Solar Energy in Indonesia - Presentation April 2021
Solar Energy in Indonesia - Presentation April 2021
Solar Energy in Indonesia - Presentation April 2021
✓ Population: 267.7 million
✓ Country Area: 1,919,440 km2
✓ Largest energy user in South East Asia
✓ World’s fourth-largest producer of coal and Southeast
Asia’s biggest gas supplier
✓ Total electrical capacity installed: 71 GW (Year 2020-ESDM)
✓ Total electricity generation: 295.5 TWh (Year 2019-IEA)
• Electricity generation mix dominated by fossil fuels
(85%) with renewables playing a smaller role (15%)
• Major Sources of Electricity: Coal (60%), Oil (4%), Gas
(21%), Hydro (7%), Geothermal (5%), Biofuels (3.6%),
Wind/Solar/Waste (<1%)
✓ Electricity final consumption: 275.2 TWh (Year 2019-IEA)
✓ Electrification ratio: 99.5% (IEA 2019)
✓ Expected average of 5% electricity demand growth until
2028 (IESR - 2020)
✓ Total Solar PV Installed Capacity: ~ 181 MW (IESR-2021)
✓ Solar PV generation: 98 GWh (Year 2019-IEA)
✓ Indonesia is located at the equator, with:
• High Solar Global Horizontal Irradiation 3.6-6
kWh/m2/day (average 4.8 kWh/m2/day)
• Annual power output 1,170 kWh/kWp – 1,530 kWh
for each installed kWp of solar panels (Solargis-ESMAP
✓ Recent analysis finds that Indonesia’s solar PV ground-
mounted technical potential capacity ranges between
3,396 GWp up to 19,835 GWp depending on land-use
exclusions scenarios (IESR-2021), well above the current
MEMR’s official estimate 207 GWp (RUEN 2017)
✓ Indonesia has residential rooftop PV potential market of
34.5 – 116.3 GWp (IESR-2019)
✓ Eastern Indonesia is particularly suitable for solar
development due to dry climate, high solar radiation levels,
land availability and high electricity generation costs
(extensive use of diesel power plants)
✓ Great technical potential in Kalimantan, Sumatra, West
Java, and East Java (IESR)
1. Solar PV Systems converts sunlight into electricity:
• On-Grid PV systems; connected into the distribution grid, that in
Indonesia is operated by State Electricity Company PLN. With
battery storage is referred to as Hybrid Solar System.
• Off-Grid or Stand-Alone PV systems; small systems for remote
locations not connected into the grid, equipped with energy storage
system (battery) and generally with back-up system (ex. Gen-set).
• Mini-Grid PV systems where PV is supported by types of electricity
generators (ex.diesel, micro-hydro or home biogas) and with battery
storage, provide small isolated distribution grid for local consumers
usually in remote rural areas and off-shore islands.
Indonesian utility PT PLN (Persero) pre-qualification process on its procurement portal to choose independent power
producers IPPs to develop utility-scale solar plants.
7 7
accurate validated solar and meteorological
8 Opportunities
• Reduce Indonesia’s dependence on fossil fuels for
power generation, provide clean electricity to a nation in
need of power, reduce air pollution and GHG emissions
• Attractive option for small scale provision of electricity in
remote locations, supports development opportunities
• Competitive Technology transfer: continuous decrease
in cost of PV systems, Batteries & Storage Technologies
• Potential synergy with gas-fired power plants or
combination with other renewable energy sources (mainly
hydro) to help deal with variability of solar resource
• Socio-economic benefits: local green jobs creation and
enterprise development, local economy growth
• High technical potential for rooftop PV in large
shopping malls and stores, large industries as well as
public buildings including universities and hospitals
• Huge potential for development of “floating solar”
due to large water catchment area (86,000 ha)
• Great potential of Solar Thermal for water heating and
cooling in buildings; need of design standards, inclusion
in building codes, demonstration projects. Solar thermal
storage and/or hybrid solutions for new industrial plants.
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