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Characterization and Empirical Analysis of Block Caving Induced Surface Subsidence and Macro Deformations

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Characterization and empirical analysis of block caving induced surface

subsidence and macro deformations

Conference Paper · May 2009


6 3,724

3 authors:

Kyu-seok Woo Erik Eberhardt

Worley University of British Columbia - Vancouver


Andre Van As



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Characterization and empirical analysis of block caving induced
surface subsidence and macro deformations

K. Woo & E. Eberhardt

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
A. van As
Rio Tinto Technical Services, Brisbane, Australia

ABSTRACT: The increasing move to block cave mining methods (including sublevel and panel
caving) to access deeper and lower grade ore deposits as near surface sources become exhausted
raises questions as to the extent and magnitudes of caving-induced subsidence as it may affect
strain-sensitive infrastructure on surface. Predicting these surface deformations is difficult as
they tend to be discontinuous and asymmetric due to large movements around the cave con-
trolled by geologic structures, rock mass heterogeneity and topographic effects. Of further im-
pediment is the sparse number of case histories available, in which actual subsidence measure-
ments are reported to provide guidance and empirical constraints for subsidence calculations.
This study reports the development of an exhaustive and comprehensive database of available
(i.e. public domain) subsidence data from block cave mining operations from around the world.


With the increasing exhaustion of near surface ore deposits accessible through open pit mining,
block cave mining methods (including sublevel and panel caving) to extract massive low grade
orebodies are gaining increasing attention from the mining industry given their merits in terms
of safety, tonnages produced and mining costs that can match those of open pit operations. The
mining method involves the undercutting and bulk extraction of ore through caving (see Ken-
dorski 1978, Brown 2003), which in turn leads to the development of surface subsidence above
the propagating cave (Flores & Karzulovic 2003). The damage, destruction or replacement of
surface and underground infrastructure due to the subsidence is often the cause for additional
capital expenditures of block caving operations as well as for environmental degradation. There-
fore, it is critical to predict the extent and magnitudes of this subsidence with reasonable accura-
cy so as to be able to protect mine infrastructure and minimize environmental impacts (e.g.
Moss et al. 2006).
Much of the work on the topic of mining-induced subsidence has been directed towards
longwall coal mining and continuous subsidence, for which empirical procedures and guidelines
are relatively well established (e.g. Whittaker & Reddish 1989). However, block cave mining
produces discontinuous subsidence due to large movements around the cave controlled by geo-
logic structures, rock mass heterogeneity, etc. Vyazmensky (2008) demonstrated this effect us-
ing a hybrid finite-element/discrete-element modelling approach that simulates brittle fracturing
within a network of discontinuities. Their work highlights the importance of joint set orientation
on controlling cave propagation and the development of discontinuous and asymmetrical sur-
face subsidence. Still, prediction of discontinuous subsidence and the use of sophisticated nu-
merical models require understanding of the site conditions and constraints with respect to the
representation of the geology and material properties used. An impediment to this is the sparse
number of case histories available to provide general guidance for subsidence analysis in which
actual subsidence measurements are reported.
Given that such data is essential to better understanding discontinuous subsidence and its
controls, this paper reports the development of a comprehensive database of available (i.e. pub-
lic domain) in-situ subsidence information from block cave mining operations from around the
world. The objectives of the database are to lay the foundation for more effective empirical and
numerical analysis of surface subsidence induced by block cave mining. Based on the database,
empirical relationships can be drawn to demonstrate the limitations of analysis techniques that
do not explicitly incorporate geological structures and rock mass anisotropy. In addition, pre-
liminary guidelines are provided that contribute to improving the accuracy of subsidence predic-
tion based on correlations between different geological factors influencing subsidence and cha-
racteristics of the subsidence patterns measured.


The database compiled in this study is populated by more than ninety cave mining operations
throughout the world including both historical mines that have ceased to operate and those still
producing. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of the database by continent, mining method and
mineral produced. The majority of operations are North American based (42%), while an in-
creasing number of mining operations in Asia are adopting cave mining methods (Fig. 1a).
When it comes to mining method, 67 percent of the cases involve block caving with 16 percent
using sublevel caving to adapt to the local topography and/or orebody type (Fig. 1b). The inte-
grated use of two methods in tandem – block caving plus sublevel caving or block caving plus
panel caving – is increasing to facilitate excavation as well as mine management. As for miner-
als produced by these mines (Fig. 1c), copper and gold form the majority with 60 percent fol-
lowed by asbestos (11%) and diamond (10%). In terms of activity, 65 percent of the cases in-
volve mines that are currently operating (Fig. 1d).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1. Cave mining by: (a) continent; (b) mining method (BC = block cave, PC = panel cave, SC =
sublevel cave), (c) resource mined, and (d) activity. Total number of cases is reported in brackets below
the percentage.
A tabular format adopted for the database is designed to systematically display diverse basic
information on a mine including the name, location, and major factors that affect subsidence.
Only 5 percent of the surveyed mines report detailed subsidence measurement data. Due to this
limited availability of surface subsidence profiles, the majority of subsidence information is qu-
alitative, focusing on large-scale deformations and outlines of collapse structures (i.e. glory
holes). Still, the database represents an important undertaking and forms a solid framework for
continued data collection. Updating of the database is continuous with ongoing efforts seeking
to incorporate in-house data not available in the public domain. Mining operations interested in
sharing their data may do so by contacting the authors (kwoo@eos.ubc.ca).


Factors that affect block caving subsidence and their relative importance are summarized in
Figure 2a (Flores & Karzulovic 2003), with topography and structural geology ranked as factors
of high importance. Topography is critical because the scope of surface deformation induced by
block cave mining can be expanded and the shapes are more likely to be irregular due to the ter-
rain’s ruggedness. Structural geology is important as faults, foliation, and/or the discontinuity
network create paths of weakness that may influence cave propagation and the development of
discontinuous surface deformations. Again, typically symmetry is assumed when predicting
mining induced subsidence. Those mines that do report measured surface subsidence profiles
confirm that subsidence above block cave mines is largely asymmetric, meaning that the angle
of break from the hangingwall and footwall differs in relation to the structural geology. Struc-
tural geology is the overriding factor that governs the asymmetry of subsidence.

(a)   (b)

Figure 2. (a) Factors affecting block caving subsidence and relative importance, (b) relationship between
break angle and rock mass rating (RMR), and (c) relative frequency of block heights mined showing a
shift towards increasing block heights in the past 20 years. After Flores & Karzulovic (2003).
Figure 3a shows the detailed information compiled in the database with respect to initial un-
dercut area, production rate and draw rate. The area of the undercut is a key parameter used
for subsidence prediction. By observing caving propagation starting from the undercut, the ex-
tent of surface subsidence can be projected and estimated based on the rock mass quality (Fig.
2b) and depth of the undercut or block height (Fig. 2c). Typically, the initial undercut is con-
trolled by the type of orebody. The undercut area for a kimberlite pipe being mined for di-
amonds (e.g. Kimberly: undercut area = 1688 m2) is relatively small compared to that of a por-
phyry copper-gold deposit (e.g. Northparkes: undercut area = 35,280 m2). In terms of tonnage,
only 30 percent of the mining operations populating the database have production rates greater
than 20,000 tonnes/day (Fig, 3b). However, this trend has an upward projection due to technol-
ogical advances and growing investment in large-scale mining projects (Brown 2004). Typical
draw rates for a block caving operation are 0.3 m/day or lower (78%), with an average rate of
0.2m/day (Fig. 3c). Typically, below-average draw rates are used in the early stages of caving,
shifting to above-average rates when over 30 percent of the block height has been extracted.


(b) (c)

Figure 3. Distribution of: (a) area of initial undercut, (b) production rate, and (c) draw rate.

Also included in the database is geological information of each surveyed mine. Such details
provide the basis for correlating surface subsidence characteristics to geological elements.
Butcher (2002) demonstrated the importance of performing a geological structural survey to de-
termine the presence of any major structures that intersected the expected zone of subsidence
above a proposed block cave operation. According to Stacey & Swart (2001), such structures
could modify or enlarge the glory hole perimeter of a daylighting cave through further break
back. Where possible, angles of subsidence were added to the database. The analysis of the rela-
tions between undercut area, undercut depth and angle of subsidence make it possible to esti-
mate the extent of subsidence affecting the surface.
Lastly, high resolution satellite images of some 30 mining operations were captured using the
Google Earth image database. These satellite images provide a source of information on the de-
velopment of large-scale deformations (referred to as macro-deformations) particularly, by
phase. Satellite imagery technology, including satellite radar interferometry (InSAR), is already
showing potential for providing a valuable new source of caving associated subsidence 2-D and
3-D data (Eberhardt et al. 2007).
Based on the above considerations, the database was analyzed to serve the following objec-
i). To provide relationships correlating geological information to subsidence observations as a
means of guiding and constraining future numerical analyses;
ii). To provide a framework on which to base the selection and integration of investigation,
monitoring and analytical techniques to be used to analyze the effects of geology in pro-
moting asymmetry and discontinuous caving-induced subsidence; and ultimately;
iii). To develop empirical characterization tools based on the diverse information compiled
in the database to aid in the projection of expected subsidence patterns during the planning
stages of future new mining projects.


Subsidence above block caving operations can be divided into micro- and macro deformations
(Butcher 2005). Micro deformations include those detected as tilting ground, small strains
and/or vertical and horizontal displacements detectable through deformation monitoring. Al-
though relatively small compared to macro deformations, they can still be significant in causing
differential displacements of several centimeters, which in turn can affect the structural integrity
of strain sensitive materials (e.g. concrete). Lupo (1998) reported that micro deformations have
been observed up to 250m from the perimeter of a glory hole, the large surface cavity that forms
when a cave breaks through to surface. Macro deformations involve those ground movements
that are visually detectable such as the opening of tension cracks, development of scarps, frac-
turing and break back of the surface above and around the cave’s footprint, and breakthrough of
the cave itself to form a large crater. Figure 3 illustrates the extent of micro deformations (extent
of subsidence) and the caved zone and fractured zone that make up the extent of macro defor-
mations as defined by Van As (2003).

Figure 4. Definition of block caving subsidence zones and its quantification with respect to angles ex-
tending from the undercut (after Van As 2003).
Understanding zones of macro deformation around or above a caving operation can have se-
rious implications in terms of safety, damage to surface infrastructure and environmental con-
cerns. Based on experiences from caving operations in Australia and Southern Africa, Butcher
(2002) suggested that the ground immediately above the cave footprint will subside, cave and
collapse, and thus any excavations or surface infrastructure situated within the footprint will ul-
timately be destroyed. Predicting the zone of macro deformation with fair precision is also criti-
cal in terms of project viability as macro deformations and ground collapse into the cave can re-
sult in dilution of the ore being extracted. Dilution is one of many challenges confronting
mining operations requiring extra expenditures to deal with waste material that can transform
valuable ore into waste below the cutoff grade.
To examine the characteristics of macro deformations above block cave operations, high
resolution satellite images, where available, were examined. In total, images were found for just
over 30 mine sites in the database. The different patterns identified in these images were first
grouped according to three visually distinct topographic controls: operations below relatively
flat surface topography (40%), operations under mountainous topography (25%), and operations
beneath open pit mines (35%). The distinct patterns seen in these groupings confirm that topo-
graphy, both natural and anthropogenic (i.e. open pit), is a key factor that affects the extent and
shape of the subsidence profile.
Figures 5 and 6 present several examples of the satellite images analyzed, grouped according
to a classification system devised based on the macro deformation patterns observed.

A B1 B2

C1-1 C1-2 C1-3

C2-1 C2-2 C2-3

Figure 5. Macro deformation patterns observed in which topographic effects are minor: Type-A: circular,
Type-B: elliptical, Type- C1: irregular with scarps but without a distinct collapse structure/glory hole, and
Type- C2: irregular with a distinct collapse structure/glory hole.
Figure 5 includes those patterns in which topographic effects are minimal. The Type-A pat-
tern involves those cases in which a circular glory hole (i.e. symmetric macro deformation) de-
velops, daylighting into a flat topographic surface. In these cases, the geometry of the cave col-
lapse structure mimics that of the orebody and undercut. The Type-B patterns are those
involving the development of an elliptical collapse structure daylighting into a flat topography.
In most cases, this reflects the geometry of the undercut or the mining method (e.g. sub-level
caving along an inclined orebody). In some cases though, the elliptical shape may be suggesting
that some form of rock mass heterogeneity or systematic set of geological structures are a go-
verning factor affecting subsidence. Surface fractures for Types A and B form a relatively regu-
lar pattern around the perimeter of the collapse structure. Types C1 and C2 include those patterns
that are irregular in shape without and with the development of a glory hole, respectively. The
absence of a glory hole may be simply related to the maturity of the block cave and may even-
tually develop as mining progresses. In some cases though, sites that fall into the C1 type cate-
gory involve operations where mining has finished, perhaps suggesting that higher rock mass
strengths may be the reason why a glory hole did not develop. Again, given that these cases
(Types C1 and C2) involve relatively level topography, the irregular nature of these patterns
suggest the controlling influence of one or more discrete geological structures (e.g. major
faults), perhaps oriented in different directions.

D1 D2 D3

E1 E2 E3

F1 F2 F3

Figure 6. Macro deformation patterns where topography has a controlling influence: Type-E: open pit
with collapse structure/glory hole contained within pit, Type-F: open pit with collapse structure/glory
hole extending outside of pit, and Type-G: collapse structures in mountainous topography.
The Type-D patterns, shown in Figure 6, are representative of those cases in which the block
cave daylights into an open pit, but in which the collapse structure/glory hole is contained with-
in the pit, often appearing as a circular hole in the bottom of the pit. In some cases, the shape of
the collapse structure depends on the shape of the open pit. The Type-E patterns likewise in-
volve a cave daylighting into an open pit cave, however in these cases, the collapse structure
and scarps extend outside the outline of the pit. Here, both the influence of topography and the
geology interact with the propagating cave to affect the subsidence pattern. Lastly, the F-type
patterns involve those cases of macro deformation that develop in a mountainous topographic
setting. Generally speaking, scarps develop in the higher altitudes while moderately sloped sub-
sidence appears at lower altitudes.
Table 1 summarizes the empirical indexation of subsidence based on the presence of visual
indicators in the high resolution satellite images. Index 1 denotes cases where subsidence indi-
cators are not visible but does not discount the possibility of micro deformations. An Index 2
subsidence is a ground deformation whose characteristics stand somewhere between those of
continuous and discontinuous deformation. An Index 3 subsidence is a macro deformation that
occurs in the intermediate stages of caving and is easily observed in satellite images. An Index 4
subsidence involves a fully developed collapse structure forming a glory hole. This stage is typ-
ically observed in the final phase of block cave mining. Accordingly, the development of subsi-
dence evolves with the caving process and therefore the visual indicators are partly a function of
the temporal maturity of the caving operations.
Table 2 shows the indexation of subsidence shapes derived from the image analysis. The
most frequently observed shapes where topography was relatively flat were circular and elliptic-
al, although irregular shapes are also observed often. For cases where caving was initiated be-
low an open pit mine or mountainous topography, the subsidence shapes are largely affected by
the topography. What is interesting to note from the image analysis is that except for the Type-
A cases of a circular collapse structure, the majority of deformation patterns are asymmetric.

Table 1. Subsidence classification by visibility.

Visible Deformation Index
Non visible 1
Minor cracking 2
Scarps 3
Glory hole 4

Table 2. Subsidence classification by shape.

Type Shape Index
Centered AC
A Circular
Eccentric AE
Centered BC
B Elliptical
Eccentric BE
Centered CC
C Irregular
Eccentric CE
D Anthropogenic Pit Contained D
E (Open Pit) Pit Extended E

The results of the image analysis for each mine site are summarized in Table 3. The dimen-
sions of the collapse structures were scaled off of the satellite images, and are reported in Table
3 as X, which represents the maximum length/extent of the collapse, and Y, which measures the
length perpendicular to X. Cases that do not have a clear X and Y were not measured. Further-
more, because the images were not taken exactly at vertical angles to each surface, values may
be slightly distorted. However, as an approximation, the dimensions provide a generally reliable
measure of the extent of macroscopic deformation for each case.
The results from the dimensioning analysis indicate that the zone of macro deformation for
cases with mountainous topography tends to be larger compared to those for the other cases,
with maximum surface dimensions (X) ranging from 700 to 2000m. This suggests that topo-
graphy has an amplifying influence on subsidence. In comparison, the X length of glory holes
daylighting into flat topography range from 400 to 800m.

Table 3. Summary of image analysis results for each mine site, including other mine specific data for
comparison. X and Y are dimensioning parameters where X is the maximum length/extent of the macro
deformation feature, and Y the dimension perpendicular to it.
Caving Production Draw Initial
Mine Method Mineral Rate Rate Undercut X(m) Y(m) Shape Visibility
(ton/day) (m/day) Area(m2)
1 Ekati SC Diamond - - - - - D 1
2 Northparkes BC Copper, gold 12000 0.2 35280 359 299.2 Ac 3
3 Sunrise BC Iron 3350 - 5000 587.1 362.5 BE 4
4 Kimberly BC Diamond 17400 - 1688 397.7 364.9 BE 4
5 Creighton BC Nickel - - - 703.2 562.6 CE 2
6 San manuel BC Copper 50000 0.53 - - - CE 3
7 Big bell SC Gold 4750 - - 704 230.4 CE 3
8 Stobie SC Copper 9050 - - - - CE 3
9 Kiruna SC Iron - 0.051 - - - CE 3
10 Wesselton BC Diamond 12000 0.4 4320 484.6 464.9 CE 4
11 Bultfontein BC Diamond - - 695.3 497.4 CE 4
12 Cullinan BC Diamond - - 3600 806.4 359.1 CE 4
13 Du toi's pan BC Diamond - - - 702.8 384.5 CE 4
14 Nchanga BC Copper, Cobalt - - - 468 131 E 3
15 De Beers BC Diamond - - - 403.8 239 E 3
16 Palabora BC/PC Copper 30000 0.2 19600 - - E 3
17 Perseverance SC Gold - - - - - E 3
18 Lakeshore BC Copper 6000 - - 444 222 E 4
19 Ray BC Copper 9000 - 1855 678.9 232.5 D 4
20 Koffiefontein BC Diamond 12000 0.4 4320 402.5 389.1 D 4
21 Insperation BC Copper 17000 - 900 - - E 4
22 Finsch BC/PC Diamond 17000 0.2 5500 367.9 316 D 4
23 Ridgeway SC Gold, Silver - 0.138 - 125.3 75.2 D 4
24 Mt Lyell BC Copper , Gold 6900 - - 721.9 605.7 F 3
25 Santo Tomas BC Copper 24000 - - - - F 3
26 Andina BC/PC Copper 14000 0.14 14400 - - F 3
27 Salvador BC/PC Copper 18000 0.104 11440 2064 1345.5 F 3
28 El Teniente BC/PC Copper 95000 0.333 10000 - - F 3
29 Henderson PC Molybdenum 36000 0.67 10000 705 527.5 F 3
30 Climax PC Molybdenum 44000 - 14884 1960 1092 F 3

* : Canada : Australia : USA : South Africa : Sweden : Zambia : Philippines : Chile

Table 4 summarizes the results according to each of the classification groupings. Included in
this comparative analysis is an estimation of how centered the collapse structure is with respect
to the undercut. If the glory hole forms directly over the undercut footprint, it is classified as
centered (Table 2). If the glory hole is offset from the footprint of the undercut, the collapse
structure is classified as eccentric. Although the number of cases in which both satellite imagery
and geo-referenced mine schematics were available is limited, Table 4 shows that a number of
these cases involve caves that did not daylight directly over the undercut. In several of these
cases, this migration was a function of the orebody geometry (e.g. inclined orebodies). However
in other cases, the eccentricity observed speaks to the influence of geology on the subsidence

Table 4. Comparative analysis showing mine case histories that fall into each classification grouping. The
numbers listed correspond to the case numbers reported in Table 3.

No visible Minor Scraps Glory hole

subsidence cracking
[1]* [2] [3] [4]

Circular C** [C] - C [C] 2 C [C] -

[A] E*** [E] - E [E] - E [E] -
Elliptical C [C] - C [C] - C [C] -
[B] E [E] - E [E] - E [E] 3, 4
Irregular C [C] - C [C] - C [C] -
[C] E [E] 5 E [E] 6, 7, 8, 9 E [E] 10, 11,12,13
Pit Contained
1 - - 19, 20, 22, 23
Pit Extended
14, 15, 16, 17 18,21
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
Topography - - -
* [ ] : Indice defined in Table 2 and Table 3 **C: Center ***E: Eccentric

The results from the comparative analysis in Table 4 highlight the asymmetric nature of block
cave mining-induced subsidence and the influence that topography and geology have on it.
These findings are constrained though by limitations in the data available in the public domain.
Of the ninety block caving operations that populate the database, satellite imagery was only
found for thirty cases. This limited availability is due to the short history of the Google Image
service which became available just a few years ago. Furthermore, some of the released satellite
images are out of date and do not necessarily show the current state of the mining operations.
Despite these drawbacks, the significance of the databased images lies in the quick and visual
information they provide on characteristics of mining-induced macro deformations.
As more data is acquired, refinement of the classification system will continue. One key addi-
tional data set that will be incorporated into this study is that from high resolution satellite im-
agery. Differential interferometric analysis of these images (DInSAR) will allow for the addi-
tional characterization of the micro-deformation component of block cave mining-induced


Block cave mining methods are increasingly being utilized by the mining industry to economi-
cally and safely mine lower grade and deeper ore deposits. Accordingly, the importance of un-
derstanding block cave mining-induced subsidence in terms of its magnitudes, extent and poten-
tially negative effect on strain sensitive surface infrastructure is likewise increasing. To build on
existing treatments of surface subsidence prediction, and provide guidance and constraints for
sophisticated numerical models, this study represents efforts to develop an empirical under-
standing of the complex subsidence patterns induced by block caving and the parameters that
control it. The database represents an exhaustive and detailed collection of data available in the
published literature and public domain involving over 90 block, panel and sublevel caving oper-
Included in the database are a number of satellite images. Comparative analyses of these im-
ages were used to develop a preliminary classification system for macro deformations and block
caving-induced collapse structures. The results highlight the degree of asymmetry in the subsi-
dence profiles and the inferred influence of topography, orebody type and structural geology in
controlling it. Efforts will continue to update this database with additional geological, topo-
graphical, operational and surface deformation information, with the next phase of development
to focus on including mine data not available in the public domain.
Overall, the results show that rarely do these subsidence patterns fit the idealized symmetric
patterns inherently assumed in conventional subsidence analyses. For accurate subsidence pre-
diction, these findings point to the need to utilize analytical techniques that can explicitly ac-
count for the effects of structural geology, topography, and rock mass heterogeneity are re-

The authors would like to thank Rio Tinto Technical Services and Dr. Doug Stead for their col-
laborative discussions and contributions to this work. Funding for this study has been provided
in part through a Collaborative Research and Development grant from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in partnership with Rio Tinto.


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