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Lasers in Ophthalmology

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Eye (1988) 2, Suppl S98-S112

Lasers in Ophthalmology: The Basic Principles


In this review I have undertaken a mechanistic In essence the first laser had a gestation period
approach to the principles underlying of 43 years between concept and practical
interactions between laser light and biological realisation. In contrast, one year after its
tissues. The surgical potential of the various laboratory inception the first experimental
damage mechanisms are discussed together with ophthalmic investigation of its surgical potential
the clinical applications in ophthalmology. First was published' and unfortunately within five
however, it may be helpful to briefly relate the years reports of accidental eye damage had also
history of lasers themselves. been recorded. 2

Lasers Laser Surgery

The term LASER is an acronym for Light In laser surgery there are four principal concepts
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of which help in the understanding of the
Radiation and is the realisation of a concept interactions between laser beams and tissues. In
postulated by Einstein in 1917 in the course of a sequence these are, transmission, absorption,
theoretical investigation of blackbody radiation. degradation and reaction. First, the transmission
However the problems of developing a properties of various ocular coats and media
satisfactory quantum theory were of sufficient must be determined in order to ensure that a
magnitude that the stimulated emIssIon given laser wavelength will be transmitted to the
phenomenon was neglected by experimentalists required target. Secondly, the absorption
until the early 1950s, although as early as 1946 characteristics of target sites must be determined
the process of stimulated emission had been in order to ascertain that the incident laser
observed, but not recognised in nuclear radiation is absorbed within the required system.
induction experiments. The use of stimulated Thirdly, a knowledge is required of the ways in
emission for microwave amplification was which the absorbed laser energy is degraded
suggested independently by Weber at the within the target and therefore the ways in which
University of Maryland, by Basov and this energy is capable of damaging the target
Prokhorov in the Soviet Union and by Townes at material. Finally, a detailed knowledge is
Columbia University (1953-54). Thus it was in required of the biological reactions within a
1954 that the first microwave amplifier or particular target subsequent to an episode of
MASER was built and operated. It was not until irradiation. These tissue reactions may be acute
195 8 that the feasibility of producing stimulated and relatively simple to understand such as the
emission in microwaves near the optical regions instantaneous tearing or rupturing of tissues, or
of the spectrum was realised and a further two they may be chronic and complex such as those
years before the first optical maser or laser, the biochemical changes which are thought to ensue
ruby laser, was constructed . after laser treatment of the peripheral retina in
The first continuous wave gas laser, a helium diabetes.
neon system, was demonstrated in 1961 and by
1967 a clinical argon laser was developed Transmission of Optical Radiation
specifically for ophthalmic use, becoming Optical radiation is somewhat arbitrarily, but
commercially available in 1971. conveniently, subdivided into seven wavelength

Correspondence to: Professor John Marshall, Institute of Ophthalmology, Judd Street, London WCIH 9QS

regions or photobiological spectral domains The Absorption of Optical Radiation

which roughly define spectral regimes that elicit The absorption or deposition of laser energy in
similar biological reactions. These wavebands biological targets takes place at either an atomic
are in order of increasing wavelength; ultraviolet or a molecular level. Short wavelength radiation
C, (UV-C), 200-280nm; UV-B, 2 80-315nm; UV­ consists of particles or photons whose individual
A, 315-400nm; visible radiation, 400-780nm; energy may be sufficient to initiate excitation of
infrared A (IRA), 780-1400nm; IRB, electrons within target atoms. In contrast, in
1400-3000nm and IRC 3000-10000. The long wavelength radiation the photons may only
ultraviolet region of the spectrum is adjacent to be of sufficient energy to initiate vibrational
X-rays and the infrared is adjacent to modes between atoms within a molecule. At a
microwaves. Clearly X-rays are more energetic more gross level of analysis the absorption
than microwaves, thus with increasing process can be roughly divided into two different
wavelength the energy of the individual photons processes, linear absorption and non-linear
of optical radiation decrease. absorption. In linear processes the amount of
The various coats and media of the eye can be light absorbed by a material is proportional to
considered as a series of consecutive spectral the amount of light falling upon it . As light per
filters with each component absorbing exclusive unit area increases the absorbed light is
wavelengths within the incident light and thus converted into heat and the target tissue
preventing them from impinging on the next temperature increases in proportion to the light
tissue or medium in the pathlength. Essentially per unit area. Effect is then directly proportional
all the inGident optical radiation at very short to cause the light absorption and temperature
wavelengths in the ultraviolet (UV-B and UV-C) increases are termed linear processes. Non
and long wavelengths in the infrared (lR-B and linear optical effects occur when the irradiance
IR-C) is absorbed in the cornea and sclera. The is so high that the target undergoes changes in its
lens absorbs strongly in the UV-A, but between structure and cause and effect no longer are a
400 and 1400nm, the eye is specifically adapted simple proportional relationship. In linear
to enable incident radiation to penetrate deep processes a laser wavelength is chosen that will
within it and fall upon the retina. This waveband be absorbed by some pigmented system within
(400-l400nm) includes both the visible the target tissue. The amount of energy absorbed
(400-780nm), or that spectal region which will be dependent upon both biological variables
initiates transduction within the retina, and the such as; the amount of pigment present, that is
invisible near infrared (780-1400nm). This its optical density; and the distribution or
spectral domain is often referred to as the pathlength over which the pigment is distributed;
"retinal hazard region". It represents a particular as well a number of biologically independent
problem because there is an increase in variables such as laser energy, pulse duration,
irradiance (W/cm') between the corneal epithe­ and area of irradiation. In non-linear absorption
lium and the retinal which is approximately processes the biological variables become
equal to the ratio of the area of the pupil to that relatively unimportant as this mechanism
of the retinal image. The pupil is a variable depends upon a high concentration of photons
aperture but the diameter may be as large as within a highly localised focal plane in a short
5mm when maximally dilated in the middle-aged time period, a nanosecond or less (10-9), such
eye. The retinal image corresponding to such a that the conventional rules of absorption no
pupil may be between 10 and 20 11m in diameter. longer apply. In such instances wavelength is
Thus the increase in irradiance is between 2 x also relatively unimportant provided it can be
105 and 5 x 105• This increase is implicit in the transmitted to the target. Non linear absorption
process of forming an image on the retina by the depends upon the location of the peak power
combined refractive powers of the cornea and generated by the laser exposure within the focal
lens and is the process which converts the plane, direct electric field effects, Raman and
pleasantly warming sensation of midday sun­ Brillouim scattering and multiphoton absorption
light upon the skin to the harmful over-exposure then play a role in the production of damage.
of the retina caused by gazing directly at the In laser exposure of the retina, linear optical
sun. processes predominate. Most visible and near

infrared radiation is absorbed in the normal in diameter, therefore haemoglobin in such

retina or choroid in one of five major absorbing vessels accounts for only a small fraction of the
systems; melanin, within the retinal pigment total light absorbed within the eye. However, if
epithelium and choroidal melanocytes; the small focused image of a short wavelength
haemoglobin, within both retinal and choridal laser (e. g. argon 488nm) falls on a major retinal
blood vessels; the macular pigment; lipofuscin, blood vessel the focal absorption within the
in the retinal pigment epithelium and the visual vessel may be highly significant .
pigments. In some diseased states melanin The macular pigment is a yellow pigment
containing cells may be present in isolation or in found in the inner connecting fibres of cone
aggregates within the neural retina, whilst in cells. These fibres collectively form the fibre
others hard exudates (macrophages and lipids), layer of Henle which is situated between the
haemorrhages or oedema may be present. Any of outer nuclear and outer plexiform layers in the
these may also absorb or scatter incident macula. The macular pigment absorbs between
radiation. 400 and 500nm with a maxima at 460nm. It
In the normal retina the melanin in the retinal decreases in concentration with distance from
pigment epithelium is the most ubiquitous of the fovea and again varies beteen individuals and
these pigmented systems. The melanin is in the races.
form of fusiform granules and these are usually The visual pigments are located on the
confined to the apical 5IAm of the pigment membrane systems within the outer segments of
epithelial, cells. The molecular structure of the photoreceptior cells. The rod cells all contain
melanin and its chemical role in these cells is not a single pigment, rhodopsin, which has an
fully understood, however apart from absorbing absorption maxima around 498nm. There are
light some authorities have suggested that it may three types of cone pigments with maxima at
also have a role in protecting cells from the 420nm (blue responding), 534nm (green
radicals generated by light, by its being a responding) and 564nm (red responding).
powerful electron acceptor or 'free radical sink'. Whilst the visual pigments are not utilised as
Its light absorbing properties are well known and absorption sites in current surgical procedures
this 5IAm layer absorbs about 40% of all light absorption of large amounts of blue green light
entering the eye. The concentration of melanin by them during opertive procedures may result
granules and therefore the optical density varies in photochemical changes with serious
between individuals and with age, retinal consequences for vision.
topography and race. In respect of these, highest Vision radiation that is not absorbed in the
concentrations are found in the young, in the preceding five systems may pass on into the
macula and in negroes. In all cases the spectral choroid where further absorption takes place in
absorption is relatively constant with the melanin of the choroidal melanocytes and the
approximately 20-30% more absorption massive amount of haemoglobin in the choroidal
occurring in the blue green region of the blood supply. Unlike the sparse distribution of
spectrum than in the red. the intrinsic retinal circulation the choroid is
Lipofuscin is a senescent pigment that almost a 'lake of blood', so in all circumstances
progressively builds up within the retinal a significant amount of absorption takes place in
pigment epithelium with increasing age. It is at the contained haemoglobin. Light that reaches
its highest concentration in the macula of the the chorioscleral interface may be reflected back
elderly and its accumulation is accompanied by to pass through the entire system for a second
a progressive loss of melanin. Little is known of time. On this second pass more light is absorbed
its absorption properties in vivo but it is known such that the total reflectance from the human
to be highly autofluorescent. fundus is less than 5 % of the incident light, and
The absorption spectra of haemoglobin varies virtually all of this reflected light is in the red
with its degree of oxygenation but in all cases it end of the spectrum.
is a pigment that absorbs more short wavelength
radiation than long with peaks at 400, 540 and Degradation of Optical Radiation
5 76nm. In the normal human retina the majority If sufficient radiant energy is absorbed within a
of vessels are extremely small at less than 10ll-m biological system the system may lose function

or physically break down. In all active biological energy in biological materials is only three
systems repair processes are present, thus electron volts. Clearly any biological molecule
radiation induced injuries may be transient or that absorbs a photon of such high energy
irreversible depending upon the nature, amount becomes destabilised and biochemical bonds
and site of the original insult and the time break up. This process is extremely fast with
course and extent of the repair processes. In little, if any, thermal component and has been
general, repair processes assume increasing termed photoablation or photon induced
significance where damage results from molecular decompensation.
prolonged or chronic repetitive exposures. In Each of the basic damage mechanism has been
surgical applications repair mechanisms are utilised for carrying out specific surgical
very much a secondary event . The mechanisms procedures in ophthalmology. Proceeding from
by which excessive light induces damage are long to short exposures; photochemical effects
similar for all biological systems and may have been utilised in so-called photoradiation
involve interactions of ionisation or plasma therapy for the treatment of ocular tumours.
formation, thermoacoustic or mechanical Thermal effeCTS are predominantly utilised for
transients, heat and photochemical processes. A photocoagulation of the retina in such conditions
better understanding of these processes has as diabetic retinopathy. Ionising effects have
materialised as a result of the urgency for eye been used for photodisruption of the posterior
and in particular, retinal protection standards capsule of the lens subsequent to cataract
caused by the advent of lasers themselves. Thus surgery. Photoablation is currently under
from studies of laser induced damage to the experimental assessment for use in a number of
retina, the following generalisation can be different types of corneal surgery.
made. At threshold the predominating causal In summary, the choice of a particular laser
mechanism is broadly related to the pulse for effecting a given surgical procedure is first
duration of the exposure. In order of increasing dependent upon selection of wavelength to
pulse duration the predominant mechanisms ensure that the radiation gets to the desired target
are: picoseconds (10" seconds) to nanoseconds and, secondly, selection of damage mechanism
(109 seconds), photodisruption or damage to optimise the desired end point . In looking at
induced by plasma formation; nanoseconds to a surgical applications of lasers it is probably
few milliseconds (10.6 seconds), thermoacoustic easiest to consider these in chronological order
or mechanical transients; 100 milliseconds to of the utilisation of specific damage mechanisms.
10 seconds, thermal effects; and in excess of
10 seconds to possibly days or years, photo­ Thermal Damage
chemical effects. Photochemical effects show a If sufficient light is absorbed by a system then
strong wavelength dependency with shorter the component molecules experience an
wavelengths being far more efficient in inducing increased vibration and this is an increased heat
photochemical damage than longer wavelengths. content . Thermal injury ensues when enough
This is because as previously stated as radiant energy has been absorbed within a tissue
wavelength decreases photon energy increases to create and sustain, at least for some seconds,
and the higher the photon energy the greater the a substantial increase in normal tissue tempera­
potential for an absorbed photon to induce a ture. Typically, the increase needs to be in the
chemical change in the absorbing molecule. order of 10°-25°C to cause permanent harmful
When extremely short wavelength lasers in changes within exposed cells. In most clinical
the ultraviolet produce damage in tissues with laser irradations local temperature rises far
very short pulse durations there is a unique exceed this figure and cells within areas of
damage mechanism termed photoablation . This irradiation show severe burn characteristics such
mechanism results from the very high as gross vacuolation and coagulation or
concentration of extremely high energy photons denatured protein components. In the
within the superficial layers of the biological photoreceptor outer segments such thermal
target. The effect comes about because each damage is seen as a vesiculate disorganisation of
photon may have an energy in excess of six the disc membranes, together with diffuse areas
electron volts and the carbon to carbon bond of increased electron density. Thermal damage is

usually confined to a limited area extending 3 Argon irradiation of capillaries does not
either side of the energy absorbing layer and produce a large enough thermal image to
centred on the irradiating beam. As heat is result in significant amounts of tissue damage.
conducted away from the irradiated area of the 4 Krypton irradiation of either large or small
absorbing system both during and after the vessels does not result in sufficient absorption
exposure, the area over which the radiation is to induce tissue damage unless exceptionally
delivered is a fundamental factor in determining high irradiations are used on major vessels.
the threshold for thermal injury. In other words 5 Argon blue green irradiations in the macula
for thermal injuries the irradiance required to may result in damage to the inner retinal layers
produce a given amount of damage decreases as a result of absorption of argon blue by the
with increase in absorbed image size. The macular pigment; such damage does not occur
absorbed image size is the same as the image with krypton or argon green only.
size when beams are focused on extended 6 All clinical exposures with argon, krypton and
absorbing systems that are larger than the cross­ dye lasers result in thermal damage to the
sectional area of the irradiating beam, e . g . the retinal aspect of the choroid. For any given
pigment epithelium . However if the absorbing irradiance krypton damage to the choroid is
system is very much smaller than the irradiating more severe than that of argon and occurs at
beam e.g. a 7JJIIl retinal capillary irradiated by a deeper levels (with respect to the retina) within
500/-lm argon laser spot, then the effective the choroid in many instances resulting in
thermal image and associated heat flow from the choroidal oedema and in some cases choroidal
vessel may be negligible as in this case the haemorrhages.
absorbed image is a cylinder maximally only All laser induced damage is a function of both
500/-lm x 7JJIIl in size. Similarly the depth of the initial events caused by absorption and
tissue over which absorption takes place will degradation of the incident radiation and a series
affect the magnitude of the local temperature of secondary events or tissue responses. The
rise. Thus for a given optical density and a given initial tissue responses could be described as
exposure, the shorter the pathlength over which biological amplifications as they usually extend
energy is absorbed the greater the power density outside the area of irradiation. Two simple
and the higher the focal temperature. A clear examples of this may be cited . First, low energy
example of this was demonstrated by the Munich laser irradiation of the retinal pigment
group, who showed that whilst the total energy epithelium results in heating of the melanin
absorbed in the choroid far exceeds that in the granules and thermal transients passing into the
pigment epithelium, the energy absorbed per pigment epithelial cell, the superficial elements
unit length is far greater in the latter and of the choroid and towards the tips of the
therefore the highest temperature is generated in overlying photoreceptor outer segments. If a
this tissue. Heat flow is also modulated by other critical volume of the outer segments are
factors such as the proximity and dimensions of damaged by thermal transients the whole cell
adjacent blood vessels and the fluid dynamics of may die. This is clearly demonstrated in the
the contained blood. macula where laser damage to the tips of the
cone outer segments result in degenerative
In summary: changes throughout the cells 500/-lm length. The
1 All clinical exposures using argon, krypton demonstration of the secondary nature of these
or dye lasers result in thermal damage to the degenerative changes is made more dramatic by
retinal pigment epithelium regardless of the the fact that the inner connecting fibres of these
primary target . cells, in the fibre layer of Henle, run at an
2 Argon exposures placed on major retinal oblique angle away from the path of the incident
vessels result in thermal damage to the radiation and presumed thermal transients. A
vessels and surrounding tissues only when second example of biological amplification may
the absorbed image size is relatively large. In be seen in those cases where argon laser
practice this means when the vessel diameter irradiation has fallen upon a large retinal vessel.
approaches that of the image size of the In this case thermal transients emanating from
irradiating beam. the energy dissipated within the vessel reach the

adjacent nerve fibres. Within a few hours a capacity to divide and do so in vitro in tissue or
blockage of axonal flow is noted within the organ cultures and in vivo in response to acute
affected fibres giving rise to the so-called 'cytoid trauma.
bodies'. These bodies are always situated on the Autoradiographic studies have also
side of the lesion proximal to the optic disc, and demonstrated other cell popUlations undergoing
represent axonal swellings due to aggregations of cell division in both the choroid and neural
organelles resulting from interruption of axonal retina. As previously stated, for any given
flow. If the causal injury is sufficiently severe irradiance, krypton lasers result in more damage
the proximal portions of affected axons to the choroid than argon . However, in all
subsequently degenerate throughout their length. clinical exposures both systems result in some
The distal portions attached to the ganglion cell damage and usually temporary closure of the
bodies degenerate at a much slower rate. choriocapillaris in the area of irradiation and in
Whatever the site or nature of the insult the the case of both argon and krypton dividing
early reaction sequence of absorption, fibroblasts and melanocytes are subsequently
degradation, tissue reaction or biological seen .
amplification is always followed by attempts at In the neural retina analysis of
repair. In the retina the response to injury is autoradiographs of retinal histological sections
usually somewhat incorrectly described as one demonstrate that the predominant population of
of slow degenerative decay. This is a little unfair dividing cells was that of retina glia, both
because although damaged neural elements are Mullers fibres and accessory glia. Such
not replaced, retinal damage is relatively quickly observations further support the concept that
and neatly contained. The first stage of the repair neuronal loss in the retina is always accompanied
process subsequent to laser injury is seen in the by a repair process that involves glial
presence of sub-retinal macrophages in the inter­ proliferation. For most laser lesions whatever
receptor matrix within a few hours of exposure. the intended target or treatment regime, i.e.
The origin and path of entry of these cells into peripheral ablation, disciform or macular grid,
the retina is unknown but they appear so quickly the end result is a loss of photoreceptor cells and
and in such large numbers that at least some a scar involving the interdigitation of proliferated
must be blood borne. Within a day or two the glial cell elements with those of proliferated
undamaged pigment epitherlial cells adjacent to pigment epithelial cells. In some instances where
the irradiated area undergo changes such that argon laser irradiation has fallen on a major
some round-up and bud-off Bruch's membrane retinal vessel, endothelial cell proliferation is
whilst others flatten and slide along it in an seen and interpreted as an immediate response to
attempt to recover the area denuded by loss of replace damaged cells and re-establish the blood
damaged cells. The wandering pigment retinal barrier properties of the vascular
epithelial cells really carry out their normal role endothelium .
as photoreceptor specific macrophages but in
this case in a relatively strange location, whilst In summary:
the flattened cells on Bruch's membrane are 1. All clinical laser exposures result in some
attempting to perform another of their functions degree of photoreceptor cell loss.
in re-establishing a blood retinal barrier. After 2. All clinical laser exposures result in a glial
some initial controversy in the literature there is scar.
now general agreement from autoradiographic 3. Focal cell division occurs in response to
studies that retinal pigment epithelial loss during primary damage in both argon and krypton
photocoagulation is made good by cell division. exposures in (a) the pigment epithelium; (b)
Interestingly, in humans, these cells seem to the endothelial cells of the choriocapillaris;
behave rather like the corneal endothelium in (c) the choroidal cells near the retina such as
that we seem to be born with our complement of fibroblasts and melanocytes.
cells and throughout life as cells die the 4. Focal cell division also occurs in response to
population decreases and gaps are prevented by primary damage in (a) the endothelial cells of
an increase in size of remaining cells. However deep (with respect to the retina) choroidal
both epithelium and endothelium have the vessels in krypton exposures; (b) the

endothelial cells of large retinal vessels after with tearing or rupturing of structures such as
argon irradiation . Bruch's membrane or the choriocapillaris .
5. As a secondary response to neuronal cell loss To some extent the initial mi sconceptions
focal cell division occurs in reti nal glia in concerning the relative importance of
both Muliers fibres and accessory glia . wavelength led to the development of the blue
6. As a further secondary response retinal green continuous wave (cw) argon l aser
capillary endothelial cells undergo division photocoagulator by L'Esperance. This became
initially over the area of irradiation and then commercially avail able in 1971 and was in
diffusely radiating away from thi s area. This widespread clinical use by 1975. However the
secondary response may result from stimula­ advent of this system changed both the
tory chemical di sturbances initiated by wavelength and time domain of retinal exposures
primary changes in the pigment epithelium simultaneously and this induced some con fusion
such as, cell death, barrier dysfunction, or in rel ation to factors underlying the undoubted
cell proliferation . succes s of this instrument . A number of clinical
trials have since been undertaken to assess the
Clinical Applications of Thermal Damage efficacy of photocoagulation as a therapeutic
Therapeutic retinal photocoagulation has been procedure and the efficiency of the argon laser as
practi sed over the past forty years. Initial a radiation source. The trials have demonstrated
experiments were carried out in the late 19405 by that panretinal photocoagulation is an effective
Meyer-Schwickerath and concurrently by procedure in relation to proli ferative diabetic
Moran-Salas. The initial studies used focused retinopathy and that grid treatment is beneficial
sunlight but the introduction of the Xenon arc in treating diabetic cystoid macular oedema .
photocoagulator in 1956 provided both a more Less conclusive results have been found in
rel iable and a more controllable source of relation to the vascular complications of senile
intense light . The ruby laser was u sed during the macular degeneration where earl y beneficial
early 1960s to treat a number of retinal results were not maintained .
conditions. However, although it was found to be One of the complications of using argon blue
acceptable in producing chorioretinal adhesions green lasers for treating macular conditions
for treating full-thickness retinal breaks, it was arises because of the presence of the yellow,
less successful in the treatment of proliferative luteal p igment within the inner neuronal layers
diabetic retinopathy. of the central retina . The early argon photo­
This lack of success of the ruby laser in coagulators emitted more than 70% of their
treating retinal vascular conditions was radiation in the blue (488nm) and this i s close to
originally attributed to the inability of red l ight the peak absorption of the luteal pigment
to be absorbed within the haemoglobin in retinal (460nm). Many earl y treatments of the macular
capillaries. More recent studies on the region using such systems resulted in non­
biophysics of beam tissue interactions now therapeutic damage to the inner retinal layers and
indicate that the wavelength of the emitted light a resultant loss of vision .
was not of prime importance but that the pul se More recently this problem has been
duration of the early ruby systems was too short addressed in two ways, first by the production of
to initiate an adequate photocoagulation without a new generation of argon lasers in which the
the risk of haemorrhage . blue emission i s precluded from entering the eye
The increasing risk of haemorrhage with by special ised optics within the laser and second
decreasing pulse duration is now well by the advent of a red light emitting laser, the
established and is known to be related to the krypton laser. Further trials have demonstrated
speed at which tissue fluids are converted into that krypton red and argon green (blue green) are
gas . Above threshold the more rapidly the tissue equal ly effective in relation to treating
acquires thermal energy the more rapid the prol iferative diabetic retinopathy.
phase transitions and volumetric changes. In the In the last few years, the advent of the cw
outer retina if thermal episodes are sufficiently tunable dye laser with the ability to select the
fast then the associated volumetric changes may wavelengths of emission throughout the visible
result in bulk physical displacement of tissue spectrum has been somewhat disappointing in

terms of the ability to use specific wavelengths to deep focus from outside the wal l of the eye on to
selectively coagulated precise targets within the structures within. The particular area of interest
neuronal matrix of the reti na . It has, however, in this type of surgery is for the destruction of
further demonstrated that when a therapeutic the ciliary body in relation to certain cases of
effect i s dependent upon a thermal damage glaucoma .
mechanism, resulting from absorption and A further development in the field of clinical
degradation of energy within the pigmented applications of thermal damage is the use of
systems of the outer retina and choroid then the diode lasers as l ight sources. These devices are
wavelength of the source is relatively unimpor­ small (3mm x Imm), require no cooling,
tant outside the distribution of the macular currently give output powers in the order of
pigment . This is because all the absorbing l-2W, and can be driven by batteries. Such micro
systems in this region are confined within or personal laser photocoagulators may well be
300-500 microns of each other. By the time the future instruments for retinal surgeons .
sufficient energy has been deposited to elevate
the temperature of any absorbing system above Ionizing Damage
that required for protein denaturation and By the mid seventies a new laser modality was
photocoagulation, elevated temperature profiles seen in the commercial development of short
will have been conducted over sufficient pulsed YAG lasers . Initially, systems were either
distances that they will have traversed elements Q-switched (with nanosecond pulse durations)
of each of the other absorbing systems and hence or mode locked (with picosecond pulse
specificity will be lost . durations). These lasers operated w ith an
Shortly after the advent of the argon laser's u se emission wavelength at 1064nm in the near
for retinal procedures it was also employed to infrared and therefore have transmiSSIOn
treat the trabecular meshwork in eyes suffering properties whereby they can be brought to a
from glaucoma. The idea in these procedures focus anywhere within the eye. The short pulse
was that by depositing a small amount of energy duration and high peak powers were such that
in the thermal domain on the corneal aspect of providing a discreet focal plane is defined, these
the trabecular meshwork, the tissue reaction was lasers produce such high irradiances that at the
such that the trabecular beams of the meshwork point of laser beam focus a small volume of
became stretched and the apertures between material is ionised . That is the material
them more ope n . Workers in this field postulate disintegrates into a collection of ions and
that this will increase aqueous outflow and electrons called a plasma . The net result of thi s
thereby reduce the intraocular pressure. ionisation process i s that targets d o n o t have to
In the most recent series of procedures using be pigmented and all the operator has to do is to
photocoagul ation lasers have been coupled with focus at his desired site of disruption and then
fine optical fibres ( 200j.lm in diameter) which the enormous peak powers concentrated within
are then passed through the wall of the eye in the focal point will ensure that the target
order to convey the laser radiation directly to disintegrates .
internal structures of the globe. These lasers The sequence o f damage mechanisms
with optical fibre connections are termed attendant upon the high focal irradiances
endolasers and their prime use is to generated by short pulsed lasers are as follows;
photocoagulate peripheral retina subsequent to laser pulse, plasma production, shock wave,
vitrectomy surgery. Endolasers are also used to plasma growth vaporised target material,
seal off small blood vessels which may cavitration bubble. 3 As well as these processes
haemorrhage as vitreoretinal membranes are the ionisation may also result in the production
dissected . Currently a number of investigators and high speed movement of loose particles of
are also utilising fibre optic delivery systems tissue debris, transient high temperatures,
with various miniature lens assemblies in order emission of optical radiation from the plasma
to photocoagulate ocular tissues through the including ultraviolet radiation, the production of
sclera . The underlying concept is that using free radicals and electromagnetic field stress
certain wavelengths, mainly infrared, and across cell membranes.
appropriate lenses, energy may be brought to a All the physical parameters associated with

short pulse YAG exposures are difficult to absorbing a photon and together possessing
comprehend in terms of the extremes of their enough energy to ionise an atom. Further
dimensions. As examples, I will h ighlight a few electrons are released and repeat the process .
of these with some suitable comparisons. I n practice many clinicians, especially those in
Exposure times are typically a few nanoseconds training, work at energy level s above threshold
or picoseconds long . If a picosecond were as and under such circumstances a number of
long as a second, a second would be thirty-two potential complications can arise, which include
thousand years. The speed of l ight is 186,000 plasma growth, plasma wander and multiple
miles/second and the distance between the earth plasma. The concept of plasma growth is
and the moon is 240,000 miles, so light coming obvious but plasma wander and multiple plasmas
from the moon takes 1 . 3 seconds to reach the perhaps need further discussion . Plasma wander
earth. In a nanosecond light travels about one is the real location of the plasma in relation to
foot and in a picosecond about 300l-lm . The the desired location defined by the focal point
plasma temperature may instantaneously exceed determined by the operator. The random
1O,000°C or more than twice that of the surface micromovements of successive plasmas
of the sun . The peak powers in the focal point of produced by a beam maintained at a constant
the beam may be in the order of giga or terawatts, focal point probably occur as a result of initial
that is roughly equivalent to the entire output plasma seeding by target impurities near the
of five major power stations instantaneously focal point . Wander i s a problem when treating
discharging their loads into the area of a shirt close to a structure that should not be damaged,
button. Given this totally unphysiological series such as trying to treat a posterior capsule
of parameters it is not surprising that extensive w ithout damaging an intraocular lens (IOL).
research has been carried out on the potential This sort of treatment regime also suffers from
intracellular complications of such exposures. plasma growth and mUltiple plasmas because, as
Starting with the initial phenomenon of plasmas grow they develop back towards the
plasma formation, although the nature of the operator and multiple plasmas if generated, will
target material is relatively unimportant it will occur between the principal focus and the
result in differences in the threshold of plasma operator. In practice, it is always preferable to
creation and show marked differences between focus on the desired target and then to move the
Q-switched and mode locked systems . In general focal point j ust a l ittle way behind the target.
the energy levels for plasma production are The pressure waves following plasma
higher for Q-switched lasers than for mode generation are very similar to those associated
locked systems and plasma threshold energies with an underwater explosion . Shock waves are
decrease with the molecular density of the pressure waves moving faster than the speed of
target . Hence less energy is required to produce sound . In clinical practice shock waves are
a plasma in a solid than a liquid and less in a probably generated by the plasma but do not
liquid than a gas. The differences in plasma propagate at hypersonic velocities for more than
formation between the two types of YAG lasers 100l-lm before decelerating and continuing as
relates to the stage immediately before acoustic waves . Pressure waves move away from
ionisation, called pre-ionisation . With Q­ the plasma site in a spherical fashion . This is in
switched systems the irradiance (W /cm2) IS contrast to the movement of debris or particles
sufficient to cause temperature i ncreases in which tend to move in a roughly linear pattern
impurities within the target and thereby to either upstream or downstream to the laser
produce starting electrons by a process of pulse. Detailed measurements of this latter
thermionic emission . In contrast, with the phenomenon have shown that it is associated
higher irradiances achieved in mode locked with plasma growth and this tends to be l inear
pulses, electrons within the focal plane of the and as previously stated extends back towards
beam may simultaneously absorb several the operator. Recent studies have shown that
photons (multi photon absorption). Once starti ng pressure waves are not likely to be the major
electrons have been produced the ionisation cause of damage to remote sites such as that seen
process probably proceeds by an "electron in corneal endothelial cells subsequent to
avalanche" with each successive free electron posterior capsulotomy. Currently this damage is

considered to arise through one of the following the drainage system thereby lowering the
mechanisms; strike by debris or particles intraocular pressure .
moving within a pressure wave front; damage Some l imited exposures have been made i n the
from toxins such as free radical s carried in high thermoacoustic time domain u sing pulse dye
concentration within the bubbles; damage lasers, again to blow small holes in the
resulting from dissipation of the stored energy peripheral iris to alleviate the symptoms of
w ithin the bubble as the bubble cavity collapses. closed angle glaucoma . Pul sed dye laser systems
A recent study on the latter phenomena has have not, however, received a great deal of
shown that in l iquids without close boundary acclaim within the ophthalmic community.
conditions, or when bounded by elastic borders,
bubbles may remain almost stationary, in Photochemical Damage
contrast when bordered by inelastic boundaries This is the type of l ight-induced damage that all
they will migrate to the boundary and collapse. individuals charged with clinical care of eyes
In the eye this means that they rarely migrate to should now at least be aware of, as it is produced
the elastic capsule or cornea, but may well by absorbed energy levels far below those that
collapse and burst on the surface of the are required to produce thermal damage. In this
i ntraocular lens. If the bubbles are large enough, case the damage results from photochemical
bubble collapse may pit the surface of the IOL . reactions in which single photons have sufficient
I t should b e emphasised, however, that most quantum energy to convert individual absorbing
damage to intraocular lenses results from plasma molecules i nto one or more different molecules
or shock wave related processes due to (free radicals) which may be toxic to the cel l . All
inappropriate focusing by the operator or the use photochemical injury mechanisms demonstrate a
of too much energy resulting in plasma growth reciprocity relationship between irradiance
or multiple plasmas. (dose rate) and exposure duration . That i s to say,
a constant radiant exposure or dose is required to
Clinical uses of Ionisation Damage elicit the response over a wide variation of
Short pulse YAG lasers were initially used to exposure durations up to those at which
treat the secondary complication of extra­ biological repair times come into play. As
capsular cataract surgery. 4 Unfortunately in photochemical damage depends on the absorp­
many cases of extracapsular surgery twelve to tion properties of specific macromolecules, such
twenty-four months after surgery a cataractous­ damage tends to be highly wavelength specific
l ike phenomenon i s seen to develop in the and photobiologists refer to the relative spectral
posterior portion of the capsule. By focusing on effectiveness of radiation in eliciting any
this opacity with the YAG laser such opacities particular biological effect in a particular tissue
could be dispersed as a result of small holes as an action spectrum. Action spectra usually
being blown in the capsule followed by capsular have extremely steep slopes and it should be
ripping. This whole procedure takes just a few emphasised that routinely extrapolating
minutes, the eye i s not opened surgically and the biological i nj ury data between wavelengths or
patient is treated as an out-patient . YAG laser tissues or assuming that apparently smooth
capsulotomy has revolutionised modern cataract curves have no fine structure is to be avoided in
surgery. With detailed clinical studies it became analysing such damage. Most photochemical
apparent that mode locked systems were not as action spectra drop off steeply in the long
efficient for this procedure as Q-switched wavelength end of the spectru m . This is because
systems and therefore the former have almost the yield of photochemical reaction-products is
universally fallen out of commercial production. proportional to photon flux and each individual
The ionisation process of YAG laser impacts photon must have sufficient energy required for
have also been used to disrupt membranes within the reaction . At the long wavelength end of the
the vitreous; and to blow small holes through the action spectrum the energy of a single photon
iris, either in cases where the natural pupil has coupled w ith available thermal energy i s
been occluded or in cases of closed angle generally insufficient t o produce a n effect . It
glaucoma . By blowing a small hole in the should be remembered however, that in many
peripheral iris, fluid can pass through and into clinical procedures exposure regimes are such

that the retinal effects will have contributions oxygen upon an essential component of
from both thermal and photochemical com­ biological membranes, the polyunsaturated fatty
ponents and in general these two mechanisms acids. The single oxygen radicals cause
will enhance each other. peroxidation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids
and in doing so change the characteristics of the
Free Radicals affected cell membrane, in some instances so
Although the exact biochemical mechanisms adversely that it may subsequently degenerate.
remain obscure, there is now increasing To prevent the ravages of such destructive
evidence to suggest that both photochemical chemical moieties, cells have evolved a variety
damage and ageing are induced by a common of defence mechanisms in both dividing and non
process, the toxic effects of free radicals. These dividing systems.
are very short-lived molecular fragments that Dividing cells represent the ultimate solution
have unpaired electrons in their outer orbit and to such attacks by continuously replacing their
because of this unstable structure they are very DNA, cellular constituents, and cell mem­
reactive and very toxic. Free radicals are branes. The toxic products of free radicals are
produced by metabolic processes involving thereby prevented from accumulating to such
oxygen and by the action of light. We have levels that the subject cell could be com­
therefore two paradoxes; oxygen is essential for promised. To some extent this explains the
life but toxic and light is essential for vision but presence of such systems in cellular locations
toxic. The retina has one of the highest metabolic where sustained exposure to optical radiation
demands of any tissue in the body, thus the could be expected, ego the skin and the corneal
combination of light and oxygen greatly epithelium and in situations where high con­
enhances the portability of deleterious reactions centrations of oxygen are found, ego the blood.
within its component cells. In extreme climatic conditions of high sunlight
Within tissues, molecules that absorb photons the dividing cells found in the epidermis of the
are called molecular sensitisers or photosensi­ skin acquires a further protective component in
tisers. On absorbing a photon they assume an the accumulation of melanin, a pigment which
excited electronic state, called the singlet or Sl both prevents the deeper penetration of optical
state. However, such an excited condition is radiation and at the same time acts as a free
extremely short-lived and usually lasts less than radical scavenger or sink, thereby neutralising
1O-5s. There are three ways in which the Sl their toxic effects. Hence the distribution of
state can lose its absorbed energy: (1) it can black races in geographic locations of high
interact directly with the surrounding solvent, terrestrial levels of solar optical radiation.
usually water; (2) it can emit a lower energy Non dividing cells are totally dependent upon
photon, a process known as fluorescence; and endogenous, chemically mediated defence
(3) it can undergo a radiationless transition into systems. The pigment epithelium is an exception
a metastable or triplet state, designated 3S. in containing the free radical scavenger melanin,
The triplet states are more stable and longer­ but many contain such membrane-stabilising
lived than the Sl states and therefore have time compounds as taurine or Vitamin E. All cells
to react with other molecules. This excited state contain enzyme systems that minimise the effects
is thought to be the common initial step in the of free radicals, such as superoxide dismutase,
pathway of most photochemical procedures, but peroxidase or catalase and non dividing cells in
further reactions are divided into two major exposed positions have such protective mech­
types. Type I reactions are those in which the 3S anisms extensively developed. The pigment
interacts directly with the surrounding medium epithelium is a prime example of a non-dividing
to produce radicals. Type II reactions are those cell constantly exposed to free radical genera­
in which the 3S interacts with molecular oxygen tion, both by light and also by degradation of the
to produce singlet oxygen eO) or superoxide phagocytosed light sensitive disc membranes of
(0-0) radicals. the photoreceptor cells.
In both cases the resultant free radicals can To encapSUlate this section with the example of
and do attack other molecules. The most retinal photo receptors we have the following
destructive of these attacks is that of singlet considerations:

(1) The photoreceptor cells are at risk through­ developed to speci fic retinal cell systems and the
out life from the effects of free radicals due monoclonals are tagged, either w ith chromo­
to the combined exposure to light and phores or fluorophores, then using this system in
oxygen . conjunction w ith low energy dye laser irradia­
(2) They derive short-term protection from the tion, a highly specific photochemical action
presence of membrane-stabilising agents spectra may be developed to selectively destroy
such as taurine and Vitamin E. individual cell populations.
(3) Their long-term protection is secured by the In clinical practice photochemical damage
continuous replacement of their l ight­ may account for the tritanopic colour defect seen
sensitive membranes. Experimental evi­ after panretinal ablation i n diabetics. The need to
dence suggests that there i s a difference in avoid repetitive exposure to short wavelength
replacement rates between rods and cones laser sources is now of great importance as a
such that under stress the cone system breaks recent study of the blue cone sensitivity of
down before that of the rods. ophthalmic laser surgeons immediately after
(4) The long-term preservation of photoreceptor performing panretinal ablation show a suppres­
cells is also afforded by the free radical sion of blue cone sensitivity lasting for four to
neutrali sing effects of both melanin and the six hours. This phenomenon occurs as a result of
well-developed enzymic battery within the reflections of the laser's aiming beam coming
adjacent retinal pigment epithelial cells. back into the operator's eye from the surface of
( 5) In s ituations where high reti nal irradiances the contact lens. In these circumstances the
occur or where exposures are continued over retinal irradiance of the surgeon may be about
a long period of time the above protective 40-90 /-IW/cm 2 a figure that approaches that
mechanisms may be overwhelmed. known to cause photochemical damage in
(6) The protective mechanisms decrease III repetitive exposures in monkeys. In experienced
effectiveness with i ncreasing age. ophthalmic laser surgeons the suppression of
blue cone sensitivity becomes irreversible.
Clinical Uses of Photochemical Damage
Few experiments have been conducted using
photochemical effects of lasers to treat Photoablation
ophthalmic conditions. The only procedures that In the early eighties a new class of lasers was
have gone into limited clinical i nvestigation have seen called excimer lasers. Excimer is an
been those involving the i nj ection of a photo­ acronym derived from the first two and last
sensitising agent Hematoporphorin derivative syl lables of the words that describe the physical
(HPD) in cases where malignant melanomas of state of the lasing media u sed in such lasers,
the choroid are present. The theoretical concept excited dimers. Excited dimers are two atoms of
behind this treatment is that the HPD is accumu­ an inert gas bound i n a highly excited state with
lated at higher levels in tumour cells than in atoms of a halogen to form a temporary highly
surrounding non-malignant cells. After systemic unstable association as a diatomic rare gas
inj ection of dye, the tumour is then irradiated at halide. The decay of these unstable molecules is
sub-thermal levels of irradiation, preferably with accompanied by the emission of a highly
the dye laser system tuned to the peak absorption energetic photon of ultraviolet light. The
of HPD. Theoretically the laser radiation wavelength of the photons and therefore the
induces fluorescence within the HPD, the wavelength of the light emitted from an excimer
fluorescence is associated with the generation of laser is dependent upon the particular gas
free radicals and as this generation only occurs mixture u sed to fill the laser cavity. For example,
within tumour cells and as such agents are highly the emission from a mixture of argon and
cytotoxic the tumour cells are killed . Initial trials fluorine occurs at 193 nm and that for krypton
in dermatology showed some promise for this fluoride at 248 nm . These lasers emit their
technique but in ophthalmology the results are radiation as a train of i ndividual pulses whose
not very impressive. A theoretical development duration is typically about 10 nanoseconds long
of this technique however, holds a great deal of and with a selectable pulse repetition frequency
promise in that if monoclonal antibodies are of anywhere between 1 and 100 pulses per

second . Typical pulse energies of excimer laser can only be facilitated by displacement and as
vary from 20 to 200 mJ. these processes are only occurring at or close to
In the materials and electronics industries the target surface, such displacement inevitably
excimers are u sed to etch submicron patterns results in the loss of material from the exposed
onto the surface of plastics and other polymers surface.
w ith no degradation processes being conducted In practice, the depth of tissue removed per
to unirradiated areas. In this situation, spatial pulse is determined by the pulse energy, w ith a
resolution can be considered in terms of width maximum set by the penetration depth . At 193
and depth of material removed with each pulse of nm varying the pulse energy means that the
laser energy. In theory the very best lateral predetermined depths of tissue can be removed
resolution would occur if only those molecules at any level between 1140 and I /-Iffi per pulse.
directly irradiated were removed and the best The unique nature of the photoablation
depth resolution would be one layer of molecules process becomes even more apparent when
removed per laser pulse. In practice more than excimers are used to incise soft tissue such as the
one layer of molecules is removed with each cornea. In such experiments it was apparent that
pulse because photons penetrate through the the walls of the incision were perfectly smooth
surface of the target . As previously stated the and coated by a pseudomembrane rather like a
penetration depth is a function of the nature of "shrink-wrap" or "clingfilm" covering used for
the target material and the wavelength of the foodstuffs . This pseudomembrane is thought to
incident of radiation . In biological tissue arise from the somewhat random recombination
minimum penetration occurs at two wavelengths, of the ruptured bonds of the molecular fragments
190 nm in the ultraviolet C and 2.9 /-1m in the that remai n locked into the tissue matrix of the
infrared C. In the former a penetration depth of wall s and floor of the excision. W hatever its
I to 5 /-1m occurs as a result of absorption of the origin, it creates an optically smooth surface and
UV photons by macromolecules and in par­ imparts a limited osmotic integrity to the cut
ticular, proteins. In contrast an absorption depth surface. The second quality of excimer incisions
of 20 to 25 /-1m i s observed at 2.9 /-1m and in this is that no damage i s apparent in the wall s of the
case results from absorption of infrared photons excision outside a zone between 100 to 300 nm
by water molecules . These respective penetra­ in extent . This lack of secondary or conductive
tion depths define the maximum amount of target damage is unique to the excimer lesion .
tissue that will be directly affected with each With such precise control of tissue removal
pulse of laser radiation . and with such a clean and highly locali sed
There are currently two theories on the wound an excimer seems an ideal i nstrument to
removal of tissue by absorbed photons in the avoid the technical limitations incurred during
ultraviolet . The first of these suggests that the radial keratomy procedures carried out with steel
photons cause ultrafast tissue heating, so-called or diamond knives. 5 A great deal of interest has
photon-phonon interactions, and that the been expressed also in the possibility of using
vibration of superheated molecules causes them exc imer systems to make exc isions to correct
to fall apart . The second theory asserts that the astigmatism induced by cataract surgery.
target reaction is not thermal but photon induced One further attribute of the excimer is that the
molecular decompensation, or photoablation. beams are usually of rectangular cross section
The protagonists of this theory suggest that and typically 20 mm x lO mm . The beam cross
molecules in the target are released as a direct section can be made square by passing it through
result of rupture of intramolecular bonds whose a cyl indrical lens and then circular by passing it
uncoupling i s induced by the absorption of high through an aperture. If an excimer beam of
energy ultraviolet photons. Such a mechallIsm is circular cross section and say 10 mm in diameter
possible because in the ultraviolet at 193nm is allowed to fall upon a b iological surface, then
individual photons have an energy in excess of at a given pulse energy a IOmm diameter disk
six electron volts and are capable of disrupting 1 JAm deep will be ablated with each laser
valency electrons. As the molecules break up the pulse. 6 If the tissue was the cornea then a
components fragments require a greater space perfectly round smooth surface excavation would
than the original molecule. Fragment expans ion be created to a predetermined depth and this is

precisely the configuration desired for preparing was restricted to Bowman's layer were par­
the recipient eye in corneal graft procedures. ticularly notable for the virtual absence of scar
Similarly, if instead of using a beam of circular collagen and in such cases the initial curvature of
cross section one was obtained which was an the ablated surface of collagen seemed to remain
annulus, then the corneal button to be grafted unchanged .
could also be cut from the donor eye and the bed In deeper exposures where stromal collagen
and button would be obtained by using a com­ restructuring was apparent the new collagen
bination of prisms and lenses called an axicon . formation followed the new radius of curvature
The facility for producing large beams of of the ablated surface and therefore the implica­
circular cross section has also profound implica­ tions are that the refractive change should
tions for refractive surgery. If for example a remain relatively stable within l imits.
beam was produced in which the energy distri­ Although concern has been expressed in
bution across it was varied in a controlled relation to the mutagenic effects of ultraviolet
fashion, the beam would be used to sculpture or radiation u sed for this sort of surgery, a number
shape the surface of the target . For example, if of laboratories studying thi s have not found any
most of the energy were concentrated at the mutagenic effect associated with radiation at 193
centre and it was slowly reduced towards the nm . This is not the case for 248 where sig­
periphery, then the resultant excavation would be nificant chromosomal abnormal ities have been
concaved or effectively be a negative lens. In identified, and another excimer laser wavelength
contrast, if most of the energy were concentrated of 308 nm has been shown to induce cataract
in an annulus around the edge and decreased as formation .
it approached the centre, then the resultant A further procedure utilising the excimer is
excavation would be convexed or a positive lens. the excision of small troughs directly through the
In practice, it is easier to control energy in sclera of the eye down towards the trabecular
time rather than in space. If for example, an iris meshwork . In this procedure the laser i s aimed
diaphragm i s placed concentric with a laser towards the canal of Schlemm and then with
beam and then progressively opened or closed repeated pulses tissue is excised from the sclera,
with a given number of laser pulses being 1 I-lffi per pUlse. As soon as the surgical end point
directed through the aperture in the diaphragm at is reali sed, ie. the outflow of aqueous, then the
each aperture size, then the target surface will be laser begins to expend its energy ablating
ablated to give rise to a series of concentric aqueous rather than scleral or other tissues. In
circular steps . If the aperture is motori sed and this glaucoma procedure then the surgery is
suitably integrated with the laser control system, totally self-limiting and effectively ceases the
then the steps could become infinitely small and moment the surgical end point is achieved .
thus in practice a smooth curve would be Future potential uses of photoablative mech­
generated . This is the principle currently ani sms is the possible use of fibre optics with
employed in commercial systems designed to excimer lasers. Currently fibre optic trans­
carry out this sort of surgery. mission systems in the ultraviolent are very poor
Computer predictions show that for a 3 mm and performance decreases with decreasing
disc a 10 dioptre correction could be induced, wavelength . To date some workers have utilised
remov ing maximally only 25 /-1m of stromal a 308 nm emission line of excimer together with
material . Subsequent experiments on animals fibre optics to experimentally ablate the lens .
have shown these predictions to be correct in The concept behind thi s surgery is that a very
terms of refractive power of the initially ablated small hole is made in the cornea or in the l imbus
surface. of the eye through which i s passed a tube. The
Providing ablations are executed with suitable outer portion of the tube acts as an aspiration
laser exposure parameters and providing they are system and in the inner portion of the tube i s a
shallow, ie. less than 50 /-1m in depth, then scar fibre optic. Successive laser pulses are passed
tissue and loss of transparency have not been down the fibre optic and cause ablation and frag­
found to be significant problems in eighteen mentation of the lens and the ablated material is
month follow-up studies in monkeys. Exposures aspirated . Developments of procedures l i ke this
in which the entire volume of ablated material together with folding or inflatable intraocular

lenses means that very small incisions can be spectra tend to have sharp peaks, and small
utilised . In general , the smaller the initial changes in wavelength for sound surgical reasons
incision for cataract surgery, then the less the may result in totally undesirable reactions due to
post operative complications of astigmatism . unsuspected absorbing systems within the target .
Recently a number of infrared lasers However, even given these constraints on new
(hydrogen fluoride, erbium YAG, colour centre development the results of laser research in
lasers and Raman lasers) with emission wave­ relation to ophthalmology over the last 25 years
lengths around 2 . 9 11m have been used experi­ have resulted in an i ncredible range of surgical
mentally for both making incisions in the cornea lasers which have given the ophthalmologists the
and in conj unction with fibre optics for cutting ability to carry out techniques that no-one could
vitreous strands . At 2 . 9 11m the emission have predicted before the dawn of lasers.
wavelength coincides with the absorption peak
of water. At this wavelength radiation only
I Zaret M M , Breinin GM , Schmidt H, Ripps H ,
penetrates between 20 and 25 11m into the surface Siegel 1M , Solon L R . Ocular lesions produced by
of tissues. The confined absorption depth , an optical maser (laser) . Science 1961 ; 134:
coupled with a short pulse duration and a 1525-6.
relatively high peak power means that the 2 Curtin TL and Boyden DG. Reflected laser beam
ensuing ultrafast thermal effects do not result in causing accidental burn of the retina . Am J
significant conductive damage to adjacent Ophthalmol 196 8 ; 65 : 188-9.
tissues . U nder worse case conditions thi s 3 Mainster MA, Sl iney DH, Belcher DC, Buzney
MS. Laser Photodisrupters : Damage mech­
conductive damage i s limited t o about 25 11m on
anisms, instrument design and safety.
either side of the induced wound . Again this sort
Ophthalmology 1983 ; 90: 973 -91 .
of focal effect associated with a laser capable of
4 Fankhauser F, Lortscher H , Van der Zypen E .
incising tissue has very good indications for its Clinical studies on high and low power radiation
potential usefulness in ophthalmic surgery. on some structures of the anterior and posterior
Laser technology moves at an extremely fast segments of the eye, experiences in the treatment
rate which is driven by investment and research of some pathological conditions of the anterior
in the opto-electronics industry together with and posterior segments of the human eye by
massive financial investments from military means of Neodymium YAG laser driven at

agencies. The resulting increase in availability of various power levels. Int Ophthalmol 1982 ; 5 :

lasers with new pulse parameters and new wave­ 15-32 .

5 Marshall J, Trokel S, Rothery S, Schubert H . An
lengths mean that each year a number of laser
ultrastructural study of corneal incisions induced
systems are developed that may have clinical
by an excimer laser at 193 nm. Ophthalmology
potential . In order to optimise treatment regimes 1985 ; 92 : 749-58.
these systems need to be constantly reviewed and 6 Marshall J, Trokel S, Krueger R . Photoablative
the biological database developed . One of the reprofiling of the cornea using an excimer laser :
major problems in relation to the interaction of Photorefractive keratectomy. Lasers in Ophthal­
laser l ight and tissue is that b iological action mology 1986; 1: 2 1-48.

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