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4 Lesson 8 A Code of Ethics

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Lesson 7 Code of Ethics

Philippine Nurses’ Code

of Ethics
BOARD OF NURSING Board Resolution No. 220
WHEREAS, the Board of Nursing has the power to promulgate a Code of Ethics for
Registered Nurses in coordination and consultation with the accredited professional
organization (Sec. 9, (g), Art. III of R.A. No. 9173, known as the “Philippine Nursing
Act of 2002);
WHEREAS, in the formulation of the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, the Code
of Good Governance for the Professions in the Philippines was utilized as the principal
basis therefor: All the principles under the said Code were adopted and integrated into
the Code of Ethics as they apply to the nursing profession;
WHEREAS, the promulgation of the said Code as a set of guidelines, regulations or
measures shall be subject to approval by the Commission (Sec. 9, Art. II of R.A. No.
9173); and
WHEREAS, the Board, after consultation on October 23, 2003 at Iloilo City with the
accredited professional organization of registered nurses, the Philippine Nurses
Association, Inc (PNA), and other affiliate organizations of Registered Nurses, decided
to adopt a new Code of Ethics under the afore-mentioned new Law; NOW,

THEREFORE, the Board hereby resolved, as it now resolves, to promulgate the

hereunder Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses:
Health is a fundamental right of every individual. The
Filipino registered nurse, believing in the worth and
dignity of each human being, recognizes the primary
responsibility to preserve health at all cost. This
responsibility encompasses promotion of health,
prevention of illness, alleviation of suffering, and
restoration of health. However, when the foregoing
are not possible, assistance towards a peaceful death
shall be his/her obligation.
To assume this responsibility, registered nurses have
to gain knowledge and understanding of man’s
cultural, social, spiritual, physiological, psychological,
and ecological aspects of illness, utilizing the
therapeutic process. Cultural diversity and political
and socio-economic status are inherent factors to
effective nursing care.

The desire for the respect and confidence of clientele,
colleagues, co-workers, and the members of the
community provides the incentive to attain and
maintain the highest possible degree of ethical
Ethical Principles
1. Values, customs, and spiritual beliefs held by
individuals shall be respected.
2. Individual freedom to make rational and unconstrained
decisions shall be respected.
3. Personal information acquired in the process of giving
nursing care shall be held in strict confidence.
Guidelines to be observed:
REGISTERED Nurses must
a. consider the individuality and totality of patients
when they administer care.
b. respect the spiritual beliefs and practices of patients
regarding diet and treatment.
c. uphold the rights of individuals.
d. take into consideration the culture and values of
patients in providing nursing care. However, in the
event of conflicts, their welfare and safety must take
Ethical Principles
1. Human life is inviolable. (sacred)
2. Quality and excellence in the care of the
patients are the goals of nursing practice.
3. Accurate documentation of actions and
outcomes of delivered care is the hallmark
of nursing accountability.
Guidelines to be observed:
REGISTERED Nurses must
a. know the definition and scope of nursing
practice which are in the provisions of R. A. No.
9173, known as the “Philippine Nursing Act of 2002”
and Board Res. No. 425, Series of 2003, the “Rules
and Regulations Implementing the Philippine
Nursing Act. of 2002”, (the IRR).
b. be aware of their duties and responsibilities in
the practice of their profession as defined in the
“Philippine Nursing Act of 2002” and the IRR.
c. acquire and develop the necessary competence
in knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively
render appropriate nursing services through
varied learning situations.
d. if they are administrators, be responsible in providing favorable
environment for the growth and developments of Registered
Nurses in their charge.
e. be cognizant that professional programs for specialty certification
by the BON are accredited through the Nursing Specialty
Certification Council (NSCC).
g. see to it that quality nursing care and practice meet the optimum
standard of safe nursing practice.
h. insure that modification of practice shall consider the principles of
safe nursing practice.
i. if in position of authority in a work environment, be normally and
legally responsible for devising a system of minimizing
occurrences of ineffective and unlawful nursing practice.
j. ensure that patients’ records shall be available only if they are to
be issued to those who are professionally and directly involved
in their care and when they are required by law.
Ethical Principle
4. Registered Nurses are the advocates of the patients: they shall
take appropriate steps to safeguard their rights and privileges.

Guidelines to be observed:
REGISTERED Nurses must
a. respect the “Patients’ Bill of Rights” in the delivery of nursing care.
b. provide the patients or their families with all pertinent information
except those which may be deemed harmful to their well-being.
c. uphold the patients’ rights when conflict arises regarding
management of their care.
Ethical Principle
5. Registered Nurses are aware that their actions have professional,
ethical, moral, and legal dimensions. They strive to perform their
work in the best interest of all concerned.
Guidelines to be observed:
REGISTERED Nurses must:
a. perform their professional duties in conformity with existing laws,
rules regulations. measures, and generally accepted principles of
moral conduct and proper decorum.
b. not allow themselves to be used in advertisement that should
demean the image of the profession (i.e. indecent exposure,
violation of dress code, seductive behavior, etc.).
c. decline any gift, favor or hospitality which might be interpreted as
capitalizing on patients.
d. not demand and receive any commission, fee or emolument for
recommending or referring a patient to a physician, a co-nurse or
another health care worker; not to pay any commission, fee or
other compensations to the one referring or recommending a
patient to them for nursing care.
e. avoid any abuse of the privilege relationship which exists with
patients and of the privilege access allowed to their property,
residence or workplace.
Ethical Principles
1. The Registered Nurse is in solidarity with other
members of the healthcare team in working for the
patient’s best interest.
2. The Registered Nurse maintains collegial and
collaborative working relationship with colleagues and
other health care providers.
Guidelines to be observed:
REGISTERED Nurses must
a. maintain their professional role/identity while working with
other members of the health team.
b. conform with group activities as those of a health team should
be based on acceptable, ethico-legal standards.
c. contribute to the professional growth and development of
other members of the health team.
d. actively participate in professional organizations.
e. not act in any manner prejudicial to other professions.
f. honor and safeguard the reputation and dignity of the
members of nursing and other professions; refrain from making
unfair and unwarranted comments or criticisms on their
competence, conduct, and procedures; or not do anything that
will bring discredit to a colleague and to any member of other
g. respect the rights of their co-workers.
Ethical Principles
1. The preservation of life, respect for human rights, and
promotion of healthy environment shall be a
commitment of a Registered Nurse.
2. The establishment of linkages with the public in
promoting local, national, and international efforts to
meet health and social needs of the people as a
contributing member of society is a noble concern of a
Registered Nurse.
Guidelines to be observed:
REGISTERED Nurses must
a. be conscious of their obligations as citizens and, as
such, be involved in community concerns.
b. be equipped with knowledge of health resources
within the community, and take active roles in
primary health care.
c. actively participate in programs, projects, and
activities that respond to the problems of society.
d. lead their lives in conformity with the principles of
right conduct and proper decorum.
e. project an image that will uplift the nursing
profession at all times.
Ethical Principles:
1. Maintenance of loyalty to the nursing profession and
preservation of its integrity are ideal.
2. Compliance with the by-laws of the accredited
professional organization (PNA), and other professional
organizations of which the Registered Nurse is a member is
a lofty duty.
3. Commitment to continual learning and active
participation in the development and growth of the
profession are commendable obligations.
4. Contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic
conditions and general welfare of nurses through
appropriate legislation is a practice and a visionary
Guidelines to be observed:
Registered Nurses must
a. be members of the Accredited Professional
Organization (PNA).
b. strictly adhere to the nursing standards.
c. participate actively in the growth and development
of the nursing profession.
d. strive to secure equitable socio-economic and work
conditions in nursing through appropriate legislation
and other means.
e. assert for the implementation of labor and work
The Certificate of Registration of Registered Nurse shall
either be revoked or suspended for violation of any
provisions of this Code pursuant to Sec. 23 (f), Art. IV of
R. A. No. 9173 and Sec. 23 (f), Rule III of Board Res. No. 425, Series of 2003,
the IRR.

The Amended Code of Ethics promulgated pursuant to R. A. No. 877
and P.D. No. 223 is accordingly repealed or superseded by the herein

This Code of Ethics for Nurses shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
from its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette or in any
newspapers of general
Principles of the Nursing Code of Ethics
Revised in 2015 to include 9 provisions, the ANA’s nursing
code of ethics now includes interpretative statements that can
provide more specific guidance for nursing practice.


American Nurses Association

Currently, the nurse’s code of ethics contains 9 main

1. The nurse practices with compassion and respect for

the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every
2. The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient,
whether an individual, family, group, community, or
3. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the
rights, health, and safety of the patient.
4. The nurse has authority, accountability, and
responsibility for nursing practice; makes decisions; and
takes action consistent with the obligation to provide
optimal patient care.
5. The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the
responsibility to promote health and safety, preserve wholeness of
character and integrity, maintain competence, and continue personal
and professional growth.
6. The nurse, through individual and collective effort, establishes,
maintains, and improves the ethical environment of the work setting
and conditions of employment that are conducive to safe, quality health
7. The nurse, in all roles and settings, advances the profession through
research and scholarly inquiry, professional standards development,
and the generation of both nursing and health policy.
8. The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public
to protect human rights, promote health diplomacy, and reduce health
9. The profession of nursing, collectively through its professional
organization, must articulate nursing values, maintain the integrity of
the profession, and integrate principles of social justice into nursing
and health policy.
Cynda Rushton, Anne and George L. Bunting Professor of
Clinical Ethics, explains the importance of understanding ethics
in the nursing profession

Nursing Ethics: Understanding

Ethics in Nursing
Principles of the Nursing Code of Ethics
Revised in 2015 to include 9 provisions, the ANA’s nursing
code of ethics now includes interpretative statements that can
provide more specific guidance for nursing practice.


American Nurses Association

Currently, the nurse’s code of ethics contains 9 main

1. The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the

inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person.
2. The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether
an individual, family, group, community, or population.
3. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights,
health, and safety of the patient.
4. The nurse has authority, accountability, and responsibility
for nursing practice; makes decisions; and takes action
consistent with the obligation to provide optimal patient care.
5. The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others,
including the responsibility to promote health and safety,
preserve wholeness of character and integrity, maintain
competence, and continue personal and professional growth.
6. The nurse, through individual and collective effort,
establishes, maintains, and improves the ethical environment
of the work setting and conditions of employment that are
conducive to safe, quality health care.
7. The nurse, in all roles and settings, advances the
profession through research and scholarly inquiry,
professional standards development, and the generation of
both nursing and health policy.
8. The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and
the public to protect human rights, promote health diplomacy,
and reduce health disparities.
9. The profession of nursing, collectively through its
professional organization, must articulate nursing values,
maintain the integrity of the profession, and integrate
principles of social justice into nursing and health policy.
Code of Ethics
for Nurses
Copyright © 2006 by ICN - International Council of Nurses,
3, place Jean-Marteau, 1201 Geneva (Switzerland)
An international code of ethics for nurses was first adopted by
International Council of Nurses (ICN) in 1953. It has been
and reaffirmed at various times since, most recently with this
review and revision completed in 2005.
Part 1

Nurses have four fundamental

responsibilities: to promote health, to
prevent illness, to restore health and to
alleviate suffering. The need for nursing is
Part 2
Inherent in nursing is respect for human rights,
including cultural rights, the right to life and
choice, to dignity and to be treated with
respect. Nursing care is respectful of and
unrestricted by considerations of age, colour,
creed, culture, disability or illness, gender,
sexual orientation, nationality, politics, race or
social status.
Part 3
Nurses render health services to
the individual, the family and the
community and co-ordinate their
services with those of related
• The nurse’s primary professional responsibility is to people requiring
nursing care.
▪ In providing care, the nurse promotes an environment in which the
human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the individual,
family and community are respected.
▪ The nurse ensures that the individual receives sufficient information
on which to base consent for care and related treatment.
▪ The nurse holds in confidence personal information and uses judgment
in sharing this information.
▪ The nurse shares with society the responsibility for initiating and
supporting action to meet the health and social needs of the public, in
particular those of vulnerable populations.
▪ The nurse also shares responsibility to sustain and protect the natural
environment from depletion, pollution, degradation and destruction.
▪ Provide care that respects ▪ Use recording and information
human rights and is sensitive to management systems that
the values, customs and beliefs ensure confidentiality.
of all people. ▪ Develop and monitor
▪ Provide continuing education in environmental safety in the
ethical issues. workplace.
▪ Provide sufficient information to
permit informed consent and
the right to choose or refuse
▪ The nurse carries personal responsibility and accountability for
nursing practice, and for maintaining competence by continual
▪ The nurse maintains a standard of personal health such that the
ability to provide care is not compromised.
▪ The nurse uses judgment regarding individual competence when
accepting and delegating responsibility.
▪ The nurse at all times maintains standards of personal conduct which
reflect well on the profession and enhance public confidence.
▪ The nurse, in providing care, ensures that use of technology and
scientific advances are compatible with the safety, dignity and rights
of people.
▪ Establish standards of care and ▪ Monitor and promote the
a work setting that promotes personal health of nursing staff
safety and quality care. in relation to their competence
▪ Establish systems for for practice.
professional appraisal,
continuing education and
systematic renewal of licensure
to practice.
▪The nurse assumes the major role in determining
and implementing acceptable standards of
clinical nursing practice, management, research
and education.
▪The nurse is active in developing a core of
research-based professional knowledge.
▪The nurse, acting through the professional
organization, participates in creating and
maintaining safe, equitable social and economic
working conditions in nursing.
▪ Set standards for nursing ▪ Promote participation in
practice, research, education national nurses’ associations so
and management. as to create favourable socio-
▪ Foster workplace support of the economic conditions for nurses.
conduct, dissemination and
utilisation of research related to
nursing and health.
▪The nurse sustains a co-operative relationship
with co-workers in nursing and other fields.
▪The nurse takes appropriate action to safeguard
individuals, families and communities when their
health is endangered by a coworker or any other
▪ Create awareness of specific ▪ Develop mechanisms to
and overlapping functions and safeguard the individual, family
the potential for interdisciplinary or community when their care is
tensions. endangered by health care
▪ Develop workplace systems personnel.
that support common
professional ethical values and
NMC Code of Professional
Nursing and Midwifery Council 2002, NMC London.
▪ Respect the patient or client as an individual
▪ Obtain consent before you give any treatment or care.
▪ Protect confidential information
▪ Cooperate with others in the team
▪ Maintain your professional knowledge & competence
▪ Be trustworthy
▪ Act to identify and minimize risk to patient & clients.
15 points

Open Notes Quiz

See if they have rules that answer the
following questions:
1. When, if ever, is it permissible to take a gift or gratuity
from the patient?
2. When is it legitimate and perhaps mandatory to break a
patient’s confidence?
3. Is it permissible to lie to a patient if it is for his or her own
4. What must I do if I make a medication error that no one
else knows about and it appears harmless to my patient?
5. What obligations do I have as a colleague when I suspect
that a co-staff I am working with, is abusing alcohol or
appears chemically impaired?

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