050 MHB 1
050 MHB 1
050 MHB 1
. . A1eriam Instrument
l lrl [ a Scott Fetzer compaii]
Table of Contents
Manometer Principles
p = differential pressure
P 1 = pressure at the low pressure connection
P2 = pressure at the high pressure connection
p density of the liquid
g acceleration of gravity
h height of the liquid column Figure 1
In all forms of manometers (U tubes, well-types, and manometer has a uniform tube, the center one has an
inclines) there are two liquid surfaces. Pressure deter- enlarged leg and the right-hand one has a irregular
minations are made by how the fluid moves when leg. Manometers in Figure 3 are open to atmosphere
pressures are applied to each surface. For gauge pres- on both legs so the indicating fluid level in both legs
sure, P2 is equal to zero (atmospheric reference), is the same. Imposing an identical pressure on the left
simplifying the equation to leg of each manometer, as shown in Figure 4, causes
the fluid level in each manometer to change. Because
p= pgh of the variations in volume of the manometer legs, the
distances moved by the fluid columns are different.
U TUBE MANOMETERS However, the total distance between the fluid levels,
H, remains identical in the three manometers.
The principles of manometry are most easily demon-
strated in the U tube manometer shown in Figure l. It
is simply a glass tube bent to form the letter U and
partially filled with some liquid. With both legs of 3
the instrument open to atmosphere or subjected to the
same pressure, the liquid maintains exactly the same 2
level or a zero reference.
at P there must be some drop
in the well level D. This is
readily compensated for by
spacing the scale graduations
in the exact amount required
to correct for this well drop.
To insure the accuracy of this
correction, the well area and
internal diameter of the indi-
cating tube must be carefully
Figure 7
Indicating Fluids
1000 GREEN CONCENTRATE A specially prepared concentrate which, when mixed with distilled water,
makes an indicating fluid of low surface tension and practically zero hysteresis. This fluid keeps indicating
tubes clean and is used for high precision work. Density and physical properties are identical to water.
Non-corrosive to brass, glass, stainless steel, and aluminum.
827 RED OIL This fluid is non-corrosive and recommended for general use in manometers, draft gauges, air
flow meters, etc., where a light fluid is desirable and where extremes in temperature are not encountered.
I 00 RED UNITY OIL A non-corrosive oil mixture. Prepared for general use where a fluid near the gravity
of water is desired, but water itself is unsuitable.
I 04 HI-V AC RED FLUJD (DIBUTYL PHTHALATE) A low vapor pressure liquid specially suited for high
vacuum applications. Teflon gasketing is required. Non-corrosive and insoluble in water.
Specific Gravity: 1.04 @ 80° F Vapor Pressure: 0.0000 lmm Hg. @ 20° C
Temperature Range: 20° to 150° F Flash Point: 340° F
175 BLUE FLUID (X-DI BROMOETHYBENZENE) A highly stable heavy liquid for use in manometers
and flow meters. Low viscosity, non-corrosive, insoluble and with a clear interface in water.
200 BLUE FLUID (X-DI BROMOETHYBENZENE) Same as 175 Blue fluid. This fluid is normally used by
Meriam in acrylic incline manometers.
295 NO. 3 RED FLUID (ACETYLENE TETRABROMlDE) A heavy bromide. Non-toxic, but all parts in
contact with fluid must be of brass, glass, or stainless steel. Corrosive to steel.
HI-PURITY MERCURY A specially treated mercury of the highest purity. Gives a bright, sharp meniscus.
Used in all applications where the heaviest density is required for maximum range and where chemical reaction
is not encountered. Cannot be used in aluminum or brass instrumec~.
Manometer Corrections
As simp le as manometry is, certain aspects are often needed. A simple way of correcting fo r density
overlooked. Manometry measurements are fu nctions changes is to ratio the densities.
of both density and gravity. The values of these two
are not constant. Density is a function of temperature, (Standard) Pogho=(Ambient) p, gh,
and gravity is a funct ion of latitude and e levation.
Because of this relationship specific ambient condi-
tions must be selected as standard, so that a fixed
definition for pressure can be maintained.
corrected height of the indicating fluid to
Standard conditions for mercury: standard temperature
h, height of the indicating fluid at the temperature
Density 13.595 1 g/cm 3 . when read
at ooC (32° F) Po densit;,; of the indicating fluid at standard
tern perature
Gravity 980.665 cm/sec2 (32.174 ft/sec 2) p, density of the indicating fluid at the
at sea level and 45.544 degrees latitude temperature when read
(Standard) p0 &,ho= (Ambient) p,g,h, pressure, measured by the indicating fluid height, is
the difference between density of the fluid column
h0 = g,p, X h, and the density of equal height of the pressure
&>Po medium. This is illustrated in Fig ure 8. The density
SCALE CORRECTION consideration for each gas in contact with a particular
fluid. Mercury is one exception in which absorbed
As with the indicating fluids, temperature changes gases are not found. This makes mercury an excellent
affect the scale. At higher temperatures the scale will manometer fluid in vacuum and absolute pressure
expand and the graduations will be further apart. The applications. Along with mercury, Meriam produces
opposite effect will occur at lower temperatures. All 104 Hi-Vac Red Fluid (Dibutyl Phthalate- l.04g/cm 3
Meriam scales are fabricated at a 22° C (71.6° F) @ 80° F). This fluid has a very low vapor pressure
temperature. A ten degree C shift in temperature (0.0000 I mm Hg). This makes it a good choice as an
from that at which the scale was manufactured will indicating fluid for vacuum applications. The low
induce an error in the reading of about 0.023% in an vapor pressure prevents the loss of fluid from evapo-
aluminum scale. All Meriam scales are made of a lu- ration and in some instances prevents contamination
minum . This correction may be ignored when work- from condensation of the indicating fluid in the test
ing within ± I 0° C of the temperature at which the set-up. It cannot be used in absolute units, because it
scale was manufactured. absorbs gases easily.
a coefficient of expansion for the scale material Capillary effects occur due to the surface tension or
0.0000232/°C for aluminum wetting characteristics between the liquid and the
T temperature when the manometer was read glass tube. As a result of surface tension or wetting,
T0 temperature when the scale was manufactured most fluids form a convex meniscus. Mercury is the
only indicating fluid which does not wet the glass and
COMPRESSIBILITY / consequently, forms a concave meniscus. For consis-
tent results, you must always observe the fluid menis-
Compressibility of indicating fluids is negligible ex- cus in the same way, whether convex or concave. To
cept in a few applications. For compressibility to help reduce the effects of surface tension, manome-
have an effect, the manometer must be used in mea- ters should be designed with large bore tubes. This
suring high differential pressures. At high differential flattens the meniscus, making it easier to read. A
pressures the fluid shrinkage (increase in density) large bore tube also helps fluid drainage. The larger
may begin to be resolvable on the manometer. At 250 the bore the smaller the time lag while drainage
psi the density of water changes approximately 0. 1%. occurs. Another controlling factor is the accumula-
Depending upon accuracy requirements compressibil- tion of corrosion and dirt on the liquid surface. The
ity may or may not be critical. The relationship presence of foreign material changes the shape of the
between pressure and density fo r water is meniscus. With mercury it also helps to tap or v ibrate
the tube to reduce error in the readings. A final note
p = 0.000003684p+ 0.9999898956 to capillary effects is the addition of a wetting agent to
the manomter fluid. Adding the wetting agent helps
p density of water (g.cm3 ) at 4 ° C and pressure p in obtaining a symmetrical meniscus. This decreases
p pressure in psia the difficulty in making readings. A wetting agent is
not needed with all fluids but is added to Meriam
Since the need to correct is very rare, other indicating 1000 Green Concentrate.
fluid's compressiblities have not been determined.
Mercury' s compressibility is negligible. ACCURACY
Digital Manometers
What is an inch of water? The correct answer to this There is only one commonly used reference condition
question has taken on increased importance with the for mercury columns: 0° C (32° F) and 980.665
demand for better accuracy and the introduction of cm/sec2• The use of the wrong temperature reference
digital manometers. For example, lets assume that for water columns can produce errors of 0.1% to
you have just received you r new digital manometer 0.2%. The failure to correct a mercury co lumn from
and you decide to verify its accuracy. The manufac- an observed temperature of 68° F can · prpduce an
turer claims 0.1% accuracy at 100 inches of water. error of 0.36%. Figure 9 shows the errors at different
You set up a test using a deadweight tester and a latitudes caused by not correcting for gravity.
water manometer. After placing a 100 inch of water
weight on the deadweight tester, you record a reading
of 99.8 inches of water on the digital manometer and
l 00.2 inches of water on the manometer. Which is
right? The answer to this question will be evident
after the following discussion of manometers and
dead weight testers and their relationship to digital
manometers. There will also be a discussion of
digital manometer accuracy and resolution.
P = (g/go)(Pw - Pa)h
Figure 9
g, gravity at instrument location
g., standard gravity (980.665 cm/sec2) Consider the example presented earlier where the
Pa density of air at observed temperature manometer indicated 100.2 inches of water and the
Pw = density of water at observed temperature digital manometer indicated 99.8 inches of water. In
Po density of water at standard temperature order to correct the manometer to reference condi-
h = height of water column in inches tions, some additional infonnation is needed. The test
was conducted in Corpus Christi, Texas at an ambient
Notice that in order to determine the pressure indi- temperature of27° C (80.6° F). The digital manome-
cated by the height of a water column one needs to ter displays water column referenced to 20° C.
know more than the height of the column. Both the
local gravity and the density of the manometer fluid The gravity correction factor is the gravity at 28°
and the fluid being measured, in this case water and north latitude divided by the standard gravity
air, need to be known. As can be seen, the pressure (979.185/980.665 = 0.9985). The temperature cor-
indicated by an inch of water varies with location and rection factor is the specific gravity at the ambient
temperature. In order to make the readings compara- temperature minus the specific gravity of air divided
ble they must be reported at the same temperature and by the specific gravity at the reference temperature
gravity. The three commonly used reference condi- ((0.99654- 0.0012)/0.9983) = 0.997). Therefore the
tions for water columns are shown on the table below. manometer reading corrected to reference conditions
is shown below.
Standard Temperature Gravity
(100.2)(0.9985)(0.997) = 99.85" @ 20° c
Scientific 4° C (39.2° F) 980.665
AGA 15.6° C (60° F) 980.665 Notice the close agreement between this and the
Industrial 20° C (68° F) 980.665 dig ital manometer reading .
The use of a water manometer is not practical for field accuracies. If the reference temperature were 15.6° C
calibrations since a manometer with a range of I 00 additional correction factors would have to be applied
inches of water would be over 8 feet tall. A solution to the dead weight tester and the manometer. Dead
to this problem is to substitute a heavy liquid, such as weight testers can be calibrated at different tempera-
mercury, for the water and to adjust the scale to read ture references and gravities. The certificate of cali-
in inches of water. This reduces the scale by a factor bration for the dead weight tester will indicate the
of 13.59, the ratio of the specific gravity of mercury reference conditions used for its calibration.
to that of water. Although this reduces the scale
length to less than 8 inches, it also reduces the scale Since dead weight testers do not indicate the pressure
resolution and therefore its accuracy. Typical accu- output one must be sure that there are no leaks in the
racy for this type of manometer is 0.25 inches of system. A leak will cause the pressure at the instru-
water. This type of manometer can be read directly ment under test to be lower then that indicated by the
only at the conditions for wh ich the scale was calcu- weights. A dead weight tester is a precision piece of
lated. A typical scale would read inches of water equipment and should be carefully maintained and
referenced to 4° C when observed at 22° C at a operated in a clean environment to insure its accu-
gravity of 980.665 cm/sec 2 • Corrections must be racy. Because of its high accuracy, the dead weight
calculated if any of the conditions vary from those at tester is the recommended pressure source for evalu-
which the scale was calculated. The manometer is an ating digital manometers.
accurate pressure indicating device if the specific
gravity of the manometer fluid is accurately known EVALUATING DIGITAL MANOMETERS
and the correction factors are properly applied.
The digital manometer is a recent addition to field
Dead Weight Tester - Dead weight testers are the calibration instrumentation. These instruments are
most accurate pressure sources available. Unlike light weight, approximately I pound, and are avail-
manometers that measure pressure, dead weight able with accuracies from 0.2% to 0.025%. Their
testers generate accurate pressures. The pneumatic accuracy places them between the manometer and the
dead weight tester balances a known weight on a dead weight tester, while their size and weight make
co lumn of air from a nozzle of known area. Since the them more convenient for field calibration. Most
weight and the area can be accurately measured, the available instruments have a 3 1/ 2 or 4 1/ 2 digit display
pressure generated can be determined by dividing the with resolution down to 0.01 inches ofwater. Digital
weight by the area. The dead weight tester is consid- manometers are not primary standards and their accu-
ered a primary standard since both weight and area racy should be verified periodically against a primary
are properties that can be easily and accurately mea- standard. When digital manometers are calibrated
sured. Dead weight testers with accuracies of 0.015% with properly corrected primary standards they re-
are readily available. quire no further correction to indicate within their
stated accuracy.
Dead weight testers also require corTection factors to
determine the actual pressure generated. In the evalu- The evaluation of a digital manometer begins by
ation example presented earlier, the digital manome- comparing the manufacturer's published accuracy rat-
ter and the manometer are in agreement at 99.8 inches ings. This is not as simple as it appears, since there is
of water but the dead weight tester has a 100 inches of no standard format for accuracy statements. For
water weight. Dead weight testers are calibrated at a example, one manufacturer may include the tempera-
set of reference conditions. In this case the reference ture coefficient of enor in the accuracy rating by
conditions are 20° C and 980.665 cm/sec2 . Because specifying the accuracy over a specific temperature
the dead weight is operating at a different gravity, the range while another manufacturer may state the tem-
same gravity correction must be applied to the dead perature coefficient separately. To compare these
weight tester as to the manometer. specifications, the temperature error would have to be
calculated over the operating temperature range and
(100)(0.9985) = 99.85" @ 20° c added to tue accuracy rating. Compare the following:
Notice that after applying the correction factors all 0. 1% F.S. 0 - 40°C
three of the instruments agree within their specified 0.1% F.S. + 0.0 l %/°C
Although both units are 0.1% F.S. the latter un it is increment that can be distinguished or displayed. The
within this limit only at its calibration temperature of following relationship exists between accuracy and
20° C. To equate the two we must multiply the resolution: resolution can exceed accuracy but accu-
temperature coefficient by the temperature difference racy can not exceed resolution. A 3 1/ 2 digit instru-
between 20° C and 40° C ((0.0 1)(20) = 0.2%). ment divides the input signal into 1999 parts. The
Adding this to the 0. 1% accuracy at 20° C yields an smallest increment that can be displayed · is 1 part in
accuracy of 0.3% F.S. over the temperature range of 1999 or 0.05% of full scale. This would limit the
0° C to 40° C. Therefore, the first unit is more accuracy of this instrument to 0.05% of fu ll scale.
accurate than the second unit. Always look for a Although decreasing the resolution will decrease the
statement of temperature effect. All pressure indica- accuracy of the instrument, increasing the resolution
tors are affected by temperature and manufacturers will not increase the accuracy. For example, a 0.05%
use various methods to minimize these effects. The of full scale instrument with a 4 1/ 2 digit display has a
manufacturer that does not document temperature resolution of 0.005% of full scale, since the accuracy
effect is either unaware of it or unwilling to make it does not change, the additional digit provided by the
known to the consumer. increased resolution is meaningless. Do not assume
that all displayed digits are significant; compare the
The accuracy rating indicates the limit that errors will accuracy to the resolution to determine how many
not exceed when the instrument is operated under the digits are significant.
specified conditions. An accuracy rating normally
includes linearity, hysteresis and dead band. If the After determining the error limits for each test point,
specifications state the accuracy components sepa- the instrument evaluation can proceed. An instrument
rately, then they must be combined to determine the or pressure source with an accuracy of between 3 and
total accuracy rating. The method recommended by 10 times that of the instrument under evaluation
the Instrument Society of America is to take the should be used. A dead weight tester with an accuracy
square root of the sum of the squares of the accuracy of 0.0 15% of reading is recommended. If the evalua-
components. Since the accuracy rating is stated at tion is being conducted in inches of water, then the
specified cond itions, you r evaluation tests must be following informafion must be known: the reference
conducted under the same conditions. For example, if temperature at which the dead weight tester was
the accuracy is specified at 70° F then the evaluation calibrated; and the reference temperature at which the
tests should be conducted at that temperature; other- instrument was calibrated. This is very important
wise an additional error factor may be introduced by since the indicated error between different reference
the temperature coefficient of accuracy. temperatures can be as much as 0.2%. In addition, all
appropriate correction factors, especially gravity,
Accuracy can be expressed in several d ifferent ways. must be applied to the dead weight tester and there
Among them are must be no leaks in the system.
Applications Guide
High accuracy digital manometers/calibrators are par-
ticularly useful as calibrators for pressure transmit-
ters, pressure recorders, and other pressure measuring
devices. A typical set-up for transmitter calibration is l.l SHUTOFF VALVE
shown at the right. The digital manometer is con-
nected through a tee to a transmitter and a pressure
source (often a hand pump). The 4 - 20 rna output
"" vI
from the transmitter is also connected to the digital
manometer. An auxiliary loop supply (if needed)
I ~--~~
TANK GAUGING density. Once these adjustments are made the gauge
gives a direct readout in volumetric units for the tank
Many people like the advantages of using a hydro- fluid. These gauges also include communication such
static measurement to determine liquid levels in tanks. as 4 - 20 rnA outputs, RS-232C and SPDT relays.
These measurements are made with bubblers, or for
non-pressurized tanks with a direct head technique.
Manometers and mechanical gauges are used in this
application because of their simplicity of installation
and calibration and because of their high accuracy at
a low price.
There are, however, some drawbacks. One is that I
many manufacturers use a single tank for different VAPOR 5 PSIG
process fluids. These fluids often have different den-
sities. Failure to correct for these changes in density
can result in substantial errors in the volumetric mea-
surement. Correcting for these changes by recalibrat-
ing the gauge or by using tables to look up the LIQUID
quantities in the tank is cumbersome. Another draw-
back to manometers and mechanical gauges is their COMPRESSE~
L...J..-QD--L::::r-- AIR
inability to interface with PLC's and computers. \!)""tT' SOURCE
New smart pressure gauges (panel mount versions of CONSTANT DIFFERENTIAL
a digital manometer) address these concerns. They REGULATOR AND BUFFER
can be easily programmed for changes in a fluid's
TESTING PRESSURE SWITCHES the test, pressure is applied through the tee to the
smart manometer and the pressure switch until the
Several new features recently incorporated into the switch activates. The max display reading indicates
design of smart digital manometers simplify the test- the activation point (i.e. the pressure limit).
ing of pressure switches and othe pressure relief
devices such as rupture disks. One of these features is
settable damping or response rate. Smart manometers
have response rates as fast as 0.1 seconds and can UNIT UNDER TEST
capture rapidly changing pressure signals. A problem VENT TO
that arises, however, is that although the internal ATMOSPHERE
microprocessor of a smart manometer can keep up
with fast changes in pressure, often the human eye
cannot follow changes in a flickering display.
of 0.1 seconds. It is then connected thru a tee to the 834686 HAND PUMP
VACUUM/ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENTS. 2000 mm Hg absolute unit is 0.1 mm Hg. The options
for SPDT Relays, RS-232C or 4-20 rna outputs meet
Power Plants - In power plants mercury absolute nearly all of the requirements for controlling the
manometers have been used to check condenser effi- evacuation and fi lling process. Finally, the 316SS
ciency by monitoring vacuum at several points
on the isolated sensor makes the unit compatible with the
condenser. The requirement to eliminate mercury, various gases that are found in compressors.
coupled with the need for more interactive instrumen-
tation, leads to the consideration of smart pressure Plastics Industry - Most plastic manufacturing pro-
gauges for these needs. RS-232C and 4-20 rna outputs cesses are done with plastic resins. A vacuum blanket
simplify data logging, making it easier to document over the process insures that the resins stay liquefied.
test results. Temperature effects are unimportant be- If a vacuum in not maintained, the plastic product
cause a smart pressure gauge corrects for effects will begin to solidify. Absolute manometers are used
between -4° and .122° F; enabling location of the to measure the vacuum in the reactors and at the
gauge anywhere in the plant. liquid ring vacuum pump. Even in plants where vac-
uum transmitters have been installed, absolute
Refrigeration and HVAC - Prior to filling an air manometers are kept for local indication and as
conditioner or refrigerator with freon, a complete backup. A major drawback to using mercury
vacuum must be pulled on the system. Mercury abso- manometers is the possibility that some of the liquid
lute manometers are often used for this measurement. ring vacuum pump seal water, which can be caustic
Besides the mercury problem, these units do not and acidic, can get into the manometer and contami-
provide the outputs that are needed to automate the nate the mercury. An absolute digital pressure gauge
compressor filling orocess. In addition the resolution with 316SS sensors takes care of these problems. In
and accuracy ;:.r, ~h.; manometers do not meet current addition to being a local indicator, it can be used as an
customer requirements. Smart pressure gauges han- alarm switch or as an alternative to transmitters.
dles these requirements quite well. Resolution on a
Open flow measurement is a method used to estimate
the production capabilities of a natural gas well. A
section of pipe is installed off a valve at the well head;
an orifice plate or hook pitot tube is placed at the end
of the pipe; the gas is allowed to free flow from the
well, past the pitot or orifice, and into the atmosphere.
A manometer, across the pitot or orifice, measures the 2 .. PIPE
differential between the velocity pressure in the pipe
and atmospheric pressure. Using tables published by
the Appalach ian Geological Society (AGS) the corre-
sponding flow rate can be determined from the DP
and the pipe size.
While this measurement can be made with a liquid FROM WELL -t Ot-
manometer, sometimes there are concerns about the
use of manometer fluids. In addition, there is the
possibility of both reading errors on the manometer
and transcription errors when using the AGS tables.
An open flow version of a digital manometer simpli- and eliminates the need to use an AGS table for
fies this measurement. The manometer is pro- conversions. The open flow manometer displays the
grammed to directly calculate the flow rate using the flow rate from the well in thousands of cubic feet per
AGS tables for orifice plates and pitot tubes. This day, and it also displays the differential pressure in
makes the measurement fast, reduces reading errors, the appropriate units.
Glossary of Pressure Terms
measurement is referenced to zero pressure. It is mum total pressure permissible in a device under any
equal to the sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric operating conditions, at a specified temperature.
(i .e. barometric) pressure.
PRESSURE The force exerted per unit of area.
AMBIENT PRESSURE The pressure of the
medium surrounding a device. It varies from 30 in. of P = F/A
mercury at sea level to a few inches at high altitudes.
All pressure measurements are differential measure-
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Also called baro- ments. Pressure can be referenced to atmospheric
metric pressure, atmospheric pressure is the weight of pressure, zero pressure, or to another pressure.
the atmosphere on a unit surface. The standard
barometric read ing at sea level and 59° F is 29.92" of PRIMARY FLOW ELEMENT The system ele-
mercury absolute. ment that quantitatively convetts flow energy into a
form suitable for measurement (often with a differen-
DJFFERENTIAL PRESSURE D ifferential pres- tial pressure sensing device).
sure is the pressure difference between two measure-
ment points. RUPTURE PRESSURE The pressure at which a
device will burst.
FLOW MEASUREMENT Since liquid or gas now
is accompanied by a change in pressure along the STAGNATION PRESSURE It is equal to the sum
flow stream, a differential pressure device is often of static pressure and impact pressure. Stagnation
used with a primary element to measure the now. pressure is sometimes called total or ram pressure.
GAUGE PRESSURE A gauge pressure measure- ST ATIC PRESSURE The steady-state pressure
ment is referenced to atmospheric pressure. It will applied to a device. In the case of a differential
vary with the barometric reading. pressure device, the process pressure applied equally
to both connections.
IMPACT PRESSURE In a flowing fluid, the pres-
sure exerted parallel to the direction of now. lt is SURGE PRESSURE Operating pressure plus the
caused by the fluid velocity. increment above operating pressure to which a device
may be subjected for a short time during pump starts,
LIQUID PRESSURE The pressure below the sur- valve closings, etc.
face of a liquid.
VACUUM Any pressure below atmospheric.
p = pgh When this measurement is referenced to atmospheric
pressure (effectively a negative gauge measurement),
p density of the liquid it is is called a vacuum measurement. When this
g acceleration of gravity measurement, however, is referenced to zero pres-
h depth below the surface sure, it is an absolute pressure measurement.
PSI KPA inches H 20 em H20 inches Hg mmHg Bars mBars kg/cm2
(20° C) (20° C) (00 C) (00 C)
EXAMPLE 1mm Hg = 0.5362 inches H2 0 = 1.3332 mBars
• .IMeriam Instrument
M [ a Seott Fetzer com~
10920 Madison Avenue • Cleveland, OH 44102
Telephone 216-281-1100 • FAX: 216-281-0228
15M 4/97 File No. 050:MHB-1