Vocal Visualiser
Vocal Visualiser
Vocal Visualiser
The vocal cords produce sound when they come together and then vibrate as air passes through them during exhalation
of air from the lungs. This vibration produces the sound wave. Sound waves are pressure wave that can create
vibrations in an object.
In this experiment, we will use sound visualiser gadget visualize and feel sound waves produced by our vocal cords.
1. Hold the sound visualiser gadget horizontally and switch on the laser ponter attached to it.
2. Put the opening of the rubber diaphragm attached drum close to your mouth in such a way that the laser beam after
getting reflected from the mirror(attached to the diaphragm) falls on the wall opposite to you.
3. Say something loudly into the drum and observe the reflected beam falling on the wall.
4. Repeat the same by changing the pitch and loudness of your voice.
Observe that
1. The reflected laser beam falling on the wall forms a pattern.
2. Compare the patterns formed on the wall when you change the pitch and loudness of your voice.
Observation based:
1. Are the patterns same when you change the pitch and loudness of your voice while speaking the same phrase?
2. Are the patterns vary when you speak different phrases with same pitch and loudness?
Homework: Explore: