Psalms - Executable Outline - Study Resources
Psalms - Executable Outline - Study Resources
Psalms - Executable Outline - Study Resources
Introduction to Psalms
The value of the Old Testament to the Christian is expressed several times in the New Testament:
For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the
patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. (Ro 15:4)
Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (1 Co 10:11)
Paul reminded Timothy of the importance of the Old Testament scriptures he had learned as a child:
But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from
whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures,
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
equipped for every good work. (2 Ti 3:14-17)
Of the books of the Old Testament, this is especially true of the book of Psalms! The value of the
Psalms for the Christian is so great, we should do what we can to become more familiar with them.
Allow me to elaborate...
Why Study The Psalms?
As Christians, we are commanded to utilize the Psalms:
Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody
in your heart to the Lord, (Ep 5:19)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
(Co 3:16)
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.
(Ja 5:13)
Thus the Psalms are useful for singing praises to God. They are also useful for teaching and
confirming that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah. Note the use Jesus made of them (Lk 24:44-47), and
also Peter's use of them in his first gospel sermon (Ac 2:25-28,34-35).
It has been said that in the Psalms one finds "expressed the eager yearning and longing for God's
presence". It certainly contains "prayers and songs of joyous trust and praise." Indeed, every emotion
known to man is expressed in beautiful and inspired terms (e.g., joy, anger, praise, repentance, trust,
even doubt). Filled with some emotion for which you cannot find the words to express it? It is likely
you will find it expressed in the book of Psalms!
I would therefore suggest that the Psalms are capable of serving as:
The Christian's "hymnal" to assist us in our praise to God
The Christian's "prayer book" in which we learn how to approach God in prayer
The Christian's "book of evidences" to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ
The Christian's "training guide" for living holy and righteous lives before God
The Aim Of This Study
It is my prayer that as we study this book we will accomplish the following goals:
Become more familiar with Old Testament poetry - This is essential to getting more out the
Psalms, and important if we are to avoid misinterpreting them
Develop an appreciation and working knowledge of the Psalms - So one may utilize them for his
or her own comfort and encouragement, and in counseling and comforting others
Glean a clearer picture of God's character - To better understand His love, mercy and deliverance
towards the righteous, but also His wrath and judgment against the wicked
Learn more of the Christ in prophecy - To note descriptions of His suffering and glorious reign
found in the Psalms, some of which are not found elsewhere in Scripture
Consider examples of fulfilled prophecies - To see in fulfilled prophecy irrefutable arguments for
the inspiration of the Scriptures, and for the claim that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah
These are just a few of the reasons why the Book of Psalms should be read and studied by every
Christian, and hopefully this study will help to meet these objectives.
Characteristics Of Hebrew Poetry
Before we get into the background of the Psalms themselves, it may prove beneficial to consider
some things about Hebrew poetry. Not only will this help to better understand the nature of the
Psalms, but it can also assist in proper interpretation of this portion of Scripture.
One of the things that makes Hebrew poetry different is...
1) The Use Of "Thought Rhyme"
Also known as "parallelism", thought rhyme involves arranging thoughts in relation to each other.
This is done without a concern as to whether certain words rhyme with each other (as found in most
modern poetry). In the Psalms, we find several different kinds of thought rhyme:
Synonymous parallelism - The thought of first line is repeated in the second line, expressed in
different words for the sake of emphasis. A good example is found in Psa 24:2...
Antithetical parallelism - The truth presented in one line is strengthened by a contrasting statement
in the next line. Consider this example from Psa 1:6...
Synthetic parallelism - The first and second lines bear some definite relation to each other (such as
cause and effect, or proposition and conclusion). A good example is Psa 119:11...
Progressive parallelism - There are several varieties of this form, the most common being:
Stair-like - Composed of several lines, each providing a complete element of the aggregate or
composite thought. Notice Psa 1:1...
Introverted parallelism - The first line is closely related in thought to the fourth, and the second to
the third. For example, consider Psa 91:14...
It is often fascinating to note how creative the Hebrew poets were as they composed their poetry
using "thought rhyme" rather than "word rhyme". In some cases it even helps in interpreting difficult
expressions or phrases. Another characteristic of Hebrew poetry is...
2) The Lack Of Poetic Rhythm
Much modern poetry has standard measures of identifiable rhythm, as in the poem "Mary Had A Little
Lamb." With the Hebrews, however, the art of poetic rhythm was of secondary consideration. Some
suggest that it is not likely that the Hebrew poets had standard measures, worked out and carefully
defined. Again, their focus was on "thought rhyme," not "word rhyme."
Finally, an important characteristic of Hebrew poetry is...
3) The Use Of Figurative Expression
The Psalms are filled with figurative expressions, and as such it is important to keep certain principles
of interpretation in mind...
a) The figure must be accepted and dealt with as a figure of speech, not as a literal statement
For example, in Psa 18:31, the Lord is called "a rock." He is like a rock, but not one literally. In
Psa 51:4, David says "Against You, You only, have I sinned." Yet he is confessing his sin of adultery
with Bathsheba, in which he sinned not only against the Lord, but against his wife, against Uriah, and
many others. David was speaking figuratively for the sake of expressing his deep grief in sinning
against God, and we must allow for figurative expressions including hyperbole in poetic writings. One
needs to be careful and not develop doctrinal beliefs upon what may be figurative expressions not
intended to be taken literally.
b) The figure must be interpreted in light of its meaning in the setting in which it was used
For example, in Psa 23:4, we find the well-known phrase: "the valley of the shadow of death." It is not
uncommon to hear the phrase applied at funerals to the act of dying. In the setting of the psalm,
however, it refers to a treacherous place (such as a steep valley, where deep shadows can easily
cause a misstep resulting in death), where the guiding hand of a shepherd would be very helpful to
sheep to avoid death. It is therefore applicable to any time one is in perilous straits and in need of
God's guiding hand.
Appreciating these characteristics of Hebrew poetry can help the Psalms become more meaningful,
and understanding these characteristics can also help avoid misinterpreting the Psalms to teach
doctrines the psalmist had no intention of teaching!
Background Material On The Psalms
Having examined some of unique characteristics of Hebrew poetry in general, let's now focus on the
book of Psalms itself...
1) The Origin Of The Word "Psalm"
The Greek word is "psalmos", from the Hebrew word "zmr" meaning "to pluck"; i.e., taking hold of the
strings of an instrument with the fingers. It implies that the psalms were originally composed to be
accompanied by a stringed instrument. "Psalms are songs for the lyre, and therefore lyric poems in
the strictest sense."(Delitzsch, Psalms, Vol. I, p. 7) David and others therefore originally wrote the
Psalms to be sung to the accompaniment of the harp.
In New Testament worship, we are told to sing the psalms to the accompaniment of the heart:
" psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord"
(Ep 5:19)
The phrase, "making melody," comes from the Greek word "psallontes" (literally, plucking the strings
of). Therefore, we are to "pluck the strings of our heart" as we sing the psalms (i.e., to sing with
2) The History Of The Psalms
The oldest of the Psalms originate from the time of Moses (1400 B.C.). We have three psalms
penned by Moses:
Exo 15:1-15 - a song of triumph following the crossing of the Red Sea
Deu 32, 33 - a song of exhortation to keep the Law after entering Canaan
Psa 90 - a song of meditation, reflection, and prayer
After Moses, the writing of Psalms had its "peaks" and "valleys"...
In David (1000 B.C.), the sacred lyric attained to its full maturity.
With Solomon, the creation of psalms began to decline; this was "the age of the proverb."
Only twice after this did the creation of psalms rise to any height, and then only for a short period:
under Jehoshaphat (875 B.C.) and again under Hezekiah (725 B.C.).
3) The Authors Of The Psalms
David - Commonly thought to be the author of the book of Psalms, but he actually wrote only about
seventy-three (73), less than half.
Asaph - The music director during the reigns of David and Solomon (1 Chr 16:1-7). He wrote twelve
(12) psalms.
The Sons of Korah - These were Levites who served in the Temple (1 Chr 26:1-19). They wrote
twelve (12) psalms.
Solomon - At least two (2) psalms are attributed to him (Psa 72, 127). That he wrote many more is
stated in 1 Ki 4:29-32.
Moses - As indicated above, he wrote the earliest psalms; one is included in Psalms (Psa 90).
Heman - Contemporary with David and Asaph, and is known as "the singer" (1 Chr 6:33). He wrote
one psalm (Psa 88) that has been preserved.
Ethan - A companion with Asaph and Heman in the Temple worship (1 Chr 15:19). He wrote one
psalm (Psa 89).
Anonymous - The authorship of forty-eight (48) of the psalms is unknown.
4) The Arrangement Of The Psalms
The Psalms were originally collected into five "books", apparently according to the material found
within them...