What Is Radical Feminism
What Is Radical Feminism
What Is Radical Feminism
Radical feminists believe that the cause of gender inequality is based on men’s
need or desire to control women.
The definition of the word ‘radical’ means ‘of or relating to the root’.
Radical feminists thus see patriarchy as the root cause of inequality between men
and women and they seek to up-root this. They aim to address the root causes of
oppression through systemic change and activism, rather than through legislative
or economic change.
Radical feminism requires global change of the system. Radical feminists theorize
new ways to think and apprehend the relationships between men and women so
that women can be liberated.
Radical feminism sees women as a collective group that has been and is still being
oppressed by men. Its intent is focused on being women-centered, with women’s
experiences and interests being at the forefront of the theory and practice. It is
argued by some to be the only theory by and for women (Rowland & Klein, 1996).
For example, some of the actions of the women in the women’s suffrage
movement in the early 20th century can be considered radical.
It was eventually banned by booksellers and many suffragists at the time objected
to it because of its critical position on the right to vote as the single issue which
would ensure women’s equality (Rowland & Klein, 1996).
A significant radical feminist group which emerged around this time is the New
York Radical Women group, founded by Shulamith Firestone and Pam Allen.
Hundreds of women marched with signs proclaiming that the pageant was a
‘cattle auction’. During the live broadcast of this event, the women displayed a
banner that read ‘Women’s Liberation’, which brought a great deal of public
awareness of the radical feminist movement.
A noteworthy writing prior to this time which may have been influential to the
movement is Simone de Beauvoir’s 1949 book titled The Second Sex.
In this book, she understands women’s oppression by analyzing the particular
institutions which define women’s lives, such as marriage, family, and
Her book gave a voice to women’s frustrations with their limited gender roles and
helped to spark widespread activism for gender equality.
Patriarchal institutions
Radical feminists believe that there are existing political, social, and other
institutions that are inherently tied to the patriarchy.
This can include government laws and legislature which restricts what women
can do with their bodies, and the church, which has long restricted women to the
maternal role, and rejects the idea of non-reproductive sexuality.
She also suggested that women’s bodies are used in advertising and pornography
alike for the male use.
The struggle against pornography has come to occupy such a central position in
the radical feminist critique of male supremacist relations of power.
Campaigns against this are intended to tell women how men are willingly being
trained to view and objectify them (Thompson, 2001).
They believe that violence is a way for men to gain control, dominate, and
perpetuate women’s subordination.
According to radical feminists, violence against women is not down to a few
perpetrators, but it is a wider, societal problem.
They claim there is a rape culture that is enabled and encouraged by a patriarchal
Transgender disagreement
There is disagreement about transgender identity in the radical feminist
community. While some radical feminists support the rights of transgender
people, some are against the existence of transgender individuals, especially
transgender women.
For this reason, TERFs often reduce gender down to biological sex differences
and do not support the rights of all those who identify as being a woman.
They desire this structural change since they argue that women’s oppression is
systemic, meaning it is produced by how society functions and is found in all
They believe that institutions including the government and religion are centered
historically in patriarchal power and thus need to be dismantled.
Bodily autonomy
Radical feminists emphasize the theme of the body, specifically on the
reappropriation of the body by women, as well as on the freedom of choice. They
want to reclaim their bodies and choose to be able to do what they want with
their bodies.
They have argued for reproductive rights for women which would give them the
freedom to make choices about whether they want to give birth.
This also includes having access to safe abortions, birth control, and getting
sterilized if this is what a woman wants to do.
Through dismantling the patriarchy and having justice for victims of violence on
the basis of sex, radical feminists believe there will be less instances of this
Many also argue that pornography and other types of sex work are harmful and
encourage violence and domination of men over women and should be stopped.
They believe that sex work falls under the patriarchal oppression of women and is
exploitative, although some radical feminists disagree with this position.
Women-centered strategies
A main part of radical feminism is that they want strategies to be put in place to
help women. This can include the creation of shelters for abused women and
better sex education to raise awareness of consent.
For instance, they may be against having gender neutral public bathrooms as this
increases women’s risk of being abused by a man.
Radical feminism has also been responsible for many of the advances made
during the second wave of feminism. This is particularly true when it comes to
women’s choice over their bodies and violence against women.
Due to the activism of radical feminists, sexual violence such as rape and
domestic violence are now considered crimes in most western countries.
It has also been recognized that violence against women is not a series of isolated
cases, but rather a societal phenomenon. Radical feminists have thus increased
awareness of this issue.
A prominent criticism of radical feminism is the transphobia associated with
TERFs. Many people who relate to a lot of the original ideas of radical feminism
may have stopped identifying as a radical feminist due to its association with
It is not only transphobic but is part of a wider movement which encompasses its
feminist stance to partner with conservatives, with a goal to endanger and get rid
of transgender people.
While radical feminism may have been progressive during its peak, the
movement can be criticized for lacking an intersectional lens. It views gender as
the most important axis of oppression and sees women as a homogenous group
collectively oppressed by men.
It does not always take into consideration the different experiences of oppression
suffered by women with disabilities, women of color, or migrant women for
They promote freedom of choice when it comes to women and what they do with
their bodies, but they do not support women who choose to engage in sex work.
They argue that all sex workers are oppressed, without recognizing that a good
number of them use this work to reappropriate their own bodies or even to play
on male domination.
The critical view that radical feminists have about sex work has contributed to the
further stigmatization of this industry and it contradicts their message of ‘my
body, my choice’ and their opposition to conservative views of sexuality.
If they supported bodily autonomy, then they should be happy to see a woman
choosing to engage in sex work, as long as this is what she is choosing to do.
While radical feminism doesn't;t have one set of ideological beliefs, there is
one effect of radical feminism that would be consistent among all radical
feminists if it were to be fully implemented. That is that there would be a
sexual revolution in society which wouldn't just increase the legal rights of
women, or redistribute wealth, but fundamentally change the way society
works so that it is no longer based on the patriarchy.