Liu 2020
Liu 2020
Liu 2020
Xiumei Liu, Zihong Wu, Beibei Li, Jiyun Zhao, Jie He, Wei Li, Chi Zhang &
Fangwei Xie
To cite this article: Xiumei Liu, Zihong Wu, Beibei Li, Jiyun Zhao, Jie He, Wei Li, Chi Zhang
& Fangwei Xie (2020) Influence of inlet pressure on cavitation characteristics in regulating
valve, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 14:1, 299-310, DOI:
1. Introduction
Ma (2017) investigated internal flow characteristics, and
A regulating valve is a key part of direct coal liquefaction, discussed the flow rate under varying opening degrees,
which often suffers from severe shocks, cavitation erosion which is affected by cavitation. Forder, Thew, and Har-
and damage (Han, Liu, Wu, Zhao, & Tan, 2017; Liu, Jiang, rison (1998) presented a numerical erosion model that
& Zheng, 2012; Zheng, Ou, Ye, et al., 2016). Surveys show could predict erosion rates, and they indicated that veloc-
that the lifetime of a regulating valve is less than half a ity was a major reason for erosion. Jin, Gao, Zhang, and
year, which seriously affects safety performance and the Qian (2017) emphasized that inlet velocity has an impor-
long-term stable operation of coal chemical systems (Jin tant effect on pressure drop and determined the pressure
et al., 2015). The flow characteristics of fluid in the reg- distribution with variable inlet velocities. Liu, Zhao, and
ulating valve have a significant effect on its performance. Qian (2017) analyzed the flow characteristics, such as
Therefore, understanding the complex flow characteris- water volume fraction, flow rate and turbulent intensity,
tics inside the valve thoroughly is important, and the and then obtained the effect of these factors on the flow
details of flow characteristics are helpful for optimizing features of fluid.
the valve structure. Many researchers have discussed the flow perfor-
Many studies have focused on the main factors that mance under different inlet boundaries and its different
influence flow characteristics, such as opening degree, developing process (Long et al., 2017; Yang, Wang, & Lu,
medium, velocity, geometry configuration, and pressure 2019). Chern, Wang, and Ma (2007) visualized the per-
difference (Akbarian et al., 2018; Amirante, Distaso, formance and pattern of flow inside a valve with differ-
& Tamburrano, 2014; Ramezanizadeh, Alhuyi Nazari, ent opening degrees and inlet velocities experimentally.
Ahmadi, & Chau, 2019; Zheng, Ou, Ye, et al., 2016). Mou, The cavitation index was defined to predict the incep-
He, Zhao, and Chau (2017); Mosavi, Shamshirband, Sal- tion of cavitation based on experimental data. Abdulaziz
wana, Chau, and Tah (2019); and Ghalandari, Mirzadeh (2014) captured the dynamic behavior of cavitation bub-
Koohshahi, Mohamadian, Shamshirband, and Chau bles under different pressure ratios and obtained the
(2019) studied internal flow characteristics based on change in cavitation morphology. Yuan, Song, and Liu
computational fluid dynamics. Cui, Lin, Zhu, Wang, and (2019) observed the morphologies of cavitation bubbles
The instruments and experimental setup are presented The continuity equation for the mixture is:
in Figure 1(a). The pressure gauge is used to measure ∂
the inlet and outlet pressures, and the turbine flowme- (ρm ) + ∇ · (ρm v) = 0 (1)
ter upstream is used to measure liquid flow. The geo-
metrical structure of the regulating valve is designed in The momentum equation for the mixture can be
accordance with the actual one used in direct coal lique- expressed as:
faction. The size of the transparent valve is at one-tenth ∂
scale of the original geometry, which is made of poly- (ρm v) + ∇ · (ρm vv) = −∇p + ∇[μm (∇v + ∇vT )]
methyl methacrylate and transparent for good visualiza- (2)
tion observation. The experimental valve has a length
of 77 mm, a width of 25 mm and a minimum diameter Here, μm is the viscosity of the mixture; ρm is the mix-
of 3 mm, as shown in Figure 1(b). An optical fiber light ture density defined as ρm = ρv αv + ρl (1 − αv ); ρv ,ρl
(LA-100USW) is used as the illumination light, and a are the vapor and liquid densities, respectively; v is the
high-speed camera is used to observe the cavitation flow mass-averaged velocity; αv , 1 − αv are the vapor and liq-
(Phantom VEO-710L). The optical fiber source and high- uid volume fractions, respectively; and ∇p is the gradient
speed camera are mounted on the same side. of pressure p.
4. Result
When cavitation bubbles occur, almost all lights are
reflected at the interface between the cavitation bub-
bles and oil. The corresponding zones of the bubbles are
bright, whereas those of the oil are dark. Thus, the cav-
itation and non-cavitation bubbles can be easily distin-
guished. The digital image-processing techniques based
on gray-level detection on the images are widely used in
two-phase mixture identification (de Graaf, Brandner, &
Pearce, 2017; Soyama & Hoshino, 2016), and the prin-
ciple of calculating cavitation bubble length is shown in
Figure 4. Firstly, the image is tailored to the proper area
to reduce the number of pixels needed to be calculated.
The average gray value G is determined by calculating the
gray value of the same abscissa, and an average value is
obtained. Then, the gray value λ is defined as:
λ= (6)
Figure 8. Numerical results of cavitation development process under different inlet pressures (a) inside the regulating valve, (b) on plane
C, and (c) on five different planes.
To interpret the cavitation development process, a new central position of five planes. The cavitation develop-
coefficient Am being used is expressed as. ment process can be separated into three periods (Qiu,
Wang, Lei, Wu, & Guo, 2018a; Qiu et al., 2018b). Period
I is the no-cavitation stage (Pin ≤ 2.5 MPa) in which no
Am = Ai (7)
bubbles occur (Am = 0). Period II is the initial cavita-
tion stage (2.5 MPa < Pin ≤ 3.5 MPa). During this stage,
Ai is defined as the region of vapor volume fraction that the curve of Am rises with increasing Pin. The bubble
is over 1% in the radial direction (Li, Liu, Wei, Liang, & rings seem to increase with the accumulation of cavita-
Tang, 2018; Qiu et al., 2016a). Figure 8(b) shows the rela- tion bubbles. Oil and vapor mixture can be found inside
tionship between Am and Pin on plane C, which is the the bubble rings. The bubbles grow in the inner and outer
Figure 9. Numerical results: (a) model schematic of cavitation flow in the valve (not to scale), (b) cavitation intensity on plane A, (c)
cavitation intensity on plane C, and (d) cavitation intensity on plane E.
boundaries of plane C, extend towards one another and occur and attach on the inner surface of the throat and the
finally intersect in the middle as Pin increases. Coefficient outer surface of the spool head, as shown in Figure 9(a).
Am and the vapor volume fraction on plane C increase as Then, the flow velocity decreases, and the pressure grad-
Pin rises. The cavitation becomes stronger with increas- ually recovers with a wide flow channel. The pressure
ing input pressure (Qiu et al., 2016a; Qiu et al., 2016b). gradient is contrary to the flow direction (Jin et al., 2015).
Period III is called the steady cavitation (Pin > 3.5 MPa), With this adverse pressure gradient, backflow zones can
in which coefficient Am and the vapor volume fraction be found around the top of the head of the valve spool as
on plane C reach their maximum value and remain sta- a result of fluid viscosity. As affected by the high-speed
ble even if Pin continues to increase. Figure 8(c) shows backflow, the area of the upper bubbles is larger than that
coefficient Am on planes A, B, C, D, and E with increas- on the lower side (Zheng, Ou, Yi, et al., 2016).
ing Pin . The bubbles appear in sequential order on planes The density of bubbles in the cavitation region (cav-
A, B, C, D, and E as Pin increases. The farther away from itation intensity) can also be represented by using the
the throttling zone, larger Pin is needed for the cavitation vapor volume fraction on planes A, C, and E, as pre-
inception. The cavitation inception occurs on plane A as sented in Figure 9(b–d). If bubbles occur, then the vapor
Pin reaches 2.1 MPa. On plane D or E, the critical pres- volume fraction on plane A decreases firstly, and then
sure of the cavitation inception rises to Pin = 3.0 MPa. remains stable and finally increases along the Y-axis. This
Am on planes rises to its maximum value and stabilizes condition illustrates that the cavitation intensity on the
with rising Pin . The maximum value of Am is 1.83 mm2 surface of the throat and spool head is the strongest,
when Pin = 2.1 MPa. When Pin = 4.0 MPa, the maxi- and the minimum value is located near the slit between
mum value of Am on plane E is greater than 17. The plane the valve spool and seat. The reason is that cavitation
far from the throttling zone is covered by substantial is firstly generated on the surfaces and then developed
bubbles, and the effective flow area reaches its minimum. into the gaps. With Pin ≥ 2.5 MPa, the distribution of
As shown in Figure 5, the bubbles occur near the cavitation intensity and area on plane A occurs in the
throttling orifice and attach on the walls of contraction same manner, which shows that the cavitation process
and spool. The fluid accelerates through the contraction comes into the steady-cavitation stage. The distribution
section, and the pressure gradient is consistent with the of volume fraction on plane C is a typical case rep-
flow. When the local pressure is lower than Pv , bubbles resenting the entire cavitation development process, as
306 X. LIU ET AL.
Figure 11. Numerical results: (a) cavitation isograms with 1% vapor volume fraction and (b) influence of Pin on Ac .
larger. The increase rate of cavitation area becomes larger, the rising tendency of vapor volume fraction on the spool
and the cavitation bubble propagates downstream, when head under different inlet pressures is smooth, which
Pin further increases. When Pin increases to 4.0 MPa, the illustrates that the growing degree of the cavitation inten-
cavitation bubbles nearly fill the throat of the regulating sity is slower than that on the surface of the valve seat.
valve and form a smooth outline shape in the flow passage Nonetheless, a sudden drop in cavitation intensity hap-
(Long et al., 2017). pens on the inner surface of the valve seat and the outer
Figure 12 shows the distribution of cavitation intensity surface of the spool head. The cavitation intensity starts
or vapor volume fraction on the throat surface. Whilst to increase near the throttling zone and rises to its maxi-
Pin increases, the maximum of the vapor volume fraction mum values at the position of the minimum effective flow
becomes higher, and the length of the vapor–liquid mix- cross-section. The fluctuation in drop line, as shown in
ing section is also extended. Substantial pressure energy circles in Figure 12(b), is due to the unsmooth transition
is converted into kinetic energy, and the maximum value of contour lines on the spool head.
of flow velocity increases with increasing Pin . Therefore, Figure 13 shows the maximum velocity under vari-
the high-velocity zone has the tendency of radial expan- able inlet pressures obtained numerically when the Schn-
sion and the velocity gradient between the valve seat and err–Sauer cavitation model is employed or not. The max-
the center of the flow passage increases. This larger veloc- imum velocity rises with increasing Pin because substan-
ity gradient enhances the shear strength, the maximum of tial pressure energy is converted into kinetic energy. A
the vapor volume fraction becomes larger (Zhang et al., velocity difference exists between the single and mixing
2014), and the cavitation strengthens with increasing fluid. The maximum velocity is smaller when the cavita-
input pressure. When Pin = 2.1 MPa, no cavitation can tion model is employed. As the fluid flows through the
be found, and the vapor volume fraction equals 0. As Pin contraction section of the valve, the bubbles occur once
approaches 4.0 MPa, the peak value of the vapor volume the pressure reduces to the saturated pressure. The re-
fraction at 33.2 mm is close to 0.95, which demonstrates entrant flow near the end of the cavitation bubbles greatly
that the inner surface of the throat is almost covered by increases the turbulence intensity, consuming a substan-
pure vapor. Figure 12(b) shows the cavitation intensity tial part of mechanical energy (Jin et al., 2016). The
distribution along the outer surface of the spool head. appearance of cavitation bubbles also changes the posi-
Cavitation intensity and length increase with increasing tion of the actual minimum effective flow of the cross-
Pin . The maximum vapor volume fraction is nearly 0.95 at section and decreases its effective flow area. The shrink-
Pin = 4.0 MPa, and the maximum value is approximately ing cross-section area increases the pressure loss and
0.30 at Pin = 2.2 MPa. During the initial cavitation stage, reduces the regulating capacity of the valve. Therefore,
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Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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