensitive grain size dependence alloys. The extrapolation of the 1 /D-law of the
of <K> should be also reflected in the soft nanocrystalline alloys to the km-scale gives
magnetic properties. coercivities in between those of poly-crys-
talline FeSi6.5wt% (161 and 50wt?.Ni-Fe[2]. This
Indeed our experimental data for HC and ki can be understood from the similar magnitude of
both are compatible with the expected D6 -de- magneto-crystalline anisotropy Ki which is
pendence (dashed line in Fig.4) for grain sizes 22kJ/m3 for FeSi6.5 [lo] and 0.8kJ/m3 for
below about 40 nm (=Lex). A fit of the 50wt%Ni-Fe [2). In comparison the Hc-level of
corresponding data points to eq. (5) using the permalloy is significantly lower due to the
material parameters of a-Fe-20 at% Si yields nearlyvanishing magneto-crystalline anisotropy
pc=0.13 for coercivity and p,+=O.5 for permea- (K1<10J/m3). Amorphous alloys are located on
bility, respectively. These fitted pre-factors the quite opposite site of the scale. Hereby we
match surprisingly well with the results of fine have assumed that the characteristic length
particle theory which are pc=O.64 and pP=O.33 scale (analogous to D) is about 0.5nm corre-
for cubic particles oriented at random sponding to the atomic volume of nearest
(cf.[ 121 ) . neighbours.
It should be finally noted that the above As schematically indicated in Fig.6 the
results for Hc and ki are not bound to the case decrease of Hc with grain size in practice is
of coherent magnetization rotation. Indeed, the limited to a lower bound due to more long-range
same final result can be derived assuming domain inhomogenieties. Relevant to this are, for
wall pinning as the prevailing magnetization example, magnetoelastic and induced aniso-
mechanism (see appendix). tropies or surface roughness. The resulting

100, I I I I I I I It is finally interesting to compare the

-- present work with other data for fine particles.
O'Handley et al. 1191 have made similar
:* observations in devitrified glassy CogqNbloBg.
They find a discontinuity in coercivity of more
than three orders of magnitude between crys-
f tallite sizes of about 7nm and 20nm (no data
t are given in between these limits). This result
is compatible with a D6-law. The decrease of Hc
D6 atvery small particle sizes is also awell-known
I phenomenon from the studies of high coercive
I Good soft magnetic properties are also found
in multilayered magnetic structures with layer
. - d
thicknesses on the nm-scale. Dirne et a1.1211,
for example, report an increase of permeability
0.001 ! I I I I I I I
and a corresponding decrease of coercivity in
1nm 1Crm 1mm Fe/CoNbZr multilayers for Fe-layer thicknesses
D below about 50nm. However, the variation with
Grain Size D D in these lower dimensional structures is not
Y (+) amorphous CO (Fe)-base as pronounced as observed for the three-di-
mensional case. It rather corresponds to a
nanocrystalline Fe-Cu,,Nb,(SiB), D2/3 -dependence which would be the prediction
o Fe-Si 6.5 wtX of the random anisotropy model if generalized
o 50 Ni-Fe to the one-dimensional case (for two dimensions
the result would be a DZ-dependence of Hc).
o Permalloy

Fig. 6 Grain size and coercivity H, for

various s o f t magnetic metallic alloys. Nanocrystalline alloys offer an interesting
system to study magnetic interaction for the
case in which the structural correlation length
is comparable to the ferromagnetic exchange
limitation for the soft magnetic properties is length. The dramatic changes in coercivity and
obvious for amorphous metals and is also found permeability observed for very small grains can
in the nano-crystallinematerial at small grain be interpreted in terms of the smoothing part
sizes. As an example, .g
F 4 includes some data of exchange interaction averaging out locally
for Hc and i~i as obtained when the sample is fluctuating anisotropies so that there is only
slowly cooled after the isothermal treatment at a small anisotropy net-effect on the magnet-
Ta. The higher coercivities and lower permea- izationprocess. Similar tothe caseof amorphous
bilities in this case are due to induced alloys, this mechanism is the basis for the good
anisotropies during cooling. The effect is most soft magnetic properties of the new nanocrys -
pronounced for the smallest grain sizes where talline Fe-base alloys. In addition the high
the induced anisotropy (typically 10- 20 J/m3) silicon content of the constituenta-FeSi grains
exceeds the average structural anisotropy <K> leads to low or vanishing saturation magne-
( = 5 J/m3 for D=lOnm) The problem has been . tostriction.
attacked theoretically by Alben et al. 1 4 1 who There are only a few alloy systems which reveal
found Hc to vary proportionally to D3 (instead the combination of low anisotropy and low
of D6) if Ku dominates over <K>. magnetostriction: the Permalloys, Sendust,
The discussion so far aimed at the effect of Mn-Zn-Ferrites,the amorphous Co-based alloys
grain size. Comparing the Cu-free and the Cu- and, now, the nanocrystalline Fe-base alloys.
dopedalloy composition itmust be still realized Among these the nanocrystalline alloys offer
that the two alloys reveal different constituent the highest saturation polarizations of about
crystalline phases after crystallization, i.e. Js=1.2-1.3 T. This and further features like
FeB-compounds and a-FeSi, respectively. low high frequency losses due to a high elec-
Actually the anisotropy constants K1 and K2 of tricalresistivity, the possibility of tayloring
tetragonal crystalline Fe2B or Fe3B are in the the shape of the hysteresis loop by magnetic
order of 100kJ/m3 (cf.[ 17,181) and, thus, one field annealing [22] as well as good thermal
order of magnitude higher than the one of a-FeSi. stability make the nanocrystalline Fe-base
However, K1 and K2 are negative at room tem- alloys a most promising candidate for soft
perature and we rather deal with an easy c-plane magnetic applications.
than with an easy direction. As a consequence
magnetization can be always easily reversed by APPENDIX
rotation within the easy plane. For an ideal
isotropic c-plane this would mean zero coer- Coercivity due to domain wall pinning basi-
civity and infinite initial permeability. In cally results from spatial fluctuations of the
practice, however, the magnetization rotation domain wall energy y ( 1 4 1 , i.e.
within the easy plane is certainly hindered by
a small amount of in-plane anisotropy K3. It is
suspected that this in-plane anisotropoy K3
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