PH 87
PH 87
PH 87
A Dissertation
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
of Cornell University
Pye Ton How
August 2011
c 2011 Pye Ton How
Pye Ton How, Ph.D.
Cornell University 2011
gas in two dimensions, and the scaling behavior of quantum gases at the unitary
limit in two and three spatial dimensions. We found that a weakly-interacting 2D
Bose gas undergoes a superfluid transition at Tc ≈ 2πn/[m log(2π/mg)], where n
is the number density, m the mass of a particle, and g the coupling. In the unitary
limit where the coupling g diverges, the two-body kernel of our integral equation
has simple forms in both two and three spatial dimensions, and we were able to
solve the integral equation numerically. Various scaling functions in the unitary
limit are defined (as functions of µ/T ) and computed from the numerical solutions.
For bosons in three spatial dimensions, we present evidence that the gas undergoes
a strongly interacting version of Bose-Einstein condensation at nλ3T ≈ 1.3, where
n is the number density and λT is the thermal wavelength. Finally, we look at
the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density η/s of the unitary quantum gas,
which has a conjectured lower bound of η/s ≥ ~/4πkb based on the AdS/CFT
correspondence of a strongly coupled Yang-Mills theory.
Pye Ton How was born on February 16, 1981 in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. His
family moved to Taiwan a few months later, and he grew up and went to school
The family moved back to Malaysia once again when he was sixteen. After two
years of high school in Malaysia, he went on to attend the University of Cambridge
in the United Kingdom. He was a member of Selwyn College, elected college scholar
twice, and a fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society.
He obtained the Bachelor of Art (Honor first class) and the Master of Natural
Sciences from University of Cambridge in June 2002, but decided to stay one
more year and attend what is known as the Part III of the Mathematical Tripos.
He received the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mathematics (CASM) with
First and foremost, I owe my deepest gratitude to my advisor Prof. André LeClair
for patiently guiding me through all these years of grad school.
I would also like to thank Mr. John Miner and Prof. Jeevak Parpia. If not for
your great patient, understanding, and continual support, I would not have made
I thank Prof. Erich Mueller for his sometimes harsh, but always to-the-point
and extremely useful criticism to my work.
To all of the undergraduate students I have taught as a TA: thank you all for
putting up with my badly designed quizzes and those ill-prepared sections. The
positive feedbacks I occasionally received really made me happy.
And finally, to all Physics graduate students: I really enjoyed my time here,
Biographical Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Non-perturbative method in quantum field theories . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Phase transition of a Bose gas in two dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Unitary gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 The road map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.6 Notations and conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8 The three-dimensional quantum gas at unitary limit 75
8.1 Two-body kernal and integral equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
8.2 The scaling functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
8.3 Analysis of fermions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
8.4 Analysis of bosons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Bibliography 103
5.1 Left and right hand sides of eq. (5.5) as a function of βµc at two
values of the infra-red cut-off ǫ0 , one being the critical value ǫc . . . 46
6.1 Renormalization group flow for space dimension d. The arrow in-
dicates flow to the IR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.14 Density of repulsive bosons (bottom curve) verses fermions as a
function of µ/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.15 Repulsive boson in 2d: the ratio η/s as a function of µ/T . . . . . . 74
8.1 Attractive fermion in 3d: c(x) and its equivalent for a free theory
as a function of x = µ/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8.2 Attractive fermion in 3d: q(x) and its equivalent for a free theory
as a function of x = µ/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8.3 Attractive fermion in 3d: the occupation numbers as a function of
κ for x = 5, 10, 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8.4 Attractive fermion in 3d: entropy per particle as a function of x. . 81
8.5 Attractive fermion in 3d: specific heat per particle as a function of x. 81
8.6 Attractive fermion in 3d: energy per particle normalized to ǫF as a
function of T /TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8.7 Attractive fermion in 3d: entopy per particle as a function of T /TF . 82
8.8 Attractive fermion in 3d: chemical potential normalized to ǫF as a
function of T /TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
8.9 Attractive boson in 3d: the free-energy scaling function c as a func-
tion of µ/T compared to the ideal gas case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
8.10 Attractive boson in 3d: the pseudo-energy ǫ at k = 0 as a function
of x = µ/T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
8.11 Attractive boson in 3d: the occupation number f (κ) for x = −1.275
and xc = −1.2741. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8.12 Attractive boson in 3d: the compressibility κ as a function of µ/T . 85
8.13 Attractive boson in 3d: the entropy per particle as a function of
T /Tc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
8.14 Attractive boson in 3d: the specific heat per particle as a function
of T /Tc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
9.1 The ratio η/s as a function of µ/T . The horizontal line is 1/4π. . . 89
9.2 The ratio η/s as a function of T /TF for attractive fermions. . . . . 90
9.3 The ratio η/s as a function of µ/T as µ/T gets very large.. The
horizontal line is 1/4π. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
9.4 The ratio η/s as a function of µ/T in the limit of very low temper-
atures (top curve). The horizontal line is 1/4π. The bottom curve
is the approximation eq. (9.12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
9.5 The viscosity to entropy-density ratio as a function of T /TF for
fermions. The horizontal line is 1/4π. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
9.6 The viscosity to entropy-density ratio as a function of T /Tc for
bosons. The horizontal line is 1/4π. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
With the exception of the exactly solvable models, the only known method of quan-
tizing a field theory is through perturbative expansion [37, 11]. Given a classical
S = S0 + S1 , (1.1)
where S0 is quadratic in the field degrees of freedom and admits (classically) plane-
wave solutions, while S1 is treated as a small perturbation. This way of quantizing
a field theory has a very intuitive interpretation: the plane-wave solutions of S0
describe freely moving particles, and S1 adds to it interaction between particles.
allows for an expansion. There are also cases where the desired result has a non-
analytic dependent in the interaction parameter, rendering any truncated power
series qualitatively incorrect.
parameter and derive an expansion around it. The semi-classical expansion in
powers of ~, the large-N expansion, and the ǫ expansion are a few examples. On
the other hand, one may attack the problem more directly by explicitly resumming
an infinite subset of terms in the perturbation series.
The field theory for a Fermi liquid consists of electron and hole excitations
near the Fermi surface, and the 1/r electrostatic potential as a perturbation. In
momentum space, we may use solid lines to represent electrons and holes, and
dashed line to represent Ũ(k), the Fourier transform of the potential. See Fig.
Fermion propagtor
(loop) =
(a) Feynman rule for a Fermi liquid. (b) The one-loop correction to in-
n=0 1 2 ... n
Figure 1.2: The lowest order correction to self energy of a scalar φ4 theory.
The next order correction comes from imposing a self-consistent
condition on this diagram.
symmetry, with coupling strength g, the leading order correction is given by the
simple bubble diagram 1.2, and is linear in g. However, the sub-leading term is
known to be of order g 3/2 . This result is obtained by imposing a self-consistent
Therefore the lowest order, or “two-body” approximation already corresponds to
an infinite resummation of the Feynman perturbative series. We will then apply our
formalism to the problem of unitary quantum gas, where the interaction parameter
diverges, and a straightforward perturbative expansion is doomed to failure.
1.2 Motivation
spin chain, due to Bethe himself, and allows the exact computation of thermody-
namic properties of some integrable models in 1 + 1 dimensions.
The “prototype” TBA was formulated for a gas of non-relativistic bosons, in-
teracting with a δ-function potential. The solution is contained in the Yang-Yang
Z ∞
2 1
ǫ(k) = k − µ − K(k, p) log 1 − e−βǫ(p) . (1.3)
2πβ −∞
particle energy in the background of all the other particles interacting with it.
The kernel K(k, p) is the derivative of the scattering phase when two particles,
with momenta k and p respectively, scattered in vacuum.
TBA relies on the integrable structure of the theory, and does not generalize to
higher dimensions. Thacker showed that the factorizability of the S-matrix directly
leads to the TBA [48, 49]. But, unlike the many models in 1+1 dimensions without
known Lagrangian formulations, the interacting boson gas has a clear generaliza-
tion to higher dimensions. It is then natural to ask: is there an approximation
Dashen et. al. [8] gives the partition function of a quantum field theory model
in terms of its S-matrix. Based on their result, it should be possible to organize
an expansion that mimics the TBA. However, the S-matrix of a non-integrable
theory does not factorize, and the expansion quickly becomes complicated beyond
the lowest order. Nevertheless, for a dilute gas, the resummation of all two-body
terms, corresponds to an exact treatment of binary collisions, may serve as a useful
approximation intrinsically different from other methods.
Building on the result of Dashen, we derived an integral equation for the pseudo-
energy of a quantum gas:
This integral equation is, of course, only an approximation, since the higher-
dimensional model is not integrable. But we hope that this alternative treatment
would grant us insights otherwise inaccessible via simple perturbation theory.
In the view of the kinetic theory, the microscopic degrees of freedom interact and
evolve according to their microscopic, zero-temperature equations of motion. They
do not directly know about the temperature of the system; rather the temperature
comes in through the distribution of the background particles.
the kernel, and all thing thermal is kept in the filling fraction f , reflecting the
background distribution. In a sense, the kernel can be understood as the analogy
of the collision integral in the classical kinetic theory. Having a different type of
interaction amounts to plugging in a different kernel to the same integral equation,
with the same temperature dependence. This separation of thermal and quantum
parts is in stark contrast with the usual Matsubara or Keldysh formalism, where
the temperature is directly built into the quantum propagators.
Thus, like the kinetic theory of gas, we also expect the integral equation to
hold in the dilute limit, where it forms a quantum analogy of binary collision
Bose gas undergoes BEC at zero chemical potential. In d spatial dimensions, the
critical density is
dd k 1
nc = d k2
(2π) e 2m − 1
d/2 (1.4)
= ζ(d/2)
where ζ is the Riemann zeta-function.
When d = 3, ζ(3/2) is finite, and the gas undergoes BEC at a finite critical
density. On the other hand, ζ(2) is divergent when d = 2, meaning the normal
state of a two-dimensional Bose gas can support an arbitrarily large density, and
there exists no critical point.
The method to optically trap neutral atoms and to cool the trapped atomic gas
to a temperature in the nano-Kelvin range was developed in the 1990s [40]. This
development opened up the entire exciting new field of ultra-cold quantum gas.
resonance, the s-wave scattering length a between two atoms can in principle be
tuned to any arbitrary value between negative infinity and infinity by varying the
external magnetic field [5, 23, 6, 35]. In three spatial dimensions, the atoms in
such a gas can be modeled as integrating via a δ-function pseudo-potential whose
coefficient is the scattering length [11]. The cold quantum gas therefore presents
us an experimental realization of a system, whose interaction strength is can be
arbitrarily and easily tuned to any desired value!
It has long been postulated [10, 34] that, in three spatial dimensions, the
Bardeen-Cooper-Schriefer (BCS) superconductor phase and the Bose-Einstein con-
densation (BEC) phase are connected smoothly as the interaction varies from re-
pulsive to attractive, with a crossover at infinite scattering length, the so-called
unitary limit. This crossover has recently been realized experimentally in cold
quantum gas, thanks to the Feshbach resonance technique [1, 9, 14, 35].
With a diverging s-wave scattering length, there is no length scale in the low-
energy theory of a unitary quantum gas. The low-energy properties of such a
unitary gas is thus believed to be scale-invariant and universal [33]. On the other
hand, the absence of a small parameter makes theoretical treatments difficult.
We believe that our integral equation approach is well-suited for exploring the
unitary limit. It will be shown that the two-body kernel in our approach remains
well-behaved as the scattering length diverges– in fact, the structure of the kernel
is drastically simplified in this limit.
The cold quantum gas is a metastable state: the stable equilibrium state is the
crystalline phase. However, in order to form a crystal, bonds must form between
atoms as the first step. Yet the formation of a bounded pair requires at least three
atoms in the process, one to take away the excess energy as dictated by energy
and momentum conservation. Since binary collision between atoms is by far the
most frequent events, the quantum gas can “equilibrate” while staying as a gas.
Collision processes involving more than two atoms contribute to particle loss from
the gas, and the gas would eventually solidify.
Given that the gas reaches its (pseudo) equilibrium state through binary col-
lisions, we believe that our integral equation approach, which treats two-body
processes exactly, can be a useful description for such quantum gas, even in the
unitary limit.
1.5 The road map
This thesis consists of works previously published by the author in three separate
papers [19, 20, 21].
interaction is computed.
The results of our numerical calculation at the unitary limit, in two and three
spatial dimensions, are detailed in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 respectively.
Throughout this thesis, we will choose our units such that kB = ~ = 1 unless
|k1 , · · · kN i. (1.5)
Throughout the thesis d shall denote the number of spatial dimensions. Also
we define as a shorthand integration measure in the Fourier space:
(dω) = (1.6)
dd k
(dk) = (1.7)
the quantity s by:
+1 for Bosons
s= (1.8)
−1 for Fermions
Throughout this thesis we shall primarily consider quantum gases with a single
species of particles. However, a fermionic degree of freedom necessarily has two
components due to its spin, and this may affect the symmetry factor of a Feynman
diagram in the standard perturbation theory. We define the numerical factor α as
a book-keeping tool:
1 for Bosons
α= (1.9)
for Fermions.
is defined as
Z(µ, β) = Tr e−β(H−µN ) , (2.1)
Following the work of Dashen [8], we shall now recast Z into a different form:
Z = Tr e−β(H−µN )
= dEe−βE Tr δ (E − (H − µN)) (2.2)
−βE 1 1 1
= dEe Tr −
2πi E − (H − µN) − i0+ E − (H − µN) + i0+
Here we have used the identity limη→0+ Im (iπ/(x + iη)) = δ(x) to formally
express the δ-function in a more tractable form. We shall now relate this expression
We follow the usual prescription of splitting the Hamiltonian H into the “free”
Also we define:
G(E) = lim+
η→0 E − H + iη
G0 (E) = lim+ .
η→0 E − H0 + iη
The S-matrix is then related to G and G0 by
Tr S −1 ∂E S = Tr G0 G−1 G∗ (G∗0 )−1 ∂E G∗0 (G∗ )−1 GG−1
= Tr (G∗0 )−1 ∂E G∗0 + G∗ ∂E (G∗ )−1 + G−1 ∂E G + G0 ∂E (G0 )−1 (2.6)
Inserting this result into (2.2), we see that the partition function becomes
Z= dEe−βE Tr(S −1 (E)∂E S(E)) − Tr(G0 (E) − G∗0 (E))
Z (2.7)
1 −βE −1
= Z0 + dEe Tr(S (E)∂E S(E)),
Using the cyclic property of the trace, we may write Tr(S −1 (E)∂E S(E)) =
∂E Tr log S(E). Furthermore we can integrate by part and move the derivative ∂E
onto e−βE . So we arrived at the expression for partition function that we will be
working with:
dE −βE
Z = Z0 − iβ e Tr log S(E) (2.8)
Insert this definition into (2.8), and integrate by part, one obtains:
Z= dE e−βE Tr [δ(E − H0 ) (W (E)β + 1)] . (2.10)
Û = W β + 1 (2.11)
One can take the principle of cluster decomposition as an axiom of any well-defined
quantum field theory [50]. It is a necessary condition for the field theory being
Take two electrons scattering off two atomic nuclei for example. Formally the
incoming quantum state is a two-electron state, and the S-matrix connects this
state to a two-electron outgoing state.
However, suppose now we are talking about two identical copies of experiments,
each involving a single electron scattering off a single nucleus, being performed at
locations miles away from each other. Certainly we do not expect any correlation
between the two experiments. In this case, the (formal) two-body S-matrix must
be just the tensor product of two one-body S-matrices.
On the other hand, when the two sets of experiment are brought closed to
each other, quantum interference must take place, and the S-matrix is no longer a
product of two independent pieces.
Mathematically, we write:
he′1 , e′2 |S|e1 , e2 i = he′1 |S|e1 ihe′2 |S|e2 ic + she′1 |S|e2 ihe′2 |S|e1 ic + he′1 , e′2 |S|e1 , e2 ic .
The subscript c denotes “connected”, meaning the piece cannot be further decom-
posed into a tensor product of smaller matrices. The quantity s arises from particle
In our previous example, for the two experiments performed far away to not
affect each other, the connected two-body S-matrix must vanish as the distance
between the two incoming electrons increases. This is in fact a general property of
any connected matrix elements of a physical observable from a local field theory.
It is therefore not surprising that, in the present context, the clustering property
of the S-matrix ensures the extensivity of the free energy, since the later is a
hΨ′ |X|Ψi = sp hΨ′1 |X|Ψ1 ic hΨ′2 |X|Ψ2ic hΨ′3 |X|Ψ3ic · · · (2.13)
where the sum is over partitions of the state |Ψi into clusters |Ψ1 i, |Ψ2i, ..... (The
number of particles in |Ψi i and |Ψ′i i is not necessarily the same.) The above
formula essentially defines what is meant by the connected matrix elements hXic .
operator Û the above equation reads
h1′ 2′ |Û|12i = h1′ 2′ |Û |12ic + h1′ |Û |1ic h2′ |Û|2ic + sh2′ |Û |1ic h1′ |Û|2ic
etc. The subscript [∗]9 denotes the number of terms within the bracket, so that
for three particles there is a total of 1 + 9 + 6 = 16 terms on the right hand side
of the above equation. The connected matrix elements are characterized by being
proportional to a single overall δ-function.
When {k′ } = {k}, the above cluster expansion leads to another specialized type
of cluster expansion that is suited to the computation of the partition function.
From eq. (2.14) we define ŵN (k1 , ..., kN ) as factors that cannot be written as a
product of separate functions of disjoint subsets of the ki :
h123|Û|123i = ŵ3 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + [ŵ2 (k2 , k3 )ŵ1 (k1 ) + ŵ2 (k1 , k3 )ŵ1 (k2 ) + ŵ2 (k1 , k2 )ŵ1 (k3 )]
The above definition implies that the ŵN are sums of terms involving the con-
nected matrix elements of Û . For instance:
All of the ŵ are proportional to an overall (2π)d δ (d) (0) = V , so let us factor
out the volume V and define:
For free particles, the only non-zero connected matrix element is the one-
particle to one-particle one: h2|Û|1i = h2|1i. This still implies ŵN is non-zero
for any N:
Note that although ŵN is a product of N δ-functions, it only has a single δ(0).
All but one k integral is saturated by δ-functions at each N and one obtains the
2.3 Diagrammatic description
In the interacting case, terms involving the one-particle factors h2|Û|1ic can be
easily summed over as in the free particle case. We assume that |ki is a stable
hk′ |Û |kic = hk′ |ki = (2πi)d δk,k′ (2.22)
Consider for example the ŵ3 contribution coming from the second terms in eq.
Z P3
log Z = ....+ (dk1 )(dk2 )(dk3 ) e−β i=1 ωi
sh2|Û|1ic h13|Û|23ic + perm. +...
Because of the δ-function, one can do one k integral. Combined with the
primary term coming from ŵ2 one finds:
log Z = · · · + (dk1 )(dk2 ) e−β(ω1 +ω2 ) 1 + sz(e−βω1 + e−βω2 ) h12|Û |12ic + · · ·
It is easy to see that the terms in the higher ŵN that involve one ŵ2 and N − 1
ŵ1 ’s contribute additional terms in the parentheses of the above equation that sum
up to 2i=1 (1 − sze−βωi )−1 . To summarize this result in the most convenient way,
define ′N as the sum over ŵN terms minus any terms involving the 1-particle
factors ŵ1 . Then
1 X′ 1 Y
F = F0 − (dki )f0 (ki ) wN (k1 , ..., kN ) (2.25)
β N ≥2 N! i=1
where F0 is the free contribution in eq. (2.21) and we have defined the free “filling
f0 (k) ≡ (2.26)
eβωk − sz
The functions wN have many contributions built out of the connected matrix
elements of Û . Define the vertex function V(k′1 , · · · , k′m ; k1 , · · · , kn ) as follows:
hk′1 , ..., k′m |Û |k1 , ..., kn ic = β(2π)d δk,k′ V(k′1 , ..., k′m ; k1 , ..., kn ) (2.27)
matrix elements of log S. To lowest order in the scattering matrix T , this vertex
is just the scattering amplitude: V ≈ M.
Given our present interest in non-relativistic systems, only the matrix elements
with n = m are of concern here. We highlight this fact by attaching a subscript n
to V:
Vn (k′1 , ..., k′n ; k1 , ..., kn ) ≡ V(k′1 , ..., k′n ; k1 , ..., kn ) (2.28)
that this diagrammatic expansion as defined here, while being analogous to the
usual Feynman diagrams, is completely unrelated to the (finite temperature) Feyn-
man diagram approach. This is clear since each vertex in principle represents an
exact zero-temperature quantity summed to all orders in perturbation theory. The
2. To each vertex, with the incoming set and the outgoing set of momenta being
{k1 , . . . , kn } and {k′1 , . . . , k′n } respectively, associate a factor of the vertex
function (2π)d β Vn (k′1 , ..., k′n ; k1 , ..., kn ).
5. Divide by the symmetry factor of the diagram, defined as the number of per-
mutations of the internal lines that do not change the topology of the graph,
including relative positions. This factor is identical to the usual symmetry
factor of a Feynman diagram.
7. Divide the result by the volume of space V = (2π)d δ(0) and by β. Note
that this is equivalent to dividing the space-time volume V β since at finite
temperature, β is the circumference of compactified time.
To illustrate this diagrammatic expansion, we will now describe the first few
terms. There is only one diagram that has two lines, as shown in Figure 2.1. This
At the next order, there is again only one diagram consisting of three lines,
There are multiple diagrams with four lines, one of them includes V4 , and the
(a) Lowest contribution to w2
Figure 2.2: Diagrams contributing to w4
others can be built from V2 . They are shown in Figure 2.2. Their sum is
Z "Y 4
F = ···+ (dki )f0 (ki ) V4 (k1 , . . . k4 ; k1 , . . . k4 )
+ (2π)d δ (d) (k2 − k3 )βV2 (k1 , k2 ; k1 , k3 )V2 (k2 , k4 ; k3 , k4 ) (2.30)
s X 4 i
+ (2π) δ( ki )β 2 V2 (k1 , k2 ; k3 , k4 )V2 (k3 , k4 ; k1 , k2 ) .
8 i=1
From this expression, we can identify w4 , which is now a sum of terms built
A ring diagram with N external rings attached will have the following value
Apart from the N = 1 term which has a different coefficient, all other terms
can be identified with the power series for the logarithmic function. This class of
diagrams are then resummed into:
2 .
1 n
Fring =− (dk0 ) log 1 − sf0 (k0 ) (dk1 )βG2 (k0 , k1 )f0 (k1 )
Z (2.33)
− (dk0 )(dk1 )G2 (k0 , k1 )f0 (k1 )f0 (k0 )
There are in particular two loose ends: first, the diagrammatic expansion we
In practice, one of course still has to truncate the resummation at some point,
corresponding to only resumming selected classes of diagrams. We shall introduce
one such approximation that treats two-body interaction exactly but truncates all
other terms.
And then we shall turn our attention to the four-point vertex function involved
in this approximation, and derive its explicit expression in terms of the two-body
The end result of all these will be an integral equation for the effective single-
particle energy, which turns out to be closely related to the thermodynamic Bethe
ansatz of integrable system in one-dimension.
Given F (µ), one can compute the thermally averaged number density n:
n=− ≡ (dk)f (k) (3.1)
The dimensionless quantities f are called the filling fractions or occupation num-
Treating f and µ as independent variables, then using eq. (3.1) one has that ∂µ G =
=0 (3.4)
In the sequel, it will be convenient to trade the chemical potential µ for the
variable f0 . We will need:
= βf0 (1 + sf0 ) (3.6)
In the free theory the functional ̥0 is fixed only up to the saddle point equa-
tions, thus its explicit expression is not unique. As we will see, the appropriate
The saddle point equation δf
= 0 implies f = f0 , and inserting this back into
̥0 gives the correct free energy F0 for the free theory. Furthermore, ̥0 satisfies
eq. (3.5) if one uses the saddle point equation f = f0 .
̥ = ̥0 + ̥1 (3.8)
where ̥0 is given in eq. (3.7) and we define U as the “potential” which depends
on f and incorporates interactions:
̥1 = − (dk) U(f (k)) (3.9)
Since f0 is represented by a line in our graphical expansion, it is tempting to
postulate that f would be a fully dressed line, but this interpretation isn’t exactly
(connected) vacuum diagram, cut an internal line into two external legs, and the
resulting diagram contributes to the sum. If we sum over all possible ways of
cutting an internal line from a vacuum diagram, and furthermore sum over all
such diagrams, we have generated all correction terms to the so-called propagator.
Cutting a line and replacing it with two legs corresponds to replacing a factor
of f0 (k) by sf0 (k)2 . We have the extra factor of s because cutting one line removes
Recall that F − F0 is the sum of all connected vacuum diagrams. The action of
the derivative ∂/∂µ makes sure that we’ve picked out every internal line in every
diagram. However, it replaces f0 by f0 (1 + sf0 ). Consequently, we define the
dressed line fe(k) by
sf0 (k)
fe(k) = f0 (k) + (f (k) − f0 (k)) . (3.11)
sf0 (k) + 1
k as follows:
f (k) = (3.12)
eβǫk − s
Then the eq. (3.11) can be equivalently expressed in the simpler form:
= + Σ
This fully dressed line should satisfy an equation analogous to the Dyson equa-
where Σ(k) is the sum of all (amputated) one-particle (1PI) insertions. Figure 3.1
represents this equation graphically.
and remove one internal line to form an amputated 1PI insertion. Summing over
all ways of removing a line of a diagram, and then summing over all 2PI vacuum
diagrams, the result is Σ.
Let −β̥1 be the sum of all 2PI vacuum diagrams, with internal lines being fe
instead of f0 . The operations above can be neatly summarized by the following:
sf0 (k) δ ̥1
Σ(k) = −sβ . (3.16)
1 + sf0 (k) δf (k)
The factor of s is inserted by hand because the removal of one internal line decreases
the loop count by one.
One correctly surmises that ̥1 turns out to be the interaction part of ̥.
Indeed, when there is no interaction, all vertex functions are zero and ̥1 vanishes.
The “Dyson” equation now reads:
fe(k) − f0 (k) + β fe(k)(1 + sf0 (k)) = 0. (3.17)
δf (k)
If we demand that the saddle point equation of the functional ̥ leads to (3.17),
then ̥0 can be uniquely fixed up to an additive constant and an overall scale. If
we further demand that ̥0 reproduces the result of the free theory, then one can
show that the only consistent choice is ̥ = ̥0 + ̥1 , where ̥0 is given in eq. (3.7)
̥1 = F 2P I (f0 → fe) (3.18)
i.e. ̥1 is given by the 2PI diagrams with f0 replaced by the fully dressed fe.
Figure 3.2: Foam diagrams.
Within this approximation, the integral equation (3.17) can be rewritten into a
self-consistent equation for the single-particle pseudo-energy. With the expressions
(3.19) and (3.14), the equation (3.17) reduces to
˜ ˜ ′ ′ ˜ ′
f (k) = f0 (k) + f (k) sβf0 (k) (dk )G2 (k, k )f (k ) . (3.20)
In terms of the pseudo-energy ǫk defined in eq. (3.12), using eq. (3.13) one can
rewrite (3.20) as follows:
Z β(ǫk′ −ωk′ +µ)
1 ′ ′ e
ǫk = ωk − µ − log 1 + β (dk )G2 (k, k ) βǫ ′ (3.21)
β e k −s
One may also want to find the free energy density of the system in terms of the
physical filling fraction f . By using (3.20) and (3.11), it can be shown that
̥1 = − (dk)(dk′ )f˜(k)f˜(k′ )G2 (k, k′ )
1 f˜(k) − f0 (k)
=− (dk) (3.22)
2β sf0 (k)
1 f (k) − f0 (k)
=− (dk) .
2β 1 + sf0 (k)
F = ̥0 + ̥1
Z (3.23)
1 1 f − f0
=− dk s log(1 + sf ) −
β 2 1 + sf0
In summary, the two-body approximation consists of the integral equation
(3.21) for the pseudo-energy defined in eq. (3.12), and the above expression (3.23)
for the free energy. What is left is to give an explicit expression for the two-body
kernel G2 .
In this section, we derive the two-body kernel G2 (k1 , k2 ) that enters the approxi-
mation of the last section. From the definition (2.27) and (2.31), we identify the
kernel as the connected part of the diagonal matrix element of log S(E). In other
1 2 2
2πδ E − (k + k2 ) V G2 (k1 , k2 ) ≡ −ihk1 , k2 | log Ŝ(E)|k1 , k2 i. (3.24)
2m 1
Following the usual convention, we write the two-body S-matrix as the sum of
the identity operator and the T -matrix, and then formally define log S as a power
series of the T -matrix:
We shall now make two further assumptions that are rather general:
The first assumption implies momentum conservation in all collision processes,
while the second assumption is valid if we are in the low-energy, s-wave scattering
In the graphical language, the T-matrix is the sum of all connected amputated
Feynman diagrams with two incoming and two outgoing external legs.
hk1 , k2 |T |p1 , p2 i = (2π)d δ (d) (p1 + p2 − k1 − k2 )M(E)p1 ,p2 →k1 ,k2 , (3.27)
We won’t explicitly calculate M until the next chapter, but a general result fol-
low immediately from the assumed translational and rotational invariances. When
the energy E is on-shell, the S-matrix describes the actual physical process, and
all the usual symmetries and conservation laws apply:
Therefore, when E = 2m
(p21 + p22 ) is on-shell, the matrix elements of T can be
written as
p2 p2
hk1 , k2 |δ(E − H0 )T (E = 1 + 1 )|p1 , p2 i
2m 2m
= (2π)d δ E − (k2 + k22 ) δ (d) (p1 + p2 − k1 − k2 )M(|p1 − p2 |)
2m 1
= δ(|p1 − p2 | − |k1 − k2 |) δ (d) (p1 + p2 − k1 − k2 )M(|p1 − p2 |)
|p1 − p2 |
With this, we set out to find the diagonal element of the nth power of δ(E −
H0 )T (E):
The left-most energy δ-function ensures that the right-most T (E) is on-shell,
and the on-shell matrix element has the form of (3.28). We have inserted a com-
plete set of two-particle states, with the combinatoric factor α defined in (1.9).
Since the intermediate state |k1 , k2 i is constrained to have the same energy as
the incoming state |p1 , p2 i, the operator T (E) acting on |k1 , k2 i is once again on-
shell. Furthermore, given that |p1 − p2 | = |k1 − k2 |, the amplitude M is constant
Inserting more complete sets of states in between every factor of δ(E−H0 )T (E),
we see that each matrix element becomes on-shell, and all amplitudes are identi-
cally equal to M(p1 − p2 |).
Let I denotes the phase space volume accessible by each set of intermediate
states. It is defined as
Z 2
1 d+1 p1 p22 k21 k22
I= (dk1 )(dk2 )(2π) δ + − − δ d (p1 + p2 − k1 − k2 ).
2α 2m 2m 2m 2m
And we can now express the matrix element (3.29) in a compact form:
G2 (p1 , p2 ) = − log (1 + iIM(|p1 − p2 |)) (3.34)
Also by looking at (3.24), we see that the kernel G2 can be symbolically con-
sidered as
−i log S(E)
G2 ∼ . (3.35)
(2π)δ(E − H0 )
It is therefore sensible to identify the logarithm in (3.34) as the “phase shift” due
to scattering. We make the definition:
This quantity Θ will appear again when we discuss the unitary limit of a quantum
species of particles, a fermion with spin-1/2 necessarily has two spin components,
making this extension relevant to our work.
and statistical factors s all carries an SU(N) index a and transform as vectors.
By the same token, the filling fractions f and pseudo energy ǫ are also SU(N)
that are joined by the vertex. A summation over the species index is implied for
each closed loop.
The Legendre transformation goes through similarly. The free energy functional
̥ once again consists of the non-interacting part ̥0 , and ̥1 , the part due to
fa − fa0
̥0 = − (dk) sa log(1 + sa fa ) − ; (3.37)
β 1 + s a fa0
while the interacting part is the sum of all 2PI vacuum diagrams, with the dressed
fea as its internal lines. In particular, the two-body approximation now yields a set
of N coupled integral equations.
A two-particle state now carries two species labels. Since the two particles can
in general be distinguished by their momenta, we do not assume any symmetry
property for these two species indices. The species label for a two-particle state
may hence take N 2 distinct values. The two-particle scattering amplitude can then
be regarded as an N 2 × N 2 matrix.
Instead of (3.20), we have
f˜a (k) = fa0 (k) + f˜a (k) sa βfa0 (k) (dk′ )G2,ab (k, k′ )f˜b (k′ ) . (3.40)
We now work out the special case of the spin-1/2 fermion gas, with the species
The summation over the matrix indices (ab) effectively yields a factor of 2 each
time it is performed. One may absorb this factor into I. The integral equations
together with equations in which spin indices are exchanged. The kernel G2 is as
given in (3.34).
Before jumping into the problem, however, we wish to present a quick review
of the model we are interested in.
fermion gas.
The field operator φ(x, t) has the usual interpretation of an particle annihilation
φ(x, t), φ† (x′ , t) = δ (d) (x − x′ ). (4.2)
One can read off the free-particle propagator in momentum space from the
quadratic part of the action (4.1):
0 (ω, k) = lim+ . (4.3)
η→0 ω− k2 /2m + µ + iη
The quartic interaction term in (4.1) implies that these bosons interact with a
δ-function potential. This is a good low-energy description for any finite-ranged
potential. But, being a low-energy approximation, we shall see that an ultraviolet
cut-off will be necessary. This term gives a four-particle vertex in the perturbation
The two spin states of the fermion can be regarded as two distinct species
of particles. Note that the chemical potential µ may be different for each spin,
corresponding to an external magnetic field breaking the spin rotational symmetry.
The field operators ψa and ψa† , a =↑, ↓, are the annihilation and creation op-
erators of the fermion respectively. They obey the equal-time anticommutation
n o
ψa (x, t), ψb† (x′ t, t) = δa,b δ (d) (x − x′ ). (4.5)
Central to our integral equation is the two-body scattering process in vacuum, and
we shall look at it in some depth in this section.
Z Z 2
1 2 1 1 3 1
iM = (−iαg) + (−igα) (loop) + (−igα) (loop) + . . .
2 2α 4 2α
Z −1 (4.6)
= −igα 1 + (loop) .
Attention is drawn to the extra factor of (2α)−1 in front of each loop integral. A
boson loop carries a combinatoric factor 1/2 since both legs of the loop are identical,
while a fermion loop does not have this factor since the two legs have opposite spins.
The upshot is, regardless of statistics, each additional loop contributes a factor of
−igs/2 (loop).
= + + +...
Assuming that the two incoming particles have a total energy E and total
momentum P, the loop integral (loop) is given as
i i
(loop) = (dω)(dk)
ω − k 2 /2m + iǫ (E − ω) − (P − k)2 /2m + iǫ
4.2.1 d=2
By simple power counting, it is easy to see that the integral (4.7) is ultraviolet-
divergent is two spatial dimensions. We regulate this divergence by cutting off the
momentum integral at UV cut-off Λ, and retain only the universal terms propor-
tional to a non-negative power of Λ. The result is:
Z !
im Λ2 − iη
(loop) = − log 2
8π − mE − P4 − iη
" 2
! # (4.8)
mi mE − P4
=− log + iπ
8π Λ2
When the total energy of the incoming particles is on-shell, the quantity (mE −
) is positive. So it is necessary to keep the infinitesimal iη until the last step to
When this expression is plugged into equation (4.6), we get the result:
iM = 2
. (4.9)
1 m mE− P4
+ 8π log Λ2
+ iπ
4.2.2 d=3
Once again the integral (4.7) is diverging in the ultraviolet, and the UV momentum
cut-off Λ is needed. The amplitude (4.6) becomes:
iM = q
1 m Λ P2
+ 4π 2 i
+ π2 mE − 4
= q
1 im P2
+ 4π mE − 4
The cutoff Λ in the last line is absorbed completely into the definition of renor-
1 1 m
= + 2 Λ. (4.11)
gR g 4π
iM → iαgR . (4.12)
dσ m2 k d−3
= d−1
|(k)M|2. (4.13)
dΩ 4(2π)
a= (4.14)
As the first application of our new formalism, we shall investigate the critical
point of the two-dimensional weakly-interacting Bose gas. Although we find results
that are similar to the known results [41, 12, 18, 42], we find our treatment to be
considerably simpler and transparent and doesn’t rely on an effective description
of vortices.
The interacting Bose gas in 2 spatial dimensions is defined by the action (4.1)
and taking d = 2.
for small g.
to (3.20) is obtained by substituting ǫ(k) = ωk − µ on the right hand side. As in
Bose-Einstein condensation, the critical point is defined to occur at the value of the
chemical potential µc where the occupation number at zero momentum diverges,
i.e. ǫ(k = 0) = 0. This gives the following integral equation for µc :
d2 k 1
µc = − 2
G2 (0, k) β(ω −µc ) (5.3)
(2π) e k −1
For negative g, the above equation has negative µc solutions, which makes
physical sense since energy is released when a particle is added. Here the attractive
interaction makes a critical point possible at finite temperature and density. The
critical density nc ≈ µc /g.
Suppose now the interaction is repulsive, i.e. g > 0. The equation (5.4) now
has no real solutions for µc . This can be traced to the infra-red divergence of the
βµc = βǫ0 − βµc − log eβ(ǫ0 −µc ) − 1 (5.5)
where ǫ0 = k02 /2m. The above equation now has solutions at positive µc , however
for arbitrary k0 there are in general two solutions. If k0 is chosen appropriately to
equal a critical value kc , then there is a unique solution µc . This is shown in Figure
5.1, where the right and left hand sides of equation (5.5) are plotted against µc for
Since the slopes of the right and left hand sides of eq. (5.5) are equal at
the critical point, taking the derivative with respect to µc of both sides gives the
additional equation:
β(ǫc − µc ) = log 1 + (5.6)
where ǫc = kc2 /2m. The two equations (5.5, 5.6) determine µc and ǫc :
mgT 2π
µc = log 1 +
2π mg
mg mg mgT 2π
ǫc = =T 1+ log 1 + + log
2m 2π 2π 2π mg
Note that ǫc goes to zero as g goes to zero. Finally, making the approximation
ǫ(k) ≈ ωk − µc in eq. (5.1) and using eq. (5.5) one obtains the critical density
nc ≈ µc /g:
mkB T 2π
nc ≈ log 1 + (5.8)
2π~2 mg
The above can be expressed as nc λ2 = log(1+2π/mg) where λ = ~ 2π/mkB T
is the thermal wavelength. As expected, at fixed temperature, the critical density
In obtaining the above result we have only kept the leading term in the kernel
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.1: Left and right hand sides of eq. (5.5) as a function of βµc at two
values of the infra-red cut-off ǫ0 , one being the critical value ǫc .
dg mg 2
Λ = (5.9)
dΛ 4π
which implies the coupling decreases at low energies. Integrating this equation
2π 2π mg0
= 1+ log(Λ0 /Λ) (5.10)
mg(Λ) mg0 4π
where g0 = g(Λ0). Thus at low energies where Λ < Λ0 , the combination 2π/mg
grows. However since the dependence on the cut-off is only logarithmic, it is not
clear that this could explain the large C discrepancy. This seems to imply that
higher N-body interactions are important.
With the knowledge of scattering amplitudes, we can now discuss the renor-
malization group flow of our models under scaling transformations.
Let us first consider the free-field case by setting the coupling constant g → 0.
By inspection, the actions (4.1) and (4.4) possess a scale invariance with dynamical
t → Λ−2 t, x → Λ−1 x.
We shall now proceed to show that the actions (4.1) and (4.4) are also scale-
invariant in the so-called unitary limit, where the s-wave scattering length of the
model diverges.
Requiring that the action be dimensionless yields dim[φ] = dim[ψ] = d/2 and
dim[g] = 2 − d.
The renormalization group behavior can be inferred from the coupling constant
dependence of the S-matrix. Consider first the particular case of d = 3 dimensions.
The cut-off dependence of the scattering amplitude is completely absorbed into
same low-energy behavior if they have the same gR .
dĝ m
= −ĝ − 2 ĝ 2 , (6.1)
dl 4π
where l = − log[Λ].
This beta-function goes to zero for two different values of ĝ. The first, trivial
case is ĝ = 0, corresponding to the free-field case. We shall show that the other
zero at ĝ = ĝ∗ ≡ −4π 2 /m corresponds to the unitary limit.
1 Λ m
= + 2 Λ = 0. (6.2)
gR ĝ∗ 4π
As gR is proportional to the scattering length, we have shown that the unitary limit
of the model, characterized by an infinite scattering length, is this scale-invariant
fixed point. This should not come as a surprise, because the scattering length is
the only length scale in the low-energy effective theory, and the only cases where
it can be invariant under a scale transformation are zero and infinity.
The bare coupling ĝ∗ is negative at the fixed point, implying an attractive
potential between each pair of particles. A gas of bosons with mutual attractive
may be thermodynamically unstable and prone to collapse. On the other hand,
the attractive interaction in a fermion gas may be balanced by the Fermi pressure,
and the gas stable against collapse.
The bare coupling can approach this non-trivial fixed point from either side of
the ĝ-axis. From (4.11) it is easy to see that gR and (ĝ − ĝ∗ ) have opposite signs.
To the right of the fixed point, the scattering length is positive, indicating
attraction at low energy. For a fermionic gas, it is well-known that an effective
attraction leads to Cooper pairing and the BCS instability at low temperature.
On the other hand, the scattering length is negative on the left side of the fixed
point, indicating an effective repulsion at low energy. The amplitude (4.10) has a
This bound state is only present for ĝ < ĝ∗ . The fermion pairs are bosonic, and
would presumably undergo Bose-Einstein condensation at a low enough tempera-
We therefore identify the fixed point ĝ∗ with the BCS-BEC crossover, at which
the inverse of the scattering length 1/a changes sign. We also note that the binding
energy (6.3) goes to zero as the system approaches the crossover from the BEC
side, and then the bound state ceases to exist on the BCS side. Nevertheless,
the crossover is expected to be smooth if one includes the bound states in the
thermodynamic of the BEC side.
As the model approaches its fixed point gR → 0, the phase shift (3.36) becomes:
i 8π
Θ(p1 , p2 ) = log −1 + (6.4)
gR m|p1 − p2 |
the particles, and takes value of ±iπ. The interaction is infinitely strong in the
low-energy regime that the phase shift of the two-particle scattering is always
saturated at the largest possible value (any phase shift larger than π is physically
indistinguishable from a smaller negative shift.)
specifically, since the exchange phase and scattering phase can’t be separated in
one-dimension, the phase change due to interaction has the effect of altering par-
ticle statistics.
The loop integral (4.7) can be evaluated for a general d. The ω integral can always
be done by closing the contour in the upper-half plane and picking up the pole at
ω = k2 /2m − iǫ. The loop integral then become
(loop) = i (dk) 2
− (p−k)
k 2
E − 2m 2m
− 2iǫ
Z (6.5)
= −i m (dk) 2
k2 − (m E − p4 ) − iǫ
Note that, to get to the last line, we have shifted the integration variable (k −
p/2) → k.
If 2 < d < 3, the integral is ultraviolet divergent and in need of regularization.
Let us write d = 2 + η, and introduce the UV cut-off Λ:
Ωd k 1+η dk
(loop) = −i m
(2π)d 0 k2 − (m E − p2 ) − iǫ
= −i m dk k η−1 + . . . (6.6)
(2π) 0
Ωd Λη
= −i m + ...
(2π)d η
where Ωd = 2π d/2 /Γ(d/2) is the volume of the unit (d − 1)-sphere. The terms that
are omitted are either cutoff-independent or proportional to some inverse power of
1 Λη Ωd Λη
≡ +m (6.7)
gR ĝ (2π)d η
dĝ Ωd 2
= −(d − 2)ĝ − m ĝ . (6.8)
dl (2π)d
By requiring the beta-function to vanish, we can solve for the non-trivial fixed
m (2π)d
ĝ∗ = (2 − d) (6.9)
For the present case, we see that the renormalization group flow is qualitatively
similar to the case of d = 3, which we just worked out explicitly. Apart from the
g∗ 0
(a) d > 2
(b) d < 2
(c) d = 2
Figure 6.1: Renormalization group flow for space dimension d. The arrow
indicates flow to the IR.
For d < 2, the loop integral is convergent. However, the zero-momentum limit
of the amplitude is not well-defined, and we need an IR cutoff if we wish to speak of
the scattering length in the infrared. The computation leading to the beta-function
is identical to the 2 < d < 3 case and giving identical result as in (6.8).
This time, however, the non-trivial fixed point is infrared stable. The renor-
malization group flow is also depicted in Figure 6.1(b).
6.3 d=2
The running of the coupling g can be derived from requiring the amplitude
(4.9) to be independent of the cutoff Λ. This condition leads to the requirement:
1 m
− log(Λ2 ) = constant, (6.10)
g 8π
and from here we get the beta-function:
dg m
= − g2. (6.11)
dl 4π
This is indeed the same as (6.8) with d = 2. There is only one fixed point at g∗ = 0,
corresponding to the free-field theory, thus there is no analogue of the BCS/BEC
One can nevertheless formally define the unitary limit as the scattering phase
shift approaching ±iπ, parallel to the 3d case. In this section we shall explore
this possibility, and interpret it using the renormalization group. As we’ll see, this
limit occurs at g = ±∞, and the scattering length diverges.
First let us begin with the beta function above (6.11). Let g = g0 at some
arbitrary scale Λ0 . Integrating the beta function one finds:
g(Λ) = mg0 . (6.12)
1− 4π
log(Λ/Λ0 )
Λ∗ = Λ0 e4π/mg0 . (6.13)
This is the familiar Landau pole. Whereas in for example the relativistic φ4 theory
in d = 3 where the Landau pole is unphysical due to higher order corrections, here
the beta function (6.11) is exact [32], thus this divergence is physical.
2. Repulsive case: If g0 is positive, Λ∗ > Λ0 , and g = +∞ occurs in the
Both cases are consistent with the flows depicted in Figure 6.1.
=0 (6.14)
d log Λ
and is the natural coupling constant in this problem that physical quantities are
−iM =
m Λ2∗ m
log mE− 41 (p1 +p2 )2
+ iπ 8π
= .
m 2Λ∗
log |p1 −p2 |
+ i π2 4π
where in the last line we have assumed that the momenta p1 and p2 are on-shell.
From here we obtain the scattering phase shift:
log |p12Λ ∗
−p2 |
− i π2
Θ(p1 , p2 ) = log (6.16)
2Λ∗ π
log |p1 −p2 | + i 2
Near the fixed point g(Λ) = 0− , Λ∗ = 0 from (6.13), and the phase shift Θ = 0,
consistent with the free theory. The same applies to the other side of the fixed
point g(Λ) = 0+ , where Λ∗ = +∞.
On the other hand, consider the low energy limit of the attractive case where
g(Λ) = −∞. Here Λ∗ = Λ, and this scale is effectively an infra-red cutoff. Thus
at low energies |p1 − p2 | ' 2Λ∗ and the phase shift Θ = +iπ. One must keep the
positive infinitesimal log(|p1 − p2 |/Λ∗ ) in order to pick out the correct branch of
the logarithmic function.
Similar arguments apply to the high energy limit of the repulsive case g(Λ) =
+∞, and the phase shift turns out to be Θ = −iπ. It is clear that, unlike in
3d, this definition of the unitary limit does not correspond to a renormalization
group fixed point in the usual sense of a zero of the beta function and is somewhat
Let us turn now to the scattering length. Using the scattering amplitude (6.15),
for |p1 − p2 | = ∆p, the cross section is:
m2 g 2 1
σ(k) = mg
4∆p (1 + 4π log(2Λ/∆p))2 + π 2
4π 2 1
= 2
∆p log (2Λ∗/∆p) + 16π 4/m2 g 2
2 mg 2
σ(Λ∗ ) = (6.18)
Λ∗ 4π
Equating σ with a scattering length a, as appropriate to 2d, one sees that a diverges
have a pole. However the denominator is zero when |p1 − p2 | = 2iΛ∗ , which is a
remnant of the bound state pole in 3d. The energy of this quasi-bound state is
−2Λ2∗ /m. Note that this quasi-bound state disappears as g0 → 0− , since in this
limit Λ∗ → 0, and this is analogous to the situation in 3d. We thus expect that the
“attractive” case of the unitary limit should be better behaved since this bound
state disappears, in contrast to the repulsive case where Λ∗ → ∞ as g0 → 0+ , and
this will be born out of our subsequent analysis.
6.4 Thermodynamic scaling functions at the quantum crit-
ical point
At a quantum critical point, the only length scales of the quantum gas are the
thermal wavelength λT = 2π/mT and the length scale n1/d set by the density n.
Equivalently, one can express physical properties in terms of the only two energy
scales, the temperature T and the chemical potential µ, since the density is a
function of T, µ.
F= (dd k) log 1 − se−β(ωk −µ) (6.19)
where β = 1/T , ωk = k2 /2m and s = 1, −1 corresponds to bosons, fermions
valid for ℜ(ν) > 0. The result, as expected, is of the form of T /λdT , multiplied by
a dimensionless scaling function:
F = −sT Li(d+2)/2 (sz) (6.21)
There are two important limits to consider. For Bose gases near Bose-
Einstein condensation, physically the interesting limit is µ/T → 0. Physically
this corresponds to either the high-temperature, or the low-density limit. Since
Liν (1) = ζ(ν), where ζ is Riemann’s zeta function, this leads us to define the
πmT 2
F =− c2 (µ/T ) (d = 2)
ζ(5/2)m3/2 T 5/2
F =− c3 (µ/T ) (d = 3)
where we have used ζ(2) = π 2 /6. With the above normalizations, cd = 1 for a
single free boson when µ/T = 0.
The above formulas are also well-defined for fermions at zero chemical potential.
− Liν (−1) = 1− ζ(ν) (6.23)
one finds as µ/T → 0:
1 1
c2 = , c3 = 1 − √ (free fermions) (6.24)
2 2 2
It should be pointed out that the coefficients cd are analogous to the Virasoro
requires the presence of a Bose-Einstein condensate. The ground state, and the
Hilbert space on top of it, are qualitatively different from a free gas on which our
analysis is based. But a Fermi gas admits both limits.)
Here the scaling forms are naturally based on the zero temperature degenerate
free fermion gas, where µ > 0 is the Fermi energy. In fact, the function Liν (z) has
a branch cut along the real axis from z = 1 to ∞ and the bosonic free energy is
ill-defined at z = ∞, in contrast with fermions. Using the analytic continuation of
The above normalizations are defined such that bd (0) = 1 for a single free
fermion. One can verify that the above d = 3 expression is the standard result
for a zero temperature, single component, degenerate fermion gas where µ is the
Fermi energy.
Other thermodynamic quantities follow from the free energy. The pressure
p = −F . The density is n = −∂F /∂µ and the entropy density is s = −∂F /∂T .
Using the scaling form in (6.26), one obtains for d = 3:
2 2 3/2 5 T ′
n= (mµ) b3 − b3
15π 2 2 µ
√ (6.27)
2 2 3/2 ′
s= (mµ) b3 (T /µ)
15π 2
where b′ is the derivative with respect to its argument T /µ. (Henceforth, g ′ will
always refer to the derivative of the function g with respect to it’s argument µ/T
The energy density ǫ follows from the relation ǫ = T s + µn + F :
ǫ=− F (6.29)
It is interesting to note that the above result, which in terms of the pressure is
simply ǫ = pd/2, is a consequence of the mechanics of free gases. This shows that
this relation continues to hold for interacting gases at a quantum critical point, as
scaling functions ξ:
d + 2 ǫ1
ξd (T /µ) = (6.32)
d ǫF
As T /µ → 0+ , the functions ξd should become universal constants, and for free
fermions ξd (0+ ) = 1. The Fermi energy ǫF can be defined based on its relation
to density in the zero temperature free fermion gas. For bosons, one can formally
use the same definition. For d = 2, ǫF = 2πn/m, whereas for d = 3, ǫF =
(3π 2 n/ 2)2/3 /m. This leads to the definitions:
mµ 2
ξ2 = b2 (T /µ)
√ ! 5/3 (6.33)
2 5/2
ξ3 = (mµ) b3 (T /µ)
3π 2 n
Next consider the energy per particle in the limit µ/T → 0. Here it is more
appropriate to use the form in eq. (6.22), which gives
d cd
ǫ1 = T (6.34)
2 c′d
The expression for ǫ1 for free fermions in the limit µ/T → 0 in d = 3 leads us now
to define ξ: √ !
3 2 2 − 1 ζ(5/2) ˜
ǫ1 = √ T ξ3 (µ/T ) (6.35)
2 2 2 − 2 ζ(3/2)
With this normalization, for free fermions, as µ/T → 0, ξ˜3 = 1.
π2T ˜
ǫ1 = ξ2 (µ/T ) (d = 2) (6.36)
12 log 2
We begin with writing down the two-dimensional version of the kernel introduced
in (3.34), using (4.9) and the appropriate expression from (3.31):
mg 2Λ
4iα 1 + 4π
log |k1 −k2
− iπ/2
G2 (k1 , k2 ) = − log
m mg 2Λ
1 + 4π log |k1 −k2 + iπ/2
8α 2π
= − arctan .
m log 2Λ∗
|k1 −k2 |
In the unitary limit as defined in the previous chapter, g → ±∞ and the theory
is at the scale Λ∗ . The difference in momenta |k1 − k2 | ∼ 2Λ∗ and the logarithmic
function in the kernel (7.1) diverges. We therefore have
G2 (k1 , k2 ) → ∓ . (7.2)
For the attractive case, |k1 − k2 | approaches 2Λ∗ from above as g → −∞.
This thus corresponds to the positive sign in (7.2). Conversely, the repulsive case
corresponds to the negative sign of (7.2).
With the kernel reduced to a constant in the unitary limit, the analysis in two
dimensions is considerably simpler. It is convenient to define
The free energy (3.23) becomes:
1 −βǫ(k) 1 (1 − y −1 (k))
F =− (dk) −s log(1 − se )− . (7.4)
β 2 eβǫ(k) − s
Since the kernel is independent of k, one can infer from (3.21) that δ must
also be independent of k. With this knowledge, it is now possible to carry out
the integration on the right hand side of (3.21) explicitly. The end result is an
The integrals in (7.4) can also be carried out explicitly. The result agrees with
the scaling form (6.22), with the scaling function
6s 1 −1
c2 = − 2 Li2 (syz) + (1 − y ) log(1 − syz) . (7.6)
π 2
Simple algebra leads to the other scaling function defined in (6.26):
b2 = c2 . (7.7)
3 log2 z
For the remainder of this chapter we shall drop the subscript 2d = in all scaling
functions, as we are specializing in the two-dimensional case.
The number density can either be derived from the thermodynamic relation
n = −∂F /∂µ, or from integrating the filling fraction f (k):
n=− log(1 − syz) (7.8)
7.2 Attractive fermions
For fermions, the parameters s = −1 and α = 1/2. The Kernel (7.2) takes the
positive sign.
y =1+ log(1 + yz) (7.11)
and a solution exists for any positive z, i.e. for −∞ < µ/T < ∞. The density
is plotted in Figure 7.1. It takes on all positive values and approaches ∞ as
lim n = 0.9546 (7.12)
µ/T →0 2π
-4 -2 0 2 4
The filling fraction f is plotted in Figure 7.2. The scaling function c is shown
in Figure 7.3. One finds:
lim c = 0.624816 (7.13)
µ/T →0
f for attractive fermions
µ/T = 6
µ/T = 2
2 4 6 8 10
β k2 /2m
Figure 7.2: Attractive fermion in 2d: filling fraction f at two different values
of µ/T .
which is higher than the free field value c = 1/2. From these results, one obtains
the equation of state:
-4 -2 0 2 4
One needs to make sure that all regions of µ/T are physical, and not for instance
sees that ∂s/∂T < 0 when µ/T > 11.7.
One must bear in mind that our formalism, though non-perturbative in some
respects, is still an approximation, and such a feature could be an artifact that
disappears once the corrections are incorporated. Since it is beyond the scope
of this work to systematically explore these corrections, we will instead try and
interpret our results as they are, for this and subsequent cases.
The above feature of the entropy density could signify a phase transition at
µ/T = 11.7, where the density and temperature are related by:
n = 13.1 ⇐⇒ Tc = 0.076 TF (7.15)
where TF is the Fermi temperature ǫF /kB , where ǫF is defined in section III, and
Tc is the critical temperature for this hypothetical phase transition. The above
7.3 Attractive bosons
With the bosonic values s = +1, α = 1, the integral equation (7.5) becomes
y =1± log(1 − zy) (7.16)
where the + (−) sign refers to repulsive (attractive) interactions. The scaling
function c is now
6 1 −1
c= 2 Li2 (zy) + (1 − y log(1 − zy) (7.17)
π 2
The scaling function b has the same expression as in eq. (7.7), with the above
c. The density now is
n=− log(1 − zy). (7.18)
The energy per particle scaling functions now take the form:
2 log(2)c
ξ˜ = − (7.19)
log(1 − zy)
log z
ξ= b (7.20)
log(1 − zy)
For this bosonic case, there is only a solution to eq. (??) for z ≤ zc ≈ .34, or
µ/T ≤ −1.08. The density is shown in Figure 7.5, and note that it has a maximum.
The filling fractions are shown for several µ/T up to log zc in Figure 7.6. From
these plots, it appears that f is diverging at k = 0 as z approaches zc , suggestive
of condensation to a superfluid. Let us refer to the maximum density then as the
critical density
m kB T
nc ≈ 1.24 ⇐⇒ Tc ≈ 0.81 TF (7.21)
Density for attractive bosons
Figure 7.5: Attractive boson in 2d: density as a function of µ/T . The origin
of the axes is at (log zc , 0).
2 µ/T = log zc
Figure 7.6: Attractive boson in 2d: the filling fraction f for µ/T =
−2, −1.5, −1.08 = log zc .
which is considerably less than for a free boson with c = 1. The function b decreases
c for attractive bosons
The energy per particle scaling functions ξ and ξ˜ are shown in Figures 7.8, 7.9.
The limiting values are
lim ξ = ∞, ξ(zc ) ≈ 2.3 (7.25)
T /µ→0−
Attractive bosons
Figure 7.8: Attractive bosons in 2d: the energy per particle scaling function
ξ˜ as a function of µ/T .
Attractive bosons
Figure 7.9: Attractive boson in 2d: the energy per particle scaling function
ξ as a function of T /µ.
As for the fermionic case, the value ξ˜ = 0.842766 = 12 log 2/π 2 implies the
energy per particle ǫ1 = T , which means the gas is in the classical limit.
For the repulsive fermions, there are solutions to (7.5) for all µ/T < 0, and the
density is positive in this range. A plot of the density is shown in Figure 7.10. The
density maximizes at µ/T ≈ −0.56, where n/mT ≈ 0.04. This seems physically
reasonable given the strong repulsion in the unitary limit.
In contrast, for small coupling g, the kernel G ≈ −g, and there are solutions for
positive chemical potential. In the bosonic case, our formalism leads to a critical
density of nc = 2π
log(2π/mg) for the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The filling
fractions are shown in Figure 7.11. Note that they are considerably smaller than
in the attractive case, as expected. The scaling function c is shown in Figure 7.12.
Density for repulsive fermions
nc 0.04
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
β k2 /2m
The scaling function b has the limiting values limT /µ→0− b = 0, and
limT /µ→−∞ b = ∞.
c for repulsive fermions
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Since the pressure is proportional to c, the same density occurs at two different
pressures. One sees that for µ/T < −0.56, the density increases with pressure as it
should. For µ/T > −0.56 the density decreases with increasing pressure, violating
dp/dV < 0, and should thus be viewed as an unphysical region. We interpret this
as a phase transition occurring at zc = e−0.56 = 0.57, where the critical density
mkB T
nc = 0.25 ⇐⇒ Tc ≈ 4.0 TF (7.27)
modulus for instance, and it could simply be an artifact of our approximation, but
let us take it as a hypothesis. Whereas a Wigner crystal phase occurs at low
density in three dimensions, it occurs at high density in two dimensions[7]. The
possibility of crystal phases for repulsive bosons was studied in [24]. For Coulomb
repulsion with strength e2 , the thermodynamic state of a classical Coulomb system
is determined by Γ = πn e2 /kB T , where n is the density. Experimentally it was
found that Γ ≈ 137[15], which gives a critical density
nc ≈ 2.15 × 109 T 2 (7.28)
cm2 K 2
On the other hand, since our model has point-like interactions, and is in the
unitary limit, the conditions for a crystal phase are expected to be different. In
particular our formula eq. (7.27) has no e2 dependence, and this leads to a linear
in T dependence. For m equal to the electron mass
nc ≈ 4.5 × 109 T (7.29)
cm2 K
It is interesting to note that for T of order 1, which is where the data in [15] was
taken, the two densities (7.28) and (7.29) are comparable.
Repulsive fermion
Figure 7.13: Repulsive fermion in 2d: the energy per particle scaling function
ξ˜ as a function of µ/T .
The energy per particle function ξ˜ is shown in Figure 7.13. The limiting values
lim ξ˜ = 0.842766, ˜ c ) = 1.32
ξ(z (7.30)
µ/T →−∞
Beyond the critical point where the density increases, limµ/T →0 ξ˜ = ∞. Note
that ξ˜ starts to diverge around the proposed phase transition at µ/T = −0.56.
Finally the other energy per particle function ξ is less interesting, as it diverges
at both endpoints of the density range where the density goes to zero. At the
critical point it is still quite large: ξ(zc ) = 12.6.
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
The repulsive boson case is similar to the repulsive fermion, except that now
there are only positive density solutions to the eq. (7.5) for µ/T < − log 2. Figure
7.14 compares the density for bosons verses fermions. The maximum density for
bosons, which could again possibly signify a critical point at zc ≈ e−1.45 = 0.235,
is half that of the fermion case:
mkB T
nc = 0.125 ⇐⇒ Tc ≈ 8.0 ǫF (7.31)
Viscosity for repulsive bosons
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Figure 7.15: Repulsive boson in 2d: the ratio η/s as a function of µ/T .
Parallel to the d = 2 case, we take the kernel from (3.34), and insert appropriate
expressions from (3.31) and (4.10), to get the two-body kernel:
1 im
i4πα gR
− 8π
|k1 − k2 |
G(k1 , k2 ) = − log 1 im
m|k1 − k2 | gR
+ 8π
− k2 |
! (8.1)
−8πα |k
8π 1
− k2 |
= arctan 1
m|k1 − k2 | gR
The unitary limit is gR
→ 0± . The plus sign is the repulsive case, where the
scattering length is positive, and can be associated with the BEC side of the BCS-
BEC crossover. The negative sign is associated with the attractive interaction,
Recall that on the BEC side of the fixed point, there is a two-particle bound
state in the spectrum of the theory, with binding energy given by (6.3). For the
reminder of this chapter we shall work on the BCS side of the fixed point, so that
the bound state does not need to be incorporated in the thermodynamics.
8π 2 α
G2 (k1 , k2 ) → ∓ . (8.2)
m|k1 − k2 |
Unlike the d = 2 case, the kernel remains dependent on the momenta of the
particles. The pseudo-energy shift δk is therefore not a constant. The integral
equation is
y(k′ )−1
y(k) = 1 + β (d3 k′ ) G(k, k′ ) (8.3)
eβǫ(k′ ) − s
and does not reduce to an algebraic equation.
The angular part of the integral in (8.3) can be easily performed and lead to
some simplification. Defining the dimensionless variable κ = k2 /2mT , the integral
equation becomes
Z ∞ h p i
′ ′ ′ ′ z
y(κ) = 1 + 4α dκ Θ(κ − κ ) κ /κ + Θ(κ − κ) (8.4)
0 eκ′ − szy(κ′ )
The free energy, followed from (3.23), has the same form as (7.4) and is repro-
duced below:
3 −βǫ 1 (1 − y −1 )
F = −T (d k) −s log(1 − se ) − (8.5)
2 eβǫ − s
The scaling function c3 , as defined in (6.22), does not admit an analytic close form
expression. It can only be determined numerically from the solution of the integral
nλ3T = q, (8.6)
where λT is the thermal wavelength 2π/mT .
The two scaling functions c and q are of course related since n = −∂F /∂µ,
which leads to
q = ζ(5/2)c′ (8.7)
Recall from (6.30) that the energy per particle, ǫ1 , is proportional to the free
energy per particle. One may compare this with the result of a free fermion at zero
temperature, ǫ1 = 3ǫF /3, with ǫF the Fermi energy. This leads us to the scaling
The entropy density is s = −∂F /∂T , and the entropy per particle takes the
s 5c/2 − xc′
= ζ(5/2) (8.10)
n q
Next consider the specific heat per particle at constant volume and particle
number, i.e. constant density. One needs ∂x/∂T at constant density. Using the
fact that n ∝ T 3/2 q, at constant density q ∝ T −3/2 . This gives
∂x 3q
T =− ′ (8.11)
∂T n 2q
The specific heat per particle is then:
CV 1 ∂E ζ(5/2) c c′
= = 15 − 9 ′ (8.12)
N N ∂T N,V 4 q q
The integral equation (8.4) is then solved numerically by iteration. One first
substitutes y0 = 1 on the right hand side and this gives the approximation y1 for
y. One then substitutes y1 on the right hand side to generate y2 , etc. For regions
of z where there are no critical points, this procedure converges rapidly, and as
little as 5 iterations are needed. For fermions, as one approaches zero temperature,
c for fermions
-2 -1 1 2
x = µ/T
Figure 8.1: Attractive fermion in 3d: c(x) and its equivalent for a free theory
as a function of x = µ/T .
q for fermions
2.5 free
-2 -1 0 1 2
x = µ/T
Figure 8.2: Attractive fermion in 3d: q(x) and its equivalent for a free theory
as a function of x = µ/T .
i.e. x large and positive, more iterations are needed for convergence. The results
When z ≪ 1, y ≈ 1, and the properties of the free ideal gas are recovered, since
the gas is very dilute. There are solutions to equation (8.4) for all −∞ < x < ∞.
(x = µ/T ). The scaling function c, and it’s comparison with a free theory, are
shown in Figure 8.1 as a function of x. The corrections to the free theory become
appreciable when x > −2. At x = 0:
The scaling function q for the density is shown as function of x in Figure 8.2.
Note that the density in the interacting case is always higher than for a free gas,
due to the attractive interactions. At x = 0, q(0) = 1.18, whereas for a free gas
0.6 x = 15
0 5 10 15 20
κ = βk2 /2m
Figure 8.4. Beyond this point the entropy per particle has the unphysical behavior
of increasing with temperature.
A further indication that the region x > xc is unphysical is that the specific
heat per particle becomes negative, as shown in Figure 8.5. When x ≪ 0, CV /N
entropy per particle for fermions
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
x = µ/T
approaches the classical value 3/2. This leads us to suggest a phase transition, at
6 8 10 12 14
x = µ/T
Figure 8.5: Attractive fermion in 3d: specific heat per particle as a function
of x.
upper bound Tc /TF < 0.14, and the most recent results of Burovski et. al. quote
Tc /TF = 0.152(7). Our result is thus consistent with previous work.
The equation of state at this point follows from eq. (8.15):
p = 4.95nT (8.18)
The energy per particle, normalized to the Fermi energy ǫF , i.e. E/NǫF = 3ξ/5,
and the entropy per particle, are shown in Figures 8.6,8.7 as a function of T /TF ,
where kB TF = ǫF . At high temperatures it matches that of a free Fermi gas, in
agreement with the Monte Carlo simulations in [2, 3]. Note that there is no sign
of pair-breaking at T ∗ /TF = 0.5 predicted in [36], and this also agrees with the
However at low temperatures in the vicinity of Tc , the agreement is not as good.
This suggests our approximation is breaking down for very large z, i.e. the limit of
zero temperature. The same conclusion is reached by examining µ/ǫF , displayed
in Figure 8.8, since the zero temperature epsilon expansion and Monte Carlo give
For bosons we again solved the integral equation (8.4) by iteration, starting from
y = 1. Since the occupation numbers decay quickly as a function of κ, we intro-
duced a cut-off κ < 10. For x less than approximately −2, the gas behaves nearly
The main feature of the solution to the integral equation is that for x > xc ≡
−1.2741, there is no solution that is smoothly connected to the classical limit
x → −∞. Numerically, when there is no solution the iterative procedure fails
to converge. The free energy scaling function is plotted in Figure 8.9. Note that
c < 1, where c = 1 is the free field value. We thus take the physical region to be
x < xc .
c for bosons
0.20 ideal
This implies the occupation number f diverges at k = 0 at this critical point. One
clearly sees this behavior in Figure 8.11.
ǫ(k = 0)/T
Occupation number for bosons
300 xc
0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
κ = βk2 /2m
Figure 8.11: Attractive boson in 3d: the occupation number f (κ) for x =
−1.275 and xc = −1.2741.
interacting, scale invariant version of the ideal BEC. In terms of the density, the
critical point is:
The negative value of the chemical potential is consistent with the effectively
attractive interactions. The above should be compared with the ideal BEC of the
free theory, where xc = 0 and nc λ3T = ζ(3/2) = 2.61, which is higher by a factor of
2. At the critical point the equation of state is
p = 0.318nT (8.20)
κ ∼ (T − Tc )−ν (8.21)
line, and we obtain ν ≈ 0.69. This should be compared with BEC in an ideal gas,
where ν ≈ 1.0. Clearly the unitary gas version of BEC is in a different universality
Entropy per particle for bosons
Figure 8.13: Attractive boson in 3d: the entropy per particle as a function
of T /Tc .
The energy per particle scaling function ξ˜ at the critical point is ξ(x
˜ c ) = 0.281
√ √
compared to 0.453 = (2 2 − 2)/(2 2 − 1) for the free case. The entropy per
particle and specific heat per particle are plotted in Figures 8.13, 8.14 as a function
of T /Tc . At large temperatures, as expected CV /N = 3/2, i.e. the classical value.
It increases as T is lowered, however in contrast to the ideal gas case, it then begins
to decrease as T approaches Tc .
Specific heat per particle for bosons
Figure 8.14: Attractive boson in 3d: the specific heat per particle as a func-
tion of T /Tc .
The ratio of the shear viscosity η to the entropy density s has units of ~/kB in
any dimension. A lower bound was conjectured for 3d relativistic systems[26]:
η ~
≥ (9.1)
s 4πkB
based on the AdS/CFT correspondence. The bound is saturated in certain strongly
9.1 2d
case in our formalism, as was evident in chapter 6, so we study the issue in this
case in detail.
Consider first a gas with a single species of particle of mass m. For a non-
relativistic system in 2 spatial dimensions:
η = nv̄mlfree (9.2)
where v̄ is the average speed and lfree the mean free path. The mean free path is
√ √
lfree = 1/( 2nσ) where σ is the total cross-section. The 2 comes from the ratio
of the mean speed to the mean relative speed [43].
Recall that we defined the unitary limit for a repulsive gas as the case where
the scattering phase shift (3.36) taking value of −π. This implies the scattering
amplitude M = 2i/I. The accessible phase space volume I is m/4α, as given
in (3.31). Using the formula for differential cross-section (4.13), one can integrate
over all angle and get
σ= (9.3)
in the unitary limit, where k is the difference of momenta of the two scattering
particles. This gives
m 1 2
η= √ mv̄ (9.4)
16 2 2
Since the pressure is determined by the average kinetic energy, and the ideal
gas relation eq. (6.29) still holds for a unitary gas, the average kinetic energy per
particle is just ǫ1 = −F /n, eq. (6.30). Finally we obtain:
η m F ∂F
= √ (9.5)
s 16 2 n ∂T
where all the quantities in the above formula are the single component values.
Attractive fermions
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 9.1: The ratio η/s as a function of µ/T . The horizontal line is 1/4π.
η 3 c π b
= √ µ ′ = √ (9.6)
s ′
4 2π c (2c − T c ) 4 2 b′ (2b − Tµ b′ )
For two-component fermions the available phase space I is doubled, reflected
by α taking the value 1/2 instead of 1. The cross-section is then halved, since spin
up particles only scatter with spin down. And the entropy is doubled, assuming
symmetry of the two spin components. This gives
η η
=4 (9.7)
s fermi s bose
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Figure 9.2: The ratio η/s as a function of T /TF for attractive fermions.
The above expression is easily evaluated numerically using the expressions from
Chapter 6. The result is displayed for small values of µ/T in Figure 9.1. In this
regime, η/s is well above the conjectured bound, and comparable to the 3d values
extracted from the experimental data[46]. We find
η ~
lim = 7.311 (9.8)
µ/T →0 s 4πkB
This is well-below the values for common substances like water, however it is
comparable to values for liquid helium, which is about 9 times the bound[26]. In
the region shown:
η ~
≥ 6.07 (9.9)
s 4πkB
In Figure 9.2 we plot η/s as a function of T /TF , and one observes a behavior
quite similar both qualitatively and quantitatively to the 3d data summarized
in[46], where the minimal value is about 6 times the bound.
Recall that, in Chapter 6, it was argued that the region µ/T > 11.7 is unphysi-
cal, or perhaps metastable, since the entropy increases with decreasing temperature
there. Thus for the regions that are surely physical, the bound (9.9) holds.
Attractive fermions
1 ´ 106 2 ´ 106 3 ´ 106 4 ´ 106 5 ´ 106
Figure 9.3: The ratio η/s as a function of µ/T as µ/T gets very large.. The
horizontal line is 1/4π.
Figure 9.4.
Attractive fermions
5.0 ´ 106 1.0 ´ 107 1.5 ´ 107 2.0 ´ 107
Figure 9.4: The ratio η/s as a function of µ/T in the limit of very low tem-
peratures (top curve). The horizontal line is 1/4π. The bottom
curve is the approximation eq. (9.12).
η π
lim= √ (9.13)
µ/T →∞ s 2 2 log(2πn/mT )
It is important to note that although the energy per particle scaling function ξ
approaches the free field value at low temperatures, the above behavior is very dif-
ferent from the free field case. In the latter, the scaling function c = −6 Li2 (−z)/π 2 ,
which gives the diverging behavior at very low temperature:
η 3 µ
≈ √ , (free fermions) (9.14)
s 4 2π T
leads to exponential growth:
η πT mT 1
lim = − √ e−µ/T = − √ (9.15)
µ/T →−∞ s 2 2µ 4 2 n log(2πn/mT )
9.2 3d
η = nv̄mlfree (9.16)
where v̄ is the average speed and lfree is the mean free path. (Note that the
numerical prefactor is different from the two-dimensional case (9.2).)
The mean free path is related to the total cross-section σ by lfree = 1/( 2nσ)
In the unitary limit the phase shift (3.36) is Θ = ±iπ. The scattering amplitude
is then
iM = − . (9.17)
This leads to
m2 |M|2 16π
σ= = (9.18)
4π |k|2
where |k| is the momentum of one of the particles in the center of mass frame, i.e.
|k1 − k2 | = 2|k|. This gives
m3 v̄ 3
η= √ (9.19)
48 2π
Since the equation (6.30) is the same relation between the pressure and energy
of a free gas, and the pressure is due to the kinetic energy, this implies
1 2 3c
mv̄ = E/N = ′ T. (9.20)
2 2c
dimensional case apply, and the entropy-to-viscosity ratio is four times that of
single-component bosons.
Viscosityentropy for attractive fermions
The ratio η/s for fermions as a function of T /TF is shown in Figure 9.5, and
is in good agreement both quantitatively and qualitatively with the experimental
data summarized in [46]. The lowest value occurs at x = 2.33, which corresponds
to T /TF = 0.28, and
η ~
> 4.72 (9.22)
s 4πkB
The experimental data has a minimum that is about 6 times this bound. In the free
fermion theory the minimum occurs at µ/T ≈ 2.3, which gives η/s > 7.2~/4πkB .
More recently, Cao et. al. [4] reported that the η/s ratio about five times the
conjectured lower bound, which is in good agreement with our result here.
Viscosity to entropy ratio for bosons
For bosons, the ration η/s is plotted in Figure 9.6 as a function of T /Tc . One
sees that it has a minimum at the critical point, where
η ~
> 1.26 (9.23)
s 4πkB
Thus the bosonic gas at the unitary critical point is a more perfect fluid than that
of fermions. On the other hand, the ideal Bose gas at the critical point has a lower
value: p
η 3πζ(5/2) ~
= = 0.53 (9.24)
s 20ζ(3/2)3/2 4πkB
Building on the original result due to Dashen [8], we have derived the S-matrix
formulation of quantum statistical mechanics. By resumming all two-body terms,
we arrive at the integral equation (3.20), reproduced below:
f˜(k) = f0 (k) + f˜(k) sβf0 (k) (dk )G2 (k, k )f˜(k ) ,
′ ′ ′
This integral equation is first applied to an weakly interacting Bose gas in two
dimensions. In Chapter 5 the critical chemical potential and density at a fixed
In the weak coupling limit, the form of critical chemical potential is in agree-
ment with numerical simulation in [42], which is µc = mgT /2π log(2C/mg) where
the same limit arises if an infrared cutoff is given, for example coming from a
finite system size. Anticipating that the quantum gas is scale-invariant at the
unitary limit, we have also defined various thermodynamics scaling functions. The
numerical solutions to our integral equation at the unitary limit in two and three
dimensions are presented in Chapter 7 and 8, respectively.
For the three dimensional fermion gas, we report a critical temperature Tc /TF ≈
0.1 for the superfluid transition at finite temperature. For the three dimensional
boson gas, we present evidence that the gas undergoes a strongly interacting version
of BEC at critical density nc λ3T ≈ 1.3.
In two dimensions, this ratio of attractive bosons drops below the bound by a
factor of 0.4, however this could be an artifact of our approximation. For attractive
fermions, the conjectured lower bound is reached at very large µ/T ≈ 107 , however
this was argued to occur in an unphysical or metastable region; in the physical
regions, η/s ≥ 6.07 ~/4πkB .
In three dimensions, we report ratios that are above the bound for both boson
and fermion gases. The fermionic ratio is 4.72 times the bound, while the bosonic
one is 1.26 times the bound. The recent finding by Cao et. al. [4] put the
experimental value for the fermionic ratio in the range of 0.4-0.5, in good agreement
with our result.
In this section we shall review some elements of scattering theory, with the
ultimate goal of proving the relationship (2.5). For a more thorough introduction,
please see [44].
into a free part H0 and an interaction part H1 . We have full knowledge of the
eigenstate and eigenvalues of H0 .
In addition, we shall assume that the eigenvalues of H0 are densed, and (without
loss of generality) the ground state energy is zero. So for any given E > 0, there
exists an eigenstate with energy E. Also we assume that the perturbation H1
connects the free and interacting Hilbert spaces adiabatically, so that there is a
The interaction H1 may shift the ground-state energy. If the exact ground-state
energy of the full Hamiltonian H is ∆E 6= 0, we make the following modifications
so that the ground states of H0 and H have the same energy:
H0 → H0 + ∆E
H1 → H1 − ∆E
where a represents all necessary labels. A good starting point is to build |Ψa i from
its free counterpart |Φa i, which satisfies:
|Ψa i = |Φa i − H1 |Ψa i (A.5)
H0 − Ea
Since the operator (H0 − Ea )−1 has poles along the real axis, we add to the
denominator the infinitesimal ±iη. Depending on our choice of the sign, two sets
of states emerges from two equations:
|Ψ+ +
a i = |Φa i + G0 (Ea )H1 |Ψa i
ai = |Φa i + G∗0 (Ea )H1 |Ψ−
a i.
These equations (A.6) are known as the Lippmann-Schwinger equations. The state
|Ψ+ i corresponds to the incoming state, while |Ψ− i is the outgoing state. These
a i = (1 + G(Ea )H1 ) |Φa i
= (1 + G (Ea )H1 ) |Φa i
To see that the assignment of incoming and outgoing states make sense, we
consider the case of |Ψ+ i, and define a wave packet localized in time:
a (t)i ≡ cκ e−iEκ t |Ψ+
κ i, (A.8)
Using the Lippmann-Schwinger equation (A.6), we can formally write (A.8) in
terms of the free eigenstates:
a (t)i = |Φa (t)i + fn (t)|Φn i ;
X (A.10)
e−iEκ t
fn (t) ≡ cκ hΦn |H1 |Ψ+
κ i.
Eκ − En + iη
The label κ contains energy and possibly other quantum numbers. Let us
explicitly display the energy dependences:
cκ → cK (E) ,
Rnκ ≡ hΦn |H1 |Ψ+
κi → RnK (E),
where K denotes all the other labels necessary to specify a quantum state. Then
the coefficient fn (t) is
XZ e−iEt
fn (t) = dE cK (E)RnK (E) (A.12)
E − En + iη
Assuming cK (E) and RnK (E) do not contain poles in E, we see that fn (t) = 0
as t → −∞. In the far-past, the wave packet |Ψ+
a (t)i coincides with the non-
interacting |Φa (t)i. We may thus identify the “+”-states with the incoming states
in a scattering process.
Similarly, one identifies the “−”-states with the outgoing states by using the
same argument as above. The only difference is that in (A.12) the sign of η is
reversed, reducing the state to the non-interacting version in the far-future instead.
Sf i = hΨ− +
f |Ψi i. (A.13)
With (A.6) and (A.7), we can formally rewrite the inner product as:
hΨ− + + +
f |Ψi i = hΦf |Ψi i + hΦf |H1 G(Ef )|Ψi i
orthonormal set of basis, so that hΦf |Φi i = δf i . Also the operators G and G0 can
be replaced by their respective eigenvalues when acting on their eigenstates |Ψ+
i i
and hΦf |.
Making use of the identity (x + iη)−1 − (x − iη)−1 = 2πiδ(x), we can now recast
(A.14) into the familiar form:
Sf i = δf i + 2πi δ(Ef − Ei ) Tf i ;
Tf i ≡ hΦf |H1 |Ψ+
i i = hΦf | (H1 + H1 G(Ei )H1 ) |Φi i
Now we are free to take the energy of the initial state off-shell by the introduc-
tion of the operators Ŝ(E) and T̂ (E):
We are now in the position to derive the equation (2.5), reproduced below:
To begin with, we make use of the following identities to rewrite (A.17), both
easily proven from the definition (A.1):
The right hand side of (A.17) then becomes:
Finally, we can show that −2iη G∗0 (E)G0 (E) = 2πiδ(E −H0 ), and that GG−1
0 =
as required.
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