6RemovalofIronFromAluminum Review
6RemovalofIronFromAluminum Review
6RemovalofIronFromAluminum Review
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4 authors, including:
Lucas Damoah
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To cite this article: Lifeng Zhang, Jianwei Gao, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah & David G. Robertson
(2012): Removal of Iron From Aluminum: A Review, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
Review, 33:2, 99-157
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Mineral Processing & Extractive Metall. Rev., 33: 99–157, 2012
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0882-7508 print=1547-7401 online
DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2010.542211
In this paper, the Fe-rich phases in and their detrimental effect on aluminum alloys are
summarized. The existence of brittle platelet b-Fe-rich phases lowers the mechanical
properties of aluminum alloys. The methods to neutralize the detrimental effect of iron
are discussed. The use of high cooling rate, solution heat treatment, and addition of ele-
ments such as Mn, Cr, Be, Co, Mo, Ni, V, W, Cu, Sr, or the rare earth elements Y, Nd,
La, and Ce are reported to modify the platelet Fe-rich phases in aluminum alloys. The
mechanism of the modification is briefly described. Technologies to remove iron from alumi-
num are reviewed extensively. The precipitation and removal of Fe-rich phases (sludge) are
discussed. The dense phases can be removed by methods such as gravitational separation,
electromagnetic (EM) separation, and centrifuge. Other methods include electrolysis,
electro-slag refining, fractional solidification, and fluxing refining. The expensive three-
layer cell electrolysis process is the most successful technique to remove iron from aluminum
so far.
One of the greatest challenges to aluminum recycling is the widely varying
composition of scraps. Most scraps are mixture of alloys with a wide range of com-
positions. Table 1 (Gesing et al. 2002) shows the representative composition of pre-
sorted wrought and cast alloy scraps. Particularly, iron is a serious challenge because
of its gradual accumulation during repeated scrap recycling (Green 2007). Also, the
difficulty (and therefore, cost) to remove it from the aluminum alloy increases with
decreasing Fe content (Crepeau 1995). Most aluminum alloy production requires
tight composition controls on iron. For example, iron content level above 0.15 wt%
is unacceptable in premium aerospace alloys such as 7050, 7055, and 7475, and high
performance automotive alloys, like 5474 and 6111, also restrict both iron and
Table 1. Representative composition of presorted wrought and cast scraps (Gesing et al. 2002)
Al Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn Others
silicon to 0.40 wt% as maximum. Thus, secondary aluminum alloys are not sources
for producing premium quality aerospace alloys (Starke and Staley 1996). The recy-
cling and refining of scraps must reduce the impurities, especially iron, to an accept-
able level. Iron is the most pervasive impurity element in aluminum alloys, which
stems from the bauxite and steel tools used during both primary and secondary pro-
duction. Iron usually forms second phases in the aluminum alloys owing to its low
equilibrium solid solubility in the aluminum (max. 0.05%), such as Al3Fe, a-AlFeSi,
and b-AlFeSi (Khalifa, Samuel, and Gruzleski 2003). These Fe-rich phases have an
appreciable deleterious effect on the mechanical properties of the alloy. The ductility
and tensile strength progressively decreases with the increasing Fe content. Parti-
cularly, the ductility decreases dramatically after a critical Fe content is surpassed.
The techniques applied to lessen the deleterious effect of iron have been the subjects
of extensive researches for decades. The largest efforts have been made on the
suppression of the detrimental impact of the iron phases, for example, structural
modification by adding some chemical reagents, such as Mn, Co, and Cr (Flores
et al. 1998; Yang and Yin 2000; Yin et al. 2000; Shabestari et al. 2002; Mahta
et al. 2005). However, these metals have only a partial effect because they increase
the total amount of the Fe-rich phases, which is also detrimental to Al alloys. Other
elements like Be, Sr, and Ni have an influence on Fe-rich phases too but they are far
less effective than Mn. There are no effective practical methods to directly remove
iron from aluminum alloys by conventional refining. The techniques or theories
on direct iron removal from aluminum have made no satisfactory progress so far.
Thus, the study on effective removal of iron from aluminum is urgent. Nevertheless,
iron is present in most traditional die casting alloys as an impurity, yet a very useful
impurity (Mbuya, Odera, and Ng’ang’a 2003; Apelian 2009). A minimum of 0.8% Fe
is beneficial to the high pressure die casting alloys, such as (e.g., 380, A380, C380,
A383, A384, 360, A360, etc.) to prevent die sticking (i.e., soldering of the alloy to
the die), improve die casting surface finish and improved resistance to hot tearing
during solidification (Wang, Makhlouf, and Apelian 1995). However, concerning
Fe improving the resistance to hot tearing of the alloy there are conflicting reports
(Apelian 2009). The Al-Fe-Si ternary eutectic composition occurs at about 0.8%
Fe. Apalian reported that, theoretically, when iron is alloyed to a little above that
amount, the supersaturated molten alloy has little tendency to dissolve the relatively
unprotected tool steel while the molten alloy and die are in intimate contact (Apelian
observed after further heat treatment at 600 C for 24 h, as shown in Figure 3 (Liu,
Thorvaldsson, and Dunlop 1986). c-Al8FeSi was reported to usually exist in the high
silicon and high iron Al alloy (Mondolfo 1976). Plate-shaped d-Al4FeSi2 was
reported in earlier references (Phragmen 1950; Mondolfo 1976). Mondolfo reported
that d-Al4FeSi2 formed in high Si content Al alloys (Mondolfo 1976). However,
Khalifa observed the d-Al4FeSi2 phases in low Si alloys at a cooling rate >10 C=s
in alloys with Fe content ranging from 0.23 to 0.56 wt% and Si content ranging
from 0.35 to 0.9 wt%, as shown in Figure 4 (Khalifa, Samuel, and Gruzleski
2003). d-Al4FeSi2 was also described as d-Al3FeSi2 (Kral, Nakashima, and Mitchell
The most important Fe-rich phases in aluminum alloys containing silicon
are b-phase and a-phase. The a-phase is identified most commonly as a-Al8Fe2Si,
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Figure 1 Morphology of AlmFe, Al6Fe, and AlxFe phases in Al alloys (0.35Si, 0.23Fe) at cooling rate
0.16 C=s (Khalifa, Samuel, and Gruzleski 2003).
Figure 2 Morphology of q1-AlFeSi phase in the aluminum alloy with 0.23 wt% Fe þ 0.49 wt% Si or
1.03 wt% Fe þ 0.62 wt% Si at 14 C=s (Khalifa, Samuel, and Gruzleski 2003).
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Figure 3 TEM morphology of q2-AlFeSi phase in an aluminum alloy (Liu, Thorvaldsson, and Dunlop
Taylor, and Dahle 2005) when it precipitates as primary phase (Dinnis, Taylor, and
Dahle 2005). The platelet b-phase is usually identified as b-Al5FeSi (Crepeau 1995;
Mondolfo 1976; Cao and Campbell 2006), Al9Fe2Si2 (Philips 1976) or generally
b-AlFeSi (Stefaniay, Griger, and Turmezey 1987; Tang and Sritharan 1998; Khalifa,
Samuel, and Gruzleski 2003). There is also conflicting conclusion regarding the
structure of b-phase. Monoclinic was accepted by many researchers (Mondolfo
1976; Murali et al. 1994; Crepeau 1995). Murali stated that b-Al5FeSi is monoclinic
with a ¼ 0.5792 nm, b ¼ 1.2273 nm, c ¼ 4.313 nm, and b ¼ 98.93 deg (Murali et al.
However, Carpenter claimed that b-phase was B-face centered orthorhombic
with a ¼ 0.6184 nm, b ¼ 0.6250 nm, and c ¼ 2.069 nm (Carpenter and LePage 1993);
Zheng observed that the b-phase was orthorhombic with a ¼ 0.618 nm, b ¼ 0.620 nm,
Figure 4 Morphology of d-Al4FeSi2 phase in an aluminum alloy (Khalifa, Samuel, and Gruzleski 2003).
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Figure 5 Typical morphology of a-phase and b-phase in aluminum (Lu and Dahle 2005).
and c ¼ 2.08 nm (Zheng, Vincent, and Steeds 2000). Kral claimed the b-phase was
consistent with tetragonal Al3(Fe, Mn)Si2 with space group I4=mcm, a ¼ 0.607 nm
and c ¼ 0.950 nm (Kral, Mcintyre, and Smillie 2004). However, Kral (2005) claimed
that the structure of b-phase was consistent with that of the d-phase in his further
Figure 6 Three-dimensional reconstruction of a-phase: (a) original two-dimensional photo; (b) three-
dimensional a-phase with high convoluted arms observed (Dinnis, Taylor, and Dahle 2005).
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Among all the Fe-rich phases, b-AlFeSi is thought to be the most deleterious,
and most efforts have been devoted on how to avoid the formation of b-AlFeSi.
b-AlFeSi has an undesirable platelet morphology as shown in Figure 5 (Lu and
Dahle 2005) and Figure 7 (Dinnis, Taylor, and Dahle 2005), which is brittle and gen-
erally assumed to act as stress raisers and points of weak coherence. Usually, higher
iron content and slow cooling rate result in the increasing size of b platelets (Tang
and Sritharan 1998). The domination of platelet b-phases results in serious loss of
strength and ductility in Al-Si cast alloys. It is notable that a- and b-phase may
not clearly exhibit the dendrite or platelet shape respectively and are difficult to be
identified by their morphology, especially when the alloys are eutectic modified by
Na or Sr (Kral, Mcintyre, and Smillie 2004).
causes a deterioration in the mould) and hence improves the surface quality of the
component (Suarez-Pena and Asensio-Lozano 2006). In these cases, Fe is an alloying
The mechanical properties of cast aluminum alloy are generally imperiled by
the presence of iron (Couture 1981). Three-dimensional morphological results of
Fe-rich intermetallic compounds observed by co-authors of this paper in their paper
on inclusions in aluminum, Figure 8 (Damoah and Zhang 2010), suggests that
Fe-rich intermetallic phases have much more complex morphologies, with fragile
and brittle appearance than what is shown in two-dimensional observation. These
morphologies could explain why they are detrimental to the mechanical properties
of aluminum.
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The presence of Fe is generally reported to have a detrimental effect on the
ductility, strength, and fatigue properties of aluminum alloys. But a few investiga-
tions reported a slight improvement in strength and ductility with the increasing
of Fe content as shown Table 3. In Al-Cu alloys, needle-like Cu2FeAl7 phases pre-
cipitate, (Couture 1981) which are brittle and act as stress raisers like b-Fe phases,
reduce the strength and ductility of the alloy. The formation of Cu containing
Fe-phases also reduces the effective Cu content of the alloy. Since it is impossible
to dissolve this compound even with the subsequent solution heat treatment, the
amount of Cu available for hardening is considerably reduced.
The influence of Fe on the Al-Mg alloy is shown in Table 4. Usually, increasing
of Fe content reduces the elongation (ductility) and tensile strength. However, it was
(Couture 1981) observed that the elongation and tensile strength improved with iron
Figure 8 Three-dimensional morphologies of Fe-rich intermetallic phases (a) (Chinese script) morpholo-
gies of b-Al (Fe, Mn)3Si and (b) p-Al8FeMg3Si6 intermetallics (Damoah and Zhang 2010). These are SEM
micrographs from 30% HCl solution-etched aluminum alloy (Mg-4.5%, Si-0.1%, Fe-0.1%) for 35 s.
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Mg, 0.62–1.61;
Mn, 0.65–1.1;
Si, 0.45–0.55
Cu, 4.5; Mn, 0.55 0.73 250 NA 5 NA NA Bonsack
1.06 275 NA 5.5
Cu, 3 0.76–2 þ þ NA NA Hyman
2–2.91 – –
NA NA NA – þ NA Guillet et al.
Cu 4; Mg, 0.6; 0.25–1 – – – NA Cook, M et al. (Cook and
Ni 0.01–1, Wrought Chadwick 1944)
Data from Couture (Couture 1981). þ: increase with increasing Fe content; –: decrease with increasing Fe content; NA: unavailable data.
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
>0.6 – –
Mg, 3 or 6 0.2–0.8 Slight þ No NA NA NA NA Grand
Mg, Zn initial-2 þ – NA NA þ NA Bonsack
Mg, 0.7; 0.03–0.35 þ – NA – NA NA Chadwick et al. (Chadwick,
Si, 1; Muir, and Grainger 1953)
Mn, 0.2–0.6;
Cr, 0.2–0.6.
Data from Couture (Couture 1981). þ: increase with increasing Fe content; –: decrease with increasing Fe content; No: No influence; NA: unavailable data.
The ductility of Al-Zn alloys decreases with increasing iron content in
aluminum alloys due to the formation of needle like FeAl3 phase (Couture 1981).
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Since the Al-Si alloys are the most common and important, there are many stu-
dies on the effect of Fe. The literature has been thoroughly reviewed by Couture
(Couture 1981). A basic consistent conclusion was that Fe has a small effect on
the properties up to a certain level, and when the iron content exceeds that critical
level the properties drop rapidly. When the Fe level exceeds about 0.7 wt%
(Mondolfo 1976), the b-Al5FeSi usually forms at roughly the location of the eutectic
trough on the Al-Fe-Si phase diagram (Figure 9 (Mondolfo 1976; Khalifa, Samuel,
and Gruzleski 2003)). The apparent critical Fe level is related to the formation of pri-
mary b-Al5FeSi, which is brittle and detrimental. Cooling rate and certain alloying
elements can increase the critical Fe content.
Although the negative effects of iron are clear, the mechanisms involved are
not fully understood. Mascre (1955) originally proposed the ‘‘restricted feeding’’
Figure 10 Growth of b-Fe phase (the white rod) on the entrained oxide film (the black line in the white
rod) (Cao and Campbell 2004b).
pore nucleation and growth, also influenced the ultimate shape of pores—called
‘‘pore nucleation theory’’. While Taylor, Schaffer, and St. John (1999a, 1999b, 1999c)
reported their results conflicted with the former two theories for Al-5Si-1Cu-0.5Mg
alloys, and they substantially proved that the porosity was due to the effect that
the platelets have on the nucleation and growth of eutectic silicon. Cao and Campbell
(2004b, 2006) thought that the porosity was due to the presence of double-over oxide
bi-films, which were common in the aluminum melt. Its wetted side is the favored
substrates for the nucleation and growth of b-Fe platelets. After solidification, the
interface between the two sides of an entrained oxide film becomes the crack, as
shown in Figure 10 (Cao and Campbell 2004b). As an aside–Miresmaeili et al.
(2005) also found the nucleation and growth of Sr-rich compounds on the wetted
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side of double-over oxide bi-films, which may give another explanation for the
increasing tendency of microporosity formation by Sr modification in Al-Si alloy.
Manganese (Mn)
Although Mn by itself is also harmful to the mechanical properties of alumi-
num alloys, it is widely used to neutralize Fe in Al-Si cast alloys. Manganese has
low cost and is readily available. Mn has an atomic radius and crystal structure close
to Fe as seen in Table 6 (Mahta et al. 2005). Literature on the neutralization of plate-
let Fe-rich phases by Mn addition is abundant. Couture has written a detailed review
on this topic (Couture 1981).
Mondolfo claimed that with the addition of sufficient manganese the platelet
Fe-rich phases transformed from the brittle platelet to the compact morphology such
as Chinese script, globule or polyhedral with a resulting restoration of the tensile
strength and elongation (Mondolfo 1976). b-Al5FeSi tends to be suppressed and
a-Al15 (Fe, Mn)3Si2 is formed after the Mn addition (Mondolfo 1976). In the ternary,
Table 6. Atomic number, Bravais lattice, and atomic radius of some transition metals in aluminum
Ti 22 HCP 1.47
V 23 BCC 1.34
Cr 24 BCC 1.27
Mn 25 SC 1.26
Fe 26 BCC 1.26
Co 27 HCP 1.25
Ni 28 FCC 1.24
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Figure 11 Morphology of a-Al15 (Fe, Mn)3Si2 particles (a) Al-7.0 Si-0.38 Mg–0.20 Fe, (b) Al-7.0 Si-0.38
Mg-0.20 Fe-0.07 Mn, (c) Al-7.0 Si-0.38 Mg-0.20 Fe-0.13 Mn, and (b) Al-7.0 Si-0.38 Mg-0.20 Fe-0.20 Mn
(Kim et al. 2006).
Figure 12 Effect of Mn and Fe on the formation of intermetallic compounds in Al-12.7 Si-0.1 Cr alloys
(Shabestari 2004).
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Figure 13 Volume fraction of intermetallics versus the segregation factor (SF) (Shabestari 2004).
of Mn=Fe ¼ 1.28, Fe ¼ 1.09 wt% in Al-12 Si-0.3 Mg alloy, the cooling rate was not
stated in the report (Zhang 2007).
The amount of manganese needed to neutralize iron is still not well established
(Couture 1981; Crepeau 1995) because the neutralization process is deeply affected
by many factors, such as cooling rate, heat treatment, initial Si and Fe content,
and other elements. Generally, it is desirable to have a weight percentage Mn=Fe
ratio of 1:2 if the Fe content exceeds 0.45 wt% (Colwell and Kissling 1961). Mascre
arrived at a different neutralization formula for sand and permanent mold castings:
Mn% ¼ 2 (Fe% 0.5) (Mascre 1955). However, Cao found the Chinese script
a-AlFeSi even with the Mn=Fe ¼ 0.17 in an Al-11.6 Si-0.37 Mg-1.16 Fe alloy as
shown in Figure 14 (Cao and Campbell 2004b). Mn modified Fe-rich compounds
have a greater tendency to segregate and to form coarse primary a-Fe, which imper-
ils the tensile strength and ductility of Al alloys (Couture 1981; Crepeau 1995).
In Al-Cu alloys, Mn addition encourages the formation of Chinese script
phases and suppresses the platelet Cu2FeAl7 (Mondolfo 1976). Tseng reported that
Mn addition recovered the ductility but caused a further loss in the yield strength of
Al-Cu alloys. The primary constituents were needle shaped Cu2FeAl7 at low content
of Mn (0.29 wt%). Upon the further addition of Mn (0.66 wt%), almost all the
Cu2FeAl7 transformed into the Chinese script Mn-bearing particles either in low
Fe alloy or in high Fe alloy as shown in Figure 15 (Tseng et al. 2002). However,
the structure or stoichiometry of the Mn-bearing particles was not mentioned. In
Al-Mg alloys, Mn transformed Al3Fe into (Fe, Mn)Al6 and improved the corrosion
resistance of the alloy (Mondolfo 1976).
Fe, Cr, and Co have similar atomic radii and Cr also has the same Bravais lat-
tice with Fe as shown in Table 6. Thus, Cr and Co can also be used to precipitate
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Figure 14 SEM image of Al-11.6 Si-0.37 Mg-1.16 Fe-0.29 Mn showing typical Chinese script of a-Fe (Cao
and Campbell 2004b).
Figure 15 CuAl2, Cu2FeAl7, and Mn-bearing compounds in aluminum alloys, (a) 4.64Cu-0.05Fe-0.29 Mn;
(b) 4.67Cu-0.05Fe-0.66 Mn; (c) 4.58Cu-0.31Fe-0.29 Mn; (d) 4.52Cu-0.30Fe-0.67 Mn; (arrow1: CuAl2;
arrow2: Cu2FeAl7; arrow3: Mn-bearing) (Tseng et al. 2002).
Fe-rich phases. There are few investigations on the effect of Co and Cr on the modi-
fication of Fe-rich phases. Co was thought less effective than Mn and a higher
amount of addition was needed. Co=Fe 0.5–1.0 was suggested as an appropriate
addition to modify the platelet Fe phases to globular shape (Couture 1981). Mahta
et al. (2005) reported that the optimum ratio of Co=Fe was 1.0 for A413 Al-11Si
alloys and the Co-Fe phases were identified approximately as Al15 (Fe, Co)4Si2, while
Murali, Raman, and Murthy (1994) stated the Co-Fe phase was Al14Co2 (Fe,Si). It
was reported that almost all the transformed Chinese script a-AlFeSi phases precipi-
tated within a-Al dendrites (Figure 16) (Couture 1981; Murali, Raman, and Murthy
1994; Crepeau 1995; Mahta et al. 2005), which reduced the segregate tendency. Thus,
Co is much less harmful than Mn. However, the presence of Co (<1 wt%) at low con-
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Figure 16 Microstructure of Co transformed platelet Fe phases, (a) 11Si, 2.4Fe, 2.4Co; (b) 0.6Fe, 0.3Co
(Mahta et al. 2005).
Mondolfo (1976) claimed that Cr was a possible additive to neutralize Fe
phases in aluminum. Cr was believed more effective than Co, and a ratio of Cr=
Fe ¼ 0.33 can prevent the formation of b-AlFeSi (Mahta et al. 2005). The function
of Cr is similar to that of Co. Mahta reported that the identified transformed Chi-
nese script a-Fe phase was close to Al15(Fe, Cr)3Si2, agreeing with Crepeau’s report
(Crepeau 1995) while different from Murali’s report [Al25(Fe, Cr)3Si4] (Murali,
Raman, and Murthy 1994). As with Co, a low amount of Cr also resulted in the for-
mation of primary Si in Al-11Si alloys, as show in Figure 17 (Mahta et al. 2005). Dif-
ferent from Co, the transformed a-phases by Cr were observed both in
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a-Al dendrites and the interdendritic region (Murali, Raman, and Murthy 1994;
Mahta et al. 2005), which was the same as during Mn modification [Figure 17(a)
(Mahta et al. 2005)].
Murali considered beryllium was a more effective neutralization element than
Mn, Co, and Cr (Murali, Raman, and Murthy 1995b). Crepeau reported that the
Figure 17 Microstructure of Cr transformed platelet Fe phases, (a) 11Si, 0.56Fe, 0.23Cr; (b) 11Si, 2.68Fe,
0.83Cr (Mahta et al. 2005).
addition of Be > 0.4 wt% was required (Crepeau 1995), while other references
showed that the trace addition of Be 0.06–0.27 wt% was enough (Murali, Raman,
and Murthy 1995b; Murali et al. 1997b; Yie et al. 1999; Wang and Xiong 2000).
Beryllium along with Fe, Al, and Si can form Chinese script or polygon Be-Fe phases
identified as Al8Fe2BeSi while other literatures described as Al4Fe2Be5 (Crepeau
1995). It is notable that Be-Fe phases precipitated inside of the primary a-Al den-
drites (like Co) (Murali, Raman, and Murthy 1994, 1995a, 1995b; Murali et al.
1996, 1997b; Wang and Xiong 2000) as shown in Figure 18 (Wang and Xiong
2000), which favors fracture toughness, whereas the b-AlFeSi phase is in the inter-
dendritic region. Wang and Xiong (2000) observed that the addition of beryllium
to Al-Si-Mg alloys hindered the crack propagation on Be-Fe phases. Particularly,
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Figure 18 Be-Fe phases in Al-7Si-0.3 Mg alloys, (a) Be 0.23 wt% Fe 0.21 wt%; (b) Be 0.26 wt% Fe 0.82 wt%
(Wang and Xiong 2000).
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Strontium has been used to modify the eutectic silicon phases from acicular to
lamellar in Al-Si cast alloys (Closset and Gruzleski 1982a, 1982b; Hanna, Lu, and
Hellawell 1984; Shabestari and Shahri 2004). In aluminum wrought alloys, Sr was
also applied to transform the platelet Fe-rich phases to a-AlFeSi (Al8Fe2Si) (Morris
and Miners 1975; Mulazimoglu, Gruzleski, and Closset 1992; Mulazimoglu et al.
1994; Closset et al. 1996). In 6063 alloys (0.2–0.6 Si, 0.45–0.9 Mg), the 0.01–
0.5 wt% addition of Sr promoted the formation of a-AlFeSi and improved the
extrusion characteristics significantly (Morris and Miners 1975). It was reported that
the 0.01–0.10 wt% addition of Sr to Al-Cu-Mg-Zn wrought alloys refined the inter-
metallic phases (William and Bernard 1987). Tensile strength and conducting
property were improved by approximately 0.1 wt% Sr addition into 6201 alloys
(0.45–0.65 Si, 0.50–0.65 Mg) (Closset et al. 1996). Figure 21 shows the comparison
of UTS and YS with or without Sr addition in 6201 alloys (Closset et al. 1996).
The Sr-treated alloys exhibit 5% higher UTS and YS than that of the Sr-free alloys
at high magnesium content (0.6 wt%). Mulazimoglu observed that 0.015 wt% Sr
addition was enough to modify the platelet phases in 6063 and 6201 alloys
Figure 20 Mechanical property of aluminum alloys changes with the content of Fe and Be (Wang and
Xiong 2000).
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Figure 21 Mechanical properties of synthetic 6201 wires (aging at 160 C for 5 h), (a) Tensile strength; (b)
Yield strength (Closset et al. 1996).
Figure 22 Effect of Sr on 1XXX series alloys. (a) No Sr; (b) 0.06 wt% Sr (Mulazimoglu et al. 1994).
transformation occurred except that the b-AlFeSi phase became thinner after the
0.04 wt% Sr addition in Al-12Si alloy (Lu and Dahle 2005; Suarez-Pena and
Asensio-Lozano 2006). Cho reported that the combined addition of phosphorus
and strontium could suppress the formation of b-AlFeSi phases by the pre-existing
of Al2Si2Sr phases, which was caused by deactivation of AlP nuclei, in Al-10Si alloys
(Cho et al. 2008). The fragmentation mechanism of b-AlFeSi is related to nucleation
and growth: The addition of Sr causes a high supersaturation of the element Fe and
Si, thus, the primary b-AlFeSi phase precipitates before the primary a-Al in the
liquid. Then, the primary a-Al dendrites nucleate onto the primary b-AlFeSi phase
and reject Fe into the residual liquid. The secondary needle-like b-AlFeSi phase
nucleates due to a generalized undercooling induced by Sr (Closset et al. 1996;
Cho et al. 2008). The growth rate of the secondary phase is much lower than that
of the primary phase, thus, the smaller b-AlFeSi phases precipitate (Suarez-Pena
and Asensio-Lozano 2006). It was also reported that the added Sr was absorbed
on the nucleation sites of the b-AlFeSi phase (called poison), thus, the amount of
the b-AlFeSi phase was reduced (Shabestari and Gruzleski 1996; Pennors et al.
1998; Cho et al. 2008).
Molten Aluminum Superheating
Mondolfo reported that the size of Fe intermetallic compounds decreased as
the superheating temperature increased up to 500 C above the melting point
(Mondolfo 1976). Crepeau claimed that Chinese script a-phases formed instead of
platelet b phases when the melt temperature was >800 C, the subsequent thermal
cycling of the melt slightly affected the Chinese script morphology (Crepeau
1995). The conclusion was confirmed by other references (Awano and Shimizu
1990). Narayanan claimed that a-phases formed at the temperature around
200–300 C above the liquidus temperature for Al-6Si-3Cu alloys due to the domi-
nation of a alumina inclusions at the superheating temperature in the melt, which
was a poor nucleus for b phase. While c alumina inclusions, acting as a nucleus
for crystallization of b phase and forming at low melt temperature 750 C, trans-
formed to a alumina inclusions at the superheating temperature (Narayanan,
Samuel, and Gruzleski 1994). However, the high superheating temperature in alumi-
num alloys is not recommended owing to the increasing of gas pick-up, oxidation
loss and the formation of oxide inclusions as well as higher energy costs and furnace
Cooling Rate
According to the Al-Fe-Si phase diagram [Figure 9 (Mondolfo 1976; Khalifa,
Samuel, and Gruzleski 2003)], the b-Fe rich phase is a stable phase under the equi-
librium cooling rate. When casting is conducted under a very high cooling rate and=
or the melt is superheated to a high temperature, however, the iron rich phase crys-
tallizes into the a-phase in metastable forms (Iglessis, Frantz, and Gantois 1977;
Narayanan, Samuel, and Gruzleski 1994). The cooling rate increases as the critical
content level of Fe to form b-Fe increases. For example, 0.75 wt% Fe-1 C=s,
0.9 wt% Fe 5 C=s, and 1.0 wt% Fe 10 C=s (Mascre 1955). Passmore et al.
reported that the Cu2FeAl7 phase was fine and evenly distributed in the chilled
Al-Cu alloy while in the slowly cooled metal the Cu2FeAl7 phase was coarse and
concentrated at the interdendritic region, which was detrimental to the mechanical
properties (Passmore, Flemings, and Taylor 1958). Narayanan reported that with
increasing cooling rate and melt superheating temperature, the precipitation tem-
perature of the b-Fe phase decreased until the b-Fe rich phase merged with the
Heat Treatment
Fe-rich phases can be dissolved, fragmented and globularized during the
solution heat treatment at the solidus temperature (Crepeau 1995). High treatment
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 23 Effect of holding time and initial Fe, Mn content on the formation of sludge; alloy I: 9.5 Si-0.6
Mn-0.8 Fe; alloy II: 9.5 Si-0.8 Mn-1.3 Fe; alloy III: 9.5 Si-1.5 Mn-1.5 Fe; alloy IV: 9.5 Si-2.2 Mn-1.6 Fe.
(a) mass of sludge segregate isothermally at 605 C; (b) mass of sludge segregated from alloy IV at different
holding time (Flores et al. 1998).
well-established technique for Al-Si cast alloys. The process consists of two steps:
formation of primary Fe-rich intermetallic particles, followed by the removal of
the particles. The alloy is melted and held at a high temperature (750 800 C) for
some time in order to be well homogenized. Then, the melt is cooled to a holding
temperature in the range of 600–650 C for the formation and growth of the sludge
(Flores et al. 1998; Pucella et al. 1998; de Moraes et al. 2006). After the formation of
the sludge, further steps including gravity separation, filtration, electromagnetic
(EM) separation or centrifuge separation are conducted to remove the sludge phase
from the molten aluminum (Shabestari and Gruzleski 1995; Flores et al. 1998; Li
et al. 2003; Cao, Saunders, and Campbell 2004; de Moraes et al. 2006). The iron con-
centration generally decreases from 1 to 2 wt% to at most 0.4 wt% after the treatment
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
A high IEV implies the easy formation of sludge phase. Czikel et al. and
Jorstad predicted the sludge formation by temperature and IEV as shown in
Figure 24 (Czikel et al. 1985; Jorstad 1986). Jorstad discussed that the Fe:Mn:Cr
ratio of 1:2:3 gives a realistic view of the sludge factor for determining the tolerable
limits for a given melt. For instance, a sludge factor of 1.8 is indicated as suitable for
a furnace operating temperature of 660–663 C (1220–1225o F) whereas a sludge
factor of 2.2 is considered too high for a furnace temperature of 660–663 C
Figure 24 Sludge factor (SF) diagram showing the temperature and composition at which the sludge can
form (Czikel et al. 1985).
(1220–1225o F) (Jorstad 1986). In Al-12.7Si alloys with a constant 0.30 wt% Mn and
0.1Cr, the temperature variation of for the formation of sludge versus iron content is
shown in Figure 25 (Shabestari 2004). However, some researchers treated the ratio of
Mn=Fe as the most critical process parameter, and believed that it was necessary to
increase Mn addition to obtain a low Fe-level (Nijhof et al. 1996). Flores (Flores et al.
1992a) claimed that with a holding temperature of 620–640 C the addition of Mn
(2.2 wt%) decreased the Fe content from 1.5 to <0.3 wt% in Al-9.2 Si alloys, while
with the addition of 0.6 wt% Mn decreased the Fe content from 1.2 to about
0.7 wt%. The presence of 0.2 wt% Cr accelerated the gravity segregation process
without improving Fe reduction ratio. Further studies on the nucleation and growth
of sludge in Al-9.5Si alloys were also conducted by Flores (Flores et al. 1998).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 25 Temperature for sludge formation in Al-12.7Si-0.3Mn-0.1Cr-xFe alloys [the curve can be
expressed by T ( C) ¼ 645.7 þ 34.2 (wt% Fe)2] (Shabestari 2004).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 26 Calculated isopleths at 10.0 wt% Si, (a) 1.0 wt% Fe; (b) 3.0 wt% Fe (D: experimental data)
(Balitchev et al. 2003).
Figure 27 Calculated isothermal sections at 660 C, (a) 10.0 wt% Si; (b) 14 wt% Si (D: experimental data)
(Balitchev et al. 2003).
a-Al12 (Fe, Mn, Cr)7Si2 as well as transformed polyhedral sludge particles (Pucella
et al. 1998). Cao and Campbell reported that the mass of sludge particles with Sr
addition was significantly increased at a temperature of 900 C compared with Sr-free
samples, and under the same condition, the number of sludge particles was dramati-
cally increased, which resulted in an effective Fe reduction (Cao and Campbell
Gravity Separation
Gravity separation is a method employed to remove the sludge. The melt is
held at the sludge formation temperature for a relative long time. Longer settling
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
time and lower holding temperature encourages higher iron removal efficiency.
Van Der Donk, Nijhof, and Castelijns (1995) observed that sludge formed and
segregated immediately during the cooling from a high temperature (840 C) to a
holding temperature of 600 C. Reported removal efficiency data were summarized
in Table 9. Flores and Cao reported an Fe removal fraction over >70% with Mn=
Fe > 1 and relative high Fe content (Flores et al. 1992a; Flores et al. 1998; Cao
and Campbell 2004b). When the Mn=Fe ¼ 1, the removal fraction of Fe decreased
to 50% (Cao, Saunders, and Campbell 2004; Cao and Campbell 2004b).
Figure 28a (Li 2004) shows a microstructure of an aluminum alloy after gravity sep-
aration for a long time. Most of the sludge settled to the bottom and thus the upper
part of the alloy was purified. Figure 28b (Cao, Saunders, and Campbell 2004) illus-
trates the precipitated primary a-Fe particles. The white polygons and Chinese
scripts are the sediment sludge phases.
Figure 29 (Shabestari and Gruzleski 1995) shows the variation of sludge vol-
ume percentage, the average size and number of particles per area at different
location of the mold of Al-12Si-1.2Fe-0.29Mn-0.1Cr alloys at different holding
times. Obviously, the volume percentage, the number, and average size of sludge
increase with distance from the melt surface (Flores et al. 1992a; Shabestari and
Gruzleski 1995; Flores et al. 1998). The removal fraction by settling varies with
the position in the melt due to the depletion of the sludge near the surface and the
increase near the bottom. The settling speed of sludge particles can be roughly cal-
culated by Stokes’ law. As shown in Figure 30 (Shabestari and Gruzleski 1995), the
final terminal velocity can be reached at very short time, but the velocity is low.
Primary, Fe-rich intermetallic particles can also be removed by porous filters
similar to the removal of nonmetallic inclusions by filtration. Figure 31 (de Moraes
et al. 2006) shows the schematic steps of the filtration operation. After a short time
(10–20 min) holding at sludge formation temperature, the melt is decanted through a
preheated filter. By the way, small amount of sludge also precipitates at the bottom
of the melt during the holding time. The holding time used for filtration is much
shorter than holding time used for gravity separation and so filtration is suitable
for the continuous treatment.
Van Der Donk, Nijhof, and Castelijns (1995) concluded that finer-pore foam
filters can remove small size sludge particles but actually only slightly increased
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Kim (Kim and Yoon 2000) 6Si-1.64Fe-1.66 Mn 1 690 20 NA 0.45 72.6 NA EM separation
Li (Li et al. 2001; Li et al. 2003; Li 12Si-1.13Fe-1.22Mn 1.1 640 30 0.26 0.41 63.7
Jiao (Jiao, Zhang, and Yao 2006) 10Si-1Fe-1.1Mn 1.1 NA NA 0.39 0.30 70
Xu (Xu et al. 2003) 11.7Si-1.2Fe-1.8Mn 1.5 NA NA 0.26 0.41 65.8
Cao (Cao, Saunders, and Campbell 12Si-1.23Fe-1.11Mn 0.9 600 240 0.36 0.52 57.7 NA Gravitational
2004; Cao and Campbell 2004b) separation
Cao (Cao and Campbell 2004b) 12Si-1.11Fe-1.03Mn 0.9 600 240 0.29 0.57 48.6
Cao (Cao and Campbell 2004b) 12Si-1.22Fe-2.15Mn 1.8 600 240 0.30 0.35 71.3
Flores (Flores et al. 1998) 9.5Si-1.6Fe-2.2Mn 1.4 605 380 0.5 0.37 77
Flores (Flores et al. 1992a) 9.2Si-1.5Fe-2.2Mn 1.5 640 180 NA 0.4 73
Nijhof (Nijhof et al. 1996) 12Si-1.1Fe-1Mn 0.9 605 20 0.42 0.64 42 NA Filtration
8Si-1.22Fe-1.12Mn 0.9 630 20 0.67 0.82 32.8 NA
12Si-1.1Fe-1.8Mn 1.6 605 20 0.57 0.47 57.2 NA
Van Der Donk (Van Der Donk 8Si-1.22Fe-1.12Mn 0.9 640 30 0.63 0.79 35.2 30
1998) 11.5Si-1.12Fe-0.99Mn 0.9 605 15 0.42 0.64 42.9 10
11.4Si-1.09Fe-1.86Mn 1.7 605 15 0.58 0.47 56.9 10
11.2Si-1.58Fe-1.9Mn 1.2 605 15 0.50 0.61 61.4 10
12Si-2.07Fe-1.91Mn 0.9 605 15 0.53 0.85 58.9 10
De Moraes (de Moraes et al. 2006) 12Si-1.32Fe-1Mn 0.75 605 30 NA 0.4 69.7 20
12Si-1.30Fe-1Mn 0.77 625 30 NA 0.48 63.1 20
9.5Si-1.34Fe-1.5Mn 1.1 605 30 NA 0.25 81.3 30
9.5Si-1.14Fe-1.5Mn 1.4 610 30 NA 0.41 64.0 20
9.5Si-0.98Fe-1.5Mn 1.5 605 30 NA 0.18 82 20
Matsubara (Matsubara, Izawa, 11Si-2.07Fe-2.03Mn 1 NA NA 0.30 0.36 82.6 NA Centrifuge
and Nakanishi 1998) 11Si-2.07Fe-2.53Mn 1.22 0.20 0.23 88.9
11Si-2.07Fe-3.00Mn 1.45 0.12 0.15 92.8
11Si-2.07Fe-4.15Mn 2 0.1 0.13 93.7
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 28 Microstructure of an aluminum alloy after Fe-rich phase precipitation and subsequent gravity
separation. (a) overall view (Li 2004) (b) SEM view (Cao, Saunders, and Campbell 2004).
Figure 29 Sludge volume, average size, and particle number distribution in the mold during the
gravitational segregation (Shabestari and Gruzleski 1995).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 30 Settling speed of the sludge as a function of time (Shabestari and Gruzleski 1995).
the removal efficiency because the captured small particles easily blocked the filter
pores. Data in Table 9 proved this conclusion. The efficiency of the filtration process
is also affected by the initial aluminum composition. The efficiency increases with
increasing Mn=Fe (>1) or initial Fe and Mn content (Table 9) (Nijhof et al. 1996;
Van Der Donk 1998). The entire efficiency of the filtration process for the same
experimental condition is relatively low compared with other separation methods
Figure 31 Schematic of the filtration process (T1: melting temperature, T2: holding temperature)
(de Moraes et al. 2006).
according to the studies by Nijhof et al. (1996) and Van Der Donk (1998) (Table 9).
The filtration efficiency can be substantially improved by a preliminary gravity sep-
aration step. Flores et al. (1992b) firstly, used gravity separation to purify the alumi-
num melt (initial composition wt%: 1.5 Fe, 2.25 Mn, 9.2 Si, 0.2 Cr, 0.76 Zn, and 3.53
Cu) for 180 min at 640 C and the iron content decreased from 1.5 to 0.73 wt%; then
the upper part of the purified melt was filtered and Fe content was decreased to
0.27 wt%. Approximately, 82% Fe was removed overall. High efficiency was also
obtained in the same way by de Moraes et al. (2006) (Table 9). A slow cooling rate
from the melting temperature to the holding temperature and a longer holding time
(30 min) encouraged the formation and growth of the primary iron intermetallic par-
ticles, which resulted in a high removal efficiency (de Moraes et al. 2006).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Centrifugal Separation
The centrifugal separation technique was applied to directly remove iron-rich
phases from the partially solidified aluminum alloy melts without any other elements
addition, which will be discussed later. Matsubara et al. (Matsubara, Izawa, and
Nakanishi 1998) studied the sludge removal from Al-11Si alloys by the centrifugal
separation technique. The centrifugal separation apparatus that was used is shown
schematically in Figure 32 (Matsubara, Izawa, and Nakanishi 1998). The iron-rich
phases moved to the edge side of the melt and the central part was purified as shown
in Figure 33 (Matsubara, Izawa, and Nakanishi 1998). Figure 34 (Matsubara, Izawa,
and Nakanishi 1998) shows the microstructure of the inner and outer part of the
melt. The rotational speed has a great influence on the purification efficiency as
shown in Figure 35 (Matsubara, Izawa, and Nakanishi 1998). When the rotational
speed is 8.3 s1, small sludge particles are unable to be expelled from the central
Figure 32 Schematic of vertical centrifugal separation apparatus (Matsubara, Izawa, and Nakanishi
Figure 33 Microstructure of the transverse cross section of the centrifugal separated melt (Matsubara,
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
region and the Fe and Mn content in the central region remained at a high level
>1 wt%. As the rotational speed increases over 16.6 s1, the Fe and Mn content in
the center are slightly affected by the rotation speed (Figure 35). The ratio of Mn=Fe
affects the formation and growth of primary Fe-rich phases and thus the iron
removal fraction varied with Mn=Fe as seen in Figure 36 (Matsubara, Izawa, and
Nakanishi 1998). With increasing the ratio of Mn=Fe, the iron removal fraction
increases and Mn=Fe ¼ 1.5 is the optimum value removing 86% Fe. The removal
fraction of Fe slightly decreases when Mn=Fe exceeded 1.5.
EM Separation
The principle of EM separation of particles from liquids was first proposed by
Kolin in 1953, and by Leenov and Kolin in 1954. All of the other studies are based
on their theory. They considered a single spherical particle or a cylinder having infi-
nite length, placed in conducting liquid with imposition of DC EM field. In this field,
direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to that of the electric current, thus the
direction of EM force is perpendicular to both directions. They calculated the
migration force by analyzing the EM-flow around the particle. Their analysis has
Figure 34 Typical microstructure of inner and outer parts by centrifugal separation (Al-11Si-2Fe-3Mn)
(Matsubara, Izawa, and Nakanishi 1998).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 36 Removal fraction of Fe versus Mn=Fe ratio (Matsubara, Izawa, and Nakanishi 1998).
further investigated by Moreau (1980), Marty and Alemany (1982), and Korovin
(1985). Patel and El-Kaddah (1997) analyzed migration force to a single particle
in magnetic field having various angles with respect to the current direction. EM sep-
aration of inclusions from molten aluminum is an emerging and promising method
for the production of ultraclean aluminum alloys to meet the growing demand for
clean aluminum alloys (Park et al. 1994; El-Kaddah, Patel, and Natarajan 1995;
Patel and El-Kaddah 1997; Makarov, Ludwig, and Apelian 1999; Takahashi and
Taniguchi 2003; Ogasawara, Yoshikawa, and Taniguchi 2004). Using numerical
technique, Shu et al. (2000a, 2000b) recently analyzed the single particle with wall
proximity effect, and they also studied the problem of the two particles with their
direction in a row parallel to EM force.
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
3 pdp3
Fp ¼ F ð2Þ
4 6
Fp ¼ J B ð3Þ
where J is the imposed electric current density (A=m2), and B is the imposed
magnetic flux density (T).
As this force acts inversely against the EM force, it can be applied for the
separation of non- or less-conductive particles from the liquid metal.
Several researchers have proposed the application of EM force to inclusion
separation. The methods of the imposition of the EM force are classified into the
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
following types:
Compared with other methods, AC magnetic field (type c) shows great advan-
tages because no loop circle is needed for the imposed current and no metal electrode
is needed, which usually contaminates the melt. (Shu et al. 1999b)
Korovin (1985, 1986) deduced the theory of separating nonmetallic inclusions
in the melt by using alternating magnetic field induced in an infinitely long solenoid.
El-Kaddah (1988) designed an AC magnetic field for the separation of inclusions
from melt, by which the adjustments of the direction of imposing magnetic field
become easier. He calculated the particle motion in the molten pool of the EM sep-
aration process and found that a vigorously stirred melt may cause problems with
the separation of small inclusions due to the entrapment of the inclusion particles
within flow eddy. Also, due to the weak magnetic field in most areas opposite to
the coil, the removal efficiency is badly influenced (El-Kaddah, Patel, and Natarajan
1995). The flexibility of applying the AC magnetic field generated in an induction coil
to the particle separation was theoretically demonstrated by Yamao et al. (1997).
They also found that the higher removal efficiency was obtained for a circular cru-
cible in a strong magnetic field, where complete mixing is assumed to account for the
effects of melt flow on the inclusion separation efficiency. Shu et al. (1999b) studied
the EM force exerted on the particles in a cylindrical melt and the relation between
various processing parameters and the removal efficiency theoretically.
The advantages of EM separation include:
. Efficient, even for <50 mm small inclusions: The main advantage of EM separ-
ation is that the EM expulsive force exerted on inclusions is only dependent on
the difference in electrical conductivity between the inclusions and melt, and
independent of the density, chemical composition, or different phases (solid,
liquid, or gas) of the inclusions. (Leenov and Kolin 1954; Marty and Alemany
1982). Thus, for the purification of molten aluminum, EM separation can, in prin-
ciple, remove even micrometer-sized inclusions at an almost constant rate by using
high-intensity EM force fields (El-Kaddah, Patel, and Natarajan 1995; Patel and
El-Kaddah 1997; Shu et al. 1999b).
. Environmentally clean (no salt input): Another advantage is that it offers very
clean processes in view of environmental protection, because the use of fluxes,
generally chlorides or fluorides, is avoided, that is, no salt input. With growing
concerns about the role of materials in sustainable development (Schwartz
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
1999; Garnier 2000; Yagi and Halada 2001), materials processing industries are
paying more attention to the environmental friendliness of the processing methods
while pursuing material performance. EM separation really satisfies this point.
. No contamination to the metal: The melt is also protected against contamination
if induction technology is utilized, since there is no contact between the melt and
the power source due to the intrinsic properties of the magnetic fields, (Garnier
2000) and there is no extra lining refractory introduced.
. Easy adjustment: Unlike conventional separation techniques, the magnitude and
direction of the separation force on the particle can be easily modified by control-
ling the direction and intensity of the electric and magnetic fields in the liquid.
Since the conductivity of Fe-rich phases is less than that of molten aluminum,
they can be separated by EM forces. The mechanism is shown in Figure 37 (Li 2004).
Some Chinese and South Korean researchers (Kim and Yoon 2000; Li et al. 2001;
Xu et al. 2001; Yao, Sun, and Qiu 2001; Li et al. 2003; Xu, Li, and Zhou 2003; Li
2004; Zhang et al. 2005a, 2006a; Jiao and Zhang 2006; Jiao, Zhang, and Yao
2006) have applied EM separation method to remove iron (in the form of sludge)
from the melt. Particularly, the compact morphology of sludge is favorable for the
uniform direction of repulsive force. It is necessary for the successful removal of
sludge (Li 2004). Li et al. (2003) observed that the iron content decreased form
1.13 wt% to 0.41 wt% after the treatment in Al-12Si-1.1Fe-1.2Mn alloys, the micro-
structure before and after the process is shown in Figure 38 (Li 2004). However, the
platelet b-Fe was unable to be separated because its needle-like morphology resulted
in the disorder repulsive force and the platelets moved in random direction [show in
Figure 38(b)] (Li et al. 2003). Li et al. (2003) theoretically proved that the removal
efficiency increased with increasing EM forces and the diameter of sludge particles,
and decreased with increasing the velocity of flowing melt and the height of separ-
ator. Equation (4) gives the definition of removal efficiency (Li et al. 2003). Here,
it is simply assumed that uf ¼ 0.5uM and uM is the maximum velocity of the melt.
The gravity influence was neglected because the EM force is much larger than that
of the gravitational force. It was reported that the removal efficiency of 20 mm
sludge particles was 100% with 8.7 105 N=m3 EM force, uf ¼ 121.3 mm=s and
5 mm separator height (Li et al. 2003; Li 2004).
3zBJ dp2
g¼ ð4Þ
8huf 24l
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 38 Electromagnetic separation of Al-12Si-1.1Fe-1.2Mn alloys, (a) Before EM separation; (b) After
EM separation (Li 2004).
where g is the removal efficiency; z is the melt flow direction (Figure 37); B is the
magnetic flux density vector; J is the current density; h is the height of the separator;
uf is the average velocity of the melt; dp is the diameter of sludge particles; and l is
the viscosity of the melt.
Xu, Li, and Zhou (2003) also proposed the removal efficiency of EM
separation as follows:
g¼ ð5Þ
dp2 3
vt ¼ ðqp qÞg þ BJ ð6Þ
18l 4
where g is the removal efficiency; x is the melt flow direction; vt is the terminal velo-
city of particles; B is the magnetic flux density vector; J is the current density; h is the
height of the separator; uM is the maximum velocity of the melt; dp is the diameter of
sludge particles; l is the viscosity of the melt; qp is the density of sludge particles; q is
the density of melt; g is the acceleration due to gravity. Xu’s model included the
effect of gravity. If the gravity influence is neglected, Eq. (6) is simplified into
Eq. (7). Substituting vt in Eq. (5) by Eq. (7) and with uf ¼ 0.5uM, Eq. (4) will be
3dp2 BJ
vt ¼ ð7Þ
72 l
Actually, Xu also observed that the gravity influence was rather weak.
Figure 39 (Xu, Li, and Zhou 2003) shows the removal efficiency under different
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
technological parameters. Figure 39a illustrates that the removal efficiency drops
quickly with increasing uM. Figure 39b shows that the removal efficiency of 30 mm
particles is over 90% when the f was 1.5 105 N=m3. Figure 39c shows that >30 mm
particles can all be removed if x ¼ 120 mm. The best iron removal fraction was approxi-
mately 65.8% in Xu’s study (Xu, Li, and Zhou 2003). Jiao reported an iron removal
fraction of 70%. (Jiao, Zhang, and Yao 2006). Kim and Yoon (2000) successfully pur-
ified Fe from 1.64 to 0.45 wt% in Al-7Si scraps. The iron decreases with increasing of
electric current as shown in Figure 40 (Kim and Yoon 2000), which confirms the
removal efficiency theory of Li. Figure 41 (Kim and Yoon 2000) shows the Al-7Si scrap
microstructure processed by the EM separation for 60 s with a magnetic field of 0.3
Tesla. With 10–30 A induced currents, the angular sludge settled on the side and bot-
tom of the tube, but accumulated at the bottom of the tube at 40 A. Therefore, a higher
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
current favors iron removal. However, the main factor controlling the removal
efficiency of iron was initial Fe and Mn content as well as the size of sludge (Li 2004).
Table 9 shows reported iron removal efficiency by different sludge separation
methods. Comparing with gravity and filtration, EM separation appears more
efficient under similar experimental conditions. Furthermore, EM separation can
also remove nonmetallic inclusions, which has been proven by many researchers
(Shu et al. 1999a; Li et al. 2000b; Shu et al. 2000a, 2000b). EM separation is suitable
for large industrial scale of continuous treatment, and has already been used for
aluminum refining by several Chinese aluminum companies. Gravitational separ-
ation can achieve a high iron removal but needs long settling time. Gravitational set-
tling is nonfeasible for large scale treatment because the sediment sludge causes
serious built-up and the low holding temperature is inappropriate for industrial
operation, and it is a batch process. The combination of gravitational separation
and filtration gives impressive iron removal results but the disadvantages during
gravitational separation step are still there, in addition to the problem of clogging
of filter pores. Although the centrifuge has relatively high removal efficiency, it is
also unpractical for the large scale processing due to challenges with temperature
Figure 40 Removal efficiency of Li from aluminum by EM separated with different currents (Kim and
Yoon 2000).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 41 Distribution of sludge with induction (a) 10, (b) 20, (c) 30, and (d) 40 A (Kim and Yoon 2000).
control, rapid increasing of contracted solid phases, the need for centrifuge cleaning,
and the need for further processing of the compact solid residues (Singleton and
Robinson 1971).
The expensive process of three-layer-cell electrolysis is the most successful tech-
nique for the removal of iron and silicon from the molten aluminum so far (Van Der
Donk, Nijhof, and Castelijns 1995). Figure 42 shows a sketch of a three-layer
refining cell. The impure molten aluminum anode (9), the barium-sodium-aluminum
halide electrolyte (7) and the pure molten aluminum (5) form three layers in the cell.
Only aluminum in the anode can be dissolved through the reaction Al 3e ¼ Al3þ
during the electrolysis process and Al3þ deposits on the cathode—the carbon elec-
trode at the top of the cell (6). Because the pure molten aluminum is the lightest,
it will stay on the top of the three layers. Thus, the purified aluminum is obtained.
However, the energy consumption for this process is relatively high, 13–14 kWh
kg1 so far (Lu et al. 2004; Benkahla et al. 2008; Martin et al. 2008; Zhao and Lu
2008). This technique is also applied to purify commercial aluminum with low level
of initial impurities into high purity (Vire and Gauckler 1985).
Fractional Solidification
The technique is based on the distributions coefficient (k) of impurities. For k
less than unity, a much lower contents of impurities will result in the solidified than
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
that in the residual liquid (Lux and Flemings 1979a, 1979b). The distributions coef-
ficient of iron is 0.03 therefore; it can be removed from aluminum by this method.
However, the technique is not suitable for normal aluminum foundries owing to
their low productivity, thus economically unfavorable. Large scale fractional solidi-
fication is used to produce extreme purity aluminum (99.999 wt% Al) (Dawless et al.
1988; Zhang et al. 2005b; Zhang et al. 2006b; Zhang et al. 2006c) and the aluminum
used for fractional solidification is also required to have a relatively high purity
(99.993 wt%). It is reported that iron content decreased from 747 to 24 ppm after
2 h processing in a fractional solidification apparatus (Toshiaki Iuchi et al. 1988).
Zhang et al. (2006c) developed a new fractional solidification apparatus as shown
in Figure 43. High purity grade of Al (99.993 wt%) and extremely low Fe content
0.6–0.9 ppm was achieved (Zhang et al. 2006c).
Electroslag Refining
Electroslag refining process (ESR) is a secondary refining process in which the
slag or flux is used both as a heating source and as a refining medium, as shown in
Figure 44 (Benz and Hills 1992). The process is already well established for ferrous
metals but has not been used for aluminum refining. Early attempts (Bhutani,
Abraham, and Nair 1975; Shrikhande et al. 1986; Sampath and Dwarakadasa
1992) indicated that no iron removal was observed, except that Mohanty’s investi-
gation (Mohanty, Subramanian, and Hajra 1986) reported 26% iron removal (from
0.22 to 0.16 wt%) from commercial aluminum by ESR with a flux containing alumi-
num phosphide. Further investigations on the use of ESR in aluminum refining have
not been reported.
Fluxing Refining
Few references have reported that significant iron removal can be achieved by
using flux. The studies of the current author showed that the addition of Na2B4O7
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 43 Sketch of the fractional solidification apparatus developed by Zhang (Zhang et al. 2006b).
Figure 44 Sketch of the electroslag refining apparatus (Benz and Hills 1992).
flux with NaCl and KCl significantly lowered the iron content from 0.33 to 0.18 wt%
(Gao et al. 2007) in laboratory experiments. The possible mechanism was the forma-
tion of stable Fe2B phases by the reaction between iron and the Na2B4O7 and the
simultaneous capturing process by the flux. However, industrial scale experiments
showed little removal of iron. Nijhof et al. (1996) reported iron removal with a mixed
flux of NaCl, KCl, and NaF as shown Figure 45, an iron removal from 0.9 to
0.7 wt% was obtained. However, the mechanism and detailed processing were
not mentioned in his paper and no further studies were reported.
Figure 45 Removal of impurities from aluminum using a molten salt mixture after 16 h at 750 C (Nijhof
et al. 1996).
Figure 46 Centrifugal apparatus, (a) Components of the removable-wall centrifuge bowl; (b) The centri-
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Figure 47 Extracted solidified phases by centrifugal process: left, predominantly silicon; right, silicon plus
d-AlFeSi (Singleton and Robinson 1971).
Downloaded by [Missouri S & T], [Lucas Damoah] at 09:01 28 December 2011
Figure 48 Relationship between filtrate composition and separation temperature (Singleton and Robinson
the centrifugal separation method is also applied to remove sludge in Al-Si alloys
from the melt as described in section A.3 of the current paper.
It is well known that iron has a detrimental effect on aluminum alloys. The for-
mation of brittle needle-like b-Fe-rich phases, as stress raiser and points of fracture,
is the main reason for the decline in the properties of the alloys. The iron removal
techniques are mainly focused on the formation and separation of primary a-Al
(FeMn)Si. More efforts are devoted on the modification of platelet iron rich phase
in aluminum.
The detrimental effect of iron can be partially reduced by increasing cooling
rate, solution heat treatment and the addition of neutralization elements. The modi-
fication process is complicated and unpredictable because it is deeply affected by
casting conditions and the initial content of impurities. Mn is the most common
element used for neutralization. Manganese in the alloy increases the total amount
of Fe-rich phases, which is also harmful to aluminum alloys. Cr and Co have equal
or more modification ability than Mn, but increase the total amount of Fe-rich
phases. Be seems a good choice but it is toxic. Available data shows the neutraliza-
tion effect of Sr as marginal and still needs further investigation before being applied.
So far, three-layer-cell electrolysis is the most successful technique to remove
iron from the aluminum but it is expensive and only suitable for high purity alumi-
num production, because all the impurity elements are removed from the feed
material. The precipitation of Fe-rich phases (sludge) is a well-established method
for laboratory scale but difficult for continuous treatment process. The technology
of EM separation can efficiently remove Fe-rich phases and could be a continuous
process. EM separation is faster than gravitational separation, and avoids the prob-
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lem of pore blockage during the filtration process. Due to the disadvantages of Mn
addition, new elements that can efficiently form ‘‘sludge’’ should be investigated. The
elements close to Fe in the Periodic Table may be good choices. The feasibility for
the formation of Fe-rich compounds in Al-Fe-X system can be thermodynamically
evaluated. Since it was reported that the electroslag technique removed 26% Fe from
aluminum with the presence of aluminum phosphides, aluminum phosphide seems a
clue for the removal of iron too. The flux refining is also a good way to remove iron,
which is easy to be applied by industry. Na2B4O7 flux processing is a possibility and
more effort should be devoted on it.
In summary, the following further studies will be carried out:
. Exploring new elements that can efficiently neutralize iron phases in aluminum
alloys or form primary Fe-rich phase at high temperature (700–750 C).
. Exploring possible flux to directly remove iron from aluminum alloys.
. Theoretical and experimental study on the removal of sludge [primary a-Al15 (Fe,
Mn)3Si2] from Al-Si alloy melt through EM separation.
This research is supported by the Research Board Grant, Laboratory of Green
Process Metallurgy and Modeling (GPMM), Material Research Center (MRC),
Intelligent Systems Center (ISC) at Missouri University of Science and Technology
(Missouri S&T).
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