Lesson Plan About Sound
Lesson Plan About Sound
Lesson Plan About Sound
Sound Waves
Grade 8
July 17, 2018
I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) Explain why sound waves travel fastest in solids, faster in liquids and slowest in gases;
b) Describe the factors that affect the speed of sound;
c) Infer that sound is produced by the vibrating source
A. Topic: Sound
B. Materials: Visual aids, handkerchief, cotton balls
C. References:
You and the Natural World, The New Grade 8, pp. 52-55
Science and Technology, pp.42-44
Google for vocabulary
D. Science Process: Observing, Communicating, Comparing, Classifying
E. Value Integration: To appreciate the importance of sound
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer & Greetings
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review/Motivation
Ask the students about the previous discussion.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Introduction
In your previous lesson, you studied about
work and energy. Today, we will start our new
lesson about the concept of wave.
First, what is wave?
3. Analysis
What is sound? Sound is a form of energy that travels
in invisible waves created by vibrating
objects. It cannot travel in vacuum.
Did your throat vibrate when you touch it while you Yes ma’am.
are speaking?
How are sound waves produced when you talk? Sound waves produced by the
vibration of the vocal cords.
Production of Sound
The source of sound is any vibrating object. The
vibration of the vocal chords in the larynx
produces human voice and also animals.
So class, in your previous study, what are the states Solid, Liquid and Gas
of matter?
If the molecules of the medium were able to return
quickly from their original position after being
displayed, thus, it is a good transmitter of sound
because they can vibrate at higher speed.
A medium with higher density quickly transmit the
sound waves because their bond strength is very strong.
The molecules quickly vibrate to each other in which
they are passing the sound waves for a very short time.
Sound waves travel faster in hot temperature than in
cold temperature. Since heat is a form of kinetic
energy, in higher temperature, molecules have more
kinetic energy and thus, vibrate faster. And when
molecules vibrate faster, energy is transferred through
collision of molecules and resulting in sound traveling
5. Application
What would the world be if there is no sound?
(The teacher will ask the opinions of each The world will be quiet and peaceful.
IV. Evaluation
1. A longitudinal wave that is created by vibrating objects
2. Sounds whose frequencies are lower than 20 Hz
3. Sounds with frequencies higher than 20 000 Hz
4. What are the factors that affect the speed of sound?
5. Where does sound produce in humans and animals?
V. Assignment
1. The clap of thunder is heard 10 seconds after the flash of lightning is seen. If the air temperature
is 250C, what is the speed of sound?
2. What comes first, lightning or thunder? Defend your answer.
Prepared by:
Aiza Mae R. Faustino
BSED IV – Bio.Sci