Top 80 - Linux Commands
Top 80 - Linux Commands
Top 80 - Linux Commands
Prepared By
Oranium Tech Team
Example: `pwd`
Example: `chmod 755` (gives read, write, and execute permissions to the owner, and read/execute
permissions to others)
Example: `chown user:group file.txt` (changes the owner and group of the file)
12. **ps**: Displays information about running processes.
15. **free**: Displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.
Example: `top`
Example: `tar -czvf archive.tar.gz file1 file2` (creates a gzip-compressed tar archive)
21. **ping**: Tests network connectivity by sending ICMP echo requests to a host.
22. **traceroute**: Displays the route that packets take to reach a destination host.
27. **scp**: Securely copies files between local and remote systems via SSH.
36. **scp**: Securely copies files between local and remote systems via SSH.
Example: `sed 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt` (replaces all occurrences of 'foo' with 'bar' in the file)
40. **awk**: Text processing tool for extracting and manipulating data.
Example: `awk '{print $1}' file.txt` (prints the first column of the file)
42. **awk**: A versatile text processing tool for data extraction and manipulation.
Example: `awk '{print $2}' file.txt` (prints the second column of the file)
Example: `tar -czvf archive.tar.gz file1 file2` (creates a gzip-compressed tar archive)
Example: `curl -X POST -d "data"` (sends a POST request with data)
Example: `history`
Example: `who`
Example: `uptime`
58. **jq**: A command-line JSON processor for parsing and manipulating JSON data.
Example: `cat data.json | jq '.key'` (extracts the value of 'key' from data.json)
Example: `htop`
61. **screen**: Creates multiple virtual terminal sessions within a single terminal window.
Press `Ctrl+A` and then `Ctrl+D` (detaches from the current screen session)
62. **tmux**: A terminal multiplexer similar to screen, allowing multiple terminal sessions.
Press `Ctrl+B` and then `D` (detaches from the current tmux session)
65. **ss**: Displays socket statistics, showing details about active connections.
67. **scp**: Securely copies files between local and remote systems via SSH.
Example: `lscpu`
Example: `blkid`
76. **jq**: A command-line JSON processor for parsing and manipulating JSON data.
Example: `cat data.json | jq '.key'` (extracts the value of 'key' from data.json)
Example: `htop`