Determination Od Dar Capacity From Catchement Area
Determination Od Dar Capacity From Catchement Area
Determination Od Dar Capacity From Catchement Area
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3 authors, including:
J. F. Malum
Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi
All content following this page was uploaded by J. F. Malum on 15 February 2022.
A proposed dam is to be built at a North Core watershed of the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi. Reservoir capacity
based on the mean inflow from the catchment yield into the proposed dam was assessed. The hydrological soil group of the area
was studied. Mean annual rainfall for a period of 31 years (1987 to2017) was used to determine the runoff from catchment areas.
Reservoir capacity was estimated using an analytical, mass curve, and residual mass curve methods. The area of the catchment
was 8.82km2. The mean annual runoff from catchment areas was 1222.59mm. The mean annual catchment yield (inflow) was
10,783,243.8m3. Cumulative inflow was used to prepare mass curve inflow into the reservoir at drafts 60% and 80% on the
cumulative draft line, superimposed on the cumulative mass curve. At draft 60%, reservoir capacity of 9,513,000m3 resulted; at
draft 80%, 10,549,000m3. The residual mass curve of the inflow from the catchment area at a draft of 60%, gave a reservoir
capacity of 3,632,000m3, while 80%, gave 4,426,000m3. An annual sediment discharge of 1302.02 tons was expected. A reservoir
capacity of 11,000,000m3 was recommended for the proposed dam. Installment of an upstream sedimentation basin, soil
conservation systems, vegetative screenings are recommended to reduce sediment load into the reservoir.
Keywords: Catchment area, Dam, Inflow Annual yield, reservoir capacity, Watershed.
Water has traditionally been referred to as an inexhaustible gift of nature which is continuously renewed through the processes of
the hydrological cycle. As free and inexhaustible as it is , its distribution and availability in various parts of the world varies.
Some part experience water in abundance and sometimes in excess supply, others have moderate supply that is just enough while
in some other places there is little or no adequate supply from rainfall or any other sources. Water is a necessity for the
technological driven world and food security through agricultural practices of every society. It is also used for power generation,
as hydropower generating plants. Human activities and agricultural productivity is at the mercy of the supply of water, hence the
construction of hydraulic structures such as dams to facilitate water supply and availability [1].
A catchment area is a region where water is diverted by the means of structures to redirect water flowing from a river or stream
into a dam [2]. Most dams are built on rivers or streams to store the water, while other dams, depending on the purpose of
construction have inbuilt canal through which water is supplied to dam over a long or short distance from the source of water
supply. The most important consideration to make in choosing a site for construction of a dam therefore is the availability of water
supply sources, catchment characteristics such as inflow, dimension, elevation differential from proposed dam site, confluence (if
two or more streams are involved) and distance.
This study was done to identify and determine the required design capacity of the proposed dam (reservoir) based on volume of
water inflow into the catchment area of a proposed dam of Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi. And evaluate by
appropriate means and method the design capacity of the dam reservoir that will be sufficient to accommodate the volume of
inflow from the catchment areas.
1.1 Metrological and Geophysical characteristics of the Study Area
Hydrologic Soil Groups: Hydrologic Soil Groups are defined as the minimum annual steady ponded infiltration rate for a bare
soil surface. The hydrologic soil group (HSG) classification system places soils into groups based on their runoff producing
characteristics and depth to the average seasonal high water table (SHWT), depth to restrictive layer and saturated hydraulic
conductivity of the least transmissible layer [3]. HSGs are use in soil hydrology in calculation of curve number (CN); a method Page 59
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 8 (1), January -2022
that has become standard to predict runoff[4], based upon land use type. A curve number of "100" is interpreted as a surface that
is 100% impervious. The United States Soil Conservation Service method was used in this study to estimate runoff assigned soils
into four groups (A, B, C, and D) [5; 6].
Climate: The climate is determined by the geographical location of the country. The southern part of the country(Nigeria) near
the coast is very humid with relatively high amounts of precipitation spread over a rainy season of six to nine months and dryer as
one progress northward with steady decrease in both precipitation amount and duration of rainy season. The project area lies in the
North central part of Nigeria. Meteorological stations that surrounds the area were used [7].
Rainfall: An examination of the rainfall records of Makurdi shows a definite rainy season between April and October with dry
season from November to March[8].
Temperature: Air temperature is closely linked with the rate of growth and development of plants. The highest mean daily
temperature are recorded during peak of dry season in March, while the lowest temperatures are recorded during the peak of
rainy season(June - September) and during intense of harmttan period in December and January [7].
Evaporation: Evaporation is the conversion of water from the liquid state to the vapour state in soils and transpiration(process by
which plants loose to the atmosphere). Both are referred to as evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration largely denotes water loss.
Water in reservoirs is lost due to evaporation. The rate of evaporation is determined length of sunshine, temperature and wind [9].
Geology: The area is located within the Middle Benue trough; it falls within a sedimentary basin [10]. The trough is 80-150m
wide and 800km long, north-west, south-west trending structures. Geologically, Benue State is underlain by both
sedimentary and basement rocks [11].
The lithostratigraphy of middle Benue Trough consists of shale, sandstone and limestone as the oldest dated sedimentary rocks,
with hard grey to black shales and siltstones. Such deposits are believed to represent typical shallow water deposits [12].
1.2 Reservoir (Dam) Storage Capacity
The storage capacity of a dam or reservoir is the volume of water that a dam can accommodate at full supply level (FSL) based on
design without overtopping. The storage capacity of a dam is one of the most important consideration made at the point of design,
to avoid errors that may arise in the course of the design. The dam capacity is estimated by calculating the volume of water
which is expected to flow into the dam from the catchment or a canal built into the dam. The storage capacity of the dam should
not exceed the calculated yield from the catchment area. Capacity of dam is calculated using the formula[13;14]:
Qr = Storage capacity of the reservoir in m3.
For design purpose Qr should not be less than catchment yield.
L = Length of the dam wall at full supply level (FSL) in m
T = Throwback of the reservoir in m and approximately a straight line from the wall.
H’ = Maximum height of the dam, in m, at FSL.
6 is a factor (conservative generally) that can be adjusted (to 5 or 4) with experience and local knowledge. [13].
1.2.1 Catchment Area
A catchment area is a river(s) or stream(s) whose flow is diverted by means of hydraulic structures into a dam. Most dams
are built on a river, along a river or at the confluence point of streams flowing. The inflow from the catchment which is
otherwise known as the catchment yield determines the size of the dam and gives an estimate of the design capacity of the
dam that is to be built. The catchment yield Y is given in m3, by [13]:
Y = Catchment yield per unit time in a year i.e. catchment yield in an average year (m ),
Q = Direct uniform runoff (mm); A = Area of the catchment (km2).
1.2.2 Catchment area peak flood
The peak flood is the probable maximum flood to be expected as runoff from a catchment following a rainfall of estimated
intensity and duration for a selected return period taking into account the hydrological characteristics of the catchment. The peak
flood gives the designer insight into the maximum runoff rate from the catchment into the dam; it is calculated using the rationally
method of fuller’s empirical formula which used to rationally estimate the peak flood [13] as:
( )( )
Qmax = Maximum flow (m3/s); C= Runoff coefficient; A = Area of the catchment in km2
Tr = Recurrence interval Page 60
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2.1.1 Materials/equipment
The materials that were used for the study are from:
Topographical map of the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi: For studying the geophysical features of the catchment
Hydrological data of Makurdi: For determining annual rainfall, runoff coefficient, annual runoff from catchment and peak
flood from catchment.
Hydrologic soil group chart: For determining the hydrologic soil type of the watershed.
Table of curve numbers: For determining the curve number of soil type from the hydrologic soil group.
Google earth satellite and GPS locations software: For surveillance, imaging, marking out catchment areas and measurement
of distance on the project area.
Mathematical set: For reading distances and position on the topographical map.
The X1 in kilometers(km).
Stream (B) has a measured distance of 17.8cm on the topographical map. Given from the map(1cm = 150 m); 17.8cm = X 2cm
Distance of stream B to D (X2cm) in figure 3 was calculated using the formula:
The X2 in km. Stream (C) has a measured distance of 12.3cm on the topographical map. Therefore: 12.3cm = X 3 cm; Distance of
stream C to D (X3cm) in figure 3 will be calculated using the formula: Page 61
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Benue State
Figure 1: Map of Nigeria Showing Benue State
Stream C
Stream B
College of Engineering
Stream A
Figure 3: Google Earth Image of Project Area Showing Notable Structures on the Catchment Area
Source: [24] Page 62
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Figure 4: Topographical Map of the Project Area Showing Catchment Streams. Source: [25].
2.2. Estimation of Catchment Streams Distance from Proposed Dam Site
From the topographical map which has a scale of 1:15000, (1cm on the map represent 150 meters of ground distance) [25], the
length of the three catchment streams from their point of flow to the dam site of ground elevation was measured(Plate 1).
Stream (A) (Fig. 5) has a measured distance of 15.4cm on the topographical map. Given from the map that 1cm represents 150
meters of ground distance (1cm = 150 m), therefore: 15.4cm = X1 cm.
Plate 1: Catchment streams during Rainy Season into Proposed Dam Site Area
Source: Site Investigation at Catchment Area. Page 63
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87m Stream A
84m AG Z
D = Proposed dam site (confluence of the catchment streams)
AG = College of Agronomy
UC = School Clinic
FST = FST Complex
EG = Engineering Complex
Z = Zamfara Hostel
X = College of Agricultural Economics & Extension
R = University Ring Road (North core)
Untarred road
Catchment streams
Ring road
North core road
84m – 108m Site elevations
Figure 5: Map Outline Showing the Proposed Project Area and the Catchment Streams
Q = Direct uniform runoff (mm); P = Accumulated rainfall (potential maximum runoff) (mm)
S = Potential maximum retention after runoff begins (mm); Ia = Initial abstraction
Initial abstraction is (Ia) is the maximum amount of rainfall absorbed without producing runoff. It includes:
All losses before runoff begin; Water retained in surface depression and water intercepted by vegetation, evaporation and
infiltration. Page 64
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Ia is highly variable but generally correlated with soil cover parameters. Through studies of many small water sheds, I a was found
to be approximated by the empirical equation [5]:
Ia = 0.2S 6
By substituting for Ia the equation becomes[27]:
( )
S, which is the soil potential maximum retention after runoff begins, is related to the soil and cover conditions of the catchment
area through the curve number (CN). CN has a range of 0 to 100, and S is related to CN[27] as:
The major factors that determine CN are: The hydrologic soil group (HSG), Cover type, Treatment, Hydrologic conditions and
Runoff condition. Infiltration rates of soil vary widely and are affected by subsurface permeability and surface intake rate. Soils
are classified into four hydrologic soil group, group A, group B, group C and group D according to their minimum infiltration
rate[4] (Nielsen and Hjelmfelt,1998). The catchment area is an agricultural watershed of soil group C, the curve number was
determined using a table of runoff curve numbers for agricultural watersheds. The catchment yield Y in m3 is given by [13] as:
Y = Q x A x 1000 9
Y = Catchment yield per unit time in a year i.e. catchment yield in an average year (m3)
Q = Direct uniform runoff (mm); A = Area of the catchment (km2)
ii. Peak flood
The peak flood is the probable maximum flood (PMF) to be expected from a catchment following a rainfall of estimated intensity
and duration for a selected return period taking into account the hydrological characteristics of the catchment [13]FAO (2010).
The peak flood was calculated using Fuller’s formula[28] :
Qmax= C x A0.8(1+0.8 log Tr)(1+2.67 A-0.2) 10
Q = Maximum flow (m3/s); C = Runoff coefficient; A = Area of the catchment in km2
Tr = Recurrence interval (taken as 100 years). Page 65
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Table 1: Calculated 31 Years (1987 – 2017) Monthly Inflow (m3 106) from Catchment Area for the
Rational/Analytical Method (Y = Q × A × 1000)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total annual
inflow (reservoir
1987 0.000 0.000 0.154 0.195 0.145 1.138 0.800 1.775 3.889 1.355 0.000 0.000 9.451
1988 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.538 1.575 0.653 1.367 1.805 1.278 0.807 0.000 0.064 8.087
1989 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.615 1.751 1.596 1.711 1.252 1.546 1.484 0.000 0.000 8.586
1990 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.338 0.932 1.755 1.364 1.881 3.375 0.734 0.016 0.114 10.509
1991 0.000 0.000 0.348 1.649 2.646 0.691 0.826 2.084 1.564 1.484 0.000 0.000 11.294
1992 0.617 0.004 0.041 0.301 0.982 0.549 1.263 1.234 2.667 0.692 0.564 0.000 8.914
1993 0.000 0.000 0.753 0.423 1.576 2.558 2.411 1.568 2.867 3.113 0.000 0.000 15.270
1994 0.238 0.000 0.0 0.518 1.327 0.952 0.723 1.882 1.619 0.134 0.000 0.000 8.337
1995 0.000 0.039 0.136 0.309 0.749 3.122 0.940 2.508 1.052 1.359 0.107 0.000 10.322
1996 0.000 0.001 0.0 0.961 1.194 2.126 1.806 2.538 2.179 0.870 0.000 0.000 11.675
1997 0.000 0.000 0.013 1.879 0.874 1.438 0.771 1.378 3.327 2.079 0.000 0.000 11.759
1998 0.000 0.000 0.0 1.190 1.377 0.988 2.132 3.067 2.805 0.826 0.000 0.000 12.385
1999 0.009 0.000 0.372 0.988 1.363 2.681 1.167 3.067 3.416 1.368 0.000 0.000 14.431
2000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.850 1.007 2.002 1.523 2.951 1.316 0.697 0.000 0.000 10.352
2001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.8688 1.223 2.117 0.847 2.214 1.908 0.325 0.000 0.000 9.508
2002 0.000 0.000 0.363 0.697 0.969 1.508 1.657 1.902 3.113 0.957 0.177 0.000 11.344
2003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.497 0.263 1.764 1.051 1.282 1.221 0.339 0.297 0.000 6.715
2004 0.000 0.000 0.069 0.591 0.647 1.446 1.498 1.633 1.435 1.301 0.006 0.000 7.596
2005 0.000 0.000 0.194 0.378 0.798 1.850 1.256 0.994 1.406 0.807 0.000 0.000 7.685
2006 0.440 0.000 0.117 0.230 2.438 0.969 2.846 1.897 2.022 0.913 0.000 0.000 11.874
2007 0.000 0.000 0.077 1.102 1.504 1.852 1.009 2.405 1.922 1.933 0.014 0.000 11.818
2008 0.026 0.000 TR 1.306 1.287 1.641 0.719 2.471 0.732 0.745 0.009 0.000 8.938
2009 0.018 0.000 0.026 1.588 1.678 2.113 0.759 2.428 1.239 2.506 0.011 0.000 12.367
2010 0.000 0.000 0.111 0.276 1.188 1.053 1.699 1.571 2.695 1.030 0.211 0.000 9.837
2011 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.688 1.259 0.533 0.767 1.917 2.399 2.597 0.000 0.000 10.161
2012 0.000 0.004 0.000 1.263 1.281 1.416 3.104 1.537 2.564 1.756 0.241 0.000 13.166
2013 0.000 0.000 0.389 1.084 1.618 1.250 2.149 1.155 2.516 1.107 0.000 0.089 11.358
2014 0.035 0.035 0.297 0.497 1.416 1.455 1.140 2.422 2.707 0.887 0.233 0.041 11.167
2015 0.000 0.986 0.034 0.156 0.328 0.208 1.232 2.991 1.123 0.731 0.148 0.000 7.938
2016 0.000 0.000 0.419 0.804 2.099 0.436 1.902 1.886 2.372 1.024 0.000 0.000 10.941
2017 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.761 1.927 1.066 1.041 1.978 1.017 0.652 0.005 0.000 8.449
Mean 0.198 0.178 0.218 0.759 1.249 1.462 1.415 1.989 2.142 1.199 0.145 0.077 10.459
Min 0.018 0.001 0.019 0.156 0.145 0.208 0.719 0.994 0.732 0.134 0.006 0.041 6.715
Max 0.617 0.986 0.753 0.986 2.646 3.122 3.104 3.067 3.889 3.113 0.564 0.114 15.270
Cfyr2 = Cumulative inflow at yr2; Cfyyr1= Cumulative inflow at yr1
yr1 = First year; yr2 = Last year. For draft 60% yr1 = 1993; and yr2 = 2012,
Cf2012 = 272.381 × 106 m3 (Table1 and Fig. 7); Cf1993 = 72.111 × 106 m3(Table 1, Fig.7).
( )
S =
Y = Catchment yield in m3; Q = Direct uniform runoff in mm;
A = Area of catchment in km2 and was measured to be approximately 8.82 km2 using the Google earth software (Fig. 5).
Measuring largest intercept between the mass inflow curve and the draft line, required reservoir capacity from cumulative curve =
294.6 ×106 m3.
= 9.513 ×106 m3
Reservoir capacity for draft at 60% per annum = 9.513 ×106 m3.
For draft at 80%: Page 67
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Cfyr2 = Cumulative inflow at yr 2; Cfyyr1= Cumulative inflow at yr1
yr1 = First year; yr2 = Last year. For draft at 80% yr1 = 1989 and yr2 = 2014,
Cf2014 = 294.906 × 106 m3 (Fig. 7); Cf1989 = 26.124 × 106 m3 (Table 2, Fig.7).
( )
Measuring largest intercept between the mass inflow curve and the draft line, required reservoir capacity from cumulative curve =
313.8 ×106 m3.
= 10.123 ×106 m3
Required design capacity of reservoir for draft at 80% per annum = 10.123 ×10 6 m3.
Annual inflow from catchment ( ×106
0 Page 68
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Cumulative inflow (m3×106)
Years (1987-2017)
2 J
0 F
Years (1987-2017)
= 0.33 m3/s
Mean annual runoff in m3/s = 0.33 m3/s
Catchment is made of coniferous forest and tall grassland, “a” is 3196 and “n” is 0.82.
Sediment discharge, Qs = 3196 × 0.330.82 m3/s; Sediment discharge, Q = 1302.02 tonnes per annum. Page 69
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3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Rational/analytical method of determining the reservoir capacity
In this method, an analysis of rainfall and inflow from catchment per month of the year is made to determine the required design
capacity of dam from the catchment yield. The expected catchment yield (annual runoff) is estimated from the annual rainfall of
Makurdi from record of 31 years (1987 to 2017). Catchment characteristics were investigated during field-work at the catchment
to determine its runoff properties. The catchment area is made up of soil of fine texture, having slow infiltration rate when
thoroughly wet hence impeding the downward movement of water (infiltration). The soil has a slow rate of transmission. From the
catchment investigation, the catchment soil is of the hydrologic soil group C(Soils having a slow infiltration rate). The catchment
area consists of good pasture and grassland, with portions used for mild farming of tuber, legume and grain (rice) crops. From the
runoff curve numbers for agricultural lands (Table 1), the catchment soil HSG group C has a runoff curve number of 74. The
analytical method gives an approximate value of the required design capacity of the reservoir based on the inflow from catchment.
The reservoir capacity was calculated to be approximately 10,783,243.8 m3. With a time reoccurrence of 100 years and a runoff
coefficient of 0.2, the peak flood from catchment was estimated to be 8.02 m3/s. Mean annual inflow from catchment was
calculated to be 10.549 ×106 m3.
The highest reservoir capacity resulted from the Analytical method and the Mass Curve method for draft at 80% which were
10.783 ×106 m3 and 10.123 ×106 m3 respectively. The least resulted from the Residual Mass Curve Method for draft at 60% which
was 3.623 ×106 m3. The Residual Mass Curve gives the minimum allowable reservoir capacity for dry periods which can be taken
as dead storage. It is observed that the year 2002 shows maximum reservoir storage capacity and the year 1992 shows the
minimum. Sediment yield from catchment areas into the reservoir was estimated to be 1302.02 tonnes per annum. The reservoir
capacity can be used in addition to other water requirements within the University community to generate hydroelectricity.
4.2 Recommendation
It is recommended that; the Analytical method should be used to size the capacity of the reservoir. Sedimentation basins should
be installed at the upstream course of the catchment area to reduce sediment load into the reservoir. The use of vegetative screens, Page 70
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soil conservation methods (terraces), installation of sluice gates and dredging of settled materials at appropriate levels should be
incorporated into design of the dam. Full feasibility studies for hydropower generation should be carried out.
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DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2022.8.1.8
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