AW75 Connectedness and Disconnectedness in Topology
AW75 Connectedness and Disconnectedness in Topology
AW75 Connectedness and Disconnectedness in Topology
Moscow State University,,Moscow, USSR
MathematicalInstitute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, lfungapy
Received 16 Jauary1973
1. Preliminaries
* This work was cded out when both authors were at the University of Ishunabad as visiting
professors under the auspices of UINESCCkUNDFSpecial Fund Project PAK-47.
10 A. E Arhangel’ski$.R. Wiegandt/ Cbnnectednessesmd disconnectednesses
+J%eantidiscrete topology on a sex X is the pair {X, 4). The set (0, I}
endowed with the antidiscrete topology, will be called the standard
two-point antidiscrete space and will be denoted by DA*The set (0, 1)
with the topology ({C, l}, {l), 8) will be called the standard two-pai.-:t
connected set and will be denoted by DC. (DC is the so-called Slerpifiski
space.) The set (O,?.}with the discrete topology {{O,l), (01, { 11, 0) will
be denoted by DD.
When we speak of a class p of spaces. it is always to be understood
that P is homeomorphically closed, i.e.; if X E P and Y is homeomorphic:
to X, then Y E P. Thus a class P is associated with a topological property.
A space (subspace) belonging to a class P will be cahed a P-spcace(-sub-
Let P be a class of spaces. We say that:
P is hereditary, if each subspace of each P-space belongs to P;
P is productive, if the topological p rod=uctof each set of P-spxes is a
P is conthuotrsly cbsed, if each continuous image of any P-snace * be-
longs to P;
P is upwards-closed, if for each continuous mappin& : X + Y such
that Y~p,I’(X)=yandCf‘-lO,)ly~ i3cBthespaceXisaP-space;
P is q-reversible, if for each factor (quotient) mapping j : X + Y such
that YEPandCf-I(y) YJcPitistruethatXEP;
P is extensional, if for each topological extension of any P-space be-
longs to P (a space X is a tcpologica! extension of its subspace Y if Y
2. Disconneetednesses
every non-r;-viviaE
continuous image of X has a non-trivial
In the following this criterion will usually be used for proving con-
net tedness.
The assertion follows immediately from Propositions 3.2 and 3.4. ~II
So condition (ii> is verified. Conditions (i) and (iv) are fulfilled by the
definition off. If X’ C X and X’ $J’-l Q) for all y E Y, then f(X’) is a
non-trivial subspace of Y. Hence f(X’) E P and X’ has a non-trivial con-
tinuous image in This implies that X‘ 4 U, and we have shown that
condition (v) is satisfied by f. •J
orollary 3.9 (Preuss [ 10, 3.1 Satz]). Each connectedness is second ad-
ditive. [T1
(‘iv)implies (0). Put X = DC and: Y = (1). Then Y E !.; %r edch
trivial space belongs to Q, further Y is dense in X. Thus D,“= X E Q.
(0) innplies (iv). Put Y’, = Y u {x)for each x E X - Y. We want to
show Y, E Q. We distingiish two cases.
Case 1. The set (x) is’not closed in YX.Then there exists a yXE Y
such that yXE E(x)]. The subspace {y,, x} of tht:: space YXis a continu-
ous image of the space D,. By (0) and (i) we have {yX,x) E Q. Hence
with the quotient topolo,v (i.e. with the topol.ogy of the decomposition
space). Then the natural projection ;iiof X on?;0 G is a quotient mapping.
Let us show that the space G is trivial. Suppose the contrary. Now by
the assumption on X the space G contains a non-trivial subspace G’ which
belongs to Q. From condition (iv) it follows that
G” = [G’JG E Q.
roof. Only the relation CBC,, # 9 C,%needs proof. Let us fix a setX
such that [XI = q and endow X with the topology
~Iz={ACXIA=g orIX--Al<q)
Clearly, if UE. TTl, V E Trl and U # 0, V + 0, then C n V # $4.This
implies that (X, T7,) is connected. Hence
Proof. Obviously
I)c = I7(CoC7 I r runs over all cardinal numbers}
and D, # cbGT for every 7. Thus $‘jcontains every CDCT. Assume P is
the smallest element in 3. Then
PC fl((oC, la2 Ho) c
Proposition 4. Il. If Ho< 7” < T’, then D, 7t1c Dlrl and D1?s # D,,t I
roof. By Theorem 3.10 the class C satisfies conditions (i), (ii), (v). The
theore:m *willbe proved, if we show that any class C* satli.sfyingconditions
(0, (ii) and containing non-connected space coincides with the class of
all topological spa ::es. 3 X be a non-connected space of C*. X can be
A. K Arhmgelk?k&R. ‘Wgmdt / Comecfednessesand diwonneetednesses 29